HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1905-05-25, Page 11 rethwwwwwwwfiiimmeimmwohyd% Will You Ask Us ? In seeking a perfume worthy of our most exacting patrons we found YoLANDE, which is positively exquisite. 'Tis not enough for ns to believe this—we wish to con- vince you. ° No way so easy as for you to ask us about AYOLANDE 'next time you are in our store. It will be a revelation to you for Yo- LANDS is worth knowing A about. - Walton McKibbon DRUGGIST NEXT DOOR TO POST OFFICE iessamassassatsleasassawsasssassoil The Wingham Advance. 32ND YEAR, NO. 39. MAY, I905. Sun, Mon. Tile, Wed. Thu, Fri, Sat. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 93 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 . , •90 THE INEVITABLE. E . s. Whatever you clo and whatever you say, Somebody's going to kick. If yon even attempt to give money away, They will vow it's some kind of a trick You may struggle and toil to evolve a new plan For meeting the needs or the plea- sures of inan, But when, with some pride, your en- deavours you scan, Somebody's going to kick. If refuge you take in the far distant stars, Somebody's going to kick. If you hint that perhaps there are people in Mars, There's ridicule following quick, The plan who is mentioned when his- tory is read Is the man who went straight and sincerely ahead, For you may as well know that till after you're dead, Somebody's going to kick. local 'items Wear Greer's Shoes and Rubbers. Mr, J. Tilt is removing to Guelph. Brussels and Wingbaln Football telims play a League game on the Park here, on Friday evening. Charles, son of Rev, Dr, Grandy, pn,poses preparing himself to enter the ministry of the Methodist church, Thos, Pinkerton, Greenock town- ship, is suing the municipal council for $6,000 for flooding his farm by a - diversion of the Teeswater river, Fon Sa.0 .—Double house, situated ou west side of John St, Rents for $11, Apply at once to 0, J. Maguire, Real Estate Agt., Wingham. B48E134LL.—A meeting of those in- terested in this game will be held in the Council Chamber, next Friday evening, at 8 o'clock, Mr. Anderson, editor of the Atwood Bee, was in town on Friday, with the Football team of that village. Mr. Anderson gave the Advance a frater- nal call, County constable Cleo, Phippen ar- rested a elan, calling himself Stewart, u Tuesday morning, Ile wits taken before J. A, Morton, P. M,, charged with vagrancy, but was acquitted, WANTED,—Eggs 17c trade, 14o cash —full pedlars' prices. We want any quantity of choice Tub Butter, --G. 1., 1i:ING, The May meeting of the Methodist church on the Winghanl district, com- posed of laymen and ministers, closed its sessions on Wednesday afternoon, AO outline of the work is heal over until next week, . Oscar Bogen, of Clinton, on, who is teaching in Iiailnes' school house, Ternberry, has been engaged as teach- er .for Atiburo school, bet does not enter mi his duties until after the Mid- moonier holidays. From the assessor's roil of Goderich Owlishly, we learn that the total acre- age of the township is 52,818 acres, Aoki the assessment $1,472,425, The population is 2174 of whom 755 are male persons between the age of 21. - and 60. COMING.—T. P. Smith, Eye Special- ist; will be at Walton McKibbon's drug store, Thursday, June 1st—one day only. The longest fence in the world is probably that which has been erected by the Erie Cattle Company along the Mlexican border, It is seventy-five }piles in length, and separates eimetiy for its entire distance the two Repoli: lics of North Amepipa. Farmers in the vipinity of Walker- toii are complaining of a strange Ms - PPP that is takipg off their horses, The aniuxayls take sort of on inflame, tion and elle in as few hours. As they have all been stall fed it is all the harder to account fpr, 4., vgii. S Vitas. --A seven -roomed brick bonso, nicely situated on corner of Charles and Albrt Ste,, �leaasant Val- ley, Apply ( o Jei ti l h 0. J, Graham, Manager for Giunn's Limited, has been a very busy nian of late. The new egg warehouse is not yet completed, and with men at work on the building, and the opening of the season's business, Mr. Chatham has had more than his share of work. The Adis/thee is pleased to hear that Mr. Corbould, Manager of the Bank of Hamilton, is recovering froin his re- cent illness, and is able to sit up for a While each day. Itceovery seems slow, but we hope with the 4dverlt of \varnietr weather, Mr. Cerholil4 Will soon elsperieztco complete recovery, WINGITAM, ONT,, THURSDAY, MAY 25, 1905. The Advance regrets to hear of the illness of Hugh Clark, M, P. P. for Centre Bruce, He has been suffering from an illness, which, while not seri- ous, is sufficient to debar him from his legislative duties. lie is at Richard's Landing and may not be back this session, although his fellow members hope for a speedy and complete re- covery. The Brussels Post says "Misses and Mrs. Little removed to Wingham this week where they purpose making their home. Miss Little has been in that town for the past few weeks as- sisting Miss McPherson, milliner, for- merly of Brussels. The Post assures the people of Wingham that they will find the newcomers first - class citi- zens." The Advance welcomes these new citizens to our town. What does the thrifty housewife like better than a nice, sweet, clean, cosy bed. If you have a feather bed, see The Canada Feather Washing Co. about it, at Wingham. One of the most striking of the re- cords made by cows lately enrolled in the American advanced register for Holsteins, is that of a Holstein cow 18 years, 10 months, 21 days old at the time of cropping her last calf. In seven days she produced 418.4 pounds of milk, containing 13,611 pounds fat, an average of 59.8 pounds milk and nearly two pounds of fat per day. A. North Dakota man claims to have invented a machine that can be mov- ed down a row of shocks, threshing the grain as it goes. No hand pitch- ing is required to place the sheaves on the cylinder table, as this is done by an automatic attachment. Another North Dakota man has about perfect- ed a machine to pitch sheaves into a basket rack, thus saving the work of about nine men on a threshing out- fit. Fon SALE OR RENT.—Good frame house, seven rooms, half acre of land. Apply to Mrs. Glass, Brussels, or to Dudley Holmes, Wingham. One of the most valuable of all in- sects to know and to protect is the ladybug, says the New York Sun. The ladybugs live upon all forms of plant lice, and devour them by mill- ions. They often enter houses and seek out the larvae of the Buffalo moth or carpet beetle, so destructive to carpets and to woolens. The lady- bugs are oval in form, with red color- ing and with red and yellow spots upon their backs, They will be found crawling over the plants in the gar- den or upon trees that are infested with any forth of plant lice. WANTED.—A carload of Eggs at R. E. Isard $a; Co's i 14c trade, sac cash. DUTCH SETS.—Yellow Denver, 13c. ; Rosedale, 17c., at T. A. Mills, Cleanliness is next to godliness, and hence the duty of having clean beds. Have your feathers cleaned; see the Canada Feather Washing Co., Mor- ton Block, WaarrEr,—young men to learn Machinery Moulding on four years' Indenture, Rates per day—first year, 80c ; second, $1.00 ; third, $1.20 ; fourth $1,40.—E, Leonard & Sons, London. I WYV\MM/4'�M/� personals Mrs. Hogg spent the 24th in Brus- sels, M:irs, W, Reading is visiting friends in Toronto, • M. 11. Elliott has gone to Blyth for a few weeks, Miss 1V I, Slade spent the 21th at her home in Galt. Mrs. Henry has returned from a visit with Toronto friends. Jos. Nixon of Galt has been spend- ing a few days in town. Dr. E. Lelia Skinner of Toronto is a visitor at Mrs. Bugg's. Rev. W. Findlay of Kincardine visited at Mr. A. Ieid's this week. 11i:r.. Geo. Mason awl. da,tighter Olive, spent May 24th with friends in Lpn- don. Miss Ida Steinaeker of Rostock is visiting her sister; Mrs, M. B. Zur- brigg, Mrs. John Glenn Bays been visiting her sister, I\trs, J. W, Spence of New- br•idgo, Mr. and Mrs. Montgonier of Walk- erton were guests of Mfrs. Bugg over Sainday, Miss Laura Beuittth of London has been spending the week at her home in town, Dr. W, T. Holloway spent Sunday in Clinton on aecount of the illness of his father. Mr. incl Mrs. McTavish and little daughter, of Ripley, were guests of Mr. and Mrs, W. H. Green over Sun- day. • Mr. A. Schaffer enjoyed a visit last week, from his father ale. C. Schaf- fer, and his sister Miss M. Schaffer, both of Milverton. Miss Bernice Reynolds spent the 21th in London and availed herself of the opportunity of hearing Theodore Thomas' Orchestra. Dr, T. Chisholm, the genial member far East Ham cantle hoiiae Saattirday t4 spend ,Sunday with his family ; lio returttcd on Monday morning to bis post at Ott Wit, ;at- • Feathers when dirty secrete micro- llliss Hattie Reich has returned from lies, and disease germs. The Canada the Deaconess Home, Toronto, Where Feather Washing Co. will destroy the she has spent several months in train - microbes and send your beds , tome ing for the work of a Deaconess. The clean and healthy' ; Morton block, ; Advanco is pleased to hear of her suer Wiflghain. Residence Sold, The double residence on, John street, belonging to the estate of the late Mrs. Halsted, has been sold to Geo. Ross, who has been living in part of it for some time. We understand the consideration was $1000. A Midsummer Snap, New subscribers may have the bene- fit of an arr•angetnent we have made with the Montreal Family Herald and Weekly Star, by which we can give the Advance and Family Herald until Jan, lst next for 75 cents cash. Will Open Soon. Wingham Business College will open in a few weeks, as soon as the rooms can be fitted up. Mr. Spotton was here on Tuesday making arrange- ments, The Principal, Mr. Reginald N. Fletcher, has arrived, and it is hoped to be able to open about Juno 1st. Tho summer months are perhaps not the best for a Business College, but we understand from Mr. Spotton that the outlook is encouraging. . We wish Winghatn Business College suc- cess. LOST.—About 13th or 27th of Febru- ary, between the Town Hall and Dr. Kennedy's office, two valuable rings. Finder will be liberally rewarded by leaving at the Advance office. Born On A Train, An exciting event took place on a southbound train recently between Woodbridge and Weston, on the Owen Sound division. Mrs. Paper - nick, wife of a Hebrew merchant of Corbetton, was taken ill and gave birth to a child. Conductor Joe Walker who was in charge of the train, was aware that to carry two passengers for one fare was contrary to the rules of the C.P.R. but did not have the heart to put the young passenger off at the next sta- tion. Died in Goderich. On Friday last, Councillors Greer and W. F. VanStone attended the funeral of their uncle, Mr. Robt. Greer of Goderich, who passed away on Tuesday,• lOth inst. Deceased had been in failing health for some time and had reached his 67th year. He formerly resided in Gorrie. He leaves one son, Charles, editor of a Duluth paper, and one daughter, Mrs. Harri- son, with whom ho resided. Mr. Geo. Greer of Lucknow is a brother, and Mrs. Bentley of Blyth, a sister of de- ceased. To Clean Kid Gloves. Make a strong lather of white soap and new milk. Put one glove on the hand and use as soft brush or a fine piece of new flannel, keeping the strokes towards the end of the fingers. Apply until all the dirt disappears, then take a clean, soft towel and dab it till the soap is removed. Take the glove from the hand and blow it open to the fingers, then hang it up (with a bit of string put through the button hole) in a warm place where there is a current of air, When dry they will have regained their Dolor and will also be smooth and soft. Fon SALE.—A good story and a half frame house, with four rooms, pantry and woodshed down stairs, and four rooms up -stairs, hard water in wood- shed and soft in kitchen, Apply to Robt. Maxwell, Tailor. insect Pests. Just at this season of the year, those who have barclens begin to be troub- led with insects that destroy plants and vegetables. One of the greatest boons would be the discovery of ef- ficient methods and remedies, easily to be procured and of easy application, for the destruction of insects. This, however, is a difficult matter to ac- complish. The cabbage worms are abundant and destructive. Ono who has bad considerable experience says —I have warred against them with - tobacco water, saltpetre, alcohol, etc., in various Combinations, but finally settled upon an emulsion of kerosene and soap -suds as tate remedy, all things considered, the most satisfac- tory. Dissolve I pound of hard soap in k gallon of water by boiling, then remove from the fire, add 1 gallon of coal oil, and stir vigorously five to ton minutes, or until it becoiiies thick and creamy. This is the stock solution, and must be diluted to 15 or 20 times its bulk of water before using, For rose bushes use 20 to 25 times water to 1 of the stock solution, It should be applied as a fine spray. This mix- ture destroys all worms that become thoroughly wet with it, and sloes not injnre the plant, The kerosene is the insecticide, the object of the soap be- ing but to weaken it. There is one caution to be given. If repeated ap- plications of the mixture are made up- on the same plants, the snore tender varieties will be injured or destroyed. The growing cabbage furnishes so many hiding pieces for worms that one cannot hope to destroy them all with one application, however thor- oughly it may be made. The perfect remedy should destroy the worms wherever it touches them, and should not injure good growing plants In the least u ruler any number of appliea- tlons. Now is the time to place your order for Coal. If you leave your order at I. D. Burns' you will get the beet and at lowettt price. Killed A Horse. A boar belonging to John Knoll of the sixth of Brant was turned out Sunday into a field in which was a valuable horse, The boar charged the horse and ripped out its intestines with its tusks, killing the poor brute almost immediately, Farmers say they never heard of such a thing be- fore and don't know how to account for the action of the boar,—[Bruce Herald, Dn. OVENS, of London, Surgeon, fits glasses properly, Treats diseases EYE, EAU, NOSE, THROAT.. Office :—McKib- bon's drug store, Wingham, MONDAY, June 26th. Miscellaneous Brevities. West Huron Liberal Association will meet in Dungannon, May 30th, East Huron Liberals assemble in Brus- sels on the same date.. , .The case of Colborne township vs. Colborne will come up for hearing again on June 1st. Huron County Council is an- nounced to meet ou Tuesday, Tune 6th ; this will be the regular June meeting....Frnit trees have blossomed profusely, indicating an abundant crop......A letter from Southern Cali- fornia to a Winghamite reports twen- ty-six inches of rain during the recent winter season, or ten inches more than for many years ; weather cold Reckoning from now (even if it was warm weather) until the fall months, the summer will appear very short ; we feel, however, confident that ere long we shall hear once again the oft repeated statement—"It's hot"....The turbine steamer Victorian, which ar- rived in Montreal on May 8th, is the largest vessel that ever entered that port.... Charges have been preferred against Registrar Whelihan of Perth, which if proven, it is said he will be discharged, and succeeded by H. Fred Sharp May 24th passed over very quietly in Wingham ; some took ad- vantage of the cheap rates and went to visit friends ; others were busy in gardens and others went fishing The next holiday will be July 1st, , . The Walkerton Herald says—"Harry Day anct Frank Rennie were over in Wingham on Saturday. The former brought home a rubber tired buggy and the latter a wagonette." Of course Winghain is the place to go for any- thing of that kind ....The circus bill k � ce posters use half a ton of flour a v to make paste, and the elephants of the menagerie get outside of nearly half a ton of hay each day, while nearly three hundred pounds of meat and fifty bushels of oats are purchased daily; so saith the treasurer... .Har- riston school children amused them- selves by throwing firecrackers on the roof of the school building ; result—a fire and $100 damage done to the roof. ....Low land has been suffering from too much rain ; fall wheat is looking fairly well ; hay promises well also, but spring crops are backward at present, owing to wet, cool weather. ....The teachers of our Public school will attend the union meeting of the Teachers' Association of East and West Huron, in Clinton on Thursday and Friday ; consequently the boys and girls will have three holidays this week As soon as stock to the amount of $4,000 is subscribed by those interested in the township of Sullivan, the International Oil and Gas Co., will send a drilling outfit into that township. Already over half the amount has beeu subscribed. The first well will be drilled within three miles of Chesley. , , . Western Australia is the only colony under the Common- wealth that does not pay its members of the Legislative Assembly... , White frosts chilled the fruit blossoms and early garden stuff on Saturday and Sunday nights ; ice was formed Japan is 59,561 square miles larger than England, Scotland and Wales Railways in Holland are so carefully managed that the accidental deaths on them average only one a year for the entire country. , ,Asbestos towels are among the latest novelties. They do not require soap and water to cleanse them. When soiled it is said that they niay be thrown in the fire, and in a few minutes are ready to be drawn out fresh and clean A 25 - pound tront has arrived at the Onta- rio Parliament buildings from Lake Temagami, The fish was caught by W. II. Evans, chief fire ranger, on Wednesday No special signs yet of the commencement of the work on the G. T. R. improvements ; great cor- porations move slowly, like some of the trains on this branch. ...The White Star Line have arranged their excursion from Goderich to Detroit on Tuesday, June 20th ; return fare $1.00 ; see advt. in this issue. Special trains from Winghanl an(l Stratford to Godeeich.. , , Winghaut Lodge, Orange Young Britons No, 11, met on Tlnrs- -day evening last; they are working for a good turnout with L. O. L. 701, on July 12th to Mt. Forest.... Where is the watering cart is the question asked ; echo atinsw©rs--•Where? The stonework of the new post -office has been completed and the brickwork is now in progress. , . ,The street Com- mittee is asking for tenders for about 000 yards of gravel ; tenders to be in hands of Coun. D. Bell, by 7.30 p. in., May 31st. Feather -beds used for years become foul, and require cleansing, that is if you would be clean and stealthy. The Canada Feather NVasltiltg Co. will cleanse them thoroughly (Morton Nock). C. P. R, Junction, The Lucknow Sentinel reports that the Canadian Pacific Railway last week purchased ten acres of land in the township of Colborne, one mile and a quarter south of Smith's Hills, for a junction of their two new roads, one front Guelph and the other from Hanover, through Walkerton, Tees - water, Lucknow and Dungannon. Deceased. On Friday last, there passed away at her residence, Lower Wingham, Helen Jane Martin, wife of Alexander Finlay, in her twenty-fifth year. De- ceased leaves a sorrowing husband, and three little ones, the youngest but a few weeks old, and eldest, about five years. These will all miss the mother's tender care. Mr, Finlay will receive much sympathy in the bereavement that has clouded his home, WANTED—At once, partner for Real Estate and Iusuranee business; must be a hustler. Apply personally to C. J. Maguire, Real Estate Agent, Wing - ham, Ont. The Horse Market. Farmers are paying more attention than formerly to this branch of farm stock, and it pays to do so. From the point of view of market value, there is no commodity in which during the past few years, a greater advance has been made than the horse. Ten years ago animals that could have been pur- chased for $50 or $I00 now command double those amounts, and even more. The prices realized during last week at the Repository and the Canadian Horse Exchange, are as follows :— Heavy draughts from $160 to $250 ; general purpose from $150 to $200 ; drivers from $125 to $225 ; delivery horses from $140 to $200 ; saddle hor- ses from $160 upwards ; carriage horses from $185 upwards. Encourage The Birds. The codling worm is the cause of greater loss to the apple industry than any other insect. The extent of the loss to Ontario alone runs up every year into the hundreds of thou- sands of dollars, and into the millions in the United States,—all because the remedies which have been discovered by the Entomologist have not been applied by the apple -growers. The plan is to poison the "Worms" with Paris Green or some other arsenic mixture before they enter the fruit. The trees should be sprayed (1) a few days 'after the blossoms fall ; and (2) about the middle of August for the second brooch of larvae. The practice of banding trees. is commendable, but everything taken into account is more expensive than spraying, and is more- over, actually harmful unless the bands are examined; and the larvae destroyed every ten days or two weeks during the latter half of June and all July. Every fruit grower should acknowledge the value of such birds as the Chickadee, Downey Woodpecker, Nuthatch, Bluebird, Swallows, Wren, and Song Sparrows in checking the increase of the Cod- ling Moth and injurious insects, for without them fruit could scarcely be grown. Encourage the birds, there- fore, to cisme about the orchard by keeping the gun at a distance, and by punishing the robber of birds' nests. HousE Fon SALE.—$700 will buy a comfortable brick; six -roomed house and large lot ; house in good repair, hard and soft water. Terms to suit. For this bargain apply at once at Pat- tison's grocery, Wmgham. TOWN COUNCIL. Council met on Monday evening in special meeting ; all members present except Coun. Armstrong. Mr. Howson addressed the Connell on renewal of water lease, expiring October next. The Company would like to have a lease for a term of years and as they proposed building a new flume and installing new waterwheels, they would like an answer at an early date, as the work would have to be clone in dry weather. The Council will consider the matter at an early date. The Canada Furniture Manufactur- ers asked that their assessment be placed at a fixed amount for ten years. If this was done, they would erect an addition to the Inion fac- tory, three storeys high, 64x70, with basement, and double the number of hands now employed there. After discussion of the proposition, it was moved and seconded by Conn's. Greer and D. Bell, that the Clerk prepare a By-law to that effect, to be con aidereed by the Council at a future Meeting ; motion prevailed, On motion of ('orn's. Bennett and VanStone, the reading of the By-law for improvement in Waterworks was deferred until a special meeting to be called to consider 13y -law for fixing assessment of Canada Furniture Mfrs., so that both By-laws can be voted on at the same time. Connell adjourned. have arranged with the Dominion Hank to manage my busi- ness and all owhig me on Notes or Mortgages can pay prineipal or interest nt any time. After falling due, rem- ember you need not pay until you etre regnested to do so by tae. IS thank all those who have done business with Me, and wish yott *very prosperity. ROW, MOIS11)o0. $1.40 ,PER YEAR IN ADVANCE Wingham Methodist Church. The reports from the various de- partments of the'Wingllam Methodist Church, as presented at the Quarterly Board meeting 00 Monday evening last, were very satisfactory. The membership report showed a net in- crease during the year of 16, notwith- standing 78 removals and 0 deaths. The present membership is 516. The Epworth League, Sunday School and Junior League, showed satisfactory progress, especially along missionary lines, the senior and Junior Leagues reporting an increase of $50 in mis- sionary givings, and the Sunday School of over $20. The total mis- sionary contributions for the year amount to over $600, besides $72 for special objects, as Chentu hospital and Missionary Raley's personal account, The increase in the regular missionary offering is about $160. The Educa- tional and Temperance funds are more than three times those of last year, and the W. M. S. is also largely in ad- vance, amounting to $98.73. The La- dies' Aid have raised $503, and $1,500 have been paid on the mortgage of the • church. The mortgage debt has been reduced during the past two years from $6,000 to $1,400. About $600 was paid on the organ fund, paying off the balance of that debt and a note of $200 which had been running for a number of years has also been cancelled. All the other funds of the Church are in a satisfactory condition, The pastor was invited to remain another year. Have you had sickness in the home ; then your feather beds require cleans- ing. Have them thoroughly cleaned by the Canada Feather Washing Co., Morton block, Wingham, PROPOSED BY-LAWS. Football Games. The Atwood Football teain played with Winghatn, on Friday last, a>R game in the intermediate IV. F. A. series on the park here. The game was well played, and was one of the cleanest played here this season ; the best of good feeling prevailed. The players were -- Atwood, Wingham. Snaith... , , ,.....Goal , .. , .. , . MCArter Struthers Backs J Mitchell Klump Wheeler Ducklow Halfbacks Burgess Hanna °0 .,.I1. Mitchell Mallory ,," Wilson W, Robertson ..Centre Perrin Switzer Left Aikenhead 0. Robertson.,.. " 11. Ansley R. Robertson.. ,Right McGillivray Brown , . , . ,W, Ansley Referee, H. Bartliff, Clinton; score 1-1. On the same evening, a game was played in Brussels, between the team of that village and Listowel. Result, 2-0 in favor of Brussels. The next game will be between Brussels and Wingham, and will be played here on Friday evening next. HotrsE To RENT. —Nine roomed house, hard and soft water. Apply to R. Vanstone. No mixing of feathers by us ; every bed cleansed separately ; satisfaction always results. The Canada Feather Washing Co., Wingham. In all probability, the property- - owners of Wingham will be called upon at an early date to vote upon two By-laws, It is an acknowledged fact that our fire protection is not as complete or as reliable as it ought to be for the safety of the town, and an effort will be made to improve it. As it now stands, insurance rates are liable to be ad- vanced, as the Underwriters consider our system very defective. One of the By-laws to be submitted provides for the expenditure of $12,000 on the work referred to, com- prising : 1st --The construction of a new flume. 2nd --The erection of a standpipe on the hill within the eas- tern limits of the town. 3rd—The ex- tension of the watermaius to the standpipe, etc. The debentures will run for thirty years and the annual payment including interest and prin- cipal would be $736.70. The By-law sets forth that the present assessment of the town is $671,842, and that there are no arrears on the present existing debt. As the Advance pointed out a few weeks ago, this will not give us water for domestic purposes, but it will give first-class fire protection, and the pres- ent machinery will be available and sufficient to keep the standpipe full, with a very little pumping each day. There is also this advantage that if in the future, it should be decided to secure water for domestic purposes, the same mains and standpipe will be of service and thus what is, or may be, now expended would not be lost, but prove a valuable part of a system for domestic purposes. Besides, the outlay would be a good investment, as there is already an almost assured income for water, that will more than meet the annual debenture falling due. This debenture, as above stated, will be $736.70, and the Council already see $1000 annually in sight. The G. T. R. and the factories want water, and many citizens would avail themselves of it for sanitary purposes. So that as a matter of income, the scheme will be a good one, in addition to the im- provement to our fire protection. The second By-law will not provide for any expenditure, and hence need not cause any alarm on the part of any taxpayer. It is now in course of preparation and will authorize (if car- ried) the fixing of the assessment of the property of the Canada Furniture Manufacturers at a stated amount for ten years (say $25,000) on condition that the Company erect an addition to their Union factory here, size 61 x 70, three storeys and basement, and double the present number of men there employed, The Company is closing some of their smaller factories, consolidating their business and en- larging the factories in other and more central places. Wingham is 000 of the latter. The passing of this By- law will not only result in the em- ployment of more Inca, lint will en- sure the permanence cif the Canada, Furniture Co.'s factories here. With such an addition (as the one proposed) to their present properties here, the Company show their intention of leaking 'Winghatn e perinanent place of business, Look over Ontario and see. The towns that are thriving to -day, are those that are encouraging industries. That is why Wingham is better than many towns. We trust be progres- sive. We don't want a dead town, and there is no reason why Winghanl should not continue to gtvly and pros- per. Let ne keep moving, so that we 'root not. OUR UGS ARE PURE AND FRESH A. L. Hamilton' DRUGGIST WING IA \I If You Are Taken. They' say there is witchery in Kodakery. It is bewitch- ing certainly ---and it is more —it is instructive, and there is something to show for your expenditure of money, time and talent. No wonder if you are taken with the idea of a Kodak. We sell Kodaks and supplies ---if you are interested, we shall bo glad to explain, wove w,. .arse r; 111..0 *wail 7.400. war 4.4001 wen .,,,,. w 1.0.1111 6.401111 WOO A.1. McCaii 8 Co. raw I,inlIted; Druggists and Opticians ._ \'J's17f31iAbf, orr,