The Wingham Advance, 1905-04-20, Page 6QUALITY is a Good Salesman
their rielt aud fashionable attire, Took
somehow wanting and tinfinielied. It is
difficint to look elegant with a red 3)0501
and thO truth compete 11.3 to admit that
Out combined with fair prices IT IS IIRRESIST, - both Mature; and GeOrglItes noes are
IBLE. We are proud o'' " thet pceuliar, easy grace which =eke
the petragan if yon carrg about evilit
_.711::e.rpettielly the consetonese uethat
yor fuather made his fortune by making
It is difficult to be Ma ordinarily
graeeful when your elothe.s fit yon so
tightly that you can't move your lege.
more then two. or three Indies at a Unit;
It ii difficult, not to say impossible, to
'assume eta ease, when you kuow that a
pair of clear, searehing, cruelly frank
am fixed on ,you, revealing in their
er,yetal eandor the coneeiousness of the
• o v. iter.
One a the Misses Lambton's sealskin
. jackets would have bought up the wbole
of Jeanne's wardrobe; they had ten
dresses to her one; they lived in a linge
barrack of a house, moved in a cloud. Of
servants, poseeseed choriots and horse-
men, and yet, for all their airs aud
gotees, they were con.ecious that jeonne
possessed something that they lacked,
and they were never quite at their ease
in her preeence.
Straight as an arrow, her fresh, shell -
tinted face serene and still, lier graceful
figure fully at ease in her well-worn,
Piainly-eut dress, Jeanne comes forward,
with no mincing gait, but with a firm,
thaugh light step, with no veneery smile,
but with a placid gravity-eoine forward
the most direct contrast to them it is
possible to imagine.
"My dear Jeanne," seys Maud, in the
affeeted falsetto, whioh he deems the
"correct high tone, "we are so glad to
find you at ;home. We were afraid you
might be out.'
"I wish I -I mean," eieys Jeanne, cor-
recting herself quickly, but composedly;
"I mean it is a. 'beautiful after/wort; but
I have been praeticing, I have to prac-
tiee for an hour every afternoon." .
" Poor darling!" murmurs Georgina., Du; I lost my poor little doll, dears,
mincing to a chair. "How cruel! Don't Aillkas II olgri,doriiiletrhine gitgaonnea day;
week, dears
your hands get cold?" ,
But I .never could Bud where she lay.
says Jeanne, promptly.
"Nor your feet? Oh, dear," says Maud, I found Illy pcor little doll'dears,
As I played in the fields one day;
"We're obliged to have the patent key- Fonts say she is terribly changed, dears,
warmer, and we have the earriage foot- , For her paint is all washed away;
warmer, too, don't we, Georgina? Bat A
%Ur tettL,r1gitrotadodteThoe"le,'Intthbelte
Yet for old sake's sake he is still, dears,
then 'see get so cold." .
'Yes," says fleanne, eyeing them calm.- The prettiest doll In 'the world.
"Well." replies the girl, serenoly, "we ly: I don't.'
used one for a scarecrow, you know, and I This direct blow to the conversation
other aunt took to prop up the milk threatens to slay it outright, a,nd the
pails." 1
t itwo fashionable young ladies smooth
"Oh, 1 say, you know 1 It's too bad!" :their muffs and look at their boots and
ejaculated Hal, lugubriously. "A fellow 'smile inanely,
doesn't know where to put his things for 1 Jeanne comes to their rescue.
sinew uoteteet egnatt uoettost poop safety in this house. Well, if Aunt J "I will let aunt know you are here,"
pumnua Slam ut aneinA u se wag/ 4 Dostrell hadn't taken 'em, TJnele John hse says, doubtfully. "She is in the kit -
would have wanted them to file up for ehen, I think."
misery that is common with all the other
misery that is common with all tit one of his chemical experiments, I sup- 1 "Oh, please -please don't disturb her,"
other, at present, quite 'villages, awaits- pose. But it's too bad! and just as the , says Maud, putting up lier na.nas implor-
it. it is true that within a couple of Lambtons are talking about this skat-jingly, something after the fashion in
miles rolls the sea, but the most san- ing party I" (which the ill-used heroine on the stage
guine of speculators would never dream 'Never mind. Hal," says Jeanne. and 1 beseeches mercy of the harchheterted ty-
of making the seaboard. of Newton Regis clasping her bands behind her head - ;rant. "We only came in to ask you if
into a fashionable watering place, for golden, seen in the firelight -and lean- I you would come over to -morrow to the
the crest is rocky and impracticable, and ing. against Hal's legs, "Pli (max aunt to i park and ekate with us. It won't ne a
elightly tinted. It is -difficult to aSSlLrne
,1 , 11111,1_ 11 1
121000 , 1, 414_ 4 I II ,:1.111;.•
TEA, and if you are not yet using it all we ask is that
you give it a trial and compare it with others.
CHAPTER I. j tenet, employing fifteen men 1 Now,who
Gazetteer in vain, ami eel it as 0141 as t on earth i: to guese that ? And when
as Brighton, and aintoet as old as Liver- I ;eon have gueeeed it, what's the use of
pool. It lies snugly enscomea on 011(1 of 1 it ? If I had a, wall to build. -but I say,
the midland hills, eiteltered from the east Jeanne. help us, there's a dear, good
wind in winter, and basking in the :1111 gill I Have you any idea how to get
in summer. It consists of, say, a dozt•n at tlte answer ?"
houses, a churele a pump and a bridge, "Not the slightest -unless I know bow
it Is celebrated for nothing. nobody of strong the raen were," says the girl,
anY eeneennenee was ever" been them proniptly, and with a quiet, low laug-h.
it is unlikely that anybrely of any eon- 9 he boy grins, but rather disconsolate -
sequence will die there; htetory is dumb 1,„ "By Jove. I'll tell old Bell that
concerning it, for nothing of any conse- in -morrow, and inform him I got it from
quence ever muffed there, and yet it ' 3.010 e.
is one of the most beautiful spots in t The girl looked around quickly, with
England, aud will remain so until some a 14141en dash of eolor in her face. "Don't
learned physician discovers that the do um:thing of the sort -at least, don't
pump water possessed mysterious tura- say l' said so, and let me look at the
tive qualities, and sends his patients
down to Newton Regis to die of ennui; "tilt ! not now," responds the boy, fir -
or some infatuated or weak-minded art- in g the book on a distant sofa. "It's
1st paints it and labels it, and -by mak- too dark -at least -it's dark Itere; it's
in g it fashionable -utterly destroys it.
light enough outside," and. he swinge to -
time, no doubt, that omnivorous ward the window. "No snow, Jeanne;
monster, the speculative builder,. will
the ice Will hear to -morrow. I wonder
scent it ont, auti dab hideously new brick
where my skatee are ?"
packing cases on its hillsides and clown
by Rs stream. Then it will be blessed --
or eursed-with a town hall, a vestry,
and a board of guardians. At present
ItIewton Itegis lies sweetly and placidly
asleep, innocent of the fame and the
eta Ill Alhda U0lAtllA 403 IOW IIIM, 110.i.
eng tetursodtui puu pulled Sea& spurtos
.4.4.4es-v1.44441[44144,.•A410; .
LE4.1344tit. LA'nriTS.
If II COW ga.VC.
14. NUMberButter Of Fetching NeveRies fin
Easter Gifts.
New leather bags 01111 the various
. other aeeelisoriee are in order. sinee with
fresh spring costumes any, fialTi '00
mankind wo1-41d have to entartest and freeliest of leather artielem
invent milk. Milk is Na- ar° ""e"d"rable' Tremendously fetch-
ing examples are new shown for lgte•ter
ture's emulsion—butter
put In shape for diges- ros; inen the very smartest and most
tion. Cod liver oil is ex- expensive leather is' blown ele.phant (the ;
tremely nal -wishing, but as soft as the hide is rich). Anil
it has to be emulsified
before we can digest it. this brown elephant leather is invariably I
treated to gold mounts.
With the exception of title elephant
Scott's Emulsion skin, pigskin is the one leather now
in the newest wallets and the lik Lo 1
cr•':z ISSITK 2O, 10, 1905,
Mrs. Witielewes beetling, Spot, obctsid
always he melt ler etildrett leething. 11,
seethe the child, eettenetitegutne,eurea win;
cone and is the beat remedy for Diarrhoea.
Shirt waists and dainty
linen are made delightfully
clean and fresh with Sun-
light Soap.
The Shearing.
The day they rut the beles's bale
- The house wee all a -fidget;
Suelt fuss they male, you woule have sail
He was a king -the midget:
men, Though yet used, English morocco some wanted. this, Pomo wanted that;
combines the best oil is not ill AS good style as last year. ( Some thought that it wee &TOIL
with the valuable hypo- For wornankine there's great variety.IT°014AtilaherliaZn.31;le1:2111, '
Lizard is the "wettest," with black 1
phosphites so that it is and grey as the leading colors.
easy to digest a.nd does veLlueftiv-edilialligastvor is next in favor. This.
i would be the height of folly,
Milne others said, to leave his curls
'Unless they put hint with tho girls
far more good than the ,in ii web is exquisite, Is seen1 And called him Sue or Molly.
shadings based on emerald, brown,
oil alone could. 'That
. taupe and grey. The taupe is charming, I The harber'S shears went snip -a -snip
The golden fluff was flying;
makes Scott's Emulsion and would go as well with castor. while Grutelmother bad a trembling liP,
the green is simply stunning. '
the most strengthening,
. Next cornes seal. Femininity will take , The mon folks Hold, "Why. hello, 11000,
I And aunt was almost erying.
nourishing food - riled'.
lier choice between the natural seal and' Tou're 1 14 ll
the elephant seal, the latter being every .00_ing years oirl,r!"
cine in the world, rich grain. In black the elephant looks1 ."°' 'Aga n9 1. l' 1
Duet, mother 1 iaitd 1 tplr 4:10itaif. heed,
Send for free sample, For bridee and debutantes cardeasesi
I Ali. wel I; tile last niumt Mee its hints,
The cradle yield its treasure;
exactly like rich crinkled ereee•
• Time wilt mot stay a mingle day
are made of prettiest white monkey. Tea any leader's pleasure.
SCOTT & BOWNE„ Chemists
Toronto, Ont.
500 . and $ 1.00. All druggIsts
The Old Love.
once had a sweet little doll, dears,
The prettiest doll in the world;
Her cheeks were so red and ro white, dears,
And her hair so prettily curled.
there is a .bar that often brings even
the experienced fisherman to grief. "New-
ton Cliff" they call the sharp and rugged
bay, and the mariners know it and avoid
.At the end of the principal -and only
-street, lying a little back from the
road, stands one of those old-fashioned
houses that seem to remain with as by
way of a reminder that, although we
of tne present generation are learned in
luxury, our forefathers understood com-
It is one of those square, red -bricked
old places which artists are never tired
of painting, and which are a etanding
rebuke to the hideous peeking eases we
are now learned le in. It i-• stie-
ronnded mi all sides by a, higii foie!:
wall, leaving a goodly space of velvety I
lawn and flower beds in front of the!
house, and the entrance to the grey
court is gained by an iron gate, whiea 1
is so elaborate a wee of work in metal. t
that the original owner or builder of she t
place was inspired thereby to ran 11,
"Gate House." The name was painted in
gold letters on the gate itself.
It is a December afternoon, somewhere •
about 3 o'clock, and the village is at its
stilleet., ea quiet awl silent that the
turn-tuin of a piano in the drawing -
room of Gate House fIoats into the street
and considerably disturbs a couple of
sparonve, who are sitting :shivering on
the wall discussing the seareity of
Every now and then the tum-tuni of
the piano is empbasized by a girl's voice
chanting in monotone the inspiring "one,
two three -one, two, three,' whieh is
considered indispensable to Die proper
keening of good time.
There is scarcely light enough to see
the girl. kir the drawing -room is low,
and the window:: of Gate House were ap-
parently designed for some object other
thnn that of affording light, but you
ean get a glimpse of a greeenil figure
and a well -poised head, whieh is at one
moment a, dark brown, and the next.
when the firelight plater on .it, rielt
Praetising the piano is not a cheer/al
pastime, and I believe levett the ivied
gals whom we read of in booke ibut
very seldom 8CW, 110 no go through ;the
five -finger exereise with any great 'Ie.
light. This girls -to tell the plain truth
--looked very impatient and very toned.
and displayed her feeling4 15y u eetita
of good, hearty yawns. Bet she :duck
to her stool and the monetonoue "thee
counting" for quite ten minutee at a
etretch, until at last she barioed both
bands.- -they were very shapely awl white
--upon the long- Hui fering keyo. and
buy you another pair: the old ones evere ;party -will It, Georgy
nearly worn out. But who told you of . "Oh, no, not a party," murmurs Geer -
the tambtone' party, Hal ?" . (gina, deprecatingly; "only ourselves and
"Oh. 3faud Lambton, herself," replies the Honorable Mr. Fitzjames."
th b • t i Vs le s "Only the Honorable Mr. Fitzjameer
• 1- .1
• l- •
Those whom neglected coughs
have killed were once as healthy
and robust as you. Don't follow
in their paths of neglect. Take
Consum tion
Cure TV, -ung
right now, It is guaranteed to
cure. It has cured many thous- ,
. .
• This lovely leather is seen in a. matri- And ,
mony book, which contains the Episcopal rho Reales were even, mnybe;
eMien that Ii0111.'s work was weighed.
nuptial service, together with pages for For. father gained a ilintle nuti
the signatures of witnesses, the certifi- •-•'Nheeny 1.4illereiii?ifilr, 7i; lam et. Nicholas.
eate and any other notes or impressions
that "the lady in the case" may care to Wash greasy dishes, pots or pans with
set down. This little book is gilt-edged, Lever's Dry Soap a powder. It will re -
and may be had for $3.50. move the grease with the greatest ease. 36
1 =
Minard's Liniment for sale everywhere. What Ailed the Rector. .
. -
1 t t A lour -year-old boy went to °Introit
for the first time, The pulpit heppened
?resident Buchanan's Advice to a to be of the kind with a railing across
• the front; aud the minister happened to
In early life the Rev. Dr. William M.' e. ow his en iusiashu o early iim away.
He shouted, and stepped back and forth
Fenton wrote and committed two ser- across the pulpit, gesticulating wildly.
1110118 every week. During a vacation he The child watched a long time in puz-
preaehed in a hotel at Bedford Springs zIed silence. Then; stultien1y biaghten-
and Among his auditors was President Ing, turned to big father, with the fol.
Beelmean. At the close of the serenee lowing information; "Father,. I know
tee President gave to the youne miniee what's the matter with that man. Ife
ter this interesting item from Ifs own wants to get out."
"I notice that you committed that ser- TWO YEARS ABED.- tscr
mon to memory. I did the same with all eight
my speeches when it young lawyer and years I Buttered ns no one ever,did with rhea -
thought out the speech without, the use 'mended South American Rheumatic Curs.
bfriende dte 0 1 tr el (el olio .t
found it was too great a fax on my matiam; for two years 1 lay in
mind. Then I tried another way: g is° much as feed myself. A
of paper and pen. • Every set adclrees !Atter three doses I could sit up. To -day I
since that time has been preparea in this am as strong as ever I wae."--Stre. John
Cook, 237 Oho street, Toronto. -2
Dr. Paxton at once put the sugges- 1 • e
Hon into practice and thenceforth all Awoke in the Nick of Time.
Prices: S. C. WELt.s & Co. 308 ' his sermons were composed in the same (Louisville Courier -Review.)
Mrs. Skynflynt-What are you chuckling
, . . . ..
— -_ — CATARRH FOR TWENTY YEARS about, Jonas?
Ur, Skynflint-I dreemed I was going to
The Map -Makers.
AND CURED IN A FEW DAYS.- Oa. EltyinaynntP-ogeorurangttintrlifneic that would
Had Cleopatra's perfect nose been but a trifle make you grin.
shorter Hon. George James, of Scranton, Pa., saye: M ' fitlitellI'k it h
25e. 50c. el LoRkly.N.Y., Toronto. Can. way.e-Church Economist.
. • Just a little longer -say a half-inch or a larhave ber ta rnertyr to Catarrh for 20 was reaching for it.
again. and thereby rocking rite girl to eehoes Maud, evith due emphasis on the , (:)1' pan% gaveint,eagrogripofifnen thlre
awl fro like a ship in a. storm. "I met "Honorable." Ife is staying evithus, Eno+ to mar the beauty of her faecinat- throasi -
her yesterday morning up the street- you know. "Such ah carming man, o ,
'Whose fat •SET ASIDH APRIL 22ND.
ng featurea, breath. I tried Dr. Agnew''s Catarrh Pow -
al grace made weak men act like der. The first application gave instant re-
very silly creatures; IleL After using a few bottles I was cured, New York Central Rtailroad will run
I Oh, then the maps of nations which these
rem side, and her sweetest sugar -of -can- warriors left behind them 50 cents. -1
fly Ralf" 011 ! TOW siSter that "Attentive," chimes in Georgina. "You
night IlOt have been M size or shape at nil
an excursion to New York on April 22.
1 = i Tickets good going only on that date,
1 the way we find them! Embarrassing the Court. and good for five days for return. $10,25.
Georgina. and I are going to call on Mrs. must come!"
Destrell, and eve shall like to have the 1 "Thanks," said Jeanne, in •herridiireekt t It isne fate that settles things, as half the
world supposes, - An Irish judge once had a case in which round trip from Suspension Bridge and
pleneure of your sister's eompany at the fashion. "I'll come if I may. " Poe there's so much determined by the length the accused, inan understood only Irish' i Buffalo. Write L. Drago, 69 1-2 Yonee
The Everglades to be Drained.
(Springfield, Mass., Republican.)
PC w en e s
of women's noses. An interpreter was accordingly sworn.
Y) aunt."
-Argus. The prisoner said something to the in-
' terpretert "What does he say?" de -
mended his Lordship. "Nothing, My
"Oh!" says jeanne. putting her head' "Do!" sung both in chorus. And
en one SW with a little tosa "very kind your brother -bring him, too, Jeanne!
"I will, if bell come." said iTeann,e,
end 'eery Lit wirtiZille. nrhat ORe. -}Tai r dear."
'(Th. ritrtna." 1'00(.4 "bat I with a shrewd suspicion in her mind. that Lord, wtts the reply. How dare you
heard hirn? Come, It is proposed to reclaim the everglades,
neorgaeat !rap:edit:ally unexplored region of
didn't listen -something. though. now I belicee MIN'ARD'S LINIMENT wilt saw that, when we all
egion contains about 3,000,000
Ilal would.raefer t 0 skate -or slide -on cure every case of Diphtheria.
street, Toronto, for all information.
sir what was ie?" "My Lord," said the acres, and bas never been thoroughly ex-
( -ming down to stay with them An hon- the butt:bees pond rather than on the Riverdale. 141118. REUBEN BAKER. interpreter, beginning to tremble, ,it had mored, ter:melt exiseurbseiloinevseliagatbetehne %en/
reenemleer. a it nt 1 h
1101 F.0 RAT 1 IF was
enirk lake, in the company of the Miss 1 nothing to do with the case." "If you through it.
erable--eernebody." 1 I believe MINARD'S LINIMENT will don't answer I'll commit you, sir!" roar. would be very valuable If detained. A, Qom-
Tpanne laughs softly, showiinbtons nd -------------------------. honorble. pany has been formed, to undertake the work
even tenth. Then foowed a e, broken at last promote growth of hair.
°Wed from Governor Broward to the Florida
ed the judge. "Now, what did les say?" and a message in regard to the matter Is ex-
IelitS. CHAS. ANDERSON. Well, My Lord, you'll excuse me, but he
"Thatee why she ie emoing, Hal ! 7o, hY. Georizina with a giggle.
said, 'Who's that old woman with the gtoatreovIzenvurate.veArtf Armes% thr: gtnatern:
wave the itenorable before our fames like are"riNest'elit4eiceattitinnegt,Fay in Newton Regis, Sthley. P. 1g. 1.
red bed -curtain round her sitting up it the everriades were drained am! a 'portion
ditional tax return would probably be large.
there 1 Perhaps be fook Lambtoten beet bousehold remedy on earth.
didn't knaw. 'Why?"
"Aren't we?" says Jeanne, placidly; "I I
a flag. T vender what he darn down , I believe MINARD'S LIND-SENT is the. there ?' " At which the court roared, of the reg on put under cultivation the ad -
"And what did you sae?" asked the I
worldeknown pills. rout being cured. by "Haven't you heard malty?" says judge, looking a little uncomfortable. 1 '
said 'Whitt ye spalpeen! That's the
ould boy that's goin' to hang yez.'" VORK.
Mint rd's Liniment Cures Burns, etc. •
1 Oil City, Ont. MATTHIAS FOLEY. •
'i(112nrieht nek them. ITal 1' Maud. "We.'ve got a visitor -a real, 1
them vie& fhe maker nut of gratitude,
The hoy leane bar* and laughs. I genuine visitor. Fancy, in the winter, '
it would serve them right. What's the
"feltell ntP." lie sari: "though, mind, ',Who -where?" asks Jeanne, with cul- I Symbols for a Japanese Museum.
pable indifference. (New York Sun.)
On April 22 New York Central will run
toe nf being nab:tined of the way one .egaeg „, don Bobbie's Sad Future. cheap excursion from Suspension Bridge
't know who he is," an- The Jarnese have seized the house full of
lies fortune, and yet e•ou can't say that at Mrs. Brown's the carrier, you know. placedIn133411d= tofe)iritV ger: Visitor -Why are you crying so, Bobby?
S (;e'orgina; "but he has takenroorns
Tickets good until April 27
inokee money ? made old Lambton ikens be onging to Gerrit Kourohpatkinii air (Judge.) and Buffalo to New York for $1045
you've eet bilinum headache before the roue symbols of western superstition. Bobby-13oo-hoo! 'cause de Russians an* Mind trip.
Maud thinks he's' a gentleman, but I say as cur
girN IA they turn as red as beet -root, it's unlikely -isn't it ?"
Jame are havin' a war. (for return, Write L Drage, 69 1-2 Yonge
Visitor -What a kind-hearted little boy!
and look act if they were going to ; jeanne shakes her head indifferently; iiinarti's Liniment Cures Dandruff. Bobble-An'-boo-hool-some daY I'll street, Toronto, for full particulars.
Mit they're awfully rich, Jearinne 1" he she does not quite follow.
nein:. gravely. 1 "There's no hunting and no fishing
"Yes," says Jeanne, stretching out one TIM, nothing, in fact, to bring a gentle- ;
shapely foot, and eyeing it eontemptu- man down to Regis, is there?"
eitely. "awfully rieb„And, after all, it , "No," says Jeanne, "I suppose not."
/Wein% seem to matter how you get the ' "We ean't make it out," continues
money, MI. 510 that you get It Pine Maud. with that injured tone 'which the
pumpniandlee. it doesn't matter. I busybody always assume:4 when balked
wieh we were riele nal r! of its prey. "He means to stay, for he
"So do 1," part the boy, but with a hits taken Mrs. Brown's room for three
yawn, rot ono who Imo not rettlized the months. Isn't; it strange?"
•eilne of money. "Money dot -emit seem "le it?- -I mean yes," says Jeane.
tfr run in our family, Jeanne."
- o." eitye Jeanne, thoughtfully. course, inamnia doesn't know what to
Then euddenly and softly : , do. If Ile is a gentlemari, papa would,
"Do you remember papa, Hal?" ; call -he has been here four days; surely i
1 "Quite myeterious,' echoes Maud; " of
boy stakes bie howl. • you nave beard of hint?"
have ter study about it in school.
Jewsharp Attracts no Longer.
(New York Tribune.)
There Is another vanishing industry. The
Birmingbam jewsharp industry is stated to
be In a had way, owing to the collapse ot
the demand among savage peoples. The ad-
vance of civilization has been so thorough
that nowadays in Central Africa nothing
short of Wagner will satisfy the native gouts.
... ....... ...... . ..... _ _ ... The First Playing Cards.
EI a n dDyloESoi Fevc'ed71:ro:l meCnittrdfsor eaveirceinginNyvehiodeldiadalsostanili:mmuinsed-.
'This king was Charles VL Hearts, rep -
PENNYROYAL TEA. 'resent courage and. bravery in war;
rinlitIdOiNyira , fin 1g rIgle4fil: It. Mil A WeiCteM r Ig Diamonds represeet pikehends for ..'i al-
' Dn. T. A. SLOCUM. LISIITEii, TaltOliT0.4.VANIDA, re berd ends, weapens shot from melalists,
! weapons of ankh; Clubs represent
Conceited Man.. prudence. the trefoil leaf suggeste for -
age. Each suite bas its king, named •
onC0 upon a Time there was a Mere
Man, tater men of renown in ancient history,
He was one of um merest Nem in all the David, Alexander, Caesar and Clarke -
world. magne. Four squires are given to the
lie was an egotistic man.
rich does. not distinguish Ilins from other four kinge, Lancelot, Olgier, Renaud
New a strange thing about this Man was
an Introduduetiou te Her, he juMped at the yond all. It repreilerite bodies of troops
g .
nwiminch oleo dean not distinguish Him from
other Mou.
For Instance:
One day he met two Girls.
Olio of thein was very graelous and friend.
W because it was her Nature t b 50 witO
well -appearing Strangere.
And the inan gala "Poor Girl! It is the
same old story. Can't I be friendW wisp, any
Woinan, but that she becomes enamored
of Me? I an a regular Killer."
And he really felt very badly about it.
Tbe other Girl was aware of his Elgotisnl
and she determined to Freeze WM up 56
stiff It would take three Sleuths of not wea-
ther to thaw Iiim out.
So she snubbed Mat with en her Hight
omolddietreated 'Ifni like a pale yellow KW -
Then the Idgotistle Stan who had been We-
ed a Pet, Mit even worse, Out not through
'wounded Vanity.
Stool,linit?dVgincywas l gatguvnidteild,na""bed
On the Cotarary he thought:
"MY, hut isn't she the proud Thing? Going
Ing and blocdlng, ge,1* poor I-IOart 35151 11055'
no use, girle,-13altimere Americam
let Me knees what her true Feeling le!
Moral: When they've got it that bad, it'a
A.stronenty in the East.
Xt is now nearly two hundred years
since French astronomers went to Peru
to »immure "an ere of meridiem." The
purpose of such ares is to furnish data
for ettleulating. the Mize end shape of the
earth, The AFC in Peru wits about two
hundred lied twenty ranee length, and
with the exception of a short are 10
South Africa, it is the only one ever
measured in the southern herniehhete.
Thie year a commission headed by limy
offieersehes sent from Pointe to revels-
ure the ale in Peru. The reieettsure-
inent is regarded us of great seientifte
importance rnt necount of the advancee
tlint have ben made since the first Meas.
lire Was token.
*Se '
Minerd's Liniment RellovenNeuridgia.
. and Hector. Each king has his favor-
ite dame. lite aee is above all and be -
whenever he saw a Girl and received
II0W 1? fro died before I wan "Yes," said Jeanne. "I remember Hal •
five years eld. De you, 'Jeanne:" miying something about it, but I had conclusion that She was infatuated with f vario s str tb
.learten 4-1her Impel ` I tt it " 11 t tl MI I b-
'(33:14.. , org,o en . 11 ie sses ,am
"No. He 1004 Iteve been very poor. ton smile rather incredulously.
HA?" 1 "of eourse, dear," murmured Maud. 1
"Yee," me -tenni the boy. "and no ie "Well, there lie is, and of course, we ,
5n -le ,Tolin. 1 wielt einne of our people must find out tap he is! Doesn't ItIr. i
had gfillfA 111 for pille and ointment, Bell know?"
Jumped off the stool. ,Inentie, tlit•it wt. might have a bignionee, ! "I haven't asked him," replied Jeanne,
Scarcely had the yell of the tort:trodll 1 t
:i.. pete_er totteele mei fresh paint in. "imply. '
than the door teemed .lowly arid a beye, Ley. And you eouid have talked theongli thought Mr. Bel!, being the eurate--the :
head was eautioriely thrutt into the yew' intee. aud earritel your eyebreive in elergyman --evould be sure to know. The
room, arid it boy's voiee et:elan:tied: yeur heir like Ntatul and Georgina." clergyman ought to know everybody in
"Broke anything. Jeanne?" Jeanne laughed; till lier gravity die- the plaee, oughtn't he?" I
"Broke. anything?"" eeieuel tile girl, Itmto nelled by title eareastie pieture, mill, ; "Not 12 1(0 doesn't want to, 1 suppose,"
Ing around firon the tire, before whieh epringing up ,therehy nearly upsetting ;said 'Jeanne, molly. "But lie will be bere
ehe had thrown liere.lf. "Broke any. the boy, ren to the windoue (Meetly -Alien you can ask him." 4
thing ? What de you mean ? And -It's snowing jiest neW, Ital." she said. I "Ole no," said eland, promptly, and
why tetra you Fley -broken'? I have Tole "You. ean't Fii.A the fii1Wflillifti., 'TOW with a itligilt dash of color. "It 19 really .
ken, thou lsast broLen, they linen: bro. jolly it loelte! I welt I were out in it, of no interest to 11e- - it it, Gettrg-not
ken -- -" t anything rather than Abut up here the slightest. Would he quite too ridi- ,
"That'll dn. Jeormilie 1" replied tlie ' strumming on the plant; 'You 16134 haVe ettiotis to ask Mr. Bell." I
tow, lamina oda ite remit mai tent hie 7011I5- UAW llitat4.4. 11:11; I'll get mine mit "Quite too ridieuloust" murinure.d
hirlitielf on the table. "You &nil knew • 1 minorrow . 112.111 them in ati old bonne!, Georgina. "We only thought you Might
anything fihrollt V1'1110:41 1:1117 mere than bee, or elec. they would base. been usnd know, (Nag>
1 ne end ithy me lin emt preettleg e te prop up the beer barrel - ell, Hal, 1 "T don't," tenni JP111) lliC, in her direct
rag the l'ese Neff., ilea fee lenity 'mile,. • Imo. ere the jetinbtone." ! faehion, whirl 'equally means: "Also T
•• • .
*frost:. „e ;,„ ,, 0 .,,-,,,e ee t he mien t i.! host/ I +Ai ? elle t !" eeelaimed the bily, gill/. don't eare.'s
did ,t,* Ige 1,,,,,1„, a„,„ ;,,, el,„,,e, e emit, 1 phie off the 1 alne. and preparing to beet t At GIN the two Miseee Larnbton rise,
er t'" nee oita ft 154 It 10-' t 'WA' 4 {5 II:Sid:. 1 a PI Penni n1" f"if"et: for ihil hat; all a smooth their *muffle and mince ferward
which Le heel Lee, • ti 4. e "g51, Mill. tip le ', 1"i' .4 itt *di 11°i%. P 11311.19/ Of "Vi41t4i1.." I on their high ;yell to Any adieu, stun
.60 ,,aga,15, 0„a ,. ;lea te1.- peo .8, 1, 1 eelop. nal! wait, therie4 11 410111' i II litlillt grt elear of the mom, When
entree nee nato.set, awl t,! 1*).. en ,eil, iltlYi" pleads Jeanne. "Whereve aunt? I 'Shaul. being foremost, is eearly kneele-
d hie ei lete.• lo e . I 11,5 a1;,1; iPtill here' 1(11 off len high twee by Hal, who, melt -
"beet liettee. Pet ! i • inat emir ev I "Petelt Iter!"ventme Hal, with it eliert. le. emuluding that they nave. taken their
orei,,1,,,, • ,„„„ a„,,,, se „eel :wee? /0„,e• ,, laugh. "Likely matter! She and Jane • departure, vomee bursting into the room.
at it- -flies tee o It e f lie n ! Veiel I. ID) F "3 t. 3 313 t" 1-13('Ir 11"tiel in 1 he hil ellen mak et thouplit you'd . gone!" he blurb;
i itee tette:ate,. Feteli lug! No, Jeanne, out, boy -like_ adding insult to injury.
you riteate 1 lel !"
and long•suffering inettutnent died ;may aull earriage, •atel teur-Itemicel flute " lenity!" eeelainied Georgina. "We
ern, rasa p, V ,. ems, )mil hive tui IMIIT 111, torture AIIIIIP I "gal," ;0'I.l Jeanne, reproviettly.'" be
, mita. t lease go tilt. tetiseage ititi more earefill.''
My beat; mei, if 4,.e lbe bet laslf lissae, fIU. 151
,, 1 I, I nA tn. fifty pilimak sr 14 thingittere. et ery story, ' eaye Tial, with a ileep
ntel new I lane. 1%,. 1.., 'Id It IN 1g teT:. I it' I f. , ii Id 10,,..,
(our, 01)(1 eepreeeive of injnry. "Hope 1 _
islaeo it. iein the . 4/Pei-le ire thet old egt,,i,g• „lite, -15,a,71', in dignia3p.
haven't hurt you!" Arritegements nave been lilatie With
lie:telly a, itiiinel ie' 1 '"'"Illif'1V.,;ItY thr:;" Hut ITal al deaf to all prayerg. anti 'Oh, not of alt ,s 'Maud, mini- /anted Settee Cuetorne itutitoritiee • to
Paul sin), (k'fl'il'i" *I II(' - 1 i"11",.114 f 1"";‘' I'll. ,if.:1 il lif. 11541 IN A tligtillit doer Idatit alter inn, with lier bligend hat knoeted on nue
Mi.' litiel-e. ietels* hole-. nt'a,t11",",: tnnt . him, 4.1,1 43 111'..4 thin %Mee itmentneten vide by the Potlt•tuoitm, and law whole 'hock bagernfie in bond from steamship
lie learie els ..1' A liti WM ftiliKi tar tee utamert Nerlip Mi,4,4 lainbl.„11,19 thin frome tottering lilt her high Imola-- doek in Boston to Toronto and Canittlian
noel:, neatly titiehlime en the top of the e
attune sittliothee her flee -le end the "not in the very enghieet, yawn eeme points, as well as in the opposite dime-
girl',i heed 1,1 al, fol -tool. here. :T131 11 . delieate writil.les in her fur/email at the to the park tiornorrow, with Jeanne, Gore Same a1 rangement. between lo.
rte. tlii 4 ie the mite for to den 1 If if eante time And tennee forwade, tvt two won't ,yon?" ' ronto and New 'York in both, directions.
talteo too, Iwo 110(1. meet.4 to huild o imahionahl ydrt4,4fol young ladies eminee" "t- -t thank you." European passengers write TA Drop,.
Ivan f.),, fret !del' :eel f en stints in lelieth - to Ilea Iiltre etipYle.el m into the remit. ( Hare frann ram at 0006 grows dark Canadian Passenger Agent, Now 'York
!um low- miff if IA., "i.0,11114 If Willi Able they are ball tall ctrill thin -"geraggy," with diemay.
T. It Beiyea, P. M. Prow. es That
Dodd's Kidney Pills Cure
Some Years Since die Used Them No
and He Has Had Good Health Ever
Since—Story of the Well-Xnown
New Brunswick Man.
Lower 'Windsor, Carleton Co., N. II.,
April 10, -(elneciala-"Yes, I have good
health ever since I used Dodd's Xidney
Pilla" The speaker was Mr. T. IL Belyett,
postmaster here, and one of the most
highly respected men in this part of
the countinie Asked to give Ids experi-
mice with the great Canadian Xidney
Remedy Mr. Belyea, contieued:
"1 had been troubled. with my' kidneys
for a number of years. I tried several
kinds of plasters and other kinds of
medicince, but did not seem to get any
lasting benefit. Hearing Dodd's; Kidney
Pill* to highly verommended I decided
to try them min they made n, complete
euro of me. That is two yenta ago vow
min as I said before I have had good
health ever siltee I used Doda's Kidney
Donn's Xidney Pills cure onee end for
all. There Is no stage or form of Xi&
ney Disettee that, they do not cure com-
pletely and permanerany.
leet and 1.W.t 1*.h. mei flirty yards as Ifal would deacribo them -and fur all (To be continued.) ,30. full information.
Central, an I -it Vonge street, Toronto for
What Puzzles the Man.
(New Yolk Press.)
*When a 2112111 (3031)154 1101,10 Rae 61
night Ins never Uneven whether mere is to
amity In bie pooketa tee uezt month* be -
mice o8 that or bemuse 15M *Ititi Was smart
eneugh to nem be wouldn't mention the
to twit eiene, distribute televises,
vamp's's, et,•.: 1tn canvaeeing; good pay. Sun
Advertising Bureau, Chlettno.--d
77 Ilium Strew' eavit -
RAW runs wANTI,ni. we aro paying
highest New roe; pliect tor ell 'Wade of
(PIN SING ItOOT. every tnan living lit
WAkflI!citiVrTvitlii"pt:141 litrg
article grown. WO SC11 tlend and manto
Send for particulars. Simi for now price lint.
If you will flout! me
• your name and address
I will send you some-
tbing you should know
• all about: Send no
money. R. S. M'GILL,
Simcoe, Ontario,
Wanted to Change Plume
A. loving mother. In a enzy home, luid
been putting her tittle detighter to bed
whilst a henry thunderstorm raged with-
out. When the ehild wart hi bell the moth-
er kissed her and said: Now, darling,
Joust ICAVO you, and go down beside
daddy; you iteed nut be afrabl, for (lad
is beside you, yon know," The elfin
enemen satisfied :rad the mother went
downstairs. Presently it white -robed fig -
ere appeared in the doorway of the room
where husband and wife were seated,
and a, littJe video said: "Atother, I think
I'll come and stay with daddy, while you
go beside God."
—Debbi* euro for BOilereY and
remedy, end 10 now uoed by Inc boob
yibrobions and Intoidtalo In Europa
null America. It is confidentially
rocuctoremAtumded to the µfilleted. If you
Ep lepsy, Fits, St. Vitus' Dance,
1 IT 6,14,41
wS74 iworythMg oloebas
fai'l1Vin‘n writing mention
'I he Liebig *79 leIng St. W., Toronto,
His Private °pillion.
"My dear,' said Mrs. Pryor, as she
closed the book that site had beau read-
ing, "Do you know what is the most
curious thing in the world?"
• "Sure," answered thu brutal half el
the combine. "The mese brutal thing in
the world is a woman that isn't cur-
ious."-Cineinnati Inquirer.
TLE FOR HEALTH -it disease has tak-
en your citadel of health, the stomach, and
is torturing you with indigestion, dyspepsia
and nervows prostration, South American
Nervine is the weapon to drive the enemy
from his stronghold "at the point of the bay-
onet," trench by trench, but swift and sure,
It always wins. -4,
Just as He Thought.
(Ladies' Home Journal.)
• A small boy was reciting in a geography
class. The teacher was trying to teachtm h
at P'Oilitseng tlik:htlisTirsouPhhte4ux;
left the north and in front of you is the
east. Now, what is behind you?"
The boy studied for a moment, then puck-
ered up his face and bawled: "I knew it.
I told ma you'd see that patch in my
Removes all hard. soft' or calloused
Wings and blemishes front horses, blood.
spavin, curbs, splints, ringbone, sweeney,
stifles, sprains, sore and swollen throat,
coughs, eta. Sere $50 by use of one bot-
tle, Wagranted the most wonderful
Blemish Cure ever known.
No Room for the Xnocker.
(Osage City, Kan., Free Press.)
Tho town knorker is an undesirable citizen.
One dyspeptic fault tinder can tear down In
O day more than a ateady, devoted business
community can rear In a month. A knocker
Is a 'menace to the peace and dignity of a
people. Ile is a thorn in the flesh. He's like
the patch of court plaster on the girl's nose,
always conspicuous,. And, besidee, he's ths
wisest of all Solomons. Re CA 11 advise as
to the proper conduct of all the lines of
bustness between R. feather foundry and the
United States pension office. Verily, he
bath wisdom, and to spare, but the room
occupied by the town knocker Is more to be
desired than his comIpatity.
SURE."- Mrs. James McKim, of Dunnville,
Ont., sus of her almost miraculous cure
front heart disease by Dr, Agnew's Cure for
the Heart; "Until I began taking this rem-
edy I despaired ot my life. I bad heart
failure and extreme prostration. One dose
gave ;no quiet( relief and one bottle cured
me. The sufferings of yeals were dispelled
Rite magic." -3
Office Practice the Best,
Dr, Dosem-To e hat does Dr. Cutter owe
his immense suecees?
Dr. Bleedhem-lIc confines himself entirely
to otico practice.
Dr, Dosem-Well, I don't see—
Dr. Bleedham-People who are able to walk
to tho office eren't vary sick -they lust
think they are.
,•• •
' VJOUS,OgianS.4-,
• Werra fi,s4cts$::,
There is nothing in the market iipproilinatag
the eituaity of
DV' this ware. See that BODY'S mune in air
the bottom of each pail and tub.
watk, PeaorNINIO
4111 all
Por steep or flat roofs, water proof, fi re proof, engin' laid, deeper titan other
roofing. Send stamp for sample and mention this paper.
e4 -
re -44 -