The Wingham Advance, 1905-05-04, Page 21
23.--Perfeetin one. ---"The unity of y A r,. fri
itbe church eoneists in doettine mod in i
-tea ei • it TRiAL
ay 0000 in epitit. The distorie.n of the evangel!"
eai doctrine fin& thab the syeteni, in
,itamoat outlines forms a.griend Arad-
iteetural structure, extent/nom through
identieal in its general' out lines,
IN MON !MON naleSiefeN NO I'll
MAX 4.40.14. 2.9tere •end including an mere half foithsi belie
4 s -e81 novelties awl izifieelities. eueli
ilLk 'UT
Void Nuiteeis. Jewelry aid Human Re-, • market Reports
Mina Vella lin Old Theiler,
ER To cofiouis Brantford, May ii-Goblen nugget*
le :le mid pert, of a. dead menes feet, bttried The Week..
ein an Vie shoe, were ilkovered Awn,
• • • • ••
Charles Campbell, a reeitient of nIount
T1 Market
4esue Prays for Ilia e iillenrcieoehieu 17: itl*/ P, system et does, by Its ecifoconsui eney,
Coniineataiyitie. ehantetie teaser that !etrength end permaneuce, form a newer- ren vee Pleasant road, a. few days ago, te •
matter only beeenie publicly known to ful proof of the reality of the Ohristiene 4311, Mrs. $mith. Evtaence
, .
, calculated to matte the weirld be -1 day. The offeringe of grai to day Were
15. IQ. Y. b 1 * • $ be, corifined to 104 Iniebela of Oats, W14104
Hia Apostles may be kept froto evil
/3. I pray not ete.--Ife would net IV. A pra,yer that they may he g.t e
*Pi- yond the Hous.e of Refuge, on the appo., sold at 47c per bushel,
esita side of the road, It was Whilei Butter offered. freely, Ana s lower
have them ceeape front tbe tempt- er-The velationsiaip is the ground oil A New Yerk report: It vale bard etueetione mein ottourt, to coofose Men Adige:erg 'Ide yard along a board fence, at 23, to 230 ere for tee wet dairy,
have them oith yet, nor would He talcers of His Glory (vs, ilt-26. 24. Fah-
iiist a. few yards' from the houee, that iiggn nue tower wine leer* denuine; they
World, for, I. They were to be iiie the appeal lie knows that His will le fer Nan Paitmetee. Mr. Rand, pro. enetitil, aelied ter it she fled not 'mow
reTereeentatives eertio ta refleet lifilione with Ins Father's.-Plutuuter. will :eating titt.Iney. ent tee the ?item!, !Jo- tam the jewelry had been pewneel on his epade struck against eoMthing Ise/4 4f 14 to ibe per dozen.
• 1„at day. eeeen erg Levy. aumaratea of •eitarp and hard. With some difficulty,2
Het' eteitelY, with miles Of 20 Wade At
be tile worm, Drew e to mow goreitein wire ere speaks. os 0, son eetovnete to ine • • etotenn • exam t donee girreeete- Mr. Hand to produke any pawn tiekets for it was at a. depth of three feet from
Ifl. b tt , $10 to $11 a ton for timothy, and at $8
charocter and teaehiuge. Teel! weve "t -Not pra,y, nor ale, but, this is .
•• p
OVC1* 011 !the world, like tholfatbet's 'house, Item tells in loving con. ter, aild she mit toelieted testimony „Ave lied Julie di edie liana admitted thAt he • le age, le ullette, e na 0 4 etc to to , • .
a 0/, 'MU rely 48 110111111a
014 1114 1111Ne 4/1V. rusty boiler. 'nettle the hot er h.e Dressed hem noebanged, with salea
'Weer needed la the world to do -4' U1 bring his beloved comrades witli „n. aree. tied eetee tainge :Nan rat, tit thie testidumy was brought oat found only part of a, mou's cane, with.
i *8,75 to 0.25, the latter' for a. for
reficetore of our lienithoities, 2. Then fidenee how lie will have thiugs. Ile will en at the former. trial by Miee Patter-
eitier Intud, Oromiseel Ate's. Smith it. gold bead. and a, dieter bundle.. 'wren. ieeoee ggeetwengritei
meek, to earry on Dee kingdom to sue- that they may see bat gloriou8 priuee
ecese They lieedeti to remain tha 16, ma in what a gierame value. t u Led t101. toot. ftee lea on. indictments for Ninepin. ilea in a blade rag, eildele looked like i whoa 4iew, uo 0
t b I $ 0 98 to $ I 00
world for their own disciiiiine awl Whetion. Behold My glory -"In. the seuse geleni tee, -man widew oe eey if elm would answer a, number of the reouthm of a nunt's sock, On
*violins about what 'happened after the taltiug off the rag im found that the Do,, red, bushel 0 08 to 1 00
Do sprin busliel , . 0 fel to 95
,. • •
`itIt1:31, end dueneo teat time Nan alit- enter Youug wAs lolled, road a ay or the leather cut off at the toes. lero• Cats, bushel' ...... 463e to 0 47
growth: of eharauter. Tliey were per• of sliming and enjoying it, for .the faith -
Wetly safe in the world, so lung on *they
leept rrom the evil. e. Awl tow, ii. le). Beholding Hie glorie we are all
ful ehall also reign with Him (2 Tbn.
desun does 110t Wi$111113 diSelple3.t0 keep changed WO the same imam front glory.
Oat tbe active world, as if herante.
to glorv (2, Car. iii. 13.t" The nal 1111.
Bookmaker t atom. letter, eine tin the . ,er her 111111d10 'MIS part of all °la shoi 1'101 I Do„ goose bushei „ Q TO' to 0 72
nuebaed fled from this eiti soon
tocsin seemed enrolee elhe did not tilet) 1*.v0 before Nan Patterson was ipflictee truding from the end he yen- horrified Bye, bushel .. a 0 Gen to, 0 68
ter murder., When, Ain eland offered to to perceive part of neniane foot, with ;
Buckwheat, bushel 0 00 to 0 00
the witteee. hew the cousuiraoy indictment against the toes ou1-tn 170W. iii:::ey,ushel .... • 0 48 to -0 00
t o t fe 1 au 000
lode arel cenvents, and hie ietue.
port ot (Inlet's priteier ei that itH who At the vieee, Lois -even, the sliove end s tea eienaseee the eeene was one that t ie • oo , te o.
from businesei were the best plaee for . ' • Peas, bushel „ 0 70 to
anal serve Hun while in this weal an thing lo please ,Girell every one lit the court mom Mr. Only part of the instep and the toes
demi rshed her if the left the' city .ort weve left, autl it wits quite evitleot •that pod
Hay, timothy, ton .. 10 00 to 11 00.
Lhrisnens. teto .'s seime a e believe on Hill abould e0111111111. to love r„wy, re bait ono
C..,,,..1 untie tlm throng. of familt cares, then be eternally united ivith tiae.n. Retarder Goff hae not admitted •"- • °
-Jane. 80, four days after Yonng was kill- mixed, tee 8 .00 to 0 00
the ir.ember hed been setered straw e t
101110 Sharp instrument:,
„.•0 00 to 10 00
1 Dressed hogs . 75 to 0 24.
Buteithe Owe contained more swot Apples, bbl, , • , 1 00 to 2 75
mine And on. feeling inside ie be e dozen 0 14 to 0 15
and annieties of life.--Peloubet. From , ghteoue Father-o"Ged lute not :es evidinme the letter written by We. tel. She enswerea that the would be
amid the turmoil ot business, the urflene
wets parental but ,judiciat andieuaith to Volum., in whie--site s- Ie of pletmed. to tell laim if it Ilan not been
the evil -one (R. V.) -The devil. Christ
governmental itspeet. He is not only le /Le pereetheo ape frantic eonftition ef that ehe was under indictment for coin
prays that they. may be -delivered from
the deception nod power of Satan. Ane.
if they were kept from the "evil one;
they would be kept front the evil whieh
iii the word'. From this we see that
there is an active, personal devil, thet,
a roaring lion, walketh aboat, seek-
ing whom he may devour" Peter,
v. 8).
' 10. Not of the world -They. do not par-
take of its spirits or follow tu, the wake
of its ungodly practices. 'The habits owl
customs of the world are repu,gnant th
God's people. They live on a higher
plane. They are not led, or controlled by
the world. Their desires, ambitions ae.:1
hopes are "uot of the world, but are
Above the worle. The worhaing livee t0.
wee the eliow ;ink It has been suppeeed that eyeracy, and that any answer ehe made discovered that the heel contained .gold • Bulte.,r,erdeitainryier.i ,,.. ......: 0 23 to 0 25
Father, but a Judge and Sovereign. Not
le.nown-Would not acknowietige; ineAt testa to degrade or convict lien of nuggets and severa Valtlable trinkets,
willfully ignorant. 20. May ee in them this letter wtte the beide fur the eon- e enaue. With Ids arms rattstretched and all of gold, .Chickens, falli per Ile , 0 13 to 0 14
0 25 to 0 28
May rule in their hearts as a gniding oeireey eluirge letletia aiiainet the ;n a tone pleading liil. iuna all . It is said than on submiseion to a Turkeys, per lb, .. , a . 0 18 to 0 20
principle, without WhiOt they cannot . .i. • until he WaS directly la front of the wit- jeweler, lie placed tlie value of the ling-
heceive the knowledge here promised; - * , t. 1, i mos. 0
eets and all at $750„ Cabbage, per dozen ..,. 0 50 to 0 75
for "he that Ioveth- not, knowetit not Auether b•tter, houever, -sr. .an• „.,
tml., is that your only reason?" lie As far o.s is known, Mr. Campbell did. Potatoes, per bag ,, .,. 0 05 • to 0 70
Celery, pee dozen .. ... 0 30 to 0 40
God" (I John iv. S).-Caute Bib. 1 in stieteetied in nailing Z0 the jury. It wee aeleed. not commonicate the pews Of Ids die- Onions, per bag .. .,... 2 00 to. 0 00
theme -"These last words of Christ's eeni, on eiies inettereon to neeiie Cog- She peused, shifting her eyes from her cowry to the police authorities, but he
nfediatoral prayer sum up hs purpose.
ei.4rest)olec:.!aet fist oembeotilifurl.,?...alsi itt:iclorinitaulynedwini Beef, hindquarters , . ,. 8 00 to 0 50
Dee, forequarters .. 5 00 to 6 24
Questions -What has this. prayer been •• Mrs. elerearet Young,_ ulOoto of the e.
otr Rand 'repeated the question several caused quite a sensation ia 1,11e 1100-
Mitten, per cWt. 8 00 to 9 50
. • P • 1
He is ring away,- and yet abides with teen, y,„1,1,..
0:115- at a thaw when the wan friendly siAj,rit Levy.s she answered leesitat- IV Do.2., choice carcese .. .7 50 to 8 00
them: -Ibid. . reference to it. The diseovery has Do., indium, carcase 6 50 to 7 Of -
called? When and where was it offered? boolanalcr, on the stand, swore that • -
elutes). first 4ottxulg, then threatening, borhood. Veni, per met, .... . , 8 00 to 9 50
For what din Christ pray in versee 15. her luteleind never carried a revolver.
tee 3 !Imlay, grabbing the arnts ot. the chair . Lar(113S,Ver , Mt,. , • .... 12 00 to 14 00
She ard Young we're married, n' - mei straiihteuinie herself until ace be- .
President Loubet Tenders a
innet in , is °nor.
First E.xehange of Naval Visits
in Twenty Years.
Growth of the Anglo-French
Peris, Aprii 7.). -ging gdward arrived
in Paris at 0.20 o'elock this eveninikand
was met by the British Ambassador, Sir
31 L 13ertie no French officials being
present, in accordance with his Majesty's
wishes, Ile was driven to the gotel
Bristol. Tho crowd at the station
shouted "Long live ging Edward."
The ging left Marseilles at 10 o'clock
this morning, As he stepped ashore
the lend forts fired salutes ea hands
played the British and French national
nuitcliinetgnsi •
divert:Vs arrival opens the first
of a series of visits covering the nextt-:*e
two months, which, through accident or
design, promise to erert important in-
fluence in showing the world, and Ger-
xnany in particular, France's strong po-
sition Among the nations of Europe.
These exchanges of courtesies are cid-
eulated to exert powerful influence in
the settlement of the Moroccan ques-
t:.0In what sense were the disciples not said. in 189S. and She used to eo to mete almost rhea Mrs, Smith answeree British Cattle Markets.
at fiantly War of Extermination Being Preached in London. -Export cattle are voted at
ever. ween Eno learned o let te "No, sir, I will not, I will s y Russia. 12 to 134 pee Ila; refrigerator eef 9 to Soon after King Edward's visit comes
please Meier. Even as, ete.--Ohristss Himself? For, what (lid Christ prayin .4. ,111
Nan 1 attereen and was not retiou- sietene Oeie per lb.; sheep, 13 to 14c per lb. that of letng Alfonso of Spain, who will •
are led and controlled. by Him. They remain in Parit six days. The Spanish
true Iolienvers partake of Hie nattre antl verses 20-23. In wbat sense xnay tiled to him until May, 1904, when they 'after thatetIrs. Smith deenned to all, o•
aessa, i ay ei-eThere is evidence Toronto Lin Stock.
are born of Clod. Xing will be brought to • France by a
of the world? What is meant hy being, tracks with hint. She kft 'Lim hove eanr '
eratily eelf, the Chrostmn hvee ti sane o '
11. A prayer tbat they may bit sanc-
tified (vs. 17-10). 17. Sanctify then -
1. Tito idea. at the root of the word ren-
dered "sanctify" is separation. It is op-
posed not to what is impure, but tt.
what is common. mid is constantly treed
in the Greek et the -Old ieeetament for
the consecration of persons and tillage to
the service of God.-ELlicott. Therefore
He solicits. for them a heart entirely de-
voted to the tasks they will have to fat-
fil in the world.--Godet. 2. Hence it
conies to mean itoiy, free from all temer-
ity, all sin, and fully and freely devoted
to God in active holiness like Liod's holi-
ness, "Ieeep them from the evil" was
the negative side of holiness. Now lie
prays positively, sanctify them; separ-
ate them front the world, front sin and
sinners, by making them whole in body,
soul and spirit, like Thyself and elysen
tI. Thess. y. 23). Through Thy truth -
"ht the trutle."-R, Y. The "truth," the
sum of the Christian revelation, "the
word of God," at once embodiea in Christ
and spoken by Hiin, is (as it were) the
element iuto which the believer is intro-
duced, and by whielt he is changed.-
Weeteott. What the eleven needed above
all things was a profounder ciprehension
of Christian truth, and a holier charac-
ter; the equipment with divine illumina-
tion, power, courage, joyfulness, love, in-
spiration, etc,. for their official activity
(v. 18), which should ensue, end did ca-
stle, by means of the Holy Spirit (chap.
air. 17; vx. 26; xvi. 7). -Meyer.
18. Bast sent me -To tedeem and save
the world. 1 also sent them -To carry
on the same work, by preaching the
truth and leading men to GO. "As the
apostles were airected to or -:t others
to the same work, it is ovitddent, that o
body- of ministry, issuing flit:ea Cod him-
self, distinct from the laity, is a divine
institution in the Christian chureh."-
Whedon. 1 sanctify euyself-I con.
secrete and devote myself to death, that
I may thereby purchase eternal salva-
tion for them. -Clarke. Thus as a. Re-
deemer he •was made perfect through
suffering. That they also -1. Ile would
not ask them to do what he was unwill-
ing to do himself: 2. By Ids sanctifitio
tam he set them a true example. 3. By
his sanctification, wbich Ica to the atone-
ment on the cross, he presented every
motive for their sitnetificaleen, and gave
them Mar spiritual life.-Peloubet.
"When a believer in Christ dedicates
his whole heart, strength, aud life to
promote the glory of God in the salvation
of men, he realizes the highest ideal of
Christian holiness." But purity of heart
is received by faith.
true behevere be umted? Why is this
important.? How does Christ V i., went to titheepshead Bay to live. ivinle
-ire led' they were at, the Luce home on dune swer some two score questions, Wong
nifuge in her privilege. After being on
followers His glory? Why did Be wish
them to behold His.glory? Mae is the 3re. the day before Youug was killed,
-ho seareted his pockets, needing money, stil defiant.
the stand. all day, she left it week,. but.
real purpoee of Christ's prayer? Out found no revolver there. Her Comment. .
A : V The rew,on the district attorney; eo -
SEEDING IN THE \MT, perstitenlly buntee . J. tiorean emith "I feel good," ehe std, "but at the
_ and his wife, Julie Smith, tor enme Mesh I thank tbey had me a little bit
C. P. R. Reports Show That the Greater months came out when Mr. Rand put reified."
Part of It is Done. Mrs. .Smith on the stand as a wItnrss ' With the exception of Mrs. Margaret
, - ,agaiest Nan Patterson. Mrs. Smith Young, who was a witness for only a
WilnliPein 'Mane inei le-fille '‘,8•114' contradicted the testimony of her ele- few moments,' Mrs. Smith was on the
lien Pacific crop report shows that et ter at the last trial and asserted that • stand all day. Mrs. Smith said that
, , teue knew that Hyman Stern, the pawn -
many points along the line seeding hoe Young hnd. promised to get a dime,:
Maker, was in idoronto in Mareh. last,
been alinost finieted. Tide appliee more and marny the girl juet as soon es Nan
but thee denied that she knew he wag
•Pettereon was divorced- from ker hue-
eartieularle en the Broadview Section, . ttere for the purpose of trying to bleu -
balm. a man named tfartin.
where the majority of the stations re- Explainire why elle hail written the
ei • • tify either her or bee Iniebintle A letter
whech was marked for identification, but
port 00- ror cent. of the work done. leak. "Dear Nunc," letter to Young saying
that Ler. sieter was.frantie,.that her sie- not admitted in evidence or read to the-
ing the eeetions in detail, the average le jury, elle said was in her handwriting.
eett. ter o -as "perturbed,•" frantic" and might
hieh. On the Brandon ccetion it is Ilett letter Which ehe said in herliand-
do something setioue -to heiself or i
mated that 40 per cent of the seedine. writieg was also ittrodneed by Mr. nand,
k fiukhed. Of the total on the Broad! Yount!, but not admitted in evidence nor was it
Mrs. Smith said pereutbed• and
The mlmost wild. This leter was written on
view section SO per cent. le done. read to the jury. This letter, or a see -
same percentage applies on Moose Jaw May ard, the night ie7ap Patterson came tian of it, is supposed to show that she
section, where there is au increase of from Washington, but Mrs. Smith SW,MAI wrote to her husband telling him to stay
about 4 per cent. in acreage. Caron, the that Nan Patterson dia not see eer eway as "I amenot.trusting to my own
only point en the Swift Current sectixo, Nk-rite it. At the 'Met trial Nan Patter- inlet:tent, but am simply acting • under
reports CO per cent. done. yen teetified that on the night the lt-t- L. and. U.'S orders, as you ave."
the Le Riviera section reports 40 per ter Was written she was uormal and not ' When Mr. Rand got through with Mrs.
cent. 'The Napiuka eeetiou reports l'e irelltie or len, . nmith be announced that the. prosecto
per eent• The Smiris itection reports ioi Coneerning Youngs proudee to marry lion's case was in, it was then a few
'per cent. The Estevan section, 80 per • her el•ter, Aire, Snntlt said he wrote to niMutes after 4 o'clock. .
sent. The Emerson brawl and Teinon .her eeveral letters, a dozen perhaps, Motions for Dismissal.
brand' report seeding but nicety nen. telling her of his effoits to get a
meneed. The Miuuedosa section regions nenee. All of these lettere, she Laid, had Mr. Unger made the usual motion,.
3 per cent.; the Portal eectione 68 per •Leen deetree yd., . fov the diemiseal of the indictment. on
cent.; the Prince Albertr branch, 82 per Then Mks 'Patterson had -to listen to tile ground that no crime had. bete
cent.; the Yorkton section, 76 per eeut.• Mrs. Smith hesitatineiy admit that she shown to have been committed; then
III. A Prayer for the nay of All
Believers (vs. 2.e.ene). 20. Neither * *
* For these alone -Our Ixitereessor
now broadens his scope so widely that
every 2111111 may enroll himself in the
limits of the prayer. But most 'novelle)
as is the interior of the Savior's inter-
cession, there is a stern exclueiveness, a
terible outside to it, expressed not so
much in words ne iu silence. Cold and
dreary is the condition of those who
stand without the boundary of the
Christly supplication. Yet none are ex-
elUdett who do not exclude themselves.-
Whedon. Christ intereedes not only for
emitent believers, but for the meanest
and weakest, even those that in the eye
of the world are inconsiderable. As di-
vioe providence extends itself to the
meatiest ereature, so divine grace to the
meanest Christian. -Henry. We may
justly write this comfortable text in let-
ters of gold, al, it relates to 115 all. For
it, is our glery and consolation, our treas.
are arid peer]; eo that for Gentilce
the wbole Scriptures do not afford a
more .coinfortable saying than tide (Tea.
0.14).-Inither. Tlerou,gh their word
-Those who were led to believe the gos-
through the preachings of believers.
is the Yee:atm Goal uses for the cow
vereion of Intel x.. 14, 15).
1. .All limy be Orie---"This prayer 'wee
literally answerod ta the eene of the fii•st
, benevera who west ail eit oes 1.10a1t tActe
42). And why is it Unit believers are
not in the same spirit. now? Because
they neither attend to the, examine nee
to the truth of Christ." 1,Veritl niairbe.
I:eve-The unity of believers would he
ineans of /ending men to alien No-
thing so distracts and destroys •faith 111
the mirth divieion among God's pe.opie.
1. "Christian unity S1101VS the power of
the Christien religion, Only a mighty
payee emilai effect eueli a insult from the
widely differing elements of which the
rhumb is eontposeti. 2. It shows the
divine itheare of religion, in that it pro-
duces the same charaeteristies fa ell. a.
WHIN) is ftlf more effective- ia
evereoiting the world and tonqueeing
evil. 4. Only when Christians are work.
ing earnestly for the isidvation of the
world, and are filled unth the Moly fipir.
it. will they be one.° that prom:sea troll tantil two der, btf.,,e „ley isad been 1,atriled ia liyman Stern s
22._, new given thent-Cl!ristlit. glory la thhe for hatching, When the hen Tweet, „owl, in,11, who% the etivoleer was Vaught s'agle making rentlY tn go ter &flirt. town witimitt waiting to examine the 'decompeted condition. From papers fould 11.14 1.1 ti ghter ihtteot to
In tnem even now, iit varmint uegreett, it Alt the teegie eeeept ttree reftwad to .ai Jera. the day Wore Yiiung wee 111013 0W I Win go home. I want free- witek. /lie whole town WAS, rudely, ,tipott the Victim of the otehlent, the delta -
'spark, a slender flame, st beaming' Into. .sit on those tha wore !tit. Mr, Vallee oidee, etie. smith that Lad &ern:
„ .eiateen, windowe were blown ill and :man wits identified iss it young English. Runic
destiried to shine in eternal took, the three remaining teen before .git en Vim jewelry to 14.14 IvasLeittl to 'neve Wee te 101111 before Ltd: siumborers awaltoned. 11nntircilit of peo. man, X, Waddleorotga 22, echo teeenteg . A London. cable; A despateli to the
splendor itt the eelikstial firamerit. - they bemuse cohl, made a Lest in lust tiat slio did tot know where trial 'wag reeumcd oll ,ftwouPD pIe fleekeil to the seen& The cause of Ottlita itt thidt t01111;11; DOW/teed Wog e Daily Mit horn Irong gong says that
Whedott. P,vett the slightest glimmeting house, }demi en electric bulb ht the ne.t trio lia,1 I:let:gee it, Tian Viten tiekete a the MitY Yrniul ittrr tieing iirotpixt • the mplesion telmot 0Xplinued. Set,. 'blimiisinith end the support of widow., • the table to the Island of iridium ritti - -
of 'heevettly light -Which begins to shine end 'turned ort the esn'tent dtata mid by a beim e itectirder Gorr. Aft(..t (4rand .)ury! 3i (31 peentle ot imeeder Wet% up. .ed mother, who resides at the e ()tiler of 'vett ent, it is supposed by Itnaitian
out of the countenence of 0, justified Ta twenty hours las Laiehr.1. Enuilier itucr4I,,its My. Bead tri .1 to heti 11 (11 teletue'd for it and the f3cteral explosions lutVo occurred tit • Whittaere And Cureon roads Ashton. agents. A high Government offield (31
ptiblitatt is an nutbeitmIng of this glori. t11 44 dud he Lae three I:3 floe ele,w that they welt tsel.etA, /t th ft infant brought in, Mr. TANy formai. Nvindsor, tut the mixing mill had never. _under.L yne, near I‘Irtneltester, 'England, Hong Mong is of tho opiriloit that Great
fietition; and so. the gin brighter nri. eliieliees as any 01s1 la it evir elitektel fume 1161 aSSeIteil Xt. liana that the ly anouneed that the defellee Wellid ITE1 liefore been 11,ulkliji,gs in Sher. I/6 poiloa. hot tAmpotit ott April 6; no ,11rittsits cannot 'wad to Detroit the
Vet heft rif the crowned tnertyr• at big over. 'The warmth from the electric! 1,,v..eity Lad Leen pitivir,4 the day before on Vic State% NISI 111a1 tin% heAttn nbout fifteen miles nittiklit• ware 14 supposed to hovehoett walking Goon" Matte met to longer ciedato the neutral.
light kVA strong, cni.ugh. the sltue,ting, although by ft seri t4 of tiosinff arguinott for the prisoner, Shake% The loss will not int great, the whort tits noident *dotted. 14 of Minns,
the Lenore 'branch, 30 per eent.; Rapid
City section, 73 per cent.; tbe Miniota
branch, 7e, per eent. done; Pheasant
Hills branch, 70 per cent.; Arcola branch,
80 per cent.,.• Ledeton branch, 75 p.A.
cent.; licookdele branch., 77 per cent.
The general feelinne throughout the
country is meet hopeful.
Semi -Centennial Was Opened in. Paris
Paris, May 1. -The World's Confer-
ence of the Young eirpers Chrietian Az -
which is t-Oe01111117, the ezrai•
ientenniel 01 the internatienal neeenee
31 tilie assmiation, was opened. to -day
in the Charity Bazaar building. Ovet
a thousand delegates, represeating
twenty nation% were ;preseut. The
eine° &legate?) Lehi (sale:Reels from
their Government. 'The American dele-
gation repreemits cities in the
United Statee and Canada. Dean Hall,
Jf Christiania, Norwey, called the 'eon-
ference to order.
The following officers were elected!.
President, tennit ;face:tee de Nita-I:vet
Viee-Prtoliterite, Priaett e •
Aid Of Ose:11* Siveega 101.1
Norwey. and (elant Beenetorff. of
ntany. Lord Kinaidol. of England, toil
•111111OS St004, the' C1211111 State
The opening addreee was mate by Pre-
sident. Berntolotte, Who is le-tee:tem; of
the Seandinavian asere•ietines. .4. eteik-
ing feature of the meeting was the well-
ettee tieing unaninotite and reerfirephe
the conetitutionel ba -5; adeettel eu ,yeetrt
ago for the extension of the tehri,.eut
work of the organizatittn. The coefee•
nee ceneittue in 1,2+31111 fear eleye
11, -
Over lemmata Lenve Liverpoel Thede
elelvation Attner Plag,
Livtrpool. May 1.-teglieit epee-
-mune ter the nutetiper 1.0-15 enii, .1 fece
Can:lee tide evettieo or; Leerd the D.4.
11112110.71 Li11.1.? 1.7:11,5 ILO !-.%1.1.
ration Army flag at do tem -Mead. The _et".• :tin teev feet of the tell: that Young day morning.. "e'en Pattereon :said: "1
ea:fee:tree woe gathered by. fenlvation heti a tee-oiver riont hand. %Melt feel that ite- to the outcome, it is rosy.
eriny rtgenciee. ewe tee. teaprity are 1i:3 Ww,t1i111 at hie eld“ to! My stiter did nothing and, would de
4402,- 4)14-:'. eee p•tyieg titter meet -.tear from hie graep. Ae the eat) TIZE111 nothing to hurt me."
eae,ege. 1:4-01' t;'1,p4114:d lehapbo tears the matt started to "There no need of making a de-
eta-Men:0 vorita sautro a hurt in the .14ie soef. s‘.coral Or two reuse," said Mr. Levy, '"tto ease lem been
it••••iv world. lane: eLe toned rt ehei. eerione made out egainst client."
Prior to the eallitet the Lord .1fityOr f.f.tword tte cab. Intl pbc hurried freni
-4 Lite:rime!. Pelf r who Lad the itiel wept tome, where ste told
int ertived flow Ameriee; Commeeder .eid• ogole-r, oho eonfions -that fact. 'New •Yorka elay 1.-Innn Pettereon
iteetion'tieeer uramwett. •n„, er„ gent feet ,wing to elm Sha- probably will know Ler fate. within 48
Peen .ietineeed tht on.::.cants flan v9r lyalth her titoey eimuld be hours. ' there remained wily the
the, bridge. The Lind Mayor roseehteti, ter ••• -tee ti,e that otlier wit- oltiQi.m, *pp
that lerglend was emaditei 11,c!,.t eeeond teme torwatd and deetrilie
itt the trial to be enacted.
. •. • .
'213 11 and tisuiv:e to W011C ia 1\11.A. 111. event,. elee sten thus paving her en net there 11101141 he 4)0 111.4°181 elreiddY
es.mitry. and 'opening the il.;ors for Ics• 611:eal 011 the witness stand tad bee° lidnieumed hefere the ceurt re'
. convened today. Her counsel were
110iiiitiP t'JigratItS, tuttat 110tOliety.
was aware of the Illicit relatioes ne. Rena had failed to good lee
sister. premise m las onening that, J.. Morgan
tween, Young, a married man, and her
On top of that elle lleattl XII.: Band Smith boteght the pistol, and that evi-
reo.d to the jury a love letter written b,y deuce had not been • subinittepl to show
her to a man named Coggins, while her that the .prisoner killed Young. 3n an.
relations with Young were intimate. swering this aegament. Mr. Hand sal!
That letter was signed Crehaby. It is that the 1111111/ler in which Youeg had
said that this letter WAS handed over been killed was in itself enotegli to •sub -
to Young a few days before Nan Pat- mit the ens° to the jury.. It was a ques
tereon came on- frota Washington and woman fired the pistol.
tion, he said, of whether the man or the
break with the girl. The letter AV.11F1 "I did not state that -1 would proVe
was the reason for Young's decision to
bearest,_1 was afraid von
iloa forgot. that J. Morgan Smith' bought the pie -
tel," tin Rand said. "I knew what
hag fine mai dandy, sweetheart. Have
Ilyoza•ile Stern would testify to when 1 .
put him on 'the stand. But I don't be.
tea all &mut your little. girl. I am feel-
tboe.eii)i11,rour.liatda2y 4,0,,./210g0,k.I laiiphoot)idn6g ,i4z.ig neve that there is a porton within the
thilie of that? nee! 1,411 it great t Gee- hearing of my voke who doubte that 3,
himil I'm eo glad I (tan% wait for morn- :Moigan Smith
1 ant far from yielding thee breech oi
betrght that pietol, end
ing lo come. W. is eumiur up {las morn- the case. Either thii defendant or her
Pm geeing to give. a party to a few of the parameur bought that pistol, end it is a
question for the jury to decide."
hoe ill ring yon up to'eltorrote night.
unreee who have beea more than good Recorder Got? denied Mr, tlIfeer't
to me, and ereli you ooula run " for , motion for diemiseal evithout comment.
hotter to uait lentil' I leave :this place.
. Then Mr. Levy asked for an adjoarn-
minute. let.r on. But may be it will lit
What do you think. dear? •Tnet send me mod until Monday morning. Mr. Rand
a real leng note,. became they do help said he *would like to haveixt. stipulated
so to cheer me up. whether or not Mr, Levy inteuded ina'k-
big a defense. Mr. Levy desired time for
• Pleioe semi thie inee in nee nine tensaliatimi rite his itssetiatee.
leve. ee 1 veally think P lee. Pe 11 gto1-•,i
and de tie mether eatie All my . Confexence ill Tombs.
loyo and lessee. crybaby, , The Beeerder expraesed the opinini
P. i& -!f yr,:r eheilld walk ott the ether tit ie. was only fair for Mr. Levy to
tee little wintieeen but (Ion% ten any teat -
-e'''" 11 il:•"1.1,-( , I rie11.1 r -AP ?0'tft 61CtitL. thee' And there whether or net he
is Planned for the Russian Baste:: les- ranged from 55,40 to $5.80 ner cwt., with battleships, six eruisere and many sma
ll -
Spanish squadron consisting of three
at bend that another slaughter of Jews
Exporters -Deliveries were not large, Prices
I toal y4,11 'PO. • W1t11:1 li;A:P a defense. 1-10 insisted on
'entente nee Mel Ille lied sent to edbe emoted get tegether for an hour anti de
title, en•l. eungested that the prisenere•
here. etiefee.; :were that Mace the time
.1.7- tA,i11.01til 1 tt NIS witleli had been eide rifeitt there what they iattuded to
,..1,;1,,/..,7 1,:..., yo.u13, to ..s.o.n. petindonde de, tidi Po:girder adjourning the cenet
rneae cup,i1,5 rear 1,41.0 .„01 a witr.e...,.. meanwinte. ehe jatrors were beM,
-enenteree Nees a lareeeman. :tell k.r.ew ever. Meer a brief consultation be
17.C1.9.. aeeeed that Mr. Levy would notify ellr.
A. 1.c7/ teritneim for Nan ' It ind toeaurrove afternoon of the Aileci
. sem of the defense. Then the three law-
.treeele r piiiien fats emee fetward yere fer the defense went 0S*0 tt) the
, -1,04: titt V.:111e.li1.!pet'S {Atli a SttliT a TO.111/0, where they heal -a ten minutee•
neeitee et -en Neu teatime: ne atel "Citeniv" emiferenee witli Nan Pattereou, 'her 113-
110,1L-ellt tat91:e the Leokinelter • ther, Mts. detlia Smith and .1. liorgttie
.eet tile .1..etli -Bents. 4 leee let n cab en ' eenitio At the end of the cenference
Vi'ffet Broadway. 1 iee le w witee-s is edr. Levy eamoinieed 'that 114 defenee
,tia- eenni:e 2'1it342. wife of en Filet wonld be made, and that he would be-
e4Pte ,,,A3t.;•t. eple• ehtime to havo Leen . swanning up at. 10.30 &Clock on ndou
vionen ie uow in tlie inteher e°u/I'll for defenel! 11 N7'14.4
tival, beginning May 6. . 1 one lot Of 4 extra prime cattle at ;6 pet er craft. 'This squadron will be met at
cwt. glut bunt would son at about $5.60 tti
ed, signed by the Nationaliet Committee, nutehers-Oholce picked lots sold at $5.9!
81 to KM per cwt. Cherbourg by a French squadron, con-
sisting of fifteen Warships, ancluding the
Circulars are being openly d0- MIS per ewe; bulls at el to 440; cOlsa A .
Alter places. medium at $4,50 to 35; cominon at 4t t 34.2(
to 35.7.5 per cwt.; bags ot good at 35 to 31275;
and cows at ;3.60 to 34.60 per ewt. ers of the French Northern squadron,
largest and finest battleships and cruis-
et Odessa, Rief, .Xisbineff, and a dozen
"We luive been negligout long enough Feeders and steckers-short-keep toegare, A squadron of the British Channel fleet
in the duty of extermination," says the 1150,1etros 124% I btsO. f.11010",lbs:la 34.75 to 1-C,'• ,•?i is expected to be present. Id. Loubet will
epproaching holy season, Russians, feeders, /se oto 1.000 lbs., $3,75 to $4.25; med-
3:0'5,,, go to Cherbourg to greet Xing Alfonso,
and two rulers will Preview the con:hill-
eireular; "let it be remembered in the ve01:;3 lint 0.1 -Piet' woe et cos 'sieve]
make an ene of the Jews. . The fall of him stockers, NO to 7000 lbso., 13:115. to 1160; ed squadrons. The stay of the Spaniel,.
Frannie and of Poland woe -due to the ei) I $tc., urn Kink in Paris will be marked by etei
Seirfi, 41111 the -Jews are now plotting much Cows -About
stacCit omits, atair cOnutt5n sttocic caiveras,etf•Vi. deuces of Franco•Spanisli co-operation,
20 flinch cows anti
Veal Calves -There aro too many "bobs'. . including an exchange of toasts at a din-
t° make an end of nueesitt. But that dringers sold at 330 10 352 each.
'lay shall never come." and scrub calves,of light weights, many of Of
ner at the Elysee Palace and a. review
30,000 troops.
. The meet prominent Jews of Weise, theta POWS' under the Market standard el
'meted bv many well-meaning Christians, GO lbs. when dressed, and too row or the Closely following the departure of
King .Alfonso will come the official vita
iefied that the Stit0 had signally fatted
IIATMED BY ELECTRIC tvr,ts. the .preeeeutioid standpoint the in its effort to preve that she minder.
ed Came Yotnig, 11021 lover, they saki,
• againzt the Ind:Amer . .
e .
Itatikee thiekea entiee nits eit a. • •••••.,4 I..,r deter, 101: Julta tesintle the wife .33 1"" e It
mewling, The mixing luilt and wheel
tv..,• wilkit had been liken to her tido:died utereed fully with her attor.
Muskogee. T. 1%, :tlay ntoti.f,r, f4tnitit identified as neys and expreesed the firmesoleith that "11"1")11g Ve" bh)wil 3114 15„Ightwatch•
Vanee• eliiekell fancier. lees elleretteti !,Zieteiiiee to her. Pawn tieliets were ride nor tomaarel were inprige. malting 1111 111L11 10801111 Itfarea.11 happeneu to be out.
Great Scheme, ,.f '111SPe edete 3 of joie- i whet evideace bad been submitted. The
ecientlets, teaohere, and other people et
worth, milled upon the authoritiesto
Atop the dietribution of this incendiary
iiterature, but the otherwise abnighty
maeter of police replied that he had
eo authority. When the Jews asked
promiees of protection for women and
ehildren, at least, daring the Russian
o gate pre -
ewt. Extra choice calves wouldeseu for more This will be entirely distinct from
to 35.25 per cwt.; bucks at ;3.50 to 34; choica Great Britain's share in the welcome
Sheep and Immbs-Bkport ewes sold at $4.16
yeariing Iambs at Ft to 37.75; common rear. rendezvous will be at Brest, where
iitie iambs at 35 to 36 per cwt.; swine of the King of Spain to Prance. The
CW01' tWellty warships of...the British •
• Channel and reserve fleets will be
;aimed from $2 to $8 each, or $3 to 3r;aLe of a. British squadron to French waters.
Iambs at 33 to 38 each.
Easter festival, the master ot pohee re- Wend price of the season, having paid
2000 being bought. Mr. Harris repoks tht sent. The French naval forces will m-
utts, all red and watered. 31 elude the northern aud Mediterranean.
per cwt. for selects and $6.75 tor lights and
plied he could not "bind himself in ate
educe, as he was subject to instruetion
from St. Petersburg,"
elle following "warning" has appear-
e.d in the Odessa. Official Gazette;
"It is Iiigh time that you stop your
des and ealtuunies.
"Tbose that are sending deputations
to the authoritie, praying for protec-
tien against alleged future attecke,
nust instantly deeist •frone sach dis-
eteed practiees, and • they aro admon-
ished that they mighit employ their
dine better by advising their children
•ttel friends not to engage in strikes and
Abet acts of public disorder.
"Whoeoever -in future dares open his
mouth about projected excesses and
ereparatioos for attacks upon the Jews
will be subject to heavy fine, imprieon-
aient and eorporal punishment!'
. •
Notwithsanding.these veiled threats
by the authorities, it is stated that
160,000 Jews are arming and preparing
'm defend themselves and their Women,
who, in former riots, were the Victims
of unspeakable brutalities of the mob-,
Ind also arming themselves with flasks
if vitriol, -
Realizing at • last the eeriouseess of
Ike situation, the authorities at Meese,
Ire hringiug two regiments from Tiras•
eel, while the eorees of the gendarmerie
ind Cossneks have been increased.
Bishop Carlisle's Ideas on Young Man's
Bringing Up.
Lordem, Mee* 1.-"I want thie
itmiation to be more broad-minded. Not
t few young 311011 have been driven
may through what has been called its" •
Thus spoke. the Bishop of Carlisle in
zonnectiou with the diamond jubilee at
Carlisle yesterday of the Young Men%
Christian Aezociation. The bishop meld
he adored goodness, but he loathed
'`goodiness,"' and he was glad to ttee
eroadening mid a "common sensing') of
the Y. 21f. C. A. going oh.
Smoking might not be a very lofty or
aoble occupation, but there was tothing
tertific about it. If young men could ,
Bradstreet's on Trade.
Montreal-Wholcsale trade has still a
quiet tone. The present season is us-
ually a title dull. Sorting orders fee
dry goods are fair. Shipmeuts of heavy
goods are being held over for the com-
ing of navigation. Wholesale' grocers
are busy. There is continued activity
in all lines of manufactures. The gen-
eral confidence is shown in the liberal
way in which credit is being given in
many branches of trade. Values of com-
modities generally are steady to firm.
Country remittances are fair but city
colections are a little slow.
Toronto advices to 33radstree1.'s say:
Trade has been more active during the
past week. There has been a better de -
mend for wbolesale lines. There is 12
good trade in all lines of groceries and
although the volume of dry goods bled -
!less dein for the fall trade. Good sort.
ingiorders are coming holt all over the
provinee. Industries aro actively en-
-gaged and large numbers of bnmigrante
flowing into the country every day find
plenty, of work awaiting them. There
has been little decline in the values of
At Quebec little change is perceptible
in Uncle conditions over .that of the pre•
ceding week. Activity is usual about
the opening of navigation, but otherwise
business is normal. Collections are only
fairly satisfactory. The failures are few Italian, Russian Spanish and Austrian.
of small dwelling houses is dull. Ambassadors. 14M. Bouvier, Etienne,
and 834)3111 affairs. Building trade outside
Bertaux, Deleasse and Thomson repte-
Winnipeg teports General trade
continues. to hold a pact tone. Pair wor, spemieR,
sented the French Ca.binet. There
orders for goods are coming out. There
is very greet activity in the building
trade. Collectiolis ave slow. It is now
apparent that dealers weft too well
stocked in the matter of winter goods. He Designed Famous Clock in Parlia-
The country is growing rapidly, how- tient Tower, London.
ever, and this condition of affairs will Luellen, April 'lo -13a4 Grinithorpei
soon right itself, who wait iiir Ermund Beckett before.
Victoria and Vancouver reports to he wee elevated to tee peenige mai
Bradstreet's say: Cooditions here have died yeeterdny. Ile wits 80 years old.
showu improvemeht during the past
eveek. There has been a great deal .bet Baron Oritnthorpe was well known
ter demend for wholesale goods ana the for 1118 restoretion of St. Alban's
retail trade is reported' brisker. Trade Cathedral and. other eltUrelies Mtg.
emeditiohs throtighout the province ewe emit
tinue bright. .Collections are fair to He tins the author of books oit
edoelre, atiehiteeture end nstronomen
squadrons. The combined naval man-
oeuvres and festivities will last front
July 10 to July 17, ail owing the Brit-
ish ships to take part in the celebration.
of the French national holiday on July
Soon after the naval display at Brest
the united French squadrons will make
it return visit to the British ravel head-
quarters at Portsmouth, where joint
manoeuvres and festivities will cover
ten days. This exclutege of naval visits
will be the first in twenty years. They
are the direct outgrowth of the Anglo-
French understanding and colonial
treaty, and are the first conspicuous
signs of the force beltind that agree -
A. Dinnet to Xing Edward.
Paris, April 30. --The exchange a of-
ficial visits betweeh King Edward ana
President Loubet to -day was marked
with the utmost cordiality, the eonver-
salons, on each oecasion lasting twenty
minutes. President Loubet previously
had received Foreign Minister Del-
casse, whom Xing Edward afterwards
accorded a long audience.
President Loubet's dinner in honor of
King Edward at the Palace of the Elysee
this evening was a brilliant function-,
entirely not -political in character. There
were 120 guests, and nearly the entire
dieplomatic corps was present, including
the British, United States, Germau,
good. ana he deeigned "Big Ben," the fami
not smoke at the Y. M. C. A, they would Hamilton trade advices to 13radstreet's nns cinek tee tient tower ef tele
eta elsewhere, say there is a good tone to business ninnies o (71 f le:tenement. He owned about
lie suggested that the assoelation there. While the movement of whole. 8400 dove, Ills inteeessor be the bar -
and national life. Ile fisvored all .sorts
training ground for Ovid,- munleilml lini eoctelispetrg boils nieltoe,stuogf,
ehould he made more nee
trade nalt:00 11,ettivitiotti:I.6 t t " twenty years, .5 501.
of As the sale lines is a little quiet, geitertd. Oh'. oily le Ernest Witham Beckett, Ilia
:if debates, ineludin,,I political, to it so who has been tt member of
- 1-- fair, the industries active and money is nun -lied in 1883 Lucy Tracy, tee, of
long as they did not hit below the belt flowing fairly freely,
there was nothing Tike hitting out in dkaviees to Bradstreet's froin London 81\roeu‘? Y°11"114 died 113 1801' "Villg a
.etti1arst% athletics, lie believed the am). sfiataytobrtyis.inelj!becioeridlistioatettsivtiltiyereinarnen slitintiess; .-...---non...........,-.-.
elation Led got hold of the right end of ot notratfaetere and retail trade is fisir,
.tho stick. Atideties could bo overdone, ••,
hut not when beg;an melee moral and "h°1"a16 6t6elts are ut"Ing 41; Fred Forester, Vieth; of Sarnia 'Punnet
though the trade of the =meet Wrath-
: engions influence& /incident, Beek at Igo&
er of the sorting variety. Collections are . .
Le wernee them not tO piece too fair.
inuelt reliance on leeturesn for d e
tll le. ' Ottawa reports sey there is a healthy Port .11ttron, May 1. -The reesovery...
of lied Forester, one of the luau 'ewer'
lure wits the most deceptive thing tit tone to an twidee find. the prospects ore come by coal gas in the Grand Trunk
the world -except n SerittOtt. Iniglit ton a good Benson, collections tunnel aecident set. nioutlis , ego, eyheit
POWDER MILLS BLOWN TIP. show some improvensent. Trade in the three men lost their live% is qousidq-
sttrroundifig country hits it quiet tone ed ono of the most remarkable 111 meilt-
Windsor l'ifilla and Sherbritoke bglititaitnsgitvirent is expected ut this 1.-d, eal history, Yee weeks the hospital 411t-
, tlsoritics expected his death, but he he.
A WiN.NIPEO TRAGEDY. sinned work.
gait to reetwer slowly. and MY has re-
i'il,erlsreoke IMYS1 A'; terrifie 'explosion young Man's god p i p neeident end it is with difficulty that
ilfontreel, May I. -A &snatch from
y °nil n C. . R. '
Dis mind is at entire blind: as to tlie
ttation belitis. he recognizes old-time aequaints.noes. Ali
04 '3(13(5 at the Hamilton PoWder Mills
•tt Windsor Milts, nbout 2 o'cloek this , the men wive sttrvived the accident have
Winelpete may 1,neeverro 3,,forknion been under full pay- by the Grand Trunk
welt removol the, &twin fro, the out .0 all the tit, besides having all their ex.
iihre the building at the time, about SOO
Ireat ?omits. f vont a vettit:g of tenet se1tt4;1 evLitprepe sbewlee that the jaw. •esele , feel that have spent my feet feet ftway. eyrie thrown down, but
the tont-It's t seriouriv injured fled to the
11, rt. station this inerning, OCCASIOned 4 el at
by the fallieg in of the Satitedity,
the mittle the find of it bed b IIAIGIAN CABLE CUT.