HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1905-04-06, Page 44 THE WINtIHAM, AUYANCH, THURSDAYI, APRIL 6, 1905. ?aror Furniture In a short time you will be adding a couple of new pieces of Furniture to your Parlor, or maybe dividing what you have for other rooms and furnishing anew with a five or 3 -piece Parlor Suite. While we have a splendid assortment of Fancy Easy Chairs, which are always in demand, we callo 1 of a following ,+ u attention. t h , 1 Mahogany finish, $-piece Parlor Suite, upholstered in best velour, at $23.00 1 Mahogany 5 -piece Parlor Suite, upholstered in silk, spring edge, at 31.00 1 Mahogany 5 -piece Parlor Suite, upholstered in silk, spring edge, handsome frame 37.00 1 Stuffed over, u piece Parlor Suite, upholstered in best velour 30.00 1 Wilton Rug. 5 -piece Parlor Suite, spring back, spring edge special value 50.00 1 English Rag, 5 -piece Parlor Suite, spring back, spring edge something new and durable 00.00 1 Mahogany 3 -piece Parlor Suite, upholstered in silk, hand- some frame 1 Mahogany finish, 3 -piece Parlor Suite, upholstered in silk, upholstered buttoned backs 40.00 1 Mahogany finish, 3 -piece Parlor Suite, upholstered in Eng- lish tapestry 22,00 30.00 The patterns and quality of our Carpets, Linoleums and Oilcloths speak for themselves. The prices of our Window Shades and Curtain Poles make them. easy sellers. Examine our Mattresses at $3.00. ' UNDERTAKING. Night calls re- ceive prompt at• tention, 5th house west of Hamil- ton's Drug Storo L. A. Bali & Co. Just In A Carload of No. 9 Coiled Steel Wire As this Wire is the genuine Frost make, and as the demand is likely to be so great for this particular kind, Farmers will do well to leave their orders for it at once, as there will likely be a scarcity in the market when most required for fencing. We are selling it cheap. Massey11arris Repairs. I have just taken over the agency for the Massey - Harris repairs and will try and keep the stock' in good shape, so that the farmers may be supplied in future with what they may require in this line. I am sole agent for the celebrated Sherwin-Williams Paint. The best on earth. Best Brand's of Cement in season at lowest prices. A full line of Lawn Mowers, Garden Rakes, Spades, Shovels, etc., on hand. Prices the lowest. We are now taking orders for Plymouth and International Binder Twine. GIVE US A CALL. A. YOUNG SPRING 1805 Now that the spring has come, I beg to notify the general Trade that I am still in the ring with the Largest and Purest Seeds in the trade, consisting of Red, Alsike, Mammoth, Lucerne and White Clovers. Timothy, Orchard Grass, Red Top lCentucky and Meadow Fiscue. Peas, Oats, a new variety and strongly recom- mended by the Experimental Farm, Otta- wa, and also the Model Farm, Guelph. Goose and Colorado Spring Wheat. Mangle Seed of the finest strain, put up in t lb. packages. Turnip Seeds, Field Carrot, Rape, very cheap. All kinds of Garden Seeds. Corn by the Car Load, and I might say that I was the only Seedsman in the County who did not fool the farmer last year in the Corn germinating, MiiewinsikeisisiArt T. A. M 1LL 1 T.Abb ante TUIEO. Pnorxa1ET00B. Ebitoriat ----From Russian governmental sour- ces, it has leaked out that since the beginning of the war there have been sent to the trout 701,467 soldiers,13,087 oflleer•s, 140,408 horses, 1,512 guns, and 315,000 totes of stores, Russia admits the loss of 500,000 men. Gen. Sakhar- off, of the War office, who allowed these figures to become public, has been dismissed, « --Tire offering of a portion of the new Japanese loan for subscription in Canada has been a success, The amount subscribed for by Canadians is estimated at close to $15,000,000. A leading official of the Bank of Mon- treal states that the success would mean a good deal to Canada, because other countries would now come here to dispose of portions of their loans, * * —Among the private bilis consider- ed at the session of the Legislature will be one by F. G. Macdiarrnid, of West Elgin, to relieve municipalities from civil liability in ease of accidents on the highway. Mr. Macdiar-rnid will be backed in this measure by a num- ber of western Ontario municipalities. His object is to prevent frivolous law- suits in which municipalities are fre- quently involved, and which ase cost- ly, aside from the question of damages. * * —At Niagara Falls, U. S., there is a bakery where all the work is, done by electricity. The machines for nixing the dough and rolling it into form are operated by electric power. The im- mense oven is heated by the electric cnrrent. As the electric current is produced by power from the falls it is cheaper at Niagara than almost any- where else, and it is used for a great variety of purposes. It is conveyed to Buffalo and used for a great variety of purposes in that city. * *. « —Mr. J. A. Ruddick, Dairy Commis- sioner, in concluding his evidence be- fore the Agriculture committee, show- ed that there is room for a good deal of improvement in the average pro- duction of milk by ,Canadian cows. In Denmark, the investigation of one of his officials had shown the lowest average for herds was 5,000 pounds of milk per cow per year, while some herds went up to 11,000 pounds. •In Canada the average is more like 3,000 pounds, with a few as high as 5,000. * * that, through proper selection alone, the average yield of crops can he m- ereased 50 per cant, Arid this within aL period so short as 10 to 20 years." Experiments carried on through the Experimental Union have clearly' de- monstrated the iniportanes of using plump sound seed. It is bemuse of the demonstration of this fact, the feeding back of manure upon the soil, and. the plowing under of clover, that wheat, barley and oat yields in On- tario --we are speaking now of the general crops of the Pr'oviuee--showed an increase of from over 225 to 100 per cent. in 1903, as compared with 189.3. THE MOST ADVANCED GOVERNMENT, —The Provincial Secretary has sent the following to each riding in On- tario :-- "Referring to the enclosed circu- lar asking you to recommend a Board of License Commissioners for your 'district, I thought it ad- visable to privately call your at- tention to the fact that it is of the first importance, in view of the pronounced agitation in favor of a stricter enforcement of the Liq- uor License Act, that the persons recommended should, as far as possible, be men the very mention of whose names in your communi- ty would carry with it the assur- ance that the Act will -be strictly enforced." If mistakes are made in the appoint- ments, those who znake the recom- mendations will be the ones to bear the. blame. * M « —A gigantic struggle between the 10,000,000 fawners and grain -producers of the United States on one hand, and the National Grain -dealers' Associa- tion on the other, is disclosed in the numerous farmers' organizations which are being rapidly formed in all grain -producing States for the pur- pose of fighting the trust. Many of the elevators of the United States are railroad property, and a combination of the railroads and trust has placed the fanners of the country wholly at the mercy of the combine, which ex- torts from 4 to 10 cents on every bushel of grain raised by the producer. Many farmers receive 10 to 12 cents less than the actual market price of their grain per bushel. What the farmers pro- pose doing is to organize locally, and ship direct. « « — Says the Weekly Stint "Aside from whatever may he behind the announcement in the speech from the throne in regard to the Temiskaming Railway, there is not a great deal promised in the way of legislation during the first session of the new Legislature. This, however, can hardly he construed as a fault. Apart from the imperative demand for a re- adjustment of the burden of taxation between the corporations and comtnon people, there is no call for anything revolutionary in the way of new laws. The nraiti purpose the people of On- tario had in (rind in placing Mr, Whitney in power was to secure clean government and an end to the policy of favoring private es opposed to the public interest. 11 the Premier satis- fies public opinion in this respect he will do well." * —"One point upon which so many farmers fail is in the selection of seed" says the American Agriculturist, "Nothing has been better detnenstrat- ed of late years, by both practice and science, than that quality and quan- tity of crops are greatly influenced by the seed used. So remarkable have been the results obtained of late years through the selection of seed eorn and seed wheat, that even the most Co11- servative specialist, now =town (Continued from last week.) It is worthy of record that the New Zealand Government does not confine its business to the simple duties of governing, but undertakes many re- sponsibilites conducted in other coun- tries by private enterprises. It works state culierles, the original idea being to enable consumers to pur- chase coal at a more reasonable rate than formerly ; on this point 1 bave not heard of the result, but do not think the price to the consumer has fallen appreciably. It works the railway system (with the exception of about one hundred miles of private line), twenty-four hundred miles being open; as a whole this pays abort three and one-half per cent. on the capital expended, and would have paid more had it not been that for some years past the policy of the government bas been to reduce the rates both for passengers and for freight, so long as the net return does not fall below three- and one-quarter per cent. ; thus giving back to the people, who are the users, as much as possible. This policy has resulted in an enormous increase of traffic, and with net returns each year better than the last. The government is also the largest landlord. Originally it had immense tracts of land. These have been, and are being annually largely increased by the compulsory purchase of big estates with a view to breaking them up for closer settlement. These farms the government does not sell, but lets on leases in perpetuity, the question of leasehold or freehold being at the present moment one of the most burn- ing in the political arena. The time has now come when more population is wanted, if this policy of closer set- tlement is to he successfully con- tinued. The price paid for the estates com- pulsory acquired is, so for as one can judge, most fair, and certainly in one instance that came to my special no- tice I thought the government had made a very poor bargain; strangely enough, in this particular instance the seller was also aggrieved at the price fixed by the judge at the hearing of the case. Of course, in some instance compulsory sales may be hard on those who have expended time and capital in developing the country, and not encouraging to capitalists, and indirectly it is quite open to doubt if it is advantageous in the long run to the smaller settlers that there should be no large estate in their vicinity on which work is to he obtained during slack or bad times. The government further, under the Advances to Settlers Act, Iends money to settlers at a very low rate of inter- est. Also it carries on life -assurance, doing nearly half the New Zealand business in this line (namely, forty thousand policies, assuring over nine and one-half million pounds sterling). Accident assurance, employers' liabil- ity and fire are all dealt with by the government. People who look alone at the total debt of New Zealand, viz., about fifty- six million pounds sterling, and state such a monstrous liability (consider- ing the population is but eight hun- dred and fifty thousand) must betoken future bankruptcy, little consider the assets named above, and that the gov- ernment, is also a colossal trading company with huge sums invested in the various departments ; for instance some twenty millions in railways, many millions in land, in-postoffices and postal equipment, in telegraph and telephone exchanges, in loans to settlers, in lighthouses, in collieries and endless other commercial enter- prises from which a fair and certain return is derived, not to mention the opening up of the whole country in a marvelously short period of time. I know that New Zealand's premier and the people of the colony rnostly seem to consider these islands, and talk of thein, as "God's own country." Certainly they are a pleasant land, in- habited by pleasanteople; still, a land but partially developed, with mineral resources so far little touched, and I believe there lies a great future before this colony, and that New Zea- land will be able to hold her own among the rising nations of the world, and will ever be, as she is now, a splendid example of 13ritish enterprise and British colonization, a. • NEWS ITEMS, —The Cochrane ranch in Hoot•hero Alberta, which consists of 00,500 acres of land, and 12,000 lead of first-class cattle, has been sold to an American capitalist for $100,000, The purchaser intends to colonize the land. —An extensive scheme of power de- velopment for the villages, towns and cities of Western Ontario has been de, aided upon by the Ontario Electric Development Co., which has let con- tracts for a new $500,000 powerhouse at Niagara Falls. Routes for power cables will be located immediately, slut$ PREVENTIVE OP SMUT. Of late years smut has caused very serious inroads upon the oat crop. In some sections of Ontario fully' a fourth of the crop has been more or less in- jured. A reduction of five per cent. in this erop would cause damage any- where from $1,500,000 to $2,000,000. A. very simple and very effective protection against smut is found in fornlallne, which may be obtained fromany druggist. Secure a sound barrel, put in Zito 2.5 gallons of water and acid half a, pint of formaline i then put the oats in a sack containing 11 to 2 bushels, and immerse for twenty minutes in the solution f lift the seek nut of the solution, allot, it to drain for a moment or two, then spread the seed out on a eiean floor to dry. —Tho proposed change in the school sections adjoining Union No, 4, Bul- let and Goderich is causing a lot of discussion, and feeling an the matter nuns high, Judge Bolt, W. Clegg, and Mr. Howson are the arbitrators, As showing the interest taken in this question we may state that Rev. Mr. Rhodes, incumbent of the Summer- ville church, has announced for "a special meeting for prayer to God on behalf of the pending settlement of the school affairs in the section." —•Abont two weeks since an old gentleman named McIntyre, who re- sides in Ashfield, wits walking along the stoop of the house, with two kit- tens playing around his feet, a white owl swooped down and seized ono of the kittens. Mr. I1lclntyr•e at once at- tacked the bird and catching one wing the owl dropped the kitten which was dead and fastened its talons into ono of Mr. Melntyre's legs. The old gentleman shouted, and a son was quickly at hand and killed the bird, and it is said his speedy arrival saved his father from serious injury, as the owl measured 48 inches from wing to wing. Rheumatic Pains Quickly Relieved. The excruciating pains characteris- tic of rheumatism and sciatica are quickly relieved by applying Cham- berlain's Pain Balm. The great pain relieving power of the Liniment has been the surprise and delight of thou• sands of sufferers. The quick relief from pain which it affords is alone worth many times its cost. For sale by all druggists. Clairvoyant - Psychic. MEDICAL EXAMINATION FREE By Dr. E. F. Butterfield, of Syracuse, N. Y. Believing in clairvoyance or not, thoro is no gainsaying the fact that the doctor can explain the source and cause of your disease, either men- tal or physical, and has restored to health and happiness many persons who would have remained helpless invalids all their lives. Send lock of hair, name, age and stamp to DR E. F. BUTTERFIELD 29-2 Syracuse, N. Y. 11 Real Estate ll Tho second year of my .Real Estate and Insurance business is to a close ; I am glad to be able to inform the public that my business for the past year hasbeen nearly double of the preceding year, and is steadily increasing. I thank those who have given mo their patronage in the past, and I extend a hearty invitation to all who have Real Estate to sell or to those who wish to buy to call and see me. as my lists are extensive, comprising some of the best properties to be had, both in town and country. Money to loan at lowest rata of interest. Life and Accident Insurance affect- ed. A call solicited. C. J. MAOUIRE Real Estate and Business Transfer. (0Alee—VanstoneBlook, Wingham) The Popular Grocery Store. CROCKERY and CHINA, FLOUR and FEED, of all kinds, Cash for Butter and Eggs. Phone 61. W. F. VanStone +++++++ ++4 1 1 1 1 11 1 :44-14 GOAL! 1.0 We are sole agents for - the celebrated Scranton Coal, — - which has no equal.. :b • Also the best grades of 3; Smithing, Cannel and Do- -- :: mestic Coal and Wood of all kinds, always on hand. • We carry a full stock of Lumber (dressed or undres- sed), Shingles, Lath, Cedar ; • • Posts, Barrele, etc. Highest Price Paid for all kinds of Logs. 11.1 IMO • teetdenee Phone, I'to, 55 Mll • Office " " No, 44 3. At MoLean .-. :****6****************. ** $ f.**0*l#$' * ,** . 4Beaver everBlkEsta Established 1JVh 'Seaver eo ,ro 4 4 4 i= 4 4 41 4 4, 4 4 4, 4, 4,. 4 ALEX. RITCHIE'S ac The Store of Satisfaction" The Newest of New Spring Dress Goods. Grand showing of exclusive Dress Patterns, fresh from London, Eng., Paris and France. No two alike. Our own importation. In alt the now shades .of Brown, Tan, Green and Grey. Fancy Mohairs are still the rage. We have them in all the new designs and colors. Pure English Mobairs, 4 imported direct from Bradford, Eng, 88c up to 81.50. 4Silk and Wool Crepe De Chords, in a beautiful line of colorings, at very special prices -60e, Black Novelty Dress Patterns, Farley Eoliennes, Dot r4i Crepe, and other fancy weave's. Ab all prices. See our window display. 4, 4 i t• 4:. 4• • • Seek No Further For Here is the premier as- sortment of Spring Coats Spring —the correct styles -- the low prices. In Fawns, Browns, Blacks and Navy Blues. 4, NEW PRINTS—We are agents for Crum's Prints at 12jc 4 4 , 4, 4, t' • s 1 NEW UNDERWEAR — Knitted and Musliu. Also long sleeve Corset Covers at 25c. NEW CARPETS, RUGS, OILCLOTHS. 'LACE CURTAINS—Madras Curtains at Special Prices. New Belts, New Collars, New Ties, New Corsets, New Hosiery. Buy now while stocks are new and fresh. Alex. Ritchie •e- 1. 1' .1' 5 a 4 1. •4 5 tR '1 P -4 4 4 '5. 4 F 5, 4 f 4 4 .P 4 ,5. 5. 5, .4 4 .5. 4 4 5 4 4 4 4 4 5. 4, d► r,.w,rrw,r+w„i+,►,►,,P,r” .0.0+ 4.+4**y,►wwgevii0V- 4 DOMIKIO BANK. Capital (paid up) . • $3,000,000 Reserve (aid 1,11.2,41- - $3,634,000 Farmers' Notes discounted. Drafts sold on all points in Can- ada, the United States and Europe. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. Interest allowed on deposits of $1,00 and upwards, and added to principal 30th June and 31st Deoomber each year. D. T, HEPBURN, Manager 11. Vanstone,.Sollcitor BANK OF llAILTOI WINGHAM. CAPITAL PAID UP $ 2,235,280.00 RESERVE FUND 2,100,000.00 TOTAL ASSETS- 26,553,816.57 BOARD OP DIRECTORS. Hon. Wm. Gibson — President John Proctor C. C. Dalton J. S. Hendrie Goo. Rutherford C. A. Barge J. Turnbull, vice -Pros. and General Manager H. M. Watson, Asst. Gens. Manager. - B. Willson, Inspector. DR. ROBT. C. REDMOND M. R. C. S. (Eng.) L. R. C. P. (Lund.) Physician and Surgeon. (Oftico with Dr. Chisholm) A OUS SCHOOL CENTRAL STRATFORD. ONT. Business men have learned that our graduates aro prepared for positions of trust. No school in Canada can do more for its students than this ono. Our grad. uates always secure positions. Write for free catalogue, it is a handsome one. Spring term opens April Srd. ELLIOTT & MCLAUCHLAN, Principals w.n Deposits of $1 and upwards received. Int- erest allowed and computed on 30th November I and 31st May each year, and added to principal ' Special Deposits also received at current • rates of interest. 1 CORBOULD, Agent Dickinson & Holmes, Solicitors Truth" 18 a strong argument, Not ( ONE graduate of the popular ELLIOTT ij TORONTO, ONT, (Cor. S onge and Alexander Sts.) Is out of a position to -day. It•s the truth that "Our students aro uniformly success- ful in getting good positions after gradu- ation." Our School is a High-class one and best in Canada. Enter now. College open entire year. Catalogue free, w. J. EL1:tOTT, Principal ' Suits, Overcoats. AND PANTS A SPECIALTY, Our Suits are of the' newest materials at the lowest possible prices. Overcoatings that make up the most beautiful Coats that fancy could desire, at prices ranging from $ t z.00 to $2d,00. Pantings, the very thing you are looking for, Robt. Maxwell High Art Tailor Wingham Not A Game Of Chance, When yon come to trade with us you take no chances with your money. Bank deposits aro not safer than our guarantee to you of good Value or Money back.' To know what real solid Cloth- ing Value is—buy Homuth Bros'. Snits and Overcoats—We are show- ing some beautiful effects, made in latest style and best workmanship, at $16, $1$ up to $25. Neckwear. Iu Neckties we have all the new colorings and styles in Puffs, Derbys, Flowing -Ends, Bows, Strings, etc. Really the finest assortment ever shown in the county at 25o, 600 and 750. Mufflers. Ile sure you have one of our warm mufflers. --Materials of Wool also Silk.—These are the greatest Value we have ever offered at 85e, 50c, 76c, $1.00 and $1.25, Gloves. • In Gloves we have a very' fine assortment to select from—these are good fitters ---Best Maker's and all sizes $1.00, $1.25 and $1.75. 1 Hats, •Caps, Etc. Bats, Caps, Underclothing, Sus- penders, Handkerchiefs, Armlets, Colored Shirts, White Shirts, Cuffs, Collars, Hosfery—and in fact every- . thing in Gents' Wear.—We invite you before buying elsewhere, to call and have a look at any rate, and no doubt you will go away from this store WELL pleased, A PLi ASt71tn '1.'0Sliow Gooses. lloffluth Brost