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[..., Prince of Spendthrifts.
ST. JAWS, 1904
Pace That 40coni Oil Johnny " set more Trion Thirty
Years Ago,
+++++++++++441+++++++++ +++++f++++t++++i+f+4++++
In the intoxication of Soddenly exquira. man you .aticl I etue truta—a men who
ed wealth, $300,000 in 'Imo. aud an in- knows every twist in hoeel tattle fotin
oonal of $3,00Q a week troot old ana new and eaa dress you as befits your oat-
h:pees on the l'aidow MeOliatock farni, tam, net intue is Major Teagle, ond 1
+Ram W. Steele teeolvea to reveal his have written Mut to be prepared for our
opulence to tae 'world, to see eveeything ltliTiNAW Thus it wets that the invaiion
Ill it, ead by no means through smoke was accomplished—the arrival by one ot
ed glaes, ln Me ignorance, for he eould tho first trains at the new terminal m
not do muck more than write his name, west ,minadelphia, aad been the
says the Patiladelpida. Telegraph, lie saw arced° of the great Sanitary Fair, the
in the fortune only the opportunity, for procession of carelages througa the eity,
personal display, and he suddenly burst havieg at its head the victoria hearittg
with butterfly radiance into grimy Steele in his blue velvet emblazontrientt
Boum:villa the nearest town to the old the eonverteO eziglithawk' on the box -
homestead, teeming with all conditions seat, and at his side the impressive fig -
of men; honestly or dishonestly bent an tire' of the "IVIajahe for many years to
eahing at Dives' table or scraping, im the vane one of the most picturesque Ina
crumbs of rola that fell 'around it.
But for t its young teroeaus tins town
was but a pent-up Utica, Thence to
aitusville and 011 City and finally to
Pittsburgowhere he first found an orbit
large _enough to spread his .wings. A
mere chronology of his public acts can-
prehencls itis whole history, He appear-
ed to the guests of the old. Monongaltela
}lenge in a Goat of blue velvet, giving
the head waiter who ha.cl ushered him
'to seat a Imndrecadollete bill and his
immediate servitor a fifty when he put
down the soup, and a secoaa fifty when
the meal was finished, and. that obse-
quious peraon asked; "Is, that all, sir?"
His fleet public aonsation was at, a
music hall, when he stepped from his
box to thc stage and said to the black -
face comedian: "Sing that again, and.
hoer is a thousand." From this resort
be (trove to the Sanitary Fair being held
in one of the large halls, reaching the
floor na someone was making a, patro-
otic appeal "foe the contribution of one
day's income!" Itere you tire, sir," and
pealling through a gasping crowd which
easily parted he handed up five $500
bills. "What aame, sit?" "Put it down
to 'Coal Oil Jolinny,'" thus coining the
sobriquet which was never effaced „He
was recognized by a Venango county
snail. "John, we want a soldiers' monu-
ment in Franklin." Steele searched his
pockets. "That is all the change I have,"
and he passed Mar $2,800. It is said
that, saving the monument at Girard,
in Erie eounty, toward which Dan Rice
prtssions of our city.
Two incidents rem conspicuously out
of the throng which marleed the spend-
thrift's career in Philadelphia, One day
Ito stopped in at the Coatinental, when
the tete J. E. Kingsley had juet been
admitted to the firat controlling it, I
wish to see the proprietor." "He is en-
gaged," said the clerk, staring at the
marvelous sartorial apparition. "I won't
be answered in that wear, Here boy"—
tossing a twenty dollar gold piece to the
bellbo3r—"take my card to the proprie-
tor," When Kingsley appeared, he said,
laying a mass of bills on the counter,
"There aee $8,000. It's yours. All I
want is the right to run this hotel one
day, foul pay all the extra expenses."
Kingsley could not resist the tempta-
tion, Picking up 'the money he said:
"For twentyefour hours it is yours to
command." "Slocum," cried Steele, "you
aro clerk. Get behind that elesk. Gay-
lord"—this was "Jobnnie," the minstrel,
"you are bellboy at MOO a day. Where's
that clerk? lIere, sir, you are dia.
eltnrged." As soon as it could be int -
pared a huge sign was raised across
the reading room windows (afterward
Helmbold's drug store) with this in-
scription: "Open House To -Day! Ev-
erything Free! All Are Welcome!"
Even a dull fancy can paint the mob
bitieging this hostelry for twenty-four
hours, where flowed a virtual river of
wine. Adding the cost of this frolic
to his personal gifts, this hotel experi-
ment cost him $25,000. Direetl upon
contributc.d $e,000, this Wris the heat his retuen to the Girard, I ingsley
memorial raised in this State to the brought back the Continental into its
fallen heroes. hitherto decorous channel and reinstated
Among his less reprehensible diver- the clerk. This act so incensed Steele
talons were his princely gitts to concert that he agyeed to indemnify Kanaga for
saloon dancers and minstrel performers, the expense of running the Girrard at
for whom he had a special liking. Meet- half rate, and for thirta days this fierce
ing Cool Burgess casually, ha said: "You competition severely tried the resources
want something in that scarf," and tak- of the new management of the Conti-
ing him into Kelley's jewelry store ada- ifental, It is no part of our purpose to
ed: "Choose!" Burgess was not so weak follow the orgies of this crazed youth or
but that he could choose a $1,500 dia- outline his midni ht career. Decency
mond. A orowd of men followed him
into a Ninth street saloon. 'Ali the
champagne you men cen drink out Of
your thats." And when they had. drunk
out of and battered the tiles he marched
them into Oakford's and dressed their
heads anew at $20 per.
Being caught on Arch street in a rain,
he spied a cab. "Take me to the Gir-
ard," "Thai cab's engaged." "Is it en-
gaged now !" shoving a $100 bill ilia)
the driver's hand. think not,' smiled
the mau. At the door of the Girard,
where a throng was awaiting him, he
thrtus $1,000 into the astounded driver's
vest. "Let me see a better rig to -mor-
row." Wherever he went there went
with him Slocum and Teagle, neither suf-
fering from their obsequious attachment.
It is to be said of them—possibly be-
cause they saw for their own good dim-
inished possibtajeas—that they endeav-
ored to keep him out of the gamblin,g
dens. He insisted, however, and aft
over $15,000 in the tiger's maw. When
Skiff end Gaylord brought their minstrel
troupe to Concert Hall, Steele became
enamored with its life. Here was some-
thing better than organizing a colored
band in Locust street, giving' it heavy
gold braided uniforms and solid silver in-
struments—under the masterful intui-
tions of lerajah TeagIe.
He was wearied of its "sounding brass-
es" in front of the Girard. "If you men
will serenade me to -night I will back
the show.' Could ordinary minstrel na-
ture withstand this ? Never; and. the
thing they played most was "Coal 011
Johnny is his Name" and that earlier
composition, "Champagne Charlie." When
the modern Titmouse appeared on the
balcony it was to answer the cheer of
the mob with dollar bills. ne-not only
reelothed the Skiff and Gaylord enter-
prise, gave it from Klemm s famons
Market street house tbe finest possible
orchestral outfit, but he bought a loco-
motive, baggage ear and two sleeping
ears, to make it the first of travelltnar
ompanies with such an equipment
When the organization started on this
career of sumptuous travel it was estie
mated tbat Steele had spent $200,000
in less than two months.
There was an older man in Pittsburg
wit° resolved to exploit this youthful
and reckless son of Helios. His name
was Seth Slocum; and he commanded
jug those powers to open stage doors,
to penetrate the innermost recesses of
.the concert hall and unto* the cluambees
of Isis which would a.ppeal in a cola-
pelliog way to a profligate spirit. Be-
head, therefore, this matchless young
spendthrift, under his tutelage, and the
champagne rout whica ensued, when to
tall for one bottle smacked of penury
and only a basket was de rigueur.
der such expert ttdministration theta
formea about him a great compaily of
parasites to fawn upon bins, to exalt.
his already Cliesarlike aplomb and to ac-
cept huinbly the diamonds mad gold
pieces—oven when gold was at 215 I --
and strips of the "long mama" What
More logical thnn tbet all this horde
of leeches, sleeked out hi tho best tailor..
made at his expense, aboula be quarter-
ed at the 'Monotigahela—that dceent
peeple fled from it) and that it covetous
management Was forcea at length to
say ; "Your absenee is more to be de-
sired than, your eompany"?
Theo the preparations for the Me-
t:pied of Philaaelpaitt, which loomed up-
eit tbe harken •of Steele's imagiaabion
aft the promised Tana. "We'll take it by
e tornt—specita ettia—if you say so Pll e won go ont n r ur , s op ing m ,
aroulta." Of course, there wee tumult at Wilkesbarre, he heard in the a evelato-do major without ambitions. IvItich not only nets as a Bantle -eh tonic,
bey 11, loctomotive—and new Mottles all ging.
mote* coeteurrenee. •••Whitt yon MTV, gOSSIP 4f the teading MOM of an un- In spite of his growing .etouthess, be but has peculiar utorlue-tonie effects
claimed package at one of the banks. takes a geed dent of exereae. partie- I also.
1°,14 t46 'PentUre 't1A IrdYPaPHa RO presented himself, wee identified, tiler 10 shoots, and he issues to the As proof of this theory we colt at -
net amea less eirouneseaude tentiott to the ease of Mrs. Henry
and put in possession. It contained $10,- Alum with beaublen, 88 Sparks Sta ottawa, Ont.,
000. He had never remembered it. Now that the Duke in 13rowning's Flight of
he would evoke his peace with Ins wife, the Duchess.
aed tho longing for las little son seized A foethight ago lie wee nate? elk in
hitn, Pa first he would test himself North Germany, Anil, of retiree, shot na
must,. if charity evi I not, draw down the
curtain on the scenes of his nocturnal ' play in the Kaiser's Theatre, it is the
profligacy. I Kaiser's audience that applauds with
At Saratoga, where be gambled while enthusiasm and half an eye upon the
the minstrels played, and where John Kaiser's box. As a genius, he always
Morrissey took from him $10,000 at one wears his uniform; as a Kaiser, he wears
sitting, an old man.eame up to him, and the Italo of the artist.
laying his hand upon his shoulder said; I He .wrote a poem once which he sub -
"Do not forget the words of Franklin— mitted to a great literary man; who
'Always taking. out of the meal tub amd dined at the costle for that purpose par -
never ,putting m soon comes to the bot- ticularly. Knowing the man I believe
tone" Whereat Steele rose up: "Gen- him no less dutiful to his ruler than to
tlemen, under my new leases I am get- _the craft he kuows so thoroughly. He
ting $5,000 a week"—which was a som'e- ' read the effort, and found his dual du -
what extravagant enlargement of the ties in conflict. One has the tenderest
real figures—"and if you think I've got sympathy for that critic; he had to ad -
to tbe bottom of the tub there is a roll vise an amateur poet with an excep-
of $50,000. Let me tell you, one and all, tional pewee for resenting hostile atm -
that I once hauled oit ten miles in Von- ment. He yielded only a very little to
ango county, and if worst conies to the exigencies of the situation.
worst ni haul it again," a saying which "This verse, your Majesty," he began,
was prophetic. I "seems to require alteration in certain
At Utica the minstrel company went
on a two weeks' carouse, he paying the ' The author took the manuscript and
bills and the estimated. receipts for the conned it thoughtfully. Then his brow
fortnight; and the way to far-off Chi- cleared.
cago was dotted all felting by' these ex- i - "Why," he cried, as one seeing a sud-
ceases. In that city, when Ile heard den light, "I have actutOly not signed the
that the splendid Crosby. Opera House, poem. Give me a pen."
the finest extant in .America, and subse- ' ' And the only fault in the work was
quently won by a poor farmer in a great forthwith remedied.
lottery scheme by which it ode disposed Half the stories that are curiant about
of, could not be leased for "a nigger him could never have come into eircula-
sliow," be is said to have driven up in tion bad the man been accessible to criti-
state and to have planked down a mass cis= But this Hohenzollern is an Em -
of bills amounting to $200,000 before the peror from morn to dewy eve; his suite
owner. "Will you lease it now foe a only speak when they are spoken to:
benefit?" "No," was the answer, "but But now and again he overhears a ward.
I will give it." When he was younger and less used to
All meteors, astrmonomers say, event- the "go and he goetti" system, he con-
utelly find the earth. Steele did, in 1867. tracted a habit especially irritating to
In three years ha bad squandered $500,- his troops. He used to sound alarms
000, and, when he least expected it, the at odd hours, and turn up all available
oil ceased running on the old McClintoek army corps to march past or manoeuvre
farm; the pactolia,n stream had dried when they least expected it—at night, or
up. When he had no more money and in tae grey of a winter morning. On
nil credit was exhausted' the parasites oae such occasion the garrison included
dropped off like gnats from a bloodless a detachment of submarine crews, and
carcass. His wife and managed to get the Emperor mune along just before
$50 000 from him, but the bank in which dawn accoutred as au admiral.
He Wail standing among a group of
shivering officers, when one veteran, ap-
proaching him from the rear, took him
for some other worthy sailor. He slap -
NATURAL CRE,'N TgA against Japan and Just note
the vast difference. "SA‘ADA" Creen Tea has the
same purity as the delicious "aALADA" Black tea.
Sold only in Sealed Lead Packet% 2501 300, eo, eoc, 6ec per lb. By all
The. Emperor of Oermany a- Merry
'There is only one personality in Ger-
many to -day, for, althOugh the Kaiser
lute many enemies, he lats no rivals.
His position as an individual is es
paramount anO. oupreme as his position
in the capacity of Emperor. In •both
qualittee he is a living „factor in every
function of the national activity.
It must be Singularly gulling to be a
genius and a nutmeat at, owe. It is
easier to be a millionaire and a saint in
the same person, or a pretty woman and
an efficient grandmother. On the une
side the genius from hiS very nature
niusl; discount the worth of many of
the elements that make the pomp of
monarchy. possible --a strain of snob-
bishnerte in himself, another of obse-
quious weakness in those about hint,
cenceit responding to toadyism.
The monarch, on the other side, must
often resent his instinet to despise those
same elements, by which alone he lives.
Armies obey him who know nothing of
his discretion in command; worthy citi-
zens train their moustaches to a holden
that tickles his personal taste; every-
where the big brass hat is doomed to
do Una ta properties and qualities that
are only his by implication. No wonder
princesses run away aud grand dukes
marry with the left hand. Royalties
are the most misunderstood folk in the
But the Kaiser flourishes on it. He
has discovered that with the weight of
his royalty he can give momentum to his
genius—hammer in the nail of inspira-
tion with the sceptre as it were. He
is none of those misfit' entities who earn
chagrin by virtue of a desire to live on
their merits; when he falls short of his
intention in art he fills the oap with his
authority, sans facous. He° is not the
first great man who had "propped the
rickety bantling" with the prestige of
his name. "Pericles, Prince of %Ire,"
would not be printed nowadays if Romeo
and, Juliet had not been written. When
the Kaiser's 'mimes produce the Kaiser'a
she deppsited it failed. By the sale of
some jewels he aad sent her she man-
aged to own a modest little home, but
Steele did not, like the. prodigal of old, ped hiln vehemently on the back.
immediately return. Like one awaken -
Mg from a debauch, there was te hazy "I see that Gondola Willy has fished
up the aquarium this morning," he ob-
memory that at times and places he had
left packages of money for safekeeping. served, pleasantly.
He began to retrace his steps. At Oil They attribute the cessation of sud-
den alartne to that incident in the army,
City he discovered a trunkful of old and have all but canonized that dazed
clothes, and •in the pockets $5,000, The veteran.
within a week it was gone. anstand of Princes will be princes, it scenes, and
aedor of specuta.tion seized him, and
despair there came the insparatmn to there have been tunes when the Kaiser
has had to talk like a father to his off -
week, IL) WOuld get back to Philadel- spring. There ie a delicious story of
phia. He could drive the stage for the
Girard, but Malaga said: "Your credit- one wiggiug which he administered to
them which the Court is still chuckling
ors have filed their claims against. your ever.
•ed you bankrupt, and you had better "Never forget," he said, solemnly, as
estate, for 41. Pittsburg court llaS atlaidg-
get bath to the oil country." These they stood to attantion before him, "that
yea are Hohenzollerns and sons of the
were the claims: Kaiser of Germany. But you," he added,
IL W. lineage, Girard House, turning upon one who shall not be par -
Philadelphia ... ... , „ . a —$10,824 ticulitrized—"you remember that I have
W. E. Galgraith. attorney at law, env eye on you." . ,
Erie ... ... ... ... .., ... 10,000 lit person the Raiser is a florid mast
et E, Oaldwell ar 0o., Philadel- of barely middle height, -with a full
- Phia, jewelrY • • . • • • • — • • • 5,805 face, fleshy neck, and a noticeable .gen-
Jahn D. Jones, harness . , . „. • 1,280 eral plumpness. On foot, esaecially
W. S. Horn, Philadelphia, eigare 5t1 when ta one' of his two seore uniforms,
Odors ... ... ... . , , ... ... 2,024 back, he is
he is leSs mgal than engaging; on horse -
quite a fine figura of a man.
D. H. Conklin, Philuadelphia, li-
Ph.elan & Callender,billiard tables 2,000 Although his horses are specially brokeo
'Various hattets . a ... ... ... MG nod trained for bis use, he. bag a good
Mita by Teagle ... ... ... .. 3,50G working seat in the seddle. lo see him
This surely tells the story of 0. royal go vast a, saluting base at the- rocking- 1 derangement of the female orgenisM,
Mime front watch Steele had at last chair canter the German estValry affects . owl which, while it causes a, disturb -
:maenad, He had bought experience, is to see a good trpe of ft military -look- s anee similar to ordinary indigestion,
' • 11. A in a erOWd for Cattliet be volleyed without a Inediehle
ateletal 4lemeter. Round and round that'
emelt ismer circle wilco!, in a menotonoeui
aticettialOri, thrOngs et peoues, Or AtiiSinan
day laborera, Masi in incept° gimped tiom-
breree and wrappe4 to tius Rhin na
blenkete (or serape), AlsoUt outeeirts
at the plaza runs a wale, rectangular wale.
itere the upper elaseee promeaaue; tee urea
and women, Invartemy pureutag sweeten° ill•
rectleue—a practice no Imager oDeorved. In tete
larger and inure connopolitaa Orel; tri
eeetheris Mezice, but rain malummed to
Monterey, Durango, and Abe wore provnlelai
(Mies of the north, This Pretzlenatia Wee
to Its beet on Sunday evenlOgs, water it in-
curs between tee aours of 4 turd U.
The New Spray Mixture.
IValuable Rosolts From Exoultnents on Froit Trees.
Tat As an borticuiturlete arts interested in airy
V"Menana nannnennen an a Pao° 'Naar°. onetime of redwing the tabor and expose
eballed Los Mereros, trout Ike large numeet
in the central plaza, welteer the Participants '0( protecting tient trees against the ate
of mulberry trees, anti continue:5 later en
withdraw about the hour of 7. 'Ms tures- Mao of hewers and MUM, new remedies
are rawer.] weleomed. Teets amen lest
11"r l'"menacle Qn l'aarattaYa4 al4 wan ab Ymelartrturvelthot"Kkel4r;'s'eatell,e 41113tilie•atiled."IglnieMde tfiar:141
Sundays fan/Wm the Yining PoolaO tit Da*,water (Cho IC Mid 14 being the loitiale a
On these occaelone a Mexican gin mar ea" mixture is a cheap and very effective rem.
change a nod with a mile acquatetanse, ors • ery tor !smile that live by seeking tho
oven, 011 rare, oecusions, receive from him juices of plants. le -L-13 is kerosene, Moe
rang° tlicIr only Means ot social entoyasenz. kei.ouno and thne), demonetrato that the
it she ehoosee a Imeket ot candy or timers arid Bordeaux mixture, aud is worthy ot
au they path; but to stop and tete wait tore trial to destroy fungus diseeses AS well
or let•hita walk by her side l4 regarded in
a serious breach ot etiquette. Only the novo, an allaking last/eta This Is made exactly
the elk will be less eritleal than the or fiance, is allowed tele privIlese end then like It -L except that Bordeaux mixture is
weave tbe scab and bitter or black rot ere
erevaleut. The 20 per cent. Or 11.3 per meat.
N-14, with or svithout rosin soap, Or tile
Same strength with salt, 1. Pond tO sal.
IOUS, may be employed, or 20 per cent.
IrsIs with caustic imda, 1 poend to from 12
to 20 gallons. An addltiou of Milt should
not be used during the growing aaaaan.
The K -Is -11 Is to be preferred *bolas all
other mIxturei. Tlio trees Sirotild be Prelate
before Spraying is done. Teeth IWO Shwa
that early November and tate spring treat -
tante are the moat effective, and 04011
empltaals is herebY f017en tO Paint(
While NO form ot has been tried en
the various alphides pear psylla arie ether
Kaiser. I only when bps betrothed lo attended Dy se instead of water. K-1,-11-11 Is kora- i sucking insects, there 18 AO apparent retie
duenna eeated on a bench near bY. YOU 6M1°' 13ordeaux mixture awl paean. son why it should not be emupletely effee-
There is orie tale of him which dates aometisises bear that a youug Mexican woman )11 wade like K -I4-14
may with impunity depart trora tuts prac- isa"0, except that the thee against them. K -L -B -P is the intxture
frOM the time when he wee a mere tiee lo laver of an American 'net useu to arsenite of lime or soda, or green arsenold, eungous disease.; aml all Wilde of Insects
whether ParSe *then, dieparesue, Chat should be used so . as to averecone
princely Guards subaltern, which will de Mezlean waya,,' Tea n mimic% 1 re. is adeell to the Bordeaux mixture. Thle with one retnedv. The 10 per cent Bolus
for my last. IIe was at some military cent!), NNW a young American Mena of muse is a theoretical combluation panacea ter Hon Is composed of 5 gallons kerosene, re
function, wearing, among others, an jrtak an American girt woo himpened to 17e all the 11Is and pests of the orchard, be rounde time and 4414 gallons water; the
English order. A fussy general officer, Igiaanr 11114 DieteAftgiciarnileglic.11 otte:tysnana-
who did not know hien, called him up. drawn by her atteneant, and tne American
"You eppear to be ignorant of the aleuipetegt rogneuttAgg public sentiment un
rule against the wearing of foreign or- In less secluded parts of Mexico the strict
ders by officers," he snapped. eeeraere ((bode of social etiquette whims nore obtain*
Is gradually yieleing to cosmopolitan mu -
did you get that star?" maces from outstde—not, i believe, without
"My grandmother gave it to me," ex- beneficial results. At Isiazatlan, on tee va-
c/aimed Wilhelm, eifie—where the native Mexican apepars to
have imbibed no Incensleerable share of that
"Your what?" cosmopolitan expansiveness that seems to la -
qty. grandmother, the Queen of Eng- heer in the salt breezes of the Pacitic—i am
land,"—Percival Gibbon in London Mail. told that the young people of Mexico plaY
tennls, golf and cricket together, and Min
--,s; ......--,
In rnany popular amusements that are here
placed under the bam It Is to be noted tnat
Mexico will gradually evolvo game* mut
• amusements of her own la whin members
.---(---e of both sexes may NM in as untrammeled
relations as prevail with you. Only In this
way will the Mexican girl enme to acquire
the social. graces and the Mexican man thath
Ito retaia those graces of tne Oriental despot
which raust over cbaraeterize his ecnons rn
a land where social ninny Is so generally To melte I0-1,, the kerosene and lime, /II
needs a tonic medicine at tble season of rowpiothrtiounst„uulafeasietuhuoyreaugushelyss,mtaxuead
ing heat of summer. Dr. Williams' Pink ptorgopetehrerP,
Every man and woman ia Canada There are but few signs of a busy ludo+.
the year. They must have new, rich
blood to build them up to bear the try -
Pills are the greatest spring tonic in the
whole world. Every dose makes. new,
rich blood—new vigorous life. They
transform weak, eveary, anaemic girls
into healthy, graceful, well•developed eve -
men. They make debilitated men strong,
lusty teed energetic. They give worn,
despondent women now health and cona
fort. They do this every time—they
cannot fail. After a course of Dr. Wil -
linens' Pink Pills eyery man and Woman
can withstand the summer's heat free
from backache and headaches, weakness
and despondency. Mrs. M. A. White,
Seal Cove, Que., says: "I cannot praise
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills too aighly.
They have not only made a. nelli person
of myself, but have been of inestimable
value in my familya I always keep the
pills lit my home, and the result is I
have no doctor's bills; nor have I any
delicate boys or girls, as the pille keep
them strong and healthy. I constantly
recommend the pills to my friends, and
I always hear good words from those
who use theme'
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills do not act
upon the bowels; they do not bother
with the mere symptoms. of disease;
they simply make new rich, red blood,
and thus etu-e all the common ailments
of life. But you must get the genvine
Pr. Williams Pink Pills Makes
Strength for Summer.
they ;nicking luseete, biting insects or
fungus diseases. It Is worthy of serious
!consideration a,nd trial ne a "Jack ot
&Drays." The attention ot trait growers is
called to these mixtures by Professor C. 1'.
Cloth, of the Delaware College Experiment
Station, Newest, Del., Who has /nada many
.exPerltnents in the direction et tin cle-
struction et the insect and tungus enemies
of fruit growers. The limo Is Manny the
carrier for the kerosene. Crude petroleum
cannot be substituted for the kerosene,
which is the reel killing agent, la sum-
mer it seems to do Its deadly work and to
evisporate within a few days. In fall and
whiter it persists two or three weeks at
least, and seems to extend its killing perloa
to 12 or 14 weeks, or even longer. This
last statement Is borne out by frequent ex-
aminatione, in which It was noted that a
eltsprigaeysi•npice.reentage ot scales was dead at eaen
succesive examination up to 13 weeks after
treat life in Durango. Every atternoon be- should any kerosene separate out a
tween 1 and 3 o'elock Nil stores and smaller more lime muet be added. One pound of
places of buslieess are closed in order teat lime will take tip, or absorb, one quart of
the proprietors may enjoy an afternoon sms-ikerosene. and in this proportion the mix'
of merchandise—by the moments lost Um ture should be made, that is, tour pounde
ta. A small shopkeeper will measure the
1111 afternoon's nap. Saints' day (fiestas) are 00 lime to ono gallon ,, of kerosene. The
value of time—and the delay to which he
ot frequent occurrence. and during dIfferent forms of lime used seem to bei
may be put lit searehIng for a man article
Week no work can be expected fromilial; about uniform in their ability to abeorb
laborers, even on a ranch or mine situatea kerosene. The required amount ot water
at a distance trona town. Add to this the is tli„en add:d to. dilute to the desirecl
absence until recently ot railroad connection,: strength ,and tbe whole mixture Is first
with the outside world and the concentration stirred with a paddle, to throw off MI of
of all available capital tri neighboring 1 the sloppy mass into suspension into the
dolent peons upon old-fasiwined end wasteful I
„am 1 ma.ss will stick to the bottom a . . ,.
water. This is necessary, or art of the
lack of enterprise whosh this city and hose, for from three te five minutes.,
itself meet violently, w t t e spr y p .
Rad sides of
methods—and you may easily account tor the the vessel It is then pumped back ime
and haclendas—worked until recently by la- , • ; b n a limp
German merchants and manufacturers bids ,
I throwing a small solid stream, is best. al -
For doing this a nozzle Me the Bordeaux,
though any course nozzle will de; but in
ing ingress of LIngllah and American miners
waenvder,ractiozsatial nmtlyen Inacurdeaos:
still ream.; depending upon the form of lime
either ease the stre
th eamenttarheouelf at doirteegl
fair to convert this ancient comunIty into a 80 as 10 whit)
new and snore model Mexican eity. Already mixture. This is neceseary to form a.n
the Mexican of better standing Is geaduany emulsion, out of which the oil will not
exchanging his picturesque native habit for repent°. It in best to have en extra ber-
ths( ordinary American dress. and it is to he rel is which to mix tile kerosene and lime,
feared that in a fele years the grareful filde unless the top of the spray pump barrel
of the mantilla]. witi ethee tO OnhOtlee thO is easily removed. Pour in the kerosene,
attraetoins of the dark -eyed senorita. limy add the lime and stir with a paddle until
well American Ideas of higher civtlizaton and they are thoroughly mixed. Add a few
Progress may be found to suit the indigenona , gallons of water and stir again, to throw
needs of this Mexican population Is a ques- I the "sloppy" mass into suspension in the
tion tbat only time can ans. Save for water. Pour this into the spray pump
a few leading Durango families that have barrel, add the balance of the water and
inherited wealth from Spaniel' aneestons, it Is probably best to make it from day to
large aecumulations of property by Mexicans pump back into itself for from three to
are more frequently due to Intermarriages five rninutes. If the spray pump barrel has
with foreignera—chiefly German—than to any a removable too. all of this mixing can be
display of business energy on the part of the done in it Samples made in this way
native inhabitante. That a large part of the have been kept two months without the
wealth of Durango eventually pass into kerosene becoming tree trom tue Ume,
the hands of energetic foeeigners appears to eett, perhaps. some which escaped by
with the full name of Dr. lialliams' Pink -5 - , ve trIroartaTen n Anithroputgottnalle iKen-gTib; doofestimnoet,
be the lamentable coneluelon to which one is
forced by the speetaele of existing condi-
Pills for Pale People, on the wrapper tions.
A PHANTOM TRAIN. it is probably best to make It from day to
around each box. Sold by all dealers' I e ay. as needed. It may be colored with
lamp black. It preferred. About 20 pounds
or six boxes for gallons kerosene and 44% gallons
elsewhere or by mail at 60 cente a box Strange Phenomenon in Michigan Recalls nine' 6
$2.50 by writing The Dr.' an Old Quebec Story. water will make 50 gallons of the mixture
Hydrated Lime and Bordeaux Mixture.
QUEER MEX10.4111 cusirows far with the legend of tbe phantom train to the top and the
1 After the mixture stands for a time the
'lime holding the It .,
Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. •
Walk With a Women and You are Ka that is said to have been frequently seen to 'the bottom. a littie frothy lime rIsts
-1- - •.—.—.—. Many of our local readers are remit -
gaged to Her. wee,n the two were ot lime. Some fruit
(Durango Cor. Baltimore News.) ntraets.:ta 1 a e ostedpiatrioantingof
growers who have made K -L thought this
The social relations between the tiexei are line of tbe Lake St John Railway at but such is not the ease; It is only the
o.proaching the old bridge. over the
Jacques Cartier river on the then main
young man ever calis upon a young woman and then all spray mixtures. When it is stirred,
unless he is engaged to her, and teen only ' many of I -L
suddenly disappearing. So a
to throw the particles of lime into stigma-
ta the presence of one or more members sion itunitine,xaentry nmsixwinureen irsirstanatalre. sgiumeg
governed by very strict conventions.* No St. Gabriel as if coining from Quebec,
wishes to pay his addresses to a senorita, lieS , . LI)it(111 g as K -L, into two layers ot lime svith
ot the fatally. In ease a Mexicali senor and St. Catherine's claim to have wit -
.....e good people of Vaicartier elearnwat'er between need cause no unee.ei-
window in the hope o a glance or a brief read t tl •
y o 11S ay o Notie tn. i S In 1 Ing the mix ure o stand longer than a
d t • h f . 't t• tl
are fen
ness or doubt as to the stability ane per-
tton 111113t et g t
tion of the mixture. A word of eau -
ho walks for hours at a time beneath ter sed this strange appearance and
tutional Iron bars, which, in actual fact, are that they
exchange of greetings from behind the tra- . upon oath that it is imp b iven with respect of allow -
sanctity, of every Mexican home. A. similar I 'imes, Which was calculated to create creasing the total volume, but inereasleg
s of water bv evaporation, therebY II -
two. If this is done there will _he
here needed to guard the safety, no less the 4.• really saw something, at a 203 •
ossible to doubt dey or
role applies to the evening promenade ou , the impression of an approaching railway used water should he added to rePilace thillret
the percentage of kerosene. When finally
boulevard (or alameda, as it is called In K-1., to its original strength. An excel --
the public square (plaza) or on the public • that which would be eau
Mexico, from the overhanging memos, or , light of a locomotive hunning at night gested recently by Dr. M. B. Waite. ot
ilea method of dry slaking lime was sug-
sed by the head -
announcing your engagement to her. The , the Department of Agriculture at Wash -
cotton wood trees), even when attended by a ards the bridge from Q ebe a ol.
and of regular occurence is the assemblage 1.0W
only social function of a public character dows of the ears it was thawing. Various
u c, • anston The stone lime is broken Into
es, and a small portion is put
third person as regarded as equivalent to
the flashing of the lights from the win- ''smail hiec
i theories were propounded. to account for into a wooden box: upon. this lime is
a week, when tho band plays. The band i this onusual phenomenon. Mirages, pe- snrinkied a little hot water, and 'then
slaking is nicely started the balance of
ot all classes of citizens on the plaza twlee •
takes its station on a wooden platform in the I the lime Is poured in and some kind of a
platform runs a circular walk of very re- the box to keep in the
centre of the plaza: Immediately about this matte states of the atmosphere,. willeo - cover thrown over
have been put forward to explain t
1... able powder. This should be carefully sift -
heat and steam, wbich cause the entire
amount of lime to slake into a dry, impale-
! the -wisp fires and many other things
the plaza. To walk with a young woman on train. They describe this impression as loss by evaporation, thus rester ng
Dyspepsia of Women
Caused by Uterine Disorders and Cured by
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound
A great many women suffer with a
form of indigestion or dyspepsia which
does not seem to yield to ordinary treat-
ment. While the symptoms seem to be
similar to those of ordinary indiges-
tion, yet the medicines universally pre-
scribed do not seem to restore the pa-
tient's normal condition.
Mrs. Micheal claims that there is a
kind of dyspepsia, that is caused by a
Who- was completely cured by Lydia E.
Pialtlittnas Vegetable Compound after
everything else had failed, She writes :
With ivork, end lie eogaged as a freight elk. In this great emp te e , DeiihrsaMrteeaPinice atanaj—. a. . . . ..
tetanal watt wedgestiou ann
handler at Oil City mid by gradual Re, tends also to elks. The elk killed, the . ituaaaweleaueta disorders for nearly it year.
re at to
proaches—the mark of shainefacedneee text thing Mg it idatit on the Ilona the Ittul a soreness in my stomata and was mt.
—.reached hie wife. And what 'became feudeT ettll itnnouncing that the quarry' able to digesteey fool 1 Metal and tioetorea
Of this Portmattnef Ask the.people of itas become meat. The taunted nnd ewe. without suave's; but Lydia E. Pinkhama
Ashlatta, Neb., to Wbielt place he after. Wined chief 'huntsman lifted the slog- Vegetable Compound brought me pernoment '
relief. 1 lace. three bottlee mid it cured me
trara removed the iannitet family, hone and Mew "Hirseit teat" (atag deed).
a my etomach trouble and built up my gen-
%Mid anyone auspeet that this farmer The Mama &wonted at onee.
1 era boatel. 1 now enjoy a splendid epee -
of 82 or 63, enjoying the eespeet of etl , "This isn't a stng," lie said; "it e stn tite, MI eat till kinds of food, trews no trouble
Itie neighbors, Wee ever that. veritable ' elk." with indigestion, ana know that I °Wait all
reel Or fortune, "Coal Oil Johnny aea. "Mit 'Want," the Ininteineel lleneael to Lyditele. Pinelitun'sVegetableteompouncla
Neet York Sun. aeferentially, "hut there ierat melt it No other inetlieine in the worla has
-bat s- in • a met demanded fair "See to it, then." aireetet the Itaieer. itfteedeeivnedt•Teetililtl'i:t4.1t711)TaLs'asttliNtlailel•lenegOtritallOi-f
ow . i a a n ettlt rte 'elk awl!"
lullet, "Well," repilea Romeo, "if you -Rebel. ma. is etunposml," ctirell 0 r female troublee. us has Lydia,
, *ant to OE into seemly, there ought tO N'exf year ilie Oka' last moments will lia Pinkham's VeleetablotampotIncle
bet el hrphen, In it." * boYnitigated by appropriate MIMI& Thit
lam the superntttural Wee dragged in to ea through at least a 40-insch sitetvee,x.r3
mystery has remained unsolved. An- same tropertions of kerosene and lime se
other ease of the same kind bas just pre- Just given, but substitute Bordeaux mix-
terest all aegattinted with the Valeart- sulnhate and dilluting with water to 25
giarL fobry wrAeoriviuTgberouBroloeauunxds moittucolpeirs
sented itself in alielligan, which will in -
ler -St. Catherine's story. It is related gallons. Slake four ;sounds of lime. add
Flint, aliehebApril .—Mrs. Fred. See- ,weter, strain and dilute to twenty-five
in the followine despatch:
ley, of Whigville, has reported a strange ,stioonnis
;gallons. Pour the copper sulpbate solu-
p3tonoitbe lime water and stir. Rosin
phenomenon. she, with her ' hueband pounds rostinndsanq 4"13giantalornYs of water boiled
teething soda. a
and a few friends. SW what they be- aemeeine
about an hour to make 4 gallone of soon.
lieved to be a fully equipped and speed- :as an nahlnit,.. OOP quart of soap being
evaporated water) may be ueei
ing passenger train on the tracks of the sufficient for 50 gallons of K -Is
Pere Marquette Railway, a few miles Advantages of the Mixture.
from their house, They saw the train
come to a full stop and noted the lights ouTthaonyIa-bLealtetiliguorets maarteerteortissi.iyame atudeodwerlathte-
serve the purpose, but to this day the ijceirsesteren.i rmetverfdoersuessle . usTeo Inettetly
in the windows. Then there seemed to in cost, are act daagreeable to handle
be a catastrophe of scene sort, and the ue.xu.plassaerlitteu,LarestieesubOlibae inspruttayeedi
whole train wo.s seen to be in flames in the finest kind of a nozzle without clog -
Mrs. Seeleya husband, •ging, It foreign matter le kept out, do
a short time.
employed by him on tae .arm, ethea a any time during the year,
with „a• ,Tuu igetigeeXcilitit)d'hieTel"rells,
loifoltthteedsltamnptoesrendaridre.staortnedthfeolir, tul,aneystcleitet; uniform in percentage of kerosene, can
daitletn naillso,311VIclinfn iirlsreetaapplad-
saw apronehing the regular Passenger tiou; can be distinctly seen on the tree%
train ehte here at 7.05. To their horror so a enrolees tiozzleman cannot hide a
this train, which was the real one, kept lir tipothe.edin.genzrue steipegn; unlit:at:4;3
en at a terrific Pace towards the burning like the spreading ot oll on paper. TUN
ears. It reached the scene end lamed is especially desirable on fuzzy twigs like
through it wall a roar etr. Seeley and villcz•ueclef tiir isappsleeie tuaoseuptiisye disrpng. eetubte
his companion kept on and reached the et -a, with ce- without adhesives, to apples,
place where they supposed there eves a Pears, Peaches, pluzinvsto,etstit:eleniturira2lues, pletgrusineeeeciltss:
burning train. They found nothing, Art= sent; a tro"
Their rePort of this strange affair hns ,e.c-t, on ail theee fruits, aud even 15
thought of.
......—.—“.......-: t )tivo it Is to the scale, it is good, oral. -
tic° to risk a little tor the sake of eft-
i nisitjxtgiriwt.lre bittresfs-ngssitriliglall;
been listettea to with interest. All the per cent. on tipples and pears.
people ar$ well known locally and well leg
Bayonet 0 the Frent ,cioney. The warfatts blast be telentiese,
i however. In a trial to eotnpletely erad I -
(Rochester Democrat.) mite the scale at ant nemneation, on Ana
24th, from apple end pear trees of tbe
third yearai growth, the 13 per teat. IC -L.
and without rosin Poop, was a compro
success, This was accOMplished with
slight leaf hoary where plain la -T, WIIS
used, and with more b af iniury Where
rosin soap was added. .re test the foliage
suseeptibility to kerosene Injury, awry,
Death and wild geese plum trate were
sorayed July '2nd with 13 oer resit Irst.
.The peach WON very slightly %lured, the
eherry and plum not at all. On Auguet
tIrd pertelt trees wern sprayed With 13 Per
'emit. Rats with toil without rosin soaD,
/and only Might leaf Iniury followed. On
'plum trees a ii5 per cent solution tlesti'Av-,
,ed every wale. and en Menai trete a 20
per eent. solution geve teteellent testing.
1 It 1rat; been fnund in experinionte male
on emelt trees tbat n la nee rent. 'solution
of K-ts while It will tlestrev young antes,
,Is not atrium enough to ItIl 1 all of the
i breedine tomato.. tiltiimigh two or threo
noollentiono flutter the reetson wilt beta
'Mein in elKait. 21. Reneger mittens, 1214
The bayonet Is not a nice sveapon, either
in appearance or in its MPS. It represents
the ugliest kind of battle fighting, the hand -
to -band, Maim unmitlgated, perposeful kill-
ing of a fellow man. Modern thought and
sentiment eondeithed 11 as too barbarous in
purpeee and action fur modern eivilizea
theme. But the lessons of the Itueso-Japan-
ese war, OA read by American expeets, seesn
to teneh that the bayonet is still an men -
Cal as in the old days when men were not
so anelous to refine away the ertide hinters
ot the battlefield. Certain conditions in
modern warfare, tbe deadly work of the
iong-distanee repeating rifle ittld the scythe-
like operatione of the machine guns, neceeel-
tate night Mimics With silence Aed cold
steel. So the old bayonet, *bleb Was hung
en the wall with the abandoned armor and
battle axes of the dam of calvary, has
bon hoon down and bas came to ite cant
main. At the best wo -cannot, mate real
war smOoth-faced. dainty and lovely. lt 13
the aame old grim visaged, bloody-hairdeti
Tinte Limit Oil Oratiell.
03altimere Sun.)
A Man who has Isnything intereetlte md
edifying to say ought to be able to deIlvet
toe masage to the public in twenty lutti-
tote, 'There are few palters end atateeMen
'or 15 tar cart., woule ennbtleee hao:
!cleaned thorn all off. Alma flay were net
twotectne ter rough bark. Ter tea of 10
rier emit. 104.T, 0110A evert flay for two
months v4111 tertainlv eradicate them, but
011s Mereesee the evntinse too nova. a
sfroetter mixture' witti fewer mielleniinne,
at preferable. Ithre 1V00 114 {MUM% 111)11PV
to. 11100A feooq, Prom T0011/t0 /1}401s/04 t110
tollovelng eta 116 eitemotee ler teal der -
Ind the &Irritant mmiton. 'rho 11,0 tar 1..ntr
12 4 per cent. sollition 011. gallons Isere -
Pone 25 MIMS lime. and 42 gallons water;
the 15 nor cent. anlution 51„,,,, gallons Item -
sena, 93 monde lime los d43 enlister weteri
ehe 10 per rent. solution Is VA gafinne
3..keprteesretnet•he3028ot,ouerndes.nitimesninuitim141.141, 1stoallgeanle_
lemS or keroseee and 41) notteds ()feature in
MS gallons et watee. and tbe 23 ner cent
ensetten la 1014 gallrma nt krirafteqe. 110
*winds or thee and sae gown; water.
Turnhoo riinropitioratizitn..5080,.fn:ni:Imen..ellries the
elloie*Tmo harm' made for the
I r_
Employed in Building of Houses, Yachte,
Roads and Other Things.
In the rebuilding of the King of Co-
rea% palace, which was recently destroy-
ed by fire, papier-mache will be solely
employed. To obtain sufficient quantity
for the purpose there has been engaged
a staff of 1,000 Corearts possessed of
stroag teeth for chewing up paper.
At Savinoroska, in Russia, is a paper
house. It has been built entirely of
blocks of papieronache, even the founda-
tion and roof being made from that ma-
terial. So, too, are the chimneys, al-
though tbe paper used in their construc-
tion was first mingled with a fireproof
material. The house, which is of consid-
erable extent, and will, in the opinion ot
its architect, outlast such as are built
of atone and brick, was erected at a cost
of over $40,000.
In certain towns of Russia, too, the
experiment is now being made of utiliz-
ing paper for paving the roads and the
streets. In this case also blocks zeta -
pressed to great solidity are employed
and are said to stand ercellently the
wear and tear of the traffic. The cost,
however, is at present too great to per-
mit of anything like their universal ad-
option. For courtyards of mansions and
similar purposes, where expense need eot
be of such consideration, paper pave-
ment, it is averred, will soon come mto
"OguuPt. of the sheets of an Austrian deity
paper 1131 ingenious Viennese engineer
has lately eonstructed for his own use
a small yacht, fifteen feet long, decked
all over and provided with centreboard.
In the making of the hull, deck, masts,
Salk and. rudder several thousand cop-
ies of the journal were used—each plank
requiring no fewer than 2,500 leaves—
and enormous pressure had to be employ-
ed before the necessary solidity could
be obtained. The inventor has already
made several excursions on the Woerth
sea. and even in squally weather his
boat is said to have•behaved admirably.
Children shudder at castor oil, and
with good retteon. Castor oil is a relic of
old-thne barbarian. Not only it is re-
pulsive to the taste, but it gripes and
tortures delicate children. Modern moth-
ers use Baby's Own Tabletts, a gentle
laxative which does not gripe; a com-
forting medicine which may be given to a
new-born babe without fear of harm.
These Tablets mire all the minor ills of
little ones, and promote natural sleep
and repoie. Mrs, R. II. James, Fenagh-
vale, Ont., says: "I find great satis-
faction in the use of Baby's Own Tablets,
and do not know how I could get along
without them. They make children well
and keep them well." And you have a
guarantee that there is not one particle
of opiate or harmful drug in this meal -
eine. Sold by medicine dealer or by
mail at 25 eents a box by writing the
Dr. Williams Medicine Co., Brockville,
-e - :-
Reaction of Litmus Paper Will Shea/
When Life is Extinct.
Henry de Varigny reviews in the Paris
Temps a book by MM. Brissemoret and
Ambard which lie thinks interesting in
iteelf and an invaluable contribution to
biology. The book devotes itself to the
search for an 'absolutely infallible sign
of death, It quest made important by
what is feared mid believed to be a too
prevalent danger of burial alive. This is
the safeguard already called the Brisse-
moret-Ambard sign.
The instruments for obtaining the sign
are simple enough—a lypodermie syr-
inge and a piece of litmus paper. Any
doctor may make the test with ease. The
sign itself grows out of a well-knowei
fact, whieh is the change that occure
in the liver and spleen from the alkaline
state of life to the add state in death,
11 may be said without paradox that
life is alkaline, death is acid.
Experiments made show that this
change oecurs ivith great tepidity. In
animals it is noticeable within a quar-
ter-hour after the last breath. 'With
man about half en hour ie needed. 13ut
two hours after death the process has
markedly proceeded, and twenty-four
hours afterWards the acidification has
advanced to extreme intensity. It woufd
seem, therefore, as Brissetnoret and lam-
bent point out., that there is &forded a
snre means of ascertaining the presence
of death, and even of fixing the time
at which it occurtrd.
I Woes of an Absent -blinded Mau.
leuring the rush home before &niter
the other /light a dignifietl man. deep in
thought. smoking a cigar and earrying
• bendsoniely bound book, boarded a
la.olott avenue ear at the Eighth street
The wina wbistled in at the open door
of the back platfortn, and it evidently
occurred to him to go insitle where it
was warmer. Absently, with a quick,
IlOrVOUS gesture, he threw the boole over
the railing to the street below, thrust
the lighted cigar into the outside pocket
of his overeoate ited started up the
erowded aisle. I3ut there was no tack
of alertnees in his matinee when the pee.
ket began to smoke told reelized what
be had dome lat -got off the ear at WaIl
street and went back nfter the discaria
• volume..—Kanene ity Journal.
va. •
Pflee of Immunity.
"'he sateet tergeant drataed in lore lent
eight atl` ought Patrolman 'Dugan bath*.
a drink Or WIrlakey,' tea tho bartenair.
100 are worth listening to tor more than t pOp IVO Te -1`,-11 ttasrosisee-Iiese-tte"- "Whalv?" tts'Ilnlri°1 the sal°06106014
ofte.tiura on hum. rliforttinatelY, tbeee sbanisl oeraanne re, eraa, pabe tit .4.:* "that'll test ?Mean ble lett tit?"
fire 11111117 public. epeakere who think ether. site talent et eta eiereeeee ealasora nealoat "0 ness not, but it tea bite unother oink
whoa leaf earl and hasten rot, and on ntoite treat ot Walskee."