HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1905-05-18, Page 5THE WINOHAM ADVANCE", THURSDAY, MAY 18, 1905, • ...,00000••0••*00000 ,,•..00000000•.00.•00,0 i The Blue Front Store News • CJothng Bargains CROWDER'S Big 10=Days' CUT PRICE oaiO WE NEED THE READY MONEY. YOU NEED THE GOODS. Colne and see us during the next few days. We will show you some of the biggest Bargains we have ever shown. Everything marked in plain figures. $G.00 Meu's Blue Serge Suits -Sale Price Men's Black. all worsted Suits -Sale Price $1.50 Boys' Blue Serge Blouse Suits -Sale Pride 60o Boys' Sweaters -Sale Price 50o Men's Overalls -Sale Price $7.50 Men's Tweed Suits -Sale Price $5.50 Boys' Tweed Suits -Sale Price $1.75 Mon's Tweed Trousers -Sale Price x,+1.25 Men's Tweed Vests -Salo Price 850 Cotton Underwear -Sale Price loo Mon's Cotton Sox -Sale Price 25e Heavy Braces -Salo Prtoe $4.25 7.76 1.00 .40 .40 6.75 4.25 1.25 .00 .25 .08 .20 SHIRT BARGAIN. -05 only Men's Colored Shirts, sizes 1434, 15, 15 , 16, regular price 500 each -Sale Price 25c ... SHOE BARGAINS ... $1.15 Boys' Shoes -Salo Price $ .00. AA$1.15 Children's Shoes -Sale Price .90. • $1.75 Mon's Dongola Shoes -Sale Price 1.85. o' $1.50 Men's Blucher Shoes -Sale Price 1.15. o $2.50 Men's Box Calf Shoes -Sale Price 2.00. 0 0 O 0 Sizes 11 to 4 Sizes 6 to 11 Sizes 6 to 11 Sizes 6 to 11 Sizes 6 to 11 (Trunks and Valises at Right Prices) These Prices are for Spot Cash only. The R. H. Crowder 0000000000000000 044).00 000 Co. • • 0000'-0vw Subscribe for The Advance X1.00 ?fa A3ear While a bilious attack is decidedly unpleasant it is quickly over when Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets are used. For sale by all druggists. NOTICE. --I have arranged with the Dominion Bank to manage my busi- ness and all owing me on Notes or Mortgages can pay principal or interest at any time. After falling due, rem- ember you need not pay until you are requested, to do so by me. I thank all those who have done business with me, and wish you every prosperity. RoBT. McINDoo. CENTRAL STRATFORD. ONT. You can get a general canon Mon in any school, but come to the CENTRAL for Practical Business Training. This College has a continental reputation for thoroughness. Opportunities are for those who aro prepared. Our graduates always succeed. You may enter our classes at any time. Write for a free Lcatalogue. jj,�, ELLIOTT & MCLAucuLAN, Principals COAL,! • •• • • We are sole agents for • • :: the celebrated Scranton Coal, :: • • which has no equal. ;; Also the best grades of Smithing, Cannel and Do- -• mestic Coal and Wood of :. :: all kinds, always on hand. :: •• • •• •• •. •• •• .• We carry a full stock of -• Lumber (dressed or undres- sed), Shingles, Lath, , Cedar:: Posts, Barrels, etc. • Highest Price Paid for all .._. wn •• • 44 •• •• •• •• •• MoLean: kinds of Logs. :: 4.40 r •• Residence Phone, No. 55 Office " No. 01 .. Mill No. 44 .r • • «r O 0 O 0 O O O 0 O O O 0 O O O 0 0 O o O O O O 0 0 O 0 O O O O O 0 0 O O O O O O O O O 0 O O 0 -The Hullett council has let the building of two iron bridges, with cement abutments and floors, and is purchasing three-fifths of an acre of land from Geo. Bedford for the pur- pose of widening the road allowance, straightening the creek and closing up two bridges, thus making a consider- able saving for the future. A new road grader has also been purchas- ed. How To Ward Off Old Age. The most succes.ful way of warding off h� approach ofold age istomain- tain)ftc.) a 1 vigorous digestion. This can be done beating only food suited to your age and occupation, and when any disorder of the stomach appears take a dose of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets to correct it. If you have a weak•sto,naeh or are trou- bled with indigestion, you will find these Tablets to be just what you need. For sale by all druggists. Ceylon Tea Mountain Grown Grand Mogul Tea is a produdt of the sunniest mountain tops in Ceylon. Prepared by machinery from plantation to tea, pot, it is the beverage of hygiene. q No exposure to store " dust or microbes -the pack, ages lined with air -tight paper bring it to you in the nicest possible condition. Insist on your dealer sup, plying you with this, the best possible blend of the finest and ripest teas. Dis, criminating housekeepers prefer it to bulk teas of doubtful value. Grand Mogul R Tea tt Sand only in packages id 25e, 30c, 40o and 50c per pound, band . We divide our advertising appropriation with you by putting prethiwn cow poria in each package. 'Flews 'litems w wwwwvwv --Nine men constitute a jury in Mexico, and a majority gives the ver- dict. If the jury is unanimous there i8110 appeal. -Tile other clay Mr, J. 13, Stewart of the Bayfield line sold twenty grass- ers, with an average weight of 1250 pounds, to Mr. Macdonald of Exe- tor. --Some miscreant having a know- ledge of the premises and also some knowledge of the working of the dy- nanxous, partially wrecked the Exe- ter electric light plant last week. An arrest may follow,. -The assessment figures for Wroxe- ter for this year aro as follows :-Total amount of taxable real property, $134,194 ; business assessment., $0,689 ; taxable income, $342, leaking a total assessment of $14.4,225. --From all sections of the province come statements by farmers and fruit growers that the show of blossoms this season is unusually profuse, and that the: prospect for a great fruit year in all departments is excellent. The peach trees, it is said are present- ing remarkable promise. -Treasurer Reid of Stanley town- ship has two remarkably fine heavy colts. One of them, twenty-two months old, weighs 1355 pounds, and the other, one month older, tips the beam at 1315 pounds. They were sir- ed by an imported horse and money could hardly buy them at the present time. -Mr. W. Elder, of the 10th conces- sion of Tuckersmith, who has quite a reputation as a dealer in heavy horses, recently sold to Mr. James Norris, of Hibbert, the well-known horse buyer, a teaun of geldings, three years and ten months old, weighing 3,800 pounds for which he received over $600.• They were well matched, in fine con- dition, and, strange to say, there was not half a lb. of difference in their weight, each tipping the beam at 1,- 000 pounds. -A steam milking machine is the newest implement calculated to light- en the work on the farm. One has re- cently been tried at Myrtle and it was found that a cow could be milked in from six to 11 minutes, the machine milking two cows at a time. One. man with five such machines could milk 40 cows in 40 minutes. However, the cost of the machine may be a seriou.; obstacle in the way of their general introduction. The cost of each will probably run from $50 to $75 in addition to the power necessary to operate them. The good old way will evidently be used for many years to come ; unless in the case of very large herds. -By a recent anaeridment to the Municipal Act, pathmasters are no longer required to look after the cut- ting of noxious weeds on the high- ways in their division. Every owner or occupant of land is now required to cut the weeds growing on the high- ways adjacent to his lance. Chapter 27, of the Statutes of 1904, provides as follows :-"It shall be the duty of every owner or occupant of land in a municipality to cut down or destroy or cause to be cut down or destroyed at the proper time to prevent the ripening of their seed, all noxious weeds growing ou any highways ad- joining such land, not being a toll road, from the boundary of such lance to the centre line of such road, and in case of default after n otrce from the Inspector or Overseer of Highways, or where no Inspector of Overseer is appointed, from the Clerk of the municipality, the municipality may do the work, and may add the cost thereof to the taxes against the land in the Collector's roll and collect such cost in the same manner as other taxes." Lucknow. The anniversary services of the Lucknow Presbyterian Church will be held on Sunday, May 21st. Messrs. J. G. Murdoch & Co. have taken into partnership John McLen- nan, who has been in their employ the past.three years. When the Lucknow Fire Company do anything it is always done right and this year the celebration on 24th of May will be under their auspices, so you may depend on a good day's sport from early morning till late at night. Mr. J. W. Murray, of Ashfield, re- ceived by special trains on Wednes- day morning seven car loads of steers that he had purchased near Chatham. There were 140 head in the bunch and taken altogether were a fine lot of cattle. Last Saturday a call carie to Rev. A, Mackay from the Free Church con- gregation at Kingussie, Scotland, signed at a congregational meeting and two days after by 312 members and adherents over fourteen years of age. On Tuesday Mr. Mackay cabled accepting the call and intends to sail for Glasgow from Montreal on June 14th. Throw Medicine To The Dogs l As best they are unpleasant, often useless. You have some disease of the nose, throat or longs. Doctors would call it bronchitis, astinne or catarrh. The common root of these diseases is germ or microbio irritation, --• Ce- taarrlrozolle,not only destroys cliseese it docs more, it heals diseased and in- flamed tissue. The disease is not only cured, but its return is forever pre- vented by usingC'atarrhozone which is splendid also for colds, coughs and irritable throat. Remember you in- hale Catarr'llozone • Nature's own ceps -use no other but (7atart'hozone *it's the best catarrh cure made, Cilinton. There are 121 telephones in town, The assessment of Clinton is -busi- ness assessment, $05,418; taxable in- eoMe, $8,030 ; total, $724,410, ox' an in- crease of $01,513 over last year. The genial smile and banter of Con - doctor John Quirk, of the L. Il. & B„ was missed by passengers this week, lie being compelled to lay off owing to a severe attack of rheumatism, His place was taken by Conductor Eby. After an illness extending over seven months 11ir, Thos. A. 'Walker passed lata the Great Beyond 'on Tuesday evening, Ile was born at Bolton forty-seven years ago, but for over twenty years has been a resident of Clinton. Wishing to be relieved of so touch office work, A. T. Cooper intends to give up the C. P. R. telegraph -agency, also the Dominion Express Money Order agency, at an early date, his re- signation being already with the two companies, Mr. Chas. Lovett, who will on the 23rd of this month celebrate the 60th anniversary of his birthday, was the first child born on the Base Line, be- tween Clinton and Auburn. He has ever since continued to reside on that line and by energy and perseverance has accumulated a goodly share of the wherewithal that helps to make this life comfortable. 80 steers, mostly three -year-olds, were driven up the Huron Road yes- terday afternoon to what has been known as Heckler's reserve on the Maitland river about three miles from Goderich. They belonged to Mr. R. Winters, who valued the drove at $4,- 000. The reserve once consisted -of 1,- 000 acres, some has been sold off, but it still continues to be one of the largest "ranches" in the county. '1 Why Suffer From Rheumatism ? Why suffer from rheumatism when one application of Chamber'lain's Pain Balm will relieve the pain ? The quick relief which this liniment affords makes rest and sleep possible, and that alone is worth many times its cost. Many who have used it hoping only for a short relief from suffering have been happily surprised to find that after awhile the relief became permanent. Mrs. V. H. Leggett .of Yum Yum, Tennessee, U. S. A., writes "I am a great sufferer from rheuma- tism, all over from head to foot, and Chamberlain's Pain Balm is the only thing that will relieve the pain." For sale by all druggists. 1. Brussels. License Inspector Clegg was in town on Friday of last week attend- ing to the duties of his new office. Model Farm Excursion to Guelph will be run on Thursday, June 15th. Special train to and from the Royal City. The trip is a most enjoyable one. At the meeting of the Official Board of the Methodist church on Tuesday evening, W. H. Kerr was elected dele- gate to the District meeting, to bo held in Wingham ou the 24th inst. Toronto dailies on Wednesday even- ing announce the appointment of S. Wilson, of Brussels, as Bailiff of the 4th Division Court. F. S. Scott, who has filled the bill with neatness and despatch was not even asked for his resignation. Last Friday evening the initial Foot Ball match in the Intermediate series was played on Victoria Park here be- tween the home team and the Wing - ham club. The game lasted 50 min- utes and1 resulted in atie,no goals be- ing scored. Mary's little lamb has played a very important part in the world but it does not begin to count with the sheep business in Montana. John Donald- son, of Brussels, has three brothers north of Miles City, Montana, who do a big business ranching. Jas. Donald- sonson has been there about 15 years and has 18,000 sheep and he figures on $50,000 this year from his wool and lambs. He also keeps a large number of cattle and horses and has a proper- ty worth from $75,000 upwards. The three brothers halve about 30,000 sheep in all. The Miles City Independent says :-One of the best clips of wool which comes to this market are those belonging to James, George and Al- bert Donaldson, The combined clips this year will amount to 225,000 lbs., and so far this season has topped the market. L. R. Hervey purchased. it for a Boston house at 231c per lb. A Good Suggestion. Mr. C. B. Wainwright of Lemon City, Fla., has written the manufac- turers that much better results are ob- tained from the use of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy in cases of pains in the stomach, colic and cholera morbus by taking it in water as hot as can be drank. That when taken in this way the effect is double in rapidity, "It seems to get at the right spot instantly," ho says. For sale by all druggists. TWO FIRES. Palmerston, Ont., May 13. --At four o'clock yesterday afternoon Geo. Mc - Knight's splendid barn on the sixth eoneession of Wallace, five miles west of Palmerston, was burned as well as twenty head of export cattle, The barn was nearly new and about the best in the township. The loss will be $0,000 to $8,000; insured in the Flowiek Mutual for $1,900. This is Mr. Mc - Knight's third heavy loss by fire. At six o'clock this horning, lir. Major Wooldridge's saw and planing Brill was burned with the contents. The mill is completely destroyed. Loss about $10,000 insurance $1,500 i1 by E , it the Economical of Bcrlrn, The find, is a bad loss to the town as Mr. Wool. dridige has been a large employer of labor. I - CIRCUS PERFORMERS.. Wo Them the Circuaa 1s a Very Oe. Adan ,�►►flatr, To circus people the circus is a ver serious thing. When a bareback rider slips to the ground after a somersault or a lofty tumbler misses the shoulder it is his business to laud on. the audi- ence is all sympathy, as if feeling it- self how it is to fall before so many people. Very little the performer cares for all tho vast multitude. Ills mind Is on the superintendent, Ms particular superintendent, who is watching him at the side of the arena, and wino, wilen he goes off, is sure to ask very pointed- ly MAY his eye happened to be inac- curate or his muscles infirm. There is no place in the circus for performers who fail. Even the clowns look a little bit seri- oua behind the scenes, But perhaps that is only because the black lines they paint on their whitened visages are always so glum and solemn, And what a wilderness of fun making peo- ple there are in the latter day circus--• the Bumpkin, the Loon, the Harlequin, the Grimacer, the Merry Andrew, the Austrian Looby, the Zany, the Pierrot, the Punch, the Motley Fool and finally the German Broad Face, whose name is Paddy Burke! One of the clowns was sitting on his trunk in the dress- ing room licking a stick of black paint and rubbing it on Ms cheeks so as to make a most funereal expression. The small boy asked him what kind of a clown he was. He said that he was just "Funny Friskcy," and he got his visiting card out of his trunk. It read, "H. Friskey, Clown and Comedian," and it had a heavy gold rim, which made it very imposing. In the four corners it said Europe and Asia and Africa and America, which showed that H. Friskey's fame had reached the four corners of the card. Until you saw his merry capers in the ring you never could believe that a man with such a serious face and such an im- posing visiting card could be either funny, or frisky. TRUTH OR PARADOX? Life levels all men; death reveals the eminent. Liberty means responsibility. That is why most men dread it. While we have prisons it matters lit- tle which of us occupy the cells. Titles distinguish the mediocre, em- barrass the superior and are disgraced by the inferior. Democracy substitutes election by the incompetent many for appointment by the corrupt few. Do not do unto others as you would that they should do unto you. Their tastes may not be the same. Your word. can never be as good as your bond, because your memory can never be as trustworthy as your honor. If you strike a child take care that you strike it in anger, even at the risk of maiming it for life. A blow in cold • blood neither can nor should be forgiv- en. -From George Bernard Shaw's "Man and Superman." Puzzled by the Lave. The librarian of the Congressional li- brary tells a story of a colored man who came into the library and asked one of the assistants for a "good law book." He explained that one of his neighbors intended to sue him and he wanted to get a book so he could find out the law. The clerk gave him a copy of a book called "Every Ilan His Own Lawyer." The colored man sat down at one of the desks and turned the pages of the book for an hour. Then he came to the desk of the assistant and said: "'Deed, boss, cain't you git me sump - in' easier? Dis yere is d.' fifth edition. Cain't I have de fust edition? 1,Iebbe I c'u'd understan' dat. I ain't bin git- tin' on right smart with dis yere fifth ono." The Tools of Conine. • Some of the greatest discoveries in physics and chemistry have been made with the simplest forms of apparatus and unthe modest conditions t of laboratory equipment. One need only recall the achievements of the famous John Dalton and in later time of Sir Gabriel Stokes to illustrate the point. As regards the latter, a comment of Lord Rayleigh is of interest. Stokes' experimental work, he says, was exe- cuted with the most modest appliances. Many c of his discoveries were made in a narrow passage behind the pantry of his house, into the window of which he had a shutter fixed with n silt in it and a bracket on which to place crystals and prisms. -Loudon Telegraph. A False Report. "I have been told," said Mrs. Old - castle, "that your daughter has been doing some wonderful things in pyrog- raphy." "Oh, no," replied her hostess, "she ain't been there at all. The last Letter we had from her she was in Pittsburg and thought she'd go right through to Washington." Both Could Do. Mrs. Trutt -My husband is a sort of jack Of all trades; he can d0 almost anything. Isirs. Gayboy-And mine is a sort of jack of clubs; he belongs to fifteen different societies and can do almost anybody! Cause and Effect. Diifkins-Wasn't Benedict's death rather sudden and unexpected? Bit• kins-Well, it was sudden, but not necessarily unexpected. His wife had just graduated from a cooking school, Adversity is sometimes hard upon a man, but for one man who can stand prosperity there are a hunched Who will stand adversity.. I, Strained Back And Side. "While working 111 0 sawmill" Writes C. lu. Kenney, from Ottawa, "1 strained ley back and side so se- verely 1 had to go to bed, Every movement caused lee torture. I tried different nils and liniments, but was- n't helped till I used Nervlline, Even the first application gave considerable �,� rel"ef. Tu was 1 throe (, d1,L w T again aiu alt y, g work. Otherl)rin Ye ill,y ev Net- Aniline with tre,llendous benefit too." An holiest record of nearly fifty years has established the value of Poison's Nervillne, Isard's The Loading Store I Isard'e Cut Prices Ready-to-wear Clothing. : 1 BIG SALE of Men's and Boys' High-class Clothing. It will be to your interest in every way to see and price our CLOTHING before buying, as you are sure to save money during our Great Cut Price Sale. Boys' Suits. Boys' fancy Sailor Suits, nicely trimmed with braid, good value at $1.511 -Sale price $1.25 Men's Suits. A. line or Suite to clear, worth $3.00 and $7.00 -Cut Price Sale $5.00 Overalls. Men's strong Blue Denim Over- alls -Salo Price 50o Boys' Suits. Boys' 3 piece Suits, regular value $2.50 and $2.75 -Sale Price....$2.00 Men's Pants. A. special line of Men's striped Pants, dark tweed -Cut Price..$1.00 Youths' Suits. . Youths' Suite in plain and fancy tweed, regular value sem and $5.50 -Sale Price $5.00 Raincoats. Men's heavy Waterproof Coats, . guaranteed -Our Cut Prico$1.00 Men's Suits. Fancy, small pattern, Tweed Suits worth $7.00 to $8.00 -Sale Price $6.00 n�e•i-. •.1 i-.- 10.ur 0111in•4..0 Ai 1, 1111 ,1,14.1 16.1_11 111 H. E. ISARD CO. The Popular Grocery Store. BOfflOV&t CROCKERY and CHINA, FLOUR and FEED, of all kinds, Cash for Butter and Eggs. Phone 61. W. F. VanStone The Better Part of Wisdoms Don't let "Catch Ads" and "Bargains" carry you away. Just consider the "Reliability" and "Grade of Garments" they sell, Weigh all these argu- ments, stop and consider. All our time is given to satisfy our customers. We want you to know • that we sell a better grade . of garments than others. l f you have been deal- ing elsewhere and become dissatisfied, the best and quickest way to be satisfied is to call an 1VI. S, L1 Homuth Tailor and Gents' Furnisher All garment% guaranteed to fit, One price to all. Two Doors from Post Office We have removed our Tailor- ing establishment to the store formerly occupied by Tudhope's Grocery - Opp. Bank of Hamilton and next door south of Miss Boyd's Millinery Store. We have had things all fitted up anew, and have a good con- venient stand with a first-class stock of goods in all the latest materials and designs for spring and summer-Suitings, Overcoat- ings, Raincoatings, Trouserings and Fancy Vestings. Drop in and see us and have a look at our goods. Robt. Maxwell High Art Tailor - Wingham Wood's Phosphodiislie, TiThe Great English Remedy, is an old, well estab• fished and reliable preparation. Has been prescribed and used over40 years. All drug. gists in the Dominion of Canada sellA nd recommend as beim+ the only medicine d its kind that cures and gives universal satisfaction. It promptly and permanently curds all forms of Nervous Weak. nest Emissions, Spertnatorrhrra, Impotency, and all effects of abuse or excesses ; the excessive use of 2'obacco, Opium or Stimulants, Mental and Brain. Worry, all of which lead to Infirmity, Insanity Consumption and an Early Grave. Price St per package or six for $5, One wilt please, six will cure. Mailed prompty on re- ceipt of price. Send for free pamphlet. Address The Wood Company, Windsor, Ont', Canada, Sold in Wingham by A. L McColl Sr, Co., A. L. Hamilton, W. Mcli:ibbon-Druggists Before and After, 50 YEARS' EXPERIENCE li' 1 r su J1Illhr g,11, TRADE MARKS COPYRIGHTSDESIGNS &C. Anyone sending a sketch and description may quickly ascertain our opinion free whether an invention is probably patontahle. Communica. tions strlctlyconfidential. IIAN5000a on Patent, sent free. Oldest agency for securing stents. Patents taken through Munn & c 0. receive epeniat notice, without charco, in the Scientific Rrn rican, eulniion 02 00)11sclentlikdi ournal, Terms, $a a year; four months, Sl. 0010byall n0wedealers. MUNN & Co.361uroadway, New York Branch office, 6125 5' aft., Washington, b. C. 1111.. , .-.,....:.........:....... _ r.w:' tui, 1 PROMPTLY SECURED Write for our interesting hooks "invent- or'. Help" an 1 "How you aro swindled," Send us a rough sketch or model of your in- vention or improvement and we will tell you free our opinion as to whether it is probably patentable. Resected applications have often been successfully prosecuted by us. We Conduct fully equipped offices in ltfontreal and Washington ; this qualifies 85 to prompt- ly dispatch work and quickly ACeure Patents as brood as the invention. Malted references furnished. Patents procured through Illation tit Ida• Holt recti VC special notke without charge in over mo newspapers distributed throughout the D• minion. Specialty :- .,san et b 'a pe y t use t:as of bfanufac• inters and liugiucera. MARION & MA,lrtIO Patint fi:xpaarts and Solicitors. mem t New York1.Hct3'l �+ nntrC. rw.r . Atlanfic,biAg,Wshln ' ton D.G.