The Wingham Advance, 1905-05-04, Page 1eke,
The Wingharn i Advance.
32ND YEAR, NO, 36.
MAY, 1900,
Sim, Mon, Tee, Wed. Thu. Fri. Sat.
1 2 3 .1 5 6
7 8 9 10 11 12 1,3
14 15 16 17 18 19 20
21 22 21 24 25 26 27
28 29 BO 31
local Items
Wear Greer's Shoes and Rubbers.
On Good Friday last, Miss Margaret
Fisher of Victoria street, fell and
broke one of her wrists.
Beaver Minstrels, Winglume Mon-
day, May 8th. Seats now on sale at
_ Mcleibbon's drug store.
According to a proclamation, issued
by the Government last fall, May 24
next is to be observed in Canada as
the King's birthday.
DUTCH STs. -Yellow Denver, 13e. ;
Rosedale, 17c., at T. A. Mills.
Wingham Baseball club will meet
for organization in the Council Cham-
ber on Friday evening ; all interested
please attend and assist.
Robt. Maxwell, Tailor, has removed
from the Shaw Block, across the
street to the shop next door south of
Miss Boyd's millinery store.
Two of our citizens took their road-
sters to Toronto Horse Show last
week, Geo. King and Roland Beattie.
The latter captured second prize for
his grey.
The Wiarton Echo says that one by
one, the pioneer settlers in the penin-
sula, are pulling up stakes and going
eweway. The wonder is they hung out
lee long.
GIRL WANTED -For shop and gen-
eral work. Apply to Box 1.29, Wing -
Mr. Edward Sadler, of Winghatn,
who had been an inmate of the House
of Refuge almost from the time it was
opened, died on Saturday; the re-
mains were interred in Clinton.
A fir tree has been cut in Oregon re-
cently which made nine sawlogs aver-
aging fourteen feet in length, scaling
21,483 feet board measure. The pro-
duct of this one tree will bring more
than $1,000.
Centre street is no longer to be
shrouded in darkness. An arc light
will be placed near the Presbyterian
manse, and another at 0. J. Graham's
corner ; these lights were needed;
there are others.
The Whitechurch Creamery Com-
pany intend beginning operations on
Wednesday, May 8r.d. The interior of
the creamery has been white washed
anti painted and the directors antici-
pate a very successful season.
Fon SALE. -Good two-story brick
leheuse. Apply to Wm. Field, Wing -
Chester Hogg, for the past three
snd a half years an employee of the
Advance, left on Thursday last for the
west. Chester is a steady young man,
and we hope he will do well in the
great west with its numerous open-
ings. He left expecting to fill an
opening in a Brandon office.
The Walkerton Telescope says -
Some time in Match, Harry Day
(formerly of Wingham) sold his sorrel
team that he got from Adam Quanz,
to a man near Toronto. Since then,
this team, after taking the first prize
at all the spring shows in the county,
has been sold again for $585.
The suckers are finding their old
spawning waters up Maitland river
above Goderich and are fished out in
considerable quantities at the falls re-
serve near 33emuiller. One of the
local fishermen made a bag of over 700
and retailed thein out to the fanners
in the vicinity next day, at two cents
REAP:MAL-Dr. Bethune has replay.,
41;2 his office across the street to the
building south of Bell's music store.
In the basement of the Methodist
church, one pane of frosted glass has
been removed from .each win-
dow, and a pane of prismatic barred
glass substituted. This achnits more
light for the work of the Sunday
School. We understand that the
school bore the expense of the
The High School Entrance examina-
tions for 1005 will begin on Wednes-
day, tbe 28th of June, at 8.45 a. in.
Under the new regulations the teach-
ers will be required to certify that
their candidates have completed the
work required of Fourth Form pupils
before they will be allowed to write at
the examination,
von SAtt on Untrr.-Good frame
house, seven rooms, half acre of land.
Apply to Mrs. Glass, Brussels, or to
Daley Holmes, Wingham.
•‘; The concert under auspicee of the
Hockey team is dated for Monday
evening, and the boys are hopeful for
a good -house in order that they may
dose up alt 'their accounts, So far,
the Beets appear to be going fast ; the
prospects are gonxt foe n, successful
effort. The program furnished by the
Beaver Minstrels is said to be an at-
tractive one.
' Dr. Swayee of Glitulalajava,Medco,
and ltir. Bolton, of San Gabriel, Cali-
fornia, were pests of Air, and Mrs.
John Lnugheed on 'Thursday of last
week.. The former was )3roomsman at
Mrs. ougheed's 'wedding, and took
the opportunity of renewing friend-
ships of past years, Thedoctor has
been on a trip to California, and he
and Mr. Bolton met, at Alin/verve,
and eaine to Winghttni together. De.
Swayze is a Catutdian, but has St sue
eosin' practice and large property in-
tevests in Otuidaltietra. Me. Itolton
Iran a fine farm at San Gabriel, near
Pasadena, California.
White a bilious attaek is decidedly
unpleasant it is quickly over when
Chamberlain's Stomach arid Liver
Tablet) are used. 1ior ogle by all
The Markets.
Grain shows little change this week,
though wheat has a, downward ten-
dency and is quoted nt DO els. on local
market ; oats, 38 to 40 cts,; eggs, 13c;
butter, 18 ets.; potatoes, 135 ets,; live
hogs, $0.05; butchers' cattle $5 to
$5,50 ; export cattle, $5 to $0.
Another College.
As we go to press, a letter from Mr.
J. J. Bailey of Goderich, informs us
that lie has decided to open a Business
College here, with successful emu-
mercial teachers, and haa engaged
rooms in the Macdonald block for that
purpose; lack of space prevents furth-
er reference this week,
Mr. j. IL Stephenson of town, was
absent on as happy mission last week
and was quietly married on April
20th, at Wyoming, by Rev. J. M. Gun-
ne, to Miss Emily Jane Fraser, of
Aberateler, The newly -married cou-
ple arrived in Wingham the same
evening, and received congratula-
A Large Attendance.
Wingham School opened on Mon-
day after Easter vacation, with a largo
attendance. Miss Matheson gathered
around her in the old Congregational
church, seventy-five little ones; too
many for one teacher. Several of the
other departments are reported full,
and it looks as if the engagement of
the tenth teacher could not long be
avoided. The question of permanent
aucl sufficient school accommodation
is one that the Trustees and the Town
must face before long,
Hoven Fon SaLn.-$700 will buy a
comfortable brick, six -roomed house
and large lot ; house in good repair,
hard and soft water. Terms to suit.
For this bargain apply at once at Pat-
tison's grocery, Wingham.
Oddfellows' Service.
Wingham Oddfellows attended Di-
vine service on Sunday afternoon last,
in the Baptist church. The pastor,
Rev. N. A. McLean, B.A., preached
an excellent and appropriate sermon,
and it was thoroughly enjoyed and
appreciated by the brethren, of whom
there were about ninety present, in -
chiding visitors from surrounding
lodges. It was a fitting way to ob-
serve the 80th anniversary of the Or-
der. Wingham has a strong lodge,
that is doingits part in relieving the
sick, and assisting the widow and or-
License Commissioners.
West Huron License Commissioners
are evidently endeavoring to dis-
charge their duties faithfully. The
Clinton New Era reports as follows "Heretofore the hour of closing bars
has been 10 p.m., for hotels in villages
or townships, and 11 for hotels in
towns. The Commissioners have
changed this to 9 and 10 p.m. respec-
tively. So far as the work of the
Commissioners is concerned they have
evidently tried to do their duty fairly;
that they did not show political bias
is proven by the fact that the only
hotels refused license, Boggs, in Col-
borne, and King's, at Goderich, aro
owned by Conservatives."
Please Return Them.
Several of oar citizens report the
theft of things left outside. A. keg of
soap disappeared from one back door,
a hoe from another, etc. A lady on
Centre street reports the loss of two
fine house plants and pots ; she had
carefully tended them alt winter, and
set them out upon the veranda ; in the
morning they were gone. She promis-
es not to give the. party's name who
took them, if they will return them at
once. They may be left on the veran-
da, after night, as sneakingly as they
were taken, and nothing more will be
said about it,; otherwise -well, a word
to the wise is sufficient, It is difficult
to conceive of a lover of flowers, being
so lost to a sense of honor, as to steal
Fon SALE.-DOrible house, situated
on west side of John St. Rents for
$11. Apply at once to 0. J. Maguire,
Real Estate Agt., NVinghan.
The Assessment.
Assessor Dunnage has returned his
roll in very neat form, and from it we
make the following summary :-
Ward Val. Real Business Taxable Total
Fall% Ass't Income As5't.
1 3102,615 $20,695 3 900 $125,110
2 11000 15,930 800 131,030
3 .. 162,020 30,765 1,550 194,925
4 2t0,325 17,190 2,200 229,715
Tota1-3690,860 $81,470 $5,150 $680,780
The population is as follows :-Ward
1-384 ; No. 2-404 ; No. 3-517 ; No. 4
-'911; total -2210 ; between 5 and 16
years -t88; between 5 and 21-616.
The assesstnent this year is $8,008
more than last year ; the Court of Re-
vision may reduce it somewhat. Mr.
Dunnage has compiled a very credita-
ble roll in appearance.
Independent Order Of Foresters.
Tho town is enjoyin_g the privilege
of a 'return visit from Rev. S. McCaul,
13. A., Deputy Supreme Chief Ranger
I. O. F. He is stirring up, and work-
ing in connection with Court Wing -
ham No. 505.„ and hopes also to organ-
ize a Sister Companion Court on next
Friday evening, A joint initiation of
Companion and Subordinate Court
members will be held on that evenieg,
punctually nt 7.80, When new sets of
officers, regalia, and badges for both
Courts, will be used, andit is hoped,
the officers of the CoMpanital Court
publicly installed. The meeting will
be open to the friends of both Courts
at nine o'clock, when refreshments
will be served and addresses delivered
by High Chief Ranger, Bro. IL D.
Cameron of Lucknow, and Bro. llev.
.T. McCaul of Toronto. Deputy Su-
preme Chief Ranger ; no member of
(Jona Wingham No. 505 should be ab-
sent; meeting in Court, Room, Obis -
holm Hall.
LOST. - On Wednesday eveoing
Anvil 10th, between Grand Trunk sta-
tion and Xing Edward hotel, a lady's
%itch ellain with star shaped pearl
slide. Finder will please leave with
311', Ilarold, Grand Trunk agent, and
receive liberal reward.
WANT1m-At once, partner for Beni
Estate and lust/ranee business ; must
be hustier. .Apply persoimlly
.T. Aitiguire, Beal Estate'Agent, Wing.
hatel, -Ont,
Bereft Of Father.
Mms 3, F, Tilt of Winn= mourns
the death of her father, Mr. Edward
Stove' of Guelph. Deceased was one
of the oldest and most esteemed citi-
zens of Guelph, having been in hot-
ness there for forty years. He died in
St. Michael's hospital, Toronto on Fri.
day last; interment took place in
Guelph on Sunday.
Football Schedule.
The following schedule has been
drawn up for the season of 1905
May 5-Wingham at Brussels. May
12 -.Listowel at Wingham. May 19 -
Listowel at Brussels. May 26 -Brus-
sels at Wingham. June 2-Wingham
at Listowel. June 9 -Brussels at Lis -
'towel. The first genie to be played
here will be May 12th.
New Appointments.
Dr, J. P. Kennedy of Wingham has
been gazette(' Associate Coroner for
Huron. The doctor's extensive ex-
perience will enable him to fill the
position ereclitably. The appointment
of Wm. Clegg, of Monis, as License
Inspector fox. East Unroll is also
gazetted. Mr. Clegg believes in pro-
per enforcement of the /aw, and will
doubtless do his duty in the matter.
Fon SAL12.-A seven -roomed brick
house, nicely situated on corner of
Charles and Albert Sts., Pleasant Val-
ley. Apply to John Welsh.
A Welcome Back.
Members of Wingharn Loyal True
Blue lodge and other friends were
pleasantly entertained at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Beckwith on Thursday
evening. The object of the gathering
was to welcome Mr. and Mrs. Haines
back to Wingham, Mrs, Haines hay-
ing been an active member of the
lodge. Various games were provided
and an impromptu program enjoyed,
consisting of vocal and instrumental
music, recitations, etc„ after which a,
dainty luncheon was served ; all pre-
sent thoroughly enjoyed the social
evening and kind hospitality of Mr.
and Mrs. Beckwith.
Death Of Mrs. King.
We regret this week to report the
death of Mrs. Peter King of hast Wa-
wanosh. Deceased had been ill for
three weeks with kidney trouble and
passed the boundary of time early on
Wednesday morning, May 3rd. For
many years she had- resided with her
family on their farm near the Brick
church, and enjoyed the confidence
and esteem of all who knew her. It is
a strange coincidence, that Mrs. King,
and the late Mrs. Hanna, who resided
on adjoining farms so many years,
have been both laid to rest within
three days of each other. Mrs. King
leaves a sorrowing husband, four. eons
and four daughters -William, Charles
and Alex. are at home, Robt. in Mani-
toba.; the daughters are Mrs. Fergu-
son and Mrs. Martin of Manitoba, Mrs.
Baird of Michigan, and Miss Annie at
home. Deceased was in her 65th year,
and was a member of Calvin Presby-
terian Church. Interment took place
on Friday.
FARM WANTED. ----TO purchase, 100
acres (or more), not too distant from
town and railway. Apply by letter,
describing property and stating price
-Box B, Advance office, Wingham.
By -Law Proposed.
As will be seen by. the Council min-
utes, the Council has not thought it
wise to submit a By-law for water-
works for domestic purposes, or for a
trunk sewer. The facts seem to be
these -The flume at the wheel -house
must be repaired at considerable cost,
or our fire protection may suddenly
collapse; an improvement of our pre-
sent system appears to be a necessity,
or our insurance rates may increase.
The Council propose to submit a By-
law authorizing the expenditure of
$9,000, and. with this it is proposed to
put in a steel flume, erect a stand -pipe
and extend the mains necessal'y for
connection with stand -pipe. This
would not give water for domestic
purposes, but would give first-class
fire protection, with this advantage
that none of the work done or money
expended world be lost, but all would
be available if, in the futnre, it was
decided to extend the system for do-
mestic water supply. This system, if
a dynamo were placed at the wheel-
house, could be used to furnish electric
power, and. the water for sale to the
factories, railways, ete., R is chained,
world produce sufficient revenue to
meet the amnia debenture. The
scheme is worth carefnl consideration
by every property owner. The By-law
has not yet been prepared.
A Mother Gone.
There passed away on Sunday last
at the home of her daughter, Mrs.
Alex. Young, one of the pioneers of
this district, Elizabeth Ruddy, relict
of the late Campbell Hanna. Deceas-
ed was beim in the eounty of Armagh,
treland, nearly seventy-five years ago,
and came with her parents to Canada
when quite young. Soon after her
mareiege, or about the year 1854, she
came with her late husband to the
township of East NVawanosh, then
just opening for' settlement. The
gravel road through Wingham to
Clinton was then not built, and East
Wawanosh was reached from Gode-
rich, Deceased bore her share of the
toil and privations incident to clearing
up a farm in a new country. She
was known as a, kindly, sympathetic
neighbor, and a true christian. Her
husband cleared the farm on which
the Brick church in East Wawanosh
stands, and es & consistent member of
tiro Methodist Church, the deceased
will be remembered by the early set -
tiers remaining. Of her fatuity of six
daughters and one son, only, one
daughter remains, Mrs. Alex. Young
of Wingham, with whom she had re-
sided for several years, 'While health
permitted she was a faithful at-
tendant on the services of the Church
of her choice. For the past two years
she has not enjoyed the best of health,
but on Sunday night retired to /eft
as usual. Soon alter. Mr. and Me&
Young hetuel a eall, and immediately
responded, but the messenger had
comp, and in a few moments, the
spark of life bad fled. Interment took
place in Wingham cemetery on Tues-
rort Sat. --A good story and is half
frame house, with four rooms, pantry
and woodshed down stairs, and forte
.rooins up.staire, hard water in shed and soft in kitchen. Apply to
Itobt. MatWellf
east Hum Licenses.
The following have been granted
• licenses in East Huron :-Brussels-
McLennan & Broatlfoot, Geo. Brown,
Jos. Queen, Wroxeter -A. A, Esty,
Win, Currie, Gorrie-Geo, Town, R.
F. White, Belmore-James Kerby,
Fordwiele-Geo. Glebe. Moleeworth-
R. Sehaver. Jamestown -Thos. Me -
Ewan. Belgrave---J. B. Stretton.
Walton -Wm, Einigh. Dublin -Louis
Wolff. Cranbrook-J, Long. Ethel
-L. Longeway, Bluevale-J. 0. John-
Bpworth League Officers.
The Junior Epworth League of
Wingham Methodist Church elected
the following officers on Friday last: -
Pres. -Laura Kerr; Vice -Presidents -
Carrie Stewart, 2nd -Beta Davidson,
3rd -Marguerite Park; 4th -Ruby
Kerr; Sec. -May Lloyd ; Treas.-
Broek Brandon ; Pianists -Hazel
don, Olive Manners ; membership, 90;
missionary money raised, $1347; Sup-
erintendent, Miss Sprung. On Mon-
day evening, the Senior League elect-
ed the following officers re -President
-Anson Dulinage, jun.; ist Vice -
Wesley Ansley; 2nd Vice -Miss M. L.
Brock; 3rel Vice -W. T. ; 4th
Vice -Miss Id. Bosnian ; Sec. -Miss M.
Tibbs ; Treas.-Miss Lloyd ; Pianists -
Miss Sperling and Miss nutmeg° ;
Rep. to DR. Exec. -Miss Fessant,
Wingham Business College.
This will be the name of an institu-
tion to be established in Wingham,
and it is proposed to have everything
in readiness to open September ist, or
sooner if necessary. The suitability
of Wingharn as a place for a school of
this kind has been recognized for
some time, and several have looked
over the field of prospects. Last
week, Mr. Geo. Spotton, of the
Listowel Business College, was in
town, and decided to establish a Col-
lege here. Mr. Spotton announces
that this is to be a permanent institu-
tion. Of course in order to secure
permanence; there must be patronage,
and there should he no difficulty
securing that, as Wingham is a good.
centre. It will prove a great advant-
age for our young people to be able to
secrre a business education, without
going to a distant town. There will
be three cor lees of study -1st -Com-
mercial; 2nd -Shorthand and Type-
writing ; 3rd -Telegraphing. The Ad-
vance wishes the enterprise the fullest
measure of success. See advt. page 8,
and watch for further announce-
Miscellaneous Brevities.
The Canada Furniture Manufactur-
ers lost $5000 worth of logs in a fire
near Wiarton, that destroyed nearly
2,000,000 feet....A circus is billed to
come to town; now see some that are
"hard up" find money to go to it
The rain on Friday night settled. the
heavy clouds of dust, at least for a
few days J B. Ferguson has had
the lawn in front of his new residence
put in fine shape....Wm. Moore and
Sas. Brock have finished cementing a
cellar and building a large cistern for
the editor of this paper, and H. Kerr
is at work on a piazza... . Dr. Bethune
has removed his office across the street
to the shop south of D. Bell's music
store. ...The old bridge at the rulil has
been condemned as unsafe, and notice
is given that those who cross it, do so
at their own risk, ...C. P. R. surveyors
are surveying. a line from Listowel to
Linwood ... .Yards, lanes, cellars, etc.,
should by this time have received
their spring "cleaning up," before the
Sanitary Iuspector gets around....A
farmer near "AR. Forest recently sold a
fat steer weighing 1330 lbs. for 6 cts.
a lb.; it brought him $79.80 ; who says
there is no money in farming?. ...The
Wiarton Sugar factory is advertised
to be sold on the 19th of May
Owen Sound has 15i miles of cement
sidewalks and. 14 miles of sewers
5581 was the money received by one
farmer last week, who delivered eight
cattle in Underwood... .Mrs. Brock
and family have removed to Mr. Well -
wood's house.pu Minnie street....Mrs.
Winfield of Whitechurch has moved
-into the house on Minnie street that
Alex. Porter recently purchased from
Thos. Deane A new hydrant has
been put in at the corner of the Mason
block; the old one had a habit of
freezing up in cold weather
Hockey boys' eoncert, Monday. May
Sth ; the Beaver Minstrels of Seaforth
will furnish entertainment... . A pecu-
liar method or charging cloth with
electricity, in order to furnish heat to
the wearer, has been invented by a
French engineer.. , .The "fish man"
has begun his visits to town once
more ....Work has begun again on
Wingham's new pOstoffiee. -IL E.
bard & Co. have brick on hand for
extension to their store to be built
this summer, ....Roads are dry; dust
is flying, and the sprinkling cart was
much needed on Friday and Saturday
last. ...The sprinkliug cart has been
newly painted and will soon be ready
fur businese Quite frequently, the
Advance is requested to "write up" or
"go for" the Council. Tho Ad-
vance representative is present at
every meeting of the Connell, and be-
lieves, they are honestly endeavoring
to manage the town business in the
best interests of the town (and getting
nothing for their trouble) so until
some valicl reason exists, we decline to
add to the criticism they receive.
The Assessor has returnee the Roll ;
are you on it ?....Trout fishing began
on elondayno monsters are yet re-
ported caught the great, big fish al-
ways succeed in getting away after
beim; hooked,
Niov BAxlmv.-I have opened a
new Bakery, lu the shop lately occu-
pied by Dr. Bethune as office. mail
Audi keep on hand a frill line of best
bread, rakes, etc, I solicit a, share of
public p:ttronage and feel confident t
eau give you satisfactioil.- -X. A.
Leckie, Watch for my advt, next
ISeaver Minstrels
In Wifiginim Opera House
Monday, May 8th
telatie the ems/Ikea et
Moslem Hockey Club,
Wild Runaway.
A team belonging to Gunn's Limited
took a wild run down Centre street to-
wards the Union factory, on leforelay
forenoon, While going clown the hill
at full speed, past the rectory, the
waggon struck a simile tree near
W. F, VanStone's stable, The shock
brought the horses to a sudden stop
and both were thrown on their heads,
so tangled up that they were unable
to rise, and it took a number of men
to release them and get them on their
feet again ; the harness, tongue, whit -
&trees, etc., were smashed, Fortun-
ately the waggon was empty, had it
been loaded with eggs as it often is,
there would have been a "fall in
eggs." The wonder is, how the horses
escaped serious injury.
Not Wanted.
Mayor Bell's showing to Seaforth
citizens of what Wingham made last
year on its Electric Light department
failed to convince them, and they
want nothing to do with municipal
ownership. The by-law for the pur-
chase of the electric light plant by the
municipality was submitted for the
second time to the ratepayers, and
this time the electors decided quite
emphatically against the purchase.
When first submitted there was a
majority of these votes in &vor of
purchase. A protest was entered
against the legality of the by-law, was
allowed, and the by-law quashed. To
place the town in a fair and square
position on the question, the present
council had the plant re -valued and
decided to again submit the question
to the ratepayers, who decided against
the by-law by a majority of 09.
A New Departure.
The new license commissioners in
many places are making =norms
changes and there will be less licenses
and better enforcement of the law.
In London, for instance, there were
thirty-flve applications for licenses.
Of these only ten were granted for
one year, the remaining twenty-five
were given a three months' extension,
and four of them were notified that
after that time they would not be re-
newed. In Toronto also the commis-
sioners are after the license holders
with a sharp stick, requiring that they
shall live strictly up to the letter of
the law, and with every necessary re-
quirernent for the accommodation of
the travelling public. In West Huron
a few licenses -have been refused, and
the closing hours changed from ten to
nine p. in. in rural municipalities, and.
from eleven to ten o'clock in towns.
The chief officer of the License depart-
ment, however, is doubtful if the com-
missioners have this power, althongb
one clause of the Act seems to imply
that they have. In East Kent, the
conunissioners have decided to make
the "first offence the last offence."
One conviction and the offender loses
his license. This is thought to be
rather drastic. The license commis-
sioners of North Perth have added the
following to the rules to be observed -
"The bar -room shall not be used as a
sitting room in any hotel in the dis-
trict, nor shall any chairs, stools,
benches, settees, lounges, or any fur-
niture of the kind, be allowed to re-
main in any bar -room, nor shall any
person or persons be :Wowed to re-
main in any bar -room for the purpose
of putting in time or loafing therein."
This new rule will be hard on the fel-
lows that lounge around waiting for
"a, treat." Premier Whitney once
said that if the license mw was en-
forced, people would scarcely recog-
nize it. Certainly with the changes
indicated and the law properly en-
forced, there will be a wonderful im-
provement, and far less cause of com-
Now is the time to place your
order for Coal. If you leave your
order at J. D. Burns, you will get
the best and at lowest price.
aura) 1Rews
Organist Cafe of St. George's
Church, Goderich, has not missed
Sunday church service in 45 years, A
pretty good record.
Rev. E. A. Hall will probably re-
main in charge of the parish of Gorrie
and Fordwich till June ist when he
will move to Dorchester, New Bruns-
Next Sunday, quarterly Sacrament-
al services will be held in Wingham
Methodist church, commencing. with
Lovefeast and Fellowship service at
0.45 aan. ; preaching service at 11, fol-
lowed by the administration of the
Lore's Supper. Evangelist Miss More
ton, will be present ; she will preach
and conduct evaegelistie services ;
these services will be continued for a
few weeks,
Last Sunday. evening, Rev. Dr.
Gundy delivered as special sermon to
young inen, based on 1 Sohn 2:14-"I
have written unto you yoring men, be-
cause ye are strong," ole. Earnest
and wise counsels were given that
young men would do well to heed, and
the fundruneutals of the "strong"
young man referred to. The neces-
sity for the proper development of the
physicel, mental and spiritual parts of
the being was clearly pointed nut.
Quito a number of young people list -
°nee attentively to the (Recourse.
11.005111g to the address of welcome
made by Mayor Urquhert to the con-
vention of the Baptist *liming People's
Union of 011(0010 and Quebec 111 Wal -
1110r Road church last evening, Rev, J.
NV. Hoyt, 32.A., chadmin, ..ill
great strong principle for which the
Baptist denomluation stood wag meth -
el. beli(wers` baptism eor close cone
numion. They wars Wiriest but not
the great one. Liberty, volitive),
social nue soul liberty, Was that mine
eiple, and Ivan i1. the young people
stood. Baptiste believed they had re
right to interpret the Scriptures and
the Christian life according to the
best of then: ability, and not, even Sir
Wilfi'nlor the Libeint piety had the
eight to prevent them. Mr. Hoyt said
• he believed not only that Baptist prin-
ciples were right, but that there was a-
general and growing feeling that they •
Dit, °Mee, of London, Surgeon, fife
glasses pmperly. Treats diseases tint,
MU, NOM THROAT. Office -
bon's elm store, Winghtun, MONDAY,
May and-.
Will, McDonald. Killed,
Sad. news of the death of their son
William, reached Ur, and Airs. john
McDonald. of Wingham on Wednes-
day. Full particulars are not at hand,
but it appears that the deceased was
brakeman on the G. T. R. from Pal-
Merston to Wiarton, and about 8.30 a.
In. Wednesday, he was struck by the
train. He was at once taken by
special train to Owen Sound hospital,
where he died in a very short, time.
Will. was 23 years of age and was the
only surviving son of Mr. and Mrs.
McDonald, who are almost prostrated
with grief at the sad and sudden
bereavement. The remains will be
brought here for interment; fuller
particulars of the accklent may be ob-
tainable for next issue.
Council met on Monday evening;
present-Mayot. Be% Coups, Van -
Stone, Bennett, Stewart, D. Bell, W.
J. Greer.
Communications -From Superinten-
dent of Victoria Hospital, London,
stating that they were not responsible
for engagement of Dr. Tillman for at-
tendance on L. Karges-ffied. From
Mrs. Glass and H. Fixter asking that
James street on which their properties
are, be put in proper condition, it be-
ing full of sawdust and has a defective
drain, which causes flooding of cellars.
Moved by Bell and Bennett, that the
Clerk write Jan. McLean to remove
all obstructions from. James street,
and keep street clear in future.
The Mayor reported that the Execu-
tive had not yet been able to secure a
dumping ground but will continue
their efforts.
The Mayor also reported that the
Bell Telephone Co. will change the
Fire alarm system by giving seven
long distance phones on the party line,
instead of alarm phones only, for use
of firemen, for $100, or the seven with
an additional phone for wheel -house
for $120. On motion of Coun's Greer
and D. Bell, the offer of eight phones
was accepted.
Coun. 'NetinStone reported probable
cost of line fence at cemetery to be
$30, and of extra gate, $8.
A deputation of the Citizens' Band,
headed. by Dr. Irwin as spokesman,
asked for an increase of the grant to
the Band from $100 to $150, as the
Bandmaster's salary was now $200,
and the Band felt unable to pay it.
Request granted on motion of Coun's
Bennett and VanStone ; payments
quarterly as before, and open air con-
certs to be continued.
The following accounts were consid-
ered by the, Finance committee, and
payments recommended
R. Leg at, work on drain $ 1.65
W. G. Gray, hose to fire
Hook & Ladder Co„ services4.00
Wm. Moore, work, waterworks 2.63
Jas. Brock 2.63
Jno. Davidson, work, etc 5.50
Can. Foundry Co., hydrant 40.00
Dominion Exp. Co .65
C. P. R. message .25
J. D. Burns, contract laying
J. D. Burns, supplies
Jim. McLean, fuel for indigent1.85
Jno. McLean, hunber, etc
J. 13. Ferguson, salary 47595
J. B. Ferguson, postage 1.00
V. Vannorman, salary
Wm. Guest, salary
R. Rankin, salary 128..7050
J, P. Groves, bal. Coll. salary 1100
A. Dunnage, assessor's salary125.00
A. Dulmage, postage
W. Dennis, labor, bridge 1.000
W. Holmes, supplies
Jiro. Rogers, painting sprinkler 8.00
Forest City Paving Co., repairs
sidewalks 6.00
Jno. Davidson, tending water-
wheel, two years 10.00
Miss Hall, for nursing Mrs. Goy,
$9 ; the committee recom-
mend one half, the patient
to pay the rest 4,50
W. 3. Greer, Chairman.
$150 was granted the School Board,
on motion of Coun's VanStone and
On motion of Coun's Greer and D.
Bell, $100 was advanced to the Public
Colin. Greer renewed Iris endeavor
to seem.e from the Bell Tel. Co. some
remuneration for use of the streets for
their lines, and moved, seconded by
D. Bell -That the Executive ascertain
what can be secured from the Bell Tel.
Co. for franchise of streets and report
to Council-earried.
The Mayor, Coun's Bennett, D. Bell.
Greer and Stewart will form the Court
of Revision on the Assessment Roll
for 05;
Tquestion of extension of the
protection facilities, and the construc-
tion of a storm drain from Alfred
street or Walker & Clegg's factory,
northward to the river, was discussed
at some length. Nothing was done
regarding the draiu, nor was any ac-
tion taken regarding the construction
of a trunk sewer down Josephine St.
The fact of a new flume being impera-
tive, and the desire, if possible, to
raise the class in which Wingharn is
placed for insurance piirposes, inclined
the Council to a scheme for additional
fire protection only, by the erection of
a standpipe and construction of a steel
flume, in all to cost about $0000. Af-
ter discussion, it was moved by ('onn.
Bennett, seconded by Come VanStone
-That this Council submit a 13y -law
to raise $0,000 to improve our fire pro-
tection, by erecting a standpipe and
constructing,a steel -flume -carried.
Council adjourned.
• Belgrave.
Clegg & Co. shipped 0 Car of hogs oil
Genarterty services hist Sunday was
WOlE attended.
Mr. Dan. Wheeler caught the first
trout for this season.
C. W. Televrenee has gone to Buffalo
to spend e few weeks.
Miss Lillian Scandrett sperff, a few
Till's With friends at London last
Mr. Jas. Owens spent last Smutty
With Mr. awl Mrs. Geo, Peacock of
Mrs. WWI°, has returned 21(1313
visiting friends at Toronto, Hamilton
anti Denville,
Mr. W. Watson of Belgrave, Imileer
and ccutmetot, has already on hand
five new dwelling houses and six ad*
ditious to dwellings, all for this sea-
son's work.
The sick of our village are not Dn.
proving, Mr, R. Stonehouse is becom-
ing weaker; Airs. Jas, Stretton has
somewhat improved, and Mr, Wm,
Bengough is gradually getting worse ;
he has become almost, helpless.
Mr. and Mrs, Blacktort, lately from
England have moved into Mr. Far,
leer's house; they are a young couple
and anxious to make a home for
themselves. The farmers and citizens
of Belgrave should try and encourage
them by giving employment, which
no doubt they will. Afrs. Blackton is
a dressmaker.
On Wednesday, April 26th, a very
enjoyable time was spent et the home
of Mr. Geo. Brandon, Portage la, Praie
rie, When he was united in marriage
to Miss Mary Emily Owens, eldest
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Owens
of Belgrave. The ceremony was per.
formed by Rev. 13, W. Allison, lefettee
dist minister, Portage la Prairie, in
the presence of a number of invited
guests. The bride was attired. in a
beautiful costume of navy blue broad.
cloth. After the ceremony, the party
sat down to a bountiful repast,
Amongst those present were --Mr.
Matthew Owens, brother, Mr. Delfert
Owens, nephew, and Miss Isabella
Owens, cousin of the bride. The pres-
ents were numerous and costly. Mr.
Brandon and bride have the best
wishes of their many friends around
Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil
(Pleasant to take)
10% Pure Cod Liver Oil, com-
bined with Hypophosphites of
Lime and Soda.
Coughs, Colds and General De-
bility. (A. wonderful fiesh pro-
Agent for Wingham
Walton MoKibbon
A. L. Hamilton
On. ...AS
...r-7 That Tired r•Are
#.11.4. MAIiii
Feeling. WA/
ityr.. .0,00
The weather is to blame,
0..-. ...15
maybe -in part -not alto -
ye- .......
4....... gather. A person with pure .04KP
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liews. towiff
e.... not bother about heat or cold
Y.. very much.
Op* 1.1011,
ION. 4•4•0
Nearly MI weather is alike to .4.,
ir roi.e *MO
se- • hnn, so if you are tired and ...Am
taw.- listless, have no ambition, are ....0
ESA. ...ft
*se' tired 'without e,ause, 11 ie
E .0.1P
time than likely that yen
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ereese- Clarke's Blood Purifier to 11x ....11)
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A. L McCall 6 Co.
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