HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1905-01-19, Page 6fear ,.icer lea.viug +v'ierenee,'fl Sped awn a e',rle stairs? arid matt izta t� t> Ct.J 7 ui aEeti any ulni& ,fucttlrlateiy. [arid tl:-est I.(sr•- ried to the little eitimaier-Loarte where eugast was re ai:faig ItWr- ier. teare i3SCiwith gulch. impatient ti<.fo1;s, and filled with aid t— - wild, ..tit?(? eerie. tsbust. her eel tide friend, i er secret lover, as sae fondly believed was here, elbee az hand. Oh. it ,i f ssr,lIlcl Joy beer be�, him _t ie o s� . m . o I �. tits v est rernerebere,3 voice opce more --to tomer leis zzaare--to look into 1m19 teed3er eyes. And he, had loris been seareiling for her: he Ertl told Florence. Then he had nag believed the story which Carl King and his daughter must have fabricated to account for Iter easailpearanee. He had doubtless sus- pected something of their treacle coy, and se- had taken it upon him- self to seek her, with the hope of helping to right her wrongs, Faster and fester she flew; over the green sward until she came in sight of the pagoda, when she slack- ened her pace ane} tried to still her wildly throbbing heart. Bet Casta]di had caught the sound of her step; light as it was, and muffled by the velvet turf, and !:e sprang to the door to meet her just as she petered before it. "Serorita, senorita P he breathed, in his rich tones, which were vi- brant with a tenderness which he strove in vain to repress, for, al- though he had long worshipped the daughter of his late employer, he felt that it wvould be presumption to betray his affection. while he was poor and she the heiress to millions. "August, ah, ilugust !" Monica pant- ed, In reply, and stretching out both hands to him with an eagerness and Joy not to bet mistaken. Be gathered them bath into his, and for a moment neitb.er could speak, they were so overcome by tbe meeting. The act was so full of tenderness :':red wait ? appinees ?" he tilt rirretl, lifting iter face .vonfidingly >e a; ':trill, realty, 1 imren't a any present -ye :F girt E th ? At this u nieat,a for Ia m when dependent upon my cousin's gene Fty. Hove very 1stran o it Is " s went on with animation, " ti:t y ' erate have =et Florence in Isom How wonderful it was that y lien,. w."ai;at ] ae ail the time s,. eine, j"feeziti xtr releQ. ?• you ,eta C,I ;S o.1 Ei"o at'1 b.) well cute -wit It eee• tett. Due .() tI pertoll EJ' of. ferret, Lit;i3 midi d ,y [ were I.i4' tt,:tt J. you led c tc:>,;re:t. Although I was R d w `mole] cit learn that deet itiere • free. yet I was [almost deitrastfrt 0 l :See iota tras,k of ears. I ,l:t- I attc r (>, r '=l I.i> dlon ie scarier. of sou lana viiiitieeut g ,kiting', ttizz ,l (,!ac,. K c tIcwC to yew wS tt rk'a,boutb Time there came a canal eteesage front rite mother. :elevating me thee; Carl li-lig c•a . on the point of returning . o ,'i, tf"s:RC lei. and wacn4ed me t o re - ort. tart. rt eat ell eoeiearie despateil, tot 1<s4 S" newita Ices, in Parra', to act her jr.vnte Feeretayy, courier., e cite. retl'or ilia /tore of learaa,n s 1 eetaeiiiiiree of frau. be rermthiling Abrozo, 1 s,:!....:14 here refused tee coliti IF i± Cit this reet St. 1F,'ttt I d ' tiirergitt if ywir coasins bad again >?,a ;•e r. tate their Forcer. 1 Might 1:QQ134:b1.F siieeuwer it by remaining lit .iiia` service; while if host also re- reedited e- ru :oeci abroad there wFa.'3 a[vR', les • alio chance or meeting you. b• I Reined Mass Ire., at the a1;Pointeri tint?, 1 learned, through my moth- er wed zny fr eut1 of w,hom.. I hare s.•oltear that Carl Kings especial reelect in returning; to Me].ieo ,wraR purchase a claim s(lfoiniug the ow LI;ee--r: , 3aiTn Iviaiele lie hail discov- erect contained a richer rein of ore titan: ao;, that bad ever 'ben struck • :n that region. Ile found it had. already been pute11tFssed. My dart - ;rte: I am now, the owner of that es- ,claim" . to You, August," lionize repeated, In et , sur.Dr:se, as lie paused. au, "Yes. love, Y ( r father -told me le- the etcret of it that night he 4ay ee dying in the mine." he "Deluge t August " °riled 'Monica; "I ori Bought lee toss dead when, you e• found Mut" ou : "No, dear, lie wa,s living;. and he 'iia qui ii'T have •n the bar.. one to re..c er from teose two men in the pala ee that In • tte3 for that abduction, u mista]dn ezy cement For me. ?" "I am sure of it, darling, tar tl mantle welch these ruffians used a-nr:,ti:er her cries wva$ the met wvhtc z Inez King wore earlier in t evening, and discarded at the u told e have 1 In man things, $ but ] a to hi I s g, oe not dared; to ;peak of them," the ez young man exclaimed. "He had long g known of this vein. and intended to parolees() it; but he told to nee a I Could stake use to of the ;secret, to do so, in You and your otu,lns had not he been gone tram Mexico a wee;;; when n- it was Purchased by my friend, and is ]Us name, but with our united ed capital ; and to -day, darling, we are making rabid strides i.oward a.ffiu- e °nee. I cannot yet match your mil•• e, lions, my love, but the tune is not ur- distant when I. ca,n hope to offer m you enough to absolve me from alt n susp'cion of being a Marione -hater. ,. wva ""Iluslz, August 1 I would not mind p if you did not possess .a dotter, so t otter a,s I know that I have your o love, and that you will take care of It "Take care of you, dear 1 'would deeted vuu wwitil my life!" raid the young man, fervently. "`I promised t your father that 1 would watob ▪ over you and guard your interests. -' Be suspected his cousin of treaeli- ory :ozue time before his accident er he learned, that dray, that he Sari d a heartless villain ; and when he wit, dying he confided to ray care 1 isouw documentet to put away for s you until you shouLl become of age. They are oven now lying locked in e a ,safety vault Irl Loci Angeles, await- ing your disposal." "Alt 1 then I am not quite n. pan- per, even though my cousins have - control of the bulk of my fortune!" exclaimed Monies, with a. sigh of re- lief ; for she had felt inexpressibly galled, in shite of Florence's gener- osity, to be dependent upon the bounty of any ono. mashing. ""Ah: can that be possible?" ori the girl. in surprise. "'Well," elle add ed, with a sigh, 'dreadf'tl as th shock must have been to I'lorenc It was, after all, a fortunate occ renco for me, for it drove her :ro Penne on the same day and train o Weep, I left for Parts, and thus met and dicovered our relationshi to ease other. She has 'been Jets lovely to me, August, taking m right into her heart and insistin thee I shall share, like a sister, Suit Irer; w,Wte her guardian, Mr. ,Seaver fs throwing himself, heart and eau into ray interests, and declares tile. he .wail ,yet bring Cart ]ling and tri daughter together with their tool Dr. Flint --to speedy juatlee," "Mies Itich,areeten and Mr. Seat/ leave my everlasting gratitude," sal August, earnestly, "and I have in formation In my possession ttiat wig greatly assist the gentleman 'in hi pa'oncention of Carl King." "I woe sure you would have, if er could only communicate with you. It woe so strange you del not receive my letters," said Monica , Then, with out giving hlnr time to speak, she in mitred : 'Did you also mistake any cousin for me, when you mot her in IIIQute ?" "No, love," he tenderly replied. ""Don't you think we look milked' ""Ah, very like, ,sweet, end I was really startled, for an instant, the first 'time I met Miss R'ehardsen ut, Ratter a second glance, my hear telcl, me at once that sho was not the one` to whom it had sworn allegiance Leve is quick and keen to discern Its own." 'And yet everybody else has nes- apt], for the other," said Monica, uusingly; ''Wo are distinguished only our dress, by the guoets here ttt"-with a `reit sigh of inf!nit and protection, it was more than DN;oniea. could bear. 73,owving her head b upon their clasped hands, she buret into a passion of tears and sobs that shook her slight frame like a reed. August was also deeply moved -her emotion nearly unmanned him. "Alma min, alma min I" h.e mar - Inured, tenderly, and ,gently drawing ; by her within the po,goda, made her sit 1 B INDURATED FIBRE WARE Thera is nothing in the uiarkei approaching the quality- of M MEW'S make of this ware. See that BODY'S ustrae is on the bottom of each hall and tub. Sunlight Soap wilt n• burn the nip off woolen$ nor the surface off linens. Leal Life of a Railroad Ticket, A decision as to the life of ra raiiro tieket, w iaieh is attracting cor idera attention,, has been rendered in favor the Southern I'aeifie company by t Chit Court of Appeals at San Anton Tex. The court Lets decided that a. re road ticket which is not used within reasonable time after issuance, is burr by the statute of limitation. The ea arose out of the sale of a ticket by t Southern Pacific on April 29, 18S.i. T ticket was for iL trip from Houston Sam Antonio. The man who bought died without using it. Fifteen ye Rafter it was eold, Late in 1800 it w offered to a. Southern Pacific conducto i The tier refus • accept it and t ola cdtu man refusing to pay Ids fare was eje there was nothing irregular in ticket or in its purpose and transfer. n deei i against the man in his dame do a t g n suit for ejectment, the court holds th "it e that tl wasnever co to tat n m d l? half ticket shoal be held fornearlyhalf t1] t d an average lifetime before it as pr rented for the purpose for which it wa purchased. The ticket held by the ap- pellant could not occupy any better 3 positions as to the statute of limitation than u promissory note payable on de- mand," -The Railway and Engineering Review, Dec, 3, I90•t, ail bio A guilty conseienco et the mother of of invention, Never pat off UII to rnorraw what you he cin wear ta•night, io, Incidents will Ltappen, even iu tho best II- regulated novel". a Virtue is its awn :We. Humphrey cd I1ard. se Actions lie louder than *vords. lie Ono tonna fish is another man's poi• he sou. to Invitation is the sincerest flattery. -- it Carolyn Wells in Folly for the Wise. ar;s as f ae Cou ;!ling is an outward sign rd i as inw se e. et- 411: - ' a d Cure the disease with wt the Iii &pilo ne �t Cone) C n "Maxims:: �..-.�...w,-.,. The wages of sin is alimony. of e, ��'Aat€� TheLung s f WAS I jjIT$ GRIP Fon 25 YEARS A and the cough will stop, Tryitto-night. nl ht. If it doesn't bnefit you, we'll give your money back. Prices: S. C. Wnt r s & Co, 807 25c. SDs. $1 LeRoy, Tl. Y., Toronto, Can, • DEALING IN PRIVATE CARS, It would be difficult to estimate the num- ber of cars owned by amusement promot- ers. One net particularly conspicuous Chi- cago theatrical manager has halt a dozen. Scores of sirens, minstrel, dramatic anti. operatic organizations awn or lease the cars in W10011 th travel h b e t ei and I've andh of cars ars they .rho hands of carnivl eompnn d les and alt manner of strolling entertainers, To such an extent is this true that dealing in these movable hotels has developed into a recognized industry. There are several men in Chicago who make It their exclusive busi- ness and one woman. who owns a long line of the finest cars of the kind in the country. She lives at a downtown hotel, keeps in close touch -with the amusement profession and rents wadies, making a specialty of furnish- ing private cars to distinguished artists tour- ing the country. She also rents to touring Il parties and to visitors and tourists of alt _ kinds who desire to travel in comfort and privacy. e There aro also companies making a bust- - Hess of storing private care when not in use. Chicago has no such concern. The nearest east,en tranee Thep Dacdd's Kidney Pills Cure His Kidney Disease. Remarkable Curelie£carted froth Que bee -The, Lesson it Tenches, }Innterstown, Que., .Jan. 9. --(Special.) -The thousands of Canadians who ani' fer Isom ehronie Kidney Complaint wil interested ht the cure of Maxima Bari cher, of this place. For twenty-fiv years he suffered from Kidney Com plaint. Dodd's Kidney Pills cured Llini Speaking of his case, Mr. Boucher says "It was Dodd's Kidney fills that cure ane. For twenty-five years I suffere with the malady of Otho. Kiodneye, . I fel e A good ear rents for from $25 a week no- d ward under bond to insure its return fres from alt costs to the petit where it was se- Q At for the (ktaaoa NSE WW 'S rtnr4E ON HIS DDAOI<. Army Lieutenant on h'ronticr the Victim of a Singular Accident. 'JCiine was when it Wn/ a rattler Coin• mon practice for eoldkers and milord to have portraits of their sweethearts ti toned. on their arias and iireast;z, Lett never heard of more Otte one than vie has his wife's Hama actually bunted.i to his flesh with hot iron. .that wv.a ,lieutenant idling: --i dare not use res names, for this is a true story and th lieutenant hong since retired as a Po s nell. and x,1s estimable wife are sti tt- 1 tV pre:a agent rtr a ri l 1 letir,;c r oro' II' • i:.97, and esprr s arae " rel tt 0 there is no rry,re;:a r r� <c,t, sear 1 32.97, with order, nn•! c ,e c'tli zeta wit -'ti a prl; tt al j. Galt' tem `,ilea to etch (ni:t(,ater at tbla price,. ?I/311Mo t4 v0 ; i "t'- whether I- you want Gr ;?:'li yip I ik,ax iz : cud or. fl der to -day, a( we sena out :,ts r I at this reduced price ler C dzyo only. Tiff TORON- TO IA.TCiI CO., ie Income ie., Taranto, Stu arson; (i 3, 1905. T<tfiK. tr t L rr MIT/1/ ea114J' Y Kpllq ATi•1 fw tt'1! �iWt rrW"'IY for I>F't h tYft Z,wn 11'(.11 , ► • tilwNi a iw til' " t,r f , rt lee t ,tn'•. j4 soothe *kin chal1 wuitkrr4t l_.t1:LtI K;i•.iwlsx • • - rfi 'YO. FOR war. . Ili O iii #.i ^ 4.r0 f cfnbu tn? and rrxtrocellt, lit s�Fat1 (Av. or With.rat _ all or tart, re ,,, tis.,., 1125 f; !>altvattn, Out, A :i ; ;. AT01 fi 11ra..•‘ A 2t. !Tarr'', Ic11i.A Y •' SFr•, &t9': wind and ( e;"ig,erirly ▪ + r Ft ckt trb;, jet'- ».._ Y'." vcriisst. %►_r (1 . 11 ,4.1 1)tit' , ;4 oeri'l 11 to us level ;role tome nue £ lic er f ci and t o 1 t rt nnt:n 1'4 sat :",r' ( =tress for 0 1ra`lq!I, y(tt ex. or ."r i et tile es- ftr , of&t c and if as 1lvinj;. It was at a frontier post many years ago that the young officer met and wed- ded the popular slaughter of a renelunan. Iter name was Sarah, but in the West in those days it was almost a mark of die. approval not to reduce a person's (ihrist• n William single syllable, �i lana mo to. 11 ri a Tin was always 11111, Henry was Hank, and in the samo affectionate way Sarah was always S(aI, e f it C th poet rC r M IY Quarters rat at p t w p and accommodations few, For instauee when the lieutenant wished to take a ti bath aheatedrho water ona litth t h "`Universal" wood stove in the kitehi and performed his ablution in an or- dinary washtub. Well, one very cold morning he had a �e flat -top with d. filled the Ilett ft t o stave wv o i o p malting a rousing fire, not only to heat; the water, but to counteract the wintry gusts that sifted through the cracks and crevices of the kitchen walls. Then, leaving poured the water into the washtub, be threw off his bathrobe when, losing ills balance, he fell back- ward and sat squarely upon the red-hot top of the low stove. It doesn't seem necessary to say *h he didn't wait for orders from Washing ton before getting up. Indeed, he as- sumed personal command of the situa- tion as quickly as he could and scrambl- ed to bis feet. But the deed was done ---irrevocably, irremediably done. He snatched a bit of looking glass from the shelf above the sink and backed to- ward the little window for inspection. Need I go further than to say that the top of the stove bore the name, "Th Universal,' in great raised Ietters, an that the neuter -mut had sat upon final three of them 1 - q -p Too 3fany PeonIe Datly-. With, ea AGENTS WANTED. 1. h n'Y0. Cl SI;I:DS ;T2 Wiley? er;i110 I'ricelcsa Ile^Ipe3, 2,ri�rt tier;r.;t:: to the ho e faro, arm a r , 1 i,pl ate S7 arL• oUon rye R1 department of human endeavor; with full In. des to contents; ",f",3 page.), bound 1n cloth; sand g"a scuta for a copy, and If you think the book le not worth the /Honey rind it back, ;Griey w?.11 bo returno3; ib la ie a aood'eide-line for canva .ter; ;I•ililant llriitgs;, ' 4ethodlet Book /loom, Toronto, rent. " (il 7:r3—OL'Ft LINEI Iii Jtiv-771 rho 0 d s ,1 wva ri e rat ori r • p i r r. tic v � oat whata •.•. to v and � ve e iv ,. bd an• r t.t formation. William nrlg;, , i, c >ley Tdti ldtntg, Toronto. Ont. , MISCELLANEOUS. CORSETSdr,r. rt oIIr iier, Sw'rue for measure slips nett Reli- able Canvassing Agents wanted. TUE C011, SRT SPECIALTY CO., Toronto, Out. ADIES, I S Fl• w I3D1 IN NEED ,nn sr Il free trial of our never -foiling `7emedy relief quick and sale. Paris Chemical Co., alt Milwaukee. Win. 1 `. `T y D. �• ilJ. 6 C 77 King St. Fest, TORONTO. MANUFACTURERS OF FURS Everything in Furs at lowest prices. Send for ILLS/ST/LA:TED CATALGOV 1. RAW FL/RS. We will pay higheot Now York prices for Stink, Skunk, Coon, Fox, and all... other Furs. Send for price list, d 6i d _ 9 the, CANADA FOREVER ' Why do South to Avoid the Discom- forts of Winter? to the 'Unto stockyards, where numbers of tam.)). -It strikes one like a, thunder -clap d Private cars Aro Als Catarhal Powder Is 10 mOat }*yay8 to be found. devpipps with a rapidity that no other direst There are always some About the various does. ,�__.. railroad repair shops, for It is au endless task to keep rolling stock in re al radical, quick, safe and pleasant cure tha always :feeble and Svcs Often in pain. On day I received a Dodd's Almanac an read of many wonderful cures in it. ¶Llhen I decided t,o give Dodd's Kidney Pills trial. I `took twenty-five boxes in all, and now I am perfectly cured." Dodd's Kidney Pills always -cure ciek Kidneys. If the disease Las got a firm* hold it takes them longer than of it is ""Iso, indeed ; there 1:4 a handsome just starting. But `there is no form or amount --represented by railroad no stage of IKidney Disease that cannot I.; stares -inn it has born accumulating be cured by Dodd's Kidney Pills, ▪ interest. It is fortune te, as it will, • put ha lis, take :z ;;oo.l deal of no>Iey to fight CI.trt K.itg, nithougit 1 tun !loping*, with the S 'nor Seaver's A word to the guys is sufficient. ho:p, to gat him no tight a phaco Many a man is long on dollars and that he will qui tl;r disgorge Itis short on sense. stoloti wealth.'' The best signature for a note is that "•S :t pipit C.ii;tr a ..tad flim 1" aald of a ratan of note. • .Monica, ulusii:gl.e •"I al*vat's thought Man is judged by Itis works and worn - that lt� isl teed the utmost confidence an by her ability to work Mut. ` la him." t A $1,000 bang: note he the hand is ""Ht did until within a, short time worth two $500,000 notes in the safe. of that itecleent. Ile had already : It is quite permissible to rob Peter to began to• lit his. plans tit circum- pa.. Paul -if your name is Paul. vo.:t i.ne man's b II •m El, arid, had he lava>d, 1 am ,sirs Ila w.,uld Have se- Credit no man -with his good inten- ce-,Redo-" Au,*nit `,y•j i:i.nertt tions; make him come up with the long Ile did not; iiia tG tell her that green. Mother Eve been up to. date what c One Kift'rit3innebeardeired her to shock f!' father- to a fool she'd !lave made of that serpentl that extent ; azi:i was resolved that A woman tan make a foal of almost -unitise driven to the necessity of any nhan if nature doesn't get the start making the , fact publicly known In of01d Noun wasn't mucle of a , ber. order to bring the villain to terms _-[lie secret sllaul1 forevei remain but he knew enough to go in when it fosknd within his own breast. rained,-Clhiengo Newvs. 1'11x[ lovere continued to 'converse for some time longer, each explain- ing to the other many things that lead occurred "during their s ep,ara- tion ; thee Amenet ,,alit tt wva.s time • ' Come west to the Pacific coast, and share o with us the advautages of a mild, equable o and healthy climate, `.here you can cajole Ilse, under our own Canadian flag, to a t yeritable Land o1 Prorat• e, a country of vast resources, away from the enervating • tnfiuenoes of hot air, and tbe exactions of 50 below, where we have fertile ,roil, good mar- - leets and wherd every prospect pleases. For further information, maps and descrip- tive patnphleis, write or apply to THE S$TTLERs' ASSOCIATION OP SR[Ttsri COLUMBIA Central Olffee, foto Wexstininster, R.C. cured. From twenty -four -.persons to more a down. But the flood -gates once lifted, it was not an easy matter for Monica to recover herself, and, realizing only that she was in the presence of this home friend, whom sho both trusted and loved, elle al- most uneonseiously rested her head upon his shoulder while bite sobbed out tleo brief of her long -burdened, homesick heart, m' August was thrilled to his soul, for t her words, her tears, her abandon-, s meat, ali told him that he was bo- s loved, every as he loved. In tbis y' moment of transport he also forgot ww7 enerytliing but the fact of her pees- • eEee; and, infolding her in Ids strong arms, lie laid his cheek against her golden head and mur- mured fond, >oothing terns of en- dearment in his musical, Spanish tongue. • „ Gradually, however, the girl began It to regain her self-control, and her k tears and sobs grew, less copious, and frequent, until only deep Wylie heaved her Cleat at internale. Bat still she lay passive In her lover's embrace, tranquil and llappe c in the esonscionsness of his presence, e and somehow, feeling as if her tron- bles *were all over for all titne. n Auguet was the first to recover d from his emotion and break the sf- n fence, a feeling very like guilt op- tr pressing 1LIIU beeause he had so far ed e. o Chadwiclrian Proverbs. tent -"I t de- ceived, ant glad you were not cle- ceived, August. When did you come abroad ?" ,she questioned, a moment ?later. "1 sailed on the same steamer with yourself, dear." `August!" cried the girl, starting tip in astonish anant. "It Is true," he assorted, "fram th oment that Carl Iitog proposed t aka you aboard!, I (suspected he had a met evil plot in mied gainst your, and I have followed out from ;plate to place in all your ,ravels, up to tho time that you are taken do Dr. Faint's sanitar-- tilln,"" ""August, that seems almost it- ceedible ! Why (lid you, never make yourself known ?" exclaimed Mon- aca. "I dared not," he gravely replied. Mr. King believed me to be at owe, caring for the place, and I new that if he ,should discover hi t I wee following you, he would at sone* ,suspect the reason, and se I: lead to be .very wiary.i„ "ltIt iIf iso lei[ tho place in your are, how dared you leave it 1" uerie,1 Monica. ""I have a iaithfu1 friend' Who pro - need that he would perforin all my utees, and neglect noticing; my tether, ton, le there to uuperin- rrad, atnd `rho also keeps mo post - I I'cg;ariling all that occurs there," ug;'u1;1 t_'xpiafrtte(l. ""tart you auncit have been di:,g uisrd, Atlg;nt;t, Ili loon dame over an the mune steamer with lis, or I iaituttttl tarda!? have f;etecte(1 you," Monica tzi➢(seI veil, ref10 tively. forgotten himself as to confess his mtfectLa,t for his bonefactor's weal thy daughter. ""Sei orita, forgive me," he began, humbly, as he gently released her; "this sleeting, so sudden, so unex- pected, halts surprised me into cott- fesslons, which, under other 019- cum5tatices, torture would not have estrantccl from my lips.' Monica tett up one email hand stud arrested the wlrjrc!s upon tieose self - sante Iips. ""Hush, August,"" she wwh!spereel; ""you have made them, and•--and-•-1i dny;not wJs:r tikem unsaid." She touid feel the great fshoek of joy tlutt went quivering through hila at !ter worths. Alma mia; alma, mild" he exclaim- ed, Ids tones tremulous with halt- t, piner s, "Can it be pessibltl :"--dar,: I r hope that you return my great love for you ? Ali: I have hardly dare,! to (irettntr or so mufti:, joy." w. "I wale, thew; do you remember Weeny l,tOIlbalin of a SS'tanishe woman wvh'ile you were in 'New York r' The gal gave a violent start, "Why, yeti, August, but--" "Time wan I in disgnlse, deferent," that young man returned, "1 whys hungry for a look Otto your (ryes, r t; (I nd °,net v e(1r 1(tltelnd plan iof uturi ti lwxi<ller, and waylaying you tier yon Svr(ttt out of voile hotel," "•.tit,"';a'•a:d iionit'ai, niuslniely,•"now I know why her osier, In'C>Vedl 111(1 o; I Ile -eight at the time, ft waif limity l;' aut(e of its ftuniiiar:'l:art- Ile sw potnesst" "and! '41 London, too, I wee near o(1 tit the `:;eine oharaeter; only f Teen I am afraid you have been Srent o)Tt wvialt a i>aeket of tined! .with n Fly but lratsT1 little laugh. di overmodest, August," (;aid Molder, c:erddr::(aE;tOsui of 'be>uhanas; ren.I f Add.ng, es v:::* 1 fte.1 her ite(tcI fr.,m ft I110 •• L0111<l-•r lino lir<•w hr reel it to little. away fr rtu aim, "Put I am {illi" ii you Will not think tient of in'.. I ter- w got my::ii entirr.iy.--ti tti•:zv e;, (•n:a- w. forting to know tit+tt you. wvd.re burp, 1 ncu,Td not ro- „tra:., lay reel ....-, wt 1 Iiot (Intal to aliprisitrb V(y.T, f•rr far that you vermili reeoen:gra m '; ilii` wVd$TYrit14 wvty;in 5'011 mut i.t•('.I E :N•; w- 1'ni'k, and "•,ut,lulst lit:'. IL ltd (11(;1ig1 fur me to krtiiw Mit 011 _Iw•d'9e wolf `lilt! „ reel le to force leveret pros „iisw rm. tole ni•e that your eour4:1111 IV l'I't• lotting agninet you; (ley awl your heiginge in et, Jamie' eiperee, necirtei I InftlY Curl Xing and ;11;4 aughter ge out alone, Time rale! treater man it) with Itifiteclatee ee mbulancii wee driven to the calor, 11.0 it. N1/11.:.0 drove nevaer nolo fttnlirit NI I hall -WW1 tly ',Puy. in 1511 I :it tirit 1111.10:141',1 id SRVE0 to have &II interview with lent that mewing, and melted Menica if elle —That's what a prominent \mai return to Itor couein and tell Inez to acan1 the gentlent.a.n to ltim druggist said of Scott's jlIT LIFE elle immediately arose to comp y eeth his requeot, anti Lill rem wont I ago. As a rule we don t try to Iwo lam C01110 immediately. August arooa al.:o, and one,e more use or refer to testimonials liar tiag embrace, in addressing the public, w tif perelo.atte tceditrnese, "1 (al out the above remark and ,:ot dream of Me joy when I Caine • that you low ine-that, some day, made so often in connec- yon will ba illy retie, le happlities fantod; too geeat to ceetil Ma" tion with Scott's EIT11.11SiOn "sonta day 1" inuentutel al nava, ellyty, yet np.:0;atugiy. that they are worthy of occasional not e . From "efoiarit iv 'tett sem in ',try inn now -et untie ?" queetioned. lillidroil "I ani Jie 7'1K -It 354,11 d Emulsion offers s, reliable tor:toe, etre then, eon know, Yoli means of remedying im- %yowl have a perfect /edit to fight battlef for rue." proper and weak develop - "yo. are right, darting, and vire will lo e no tinw," lei gravely ie- ment, restoring lost flesh 1.01104,d, it'U1.0 :1 moment. of thateati. and•vitality; and repairing "I will taik tips lintiter OVer With lip; Iwo in their Mere then, oot,t,'s Emulsion is no int:_,43 )01,1 I, pni 110(III more or a secret than tb.e mo..1,a 1.)wyor th, La.., At.ion itself, what it does t1.0 IPA? 4., tif itkine firSVO 111110 it does titchoeagli tr3turnrwt mega directly with .dinary food. "" WI" "thing No system is too weak or r.11,titiv lir. ;1,,or for 111111 nth] ceder' beerot bo elder Ione, .1!,1muision, an( ,tat.ier good it,4 )1.4 bitild ,10401.1134., Riff laere ti -,lad titan We will send Yen it sans* 1'114 41311 IIT)Or •ar .; Jed at tiler tinge 1%.,r, aide %elle I'm -,t richt n4 up Prot, 1,v 'Avian care- ft rr Ain TIMIS 6I 6 1113,114 on III*Wr6.4501 fie ee that this oil tura in nut h.. tire o ante tea; Will Pri it( Ir !Up Chemists Toronto, Ont. than twice that nunsber modations aboard an ordinary "show" ear. The majority of such cars are old Pullmans or Wagtters, thrown out of the service by the ever-grawing demand for larger cars and. more elaborate ornamentation. Tiny are held at from $2,500 to $6,000 or more each. Aside from the amusement concerns, tour - oculists, photographers, and the business men 1st associations, ittnerent doctors, dentists, sealskin cloak? It cost $1,800." and speculators owning passenger, sleeping "Perfectly lovely!" all exclaimed la chorus and baggage cars. the great trust and bank- ing companies are large holders of rolling while Miss Curpsity asked: "And what di stock. On many of the -western rttilroatis You eve him? the disease demands. Use the means, pre vent its deep -seating and years of distress Don't dany with Catarrh. Agnew's gives re lief in ten minutes. so cents." -97 Two Christraas Presents. "Oh, let me show you what a beautiful New Year'a present my dear, good, darling Of an old husband gave me yesterday," said the happy wife to some Intimates who called New Cuspidor Cleaner. • A novel device has just been intro - plates on the trucks and often on tne steps "011,- the levelled little penwiper yOu eve anuounee the coaches to be the property of Sow. some trust company or other operating un- der lease on that particular railroad. When the vast nurnber of private refrigerator and freight. ears in conamission Is taken into con- sideration, it will be readily realized that the cars of the country are by no moans m the hands of the railroads. -Chicago News. Mitiard's Liniment Cures Gina in Cows 'Men a Lioness Goes Bad. When the Tiger Princess was going to give up one of ber old performers tweet's° he was geting sulky and peev- ish, Sterrett looked over the troupe and "That one, is all right, but the one °saved:in the corner will bear watching," "Why, the num talks like a fool," said the Princess. "That's Zulka. She's the best actor I've got." Sterrett, laughed, "Train an under- feet through the air. Andy makee some study,"'he advised. "P11 give Zuilta three weeks to retire from the stage, She's idcliiriencitslaire(oft:any,e)t,Inbduetpeint diesnht.oped he will be reconciled and peace will reign.. -0s - going bad." Zielto, was on very beautiful young - lioness; one of the best trick beits rye veer knave' and one • of the very few that seemed' to have a genuine affection for the trainer. As a rule the felines dorat exhibit the softer emotions. They feet for men either indifference or dis- taste. But this lioness used to show signs of pleasure when her mistrees en - tiled the cage, and I've seen her put her muzzle up against the bars to fawn on the queen. Two weeks after Ster- ret's advtee, to entice we peel little heed (titat wits wben I' know less about lent than subsequently learned), I' saw the lioness careseieg the woman at the Mose of the performance. As the Tiger Prin. (VPA entered ilie cage the next day there 'Wag a isextrl and it scream told slic was down,- 'Alice. had her. Fortunately some of us were near. We beat the me- nials offeed (Worse, time Or the Wier lenge had lo pitelt in, wither their ty. rata down- arta got the worture net with no were% injury than n `broken men and a I3ATTLE AGAINST CONSUMPTION. • pidor without it being touched by tho hands. The apparatus 4 voneletie of a metalie framework, through the eentre of whieh runs a shaft with a brush at the lower end and rt. crank at the upper. On either side of the brush it a damp- ing attachment, is used to grip , the opposite sides of fhe cuspidor, forge its transportation and for Wiling ler rigid when being cleaned by the brush. The brush works in a rotary manner, and is enanipulaetcl ineand of the enank at the Warrior Woo's. -Through damp, cold and exposure, many a brave soldier. who lett his native hearth as ,"„fit" as man could be to fight for ,country's.honor, ha; been "in- valided home" because of the vulture of tbe battle grbund-Rhentnatisto. South American Rheumatic Cure will absolutely eure every case of rheumatism itt existence, Relief in felinurd's Liniment Cures Distemper.? Rough Road to the Altar. Al Meunifield and Mrs. Hodge Page were married last Moudey night. Judge Davis performed the ceremony. Throegh some miSmierstanding ltlexutifiela was kicked out of the Mime by ilxdy Hodge, sou of the bride, earlier in,the evening, arid weee.to' his own home otit"of humoe caul out of the notion el mereeinge other boys, hoWeveri Went out and paca lied him and gave hini aseurances that he came to town and went through the ordeal. Apay exhibits. new latif-,soles on his shoes aml Says the old"enes Were tom off when he kicked. his future pit, and &edema that the latter' soarea ten An interesting method for the treat. in the new ditmeunary of the New Pralcute who will visit the dirmensary ary Soil and idothetemill will be eatie fully inierueted how to nee itygienionery, it wau immensely edmirerl by tbe arum% 3 will odaddik teed to eereete eidedde (tortoni during chow visit to the Westminster , Hospital, Lotulim, rorontly, whore some or and in many eiblics eontintle in bum.- thee ammeter+ 'lave been eullivated from 'the tritatinent bi Mention to In015318 KliffOr1110 frOhl the rare (Meese. it ly Teem the mut every trowel In tee hotly edliciltion of no patient, no 1,4 Tim maiont ut the Weamitniter Hospital Rod who io ent, bow it 'of clay, with the eseehtleu that bo wan able prepared, bow to Inpraile,Ifis move non toe, At prefient.110 hi erneressiatt OW /O. MU/HIV (Illy and 'Odd. at lateens inyrInao Inia bitter, 14114 front le itelrht I. up %dense a hypodermic oim.ipir1, And, Most important of 01.1,411a InDt6vial th"" nhtal"("1 1" r11"1""J other;4. but lomocle Noting!, reinfection lion; unit mainiaintrig Iris home lie it 'modern read( arium. We publish straight testimen- well-know.0 people. From all over America they teetify to the merits of MTNAIIIPS LINIMENT, the best of Household Remedies. C. C. RICILiaRDS dt CO. Young Idlers of the Time. (siottx car Tribune.) Amens the moderately well to do there- is an army ot young num growing ue Idle. um in title country who think it beneath They' have been plummet line metal by their pare»te until they Imo COI110 ID the con - Amnon Out the wen OWOri II10111 II none without their Melee to work for it or alVe CaillIVO.10111 In I011. 1010, in trnth, a mennee to the Peace rind welfare Of the coats - try, nue those who encourage mom to n Itio an rovrobenteble as they, blinard's Liniment Cures Colds, ate. IsIEWMI!. MICROBE' IS FOUND, Another imbue fee et Tputnitind hoe been uninonited in.the simper et the "tettareeetts 01 mete aseenvinin paralyse." pretension, but the ereeeime nufnmenny pow to render tits ennitrMatIon ivelernae, It taws muumuu) et extended exnert. menet to prove nntlefacierily that a rertalts .Jiticrithe Is On plume of a certain dideasc, Tao teiraeocetta teen meter tlie micros -min mut of Ike mostitiatie cabinet, ltegtria- t",1011 15 '14311'64 living animate mei the Wentiniestee urt fie end respirni my eN..etctico in tip -101T allowed to mccit.o viviceptlon. tbe, Initpudeq fif the Arai and. shoulders. --- its nut ewer nwerf,rheturt Mee, teen the shoe to let It lie. 'rho ttnIn for Ms reform wan Tee Prominent Now Vorl. men mill physf- dims Maud bark of the plillanthropy. TM. nanny tow ye'Llr W11,I 01811I TVA all right to toll a glrI she 16 All 1 1tl 119I Vim. hut. don't keep limping on 50 115,41:ant tal-1411 trap moot . • Fraice and Old Age Pensions: The British 'Consul at Calais tells in Ins annual report of an effort to deal with old aee pensions. Twenty-three the rules for mentherehip being a month. iv payment of a franc, all the funds to tie Invested and at the eua of twenty yeare 'the interest int capital to be equally eivided among members, and in each succeeding Tear theter who bad been membere for twenty years to re- ceive their equal share of this interest. The'present rate of prinsiam is itile les. per year. The member/hip now stands at 34Z,031, with a valeta! of mere than - a million and a half pounds. Lever's Y -Z (Wise nand) Disinfectant Soap Powder ie better than other powders, as it is both soap and disinfectant. 34 Troops Abroad. The secretary of state fur Indite at the request ot the Amy Council, has approved. of eoutinuance of the rangement entered. into &Lahr; the war in South Africa by win& touts of the waive .are lent to the war office for employment in certain Walsh col- onies ete. Tints two battalions are to be raitined until further orders for scr- eam at Mauritius, two battalions la Heuer Komi', three battalions in North Chime and, one battalhm Ninganore, .All expeuses in enunection with these troops are borne be the Imperial Govern - rime Stepe aro- now being feken for tho relief el those units which hare cumpleted their tour of duty in the col- WilnartPs Liniment Cares Diphtheria, which tan hem appintel to incitirp• Into mat. tern conneeted with the PINC1 Minds and thd 141101 Mee Nowell of Mt.tistol hal now Lord 'Kinnear. Mr Ralph Ateeenitee The earl at Diem a a wellairstown Liberal twee formerly Vitvrey of liels vespectre in Scotland, and bit appointment is likely to ealumand the catithlenee of ail "11‘,totredn'tillarwrt who 1,1 n bee? as welt " srettiat law lora. bat beer, a Nage of the rout t hnsion; rata is a man of wide culture rola rep-t•,:m1,-..,i ability. Vlicthlro l'Actyls have been tt'llitsty -rather Oral c...dc.101.-al hitherto, wearier et the et. Anarevie lit eaartiota to t:lomio. too. the OSP- Fro:mtat,,e of Um tstablished iawyer. Al A et'arunholotter ono. tit Mantra