HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1905-05-04, Page 6Color, Flavor, Fragrance .
are the strong' pr. ants of
and DELICIOUS (FLAVOR have made. it hosts of
friends. Are you one yet?
400 and I30o at ail live grocers.
Then, with a low bow, Ile takes off his all his trite in maktng experiments; 1
he.t, and smiles ironically. don't know wiett for, Re's quite a scl-
'To what am 1 indebted for this at- ettific gentleman."
tention?" he says, in a deep, musical Iler lodger nods .and takes up the tea -
yoke, Inst, but so churleily that Mrs. Brown
Jeanne stares', speechless and appar- winces.
eptly frozen. "And does no one else live with them?"
`Do you wish to speak to me?" he con- be sake,
tinues, "or is this the regular formality "Only their nephew and niece," replies
with which a stranger is greeted in ;;few- Mrs. Brown. "That's Miss Jean, and Mas-
ten Regis?" ter Harry. Their name's Bertram.
Stili Jeanne is silent. They're orphans. A rare Turk is Master
The stranger puts up his hand, and, Harry, and Miss Jeanne has plenty of
still bare -headed, rakes the snow from spirits, though ehe is so quiet. Ah1 Miss
the back of his neck, Jeanne's got as noon pluck as many a
The action rouses Jeanne to a sense of boy, sir. Down by the cliff they keep a
the ridiculous in the situation, and slow- boat-'t.he Nancy Bell, she calls it; and I heart --comes to the rescue. _
Iy the rigid lines of hre mouth relax, and they do say that she can sett this boat es , "Then I 11 walk over, aunt,�� she says,
a laugh, low and rippling, oozes from be. if site was fisher born, hes never so and .Aunt Dostrell, vanquished at all
tween her rich, red lips. happy as when she's sailing out in the points, slowly and reluctantly produces
Fora moment the stranger looks bay. A rare, daring young puss she is, two half-erowns, while Hal nods grate•
"Oh, certainly, my deal," says the old'
man, fumbling In his pockets promptly,
hitt be brings out nothing in the shapo
of money, ,dive a shilling and a half-
penny, reposing among bits of t tiartz,
zine, and copper, and Mum, laughing at
his rueful face, drags bila into the break-
fast -mem.
"Never mind, ulecle. I'll get it out of
aunt. ,Wait; let nue pick these pieces! of
Cotton off your coat -that's it; now
eotnc on," and the old man, keeping pea.
sive in the hands of the young girl, is
led to bis sea{.
Aunt Dostrell is just as practical as
'her brother is theoretical, and is al-
ready derv/lig out the hafts and eggs with -
tbe air of a matron at the Foundling
Hospital. Site looks up sharply as
Jeeaniie enters.
"I was just going to scud up to you,
Jeanne; I didn't expect to see you down.
Your boots, hate tells me, are wet
through and through, and your shawl
saturated with melted snow. Where did
you go last night ?-and hat's boots are
just the same."
,ieanne looks confused for a moment.
Hal stares at his plate with an incipient
grin struggling on We face. Jeanne bus
kept her mistake a profound secret even
from Hal, has struggled to forget, and
wipe it from the. tablets of her own -
ntind, but her heart beats apprehensive-
ly. Can the stranger 'rave been mean en-
ough to walk around and eomplain? The
red flushes her face, then she puts on a.
bold front.
"The boots will dry, aunt, We were
out in the snow yesterday afternoon,
.And, aunt, Hal wants five shillings for a
pair of skates for the Park, you know." ,
When you go to a drug store
and ask for 'Scott's• Emulsion
yon know what you want; the
man knows you ought to have
It. Don't be surprised, though,
if you are offered something
else. Wines, cordials, extracts,
etc„ of cod, liver oil fere plerlti"
ful but don't imagine you aro
getting cod liver oil when you
take thorn. Every year for thirty
years we've been increasing
the sales. of Scott's, Emulsion,
Why? Because it has always
been better than any substitute
for It.
Send far free sampie -
ecorr ¢ ISOWNFF, Chemists
'Too can't buy skates in Newton Reg- Toronto, Ont,
is, Jeanne," 50o. and $1.00. Aq druggists
"Hal can walk over to Afarly—"
"Hal will have to stay in this morning,
if he is going out this afternoon," says
Aunt Dostrell, with milia firmness,
Hal looks the picture of despair, but
Jeanne generous Jeanne, half -boy at
Nerve Needed in, a Jailer.
(New York Tribune.)
Slobs hang and burn because they have
found it safe to hang and burn. We do not
belleve a jail has been broken open in ten
years where the custodian could not, with
determination and courage, have preserved
his prisoner, or at least made such an ex-
ample of himself and the mob as to have
aroused his State effectually to put down
lynching for the future.
gravely at her; then under his mous- sir. They've lived at the Gate House fully across the table, and indulges in a r = 1
tache his own lips bend and he smiles. ever since they were children. Mr. Bell, a quiet, inoffensive dance on the tips of his ENGLISH SPAVIN LINIMENT
"I am glad," he said, smiling, "that 1 the curate, teaches Harbut he don't toes, �+l
have been able to afford you any amuse- teach them drawing, sir."Meals don't occupy much time at the
meat. Have you any more snowballs in firs. Brown's lodger looks rather . er-1 Gate House, There is the remainder of "Removes all hard, soft or calloused
our pocket?" plexed at this piece of information; then , the pig io be manipulated by Aunt Thos- }amps and blemishes from horses, blood
Jeanne shakes her head slowly. he smiles.. ' trell, and Uncle John is all anxiety to spavin, curbs, splints, ringbone, sweeney,
"`No? Then I may turn my back in 'I see, he says, aimaYt inaudibly. I get back to the crucibles. Half an hour stifles, sprains. sore and swollen throat,
safety. Thanks! Good afternoons" And. But Mrs. Brown hears hitt. I afterward Jeanne is stepping) briskly coughs, eta. Save $50 by use of one bot -
with a bow, be replaces his hat, and "No offence, I hope, sir, butt thought down the strets, her lithe figure clad in , tle. Warranted the most wonderful
strides off. you might be looking for pupils, sir. 1 its serviceable blue serge, one streak of - Blemish Cure ever known,
And Jeanne stares after him like Lot's "1 may," he says, slowly, feat with the crimson across the skirt, her brown -gold e - 1:
same tliuet smile; "and if I should be, hair rippling in its tight coils under' her Guessing Match.
wife -motionless. Aguessingmatch about eats is en- - ,.
•�.� - you tluni. Master Harry and Miss' Jeanne ,close little sealskin hat, her beautiful -, g, y
CHAPTER � Jltst sowould be gsir," assents Airs. Breran, de- face bright and frank, her heart beat- people •.
tee' blithely under the influence of the tertainin sa s the Womans Home The thousands ofwho
Before the ill-used stranger has had lighted at her own shrewdness. "Mr, crisp, frosty air. Companion. Write out the following list ! write to me, saying that _
time to get out of sight, almost before Dostrell's just the gentleman to have Jeanne can walk blithely,and look
Jeafor each competitor without giving the m s
erfoot had openedndsthe side door, hnthe younge.npeople lenty asf heh as they i frankly, for, as yet, she iin "maiden answers, which are here' printed in par- Moreover, the prospecteve buyer is often
footstep sounds on the hard path. Thiseecan; and there's plenty of others besides meditation fancyfree." With Jeanie - �%���h' inaccessible to agents; ]ie lives in per -
time it is a lighter, more hesitating step, them; there's :Hiss Ainud and Georgina,' entheses, and the one guessing the )erg- ,. • etual fear of bein talked to death.
and it belongs to a small, slight -looking Mr. Lambton'shere's daughters, up at the all is real as yet; she has not yet pass- est number wins: '�• p g
young man, with a bland, simple face. park; they'd be only too pleased atto learn ed beyond the portals of the great tem-` A dangerous cat (catastrophe). Con'°��' �►�'n®�'; and when he grudgingly grants an in-
pies of loge, Love is to Jeanne as an An aspiring cat (catamount Tho Lung terview he is in anything but a recap -
He is dressed in the regulation long - drawing and painting, I it be bound; and unmeant% symbol of some deep mpg p g i' Cure • -1 g five mood, Where the salesman cannot
eery of the very nature of which she is penetrate
TWO ARCTIC IIABIES, The Sunlight way of wash" ISSUE N O. 18, 1905.
Commander Peary's I xjerience With 'l�tr
requires CS 1i4l'1 ' r r 1'14
Some Tiny Musk Calves,
Airs+ Winslow's Soothing Syrn1, O,honid
Oa the 9th of July, 1590, In a broad, level y, ashould,
7 always he need Tor Ch.thiron ',teothin:C. it
..relay !n the heart , a, mero Laud, 1 il}J 11Th," You i 1(ll ll4i Boothe the child, soften movies, cureswiu=
Santa upon a herd of the musk oxen. 'Mien t ,.
cone and Is the best remedy' for Diarrhoea.
they saw us they ran together and stood aUlli1 i1�
Soap. k,,,
Wit to butts in star form, with heads out -
were. Title is their usual term of de-
Willnot injure against walrus, their 0011, enemies inJ
this land. After they were shot I dtscnv- 7 1,
area two tiny calves, which till then uad dalntyfab'e
been blades under their mother's long Hair. o;,llr
thevhwpjnl1nvithlattgraycp tc1tnoli theirap ie- s ries. ,..,
heads, 'great, self .blaek eyes, euorauoutly ell 1�,,,et
Iseee. bony, knock -item" legs and no tolls
at all,
With the tailing of the Inst musk ox my
dogs made a rush for the little animals,
whieb, though wild-eyed and trembling with '
�•, De H. IBAS ,LDO t1(, COr
fear, 131141..ed a bold froth to the maga. un-
Fortunntely, Ir wan too quirk for the doge,
known cr'attt es wheel surrounded thein, English as She is Spoken,
an4 rosdued the Itttle clime.
(Tho Teacher.)
Titer I hardly know what to do. I had f heir conducted 1n
not the heart to kill lIv 1 though not trill
My Beklmos to. Fleetly I thought t would a erase -room, wkeu on' of the boys, not
try and get them to the ship, fifty miles noted for dissent eTeacher.) , was culled
awry, though I did not know haw I was to upon, Ile rend; fete horse was runnin'
do this aver the miles of wonetntne and down the street." "Regio again and tlo not
rough tee. forget tato `g.' said the teacher.
After the dogs were fastened the little peel the Itoras, was rennin' down the
fellows stood quietly by the bodies of their street," the boy repeated, In a well -meant
mothers illi' all the animals were skinned effort to comply with the teacher's well -meant cut up, and wheu we wore reedy to neons».
start for camp and put a line about sheer .
necks to lead them away they struggled
so violently at the touch of the rope that I
knew they would soon strangle themselves •
to death, nod had the ropes taken off.
Then we tiled to drive then, but could not.
Then I remembered my experience yearn
A.them reading lesson was g
LADIES 1.17144„,a411
yy r
Ff and
ntdeu ofastoou$'0
• Cuitl0U t0
before at far-off Independence Bay, and told
Ahngmaloktolt to throw one of the mit: It Every mother and lady should use its Used ouccessatlly b7
I r I L 11P a is erdSvrec
skins over his back and walk off, thousands otlodlox. -M.s ro ciao a ya rlrhry( o
With a baa -a- the little fellows wore et uta 1+' `t al costo, t nurrru, aunov7u, odxAuA
burteoff is the n longi hitirttroidng behind hint, "Control," But Not Operation,
followed contentedly, while the rest 01 us
kept ort the dogs. (New York Herald.)
In this way everything wept nicely, and It !s evident that the question of mu -
we scrambled along over the rooks, waged
across two or three streams and walked nioipal eontrol of public uti)itles is about
through an ached the
soft, green Itttle patch tol bo forced upon the attention of New
or meadow, out by a gurgling crystal brook, York in a practical way. -Philadelphia
until we reached rho iceboat where the Sledge
had been left. --St. Nichblas.
---- It depends "upon what our esteemed
NERVOUSNESS, DYSPEPSIA, IN- contemporary means by "control." New
DIGESTION, and kindred ailments take York has already determined to grant
wings before the healing qualities of South no franchises in perpetuity.
Plmerlu'an Nervine. 'Thomas Heskilno, of It will eventually overt the new sltb-
Durham, Ont., took kis preacher's advice, way and ottiii• important little utilities.
followed directions, and was cured perman- Tlie people approve of municipal owlter-
ently of the worst form of Nervous Prostra- ship, but if by ([control" tits Inquirer
tion and Dyspepsia. He has recommended inert
their "operation" that is a ver
it to others with gratlfying results. It's a p y
great nerve buttder.-12 different natter, Philadelphia lens given
:1 = �- us a significant object lesson as to the
The Mikado's Costly Advertisement. dangers of that sort of "control,"
(Japan Herald.)
We predict a boom in Japan's commerce THOSE WORRYING PILES!- One
after the war. The country has been brought application of Dr, Agnew's Ointment will
Prominently before the world inn way that
ghee you tlomfor. 'd event' night
it has never been before, In spite of the
stream of tourists which has poured into for three to six nights, and a cure Is effect -
the country, Indeed, it may be doubted ed in the moat stubborn cases of Biind,
whether the tourist element has done the Bleed;
ciente., the impression that Japan is a land Ointment cures Eczema and ail itching and
of dreams where n few pleasant months may burning skin diseases. It acts tete magic.
be spent in idleness. 85 cents, -15
country any good and whether it has not ng, or Rolling Piles, Dr. Agnew's
A Thousand to One.
Personal solicitation is undoubtedly
the most efficacious method of selling
goods, but it is also the most costly.
skirted coat which our curates have ad- _" b A cat that can snvnn (catfgsh), Tonic ea etrate the newspaper is accorded a
opted, and wears spectacles and a huge But Airs, Brown, warned by the absent ( , A cat that can fly( cat -bird). cured them of chronic coughs, • readywelcome. What the seller has to
entirely tgnoranw The library at the g
comforter, which winds its apparently look on her lodger's face that be is not ,
interminable length around his neck. He listening, stops short, removes an irna.ggin- a Gate House is small, and is absolutely
carries a thick umbrella in one hand and cry speck of dust from the sideboard, i deficient in works of imagination,
n book in the other, and at sight of goody Jeanne knows the few readable books by
and makes her exit, full convinced ' heart, but, although they have taught
Jeanne, staaiding bareheaded and sprink- that her mysteroius lodger is a strug- her something of the history of England, •
led with snow, he stops short with as- gling artist, who has come to Newton -
tonishmeut, drops his book, and clutches Renis in search of pupils, its language, and not a little of chemis-
try the h t ht her nothing of the
y havetang
nervously at his gingham. Left to himself, the mysterious full- divine passion, the absorbing element of
"Miss Jeanne, is that you ?" he de- viduat draws his chair nearer to the fire, ,
mends, in a weak, soft voiee,which strug- and relights this pipe, totally neglecting a woman s life.
les through the comforter; "out with- the reek! muffins whieb Mrs. Brown and Jeanneeand love be have not, eayet, met,
g gg the heart that beats so healthily and
out your hat, and in all this snow 2" has provided, and, staring at the glowing regularly within her bosom is that of a
"Good -evening, Mr. Bell," says Jeanne, coals, smokes for some time moodily; child, strong and fearlesss, true and no -
demurely. "Does it snow ?"' It )a then he gets up, and, dragging a port- bee, but a. child's still. T.he greatest joy
snowing fast." folio front a corner, opens it, and slowly that Jeanne has yet experienced is a fair
"Yes. 3fiss Jeanne. it does. Youl1 tarns over n number of sketches. Pres' stied in the. sails of the tiaras Beii, the
catch your death--- ' ently he (-omee to a rough, but masterly blue sky above her, and the rushing wa-
"Then I had better go in," says Peen- sketch of a woman's head. This he takce ter beneath the keel.
ne promptly, and darts off like an ar- out, and. dropping it on the table, looks
TOW. f' a ilv at it his hands thrust into his ` Jeanne is perfectly free from van.
oMrr. Bell looks after her blushingly for pockets. • ity. That she is beautiful no one has as
a moment, then follows, and, entering It is worth looking at, for it is the yet told her, not even Mr. Bell, who wor-
the little, cony parlor, finds Master Iia! portrait of a. woman of rare beauty -a ships ller, but who would as soon dare to
quietly seated at the table, gravely or- fare almost perfectly oval, with the blu- beard lits bishop as to breathe a ]tint of
gag over Euclid, as if he had been sit- ' eat of eyes and the most golden of golden itis adoration to the frank, and some-
ting so for hours. hair. 1 times pitilessly candid Jeanne. Poor Bell
trembi in h rpresence,and.
can only e her
I e
Alien admirable startk it long ft
Ile loose up with an ad He looks at oy ' . lavish nervous, admiringand tender
of surprise, and says, as innocently : .11e takes it up and slowly tears it across . �
"Is that you, sir 2" and, unusually at- i and across, and tosses it onto the fire. glances through his spectacles.
tentive, respectfully adds : "Let me help 1 "So vanishes,," he mutters, watching 1 Newton Regis, generally, has not awak-
you with your eomforter, sir 2" the fierce flames as they swallow up tbe ened to the fact that the girl who came
weething,is rap -
the.k you, Barry, thank you says paper. "the dream and the hope of a hie. among them a little, p
the little man. cheerfully, so cheerfully Let those prate of woman's love and idly growing into a beautiful woman,
that Hal eyes lint and handles the con- woman's nobleness who may, my faith in and now, as she passes down the street,
forter curiously. them is as these aslaes-vanished. What- all who greet or see her give her a
There ie no snow on his beloved tutor's ever folly may beguile and deceive me, smiling greeting, some pausing on the
back; the comforter is quite dry. Dee- that baneful will-o'-the-wisp, woman's : way eo look at her supple figure as it
pair and disappointment'- Jeanne's snow love, is powerless henceforth to lead me , moves gracefully down the lane.
ball must have hissed him s And it is astray. Front this ]tour I stand impreg- i There is one ironinonger in Marey, who
with a decided change of voice that he nable and invulnerable -I have done unearths from his extremely varied stock
replies to Mr. Bell's usual question--' with yon1" ' a pair of skates: which, luckily, are
"Have you prepared your studies, And with a grim intensity be thrusts Hal's size, and with those on her arm
Harry 2" ;the ashes of the exquisite portrait into and sundry other small purchases in her
Meanwhile the stranger strides down the depths of the consuming fire. pocket, Jeanne turns toward home.
the street, stops ata small cottage a I There are not many young ladies who
little distance from the Gate House, and ! CHAPTER IV. would venture a six miles' walk to join
knocks at the door, over which runs the ; 'Mien Jeanne wakes next morning, it skating party; but Jeanne's pedestrian
legend:King Frost rules supreme over tiewten powers are considerable, and Marey is
"Josiah Brown, Carrier." Regis; the casement windows are cov- half way behind bee when, just at the
Mrs. Brown opens the door, drops a
courtesy, and follows him into a little
slttinglroone, made comfortable by a.
glowing fire and a table d set for
areal with a delicate filigree of rime, the entrance to the wood through which runs
roads are like iron. and the old chestnut the direct cut to Regis, she is brought to
tree, whose leaves brush her windows in a halt by the low whine of a dog.
a e res y
summer time, is covered with white. T}teBetween Jeanne and the animal erea-
"Is there an •thin ou'd. like, sir ?" moment she is dressed, Jeanne drags a , tion is a sympathy vast and deep. That
she asks 3 f3 y bonnet -box front the , ardrobe, and dis- she has not a dog of her own is owing
"Yes, a towel or cloth of some sort,. t'ntombs her skates, and views them with a vu;;u, thankfulness. For Jeanne spoke to the fact that no animal's ilia is worth
a day's purenase at Gate House, in con -
he says, taking off his coat, the simple truth when she hinted at the
"A towel 1 wh bless me sir, you're I ,sequence of the multifarious poisons,
y ) } t{ d 1 it rticl at
a over snow Some o rhos, drefful the Gate House. Mrs. Dostrell was an
A eat that will be a butterfly (cater-
p A library cat (catalogue).
A eat that asks questions (catech-
cannot all be mistaken. There
must be some truth in it.
Try a bottle for that cough of yours. I
Prices: S. C. WELLS & Co. 310
cat's near relations (catskin). ??Q . ..50c... . LeRoy,... ..,,........, Cas.-
A. ( )
A cat that is good to eat (catsup).
A horned cat (cattle). THE PLUCK OF FATHER LACOMBE,
A cat that throws stones (catapult). Biddingthe Blackfeet stopfiringand
A tree cat( catalpa).
A -water cat (cataract). -hide where the Oree shots :oul1 not
A cat that favors the grapes; (Wax- reach them, Fattier Lacombe raised his
ba). Cross in his right hand, a flag of truce
A cat that covers acres of grounds in his left, ant marched straight out in
(cataclysm), the face of .the firing line, shouting on
A subterranean (catacomb). the Crees to come out and parley, The;
A. cat, that living, appears dead ,(eat- Blackfeet could hardly believe' their eyes
alepsy). when they realized what he was doing- 1
A cat prised as a gem (cat's-eye). marching straight in the face of certain
A cat with a cold (catarrh). death. They called to him to come back. 3
_ r..,_— They would fight to the end and die to- i
DR, 'AGNEW'S CURE FOR THE gather; but he marked right on. Bullets
HEART acts ailette and quickly, stint- fell at his feet. Two or three balls siffed
yq y past his ears singeing his hair. Again
urates the heart's action, stops most acute the Blackfeet shouted for him to come
pain, dispels all signs of weakness, nutter -
but he was beyond call, and the
tag, sinking, smothering, or palpitation.
bullets were raining around him like. hail.
This wonderful cure Is the sturdy ship If the sun that rises over northern
which carries the heart -sick patient into
the haven of radiant and perfect helth. snow fields ever witnessed a more human
Gives relief in roost acute forms of heart piece of unconseioue heroism than this
disease in 30 minutes. -11 solitary figure advancing against the fir- I
l : a ing line -I do not know of it.
Favorite Dishes of the Famous. Suddenly, he was seen t� reel and fall
Napoleon's favorite dish was a bean drenched in blood. A bullet had bounded
from the ground, striking him in the i
Queen' Elizabeth was very fond of shoulder, and glancing up grazed across
his forehead. Demons could not have
roast Andrew Jackson surrendered to ice e. restrained the Blackfeet tlleni. To the i
cream at first taste. triumphant yell of the Crees they sent
Stonewall Jackson delighted in buck -
counter shout that set the ravine
-..'heat cakes -in season and out of sea ringing. They were no longer on the de
eon. fensive. A whirlwind rush of rage car -
Henry VIII, was extremely fond of ried them past all bounds of fear. They
and imported a butch gardener to only 'waited to seeothe priest on his feet
raise them wound -when, •
-for the force of the bullet bad been
Charles Sumner's private secretary with broken assy oftt furvohth they poured' volley
tells of the statesman's sweet tooth fori
chocolate creams. after volley into the Cree bluffs, running
�1colate niton wars, noted for his fond -
hiding of snowdrift to brushwood,
uess for hickory nuts and the amount ho pressing the hostiles back and back till,
could consume. before midday, the fighters were in walk -
Louis XV. was extravagantly fond of
ing distance and a Blackfoot snorled out
dish made of the eggs of various birds -`'lett have wounded your priest! Ca-
whioh cost $100. " nal let Have you not done enough?"
I,iincoln in the days when he did his Wounded the man who had nursed
them, too, through the smallpox scourge?
own marketing, after stopped at a ter. The Crees were dumbfounded. Besides,
fain shop for his favorite--gingerbread,reasontheywere beaten;and they probably
used to say: "it swells up and makes
11 t , ' ' • danger w ar• u attendee e: sma articles cs . liquid and solid, which Uncle John leaves ire feel as i€ 1 lift., had something."- by surprise u handful
kind ofa a f0 ight,
„ - .et ; a e >u.e. about the house and Jeanne stops i ]? putpg
boys lav, been "roti"balling, a ee1lent lwonlan, it rrnlus at cooker, , yard. What to Bat,
the same 11100 on the aggressive with
"Something of the sort, lfrs. Drown.' and amiable to a fault; but, like meet and,tguideduby4a long serhe ies ofge whines��• daylight to aid them and couriers scurry -
he assents. smiling {;,intIy at the vision ,.+•ni,t�r 1 when Nulled, the was fertile in and suppressed howls, finds a small doh �) r ing to bring back the absent bunters,
of the lithe ,gran-ful girl whom he loft r j,•,,;,,ir,•i•i, and the nowt incongruous ar-
ts, variety lying
y88�� conTd coop tate erre company tap in one
TgIS of these ravines and rxtrrminate the en•
leaning defiantlyagainst the gate ri>,e i ;i.•1,•+ 1,,rie matte to du duty in sudden �n the £roatvldttch by terrierthe wayside. At
before knit, "it's of little tr,nsequrnr''• shifts f T t face, he as is
my coat, I thin,. I can shame it out of t/,,, diem," nttpkine were used as dusters, ]leg' sticks his legs in the air and
"The audacity of them boys }s dread- ,•n•e, i 4 of the beet tea ser v • for '
ro FOR WOMEN fire hand. B'sldea, thirty of their braves
were dead, fifty wolmded; and retreat
on horseback over dee) snow with fifty
wounded to rnrry could not be made with
fuI t" ejaculates Aires, };rowel ass l served-
"I'uor doggy!), says Jeanne, And if such itin `"what's Dante Bradette Cured o4 all her
am great speed as the return of Binekfeet
carefully wipes the coat ,, ,' think �h, 1, ,. • ::111 elates air ll. had acrve,t to the nlattei - , wnA rigs gngeitt w Tr;ant. •
.a A ww-- n
the liter Mains by Dodds Kidney Dills.
The trrrirr 'tveepinz:ly explains in ]tis
If you will be good. enough to t:•ipe off se it continually carne to pass that usulttl with Iisekinld,bfalis over on his ,
my neck. Thanks "" •' 1 ll eh mire f r irnproptntu ladders, slowly wag, )tis tail
they should stave thrown at ou f.ir 1 1" ' ',.
y , r s c.,n-ldtrcd trifle, ,,trapc.l Aunt Dostrell,
known better- ;ti's all off, note• sir-- - •1,. a a+ materials far his crate . expert, ' understands hen, gtuckly discovers that SuiTered for Years Before Studies of the Vernacular.
1'd better air It though," he, has a thorn m mq foot. Now a thorn Quick Belief i
peeled strangers They ought to hast. i language,t} 1 who possibly,
Laut in April Outing.
t1,•,r .s I',ecle UosIi'ell to seize upon own „ Jeanne,
B '( She WIIIInd
, - •,;e ., �. in the hereat Cana••
"Don't trouble," he sa 's. "Is this the meat,. - 6' y dia)g Kidney ltemt t5v. This is the conversation that teak ptaq.
y I:vr•►t naw, ai Jeanne runs in the foot is the one thin that utterly 1 between the girl with the two+storey pompa-
tea 1" and he eyes it gravely. d•,wri the stairs there is a strong eurslies a dog. No amount of licking ,, 'dour and the girl lvtut the nernptan0 hut, o»
ft's, sir,' says lira. Ilrown. "1 hope , )id) wit bare to stay in this morning, will get rill of it, and, indeed, only (net, 'r81 1 du - gbleehtlemiseouta Co" tbe Wentworth- avenue car:
you'll fire it right; up", " you pleas:r, smell of fusin" acids, mingling with tate niakee matters worse. I think it was Z pe ) --- suffering °seer, Jen."
sir, my husband has broterht your p' , �'
odor of ti ),aeon and Pau9a cg and i•m a thorn which Androcles extracted from women all over Canada well rend with " Watch+ wants grip?"
b feelings of interest and relief the expert- I"Wnjta nskeesurnplaht Ooze cummin
things air,.;' nodding at the fusel uihit•lt , ;ir Dostrell bin -pelf enter rt.•:i from his the lion't font. Like Androeles, Jeanne
stands in the corner of the, room; "lie's lal,oratory with pieces of cotton -wool knows 00 fear. She goes down on her
taken great rare of thein," entati»1ed in lei s button... and a shim„►er. knees, teats off her gloves, and deftly
"I'm quite sure of that.” he respond:', big of'_e,,•1 f))in•rs )rt 1ti3;'ray hair ; r,mov,s the rause of trouble. Master
1 i ,1'iir-1,t 11„stri,l't, ,t7tpe'riment' never get terrier watches the operation with in-
llire. Brown bustles about the table any fut'tlir-r than experiments, n,. 'r tense anxiety arid interest, and, on its
for a moment. and is about to leave the ,lorince anything more useful than a sill. conclusion, ;lumps to his feet with a
room, when her• )("lt" 1uo1.s upand ' .i 't; I �g uttfortuna 1 are bark of grateful satisfaction, but his
indifferent! eltorigi - , t,lturo*1H 3331043i, arid, to y,
y „,n:
ut{, nn,d, 111:, ra14-t ahtnlfr:al cxtrri. },silt is too premature; the thorn is gone,
`"e'eere is a herge, obt•taehinrred riot: '- I„'.).' . D,; attic ei„sig ,:'-, ale 1 lett the pain is left behind, and, with a
behind a. wall just by the street, `Alto t -Well, &aline, try •Irar,' 115 says, yell of pain, lie falls back, and, holding
live there . ; pending eiite,tt,•t,)t le.- ;lazed, l,ree,i;eeptc•d tap his leg, regards it dolefully.
"TheIle d;lte lie Ilse, sir, do you mean 9” 10.yt. ' r;ot- your t ilcite.s r,;.id '2'--freFz• j ,. "Why yr it rn�l't evallti” says Jeanne;
'.Ver. t,r,tbsbte:' -. ins!, i anywise. ,,trap„' arrangement ,,f a you poor foots so swollen, fent it?
t. , y 1 steal,. I've oft1 1 t. ,n l .red wi�y�V• they Well, never mind, T rust eat'ry your
lliat s Ali: ltostrelee'• says tiers, Br(,wn.' t•ouldti't fl ', lal1 solootleirl;! eilarel,l`-r; if Where do you live? Why, you are one
Mi. Dostrell and his sister, Alves Dos- i y.,u'Il let rte hate thein after Lrsalsfa:st.1 of the 'bark dogs."
halt, lime there. 1)u you know tlrt',:r, I'll see if 1 Paul fix a spring instead " Master Terrier flora not denyeit, and
Sir ?" ! But Jeanne, wade waryb el/Whistle I whines for Jeanne, to take hien a w)ticb
"Not at :ill," Tte answers, promptly. 'clings to her (Tsates ens )outs', and Toho is nholtt to do. when a nears VOW,
Mut. lfr`owii looks around the room. laughs tt "No. thank you, unite! I !:nota! 1 directly behind her, s0, sr
and her eyes te't on the easel. Instantly you'll rile then) all away, and ,1ig:,alve "'What is the mat ter?"
the good woman rumps to the conch - them, as you diel the brooeh you were
slot that 1J:14 lodger of hers, he -1 going to regild."
ing an arti• t•1 anxious to Give ''Tut tut!" slay* tate old gentleman,
1M oris. ,,r why ah:,ltld he come to !:-t,v_ tooling. "You'll 111.1 cr appreciate
Jeanne starts --not so much nt the
unexpected f=ennel -of a human voice, but
because she reef gnires it, and turas her
ton Regia? And sir(• somites benevolently.owe, Jeanne." - .Behind' her, 00 tl.e path, stands lire
't 4e•rw 1:1.-4' t..•t:t',.;lttttl is der. Mortal. "Not whili it demure everything that victim of the preceding, (arming. his Rix
Mr, and €e is his *later. Quito the atchol- comes itithin it .4 reach. Put come along, fret looking gigantic 0.1 the lath above,
lard. .3 .. pry t}uiet gentleman, ittdee 1, urate, don't gr. back. breakfast is ready. his dark 0v e t retesrd:n„ i,er with grave
Lie is, Vol. flf, • tv :ce hr, aught do wo:t- And 'oh, uncle. t 'tout file-ahiliinga for amusement.
tiirsri in tate t:itena v c .ry', fur be spen 18 Ral'a now shale-, ' • tTo to t o:dinned.)
ante of Dorno Antedce Bradette of this a icor cense t moron g
Awqutt^.herfooliu 1"
pence. "Atntato011n. Oozacumnt(n,"
"It gives 1110 pleasure to be able to "Awka mote. Amtnobdyeumta."
tell," says Dame Bradette "that I am "Inobetternthat,,,
eured of all the ills 1 suffered for a num- ; 7letehndoh1 r taint."
Uotchadollar thlz."
her of years. I found in Dodd's Kidney Awka mote,
Pills quick relief froth all my pains. 1 "seer, Joni Jooineentetellme. Trialyre?"
only 'tad to take one box to bring back "srlto, close btnasturfm yuh4'
Nohaddizbinstutfinme. Ino wottlmatawi
my health, and in five months nave had mahout."
no return of my trouble." "Awka aloft! Nothtninit elbow"
Those troubles known only to women ' "Pawl ovortown."
always spring from disordered kidneys. "BouchooantolnJackson,"
The female organs are entirely dependent "nozee?"
on the kidneys, Dodd's Kidney fills "Gore shoo don't know.'
never frail to cure the kldneye. That is "Coto 511 son t."
why they always bring health, strength "pay! Juno Litaliumnaei"
and cheerfulness to weak, rurt•down sill- "Detmido. tutor liar aware tea toff,"
fering women.
Just Why Ito �iatened. ••*+•-• ..,.,.
(Philadelphia. Ledger.)•(I,oweri ('.curter.)
"My tlan*hter was penetletng her how con- 'there was :1 y0Uu1 Inds from Worrester,
cert110x) pldooreca. : tats alternoolt, pall the woman Who tt:'Pehsord ttto eceaernesel to gilte'llamh rooceeter;
"S ss," replied litr. Iiltter. 'I heard iter.' Two trees at it 11111e
"How Wits it?" And her :t;rr:ter us.-csed to boosrest he+:
"Why, I vitality couldn't tact away; that':t
Were It Was." A' otnlan's Trout its Newapapera.
A `errant r;irl? Tb, pu birnl's tough; (Now York P103'.)•
It really heat the T)uttlt.
She either tiers that ',now enough,
Or else eh, letows too 11111011.
"(#'by!"--Clticagc 'rrlbuee.
A Matter ei Spelling,
say through its advertising columns 1s
attentively perused and duly considered.
Given an eloquent "ad. writer, with
something worth writing about, and the
newspaper will make a thousand sales
where the typical "young man of pleas-
ing address" will make but, one,
Lifebuoy Soap--disinfectant--is strongly
reoommended by the medical prolusion as
a safeguard against infectious diseases, uu
The Toothless British Lion.
We regret to learn that the Army Council
has decided to abandon tbe experiment of
providing recruits with artificial teeth,
which was begun a few menthe ago. The
experiment has confessedly been a failure.
It looks as though the British llon may with-
in a measurable time be no longer able to
show bis teeth to any nggreasor, for the
good reason that he will have no teeth, nat-
ural or artificial, to show.
a -
A woman tn•rlly r^.t•r ren lave as muds
faith in tier inve•an1•:t iulctte:t as in some
neentape,' (•l:p,,l.,J ..s.' i4 always cutting
77 King Street Vast - Toronto
RAW runs. We are paying highest New
York prices for alt Ulnae of Fora. Wo buy
all the year round. WIN SING 11001'. We
sell heed and Plants. Seery farmer should
' have it Gen Sing patch. It will pay better
than anything else he can grow. Soud for
If you will send me
your Mame and address
- I will send you some-
thing you shouid know
' all about. Send no
Money. R. S. M'GILL,
Simcoe, Ontario.
Folly of the Fakir's Victims.
Tho people who attempt to got rich quick-
ly by putting their money le wild -cat
rehomos have been getting some bard lee -
sons lately. If investors could stop to
consider that if the deceivers who concoct
these schemes and foist thein upon the pub-
lic had one-tenth part of the paying in-
vestments they advertises so liberally they
would under no conditions part with tho
stock fewer Iambs would be shorn. A
really good and profitable business does not
need to advertise the sale of the stock to
any gteat extent, as It velli sell itself, and
there aro always plenty of shrewd investors
willing and ready to purchase" It Is. a
ease of investors seekllg the investment,
not of Investment seeking the investors.
KIDNEY DUTY. -It is the particular
function of the kidueye to filter out poleone
which pass through them into the blood.
When the kidneys aro diseased they Cannot
do their whole duty, and should have the
help and strength that South American
Kidney Cure will afford in any and all
forms of kidney disorder. It relioves in 9
hours, -14
Feats of the Photographer.
(Philadelphia Lodger.)
Photography has enugbt the fastest ex-
press train 1n motion by means of the cine-
matograph, and it also shows the growth of
a flower. .A bud which bursts into bloom
in, Say, sixteen days, is exposed to a camera
every fifteen minutes during the sixteen .
days, and when the pleturea develop from
the films are assembled in order in the mov-
Ing picture machine the observer may see
to his delight. all in a minute or two, the
gradual breaking or the bud -the blossoms
open, close by night, and reopen lir the
morning, the leaves grow under the eye,
tbe stamens peep from cover, and, finally,
the full blown flower.
Llobles Fit cure for Epilepsy per'+•
kladreduffectlons istheonly euccf7 41
remedy, unit is now used by the boas
physicians and hospitals to Ewer*
and America. 11 1s canndonttally
recommended to the afflicted. 1f you
suffer from
Epilepsy, Fits, St, Vitus' Dance,
of have children or relatives that do so, or know a friend that
is afflicted, TREtt s nt FOR a FREE TRIAL ROM% ate try
11. It will be sent by mail
prepaid. 11 has cured
where everything also has
en and mention
Ulla paperr,, and glvo full
address. For 0318 by alt druggists.
The Liebig Co„ 179 King St. W., Torouto•
(Chicagoat Chronicle.)
The days thwe haveogespent together,
In summer and fn -winter weather,
With hearts like lead or like a feather -
The dear, sweet days we've spent together!
Tho days that we have spent together,
In russet fields as brown as leather,
In prairie paths and moor and heather -
The dear, sweet days we've spent together]
The days that we have sptn together,
In stormy and in peaceful weather,
And love has been the blissful tether,
In dear, sweet days we've spent together.
Good Rule to Follow.
(Brooklyn Life.)
Clementine -Arabella, would you run after
a man?
Arabella-Yes, I would if a man's worth
having he le worth running after. r
There is nothing in the tasrketi approaching
the quality of
stake of this ware. See that BD1 Y'S fl►aane is era
tri• bottom of each pail and tub.
z~ ty,
ore -et .
Cl: lel' ie { r { l
o iia �: ar e�' {rr'}tilee
Por steep or flat roofs, water proof, fi re proof, easily laid, cheaper the 1 other
roofing. Send stamp for sample and mention this paper.
0,, ti,l. ii, u- i d.s ;.sII,, I, r fat ,.1•1, :.L lYa1Y a_ALN..,uLl..ld�.i._.., ..i....�N 01 IL,i. Y I1. ,111
YI .11 .III I ., 1
For Correct Answersthis PuZz -
- E th of the four lines (1f figures in the centre of this advertisement elitist lite name -1 a large ells
in f'tttintin. Ibis is it bran new puzzle and can he solved with a little study, as follows: There arc _
tworeysix letters in the alphabet and we have a•,ed t'r ,urea instead of the fatten in srelling. letter A
#� Ne. 1, it NO. 5,•(1 NO. thirst 80 08 throughout the entire Alphabet. Can yon tint t: out the names
- of farce of these mice? Ilse the money is surely worth trying or. 111Nott correct mtMetes ,
tlerteses 1 11 .0 I
LAf fi OM1 •
fiOtit Lr 9I*
nw l ialiltt:s
A Lynam
llll1Y IN
(',11YX11d. .vers...
NAS '1*Ilt11: 15 20 20 1 23 1
1315 142015 5 1 I2 ==
11 21 6 2 6 3
imavemomir 00.510
0 15 18 5 t4 20 1 .Y
It dlte-o nor mu you e,.r ,,- a w try and u,7ve dei.t pu: rio, and if y..0 see cWrrsdl *p11 1r1ii' win a tares
1 mnount of c.u.h. ii'' o ut,l n.1c any. hi .nay b 'u ars one
a0 C spending thottesYtda Sf .,alien to kdverdse.
It sloes tett matter' v h„ sae Ince. 16 e d:, het r ane it who ,lets the Motley, 5f Tett can spell out
tire? iI,l:aaf Once .+ .bee t.itleattrire them plain's, ere) mail your arts** Is 111 Whit your name and
= ad-lre.-, 1Ialnir'.i'll 'n. and f'..,ar anvaer r. e. frr,'t ire will n sits iMt.tnpt461 We are givinlK
$IO.) for r: 11' t :,m t e..:ur' .t 1:.v 4 ,,te, .,�vonr 080. !)a91 ti.IAt'• . $ee i let yyur enawer ni
r,:•:4 1141. t.t::ttl;4Y PINK 1IL1, 1i1., 1)9511• SOT rtseesli eti Ata),
once. '1d.P
itwe'•r..iya..��S^.r__`"t•'�ri.1 .. I�a. . ,?(�C