The Wingham Advance, 1905-04-13, Page 5TOE WINWIAM ADVANCE, TUURSDAY, APRIL 13, 1945,
The Bine Front Store News
Just Why You Should Buy
Your Spring Clothes Here.
M4n'3. Suits .. . $5.00 to PI4.00
say "YOU" because 75 per cent. of the men in Huron
county should buy their Clothes here. The other 25 per
cent. can afford to go to high-priced tailors, Its the MAN
who would make hie dollars count that should buy in
CitowDUR's STolthl. Here is how we make the dollars count: --We
search the markets of the entire Gauntry in the most thorough
manner for the very best Clothes that can be manufactured, at the
lowest eabh prices. Backed as we are by great financial resources,
and by affording the Makers such an enormous output for their
product, they are glad to sell us large quantities at a small margin
above ceet, for Cash,
Thus it is we undersell every other Clothing Store in this sec-
tion. The Clothes we sell for $12.00 would cost you $18.00 any-
where else, You can see it in the goods themselves, and you can
run no risk in convincing yourself -Every garment is sold on the
money -back plan. '
Mon's Nice Tweed Suits in Greys and Browns,
stripes, mixtures, checks, oto., 1001 styles, Sacque
Suits or 3 -Button Double Breasted styles. These
Suits have that "=ado -forme" look. Sizes 35 to AO
chest. Pecos -$7.50. $10.00, $12.00, $13.00.
We have a nice range of patterns in Youths' Suits, sizes 31 to 35, short
or long Trousers, these Suits are made up in the latest styles and have
that tailor-made look ou them; colors, brown stripes, grey checks,
tweed effects, eta. Prices $5.00, 7.50, $10.00
BOYS' SUITS -That Make Them Look Like Papa.
We have a large range of Boys' Suits in two and three pieces, Bas -
ter Brown, Norfolk, etc., sizes 21 to 34. Prices $1.50, 2.50, $7.50
We have about 800 pairs of Men's and Youths' Trousers, sizes 30 to
48 waist. Prices 1 00 to $4.00
Boys' odd Knickers in tweeds, serges, corduroys, eta., sizes 22 to 33.
Prices 50o, '75c, $1.00
Mens' Oravenette Rainproof Overcoats, half lined or full lined, in stripes
and plain greys and black, Raglan or Chesterfield styles; these coats
have that dressy appearance, sizes 33 to 46 chest. Price..7.50, 10.00, $12.50
Men's Grey Raglan Waterproof Coats, sizes 35 to 46 53.25
PI" lflen'a Black " " " guarauteed, sizes 3G to 50 $7.75
Men's Green " " " sizes 36 to 46 58.50
Men's and Youths' hard and soft Felt Hats iu all the newest English
and American shapes, sizes 6% to 7% 1 00, 2.00, $2.50
Just arrived for the EASTER TRADE -New Caps, Shirts, Collars, Cuffs,
Sox, Gloves, Braces, Handkerchiefs, Cuff Buttons, Umbrellas, etc.
We have bought a large range of New Neckties for Men, in all the new
leather colors, also purple efieots and ninny new styles, also in dif-
ferent mixed colorings. Prices 25o and 50e
Boys' Boston Calf Shoes, sizes 11 to 5....$1.00 Men's Box Calf Shoes, sizes 6 to 11 $2.75
Boys' Dongola Shoes, sizes 1 to 5 1.25 Men's Heavy Grain Congress Shoes, sines
Men's Bu Shoes, sizes 6 to 11 1.25 6 to 11 2.00
Hats, all sizes $ .50 I Coats, all sizes
Pants, all sizes 1.50 i Long Coats
$2.75 and 3.25
Trunks and Valises at Right Prices.
The R. H. Crowder Co.
;a 1*
14: Invitation
We solicit inquiries from Con-
tractors and all Parties who con- t
template ,building, etc., for 1905,
it is to procure the
whose ambition
Highest Grade
'Hardware, Glass,•
Paints and Oils,
at a very low price. Call in for
quotations before buying elsewhere.:;
44F4i...$....#;i44.*.44#4 4...tt4444#4 4.44444#
*loin Roue
Blaynk Smith, an early set -
tier of Culross died last week, aged
81 years.
-Il:etlsall's assessment roll shows
that the population is 000, and the as-
sessment this year $262,000, an in-
crease of $27,000,
-Fully 200 farmers were at the
Union Station, Toronto, making per-
sonal application for help among the
immigrants arriving.
--The Ontario Department of Agri-
culture will establish near Toronto a
nursery for seedlings in connection
with the faun re-foresting scheme.
Three to five acres will be used.
-Dundalk Constable has received
instructions from the Council to en-
force the Curfew by-law, and children
under 14, found out the streets after
nine o'clock will get into trouble.
-Kansas has a State binder -twine
factory, with prison labor, which last
year yielded a profit of $252,000. Still
only a fifth of the demand for twine
was met, Kansas farmers nee 12,000,-
000 pounds a year.
Comber, Ont., April 5. -Another big
flow of oil was struck this afternoon
on the farm of Peter Black, situated
on the town line between Tilbury
West. and 1'fersea townships, four
miles south of here.
-Recently at one of the British
dockyards, thirty-one obsolete British
warships were sold to the highest bid-
der. The total realized was $690,000.
The terms of sale provide that none of
the vessels could be sold to a foreign
power. AU of them must be broken
up within twelve months, The ships
sold represented an original outlay of
-Double tracking on the Grand
Trunk west of London will begin at
once. That part of the line between
Komoka and Strathroy will be :first
undertaken, and it is expected that
this portion will be completed within
a month. • Very little cutting will be
necessary, and a heavy force of men
and teams will be put at work. The
line between Komoka and Hyde Park
will also be commenced shortly.
-There is,' according to press des-
patches, evidence in many parts of
Russia that the farming population
does not intend to begin agricultural
operations this spring, but to con-
tinue to live by looting store houses.
If this disposition becomes general it
will have a very serious effect; on the
supply of wheat from Russia this
year. And Russia, next to the United
States, is the largest producer of
wheat in the world.
-The Simplon tunnel, the longest in
the world, built for the purpose of
facilitating railway traffic between
Switzerland and Italy, was opened
Sunday. There is a double track
through the tunnel, and two trains,
one from Italy and the other from
Switzerland, met in the middle.
When the formal opening took place
an Italian bishop embraced a Swiss
bishop, and their example was follow-
ed by the passengers in the trains.
-Four hundred farmers around
Wiarton, are affected by a decision of
Chief Justice Meredith delivered last
week. The Judge holds that all the
farmers who took "growers' shares" in
the Wiarton Beet Sugar Co., are
Iiable for the Wiarton,
unpaid thereon.
There are 408 holders of these grow-
ers' shares, and the total amount due
from them is $9,090. This suui will
just pay off the mortgage claim of $9,-
310 ;Ind leave very little for the gener-
al creditors, whose claims are in the
neighborhood of three hundred thou-
sand dollars. The capitalization of
the company was five hundred thou-
sand, and there are several other large
shareholders who may be held liable
for large amounts.
For A Weak Digestion.
No medicine can replace food but
Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver
Tablets will help you to digest your
food. It is not the quantity of food
taken that gives strength and vigor to
the system, but the amount digested
and assimilated. If troubled with weak
digestion, don't fail to give these.
Tablets a trial, Thousands have been
benefitted by their use. They only
cost a quarter. For sale by all drug-
y We are sole agents for
.- the celebrated Scranton Coal,
- which has no equal.
•Also the best grades of
Smithing, Cannel and Do-
mestic Coal and Wood of•
all kinds, always on hand. 7.
We carry a full stock of •
Lumber (dressed or undres-
sed), Shingles, Lath, Cedar
Posts, Barrels, etc.
.• Highest Price Paid for all
kinds of Legs.
Residence Ih
one, No. 65
°face " No, at
Mill " No. 44
F•/ 70
.-r .e
Ai MoLcan
--One day recently, Mrs, Zno. Clark,
Durliarn, undressed her baby, 0 little
thing about a year and a half old, to
give it a bath. On doing so she saw a
thread on the child's side, and at-
tempted to remove it, when to her
astonishment, she found the thread
attached to eoznething under the skin,
and at once suspected there was a
needle there, An operation proved
that a good sized sewing needle had
penetrated the side, and had gone in
about a charter of an inch more than
its full length.
-The License Commissioners of the
county of Feel have given public
notice that no member of the Board
will privately listen to any appeal
that may be made in regard to the is-
sue of licenses. All appeals of this
nature must be made publicly, at re-
gular meetings of the Board, where
all parties interested inay freely ex-
press their views. Peel License Com-
xnissioners have taken the proper
stand, and their, example should be
followed by commissioners. in all die,
tricts in the Province,
-It is understood that a ease to
come up at the Fall Assizes will be
that of the Hon. Nelson Monteith
against Rev. S. Anderson, of Kirkton,
and Mr. Richard Wight, of Blans-
hard. The plaintiff charges both for
slander and libel. Mr. J. W. Graham
of St. Marys, is acting for hien, and it
is said that the statement of claim has
been made out and that the case wilt
certainly go on. It will he remember-
ed that tbe action arose out of certain
statements eirculated in regard to Mr.
Monteith drinking at the bar until he
could not stand up. As Mr. Monteith
is a man of known moral integrity,
the statement was promptly denied
by his friends, and the present action
is taken in vindication of his char-
-In a number of towns in the
Western States great barns have been
H1s, coauthor Io Novel0Us, mad no I,
Mallow* to catch.
The cunning of the gray wolf is mar-
velQns. ai d it la most dliilcult to catch
napping., Us somehow seems' to
know that iron is associated with Iran.
A. Owe 01 iron anywhere will keep
hitt at a distance. If you shoot an
antelope, for instance, and lust put
your spur on the carcass you may leave
it as long its you lake and no wolf will
touch It, A Rocket handkerchief will
do .as well..
Lobo, a great gray wolf who was
the'king of the pack at Currumpaw, a
past cattle rouge in New Mexico, was
a thktker as well as a Euler, Ills pack
ate nothing but what they had killed
themselves, and thus poison WAS no
good. At last a thousand dollars was
set upon his head. This brought a
noted. wolf hunter from Texas, with
his pack of !;rent wolfhounds. But
again there was failure. Then two
other hunters came with subtly deiis-
ed poisons to work his undoing. Then
I came on the scene. First I tried
poison, and there was no combination
of strychnine, arsenic and prussic acid
which I did not use. I put the poisons
In cheese melted together with kidney
fat, and during the whale process I
wore gloves steeped in hot blood. And
I scattered the bait all over the ranch.
The next morning I went out and
found Lobo's tracks, with the bait
gone. I was delighted. I followed the
track and founts another bait gone
and yet another. Then I found the
three baits piled upon another one and
covered with filth. Lobo bad evidently
carried tbe first three in his mouth
and had taken this means of express-
ing his utter contempt for my devices.
But Lobo's downfall came about
through a big white she wolf who was
always with him. I managed t4 catch
her in a trap. Then 1 knew we should
soon have Lobo. Night after night he
came around the homestead and mourn-
ed his mate in long, plaintive bowls. I
knew be would try to find her body.
I set 130 strong steel wolf traps, and
built for the accommodation of horses in one of these I caught him -a mar -
which are driven into town by the tyr to constancy. And that was the
owners when doing their marketing. end of Lobo. -Interview With Ernest
In one Western town a barn has been Thompson Seton.
erected which is capable of accom-
modating forty teams. For the pri-
vilege of using the barn a fee of 100 is
charged, and if feed is supplied a fur-
ther charge of the same amount is im-
posed. If, however, the farmer
brings his own feed. he has the use of
the trough of the barn without any
further charge than the 100 imposed
for stabling. In Galt, according to
the Reporter, steps are being taken to
erect a similar barn which will be cap-
able of accommodating 150 horses.
There will also be a waiting -room
with all modern conveniences both
for Hien and women.
-Mr. C. J. Wilken of the 5th con.
of Brant, lost 2 geese, 1 gander, and 1
drake in rather a peculiar manner on
Tuesday of last week between 7 and 8
o'clock. Mr. Wilken and his sons
were standing in the shelter of a shed
during a thunder shower and a few
feet away in a puddle of water a num-
ber of fowl were disporting them-
selves. Suddenly there was a hard
crack of thunder and a ball of fire
seemed to shoot down in front of
therm. When the smoke had cleared
away so to speak, or rather when they
were themselves again for they were
rather dazed by the shock, they re-
connoitered to see if the barn were
ablaze, hut happily found it to be all
right. They then noticed the poultry
mentioned above lying dead, only two
ducks in the bunch escaping. The
feathers were partially burned off
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy The Best
And Most Popular.
"Mothers buy it for croupy child-
ren, railway men buy it for severe
coughs and elderly people buy it for la
grippe, says Moore Bros., Iowa, We
sell more of Chamberlain's Cough.
Remedy than any other kind. It
seems to have taken the lead over
several other good brands." There is
no question but this medicine is the
best that can be procured for coughs
and colds, whether it be a child or an
adult that is afflicted. It always
cures and cures quickly. Sold by all
Dr. Gunn, who was taken very ill
while in Toronto, is now on a fair way
to recovery.
Up to the 81st of March there had
been 23 interments in Clinton ceme-
tery this year. This is an unusually
large ntunber. •
The by -late to loan the new Knit-
ting Company the sunt of $0,000 was
Fiven its first and second readings on
riday evening last and is now pass-
ing through the publication stage,
On the 24th inst. the Rattenbury
House will change hands, Mr. Alex.
Robinson of Goderich having bought
out Mr, Stanley who has conducted
the hotel for the last eleven months.
The W. Snell farm in Hullett was
sold by auction 011 Saturday to Mr.
W. T. Henry of the 13th con., of the
same township. It was knocked
down at $0,520 at which it is consider-
ed good value, The buildings alone
are said to be worth $3,000,
A couple of new inmates entered the
House of Refuge a few days ago, mak-
ing the number now enjoying Mr.
French's hospitality eighty-six.. , .
Miss Emma Crews, of Colborne, an
aged person, died on Wednesday ; the
remains were taken to Colborne for
Joe Rands is busy this week Nuking
the pan out of the old McGarva salt
block. This block was first opened in
1870 and was operated until about fif. 1
teen years ago when the combine paid
severhl hand red dollar's animatly to This Medicine is Breathed. closed. This agreement laps- That's wily it is sure to core ca -
ed some time ago olid note the pan, tarnl. You see it goes direct to the
relish cost probably :'f1200, will be sold
for scrap iron. source of the disease, -Its healing
a to repairs thecl:anus a eaused
Mi 1V. J. Paisley, who lute been 1i- catarrhal inflammation. "Catarrh°-
cense inspector In West Huron for tone" always cures beeausc it goes in -
nearly a score of years, has retired, to the tiny cells And passages that or-
IIe accepted the position in the hest antra,* retncdiee can't reach, goes
plate reltuetantly,bnt having taken it where the disease actually is. linos -
he carried oat the instructions of the sible for "Catarrhoxone" to fail ns any
license department to the letter and doctor will tell you. Don't bo misled
we believe enforced the law mush into thinking there is anything so
more thoroughly than has been the - good as Catttrrhozoue,-ruse it and you
tulo elsewhere, will soon say good-bye to catarrh,
The easier people make money the
easier they want to make it.
Among tbe many mysteries of child-
hood is why grown people cry when
they are glad.
There Are some people who think
they have discharged their full duty to
you by praying for you.
What do you use most during the
day? Do you use the little white lie al-
most as much as your shoes?
When a man makes one mistake he
usually follows It up with three or four
before he recovers his balance.
Don't be conceited; get any map of
the United States, and do you find any
mark on it to show that you are on
Every one admits that rich people are
not happier than the poor, or as happy,
yet every one is striving to become one
of the miserable rich.
Two Ways of Doing linsiness,
I have seen in London only one office
where there is any real enthusiasm.
And the employees seldom have any in-
terest in the business beyond drawing
their salaries. Inmost of the factories,
and even in the offices, they are taught
a certain round of duties, and they are
allowed to do nothing else. They sel-
dom suggest improvements for fear of
losing their places, where in America
they'd soon lose their places if they
didn't make suggestions. Here It's the
firm in its private offices and every-
body else doing as little as possible and
never stepping out of the rut they're
put in, and there'it's everybody work-
ing together, coats off, and the head of
the concern glad to listen to the office
boy and to do as he says if it means re-
Ancient Eggs In China.
A German epicure comes to the rescue
of the Chinese in regard to their al-
leged habit of eating rotten eggs. The
eggs, he says, are simply preserved In
lime until they get a consistency like
that of hard butter and they taste
somewhat like lobster. He declares
them one of the choicest delicacies he
has ever eaten. Ile thinks there are
no better cooks in the world than the
Chinese. When he went to live among
them his friends predicted he would
starve, but he had a good time and
gained weight -more than he 'e anted
Balky Steam Boilers.
According to an engineer, though
there may be every reason present why
a steam bolter should steam there are
occasions when it simply will not. It
refuses duty and sulks without any
cause that can be detected. On such
occasions every one takes a hand at
the fires, but the result is the same --
no steam or only enough to keep three-
quarters speed. Marine and stationary
boilers are both thus afflicted. There
are "good days" and "bad days" in the
performance of each.
Get !fuzzy.
The successful man is usually busy,
and the busy man is ostially success•
tui. The young man, whatever his vo-
cation, who has not learned to econo-
mize his time and keep busy has not
got the lesson most essential to a pros-
perous, useful and happy life.
A Gt'eat Combination.
"Yon acid your husband have lived
together twenty -fire years and never
had a tioarrel? \Vhatts the secret?"
"No secret at all, I'm too good na-
tured to quarrel, and he's too indolent."
Isard's I The Leading Store Isard's
,.'( New Spring.
Dress Goods
`,r«;. " „ t ••ter
th." •
For completeness of assort-
=tent and variety of makes
and weaves, we have never
before equalled ... ... ...
We want you to come in and
inspect our stock of DRESS
MATERIALS before making
your spring purchase. We can
please you in QUANTITY, QUb.LI-
TY, VARIn'uy and PRICE. We're
here to do Business, and will bo
delighted to show goods in any
Some of the Weaves -Mg:, Canvas sC otnsin It xanasvl nstrre's,vCash-
mores, Cheviots, Venetians, Broadcloths, Vicernas, Henriettas, Cravenettes.
BLAOIi SUITING. -8 pieces silk finished Roxana Oloth, wide, special
value 50o, 76e and $1.00.
VOILES. -A nine range of Black and Colored Voiles, good width,
prices are 60o, 750 and $1.00.
MOHAIRS.-We'reshowing the different shades in shot Mohairs, very
pretty effects for shirt waist Suits. Special value, 40o.
FANCY SUITING.-Speoial value in Brown, Bine and Green Panama
Cloth, plain or flaked. See our winner at $1.00.
TEE ADVANCE OFFICE bas the reputation of doing
first-class work at short notice. Route Bills, cards and
folders a specialty. Bring in your orders early. We give
a free notice to all our patrons.
A Share of Your
Patronage Solicited
Snappy' New'
Swell Spring;
Suitings ,
Suits, Ovorcoats
Our Suits are of the
newest materials at the lowest
possible prices.
Overcoatings that make
up the most beautiful Coats
that fancy could desire, at
prices ranging from $12.00
to $20.00.
Pantings, the very thing
you are looking for,
Robt. Maxwell
High Art Tailor - Kingham
Are here, Its time you shed .
those winter clothes and put Cook's Cotton Root Compound:
yourself in one of Homuth's up-
to-date suits. No need for de-
lay any longer. Come and see
the beautiful Spring Suitings we
are showing, that characterize
every New Idea, and we can
prove to you that we are repre-
sentatives of all that is newest
and best. We invite all Wing -
ham and vicinity to come in
and inspect them. We ask
only reasonable prices and will
guarantee you first-class fit,
workmanship and style. Give
us a trial and be convinced.
New Hats, New Caps, New
Shirts, ZTndcrelothin g, S us pend.,
ers, I:iosiery, Neckwear, Col-
lars, etc., arriving daily,
Mi Si Li flomuth
Tailor and
Gents' Furnisher
Ladies' Favorite,
Is the only safe, relfabl8
regulator on which woman
can depend. "in the bout,,
and time of need."
Prepared in two degrees of
strength. No. 1 and No. Z
No. 1.-I'or ordinary cased
is by far the best dollar
medicine known.
speetal eases -10 degrees
51 . doilara per box,
Ladies -ask your druggist for "TS Cotton Ttoot Contlionnd. Take no other
as all pills, mixtures and imitations are
dangerous. No. 1 and Ne. 2 are sold and
recommended by all drtzggists in the Do.
amnion of Canada. Mailed to anY address
on receipt of rice and four 2 -cent postage
atanlps WirO (look Conapanyy ,
iViudsor, Gilt. ,
Sold itt Vittghattt by A. 1. McC"o11 6.. Co.,
A, L. Hamilton, W. 11e1Zibbon•-Druggiste
filo. n -t ar
n er--three
Write for our interesting hooks"invent-
or's Help" And " How you are twitzdled."
Send us a trough *ketch or model of your in-
vention erlmprovement attd we will tell you
free our opinion as to whether it is probably
patentable. Rc)cited ppflczit1oh bare often)
been suceessfdlty prosecuted by us. We
conduct fully equipped offices in Montreal
•and Washington ; this qualifies eus to prompt -
ty dispatch ch work and quickly scute Patents
s bro.ld a the invention. ref re c
A St e V . e n ell.
Patents procured through Marion & Ma-
rion receive special notlee without charge In
over zoo ttetropapers distributed throughout
the Dominion.
Specialty Patent buslue5s of ldanufee
turets and tbtgineeer5.
Patent Exports and Sollclto st.
ofticei t 1New York Life ta')d'tt, !Iwasaki
Atlantt1CBId,Was i gni D.c