HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1905-02-09, Page 3Woman Buys When Tempted.
That Is the American Shopkeepers' Idea.
I "Now, I don't pretend to litete that the My Take OWd fur It '
.New Ycm aur or
orealeemtut stover get! put out y
with ,thim will of euetornert for im often •
does. Not log op MO of our beet Thet any greCee whe la antageteletio to packet tee al tai solely heasese he Mahe;
salesmen wasted, Ai he thought, nearly lees Profit then PA cOMMOUplaee bialk tees, The 11a1114
,one hour during the ausitat pert of the
day with a woman, who finally AtrOlied.
Iont 'without buying a yard of geode; end
346 /V" not haPPY over at, I can tell you. •
life felt differently, though, the 'next
•nnorningovlien hi walked the some walla
awl had business experience both a g . . ,
sides of the ocean, "are entirely unlike tut *Tendig' nnearly a30 before they
n their shapping liabits. left.
i "No, we dmat try to prevent eutitom
"The woman doesn't shoPI -
iers from handling the silkeeit woula be
has on
411 lain ing
(N. Y. Sun.)
English. BIM/keepers are losing sleep
over the Amerman, woman's metlioae of
Word comes front London that al-
though many tradesmen put forward
every effort to scour() the custom of Am-
erican visitors, seine of them. complain
:bitterly that the American woman in too
anuch given to examining goods without
purehasing. an eXasperation, the pro-
prietor of one 'West End general store
has pieced over its main entrance this
protest in large letteret "To Aenerican
visitors: This is not a museum, but a
"Just as if an American woman would
foregu th pleasitro of ha to ',lease
an Englislimanr remarked a New York
alry goods merchant, who as been at
the helm of a big concern . more than a
quarter of a century. "It woula be just
AR reasonable to expect a leopard. to
• eliange his spots.
"temerictut women as a class love to
f atop. The average American -women ae-
ilibethtely starts on a shopping tom once
weelc -without having the twist inten-
•tion of buying; that is, without intend -
jug to p \mimeo any One particular thing.
She generally ends, though, by buying a
lot of things,
"And why? Simplybecause the Amorean merchants put temptation to her
way, and, instead of prohibiting her arom
!liandling goods, encourages her to paw
them and even to take them home on
"Undoubtedly when it comes to a
:question of retail trading America is the
'freest, the moat indulgent Country in the
'world. And not from motives of clay-
ailry either. Our chief aim in this store,
and I think it is the aim of•everee large
two others with her the
elite tumor dretuns of running from etore DO USO &I WO triad. fa England theY
pleasure of looking jecep stook on the tilielves Ion er than
'to store just for the g
at gootle. When for Inatome, she wante eve do; therefore, they can't Mama to
to buy materiollfor A dress she goes to let it get spoiled; whereas over here a»y
her favorite store and metals her selee- Store of aay importanee clears out
tion from the fabrics the seee there. everytalna at least innee a year."
"Does the average American shop that "Ainenaan women shop differently
way? Not much. Why, even the nicest from all others on the faee of the earth;
women will make a tour of half a dozen they expect and take more privileges,
. 1 ' ' anti they are the !net considerate, I
tlualc," was the opinion of a floor mau-
ager whim (leen-age are principally with
the fair sex, "Where or when their
privileges Tam to stop is a queetion.
"As it is, thy do everything hitt wear
o tieiv itt te ,
carefully In eaela and. perhaps get sam-
ples, before deciding at whioh store to
leave the order. a
"New York Women knew this, every
proprietor knows it, and -we ail understand that in the longrua the American out a garment before broguig the thing
• woman is sure to buy, and buy liberally; hack to be •exchanged. In thie *tote a
and. that one store stands just as good woman is privileged not only to /walla
a thence of selling to lier as another. every gement an the. particular stock
"I. ma understana though bow the from withal she is making A selection,
English salesman feels about it. Why, but she may have one or two or several
if an Englishman should fie° a counter alma sent immix on approval, and theo
like that it would shock hain," and the be at liberty to send every one of them
(meeker wevea his hand toward the silk back the next day and come in later on
counter, literally strewn from end to end and go .throngh the same performOnce,
with the newest, most alluring weaves au over ogaiu,
of every quality nod color. Women came "And if a saleswoman .or
te ialeeman
along, handled the silks, asked the PrIee • doesn't look happy over it and treat lier
and, passed on. with the greatest oordiality she is likely
"The sille deptaiment in an English •to complain to the management. I have
shop," went on the manager, "is very known customers to visit our millinery
,aifferent frorn this, simply for the feta department, try on as many as a dozen
son that in England, the people, the plain hats, and /cave without purehosing one.
people, I mean, don't buy much silk. whether they had any iartgamea g4 buy_
Consequently it is the higher class ,Paira ing, oven if suited, Pm- sure I donl
cipally which patronizes the silk de- %now, The PAMe thing happene in the
partment. cloak and the suit department: mal that apelike it to make better -use
lusaa "The American wonuie I think, is
, d. maze bag always ant as it was 1 , Y ,
them dangerous, and should never lit
"A eidesman of silks considers hi 'elf
away above the salesman of calicoes, muaace-in th-e olailt co,"nvas and then of its food t i when it get!, older.
completely waled, and the faaat I a - ' given to children. Baby's °WA Tablets
a think,' lies at tbe door of department •
1 some hoes lie paints it to make it
say, and most of them are Arrayed when-
behoul the counter io a frock cant, an store • i t 1 let
mom e ors ev toshoppers 'ea
, . waterproof.
/ And sometimes they erne,- are
they contain no opiate or harmful Ong.
said under a positive guarantee that
ORnOS Tea on A sealed lead packet is the public safeguard. Black, Mixed or
Rataral Green,
Sold only in sealed. lead packets, By all grocers.
Received the highest award. and 0014 3gedal at St. Louis, reo4,
• __a-ea...a-a._
can also buy them second hand, juet animals in this enuntry. It is claimed
as you can anythiog else the world, that he has raised Imre show doge and
that I know of, And then some sail- more registered Otinericazabred• bleed-
ers make their own dunnage . bags, bounds' of various ages, some df them
many sailors beteg mighty haada with liciug among the finest he has ever men-
the needle, and every sailor carrying ed. Alla of them are either prize•win-
in his bag it housewife, with needles ners or the progeny- of those deeoratea
and thread and buttons mid such with the blue ribbon. lie has sold seta
things, just as every' soldier every- eml hundred bloodhounds dime he began
to breed them, and he has obtahied for
where carries (me in his knapsack.
"If the sailor man makes tide bag these 'Priem ranging from Vic° upward.
Ito numbers among hie patrons the
at sea he gets the material for it of
sup,. llookefellers aud other millionaires, and
new canvaa from the ship's canvas
many prominent people who are lovers of
piles in charge of the saihnifaer, or
dogs visit his kennel every year.
maybe the captain gives hint for it a
piece out of an did worn out sigma- Tbe fame of his mask has -gone abroad.
and lie often exports bloodhounds to
one that perhaps the sailor has more
England. -Leslie's
thin once fuelea bimself--the mune
from the bigger lower Fags being too e
heavy for it.
1Z.13001NO C�iLDRIN
"The bag is made with shirring
string at the open eml, by which it can
The mother who gives her little one
be closed. there. Soinetimes if ids bag
"soothing" stuff when its cries surely
is packed so plumb full that he can't
eiose the „sed the sailor puts over bis does not realize that she IS simply drug'
ging it into temporary insensibility with
stuff, on tap, it cauvaselisk for a stopper
a poisonous opiate. But that is just
and then drama the shirring stein on
what elle is doing. All the so-called
that. what
the sailor carries his • ll•fl
"soothing" medicines contain erisonous
Feed+ig Beef Animals.
The Best Age for E CO110111100 Ons la Catti*,
for-t4+4-444-ei-4, irs,s+++++++4-•-•-e+.1Hr+1,4-44-111-4-10-11HP
Before you begin to feed, tutted the We find it pays to put boatels itni-
hest poeeible animate, said, Prof. J. IL bualai,Tay"eenttex-gf "Tors° tb.ggaileolit
Ana keep
Farm, at the Maritime wiuter fel" them eornforteblef keep the etell wsit
(Meade, of the Central Experiinental 0cuouule)rlij-t, u beartient well,
the platform with him were two. Animate
one it six year old ex, the other it year-
ling steer.
First, look at the steer's face -we want
a broad face, not too toog, with a Mild,
large eyeeea large muzzle. All good
feeding steerte have short thick necke.
We want.at steer with A good conetitu-
(ion, for he must digest large quauti-
tiee of food to make a rapid growth.
To secure constitution an abundance of
heart room is essential, ehown by WS
thickness and depth. This also gives
room for the organs of digestion behind
the heart and lungs.
(He compel -ail tile conforniation tim
two animals beside him, the large ox
with a sharp shoulder Pod high
Ole yearling with great width of shout -
der top and back, and fullness al loin.
The development of the hind quarters
should also Show length and. depth and
width -a straight and not a rounding
The thick, low set steer will flesh up
much, more cheaply than the rangy one.
From eve year to two and a half years
is taw iaciti „age for feeding for beef.
The relatite'coat et a pound, of gain is
as follows
From birth to sia menthe, 2e per Ib.
From. 0 months to 1 year, ari per !b.
From 1 year to 2 years, Ele per lb.
From 2 years to 3 years, 17e per lb.
There is something the young nei-
ventilated. 1./ader poor veutilatton,
bunch of facers gained only I. Ib, per day,
while another lot gained 2 1-2 las, with
exaetly the same feed and care, but good
When putting up steers in. tbe
feed. lots of succulent food. ,and oll the
roughage yell can economically get them
to eat. Otte every steer as many tut
nips as ihe wants, with. four or five
'pounds straw, and as much iuty. Well
cured elover is the hest hay. After four
to six weeks, begin the Meal. Start with
one pound per day; Increase this quan-
tity gradually. Oats, barley and peas
mixed are it good ration. If you have
to buy get seine food, that is cheapeet,
according to Its analysis.
Dran can often be got at I.OW price
in aummer, Gluten, ts one of our best
feeds. The Rdwardsharg Starolt Coe of
Montreal, lute given me an honest glis-
ten Meal almost equal to oil meal. It
is quoted to -day At $25 per ton on track
at Ottawa,
A wide ration can be fed At the +start
of the feeding perioa with profit, but
it must get narrower cos the foaling per-
iod advauces.
Ile urged all who were intereeted
beef raising to attend. the short course
at the new Agricultural College At
Truro, and discuss with -the experts who
woula be there the very beet praetiees,
as found by =WA experience.
W. A. Clemons,
Publication Clerk.
Amerman department store, is to got match it with a sort of ramp ion con
customers to look at our pods, to handle
them, in some departments to taste
them; for if a Woman gets that far she
is pretty sure to buy sooner or later.
"It was A. T, Stewart, a pioneer of
the great New Yak •department store
mittee manner, Here, far 'example, is
the way an English woman bleat;
"She sails into the store slowly and
bears clown upon the silk candor, escort-
ed perhaps by' it floor manner, who
waves to it seat in. front of the counter
• 'ts
just ta,s they please.
aOnlya a few years ago it was almost
unheard. of for any establishment to
take back goods and refund: the priet
of them, but now it is it common occur-
Men this remark was repeated to the
• The Tablets speedily cure all stomach
"A .common way of deism this is to
paint. on the butt end or closed end of troubles, constipation, diarrhoea, and
the bag it star, nuiabe a double. star, simple fevers; they break up colds, pre-
vent croup, ease the pain of teething;
one inside of the other, and in different
ond give. healthy, uatural sleep. When
colon, tho inner star in a ring 'and
1 f th little ones are cross, peevish and ailing,
t • nin round like the point, of give them Baby's Own Tnblets and you
system, who used to tell lus clerks: with ti pie eau ow. tor of a, leading deaartment store, e eae ruu g O
"'Show the goods. Don't be afraid to as if uneliorecl till her purchase is cora- Prc'Prie
Ito nodded his head an a acknowledged a compass, Sometiines they paint wilt find there's it smile iu ataxy dose.
show them. Let them speak for them- pleted, so..,,erd that it was quite true. pietures on them, maybe. pictures of You van get the Tablets from any ineili-
. selves and, save your breath.' . "Then the salesmen salaame 'Why do we do it?" he 'echoed. "Be- sbilm. , cine dealer or by mail at 23 rents a box
"He was never an advocate of the old : times and. inquires deferentially what he by writing the Dr. Williams' Medicine
ser?peeperist inyasi,e jtultsetstaoseki, pays to let "A sailor might paint on his dunnage
tomer to buy, And he was right. bag a picture of his favorite ship, just Co., Brockville, Out.
fashioned method of pursuing a ells- Tanyss.hosn:v ohetra.ke`sDaorkroblpitioecetafffic.0%, ishliee
"As o rule it woman Who is persuaded shelf, opens it as if it Were gold and 'The American woman may not be as he might have such a picture tat-
. te-e-ssereeeseleao-t
by a glilettonsued salesman to purchase trails one end over the counter in front Or ,f Ite loa eatatee-e-oa
'anything which does not appeal to her of the customer, who perhaps remarks
_ea ' at first sight is pretty sure to be dis- that the color isn't juet what she wants,
a ,717 , satisfied with it, and ten chances, to at which the salesman puts that pieta
one will return May, takes another from the alfelf and
d it ea
. "rn this store at least we seldom or as carefully opens and spree s , in
• never refuse to take back goods and *bile towing some more.
• refund their price. Pay us? Of . course "Now, In the .se,me length of time an
i it does. We found out long ago thet it
American satesman would have had half
as not good business to force goods on. a dozen Owes •of silk in froat of a cus-
shoppers nor profitable to let a cue- tauter, and be bu"tiug "t' "me more
itomer get a grievance fancied or real, rolls that he thinks might suit. How -
against the house. f don't know alow ever, before the Ertglisb woman lams
- it is in Loudon, but over liere there is she is pretty sure to order so many
less lost than might be imagined. from .yeada cut off, and, pefaape, without
the handling of stock. I am asked even asking the price..
over and over again • by foreign mer- "The American woments way is differ -
chants, who 'open their eyes to see spe- ent. She approaches the counter brisk-
Cita counters loaded down with fresh ly, and the salesman, judging by her
goods which are belog handled here and Pr"Per°118 el'Peartmee, is delighted at
!there like shavings by shoppers, many theeprospeet of it big order. The Amer -
of whom don't buy it yard or an article, lean eve, briskly;
'Are not the goods ruined by such con- "1 want to see ,eome bonnet silk, it
.,stant mauling?' aud, I always answer pale green, I think. No, I don't care for
i that they would certainly be' if they that shade,' as one piece . is put before
stayed unsold en the counters long. her. 'Is .that the best quality you havels
"But in New York that doesiet imp- when he opens out it emend roll. 'I'
pen often. Instead of keeping on hand want it aeavter silk,' and. so on till she
goods placed on speciaasale on a partic- has seen and Wattled at leaet ball it
, ulna day, We often have to replenish the dozen pieces, when, as likely as not, up.
ate& two or three times before six she jumps and says to the astoniehed
'Naturally„ in the course Of a year ' "'Well, ?ether' I will come in again.
we are bound to lose a. little 'oieilia I elon't see anything I exactly fancy to-
.• worn, soiled .goods which must be so d slay:. and whisks away before he eau say
"le at reduced prices, , but our loss 'would a, word. Then all •the other clerks have
-C,,7 ho ten times at much if we tried to re- , the grand laugh on lihn, and he swears
strain shoppers. "front exainining the • under his breath '
stuff." . , . . (Msaiitnne the American shopper goce
„ ,, ,. .a, ...• •
. "The American woman and the Eng. on to the next store and does tho Same
lish woman," explained a department thing; eventually, perhaps, going back to
manager who was born on the -other side the one he lint tried.
Of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, the
Great Wonian's Remedy for Woman's Ills,
yailfidallfillV1446411.11,1la WO 16 11.14..4.0, /1-,..v. kWith‘16.2,11I+1.11 16.16.1 .J.-
an nlera stamper from a saleswoman tooe umse .
point of viees but and most other. do it himself, and he wanted suds a
storekeepers' have no feult to Dna. with picture, he might find somebody in the
her, lf she never went leto a store ma ; forecastle who could do it for hint, and
cept when she really wanted, to buy, it ;etaint a very pretty ship, too; how he
good many of us would have to cut i came by Ins art nobody knows.
down our business. I "But whatever they may do aboat
"We owe much of our prosperitr to such details as these, the sailors of
the fact that the Yank and file of Am- I whatever country use it dunnage bag in
erieen women go first of all to the :whicb to eaiTy their personal belongings.
shops to see what the laateet fashions; The world over, in the, ships of every
are, -what there is that is new, and that ' nation, a dunnage bag serves as the
when actually in touch. with goods which sailor's trunk." -New York Sun,
catch their fancy they can't resist the 7 --
temptation to buy. As an instance;
"Dciwn on the main floor is a, table
loaded with ribbons advertised et a. epe- LA GRIPPE'S RAVAGES,
eial price. Ttiose ribbons have beenepull-
ed and hauled, twisted. and , tied by The Victims Let Weak, Nervelees and
crowd. of eager women ever shade the
store was opened this morning. Thous, a, Prey 10 Deadly Diseases.
ands of yards have been sold to -day and . grippe, or influenza, which sweeps
thousands more will go off to -morrow, over Canada every winter, le probably
"I am positive Of one thing. If the the most treacherous disease known to
ribbons were rolled. up carefully and a medical scienee. attack may last
'Hands off!' sign put Above them, most ouly a few days, but the deadly poison
of the pieces would probably stay right in the blood remains, You are left. with
where they are. To guard, against such ktrdly strength enough to walk. Your
Twenty years ago the Holstein .eow
was practically unknown to the dairy-
men of Canada. The first arrivals in this
country found the field already occup-
ied for many years by the Ayrshire,
received word bY telephone that the obstrue- have' been both financially and botankealy
twe lied been elearect ewey, and thereupon succeasful have eoerrea ia Whatcora
resumea his trip.
A. lane farther on the signal of No. 290
asinu soundee. Ana the engineer was le -
termed laY telephone, as betore, that the
semaphore round.a .curve, and more than
half it mile distant, was set at "halt." There-
upon engine No, 290 slowed down and pro -
ceded cautiouely, sounding Its whistle at
abort Intervals, the telephone bell in the efl.
ginoer's cab ringing continuously untn the
curve was rounded, when the ringing ceased,
eetifyins the engineer that the setnaphore
had changed to "track clear." Thereupea
No, 290 resumed fuil speed.
In the tests to prevent collision engine No.
1420 eatne up rapidly from behind on the same
track as No. 200, which had slowed down and
was proceeding cautiously in consequence of
ty, the most northwesterly county in the
United States, lying along Vuget Sound in
the State ot Washington. There C. T. Can-
field, of Dellingbant, Mr. Ilagernorn, of Ana-
cortes, and Mr. Marsh, of Vidalgo, have been
remarkably successful. Last year Mr. Ha-
gerdorn sold about Mx hundred pounds and
Mr. Marsh between three and four hundred_
pournids at $10 and $12 a peUndi and they
have contracts with -wIaniestile seed man to
bu yall they con grow at that price. The
climate and the soil of that locelity, ac-
cording to the experts ot the Agricultural
Department, bring out all there Is in a
Plant which Is essential for successful seed
growing. The demand for caulitiower seed.
as I have shown, is ocraparatively limited
and it can be supplied trom Whateora Coml.
reported danger In front. Vie moznent t at t) lit COlflJi
ste. ten value within 1,093 yards of No. 290 the slightest difficulty if the farmer:is Un
there will have the patience to cultivate It.
the signal on both engines began to riug loan
their red lights to glow, Tnereupon N. 1,420 -Other seeds are produced .equally well upon
halted, the engineer Inquired of No. 290' in that spit They do not require so much care
front the rause of the alarm and a complete and thouble, and do not bring such large
understanding between the two trains was returns.-Will_lattz_11 Curtis, cor. Chicago
immediately established.
AA important point in this connection 10 Ileraid. 1 -
that in practice the same warning. signal /a
sounded upon every engine equipped with
the apparatus which is on the same track and
within the prescribed radius -a kilometer or
a mile, as the ease may be -from the engine
and train which cause the obstruction. 11 a
seinaphore sig; I he falsely set at safety
k without
the Jersey and the Shorthorn grade. the train may run nest It into a Meek in
Every cry that iguorance and prejna ivhieh another engine is halted or moving
with ported security that warning will be
dice eould devise Wes directed agamet
the black -and -white milk madame, but
en without avail. Little by little preju-
dice WAS uprootea and fennel's were in-
duced to try. the new breed. In nearly
every ease it trial was sefficient to conever -
vinee a man that he WAS on the right leg!: tgar11115 vgnesardv=h
track. The average Canadian dairyman into activity the moment that me locomotives,
wants a cow that will give a etiod flow whether running forward or backward, comes
the cheese factory ni summer ana the STIFF NECKS EPIDEMIC IN CHICAGO
creamery in waiter, aud yielding in the
latter ease plenty of skim milk for feed.
given in ample time to prevent a collision.
under any and all conditions ot darkness, fog,
storm or mistaken instructions.
In effect, this invention puts the engineer
on every train into instantaneous touch with
other trains, switchmen and station and
• in -keepers in his nele;hborhood and
of milk of average quality, stiltable for within the moue otedieneer from collision.
it eatainity the head. of stock gives or- lungs, your eliest, your mai. au
dem to uneoll at 'ease yara. or two of nerves WC permanently weakened, and ing pigs and calves. 'rip Holstein has
proved that she can fill t.he bill to a
the .1110fiti taking pieces and mass them you: I all it victim to deadly pneumonia,
all in together knowing that the min- bronehitis consumption,' rheumatism, or
t mcety. Consequently, we find all the
best dairy produete thiekly dotted with
grade Holsteins. Indeed, dairy instrue-
teas who are in the best position to
know the facts say that during the paat
season of low prices the owners of
black -and -whites were the only factory
patrons who made any money at all.
Economical milk production necessi-
tates' the 'Use of the very best COWS,
and Has means that the Holstein has
come to stay.
Ono of the most potent factors in
bringing the Holstein cow to the atten-
tion of the practical farmer has been
the public test. Probably three-fourths
of all the honors in show,ground dairy
tests during the past fifteen years have
been carried off by cows of this breetf.
At the present time the leading public
test in Canada is that conducted at the
Ontario Proviueial Winter Fair at
Guelph. Holsteins have always stood. re-
maricably high in these Provincial cona
nte a woman takes hold .of the ribbon, racklage kidney troubles. Dr. Williams
sees ith quality and notes the price, she pink Pins never fail to cure the dins -
or not. .. . thous after effects of la grippe beeteuse
will evaut to buy whether' she needs it
they purify 'the blood. an weep away
gather when our ' salespeople spend. new, Warm, etch blood, which brings
its poisonous germs. Every dose makes
"We do. not consider it lost time alto -
possibly -with not the least intuition ' bed
health arid healing to every part of pe
This is proved in the ease of
hours with women' who try on garments,
of buying, for this reason: those very
woMen aro bound to tell of what they
saw at our store to some other women
who really *ant to buy. • As it rule, it is
the 'women who do the least buying who
talk tne most about clothes, and, ou the
other hand, it is woman who never goes
shopping until' she realty needs some -
Miss Dwaine Langlois, of a. Jerome,
ut, who says: "1 had P. severe attack
of la, grippe, the after effects of which
left me racked with paths in every part
of my body. My appetite completely
failed, me; I had severe headathes, was
subject to. colds with the least exposure,
thing to weer who says the least and and grew so weak that I was unable to
armee at my trade as dressmaker. I tried
knows the least about what is in the several medicines without the sligaitest
stores. success until it drug clerk advised me to
"I think London tradesmen have some take Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. I acted
exouse for their irritation at the Amer- upon. his excelleat oadviee, and. thit. pills
kart vroman slao per, but at the Same. 'd1 and corn letely. cured me. ltly
time I am sure thy make a big mistake
the way New York departm'ent stores I °anal'
etrength returne 1,1m headaches and
by not catering to her habits. Look at
have multiplied in the last few disappeared', and I am again en -1 petitions, and this year they made prac-
and at their wonderful prosperity, which
yearg, I joyingmy oldstime Imolai. I am antis- I timing a clean sweep. The following list
In my opinion. is due largely to the Am- lied that if suffeaers from la grippe will ' gives the retards for 48 hours of the
notiotis about vac De. Williams' Pink Pills, they •Vvill , beet six vows in the sbow, everyone a
erican wommas peculiar speedily recover from those after effects ' gum bred or grade Holstein:
thopping." !which make the lives -of so many people cow Lbs, milk. P. C. fat, Points
a, burden." Pearl .. .... 127.14 3.05 140.64
'aHE SAILOR'S TRUNK. . ' Dr. Williams' Pink Pals curo all the 'allele Jewel
common ailments due to weak and Meehtilde o. 118.15 3.05 140.20
watery blood, such as anaemia, head- Queen DeKol 3rd 105.08 4:6o .
aches, eideaehes, indigestion, neuralgia,
-rheumatism, sciatica, nervousness, gen- Queen Pietertje
tforeedes ... 120.02 3.35 135.53
oral wealcuess, ana the special ailments Adelaid•s Brooks De-
aul't grawbtg girle 'and weutell de wth Kol .. .. '.. 122.01 3.46 132.20
Round Canvas Bag Four Feet Long,
Same the World Over.
"The sailor's trunk," said. an old salt,
"is it canvas bag cylindrical in form
and about four feet long and eighteen
inches 'in diameter, and when he's get
Oat bag packed with his stuff the
whole outfit, bag and all, constitutes
his kit. couldn't carry a regular
trunk, .even if he wented to, for there
would be' no place for it in a shies
forecastle. But a dunnage bag takes
up only .so much room as the stuff in-
eide of it takes up -that le to say, if
itaa.onla half full, you can fold it down
to half its space, and then if tbe bag
is full you tan mese ito arid you can
bend; and twist it, you can make good
stowage with it in the piece where
it has to go, ana so you can, get itawith
as nnich stuff in it as • it trunkwould
-hold, into it space whore you couldn't
get it trunk at all.
"And then his bag is a mighty tight
handler to may than his trunk would
be when the sailor man goes ashottl, or
.whon he goes from his boarding house
_to a vessel when he ships for a May
voyage. Ile con just pick that bag up
• and tiling it over las shoulder, and itts
flexible enough to fit there- easily, and
sag (limn a little forward and aft, mak-
ing it easy to wary.
"in the. days when deep tea sailleig
shim; were commonly used, before the
day of steam kettles, in the old dive
when the jibboonts of ships .along the
waterfront Used to stick out nerOeS the -
street in !mg l'ONVis for block after
block, you could see it ship ettptain -
walking down South street with a
dozen Melt trailing tato' him, his OW
erew, each man with hie canvas trunk,
or dunnage bag, his kit, Oil WS shall*
der, making for it vessel • lying* at it
ubarf, or for tug to take. the tante
Lome vessel lying out in the aren't
teritly to sail.
"You mu% see such procession much'
natvadays, for the day of the AVMS..
vigger more and more waning, but
still you ran even now occostonallt
tr6;'et a man walking along South street
with his dunnage hag over his Amid -
der. Thew SW Still SUMO SLIM and
the sctilor man hasn't gone quite out
thousand times _for toey get what they Want -a mire. 'Sold by Druni4t4 l'N'int ran buy dunnage bags in !IT _
- other fenttale medieine world hoe received such evidesaread and
disqualified endorsemerit.
No other me:nettle has emelt a record of tures of female trotibles or such
bogie of gralefill friends an has
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound.
It will c•ntirtly cure the wort 'forms of Female Complaints, all Ovarian
Troubles, Inflammation and Ulceration, Fallime una Disptheement of the
:Womb, and eousequeut "Ittihad Weakness, and is peculiarly adapted to the
Change of Life.
it has eared more easeei of Baclutelte •fte4 Lencorriger, than any other rent-
edy the world has ever known. It is ahnost infallible in ,such eases. It
; dissolves wad c:.epels tumors from Me Uterus in ttn ently stage ef de-
, velomnent.
Irregular. Suppressed tot Painful Menstruation, Weakness of the Stomach,
t•Indigestioe, Bleatiog, Fleioding, Nervous laxistration, Hetulache, General
quickly yield to it. Womb troubles, causing pain, weielit and buckache, in-
stantly relleveil end pertnanently cured by itsose. ruder all circumstances it
' invigorates the female system, and le AS harmless ns water.
It quickly removes that liettring-ilown Feeling, extreme lassitude, "don't
'taro" and " want -to -Weft -alone' feeling, excitability, irritubllity, nervous-
intss, Dizziness, Faintness, sleeplessness. flatulency, tneTancholy or the " blues"
nd heedaelte. ThesA ore tame inaicatione l'emale Weakness, or some de-
trattgeinent of the tatstem, withal this medicine always cures. Xidney t!omplaints
and Backache, of eithor nen, the Vegetable Compound cam a.ys ewes. ,
• Those women who refuse ho accept anything else are rewarded a hundred,
f!droarestere. itt;filse all substitute*. of the sailors' outfitting stores •atull
in the
But only the genuine pills eon do this,. Viole .. .. - 107.0O 3.90 124.88
Points- were allowed for amount of
like to •thlk about, even to their doctor&
and you ehould \see that the full newel fat 1 e 1;1 t t 1 f 1
RIM OA SO.,48 AO. fat, also ,or _ength
pie" is printed on the 'wrapper around of time in milk, Twenty-three COWS were
in the test, ineluding Holsteins, Jerseys,
"Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Palo Peo-
ee'e'll 'box' If Yeu- eennet get 'the gentlin° Shorthornes and grades. The best Short -
Medicine •Co., Brook- horn scored. 120.92 points and the best
the Dr. Williams'
pille from your druggist send direct toe
Jersey 70.06 points. Yours truly,
ville, Ont., and they will be mailed,. 60 G. NV. Clemons,
tents it box, or six boxes for $2.50, Secretary, Holstein -Friesian Association.
tt : e - • $L George, Ont,
Vermont's Remarkable Bloodhounds. t • t
. Notwithstanding the high estimation INSURES SAFETY BY RAIL.
in WhIcb- -------------1 d, the English
bloodhouad is at present comparatively Electrical Device Tested in Germany is
Red Flannel Bandages Suddenly Become •
Fashiouable as Mufflers.
Possibly the exclusive haberdasher "
may not be aware of it, but the latest
thing in neckwear 'hi a wad of red flan-
nel bound tightly about the Adam's ap-
ple and stitched neatly in it biased seam
just south of the left ear. Every upto-
ddte young man about town affects this
type of muffler at present itt present,
for everybody who is anybody IS also
affected with a stiff neck.
'The latest epedemic arived in town
only it few days ago, but at the rate •
of speed thus for maintained it will be
on intimate terms evith half the popu-
late within another fortnight.
It is not exactly "la grippe," but is
evidently it branch of the same family.
anstead of sneaking up quietly and, hit-
ting one in the back, as did the grippe,
the latest pain producer taps its pros-
pective vietim" lightly on the shoulder.
If no atention is paid. to the familiarity,
the riext blow is aimed it trifle higher,
and, the unfortunate literally "gets it
in the neck."
Dozens of young men whose concep-
tion of duty carries them daily to the
neighborhood of the city bell have ac-
quired more than a speaking. acquain-
tance with the stiff neck epidemic. In
fact, some of the more thoughtless are
speaking to it in language too hot for
cold print.
The blase druggist, however, listeus
placidly to their complaint, then furn-
ishes the red flannel at but a slightly
advanced rate and unloads a bottle of
camphorated oil at approximately the
same minute. Thus it is that for once
the druggist rather than. the outfitter
sets the vogue in neckwear.
Physicians are unable to explain the
epidemic of shoulder pains, followed by
stiffness in the neck, but aro willing to
prescribe for it while the fashion pit-
man replace appendicitis as a, fashionable .
'Whet_.....her or not the new disease
complaint can not be determined.
Efforts Made to Produce the Desirable
Article in the States.
Ito world's supply ot cauliflower seed
comes from Denmark, Tunis and Algeria,
be due to the delicate constitution of the noel, et a Success.
and a amen euautity from Italy. ,
rare, oven in Great 13vitain. This may
animal, making it somewhat difficult to , aalteat all,af,g1t; ttaaegicat a01111)ehaetteral taegium. Germany and reance. In the last
tear, and the faet that there ie no greet l gives irliatestin, rfaete reegot.rdaig epo.o.rtgovej named countries many farmers grow a little
0, del:nand for it aS formerly for practical eatety deviee for railroads, which ie beteg uenriill 110111 Ihe."3 Alt tteeiti g""itsd
rues as high as 03.b0 pee ounce, and one
blr Mr. EdWin Brought of Seerborough, of the governnient iinee near Prankfert,
whit Watt at that time aesoelated with Ptirmallu and hitzx Wendell, and Its con.' rnd of seed to every thirtY 'Plants, which
beeti. The first English blomlhounds ever 1 lesteld me oTrmaie.
7his device, au eleeOleal ers, who pay Si or r$6 co. p‘rund fir them. Sae:
•i manrtheroul=iliglacil"TrPgierkeeta:a:LIti;
LegLind, cit the Westminster kennel - themence oE a board of experts, were ate -
Mr,. Drough, subsequ6tly went on his' ttrug%ndate opeiralion aro thus described !4"„a'ar g•Tpyoau.nu"Ailthge aat"tne ntel-leei?:
feria near the , pleasant -either of Voir- t tonnetted as to form a continuous eolidttetor.14liegetilnearillzo rift teetiiimatell to be P,42,000,
Ileac% of supply - for these int:eresting lizeitet, occupying a ouble foot oi space, 5 I equal to that of the latter eoentry, which .
seen. in the United States were 'exhibited bgt1.4gli: hiPsay°111111.11g, ta°mIllreeigstni1814: leeted snowbell eatiliflbwer seed, however,
ben& shoW in 1888. Mr...T. L. Winehell, The devico is the joint invention of Iltibert' era ef Demerk es"eur expect about
own book into the busin'ess of vetoing the re,e4asThelef: ughet=„121,12'a ttetwer ag6 Drive, It brings them about $1,200 un
haven, Vt.., and owirtg to the Green gglYatil:dettitet143 larwafd tlArt the ea^ any et the IlurOpreare
Taken the total produet ot eaulifleWee seed
The inetrument is connected With a contact
blooahountle. Mt-. Winehell residett on a teal T patern, the points ot meek ear': sea acre. In 1903 tho total number of plants
01 liimn Mountain State has become the lettaing trice magma, igiotlead 11: tt'utuVrtg!,,t1.:; mark, but their a:urea:Ito snow tibout
which slide!) along the trr a • or the entire world. about S0,000 pounds,
',valued nt more . d 11 r
11)100. wires With it telephone gild electrit1 warm belt No other form ef gardening produces elicit
in the tab of the locomotive, and. a red In...returns, Althougb itt OM SIMS time 1101113
Impulse that TOUS03 t110 (darn% bell late or risles.
candescent lanip, which la lighted by. 1110 requires so much care or is 'exposed to great-
38158aets the eleetrie braes on the mama or eto ;eoneurne about litfir.) Donnas of ordinary
The people Of the tutted etatcs annually
aetion. A further improvement of t 0 el, c ,
tiro train simultancousiy with the alarnt nig- seed, aial about 2,l.el) pounds of the verr
ten which sound:: the bell and lights the red blot Teo former tan average saw
IlTihhtle. -apparatus is ao adjusted and arranged ' tliatiaiitileleelittteigl ollarbi)ntillte00:e1T,ttitOdtlaW' owrtillt°,13ale'
that the engineer van at ituY n101uolltt ea.; The laelartreent of Agriculture has beta
touching a loser, tily himself that it la eveelirornting Pro Bfwveal years in hopea of
ip_ full worltim4 condition. The re:.ent te.na boing ntlo to ere,,ure bur own rauliflower
I, tepee couducizit, ',en tns. 1011111 eilzie fronti spoil in this toiletry. Ilene:eta atteMpts
Frankfort to lianua. and a translation or have Peen made on Long Inland, butt they
the official report will illustrate couciselY ti,ace 1,-nic,i, oa *count of stem dibease,t,
the working of the apparatus. .intik yet
Two locomotives bad beon o quipped wit» , if)tgegwrikolutlinkti.11(60111112:11)(17 Ttrwntslgt et the
, the new device. IiIngino No, 90, drawing a turcau of plant 0110 ,try, has been looldng
I .61166itti trato 1110 3t)Pruaedniri 80.,,h2mlial.• for duo with p,reat pstienee. ;Anal' tuneunte
ten ntatIon at fun eeeeeil re,,civetlt thhe oanacer
of ; !Tletri btAVA been rata In nhede'Mane,
Menai and tane to it ful 11011. The 1111111100i but they am ot pay. A newspaptpara.
It tieAtutlaiidi,etvoereriiti 1zroie1iiige1111»,o2tatitatro, Cathada
et a grade crosslec, tnif a mie in front, 'q1A3Ii „, „leuve
'Word that a wetten Imet broken flown la tbotatind emend of vrea this year: but teas -
eremite the traek, 0111 obetructea the. line. renee Wilcon toe lee been able to eentirre
4Aften tell lilltiUtee' Wait the engineer 01 290 the etatement. Tee only eseeriments lehtelt
Comfortable Living
Chatham incubator
Poultry raising with a Chatham
Incubator is a very profitable and
easily managed occupation. Unless
you want ta go into it extensively it
need take but very little of your time.
Government reports show that the
demand for chickens in Canada is
greatly in excess of' the supply and
Great Britain is always clamoring
for more. That means a steady
market and good prices for chickens.
You cannot raise chickens success-
fully with it setting hen. She is wast-
ing time setting when she should be
laying. While she is hatching and
brooding a few chickens she could be
laying five or six dozen eggs. The
percentage of chickens she hatches is
much less than that produced by the
Che.tharn Incubator.
It will pay you to own a Chatham
Incubator. "
Chatham Incubators contain every
improvement of importance in Incu.
bator construction that has been pro-
duced. They are made of thoroughly
seasoned wood, with two walls, case
within case. Between these walls
mineral wool is packed forming the
very best insulation. Each piece of
the case is mortised and grooved and
screwed, making the whole as solid
as a rock. Chatham Incubators are
equipped with scientifically perfect
regulators which 8.re an iefallible
means of regulating the temperature.
No cash to pay until
October, 1905.
We will start you raising poultry
for profit with a Chatham Incubator
without one cent of money front you
until next Fall. That means that you
can take off seven or eight hatches
and make considerable money out of
the Incubator before the first payment
becointS due.
Wo couldn't make this offer if we
were not certain that if you accept it
y -on will get complete satisfaction, if
we were not positive that the Chatham
incautibr inocrouniiell. pay you a handsome
This is a straightforward otrer. We
make it to show our Supeente confi-
dence in the Chatham Theubator. We
watt you to accept this offer api we
aro sure of the satisfaction our Ince-
bathe will give. Every machine vre
have put out se far has made other
sales in the same neighborhood.
Dur offer id Or send you a Chathaka
Incubator at Once, freight prepaid by
us without one cent of cash from you.
You make your jirst payment in
Ootober,1905, the balance to be paid
In Ootober, 1906, or if a Bash Buyer
you get it cheapen Bould any offer
be fairer oe mord yonerous9
8i T1 reit% ear.. Is'uvenklier Ietii, IOC
'M humbatar Sil Ilmator that I 1gambt hom pout
ynn,h eas4d av1414 Lath nitd
Yam 1?,431.••:rs?\v.ilr.
Write ns to -day for full particulars
of our oiler tout mention this paper,
i Don't put it aside for another time as
: this special proposition may be with.
drawn at any time.
MANSON CAMPIlell CO,, Limited
Dept. MI Oldham, Mit.
Mats* FOAM.: mil llmtimM tchtt atft
ht" 4Mtrat.4-4 waucto4Aa AT