The Wingham Advance, 1905-03-23, Page 2lawewsw,mowoweasamem,
unday bChO , brine livid it clown, ***though the love
of el?, Father were caused by the earth•
le tise and saerefice of Christ, but be* Market Reports
0 # cariee a hey tt &Wm :abet te, beeitiete : fte,
t bristat Spirit la one of self•eneritateine, ' eteet-----
Etat?, matifeeted by, but net atone etti-
iNriC itN 4710NA/4 1.1ESSON NO. I bedied in, the ineareatiene Ile ie laved
A.PlftiluSLII. X904 tte rather Isec Phil. Ifeb. it,
The Week.
c*I'deAbhi4t* 7o4o tt• aeeiahleeltis T'onnite rAmtert Market.
1 from the dead was as tzeeetfOry as lus
tlesus thoGeodethepherdeteebiele: tee eyeing, for by his resurreiniee he secure:1 Ter; Orate Nareet le the eelr rate
terlege beitig
sbusted*. et eats. which are
the trults et his death tee iare Re •
al. ewer at 47 to 4 e
. ins te k 4
CenianOntalaiheni* The gielaheral will it. Zee- G. W. Clark Ch t • Detre traduce In limited eerie,. wile. •
the oheele Oen* loO• In theso verses errier to rise to a mere etelliplete life. and .t,'Itet s"ad7- tr.,ttl°14 Wet% 7;1°
aeetts. lays the foundation ter the Elise nese men with him. Lids putpese 1410 per
at 11
course which eves to Retain "With the eveliel the low of ti:; teompare lie ton.
extents.l drapere• thee paralee the eel. tete phe, ie. 04 Inge er.-West. triErressel tu)re- =Tie flTs•er" bgtilt4 c cal
s fcrward. Lig
hearers of &errs were perfeetly fami jolt eeett, There ite another eenee m winch bear:. t7.7e.
Theirs wale asheepgroving eountryt 'this has been expl?ined tthitil is -worthy eat. a. bushel .. .. ..e i os to $ 1 PI
. , . . WhDa.. red,mbusbel . . .. i 06 to I et.
. . ' .
in.teerpreteil Vy t hrises deelevation to Iiis De., :meta buebel .. .. .. OW to 0 be the Emperor.
ttoeke were 'them mem dependent:T.
"[twee who desire to thoretatehly under-
etand this srtbject will take pains to
bring before their minds the pieture et
au oaten: eheep-fold, with its Ms-me-
wl:ale, .gates, ane pavtial cc:veriest the
etiepherd leading, not Arising*. out the
sheep, white they readily follow the
went -known voice; the,. theplierd's keow-
letige and notice, of melt One ea the
nett; tho care with whielt he goes on
befor,e, removing, ebstaeles, malting, the Ile does when those who have leten was:h-
ie-ay ptitin, protecting teem from 1t ami made white in the blaol of the
. !iamb stunt befere him tRev. vile le.lee
danger, carrying the Iambs in his arras
•over the rough places, seeking, out the ah, e every mother, !eying eown. her Lee
richest pasture, and tenderly leading thein et -mutated self-saerifk.e for her ebie
homa ight to their
pew et -ern, takes it again in their tlevelopel
Leek e n
shelter." - reanhood and womanbood."-Abbott. IS
If. arid the door (vs. teen e. Then lee llien-"His death was entirely volute
toed Jes-us-e`Jesus was talking direct-.
ly to the men wire bee excemmunleated
the former bline man, mei the appItea-
. .
A A , Do eering, bushel 3.O0 to it 00
ANT Pablo shells burst among the sontuee41
roceeelon a Infantry Ana artillery end ty
. W
Agrarian Troubles increasing and Landlords Afraid
to Live •on Their Estates.
Taking Advantage of the Imperial Ukase to Petition
dreciples, elte that losetit his life for ney ?etre gag b - ** *. ** 0 :FS re 0 la 1
His life by His humiliation. Ills inearna- Haney. teshel .. .. . ... .. 0 el to
lion, His paseion and His enteifixion. TIT. pzhN ...t .. .. ., ,. it% t 2031,,n Recent Events Have Spread Panic Throughout the
the levrials whom He has redeemea front tatinet. per me .. .. .. ii .. 10 06 to 4i OD 1
sah4' Rea lb" Christ he's them - tereirweeat, lat>1 :. 0 55 to 0 63
• 0 • 0 I
that He mat,- tale* it again in the /ite of ifeeer,i tor .2. ••••• set to e
death -by lii
s own death. He taltes it Asir lee betsbel 5.0 ta SW`
again when Ile sees ef the tr.:avail ef His Do. No. busbei 4 26 to Odi
Senh Oita is satisfied sIsa. lia., II% Tibia Da: No. S. beast .. 4 00 te 0 00 I
tare-. Men bike hum but be haa fub
power to escape from them hail be wish
ed. No ene iraposed upen him the date
um of His woras was to them os nal., a leaving,. heaven, of eolmng to this
tual thieves Dad robbers who bee usurp. Nvi-'11-4. sulteniig 4Tia tlSireg. He dies('
to do .tte fleet lie might save men." Hart
e'd. authority over the flock ef God, as I reeeered-"While he die it volunterilv
hirleir.g shepherds ane who had aband- .
tt was m ace. ordanee with his Father's
tined the sheep to wolves. Tl e ease in
eXpre•IS wall. He gave him the earn -
hand illustrated the wav the dealt with natuati, u he werlaid save men, that he
the flock. They had reined itt. poor man auttstea,y donee his life and take it again.
instead of protecting him. They profess- Tars is the dime law of salvation."
ea. to be ebepherds, but theyiwere pil-
ferers und plunderers. It wes leartul
indictment," Verily, verily -This era-
phaeized the importanee of what Ile was
about th say. Jesus zow prozeeds to
explain the illustration He had made
nee of in verses 1-6. I am the doe -
The sbeep-folds of the east are not eovn
ezed like our stables. but are =ere en- lee the strike e*f the framitlin union an:
elegizes surrounded by a wall of loose' preventea /rem eke/Erie:it emplovineet
stones with thorn -bushes upon the top. iv the rules ef •the oreaLe' etion;wreel,
but usually .an effeetnal barrier against t
weives.-Van Lennep. There is only one forbade lent from working, while Lis dues
door to Oriental sheep -folds. Jesus new were unpall, John Rabbitt. a pressfeed
states pbtiely that He is the &or. lIt* er. turned on the gas in a room in tee
has made an atonement for in and bas Hotel 'Queen. se Wabash aeinue, yes-
perteeted the great pion of salvation. terday afterneon. He was dead when
Works, ordinane,es, a good eharacter are found, and besiee hint lay a weman
not tbe door; these will not save us; young ana pretty and well dreesei
Christ aier.e is the door tEph. whos-e identity is a mystery,. She is ei
The Sheep -True Chtistians„ These who, the S.arnaritan hospital where there ie
like sheep, are innoeeet, trustful, teech- a bare chance tlaat she reeover. It
able, obedient. is sepposea that they bad agreed, to lie
'S. Before -_These who came pre- together.
tending to be pastors er guides to the Babbitt's last net in life* was to writ;
people. The seribes and Pharisees elan- a letter prefessing, Lonny to the tinier
ed to be instraetors a the peopte; tele& had riven hire to death and tp•
ed the right to regulate the affairs of peened fee mem:.
religion; V hese onle nun 'was to promote At 4.30 o'clock the furees of gas wer:
the=seives ana oppress the people.- ee streeg that the .11eStS were attract
Gne a them. Jan Germain. elirab
Barnes. Thieves ami robbers -A thief en -
&avers to gain his booty slyly ed through the transom. As he lookee
e.void detection; a. robber is o. brigand be saw the two boales lying on the bee
prepared to ao Siolemze. These false "they were still -warm -when be reaceze.
teechers, who rejeeted. Christ and who
Pressfeeder, Prevented From Gettiug
Work, Ends His Life.
Chieage, Mareh eel -nivel: from work
were eevouring the sheep from a purely
tnereenary standpoint, were the thieves
and robbers. The application was easy,
Dia not hear -Many did bear and follow
these false prophets, but the sheep" -
those with true 'spiritual insight -de -
tweed their hypoerisy. O. Enter in -
Through faith iu Christ we enter into
the fold -the thumb. What ben-
efits are to be rezeived by .entering in
I. Selvation--"shall be =Tea.? 'Lib-
erty of soul -"go ana vat' 3. Seoul
satisfaetion-efind eastrare" (Ise. lxiii-
11). 4. Protectien and. care. Shall be
saved -"Safe from the robbers that seek
to destroy; safe from fatse teaebers:
safe from the sins that would ruin; safe
frote the troubles, dangers end temletee
tier.s of life." "The Pharisees bad fed
themselves basthaa of feeaing the flack..
ued clover - OD to 7 63
Russian Administration.
Timothe • .. . lee to It:et * $t. Petersburg, Mara 2o, 2,se pm, -The Zemstvos, Duomus, throughout ;
Aeeles, eer thr to OD Russia, are taking advantage of the imperial ukese issued simultaneously
Da., creamery .. to 0 ; freely to petiton EmperOr thrOligh the committee of Ministers on all ques-
Dre•sseet hois 76 to 25
Eggs, new /Md. -----------00ozn0 24 to o
Butter, dairy „.., „i with the rescript =felling upon "individuals etei institutious" the right
The traces, per lb. 0 to 01S tions affecting the welfare of the empire, to demand representation upon
eurkere per 017 to 0 IS t
Cblekees, er,ring ...• 0 L, to 0
bb o ss to ore the cot -mission wealth is elaborating the rescript The importance of the
nate:newer, per dozen .. 0 75 to
Potatees, per baa --------0 o
UL se/ wbice vas largely overleaked at the time, has 110W become a power-
rhomande of carte. The sufferings of
, the wounded in the course of the per*
suit 'were beyond description. Most of
- Hee for.eign. tuilitayy attael!es wsho wore
with the comma ang, meluoing mie•
. British and two American officers, fell
into the bands of the Japanese,
Russian Peasant Disorders Causing Anx-
iety to the GovernMent.
fee Petereburg. March 20. ---There is
reason to believe that the Government
has resolved to re•estublieh the eensor•
ship on out-geing news despatehes, which
was withdrawn about a year ago. It is
inferred that this decision ie promptee
I by the growing seriousness of the peas-
aut disorders, which seem to be cawing
anxiety to the Govonment. Among the
latest raids eves one on the Mate of the
late Grand. Duke Haight% in the Dna-
roff distriet of Orel, the place being pil-
laged, A neighboring factory Wile
ed. This belonged to the Grand Duke of
- Oldenburg.. The trouble SeeMS it? be
spreading in the north and west. 'Mete
have been serious disorders in the tioe-
. erninents of Vilna and Kovno. Plat,
in Kovno, the residencee of the Gereern•
inent aeent and a local judge were Vern-
eity of Kovno scattered the inaraudern
Peasants bave devastated three estates
in Rejesta. Artisans and peasants in the
eoutbern Governments are threatening
xnolj Abbanti
Wo . HAT.40 ritoraorrox. I
OR' ' I
'JOilectiou of Rents and 4000111ats 111,401,11t7
Chnei-ln "Vanetour Block.
Open eaturasir erootess. / to to,
on Town Yana Property.
OPPICS.-4o ICeot Meek,
iteshiesce-43athertoe St,
Read Ati.oeblia011441, ONT.
Rieke taken on oll gluten otiosorable pro
)re4rictii cainaciftpo oaamh or protolcutoroonoptlynnsytteolZ
ea age, per tmen t 0 1,0 Trim t who were brought from the Booratary
Celery. per dozen .. 0* to 0 43 1, ful weapon in the hands of the Liberals, who contend that it necesaatily
Onions. per hag . .2 OD to OD ,
Do., forequarters .. .. 00 to .6 62 „
Beef, hindquarter; SO to S PO ; 4 conies with it a complete guarantee of freedom of speech and assembly,.
Doe choice, earease .. 7 re to ee • 4, Withent wbich the r glit to pet oe Oil general ---------qmetes y
Lamb, per cwt. .. 10 00 to 11031 e. to prevent further drafts of troop; for
103., medium, S 03 to 6 ea be farce, and also freedom of the press for the discussion of such ques-
Vase per cwt. s tt, 9 M 4 solved the Moscow Agricultural Society,
Mutton, per cwt. 51 to 7 631 e
tions they now recognize in order to force a test of the Government's sin- the far east. The Government has dis•
British Cattle Markets. cerity openly to organize clubs -for the purpose of debating political clues-
roandelit-etve eatue ere (meted at la to 1T -Lions.
per lb.; refrigerator beef, 6% to Slic ,
per IN; sbeep. ti to Lee per lb. The Moscow and St. Petersburg Zemstvos hese already voted strong
Leading Wheat Markets. a resolutions demanding representation on the rescript comraission.
May. ems.
New Tor];
St. Louis
Duluth •-• ••
1.1.2% tieve
t •.! ..... 441-4.4+4-11-1
In an interview M. Roubanovitch said
a revolution of the peasantry had now
begun and would be promoted by the re-
rolutionary party with the utmost vi-
gor. Recent events had alveadv spread
pauie and demoralization thiroughout
the entire Russian -offieal administra-
tion, and tbe collapse -would soon be com-
plete, for further net of an even more
startling nature were being prepared by
the revolutionists. •
Regarding the war, M. Toubanovitell
said it would be brought to a stop main-
ly owing to tbe lack of penisions. The
Russian soldiers at the front were -well
supplied with war material, but bad lit-
tle or nothing to at.
This, said Mr. Roube.noviteb, was due
to the utter eareleseness and corruption
of the Russian general itaff and in eon-
sequenee of it the demoralization of the
Russiat soldiers was complete.
It would, said M. Robanovitele still
be possible for the Itutteian government
' to mobolize reinforcements and send
them to the front, but the men on ar•
living there woulhl immediately be in
• fected by the spirit of mutiny and {les -
pair prevailing among the beaten and
starving regiment which had preceded
• them.
Stith, however, added M. Reuben°.
eitelt, was the Russian cbaracter with
which tbe g,overiunent might ina:nage 50
I make the war drag on for years, were
it not for the internal condition of the
t etion of the Grand Duke Sergius. It
is represented. here by M. Roubanovitele
a naturalized Frenehman, of Mussitui
origin, 1010 911,0 is editor of the Tribune
Ilusse, tbe organ of his party in Frende.
admits responsibilitY for theusenesin-
it• e
- strike .
ee ksit,_ uation seems to be ar.
.. .•-• 1-0s3i LOS ere -where improving. The Soceal Demo -1
. .. .. 1.31. LOS
Live Stock. erats bore hose advised the strikers whist,
are without money, and confronted with -
Receipts e live stock at the City Market
were light, only 4 car loads. composed of starvation, to return to work and less
se eaten en begs,. 04 sheep and 1 colt.
Exporters -A liraited number ef shipping than 1,000 a
workmen re now out. On the
cattle sold all the way from I4.50 to oee per
cwt., and one claoice pair sold at e5 per cwt.; od th
other hand prospects of agrarian dis-
tbe bulk of export steers sold at 54.60 to
else Ter -cwt. turbaeces on a large scale are becoming
leutchers•-There was a fair demand for tee deeidedly more tluna..tenine and are eaus-
best cattle. chokes picked lots ot heifers awl
steers sold at O.* to s4.49, and one or two lee the deepest eoneere. -*deny landed
tits% loZds of good at .."."5 to St; fair to proprietors are afraid to go back to their
good, V.60 to $2.15; medium, $0.25 to 60.4a;
common, =AS ---.,1 Iv 60.26; mod cows et, estates. The movement has not assumed
2.5 to 63.53
p.; tommon tows at 62.50 to 63; a political phase, but is in the old form
=mere, ea.50 to V.
reeders-There was a goad dencand for of a iamaand for a redistribution of the
wen-I:tea steers. Well-lcred steers. 1100 to land. .Agitatons are shrewdly spreading
le33 eath soldltnt 6125 to 6-1.69; stem, the report that the Emperor has decreed
1003 to 1103 lbs. eme, sad at 64 to UM' light
lots good enough for export sold at 64.50 to '*, 633 to BOO lbs., earl at r,.2.5 p,.65 sueta a division, telling the peasants that
per cwt.
Milth Cows -About 00 mileh cows and the proprietors do not -want to submit
springers sold all the way tram = to e55 and thus setting them against the land-
eaeh. Trade in milch cows is not as goad lords in the emperor's name." The agi.
weal caaves-Tee bulk et the calves offered tetion bas now spread to Simbirsk Pro -
were of common to medium quality. Wesley Nance, where they are making ready to
Dunn quotes prices from eento ss
oulper beein a, division of the land es soon as
but something of choice qualiter wd brats er
the snow melts. It is reported that tbe
eeeper 030Lambs-Oncevyant of tight deliv- terrorists hare formally notified the R
eries and a good. demand prices were firmer.
Export ewes sold at $4.59 to 65.26 Per cwt.: '' --
ri----iam Government that they Tan
their sedes. The door was eroken (mei inane:tea ewes rend thers 5'5to 67.25 per
eel the erowd. ruined in. ewe; barnyard lambs, 65.60 to 66.60; s.priag await the resalt of the reseript. A story
iambs, 0 to eS eacb, according ta AuaLty. is current that a plot in the atietheratie
The anau was dead. He was strettliet Boge--Itecelpts were large, 0020, all of. -which page carps has been unearthed, incrimin-
et full length, his faee turned down. Ur,rwae bought,.. by tr.-6 ating papers having been diseovered
liagrhetis, *tiers chateetra
on his outstretched arm rested the heae pe4iTtatiewt.fea-elsneg triter' Red. ft,
on the person of a student named Ver-
ef the women. . 'Bradstreet's an Trade.
Within the reach (.4. Rablit was a let Lasky, son of the general of that
Montreal report to BradstreeVs says.: and on another student, The nute.orities
$2.50 to $4:25 Er ewe- eearlin iambs ease their aetivity for a. month and
tor 'width gate one rOa'taa IthY he sh114 General trade conditions continue a Lowerer, deny all enowledge of the plot.
seek death. It was atlereseni to eit little quiet,. The roads of the country A Peasant Revolt.
c'nni"'s anti ii1::in-thers ef t'l“? Frankle have 'shown but little improvement aur- tom (I the struggle an i
lege- the east week, and the movement of New Yeak, lea.tell lel-A Paris &e-
l:all-4'1SW; lilirli litta is."716tceil his at . encels throughout the province has been P
tempt to keep the principles and tL " etch to the Times says: The Ru.ssian
tie:el:Legs of the unien. It conch:an Inlet on that account. The city trade Spezialist Revolutionary party is organ -
with an at: eal for a cbanee to exist i has been fairly active, and -4grns of the
• izing the peasant revolt in Russian and
p - a i spring. revival are everywhere apparent.
letter aise reveallee Rata:Int as an eel: This 1s the ease in all lines of trade. ' .
mtea men. tiles iswhat he had writ
Canadian railroads are all in the Cana- ' rr . t-2,1 I
-dine market for rails, and the iron and ER
Franklin Ibente-Gentienten; 027100 131ing au e. year of -unprecedented activity.'
1•4 MAN
To the (life:ere- and Meralters f ie steel trade generally seems toebe enter- •
Thev bad seattered them Instecd of fele- lstrike I have been unable to find stead
ing tberze Tete bad slaughtered tbe
and yet held themselves not guilty."-
Peritheast. Go in and ent-We must eze
in" to trust, to rest, to think, to pray,
before we can ,go out" to do effeetire
work fer the Lmi Find easture-
"Satisfaction for every need cf the soul.
enstemmee that is peasant 0311 that
brines health and uneeth to the spirit-
ual life."
111 The Thief amithe Hireling es -s.
IO 13).
10. Thief -Au tepeser of the Gespee
To steeit, ele.-False teaebers steal the
hearts and affeetiems frota Chriet. fLeir
heresies kill and destroy afl spiritual life.
Those they cermet get into their passes-
sion they siareter and Zestrey in tbe esti-
neaten of others. Life * * atun-
theetiee ab:e to give
Lis people aberelant life. Mazy are
89eeter.g 'mere" life; what sueb need is
'life"-tbe Christ life, the abmident life.
witty this is meant, I. Fulness of life.
tave.rflovring life." Szeh a life is a
growing, inereasieg iIe. 11. See ce
verses 14. lie 'el An laireienr-The Lire -
Eve, is the one whe labors simply for
hie wages. with na tore or (.31Ver9 fee
the week. Seth a p'erszti seeks his con
interests ard happiness. and negleets and
destroys the flaele "He seeerifizes the
sheep fer himself. and tee himeelf ler
the sheep" The we lf-The wolf is 1.1,.e
enemy,. -el etrals in any of his tearriettle
eisgaases. sech as perseeztier- heeese,
'worldly led= or a low stantara
marals.-Stadier. 13. Caretb hien
the wiefeee c.f the sin
heep ie rethe: Le
is chiefly selitetteas Ter hie; cern safety,
hie 51.121 gain =1 reteridie Inner.
IV. Christ the gaol teberehera tin. H-
IS). 14. 1 am the gee3 elienberd-eletne
es the gael Sheas phere. wferettie be
Goa in the prepitete. Rift el_elrfn:ler wee
that of a ditinety erteente.3 ee
nbi peva-lies. ILe teat -lines. The teerke
1115 rreaterene. 1Lisrevel:tee ed were. a 11
were these, eleatela ieust leetene to a tee 3
shophere ef feed's peeit"ee.titer: en.
eel:Pp-In the Hast itto reek fLen-
neves •coole siteep tretal eave tenet,
itnetv its rem name. It te sell tee,
Cyrios sane Ceesar ezi:f reneat
entett al tee men et tents. greet ereeee
When ierant us reeerezel n
/Pe-ear:eat ;trete fetter mon cf, tot
tee:real:I ler Oaten 'etteneterlet
employmeet and my dues bare falien v
arre.ais. I have been ont if town for t
good portion of the time, and not beim
ab:e to get a travelling card oe aceenn'
of my errearegie my duce Lave -Nettie:1
ed to go on wed actennuiate.
I respeetfully theme:4 that eeu 001-1ney meteer and teenit S391e of 19V 91:ei
S3 tb9t 1 eat: enee md rore deow a car
geod etandieg. Hoping that iteu time
see ray ease in a favorable tight. I re-
nnin. aV
s PT. a true ani iya1 Frank
era mare
and novt are fair to good despite the , IIILITS A HORRIBLE FATE
Remittances •and eity collections here •
hare thown some improrement lately,1
quiet tone to ecnintry trade. Money eon- $.
thanes easy.
Toronto &deices to Unt.dstreet's say: .
still heard about the pl
slowness of trade 11--,
riothing Caught Fire and His Body Burned
Mlle here and there comaints are
and the bad effeet of the meow upon the,
to a Crtsp.
ton.ntry roads, there is no doubt but that; •
business .conditions generally are in a :
eral volume of trade, however, is well Detroit. a!ar1-11 !Ie.-Pim:ea under a life. Mr. Carter was soon overeome by
up to if not in advance of what can be burning talle, serrountleil by emery i the flames. In a vain endeavor to
• • • th the doer be fell under the
very satisfa.etory eonaition. The gen-
doe= Rattan . expeetea at this time of the year. Orders *
It is the re:tele:7 torrenzeing the wee._ for spring delivery have been heavy, es- ' ' i -
fttereet,"a re.acee ou TOM. 9.2.. st-e ...,
11. t a O. t 1 ' A s '
i eatehen table, which soon beeame ig-.
•-•** . however. wleteta is pneteing the tee pecia.11y in dry goods and tnetals.-Gro• . ana :trent the Boor beuenth kim, aged , rated.
.iee. See Imd rever been Seen ir; teal eeries are still a little .quiet. Values of Ilt•bert Carter' slowy :thaitea to death, 11 In the meantime, William Lougmate.
tete:tete-. etel if the cmc -0s in that • commodities generally are firm- Dairy . eaertiv beforanoon to•day, and ins bet,- '-. another - nephew of the dead. man.
to rezognize ter. She is etourne tne '3".2-7 1 =Great activity in the buil:BIT trade is aq17 lieS at his- late residenc, a. blacken-
Loneniate stopped in to pay les uneli
: found Lim in hie terrible predicament
vitirene Lave seen her ea.?. have failee ' Produce is coming to heed znore freely.
eiziar.s 0..: net nom* than re entv.foreshadowed. the fact that ea and imreeotenizable numan form. • a fnenffly
Hcall As he Walked toward
pretty. Her eyes rae blue and large. there is talk of strikes in this conTh
nection e ola 29911, who kris been reselieg 1 the kitchen, he beard the erackling in
Her heir is etoilte and lexuriartt. Iter is set The Inca that large numbers of eel. enieeel Tears with his eieee eta 1 flames, and *entering, he was appalled
garments were ef good material ;on . English iramig' rants are here uha there . ..1.,n,.,,r,. lir. una mrs. Ileititra Dri,..„...,, ,." at the sight before him. ,
neat. Hut there was no mark that Ile not likely to be any •shortag, e of Leber, ' tt et ' - ' el / -. •
te ; The burning form. of his vitae let
noted eerie ta ilettify ler, .. At Quebec trade eriediOens are report- eel Lensing aeenee• et'ee nialaela -et' : mailer the taitie, whirl ens all ablaze.
The man ene -tetnien tenisteette en _ ea fakly good. Spring orders are cam- ' en ne in the benee daring the day, tbe ' Ittelerne.ath the old mati eves n bec
tereete ei; teitee .ael viten, Tett ' slight imprerement. Tbe outlook is eon- '• -
butbanl and wife beine absent at ' a fire. and on all sile of :him tougue
'eaten:lay neerrene. They gave their iAg in and =entre" eolleetione ah'aW a
of Hanle shot out. He was alreadt
;nee estedeeta t„ teeen en tee settne • isidered favorable, and with good wen - teem onmpations, At noon a let'-yeas,1: ",
„or eee item roe teem et eitt.eeee. t i, t i ther conditions sales are likely to be as al daregbter of 3.1ret BrItage laratia 4 nimoet -•entireIe- from his body, and it
demi The clothing had been burned
41,T.14 14.76-401 fr. 171 teeir melee. ga°3' as thig time a Year aga* ieltia ' mete home fro:n stelae end prepare', places the ilesh I'VaS burned to ti crisp
trade is fairly active and some .of the . • 1 The features of the old Mau re -ere si
FAMILY OF riTHER _JOHN. • millkers are he,,,rateng to =eke as/Lee:es• for heiself .ane Mrliie:fteor.„
It had bezel the emits, , e . ,
eta ' leaekened ami distorted as to be wbol
- Bradeteeet's reports from Winnipeg
- -nes at a . • men to L9Ve tee kitaen fire lightei ', ly =recognizable.
u, & saale,,s ,s,s,.. Tette Te: ..Return of raore s-easenable weather
Eienitee. eitaete ee-ite•-•••• e tee '-' i The etteeteery opeetege, beet been eery reiteratIne et tee noteeney :meal, elia! were shooting through the wirelow.
ate everething in rea'atiness fe.r thee:, . The flames, which by this time
Kingston Military Banauet. has had ,a gala effeet upon trade here.
e euet Let -eight elven ly the 11. tit 1. end a/7 es • - eta Le vas en:tea:red at this euty when ' of tee letchen and react:tug out to
part of the hOuse
et,tletelleittelap nere. La eteteom ai tee. =teeter, le tee et,=try ter hsth this line ie ...Ae'n2-St Ms el' -i, 4
.4'.. ''' 7 '''' • •.--...".e--11, 4'-'- sueriessful, and hem tee 53951' el -tee
son It IS E ent targe orders tee eon tieve; -•e a e "-
• , *;. , 1 z. ill 11:1 f VI -56 erase -were making Tapia. progress when lb.
telling caught .fire from! ward, the front
intee, to tee vieeting frergeants of 7...a. .,- a - • - ' -- inflow• '•- -- - - ' . -- • -' a -'" - .... ci'Dn rill'figlill'' ''ai
lire department arnvel, but they Wert
A ••"er•V'arcl-fe ha the Ie."' tla Peetat Bee- :enema- ae etneee wet net ereenet it na,ea tee-te remeveil. Being lielpiess frere
'eel.: C. S. Lie -tete' ot Sat eel: II - _ , • repeat lira a Ties years ef im- tete and MaX2C5 rezeere• ea. -E. az
-ekT. .1.- "--- ii-IdTess.lw-ls'I.;ete33'-' tesel 17°11111'. =imiigresantots behasettr- eale.ragYerbetralla' lrst:13?era3r: '
veretere, it whieb they said:
-it is lin .3ir le3 ail.' tattle Ten in a : serit rate shouia be soettteleg like 6e.- ' .
enteeriug ittent likely has never ereear- t 00e. Cellectices are *till skew., bot, tetestien te Izvere--traent Of Funds Dis- 'Tke Eassiat Vier -Office Claims jape Are
Total arrierals for the seusm nt the pre- TIM SUPREME CIRCLE.
l'e;."`1°' 20_1-111z of eoz-2112t- money is corning forward ste-Cilr. It enssee. • Exhausted.
p anal. :73:.!.1•itii..SVELII., ZeV.:,r esitteelis .estheatea theze is one .antot al 'ter re ,
a'''' aliv 1;77"E' as ''-.1 112 fi'z'sEett biivci'erir' tent. .d last y'ear's ;heat cre.7p Le the tfe'i"•`.1e. llarell .21-11e SaPreate ."1.- . A 5't. Petentlearg cable: Prepo.ra
1!' tieretitL1.eictii..1:111 renctheeree, et- fccirieeem- 9, eNie7•1:43-, : • litviiiiictoorifatiht,miaa rrnvantrescr Tvp,...ris snvt • ,-*,....i :...,...-iezt-e1-1-,o rcie,:eretavnrilatitiaeL ettleie.set f't-:;•••• ,•',...x.,t re,,nseleriealteune ilveltehneferaneftiTeibelainstge.are be-
I...e, Cu ....... ........
..-1 LZ-1:1'SYS‘; 22.1C.' ere nit Itli35,,k11 C.:i , Warm .e.eetteet. hes g* '-t a 4.allet .L.,.... l' "--...,„ e -e o„e„eett. • teeeteding th the intone:alien remise
ee same parent': Tree, the sleet elle . reus t 1.2.„1,,,,, ,,,„.:1 ,,:i ,,,,,:xes et' noise, . .."-fle t':""e t''''''--9- -3-' '''z'--- ed be tbe War 01 W-, the remnants of
I'll Ltfi far rall !.'F -t. .4) L'a 1411.'illeS* encees nee tnevine veal, Tee tlenetri from etitee ----------------
- ateg tit re N.5...0 '.! (ion, Keetopateites alley 'lave made foal
Lae:, eif. ane ther.e teetty fair, •• • •- . . • - rIA • • thee. eeteeeto eel ate in ee innee tete
e ZICAT252 at',"1" la 2 XI'S c *previelens 7. eti eeen t • •-• • "
.;4".-(--,eateeheteeeesetteteettete. u attire aaa eci.,,t13ors ere teen The t. eee,,,,tte trete reeetty ett. tentener of a new tumble* movelaient north
tr:e Sa`.t1 .t17-111';:t7t1s, 12'71 C.1 *.-1-11re ''"? teals -s- • Este:bled-meet ef #4.00 W.aftaiag Fleet t' `ittetrie net, t lie Pass. Tee japaneee are repert-
arate retereetenatteee* tte tetteet teadealatite• at Vemeenver is e 'lettere of Vie vete: teate3 1°"'ereeeeia. teaaii''reseteatin od to be intreptettely cthaustea by their
1:4;es T:14 'kr') ..'"411•Y r"";i itt 5-115 eniV trrists "r1" b the cIevelormsgt 4,1 the et:minty. Pro- era tratleate l'itaia'ai'esl'lear'd -"ea temg, tare tepee, eta ere compelled to
intent ee tiettie ere.," a neteete?. ee. • etneeitriatitin in other ?..7zes bzsitlesi,-. eirree ileeheeiee are -e' re wee eaten,. teeny, te tee litenetitm !•'=Atte th- ' reel. --eta-Ante the taste of Innying
feetitn 'between tte rattf-r ar:.1 t! -,e 74-n: tea. tetati „It?, 19„ fertitti' , 'Lions mo fen *Let -gen eilitn feint eiielreeses tei their epee. erel leoking utter their
"1'2 15 'aral.'l ‘:'t11.1. A; tle 21 ..0h7 ;':-..‘"1" r:a:11.14. laratistreetes reperts fonet Itamietten ret V•*'3"e IF these itttisaaltia• , weineleti. priszeters and pIuneer.
ltather ktens the t!..3 7257!Ter t•atiene tity triele there i4 C,Pinititg Cint fairly • inlet, tee tee t irettne ieetreg The 'Veer tamite, however. tbat
crc•I 1.4:-;r•r 7224? 51i'..14 is' d"N-rn .i""" ! even 'The free nentaer nee better tortee ente asa thltil ,liteurepathie bus not. furnisbed epeeifir
tee Flateet einu. on:
teeetehere. tee: Lis rateie 7. -?:.3 int 1 -
ND c-11 inetel tee leetie reee
enetette ciene•-eletette:
It. lay jeeze try Iele--Tee
slitpberd fan.?
2..r? iszst
•z.t,•en tILLED ati,1
It 1.1LV e)ei t•••..1 11.4.1 D4;tt Imre eint,itttettt.„ teettt in tie tette.. _tee tt tee ;et. itfreinatien as to the vbereaboets of
reed needs. 'Ana E• fer e tate :tee' laita-1-ir. '1* tt ten. lenummera, who has been repertea
tt:defe'113:"er7f3 awl", cia-ittii-tedttt-t- ttiti tivailte.,gras er4ttlEvii'aehlbe5rIeft•te'ale,t;i:ILdatt-,alttiestkoei Trittraan, 10 be zrttelti....t of Tie poss. or of the
. 1* pus1nn
r_t .the father sr ef the iteler! trtd. tetedtttites tee teat ; : ,e e, ce tbe nfti mete eteettt, nItahraebsee• fci,31-i-TsittrasOrr?Iii'itrett ettanistIt
ren teeetee any osele'tateie 1:alet • te. rettit tr.; eilearto Iratit T.191 Kt urepalkin bas else left tile War
• len • . A lA 4= I -I te
etzetel he -tante itstamte No. PEABODY IS COVERliOR.
t:..t iht'a tine, it " “'21:4 011ie:. in the dee ie regard to the 1111T0 -
it tEa ur , Clo CP,' .^ f ....1. •rk r.- 4 Li. 1 , • , , . • . . ten -"n t' ' teatat eel' tbe '25v.:"" -'•ii."`'-' ail' ter rf pris6nt.r..,, ini.tretil by the ;twee
1 L'tz-fte ail:, l'Vt..;:fil'.4 1.11 SZL...- i„jr.Z.; ry.2i,j.,* ,,,,T24, -""-ca-' L., ,-. ,c,.-., .!..- ,, rzat ftr Cneveretrslelp el Cc:cacao 1:1,1 tint the ..avestmcnt ...'1 t' 5?. battik; teethe tit &tat,' report
eee...ett.e. ce..,e-,. ,, \.„.1. cl,...., eeee .,..,.....,,. „ ,..,.--e...., ee--4...e- . tie t !ea eei letee i:lorlfieee el tee eve -el -try fen -.1 Le • ! 't i rereat the separate teets.
Ls eee a- - t_ • hee "5 ... I:, 3 -ie J..- ,.. Tee reteenta-spenhine estinte' Ettlea tn Ilto Enver.
'"'e ''cr "c` "-=-11-'1- '•":7". ''„ .. It ^`41i2E' 1.1S't trZ.'S tT:";.C.4e.1 tb4• -: DMVEr., it -tie elante el. -dames. 17. na- .,-namtt-arn1ParetC've ; ilt 1-41-slet l'•".i. 1 l'th• KcArrtIalli`7111 has ilssuliieittlifiliiti!rilei
1- &It\ a" IP . 7:6. (5:21-7 5::A'n 3 1-4-i.;:e ireeon 'nein tee airlaii -.Slate; -refilirs 1 bele teetet. ti u Lie P nteret ' e ille t e• :-.r-e-Teetehtre At Teteala ealeaa• eienteibility ter aetelltng
-1-.;t1i-itilte;i1e1;**?..: .4 (3 54] s:Ai-P, t:' rJP, tc,:o omen einien Ls" t rmA arr,:,...,:i..;. la, ltl.. fil•,? i I e teen- r ee e re re etteei en ete eel tie* •eetstien ts• nhttler tt0 Sf•tr21.!ty : eletoete bet vet, t. tri ti.., 1,1,, r.
4.1.Z.v..-r-41-,-,..---„---.....-- ---„,•--_- --,-, -L,•':' g ,:':- CST 1.D l'a."7.).? ifilt-N71.t.1.1Leree. they eiereein- le" rtleee:-..1 cen ,feree. 1ttr, teKt...r SurerCerei t cl. ihe iizia calla, rim eaaaevititia, .1 t) llea' i. le t t n 'bre mioneriee Iergeh
t ---e--- -----e- CL.,,- - c.",.. VII,' -n ....z p 15 It .....,,,,.1,4,..3 /.1.41,.....z. .55ter ieentii ... thee (4 tete :teen. e , t te eettetti, hte eatet sc never. at vas (.17e1 -...ed tli•It 2-"-e' eanieteb the farieres et tno gene:el; '
tlits-..:gti... 7.1s7.2:s is tZ1.4.‘ teeeettne reea•' te. - - '? , : - _ '• ' " t
i 1 ' i: eereteee t a ' 'tee' :zee lienettlie starth v' s- r..941.1.S eannet be leer:teat to ext.
'which was suspected 'of canyine 011
propaganda among the peasantry. M.
Petrunkeviele the president of the so-
ciety, has been ordered to come to St.
Ghosts of British -S-oldiers Hold a Con-
London, March 20. -The Daily Mail
pidaisbes the following : "Mr. Lyttel•
ton has written to a Burton-on-Treet
correspondent with reference to a car-
toon published by a London -morniug
newspaper, in which the ghosts of two
British soldiers witness manacled China-
men passing before them, • tine saying,
'book, Bill, ehat's what you, 1 and
twenty thousand others died for.'
'The Colonial Secretary says that he
regrets thud party rancor should be so
strong that it leads some to forget the
respect due to men who have died for
their countryeand to make use Of their
memory as at weapon with which to in-
jure, 'through caliunnious misrepresenta-
tion, the governing authorities of the
Transvaal, who are doling their best to
restore the prosperity of the colony.
'When in the House of Comnrons he
eharacterized the picture as Infamous'
not a whisper of dissent was heard. He
therefore aesunies that the continued
Propagation of these productions is Inc
work of persons who merit nothing hut
contempt from alt honest men.",
:eyed rea ietty yeete*ntt. ,r,g al • etterel rtieir eeeiel Las t ;
tie" trerel!er. tettetailtee the blued 4,L settle imps, feor,a
5D 62=4.16 C..1 A ZA'. lc' **) Att. ATAF:1 1.'•• c•• ••", br.
lee etreeta Laellie elite Lis ordevs. Ile else throws battle - fr
nee eneettete" Shall treette tete tea; ...el ‘ tee e eeree
tit eL-litt.41 UO! eteel, ca, ete et,et ••yeetereten erne ttee tetteele- see
tame. it; mak 'Ear ozteneet, eeette tette tenet
eeeti Et% As :LI, t a It 1.iro
:P3.11p6Wi.", C'.211 :.n. tee sertiee ci tee.1 -IT hippz...o.„.1, rennet eet•-•,. rip
;Tette nerlentate. ,Ile-
e.tieen. Peaten 5.3: ^..ET 1.,)!3?
:7 6. inetite.eetee it -2en2,1.
Tee eerie f -teen entente n
•• ,r,or r
reit:tete:4 einnt-r et tile liedeeneda itepata enzierle nt the etitetal, merirent
al Lee: leet ee s teete. The Letal teen tete ,t,itte.sco; f .the retreat atter the
teileti et"ttiE:7* Cilia:etas le , acanthi if lernialin eeteribe ecilli pitilese
• eoete -e -t -el tneet ' ‘' ' -nal:est law the tethinstrielett: eteelitiet•
veetess eenve eleeiley see tLe ' ?call t)*-nri.,?-41. VaR f Vie triton% Teethed ite When
-i usJ12tat.-:1 25 1tt13 UN, ts7 betn:::se• serves% - C^.21i. DttitY. the Rumba* Were near the Village tf
The Question of Immediate • Attack Not
Yet Settled.
judge the Japanese have not yet, ad -
happened in Manchuria since Sunday is
teante news received enables one to
certainly known here. So far as the
formost Japanese .detachments are lin-
guard is possibly holding the north bank.
vaneed on Tieling. It is supposed, thatthe
miles eouth of Tieling. The Russian rear
'mg the south bank of the Fan River, ten
It cannot be learned whether the Rus-
sio.ns intend to make a stand at Tie
London cable: Nothing has been
The Tokio correspondent of the Tele-
graph says that since it was aiscover-
ed that the garrison at Tieling ttum-
bered .50,000 men, the question is being
discussed vbether to make an imme-
elihie ndvanee, or to give the Japanese
armies a rest. The correspondent
transmits a report that Gen. Underline
has been killed.
The St. Petersburg correspondent ef
the Chronicle says that Gem. Under-
ling, Linevitch and. Kelubars bave
reaebea Tieling.
While the beet independent informa-
tion eoneurs M stating that the float-
ing of the Russian loan in Frame bas
been indefinitely postponed, or in -other
words, refpsed, it is semi -officially. de-
clared in Paris that the eompletion of
the agreement has been only deferred
for a fortnight, when the Ioan. will be
issued on tbe therms already -definitely
agreed:lie:on. • • •
Lord Statiley's Reply to Parliamentary
London, March tt.-Iteplying to the dern-
tation of members et Parliament this after-
noon Lord Ranier dirposea of the hope
of a reduetion of postage on British news-
papers ana magneints to reanaila, at ieast
while be remained Postal:icier-General.
Lard Stanley said be bad great sytypetliy
with the sentimenini side et the questioa,
bat bis bueiness ems to run his depertment
on a leasitiez.s beets. The only method ble
tvbieh the matter (mild bo remealee ivouL1 t,
to equalize the british rate with, those et
tbe teittee States, :tea. that ealeutateae
would mean a nes et revenue to the amount
of tbres groins.
Ile fully appreciated the wane et the Or-
eulatiou at 71110811 newspapers, ete., in the
Dominiom, but it was inIPOSSIbk 10 adept
such a trourst. One Atnertzan Postmaster-
eer•cral bad denouteed the Amerim rate be-
eeetee ore LI; sem AAVOLI poutmo agars)
States Posta:tee. -In the convention at 1875
Canada bad practically given a bounty ta
American publications and any vermin in
the existing eharges 'should be an increase
of the Attericau rate rather than a decrease
of tbe English rate..., •
Verdict of the jell in the Murder
Woodstoek, Out.. Mareit --Mrs
Lena. lece, :Against 'whom the wend
juey at the assi7ee fOubil a tree bili
on the charge of inunteriug her lkus-
band. will not be thee on the murder,
elarge.,Instead she will be sent to an
asylum. Judge Faleenbriage eesterday
direetea that the eourt eliould filet of
all try the, Wm as to evlieteer tor pet
Mrs. Dec: was a fit aria peeper person
to stand her beet. A lot t:t eepert and"
Budges, Solicitors, etc.
°Mee Meyer Block Wingham.
S. L. Dleldnaeo Dudley Howse(
Honey so loan at, lowestrat•es, , Oaks
'141S. ' WING.
• ,
Office:1-Morton Block, Wingham
Office :-117pstairs in the Macdonald
Night calls answered at office. •
Josephine Street Wingham
11* --
jP. KENNEDY, KM.. fitC.P.S.0
' Member of the 13rttlah Medina
spec. ta1 atteattetainrIntalmaeas. at of /tomes
,unnelo.w.oces 1-1 to i -p...7 I' to 9D421.•
W. T. Holloway
D.D.S., L.D.S.
Graduate of Royal
College of Dental
lenrgeosa of Tor-
pa Dept. of Toron-
to Universita. •
Latest Improved methods in an branches ce
Dentistry. Prices moderate. Satisteettos.
guaranteed. ea-Cifilee in Beaver Block.
Doctor of Dental Surgery of the r en.
nsylvania College and Licentiate of
Dental Surgery of Ontario.
Woe orer Post Ottoa-WINGRAlt
The Constable and small. Boy Were Not
o Fortunate.
:Montreal, efareh el. -Constable Pa-
imain and a 'small boy named Herter
MacKay proceeded to rid a neighbor-
hood in the (met end of a troubleseme
eat. and in order to be in sympathy
with the Humane Soeiety *placed the
feline in a lethal chamber and turned On
the gee. ;Tee apparatus had alene•s
Worked satiefavierily le the paint:et,
despatching of diele. but eeee ,etee to he
beyond ite raj:abilities, ter teteed
destrO,ying the auimal the eat eves oniy
soothee into a Irdeep. -Teen the bee the
chamber sniblenly flew ca.
The eonstahhee. Ire:tete-Le et..I
IOWA'S welt, aul bee• whree
euriosity • wail greater, vets ere bates
burned that WW1 rakOrt.*111;
Hospital. In the teaftielea tie* it te-
Poteri;on, N. J.. 'March '.11.-Aftm ft
quarrel on top ot elift Lri fee,. etee,
on the out,..kirts of this eity, whis•it
e eteee cd a. man "I wan"..11
heard in angry tonne, the iifitices iietle of
John Bennet,t. an Lisusanee agent. was
found at til9 foot of the cliff eatly a -
thin His skull mas areetarel, bet
atm broken, eta there was a dm. ent.,
over one eye. Whether bo was tlirowa
over the verge of tiw, aff or fell ihy
dent is nature% bat thz.!. eanoty on.1
eity ere searehenet Le* ae
imiknowe woman wheso I•alea ItOS
112 rit4alluellt dt4th a Mall enly littlo
while before the 1),Nly was tenni
ilennett wee last meet by Lis wit? ye-
torday„ 'when reprort,1 him ft/T.46A.
$1101` MX IN TUE LEG.
Ottawa Mari Setiettely Weentaca ty Con-
stable graham.
oer tVititlike TireSellta. mor Ottatv.a. 11.tral
11 1 1 1137"
two lays' trial. and it took the jury e marrhel team tegea wns shot in the
tjteawitiargt0:11nic 11:101vialliar 5:11:iietT i-tilintliiiglittliitra:tintli:1 0_4 ivt:rligIrti;51,
0211 - 1fll2 4'nl1'bt 3'43111 s \t3 4i4' 411 40'
be matie to Sella her to an aftyltint
Wiluiazn at l
bra in teneter of 1 t stable wine ,the
nee ate. es home in Sal.- eelee thseNe4 t,s4h. 711,113110,:.
hztrmni toil% autiomritie.e0441:0: 1;i:1:1111;1 41,41;a0yVa:goJrit
122!2 1itil20114. T1:oy 71372
'14)115027 7.102
Iver:111:if:l'illi*:s1.111"114:::tiTr:telg18:111('attic- nit; 1:1a1(‘atat,
oilier period* prior to lam 131.14/11.l1tr4 fa)10,1 for eeeeeereee, eve tieehate. 1215
ileath 1'1%1 since pretty eleatly 252011, \los leetling, \ere teat. re triee ena tint
thet, the woman WAR ineene I i t4 z• --"- *
Dr. Dili/sell, Of the Ihrmittet a‘luriu is now in 41%..-t third
vat a vIteete. les.: of 14061.