HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1905-02-02, Page 6141:4 / alef44,4, e 4‘..7 ...47/Peee eleeeine, trtre• .4.444.4•s-.444.44.44,••••4410•A*40•4410 .. • •44 - - ,.^119•L,TO.",,,P0.• 1,4,4*,<1. ,e? tij fr ?leeg're.‘e2,,O20,‘ • .0/1 Zeiee.17.13-Vel tree 4 41 et 4 , ei" eratetteL A. 4 Old e 4,,e,•, 7 • aeree"-•.ere:; PfSttl Et7414,!tep, p ,„ - • ir C214:0<;W:14.447.:'S" Ing that the fever moat have begun to effret licr brain even then eti 1 lea •!' made her imagine anything ao obserd. eh • r eolee te leir Walteref re - ft to win her t-oneent to a eeblie marriage, while they ivere ta th er Was frem Va•ris to 10101011, claintinit that, in tilla wag, they eireel le-ep their rearet ; how he had renewal lea met to -night, and. When sha had rtis,thely deelared time elle 1% guild novi.r acknowletitte any tio m between thm, etier beneeee his I wife. lie bad threatener), 'to peibliely; vote:elm 'their eeeret, and (wee re. ;seri, to th i law to gain hie point, 1 - if nc eziosary. Mr.' t-loas er listeued to all Ode in inter elleuce, bis faec becoming veret grew and itern at 'the Uareaeive preigreseed ; but he began to grow, reetive and iiie eyee to blaze when - . • sbe reterred to the interview. Of that evening and th-bnet'e COW- axxllyt teat. "S., !" he exploded, when elm fin - elle taased. "1 W3,8 riAht la my tirst estimitt-, of tho man, after all! 110 wa,,4 a eravett-a Villaiit from tho n•oril go, and, bang lt all: we've bowl las gneete !Or more than two weeks ! I wieth I lutti known all tabs before we came to tile Towers, Flo.-yoli need never have been subjrated to sucli insults, awe it mast bave been :infuriating to you to come here at 1101:i.eveire anxious to come, and X did t. . '`X: wa. Len. le R l; luti thought al like to have you diseppointed," ho fah- girl replied. .' "'Disappointed, indeed 1 -• I :mule 'eel: Inyselit for a feel !" said) the mare - wItli a twinge of guilt, a,s he remit- ol lite rezent holm that Foy Would. eventually beceme Lady LeIghton. "Well, my little glrl, it looks as if be had got von in a pretty tight place," he continued thoughtelly, "but we will see what we can do for you." • 'Ah, Uncle Robert, if X had only heeded your advice In the first' elute,'" eighed Florence, es she lifted : ids head and leiel her Miceli: against :t. HL glance rested very fondly upon . • • :or. I i f "I wish you had, dear," he return-, el, ad -Jing more cheerfully : "But lonet grieve over what Ls past -we eel have to endure unpleasantexperi- ences in life. I wish, though, we eoell come across that ether chap. Egad: he had a good deal of the dare- devil in him to do wha,t he did, and I can't, for tbe life of me, nnder- stand wha,t could have been his ob- ject" -this with contracted brows and puzzled air. "However," he went Me after a moment, "there Is but one thing for us to do just at present, and that is, to get out of this place forthwith; so pack your trunks, girls, this eery night, a.nd be ready to start for London to-morrw mrn- lag." :Florence gave a .4olent start at this. She had not onee thought of Jamb until that moment. "Ah! but, Uncle Robert, I have estill something else to tell you," she ex- claimed, and thereupon she related Jamie's story, and concluded by ob- serving , "I am %freed if we leave to -morrow =mine we cannot resare the•poor chili. No one can be more eager to gat away from this than I, but we must manage some 'day to save dir. Carrol's trotege. 'Well! weal well 1' expoded the lawyer • "more romance !-more mys- tery! hat does it all mean? What scheme has Leitxhton in mind now. I wonder, that he shoull cage that "I knew, Al about you. Jamie, and I merit wi,th hire the year previous• chili underground? Tnere Is some - am acquainted evIth. ever `Uncle Car- IL was the first time the secret eat all -it savors of crime. I don't like bad ever passed her lips, and her at, alt -it savors of clime I tell you role " "Oh, aro yob, ma'am ?" crled the cou-sin listened spellbound through- , what," he added, lowering his voice; youthful voice, eagerly; "and vrm i out the narrative. • "I think we will have 1.0 be wary - you help me to go back to him ?" "What a• romance!" she exclaimed • meet cunning with cunnhig-and so tainle. "Yes, indeed, I will," Irtily when Florence concluded, "and it cer- It may be beet to remain bere for plied Florence. "But tell me, Jamie, ' tea.re- is evident that the girl is a day or two longer. I well go to who .was this bad man who locked here as a spy and to perjure herself London to -morrow, ad I had plan - In her master's coma. Really, dear, ned, eee, Carrot, tell him whethas you into the cella.r-what is his I am 'afraid that ter Walter has litima oacurrad, aril act u -der 1114 ;.,,uiciance name ?" at a, great disadvantage -and now about tile boy. De Aloe, I had al - "I don't know, ma'am; only be said ae, I understand what eau meant a Ili- matt forgotten, I have pionesed to Worthing Towers belonged to him tle while age, When you said some- meet Cestel IL her aeaie to -morrow "Heaven! Mienlea., it must have thing selyeut his forcing you into a night. No -it will be best to post - been Sir Waiter!" exclaimed Fier- marriage with him. It really; seems as pone our 1,,ave-takin; a littleCan emee in a startled tone. 1If the beaten of proof is all on bis roe girle steel it to act aa couple "D.e you think that can be pos. side, eince he has that certificate of hypocrites for twonty-four or sable ?" a,stred Zionica, with. a, doubt- and can summon so mangevetnesses." forty-M.0e hours longer ?" be ques- ful shake of her head. "Why should ...But I know I ami not his wife," tioned, glancing from one to the he desire to imprison a. boy like thee ?" Florence persisted with blazing other. . eyes. i "Uneb Rone eeet, I am werto sac - e "Well, I think I Wald believe al- "But il he should appeal to the ririoe ale Pereonal reeling for the most anything of him after whatsake of balking eValiee Leighteres taw, I believe he would win his case; he said to' me to -night," responded for you certainly cannot prove that nefarlone echo/nee against Jenne," Florence, thoughtfully. "If he is so you are not hts wile, unless that said lel:zonal eagerly. "I wish, lost to all printiple as to plan to stranger can be found and made to though, we caull liberate the poor force me into a marriage with him to teotify that he stood beside you little fellow to -night, for it must be In such a dastardly way, he would during thot ceremony,. Even then he coil and do' olete eneuet out In that del worse to further his own ends- would be only, one against many, for . tomb -like pa-ssage. • (rely I can see no object for such It is ;doubtful if ;you fwould be able 'to t "Where is the ehild?-let me bave an Outrage as this. jamb," she add- leo:ally lem," Maniere argued. i a word with him,' cried Mr. Seaver, : ed, turning again to him, "can you "No, I could not identtlyj him," re- springing to Ma feet. describe this man tot me ?" tuDnoti Florence with a weary sigh; Forence conducted him to the ' "Yes, ma'am; be is pretty tall and "but Of one thing I nen certain, and pttrici, and explained how she and Monica. had boon able to raise it a very swell -looking; his hair and that is that no power on earth can little, to a point where it stuck and oyes are black, and he has a mug- ever compel mu to admit tbat I am would move no fartber. tache. Ile can be very nice, too ; Walter Leighton's wife, or force me . "Hello, my Mlle man," called the oely, since I've been here, the look to live for even one hour in his awyer, , geteing down to the open - in his oyes and his smile has made hoitse as such. Oh, if Uncle Robert in s me shiver-rm afraid of him," said would onto come!" sbing and peaking in hie kindest tones,e concluded, ime 1 .'are you atilt there r' the boy. in a tremulous tone. pa.ti en tly. , I "Yes, sir. Oh, are you going, to lot "Ile has certainly described Sir She arose as ehe spoke and, pass- . me out ? ' cried Jamie, eagerly. Walter I" exclaimed beenica. ing ott into the Corridor, leaned over : „gm going to try,' said the man Monne° nodded, end a look of de- I the balustrade and peered anxiously; as he grasped the panel with both fiance and determination gleamed in 1 her eyes. into the hall below. bandand Mr. Seaver entered while she retood :" method strongly upward. IL yielde 1 with a 'map, Which told 'Iamb," she said, kindly, as she there, and, glancing up, caught her that something had given away, and put her lips a.geen, to the aperture, eee. the next moment a. gaunt little fig - "I am going to ask you to try to be tiho beckoned to him., and he im- urn, with a ghastly face and great, patient for a little. I cannot get • maliately came ureetairs to her. frightenei blue eyes, der:el througb Mile door open any farther, and / "What is it, Floyee" he inquireel, tbe opening into tho room and look - dare not ask any of the zervante as be noticed her anxious look. ed curiously about him. to help me,. for if 'the man who "Como into lionica'e room," she : , CHAPTER XXXII. hrouglit you here Is your enemy- mid, linking ber arnt within Me. "I T.Le ehld wag a sorrowful, forlorn. eems likely -something worse might have a farory to toll you that Will i ripecenen of humanity, for Ms happen to you if he :should suspect make your hair rise on end.", 1 clothing was soiled and wrinkled, his that your ,presence here had been "Tat/ tut! another story!" no : hair uncombed, his face and hands discovered.' . 1 • 0 . observed in laughing surpriee. "Well, ; unWashed, Whlile lie was 'Nue and "01,! but I4o sowant to get out 1" the; 800AM to be a night for revela- i revelled from cold, and from being moaned Jamie, plaintively; "It's Go *Lionel" , i chat nway se long from' the, sun - cold and dark here. If e could only She drew him within the room and light and freull air. get to Uncle Corrot I ehould be safe, shut and locked the dem.; ten face i eYou poor, poor child I" Peel Fiore aline I am sure he doesn't know, what ing him, elle laid not her hands in • enee, Vedette-, an she gathered his has become of me." ' lile, clinging to him ahhen:lingiSe- i ley Lanes into hers and began ohaf. re...areteao-ieeseete.40-ee.oeeetear,-te-eseeteepeeeeeseeteawneeeir The Unlinown ceProom raneareeeatireeleareleadreeoereetereleellorenelloeseseCaeine 'Almost Dime weetra." ea ek iato chair at etmue dista.ne, "Ane len.ve you had enouge to from the p aud their maid. entered. • Yes, he brina,s me semething in TI: • girl turnal a qu:elt, suspicioue leek from one cousin to the ther, n. basket every day, and he always comes into the cellar b.,.* the door :.tt 4110 then oinerned: en:: weeter ha e sent me to inquire the feot of these stairs--" . If ; oa heliee will be kind enough to "Oh, then. there is a flight of repel the guest in the drawing - stairs out there 1" interposed Flor- - „ e . room. mace, deeply interested. "I am not going down again -to- "Yes, ma'am -a leag, flight of stoeti aerate- said Floreuee, coldly. "Yon steps, oely I didn't know it until tan present my excus.es toyour mas- teeday. It was so dark that first tere-wah a slight stress upon the day when be brought me here I didn't NtOrl that caused Anna to start and see them; but ties neer:ling he was regard her curiously -"tend sae that in a hurry, and 'forgot to lock the 1 cm indispo-al Anil Anna," she con- cellfer door, and after he had gone Untied ae she arose and sterile" eme- lt:tie the bookroom I stole out and fronted her, ''I wish to add that I began to climb the stairs. It is so will diarenee wail your services tor dark I can't see much of anything; the little while longer that I shall but I rounded on the wall all the remain here." wiev along, booing I could make "Very well, ease Floience," said the somebody hear. I have been up and girl, bridling, but fiuehing a guilty down two or three times to -day, and scarlet, "it will, ot course, have to a little while ago I thought I be as you say; only I'm sure I don't heard somebody in here, and so 1 i understand such an order, when I've thumped and thumped and called un- tried faithfully to do my duty—" eYes, there is no doubt that you til I was almost tired out." have been very faithful to your mos - "Poor child !" said Florence, in a ter's interests," Florence retorted, pitying tone. "Well," she added, significantly. "I have to -night learn - turning to Monica, "this is the stran- ea why you are here at the Towers- ofSr a, novel 1 What can it mean ?" Walter Leighton. You understand, "I am sure I ha.ve no idea -it seems incredible to me," Monica returned. Annna,-you are not to enter my room or my presence a.gain while I am a "It wieuld be to tne, also, only I here," she coneluded in a tone tend happen to know something about with a look there was no mista.king, jambe Carrot, and also that this gen- ',With a toss of her head that im- tleman whom he calls uncle, resides pnee a great deal, but with a look at No. 30 Wellington terrace," re- of unmistakable guilt on her face, piled her cousin. the girl flounced a,ngrily from the "Can that be possible? Rut veliat room, banging the door after her. objeet could' alief one in this house "Why, Florence! what le the mean - have in making the child a prison- ing of such severity tow.ard Anna ?" er ?" inquired .e.tenica, with. a loon exclaimed Monica, turning to her of perplexitee cousin in a.stonishment. "I am sure I cannot tell -it seems eVberenpon Florence related all the greatest mystery in the world that heel occurred during her re - to me," said Florence. Then turn- cent interview with Sir Walter, and ing back to the boy, sbe continued, also the story of her a,ttempted clop - A sob completed the pathetic sem tomes, and Inorencee; heart ached for the boy. "It wet ants, be a little while that you will Immo to Watt, dear," she said, gently. "X Itave a friend hero at the Towers., tor whone ane going to tell your story, and perhape lie will be able to open thie door far- ther, and then we wilt take (etre of you until we can take you to your Uncle Carrot; but yon matt le, patient until me triend Mmes." "X Will," said Jamie, 10 a more hopeful ton o ; "but may- I ,:etaer tight here, claim to you, until he Lomeli" ''es; if you are mire the 'bad man' Will not go to the cellar and find you gone." "Oh he never coma; but once a deer, and thag le very early in the merning," explained the boy. "But it muet be very uncoinforte Ole out there on thOrie 1310110 Step:4; haven't You a hal dawn In the cel- lar r triquireil Plorenee. ma'am -a pieitty good one, trio ; but Pe rather stav here, if yon please -it II nice to see a light and to hear a kind voice," meld Jamie, yearnleigIy, ',Poor pule fellow 7" eahl the nem. pethetle girt, her eyee dimmed with team "1 WWI eriel3 nctbert Wellid eelne in ; token', lie woell tenif HIM a way to relettee 11114. Mak !" 'the interpreeed, with a ttart "eteniea, del yea rot bear roam OWl keotking at In dear ?" Me, sprang to- ber feet an she 'epoke, tried to lairget her out ot the idea, reo be continued.) and bad east drooped the mirtairie Ineleting that it tweet titrangeri over the pool When there came a ; but himself Whet bad decd. ?tree& The fellow who. etielo; at the toot of trio upon afeeeeele &or. 1: leer. and *reeved her the certificate the ladder may attribute his bad luck rcome," e eel:et me elerenee OoreoleOrate rttateestoitt, •taye, to elitnate. Uncle Robert, 9110 egan, rem- mg them ; how cold and wretched ulouely, "you will be greatly eliocia !you look! It meet be a tireadful ed at the ecret I am about to tell . place down in that cellar." These preeepts were laid dorm by old An- y'ou ; but the time hale come evbeti i i "It en, ma'am," saki Sainte. With scam etothschild, of Pranhfort, when pekoe Berlin Hniveteity's 9,000 Students, can no longer conceal it front you.' . a oltiver, While Ida great eyes de- for his advice as to the way of s tti g he .(1 1 The year book of the German 'ant- e n a a , "Bless my' soul 1. Why, You really : voured her lovely face. Then he ones- ' in nite 0 the particulare of Gui business you propose , that lietlin 'University is the most num. For Thin Babies Fat is of great account to a ba,by ; that is why babies are fat. If your baby is scrawny, Scott's ra ulsion is what he wants. The hea,lthy baby stores as fat what it does not need immediately for -bone and muscle. Fat babies are happy; they do not cr3r ; they are rich. ; their fat is laid. up for time of need. They are happy because they are comfortable. The fat sur- rounds their little nerves and. cushions them. When they.. are scrawny those nerves. are hurt at every ungentle- .t ouch. They delight in Scott's Emul- sion. It is as sweet as wholesome to them. Send ' for free sample. Be sure that this picture In the form of a label is on the wrapper of every bottle of Emulsion you, buy. • • Scott 4- town. Chemists Toronto, Ont. 150o. and $1.00 All Druggists • • ....-.1••• • we, lave.amx "" INCREASE OF IDLE VA,GRANTS, T3rpes of Worthless Idle Class Steadily Iuceeasing in England, More and more tweeting becomes tee question 101 to what should be- done with tiin incorrigibly idle vagrants win* ep- pear to be increasing in numbers every year. As examples of ouch rite two mem which were reported in the papere about foie' pare ago. Tlie first was that of a man Itho iippeared before a Winch, of magletrates Warwickshire. lee pri8011er had not nlept 10 a bed for sev- eral pars, but when offered employment declined it on the ground that he pre- ferred working at the 10081 jail to- any- where else. The man, apparently to lee satisfaction, was sentenced to a month's imprisonment with Mod labor -Le., he was maintained at the expense oe -a heavily taxed working community under conditions, which were confessed more .1 agreeable to him than taking honest ene ployment, and he would naturally resort 1 to his vagabond life on leaving prison. The second instence occurred at elief- field, the case being :that of a continued ' idle loafer whe, though only twenty-one years of age, refused employment when: I offered, 'uncle away with part of the clothes which be had received on enter- ing the workhouse, and lived an abso- lutely. idle life, except' when obligee to , work in prison or in the etone-yard, above two cases merely represent types 91 a worthless life, but steadily increhs- 1 ing c1ss f half -fed r sites, who re upon and are a positive danger to Soci- ety; witness the spread of what is call. ea "hooliganism" within Dee past tow years. Owing to this eigenizee system: of reffianism, entire Streets in London.' have been rendered. unsafe, and the abuse Plias become so defiant -of the la* that respectoble law-abiding residents in • the neighborhood have been frequently restrained by threats ham coming, tor- , ward to .give evidence before the courts, —,-Westminster Review. What shrunk your woolens? Why did holes wear so soon? You used common soap, "WU T REDUCES EXIPEN$2 Aok for the OciInBolo Bur. REAL VALUE OF FOOD. • In 20 pounds- of potatoel there are 334 pounds of nutriment; in 25 cent4 yore' of fat salt Pork there are 3 1.2 mends of nutriment; in the -same value of wheat bread there are 2 14 pounds; n the neck of beef, 1 3-4 pounds; in sklin mile cheese, 13-4 pounds; 10 \tole tun apeee, a trifle more than 117 pounds; in butter, 1 1 2 pounds, aid in emoked reel leg of mutton Orme the same; in milk a trifle over pound; in ma n round of beef, 3-4 of a pound; 311 salt code* and beef sirloin, about 1.2 a itinotninntd;7. innuneeget'ILeen44.6iximaiisitie a dozen, about 0 ounces, A quart of milk, three-quarters of a pound of moderately fat beef, sieloin steak, for instance, and five ounces of wheat flour, all contain about the same amount of nutritive material, but we • pay different prices for them and they ' have different value for nutriment. Milk conies eearese to being perfect, food, It eoetanis all of the different kinds of - nateitive.materials that the body needs. Bread made from the Whoa Deur will supporteife. , centehei all of Lite neces- sary. ingredients for nourishment, bat eat in the...proportions best adapted for' ordinary use. A. num might live on beef alone; but It would. be -a very pne-sided and limier-. „feet diet.; bot meat andebread together meke the essentials of a heethful diet. Such are the facts of experiepee. The advancing science of later yeers explains them. This explanation takes into ac- count pot simply quantities of meat and bread and milk. and • other Materiels -which we eat, but also the nutritive in- gredients or "nutrients?' Which they con- t4dThil'e ebief uses of food are iwo; To form the material of the body and pair its wastes; to yield heat :to keep the body werm aati to provide muscular and otheielaiireielOisethe work it has to do. -Dr. Atwater propene two tables show- ing:, first, the composition of food mate- riels, the most important ef which are the nutritive ingredients, and their fuel value; second, the pecuniary economy of food., in which the emount of nutriment Is stated in pounds.. Butter eas the greatest fuel value, fat pork•eoming see - mid and the balance of the foods men- tioned -being valued ns fuel in the fol- lowing order: Cheese, oatmeal, sugar, rice, beans, eoritmeol; wheat flour wheat bread, lee of mutton and beef sirloin, round of beef, !mackerel and seamen. Oodfiskoysters, cow's milk rind petatoes' stand very low as fuel foods. Smoking a Cigar. "r have a customer who thinks he makes twenty cigars a day." said a dealer to a reporter. "As a matter of fact, be gives away many of them and throws away some that are only partly consumed. However, he is firm in the belief that he smokes more • 1 ee The Baby Beetle's .Cradle. If, at almost any time df the year, we walk through the woods where 'the ewe, scarlet, btu:Igor pin oaks are growing -- thee is, where we fine those that ripen their seems in two •seasems, and. there. fore belong in the pin oak group -we shall probably find on. the ground fallen blanches that vaTy in size from that ef a lead pencil to that of one's thumb, or even larger. These, at the broke a end; says a writer in St. Nicholas; as , if cut away within the wood, -so that only a thin. portion is left under the bark. Within the reeher uneven cut, generally near 'tee centre of the growth, is a small hole tightly plugged by the "powder post" of a beetle larva. Split open elle broach •oe twig, when a bur- - row will be seen, ond the little, white, soft, hard -jawed larva that made it will be found, or perhaps' the inactive pupa. ---o Minard's Liniment Cures (target in Cows • actual tobacco than any man in town and a boast on the subject in my store recently led to a curious bet. Ho declared, to be- gin with, that he could smoke three ordi- nary cigars in half an hour. A. bystander remarked that no man alive could smoke even one cigar continuously until it was con- sumed without taking it from hie lips. 'Bosh!' said the man; 'I do that right along, and think nothing- of it."I'll bet you a box of perfectos you can't do it right now,' said the other, and in half a. minute the whger was made. By its terms the cigar was to be consumed in a steady, con- secutive puffs, and not removed from the lips until burned to a mark one and a half inches front the tip. A clear Havana col - erode maduro was selected for the test, and the smoker took a seat and began. He puffed like an engine for about two min- utes and accumulated something under half an Inch of ash and then he began to wob- ble. He shifted the cigar from side to side, pulled slow and fast and seemed to have difficulty getting his breath between the draws. At any rate,wlie kepi turning his head to avoid the smoke, and finally gat tO laughing. I could see be was in torture, but he stuck to it until he got within halt an inch of the mark. Then he jumped vp suddenly, threw the cigar away, and walked out of the shop. I paid the bet and charged It to his account, and he told me last evening that the very idea of tobacco made him sick. I doubt whether it would be possible for anybody to smoke even a moderately strong cigar through in the manner have described." -Kansas City Journal. • 1118 DI&BETES IS ALL GONE NOW Denat Laflamme Found a Cure in Dodd's Kidney Pills. They Always Cure All Forms of Kidney Disease From Backache to Bright's Disease. Ste. Marguerite, Dorchester Co., Quebec, January 23. - (Special).-, That the most serious, forms of Kidney Disease cannot stand before Dodd's Kidney Pills is daily proved in Quebec and one of the most convincing proofs is given right here in St. :Mar- guerite. Donee Laflamme whom every- body knows, had diabetes: This is one of the extreme stages of Kidhey Dieease and it baffles ordinary medical skill. Consequently ie is not surprising that the doctor who attendal Donut Lafle,ra- me could not help him. But La- flamme tell the most wonderful part ,of his story himself: "Two boxes of Dodd's Kidney Pills cured me," he says. "My Diabetes is all 1- . Hard on Foreigners in Mexico. 'Once riehile sojourning in the City of capital," said Representative Southard, •one of the .principful &eels of that Mexico I happened to call upon a friend of Ohio. "While in his room I noticed a very fine revelver, and making some comment upon it, he picked it up and begin to explain how, albhouge it was of, single action, he could fire it as fast as though ' it were double action. In some way his hand struck the hammer, causing the weapon to explode. In a second my friend turned deathly pee and b.ecame so agitated thee:be could hardly speak. "Having notited that the bullet struck a rug and took a downward course, I didn't see any cause for excitement, anti, lifting up the rug, showed him where the lead took lodgment. He became calm pretty soon, stmt. he explained his agitation. 'Rad that bullet gene Mee the court -all the hotels down there open into a coult--enstead of the floor, and had it struck any Mexican, my life 'would not have been worth a ten -cent piece,. I have lived here long enough to know how swift is the punishment meted out to foreigners, even, in ease • of ace'. dente -where a native is-enjured, Indeed; bad I been unfortunate enough -to have causee, the death of one of them 14 15 quite probable that you; as well as any, self, would. have been executed. The fact that you had nothing to do with the shooting would have been of no avail, for your presence hereevould have condemned you.' "-Washington Post. Jail Life in Japan. Imagifie a park or garden in the Jap- anese style, with dwarf treee, surround- ed by a hedge instead of a wall, in this park a group of Japanese houses, like those occupied by the peasants. The prisoners are all at work proportioned. to their physietil ability. Some are thresbing and grinding rice; otherS are weaving coarse cloth of a dark red color, of which. the prison uniforms are made; the old and infirm are separating leaves of paper. All of thein receive a per- centage of their earnings The younger prisoners are in school. The discipline is military in form, but in its spirit reformatory. There are few evasions, notwithstaed- ing the Mae with which they could be effected. One reason for this is the 'ef- ficiency- of the Japanese police, whieh is said to be the best in the world. The prisoners are divided into three grades, and are differently fed, according as they are idle and refractory, amenable to dis- cipline, or exceptionally well behaved. The only other punishment is solitary gone, and I recommend Doild's Kidney confinement In a sort of dungeon, not Pills to all ray friends and to all those . 1 exceeding five days. No prisoner may be who suffer." disgraced, however short his term of gen- Diseerife, from Backache to Bright's Dis- has been the organization of a large ease. tseunmece, fuesnploenassibhifisityfariorlymmor. fTripiendis.esausit-e Doild's Kidney rills ctire all. Kidney 'number of prisoners" aid societies. -Pall - • Rathschild's Advice. Mull Gazette. - W.) Mituird's Liniment Cures Colds, etc • - - startle me, noel Set down, child teoned earnestly ; "Is it pie •We. end conscientiously into versities, just publiehede makes it clear Thquire thorou There I now unburden 'youreelf, and git down; you look ready to deo!), 1 knowe iny uncle Carroll ?" to engage in. attended seat of learning in the ' er°11.118d1,Y It contains 1,774 matriculatea !rye needn't be afraid of the old man, • "You, 1 know lem very Well," After careful consideration, edme to a de. Florence replIxid, a btu sh segueing ' finite decision, go ahead bravely and never • wo be discouraged. : and 1,330 non-nettriculated students. either," he returnee in a half -Jest. 1 her face at the question. ing. half -troubled tone as lie drew I "Than Wal you 'please take me to Interests stoutly, but honorably. Stand up for your rIghtsi and advance your i The philosophical factilty,embracing phil- 1 oreeari a chair tor her, and then Lenee i Wiant lihn GO, tied 1 qt111 . Do not bueden yourself with useless tic- ! ology and natural science% numbers 3, - eat down bceede her. qtil'e he must be troubled, because( nuaintances; do not be anobbleh; be polite te au, tieil students -medicine, 1,111; mw, 2,- l The giri still eleug to one of liiiM I's- * o err gone no long," and the ,neret use Intoxicating drinks. Pity your 756, lin.his, as if thu;i to gain strength by' e Ups quivered pathetically. debts promptlDi y. vest yourmoney safely, of iand theoogy, despite the 0)0100000e ts professors, only 335. for the task before her, and then be -"MY noY, ru elial go to and trust neither to chance nor t6 Man. ! America, sends123 itudents, Africa 8, etlyolur an her eters, and told him allaboat unek, juet •Itis SO011 as WXI can ere etinee6osesteirivil rienortmcarduous in Mir Work, and• Australis, 8, and Asia 37. that one nerhalte of her life. mart et," Mid Mr, Seaver, kind- . seemed to gotiu an influence mei' of the 'axle Wethout arousing the her tliat he Weld tot resist; • how-eileoleions «)t the Man who broliglit , slie hod finally yielded 'to hie Ver..' .you 1.ere, and perliape thus get you 31141310113 for a secret marriage, and into deeper trouble.; but 1 am go - had gone tO Mandato chaPal, rall.?' iele: tto lemidol% to-morrrliv morn - expecting to become her wife. AIM ing, and I pill try to bring Mr. deeeribed the etorm-the long delae,i Carrot leaek eveti, Me in the after. of the bridegroom, and how, when noon," at length he wan euppoaod to have . "Jed thin in the bad man's house arrived, the eeremetly wan hurried --won't lie find me here 1" wa- le' performed, and then evben sbe Coned Jamle, glancing unettelly turned to Attic him to tttke her from around., . the plaec dm round that a atrabra elonera, at tide.Melted nteirtle WO er wo,o standing heaido her and she riorenee'e roma 0041 10 -ked the door Merited. . leading lnto the hall, thus preclude telet relate!' IOW. wbeil Walter had bite no PefiellelitY Of biterruption come to ;her after her illness, lie had by any 0131)evithout due warning, iim kept notheig hook, he told bw o, 'Ina it will not be frifyj sIbl6 toe — ener provioue, 'Walter Leighton had night, for wit could not get you Out . ije4444.4.4.-+++.e.e.e.4444,44-4,44-44-44-Aee-64-e-e-.4-6444-ieeeasar444-.44-e-e liattS,VAilitta; .51Pk1;144,04t,iilee' Erhe° t5t1ee e,"i,;etr Me tte f *os of this ware. See that EDDY'S **too 116 thbotteooath pall and tab. 1 . #4144444.110444444t4A", 41`41.41****"+"1444444t*t+++++404+, IN J>LJRI&TED FIBRE A:[ There is nothing In the trierket apprOtiehing the quality of . ISSUE N Cif 1905. 4, -Pro •ien-nwrstrt. . Mrs. Winslow's hootbing flyruy should always be urea ior Children Teething, li soothe the child, softens the Runts cart* 31111,1 Colle rind tho best reined vier clarriune,. 1,1.,,,Mxnerw V.;r en.rWeRr'..mr1.14s• FOR SALE. SAW MILL COMPLETE-gbmg • iriet, Mae lean, mantilla ineesoneet tame recant. age, T, lf iyigeon, 0, .011dg°, WIS. 't en toir)m, set!, ORAfia /On 'emir wlgt.,n1T."J;iliat(tabaut:gt: 4 Richmond street east, Toronto. 1IHLP WANTED -MALE, FNERGETIO Womeente NVERYWIIBRei to distribute circulars. samploo and ad- vertising matter. Good Pay. 110 canvassing. Co-operative Advertising Co., New York. AGENTS WANTED. TTAVB YO $3N T WHAT? 010" Frielessa Itgges; 13,10% (fin; Ibe home, term, 1 bo ry, or s n v Y department of human endeavor; with Gill in. Ocx tria contents, 316 pages, botur eletti; send 5 cm, Y'rnioutg is ydoll thtii:1,15 the hook t o?le.rt.1 y en t ettkil; and your money 'will be returned; this is a geed side -line for canvassers. William Briggs, methodist nook Itoom, Toronto, Out. Onineriyosueer teownnentleow, an; Go tzer Rui.4.11. riranty nejmere' plates for front doors sell on eight; hand- some aluminilm frame holds movable letters, put in nine° with pocket screwdriver; win not tarnish -or crack; guaranteed for ten -rirgist; (17144w8re °Vi?errl; Y°itlenarrtiltiini(Oya 1474'. Write for full particulars. Guaranty Plato Works, 703 Youge street, Toronto. A GENTS -OUR LINE IS JUST WIWI, "-X.S. the people want; our prices are love anti eft...ea jruosrtLhoa:oeurte.rybody wants; write for full in- Yofuessie.y Building, MICELT$NE • ' LADIES —W11EN IN NEM), Seale for free trial of our; never - failing remedy; relief quick and safe. Dept. 100. Paris Chemical Co., Milwaukee, Wis., ABY WARDROBE) PATTERNS -10 terr .i.) patterns of both long awl short clothes, 25 cents, Full directions for making,' mater- ial to be used, etc., with each set,. Mrs. Xing, Box 511, Toronto. • La grippe, pneumonia, and infiu- . ; °ma often leave a nasty cough • when they're gone, It is a dangerous thing to neglect. • i Cure it with Shiloh's Consumptacria cure The.Lung Tomo _ 1 The cure that is guaranteed by ' your druggist. , Prices: . S. C. WEr.r.s & Co. 209 _gso. SOe $1 4.4eRoy, isr.Y.. Toronto. Can.. • ' • '' .' 7, — '. ' ' — — • ' " '.. — - ' . WHAT BECOMES OF PINS, • Although we are told, when the gees - lion is asked., Whet becomes of pine? thee they fall to the earth awl become terrapins, a gentleman has gone to some trouble to find out that this is 'eot so and to give us the correct wawa% He , has founcl that pins are resoli•ed into dust Hairpins which he welched for 154 days disappeared by rustingr away at the and ef that time. Brigh4 enne took nearly eight months to disappear; polished steel needles nearly two years and a half; brass pins had little endue - &nee; steel pens were nearly gone at the end of eighteen months, though their wooden holders, were still ineaet. The publisher of the best Farmer's paper in the Maritime Provinces in writing to us states: "I would say that I do not know of a medicine that has stood the test of tine like MINARD'S, LINIMENT. It has been an unfailing remedy in our household ever since I can remember, and has outlived dozens of would-be conipetitors and imitations." An Awful Theft, Some Cele Ago, at Gainesville, City Sexton T. A. Loggins secured a number of left hind feet of rabbits killed in the graveyard beteveke 12 and 1 o'clock on the eark of the moon and a cloudy aieht. He hid them. They are 'now missing. Some of the town boys are suspected. And the little negroes are in a state of apprehension and consternation,No telling when somebody may cross their t 111 tlio dark with 008 of tlio lioodooed rabbit feet... -Atlanta Journal, _ Minnrd's Liniment Cures Distemper. SAVES HORSES FROM SLIPPING. et one is caught in wbt or frosty weather toe between tame raw coronet; pose both vdth o smooth -shod horse oh asphalt he may be got safely home by wrapping the liorse's feet with a tow turns of wire, says , ends tinder the sloe, cross them; then be- !tWeeit shoe (at heel) nd heels; then Under foot, erose again on a different Spot and over toe. Repeat this for five or six times, and your animal is fairly well roughshod and will get along with ease for a long dietance. Even the f feast wire will answer, although setlething extra ivell tampered, like piano wire, Is the beat. This mama. ment beats alt the patent sandals, etc., made for the purpone, in expensive and can be Instantly applied by any one. For Eyeglass Chains, Menke, Cords, Spada - ea or nyeglass Cases: la fact, anything In the Optical line. Call and have Your eyes entwined. D. It BASTEDO & CO 77 King St. Ease, TORONTO. MANUFACTURERS OF FURS _ pferything in Furs at lpwest prices. Send for ILIAISTRATED CATALOGUD. RAW grt Igfohne.stroNxe,wa joarlr pFrUnice:. for WiVtinlIVILic. other Furs. Send for pike Ilet. "CANADA FOREVER." ee Why tio South to Avoid the Discom- forts of Winter? Come west to the Pacific coast and share with as the advantages of a mild, equable and healthy climate, where you can enjoy life, miller our own Canadian flag, to a veritable Land of Promise, a country el vast resources, away from the enervating influences of not air, and the exactions of 50 'below, where we -have fertile soil, good mar- kets and where every prospect pleases. For further information, maps and descrip- tive pamphlets, write or apply to , THE SETTLERS' ASSOCIATION OF BRITISH COLUMBIA Control 011ies. • New Wtistinineter, 13.0 Dutch Undergraduates. For the first three:weekg tee life ad a freshman, or "green," as he is called in Holland, is a perfect purgatory. From : 8 o'clock in the morning tin 12 o'clock 1 at niglit he is absolutely at the lack and. call of every member of the hniversity, , and. more especially of the second year. men. They cee send him on wands, compel him to amuse them, butte- him and tease him to their heart's desire. A Green is easily reeognizable, for he is obliged to, cut his' hair short .and to wear a low collar and. a blhck tie. . If a boy has come to the university gaiety with a view to working, and with- .44:. out the least intention of joiuing in the social amusements of his fellows, he is instantly relegated to the ranks of the "Pigs" and leads a life ap.art-Macelia Ian's Magazine. CALIFORNIA EXCUIZSIO. The Chicago, Union Pacific and North- western line runs through first-class Pullman and Tourist sleeping cars to ; noints in California. Personally , eon - ducted excursions from Chicago every week. Lowest rates. Chic e of routes. ' Finest seen'ery.Special attention given to family parties. For maps, illustrat- ..ed folders and rates, address R H. Ben. nette.General Agent, 2 Kleg street east, Toronto, Ont. ' CO1IINDRIIIV1 COMICS. Why is the letter "k" like a pig's tail? Ileettuse it is at the end of pork. ' On which side of a pitelier is the bea- dle?, On the ()abide, • What plant is fetal to iniee? Catenip • What is heavier than lead nil lighter :than a feather? The mute What word is thete that by adding a syllable you may »take shortet? Sheet Why is tt, beehive like a bad potato? A beehive is a bee holder mid a be holder is a speetator, and a "speekad UAW is a had potato. 4 • 1 MEAN, MEANER, MEANEST. There were four of then in the smok- ing compartment of the ear when the - traveller from Chicago happened to say: "That reminds me of 0 man out in my . town who is so melen that he makes the members of his house write small hands, in order to save ink." "A friend o' my feather's, stih, WI= even wile than then" crime promptly from the Baltimorean. "leo stopped the clocks at night, sub, because o' the wear lit and tear on the works." Then th'e Philadelphian: "Well, there's a good old Quaker out in Wayne who won't read the Papers. Wears out his " glassea says he." All three looked inquirritly at the.. ; man from New York, but 110 merely t smiled and rang for the waiter to take [ the orders.-Februa.rg Smart Set. 1 Millard's Liniment Cures Diphtheria. ... 0..e.... --- Shortage in Medical Plants 11 18 reported that Mae is a scarcity of various medicinal roots and herbeees- pecialeg -those of AMericata production, Mel that in consequence the tuarket prices of those crude drugs have been ' decidedly raisedof late. We may ibut- igine then the activity of the synthetise 13 driving the herbalist out of business, though it nuty he that the soil has not recently yielded the usual amount of medicinal plants. eVhatever may be the cause' of the present deficiency, it; is to t he lielyeb d that it will e remedied in an - i other season, for we ean 'may yet do without the old e (getable materite Med- ica, ---New York efedieni ,Toureal, ee , tliwt'at°e; a Lover's (Wise Head:m ) Disinfect Se denrddauisi stendfaicntst.he bath, softeus .—...........--. I An Efficient Salesman. 11 14 were p0g$11.40 to engage the sere -- ices of a salesman of rimming address, who could personally present the 'merits of any line of e‘oods to thousands of buyere daily in Hamilton mid neighbor- ing places --one Who eonld vi8it them at their homes, and whose. preAenee would be always welcome -what AVkledWakO merchant could afford to neglect the op. ' portunity ? Fuch a saleeman is "Tim Hamilton Times," which, while always Pretty busy, . is nevertheless always . ready for further employment. It is work of the daily new6. paper salesmen that keeps other gates - men occupied. the preliminary