HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1905-01-26, Page 5TR WINDHAM ADVANCE, THURSDAY, JANUARY 26, 1906. The Blue Front Store News. #1111,11.110 ..P01.1.101111111.1.1110 20 to 30 Per Cent. REDUCTIONS. TO FORCE THE CLEARANCE OF ALL WINTER GOODS THE MARK -DAWN SALE now in progress is not the usual sort -no hastily prepared excuse to create trade, It is a clear- ance of WINTER STOCKS inpreparation for the corning of next season's goods. Our plans for the future are such as necessitate a quick riddance of these desirable goods, no matter at how great a loss to us. Price is no object now and value is not considered. We are content to let you judge -COME. OVERCOAT BARGAINS Men's Dark Grey and Black Rag- lan and Chesterfield Overcoats, sizes 35 to 46 chest, reg. prices $7.50, $8, $9 --Out Price Sale. -$0.00 $0.00 Men's Heavy D.B. Frieze Ulsters, sizes 35 to 46 chest. reg. $7.00 and $7.59 -Cut Price Sale 5.00 Men's Overcoats, brown stripes, grey stripes, plain greys and and blacks, all newest styles, sizes 34 to 44, reg. $12.50, $14.00 and $15 -Cut Price Sale 10.00 Youths' Overcoats, Raglans,. etc, sizes 30 to 31, regular $7.50 and $8.50 -Cut Price Sale 5.75 Boys' Raglan Overcoats, sizes 22 to 29, regular $5.50 and $6.00 -Cut Price Sale. -- 1.25 SUIT BARGAINS. Men's Tweed Suits in all newest styles, stripes, checks, sizes 35 to 46 chest, regular $8.00, $8.50 and $9.00 -Out Price Sale $6.00 Youths' Tweed Suits (3 Pieces) sizes 27 to 33, regular $4.00 to $5.00 -Out Price Sale 3.00 Boys' 2 -piece Suits (Tweed) sizes 22 to 27, regular prices $1.75 to $2.00 -Cut Price Sale 1.50 Odd Trousers. Men's Odd Trousers, sizes 32 to 46 waist, regular $2.75 and $3.00 - Cut Price Sale $2.25 Men's Tweed Pants, all sizes 1.00 Boys' Tweed Pants, all sizes.39 BOYS' REEFERS. Boys'. Navy Blue Reefers, sizes 22 to 27, regular price $3.00 • ---=Cut Price Sale. $2.00 Underwear. Men's unshrinkable grey wool Shirts and Drawers, regular price 60c -Sale 30e Men's wool Shirts and Drawers, all sizes, regular price $1.00 and $1.25 -Sale 75c Shoes. Men's Box Calf Lace Shoes, all sizes, regular $3.00 -Sale $2.40 Men's Dongo]a Lace Shoes, all sizes, regular $2.25 anci $2.50 - cut sale price 1.75 Men's Velour Calf Shoes, regular price $4.00 -Sale . 3.00 Top Shirts. Men's unshrinkable knit Top Shirts, regular $1.25-Salo......$1.00 Men's fleece -lined top Shirts, reg. price 90c and $1.00 -Sale 75c Men's 50c and 00c knit Shirts... ,40c Rubbers. ---A petition signed by 000 Reform- ers has been sent' to the Postal I)e- partiuent at Ottawa to secure for W. R. Me(lr'eacly, Deputy Post Master, the position of Post Master, at Har- riston, on the retirement of his father who has been Post Master for nearly a generation, -Seaforth will not bny the plant of the Seafortlt Electric Light and Power Co. The by-law which provided for the payment of $19,000 for the plant has been found defective, and the town fathers now consent to judg- ment in favour of the petition of the ratepayers, Geo, T. Turnbull and Geo. Murdie, setting aside the by-law, -Four new bridges will be built in Huron county during the coming summer, The bridges are as follows : -On the 18 -mild river, 14 miles south of Amberley ; on the Nine -anile creek, two miles south of Lucknow ; on the Maitland river, known as Morrisbank bridge, 24 miles east of Bluevale, and on the Bayfield river, known as Mc- Cann's bridge. -Twenty years ago Harry F. Healey of Nashua, N. J., swallowed a pin while playing baseball. He never felt any inconvenience from the ac- cident until a few days ago, when he was seized by a violent fit of coughing and finally threw up the pin. The violence of the coughing so affected him internally that au operation was necessary, and even the operation fail- ed to save his life. Woodstock, Jan. 20.-A frightful accident occurred at Cultus, a small village ten miles from here, yesterday afternoon, when Geo. Whitehead's sawmill was completely wrecked by a boiler explosion and five men killed. The first four were killed outright, and Moffat, who was severely burned, died last night after suffering terrible agony. Tho explosion occurred while the mill was in operation yesterday afternoon, the victims being work- men employed in the mill, except Whitehead, who is the owher. The cause of the accident is not known. The building was completely shatter- ed, and the machinery is a wreck. Men's 2 -Buckle Rubbers $1.75 Men's 1 -Buckle Snag Proof Rub- bers, for 1.50 Men's Lace Snag Proof Rubbers1.75 Heavy Ltzmbermen's Sox, reg $1.00 -Sale 65c IMO Big Bargains in Men's Fur Coats, Fur Caps and Collars. The R. H. Crowder Co. Wood Wanted Wingham's Best Clothiers Empty Boxes For Sale Canadian Order Woodmen of The World. CAMP NATIONAL 139 Hold their regular meetings overt' 2nd and Rh Friday each month, in Oddtellows' Hall All visitors welcome. R. M.xwaLL, C. C. R. H. CRowirxit, Clerk W. A. CURRI]E WINGHAM'S AUCTIONEER. Why go out of Town for an Auctioneer, when your wants can be supplied at home. 000000000 0 O 0 O 0 0 O 0 0 O 0 0 0 0 O O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O O O 0 0 O 0 O 0 0 0 0 O O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00000000 04 000 We're In It ! O 0 0 0 We're right in the Hard- ware business again, and are pleased to greet otir custom- ers once more. Our stock will be found full and complete in every line, of which you shall hear from time to time. Tinsmithing We have secured the services of a first-class tin- smith, acid all work in this line shall receive our close attention. Call on us at an early date -we'll' use you right. O 0 0 0 O 0 O O klex1 Your. hardware Merchant O 0 0 0 0 O O 0 0 O O 0 0 0 0 O O 0 0 0 0 O 0 0 O 0 •°• •°N°N°N•N°• ••..°• ••N°N•• •°• ••• 1•• ••..•N•N•• ••. °•• ••° ••• 4 Standard .. =1 _: Telephone Sets 0 O O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 T. FOR SALE. •_• 85.00 PER SET. •t' 4 Slightly used but in good =• . order.4. .t. .S. ._. APPLY TO .4. :?: SALES DEPARTMENT ::: ._. What Is Dyspepsia ? Qualms, nausea, longing for food yet dreading to eat. You may have the real thing, but Ferrozone will cure you like it did S. D. Huntingdon of Hamilton, who says "I frequently was attacked with such acute dyspepsia that - I thought it must be heart disease. I used Ferrozone and got re- lief. I kept on using Ferrozone and was cured. My digestion is in perfect order and I can eat anything to -day." Nothing is as good for dyspepsia and those bothered with weak stomachs. Price 50c at druggists. _. 178 Mountain St. 4 MONTREAL - QUE. A To any Local Manager of : the Bell Telephone Com- :_; _: pany of Canada. :_: .;. o. °°i 0i.°i 0�.�• 0� ���.°i.O 0° D• O�.°� ►�. °O.O ►°N°NO Di.°� O. ...............°•1•1•1•1... ._. .s. .:. _..-.OR Brussels. West Wawanosh. Master Ellis Stothers, eldest son of 011111110 ex-Councillor Thos. Stothere, has secured an excellent position as superinlat of the Yok County Roan ad Savings Company, To- ....... italpaid up) rento, Reserve (wna updtvid- J. Wilson, of Auburn, and W. A. ed proms) Wilson, assessor of West Wawanosh, audited the treasurer's: accounts of the Wawanosh Mutual Fire Insurance Company. on Saturday last. They were appointed auditors for 1005.. Westfield farmers' beef ring was re- organized for the present season on Satiu'dtt,y last, Tlie ring has given such satisfaction since its commence - meat that more wished to partieipate in its benefits than could be accom- modated. The annual congregational meeting of Dungannon. Presbyterian church was held in the church cin Tuesday last. It is pleasing and very satisfac- tory to all .concerned, and especially to the pastor, that the congregation is increasing in numbers and also finan- cially, as may be seen by the annual report for 1001. One of Kingsbridge's oldest resi- dents has passed to the great beyond, in the person of Mr. Rocklin'', who breathed his last on Wednesday, Jan. 4th. He had been for some time previous to his' death very feeble. The deceased was a fine old gentle- man, universally respected, and his death is sincerely regretted by a wide circle of friends. The annual Sunday school conven- tion of Nile circuit will be held at Nile on Thursday Jan. 26th. J. A. Jack- son, of Toronto, Provincial secretary of Sunday schools, has promised to be with us. The other speakers will be G. F. Blair, of Goderich, and J. Joynt, of Lucknow. Rev. M. J. Wilson, of Teeswater, is also expected. Sessions will be held in the morning at 10:30, in the afternoon at 2:30 and in the even- ing at 7:00. The `Wedding took place at Kings- bridge on Wednesday morning, Jan. 18th, of John Forehan to Miss Katie Buckley, eldest daughter of Jno, Buckley, of Kingsbridge. The mar- riage ceremony was performed in St. Joseph's church, when a high nup. tial mass was celebrated at 10 o'clock in the presence of many relatives and friends of the contracting parties, Rev. Father McCormack tying the nuptial knot. The annual meeting of the W. F. M. S. was held in St. Helens Presbyterian church on the llth inst., when en- couraging and favorable reports were given by the secretary and treasurer, and the following officers elected for 1005 : President, Miss J. 0. McDonald; 1st vice-president, Miss C. B. Gordon ; 2nd vice-president, Miss Tena Mur- ray ; secretary, Miss Jessie Ruther- ford; treasurer, Mrs. Sant. Durnin; organist L. Rutherford. BAR Jno. Leckie will be A. Hislop's Fin- ancial agent, and Jas. Bowman will havo J. W. Duncan as his representa- tive in the same line. Mrs. Henry Wilbee, an old resident of Brussels, has been quite poorly for. several weeks and is still under the doctor's care. Her many friends hope she will soon be convalescent. A valuable hound belonging to Dan. Steiss, Grey, was killed by a train last week on the W. G. and B.,,while runn- ing on a fox trail. The owner had re- fused $25 for the animal not long since. Work is steadily progressing at the Ament new factory. The upper floor is laid and. machines will be installed. Lower floor will be a cement one. They have had steam up on several occasions. W. H. Kerr will represent Grey Branch at the Fairs' Association in Toronto on Feb. 14th, 15th and 10th. In the absence of President Speir, who was i11, W. H. McCracken occupi- ed the chair. A few weeks ago Henry 'Woods, of town, who was assisting his son Wm., of Grey township, at his threshing, fell 12 feet and injured his left elbow and wrist and still feels the con- sequences of his tumble. Th¢ Popular Grocery Store. CROCICERY and CHINA, FLOUR and FEED, kinds, f Cash for Butter and Eggs. Phone 61. W F. VanStone • $3,000,000 • $3,565,000 Farmers' Notes discounted. Drafts sold on all points in Can- ada, the United States and Europe. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT, Interest allowed on deposits of $1.00 and upwards, and added to principal 30th June and 31st December each year. D, T, HEPBURK, manager R. Vanetone, Solicitor BANK OF IIAMILTON WINGHAM. CAPITAL PAID UP $ 2,235,280.00 RESERVE FUND 2,100,000.00 TOTAL ASSETS 20,553,810.57 BOARD OP DIRECTORS, Hon. Wm. Gibson - President m John Proctor C. C. Dalton J. S. Hendrie Goo. Rutherford 0. A. Barge: J, Turnbull, Vioo-Pros. and General Manager H. M. Watson, Asst, Gent. Manager, B. Willson, Inspector. Deposits of $1 and upwards received. Int. erest allowed and computed on 30th November and 31st May each year,and added to principal Special Deposits also received at current rates of interest. • W. CORBOULD, Agent Dioldnson & Holmes, Solicitors BETTER THAN GOLD to a young man or woman is a course in the Threo Courses - Commercial, Shorthand and Typewriting, and Telegraphy. Students may enter any time. College re -opens Jan. 3rd, 1905. Send for Journal. A. L. McINTYRE, Mgr, Howick. Jos. Botham recently sold his fine farm of fifty acres to Mr. John 0. Williamson, both of the 2nd line. Mr. Burnett of the 16th sold three cattle recently at 5c. per pound. to be delivered in February. They are fine animals, if they were not they would not bring that. • Mr. and Mrs. John A. Patterson moved into their new residence last week. No doubt they will find it quite different from living in houses that were built in pioneer days. W. H. Weber of the 17th is hauling loads of shorts home from Clifford to feed his hogs. He never threshes though he makes more money on his 50 acre farts than many make on 100 acres. The difficulty between Dr. Arm- strong and the Tp. Council has been settled by the Council agreeing to pay hiin $150, and also the case between G. W. Mapletoft and the Council for $25. This is mach wiser than settling it in the courts. The annual meeting of East Huron Agricultural Society was held in the Council Chamber, Brussels, on Wed- nesday afternoon. Chair was taken by the veteran President, J. Ferguson. After the minutes and Auditors' re- ports were adopted the Board of 1901 was unanimously re elected and con- sists of :-President, Jas. Ferguson ; lst Vice, Noble Milne ; 2nd Vice, Geo. Thomson. Directors :-R. Corley, J. Shedden, Thos. Archibald, Oliver Turnbull, Alex. Stewart, Thos. Me- Latuchlin, Geo. Johnston, W. Elston and Jno. Woollacott ; Auditors :-F. S. Scott and Alex. Strachan; W. H. Kerr, Secretary -Treasurer, The total receipts for the year were placed at $065.77 and the expenditure at $882.77, leaving a balance of $83.00 on hand. On motion of W. H. McCracken and R. Corley the offer of $300 from Grey Branch Agricultural Society to hold the Riding Fall Fair at Brussels was accepted and the exhibition will take place on Thursday and Friday, Oct. 5 and 0, the usual dates, i'. Catarrh Of The plead Is very common, but awfully dang- erous because it causes deafness and leads to consumption. Cure is as cer- tain to follow the use of Catarrhozone as day is to follow night. You silnply breathe the fragrant healing Cntar- rhozono which spreads through the nasal passages, throat and lungs,s, driv- ing out every vestige of catarrh. "I was cured of chronic catarrh of the N nolo and throat" writes 1:.rttest M. Lauren coton "after tt of L i Pius.tt W1 v i'rlicp- cars of misery byGata many years yy zone which is a splendid free remedy to tiro air passages from mucous, Cat tarrhozoue relieved quiekly valid .pity cure has been permanent. Priee $1.00 for two Months' treatment ; trial sista 250. LIFE FIRE INSURANCE Lowest rates consistent with absolute security. All claims promptly settled Abner Cosens ACCIDENT PLATE GLASS NOTICE, -I have arranged with the Dominion Bank to manage my busi- ness and all owing me on Notes or Mortgages can pay principal or interest at any time. After falling due, rem- ember you need not pay until you requested to do so by me. I thank all those who have done business with me, and wish you every prosperity. ROBT. MCINDOO. Messrs. Wm. and Fred. Dilworth, formerly of the second line, but now of Bowhells, North Dakota, visited friends here and in Grey township last week, We understand that their old homestead of 127 acres near Mt. Forest is for sale, and if disposed of the rest of the family will take up ,their abode in Uncle Sam's domains. At the meeting of Howick Council, the following officers were appointed : -L. Walker, clerk ; N. McLaughlin, treasurer ; Milton Leonard, assessor ; A. Graham and John Hammond, auditors ; Robt. Russel, caretaker of Tp. hall ; Dr. Whitely, Medical Health Officer ; John Darroch, member of Board of Health for three years. It teas decided that the Clerk's salary be $225 and $30 for postage and sta- tioners ; Treasurer $100 and $5 for financial statement ; Assessor, $125 ; Caretaker of Tp. hall $30 ; Auditors $11 each; Collector for Western Divi- sion, $60 and for Eastern Division, $50. After passing a few accounts, the Council adjourned to meet in Pordwich, the third Saturday in February. I SELL REAL ESTATE NO MATTER WHERE IT IS. I havo for Salo now some fine town pro- perty, which for location and coitveniouco can. not bo oxooiled. It makes nodifference wi othor yon wan a iany other ! m or t 000 far a tot or a ty tib building kind of Real Estate; I want to hear from you. Just the properly you want may bo on ray list./ am not only In a position to most a h an- te coual serve the man who *MRS to buy a !r y AM home or a farm,but I aAt tFo best possible position to servo tho man who wants to make a profitable investment. C. J. MAC UIRI Real Itstats and Tltislness Theater. ill ]toe-•Vaattrtona fitodk, Wingham) Not A Garne .Of Chance, When you come to trade with us yon take no chances with your money. Bank deposits aro not safer than our guarantee to you of good Value or Money back. To know what real solid Cloth- ing Value is -buy Homuth Bros'. Suits and Overcoats -We are show- ing some beautiful effects, mado in latest style and best workmanship, at $16, $18 up to $25. Xmas. Gifts. In Neckties we have all the new colorings and styles in Puffs, Derbys, Flowing -Ends, Bows, Strings, etc. Really the finest assortment ever shown in the county at 25o, 50c and 75e. Mufflers. Be sore you have one of our warm mufflers. -Materials of Wool also Silk. -These are the greatest Value we have ever offered at 850, 50e, 75e, $1.00 and $1.25. Gloves. In Gloves we have a very flue assortment to select from -these are good fitters -Beat Makerrs and all sizes $1.00, $1,25 and $1,75. Hats, Caps, Etc. The Leading Store Getting Ready To Build. NSW Daily the interest increases in our Oreat Alteration Sale and no wonder, when you can make such Important Savings ou just the goods you want. We must have more room for our Growing Business and intend to add 30 feet to the building, and in order to reduce our Stock Quickly and be in shape for building operations, offer the following noteworthy list of Bargains. -8c- Special to clear, a fow pieces Wraop- worth 15c -1-Alteration Sale Price aC -25c--- 10 doz. Ladies' imported Black Cash- mere Hose, ribbed or plain, good value at 35a -Alteration Sale 25c Price ---lOc--- All our 120 Wrapperettes, fast lOC colors -to clear at -79c- Good Strong Dollar Corsets, Al- -79c teration Sale Price Fur Ruffs, good value at $5.00- 3.s0 to clear at -39c- Good. strong Flannelette Corset Cov- ers, regular 50o kind -Altera- 39c tion Salo Price -$6.00- A fow Ladies' Black Cloth Jackets to clear. regular value $8,00 6.00 and $9.00 -Sale Price.., ...., -$4.00- Ladies' Ready-t;..wear Black Skirts, latest styles, were $5.00 - Al- 4.00 teration Salo Price -$2.98- All wool heavy White Blankets 2.98 regular $3.75 -for -50c- Ladies' Elastin ribbed. Vests and 5Oc Drawers, regular 65c -Sale Cottons. 300 mill ends of Factory Cotton. You can buy them at a saving of Two cents per yard. -$I.00 - Fine Black Mercerized Sateen 100 Underskirts, worth $1.25-Salo. ~••-isIMMacaSkai 43c - Grey Flannel Shooting. 2 yards 45c wide, reg. value 60c -Sale -39c- n Heavy Union Carpet, new pat- 39c terns, good value at 50c --Sale„ A fow Ladies' Grey or Fawn Ja 2 5s, good fitting, up date style, velvet collar, worth $4 -Sale, , -$1,25--- A, line of Wrappers to clear, lined sleeve and waist, full width with deep frill, regular value $2,90 1.25 -Sale Price -33c- Good strong Corsets well mado, 33C long waist --Sale Brice, .. , ..... Skirting, wide heavy goods, reg. 10C ular price 15e -Sale Price -75c- Ladies' Waists, nicely made and 75C lined, regular $1,25 -Sale Price,. -$3.75- Ladies' Gray or Black Jackets, new goods. worth 15,00 - Altera. 3.75 tion Sale Price Ladies' Fancy Mercerized Underskirts. regular price 12.50 -Alteration 1.50 Salo Price -$1.00- One piece of Black Venetian Dress Goods Food value at $1.25- 100 Salo Price. -21c- Ladies' Flannelette Drawers, well 21c made -Price to clear --50C- Fancy French Flannel Waisting, regular value 75c - Alteration 50c Sale Price .111•10111s -50c-- Knitted Wool Shawls nice size, 50c regular 75c -Sale Price •1,®2®11 -69c- (1 Fancy patterns flaked Dress 69c Goods, worth $1.25 -Salo Price ®slioni_-75c- Ladies' Flannelette Night Gowns, 75c reg. value 11,00 -Salo -10c- Your choice of all 123o Prints, 10C while they last, only Clothing Moving Out. Our Prices for Men's Suits and Overcoats, Boys' Suits and Overcoats, Pants, etc., are making thein move out Quickly. Your neighbor has saved money buying Clothing here -so can you. Remember, the Clothing is being sold out at Cost Price during our Alteration Sale. Please Shop in the morning if possible. H. E. ISARD CO. A �FAMOt1S Hats, Caps, Underclothing, Sas- penders, Handkerchiefs, Armlets, Colored Shirts, White Shirts, Cuffs, Collars, Hosiery -and in fact every- thing in Gents' Wear. -We invite you before buying elsewhere, to call aticl havo a look at any rate, end no doubt you will go away from this WELL pleased. store W iJL A }PLEASURE To SiICAV GOODS. Homuth Bros. SCH00-171 CENTRAL STRATFORD, ONT. Young Man, Young Woman, there is abundant room for yon in the higher and more responsible positions of life. YOU ARE NEEDED. Pot a business or shorthand training and march up- wards. Enter our school this month if possible. Write for free cataloguo. ELLIOTT & McLAue1ILA.r, Principals Wingham Machine AND General Repair Shop Is now reopened, and I have secured the service of a man of over 20 years experience in all lines of mill and farm machinery, also bicycles, guns, sewing machines, clothes wringers, lawn mowers, umbrellas, saws gummed and fried, keys made to order, scissors and hair clippers sharpened, oto. A trial solicited. W. G. PATON ' 'coda rhossphodine, 114 Uroat English Remedy', is an old, well este t. bitted and reliable preparation, Iias been High Art Tailor prescribed and used Suits, Overcoats AND PANTS A SPECIALTY, Our Suits are of the newest materials at the lowest possible prices. Overcoatings that make up the most beautiful Coats that fancy could desire, at prices ranging from $12.00 to $20.00. Pantings, the very thing you are looking for, Robt. Maxwell over 40 years. All drug. gists in tho Dominion of Canada sell an recommend as beinr Word and Alter. tete only medicine el its kind that oures ens hives universal satr aiset ion. Xt promptlytly and permanentlyen, all forme aiNervous Weak. Hese. Emisaions Sperrnattorrh¢a, Xmpotene+/, and alleffeetsof abuse or excesses; theexceesire two of Tobacco, opium or 6timutents. Mentai and Brain 'it' rNc , r all of whieli lend y, and an Early Grave. , leeConsumption tzl Pttee Insanity,t per package ar six for L5. One tar m m t a0 re• Mailed p y r. Ala D wilt r ac six w+l c pledge, Tnhe Wood tComhpany'Addrefrl � 111t� ri�Wind+eor.On ', Canada, A. L..iilafnilton, W. tbY eXibbola-Dcull3' Co., ft Iingham 1.110"ALTslr AND METAL CI.eANFA GOMDINEtt The only I atette Polish lathe fie Voll. Aro Dust, No Dirt, NoSmoke, No Smell. • Contains no benzine or other rsp]osives. Pt7LVO makes more polish and lasts longer than any other. PRICE 10c. AT ALL GI OCERS