The Wingham Advance, 1905-03-16, Page 2- DY , to meet Morrison, who planteil the Ootete R.e' ports _itIOSEPI1 KEN ehall want to see reter, hut eesseseetasseees- ; 1 ehall also latut to see the brother who litatight iiim t'a &sea It 'will be blessea Mlrket S INTrItNATION11.14 LESSON NO. S.11-1 :elothee • n the little, tercet aralt before lin China, lett no lees blesteil to find the 'modest timeher who event three seas et rfl Week. MARCH tetiall. tteeti. ' big, eat Lobed to stay in her elass."TIie IN Bi , „v. Believe that Jesue "manifested At- '- ' - a • - • - -•• -^"""4 S be i h his glory" (John St.) 11). 111. a • Sureinery...laeeon I. Topic: The heme, the beginning et another home,' Terouto Farinere Maxima wonderful divine Saviour. Place: Elates -tele. wrought his firet mitade. The The re rt of grata tosilay Were iirilla Sentenced to life I s.,. 30..„ ,,,,,..1 was written between hide of Cited is the first thought in :eta amen. No wheat offered, and prices • tn. mill lin .A,„ I), Jowl wad tlit? only* OW Villa Of God. The bride or church lerefere are purely nominal. DesloY un - ;IMO) li ring at that time. lie resVis , it as chot(n lafore the foundation of the tbennal. 1e) bushels selling at ele a swami. Oats firmer, only 100 beam% In. mid to till:id Us the Wind of tied; all Mites.. win -la data. 1. 4), were made ley Witt; Ile wive the lies and' V. Believe that ye must be born they brought Salta. light a Theo; rtqerenes, ie made to Johnhtgain. eitessept a man be born trom Daery produce in mount° supply, with the Baptist, the forerunner of Varlet; alline he cannot eee the kingdom of Goa' ant It, ItionVtit iti:itaghe tet 4,i'llitrel;auli he's att "riot that light, but wee 0•Allt „ ritN11111 iii. 5. margii1). Jesus "UMW' be it'27 -to 270 per dozen °- to bear witnees of that light"; .lems ' lifted ep to expiate sin, IV. 141, ana eve law quiet and firm, ;Ith Ea1e3 of 15 loads was the ti ue DALi';rols.." be born again to inherit the at ga' t° gf:t60 ter timotata t. Sis n. and at 23 to §3 II. 'Popie: The believer's true attitude, eiumlom of Ilea. „ A, spiritual birth, or mixedtraw ominal at $11 a ton . Dresoed Itoss aro unchanged, with light tOtrard his Lord. Place; Beth:them. -V.ae taseutial to the elljoyillent of lietteen selling at pm, and heavy at $7.25. eri Wheat, new, bushel .... .4 1 06 to sie had arisen ill dolma ministre; theate the natural birth is to the elljOyment Do., red. bushel .. ... .. 1 06 to iirtilliedrill sent a deptitatien from elt',111-; of earth. Do.. spring, bushel ... .. .. 1 03. to t•tont to ask <ham who be was; Joint! VI. Believe that .Tesus is .the living Do., goose, bushel... .-. .. 0 90 to Oats, bushel .. .... .... ... 0 43 to Said hews net the tetriet. nor Elias, i we tee "Whosoever will, let Lim t eke Rye. bushel . .. • .. . • • • .. to 113.3.)!.r the prepliet about whom MOseS hail of the water of life freely" aloe. xxii. Bucirwheat, bushel - .. .. 00 5575 to 0 00 written, but he was merely a voieo cry- m. A free ...it implies something ,.IS Carley, bushel .... .. .. .. 0 51 to 0 52 jug in the waderne,4. ...Maw strai4,411t Va without nsking or entreaty. Christ Peas. bushel .... .. .... .. 0 00 to a to the way of the Lord." Joint b-aptieed , was not an object of desire to the world. Bar, timothn ton .. .. a 3.0 00 to li ra -nixee with 'water; Christ would 1MPtize With No man aeltea for him. God so loved strira°•14, per ton, ton .. a .. .. 11 00 to 0 00 the Holy Spirit, ; John testified wistaria that he g.ave his Una" begotten lame Seeds -- Jesus ma ealled hint the Lamb of God; elolin lie 10), Alk,No. 1. bushel .. •• 5 00 to 5 25 Do., No. 2, bushel .. .• .. 4 00 to 4 50 nt dia not know Christ uutil the time VIL Believe that Jesus' word has the Do., No. 3, buslue .. .... 3 so to e gl Of his baptism. when the liole Ghost in 'same power- nott that it bad when he Rea clover .. .... .... .. G SO to 7 the form of a dove t' lilt.' upon him. and -was Am earth ;John iv, eti, 33). Anue- Timothy .... .. .... .... 1 00 to 1 20 Dreseed hogs 5 .... .. .. .... 7 2to 7 GO the Father :seals eThis is my beloved ister received a, telegram announcing Etig% now lake dozen .. „. o 25 to 0 27 1•011. in whont i am 'vial pleased." the dangerous elutes of a beloved son Butter, claw .. .. ..., .. 0 21 to o 28 ill Tepee jostle Wills his filet disci- in Indian Territor%. siceording to tie Do., creamery .. .. .. .. 0 es to 0 30 Chickens. spring ... pies. Place: Bethabara. John lesialed aespateh, all hope of recovery as gone. Bucks, per lb• .••• .ite •• ea 0 7.2 to o 13 Jesus out to two disciples who followed .1loth parents united in earnest prayer- Turkeys, per lb. .. .. .... o 17 to 0 18 ;testis; Jesus turned and said, "What ate father on the trains, as they sped. seek .)-e2" They asked Christ where lie along,. Others joined them in then dwelt; Jesus said. "velum and see"; se.u- wreetling supplications. Almost innue- drew found hie brOther SiniOn anti .diately the waiting patient "began to brought him ta shaus; It is supposed menet" The ease of the uoblemana also eao.t John found his brother Jantee; --AM at Capernatun was literally repeat- ,re-, • $ 1 07 1. 07 103 0 98 49ti 000 Jesus found Philip; Philip found ?Se- ed in the distant territory. 'Mania; when Philip told Nathaniel that • VIII. Believe that aobedienee to the they had found the Mee -elate, Nathaniel e tint of God Wogs the blessing. "And raised an objection; Nathaniel was soon immediately the man was mate whole, convinced that Jesus was the Messiah. and took up his bed and walked.. IV. Topic: Christ's first miracle. Place: . IX. Believe that Jesus is the living Cana. at Galilee. A wedding feast 71710 bread, "I 'am the living bread 'which being held; Clnist's mother luta been in- came down from heaven" (John Vi. 51). vited, and Christ and his disciples were More life is the cure for every ill ot invited; they needed wine at the feast; spiritsoul or body. 'elitist the life ie. Claret's mother drew bie attention to food for the hungry, water for the the lad; he instructed the servants to thirsty, medicine for tbe siek, comfort fill ti( pets with water; they were then for the sorrowful. told to draw out and bear to the go'.- X. Believe and receive the Holy Spirit senor of the feast; the governor Praised • (John tn. 37-39). "Dia ye receive .the the niee; in this miracle Christ showed Holy Spirit when ye believed ?" (Acts forth his glory; the disciples believed eie. e. R. at.) Do you know what it is that he was the Messiah. to have the fruit of the Spirit ? To be V. Topic: Gateways into the kingdom filled by the Spirit 7 To be led by tbe of Goe. Pla.eet Jerusalem. Nieodemus spirit ? Vabbage, per dozen .. 0 85 to Potatoes, per bag .. 0 80 to Cauliflower, per dozen .. 0 75 to Velem per dozen .. „ 0 30 to Onions, per bag ..........3100 to Beef, hindquarters .. 7 KO to Do., forequarters .. 5 60 to Do., choice, carcase 7 00 to Do., medium. carcase ,. 6 00 to viutton, per cwt. •• • . .• 6 00 to Veal. per cwt. .. 8 00 to lamb, per cwt. .4 .... 9 50 to 13ritieh Citttle ltlarkets. 0 SO 0 90 1 SO 0 40 020 3 00 5 re 7 25 R 25 7 BO 9 60 10 50 Vol:Mon.-Live cattle are quoted at 10% to Vac per lb.; refrigerator beef, 8 to 8%e per lb.; sheep. 12 to 18e per lb. - Leading Wheat Markets. May. auly. New York 1123 97 Detroit s. ....117 96% Toledo..............112j 93% St. Louis JOS% 87% Duluth .. ...... 109% 108 Minneapolis .. -.110% 107% it. o ! JAA ILarrivlnthe citiy, ar. JubieeTe+ iORD lv2ii:mlttzuwt:1. zty3,2igari,; 31313.1 the evidence othe 3130:31 emulent- . nator'y character. There was not the slighted taend for doubt ite to the pea 3VOn eft lVguilt, andjusticelied nub 11115.204.43,(1111.,3.o-d31y,where31e1)3133. gbconducted the teal of Joseph liemedea W11e13.8ee11byareprter3111313!. privitto "• 011iinOunz Ibbzum chambers at Os• good° Ilan :alertly atter Ended it This Morning by uijing. JOSEPH Toronto. Live Stock. Brantford, Ont., March 0. -(Speciale -Determined to evert the punishment Receipts of live stock at the city mar- ket were next to nothing only three car named by Mr. Justice Teetzel, Joseph loads via 0. P. R., composed of 5 cattle, Kennedy, found guilty of having bad tame knowledge of little Irene Cole, and sentenced to life imprisonment and seventy-five stripes, committed suicide in his cell at the jail shortly before 8 o'clock this morning. A guard was placed over the prisoner last night, and to him, Kennedy talkea freely of the trial. He protested hie innocenee, but urged bit- terly that he had not had a fair trial, This morning he had breakfast with Felix Doyle, who is eharged with mur- dering his mother, and for half an hour after this was Iett alone by the jail officials. eante to ;Teem by mght; the subject of XL Believe that 'whosoever commit- - 12 hogs, 4 sheep and. 20 homes. 3131313.0100 was introduced; Jesus said, "Ye teth sin is the servant of sin (John Sill. rrices were unchanghed in all classes - muse be born again"; Nicodentus failed 34). Re who makes choice of 311213 wee with -the exception of ogs w hi h ' e were to understand; Christ brought au illus. prefers the way of wickedness before the 10e per ewt. higher. elitism. of the wind; also reterred to the way of holiness; whit makes a eovenant ellantesterters-Prices mnged from $4.50 to $4.9, the bulk going at $4.60 to $4.- serpent Moses made in the wilderness; with sin; who makes a custom 7o of sin: - 0 b. per ewe: bulls sold at e3,25 to $3.75 said that the tem. of Man must be who walks after the flesh ana makes a • lifted ue that whosoever believeth in trade of sin-sueh a one does the work .Per °w. him sliaula have eternal life. a n ans Buteaers-Picked lots of choice met- sid supports itintereste. VI. Topiet Vital laws of spiritual XII. Believe that Jesus is the light tle. e a e etnial in quality tc best exporters, work. Place: At Jaeob's well in Soma- of the world. ' "I am the light of the 1100 to 1200 lbs. each, sold at $4.25 to ria. Jesus goes through Samaria; stops world" (John iv. 5). As he opened the $4.50; loads of good at $3.90 to $4. , itt Jacob's well; meets a woman; asks ---- eves of the blind man to the beauties of medium at $3.25 to $3.75; common mixed a drink; she expresses surprise; Jesus the natural world, so he opens the eyes loads 0,1 cows, heifers and, steers a.t ta speaks of the gift of God -living water; of the new-born babe in Christ to the 75 to e3.25; inferior, $2 to $2.50, =- she desires it; Jesus asks her to eall her husband; she says she has none; has had glories of the spiritual world. ners, $1 to $1.e5 per cwt. five; eons Jesus a prophet; asks about Abbie C. Morrow' Feeders and. Stockers -Short keep 1 : a feedeae, 110 to 1200, sold at $4.20 to place of worship; true worehip must. be $4.30 per cwt.; feeders, 900 to 1050 lbs., in spirit and. in truth. IT WAS NOT STEALING. ° each at $3.50 to $3.90; feeders, SOO to VII. Topic: Christ's power to restore - 900, et $3.25 to $3.50; stockers, 500 to life. Place: Cana in Galilee. The Gale But the Woman May Be a Common . 700 lbs., each, at $2.75 to ea. dean.s 'received Christ gladly. se noble- Cheat. Mitch Caws -The quailiay- was not man of Capernaum heard that. Jesus had Toronto; March 13. -Mrs. Sarah J. good genertay and prices were easy at come into Galilee, and hastens to Him to 25 to $45 ea.ch,stlie bulk selling from entreat Him to eome and heal his sen; iaouthwood, the proprietress of the $30 to $40 each. Jesu told him to return and that hie Queen Laundry, 590 rouge street, was Veal C:aves-Priees ranged from $3.50 son Watt healed; tee man belieseet arraigned in the Police Court '• t d th V per meit., or $2 to $10 each. Only Christ's words; the on began to reeovee soss er ay on a charge a the theft of $209 from 2 calves out of the 100 brought -the $6 at the very hour that Jame had sale. "Thy sou livetle"Charles Gorrim :1Ir. T. C. Robinette, la bpeereal,td,„ eahnodietehev were not what could. VIII. ToPI-': The Larattiel of iletet C„ appeared for the prisoner. and plead- Sheep and Lambs -Export ewes sold Clariet. Place: Jesus went to Jeratalein ed not malty. at $4150 to $5.1e, 1-2 per cwt.- bucks, to attend the feast of the l'aesever: Jeesu saw an Infirm man at the pool of Corrie said he answered an advertise-. $3,50 to $L2.5 per cwt.; mixed 'lots of Bethesda, who had been Me. thirty-eight. 31131111. in one of the papers for a mate ewes end bucks a commop quality, $3.- d years; asked hint if he desire.' to be ager of the Queen Laund50 to .84.50 per cwt. Grain fed ewe an He ry. mat .1 - -7- lt 60 t..; made whole: the man repliel that he employed, on the stipulation that he wethPr ambs a.$6.th .$7 per m had 110 one w put him into the pone should provide $200 to pay off. the "sil barnyard Iambs at .$5.50 to $6.50 per Jeesu toll bim to rise. take up his Itsl. ent partner," and hall pay for the ma- Iswteci! sprint* 13121 31 sold at $-1 to V * and walk; the man did as he was coin- ehinery. The witness took a note foi - ais money, and worked for a little . Hoses-fSelmeeth-s,15.75; fatsa i$5.50; umand mantled. 1 " liglite. o w e - ere was a arge n - IX. Topic:: Jesus supplyina human over two months, when the butinees , ee, ..,..„- t need. Place: Near llettlatels‘. on the went into liquidation. Der, .... D.,...1 per ew • . _ northeast shore of the Sea of Galilee. "There is no theft there," sail Meg- Bradstreees on Trade. Jesus and His dieeiples went into a ties, iF,trat.e Denison, ert place to Ise alone; great nue -Is . rAie pla,yed this same trick upon at. Montreal reports to Bradstreet's say: 11p•-, ts ..- followed tante: Jams taught them ana least seven others," said -Crown Aetor•• Wholesale trade here continues to re- heated their siek: in the afteln, ,n thi, ney curry. Among thoee who lo- t ;nee fleet ehe air of quietnees that is more disciples sumelestea that. the meal:tale a- e., - e fr . . . ...... • or legs usual at this time of the .year. should be sent away t o buy feel: &au,: eleldrun'i;$'‘65-; '11-iss. A.ngell"t32‘00:j aid; Colledtaons and renntances bave suf. al Toronto, Ont., Mara 11. -At- the At- , e- . ew et eot- nn fered ;somewhat. Orders for spring de- turne,y-Generales Department and in the deeidea to feed them' there; a lad Wan 1; . - --o found 'with five leavee ena twe illeitee.: Crotslian for a sra'all an.30‘.1.311C.".-- - r livery 111 all lines are heavier and the office of De Bruce Smith, Inspector ef aps you cam snake out a ectee outloatk is generally bright. - Heavy Prisons, this morning, it was saia that five thousand tiee.n were fed. 'easiles **Pell women and children. against her as a common cheat," said hardveare goods and leads and paintsa re the suicide of Jos. Kennedy in the Brant - X. Topic: Jessu proves Himself the 'Magistrate Denison. But this ense is particela.rly active, and from Western ford jail -would be the subject of a strict God -Saviour: Place: Jerueelem. It wits diemissed." Canatla tbere is e vely active demand bevestigation. The regulations provided the last day of the feast of the Taber- 1 _, e for goods for immediate s..hipment. 'Ihere that prisoners sentenced to life imprison- . na-cles; there WaS a great, ceremony in ONE PEREL OF WARSHIPS. has iseen some talk of pending L•tbor ment must be closely watched in tbe cannection meth bringing em 'nater frotee trouble in the building trades, but nOth• jails of wherever else they are detaind, pool of Siloam; near the eLve of tee ing-defitaite is yet known. Money is until such time as a receipt is obtained eeremony. Jesus erisel. "If an elae Bulkheads in Modenr Fighters Are Per. plentiful and tbe banks announce they fer their aelivery at the penitentiary. thirst, let him come unto me drink': fectly Useless. have ample funds for buntline perposes Ile .spake of the:gift of the 1101y essirit. while the stock brokers are also taking XL Topic: Christ's telehing reopestine Letralen. March 13.-Tlie Expres pub- large 31211013111.5. sin. Place: Jeruealere. tre0:10 (101V011/41/41 17:, -;11,w -A tee tamale,. Ti . .3- .- Toz-oreb:Y.a-lhe condition of wholesale , The 0:11t.tfr 1/4:10- s:tient at the time of the feast of the • - - • • • e remits of drygoods sre being made e um tea --. et e nne (.9'. jiip . trade here is fairly good. Fairly heavy four diseourses during His stay in Jere, et- VeTV that tli b ' 1 I ' - oar meaern warship are pelfeeen- use- and 'auying in all lines of spring goods . Takeseeteltea this diseourse was deliver- ed in the eourt of the women, ana may lees to resist sea -water presenre was is seeive. The continued bad state ot be dividea into two parts: 1. Christ 1,- . masle dashes e r..ent tr. - eas, ei se the rinmtey roads_ is having considerable . . , • r..l. -. ••••10...1..,,,,is ..., tee, the Son of tied. 2. Ile has saprenie au- 4 '...,„1,11e., rz,vt. . effect, upon some lines a- trade. te.ro- thorny even above .ebtallam. Iliate., „,. , n, ' ceriat are quiet, with the exception of who aeeept. Jame Clarist N1-111 111,311/4V VI 2 • . A .. ereee, of tee Admire/. the sleee; a lalat sortiag trade. The hardware truth. and the truth will eoske thezu free. ' teaia' '-"i el.,:i t,he teiritereaeas were easer- trate is showieg more activity', ancl -or- Xrt. Topic: Jesus thriet the light of et' .ra ta'eee. `', "1 It .'7:1-'' ea 1 aleeiel-eht- 31n3 ', ders •nre coming in weil. Price e hese men. Plato: Jeruealein. 1t i- sear a•aetleers.v.as ')--t:i aaaaer •i• ia• Lana hese a fata tendency. Heavy goods are in blind mon; the diseiples ast,ei t.htast ..,,,te tile cseesatteente 2'1 $1,?3.,',,a'2l ,.,1 r..al....demand era pleas 2.211(1 0115 are who had sinned. this 111310 t'f0 las parents; teaks eaeee PO tie' 3.311)1.aesrs - inovfeet briehly. 'Iltere le continued ac - Jesus replied that reether:tles man 1 e01 •••4:1 via'18 Weave he lea e• orai teae'h:ea tivide anonet the manufacturers, and the Ids parents hast sinned; rilek et day ta. several fateleeo. nad *tie 3.313 .13. 62,,a evaa v47..., _ 4.„. . nrhet. , as fer trade generally continue spittle; anoints the lair.d matia eves; . - , . .- -- es- -a ee-s- • bregie annmatele the man to go to the te.o of ;4.5.1-10.Y aenat- he in the et•ent of eel • elt Quebee wholle.teele trade is 'slowly , eiltam arid wash; he obeeSt 04.417. -es Latlid. 11n,10.11. mai lad teens Leen tie saesee. tlie•esseteteene and ie allele to contiene as . . e Kennedy had his plans well formed, evidently, for he immediately went to his cell, tore a blanket in two and, mak- ing a noose, fastened the sheet to an iron bar across the cell door, and hanged himself. The body was discovered by Doyle, who gave the alarm.. The body was cut down, but tbe pris- .oner was beyonti the aid of man. Death was caused Tia• strangulation. At the morning meal Kennedy would not 4110 - 03100 the trial with Doyle, his conversa- tion benne confined to a complaint that the food was slot, -of good quality nor et sufficient quantity. Put he WU% cheer- ful, etetuningt that indifference to his fate whe'k has caaracterized him ever since he first appeared in the eotirts on the elutege of murder. This coolness put the authorities off their guard, and Ken- neay re: ilea himself of the first oppor- entity o•feleci. Amaner report savs: Kennedy was watelied a!' night bi the jailer. This •ntoreing between 7 and S Gatti& his wateller went to stet breakfast, aud while gone Kennedy procured a* sheet an 1 1meg-bane& to the bars of his -cell.' The jeLer was gone but a short time. Wheft he returned Kennedy's life was g Will Be Investigated. KENNEDY. "It that all you have to say?" "I think, my Lord, that is all in particular.' Mr. Hewitt then moved that under seetion 703, dealing with cases of change of venue, it reserve case be granted. • Justice Teetzel, however refused to consider the motion and proceeded to pronounce the sentence. Considers Charge Fully Proved.. Kennedy looked straight . at the judge as he heard his sentence. Those near him saw :some slight twitching of the muscles, but to all outward ap- pearanee be was calm. His :Lordship said: "Under the ace dealing wtth sucli cases apy man found guilty of the offence with which elan are charged is liable to imprisonment for life, with lashes. •••I am satisfiea beyond any doubt in my own mind that the verdict of the jure' is right, ami that you are guilty of this terrible crime. You base received a fair trial, at the hands of a fair and in telligent jury. You have had able coun- sel. Though your lawyer is ,young, he has done all _that could be done under the circumstances. He has done well. There is besides not the slightest fault to be found with the Crown counsel, the police, or with anyoue tonnected With the ease. I feel that it 30 my duty, net only to infliet dui punishment for this awful Menge and erime, lett as a vindication of law to society, sled as it warning, and deterrent to any -from committing any like .offence to te girls -or women .-of this country; to afflict a heavy and just punishment; a punishment 'which will net °idyl* a punishment, but a warning for tbe protection of society. The sen- tence of the court on e•ou, Joseph Kene nedys therefore, is that you be impris- oned for the term of your natural life in the peuitentiary et Kingston, and that you be whipped by tbe cat of nine tails; with 75 lashes, to be administered as fol- lows: On the last day of April, next, 25 lashes; on the last day of Septem- ber next, 25 lashes; on the last day of December next, 25 lasbes; ana that such whipping be administered to you in such prison where you are detained 3113(1 under the provisions of section 967 of tbe code." The sentenee was -afterwaras correet- ed on the matter of the last date ,for the whipping, as the last day of December falls on a Sunday, His Lordship Adding the words 'Saxe when the laet- day falls on a Sunday when Hee whipping shall take place the previous day." The judge, whose whole attitude to- wards the accueed was one of abhorrence, Brantford, Mareh 9.-A coroner's jury. then said, "Remove the prisoner." Talks in Prison. competed •of jail prisoners and citizens, Speaking to Guard Adams Kennedy assembled at the County _Jail this after- stuck to his oftsrepeated story that or; noon and conducted an impost, into the the day of the murder he fhe'st took a suicide of Joseph Kennedy, sentenced to drink at the Park Rotel, then went down life imprisonment for assaulting Irene to the Vendome, had anotherdrink there Cole. It appears tbat the jail officials and sat for an hour or so on Jubilee had put on a night guard, as reeommend- ; Park terrace. ,coming up. town he had tel be- Justice Teetzel, but had not in- sat in Victoria Park and had then gone aogurated a. day system of guarding. to tile dyke, was- there a short time and The jury returne(1 it verdict that death had then come up town to the Wood - was due to 'wilful suicide by hangiv. bine .and then over to the Y. M. C. A., The jurors. considered, however, that an where he had written a letter to a lady view of the Judge's recommendation friend in Ireland, • that the prisoner be guardea lestlie "Why didn't you produce nett letter?" eight harm Iiiinself 2310031 precautions asked Mr. Adams. should have been taken by the offitaaha "How foolish of inc that I didn't," said The matter of the •snitide and the eir- Kennedy, 'I must be losing my senses. euntstaires attendaut thereon lave beet Why I eau preduce it in 21 hours, as broughtto the ntlention ca the Atter- meaneiena is now ie ge,roetue: nee-ate:tenet's department, and it is an- As 11. zeatter of feet this sweetheart -..tityhtnsgt;IPItt3t,::,p2tht7ftsIlitrtritettlusot-41",;ettd'I trao.e.;h:;,...h:e-at3es'er' leetle't,:-LE.'etlet-e'31tee l'ittil;,..;;"e4iLs:e:4-r; ',...',,,„ase, ,aeci:r1--alzE.5;1,2,,et-1,Elfbtie°r,nshaavr: .neuneed that the Government teal re of the prisoner's has been loyel to him - - - te • P e . era seeme getre orders are eald to he3:e ' ing the proper officiate tesponetlae. In s_he iras written lent more than once teen seleete. Cite traile is fairly active. cenversina. with les guard lad niseet sin& he 1ms been in jail here the past esiseeterees-Tresee is a sitele vitt. The litetitely fatbnittel sonie of the tienoe tie.) weels. ran etatiter 'has ateo ehecked edr toiatA that 1;aVe been urgea tigau%91, It. will 11? rememlierell that under the ,,,4 4 r „„.„ reet et 0 at c it e ease bet denied the -murder and. all re:111121;ns ittlifeittisnsepriotrolnletnonfeotr%Igegrena\l•ea.ltyetawAasa. e "FATHER, HELP MY BABY." - • set.o..iedee of ti.e vietitn. Irene abet. ' tier.s ar,e etell etotte The outlook for - het:ever, is taseet. Great tura. tihrun be had never seem lie alto eivulte s sault• The Drummond Appeal. A Betrayea Gars Pa▪ t▪ t• eties Apeeel to Her, e.:1;,ettes,sitr,,iti,n. Chneet. :..j.vtr2g:,t5n.:;:,nsz:;,er,5,5t,.,a5 aitaceelineaft. eiallilt.:t.;n7,!sxiii:n!yroiaintlea.. trii;j?.tllien:101,ellttevisottiflillinzleia::;ie. -,.1: ; Itttiet a 131 Ii ati.i.i.:vil wrigi,Int;tat ft(hte itleoillivuirey- 1 1 3 Is ut et. e o :eiseg teete.e.ette temneal tile east week. 1We leesse. Mare% Ite-.1, teen. esease, og Vetter:a es...se ieetasteven-ene reel teateeee. Tee laly of the pritaner etiii in tenneetimi nal' the Kennedy murder te to ettes, ee'se seas, if-met:get te tleleeseer a-eateter entsa see mast Las had '-Le teitisel by the fay'. 1 13 .3' in leferuary le134, has been itt all pit lel iaty al meet:tel. laranunelel swore tees:: et' tee et. a 'a ,....": Ian erz,!..4! ,E=.1,::13 atten trait geese ' • .: ‘ ts,...e N1';:,.... 317,A% :: - :.-I :... Z7---.'-:--, : -7_ VaS:5,0-n..1? l'fi.i..fr_01.•01 fs trifle and : A S'.:1*3 b C°7:1tIt'li t. 1 • that lie haa seen Kennedy in ties 11 1711. tifter V e :Canner is 'Pe`11 'r:atl ' £(.01A1 Y. M. C. A. at tile time of the mute ken to the Phansees; 30011:4 01.1.5Si reelha sheen:ding tie eabbeth. leresearg was net eentasee.1 far ataden 'rext.---teett. tlrese are vaitten..k'il,r):ILZS '7311 31 aseizal lazirtt. Les that .1..e might tel ‚.t that Jesus is tee the tai ess-er- Cliriet. the Sen of Gaol: and that. be. ,ateis,- neestwest frete tae ea...eve waset liesing yo might have life tbreueta les led tseen 005e:el name' it.2, lin v.v.. 1.31.. 'the wor,1 Hove" ecena to be. the Leptc,te for the review. Lesson 1. telieve that .sns is in- vainate Wc.tra. Wori v/..5 mess ilegh oral Alw.,:t 1(.T.01;',21 1.. 14. uhrit:.t, Vas Alia 1:.e. toseee-- teeere. lite teen of ilt .4: tnta 211. Ile,' 1.1,:lf.; Uttilans IL ; 0.. en. 4 pet 2-1 ta in the fie:=1,1" Z11.. 1;2 ...... the likenet-ss. ;if v± .2 suede sin fur es ivr. i': 1:: Loetv ao sin. Ho tele. tale:nee . -I..., .., • IL Mier., ti:af 3.3.41 11 1..M.:114 4. 'S `.1 ,1 • taLetli 1/41a:1,- 1E7.0 sin ef ' ",.7ese 3.. ael. atases eetteit a _ vamp" Wale tea. .sieleee eateter..•. • oit the seees. melee _se tee , -e •• aeleitala. ise 1,12! •1 -i:. :v._ 1 v - Lit. tow 1,411;.1 !I eie a -le hat_ es _ 1.1 1i1 111111/4(' 1/4114;‘,V al, ewe 3: rata we limy laewe teat it tee peteel tta -e 1.4,. ;Ina timt tifo k• lie• Loth .401 ttl. 111 1:clieso that 3. 3.o * 111 ot7•1., Anoirew te et le tateteta cl‘ ; • 1. ne "einesti le.teits leeteere' 114 12.1 ..1! • :•1 ;0.,..1.1 ;I e.lt eeeees t, 3`--- ,.• - -.,.. t bo. Nty.ro,•4 in line se:•.aitl tia., twoth- Ley lee, • -I 6 ft7i et; e 1,14.;;;Ilit to t F4ti‘t. ii. Ietse 1. wet a ette erel t• @k1A14.: bill 1 110 toilo L,tt'e mati7 f2ttir. ;-73'!7.:7 !:-r-77) " 1 : tem,- • ee • 1. yeetieate the ease eith it view to Loll- all thiteigh. Ifer name is Ilennett and bets t.a.migratts ate eventing into the - t. "105 now in Tetonto. has' t -this conneetee '1 • • t wetine t -• 4 *.a `‘'' Zr-lt CrA)-• IJtgIZ4t-g aad Tetia* -.WO:F. 71 e indee said: tee ettees • ... • erase:1er. s --• vases tee eateng f•br "firge supplies • two up. Have yea altly- 6es', 171.1 (41 toe evidence largely Kens • 4 -., 01,- • T. Subsequently the que.e... • isiiing bay why the tenteuee s.f tee ale ma - e • 0.6. . na'A, be paesed upon yen." slg af 1) 3.11311113111418 evidenee was es. tallisted aml b.? seas sentenced to five leer oerteess tasinte.s. Ite scan mat 0141,111y, iearoel en else I ---- . And is Now a Respectable YoungTree in York Man's Backyard. THIS PA.RASOL TOOK ROOT, • York, Pa,, Meech 13. --The handle of au old parasol, which lute taken root in the groune and grown into a tree in the yard of Joseph ,A. Wisner, this city, Is attracting attention from paturalists and Men of selenee. In 1803 parasol was preoeuted to Miss Susan altuey. Miss Shiley after- wards married JacOli XOhler still resides in this eounty. She kept the parasol until it became usele8s 11.5 a sun- shade and storee it in an attic. Moro than fifteen years ago she resurrected the handle and used it to support a rosebush in her dooryard. Several months afterwards it was discovered that it bed taken root aud sprouted. It became an object of curiosity for the entire wan, tryside, and people came miles to see it. One night someone attempted to carry it off, and succeeded in tearing away a number of branches. About tbis time Mrs. Kohler moved away from York, and she inteusted tile "Parasol tree," as it had beetm to be callee, to tao -care of Mr. aneMos, Wis- ner, who have carefully transplanted. it to their own yard and nourished it ever since. The bandle continued to thrive, and is now quite a respeete.ble young tree. Each summer it boars beautiful little star-shaped flowers, something like for- geteue-nots, and berries. The latter never ripen, but shrivel before matur. ity. - ROOSEVELT'S BLUNDER, The London Globe Gets. After the U. S. President, London, March 13, -The Globe, refes• ring to Roosevelt's inaugural speech, says he appelen to have got somewhat mixed in his ideas of the political geograpay of North America when Ile said: "Never before have melt tried so vast and so formidable an experiment as the admin- istration of the affairs of a continent under the form of a democratic -repub- lic?' "We are unaware that the Wash- ington Government ever aspires, muck less undertakes, to administer .the af- fairs of Canada and Mexico. Bothlare as independent of the 'United States con- trol as of Patagonia or Chinese, and Roosevelt bas until now always been careful to recognize that status. Cleve- land and Olney, in one of their 'spread- eagle' adventures, made something of a claim to extend Montheism to the Do- minion, but the trouble they got -lees through that egregious blunder should, by itself warn off such discreet states- men as Roosevelt front treading, so dan- gerous a path," - THE MIDLAND MYSTERY. No Reason Known for Fred A. Mann's Disappearance.. A Midland report: After going over the ice of the bay between -the town Bald the smelter, Chief Ricaards is sat- isfied. that Fren A. Mann, the tnissing Equity Life Insurance Company's agent, did not get Mtn the water- There is not a hole within one hundred yards on'eitlwr side of the beaten track. Al- though no 3Tat'011 bas yet been ad- vanced why tbe should leave town and hie wife and child, the authorities think that he aitaeo oo a freight train about 11 o'clock on Friday night, and that he will turn up all right. Mrs. Mann declared this afternoon that there was a good deal of a stag fa Pens- -tanguisbene agaiest lateltand. 43 a result of a prosecution he attoreeleenteet an hotelkeeper there for cease; '*after hours. His wife does not ,:-Gspect foul play, but cannot undorsteed Tan; Mr. Mann seaya away. Since bis disappear- ance Mr. Mann's little book' of poems is having a ready sale here. Marie; came here three years ugo from Montreal. REDUCED TO POVERTY. Many Women Victims of the Bank of Yarmouth Crash. , Halifax, N. 5., March 13. --It is stated on sene-official autholity ie Yarmouth that W. IL Redding & Sons QW0 the defunct Bank of Yarmouth $500,000, which will be reduced not more than $50.000 by the firm's assets. Thie means that the shareholders will not only lose their entire investment in the capital of $300,000, but they will be crated on to duplicate that loss under their double liaabfialintP of the shareholders are wonten, and most of them are people in mod- erate circumstances, so that the loss will be very ' severe, and will come on people who cannot afford it, and who in many eases will thereby be Lamest pauperized. - • MENELIK IS TO VISIT EtrROPE. Emperor of Abyssinia Said to Centem- plate Trip Soon, Geneva, March 13e -tried afenelik, the Abyssielan :Emperor, is soon to take tt. sent Abyssinian torvernment nt a, letter to hisAefetitourliditYnginto9ibieellietter, the Negits in- tends to visit Lotiihm, • ratio and ltome, and the journey is tb be matto with% it few months. His tiavent 13 =musing deep interest in these veinal, Zer lie is more taint a barbaviare end tat) little emmtry has shown itself great itt war, ILS the Italians kaow to their Oat. Not only this, but Europe realizes Unit Abyssinia is a valuable customer and eau be made much more so, Menelik tra.ces Itis (10000111 111 a direct, to King Nohintan and the. Quen of Sheba. "LONG LIVE ,ANAgeti.Yr Cry of UneMplOyed at Riotous Meeting hi Barcelona, Madrid, Muhl% 13.--A meeting of the inemployed woe boa at Bateelona 10. ol lie rernital While 40;01)0 of the were 011105004100 starving. Those althea - ng the meeting ermine& "lentg bee emeattere seta a newer name sleeps, lie pollee eltargeel the vrowa Itta ninny terSuils ttere injure:I. tiumber or 01. tale eere nuide, A *hundred etriking %mem here ti,. day ineatlea the Cafe Colonial, hive iad exeited. the be of the striker.; by tuploying non-union At -alters, the iihiee Ureekbd. A free fight oeeurre.1 etween the strikers ana their sympp; hiving and the. tudie0. uhielt veto!. ;na, Omits, nna leetlee woe ir4011. 'orty-nine arrests uere made. ' yeetieleaeit, treteeenew, Gots awww, fter_t har of the 'little eal said iit a aeers ia leingston for perjury in june. i I teiel wise and without any effete-- •;' ttf'..4• IT 'hulae Hardy.' el:0 Castel eil lea put ' • 1 Grz? easteergea sethel. ...4.4:,tft. eausceer. ..‘ry . . p t °Dona aeeete altheettel sense . r .Vnt ilenae mete the leelenee .-•f the 1 lay to orotest ogainst the holini in:luaus at imeinot Emanate at the Veil t 1. . e -• • II -Wile vet' .. . t lee'. ef the .issee• Coati oita ef the offit - I - 0 . - i7.1-..:. 0 711...i:-. .T:5.1;2:1416.. til Icl(gs; rat;011altia.'11..0"1-1`?Alk:fk; .' t .a. ;it .31 th mune ad enterea an rippeal '-'• - - • - . :i ..eens.e. tr Let , . _ ,_ s••atait 1, '31t1.1 On this teehnital ole -4 ••••' et jp•zela tut:41103 LEA. Kennedy said; - vial ail ma take the matter up nt the w' 1 0--oin,^.: 133tonelattni. Tiw tine, of Sp.' I ' -.: '1..3.L'i6::.). :?';-:3:‘''3,1;:: 1 c e'l:::)::::5':Ze CIC17i.lil0tif;:(2%.-I1112:tviqi13:31'1,1n:7'e54111ttAnaa 10 ; ilfeqnfas';f4'.;!:'11111i'e 41elattill.t tii.st tiSitililLilliellglit jand.110111(' - ••-• r • t • gas:sees " * " • • : ; • se': • :t • e•If 111-1eirg 1:eeti iohen to revive It is , t , • •tae..3 iteeg it :a., Weseeetar thee 140,114403A ZITaLlf 1,1,-ne::,-, 1 that. intor,l, in t iew of the 0 "..1v -1?---:' 1`, 1 .0.111.41Z•t11Aly tvitl: a telsait li nee /0.4',112 resent develeptneats has to tIesire 7 .1 'n . 1,...:'•-'"; ' • • c„.......I ....t 1/4-1' telf,11 tc,?,:1/4' , ‘, 4,4 a seralte:' l',U 111••.P11)., 144- tact?. b et : o Ti tease ote (..a.O.6'• 4.31•01, if*. I„orj. tLeke ante lean :! •'• o - e-'• 0 ,1 , rt 1 n ,U1'71 10nit1,103 11111 11`1V0 tV1111 or4itOtAlfh 315:atto'Ltrsseeral." flee Teettel arivd from Iratt- I H4Lh1•N0rmat0D. C. J. MAGUIRE REAL ESTATE. INSURANCE AND ICAN AGENT. 0011vEYANCINQ Douuotleu ot Routs and .A.ecoante P. specialty ASSIGNEE. ACCOUNTANT, Oilloc-in Vanstetio Block. Opou Saturday evenings, 7 to S. RULMAGE REAL ESTATE AND LOAN AGENT. CONvEYANCING, MONEY I'D LOAN on Town and rarm Prosody. ASSIGNEE. ACCOUNTANT. OPPICH.--In the Rent Block, Residence -Catherine ELLINGTON UNA L FIRE INS; CO. Notabllshed 11140, solo office GUELPH, ONT. Rieke taken on ail elapses ot Wearable pro party on the cash or premium note system. Lissise Gomm, Cum% Davy:noon, President. glearetarr... JOHN RITCHIE, &ORR% WINO DAM 0111 DICKENSON & IROLMES Barristers, Solicitors, etc. . woo,: Meyer Block Wingbane. II, L. Diokinson Dudley Hallam!' R VANSTONE • SARRISTER AND SOLICITOR Money to loan at lowestratee. OfErs MAT= BLOM 745. WINGHAM. J. A. MORTON BARRISTER AND SOLICITOR. MONEY TO LOAN. OftIce t -Morton Block, Wingham R. AGNEW PHYSICIAN, SURGEON ACCOUCHEUR. Office :-.17pstairs in the Macdonald Block. Night calls answered at office. DRS. CHISROLI & CHISHOLN PHYSICIANS = SURGEONS - ETC. Josephine Street - Winghani jr P. KENNEDY, M.D., • Member ot the British Illsdlesi'l Association) COLD MEDALLIST. IN MEDICINE. Special attentieLsarhigeDniseases et women Orme. Norm13-1 14 Sn.m. ; 7 to 0 pm. W. T. Holloway D.D.S., L.D.S. Graduate of Royal' College of Dental Surgeoas of Tor. onto, and Honor Graduate of Dent- al Dept. of Toren. to University, latest improved methods in ail branches oi Dentistry. Prices moderate. Satisfactior guaranteed. Elt-Office in Beaver Block. 4kRT111111 J. IRWIN D.D.S., L.D.S. Doctor of Dental Surgery -of the len. nsylvania College and Licentiate of Dental Surgery of Ontario. • Office over Pod 0sice-4.WINGHAM WERE WRECKED BY WHALE. Fisherman's Seventeen -Mile Swim to Shore, • • London,- 'March 13. -The Daily Mail publishes the following: Two fisher- men, William Fraser and Thomas Aug- ust, were sailing recently seventeen miles off Dungarra, near Fremantle, in West Auetralit, Fraser lying Asleep and August miming the boat under full sail. Suddenly the craft came into collision with a Miele mad the monster, becom- ing enraged turned end made vieiones attack upon it, eventually sinking it, and leaving .tite- men with eeveraI spars. masts and oars around them, floating - in the water. After doing, this damage the whale disappeared. Fraser, unlike his companion, WaS 1111'- al210 to swint, but August eollected the floating timber and eonstineted a raft 33.32(1 pushed it over the lonf.r stretch or seventeen miles to the shore. ,11 amuse during that time neither man had Vied Or water. A WISH v.t.ntEn, thou,. bilava to 'tour father Ott expeeted to inborn setteal piece5 of peen vet Miss Sweet le hat dia he say? thollyetlie said "lheas speak louder elian 'wards." LUCANiA SO S. 1.41tten9town, Itarvit 14.-4110 Cnnatti Lim: steamer 'which sailed for New Yolk'Sunday mot•nin:a; and 1e3.mit- e:1 in this twit Nunilay night with her 0t(11110,1 111 I3a31,A(111(‘ MO 1%413' 1 01•at 31 (111111110,,0.1. 10,110.0.1 11%' •-31 133 it\ -111.1i, 11314 attet effeel: A iv-