HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1905-03-09, Page 6The Refreshing Fragrance
of A hot cup of steaming
TEA Is the comfort of all the wemen wit I have tried It. TIRED NaRvEs
aro soothee and tired muscles INVIGORATED. THE FLAVOR IS rto$T
••••1111. 11.11'111E1
The Unlinown
. "Nevertheless," Florence distinct- ways obedtent to his friend's slight-
ly reaearmed, as the girl ceased, est wish, the by repressed his sobs
"in .spite of the evidence 0T. that and tried to listen. •
di:keine...at. 'Neenah you have flaunted The warrant proved to be a revel -
so consmeuously ,before these people ation that strack every oue speech-
-In the face of the testimony of less with mingled amazement and In -
these witnesses, who have 'been -paid &gentian. It charged the prisoner —
to perjure themselves, I still de- William Clark Andrevesealias Sir Wal -
clam, Walter Leighton, that 1 am tar Leighton—with having falsely
not—I never tv•,as your wife!" ' elaimed to be the son of tbe late
the emphases which yon Australian mica merchant, Sherwood
have laid upon that pronoun seems ,
Leighton whose wife had been own
eomewhat suggeativee snered the #
cousin to the late Laity Laura Vin -
young man, Meth a fla,sh of anger. ,,ceet. Page, and. by this means ob-
"I 'suppose you well hardly deny the
fact that you went to Rosedale ''cuning possession of the Page title
and estate. It also charged him with
elealea weth the intention 'of be-
coming niy wife." having kidnapped and imprisoned, in
"No, I do not deny that fact," an underground cell, the sort and heir
„ad Feerentee, in .a love tone and of ' the late Sir Sullen Page— after
with paling Ups., . discovering the child's identity, in
"Yon caanot deny tha,t you stood order that he might retain the for -
at the altar and plighted marriage lune and estate—weicb he had se -
vows before the clergyman, and in cured by fraud,
the presence of these witnesses ?" "Prove it—prove it I" shouted the
said Leighton. r 1 , , harelcuffed man, with almost insane
"No, I am obliged to admit( all 'that, , fury. "You come here, in this high -
and yee I declare, and ,shall always • handed fashion, and make certain
declare, that I am not your wife!" charges, but I demand the pivot I
steadily returned the dauntless girl, 1 defy any One to prove that I am
with her defiant eyes fixed full upon not Walter Leighton, the son of
. Sherwood Leighton and Emily Ap-
"Then, tn the name of all that is thorp Vincent, his wife; and as for
obstinate and mysterious, whose wife this story about kienappinne—let us
are you ?" the man mockingly de- have evidence'
mended, , Ile did not dream that there were
"Mine ! if she is the wife of any
any proofs of this latter charge,
mau," wee; the sharp, incisive sen-
seve the boy's on story, which he
team, whielt smote, like the bursting
hoped to refute; while as for his
of a tombshell upon the startled ears
own identity—had he not all the ne-
of the company. ,
Everyone turned, as if electrified, eesary documents in his own pos-
at the sotind of that voice, Which Was fission to prove that ?"
Tile officer glanced back into the
so 6ternly assertive.
hall, and made a signal, whereupon
Sir Walter, whose baCk had bean
the attorneys, Wellington & Hayes,
turned toward the door through
entered the room. They were fol -
which the words had been uttered,
low -ed by two other gentlemen. who
wheeled about, with a start and a
suddenness that almost threw him were strangers to most of those
from hls feet, to find himself con- present; the old fireman, Tom Dill,
fronted by IIr. Ca,rrol, who had been and two tvomen, one of whOul was
quietly standing just outside the attended by 13urns, the butler, who
room for the last flve minutes. seemed unusually happy in her pres-
The baronet lost every atom of ence. '
color and caught hole. of a chair for "We c.a.n prove all and more than
support, as he looked into the gra,ve, has been claimed," Mir. Wellington
a,ecusing face of the man before him. Observed, "and that well be done in
Florence, as she caught 'those a fele days, before a proper tribunal.
startling worde, flashed one look of But, as same explanations are neces-
RI ahardme by tame. Mr. It ch,ardson don that another yoke' was about to be
amazement at the new. comer -- a sary to estalalish tbe rightful heir
attended to the New York bra,nce played upon him, and, instead of eeceiv-
searIet flush 'swept over cheek, here in the home of his ancestors, of tile Inia:nbss—my father to the ing the royal visitor at 'once, asked him
neek and brow ; 'then with an Inn r- we have come prepared to make them
tteulate cry, slri sank into a rot!: 9. and identify Sir Arthur Vincent, only Lando 1 in -I Au.41. r.. I an interCets. to wait until he telegraelted for inform -
All 1.frer 1 veg ot stro te al' f .e.ioe had
that was near ber, and covered her eon •to Belerade
burning face with her bands.
CO.. Walter, however, began to re -
bail been Itle Own 0011. Det 1i kIna-
tiele woes met tin the raukeet
Front tbe Era the Doyi came- •
ed lee belie:at:toe only, troutile and,
ttnxieta. eleverel tiniee lie Iacono= in-
volved In such serione aleficulties
that ete. aetightoii watt obliged to
pate large mune to clear lent from
disgrace, Rue, save elen from it felinele
cell. Then be Would promise to do -
better and for a 011ie alePeeeto
Ieeep his word, only to repeat his
oefense later On. the last act be-
fore leavina .ieuetralla was to rob
his employer °if a large amount of
money that lied been etalected witIl
difficulty. to meet a Pressing Ob-
ligation. also of vere, important
documente, while the Man Ian dead
in las hoiue. awaithig intrial. lie
then abscondeel for pa.res. unknown.
TIM sou et bia benefttetor aleo lay
at death's door, et the same time;
the physicialei mad there was no
IMP) for lam—that in lees titan
fort -eight bours after his father's
demise he would be laid beside him,
But tbe doetora were enestaken •, the
son recovereel, 1 Mrn that on. 1 am
Walter Carrol Leightant Wily, son of
tbat nutch-wronged, man wiloin Wil-
liam Clark Andrewe robbed while be
'Yet lay unburied in the lernne whieb
had sheltered Mie for so leaflet
This unlooked for announcement
created considerable excitement
among to tyaung mane listeners, and
maimed murmurs of acitonisbment
and condemnation were beetle
from every quarter of the „rotera.
Florence involuntarily started
from tier chair, a law, startled cry
breaking from ner, as like a Eater
of light, she, comprehended the sit-
uation, and all that it involved to
ber, a Iterninous smile on his face,
a. tender light gleaming be pie eyes,
whereupon a vivid blush once more
seefused her face, lend he sank back
again Into her former position, her
heart beating with a wild, sweete•joet
and tears oe infinite gratitude wel-
ling into her eyes.
."tko on 1—go on!" said Mr. Seaver,
who saw how eagertyj every one
was awaiting the eemainder oll bis
"As 1 have told -you," Mr. Carrel
Every Girle' Matrimouial Club. Invites Eligible
Two Minutes
resumed, "I lay at the plaint of
death at 'the time af myi father'
death, and his ungrateful relative,
absconded, but a sudden and unex-
pected change in ree; symptoms en-
eouraged my pbysiciaes to renewed
efforts in my lbelralf, and 1 was say -
ed, almost miraculously as it seemed.
But my recovery was very slow, it
wa.s months before I was able to
leave my roone—months more before
I could get out of doors: Then I
was met by the diseavery that the
imelnese which iny father bad spent
Ms lifetime. to eetablieb, was a to-,
tat wreck, and also that the taper,
so long nourlebed in the bosom ot
our tamily, had not only ruined us,
but stolen oil evidence of his villain:Yt Second Time Mayer of Obrenovats Was
Among the documents which he had His Own Victim.
parloined there were others In which
I alone had any personal interest. There has been an amusing sequel to
These were tee certificates of . nee the recent adventure of the two corpor-
father's and mother's marriage, my• als, one of whom passedjihnself off upon
own bapti mat certaica te, and. let- th,... e Mayor. of Obrenovales as -the Seri/Ian
tors which my parents had writ—
' tabled.
eaown .Prinee, ancl was royally enter -
ten ter each other before their union.
I thoeght at first that those had .
been hastily gathered up with oth- The Crown Prince, rather nettled at a
era, throngh mistake ; but later I oommen 'soldier being reittaken for him -
learned that the,y had alsa been stol- self, resolved. to ride With an escort to
• en for a purporie. - . ' Obrenovate to thew the Mayor the dif-
"And now," the young man ,Inter- ferenee between a royal prince and an
regret_ • adventurer.
posed, blesleng and (denting
Unfortunately, the Mayor linA" been
fully at Florence, "I come to a Home.
what dcl cab port oi of my history, made the butt of the country since his
but it seems 'flenessery to relate In meeting with the corporals, and had re-
m -der -to do lustice to another.Years ceived hundreds IA picture post coeds el
ago my father bad a partner who the Prince. When, therefore, the Prince
was also a elear friend—Appleton arrived, the Mayor had a lurking suspi-
Physicians tell us that all
the blood in a healthy
human body passes through
the heart Once in every two
minutes, If this action be-
comes irregular the whole
body suffett Poor health
follows poor blood; Scott's
Emulston makes the blood
pure. Opereason why
is such a great aid is because
it passes so quickly into
the blood. It is partly di-
gested before it enters the
stomach; a double advan-
tage in this. Less work
for the stomach; quicker
and more direct benefits.
To get the greatest amount
of good with the least pos-
sible effort is the desire of
everyone in poor health.
Scott's Emulsion does just
that. A change for the
better takes place even be-.
fore you expect it,
We willsend you a
sample free. •
Be sure that this
picture in the form of
a label is on the wrap-
per of every bottle of
Emulsion you buy.
Toronto, Ont.
so centsandp.co
All druggists
The spinsters et the Belgian town ot Beaus -
Shies have in their way 'One more for the
cause of womon's rights dm luta been ef-
fected by parliamentary legislation Mr years
past in that kingdom. Way, argued, these
young women, hi a country like Selnium,
where man are in a minority, ehould net
feminine privileges, Mated° confined. to leap
1year, be extended to every year of grace.
Being of a practical turn of mind, these -
months ago to ;neaten a matrimenial club at
. The Sat.lbfaction of having the
,marriageable young women proceeded a tew
:sixty members. Once duly constituted, the ,wfoliing cone early in the day:
',peseta remained as to the best means to
ton, the would-be matrons of Ecaussines and well done, belongs to every
.attract desirable suitors. After much (Mae-
. endary good living like Belgium a banquet e
User of Sunlight Soap,
came to the conclusion that in a lend of leg- 1011
'would bo the most likely way of' appealing to --e---- --- . -- ---e-----• a a ----e ..eet....
the male youth of the district.
1 sued by the presideut of the girls' club to Wife Beatieg in Wasitington.
Invitations were, therefore, promptly is -
sixty eligible young men to an open air feast Of convietione for wife beetieg in the
arrive, some In automobiles, other s in car- • 10
1000, 124 eases.; 1901, 101 cases;
1 Shortly before 4 o'plock In the afternoon of
the appointed hour the bachelors began to
triages and others. ou bicycles. By 4, the hour crid2; 127
7y (elltisles; of Ttlii•ehsicehlitghUerrees wac°r en c)gtuil tile.
: twhieth . , no gisbhioesw. oivf i tehin ba a io'rha:rstmeonutt, hwuemicoOrmo ue do attihoeliiluelmvhaousle,grie lbee(Novrsieteittritze awnlentoviteloidrirveisev.
bad, but only eases where there
,fixed for the feast, the sixty bachelors had , . , , , ,.,
assembled. Whereupon the club president,
in the gardens ot the club house. District of •Columbia there were in the
!speech. were actual convictions either by a plea
I The president teen set the feast going by
,and conducting elm to one or the ten tables from Judge G. Kimball, to the District
,eeteetleg a partner from among Sic bachelors of guilty or trial by the court,—Report
'prepared for the 'spread." Her example was
,immediately followed by all the inembers of of celumbia COmmissioners.
.the club, ancl in a few minutes the sixty .
lets had their Roams beside them.
I Perfect decor= prevailed throughout the
unique repast, notwithstanding the absence The harder yen cough, the Worse
,ot chaperons to reprove anything In the
!shape of sidelong looks of love, The euccess tile cough gets.
'of the bachelor girls' venture, however, may
resuited from the banquet. Shiloh9 S
be judged by the fact that Marie= weddings
An open air 'ball brought the festivities to
a close, this dance being particularly intend-
ed to give bashful suitors an opportunity to
chose their life partners. As matter of
fact, it seems that most ef the proposing did
take place at this Deli, according to confi-
dential information on the subject, conveyed
by the club president.
Although the prime Mover in organizing the
club, the president did not find her "better
half" at this year's banquet, the suecess et
the Ecaussines baohelor girls' venture has
proved such, however, that the club has now
been organized on a permapent basis, the -
fourteen departing members being duly re-
placed by new recruits. Hereafter, cense-
quentiy, the Ecaussines banquet will become
an annual affair. •
The reputation of the club has now become
widespread and since the'holding of the ban-
quet the club damsels have received many
letters from bachelors all over Europe asking
for invitations to next year's feast. The
womeu of Ecuassines are, however, nothing
if not patriotic, and are opposed to interna-
tional matrimonial alliances; taeir list of in-
vited guests for the coming banquet will,
therefore, it is declared, be confined strictly
to their owu countrymen.—New York Tri-
The Origin of "Cocktail."
There has been much curiosity, as
to the origin of the name "cocktail."
At last scene ono has .come forward with
an answer to this questioh which may _
be pure invention or truth, but at ony
rate sounds plausible. In the early days
when, doctors psecl strenuods' methods
and medicines in the cure of disease,
there was a habit among them of treat.
ing certain dieeases ot the throne With a
tip of a long feather plucked from a
cock's tail. In course of time this rein- '
edy came to be used as a gargle, still re-
taining its old name. During the course
of its evolution the gargle gained inost
of the present ingrediantsspirits, su-
gar, bitters end so ou—till it became the
highly esteemed beverage of to -day. -
'Wash greesy dishes, pots or pans with
Lever's Dry Soap a powder. It will re-
move the grease with the greatest ease. 36
living son and heir of the late Sir , was
Julien Page. Dlr. Canoe will you, exiead betw.en ih.m. and ithThe Priai, highly incensed, rode off,
their most earnest d1sire ,tat if
kinoly tell your story to these peo- and now the Mayor is more unhappy
coN•er himself almost immediate,y, the son of olo and the daupilter of
pl?" th, ,,, lan -et el.
and an ungovernable rage took ties- e e attorney concludedturn- the °thee should rereer man's and
ing to that gentleman • w.omanel cstat and di v tope a pro- •
cession of him at this intruelon of
the man who for yea,rs he ha,d bite
• And to' yung man, still holding eer &Clacton for &tee other,
brace, related the child's wOnderfal a.n.1 agreed nat th heel rot be •
"You:" hs hissel letween iiis te tb.
. E
terly hated. Jamie closely within his strong em- ahOili 1 niarre. I: NY'Cal.No understood
lastory to his wondering audience. the sl ghtest coercion—the choice of
"You here in my bouse! Begone! or
I will have you kieked out upan the It was a thrilling, romantic tale, eaeit should be voluntary. .
highway by my 'eery:into. as we know; but as be told how "Mr.. 1Voriardison, itowevee, died --e...
But air. Canoe after bestowing lug Ilad found the boy; at death's revere' years ago, and '11 was his . •
door; how he had been , restored; wesir that the, money whiell ile lied Dodd's Kidney Pills Cured His
-------------------------- on the irate
1 ow, afterward, he had traced, Mei) invested in the bustness be with-
ing guests. by step, his life arid, through Toni drawn. and ee:.1 1 lir on d ughtele Bladder Troubles.
t fort nattly or his t ortuno ht
man, turned calmly to the wonder-
"Laeiceg and gentlemen," he began; Dill's account learned also about Tthite requ a; was r mp ly attended.
the nurse in the hospital, and how o— u
'when I ca,me here I had no idea
that I eltould he called upon to she lia,d gradually recovered her men- also have been wrecked—and Miss
Rectiardson twes found to be 'quite
ure in such -a scene as this. !My er- tal faculties; how, the old house- an beiress. 1Villlam Clark Andrews;
rand herd wan of a totally different keeper had met and recognized 'her, not sat'sfaei withtho zuln which he
nature, and I am as much astonish- and the butler, aim upon ber tir-
ed by the revelation of Mtss Richard- rival at the Towers, a. lialf-bour had brought upon 1.110 tamely of his
benefactor, etarted at onee for Arm
sante: contection with the clandestine previous—every one In the room lis-
.marriage, rust described, as any one tened to him' spellbound, and began erica, where, preducing the docu-
can be----" to realizetoward what it all tended. menti4 he had six and believing
that death had effaced all- possible
*Tease! will you'?' Sir Waiter here "Jane, 'thio nurse," Mr. Carrot ob- evidence against hire, he introduced
furiously interposed, tend glaring served, as be glanced at the woman, himeelt an Walter Carrot Leighton,
!upon the epeaker like a madma.n. "is not yet fully herself. There are and, in the ohp.raeter ,of the on of
"1 Cottle you to utter another wordil times when she loses the thread of her father's former . partner and
I command you to leave the room memory ; but at other times she re- trusted friend, at once set himself
and the house 1" calls perfeetly all that occurred up at work 'to "win the heart, hand and,
"I Alan do neither one nor the to the time of 'her rescue from the fortune of Miss Iticbardsen. From the
other—William Clark Andrews— 3m. burning hotel by Tom Dill. All thee firet lie tweeted to acquire a pe -
turned air. Carrot as he faced the letye stated regarding her and the °near influeece over 'her; tand here
postor, abductor, thief 1" coolly re -
man, toweriag ineees a.bove him, as , aim, after that time, ca.n be sub- let me say that he aad long pos-
heecringed like a eel:appal cur at the
eound of the name by which he bad
been addressed, and looking down
upon him with accusing eternness.
'Burns 1 Burns! Ho, there! Sind a
couple of grooms here at once !"
foamed the impostor, as, white as a
ghost and trembling in every ilinb,
but frantically desperate, he sprang
toward the door leading into the
hall in search of las butler.
But he was euddenly intercepted by
the tall and portly form of an offi-
cer in uniforrn„who laid a heavy
hand upon his shoulder.
'Young man, you will do Well to
conduct yogreelf with more decorum;
you are my pilsoner," he observed,
with a perfectly stolid fare and
tearing, and before anyone realized
lite intention, he had (leaky slipped
n, pair of handcurfe upon Mu captive.
6C400:1 God! Whitt Li the moaning
Of thie insult?' faltered the young
man, as he glanced from hie fettered
hande to the officer with a look of
&Went fear, WIele some Of hie 'guests,
indignant eat snail eummary treat -
tient, began to gather around him
as if ineltned to reeent the indignity
offered their bait.
"Stand back 1" staid the officer,
liftlng n. Wanting hand; "robbery
and kidnapeing aro el411104 that (lo-
re/Me radial metteurce," and drawing
forth a document he t,egnen to read
aloud the warrant for tho arrett 110
had made.
The motrient the officer npeearel,
Mr. Seaver had Atpird oUt of the
P00513, and before thi man had rend
a hall dozen reappettial,
leading &onto by the band,
A groan of &Iv& burst from Um
prb4oner as he saw, Iiim. •
The instant the boy espied M.
Carrel he groat a shout of boyish
light and 'sprang toward him, eling-
Ing to him with trembling hands and
almost sobbing joy.
"Olt, IThelo Carrok—thielo Carr -,l !
thought I should never neo you
again 5" ho cried in eager, tromuloun
totes, and finally breaking. down ut-
terlY, rte tho young man passed Ids
arm around him aue hied him in a
'Awing protecting e1a1i, Whilo tears
Stood in ilia
"Try to be quiet, Jettelitee he
illittspered, "for 1 want yon to hear
*hat th&t man is reading ;" and, At-
stantiated by various parties — the se-ssed strong bypinotie 'powers, by
head nurse of the woman's depart- means of weali he had been known,
ment, a.nd other various authorities many times, to tiehleve he ev 1 pur-
at the Hahnemann Hospital; by Tom POSBE ; and I have not the sIghtest
.1/111, wham you see yonder, and who ;doubt, after learning what I haVe
has kept track of the boy ever since recently from Mr. Seaver, that he
he was sent away from the hos- made nee of 'this mesmerism in his
pita: to the poorhuse, and after Ite efforts, 'to secure the raeze which he
became a street garein—alse by Dr. ,
had det er min ed to W.
Field, WIlitY bas done BO inUch for both ill'as R,chares el eerec I ' has stated
celled and nurse. Another proof of tbat 811)11:18 (Mel ,31 0( net con -
hie identity is the feet that he still sent 5 . hie elaiee against ii ee veil,
bears upon Ms feet and lege the and when she knew she was doing
legs the scars of those burns which Wrong to. accetle to them. Ile finally
Ito sustaided while descending the acquir. d iswit a eower oet r her that
ladder in the arms of the fireman. 1 rhinegoe,oxiseate 1 to a clan lestine mar -
Yes, there can be no doubt that ' iated.), an Itarl lecein heretofore re -
this bey, who WAS at . one r Florence shivered vieley as the
time an inmate of a Lon- . young inan maee title statement, and
don poorhouse — later a street i he turned to eer with a very tender,
gamin, knewn hyl the unique name t sympathetc glance.. .
of 'Jiin o' tho Crockery; Crate,' and I "pray forgive me for alluding to
recently, by the one I bun:owed up- this d'sagretable subJ et," lie Omen*.
Ovn him—Jamie Carrol—lo W Arthur , ed., in a low tone, "but it seems nee-
letent Page, am the riglettul heir • essary in erder to explain whet e
to ties grand estate, weech has re- feel it my duty to reveal."
cattle been tieurptte by a bold ha-, Item prisoner l'ad been sitting in
poster. It scene; like the eery' meek- sullen silence, win bent head and
egyeed tate, Ithat he should have been cringing attituec in o laving been
kidnaped, and held a prisoner in hie reduced to the lemellathen of hand -
own bowie, by tite man who has .0011e and exposure. At 11c caught the
fraudulently attempted to usurp his lotv words emotion, ito glanced up and
rights." I oboerved the look that accompanied
"Why! Uncle Cerro), do you mean ' theng
MO 7" tfarale here piped out, while I 'ramie you t" ho Wesel, in a fierce
ho regarded lila friend wonderingly. i walloper.. "I could eut your heart out
"Yee, my boy, 1 mean you," re-- with a good zeleill 1"
pled, the young man, smiting fond- Mr. (Jewel, ot eft'. reegeton, as he
1ydown at him; "you aro no long- will lieneeforth be lotown, turned
or plain, unknown Jamie Carrel, but upon him, but gatte 11.111 o le a &mu,
a little titled gentleman. I would Mein contempt, and then reeemed
les narrative.
(Te, be 000ttimed4
Coffee Trees in Brazil.
itt America at; the 14341 01 the late There are no. lees thou 545.000 coffee
eilierweed Leighton, and hltr4 4134". trees hi the Stitte of Sao Paulo, Bra-
pired te the hand or MINK FIOTO11430 zil. As the people of the Vetted 'States
eilehaelleonaeleeillet Ito It P.rtt fur are, as a nation, the gruitte,t eoffee
this 1.resumption that her father drinkers in the world, it alay he a source
Itnd he Plam"
ttimir "I" ...when of tome satkhitt;I.0 isaichey were cn, in a rallinow,
inl- ye a fereign eontemporary that Silo
pottter In thie uharacter algo. Ills t'i''' •
real Paine it; ;William Clark Andrews:. Paulo has nearly Fovea eaten trivet for
• Ite ie the 8011 of the half-brother of every An'evieftft inan' "mall fentt d'ild'
t 1 i e late lel I /vivo oil Lei gli ton. Ile to Nay nothing of nu additional 140,000
Wali lat all, irlepilati MI &Wilke trees tinder four yearaf ago which
at tile ago of fifteen, when Atte will supply the demand of the routing
Leighton took Illin into hie family; generation. The eoffee plantatione of
and itie office, providing an litter. the Stele of Solt Paulo lima It wade of
elle, far hem le every 'wee', AO if he approximately ti320,000,000.
like to add," Mr. Carrot continued,'
after a momentary pau-se, "that
this roan Nebo bas called himself Wal-
ter C. Leighton—who luta reeen tIy
News is as scarce" as hen's teeth this
week. .
As we.go to press war is still raging in
Cartheee. •
Work on _the Appian Way is progres-
sing finely.
Tiberius Graechlits, who was on the
ailing lea last week, is 'some better at
this Writhes.
J. Cease; of flee berg, has a new toga.
It's a beaut, Jule.
'Several eits from here attends Oicero's
stereopticon lecture. last night. Cie; is a
swell talker, and a lovely time is re-
ported as having been bad by all pre-
Cassius is on the sick list ,
For instruction on the violin consult
Nedo. Above 'the post office.—Advt.
Cato is titking.Green lessons and mak-
ing progress.
Some fiend, in human form entered the
house of Cornelia, Tuesday, and abstraet-
ed many of her valuable jewels. elm ie -
mon is still at large, but the constable
uts his eye on hen, be thinks. Our gen-
erally quiet city is seldom thus disturb-
ed, and we bope this is an ene of crime.
Fine skating on the Tiber these nights.
Lydia was out riding eunday. Ab,
there, Horace!
The high-sehool eleven was beaten Sat-
urday by Athens by a score of 86 to 40,
Tough luck, boys.
Augustus Caesar was a pleasant caller
at this office yesterday, and left us three
sestertia to pay for a year's subseription
to the Tirbune. Come again, Gus—Judge.
James Atwell Proves that Lumbago 1
and Bladder Troubles are Caused
by Diseasedlitdoeys.
Cempbellforde Ont., Feb, 27.—(Spec:
ial.--That Ettinbago end Bladder Trou-
ble are caused ,by diseased Kidneys Leis
been shown in the case of Me James '
Atwell, of this place. Mr. Atwell says:
"I had Lumbago and Bladder Trouble.
in passing my urine would hurb me so
as to almost cause tears to come to
my eyes. I used medicines and a band-
age prescribed by my doctoo but got
no relief. Then -I tried Dodd's Kidney
Pills, and they cured me for good and
all. I -will never be without Dodd's Kid-
ney Pills in the house."
Cure your sa neys with o 's Kidney
Pills mid they will strain the causes of
Lumbago, Rheumatism' Dropsy or
Bladder Troubles out ofthe blood.
.1 • e
Yawning as an Exercise.
A German expert on gymnastics an-
-flounces that one need not go to a 'well
equipped gymnasium in search of a
course in health giving exercises. Deep
yawning practised as a regular exercise
is the cheapest aria surest road to per-
fect health. We are all fo.miliar with the
theory that systematic deep breathing
is 0.0. excellent thing for the lungs, and
it is on similer grounds that yawning
is %%Commended. The expansion of the
breast bones and the stretching of the
arms, which accompany a whole hearted
yawn, together with the filling of the
lungs, form it splendid daily exercise.
- -
Minard's Liniment for sale everywhere.
The First Artificial Flowers.
Fashion is responsible for many in-
ventiona. This is the case with the man-
ufaeture of artificial flowers, for their
deman(t was due to a caprice of fashion.
In Italy during feetieta time it was de -
'aced Chet flowers shouliabe worn in emit
out of their season and that their -color
sbduld be retained, Moly plaus for solv-
ing this problem .were brought forward,
and itt last some one hit upon the idea
of making them of various matelials
mbieli would resemble the real flowers.
toter, ht the middle ages, the artificial
-so far supersedee the mature' thab both
men and women decked their leads with
imitation flowers of twinkle, glass, paper
wax and metal. Ihe nioSt beautiful
blossome are /futile in Pails, and
their making is one of the eleel
131(1119 -
tries eif that city.
Minard's Liniment Cures Dandruff.
*Too- Much of a 'Celebration,
(Philadelphia Prost.) .
'1 atilv itenperit to -day, and lie wan very
Mach under the influeure of drink,' reniktit-
ed Nagget.
"Weli, there'n Igate exeuse for him," re-
plied Mrs.. Nomet. "Ile lost his wife lvt
"I knote, but a man should to nble to ,cele -
treat Unbent Making It hog of himself."
The Lung
. '
.is guaranteed to cure. If it .
• doesn't benefit you, the druggist ,
; will give you your money back,
Prices: S. O. Wnas &Co. 302
: 25o, 50c, 31 LeRoy, N. Y., Toronto, Can.
Good, But is It True?
A story of Lord Belfoer has been go-
ing the rounds of the London clubs, It
is Said that Lord. Balfour presented it
document to the King for his signature,
It had to do with the appointniont of an
important office, the appointee being un-
welcome to- the King, but who, owing to
political reasons, must receive the post.
When asked whose name he would be
pleased to have fill timepost his. majesty
said: "Ole the devil's.' "And shall the
document run as Usual," said the earl,
"our trusty, well beloved counselloe?"
The King signed the grant.
Minard's Liniment Cures Burns, etc.
Revival Spirit Spreading.
' Eminent religious leaders agree in. the
opiniozi that the great religious weak-
ening in Wales is to affect this count
try. Dr. Charles le. Jefferion says: "Nee
'one sensitive to sairitual atmospheres
can fail to note the =creasing signs of
the approach of a great spiritual awak-
ening. Among them itre the wonderful
reeivals during the„last year in England,
in Wales, and -the enclications of a great
awakening in Scotland."
Dr. J. V.Ulbur Chapman, who leads
be accumulated at the expense of sur -
"The revival spirit is deepening in our plus,
the Presbyterian evangelistic ivork,says:
yet the interest of old policyhold-
country with each day. I have not in all ers had been conserved, and they will
my ministry seen such awakening. The henceforth receive materially larger cash *
distinauishing feature bas been the un- surrender and loan values than here:
einitelilnigeenpelerrit.tme. tofore, notwithstanding the lower pre-
ileums they pay as compared with those
charged to -day.
. i The report announces that the new •
MESSRS. C. CeRICHARDS & CO., i business written in 1904 was greater
' than that of any previous year, the
Gentlemen,—Theedore Dorais, it cus- .amount actually paid for exceeding $11,-
200,000. e •
tomer of 'mine, tam coMeletely cured of
- The assets were increased by $1,894,-
emnsitiem niter five years of suffering,
000, this being the greatest sum in any
by the judigious, ute of tatINARD'S 1,41.N1
eingle year in the company's history.
The above facts can be .
verified by lee as they were twenty years ago and
writing to M, to the Parish Priest or. large
over $29,000,000,
Lobster Mortality High. •
Lee him that standeth take heed while
of which hatch, but few ever live to grow
up. This is not -the fault of the mallet,
for she carries them about, -wall her for
nearly a year, and with admirable' in-
,stinat guards them as sne does her own
life. When the young are set free, her
duty is done, for they must then shift
for themselves. Though hardly larger
thatt mosquit .oeteebeing about one-third
of an inch long, the litele ones leave their
parents on tb.e bottom and swim toward
the light—to the surfece, where from
one to two' months, if fortune 'favors
them, they lead a free, roving life. 'The
open sea, is a poor nursery for such weak-
ling, which become the sport of every
storm and the prey of numberless han-
gry mouths. Out of it brood of 10,000 it
would be n rare chance Sor More than
one or two lobsters to reach maturity,
or filially to end their eareer in .the kit-
chen et' the chafing-aisle—From Nettie°
and Science in March Se Nicholas.
• Handing Out a Strong Hint,
(Cleveland Leader.) •
"Say, dor," Insinuated the' man who wen
trying to get a little, free medical advice,
"supposing you bad a ease of chronie dye.
pepsin, now: what'd you consider the best
course to pursue?"
"Welt, str, if 7 bad such a case, 1 shteild
treat it neeording to my professional ability,
tied then eharge what 1 believed a Mir fo),
Bo 1 make- nweelf Maiat"
ISSUE NO. 10, 1905.
Mee. Winslow's bombing syrup 'Mould
always be used for Children 'teething. 14
:mottle the ehild, lunette 1.110 gums, mire; vide 1
colic and te the best remedy for Merriam-
LADIES Torgel te1141 VE:
Inning reimay; relief quick end safe, bent,
100. Paris Cluimical 3,1_112,v_aukee,_Wis.
11 tans, firemenwiremen, and mocha -
ate, to send for Spangenberg Stearn and
Electrical Englneerilig; 048 illustrations;
03:, questions awl answere; best book ever
sittlallBnell; 40 -page pamphlet sent free Om
A. Zeller. St Louis, Mo., U. S.
77 Ring Street East Toronto
30 pare in the fur trade.
0 tnw 4Aa 80v vt, 0 pOivr 01 Ile eRsworthsI. aof Fine Furs, clearing at
Weitenag. pSaeyni nd f alit; gebnetsatl ems ue %Qv.
York prices, Send for price list,
Great Philosopher Inventor of Ther-
mometer Before Fahrenheit.
Acording to Sir Samuel wincee, Paten -
boa conetructed his thermometer from oue
11111110 Many years before by Sir Isaac New-
"Ia the transactions of the Royal Society
Lor 1701, will be found the paper written bY
Sir Isaac Newtoa, who was at that time sec-
retary to the eociety," says Sir Sainuei, "He
invented an instrument for raeaitering the
degrees of heat in fluids by taking it tube
and filling it with limed oil. On this lie
marked the freezing point as zero by putting
the tube le ice, and in the entno..akty
he marked the point when placed in boning
water. The very awkward scale which we
now use is evidently that of Newton, for, the
decimal system not being then In use, he
took the number 12 to denote the heat of
the body:, this he found, and made it tho
sterting point of his scale, both upward and
aict0 downward.was
omo time slier Los that, for the
onvenience, the degrees were di-
vided into two, and thus the body heat was
24 above zero and boiling point 13. When,
inanY years afterward, Fahrenheit made las
instrument and used mercury instead of ho-
sed oil, which was far more convenient, he
again divided these degrees into four, so it
htheeat.number be multiplied accordingly we
had 212101' the boiling point and 08 for body
"Fahrenheit, finding he could get a lower
temperature than 'freezing, made this polut
zero, which brought the number 8 of New-
ton's to 32 of Fahrenheit. In this way the
thermometer was constructed."
The Canada Lite Enters a New Era
in Its 'Usury.
' The Canada Life has entered on a
new era, having within the 'ailet.e.year
passed the $100,000,000 mark. Rut while
its size has increased three -fold in the
past twenty years that is overshadowed
in importance by the remarkable
stimegth the company's reserve funds
have acquired.
The President, Hon, Geo, A. Cox, -an.
nounced that the Canada Life policy re-
serves are now greater than the present
Dominion Government - standard by
about $3,000,000. In the course of a
masterly address he pointed out that
while .this great fund must neeessarily
The assets are now over four times as
any 01. 1138 neighbors.
- A. COTE, Meichant
. qt. Isadore, Que., 12th May, '98..
• Pants and Medicine.
When the Jesnieseha.d. their troubles, 1
years ago, many of the proscribed ones
took to, medicine as it pursuit. Now that
the Congregation of the Propaganda bap I
decided that priest under some condi;
tions may .practice medicine, it is poesi-•'
ble that. a certain clerical- element maY
enter into the schools again. This de-
cision will be good news to the congre-
gations that have been disbanded, and
it is possible that science may profit by
it.—From a 'Paris letter to the New
York Medical Journal.
Minard's Liniment RelloveiNeuralgia.
France's And. Growing.'
one geographical department of the
Vrench General Staff has just pub-
lished a repert, according to which
.the area of France is notv 5362891 square
kilometers,' while at the claim of the
Franco-German war it was only 620,500
square kilimetres. The growth is ex-
plained by the fact that coniderable
tracts of land has been recovered on the
Bay of Biscay. These reclaiming works
have been carried on for mere then 70
years, and nave been very successful.
Perhaps the. most striking fel re of .
the report to 'the lay mind is the state-
ment that the Canada Life has since itie •
incePtioxi paid or credited policyholders,
with over $7,000,000 more than has been'
paid'in by them.
This favorable showing illustrates the
careful selection of lives, and the sound,
condervative management which have
always,characterized the Canada Life.
e -
mite line to New York City, Boston and
New York Central is the people's fay- "
aI points in the Eastern States. Is
Ionly trunk line whose trains enter New
York City.
Had the Proof
(Chicago Rechrd-Herald.)
In a "joke" published in this column a
few days ago it was suggested that Solomon
was lUoky because there were no department
, attires in his time, Referring to this matter,
H. A. McCandless, of Perry, Oklahoma,
I "We have a great deal of p,leasure reading
your column in the Record -Herald, and usu-
ally fin& you accurate In your statements.
In your item about 'Solomon's Ludt,' you
say, 'What would have happened to-lalm it
there had been department stores in kin
day?' There had been department stores
long before Solomon's, time, as you will see
by reading the Book of Job. In the four-
teztitihnpatesr grn4urateggtevderisi,Llelewsffsi
wait, till ni.; change rotpnes."
.There is nothing in the market approaching
the quality of
Make of thia *are. Bee that 'BIDDY'S tuune*on
the bottom of each pan and tub.
• For Flat m• Steep Roofs. Dais
waterptoof, fireproof, quickly aita
very easily laid, anti dimmer than
other reefing. Send stamp for '
Hamilton •-•-•
Mica Roofing Co4
lot Rebecca Street, II/Milton,