HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1905-01-26, Page 2sunday qiihk itterrt: oyouvrnreitillbAl
wkit( kits never thirst -He dime not pecan that one
14,104.1•1*. dr 44Ught ehell eatiefy tue but that we
shell have an the eout a well of living
water. Shall be in hita-The religion ot
Jame haii to do whit the inner life.
Christ pute new prineitles and affcctieue
within us. A well of watere-A feuntain Torente Farmers` Marketit.
of weter V .•
Here is an Wailing fulness of lov:, glt*Iu°P) rP1 41.414 W") 41°41.4‘atit
IfelllettNATIONALt. rehltaltiON NO. V .11.
loalattUleitY MOO
jceus Jacolie Well-Jolin a eel. Saler
Same? ate, -
Commentery.--L Jesue at the well Peeve and spiritual etrength-a full sitia daY. alai prim rule firm. Wham
ivs. -s). o. Then comeili lIe-Our tri
NntinrAk',0,":„Tx!? thlell'e-ouNilowlexevienrii 104: White et goo, am bushels of red et
0 alige0, with sales of 30Q Mahe
LOAN route lay through hintorie ground. eternal lac,. Thell'svater of life; 1, is °° beakele et 81111" at */"°°' an
110, ileubtlese, naseed through Wheal, given by Jeans. 2, It is pure. 3. It set- bushels of Peso at 00 to 91o,
the ancient caveat of the ltingdom of leifee the emit 4, There at a neVer fail. Ural' 700 baakel"Z malttag "Ulu
Falllij through Bethel, where Jacob had ing supply., 5, It is. free. 6. It is for 4s N toe, Buckwheat Bold itt 500 for 10u.
hie dream
of the ladder and the an- all who tlimet. Into everlasting life -Ile 11?.teteell.:4;00411441;Etehelelriweltunlrat143$70°t.o. °44ta
gels; near Shiloh, the first dwellieg that receivee the living water hes a Y
PlaCe of the tabernacle, and the ark In fountain opened in hie soul of a irituel Per '1400*
ua0n, and the ecene of the downfall sabsfattion, which shall neither be deed
Bay lit liberal supply, with ewes oe 50
Of tile house of U. At the end of that up in this We nor the life to come, but loads. at 0 to sii a too re:, timethy, and
journey three ohjeots of special interest shall flow on. to all eternity. at V to V fOS Mixed. Straw easy, three
occur in suecesston: tlacati'e well, J03' Tho remainder of the story
eldee tomb, and the ancient city, of She. ly interesting, and should. be carefully
is intense- 1"411 aellin2 at 49 to 40 4 ton.
Dreeeed hose are unclianged at $0.75 to
client, between the mountains of tlerizitn studied. The woman tit once said, "Give Vas, the latter for light.
end Ebale-Whedon, alyeltele-Vortuevly me this water." She did, not fully un- Wbeett new, hutthel a ., es lee , to ; o oo
teheehem, at the foot (ef Mount Gera derstand Gimlet's meaning, but she was a.; 1.,,,Arte,Lai - .... 1 so Lc:
zit% between Cierizim aua Kbal. It is anxious to receive ally good lie might be Do:, goose, 'bushel .....*, ',.. 0 CO to
noted in the Scriptures as the place able to impert. Jesus then, in vie 10- Oat,4,bUshol -. .. .,,, .r. .. 0 38 to
where Abraham. firet stoppea on his 13, proceeded to make the Woman see slgegytiebehellet* VA tte
coming from game to gamma; where bee sinful State and to show 1101' that he 13uoltmat,s bushel'..... 0 ' -°
(oil appeared. to him anti promised to knew her heart and secret life. She a .
give the land to hie seede and. where be then acknowledged him as a prophet (v. kill?: tiiitgr, 'I'ati-to4 .,.."..: ' 81‘001 to
/fret bat an altar to the Lord. in the 10), and at once introduced the clues, straw, par ton ., .., .... 0 00 te
_no, reetee, per ton .... .. 7 00 to
fourth Century, about .13. C. 33a, Bathe]: tion that was causing the dispute be. Seed-.. ....................0 elected a temple on Gerizim in °ppm. twee n the Jews and. Sanunitene, If he ' Aleilta,NTIs•,1.b.obsubtielte.1., .... ,.., 56 0025 too
fallen to the jewi0b. temple. Pareel of were a prophet he could tell her who. De"
wound -purchased of the elahlren of the r Mouut Gerizim or Jerusalem wns Red •1 oo to
De., No. 3, bushel .. ., 4 00 to
Hazier (Gen. xxxiii., P), anti given to the proper place for publio worship,
Joseph- (Gen. xiviii., 22). ;Teens told her that the time had now
O. Jacob's ell-. Thu well Jacob dug. come when true worshippers should. ever -
The word for welt in the Greek means ship in spirit and in truth, The 1V010011
feuntain. The well has been filled with finally left her waterpot and horded
n a Detroit Court Pieading on Behalf • of
toe .
is ete„ Detroit, Jan. 23. -With teen in his the. jury would expect me to protect
ts et eyes, his Imble looking face depicting au boy and gmle, if they wandered
;Lee. paia in its every line, Rev. Dr. Janleil ao woula be to Reel) in remembrance the
into the city, All I would want them to
tl I•44 leiringstoue, an aged Methodist minister, fact that this clefeudant did not have
33°11°Y. Steed by the side of his young son, Rich- the protection that he Should have had
g at
ard, in Judge Phelan% court on Menday from the nan who is prosecuting. If 1
morning, and viondod to b allowed t ywere to talk all day, that is about ell
MO* address the jury in hie boy's behalf
a ° to7no:Ittblifav,e to say, I eaid to my 111.
rubbish malt it is only about se.venty. to the eitv, and. upon her testimony
five feet deep, Ponneey it was thirty
feet deeper. It ie.:tin/pa, eight or Mae
fcet in diameter end is welled with nut.
sonry. Jesus " *, . being wearied --
Ho was a man, as well as Gad, and he-
eame weary rout hungry. Ile journeyed
on foot, sharing with his diseiples the
fati,gues.end hardships of the Way. Sixth
hour-Tbere is a difference of opinion
here. Aceordiug to the Jewish reckoning
this would. be noon; but many learned
mea think John used a Roman method
of reckoning and that m was 6 p. m.
7. Of Saularia--!`She Witeanit from the
eity Samaria,.SeVen. intles.e.way, but
from the country of Serearia; one of
Samaritan race ond religion," To draw
water --"She prohably bteught her line
and bucket (leathern or crockery); for
oriental wells are pot .provided: with
these. Not how our Lord' e ,choice of a
bearer breaks down rabbinic prejudice
all around," Give me to drink -Jesus
used his thirst as a means of approach
to the woman's heart, and turned the
conversation from the liring waters of
jacolas well to the living waters of sal-
vation. Let us follow our Savior's ex-
ample by doing good in our hours of re.
lexation, 8, Disciples * * * gone --
The story throughout reads so much like
the words of an eyewitness that some
have thought John remained with the
Savior while the rest went to the village.
Nfeat-Pood, not necessarily flesh.
IL The Samaritan woman (v, 0). 0.
How it is, utc.-rn Oriental =oilers
there were ninny strict regulations
against women conve-ine with ma,
especially strangers. But these restiec-
tions were lees regarded at the wells and
fountains than in other public places
(Gen. =iv. 13-24, Rao& li. 16, 17). Jesus
rejected all restraints of caste, His dis-
ciples were themselves surprised that
lse shouhl converse with the womon,
but they did not feel Alt liberty to ob-
ject to it (v. eei). How did she know
Iso was a Jew?. By 3118 dress and by
his dialect. The word "Jew" is here
used broadly to describe the race which
filled both Judea and Galilee. She. prob..
ab1y recognized him as a Galilean also.
-Hurlbut. No dealings -A remark
Tiraothy 51 to
Dressed hogs , 75
Apples, per bbl....'",.... .. 1 25 to
Eggs, per close5 to
Butter, dairy ...-------------81 to
g to to
many of the Samaritens hastened out to Turheys, per lb, .. tit),
35 to
85 to
75 to
00 to
30 to
0i(i050030 to
see and bear Jesus. He wee persuadeil RIVogees. PEeirr 110aZgQ12. • • • •
to remain with them two days, and
Cauuten'yere per do.:':•'
many believed on him. Onions, per bag .
• Celery. Per dozim •
Beef, hindquarters ••
choice, comae
Do., medium, earcase
Mutton, per Cwt...........
TRYING TO ENTER A WOMAN'S. irtiterprerteea „,
Do,. forequarters .
Dunkirk, N. Y., Jan. 23.-Itansom.
Briggs, who was. shot on Tuesday night
t 1] ver Creek, when, under the influ.
elite of liquor. be itttempt2a to enter
the home of ...Mrs.' Margaret Chippalle,
died early to -day at the haspitie from
his injuries. The- inquest was begun to
day, and Mrs. Chippane, accused of doing
the shootieg, was present with her baby.
The indicatioes ore that, she will Le
released on the ground of Self-defenCe.
Did LawS011 Cause This Man to Attempt
Millr York, Zan. 23,-Claimig to have lost
bis fortune of $80,000 as a result cif Thomas
W. Lawson's attacks upon Wall Street inter-
ests, a man who said he was Frank D. Aus-
tit, 40 years old, twice attempted to tarow
himself from the Iiroolclyn Bridge. Ha was
prevented from inmping from Captaln De-
vanney, of the bridge police, who grappled
wan him, and, after a lung struggle, in
which he was helped by two detectives, plac-
ed him under arrest .
Captain Devanney was warned that the man
was to nutke an attempt upon his life by• a
pawnbroker, whose place of business is near
the New York end of the bridge. He told the
after pawning MAO reweirr, with the remark:
contain that the man had just left his sho
Sheep and Lambs -Trade was inlet to -
"I guess the only thing left roa ins is to day, but there is atill a good demand for
Jump off the bridge."
to:"I want te end ft all." he told his cap. all kiwis, and the market has a steady
on the way to the police station. a tone. Quotations all round are unchenged,
have lost $80,000 in Wall street all on ae- 'Export sheep are quoted at 33.60 to $4.75,
count of,,that frenzied financier, Thomas W.
Lawson." butchers' at 33.25 to 34; and lambs at 35.50 to
Later Austin tried to beat out his brains 36.35.
against an iron stanchion hi a police court Float -Are firm in tone and are quoted
room. De was evidently demented, and ate
statements were incoherent. steady at $5.10 per cwt. for selects and 34.35
0 o for lights and fats.
Bradstreet's on Trade.
Dradstreet's says: The holding -off ten-
dency aitheato noted in the eaton
goods trade still contieues, but in wool-
len goods, fabries ,have been opened
at a notable advance; the shoe and lea-
ther tradeshow increased activity'. Hard-
ware and groceries are being sold freely,
and lumber is ebrong at higher prices
than last year, and with manufaoturers
active, •though ultimate distribution is
curtailed by eeasoaable influence. With
the exception .of the south and .portions
of the southwest, where low priced cot-
ton affects collections- and clouds the
future,. the feeling is ono of great confi-
donee ln the future, and particularly as
to the first half of ehe present year's
business. Collections are irregular, be-
ing the .best the northeve:st and cen-
tral west, and pi:tweet, in the south. fron,
and ateel in its erudest foams have been
rather !pea •and weak. The leading in-
terest an the trade is now negotiating
for a further 100,000 tons •of pig for de-
livery in the lira half of this year, and
•outside consumers manufacturing (their
own pig ate said to be short of sup-
plies. Specifications for finished pro-
docte are said to be coming in very
freely. Anthracite oota is in good de-
mand, and bituminous is firmer. There
is claimed to be some subsidence of the
long eontinued eager demend for -cop-
per, tut, that metal martin are actutdly
firmer on the weelc. The strength and
activity in the leather and shoe taarles is
practically countvy wide.
00 o
00 to
Toronto Live Stock Markets.
With but few cattle left over from the
previous day's tradiag, and a light run,
there Was 1:10 opportunity for business at
the Western Cattle blarket this morning,
and trailer was quiet. • The run of new stock
amounted to 6 cars, and included 57 cattle
4 eheep and 100 hogs,
Export Cattle -Nothing was doing in
this line. Quotations are unchanged, and
nominal. Choice are quoted at 0.50 to
good to raedium at 34.21 to 31.50, good cows
at $3.25 to 34.
Butchers' Cattle -A few odd lots of poor
stock were on the market, und they sold
about steady with yesterday -s prieee. Quo.
Unions for choice are nominal, and all are
unchanged. Good to eholce butchers' are
Quoted at $4 to 34.50, fair to good at 33.0
to 34; mixed lots, medium, at $3 to 33.50,
common at 31,75 to 32.50, cows at $3 to 33.40,
and bulls at 12 to 32.75,
Stockers and Feeders -Nothing doing,
Prices unchanged. Feeders are quoted at
32.50 to 33,80 and atockers 31.50 to 33.40.
latich Cows -The range of prices quoted is
steady at 310 to 330 each.
Calves -Are quoted nominal and un-
changed at alio to So per lb, and $2 to 310
0 00
38 wbate hair flowina oeorly to his show -
0 00
50 dem, like some noble .statesman of old.
35. 00
8 00
10. 00
5 15
4 oil a third person ean be granted that privi-
lege, and while I appreciate the position
of the respondent's father at this tinie,
"If it is not in accordance with the I do not believe that I ten allow him
jurisdictiom 1 anl very sorry to ask for to address the jury,"
anything' that would not he privilege, When the jury filed slosvly out .to &-
your honor. No doubt as the prosece- cide upon a Verdict, the old Minister
tor says, I view this frOill a different stood with head bowed in prayer; and as
etiolation -it from what be does,. alld any. •etteli juryman passed him, they seemed
thing I might say might be irrelevant, to eaze with sympathy' upon the aged
because you know preitcher is usueliy father, whose noble fight for his son's
0 40 preaching for effect, and we know to liberty they bad just witnessed,
preach the law- does not produce the The jury was out but a few minutes
5 50.
most 'emotional and .gtaiial effect, awl when a verdict was reached.
probably I might be inclined -naturally,
I would, as the father of the defendant- F"Norotagurniolmtve,4thtiemfoznivalinInsastkoloa,
9 00 to appeal to the warmer and to the more eyes raised to heever, tie if thanking
9 00 emotional 74 law° of the jury, . • the Almighty, then he embraced his soli,
lirtalle, of course, whatever it would and both thanked the jury and shook
be, would be more Upon the line of pro- hands with each man.
tection as well as punishment, as I am
a man of the .people, and for the people, Rev. Dr, James Livingston is even
and, of course, feel that I am interested known in Hamilton; althottali he was
in everfy mart's son and davgliter-have never stationed here. Ire is s, highly
prayed for them, always -for the stran- respected minister of the. Methodist
ger that is within our gates. So that Chinch of Cemolit.
ilte wou even.
youug WS on trial charged have the privilege of speaking 4 all,
with holding or and robbing Samuel that I was perfectly satisfied with the
Dittle, an 'ex -pugilist, a $35 in his sa. pry, that I liked the personnel of the
loon, shortly before midnight On the ?.14411e' 115theirleviar811YeenrdYs.wirridgett.jaetsve° sny
night of Nov, 13 last. that I have perfeot eoufidarce in the
The aged man of God, who has reach. Honorable 'Judge who is presiding, and
e& nearly the allotted time of man, that he -will deal fairly, justly and
dewily with this dap."
stood there his tall form erect and Ws
Judge Phelan rephed:
"I would lutve no objections whatever
to permitting the' defendent's father to
fighting, for soxne giorzons cense. Time address the.tury, were it not for the fact
was silence in the court room and eyer7 thaalty,there is not only a law to the con.
eye was upon him, bob it is a well established rule.,
The defendant himself can defend Ms
Prosecutor Trenor objeated to a lay- ads in pelmets; he mey himself appeal
mon being permitted. to address the to the jury, but r do not Mall where
jury wed the old minister arose and.
1 40
7 4e '
0- 40
0 21
0 13
.0 la
0 16
0 40
1 3a •
thrown in by the writer to give the rea- Startling Action Against Executors of
son for her surprise. They have no dent- J. J. Long.
logs of friendly intercourse. "This ill. Toronto. Jan. 23. -The Northern Nair
will, however, did not extend beyond igation Company, with offices at Col -
familiar intercourse, for in such mat. lingwood, has entered suit against Thos.
ters as .buying and selling, intercourse Long and John J. Hopkins, executors of
was allowed."-Tittmann. They were the late Jahn J. Long, for $83,773, -which
excluded by the Jews from. the temple at Lena, it is agebeeg, agreed to pay in set -
Jerusalem. The Samaritans -The Sa. Element of a claim for false ' and fraud-
maritans were the descendants of the elent representations made by him; or,
Ethiopian end Babylonith colonista upon in the alternative, for $150,000 damages
whom the Assyrian conqueror of the ten for fraud and false represidations, upon'
:tribes bedewed the lands of the captive which the plaintiffs acted,- to their loss
Israelites ' (see 10. Kings xvii. V-33). Al- and damage to that amount. The writ
though of purely heathen origin, they was filed at Osgoode Hall yesterday..
united the worship of Jehovah with their Mr. Long was at the time of his death
own idolatries. They built a temple on a director of the company, and prior to
Mount Gerizim and eetablished a wor- the last annual meeting had been Presi-
ship in opposition to the Jews. This dent.
they considered the most sacred place on The aetion promises to be one of the
earth. It had been, as they bollered, the most sensational of its kind in recent
seat of paradise. Between these people years.
ar.d the Jews a deadly. hatred existed, et $ se
III. Divine truth amparted (vs. 10. •
34). 16. The gift of God -See Jehn iii. SHOT HIMSFI F
10. The Messiah, and tue salvation He
is bringing to man. Thou wouidet have
asked-4‘Spiritually, tear positiena are .SUICIDED. IMMEDIATELY A PER
: !versed It is thou who are \treaty and HE WAS 'ARRESTED.
.oteore and parched, close to the well. ..
eunabie ato drink; is k; it I wto can 'N
a eer York ;Ian. 2.3. -Arrested on a.
' 4..
eve thee the water from the wet, and bench warrant for contempt of court
queneh thy thirst forever." ,eiteng as a result of his failure to make an
water -The gift of the Holy t1tit (John accounting of an estate of videich he WAS
vii. 37-30); also called "the water of exeentor, John Tunwalt, an elderly jus.
life" (Rev. xxi, 6; exit 1,17); "dean tice of the peace, committed suicide by
water" 'Pink. xxxvi. 2(1 ;27). See al, e shooting himself at his home in NOW-
Isa. lv. 1; Mil. 11. It is received by faith ark, N. .7., yesterday, says the Tinies,
(John vi. 35), abides eternally (v. 14). Tunevalt killed himself before Joseph L.
is offered freely (Rev. xxii. 1, 17). Note. Hays, a cella officer, who only a minute.
1. Its souree palm rii. 37. 2. fre sup before had made him it prisoner. The
ply (Rev. Leo 6: 3. He freshnese. 4 Police had been looking for him since
IN satisfaetion (Isa. xii, 3). t•The i.,!iltes Deo. 17.
of bhe mew life ore woriderni, express.
ing itself in every go4 word and work+it.*
every fruit of the Spirit, every claim.
ing, life-giving, beautifying influence in Commission Will. Meet at an Batty
the world. The water to be living meet Date.
flow forth, As man sidea as man is
00many sided is the religion of Jesus Buffalo, N. Y., Jan. 23. -Attorney.
As He has made music for the ear, ligla General Clinton. hale received official tot.
ad beauty for the eye, water for thiret. ification from becastary of State John
food for hunger, so He has something to Hay that the Lake Levels 'Commission
meet every, want arid ;satisfy every 1.111081 has at last been completed by the ap-
of man. Even the wants; of our physpointment of the Canadian Commission.
ical nature are not perfectly satisfied cu. ewe "I assume," gala Mr. Clintoti to.
eept through Him. Our food is net per. day, "that the commission will hold its
feet unless we eat to the glory of (iod. first 'fleeting atria) distant date. Wo aro
Jesus transforms the whole life, and waiting. nok for instructions from
Inakes the desert to blossom like the Washington, since neither branch of the
rose. Th6 living waters are hie:dung- commission can take up the work with -
Me, bectutee there is no limit to the out instructions from its Government.
seureee of supply, just oe the fountains "Chicago will bo an importaa point
and springs are filled front the limitless iii our investigations on account of the
ocean, There are more of the influences drainage canal there. Buffalo Will be
of God's spirit waiting for us than we another point of importanee, for the reit.
van reteive. We might as well •eepeet to sort that it is proposed to erect a dam
breathe oll of Gods air, Or use all of here to preservo and if possible raiee
Ills sunlight, as to axhaust the gifts of the level of Lake Vale. The dam
Hie Holy Spirit MS is urging us to re-
11. Sir -This might be read "My
Lord? It was a title of reipeet, and
glum that the. woman wee reverent, and
serious. Nothing to draiv with -The
Mali 'had, probably, no apparatus " for
drawing water. The woman no doubt
carried het own litte. Prom whence. ete.
-end Welllail was quiek in her nropre-
liensirm, and saw there was some truth
*Wel' she did not understand, to which
12. Art thou gre.atere-The question
piceeeds from a feeling time Jestte al -
/wiled some extraordinary thatieter,
that he defined it spiritual politer; pe.r-
baps claimed to be a prophet like Mo -
who rould make a fountain of vrater
by mirttele.----tatrige, Our father &mob -
`1110 Samaritans were living in the terri-
projected would be erected about a the
mouth of the Niagara. River."
Rome, Jan. et -tineasineeis le felt here at
the concentration of Austrian troops oil the
Italian, frontier, the Petrie going se fas as
to say that AWN& Is preparing for war
against nab?. On the:other hand, the
bune publishes a fdritemett to 118 effect
that its correspondsat at vienne has been as-
sured hy the Austrian Foreign Office tbat the
increase 111 the nuMber of Austriati troops
on 018 frontier of Italy' was merely due to
the returu of eoldiers to their .posts titter
toryof tplatturt nnd Menneeth, tons of foin
havg hem on duty eiong the Russetti front.
Jueeplo and grandsons of jite(de ana ne Rinser
Jamb, at no doubt some of the Attica
thoneh they WPM not the ilmeendants of
Many a Inan is unsuccessful heathen
•,-+ -4--••4•0••••••.•-•-•--..
i th
Paris, Jan. 23. -The Combos Ministry pre-
seeted its resignation to President Loubet
a the Dlysee Palace at 11 o'clock this morn-
ing, and the President accepted It, but asked
the. niinisters to individually carry on their
functione Until A new Cabinet is formed. AL
Bouvier continues to occupy tho.first Mace,
Mit 'ehatees are less certain than at first,
owing to the belief that it Itouvier Cabinet
would tot last long, on account of the Inter-
nal divisions of the Parliametatary groups.
Paris, Jan, 18.-M. Combes, in his letter
of resignation, says iti part: "I have the
honor to present my resigtation lie Primo
Minister and that of my eolletigues, 51 13 not
without sentiments Of profound regret that 1
Nee myself obliged to renounee the lautliza-
(ion of the programme of politioal and so-
cial rodent? which tho nepublican majority in
the Chamber explicitly and reDeatealit ap-
proved. But tho recent figuree of this ma -
leaky do tot permit me to hopg to coilduet
this programine 10 13 realization.
The Premier then reviews hie course dur-
ftic the last eighteen months. He lows no
bas beet tracked LY arehitiout and Imams
tient coalition of clerieels ana eatiottalhas,
Which obetructed the work of the raillofity.
• v
1 Wilfrid Monist Arrested in VIontreal
With Marked; Money in PoStiesitiOn.
Moutreal /an, 23,-11 Wilfrid 131ott-
in, 40 years old, married, with a family
of seven, who had been employed for
eleven years as a letter -carrier in this
eity, pleaded guilty to -day to the &ago
of having stolen money from lettere
given to him for delivery. Ile had been
snspetted for a time, and so the ser-
vices of the deteetive departmea were
called into requisition.
The impeder 'narked five elle dollar
bills and enclosed them ia en envelope
(needed to the Sistere of Merey Dor-
ellester street, A detective followed,and,
as sulipeeted, the dill not Pall at
the Sisters of llerey, The postoffiee in-
spector wets at once notified'. The latter
t,..."%,4 V MA A
Train From •filalifax to Boston Running at
Seventy Mile.s /lour.
Durham, N. Y., Jan. 24 -,The Stillest?
-express, from Halifax and St. John flit
-Boston, was wrecked this morning a
short distance west of the Durham sta-
tion. Four ens were derailed ana a
number of persoas were injured, four
seriously. No one Was killed. The acci-
dent was caused by a broken rail,
Those severely injarea are• :
, Miss 33elle Donald, Hampton, N. B.;
severe injuries to head and shoulder dis-
located. •
, Colored porter of Penman car, head
and shoulder lacerated and bruised by.
being -thrown through car window..
Albert • Hall, Portland, Mee lament
injuries. . • . '
Chas. Dunn, jun, Portiazid, Me.; head
and hip injured.
It is thought all of these will recover.
Seven other pers. as sustained injuries
necessitating medical attendance and a
dozen or more sustained cuts and bruises
of a minor nature.
The train' was an hour late when it
passed. Durham and wee running, at a
speed of seventy miles, an hour. The
forward part of the train passed over the
broken rail and but four pas-enger
coaches behind the Pullman sleeper were
ditched, but were not seriously, damage&
The students of the New Hampshne
State College of Agriculture turned out
iir a bode, to rosette the'passeugers from
the overturned cars and „seven _female
members of the college acted as mums in-
th citing for the intend. •
' Charlotte, Mich., jan, 21.---Cherles
Smith, in fit of jealoue rage last
night shot and killed Morton MOM,
aged 113 years, because the latter, it is;
said, made /ore to Smith's wife. When
Deputy Sheriff Spears reached the scene
Smith Was found pacing the floor, and .
A 4 Slog/BIT-fa Vanden,* Dioele,
014 seeing the officer, frankly remarked: Open Staturibte evenings, 7 to 0,
"Spears, I have killed a man, itud tun
ready to be looked up,"
gulii,they:xiseuee was. taken to Eaton Rap -
flea Weetherwee, uttived examination,
and bound over to the circuit court for
trial, it is possible Smith may plead
ids this morning, arraigned before Jae -
on Town and Farrn Property.
The prisooer was marled about twe ASSIGNEE. ACCOUNTANT,
menthe ago to ft girl named Wagner,
aged ICI years, who at the flute was a OSPIcEie.4.4 RthtLiCtikettet„..t 1301sotahke.rine at.
diShWaSlier in a woodehoopers' camp. ,
She was the only female in the house,
with half a dozen men. A week ago, it
eide 1 to kill his wife's boy lover, -- . Estsibliehed MO.
is claimed, Smith discovered Kielce hug- NELLI GTON AtUTIJAL
ging. and kissing Mrs, Smith, and the
unable to control hinis.elf. Ile then de- . FIRE INS.' CO.
love -making to angered him that he was
Owl Odle° 47411111trii, ON,
t IRthanvAbbilITte
aaasilaMMI-alfWeMeM„..00.-eef....,", mow,
%Motion of Routs sad Acesetutteet imeetelte
130ston Chamber of Commerce Still 1120
Boeton, Masse Jan, 23. -The deelitie
'which has taken place in the foreign
commerce of the port of Boston was
vommented upon in the directors' report
at the annual meeting a the Boston
Chamber of Commerce ta:day,
chief among the causes • of the do -
cline was pleeed the alleged discriminee
Mon practised by trunk line•railroaele
in aeording to the ports of Philadelphia,
Baltimore, and Newport News lower
rates from 'the interior to the seaboard
then to Boston and New York.
Upon the subject of reciprocity the
report said: 97or many years thie or.
ganizebion wits a strong advocate of
more liberal trade relations with Can-
ada and. Newfoundland. We regret to
eiter Oa no definite progress hes yet
been made to far as Canada is concern-
ed. As we pointed out en our last report
however, the eettlement of the Alaskan
boundary dispute on 1003, removed, the
chief. obstacle to a satisfactory adjust-
ment of the question."
Mr. 1.1„ M. Whither wasr re-elected
0 4 •
How the Cossacks Disguised Them-
Tokio, ,]an. 23.-A report comes from
the Manchurian headquarters ef the
Japanese army that with the Cossack
detachment that raided the district
west of New -Chewing were a large
erembee of Chinese regular cavalry. The
Russian casualties m the fighting on
Jan, 14 were °vet three hundred. The
report states that the Russian force re-
pulsed on Jan. 16 eonsisted of 6,000 Cos-
sacks, with ten guns.. They retired in
a northeasterly direction, through Lao-
tuniedoix.• The- mane force, -when en-
countered later, appeared greatly fa-
tigued. Many of the- Russians were
dressed entirely in Chinese costume, oven
to queues.
From other sourees ib. is reliorted that
lately Cossacks attacked a Japanese po-
sition-amfukterdenthn.eear filuIungtun, aouthertst of
Ettoltean Japzinese were missing
Twelve hdndred workmen are repair-
ing the dry dock at Port Arthur.
The British steamer 13owdry, bownd
from Kiao-Clutu to Vladivostoek with a
cargo' of shipbuilding materials,. was
seized. N -day In the Tsushima Strait.
Crazy Woman Kilts Two Patients and
Injures A nither in an Insane Asylum.
nonette Searcy, of Barrington, an inmate
Concord, N. II., Jan. 23.-afrs. Mies
of the New' Hampshire State Hospital
for the Insane, unexpectedly aleveloped
murderous proclivities early to.day and
with a towel roller killed. two other en.
mates of the institution, Mrs.' Isabelle
Merrill, of Lima, and Ophelia Cossett, of
Genic, and seriously injured allot:her Pa.
tient, Josephine Herod, of Rochester.
Miss Fiske, iturse, was slightly injured.
it was the inteaion, it is belieyed, of
Mys. Seavey, to escape from the asylum.
No attendant was in the ward which she
vecumed, and it is thought theee pa-
tients were aroused by a noise•made by
Mrs,. Sexy, and that when they en-
deavered to quiet her she attacked.
them,. • All three wete struck several
blows mi. -the head with the roller, ap-
parently,' as they had arisen suddenly
from their: beds. Mrs. Merrill and the
Cossett roman were dead Athol found,
and .Mies Howard syas only partly con-
scious. e
Four Passengers and two Ernpioyees
tilled and F'viany Injured.
London, Jan. 23. -Alt alarming cola.
eion, in \Aka' 'Jiro trains were involv
ed, ineluding two Scotch expresses, oc
lined en the Midland Railevey neat
Barnsley ealy.this mogninge Four paste
engem and two railwaymen were killed
and a score were injured, of whom wee
were seriously hurt. The accident °emir.
red in a fog, the third train creehing
into the wreckage resulting S 'on the
first collision. The cars of on,. of -the
Scotch' expresses burst into flames, end
Nyere sodn ablaze from end. to end; There
were not many passengers on the trains,
or tite casualties must hove been far
1(3 the impact was so great that
the cers were teleacoped and splintered
into MatoliWoOd. Among the -injured is
Robert Ifrough, the attist. •
Newt York, Jan. 23.-A Paris des-
patch to the lierald, says specials to
that paper valet° that the & done
on the Riviera in the recent cold soap,
was very widespread. Flowers suffered
and fruit Was injured, perhaps destroy.
ed. nub' extends all over the
Riviera and the Wench Littoral. The
beautiful garden of like and. its nei0-
borhood are now nearly barren, It is
impossible to eetimate the toss. Florists
at Cannes say 11 will be at least 4,500,-
006 franeS ($000,000). Despatehes give
a &only picture of the desolation caus-
ed. by this told spell, width is the worst
the Riviera has ever known.
Fists, ltairpirta and Daggers. treed in
Paris Tragedy,
London, Jart, 23. --The Chronicle !nib -
Helms the following from Paris:. A re-
markable crime in the open street took
Plaec the Rua de Bondy, when two -
women, both of them well ,dressed, leapt
out of tabs which bad brought them to
the pittee„ and st.trted. fighting with their
fists. Presently they used their nails,
attacking each other ferociously, and
blood ran n o r veins. nay they those hatpins for their weft -
13. Shall thirst agaitt -,Yestrit dots tot aiSqlti'.
le regards lmstling as incompatible with pent for Mount, who Wail searched, arid pens, At last the hatpins broke, kfla Ole
the five marked bills found on him, of the woinen tried: "Now we must fin-
ish it. One of us must disappear." "As
you wish," answered the other.
The next minute they stood .fading one
another with daggers in their hands.
The two women closed again, and, with
a terrible cry of agony, one fell back-
wards to the ground, saying, 4'011, she
bag kilted mei"
111. Paillercl, a musician of the Porte
St, Martin Theatre, attempted to as-
sist the wounded women, but the other
interposed, and plunged her dagger twice
into M. Paillard's chest.
Thett, before the crowd could bar her
way, she ran to where her tab was wait-
ing, and, jamming into it, was driverr
off. The coachman slashed at the
home and the murderess was soon out
of eiglit.
Tito wounded womanwas taken to
the hospital, whore she died almost im-
mediately. The police laterarrested
Clementine Policiaux, a girl of sixteen,
Ifer plea is that she was first attacked,
mid etrack out in self-defence.
Christian Scientists Attested,
i01•011t0, 4811. 23.--13fm sarot Good-
fellow, Wm, Brundrett, Mrs, NOMA.
Ann Grant, all of 014 Vanauley street,
and Mrs, Elizabeth See, ISO Huron street,
were arrested by Detettive Newton yes-
terday, on warrants darning that they
"did slay and kill Wallace Goodfellow,"
or, in other words, manslaughter. The
prisoners ttre the Chriqtian Scientists,
Who were in attendance on Walitteo
Goodfellow when he died of typhoid
pneumonia, They 1701'0 nil lodged in
the rolls 4 Court Street Station, and
were not allowed bail, ,
Mantreer•Que., an, 23.-11ans are
ing prepared for the addition of IN
storeys to the general offices of I,
Grand Trunk RailwayCompany.' It is
only two and a half years .since the
palatial McGill street building • was
opened, but pecesure for more accommo.
dation already has been experienced. Ac-
commodation for the Grand Trunk Pa,
cifie staff also wilt be required, and
with this in view plane are being pre.
pared for two additional storeys to the
big building:
Detroit, Mich., Jan. 23. -An Algoma
despatch says; William Sauer, jun., who
ehot end killed, Constable Moore yesters
day while the latter. WU attempting to
replevin etone loge'aix pOssession of Sett
er, was eaptured yesterday efternoon
few xniles from here. Had he boo
brought here he certainly would have
been lynched, as a largo crowd was
waiting tor him with a rope. A detour
was mad'
e however, and Sauer wits tak-
en to Itobert's Landing. The Sauers are
equators in middle chamsel, a -few miles
below here. The logs aresome that
broke away from the booms of the Ilatt
Luntber Co, Sarnia,- years ago.
o • -
&Attie, 'Wash„ Jan. 23.-A despatch
from Da:won:says Vila a wholesale re-
duction in the Government force is be-
ing made in the Yukon teritory through
acting Governor Major -Wood, The pre.
ventive efficer's department, minieg In-
spector's department, and, territorial see-
retary's office have been abolished and
have been consolidated under other of-
fices. The police will da all recording
and inspecting in outlying distriets and
will receive applications and Nrwarh the
same to Dawson. Thirty employees are
being dismissed, itmong them all the
mining inspectors and4reeorclers.
New 'York \Volumed Bashand ,Alleeeed
Her That Much a Day.
New York, Jan. 23. -'re mandate herealt
and her six children, tire. Natalia Damao;
Dobolten, Vag given hist fitty Nene a der
by her husband. 8he told Itecovder Stet -
ton yeeterday, ond arranged the following
menu to explain how she did It:
TWo leaved of bread Mid coffee
(Italie bed hileateni ;15
Pat pork end stele algid . ..., ...30
Pime Tote're'. i'I* i.deeid kept ?h60
loviartee for menthe, while bar husband
saved $5,000. "I have not tasted Meat in
nee- months." sbe teetered, "because the
father of the ebildree veiVe he will 8905
35) 180
The hatband finally' agreed 40 Mee lilt -
wire st a day to nutintain ber
Risks taken on'all °holies Of ilienrable pro
party= the osall or Premium note system,
Woo Cloaolai, Mae. DAVtlagow,
President. Seeretary.
liamra RITCHIE,
Barristers, Solicitors, etc.
ome• : Meyer Block Winshmxi,
16, L. Diekinven Dudley goblet*
Money so loan at lowest retest. (Mice
MONEY TO liwor,
Office t -Morton Block, Winghans
Office :-I:lpstairs In the Macdonald
Night cane answered at office.
DRS. cilium & CRISMAN
Joel;p)alise Street - Witigham
TP, KENNEDY) 14.1).•
.1 • (Member of the Stith& Medical
Special attention paid to Dieeases of women
and ohildron,
Gramm WM= 1-1 to 4p.m. 76�1 P.m.
Vi. T. &gleamy
Graduate of Royal
College of Dental
Surgeons of Tor-
onto, and Rotor
Graduate of Dent-
al Dept. of Toron-
to University.
Latest improved methods in all branohes el
guaranteed. tarOilloe in Beaver Block.
Dentistry. Prices moderate. Satisfe.otior
• i
Doctor of Dental Surgery of the ten.
nsylyania College and Licentiate 01
Dental Surgery of Ontario,
°Moe oyez Post Offtoe-aWINGBAlia
• •
Tragedy .Following a Wedding That
Took Place at Guelph.
A Guelph report: A. most, unexpected
death Occurred this afternoon at the re-
sidence 4 Mr. James Millar, near tine
city, amidst the enjoyment of a. wedding
dinner. .1kIr. William Lash, of Montreal,
was married to Mrs. Miller's sister, Miss
Jane Andereon. The' wedding ceremony
was pet -aimed at noon by Bev, et to
Knowles, of Galt, in 'the presence of a
joyous company of the immediate frienda
grooand the happy couple hadgone upstairs
groom repllea to the toast to the bride,
alth.elside and.m. Afterwards the
wedding breakfst seas served. Tahe
to prepare to take the 245 Grand „trunk tie
Messages of congratulation were being
read ily Some.of tleafrierids, when eft.
Lash suddenly fell down. the McKend-
riek, of Galt, who, was present as a. guest
:lideverything possible to restore vital-
ity,. "hub to no purpose, end within an
hour and a half from the time of the
wedditig the groom %ad passed -away.
' •
look Eingston Man Months to Learn
He Was Stabbed,
Kingston, Ord., jam 23. -Dr. Ryan
San performed a eritical operation by
taking almost two inches of a std'el
blade of it knife front the back of %V.
13. AI/mimes head. The patient, a see.
tion inan on the Kingston and Pimp
set ott by a gang of toughs last Nevem'
broke 3tailway a Levant Station, was
ber, who ktocked him doNvn and kick-
ed him. His doctor treated him for a
broken blood vessel. About the 1st of 1116
(0155 (8 J)i0013 feel
he thouglit
ocomlng 43111.
of his head. Da Ryan found that DP
Stead of a piete of bone it was about a
two inches of steel. TIM; eves the tint
intimation Manion received Una be was
stebbed. •
Mac's Compassion for Atiti-Preforence
Attitude to Britain.
London, Jan.23.---Lord Minto, former
Governor-Uenera of Canada, sneaking
nt Minto, itear 11nviek, to -night on Vile
proposed eolonial conference, and Dia
question of preferhaiel treatment, eat].
Canede tould not wait forever, and if
eke received nothing but a bucket of
told writer she would he justified in
saying there were other opportunities
before her.' The United States, lile
Lordship eald, was 'seeking reeiproeite
with Canada, iri the hope of steeling her
away from Groat Britain.
The fellow W1I0 tillers at the foet of
In' lathier may aiiiibute hill bad lock
o Climate