HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1905-03-30, Page 2� 0. 11. i I I u d , I L 1 6 1 1 - - -- - - - � - - - I - � - - . . I . � 1 , I W � I I - - - - - � - � . - - - . . - ­ � � . - 0 . . 1. , I -_ ______ . - - . - -_ _ . I 1 6 1 - .. � �� - I . I- 11 M''.. __ !. � r.-!.� - ! , �, .! � ! ! ! i I , i! - . I , � , 6 . 1 ! � � ! I ! !. 1 6�, , 6 i I . I . . - . 11 . . _. . , , '��' � i _ F-7-7, __ - I I I ­ I I . . - fr , ,. - - " Is 160k OXI Cox* 14")k 44Aa Tilt , a im;zV.cIzvor wcuU VnI Svo,l mullilo � , I �* 1, I I 0 1 , 4; 4t a" iy�b am What Wre-L-in %Xtil be UA *C=&t*- " I in'T'. Z*w iv. lc'Atbott. *,B* tut i QUEEN GRANDLY WELCOMED* : I vr,*;,. as a =*'A razw sp,,I�a at 4 CO-` � ij Tv*in,,!,�`%Vrtjl W11m us t*st* wcutl ze- Mariket Reports ', � ' . vauday sood 1 Ui4lXU%-'Be t4l MM by **rl;t *4 W4'1 --- --­ I - ___­ - - , U1,41. � , Togo, HAT -4 r)tQ1rA1X=r6 , ce'l lhzso by Iteir rar.*s VhQva we, I Tter-�:sotscza"l�',)Ti'Z-$!-,A'-If���,ucl�t- , --of- I MajeSty I ly li-2�1u-ing iriftcn= can IQ *hpxtend A, ,-,.,..-..._-".�.�'..---�-,��-�--.,-, ilig'W.tf-li.l�vto,.V.IiIA"*$Oli'.N'O.lI wcu�,! walw ev., of eefp. 'Uis iltitim-1 _0 a b�y a rl-ala dict iz,f nilk at,,! ve,ptaUles, '� I ... .... ,­-, - mi�s tl�at tho *amt, kzdiv,,�1441 ver"-1�6ay Pageant Greets tier ­rf * "rF_se4ly jsirergth- The week* I ' ;r_a,U a I,% wa cial �Atcr E�- AGUIRE APIZ14 0111, 1005. jttA; 4--t-41 *.�;alj rite , _J. tbt! Wt! - I L I . 0 0. J. M dl�,�,�O 411, r.Z,-=1 ta,2-5 arl LIZA-rrzb- cpirg f�"Is CZI.T 401.,Ay ree-wery. I I . Zito Fix �. rMore u4tirtt. REAL ESTATE* INSURANCE ANO a_� _ ,__ __�b -- -pam%ly W-=!, - � . Toro _ .11' Tkas F_. Arriving at'Listion. 1;z r c ,- ­21,%�ZW­U_41- as T ,� �. �J " I The z1fer.loge of rain 0 -day were swall. 0AN ACENT, CONVEYANCING , _,as It, T 104:;�g4f;,%ar 4 �- ,� F.,-.T-tl:a-1 custz-.-Z, ta,z'seti'm TRAXFL'RD TO DEATH. - WIth yrkl-�V* um-tangel. on($ 32unor*1 . 9'.04 Z42 al. 2-- 1-17e was a t�Y*.,�.V, tll-��rg -a- V -'I' I 0-",' 4 J�ustels ,of gov,se wbeat P911 V4 W, 464 -',�')l Isou"doo ot 1444 044 Amuntsik spodaltr - I I -he TeinV.o Plate ipf a Xurtrs Town- �Ushejjpf Cat& at 4be a bUsbel - --A,qr$.-I,V'-�tr,z.�ti--,C'IJQS'��s F.DL,:�;crz:cti�Ll,cta%'.:-t,4-4qwsz�i, ,7:j:-1 . T ASSIONEE, Acco')NtANT. V",_n.--; P _ , 4!� 1 , lr"*- . . w;eW:a--:1Z-e . . xiaW vrolu-.9 in fair puppiz. with blit- *U� Xar�* tv. ;1'32,� Z". %7*1�a !�Iary was -Z9 �!��Zt.. 43'. M=F- . . - I W? FWrtagr. Aer xtea#. Tbe best ni'l at '.5 to Wo P.(,r OpLeo4ja Toxetons Islock, I C*r�-e-Xallt;a j5rf,�, Lmr'l lbat "Jesis r.,ir_,21e -wa5 vcrmyl;�4-j;. : l __-1 A lzzilsav rep�-,rt. Wn. Wixrry, ene I.b. Eggs plentiful and eaV, fit V to Yll! OPOA f3atur"y 004104s, I to % wis �x_-�rg, *tz�3, ,Aal��'t zct1fvir17*1 - - �1�� i � cf The b1,sI*k7t.,0Vn m-lin of the tawr4)ip per dozen. Poultry in I'M40-1 fiu-991y� wita I � . ", � �, I . L . MASS$.= ili5� MINOCENTS. .� I ;r flas`%�?balnel- rates of ta loaO 'it 1 1 vi Alatvors, Was fo"X.a Ide'ev-S In Ms -.w, %te VC.'at to ---t &F,is ,iz�n A�nl- � It" -, , tio 0 $4.0 a lon, for timothy, and 'At , , � I - -le E =. -at - A.. DTJLMAGE sa., "tto vi��, "-I�e VW-tod Him 'W'tL :Rr. "r: ;"Iiz , I . .. . - SIM nFt .eTPnLr, It appears th In to $3 for mixed. Etraw sol'I tit 02 11 i" ttosio w-'r4s ct S�-.V;V*Iul -.4c,---?-,L",7---:,,!,�,z-4,1. e G-4ty of Hordtl,�Ii , ( '. lytivnv arl,7me -cf Lis VMS. A YOM)g for or's 11ad. ad, with few REAL ESTATE. AND LOAN AGENT4 11 , Bmt*,%ty. 1� . I r J�a,llwvnb-aFraDl,dar draw.ugwoo.1 Prewel boas ore %latban 4% Vt�:l Lud�� 1�zm 7_L-;-_' MV t.-,)t:C­. Z�Ad r� ig� - zum.': ecmint forward; ligtit Que3 grins ;$,59 Oul CONVEYANCiNG, MONEY TO L01%14 . �A'1_ ", V_ � frima a loaQk Lat A lbefa M"at'd Ehortly , .. _-Z!r -d-Za-ai, 1%.t ,,,vim th­�ti tivw was a Re -12:-.1, _Vat-:�h ._1".-­He�aT,+rc:�ZVgZ UIA &E11r1W_1 __ - teavy m on 1. . - _ ..I 1 67 to- 4,10 Taw# 04d YAM Property. .4�5i-, . , I Z� , - I 0 44-0-a cl tt"p-_ iu t= bmr.-, ir�,:,a t,in ,,x�wis �k uwf al trala,aity ulwaral� vbil - � .1 ze, t,ea-*:,e Che father r4=teerled to wheat, new, bustel. .. I . red, bushel .. .. -- I ol W Zf 1�:& vzwcr ��f &s --,-F. znm %4%-e bee -a re",-5Te.l fmm rmss!a, : I j0.1r1ZC,y.-1 Che mmi-�e ucrk, vhfle the s(,Z1 Do t cv-tar.=Vz . I X%P:, r;rsoit, bur,bel .. .. .. I 00 0 1 6' ASSIGNE9, ACCOUNTANT* - I ,v,,�-,-,IfkrtA)e;a,.-t!tkaietv,00d- Thi,2mg- Jp�., gao4e. furibel. .. .. .. 409 to Q9.1 - . I be U ADFPJ 047.-S vi�'4!4 With %to as-5-�I=.-,*- *4' _DA *Itc:,13 A,Zzz:�;Ms T;,--:.,,! be w,zar4ed as�- I a, And I, a partej 04% buE I 0 0 IV 010.,-14 the weno fflook� . gi 5 I; .��'. Ile rvzks -itte wr.zrzvzli�'m =a- lt� 1'1,*C-,*' ,,;�:.­Nla,:e� vere t'tt,v .tn vj�.Zbva f-cr . .1 V,IS 2a0l,te. .1e tjT_ .. .... .. .. 0 0 1 .1 It"WWA90-iost0dae 1% , ... - . R7*. b4Fbel .. .. . 0-,o to 0 tfill rv�;-,l wn%Te'l twr C�r ,Ito zTk4t ,rk,�:k lie "'by RUES'.0-1 1"apers 'A s-4.-4 StAmX.-.g a* 1, � �� -�,­. An bvmr Cr E0 Pal*7, M11CM Y-)U1kAAN'ht'r7.J Btlekwheat. bushel'.:, .1.1 :: oz o 0 , I .11 ­ � � I T�,*.".Imcd %lith Ite ,Z�1,13, Y� =M!�._'�ed Barley, busbel, .. .. .. .. .. 051 to U V-1 was Allea MA,11.a7s fait.11 J�f, r,uc��-.fa lv;c��,,":I,Zv,j. I . 1049 to 0 It C ­ . ___ - - _',I-,_ ,_. - % abz�4, tQ, "I --. . * . .1. 1��S.Rlca-n �and lea tbem 0 the stawe, - peas. busbel .. .. .. .. .. ":I Fel.). 11, tL,e w�o:�'-bz�vs *�f Nurs" . . � 11SLY, timothy. ton .. .... .. 10 00 to 9 V11 ar.Z1 L�-,* Vczo asl;---=.�i, 0��i-_zs baZ� b4n t I , ... . . %11f -re he &zcj tbat a C�0.t Mat Laabv!�u. DO., mixed, 19a .. .... .. 809 0 '"O" WELLINGTON 30TIM ,-3 4-4 bricfg- t -,x *isvr� ,Z�`,I-% tl-e mes- I �,ez�,,�",V,CQ I'l str�k.Q, at -2 C -a t!!e re,Kt day . .. I . ' - Zo�l -� in It, I I=- .. ..1209 to 0(ol, � zunnit, -s -e _pir, 1 Join?d straw, w ton .. .. lElpn 1-7ZL- U1, Sum is v�=�2, =1 ��_�e'.�I, -& ', 8 00 to � , rZ',VM4q- - - 'e I - ned hf)p ..., .. .. -- 8 W. ,� _�a CIf thE__1 r..D4 t, tZ��r C1 .-1r:C.*brer et-P,t in one of the i�iziljQ and vie. - FIRE INS. cot f --;r V:.W�P Jes -=s to �ave V*-,Z,�-'t�a tha =.,::Z!T4I 6'wuls. =1 TV* -,e wag. -, _" ,ples, Dw bbl. .. .. .. .. .. 2 V) to a (A szs �Cef, I . .. , .Ar I .- c4T.And - Fsks. row 1414, dozen .. .... � ­ . ,hat bi-,Ih wenc, slamph,,­ furlot a is to 02, Xptal�UshodjW. Z; . - .� 1P to I to the 1,2,::sz bwzar.%� --i r.:=F tnc-z*Z.a frzla V -Le cLtsf t,17Z=t;zn4 IE - 1. t, 0 Z or I . . , -0 appeaTid I.) U, yen,, reTlrons and ex, Butter, dairy .. .. .. .. -- -: 4213 to 0 31� - f.zvt�. 1 1X004 oilos IDUSIMN. AOXT. s V* cze ec7e� Nis vz,-k cf e.,--l"i r, J.',"""-.W.=�ents of 11--e clily. � - ,__-) -1 77 - '. I - Z, 1.11'0 C, j I P1 - DO., CrI41114W .. .. .. -, 013 to 01" .1 . .. 'Al I I chttkems, Xpr*9 .. - " " I ,z=e .t -.4-n-r,ar.e � " Ck �, it" " 0 1;3 pZ:2."e, Vc'T*a--"t',t jA) '. An -a ltaii=ztwa ";4:1 best N., , vi` .b Tbe stnkers* wcre A * a ,�, __`Z�il ,-tW (iln 01--proadling *0 44 -*e the mmeweorn- :. .. :. 022 to Risks talzilila on 611 01694" 0C 1316"M1010 PrO, � z -'t by -Ite , CE * 'u", P, su;� I - , - . - 11 - -,rlz ..a Turkeys, per 1b. .. .. .. -* 0 17 to t' 1J PfftT0*4h60"b0rpr"0fuzi *00 041 VZO sisluers ar=�-. lie ,�.l -.-�I �,,'=e I-, I tl;r=zg� .0 Rii .z ci, I er cut Ite -sen Nilx, L, ,1, to f. tije labbage, Per dozen .. " 055 to 0 W " f4a in -ft -ral la--en'Tall�M4, �-;l TO =Re jn:eZ5eT% e -4c -a ri:l�-2 ;ko boys trzko . � ;�., Ilf*! as bDav cf LIS falbcr,on the floor of _ 1 :: .. 0 10 to 0 7'- JAXXX GOLDIX, (hW.V,&VnWjr, Away tZla �e*4 ci t!1e-_n._Fe_z u 111 J?` $ ovs " .i . Potai,oes, per ba - IZN� Ze ��hacP-�-as-_ vVir-1 �Zi �:A57ez i4i., % ;;, � ... I W I a I WJ :I ,� r tbe -_tal]. Itie eillis, Lav�=,, trampled np- caiiihower per . .. - pteldd"t thaZX L444% bf`4M LZ�Te­"�h-e4-e WZ-:Z'S en- 'ZiheZ 1s;'h3C'b`oT4% pr=ks- r �, lbeury, ,P�; dozen .. .. :: a 30 to 0 46 I I-- - �_%_,­__. ­ )-v nn it until fPA1nTzs- ana form viere al- 2 QQ to 0 jyj JOHN RITC"I - .1 . ----._ ,� - 4 t . . bag .. .... peels * -&ssQ:Z,n, CT , I lcri I �_ -1 Jr . ZZ�ZR V,nrz- b, 2-8 ozions, ptr 5 ., .. .. I tte vezy ,Zz:al vzre Ut ,_-`-__4_:1in'.,y "'nwever. ,,xa au zr=q - . , LOS", ,_ � . , -�. a ro"Crnim. .e. It SUPP,Mil Net, hifidquarteri, .. .. .. .. r 00 to 8 on WXNGHAK on - .. . 5 co .­.. C�zn. fv!g.-al -the pL,.-.M an" th� I I ri 00 to *�Z-a wzr4lsi 1,2 enr 4aff,­­ n XTei . -- Ar C -n. . 's 4).4 . t I . � tl=t -,ihen Mr. 'ATherry i-mtered t1he ,ta- ' Do., tore -quarters 7 2 5 � I I � __ I- , . � , . I tiz=Zv V&a lie 1.11 Z-1 thtz � D�l ,Z,h�:d=, a , ,-' .1 . Ee $-Ste." fell ,�.� zbcs­ . wl* ha I " I I ape tbe 'free er, .. - I ...", 01. - I I It ,Mt,fed.a. . , .11 jaj,e_4 it, - Do., ctoise, eareaso .. .. 7 00 to 1 -41! 1 ­ . Do'. mellum, carcaso ,. ., 0 00 to 021 - - r�W.I;g�*.,m czxrsevvs, i: vo L�11 4�=,z Ihi�, 0�necteal Ca a '.aT,-,-. ::,-)-,-� _-,-Z,*,. fr,,:nf � , I ,�_ �.111 , "I , " -watv, ar.d that vhcu 4eava-Rde fnAwnTor- uttton. per ewL .. .. ­ -- 0 rO to 1 r4) DICM I cr if we bad az=e Ibuz, C�.T if ft !;-- I m- a:1 si�zes, cie f�-m_ E� TT11h ibeir *w"t-41s, - . . r � 1, I - 8 00 to 09) SON & 41OLMES t'_�;; of C-,�i .,!, - I I .1 . I ea to s�parale llf�m- lie Flipped =d Eo Veit, Per cwt. .. .. ..'-*1 *,. IQ 00 to 11 01) I beea Izz -;,-nr 11�%,=:er. cr , :aQr "Ith tKiar fl,zts. . � J." , I . ifrlglaezed tl:e nmima' Is. zama:4%as instant- taiabs, .per Cwt. .. . � Burwel% S01101ton) do. I -�a , I ,., I Toronto Live Stock. I ir,c"'S, cT I:!�et e� T -*1Tfi!;4an, C-= E.3ws T% U.�e 'rajn�.J cri %!Ze ,LbL2Xe.e , - . L 1 kicked imtc i�se=Elnftzr. _41.- be� "I'll � 11 . y were light, as ' , -Tea wz='l Z=t LaT,- J_:�& zzt w--1 1.-�as =.I .-'_-tes. Ar.y bay cr ,-,.rl � - - , !, F�ece" ts of live stock o0im I. Mayor Blmk Wincham. I t - . ' = on 7xiday-three , Ve�-Z-40 4 ef th' :S Z�:a!Z.',-ri J��a=�* is t!Ze jrflna fC:1 . WAS Crag -g -k. P by t bair. IS ..j M t -_ _ . carloads com.- Dealer ItoblilK I wd C1 azall, -,E-- , , =a is a 0_=E�-�tless ana tten, th=-i'm Z�mam again =--a - T11E NOOSE SLIPPED. Posed of so cattle, with lo -5 sheep and & T, Dwaim al la la --e ef Z=r tnz�!L0-�4Ltb;)tl. , 1,�Zj.__j vrith the heaf.;.T *b,*Z*4 fe_� ef- . .1 la,mbs. 11 I ,iL ZhZe, zz;zimssic, ,vs. nu.r '. 33 Z, Zeso bu, , Gt_Va_. ja the S� �, �a_frs. dzea an I AIND WX J. BYERS HAD TO BE Ltading Wheat Markets. 'T? VANSTONE * ,I _�r;* f __Th!S IS a 4� trz_-il'&'; lu ,ze caeie 4 ywatclma-_ S reen y, I Q .z y Jul tV_r_-1 =4 is b�ttix rezZe-ma 11,F the - -:� JJ_we;a,f,e,a bov, F,e st=ZL- hi= 4 tl�e ­ .of HANGED ALL OVER AGAIN. . mn 1XI 4TOR � 'I 40 1 -New York .. .... .. . 04% VARRISTER AND SOLIC reev-.Sea Ve:r-_-:M­=S =,-*- ,V��a, 4=a b;wtt Lis lxa-1 cn zbe ;SM-Ine 01 112% 93% l * � Joan at I*We8tXSt4W. OffiCt 9 �IMCIQ�!etll____ -_ the ir.��t.,- ck-=- ; ?aTe=r-_-1. POF,usal FlitSb=g, PZ., WaTkil '_27i ­TWO Men Dat it . - ­ ­ , , , * , , ..I 3 4;g-ml�= roi --eZ1At_-7S �Z_T,- '3i?Q"7 =7--Zh t_1e_-1eU-d 't�T "� . .. . vere hamged here t,��x and the first S�t, 1,0uls .... .. .. .. .. 04YI 8494 Koneyt* I V . Esz-aw $m= tize raffip_"s *'ere -.a* " I . I utal�,,�� ...... . : .... ;� Opalo.; 0 -i L-e-le��=_- fcr pc�ize -.1--a wat�men haa =suczziaful tn--gMtz wxis reermled. in .. .. . ... 714 1051s 11 ee t�I that, %;�,e Grepk V.Z I- 11"Vra BLOOKII . . tr=e.al.eZ ",rncamne�` 4mzresses in!�K-m-'bi--m pzstaLl wlt�2 knzzts ti ,arive back A Litbznn c2UP: quee:2 _V,mnn,L1:,a cf =a str�a-_Eri�, anz 1-=�! 11azsat& *f _41eg-If-%T k,Cn-_tT. rztmo IlaTaaLa -wcut milmeapd1i,s .. .. .... .. 110% 10614 1415. WINGMM. ,; tit','Z=tbc.-th=*-,r.c-t.*,.'i--.zs %ras =_Lt_- =V sc-!�,�,s T,h,� W,�C=rjea t.,3 4,7ee, C-reat 1�ntaih tz-Lay vms glvza a Learty I ta=elias And cether flzwers hael bp_�n 6: to the smff.qla Tlri:t asil h,.s mezk was Bradstreet's on Trade. I . - - =Mt 914 tLe 11ayp;)zr.r=1 -"-;', _&.,nt!=e;n. Zt2a $.a ru!'.7mv efficlal Sala that oz .-.re,z�,=e 1.3 PMIZ;641 Tte zarbzx was � trihut,ed 4o be thrown tv *Queen Al.eX- broken. 11011am J. 11.Ters fol3olred, hi= ,I ball '2A7_--eZtaV,i;�- ,�,f his C:�e=2_-:. t'he �_Ve lzj?�ls �_,;hj,_�, t!la car"Ir ."a t1je AT- zrcri2e4 vll?i --m-Iy ZeT,z-rutea stmmers :A , Mont -real trade reports Bay:-41'eueral J. A. MORTO N Ze-a-s�.. =ire-lsa- ,W -_%!L the heartfe't szx- -,j�=""= C � =Ira As the rraces-dZim paue", wbilm a-rJ ivhen ibe %rnp was tTr=.- the loops business conditions continue fairly sat- : - ' zav i�ar � 1�e.ng lr!ena Vda-v." F' -Z=- � 'f %he cimzlren ba:;g C_30_�I�glv& "a ya,-Iits. =- T the ]P4:11ish ru�yal .Tael"t i 1!=_'T,-!s,[,f T'5_7erms wah 411br'ns Z4 Mt- - 'ed "'T � I 'a ama "jilpr the sze=e asei?gdel the raver a=H v_Zv.-,w1n--v sal 'ih 4 BARRISTER AND SOLICITOR. - fa*.ers Wk --t t13 , 1- i -. -,-��r.:� i!;ev) their mezks wEre Nber- i`f I"* "" P-1� - Pre"' 'I'll"t'n-0 I isfazWry despite a, continuance of the theTe stirs . - meri ,"rheise E_-:!-Z!!_tteC-=S .'��... Wv _f lie t.=­a:t, ani -==-V wes. . ztel DMI taltz:el in I1-,es1_wV% er & Lim- M= 10 The grv=d. For Lbiint ame lain- bad state of the row13 tliroiigbont the i I . vreup,­ =;! gr !n, przflv.- - 'mo, 1- sin im=d ut"er the scaf­ countm and the outlook is bright. The MoNzy To LoAx. il p sdzmal -1i2ir , , -F--, iv. 11 Anna '�,, yz=s 421 -.�d*a To�o �Ireat ge,�&.M Va:' le �, , Zey_R, FZ�4',ej I.r 7 C -r- , 3 '4 " - r= ,hi�h Jc,..] �IL,l thim ESheriff Dk-kspn caught �. * ' dry g(;6& business has been activ, and Z�; kZ,---. -Trere i-nen vi 1� I wc-_i " f-- �" falle'.q Etr4B=jn7_ Vftll ."�­33, and S-) b-afmcm 5z _-rlllra�raf o-csi-arnes z�f -, It trtintpire,s fhat lie sti, i r5a=.2 b- r'.Z.Zt!:;g t,'D IdD. MZ,'I Z�iT OeMs" him a=1 rimoTirg the mazise ana mack onto*, -Morton Black. WIngham. . . zhier !�� lz= �c,�� wle thz�sse 6h the szmrzet =1 g0l, tazk c -_-z King Ctae�eR, � �-.:=Pellea lt� BlUish Rz)�Tal yatlt, to - bavftare I � , � *P; - -.-vo * -�vas the movement in iron and 1. _:;�pmre 41-.1% � g. -=Ma N,-PTe bB!F,r 4tT_-e.1V k:10,ea:' --s suite an! 1rZ_.;Ster-S 1,� = -4 f-zr s1e]-ter was sD Tiolenal. goods fair. orders for present and in- ba,t ti-I'a re�,,Zred 1.a -_---_S 0-- I _TT% .1 ,- � T, mza ! yzi in al V4�� enp c.=. I 11m i: ibe ja�l. He I , I , 315i 10). 1,--t LIA12Q =2 S.,Ztt State � 7 �Z- , veia I Is 1" ea�se the pivTza pari,v ,he _reA,,e,s, b-, zflv hni't �a� 11�e restih Q1 Ile talL Tbi t* -'--t lm -e the v --Ti =s=s '%!_-1-P�',r ric,T-� The C_Mef a n.clk* C.-� VV&M-, �.T_-is -a I zje�t. -11 bE,_,zt1fz1 pa,4-111�in x_ -;W �.Tzs Again Ar2jzs1e1 =1 0.yers. vaic tun Aelivery are large. AVholeiale gro- V . ; sp--�=T,nr CT tla� imuziery, =d t', sz=e - ,ixKted C -a tl:e ,T.MT sz.T tie recepilzm anxif-Ir ara i�ls._-;=�,fLrt. 'rxinoess Th- - - *m find 'trade a little quiet, but. the i -" tids. bzvrevzr�. w,7�7zll =1., be, at var- � 4v S xv!z� - - . e . to 'wea3mess. ezmse'rsull =0 tremit'lin.g. �,T,as apain plat-�d on the ed, :=11Zxea !!= to fzT_-_a:1%!-s. Afir-rine4�a-EmD�-=cEx-f � i .-,Tlai 'Mr=z t is for immediate improvement D -R- AG"W W lumv V.%b f1be ,,f�er,e_=!a-_.%t1Z=-. N,Vas zse has . . _A7,iExaMZ,:rA at; � er 7;r�:.mt r2ress. 'Was cc .=P�etej,r 'C"aff"11. zml 11--, tr.-P s-1-3-upgrVi Th6 Koltspz respect. In the wholesale trade PHYSICIAN, SURCIEON � , i17 t:- stop tIle =asK--& be. ­),". NZI=22 1�43 Z-2ft 4'�4ueen . . : -�P�m I � -as danaasea tl�e I --utizar. '_ lime, ilhcr- irras zc') lailshap and dealb -z,- ACCOUCHEUJL - tnzz:�,.ea___#.T._�;�Iel 1_ELZ*_":!.'�-- Mmy,i �.T -_*-;�2�a- "Gezl'�r-=Eal, �V,Cza kLz,W' - " 1, -he s,bliS cl tl-;e r4MQT, An =p:)S_r_1 -._,TZI- I ULMP-red. The hP=TV SE - " �121.e.j -�= V -1a4 .- there has been a good volume of orders -Y*I- , 1. .. . -- abofi.rj Z -P=-�)al],r Ile =8= .1 , Stale C� :1 rif -0 _- i, '111-r"I's. . _,ej�t : f.1 sftaM! - in. TkITS IL T. :::�z is i�:"- ,,I,- i . __ A. 33 WAS MAC"nAld - -- 'Am D. pez--dUe =an, an.1 Cannot je,.?.� -z--csirin. C,f -, ari.�-es -an- fii:,�-: 1 T.- , -.I-.t : f. -I , _%*_;*_V,f32T for later shipment. Spring activity ii Offiest-Upetitirs in IUD I 11DZUT-4 -­ '�­ :L-ock tie Cnest and !.Er_�� :� mca-, i, 4nnvitiel ,zm Vs c,�m. morfeEzOon of the - - - -- F, 7aw-z e=-,-,14 =, ta bez,,=e '"', 7t is genmaazy bi:U-Tea. ilhat the, ,-,- nhe 1-o Ithe pal- 1 lncnn Mom Ilzmdlav 011 �rnesaa.k , Block. ­_ . - , 1 opening out pretty well in all Hues of 4e --t to bv_stcmazzs�, E;:i'.1r_t,. Sl_ Ali -Ere, .. -,Ole anl!d Tc-:�dn;z aftTS. The Tzmte cd ! it -_n pr!tvess rn-1:4a bus mom Te.1DT­, ki2ling id Arzgurd J. Lzmt�-n. at Turtle . NIgI&t calk answered at ofitcis. r4gp --naa .-Tgazirrta 1,T tie yilalee. zmz . industry. Values of commodities gen- , WI 14= ­*A qzw-�:;­-n az'aressea -,a um_4 - 1�;St 11. C�:�:_; Lare beL stz?ped a". MM.T:-. Ile Pruaesslcm -V�zis Live-orat'-Z eath nags erle­-L .1 C -reek, Pa.. June 23. 2WIL In Ile ' confes- erally are steady to firm. New cotton I A=irwarad �br the SL-tEm . 12�_14_ � z �',�m he imi�13tmleil Lnxtln's vi -de and -ve been announced, and con - S " . JAhn _M.-W-1l:3A=s. n­e� were tried arad Ust prices lia, lz% JeS-_S7NTf71-Be7e I!* r1esse'l .T "r -S0 = 1: - 01- . . trary to expectations, price& were, if ` a i 40,**** AZZ'Iulltoa. Imewil"Aams afterr-and mar- .=ytbW- firm. Most lines of country *a.�Ws �1�0 -,o 'be 1=lr T-na-m-, =a " - - ­ -_ .­ 4 I 0 ---------- 'ed mrs, la,rft rania 4 0 DR c"BROLN & tH191OL11 ; Z -am, ta�n. vtz =--4U-.t`h-_ Z L!s =--imt- � PUZZLES DOCTORS. �� '+ -' ` ' � - ": 4 ` " � --- t ... "t * n , in. Da I'led Ttes. i'm s--.1 ex-­�2=_,*. ml-xrt faQ !t 7; _* 0 ­ produce continue to hold their prices. P11I%.! d _M!:�arr At, imn Septfmber Toronto reports to Bradstreet's say- - SURGEONS - ETC. a .pezi.,L Pam -1 PHYSICIANS - 1. : V ZP I I , Z!E-: - W -*-,-nd Waitin i -Satisfactory trade continues to prevail a ="!= %:) sF=:1mtL1D,- %dth !�he - .,, as X 11, CC . :aol Ifix. dunt.- .a guarrel dDTer .0 drink tr,essel =a- to 1xiep VIth zl:ase -w1,&:DArGRTZR DEAD� MOTHER DYING,,* * EjfVI!l5s]k� UMdAr_'C�!JaT. Heelairned'he - Josephine sus" - -Mughant 'T 4 t1roughout the country geuerally.Wliole- � . lum-p- Aftear th!s exv-_;�e cl c.= Ur!;' + ,N,ew ycrk, march -.7.-nf =_v sweet,tuxt Zoes =4 put ill = sT,pearzauze * k,M:_;., WaS. " 'WSATI$ THE CAUSE? * I in Aself aeffmse. sale trade in all lines is more or less ac- si:�_, ve stiv fbat iz !s xreal-ness. :!6*�vl N -W NoTI, 17.4 -ch 2�L­One t at S er-lo:k I Val ena =7 lee, I 7! - � ght zna- em tz X�eep fcr -t!ze 1,15S Zf Te'�ti:veg", - ef The =ost tive, and the -prospects continue bri P. KEMY, M.D., R.C.P.S.0 . # Tbe tiny 41ozk in therDom of 2rass Daisy Little, nz -Se2xs cla, tf 40f) ,*, JAZICIAn BECXER� HEROINE. -Dr. _1 C:fi:4.e� 1. Ji -=-S we!1 Z Ut ,cf I rt=Aeka1:e --ases in the ex�pp=enee cd The * for a lines of business. From manufac- . f, Newark street, Hoboken, begeran to ch!me the bour.. Sdare the soun:1 Llf Ile turing towns the payments ore prompt 0 iMstabor of the l3rltir& Madical -�X-_--Mllv NT.th the affilnl= ,zf -'a's ilanzrs cd the Presb-zqezian Hospital iml i 1.1, ;� A NDtziV. I AA&od.adou) � e4t,r ,W_dv� W_ZaT in ibe deal,U ,of t last streke bad ceased tite yourig- l[ady bail sv,-0r,vraa Ile cont�=ts & -a e Canadiun 1ff'E--Saver PAUBB and equal to about 90 per cent., while 7rZ1_­4Zs. -a Ee ve,;A. tz� give An t,�r=zl' thz i .T.-OZI i'�= -,. W =a f,:r� M'SS Ifuestig, of McImt. vermou , her 0, batt:e of carb6A,a aci& Sle died sereral %nimutes aften=11i �+ to Hez Rvuw& those from tbe country towns are slow. OOLD MEDALLIST IN MEDICINE. ' z he Cam Peel ,C�11:1 I =cfter, Mm ,5zi-mes, S. H=ez�tis, bad boen + .+ Thm is continued slowness In the pay- !& --- nrlf,. & The mee�_Is cf the wha�e A Lanal.*m, ��-f_ repait: las. Rolier. Diseam at ,lemes - 41 For the Iinst ==th 10ss Little haa been re.,eiving tttenastis IT,,= 2 * I Bpecial suestion d to war2z' lime zp bel:zze his *y es; 41 ks � iz a t=r-:t-. fc,r fifteen Zav prier ta hex i + menta from the Northwest, A feature r! t q an chiUmn. ,�=a­_Is Ana an its g=vas rvexe Fzescml . �ka*­h. Alz,re ILI= twa weel�s nga I)Dtb - # yourig xnan living in Willow avetne. Sbe never teld 3zer =ttber 2a's name. 4 =ZAU=`�F lm:'vm 'as -k';29an r'e�_ke`r. 'be of the mark -eta Is the high prices of Oman soma i_1 to &P -M4 71,0110.304 * -) li- - '� # She told 'ter brot'hex Sanday that her 1-m-eeib P-1-1 -sz1:1Pn)v to lio _ :=-Tr­_eL 4. His tears s-_ggest ci e -e ix,=i ,TEre fcnna mmi&nzezu ., ,R,t .Wzlad =-j jja�, M.;ght. �+ !Erzaie ..-,! L�=_- ?�:Nf, * -gs. Selected live, bring as high, as thm Ve_PT!_--_g .M -i -Mzak.-�_, r!-� wel. � :L -i C%e Lc=e cl I'le ! =. IV. Helfer, a law, * "He promised me to cznnie;` sle sala. 'if 'he trenks Ids pr=iSe I VM ' �RF At I- F`- lzlf�'-hom, In ITals1=2�'am"'OPn- %= an this market. Cattle prices are - yfr_:Ithis zdtv, Vd. . 4 Tm-,% -'rE-m �bea 1-g �Z= !i��T�zr Z='T ,:,M: . "a was azurg Us their. . I Ira. Her Ir.4bunzi Vas Abs -Ext. 'otlar, A few -also firm owing to light receipts. Whole- W , T HOR8147 . , . - . ,.s X, .. - - - - _- I -eI 1, I m7se 11� sale dry goods houses Continue very 11 1.1k.- Vve �ff 1.�s =iiWegt -zZ,f&S- it is � N-a's 4 =d Z.:�,rkh:z6h IL -e -r had oa,Ced fzr � =zmeml:-. -4-en he TcAurnel- le sJuna D.D'.S, L.D.S. �X=.--' le -ml it 2!fE1 1)ZITIMeT 11117 PILS-5Pa .%iVZw!. S -be it - 'ma-A.CZ-.- �Zr ZS t.) -we--,) z,Tc: the 2 _!:',r.n,-_ Tht-v are �t-rpcsssedl to 1=ve: * D-Mizg t0te �Afte-,=nzr 'Ibe yz=g --rcma"n bm-gEt the pelscn' sa:FiM9 ; * 1�u&7 and tbeir,arders for hardware and � + Graduate of Royal I SA -711 y b4n as-,]1-r3aat-ZYa)r vas:�;-,X�IILC.T LAI. # ,= ,rz-,tel - 4mts" AL %I.-- ;L-1 =Z,t:,2M:: I�j �Z- '. . � f,r disinfe,.ti, - S Ml -n. - - ,� zotuls are heavy. Groceries are only college of Dental - . - , _g P=po�_.& 4 WU ' ,,MZCZf'LJ,EtnM.!C,V!,I*TTMI�IlI ' n� � ____. I . 1. e. - :�Z311� riv��ere�l .--I- '*­nC-,= "n. yLl"'Z, . 3Tf__ibfr, ISU. 4,1vid ler Jii� to I I _� . __ -, - n�- * �.!. .* 4 !, N- - . � - 7. . �'. .be:� ,: � " --tes t-� S Fuss I,itl�e wezt ID the z5or. When ae Teinrned 4 , 'fairly active, BurgeoRs of Tor- - - . 1K ­ --37 �I IUS C1 , I -: .. .- -,- 01101C _� . . . b. ,I- !:A--,- ;.-.' I, 'Itur ' * -eT ==EET =IiMa thZi vle WIX in ttBZS. - GnAufit, or , _. Z_ � , " At quebee, the soft weather o '- .t, ,,, . -L jz -a 1-t-zAisis -X'Fre 7=2el'bl, . * At tm zni_ * RVIP C1111M,71 TAC'10T .tn,l rrew -of 11V ­ , f ill onto an dotl _ - � ii,E.r 1��_­Z!Z�n le ez='Di. _A`&,7 Ha-_<��, t -* !a,Tee,-mafiIed 36`h-,*teT %C�)Mlut.IDT. -whiel . tu'.Trl :ievir-z , I - � I - - : I � - Z_ , - -:1-,t-Z­=--V.r, lxcst , cm. lz� I 1'1`­-�� 41 1 trar vTe,,kel zin. Lzemg Point.. For ler pRat week has retarded the movements sa pey*t. of Toron- - _- - -_ _­ an r.-mr.­.-ilve vzr=-_ -;,-L:=.= -1-1 TfF­ As Lhe -.1 VA_ stz=1 t'he '-4,= a fr= Xmd gzoat -welt IM -11, anad 13M � Qf -tmTeMers, but as a rule, orders are .Wki- - MD ld� d " iir-1. 4, lAtest Improred inethode in aU branches co -�a Z,:! %14,.% zt,la. 14,:-k ,:,! Zzm�1i:=.EZ-1 ,vzz- tl!e, * =:ilmr f-Mna tle Ttzmg ,,%rr-=,-n M=,=s4-3DMs, + bmx-�Tv Ana unilling +ffoxts in sti'vin Well to hand. Remittances show a . I. gawe Ier a :t_�., MZ7.ea ti= -_� Vim =.nn. rma r.�=e `710 -mus '! N�r Z­ZT,34, ZS --.I hall betm + * "Ite -0:FW 11f G"OT=4-m-exil. -1 Dentistry. Prim mode=t#_, _Rmusfactiox -R ­ . - A= ='smZa_--e ±.'T-- St_ Marfs Eosqrattal VRS sum-nne-2. -is the =-ge= .+ farm ,f.-1 -11!p Iund:red neres. amd a pame ,slight improvement. Prices are being well guars,ritsea. womoslazeaverBlock- ___JK 42zwn, -.D im-i 11Z..' 51 M -v he lm*QF bi7)-1F, ,_ =re imir . - . S,e " 'Zoa kran't !M + 17;MVJ,Q f:�= Jt4��,��h .0 1-5. NV*_hr 4 maintained and considerable activity ii I I ji_-_-�-A S-xmmnezus -�-_,tmmv I Sbe + Zp--e f7r_= Ille Ims" x grazuy zzdtea yrzig *:mam 1 -ked, - 4 od :,me i1ozsRm.1 5--41ars was giTcn lea moticeable. in the hardware and groceryv - - ^ n 3J - - A �_*Ilzfg the =rItter-7" .* "IT Buffa)o ��_,-).Jwne,m those .-,evi- ti,i- t=5t=ees ol-'%ie San bb= *_ lizir ss�",� .-.f ftd:!ng -e��#T *, i + No great activity is noticeable s6LItIL't'-� XMI &rp�m vere ZZ-_*r1sti�r- ,6 trade& I RIM I MWIN " $d la;)i ITZ,ix2 harl �­ mr-ef! 1-:.'fle re-=itiell sriniin-B,l ilt s=gern zfjMed. + TheNt-w Yzrk IL,'e SaTing Assniation In the building trade 9 di -2 w; -rf-7.r s�- mgme , * for the coming A 1i Z7. Lia,16 ,-,,I 1_1 i-- mLz --- i --.-h-- mL=,�_T:a- 1�r*' '$:he - 11 - -#" elz I + ut-_1110Z.ed lier willi a 1=3�Nr.me r612 D.D.ft,L1iJL � P .M + I-Mly'Got "', re'ea 11L, yomig =an. 'I pronised to pattl Mp .a rMazz-1 V;,.,,t'h * I _-Z. $ei"011. -i Ile b:-=---,, ­- ,vir_s rd -_P2 -.:, lem-utw --t "I '!�T� "N', -'- ,'e- I ., .- , * 1 me&AI And witl nDdItEt vride sue als- S_ ;�: fAM 1�. thr! i3w ,rz;=_r, ,w:�- o; h-_- jo�ni_akt_ My WZttih �WRS ZlrV, ZZa I gEeSS she thC11w . _;LT _;e, I VaSM?±:P'1ng tJD 'O - Winnipeg reports to Bradstreet's aays; 'Doctor of Dental Surger of the I en. �. .�aaTp -XV JASt. I -W--, Z,f :TnM* amZ= , 'a 111� nala - I . a-) Z� - . , -mr.'r. r -n--. ;n thf� ' 11:� LT _' � n i- .. tD 111P T, NM _y ila=­Lk � 4 WiMl- 4* �1; 12S. , , tl� Z-4 r_-A_-1.S=h,-;_Z. vrii:lp Ile vk-z� - 'i It l' -L rw � I" D 378PAE;rfa It-tIETS IT= oar !ate - , olessle trade is fairly busy ere usylvanis College and Licentlate,of : .. ru-,,ibr-T. v,* �dr_zl­ 4, zc&- . =!:� 4�; T�­��_ Zi -M, 1)=411 tc Sb.3w*_-L4%s a ,it-& -Ti- + bu"":;Ted Queen Vicltnria, A!sa ,OmB Tramo being a .good number of orders for im- Dental SurvezT of Ontario. - .- ,e L. 1�. * " -_�w =! AL 73C �_ T.--.0 -a' Waa-13 .1 nediaU and future deliver 11��-e 7�1:_ .h .:- � vl�.,. 4:,5c - __ r1f, C'm 11 .f;-)= .0� lle Lerw rw 0 il -4 - I 1,1.: *I 60 i1*11 I 1'� _ �r� 'I'T-0-4-0--O--*-*-+4-4--4-4-4V-0-4"*?-*�+L*-* + L:ira Abr�n�_em� S1D JeaTes a sorrowlan y. Collections ofil" oree pad 0ftC*__WMGTt A3d � I - . , + - . 2 I,,. C_:ZvL_e% ,!"Zhter� -J1-_ -2- " and !AMET *iD rn-== her. - ��--=_-1 T- Ls= �L_"As, Lly__ t �!; 4. . - , -Ifke her __ - - ­ __ -- however, show a little improvement, and - .: _--�T . , 1 _;bram- - M. -'_ ­' P -T L_*K, Z, zreLt'r e=dat,e� r.n--" f .&b�galn Ilpr d XIL, a L��_ !, am.- 5*-sE!Z­ jmzim"_ Q�M­ n'e Im-a-rea-V 4 .te iz it is generally concee ed that that t.ho ­­­­ --_.-_--_.-__- , 1, . - 3mril 'I" " , "Ci -2�-,_ i the '31. ".!-&: sn v Vh,L-1 - '.,jna2_,, pubUg$P.2 in j1p 'VW7 general land ,* eculation of a short WON"S FIGHT WITH LION. - . . k1_-,ZXj0ea !n .a =I_r___10_11.=_4 i"- thn. 13i. -St. .,Ev-; :- - !�_­ - I ZLIV.a-.�=_- &M-� m:,.,- -,_j�& t-- th- hPLIM, � wv- k W -T_ZZL-­ is 6 -de -T==2�7-.T T,:, � 'DrAzinir) 30g,h SC13:L .7e&E3r-X, i,fie two m's, tims ago is responsible. Immigmuts con- - - ­ �,, . 1 �11�-r"j.-,I.. VEIL2, �T-eF--f!Tav it ]MIQ M-im i4k , ""STILF timie to pur into this ptkrt ol the eouri. Rescued Her Husban 'r -'3-7r = n _5-JZ.=_1 7=Mr_-1:'. . � S T -vl 'IT U �,f ��- !ZSd CA. R,O STRONG flu: i I �;ilrr:ftz -riisas T=:r-g lkli,-- d, Who YNTAS in Itt V­va I .. or --,f-, %I.E-� lo's -W-.,-nM'T.-,M1a evEm- , try in luge numbers and the outlool- ,-­"' .,.�r�, .: 'he r.n.�_i' al-ri� d=- ke - F31. -wikt '. -_ -3 vz- !i_Zr_-e ILS3 swim Grip. � � = ­� I* VT.Mtie_� f -7,1M *.hE-L- f�:,]=. Sn- - - lbfx: lm- e.,Ll.: iz­np ki,m :ji�� - ^ , T14 ." , the si-T-1-11", b;2z,v cw�t, is 'very favorable. to trade expansion. , Ltk - -dXqVr* , Ff" ,� 5,,�e-,::;'-'.53�,,� .-I- - - 'I, SIP Rel)ortdk from Victoria and Vancouver London, 'Mamlh --,7,-TL& Dai3y Clo,oa� .*I--:- a6er. T.,sthf-� � .- 4! thp :.I-.-- I L, 1: L7--, P, tZLE -_m I !Z­F- V. zzi", !4'- e -. Z, ,=,, - 1, .77 �,. 'a 16 � r for " .td grapea ` -! ha. im�l zivr,e5:� wi,�,. � - ,,�tc. RLQ -:-&.-r t1m: !: mms th- . I '. -- - - - 'udaesg generally continues ae. WO publisheR the fo)lzjmir�g: A thri,ling- ed 1�=!t� L: . - .- - T u" F TR A N L E. A NDU T z fiff ST&A &,;a il�i_ - ­ 4=T. -::-B . . I i M.W. Tt=.,_-W;3e M;e I!p w, t"Ette1 _�Z:�. ltz�VETS-_ , t:.,! y - ,,e�,r 'f7ra Art- �m- .77- * SIP -.-Ym� tima 01tidled Mm la -_t. U% The dry goods trtiile is brisk- and storr of -.in e"caunter ,%!*.'a a bzm. in 7ZZSL_-.�a �T:, *2=14 t.; I -I, =-,, =17=1Lt � k (- -,-f = t )zsr -. z� r_T,2r,n= for -�-,,�' 'he xbovri an improvement over that of a ivbieh a, woulau plav,ed in 4nm_T,ki,aL,r. � . ''' stad, -Ms- mses LzTse =-_Pnri_,�Z -the L,z- =n rZI- :il zir M�� T-tinz-1 Z44's M-___-Wic� _t , . i1P. t_�t­bea fhe :.f 16:z��.- Ed f_�r_-,Ii� v-,MLE7 "1r_17 -.,i�-_s mzzrz- tC----Z-7-t --,' TOM Z%f S6tMinf- r2 Vre- Ube � 1, A e Innglit him ,ybsx ugo, and thm is a good trade: pirt, comes from'de Brazinayo 4i.- - 25-_11:7� :r,,-, mz, thiknry tlmt hr�z b"t BLI- Z:V. doing in hardware- The fine weather triet. -,- , '­"- -E�-�M_-d bttr. 3m_� _-:3�7-.ez 5- - May Cool Off. If a N'Tudrship ,is Sent Into --hp 11-il 1.':= ra * ila- snnil is keeping down prices of ,dairr pro. While r0ithig vi ri:sft. an E-npu:llk -4 #,. . . r%%W,�P�; .OiLf. 'tatim .2 =�,r i�-_.71nz ,-D -t:-,�" _. 5 _� ,-ZE:�.2 -,-:, LL-�, - . cts =a t1le ontlook- for b il:�. 0'ln i " " B , Lon -I.L. vie 2�� 3 Ule Im , en tl,cAess all tier raluel 1110"Ort be'.1TA T,1_11 .Q4=4'e4 121, �.T:z 4 k�_e i��ie.­.IL-��- '_-I1 1,rnn. �.F= -.nz, -pb-'i.: - I It ^�. - P_ & Z-1 r:-_ -"_Zi. ,�,S� :��',. - ."i. � . lu I.. 5i: �,-.Q IT QM2 V=Tea IfT ID -113! ,along ile eaut is hol*ful. The hunber like a pig p- _�Ijntll,,zz . .,, , . �_­_�­..__. .�.;"­11,,',,4,?_Z,.i_r-. _-V.hl-� .-'-­;_-i;L!,r,_,tf�� -al- M4. la, "UKI-nezue-lan I-Vaters. . 'St -CF -7 m', cals:,:e �­ � . _. " - - ;;��:::,..r =15!� L.1 -_ ___' .- , I Ag--= - - ", � ­ , , 1. ­ 7 trtg4a is fairly active, and hopeful for ,,, ili, 1,sti�mie,. he N�ias imn-.,&fia.��y �Z:�-.­ Z, lii,5 , �, ­_ ,'C ,.�. __;�+' .- - - M*;7i__ - _� _ - 7tzl.�if. !_L� !,, !. _ - , ... I *�hm 11- %ate IV. better eotlaiti;ns. The Pmvjuel%I judns- 'Cil Ikv U ift-.11. flf�t i�%�J,qjj, =:24_1 Z��Lr - .- �, ­ � - r ,._,-o-z h -,L' r_-lP:M,6.-.�4.,r i-Tn,'dWL1 Pa d-. _; I,. " * , -DER IREW CONTROTI. � 1,11Z 't ,Zt* , 42 :"M -"-+.T.3� - ,�. ­., , , , - z .113 _.. , b" , ". .�,_ -.� ,,j�. ,�� .11 - Pi� .V.- - I �i.-, -;=�,_t :,r.!11--;-, xia. lt.lkim;_:�`.-T. 1ILF. %Iwl N -um rem.Tf!2, U -N tries tentrally are notivoly engngi"J. Airs. lliel,elt vii%!I'�X ItLla,�-a tivo. � ­ '. �- ` ­",­� =] ._I,,. ZZ5 W51.1i, I . 1. � . 4.T�_l 1_��­ E=_� : �_,. � -,_,il, . zj�, _i- - --r7dimi.-M lwufl '. t it. ,-,!�kar��lLT,: U -r. 'rrt had r. -V Z -J' �...­ _ ... ., � - -L:.' - � . . 'L- X=_s _M -F, 45 J1=__e` I .f. I;= � �;__..z '.. _�'� V,%�_­ 11'_- =--i-I ,:,F-1L;,z;-L 17-�,:%L, 1-�Lmf.z.�. -�rwtuf�a. 5�Ly+�- * - . . F V.ca, -1, '4.' -I' , "i. , - - - � , ? -11`1-_I�' ':-, ,MMF,i�L-, �*, _'IeV.f�Tfr. A 3i lnae r,f ibe Voi)ft 3EIlAg Company The Week, With 411k 11011 "C' f- .i� " -Iii-: I ---------.a - - - . till (110 Ite-14 ai,%l Q.an�%'%a il (,�, re.lia�.!� tlii � - 1U.M1 M .,. :Z32 --t n n-_-=-ntf-27, tat a _,W. il�_%.Adcti (.�_r =-. ., iv Is-, V�Lf- enz�fm3 '-.,-m : Lk�+,.% 1=1 1!tEtir tf-jun Nv*-,: &-pm: Iqtoar Tzarlelerred. S-pring trailie re,pan,ls J.3 aeasc,u�lble I -, C,'M,- , � z -e *_=.) = a M-T441P1-_­, _ .1 . AX ASIA= =FICS=S. � " ,* 7-­�'­J I � ki;-_,--, it!-, .,!I Ij; fV4,!�� I �..+�6 -4 .1', ­ 4. .4, -'L J.- 14.11ohl %A I*r lali'luarl. ,ghz',',�.�t IN­Is�3 nn -j. -4 I- J__�,, _-.=iuZ -.L�, re -.!-L" 1,Z3t-,W-A- t li- lirl-re.a.2, M�., 27�-7t . lo M, fc-et. -na �. zh! n"', ?L ­ - -1 _* r . 11M 031 SILN � 11 - .��. � I , - M - 'w"`�' 2T'1`9�tme � luive increased Tso npialy t.liat railw $ , . . im a , _-, .- -��:M -_-It�2E. cz . - 1, - - .... i_ .. 11�_ tcta'A the _-n. -.,I!r,l irbajl� � , -11 -1 ­ - � - ­­ P-f,f rmcirxt tillf- L, ;I -=j,x,� 1.,�� :!-- - __ _ . 5x� .., � 1 --;2m Y,-;,, =:- -� -na*-._ 2-:12 W_iL,zi- _,�! At Amt.i.r'n�t't iV_,=_--.-. !t Nortt-_zr _-Mf,:i.c_,1i.0 �3 taf! �,;,�, _.�,i:. -8 !,�dD,- -.*Iut ilke. fv=:07, 1,PT the LZIP of :: Ilit, Hot &.14. . 4=t -_ I . �..__­�� cl,! -:t= �..rnrmrsjmiz- - . larilitles are Severely LA(,d. At inarly .t 11 , * -i " � ptfm�L - - _LJ hr.4 -_­_-ml�eii-edl �.7 ,' . r' _�,-r- to 11r, ie -i -i �L tilt -14azas '11=2 -mg LE), Ima pzissea into:= _ . sm-z7-o- in,_-"?� �_,_,' %.=�Lr, -1 ila-_ �-,xt. . *,)i -n,1313Z, ril,,,.,,,A, ,�.11�e f .:),Ls_ : -,=mti�` -.:� _L�Tz mr, , - _ fwak�_;� �_�u T,.-.rf�i points there is ,orimplaint of oar and ino. I . . 1_11�a L t7kDi,,X,-2 !�tl_!'e %hi -i v vo-t =ee_Eez,. rm--" I—- . "t fou, the A3Ai,rw)r �-f r,wr",l.iy.,1k,J'1---� ti�.,* . .6 �-.. -'._r-',! - -7ai rJ=e�7,k*M�K-.', ,��- 2 i- . _:r;i,4U .h- , -4 'jL'! � . .IF-,! ;,�-, Lvj_�n5i _�%S-,.-rj:1r-_r Z6.'.. yel, - _L.%!. " -f -+* bm.m is::Uez. or -*!+ 1,1,p lvma4 ,i, - - . � . . .- . . .1 ... .. r _R -til _V,-r.ireal uncl 7arl�,r , im. . 'Live powr.r sbortxaW, Zia tuivill'ation oil 't � j, Z�p -a.- - I - -7-j�.­ - ,!, - - ­ 34:4nd�-,:-z :f ti:ie Mmr, e--! , '� I th; - Is aria n HOW', iU lllx� U - F,.%,sl. Anz)-l.,­ atn,a- ,.&,X I :1 nnlr' t�,l ` '. .PS. . , -vr��., ..;o - ,� -1 iip P�-��,ej.j -, 111:1� ttrem-s, int:.utint Mles3�rs Po'bert Aldzfi. � ini - ivora �t q., w.rth h�is it,t I , - , ­`_ , , .�, -E ,,z- -�:� Lm Lt. .- � T,n7, M n. . . - .111 -It'. `� �- !iLk! � �,_,!.­ J _. , - . . hunt %v,a,.q ,iizmi;,Za IV lbe. �Ot'l !�f tni-) J !,.��. ,:_�Vm -Z =_ _-, .eim - '. �wh ; *ft.;�1+� �Ii� rn� - , ` nod us 1pmuiptl,y -is bushi"q lieluall,1s. - , , - , -,� : . � i::m:, J ! .3, =U- liflUL4 , I �4, -, rr�,w;n4c _._rzr.fi�4"'n a, OL zincts -.-LF-hm, &-m-um mack-11r. olle. berA x6f 111k, j.�Ilv ar.1 tui��%10 E.`.,11W-iT.­ VTZV ;7�:� 1 . ,:,n=i� . - . ' . .- I I I ,, ; . � �� ! - �!.!! .- . _� 7, -t-n. V. _t i =! � .,4 *, - -z' n:;iii ni"M 2fnU ' - * 1*�'_� `,I�" - I ; e=s-, cc e:s.- in=. vnr.�Ied T-_,� L. b7k-_:7�' !T.-�):A.- , � jn!w!�,._ - -M Lil L!", � --:I Mt] .-' aL. r, t1l"t -F ­,r�.-trt- C-1 2 � The tustemnr.v damnige from flamis has . - , I - , � - - ,!M* till, .'s ,i.- 6 . r� �,_, Z ,16*,_t __ msecxa zina r. wathesti'l mi _��B% -Z'�=-ir the SJ:.-__-,� .�r sal!*_ M-eB� ZZ � t1_ _n I- <.ti�,`i- It!- _71=� 1:7_4'ue�,:. '.*-elvt-h ��:!_Liv � -,M,,_I� -�: '� V7P1nU.Z%1 � V��.± , 'L zenaerea ma�v nans mie, unti ,L,ver;1l the I"Ayi�rit�N.-��.q,--'3ikvc4t,.I.,a u:�!',,v 1�,,j­zu,�t - " Z.r - ' - - __ I., - j,i, .�L -j-EUf=uf-1'EM. r�Z.tP7,E 1L?_v i L.*-- I =it ,e intinberof %in. ,e i�Alm% Ing a NN,omt,`i%�il Uion i-.,-2 %c�t% - ' ' - - - - t1P b'kLR:- V-E:!'f� ­!­� -_1(e:- ZMA "`%'�­-�% M�_jsl".-jn�-S. 1-:�,-� -­ 1,- v-- -_1-_!P. rz �f­ ,U iLL-::�r.r :V--acum, e ,. -.0Z1-NE1V= ­=.!L.� ' I , " . ­ m3r�_reta ,sZp?,)se0'1v1 &-inator 100%, NWI " r:.,�,� . r, .. -1 _0 I -t�jt 1 5L`k !rftragti, 11UT; �Weh or tvems ifaaea t*, 4, " - = . _ _,. _ -ik L &J=,ett3= .1,,,V�f-En _**,,:,R2k;C _ �._ _. __1 - Itraploye 1%1(ml T A. - ,�I- - �-,;,,,� -41 va-pi-V :�,r t � r'. . . 111c, allimal su, . ...4 ­ tn"_-bmn=-� ,P--­_-1=_� mv #,?a , i�LT V' . -1. I- 71PSL ased :T;w� ilis . . -- a, but the,,,' knriljorary ritIvers" - - ,_ , - . I I I sl .n �.f � - - - I ,v_SUb,,;)T.lD tM- .=temsls Mthoto - I -IF B� -X-�-_­;��. a,_"as, V:L.- -., �ET�L'�E��z V a:lf��.; - - 4�4ije-%_;_,� an !�FzKla "-1:1 111r- . I le4tures sim Wore tillin x4fti't ty the. �,'.' q,rilog,v. 1A III-,, I'mrh ..Atzal Ni�r- � - - A - __ - . MINI 11". !�.,_t L­__t.=� Z =EM­i�mr,. _L� re-_�-.-!,LL - �si=ptiou *f �oa.aocx wprk-, ,e-krt\m1JJ ' N WO a N-11 t.7,t=IJ.V, .N,O �.-Iher :LL� - riv_�v 117- _Z*Z:-"-:, ,��- ., , .r1* nn��;Qlea Im Xx- zavli phassa -wbich y ,111 V_h�tl, �n S� Lzmf-" v �-Z= -=-n� S,iu� :�;�:6!- _.: lh� _.:�Zciii:'�_,r.i'rf. r=:L, 1�.:s., � `Czl�­rlll Lf 14ho ct­-r?a­y. A's Giaing operati.tni.q ai,a *n , i Irk;;111her -tit ibe p-artv Xxos in!,nak"t , I � " IS4 0xi, farms, _z_,:.-�; !,-, !1P ;�=ft r1f, - ­m�1E.T..ft.1, Th&::!v�._�,!:-,,r..` A 111 A -111C IVESSLL L A 'UN, C H, L ` 9,-v:e-_s,,2tm.,f tL-5. -a Tmommml--edan VIIII i . . ,,�,�:- �. ].Z --;P I�a� 4-LLM =z,e �!- , ".L, I -FIR batk�rs tte arri,tiniz in lavgc. nl)ulbem 41t � I'll - '7 - . - -I,- mke *Ve it %'he Clrok;=tp_ lAe8srs p4iz`xr,v xr,arketj�,,Ni,arn-, )1jqtJ1pr -,10:,,,l - I ' . ,stvn_z%_ se� tt,ZA 1tm:7-_­ -_-, rn-9L]". �fn_�, fl�'L��"fTxure:3 i;T1?na-_ia-= rf, , � . or -� _;�=I. 2 -le, - XAN YOUNG AT SEV11TY. ": v��.;I^_,�­,_M-F-�_az 1- -,..*' � :;:­ ­­ � , !'PL az"f, . � *6v? 3�i:n na��,- DavjEl r1n_v_s0. 1'.rras A. LiMp. of Ilam.. tj3mg I;rep.,ira.fion; - - � - ­, -:IF � . � .; f,)r Fmtot tralit% ­ ­_ Ltzin, _klbart .V,_1xmm,tmd ATZilim -Mur � Mj,tu Z t�.IiNily. ,n-% l0XtZf-�F",q it-, sr_�2�.-� ta--r vhmi;_i,r.__�f, L:i:� :--__-:1 f!.1_;iI_.LF _I1.K%-_r.M 31f.- . . filleturi1q, - OM11111AN", 1110 His Avomg,- T,jj�,, is Igd-,, ff -, . , best , ,, yitz-11y Iti. E=l 1,�'=, T_'E.T*_�a n,,vr -,�_.nle 7-:- z,: *,!*� �_;�F r_n_".�1_n:_-E­_;i_n�. ';-:,. is =.- vr lo,,. -ii - e- +:ml 'a rar V-2 Ta!ro. XLessrs. Rzl*rt We!vbeM` .Jews zf t1e V1,0, *.millikit tMU-1 t'.�e 1 �; 1. ­ ;J!, . - � trt. =� ti= Z:.r? '_-t-=- _��r_­_',�-",L ozl_-t - lkl- �-Ll 1Lf ?L_ICA_,E,��1'1.4 ��& ­tmz� , , Asteamer That is B,u*-.It to WWI 1151 a R�J:*,-. r.dartl. Thumr.s r­mbe a �-kta. iron ata ztez-1 inpil-IrV, 101t1w neNv Ti"'. %-.I-'_-. .� L 2 .s IMMU& i- -t-1- - " !T=.1 4-1 :!;�. `1_1: 1111t� V .'. %-.i. -,. :1:: W, P.�� thr, :;Z,mzf - t= llt!gmy VM , - nl tharie'.Ialho Nd"). z7a are 'nimul-Att, �L , _s� 1.-,i_�& :::'ra Z"' = �=E�_.�-:�, . .) 1. . v t-, Ajli.,hetl. Toxtilt, NVjlf.141iZ1,f41*1. , 7� 1 _,, " V . ,Z _ .g.,_-, - . _,-,4;, , _.. , -it - -plWas sivt al!" i;m"e,4,1Ai4Jg)V btlov, I%Jlt, .� I T", _n � --,-i SRF::4, z-, "Laze, lr_­=��t,,�-- "'E.--t:,�:, vijzn, '..,A_u J`Mt�:_4z.4 Ln. Q 's Inv,p mn't � ..."ueeze in Oe 1-ce. � Nvill,�,..%%V-1�;,o Ntz�ma man "%a:] 'Itc, � ,-.-.,,�. � tn IzEr. , !,t,z,,�, -n-: L�- 7,:a.;��tz_,�_ ili�� 41LI, 4 1.1, 4 -'e't batn. 1L=D-_W_-a. It is -,_u,-3V1,1,!..),y8' thtre is 1re,Jum)t,4,,-,mp)iini ;jf suOl p\A. ,1l sj�%,ilu(*.. ­ .1 � - . ­ . .. - - ..,.z , - P r. 0� , r, I � V -!a. �icp-_,. -�7 _.'_!,,. . 1,2�. �1:_� T;.*,!Atr -ra-piv cdaa"p. 1 -1 - -at "t g 43� V_T IN= V -Z.- .- - 1 -�F��fr-,­_,_-, .Z.- ­ ­ -1 I .. ..�Z-s :11S, *.,Z-=rLt :. - - � __ j f ile -�r,,j- , " T4. 1�r. T"O 4 -, gben Vill 'r5ttir.41, U5 Pre'ta. � IRS bom se ,or Jjig,h ,N-,� g ,,f rM111"I"ju, J)v. 11, Nk,alp%, 10�1z%.14, il,�L,.­%.,"��I C -T � *,J!'i..�,,1:w' - 1,;�_m. '--' Z4�. -.,i � . 1. __ � ,�J � �, ­ . ,�e - Trznr-, !J�z hu- buz,. L2LI: 1, .. .X:L -1)NrIv tis, I.) Taw matorlill 1111A Ia. , , i�ic�,%�-. 1.0 , . U thn-_ iL_Q1.F!­ ,�=! n,.,*1 *3,..mn-Me�.` i�:*. &-t: ��z.(Z;-.,� 72,-,;,f:n�r'­ -:41, .E t", -,I - .LL at, . � - . . , � .. , , �, � I - - , - .,f, - -, Ao; .,. U ��_:n if. . - � - ,A�-Vro I - - , 1. -4 1! ­ . - . -= b -;-W, C,1,e].ht:_V­­ f tom I ,�, , _:�==Les- 1_� ,J _L_A �:�.. =_?_rT L:�4-_n. I.- Tt'-­. t- _iln�:,s,­ fi_-�ike- !"'14Z. �, I - i, : ("r 1,141t%'I %4;14,�q 2I ,N:. . . '. *!§ e, , S V 'I I 4111,, .,.vkin -'k -4v �,I- viz�n,'Z;�ILA - - 4*%n�l irl !�Llh, , I � , 1_t] ,--3-=3 _VC;.11 RxiliAv kmMia"'i'A tor Ilie fit " . N'; 41 0. �'. i-� I :t� <ZKV ans:_, 11-:p t:�'_-'n_­P vy,�,,� :1zi:1*-:W,1�1 :f" ­_,�k 1 -1 -i -E, �rc. .� .� ­ 1-3 � � !�­ r, t.j-.x ,.�"_!-_-4-1--!� 1tf­._q :Lt7��17:11p-, J..- ­ I �, , -� .-, 4! %'ix. " ,,, 1- �,__r ­" ,- t ... 1 ­­�_w"-3,tPP LA U�Tidm, --n :-,:�dr'r' 11r,l CZ�1,Vv'DS CCIM TO CANA'D.A_ ' ,-%-e.ek.�k 4DI 1147rib 'Wott' 7A) 1�-,r tollt� Llv�vor Jj,%,�1JJlj,,J-.,� it, 1'r. j, i.--.i:��%I,% �-%, 1-:�-.n. rol, " - - , � , ; �:t." _ ,�. -7 - �S*�,�, %%I .--It�ll , -1 E= -p txiL,-n t :3 :t_�� h_`y �.= - -1, V . I T� C" V. -; ltammi ZL atin- 1- Cn7 � Mup 1,,-_-w-.-. .Anrtir IM --- 1, � . I .1-f-3 5,!* �Mmv !)2 IL"'I'aa -I.-;9_- :f r-i-,pped !n 1he , 'Ikka last v6D.T. up.1 forc��gll �N)IIIIIii,%r"e 'NJ `84.NnWi,� .;I;1-� � t 1�1 I , 'it t! -P.-L'it. _mr,,.� the r*0LT1EF_t B=L -*!l a=r=:,_=%tg 'on tbt, Imig:PITt T%lr Ile 1AM %N4%,;J, 4ow . .A,C. wn;* v- S.S t2!e -Ie�-_-i,:�_t:= --t2 th!� '_-P� tllEr, , - ,�'-r � aill 1% , i U-17 _;� _.`=_,he:11 thf, -*rn­,,� :""- bz- !..--r,- Jon, S�'f, i? ,z_ . .1 a t " ., .?­�Iz - -nx _- 1 - . � - I , 11N!�IWA I'h'. NN2';%:�J-�I;it "a - . : � - , C_ V.5 , rA im -MME.- _,V I .Imke cl=plahti � zf VW47741L, in t-,P:,1I*. ,lr,l ,,4,J*,,,1,i,�%-' - _, 11:0 ZJVZS1. 1KIrt �Dz= v2zt le n�� 7.=11 �7� '. - t ;� - , V ... L7 r in -KE, tta 14ase 0,m.,Lhel. S., "=tr .I,q ill S�o Wo .44 r,)�m wil,ml 11',lz- -,ast $of%, . C3�2-1-i�=­'h a ��rt-:,a_-=� ZZ, -G,)_,- -1-,-�-f-IT - Eimf�A:kll 1�,Ml lvlws� Sf­1:_,n-_a I-, V -,n--,! :- -1 -1. , , . T," -m L�r , T, Z, lt,_Iata I -he V'11:iS . imliml-fi, At v1'M-'1V%VN,l 'Vilb I 'n I,, ..t<1 it,��M , " , " - I - `-*t -X_ -.t S=tl; ct-Z V. � !-� -w-.* -7 :X--- E -3�=1_1, ,_j !Zt r. :r - 4 t C�' , E-1 1, V � '. , NIA. 'Milu* , I,,;1,k hN ,�?,:a, M ta n."Wl ,:$ Z=1 4* LT 1'ri ". , t'; ��,4)" A 1.,ta'JIM mb,e. 1� rt" �Cw-tr 1-=-! &iri,t-lu Ix" a lit.0% limu'r mll , 111411 -0 X C,Jvq. I F1,N,%"t jt:�J*. \,�.ieTi, !t",=A a -al CL-----' "P,st�SSV 7 :=t -,-- .. 2 . 1, U!r� ;Li"_ �,_­_ . =1 .!� - ­ ��;= i:�4 to ­) ,mlrq V_j!., le I't,3 cred cd the =Vrr,,-&,1-&l ZI Bra-af,up-3 lhave � tj jwcorij.,Jes vonmovlw NVP.-,7kt,r, , , � :It, , . i - � 4 , - I ,,� I— . 1?X__1__;3 , - t_-, ___ T,3� J2: -a fle--t.,tv '1 "I Tzz.*w, ta� _-F ,2=_�J_�E"a .thr wn�,: I), �ro­ hft.k, lr-*. 101i�t lep-S :L%4 Sim ea :1 , 11�t­ltgnrn tto 4=.11Zt&tC_ t.m.- Z%�V-�a I ;�l "-b Z1n!-1___ -,� litv of 11-�I, �Ivf-m_v lv..nn -ia." 41. 137.k atzv ZL_-, s,_=P-1.,_r ri3na's , ZO L!41 w-.�* e,-:r_-.-.F_w, ­ r.4 X. , t.�­.!JL*­ I- 'fi:MS 1�� � ------*-+-- . ­ � _­ -.,- " _PL -i , 141,11-itkP -_in ;�P:_'r lat�h. - va I 'i). -,T,6,1,,-,1 XiN *.�l N��.,.4-!, %w, 1!.� St, =E A I 1 �_r. 7�:L­,h .-.'­L!*��--_*A�� I_ 11 , i 0 �Intda. 7hp ia�tt � =enpiz,v . .2b I !=,It =:>2 ---3 s:h!, ;;�,�� � --_-al. - , jil, T 1,he - I "n'!n. � I ) �, I 1��`;, .11 tlli- __ 11r:_ - . 7'.� u, --,&,U% ��L,�a Ic-'a �`,L'_�Zns_,�,L.% ri�::,:­_J �':�S,,A _E:zt�� .;ZZ ., - ,, �i�!. i;. r., �; W I , ,!ir, f;rt:17T 3fT;�* t"AT lt:-) !�C_=-,�* tv;n�sl 7n* htd r -t-, . ,h �'l _ � _.2_St1. , _ A t MItiln-:� � - � 1, - -,-r -.Ivi� S--vL& jgt� r,� f,T 1 . _ ., IL:1tv-n ;;gptiea cf�cfv. -*10 ;�t-T' CHURCH ANDSTATF, Ritii�,A tt�j%� ,4? �,J J��,,;,L, - I , . Lsn�,afp_-1 rq ,---A , -I- I P %n,_ f.to �j w1cl:,nE: - - -!�Ll 1 V 2-2 �apt. -.,J S.,:ja Ll.�Za V,-,)J:J * 'A\41k r.11 vnoVe,­.�,M 1, �1,1;t - I - . w:. , � ,�_nr_ eo �0 ��, t'ir-ii Vl_-��CT -Q-�--n �_�If I Z4­E.�- !�L-.4� bpnr. vl_-.��." C:�,, '%LA E -P-1-- .a., 1ML,L - - vpj IV Ille .Meaiml G�U*_rs,ol 1,11E, ewn,)- " ., t�� V,06L. 41.% I "' ,��. .:z -- --�� - - r�nt� m,n bnlley -1, 1%0t*h 061M"'rlt'�'ra Nov U111 InIT4, A'\ - .. ­,;� -­ ­_ - . , �'('14M'rill. 1�.Jt I'.,,.,,-, tj k�%I�,�,-� . - I �, ,,, I , *L-- ­ - Ln::c tt­ . r ! _-6 r_tm=-_&L-, %rub lu_n: ,-I r,,�_l -,!a .--_T,g! . . s V�] 4's kq)z Z ird *L- up .)�� . 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'mr- = , -&I- - , -'T - X.i_ 1 _!�W.. , Ito ��. �t e r r, r _ Z,.�. � �t_ t:!;. i- -3 C ,tv V� 41 . r -n. � L:� =_.,-n,'i:.-_,.�,-Z*_. ft; . A T ET C4 .b.o. 11a: , 1:1 ,mxf 4!��fgv��v �_ k"'Antiza 4M 111-c�. �0=7.1-,rl, ,��,, jj,q,�,),��, � 1� 11%%Ilqh� i!,.1A -%�'.j Z��',wtz�,,,-.-.-�-%,!�%O, t__-, r_ZM_.1_sz.LT;ir ,L_ft _PZr::iz-..:i*;� %� L_'21 , , - . -1 - ., �' IL:" t 1 fin, Tim *1!=t.-E_�.-_thn T-X-'_'TrnT --ev"r �� " t�r�-,,-T ll-��I%r, t'l,l,." 4 hi"NN 4110 11�1\�,N 1�-.�'�'�',,%ft zt* ! �.- M-�r��(�=. ZL.=� J ,�_d ,11..L " �_-�taj thf, -�:�Ssf.;' ur_,�,.��_" t's � - , �N t� " . - 2 - . , .LL6 - - nip Z:� 'ell, t, S"Cant-T ula, �Vt=pum Z.1 L4g, f',r,�-i,ij ..; 4- ­_'�-.- "o ­-, . 11: M%:P_. .- .41 ­ ... . , ­ . " �� ar i:Li. =j 4 q:,*J, �-_p =Lh X�-= -,-#2,J'9Vmft &;=g r4a!!ett tt. L-mn, S1.115 ,% i �1,.Z.'_:�Lts-, -he vPn,-_:l I L_ 0 ��';Itlrv,l J.,T,N%Cq041 1b.11 ol"'I ,111 X,14,0 14,% ii�."%A, I 'Ir."-,l� Z,%h 4,12�)- JV_ III-= tLro+ sr-__�. tap--N,A. �-,-) zip, , - - , - ,i.;- ,C %%�FL 'CUE, ;�-*.-;,�-_,=1;r_Etg .�L_:*t �_3 "#,�-*.1!rJn­ sa�RQ %lAb 3.140, Mntis,b -imj m,) W;,�P�j�h _.,,,��nffl le;,111 1�� ,'App%ji I 4,-, I1M4*',%�, Ni '.. 1, - z ,z , ; �,, -U, � �,-%I, o,��a 1�" en-zv '4mrs ::-rm, 1� I t.) 'Irmp 1:h-�- .r �� -1. ­� M nz*p, r -'-'t: t:,Tpr�_�%) rm- I lrl=�__4_" Vr_rZi_­.=, b" -,-,!.-a7;Ln:r.a%�CLt T-:,,i:,-rr,_-%_rA ,'�,T klitsl,:A. mn,�V!4,��,, , \. 1, r,*�nn -:!.-, -J. 5,:,z .in�* ")n _,%, , , 4. � " Nal P. ^A per.li:�al -,w, r3a��z�k .,f "S9 gir T_�=�Llizl The .i - ,_ , , 4 � 14W,All M, ___6 : tF. , - S.:,-0%7�. lix-, !"�-W_� . . � -V �d�& �n _- -4 � , "; - . �,, - tiz-virtAmir", tj . . I I 11 rml ,e_iz1_,, �;�-,-_­,:_­ � --h 2� ---- �!, 1 :,,�. 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