HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1905-04-27, Page 21 they abide in him, that they have learned anday Scilo . sceutpg -II til 14 te?St. 0, Se p es ,..). h vtri fr t is made here a ivlarket Reports 1 0 i of Omn. that they obeied Odin. It would I IV. Christ's commandment Eva. 6-1aa. the rather, ete.---Our Loa was teiTalltaialatOalAts liataSnON NO. aft couseious of belue tile object of tbe that his love to his disciples eorresponde MAX 7 witi. loom. rattiest; intinite i&et here he asserts with the eterual Father's Jove to him- sein van nia the annicinannnue n 144 self.--ral. et m. What skall I say. o sue: f _ Lours love? If I liken it for hoght e43mauentaryt-I. The importance of ; to the menntauts. I see Alpepiled. sm • ab.iding rnChrtst tVs. 1.5f. I. Lefeleetts- Alps. "They znerey. 0 Goi a, s in the Wite true vine ---The true tine is Clarlat; 'heavens" tPsa. Neva.. .5t. If 1 Men it the living, abiding Cheat, who repro- . for depth to the sea, I am egain lost in duces himself in et:ery tree disople. the compatison, I cat: only ery; "0 the Throlighout this last diseourse with dapthst" alone xie 331. 'late gifts et His diewiples. JesuS sneaks OE LIS love are Inore in smaller than the not as a man about to die, but as a live sands of the sepurgeon. Abide ye ' tug Christ forever ineetnate in the "R. a -Ile settled ana fatly estabbsitell hats and lives of His own, living au hi Christbeing fully persuadett that Ito - in the world with mitairtier and wider thitnt shall le able to separate us frtms fefluenee, and in mere ultimate commun.- his hwe 'see Rom vine la - ion and companionsbip with His diseiplee a'a 'keen * * shall abithc--"This the method and set tile stimulus. after His eetteifixion than before. It is the preof of abiding in the love of Christ. this oerliving tarist repwasseea in The obedience here deseribetl is the out - Isis members, aaa spreadiug over the whole earth, tItat le the true tine, itt ettlIlle of love, but the power is thus gain - to tattenute to dwell in the divine contrast with the Old Israel. wIlliath prey- love, to abide in the full entayment of it." ea to be no trtte vinta-Abbott, the hue- 11 Art jv might_ rematu-Altitough l'aralanara-The owner of the vineyard' willati-ifi:ef- hours of the cress yet Jesus the original planter, possessor and cut. speaks ef his jtea. His was the joy that tivator of the. vine. The taavieur speaks am e e as a result of eomplefe self-altau. of Rims& as the subject of Ills Father's aotiment for the god. of others. The joy care and eultivation.-Clarke. of perfeet faith iu Goa and loving eon - 2. Every branch in a1e-Many are funniest with hint Ara .the tlisemiee were aupposed to be ia the vine, aeon -ding to to have Ilse amine kite' of joy. ;ley * the opinions of men, who have no root full -The joy of tile Lord filling the itt the vine. Baptized, professing, parti, soul. A joy so deep that no sorrow earl ally -believing members may be found in aistnth it. Stteh a coalition of soul eau- ubunaanee. Ile taketh away-ilemoves, uot De deeeribeat it must be experienced that the vine may not he damaged in re- to le mulereteed. 12. My commandment putation, or the world be imposed upen -.floe we have a "commandment of nm - by .empty professore.-Bib. Mus. Bear- tual love Itasea upt-n his example of etis fruit -The fruit of the Spirit - tate." This ouranantintent ineludes all love, joy, tweet:, etc. tGal, v. :22, a3l. All others-. .As 1 have loved you -Christ is - the enly Feather who fully exemplifies/ manner of gated works. Pureee th it Celauseth and pruneth, stripping it, as in MS own life tbe nerfection he preach - ea, Tile measure of our love ler others the husbandman does, of -whatever is dank and lxuriant-a proeess often pain- 15 ilia lore for las. fu, but no less needful and beneficial in the natural husbandry. -J., and B. AN OBSTINATE WOMAN. :afore fruit -Everything is removed from a the branch whieh tends to divert the Three Times Committed for Refusal to _ Nita} power from the production of Give Evidence. fruit-Westeett. -Christ cleanseth the soul, 1. By the operation of the law drat Tinos Rivera Que.. April 24,-Villat is right doing develops right feeling and to be done v.ith Mrs. Selater, the thief opens the heart to higher influenees of witneas in the eete of the Crown vs. Wan the Hole,- Spirit that Is given to email tace. adneRtie. is the question that is sora in the measure in which eaeh proves itself worthy of and willine to puzzlin...-; the authorities here. The wo- receive Him. 3. By the dise.ipline or life, mart abaolutely refuses to answer un - which is the manifestation of God's der oath. ana to -day for the thira time special love to the soul Mein xii. 6) The was committal for contempt of entre objeet of all this redemptive work is in meR„, is eared with the nikuraea oi order that the soul may bring forth Mrs. Seaters husband in the back - more fruit." woods settlement north of Three Rivers 3. Now ye are elean-Ye are under several weeks ago. The case was this diseiplire of pruning. -Bib. Die. brought here for trial, but when Mrs. Om:scions of their imperfectiona-, their &later was plaeed on the stand she re- late strife, their weakness, they might fused to answer and was sent to jail. fetar lest they were branches of the true A week later she appeared again, but was as obdurate as ever, To -day for 'vine. Jesus comforts them with the assurunee that they are bearing. iruit, the third tune site was brought into though they need further eleanang in eaurt, and the -Magistrate put the fol - order that they m.ay bring forth more lowing question: fruit-Pe/out:et. Though the word - "Do you believe in Goat' '1 -cannot You are already eleans.ed from past sin, answer." . . -Do you believe in a Supreme Being?" though your acceptance of and obedience to my wont -Abbott, The word of "I eannot answer." -Do you believe you -would be pun - God, is the pruning knife. It is sharper false evidenee!" "I than a two-edged sword tHeb. iv. 121, fshed for girirtg eannot answer: and cuts 'deeply into the heart and eon - Da you refuse to give evidence in this selenee by its searehing truth. Christ had ease!' -.1 eannot unsvrer." lopped the wild branches of their earth- -Have yell any reason for net giving iv hopes, emitten them with sorrow at evidence!'" "I eannot answer." a -t the thought of His departure, and eat "Have you any eonselentious seruples their pride int* humility.-Penteeest. artanist giving, evidence in this ease!' 4. Abide in me-reld lase faith and :a ewe& ereaselemie; let nit trial's turn ye eafalloa answer: - in the matter of the King VS. Waliaee lambs were easier at 57.25 to 57.50 rer cwt. a-sicle front the truth. Ye snall reeeive every help end influence frera me that ,your can require in order to re- serve them arel save. there te eternal life. -Clarke. Let yeur strenatte yen wisdom, 3:„3,011- p;aus, en me, as stele grew by enataet with ether senate The larger ata fuller the spirit with wham we ;Naze into Wean. and the reore the a ettraare, the more free ana street: eear growth. Life &Indies life. lave awaketts leve.cant • age nreuses ceurage, self -dee -edam in- spiree self-devettion, titeraght qatainens theught. So that there is nettling ta•e universe like attaittg Cariet to ato- mote the .terewth eur sera's. in evera good. Hove may we alias int Wan! #3.- b.y faith; sil; eammunien with Lira: (3) by deilmr aas A-11 entinef nIO with rigbr. treadveer, tn, by 1.4.Wir.iy, 031 by the nieana of grane-the nera God, prayer. the Sabanth.-Pelottnet. 3 itt ,e-eu-He abides in taem as the sem-a- nt spiritant life and fraltfraleans. a= a-m- ale:a that. tasee aniae ie haat by a livien ebellent faith.-Binney. Ci.7.3ii;es paean knowleage ar_a leve Win .7:6'3 tate tearts dad lives ef bis peeple. The larar.fle, can- not, eta -if Learnat shanal be cm off in an Latta= it watall benzene Iran less. The mien beteveze the. teratea, and the main stem is the elasest that• can be ettneeivel. It is the vaade setae ea the tele. streztetb, eager, bantaty ani fereility of Co Ina.ret.-Rele. No reart ean ye --Ye wenn be partakers of my • naware, wise in my wistatets. ptewerful inetay relettit, nna were tareent. itttitentlee43." Z. .11::41.27.1 it-tr,it-7?-..e sired eat is seenten f•Teeen. Christ. lite Christ. Setae La Carlst. ant fiat sere: Witattat me-Separattel item me. Vita- -eat C'eriet we can tie rethiret that will • ti. 11. Tne ret of nett alialife Le Christ fl. a If a nes atalle net in ree- "Mateyo- anti may- reendt Can Le wertlates. Esonat ite, fanned ttt Christ by anialeg fraith ntaa :eta Le ie to mete a ,z;N:a Ged tame the aseaa. laratola i5 a part of tae lavinet tate. Want may engage in Clarittinn taark. enal realnea. wan have no tita3 tattien wen: - Christ. Wake the ati.eaettaman e.tate tas test ewe seethe Vane- -.1'1,, es useless, lifeleta farentalate Te tr:".1 1.7.= ever,y raan whet* le "thEit• arnen Chrlat -taere et re frait." Ia withatel-Havitee te heaven- ly ametticm eel:at:all nit:. he car -ret learnt fatth etet"ate than. atiotteat =teal e.at elsratIn the a:oho:. tha has- lesndwan ear). Men gathee the:e- V:rough taze jedateetts ef 'ant they ate aeraratel feate the rareltdatetire leareatat latnies.'fllanatia sea...heel lite the eon, ta clestaeyea. -Thls sariatien ef tat: a'ark eale et. peaeible deettnv is Irina urn tereeteatt, eteeas ejaets'ael to the feller aletrate., anatan fa-tt tale erenerageteent a tte npeetles.:"- aVaealeat, !IL Itleasanaza tInat, cateta featn rtallitae thelat yes... S!..q 7. la ye a anee-altawea• taanst..n3t earatarannn taitat ann. 'Lae altaya fatte., reel& aim the Lan.t..3"n ea late tea stit=tutr...1. c tar. • trv nt:.1 'rte. • wentimealla tscaatee tataa ana mernettea, testae theen gni tante area rale acat ar.,1 4.4; ttll7,1,-.3t.• e."1".74te ialtealalea el lain Vende itt them aranal a-ewate tde near Itt7.1 dna la. Seen wal teak b sena-a:am te ans. • S113.2j; derna-alfae asan_.aat ran- letadtell n • eae tee 'wad ca tataLeareffer wdll Latt..-.::-.nv uZ3 Ot..1 Eastean-Fen the afeedeahataaa na tate, fant. antrate tats hehett • kfal aine stante. taefent-a, tele eadarete, eetfeetaa fraizaa tatta E-4 Lan- a. anasennt tat tanaa, tattnaeaa: eh en; en evade eata thateanne the lantratt ard nate eatafeet tana: seteetot sntata teen s.it Cad Ed *lir:VA IVO #Se -F • S. :EAT:lt, The Week. - TOrento farmers' Itlarket. IS DEATH FOR KALEIEFF. brand Duke Sergius' Murderer ; Senteace, ; Tice orrerlord 0 grain toelay show an ‘4, - na Increase. Wheat is weatter, wt e sales ot ea) besheis at rail at 0. to v..o. Ana. of P' aft) bushels, et goose at 'Z7 to ate. Barley ',' steady, le) buelsets sealing at 4se a bustle'. Oats atea4a, aeft fantasia selling at 0 ete. Dairy prettuest toed euppla and. prtees steady. choice dairy butter see, at 25 fad per Ib., toed eget], at le to tat [Cr acilera. iaoyadisn stair astOPO0Y.oattulttealtanosa_eateerritelemet. ethY, aud at ;8 to 0 for mixed. Straw sold At ;10,159 a ton for bundled, and at ;7 for A lead ef loose. Dressed liOge are steady. with sales at 58.23 to the latter for a tew ebetat light weightS. Wheat, new, bushel .... ..; 1 00 to ; X c2 s"rrtnalmsbultsehlos. '" 1 °° to 1 hoe FouSe. 'bushel . 10' R.3 to Oats,. lattShel 0 47 to 0 IX BytifA-whIeusat.el b.u.stiest 0° 871)9 ttoo 0'1 tl parlor> (casket 45 to 0 Peas, bushel 00 to 0 :0 Has, timothy, per ton 10 00 to 11 90 Ho., raised, ton 00 to 900 Straw, per ton .. .. 10 00 to 10 " lbiessed hogs 5 ,lta" to S :1 Apples, per bbl. .. 1 05 to 71 Eggs, per dozett .. 0 16 to 0 17 ' Butter, dairy .. 0 25 to 0 27 " Do., creamery .. 0 to 0 Chickens 013 to ti 14 Turkeys. per 18 to 0 : Potatoes, bag .. 0 65 #3 0 75 Cabbage, per dozen .. 9 50 to 0 :5 ; Celery. per dozen. .. 0 SO to 0 49 Onions. per bag 2 00 to 04.1(4 Beef„ hindquarters .. 8 00 to 9 '0 D . .forequarters .. 5 00 to 8 ta Do., chola°, carease .... 7 te to s to Do.. Inedhun, carcase 6 50 to 6 70 Mutton, per cwt. .. 8 00 to 973 , 9 -A Veal. per cwt. .. 03 to Lambs, per cwt. .. 12 os to 1400 Leading Wheat Markets. May. New work .. . ..• taWns Detroit ,... ,....,.. 1.92So St. Louis 1,01. Toledo .. Minneapolis .... 1.97"-4 Toronto Live Stock. July. I 0,9.1 0.8Pa 0.90 t.eas Retvelpts et live stook stare Friday last, as reported by the railways, amounted to 81 car loads, consisting of rat c.attie, ten hogs, 246 sheep and lambs, 5,40 calves and Tlfe quality of at cattle with the ex- I 04 horses, eeption of a few loads, was far from being good, but there was an excellent market whether fat or half fat, all being sold be- fore 10 a. in. When quality is censidered prices were by all odds the highess of the year, bom for butchers and exporters. Exporters -Prices ranged. from 55.0 to 5:Or:, and one lot sold by Maybee. & Hall of 4 steers of excellent quality, sold at 55 per cwt.; the bulk sold at 0.50 to 0.75 per cwt. Export bulls at 5,75 to ;AZ% and ex- port cows at 0 to tese per ewt. iiratchers-C'hoice picked lots ef butehers' heifers and steers, 1R10 to 2900 lbs., sell at $5.25 to 5.5.30 per cwt; loads of good at 55 to medium at 54.5.a to 44.So; eum.212,3= at 54 to 14.:35; COWS at tan' te rare per Peeders-Choire short -keep feeders, 1100 to 1200 lbs. each, sold at 0 to 55.0 per owl.; feeders. 1000 to Deo Ms. each, at 54.:5 to 55; feelers. SOO to 1000 lbs, at ..5U to sten; twos. seo to 900 lbs., at 0 to 025; Stackers. 600 to 700 lbs. each, at 050 to V.75; stook calves, one year old. 474 to 500 lbs. each, at 060 to 53.76, and 54 per cwt. Milch Cows and Springers -About 40 or Ze roileh Cows and springers, the hulk of which were of common to medium quality. sold all the way from eat to eaeh, the balk suing between V3 and 545 eael. Teal Calves -About 000 of the calf ellss were offered, but there• was not one cholee Easter veal calf in the lot. Prices ranged from V to 512 each, er taro) to 415 Per cwt. but had the right kind beer. offered 57 Par _ • it victuue, tows just across the read from like convent. When be realized that the children on the upper floor were in an- mment danger be eecured a long ladder Receives and managed with it to reach one a the windows in tho very apartment where Ms own daughter slept. Ile smashed the -glass and shouted. Only ono girl re- The London City Council struck taX vended, and she was let down with little rate of 23 nails on the dollar. Garand multi hear the screams , 417": V KALET_EFF, THE ASSASSIN OF GRAND DUKE SERGIUS. M0411". April 21. -The trial of laaleieff, who killed Grand. Duke Ser - gins, by the Supreme Court took place teaday. The publie was not admitted to the trial. The prisoner refused to plead, -de- elaring be 1T;VS not in the position of ' criminal before judges, but was a prison- er taken in a civil war. He was sentene- ed to death. The only persons present through the trial were members of the .entourage of the late Grand Duke Sergius and anus- stel, of whom two were assigned : Kaleieff. The prisoner's mother :wee , : not admitted but remainesi in the eorri- doss. Senator Drier presided. Senator ' Slehegloritoff, Preesuator-General the Department of Cessation. was the 51 -nate preteutor. \Then EaleiefL was arraigned he re- . "flied: -I am not a erinfin-31. and you : are not my judges. am your prisoner. : We have a eiril war. I ant a prisoner of war. not a criminal." - 1- - anained cwt.. would have been nail nye witneasea were ex • 'Are ,you prepared to take the oath Sheep and T.4”,bs-PrIces for yearling for ewes and wethers; ex -port ewes55 to lieRaeta tat cannot ansvrer." use; bucks, 55.75 to 0.25; spring, lambs, -Are you. a Ceti:eller "I cannot ans- to 5,7 each. Hogs -About 1550 hogs, delivered sinne werEcash ana Jar ,„1 eannot answer:. drff, sy.d.r.# 05r per ewt...advance„ Mr. Her- • 41, te..,,,yeleas to.50 and lights and *Are von Preabyterianr" -I cannot fats atcasee per cwt., tee new watet-ei. attatver!" Bradstreet's on Trade. -Methodist!" -I eannot answer:* Montreal trade reports to Braastreet's -Do year priazieles ferbia you to take say: Wholesale trade here continues a the oath:" :menet answer:' The Cream Preset -tater tbert askel -that Yr`'.1° Viet: alcilaugh fairly good rePlea- Ifeatng, orders eentinue to eerne forward the follow -leg queetien be rat to witness: c.„."1Asee yoefutz:eeppergl,tvos.te.m.inzeRneewiehrrimirn. Lit! mama nehdewseasbnheesavyfe.rThwehireehtatihietraspdse•inign tdhen- nen_ eeenaa,„,, country has not yet nsstmael a brisk q,,d-"--heiat=;:admaaahrinafenao7ofietzntleandaw"rn aht aao:,-.-eardiratL'eni tone- The farmeas are berainning seedirg Tho. eiztei.tim was pat to laftaz. zahe!ater tre; ...131,strars will be a little and she replial in tae .same farm. -I eau- a"aa"- srm‘n Orders far arata'r deavery are commencing to arrive, ani eat answer: they are fairly heavy and cove:: a fair The CTZ*11. trared far distribution of lines. Grozeries are fara•- •aaa'aaal•aa ef tllewness '" eztetttptly steely, with a ntelerate movement. ef wart. Tita elefewe erattesel a ferared an antare eaaas aaantre, °Hera are aratett. .7::2ze then evaittee afaanrafaents of Leavy itaraware, gas ale .is. &later te 1e n1 iattant fez larze. center -id of eanrt. Thrento adaleasoa Bralstrsers say: - - Daring tho earlier nartaat the week emu - FAVOR POLICY -HOLDERS. try tra-e was rasrey rateave„ but orsanter 'we -ether has set the farmers te sealewa ana retail traae in the esantry is qniet- r. Deadverie.t offerwalute nere have alee fallen of. eel r;reces in meny- :lees ure tarm. Business gerferany sneers a Leave improvement over daat et' a year aen. eel althangh payments here anal taere are a little S:3W. they are in the meat flarav prompt. Ter tannafaaturing efte Shotad Be 051 Directorate of Equitable Life. New Ycak. Apia ta4.-Aftee a sessien et the laetaa Savey lasting fee nearly six tente to-aaw. the tern Livr.e.ri,i ota man- age:le ateentat of the Egnitable Life As- semaree Seeletty fawin d:a ras,-tts et the nate] Statee calarel ressearalena reeltErn tre c'ef the Presentee aerataintra -- -;-- --e- . as is eeinead by tne 1.17,111."1,7 .117.1.-..t.Z Of orates e:.rp-a-...g. feeen tae.ee jelets te tea rentraesale ata.ases Len?. Iinee is tee spite -:,‘,3 7_31:171 nativity apeeretat rat ante - try leints. At Qaebee etaael reeds arel flee weather Lave stimalate.i tawte„ an. Wi^ealesa"..ar.s, as a rae. r-ettart attirinte eseetially er ateen feeity Stete in the lianian atel ortenteseerate severa- szhanners L31:::,7 1,1i.Ti (L:14:3. '44,Z:ell:Zit "01.211.1 411.,a rearnearsi 'laien far 11.9 7-.:XZET 17.27:17:".1.-- .,•'-.4. reee ie a in New Ye -1k 4_ ity. sterela le tateea. te. dee--aLel in nal fines reel a general fee - see Gar ere :ra ladeseleas =a Statecrattanneret p. revere z Ler is leake a f z ra ar a to. ea. linet-eamet 13.nanakt. in on emleavattet 1%3 le 7...S eative saenetry reaaateareea zee r' aenee teen. aesnataree ;.,-e gerit.._,; 'al'? frepCrte-1 tatter Item kr seme tone :eta:. a ezatereate 1 a Leeinere as rap 7.11"..Y.•:•722.1 a.. -":1-4-....1,F 13 11.1...•;., _ -11i, o4:.14' 1:',..:2:: 17-e:7-=:if:17.fi:.=0 L.::," 1-77.121e. •‘3:' il'E'.'...1.--7.1,".1 ..s.:...-.NLT-7.:1,...T., /11"In 331a1.-.11-4•,?.1.9-. 1.1114'7...•.E.s ateen nateateme ernaseel Ilea --teetitf efeedialarne that say: E::.,517:ESS < ::::.:4121:13 Ze-LST..1:::,1; a:e. lett: v. a a re et: reeta_teetre et- I. e:.7 satidf,s..., 7 :7117.. Ina: , leanne 'ate a e anal , -a ate -.....:ek at' eeezaientaan enatilve =a etaert. -a.re. f:r a -elan; altettne- 'ale: :eta ea, nenenneas eas :el r, fZ.71.=!"..I'Z' 7 a ale. 17.tele. A i-a....n. ...• n ftnate..2 : , _ v._ 7.47,3:24, reey. nres : aaale- Salt in t - . ef lanal a, eanae. -enetwanfiel .-..1•": ' Nral--?. ;Leann La:ea el:eat:tat:se e -..-. .- v.3I • t ta. 1.1r.2.1 r•f:13'..7 3 tneen. t y a ,eeal have careen tatea. :- a tant matan in ineseleta Taattfal in fee setajett et' tee, farms:en neal mede _ ten at: aseeeteet tat fae tannaeleatan isfeat,"tealtl, eatehe tdaele :en-- '1,-.) ;:,,,r,-? eas ad; a.i.,.3. - --,r,,,,E----1 i.t.., --,,,z_-..---1. a - an.fa.-- ' ...; - . • - a t. ef renaneemets c :eta; ea : .• neat TO steuRz EMIGRANTS.-Uoto- ,,,,.„ ......___, jeray tate can -nay na t.:-.) ....4 1:.? t111.11 Their Ihntsste.as at! AtIvarsAler-zt '=.'LL',7. tadfarda-fa"e rafdd Pnfi fa Them Matey. alwaaa eateena, -= - :Lae tea t.: Le:reale l q awatanan a afea....-a-t- ea naate, adn. "aeal '''.3-Ifn aa :eta' ,„„:„. - , Prior to passing sentence the President asked Kaleieff if he would repeat the ohne if be were given his liberty. He replied: 'Without doubt I would re- peat it if ordered by the Revolution- ary Committee to 'Which I am attached." When sentence of death was passed Kaleieff s.houted: "Execute your judg- ment as openly as I have acted, before the eyes of all." The date of exesaution has not been specified. Hanged Within a Fortnight. Petere-turg.. plea at i'lloaeow lialeieff. U110 INUS senteneea to death fry the ressastination of Grand DSe uke rnius. that it ;tate ef civil war exsats .uatea ani -that Le was a pit saner ef war and not an twilit:a-ay pre. aener au cased ote f a tainte. is entaidered here to 'leak:ate the toeition whiels tee Ts -moth -at will assume Lereafter. Nat- ilraday 4itIQTA peaitien is rot at-knorkeig- ea lay the Gevelemant. but the Teta- T- ian; will reit:Fiat in the fietion. Kaleiefi heting been tried ler a s,peeial easannee- abets of the Senate against which there no appeal, will be hanged probelay within fortnialtt• FIFTEEN LIVES L Little ENT ri.'NVEN" FIR Children and Aged Women Genevieve Convent, Que. Perish in 'Smoke and Flames Cut Off the Escape of the Children and Aget-1 Peop,le. Vaal D"3.1:T.,. eral nein spair tt atter:led. the SISTER adarandal ADTC,TUR. PARMELA DUGS, 33 years, St. Gene- vieve. ILEO= DAOUST, , 16 years, Ee Bird. , BERTHA TESSLER, ra- years, Ile Biard. ; eeeeNDA GaRAND, ta years, St. Gene- . TTIeve. , ‘; MAP.1i4 LEGAULT, 12 year, St. Gene- vieve. ; ItaARCELLPeiE VILLEMARIE, at -yearn St. Heath / Faarda 'PaTLRAULT, :5 years, Montreal a EnENE BERTR-a-ND, 9 years, St. Ger.e- ,- Nt-W Y.:4(k State Lagielavere to fee- eniee alanara peweas tfa ernetiee tttt ame- aeaet "Le the seelettafr chat -ten" tale anaernmantto;axe the painalitalers te the aireetreate ef the se- elete Tin tanaltetaan a'ne parallel that a eneseetatee etreastleg: ef sene nettinger e"- tihn ef 'aA eateaeleffrn- nfaa • -at tne anattare the sitee::-.3 L.= n erier nale imea ca..> da'e -tear- 11 T.! ...a. 4n eangeetten en0:43_- ee n , - ane nat. e, late" sl satit! a. c nsee -.1.:11.:_s• tat les, a f :e'II:. I -. _ Lana- - 'fe 3 a_ • IL„." (4'11stai ° ALDEA ROBETA1LLE, g years, St Gerievieve. EGLANTINE PRODLX, la years, Mat- azaa. lanalAtaiE cARDr.a.T.„, sa 3 -eats, Satteateee. 17-4.D.A2uM.aataARGUERITE FOTVIN yr:a75, SO. C-EZtVit-s .IT•scrans LEAtTLIEU, 5;2 years, Gettarteve. •nfloartatiere setafett eptallea. lung -- lire. a fi-realy-tantraing, atm:ante, choking !eta:ft ameke. naisiala -seemed to eut eff ewetT retreat a sere tf fr.antie girls. ; mete ennairce: n Lena cel ber.a. aistere eanenallez tat 'the reaaae; a canintette ot nyeaan f-ine fat the Keck nark - f aa• sa eating vinnetere cestelle: a men an le reeteek nalieg at breakneck -jea. te the nearest to and serae Eace., any Le feeraw a of the reza eiteatien. t'.7.3,1.7a f the it'r - I ▪ Ant -ea- af Litt. aa- ua,". :.,14tv..2 inesn. , itaer vale, te2 itt-eatee. 717 lin- , aneata eta a en:v 'here 1;lar. 11.2,. .the • • • . 1. reee •:-..ten a, a Ly the azel ataintette she;: -.4 eaffeeteeple /se neat it ?tone anfelter atrik- ;ne ▪ tfee irfule- of fate. Cat: anel diatera have eantifiztel. so - fae to calteee titer-at:a ate five St. en nee. cal terresei. st3 f salient wee: - it allotted ejett. Loa te-er. leat anya f teanaint• e,tiata1 an/ lax 3 d.fitla --a-4, se enteatre ler t,ettaalt- St.; ...a. titan a tint ala,- n afeerwasaa ens: .3 2.- anal her- laarfaadaa LAL'ONDE, S5 vents, St. Start of the Pre. Gee:vita-eaen-. Lease -r. 17:_at 0-,T,..att1s III TEE TUT.RED. 44: , . t_ . ' :1- „ : 3 , .... as a 3,7, a 31--ww2 atattwa. TalElfaSE DE 3E -A7. • ...1.,• 11', 9!.... ka . Vf ! F-2:1 le ilAtt = SE: MAI:1M ROBERTL1. an. s at .- -:. D 1.11r. ' : tent a a n !n-• ‘•. 1 31 _r_.-1 . tat :Lail. tt 13 - ALEXIliE FAMENT.. EVELEaTE PAntaaLla EVA PE.REIN, af ne1-4"'I. WILDLnaGS BURNED. I- e ..... • _ - r. ,„I ,aentrat ,daff.:t pa onatelt. eee cf,,f cni, tr..lp ::3 t.:...:ir at...e'ks f faetel Ler ten an fell ef eveake. 'i.e -"t- 4-1:t LAO the a: rriaer. thinkaae la a • • • - a - ▪ te: a • 4-" $154132. pattle ins" -r=5; testaztva v.ritL2 a annee we:nee , sz,=.44 tartly br.:Ita. gave an antra:. 41-0 staters ae ste„ Anne; ▪ . :I gaze wren= t t fllr- ef et en sede henlien. vs-ae aciar "n 01e001 aaideen 4.04 f524 efnerat ne:Lieg, nas eft .::_ • : 3- t, tr_.? tine afah ae, - cent: e Leaf I' ' Lana? LI 34 , . la 0 , -S‘ c:a71 L sc _1"S? c.7 "1";.0 11te:3 aseneate '• en1c-1- -a, se. tt ereeeel. eel tam tee, 3 133 Its t ree,i3 the t"etfa, •:."- lit::; sra andies crof fright, from within, but shout as he might he could not attract atten- tion. A little girl ran to the next win- dow and. jumped to the- ground before Garold could tell her that a -ladder await- ed her at arm's length. 'rho man by this tette "meanie frantie, but his efforts were futile, and finally, driven down by the leat of the flames, he had to retreat# anewing full well that his daughter bad already fallen a victim. Four 014 Women Perish,. Afeautime another tragedywas being enacted in on the ground floor tho wing ucetspied by five old women. It was there, to all appearances, that Get fire eternal. and there four infirm occupants lint their lives. ;Wet how the fifth, tladame Lavignm e, anaged to 'escape is net exactly known, but she was dtseov- ered groping about in the main building and rescued. When onee the fire got under way it took but a few minutes for the bailing to become a veritable furnace, for the (Telling doors and windows created a draught that quickly fanned thfla e mes and drove them up the stairways and Meng the corridors. Help Was Too Late. Mr. Chamst, M. P. P., -who lives About two Intudred yards from the site of the tanwent, Fent it man on horseback almost immediately after the outbreak to Bea- eurisfield to telephone to Montreal for as - 'stance. The distance to Beaconsfield ia about three miles. It took the man asat seven minutes to cover it, but his est.: -age to Montreal was of little avail. .kpparatus and firemen from this city aetually did start for the scene in the hope of saving the village, but when part way there word was received that the wind bad turned and the flames had -pent themselves. Laniens Residence Burned, Standing One by the convent were wooden abate and adjoining it a stone re!4tienee owned and oecupied by John Lanita. The names spreaa from the -Leda to Ube house and consumed both, leg, strange to say, owing to a change of ,aind, a frame structure of more inflam- mable material and more exposed to the flames than the other escaped with a alight scorching, while the fine stone resi- dence was consumed. The Church of St. aenevieve, 'erected in 1S41, and standing near by, also escaped. The total loss is about $20,000. St. Genevieve is in Jacques Cartier eounty, the constituency of Mr, F. D. Monk, and is served by both C. P. It. and 0. T. IL A MASGOW MAN, A pike weighing 10% pomula #1.48 ("alight 111 the Thames at London. Air. fteorge N. Leavens, of Belleville,a brother of the postmaster, dropped dead. The Kingston Street Railway bond- holders offer to sell the road to the eity for $125,000, an's. Mary (rigor, a widow, was found dead in the yard of a Markham sWet, Toronto, house. Two eases of meningitis, one of whieh will probably be fatal, are interesting Toronto doetore. The Northern Elevator Company will erect a big flour -mill in 'Winnipeg this year to cost $250,000. A West Palm Bead), Fla., despatch says that at 0 o'clock to -day there was no material change in the condition of Joseph Jefferson. The winter shipping business at Hali- fax was one of the largest in the por't's history. When the vessels now on the way -arrive the total number of immi- grants for the season will amount. to 18,445. . Asee Miss Janet Carnoehan is at Ottawa to seek a federal grant towards the erec- tion of a suitable museum at Niagara-on- thedatee for the housing of many his- toric collections. A grant hat been made by Ontario. ' Mrs. Bell, wife of Mr. John Bell, K. C., G. 'I'. R. eolieltorndied at Belleville.. , A conference of Provincial Treasurers is being arranged for, with a view to the adoption of uniform succession duties. The United States will send a squadron to France to brieg back the body of Paul Joues. The by-law for the erection of a new Town Hall in Wroxeter carried by over Iwo -to one. The Allan turbine liner Victorian made the trip from Halifax to Loch Foyhirrit- • seven and a quarter days. TESTIFIES REGARDING GLASGOW'S TELEPHONE SYSTEM. Ottawa, Oat., April 24.- (Special.)-- Dr. Ochs, of Hespeler, was examined. at the Telephone Committee meeting to- day. He gave a description of the rural eyatem between Berlin, Waterloo, Pres- ton and liee,peler, which was started itt 1S91. Three years later it was sold to the Bell Company. The Bell was not giv- ing a very good service. and opposition was offered. Now it was iinproved, and this year fifty farmer subscribers were added to the list. at $15 mei. .Conneillor Willoek, of Glasgow, Scot: - hula, was the next witness. He said that the city borrowed nb" 120,000 for esta: Halting munieipal telepbone system. It was installed its March, 1901. He paid at that time el10 for a telephone in his cen- tral offiee, and for one at. a braneh office lute:Lie the mill radius lie paid £20. There was a rebate which made it £10178. The National bad a monopoly there. The corporation charged ilea 5s. for an anlimitesl servie.e for the district. The National rates were £10 10s., and £17 10s. At his own residence Ile paid £2,and now had a 'phone for 45 5s. At a long distance 'phone it was sixpence for three numbers, and the time ambled. at night. In Glasgow public stations charg- ea a penny a call. The National Com- pany bas now reduced from af17 10s. to 10s. The National or any company woula not be permitted to erect poles. The National was doing ,its best to inter- fere with the municipal system. He said that gat.. water, and all publie utilities were suceessitilly operated by the city. The National haa 20,000 -subscribers and.. the eite 14,000. The National was adding to its .ast by free 'phones. Last year tate corporation hatl it surplus of n3,650. - a - A WARSHIP IN A STREET. Strange Fate of a Century -Old British Frigate Ls-eulon. April 24. -The Daily Expresa :tuldialaes the sollowings Attention ie Irawit te the strange fate of the old frigate Ifavannah, whielt was built in IS11, aiid formea part of the escort of Xapateen 1. to St. Helenaby an AUsWer zriven in Parliament by- Mr. Pretyman. Sea:Teary to the Admiralty. 'The Havaunah, he staten was sola by elaie :melon nt Portsmouth. "As site as not afloat, but high and dry, and krzeing part of a street in Cardiff. elle nill presumably have to be brokea. up artee she east be removal. The land on WiviAsise rete bac to be cleared of all dearis within it certain time." Inquiries at Cardiff show that the frigate late for some yeere been ost.,l as an inalastrial Mies)). Site Oaten: lea& ty about twenfeet from -the pavement in Potarth Road, eloee to the River Taff. 1 he vessel was floatea to ite present pasitien in 1501. and was enclosea by bank, aLite the ereek in tallith she lay was partly fillea ith earth. and usea as a, vegetable garden no playgrouna for the aa&i: in the inluatrial Mewl kept an beard. On several tweations the title bas risen abate the bank and Matra the veteel. CROWDED THE BULL RING. Thousands of Poor Petiple Attend Na- tional Spedits Madrid. M,141191. April :).3. -Tile teltheil of mete hat in autherinel the resumption auntlay bull fighting. on the poste.' that it ie nn 'art, and that the matataars. n 4034-:'3C,4it. .:Tel a., tareadote. taa. tare artistc. the national , tee .-eree.,at woe of -nether% - .‘*' 7' 1'2 v.ts . • * ti to'JaY nen: • ..,. want ettraortimary ontausiasm, the oe- 3 _ - , ...t E.., --ea. kt sraatae. dosaen waa a elletented here It" tawritla - •. 3 2.1,1 r te • _ 'ea tan a na raffataa a td -a. lin ultah site 9411135 'dere antAdUlleed to ivA 7.) 'V 14!. - aletesd te. ts' f killea la leeeattijo and Maraeutinittr. ta let . ,,. 4 • v 'CO te tette. Tht re nee an enormosta deniana for tie __Eafirees Esmre Cut Off, ots, ith .s fir1:411y seaellea itteredible et et. e: a a_ a a neat nerafTat rezdatel taeir 1-al"fa. Iwtiw 1110I‘`AlEA sola tlaer - • • ", tir. t -a.. -.-en they alial !eta • 3 aletartaa team:es ef see -ke • s 4103 - - a "-• 2 -e 1: a • V.,. eel feces tte SZVE14.11 tan to a.otta-a 0701 furneture W obtain the priee • eateinsien. Trointy tiseassamil people .eroaaoa tty clna ttoiity thousand. Atha uteltie to enter, stotel out.side te Iiaten ttie thautta tttiti bellowiegs. 'the Iszszial histea Iwo and one-nalf fleets. Six hulas anal eieven itorsee tsete lateca. alearantseite• vs -he latinerto a.:te Velq haet-a.mcrelya novellito. steastattea faaana fttz, with suzh skin that lie ‘vis pro- ti.ntiLtar by his aluirers who 2.003 T' tee t•=71lIcst cannel ante en their Sb'1ttP0t 344tae ca. eahtee,,noi,eeeet, ateret. anal 2.trvc.-or of eigrars, forts. tlto ottze cf ^ t 3t safety: ctn. (2:.1:r,,3 r.., r -V-4 ' 1 c ; 4 4., '.2,F C ..:11 net even reaah tfae a: a:ea.-Lea Feet en ef alel (,34-1cl,l:aten wha tate ael: L:r:... L. .4 .-3.0 , n CI, E, zat'...1 ft,: -.T. or..,1 t,.....?r,:, ... ::::::..t:.::3 44 c....° "i:i r..:-.? `'..-• _ ' 01 t 71 L'i le tate f:n tiant daa a ... ,v testa.,._It e..1,-,t:a- : 0 41,1:12.0 u,,,-.: T df s t, -0s4_87 tle e ntean ad C,..7,,r..4l 4.9 cefateanann ea an, The litigation between the Centre Star and War Eagle Companies and the West- ern Federsitioe of Miners is over. Toronto Street Railway Co. was fined $2,500 to -day for not having a. fender on the back of its car while it was backing. The Britisb ambassador at St. Peters- burg, ter Charles Hardinge, started to- day for Englanti on a mouth' holidays. Richard 11. Cochrane, a mining pros- pector, has been 'leasing front his home at Sault Ste. 'Marie, Ont., since March 31, and is now practically given up for lost. by his family and friends. A Berlin despatch to the New York Herald. says: A despatch from St. Pe- tersburg states that Baron Rosen„ for- mer Russian Minister to Japan, will sue- ceed Count Cassini at Washington. Martin Chase Benjamin, a famous character of the Thunder Bay region, is dead at Hubbard Lake, Mich., aged Sass He had killed 3,000 deer and hundreds of other game. His early days were spent in tbe employment of the Hudson Bay Company. General egents of the Equitable Life Assurance Society met again in New York to -day to discuss the s.oeiety'a affairs and the advisability of forming a. permanent organization of the general agents for mutual support aud protee- tion. Yesterday's immigration -arrivals in Winnipeg totalled 1,020. The Earl of Stanhope, formerly Junior Lord of the Treasury, died. at London. Coneiderable anxiety is felt at Gibral- tar at the non -arrival of the gasoline ittuneh Gregory. The new Hamburg-Amerlean Line etestt7Iierrelainitzertiodtly. lcawas lannehea at Bel- faThe eondition of-a7f-airs in the Balkan StaaitveisreitaeTatitsiNehigenientat.:11 uuettainees in ell- ei- A. million. whitefish fry were depositea in the Bay of Quinte- et Belleville by Mr. Parker, from the Sandwich liateliery. la S. Secretary -;f"-State Hay's chute report Mr. Hay has reeeverel Itia health. Ile will leave Nati today for Genoa. -- A jury in the New York State Supreme Court, allielt had acquitted Frank Chan- owski of the murtler of nliebel Bianeo, was told by judge.-Wiltstot Smith toehry that its; veraiet wag About the 'worst ntia• earriage of justice he had ever known. At the organization peeing of the To- ronto Alumni Aseweiatiott it was deeided tlemb oexeelrsutlheip!ite univerW sity elty from Convineed that George Gould aetea ut ea." selfelefenee \Nitert he snot ana killea Aimee 11. Hammond, a jury in ;nate Tuthill's court. Chicago, has returned vie‘lrtettli.tre iletoftelonteilty, and Gould was. u A MATRIMONIAL SCHEME. kssirtibeia Mau After rifty Ettglist-Nirls for tht West. • Montreal, April 24.-altee9tantin Pipe. of Wapella, Assiailniia. is tin the nay to Englarta 'with a Woro auttansent to in- duce fifty Iseahlty, expericatteal. pad- lookitg gitleto ateetrapany him Tan& to the prairies. °rho girls will Wain ma -cset- osta about fitteen tioliars a. wealth. but it miti be traer4tooa that the faulh will lie in thew if they de tett sae thereafter lwatte inistros.ses of fifty liouseltohis. WINO. Vat se -tants. OW what, in Ma Itireass opitnen. the weed Vale; Navas to mane Lamee caul Nal the eourg mess to tat: soli. It will Ira offets twee oeneettstate maul. 17151:10t11:oirull;triatillie. •titils that, ti:o wcz,t,