The Wingham Advance, 1905-04-13, Page 2I .11•11Wer1111, ltitt:RN akTION 4'14 LESSON V. IV arlt114 4313-0, 1$0%., Tte Ft: ter Oa -axe late at:eat-hal --:Cts " ta; tette ateatennefeey.-I. The Tete . ihaa etattalen -1a;v- saDtr, ral7n 3. (o-rotias t-it-tro i'.14". thtto Nr.to a Vag 193;c11, 14.;a:,1 tnore trete ',72,7,',.):.):T.Thii) Ortts • foast. 44T..o a.77:1 ii:s !tit an.f. *---14-.1 late; eta-tee:7, ao,i, trieS.7..S g.:1,11. :no ot ii.s fIts rIns to:any ft...-itn gtoa: at, traito.Q Ireihanzi., coat itozzlie.1 tho that 7\ al, a77:1 itios.,b itorr.2 cane : Inn:a that :1; !ozt:n 0.2.1 n5:07. t!f -s h:-arailtss was ittory.- iner atattaatte eat int tee a , tonee: te:me ett thae zee:: get rizrets, the :=.teere the- nett as a atria eff tateet tareere scan: tante gatzerests !et tee net. a =vett .: 7.3 .:2S;2'..11'4:.,70.17.e.aW.i5. aea eeteet --Steana. a .702'. elhetee :arena 7, -7 'Sane. e ettestra el "Sent-et:ern tathe- ta....--ts.,; el es esisa ea eas eten •;;;S. ar.3 2.-4 z;•.: rharise; ast.. edzare7f.te .2esas re. "lf these itizze the stones Zesats 'bore giaiated e _loins i. :Ls ITs...• cometit-jetas C..tutst arp.:hote...7. . ,orier the ehareb. Psa. an... is a zezte:1 ly 0.,4.:1.'S 7n f•-...f..e thee, to thee; Be :is aseaa -,ZVE7 tetents te en. altatea-m-Fienty, at-eie a knee enteet greats ereetisla rt.= enstetratties are <a eternea4 IzeOt ClaZist a...1t,t meek- neetarnt en late mattete. itat is:ante te selfer fez: Zi:ea s i-te :of Peazei methof.s eteerszeintrth.15 seertre. L. -ie. lite rieree," -Ha laws zee eiiite are. ;eat. 3. bbtlod instta2., cf the 1.-Z.o.o.: sa:" tetts." .Ass iss wattten-Te atee.a. tra. Fear reitz--There aanse for tear. Ile bang is ::olenzi pezp:e.. Thatteatter talen-The ,thereat enees trate Urea attrare-a en * * zeta- adetee tens the artz...-eataa latneatatey ever -setae tat t -ars tete-a-see t-sererzy ""- •••• • *..4-4Vr and eltmesss ever rage ern teranete-aaake. The lierse sma seeariet were hatteesttee esear., the zee was ten stettatel perase.- Pa. Gibsen. Vaal they are* ie eigat hheensatient. while attars shamica "wept zee: the etry. He saw its ea -ea nnft the serrala wItteh atare s zeta-....?erst. orot-iThat was :t --hat the zits.?;17."."--,- 7.---oitenerma at the tame: lapf.±447.73= ef the neepleery if Zee:eat-lea neW peareata ones teestatrey nate It tree tees en-eesies therese.: new aneterrieee tint Wen' ',dark za there. They evree nit seem ten, their tree :teat ste a mreareifyient. tat a .RI.1Te glaifyinza a seeferen liessesa,-erata art etentem wit ile-= az vezz..t earaltatine threseeteh tuella -the .---teet seirietratze.- Glatriarlea. then erresteneberea- "The ignitteantet fee atszatotes was :az: reetea expetrzezice. Ware they taft ree teeteneteni new. they tenterezenti etiatee the easeirrectiza anal reseeretitn earl tranee They saw eaten tit what strese hi erne a latee. ezta 'hew Leech mere eters witb hots th.7.7.-1 7.2 'he Ina. 70i:2T-e3 r.tent:ere Vete as the pe.. -2,44.t" ha: 31 The eanse if .747'..st'S ralit 2", Thee Inertia tee -erne es pereati enteetratert -re ...tt 4! trTr.s rs:nr..1:17 tne . :term f!re .07,7, I'ne:71" 7.7.,-.7••••-_,...i.e7...........-.2......,.. . '17:1-1.5‘ -,----n------- ..I..., :71-er _ to.tihs .m.T . , r.nnt %I:7r 7.V.S:# VT -S. t. 1"4:2.7.n 117 ttestas-The enee ar, - b r••7:•:' nit-oTs :77,rt.:1* , V21.17,7* ere_ V,,,.1•L'A'.1.',S7T 575 5F"-erta tr. De etnnze.. The tenant: 7-eseette ,7-157,2 51: •Tithsst2 tt5 • - • . 1.:2,5 • " F _ tereteme wenta.-Vr_e: Tettent tht reeteet-tatatet _ triert -r ateer_te -.- relate 3-r 4.1 • L: T.rec- 11.7_ - r.S Z:5 the ;el Latt. -tee et:tee creeteil tet, . .ts fs- beetnente tare ere- sz;•17,-,,,,, =1 :sC TIF Vng tatetee's renet :the, _ men, winere tot.! let tett ts- 73.11, 4.3.7et.L.S 1.1.1*-;.? tart nottreeet antra te tantet ritel ett• hete tee cses.t tt. witela ere airstie-attn. ezza. :ant we :ea/ sane tentell „ ettoretets ite et, antateer t ;tree e e ii:=:54 t) EN. ate.tres.s thezzhee tee vete es1 :ate taatiera. trettienea - teale terineenha tee ete te- tetenteeter " tee esi !Yee neer the easeetate. fa, a te. • etattnes,hente. sheer] ear. . _t: 'es ei eon the eel tz. es, nett ' th. tee are'ain _ea. the kteitana see te riettes itan2 enettet te ant. ehe teethe arta ret ",!•,,ett. esed ett-- • sittel! ttteet.t. -.net ate orente ireirtre 11t- -$SNOI '41t. rat ST._:-• wir tea: hazatato-a. glertette Laziest et tams erany reerena t'r iAaf13. tt.1.1 grave 'eat ate,-Tetni lath.' tats. -c c: tate Lifeee'atie wera trans - :Weal titto ts viten tetres'hattel sezza, in• Yenta tra-Re meateleg Its that he whe reales tte:s ye:canoeist iteeers are). te- - wa.etts ez tins tifes eletel reensetrzatan seattithea tanteletratetoeeS artt's treetatty etatte chtata theta,. nesh.‘aZ teen 4C- :1a:se-a Zese in most vases •CliT•r. the ea,orth- • etenteas the: lettatel to pin, an.I. sha:2 2:Tse scal cletcar.y. 1 -tat 33 the ,o7thcr tat...2. tai S.0,--',711.n,S, whit: tontstart- t4.41.-Isis:4's sate tht !\1:art -Tsha11 terp -t-ba:1 c't=„7:l :ife, 'The t'S te17.1ptIn1.1. nnins cfcr.:21: te bss knan „ti:at'a tho is of oat th:ngs, the g..ab is the son2 ittse1i gmator vahie than ...a.7772'.!egNe. a master in a fiLl sinter lie tr_st:-.;i7s 0.1n:1 117?.7!..41S. re es si:Te Christ mnst beeime a o:n1e bo taaght, ar...1 a servant t. Ltt for:ow .1.2e-Iset att tbe abote aria was ab, -.,41, •tz This Zs n?..I4eSI tarte";s: starches of -Chaise ts. tat . . ran rete eetreet intert2eT.rs., b.7 -!,-t prarti- , }Era in a 7:Se Ohers.--Atclt. tians t',‘7.::.tr the ritet`bDfis am.1 atTi.e C...7-ist. Where 1 ranTt---Wittre 2 s.h.:77.2 shon:y r:12.ne abe2e.tren 17-te eniroa1 L'.77;.:77:.-.7.1 of my Father.- Marke Repots th The Week. Terento Ferment atatitet. tee 'even ),:arket -Kos iteeter. wth Latt Varat Lnaer. .n.'e% 7, tt,10 Itt.te ..v.os A-40.% rtmt 3,4 tattnis ct rea at ;toe to tact Carter en:extra-ea; tee teseeess ettetes at qzt• as are 7.1=e.r. ZCID et=tess, mama at ze ese. a 1'4.13" rereerae te tare aranty, wtta tat- ter states:: at te the per te. Bees are etea nay 2s t,rthattea. web sates et 25 teata tig,t4S%-ne4;fnel:='-ai-Vri,:, !Jet eeame et an te ra a tea, aressea tees are inenese watt *zees et anti - rz.s..sz GTADS PARADE St Peterslinag Wras Tame Affair - Vat.: ..4.17sent. lAttislTzirg,, .1p13 2.71, -The annual the E:..rse 67-42t2s, a2w-ays hew.- ; Ile most....7peztao..-2]ar 17.41.1 tocy .2e7E-7:::72.TS 4S ..Sne.n.:. tants- .,-** the year. was chicE.,y notalie -avly the abst:zoo of Emperor Zileho- s :he inn..iteara2 fa --"y. The ;as th, oiro Teo,trneri, a772. never before 2, 7., al:c:-.7; the Alexattaer Isitiecellariteh. fee first reareeint liteeteastr Eatetzess erea eretre ethert tee stratarer reerraimea lak7.sazakee-Sele the enema: earatie. Wale lairepeesni lee eatte arand eess vans sermarea -tee • Vera patetas weets Ntrattals, Beets ant _ ereseettate unee.etty. Been Greasel itadas laletatietr. esseareareter cif elte wee TreSfn.t. the ex- leastaattera berg thet ite wee aetteheeil paatee. te. theetteet sef eticketese. The eanzer le the intesezial fartiaz 1TZS re goat1e: great as faxipined :hat this was the fe,:ilval 271:7-.7no-2,tie veraereinee etre ef ft* .e.seeest realetene lettadates. AZ bee:ness ate ezepeotilatt. eatire trentstatine was .7: the ineeets. the tater el em zee- thattra imetneet ears el the Tativitty tte ..tertirists. ex--zazt-ZiTaary Freoontii-os. trei,TI'a=rvie weiT.e slati.-77ei at the 171aiieS 0..113 Ile. .z.1.7eSIS fe.4 barreeke ' Sterzt :et tee Estese fanarils hat:lever! leap beak the renereater eteetteent, arel Leary eepertatees etere eza n:heana to erzenth lalreat. 3e panattle.. eterei eatennee walla flat tanal earn speas befire the bateeeket. teek fratoto whatei the tiainte sthael. betene f.11 enen,F way a pereay feeinetet fay n!fn4r. !:".,"7 reareseremires. reaseeeehaers. eareety :setae pre.sent. After the tz.reetee.e. el fee restetze elat regeeneett natal*: :es the Cieffeithf ehe Aereashee. ateolethe the harreeks. where retteitees ritstett were :eta. The arm zehend •the eerie erne falsta with sea! etleana=ses Z11,11 .r'11.711.171" ereetea atratta Inn* Natirteles es he atetea attem he pertal erith the elezte- att- ederays. gave reateateas tut the eteeretat fenetast. The yeatelleareeri atear tehateettes rei fee 7211 mma a tatters !raze there file ereetrie 71* istertermes trezettret the cedars was; aise .774.1.0 the snearte el' the ertiatm. pater* Ite tettens ors Zane there. ilase attiee . etienSete ea:testa bet beth reel:etre Iseleseity pessea rift" vita- ter.eatteareas. to lane ,tte tatter -ter a few eenest heat Wheats new. basta - .3103 t2.0S Dee. rea, re.atee oet to et, tate, eareoe, tratet lett ire tabt* Da, gem,. ettelet .. to to:Pm tzlEbel to etee t;attel ta to. 0 43D hostel •• OSD 0.4:vD earles, 'bushel .. 41S to 0 40 00i t Ery, t;rity.tru ee tfko,„ azatel. tort 7 OD to •841) St.aw, 'per tro 7":1 on te11 e terestsea tees .. - 717; •&;Ttes. per.. B5 tO Egg. .... 0 •/a.tter. deary .. 2.5 to tane Da.. crea=ers 07.g 71O Ztatoktte, t7.4..og Ott tO 014 •• •• 0 to 2.1 IttrIcaSt, Per 013. to. 04;5 Talthage-, .a.7.IZSZt it flPIggt'S' Pe7 bag ...1 0• per eeetaa ... te ereres. per tree .. et to ' rad, btrta..7raseters BD to tarezni.rhers 0.LJ eltrioe, crorrose - - 7 aD to atealtrar, tarzzse '11:1 tO ttattrra, 'per tWt... .. BD to .1- atettniZenitneat Ottelernan-Pattat .1.*t4...StraZiat CarmattaUtal. 113e notretien latal eagle" ttt",--1.-, thefe4:4-.‘,.? eentety teetfeered er. Mtn. Thattemer, N. tar. 7, raze 1.1.1..7.1 res; • . 1 0 :0 0 7.:1 Sa 0 411 0 0:1 g 7..5 BD ‚1:; t 2;1 Z OD VL' . get tn Ter ?wt. 00 to NOD • cese.ana Batter leroota Cart- a:ft= _erse tas bee= fratr ar.d.Triroe.s hare betz.est4=troteztoed; atrzrest ts ns tz zss; 1 o..s. 4s ast, ti.pht eraa heos-F.0s. Es.Tay DiZo ' -.is 10., 1'1s 51s4 ttarS.1, 0, Bast ".ko 0. 4, 50% Sta. The arra-rota slows tarPrzrazoar-t. Brit:eh Cattle Mazkets. es=etee-e-he are ctotea 11:r Ter :b.; rat •tgerzttr.• beef, F,,t.o F4ar par eiteep, 11t..• Lentalag Wt Maikets, Repented :as 33:,,ing Wen .,zi-it,Er Tits -Operate:a. HELLO GIRL GETS atone= AS A WEDIDMG GIFT FROM A. MONT.R.E.A.T.-Taa. lgett Y•fk, At•eta 2 be a teheshee. gita waking tee a. ett-e71 esoaare cne date te 1.:ete maa heed lar a eitemit abate:tat the next,- hes beea fLe entiene teetetelerese 4.1 °T\tro.t n-4..)Se " tJ E. it, Wattett ilea., was ,-eell re:antler. elet Lev geye thae au= te feetteee, telarse 211a27. ttett- a • - flew York - 2.70 ot.P.44 Pfals. Ilt,t 147.7.1eXTZ:IS10 OF; -4, 1 tett Terento Lire Stk. -"Zeite4.0 rre stDzat vere zt Ti•Itars -rata Tr::z.esa2rts,ana were rateetasea s :rem neettiney retettemes. 1 la -1 ti be gra vita tee ezemee a... the partamest and errepaleatieel 42 IrtlIgge-Un. Be rase tele her that (-Tar:red 4n anioranti:e of speiaal desigo. /3 east 4:,p,c1..110, ama ,a Llaiza stra-bnrst, if 4 stioneentlis aa betrethal eaties. 1 ITM.. At, DOMINION •CONFORENCE, Relatien to the International CQtAtUittee to be Dealt With. A Mtettreal retort: The Deminien ftent ' ferceee of the Teneg, ttfert's Chrittiart t Astetiaiien !opened here thie teeming iu :D ateetiathea lailling„ fez Vomit:len fair attendance, and MP - uring . Duiers of Great Britain and inael dthe afteraDen and even; fl . irg. It leeks as if the important matter fer dist-nation mia be the revert of the France at Parts. .Dezerrien Committee, appoieted at But- __ ' term a Canadian eettien of the Iaterna- is t, fate bse May to censider .thepropal eefel t tivoell Certimittee of the la .m. c Ile tv meeting Looked Upon as an , etafeme Into the zeport nit the present - etnaitien of the Canadian Association ; werk end le suggest workabel arrange- ' int s fer more effective exterutien awl 612'475W-1 1)11°s of Ite"reemen 11113 Well Response to Oennany's At p.Er:iiii.lbuy:if the work. The fellewing, the International ami Dorn- .. . At - by Towards France. 111: de Ire:ref:tea Canadian reprementa. anon .Cenunitteest and will be eubmit. ltatet April 10, -The arrival of laing • s '.- ti.;iolna9:::: Co"Terlisail:11 mn zentnebmebrearsonof ttlislee . :140erntoescaccot,,It: etuutineghtioni4:4;tta tshaa. tot juizstu334e:cilwrozaeeu:madsartucinrenei:a., ' rit'Pizarinacet il•ii°thlitatrlaals'seltle'llialetlitorli:iiilnbtablee.Dcoltt: ; 1,171: tetivelsob.i; 11,,irmeseisdenliteLownateze:47thseidiae ; fritetnational Committee to be formed . , _ . , ., into a Canadian section, with hesulauar- °P° - • . - Y • 4, 9itreati andc,.0 niehmailtiterce,esonsgmeneenraai thae5,1,ncti:rtils:1; a, private conversation with ins Majesty, hutting nearly aa hour. Bevond tins . intereational :Committee. (a) Itepresen- fltc1:121:1;IFIrievIlf2,CaltDeeolry:13:41a111"5:rin''Ittelltiiilioefu-2111:911idiont111 S' 111.A(');1:11:11:inefIllicdbiajaelrilt8";:°111-Yld:rheT:titia415°31hetilic irtsgtetr4.: •, ti:ttilt,intet.:;:::1317 aldoar. .ttiate.) aTls,Ei0acIiantticorIniatlIlovniatl lined himself to the usual ,publie expres- - ki:332-C:alatitei-ae,it:asidahlo1:1;iteli'issii:onlietylic:Isaartriirlee is)irlirt6;g3o;-3:ealtiii.°1311.07 1C-1:pgoltEle at the sta- earried out, it being understood that, so tion of tbe pleasure a visit to kleance far as contestant with the best interests at Pierrefitte Station, evhere, surrounded ! ‘ablv'axeYs81(eLlanvtelsollal'ubet joined the Mel treirl oplell! cyearia6tthmadirikiapubtel:eeretlaajdoc ernnd.initii)triallit.eiii oebnaijons aftsesnluevali-i by distizigaishea officials •of both Gov- --tate I ICAY ADOPT IZZRAL RELIVERY. tonal Committee budget shall continue ernments, the two rulers -exchanged - to be treated as a unit, the Canadian greetings, The Ring conducted Prest- Ganaetea peetat oetEeials at Washington section to co-operate with the Interne. dent Loubet to his priuneviaatetilbstc4:4,byLwyhcooensntr. Lgieteca..,:b 4:217,:rn_Frizee Sy_ stem.._T tLioewaealvert:o:ianyiettthee ri:eiryaeisisnagnetfiuonade fbreir. set:co:a:111one .erconavittinwitaelsitt -teat t„ee .1‘,17 tee Canadian work These suggestions will, railway station was reached. Outside the r.•.a.: serrtre, as rr.::!essi*:;,.:y 21:..-11 trivIwIrftv the r=tea tats, has tt- trz.:te.L., nct.i:e ;n Ca".7-E.f.t., eve comaestr. Last - THE KING AND PRESENT MEL Affirmation of Entente, dons of pollee. Ihning the halahour at fore being adopted: _ .. aan the statsen Kim; Edward continued to 1 L'..3 .»..2.-.i;:!als z_re 71 Zir 0•ZI.• a IlIt:g EV. foreet!go-• talk with President Loubet nd held SCAMP IN CLERICAL GARB. I 1 extended .eoriterence with the British , teen nee a yaw te Zeteriala:.or, -whither i Ambassador to France, Sir Francis Levi. - sErlit.2 rat be aat este eitettive C''"?L'Z''` Wan Arrested for Forging Name of . . - ie vele tznt ate teeter an -tea -ease, Tema etteeiee tam eve; te 41..25 par elm., me Ira Ezmg tt_Z•5 per mt. Export attls ezia at $5.0t1 teette per est. eereatters-stettes ea- rht"..Te :01$. bat:ob- er. z,t USE' eta a was repertea for a roor se lots. that were goaa aroogh for trport: Zolla g4z.d.825 .S.11.5D to Nan: e=storat ree% ta men; sor.g.h. -1,7, per cwt. I" eaters -Good ca. -y 1105. to 7.210 ;lbs. toft.,• so0a tt, St T36 to .stssera, 11.03D. to :130 •bs. earl_ st-.13 at 04 to .$4,UPT ',steers, SIS to 1030 tbs. etatb„ rt Stl.tt• to steart, 707 to ltDD tbs. mat, at 03.1:1 ro ottle.ts, 4511 to Str.:1 Tba. eara. to T12'7, per cwt.; ra:ras zooa, treat - tog aas::fties, V.400 pm- out eateet caws Iota f.p.r.z,g..ze-firade wet :WI% obrozt erws matt sortogers serliog r41. tee wey :tr.= 05 for strubs r.0 for roma- =rm. and .15 ro TO for trief-r.ro. I'D•Oay =•••5D 'Mak far the beet &fere- ama. they w -ma. Za71, -^zata be ra2ea ribrare coal- Veal catytte-Iateres T•telZgel the stay. eram ars to at pee ret for the tru'artor, ta to V. Ter rat. for ratan.= to msto”.=, tad sa ;to t6.00 for gooa entre, sr:zit:1=m sma few. Sheep ewes at rr $7.-00; bor..ka. $4.1-0!, rat.aea Item 04 to V.pc• 'wt. Trar4"...r.p. ,ewee aza weeters rhotee caallar so:id at 0: to *.7.00 per ra-,. arta rate Dot .of. oh.o7Ka rpoa:Ity were . brit -tett ra. per rwt- Spritzg Said akar VEY 1::+aa2 =AID r taut- esta a is statte •.e soz-.e the :itt:a ;oar:tares that Tate be:lag tar.-laght 4111 alwaghter tr.zr st.mer Tar ' ewt. for streets. arta SG :1..ghts pea fats. 00at e_T_Te .r...re far too =nay' tf the ....at tr_o M .wari-•••2 azta Talr the former la keep am - t.:1 •roperZT. ;...,-eTarea for tbe bast _arge tz....z=ber -ware bszr, eta stra •arorare are w Or:Ma agef....-allt=a'sg 'this .ar-ss. 3%-edat's cm Trate. ilteetren2 ariefires to Pareletresteas say: Tiere tes a !eh. arearteest ce whielma.7e %I-m.2,e ,•,,,,,-:.., 7,t, ;'...1.13- 4...xes reale is fete tr• IID, 4 " e na reattranara.a. sa-e. . .....!...a., fat neratt. la-:- harieware., large ttneks sae 1 tr,, 'r.:. -.A -z. 7,-7.1.11 ...7Le aperetito el treareeettizet teetal have a vera atealtree'e....mere . . ff-o7if "..atte ' feam anarertne- The. reteet %mat is heal ' reil weel- 'tteelly ettreetts se ea- set-1.mm . 11 nee- rerentheresess at-e-mr. - • 1-17e. E.M.. . 1 peretea*:ze itztetrete zee the sareale. et-aw- i alLe........ere_teefzl ica.z....eveare,...ae t..7,:im gnia.e.--.1. to......sa.n;:aangs i . thee .74r,E.5 Tlerangb..trar, 7.-te P.r..-,tre .'i .,::::::..11.7"...issn_tp::xlirr.:::::alreiLrnazio=iisirztaTT:,.....:11.,,gazzir;:zas .3:=:mr.r.,:e. whisteele ineas en. '2..e.na ipt.t.s., an 1 leen-ree st,„-ram are zwesteret the teareheg , 4,,,, b41.11,,,v, ••,. z...zaii ;,.nxizeis 1....,,,z,;, .,,,,,,,,,,„--r„:4- ; hrentneem: with 'the ...I.nti ' net-tt_.-.....tmt :1 .1 ---, • •• a!' Tc3.14,-ML.1, nr_ant „,...trszErr....:r rz.1.1....triM , ...r 7,,,..;.,...r....3.-,, .,..74.....,.....,..1_,,,,im..., eteer-r , , 'Z. .". V.:. 73_,- .E....16 -Z 4itt '.. ritUa trateen ,1 *es ma welt :ILL: 1'R-1:rept= retenseits- f atite ef the etztettele tar that tartan Toy- 4 metes earl:rear ere eatte 1 7.• peel,. ; ...S1 :Stan_ - earreet emetzeme .L.T.Ef eliartera Fr= the nr,e-,,'"'-r- weak. Ina f , nerta; net re lartinatea treieneins. mate - meets. tat ::::". ,:"..t.-27. Y.:. -E• 52:2 t.7. "fatal Be- tanene. ineer. treettem seettera et' the -Itaze= 4z.if mr.: 7-117572_1a, regtfiliar, Ile =Liple. sex= Tree, :In ti -A, ,t.7. t.-.Eile is 1, -„L ---,r, zatese. Ittenntrett meerattatne et teas CM -17r Z.:'f' reare zeta :se ea:-. ne tratereatee ea' are. ermeatnerstme Irate team riten men •„ whese inene Is az Net fiati 4Te.221.2e. seetarTed at the .switele- 4 thot czor.try. W. a -mat, cf Otto. - Bishop Sweatznars. 1 King Edward left Paris at 7.10 o'clook Essaretary el the PostrIfize Departmort r Marseilles where he will join a n Etratzta, ara ,...t..•rge Roes, cf Tz.rooto. A Al toochtdx,k report: A anger of c er- f,:leitandra on'boarthe royal yach2a7c- intreere eneareetast. seetteiretneeet esi tee 1- t b ti Ulne.,11 o as een (vela ng a t„..,reastern Ontario, t‘tis taken into custody The seteneffteeet emeatattteateen meat taw „in ama scare at to and Albert. re:tat:4= Nr2tb yeettsea tenteeta, tap arot0 here to -day. At noon he asked to have 9revesitoenttheLomubeeetint gsagyfsaIiinttionitbEediszaeemardaturatnhadel to suppose the conrers =:It'sTfilfat"tr.7.":1:171ctzgl..erreu:lra%).; a.v.rliedeirtalcalasisteme. athtetlbeomCritnaito•nn Bpaannkk. wee. nattraratertneteree crety-syee, tee tte.the..p etweatman, of 'Lamont*. Ile en: Ko intim? sd oPnrdie'?pitiloeinntatlteedatitsantionse-xellaof ntgehe steetmetteeettemerat meat:ere et-per:meet Preasks." Tho fact that. it was dated at dears eaaet nest ai tate tene 7--t7- a Att:at aereed it with the name le but as neither has divulged the • Ctionfa Los77=1 trEl. ii -.1+1.03." Etta confideece it is necessary to reemve vith • Ter -ate ril 5 made Manager ku er baarti ef the 1-2--1 1- -arm Z:1-4.1, zal 41-0 ge..V.V..4";t,' "roa ormort sus that tee - sue sas t 11 Id clerical visitor reserve the more or 1, tetealle. e o s less ingenious ver - et -e tatze --er aatattsaattese be estot.:a._tea. te the irae - • . sions which will be laced. in eiheulati ih.1-tatetaity began Ana ripened :Tate a wermer attrashment. Els :mace es z..• lettatreal, where he es' ereentee...:" in the aseerat 'easiness, era he hes bean a erla- ewer or two easaes. ..Ts Mies Beamet n Theetem aocio s eta Wietteety Partestaten a ate- ; perneeien far their matantee veal eb- tamed frem the Tene. eat ft -aid them tele paesee ie. St. tatielefs Caterch. Ninth ; Street, Anetber eo- ;3ee earl. Arms Lttla Sehetimar. entse is ; eretazeria the Perk ATE.7.ne 11.-,10.14S aleerel in tale meta fretene hee lafe- Inez framanadiss 'hie:eaten Te ler .1.1.T.V.1.1theT, "Teichifra.t.T ereeent- ea a clteek artaaa flr the nettellese el a gown t of be wren as et the • we:Mae. rene. aineattasa eilnette Xing. Me. Whernifs tea -e-171 be the. best ream. - - PARIS ItataT'S A. FLOM -Reteeetanee ameetaae Feecam cent Arateet. ATtril ali.-Rimafteetats remere ere rase= 114' Tambetrati. :4' 'the Treetin army. " wens er. imienete., zeal zz tietalau the name nes-en A stezette if thele lenees. rereelea teuratitti.. reititary emeezemeee an! cart•Liges. ise fir iS .1Slus. 517. 71- r...7:4fia" rant. 1 earn a zenreelelegly strereszednis tea-beer:a- meet Gereeretrart sterea boa same r! the mentemeastes aria n nualar -tr!trta tmes gronf.1 0 -re nas.nan sees- asenhatts eterit teetta lee atserreeth, e-te-nr_e• thee a temestraltle emszatmer...zs 7 tette, The r-rrrne FLOIDL'a.," e..77S•44..E.2 :al:, 'the i renter es rar.T:i.," If.7.17,75:e. t nesd A 7.. P.Z.t.E.T erenteises -.•-• e. as .4 lTttr171E72: earefeess. :fifteens, te, n:0=4S 1Toa n•tiit-• Piefeetter et sae- te,--•, en^d, Sar., ele-se tetter.z. ±-073 Cheareen 70 r ee :es: es.. her gem: teesseeto tzt the teemerte. Pee:. aletlantr. eitantaanal tzentante.t. arataie 31 la 11-atetnene Tt. nre.14,42V. j0tt 112 -s -.E., aiersetsta. zee: estaseree t: let haze set -ma -ea n te-a•-• ai en:: zee feher-etml were n entster f nes them rzetteenteet, te ateett. **eel - ant zee :veer ear et- :4 eet ta E • In: 2.710.ine-= 'VMS marl l'•=•- • 'Los . tat„.." 131.7.7eternete, :L 1.7017700 01.-n.276,-..- teemes ther neer "ore. rm.:: ere :feet arater et: Me tn ithata•eatelet Mime ea - 7 -L'S ""tetnes- antetraatest late 7 653 '00 11 71.8 08.r. 171.4:77=t1t 1.500 001 .2267? 1 7.,1" Li vats: taten.e. a teeter, sr___„,pnt t'‘ ne7 'LEES. ett, yeateee--- etta,,ferere Tareoe att. _ . t..74344".1•1.7 , s P780300000 :3 1201.100 !.117217 - L00007? 1772170 :17511710412:5:1,...37 7.0711 as. n:7 !..n alr:1173PeD. 11. .1101te'r. 7ZIFYI-ne7 .0! the Chser-ber :3 atee-a-nee- eereseal T.c.408.atipn 70 P77- 0. restattne ler -he lebeitst tine .a eth re nee ee -t-• . thera heaterearee. late flat net. , ettnia.trent nate: en :eel te nerenten-rer el* Teerettalie. Ere 11"..:77,2fil.a ?I:1=V .1),II-15.- tf..7 V-0.3 0517...7:15118:3 0000 73 -tear- tame 3i0e2 lateen 8... tetfeer..ettere Itte F..telaras 1s17.4.75 Ird:T&F 77.1"1. tee the Isalteletee ,aareete, Th-' 0.10 7811000062 05 bEO7 7" 7. '22 ..1a17.11. 7"2 eeentte tester annse....... gl'ZIT*4.t.?"777C75: Zerraie. Saffemgs rf Whams and Zeta lleta a! Staten. --e-•••• -e! eeeta liatat Miteres re teat •etaare aminatat 1.0.0 7)00 te , need re. tea, ...hie 24 0_ -16 Zla f:TIM. 1.7...ai.T 5E7Z-A :as% 1.:26 3.11770:318 17._stuff:es. 1:411N-. en tits etat.-eeee. nese were zetertt ce -"te71,,ioa'r t02 _=''''det,7,7te.17,4at-elzer-',4„tenehgtz..17i! II:'"::::•13,7:-.:::::1-.1:1:1,71.1-S-!'""'2":.::7":;" '"722 . - 7...r7r.:,,LEIrei•-1._ 7.4,11:71.:. 077310 0i'1-1 7.38,7 learil =me aerie:a tenteram, rail 76 627!1 104 threee :ate £04. ; mee-estreete. rhaleerhe taaile skeek. ' :me et st. Ines there gand 0017V0-1 anteree Tee err -eel* gamer -Late at* se-tatea', vete -Lies* wea im-etentattees. revere! .e_heer sense imennet- ' arena rationtat allay rep 57413 ow to 8'2148 60570 Tee etithertio, bop-o.rseetrie7 ""*". 4 "`"4"' aareserte reial "aarentette 02602604see. • trtir:171' 15 0 nnle ems et 000124ehertevt; `..05 Tho teat* te bete teat' -set Po re -hew' art, manes! ire eaterta 52006201622entster.7.I`o anrety vela read , - teeett 1: tree. arataaaentateeas rapattes fen= arretatton soy gesett Irearaes eatahnieres ht--steert. 00010 ree-t-'. -' r wena. TIM tate iftse :teat "..rethelte a-ehtt Wisniettentiona 537t.:Tf: 611225270104tame gfreentette rata the amientel 'ler getter.: Teeth x =tee center Tiara es enteranen r -Lee e .,r ..$4 nete, td r o ntr.V.-11=_[2. 1-n.:*.S. 110. et-nre ries tes serarh fee lessee teesetteateet eneot_EF... v3._7!: -eta 300?I1 ratf:18.14-.102„ f•tcrisir- 4:4 0'21- V46- 7140 00 1•1:6- 3741. 1_7'e n1,`,741,.-1.'..ng F-0nt-Ti.] • I.. 70:1 -,h,r nen-r-n-S • , 7111.17ti00. 104-. ; 006-1 125211-07.3.1101.:' 0 150 1.143to21t- 00i'2 - r:s *..,1..7175. .,„ 71.012-.060.0010)011 7.21 . : 5 011 7202260 18:47:111 00117.3.1 - :a a d bate to tell to- orlon on ' Judging, however, from external appear -Oa ilq.,0.-. .Z...taril-led -2.n the ttteat-irm frP'r 'ale ran: Tile man immediately went to the Tea- : -;.:1't 74:-'scr---r"-- zat.- vr"t1 L111-211'33 bare ersd then telephoned for the police. reeefing to -day was marked not only by anceit, one cannot but remark that ther INc;' Fe':2'', 411:"1-'1'• l''' 4:teL::•:1‘2 EtePs 1-.2ve der6 Bank and. presented a similar -cheek, less reserve -than that of last year, but •';',17: .F.,•-t....tx2'1 tas:3-2.E0I., 11"WW12;41:-: tr'llta:17-'-gs lzrz:zz-r ;":72z7s:.;nlac.2\111:aell4ce"fbc.arr,14,1:nneozdi teoxpteenl,soesn" a egli fuaaninaeteeeri notably by the greater freedora of con- fidence exchanged." to fiesten, teweete. zee ve for-ta that -we raz The pnbiie end press, howerer, herald . with the Bishop's stgisature, and, invit- the meeting as significant. The Jour - lc= =ileh rs ernay..loa• the postal syrtern zf• :" IN!. the leeens clergyman into hit. office, '' ra:-.tea Slates. We talTe Vz.V.-ted the 2.,..,•,•kel hirlie nee-a:epee the politv, who The yrs. nal dee Detats sates: -It is a new al- e'rr'll• ztl. :;•":•'.1 -1.''' !lettrz.17 ''''' Ills '-'1111.rt:..1.4-.•;..n teek him into custedy. -5"•1111 1=77:1-t 2r:11'31'1'14 1714 51' l'*! t[t.".11e 7).:7E5-"-;b:a met' Is a thsal man about GO twars etf which will be followed by naval demon- firmation of the Anglo-French entente, met v -e mett seta to rereat le rota eram-.' a,..4.,?, Tiim.- hae44•Ming grey. Me admitled this stration.s by British and French spad- e:ea th.:Er Z.ff.T.a!".7 :.'12 the wey er estee- . Kat,„.stete; afteriteen that he had s.erred time in vale I This, says The Delrats, is the response. ! Lea, a te. eettereteeanas tett the rural Si. • ratiog a rr.ro: free, LEL-tarp sareive to Com-•'_ t , . to the attitude Germany has taken to- , teats. mete tet, t,a,epet,etteett, taw tetteratet - Tele ie ceittent-ly the same man mho wenra France, and the paper adds: ttit , rae. SD sears:ay tteraiete.e, mat the eneeet 'did up two banks for Stra each in King - be prudent if statesmen at Ber- l' from :1't. Emirs? 'imrad rut be 74•.'uttraate.- "''2" The 'alleged elergYinan (*ailed °n ;n fail to -observe this : the bank managers autl teal of his asso- tie -mans reaffirmation P:Ifitheulite il....angY ocon- 10 me ......me ease es. mt-re: :.,._earaten .3ailiatini.„ al,:i.vtahtzbc.annkienr-sainkinothgesrietnowainsocaensde i }trench entente.. 1 TEE "TtraatiAR env -WESTER, - endurance of Inc The Temps also says that the inter- ; earieh. Then he produced a cheek on a , view empla..iizes ,the es he Itad " means Qf i .t.n,go-FIreUell entente_ ..*Svm041 bona:. Mid, The effect ef. the vssit appears to be Cate.-ettete. el 1..,,f"....Fammazet. l't 2'edir're 'i the Be'th -- biing alentifial, the managers aceeptedi to streagthen the determinatiers to pro - ..7,111=12. 2,7, s, 1:pra rt_ne an.ai'.,, hie. entry azel the etaeaks 'Were eashed. i s i eeed with Pram -sets pelitty in aforazza in ed ....'"Cternager Je 'estalt al abe Bank: ef Ter-heNTARIO ARTILLERY ASSOCIATION. reetordanee with the terms of thetAngio- ltrench rigreentetate as the visit is con- meuth ems. reetete tfpen issf- creel:lieu furzi,,sheei by irk•., ,L., t....t/rcert,... Tirt.D has.: Protest Against N-en-Cenmissioned ;Offi- cers Pay. ssirnaedtoraises.a.ofttreelit,t, to:p. retemesit front the := ,..;4 7s, ' t7---.:: r, m a 0 arje ef a 1 s el) D : tz : arh 1. "lit a ,g. t 4: :' Teat:no:a April l'1. -The Ontario Artil- 13.athetitte SC:4:Qe.17a...ertaie_77-mezi to-ilay and re-' n . • -- .1 tleey hteentialien hell its tlIst annual =a-..ilezi amen Aetten 2-z!,,:n, fee itenente„ anering ea...et...ay. Tne regular reports nee eafre-teraien. Bes. we* re:eased en: nere presantel and eeyoral eemplaints i?4'..1..5"?*eD tl'bercileth ze Daria Carey ef 421-ertnn, ne..-1- p4;y: rate if ti -•1 eer day pee men fer regisliTcl. It %Tx: protest:4 that the eateath zetreteeea -tr,•te.t.a.totte is sail to be' every nun-comeLissianed off: er was in- :7.re:73y traveabie ID -ale xmir.ure el theteaffitterat. At eresent ,aliteh its calewei T/M POT TO TELE KT;TTL-E. Russians t View of Dishonesty fa United---tt States, St. Petereburg...iptil carrprInd- eat of the Journal Cie St. retersintr,.; tells td- the aiiali:meity whizli, le say.S. pertazles the Itizhest tin:21es in the ii:ezierzrzetleallsersthteo picree: state o!.. hea.th amil he did not ra.;:ty. The ne:.'essits" ttas fer. traaliflei Yent their guests frem beiree atbbeabv Al a nettitg treilazza tf :aretekte. un.dte G.:4-,:yrnnlen.: pay, ef • each other. and the consternati"-on at a Ind Sons. lea trailay a state- - Gvvera:aral • White blouse reception when the: ligbts attat wee -eamtea sbr,•erag -the grass The establisareeen ei seteting bone serstaenie- Tiat cturent restzzed fitif=s v=71,1 the estate t_.4 zin'y thr. Qatent's Peek eras Striv.r.."7,N7 re... Slimed that tbe 10. 000 .1;124 1.1.71sIny seothene- ..esteeetateadal loprerent tase matitfesi ea- ttereett theattelnee of tleir 5e.Wels and ra:.••Ire.s 00 17,0 recent ;Tem- eerewated them. the men headite, their • _ tae, Paiiiantetra 127 ""aa-PLOSIOI_i OF FZILIMitaTEL pozaretheake for faar datirg penated The farseeing satfietes were eatatest: =pea ao.7.2 roibezi by neighbors. 7:.z re 1, "417*,,727.zraas trzkm.yleral:zr tart. 1.1011. V120.-Patran, Itlart. O. P. • liatretneyt President. Learte Cal. W. Oa siege Ce. Were Sealed. „n•eateseeette 1:...„zr.,, 2,17,,i -t^, ::1„-Ii„.-z.i...z. racn LEiUret;:lt".71%1. ...tt‘..1‘31.1"-Mnjeatatet'..1‘;:e.; 7-Ceeten.;;•:;;;;;-,. , - ,,, ,;ts.e.,,, -tate..., „a e, e„...., -.tee., t LI 1.- ' a . X.11 <I* nal. :7:4" 7:a '-• G:...1 ::::::11 i • 3:113,' :1'1 ''t47'211 Isisllin Er4311 4. Craz1 ill Lfr's °f ' - - - - --.-' a"- t t-' - a-- ' at''' 'a:" ' .-1"..c: Reale': ma :Dietz ire': .... a --- 0...tatt et ale et en, tattees tee ,z -f the teeek aten etteaeatete L. C'3 at te, man . the trate:. . " z. .,.... -. -..." .s.t. late : .. Ittlje, I a... -..m.0 , V '11 ' - gl'Ir`Vi''' 11:005 Ca St' ............ '.2 i .4.....,...... ...., ..-,...........:,,..., .. ....... ....„40/...........,-..-- 2,1„,,....7,,,,, 44, is In:" .1. iseater a- • sa. Ili:, 122) MS :72 Vkin. e Xi.' al ,.. ,, .,17,t,r,:', to 004. 4,,,, ft , tate.e.es et st, vein ' -the ... ,, ^ • et,- tete-2 _....,. :am nr. the tart thtt cartbrataike storks i.77_•0:7... ''.::• J. l'a.. ttleadatilt Testae:teen laver • etteeta ,,..eee, epee tent -sea eta et abate - Tie sten- 1'..--ailes Neil.r,,*. l'..li:::".;-1,-.: Th.r. ,.. Meat: asteettare, L. IL Irteette i eaatri., ,Golzottr.,•4e, ao,a of the 7,4roralerutt _3:m._-.-, .•,-,;.J.0_1:,,,s. 3,7„:411..; Nra„., ...,4.-, .:14.11:‘,7. Lient--0-1, O. Carey. 1 :: 1=tease tea acre. ato eater at neesse are. :211 man M tic letaittete ellen tee ea- teteeereit. rests Le One eleath CRC:at:MD BY COPPER ORE. i twe teetteattes ii.71 ..t.Tr-1 ara =ale the, aszert 1„ :1 La. Sr•zfritre. 'ate. repatt tete cafe a east :tee' o Lstn...-..T,2 ,:!.." abeat , e i ieraii tee tem e t.t.t. traze aimiestelese ead ' -tee 71, 1,-,:•,--,,: ,va, tette et, Fred. Barg -ream of Ceaper Cliff, Instemil tett eery met web 16704.7 gretn tea bettene, ' :eta atel wee neva far tia 7,y Tanta w-taile at virmilt. 1mm the torth tile, a00* -o rte.:n..4 ter tee fest aree here the great arr.71t=s *151161 - Ceeete Cdt ..A.Izzl :.Z.-.-7.1.4is tiniztxt a :Steam twos eiso trzzaZo.a. *am a Urge (lark •otal orzler.t bete1 lar. titrea. Thorgrate% la th„,,I, 4, „, trz,082, .t0a rr.,,,,m eemeeeet ne te tee mean- atm a tee earette et tee' 1-:,Sa1:7.ra5 ir.5.1at '''..:e tenter. Tat 2arttt Vzs 'oral.= Cr-774er Cotrpozr-Y 1;tre. AT1t-It• Zn^ 1111011085 15' 4, g 5,..1.t.....i:'',=.”7, .r....I.ra v:fa tercts atter temetatete :-.0 stanne ae tea „tetateme_teeteeeateee, ...,..c.A.,12E,11b."117:125: -5 repa:r.:tg ore a! the for:mots, a :one toratatiOs. the paths. tattooed Vaal'. _ LA. SOUFRIERE BOEING. . . • t• ranee tense Ttese tare zee .., at., 005 Ln,:v 1,0 eteate •-e 5.00.1 71T eee ti t -e ars ate:teen-et and Vet 303.05::-:; eze „tt ore 16e.E.31.7.0 ran' Th hotarea. - !CART. P.RCII a.11.iroe. paretts. ten lane seam 04416 07700 tee tins et - - TEE WORLD DrIalerT END. taa neektawn Mna raiLta hy TeaM Bettams r.t4_tivicZ 71-8 ;11. • .. o , :L3413'5000JJ!'12 025.72 7.1tL. v:Stereene ee- te 1p tile 7145 rte, tntute atreeetinera ateete02 14'0..=eta vete etteetee. ,eateetareee ttteer'-ar, "inmeottitera tatart •.•ittesnatteoe t -e• 4/9",:3 vrtOtO tnpod. yereateattorta. Lre: v me: fe tes irt anent": teen 00.4 t.1* 00020.. lateze antetse rear,- ea ! Ti.vaoj 01.114 100 teittnee . , , • 00 1Z? 2.'7121011 4180. 27. i_.;% *7.;. --*.i; 71" tte :el la tettan eft, taaret _etenteet tit Ina 7. t ...t? t.17.27 Slat - 7•17. -11-"412:71 44...,11a! • r-ttl. 70. ... 800 inettl erninr, etteressatoere-Lire 1 tee... nte 720 hat Iona* netnerte. etefe: terns ;- - 1 reennee 0.1-1 t t'''.,t cee net' ! Eta -fa -en 1 !- . i . 'N i4,2'.4"' . MI..: . • L.V...._ `` ' '..-:777.1. TrEl.i.-. a'n '0:34! 412.10.002 tee te . it,ThE'--: :-.n-.1.....7:- -"! • - . 07007.. Lit.1 13! 2.'- 1-121 at a Sail e7011,1.11:, lrz'07.io '4611 ;: '3.)." .!‘;!• Li2'11? _ ILI:. t.• ta Lt 181611 L. 71,,,,J • .r.•.-1.4 , errs :re -erne 0.0 tena, ene iteaantenen.., teee-1 tate te=i ta tatet term tee: : net etal teetehhte..! st: : est tette 22e _ '2:303 eh.) :at '7Li e_ hilegillMOMEMMINNIMMIENINNIIIMINIMMIMMIMINIMINININIMEMMIIIIillaNiMMINNialliliMOMMIMMMarlit' 1111111111 Walla 018 fi'Z200:0, SITaialg tat. te tee enee ...•71.::._.' „-72 -,.! . , ttae.t.te 0. eecm1 1.r"4I00 15e• 1l.:et. Z:•gw':i1"-Io-nI=.•. 1,,:Z.111 ..1‘o. 4:7---1- "tx.17e-t-t8Z7.rt1•-•%1.75 16 s erae fe 67208 tameatecze,.2.g f,- , , t - -5''eaea teeee1:5 u:ztt:tta 00tt3. "7';5tta alZIaItItealT=aztt0 :1/27nner21 aI1511Ma7k74 t 111 ::11;i.;17:1lc1:72-::1r;:1r:;1f10strs'll!a'1 1e0,2eoe1ree161.11 ee:erl1.:;t.::.it ;„_L1yr% .1- ,)i = '00:z ::zals• the re 1 1:e5 1 7:lA: : y .r.0,N, eei a Z : A , 4. .i itlrPL1tVit18 : eea:. Catlave e 11at:1' GLASGOW int _ ttattage 21 Attain State •Ceeted Stet' Tree ::. Z II":0 n.:7,4' Mat it.'a, 3.-t' 1641 tettettatee 3.3 v - .. o en : :a ..;„.".n7I.: eset- 4 sateen:et. At isl it.' hestesee F212 -2.3l tett i - - - -sae-a. --- littetee. ale:, z t thel , i seteaette. Zee_ve teteehresnizee lealren to !tete The trietzte v.g.A.5,r1m ale will ete- trite., Tette steeeeett, eae tee ettettete rat-, :aIti:".,..=,.,A 1-e.it.v :.A 11'4 N,11.13.. it-tte ! 1lt tea any szteefeettl els Fez"-: , itatizen a.tt e sta. I .1 000 ...!.,7r.y .tli.'-•.-: e : az etatt tee 7:0063 ±0.' *?....1a.,,;;.. ,..1 1 i‘ 20.77.02010titateee 1:.-.J1: ‘....ZS:.::, 3 1: '• ni, 0:1 .... .:,-n:i'. ,IN.;',..'.t.2.1:-....".. !:i, -f...Z:'....1 :I '....-.7!.t.'.1 an ette,•44 a4'1-.-.. 'I 7...i.1.,:.:.0 ,",„tz-r.i..'.4".11 et teetiate. o -thease l't.74'..,.7-,Z.:.:,; I tf,..2'..".-..eI ',.;. 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A teatteette eaten! threw up a rasa. 50010,0se that *he 0002Lterazt :1.:e '42101 her tehntives. -thee enema ntan wee se ethentetend that ftetee wenn be tat trateeranwas renatree. tea that! he tantattett tenlareited seentiett et fated etta lea. .-0.-]3t. 4772314to find 131.,'46slants tte.tetratten nete'llettente Mia LIM IX $1,1014 Ieventet ,Sttat &,t3 Etg Ittto.a! t Mat hYtth Atreattatte. 1: 20 on eneettetent tes. 0.3130 Leant atehantartia. hea-etatte tss..T.„ 41,;:s • Ntentatetatate tiitte '731171± .:011 the teal wee 46-47.352 at et tem easteotat reit? • the, t1.,'Itl.',."47z0 17.:::115!4 et an enetzettee teat. Tate 520003.03577 65 17,...:7-0041 001 1t11.:g an,/ ‘14.1 tt414.te'0.1 t4,6 4 littre 31:0-010161611 '1.43'." bee et fate tett 07001.307! 31± rk-1S- IN-Z1t*IV7..4t-IV:11.'%.F $X. -.",-g. 5003 30. 3 07.062 3121.30 The 0,m Z17,0 ‘. tte 4673.0"o -,n12 s; 16421725