HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1905-01-26, Page 132ND YEAR, NO. 22. The Wingham Advance. WINGJIA.112, ONT., THURSDAY, JANUARY 26, 1905,. JANUARY, 1905, Sun. Mon. Tue. Wed. Thu. Fri. Sat, 1 2 3 4 6 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 10 17 18 19 20 21 23 24 25 20 27 2$ 30 31 .,. ,.. ... 15 22 20 %at Items Wear Cheer's Sloes and Rubbers. A. fine winter ; no blockade of the railways as yet. The local markets show no change this week, so former quotations pre- vail. During 1904, Canada sold to the United Statos, $43,392 worth of ashes. War:ann.—Good servant girl. Ap- ply to Mrs. I. IL Chisholm, 24 Dela- ware avenue, Toronto. The Fortnightly Club will meet with Miss W. ?.lba Chisholm on Tues- day, Jan. 31st. Robt. Knox, of Teeswater, purposes returning to Wingham to engage in business again. Mrs. John Kerr has been ill during the past week, but we are pleased to hear is now improving. W. G. King, of Preston, formerly of Turnberry, visited his friends in this vicinity last week. Buy your Clothing at Isard's and save $2.00 on a Suit and $3.00 on an Overcoat. 4 Councillor S. Bennett is ill with pnetimonia. His fellow - townsmen hope to hear of his speedy recovery. F. G. Sparling shipped seven car- loads or salt Last week and two more on Monday. Business is rushing at the block, Beattie Bros. lost one 62 their pret- tily matched team of create horses on Snnday last ; it is a pity to see the span broken. Geo. B. Turvey of Morris will have an auction sale on Feb'y. 28th. R. H. Garniss will be the auctioneer ; see posters soon to be issued. Pringle & Groves are playingthe highest cash_ price for Hides, kins, Tallow and Wool, at Chapman's old stand. If you want a good faun near the thriving town of Wingham see advt. in this issue, or apply to Gavin Wilson, East Wawanosh, Executor. A special service was held in St. Paul's church last Sunday evening in commemoration of the accession of King Edward VII, conducted by the .rector, Rev. W. Lowe. Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Walker en- tertained a large number of young people on Friday evening of last week, in honor of Miss Cook, who is leaving Own to take a position in Toronto. We are positively clearing Dress Goods and Men's Suits and Overcoats. See those $8.00 to $10.00_goods, clear- ing at $5.00 to $0.50.—G. E. KING. Rev., W. Lowe will give his lecture on Ireland and the Irish, in Lucknow, February 2ncl, in aid of St. Peter's Church, Miss W. Alba Chisholm has consented to assist by rendering some Irish songs. .34 A very handsome Chair is on ex- hibition in Walker Bros. window. The decorations are of burnt Work, of very pretty design. Mrs. Reiland Beattie, we are infor:;lied, did the work. It is very pretty indeed. Dr. T. Chisholm M. P. carne home from Ottawa to poll his vote for his /friend Dudley Hoboes. Dr. Chisholm received quite an ovation at Ottawa. Grit and Tory alike Were anxious to see and shake hands with the man who dared to defeat the ex -deputy Speaker and redeem East Huron. Dn. OvItNs, of London, Surgeon, fits glasses properly. Treats diseases EYE, EAR, N.^SE; THROAT. Office :—McKib. bon's cls'. ag store, Wingham, MONDAY, February Oth. The Chicago correspondent of the New York Evening Post, says that the 'United States mills w',11 treed from 10,- 000,000 to 15,000,000 bushels of wheat from the outside to keep their mills for export running until the crop of 1005 comes in. All this Wheat must conte front Canada, practically all from Western Canada—and the effect cannot fail' to be favorable upon prices. Mise Lizzie Flenty, employee of the Advance, has been obliged to cease work and take an enforced holiday. It will be remembered, that while corning down street one evening last fall, in a buggy, one of the busses col- lided with the buggy, and the oe- ettpants of the buggy were thrown out. Miss Ffeuty has not as yet, re- covered front the effeets of the ac- cident. For Some time, she tried to move around with the aid of a crutch, advice of re en the her physician butp y r n Ira now remaining its quiet at possible. I3. Brown, rtag and Metal Co., buy- ing all kinds of 'Wm wool and pick- ings, rubber, .eopper and feathers of all kinds. highest Brice in cash:; if brought to house, five cents a hundred OXtra. Warden Elected. Robt. Miller, one of the representa- tives of Ilowiek and Turnberry Divi- sion in the County Council, was elect- ed Warden of Huron county, Bear These Singers, Lovers of goodsinging and lovers of the humorous, have a rare treat in store for theta Saturday evening, Jan,. 28th, when the Meister Glee Singers, London, England, will appear under the auspices of the Westininster Guild of Winghatn Presbyterian church. Secure your seats at Walton McISib- bon's Drug Store. In Hospital, Miss Tillie Currie of Toronto form- erly of Wingham, is lying in St. Michael's hospital, as the result of a skating accident. While skating be- tween Xmas and New Year's, she fell, breaking her left leg in three places ; one 02 the fractures is a very •serious one. Miss Currie's friends here hope to hear of her speedy recovery. Chosen Friends, Winghatn Council No. 222, C. O. O. F. held a special meeting on Monday eve'g. for the initiation of candidates. Mr. Clayton, the organizer, has suc- ceeded in adding several members to the list. The Friends have changed their meeting place from the C. O. F. hall to the L O. F. hall, in Chisholm block. Three candidates were initiat- ed on Monday night. Great money -saving chances at Isard's Alteresion Sale; see their adv. Municipal Ownership. The electors of Milton, Ont., have voted. in favor of raising $8,000 for the purchase and improvement of the electric light plant in that town. The ratepayers of Exeter, Ont., have re- • commended that the Council secure an option on the electric plant owned by Mr, C. B. Snell with a view to pur- chase. The ratepayers of St. Thomas, Ont., have approved of the purchase of the gas and electric plants at the price fixed by the arbitrators, namely, $205,000. The majority was 615. R. T. Of T. Prospering. Wingham Council No. 114, R. T. of T., stili continnes to grow. Twenty- nine have been initiated during the past 2 weeks, and still there are more to follow. On Tuesday evening the Council took advantage of,Bro. W. C. Thompson's presence and presented hitn with a pin, accompanied . by a nicely -worded address, on the eve of his departure for Toronto. Althongh taken completely by surprise, Will. replied in a few well-chosen remarks. 11. C. Kent is the new Fin.-Sec'y. Clinton vs. Wingham. Listowel Hockey players were un- able to come on Tuesday, on account of some of their players being dis- abled. The managing committee however, secured Clinton team to fill the vacancy. Clinton was said to have a fast team, but they had no chance when up against Wingham boys, who trimmed then to the pretty tune of 12 to 0. Winghani Band enlivened the. evening with selections of music. There was a Iarge attendance. It was an easy vic- tory for Wingham. MONTREAL STAR.—"Tho Meister Glee Singers last fr.-piing furnished a splendid treat to a large audience. It is doubtful if Montreal audiences have ever had the opportunity to hear bet- ter part singing than was heard Iast night," In Wingham, Jan. 28th. Wedding At The Soo. The following is from Sault Ste. Marie papers, and the bride is the daughter of Mr. John Keir, a former resident of Wingham :—"A quiet home wedding took place at the resi- dence of Mr. and Mrs. John Kerr on Leo avenue, when their only daughter Etta, was married to William E. Best. The ceremony was performed by the Bev. W. A. Duncan at 8 o'clock in the presence of a few of the immediate friends of the contracting parties. Both the young people are well known and have many friends in the Soo, who join in wishing them every happiness." Mrs. Best's friends in 'Wingham extend congratulations, and wish her many happy years. Addresses. This week, W. Thompson leaves Wingham for Toronto where he has secured a good situation. Will, was the faithful, trusted employee of the Smith Ss Pethiek hardware firm and later of their successor, tate W. T. A. Fishleigh, He is an earnest church worker, And the Sunday School of the Methodist church recognized this on Sunday by presenting hint with an address, full of kindly sentiments and good wishes for the future. On Mon- day evening, the Epworth League, of which Mr. Thompson was President, conveyed to hint their regrets at his removal and wishes for his future auc- eess, in another kindly -worded ad- dress. After the topic for the evens ing had been dealt with, syr. t nttdy was called to the Chair, When the ad- dress was presenter, A brief pro- gram was rendered, and the Social committee served cake and coffee. The League and Sunday School lose an earnest, faithful worker by the re- moval of W. C. Thompson. The Ad- vance hopes to hear of his succese in. Ontavio'd capital. Hockey Match. Lucknow Junior hockey team came to Wingham on Friday last to meet the Winghatn juniors, and went down to defeat by a score of 15 to 5. The Juniors are doing well and bid fair to win their share of the games. Cougcil Meetings. Winghatn....................... Feb. 0 Morris, township hall " 8 East Wawat,nosh • Turnberry, at Bluevale Culross Howick, at Fordwich Watch Your Label. Parties at a distance, who remit their subscription can ascertain if they have btv n credited with their remittance hy\watching their label. A glance at the label, ivill tell whether you are in arrears or not. Subscrip- tions are payable hr advance, though some seem to forget this rule. Unless we hear from distant subscribers by Feb, 1st, we shall take it for granted they do not wish the paper continued. institute Meetings. Meetings of the Farmers' Institutes are announced as follows :— Dungannon Feb. 1 Auburn "4 2 Brussels Wroxeter Teeswater Lakelet Bel more Lucknow Clifford Molesworth Fordwich 1.1 ., 9 " 13 " 14 18 " 3 ., 4 ,. 0 " 8 i0 15 " 16 " 20 Mar. 10 " 11 WAITED.—A good servant girl. -- Apply to Mrs. Dudley Holnies. A $10,000 Station. Wingham's new Grand Trunk Sta- tion will be one of the best. The work will be commenced early in the spring. The trainniaster is authority for the statement that $10,000 have been set aside for Wingham station. Two towers will give it an itnposir appearance. Clresley's fine new Sea - tion cost $7,000 ; Wingham's will sur- pass it, and when all the charges are made now contemplated, Wingham's old station -yard will scarcely know itself. Next summer will tell. Acquitted. Richard Livingston, son of Rev. Jas. Livingston, was found not guilty on the charge of assaulting and robbing Sara Bittle, saloon -keeper and ex -pugi- list, in Detroit, two months ago. Geo. Ribble, also a Canadian, who, it is al- leged, was an accomplice of Living- ston, will be tried on Friday, Both men have been in jail two months. On page 2, will be found a touching account of the will, minister pleading for his son in the Detroit Court room, Woman's Auxiliary. On Thursday of last week, the an- nual meeting of the Woman's Aux- iliary of St. Paul's Church was held at the home of Mrs. W. F. VanStone. The officerselected for the year were— Pres.—Mrs, Lowe ; lst Vice-Pres,— Mrs. Corbould ; 2nd Vice-Pres.—Mrs. Tomkins , Rec. Secy—Miss G. Cor- bould ; Cor. Seo'y—Mrs. VanStone ; Treas.—Mrs Roderus; Managing Com. —Mrs. Dinsley and Mrs. Sills ; Dele- gates to London --Mrs. Lowe, Miss G. Corbould, Mrs. R. Johnston. The last year's reports showed a very success- fulY eAr . Before purchasing a Piano, call at my store, see my goods, get my prices and you will thus save money. --D. BELL. Took The Bagpipes. Piper D. E. McDonald was in a quandary on Tuesday. A man by the naive of Sutherland went to Mrs. Mc- Donald and said he had authority from Mr. McDonald to borrow the bagpipes. having secured them, he decamped with them to Kincardine. The police of that town located the man and the pipes at Tiverton. As Mr. McDonald and daughter hard an engagement at Sanilac Centre, Mich., on Wednesday evening, the absence of the bagpipes caused some anxiety. They arrived however on Wednesday morning, by the same train that Wingham's piper and daughter took to reach Sanilae iso fill their engage- ment. Big Land Sale. W. I3. Menary, Real Estate, Fire and Life Insurance Agent of Souris, Manitoba, has lately disposed of 2,780 acres of his land in the Souris district for the nice little slam of $00,120. Mr. Menary's "better -half" was at one time well and favorably known in and around Wingham's social circles, in the person of Miss Ella Sharp, who is a first cousin to T. S. Brandon of Mor- tis. Mr. Menary is a very busy inan as along with his Real Estate and In- stirance business he is Canadian Pac- ific and Ocean Steamship ticket agent, and Dominion Express agent. He has an office in the beautiful town of Souris, which brings hint in over one hundred dollars lien month. Ile is also Captain of the 12th Mounted Dragoons, and in every ' ' Ci er respect y p first- class citizen. TCilt0NTtl MAIL.—"It may be stated tvitliottt exaggeration that the Cana- dian public+ hos never yet heard any- thing in quartette singingto surpass the work of the Meister Gee Singexe. Its Wingham, Sattnday, d'aii, 28, WINOHAM SCHOOL ,BOARD, The inaugural meeting of Winghatn Sehool Board was held on Wednesday evening, 18th inat. ; all the members present, Secretary Groves read the report of the Town Clerk on the election, show- ing Messrs, Long, Lloyd, Homuth and Irwin to be duly elected. On motion of litessrs, Abraham and 1- omuth, Dr, Irwin was elected Chair- man of the Board for 1905. The report of the Principal for De- cember showed an average attendance of 408, The annual report for 1004 was also presented, as follows ;--- Pupils registered, 574; boys, 260; girls, 814 ; aggregate attendance, '79,- 719; average, 390, CLASSIFICATION. Part 1-102; Part 11-86; Second Book --100 ; Third Book -109; Fourth Book --60; Fifth Class -129. Arithme- tic, 574; Writing, 574; Drawing, 490; Geography, 390; Music, 390; Gram- mar, 290; Composition, 574; Euglish History, 180; Canadian History, 180; Temperance, 60; Book-keeping, 70 ; Algebra, 120; Geometry, 120; Botany, 00; Physics, 00; Chemistry, 40; Latin, 110 ; French, 40. PROMOTIONS. Part I to Part II, 43 ; Part II to Sec- ond Book, 41; Jun. 2nd to Sen. 2nd, 40 ; Second to Jun. 3rd, 38 ; Jun. to Sen. 3rd, 34 ; 3rd to 4th, 34 ; Entrance, 27 ; Second-class certificates, 6; Matricula- tion, 2 ; total, 205. Teaching days in year, 201; school was open 109 days, FINANCIAL STATEMENT. Municipal assessment $3700 25 Government grant 275 00 Continuation grant 000 00 Non-resident fees 108 00 Total receipts $4683 75 ExPENDITURE. Teachers' salaries $3642 10 Fuel, caretaker, repairs, sup- plies, etc., etc 832 98 Balance on hand 208 67 $4683 '75 Respectfully submitted, A. H. Musgrove, Principal. The reports were adopted. The Principal asked for two cheap tables for chemical experiments. Secretary J. F. Groves, Tr"easur•er'J. 13. Ferguson, and Caretaker J. Gray were reappointed at the same salary as last year. CoMMrrrnEs—On property and man- agement—Messrs. Lloyd, Long, Moore and Kerr. On Finance—Messrs. Ir- win, Abraham, Homuth and Griffin. The following accounts passed for payment T. Hall, agreement forms. $ 2 50 A. Young, supplies 4 37 W. G. Paton, word 3 30 J. B. Ferguson, election 3 00 Gray, Young & Sparling, coal36 46 Express Co 70 Kincardine Boiler Co., inspec- 13 50 4 50 0 15 2 25 1 00 g, etc. B. Jenkins, repairs A. Campbell, repairs J. D. Burns, supplies U. Shetk, repairs Central Elec. Supply Co., chemi- cal apparatus 41 99 The Board decided to have the Fire drill performed monthly at, discretion of Principal. The Property Committee was au- thorized to arrange a room in base- ment for the boys to exercise them- selves in. The Board then' adjourned, and on the invitation of the Chairman, Dr. Irwin, the Trustees, officers, Principal and the Press wended their way to Moore's restaurant, where theyen- joyed the oysters served to their re- spective tastes. Good strong Corsets for :33 cts., at Isard's Alteration Sale ; see then, For Violins, Mandolins, Guitars and any musical instrument go to D. Bell's Music Emporium. ereonats wwwv.n4�,.�h4wJ Geo. Dickson of McKillop Tp., was in town on Sunday. Miss Pansy Reynolds returned home from Essex on Saturday last. Frank Boylan spent a few days this week at his hone in Dresden. Ben. Davidson is home from Orangeville for a couple of weeks. Mrs. A. McLean of Lucknow is visiting her niece, Mrs. A. Schaefer. Stewart Hood of Devil's Lake, Da- kota, was in town a couple of days last week. Dr. Redmond was in Toronto on Tuesday. 13is wife atccotnpanied him back to town, Mrs. W. T. A. Fishleigh removes this week to .Iiagersville, whore her parents reside. J. Cnnninghant, of the Western Foundry Co., left on Tuesday for the West on a business trip. Miss Lily Denholm of Myth spent Sunday in town and was aecompanied home by Miss Mattde Flenty. Miss Hattie MacDonald left Wed- nesday morning for Rat Portage, where she will vesicle With het brother for some time, now,. Arbuckle of Chicago is visit- fn� g`under the parental roof in East Wawanosli and also renewing ae- quaintances in town. George Ansley Ieft on Saturday on his return trip to M4friton, Man., after a month's pleasant visit with his parents and friends hero. Mess Latera Shanttoti of Ethel, and her roister Miss Lou, of IHamilton, spent a few days this week ars the guests of Mies. 1. Davidstln, $1.00 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE Ross Governrnont Moets Defeat. The Ross Cabinet Shattered By The Defeat Of Fite Ministers. CONSERVATIVES ELECTED LIBERALS ELECTED MAJORITY FOR WHITNEY , • The elections are over. The electors spoke most emphatically against the trickery and corruption that sustained the Ross government in power. West Huron is a tie, but when the recount is completed, Major. Holmes will undoubtedly be elected. The de- feat of .Tames Bowman in the East riding is much to be regretted. As near as can be ascertained, the following are elected. There may be a few changes in the Iist, but a tele - grain from Toronto this (Thursday) morning gives Mr, Whitney 44 ma- jority. CONSERVATIVES ELECTED. Addington Algoma Brant N Bruce Centre Bruce 8 Paull Smyth Fisher Clark Clapp Little Kidd Lewis Cardwell Carleton Dufferin Dundas J P. Whitney Durham E Preston Durham W .Devitt Elgin Ia Brower Elgin W' McDiarmid Essex N Reaumo Fron tenac Gallagher Fort William .Smellie Grenville Ferguson Grey Sout h Jamieson Grey Centre .Lucas Halton Nixon Hamilton E Carscallen Hamilton W Hendrie Hastings N Pearce Hastings W Morrison Huron 8 Eilber Kent P .Bowyer Lambton E Montgomery Lambton W Hanna Lanark N Preston Lanark S Matheson Leeds Dargavil Lennox Carscallen London Beck Lincoln Jessop Manitoulin Gainey Middlesex N Hodgins Middlesex E Neely- ....... eely......, Mahalfy Lamarche Aubin Willoughby Pratt Hoyle (`alder Sutherland G ilna Torrance Monteith Norman Bradburn Preston Dunlop McGarry .Thompson Dull ..Kerr .Pyne Nesbitt Foy Crawford .Carnegie Fox Fraser .Lackner ..Pattinson Downey Wellington E Craig Wellington 'West Tucker York N Lennox York E McCowan York W ...................... St. john LIDERALS ELECTED. Muskoka . .. ... ..... Nipissing E Nipissing W Northumberland E Norfolk S Ontario N Ontario S. Oxford S Parry Sound Perth N Perth S Prince Edward Peterboro W Port Arthnr Renfrew N Renfrew 8 Simcoc Centre Simcoe West Stormont Toronto E Toronto N Toronto S Toronto W Victoria E, Victoria W Welland as Waterloo N Waterloo S Wellington South Brant S Preston Brockville Graham Bruce N Bowman Essex 8 Attld Grey N McKay Glengarry McMillan Ilaldimand.... Kohler Ilastings East Rathbun Huron E Hislop Huron W C'timeron Kingston Pen se Kent W McCoig Middlesex W O. W. Ross Monett ........ .... ...........Flareottrt Norfolk N Atkinson Northumberland W .Clarke, Ottawa May Ottawa" . ..... ........... , McDougall Oxford N... Munro Peel Smith Peterboro L .Anderson Prescott Labrossc Mussell .ltacirte Sault Ste. Marie Smith Sitncoe 13 Tudhope Wentworth ...'Thompson Wentworth 51.......a.,.....t.,,tlteed NOTE AND COMMENT. 71 27 44 —The "barnacles" must go. -Whitney's majority is a stunner. —The campaign is over, even the shouting. —Ontario expects Mr. Whitney to do his duty ; the electors have done theirs nobly, —Major Hohnes put up a hard clean fight, and it is almost certain that a recount will elect him. —Whitney has a galaxy of able men around him. Ontario will expect reform and good government. —Ontario's sacred duty was to shake off the shackles of a corrupt government, She did it grandly. —Just think of it -156 for Major Holmes in Wingham 1 We're abun- dantly satisfied ; could scarcely expect more. —The Conservatives received the election returns in the Town Hall by the G. N. W., and the Liberals in their rooms by the 0. P. R. —"Isn't the old man a corker?" was the exclamation of Cap. Sullivan, when he heard that G. W. Ross didn't "know Cap. Sullivan." —Pshaw, Goderieh ! You are not in it with Winghatn for a good, hand- some Tory majority ; really Wingham ought to be the County Town. —Ontario gave no uncertain sound on Wednesday, against Ross, corrup- tion and broken pledges. The vote is evidence that Ontario declares for clean elections. —The Sullivans do not seem to take kindly to the statement of Premier Ross, to the effect that he "does not know them." Frank thinks this is , very shabby of G. W. Ross, after all they (the Sullivans) have done for him. —Wingham rolled up the biggest majority in its history -156. Earnest, faithful work, aided by the sins of the Ross Government, made this possible. The majority shows that even in Wingham there are some Liberals who believed, that it was "time for a change" and voted accordingly. —In this vicinity the campaign was an exceedingly quiet one—perhaps the least exciting of the many campaigns that West Huron has seen. Yet it was, nevertheless, prosecuted with energy. Conservatives worked ener- getically and unitedly ; there was no split in their ranks. More reliance seems to have been put upon system- atic, persistent canvass than upon public meetings. —The trial of those concerned in the Soo election rasealities is going on. To the shatne of the Ross Government be it said, that the prosecution had to be undertaken by private persons. Lack Kennedy, who conducted the Minnie M pluggers to the voting places, has confessed and implicates Smith, the Liberal member who was unseated, Coyne, Sutherland and Vance. The latter, who was the Gov- ernment organizer, told Kennedy he would be well paid for his work, —Mr. Whitney's closing words to the electorate declared for free, hon- est ballot. He pledges himself thus "The ballot shall be protected alnd thetetsons who 1ro `1 ' esc,crato that instrument through which the people declare their views, shall be punished. The corrup- tionist 511a11 not be permitted to dictate the principle upon which Ontario shall be governed." That's right, Mr. Whitney a-. ballot thieves, switehets, pluggers, persona - tors and bribers must be punished, no txtatter who they aro. Give tis clean elections, and you shall have the last- ing gratitude of a long-suffering peo- ple. Ontario will expect you to carry ons your pledge. WEST tIuRON A TIE. MO FOLLOWING ARE THU LATEST RETURNS. Cameron Holtuea 20 80 17 Godaiieh Town...., • Goderieh Township.. Ashtleld 50 West Wawanosii Bast Wawanosli, . , , . 72 CJolbarne64 Clinton „, , . , , . 86 Hu le t ................ 40 Blyth 21 156 273 273 THE VOTE IN WINOHAM, Cameron Ilolmes Ward 4No. 14 2 84 631 7 " 3 39 77 .. 4, .....,70 129 174 830 Majority for Holmes ........158 EAST HURON MAJORITIES. Bowman Hislop 129 (a tie) o returns) 80 Brussels Grey Morris Hullett................ McKillop Turnberry 35 Wroxeter Howiek 172 Hislop is elected by from 100 to 150, 22 '1, —Jas. Carruthers, a Montreal grain merchant, who has just returned from Chicago, says Minneapolis millers are at present buying freely of Manitoba wheat, and if this continues it certain- ly will have a tendency to advance prices in Manitoba. He declares fur- ther, that the United States will have practically no wheat for export and what is available will be of a Iow grade. He believes, further, that the United States has practically ceased to be a wheat -exporting nation, as the available acreage of wheat -growing lands has reached its maximum, while the population of the country is rapid- ly increasing. Thos. Armstrong is going to travel for the Noxon Manufacturing Oo. W. J. Francis jr., publisher and en- tertainer, of London, is in town this week, and was engaged in a success- ful enterprise. NOTICE.—As 1 am going on the road soon, all accounts due me must be paid at once.—Taos. ARMSTRONG. ,44a6wwwwommummumaia 123 Cts Buys a 35c Bar of . . . Casti1e Soap. A 2. Pound Bar of Castile Soap for 25 cents, "Shell Brand." Walton. JJoK!bboll 1 DOOR TO POST OFFICE NEXT DRUGGIST ptttttlttlftittltif t#1fttttltitti y -ti, ..i... ,1441 �^- 4401, w WO aos.. wall OP* WO ,: We fit them.WWI We match the natural eye. 'We make them comfortable. ass We shape thein to the mus- , „ tees so that they move 1746 with the natural eye.we.110.0111.wry Artificial Eyes . . E Other Eyes w 11* Natural, but needing help. We examine in our new op - Beal room, and have the most- modern ostmodern eye glasses made to asesa prescription for each case re- quiring sneer. A. 1. McCall Co. Limited Druggists and Opt1tiana WXNOIIAM N111111111111111111111111111111111,14