HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1905-01-19, Page 5AHE MO#4AM ADVANCE, ANCE, THURSDAY,, JANUARY 19, 1905. ..(0t)*******0*.** ►*40th *IPS..60# *********Pitit The Blue Front Store News. • • •. The Crowder Co's. BIG CUT PRICE CLOTHING SALI3 • a Now In Full Blast. •,• •4. •4. • We are going to add a few specials for quick selling, three days only -- Friday, Saturday, Monday $14.00 OVERCOATS $zo.00. 12 Only Men's right up -to -elate Overcoats, black :and white stripe, brown and white stripe and dark grey effects. Sizes 31 to 44 chest, made up for this season's trade, and regular prices. $13.50, $14.00, 15.00 -Special Sale price....$10.00 $8.5o OVERCOATS $6.00 11 Only Men's dark grey and black Frieze Overcoats, Raglan and Chesterfield styles. Sizes 3,1 to 46 chest. Regular $S.50, $9.00 -Special Sale price $6.00 $7.00 TILSTERS $5.00 9 Only Men's Heavy Frieze (double-breasted) Ulsters, large storm collars, Sizes 30 to 40. Regular price $7.00 and $7.50. -Special Sale price $5.00 $6.50 OVERCOATS $4.25 0 Only Boys' Raglan Overcoats, Sizes 22 to 28, Regular price $5.00 and $5.50. -Special Sale price $4.25 $3.00 BOYS' REEFERS $2.Oo 10 Only Boys' double-breasted Navy Blue Reefers, Sizes 22 to 27, Regular prices $3.00 and $3.25. -Sale price $2.00 $8.5o MEN'S SUITS $6.00 12 Only Men's Tweed Suits, some light, some dark colors, Sizes 35 to 44 chest, Regular prices $$8.00, $9.00 -Sale price $6.00 $I.50 MEN'S ODD PANTS $x.00 19 Pairs Men's ociclTweed Pants, Sizes 32 to 42 waist, Regular prices $1.50 -Sade price $1.00 Big Fur Bargains. 4 Only Men's Persian Lamb Caps ; Sizes 7, 7a, 71, 70 ; Regular price $8.50 -Sale price $050 Fur l 1 Only Persian Lamb Collar, worth $12.50 -Sale.... $9 50 J-1 Only German Otter Collar, worth $7.50 -Sale $5 50 Collars 1 Only Wombat Collar, worth $6.00 -Sale $4 00 3 Only Gents' Neutra Fur Caps ; Regular $3.50 -Sale $2 50 Men's Fur Coat Bargains. Men's Black Bishop Coats (griaranteed) for $17.00 Men's Black Calf Coats, regular $35.00 -Sale 27.50 Men's Brown Calf Coats, regular $25.00 -Sale .. 20.00 Men's Coon Coats, size 44, worth $65.00 -Sale 55.00 The R. A. CROWDER CO. Blue Front Store, Wingham ! } 1 ! 11. -F�l i••1••1••1«1••1••l- +++•1- + '1• Canadian Order Woodmen . of The World. CAMP NATIONAL 139 Hold their regular meetings every 2nd and 4th Friday each month, in Ocldfellows' Hall All visitors welcome. R. MexwELL, C. C. R. H. Cnownt.s, Clerk W. A. CURRIE VV INGHAM S AUCTIONEER. !' Why go out of Town for an Auctioneer, when your wants can be supplied at hone, O 0 0 0 0 0 0 O 0 O 0 0 0 0 O 0 0 0 0 0 0000000000000000000 We're In, Itt 0 O 0 0 O O O 0 0 O O 0 0 0 We're right in the Hard- ware business again, and are pleased to greet our custom- ers once more. Our stock will be found full and complete in every line, of which'you shall hear from time t0 time. 0 0 0 O O O 0 0 0 0 0 O O 0 0 0 0 0 O O O 0 Til1Sfithlilg We have secured the services of a first-class tin- smith, and all work in this line shall receive our close attention. Call on us at an early date -we'll use you right. Alex. Young 0 0 0 0 0 O 0 0 0 O 0 0 0 0 O 0 0 0 0 O 0 0 0 0 0 Hardware Merchant °o 0 0 40b .....•................ .NEEM♦♦..N♦...N♦♦.. N.1♦•♦•NEEM♦♦♦ ♦e� •O S Standard =. : ♦ 1:Telephone Sets .j. FOR SALE. * •i• 55.00 PER SET. •!• .•. :. ♦;. O� used but in good 4• order. ♦_. ♦!. ♦_. ..1. • SALES DEPARTMENT :_: 178 Mountain St. t % MONTREAL - QUE. ;% .2♦ -0R- pe ♦_♦ . tX To any Local Manager of ;s; _. the Bell Telephone.Com- X • pany of Canada. •_• • Slightly ♦_. APPLY TO The Popular Grocery Store. CROCKERY and CHINA, FLOUR and FEED, of all kinds, Cash for Butter and Eggs. Phone 61. W. F. VanStone 'spews 'items Le --There seems. no doubt that the sugar beet industry in Michigan, about which we heard so much a few years also, is on the wane,, ---Mr. Mille of the 4th concession of Kinloss, sold 100 maple trees to Mr. M. Mitchell of Lucknow, for the skim of $1,100, reserving the tops.. -The Elora Poultry and Eg Farm Co, has been incorporated with$10,000 capital of $100 Blares. They purpose going into the poultry business ex- tensively, and have secured a section of land adjoining Elora.. -Alex. Brown tools a load of dress- ed pine last week from Walkerton to Kincardine for Geo, McKenzie. It cost $140, and Alex. says if the roads were better lie could haul home a $200 load, This will give some idea of the advance in the price of lumber in re- cent years. --Thomas Coffee, proprietor of the International Hotel at St. Thomas, must pay Mrs. Jeanie Middleton $100 damages, because he sold her husband, Win, Middleton, liquor after having received notice frons the license in- spector not to do so, thereby causing him to lose his job. -For over 30 years the late Wm. Young was reeve of Colborne town- ship, and was only beaten on one oc- casion by Mr. R. Jewell, who had a substantial r . ti majority, crit This year the contest for the veeveship laybetween Col. Will. Young, a nephew of the forrner reeve, and the same Mr. Rich. Jewell, and the nephew obtained about the same majority over Mr. Jewell es the former had got in the previous contest. --The Gazette reports the following further returns as having been obtain- ed by growers of sugar beets in South Ontario ; Win. Oke, from 2 acres, $101; T. S, Brant, from 1i acres, $92 ; C. Whinsett, Scugog Island, from 2 acres, $100 ; Geo. T. Lee, Scugog Is- land, from 11 acres, $77 ; W. W. Holt- by, Manchester, from 3 acres, $168 ; R. Holtby, Manchester, from 5 acres, $200; J. Dingman, from a apre, $35; John Willis, base line, from 1 acre, $71; M. L. Brown, from 1a acres, $60. Toronto, Jan. 12. -Four hundred and eight farmers, who live principal- ly in Grey and Bruce counties, are deeply interested in the test case which is being heard this morning at Osgoode Hall by the official referee. The creditors of the Wiarton Beet Sugar Co., in liquidation, said that these farmers should pay up their unpaid stock subscriptions. The aver- age liability of each of the four hundred is from $14 to $25. Under the same order the town of Wiarton may be held liable for its bonus on $50,000. The Kincardine Review says :-"On Sunday a week after the funeral of his father, Geo. Etnmerton passed away at the age of 58, the cause of his death being heart failure. He had been ill but a few days and the news of his death carne as a shock to his many friends. He leaves a widow and family of five to mourn the loss of a loving husband and parent. A man of strong principles and condi- tions, Mr. Emmerton's life was an ex- emplary one. He was active in church work and was in every way a good citizen. -The oldest man in Bruce Tp., if not in Bruce Co., is Donald McGilliv- ray -"Tailor Donald," as he is best known to old residents of the 12th con. He has completed his one hundredth year of life and is only now beginning to suffer from the pangs of illness. The old gentleman is a native of the Isle of Mull, and emigrated to Canada in the early fifties. He lived in King Tp., a short time before com- ing to Bruce. His life has been quite uneventful. In his native land he industriously followed the occupation of a tailor, but took to agricultural pursuits after coming to this country. He lives with his son, Mr. Hector Mc- Gillivray, and has been confined to his bed for a couple of weeks lately with illness, but is improving again. Every Woman In Poor Health Has an awful struggle. Lots to do, all kinds of worry, must contend with loss of sleep, poor appetite and tired nerves. Her only desire is for more strength and better health. Thiss is exactly what coarses from using Fer- rozone, the greatest tonic sickly wo- rsen can use. Ferrozone makes the blood tingle and grow red, the cheeks grow rosy, the eyes bright, Ferro - zone invigorates the body, develops new strength and makes life worth living. Ferrozone is the sort of tonic that builds up, it gives one a reserve of nerve force and establishes such healthy conditions that sickness is unknown. Let every woman use Fer- rozone. Price 50c. Goderich. J ustice Britton this week delivered judgment in two cases heard at the re- cent assizes here. • Burton v. Campbell. -Judgment in action tried without a jury at Gode- rich. Action to recover $027, which plaintiff alleged he gave to defendant for safekeeping, and interest thereon, Judgment for plaintiff for $131.55 with County Court costs, without set- off of costs to defendant. Barton v. Lockridge.-Judgment in action from. Brussels, tried without a jury at Goderich. Action upon a promissory note for $1,000. De- fendants William and Jno. Lockridge Made no defence. Defendant Mary J. Campbell alleged that the name was not placed by her on the note nor by her authority, but that her supposed signature was a forgery. Held, on the evidence, that plaintiff had not proved that defendant Mary J. Camp- bell Grid sign the note, Action as against her dismissed with costs. La Grippe Coming Again. The doctors believe another epi- demic of Grippe is here and already many aro suffering. The medical then are not afraid of Grippe since Ca= tarrhozone was introduced, and claim that no ORA will ever eatch this dis- ease who inhales the fragrant healing vapor of Oatarrirozone a few tittles daily. Catar-rhozone kills the Grippe germ andpreventsit spreading throngh the sSter. "Last I r an attack of Grippe"writesG 1y, had n . t. J tl John's, bought ilia • ins(> `3 c t ICa- ,c.k , ' z cue and got relic in short tartll0 C time. I found (ttarrhozono better anything else and was ct red .. thanrr y using it." Catarrhozone prevents and cures grippe, colds and catarrh. Two months` treatment $1,00 ; trial size 25 West Wawanosh. The annual iriissionary services will be held In the Nile .church oil Sunday, January and. Rev, Mr. Sawyer, of Adelaide, has accepted an invitation to become pas- tor of the Auburn circuit (Methodist), :subject to the action of the stationing committee. A. painful accident happened to Maggie, only daughter of John Roger, of Westfield.. One day last week, as She, with other children, was sleigh- riding down hill, one of hes' feet came in contact with an obstruction, which resulted in one of her legs being broken between the knee and ankle, Much sympathy is felt with Mr. Sam. Scott of Auburn in the accident which befel him last week, He was trimming apple trees and fell, break- ing his leg below the thigh joint. He was half a mile from any house, and it was a bitterly cold day. Not coin- ing home at dusk. his sister went to hunt for him with a lantern. After much delay a suitable rig was on hand to take hint home, and owing to the absence of the doctor, setting a child's broken arm, the limb was not set un- til the next morning. In accordance with the municipal statutes the council of West Wawa - nosh held its first session for 1905 on Monday, in the township hall. The new reeve, Wm, Cameron, who was elected by acclamation, opened the session, Councillors John McLean, A. Anderson, P. Walsh and S. Medd were all present. W. S. McCrostie and J. G. Ward were respectively re- appointed as clerk and treasurer. R. Anderson and D. B. Murray were ap- pointed auditors and T. McRoberts was named as caretaker of the hall. Ex -Reeve W. McQuillan was present in the afternoon and gave the coun- cil a statetnent as to boundary lines between West Wawanosh and adjoin- ing townships, which will be of ser- vice to the council. It was decided to meet again on the 14th of February, when the auditors' report will be pre- sented. W. A. Wilson was . reap- pointed assessor. WEST HURON RETURNS, 1902. Following are the official figures for West Huron election in May, 1902:- o A t d c U U d GODERIOH TOWN - 1 76 62 14 2 71 67 4 3 69 62 7 4 40 76 30 5 48 52 4 6 56 87 31 7 26 48 22 302 451 - 25 87 GODERICH TOwNSHIP- 1 07 30 67 2 60 30 24 3 69 41 28 226 107 119 AsHrrEma- Dungannon 1 86 53 33 Finlays 2 81 50 25 Lucknow 3 04 56 8 Port Albert 4 76 27 49 Kingsbridge 5 17 91 74 Lochalsh 6 22 80 58 Auiberley 7 28 76 48 374 439 115 180 WEST WAwa ...1NosH- Dungannon 1 65 Manchester 2 73 Town Hall 3 60 St. Helens 4 47 Patron Hall 5 38 57 41 34 67 55 283 254 EAST WAWANOSH- McGowan's 1 47 Sch. house No. 132 63 ,( " 11 9.3 Whitechurch ....4 COLBORNE- Bennliller 1 Saltford 2 Carlow 3 Leeburn 4 WINOHAM- 8 32 26 20 17 66 37 73 26 72 9 41 58 38 50 189 259 65 49 92 40 246 90 36 13 71 21 51 251 34 1 63 36 27 2 43 43 . 3 73 85 38 4 115 67 48 201 181 113 CLINTON- 1 58 63 2 60 90 3 62 64 4 61 45 241 268 HULtETT-- 6 2781 77 780 7 36 48 04 148 16 16 1 17 18 70 25 14 39 Huron County Council. The Connell of the County of Huron will meet in the Council Chamber in the Town of Goderich on the 21tl4 da of this month, at the hour of $. o'clock in the afternoon, W. LANE, Clerk. Dated Jan, 10th, 1906. DOMINION BE Capital (paid up) $3,000,000 Reserve lace n ogtyj• . $3,565,000 Fanners' Notes discounted, Drafts sold on all points in. Can- ada, the United States and Europe,. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT, Interest allowed on deposits of 31.00 and upwards, and added to principal 30th June and 31st December each year. D. T. HEPBURN, Manager R. Vanstone, Solicitor BANK OF IIAMILTON Vis (N G H Ards. CAPITAL PAID IIP $ 2,235,280.00 RESERVE FUND 2,100,000.00 TOTAL ASSETS 26,553,816.57 BOARD OF DIRECTORS, Hon. Wm. Gibson - President John Proctor C. C. Dalton J. S. Hendrie Goo. Rutherford C. A. Dirge J. Turnbull, vine -Pres. and General Manager H, M. Watson, Asst. Gonl. Manager. B. Willson, Inspector. Deposits of $1 and upwards received. Int- erest allowed and computed on 30th November and 31st May each year, and added to principal Special Deposits also received at current rates of interest. W. CORBOULD, Agent Dickinson ,k Holmes, Solicitors BETTER THAN GOLD to a young man or woman is a course in the L/STOWEL • Three Courses - Commercial, Shorthand. and Typewriting, and Telegraphy. Students ;nay enter any time. College re -opens Jan. 3rd, 1905. Send for Journal. A. L. McINTYRE, Mgr, LIFE FIRE INSURANCE Lowest rates consistent with absolute security. All claims promptly settled Abner Cosens ACCIDENT PLATE CLASS Not A Game Of Chance, 5 When you come to trade with us 36 you take no chances with your 2 money. Bank deposits are not safer tbau our guarantee to you of good Value or Money back. 43 To know what real solid Cloth- ing Value is -buy Homuth Bros'. Snits and Overcoats -We aro show- ing some beautiful effects, made in 12 latest style and best workmanship, at $16, $18 up to $25. 1 55 BLYTH-- 1 49 45 4 2 45 50 91 95 4 SUMMARY. Majority Mitchell Goderich Town.... Tp 119 if Ashfleld West Wawanosh.. 29 East Colborne Wingham 113 Clinton Hullet Blyth Majority Cameron 62 65 70 5 27 51 1 261 284 Majority for Cameron 23 Vote for Cameron 2 2483 Vote for Mitchell Total vote 4889 Total vote in 1808 Gen. elec... 4028 Real Estate Notice. Would you like to make 10% clear of al expense ou your money? If so, I ask you to call and see mo and I will show you how to do O. Others have taken advantage of it, why notout I have investnaonta Lz that aro in 10 aid IV, clear of all expense, and I would like to get you interested in them. Start the New Year b yMaking a geedies o investment ofour Money. y y YarnYarrn end own property of overt' disorip. tion and price, for dale at your own terata. Life and A side t Insurance effected. c n clod r C. J. MAGUIRE Real Estate and 1#uadaoditl Transfer, • (Ohtee-YsnstonaBtoolr, Winglart►t) Xmas. 'Gifts. Io Neckties we have all the new colorings and styles in Puffs, Derbys, Flowing -Ends, Bows, Strings, etc. Really the finest assortment ever shown in the county at 25o, 50c and 750. Mufflers. Be sure yon have ono of our warm mufliers,-Materials of Wool also Silk. -These are the greatest Valve we have ever offered at 35c, 50e, 75c, $1.00 and $1.25. Gloves. In Gloves we have a very Sine assortment to select from -these are good fitters --est Maker's and all sizes $1.00, $1,25 and $1.75. flats, Caps, Etc. Hats, daps, Underclothing, Sus- penders, Handkerchiefs, Armlets, Colored Shirts, White Shirts, Cuffs, Collars, Hosiery -and in fact every- thing in Gents' Wear. -Wo invite you before buying elsewhere, to call and have a look at any rate, and no doubt yon will go away from this store WELL pleased. r. A PLEASURE TO SIt()W Goons. Hornuth Bros Getting Ready To Build. Daily the interest increases in our Great Alteration Sale and no wonder, when you can make such Important Savings on just the goods you want. We must have more room for our Growing Business and intend to add 30 feet to the building, and in order to reduce our Stock Quickly and be in shape for building operations, offer the following noteworthy list of Bargains. -8C- Special to clear, a few pieces Wrap- perette $Cworh5c-AlteriSale width, --25C-- 10 doz. Ladies' imported $lack Cash- mere Hose_ ribbed or plain, good value at 35c -Alteration Sale 25c Price -lOc- All our 123c Wrapperettes, fast 1OC oolors-to clear at -79c- Good Strong Dollar Corsets, A1- 79c toration Sale Price -$3.50- Fur Ruffs, good value at $5.00- to clear at 3.50 -39c- Good strong Flannelette Corset Cov- ers, regular 50c kind -Altera- 39c tion Sale Price monis -$6.00- A few Ladies' Black Cloth Jackets to clear, regular value $8.110 6.00 and $9.00 -Sale Price... -$4.00- Ladies' Ready-to-wear Black Skirts, latest styles, were $5.00 - Al- teration Sale Price --$2.98- All wool heavy White Blankets 2.98 regular $3 75 -for -50c- Ladies' Plastic ribbed Vests and CIL, Drawers, regular 65c -Sale Cottons. 300 mill ends of Factory Cotton. You can buy them at a saving of '1'wo cents per yard. -$L00- Fine Black Mercerized Sateen 1 00 Underskirts, worth ,$1.25 -Salo -45C- Grey Flannel Sheeting, 2 yards 45c wide, reg. value 30c -Sale -39c- Heavy Union Carpet, new pat- 39c torus, good value at 50c -Sale.. -$2,50--- A few Ladles' Grey or Fawn jackets, 50 good fitting, up-to-date tyle, 2 velvet collar, worth $i -Sale.. -$1.25- A line of Wrappers to clear, lined sleeve and waist, full width with deep frill, regular value $2.00 1.25 -Sale Price --33c- Good strong Corsets, well made, 33c long waist -Sale Price -lOc-- Skirting, wide heavy goods, reg- ular price 15e -Sale Price...... lOC -75c-- Ladies' Waists, nicely made and 75C ]fined, regular $1.25 -Sale Price.. ENNIENEOEINEINII -$3.75- Ladies' Grey or Black Jackets, new goods. worth $5.00 - Altera- 3 75 tion Sale Price -$1.50- Ladies' Fancy Mercerized Underskirts, rage Pprice a $...50 -Alteration 1.5x0 -$1.00- Ono piece o Black Venetian Dress Goods, value a1.5100 -21c- Ladies' Flannelette Drawers, well 21c made -Price to clear -50c- Fancy French Flannel Waisting, regular value 75e - Alteration 50c Salo Price -50c- Knitted Wool Shawls nice size, 50c regular 75c -Sale Price -69c- Fancy patterns flaked Dress 69c Goods, worth $1.25 -Sale Price 75c - Ladies' Flannelette Night Gowns, 75c reg. value $1.00 -Salo -10C- Your choice of all 121c Prints, 10c while they last, only Clothing Moving Out. Our Prices for. Men's Suits and Overcoats, Boys' Suits and Overcoats, Pants, etc., are making them move out Quickly. Your neighbor has saved money buying Clothing here -so can you. Remember, the Clothing is being sold out at Cost Price during our Alteration Sale. Please Shop in the morning if possible. 411SINSUNEMEMEI 1:1111111110101111111111=113 H. E. ISARD CO. A 'FAMOUS SCHOOL C ENT R A L STRATFORD. ONT. Young Man, Young Woman, there is abundant room for you in the higher and more responsible positions of life. YOU ARE NEEDED. {Get a business or shorthand training and march up- wards. Enter our school this month if possible. Write for free catalogue. ELLIOTT & McLet'cnLA.r, Principals Wingham Machine AND General Repair Shop Is now re -opened, and I have secured the service of a wan of over 20 years experience in all lines of mill and farm machinery, also bicycles, guns, sewing machines, clothes wringers, lawn mowers, umbrellas, saws gummed and filed, keys made to order, scissors and hair clippers sharpened, eta. A trial solicited. W. G. PATON Cook's Cotton Root Compound. Ladies" Favorite, Ts the only safe, rellabld regulator on which 'woman Can depend, "in the tout and meeed." Preparedtiof itsntwo degrees el strength. No. 1 and No. 2. No. 1. -Por ordinary cotes is by far the best dorsal" medicine renown, No 2 -Per special eases -10 de re eg stronger -three dollars per bor. Ladies ---613k your druggist for Cooker ottnd. Take no other Gbrn Co#ton hoot 1► i it tion re as:ma:I sle( mixtures and m a sacingutr No. 1 rind No. 2 are sold and ✓ coended byv� all druggists in the. Do• :Mntf Canada. Mailed to any addres6 o rpt of rice and four 2 -cent postage p(l .ipoo11C Wi denri� Ont.' Ao1L.ihfli Wingham W. IlleIiibbon. Dru�{tg sty Suits, Overcoats AND PANTS A SPECIALTY, Our Suits are of the newest materials at the lowest possible prices. Overcoatings that make up the most beautiful Coats that fancy could desire, at prices ranging from $ I 2.00 to $20.00. Pantings, the very thing you are looking for, Robt. Maxwell High Art Tailor - Y Ingham Lvo HOP; STOVE POLISH AND N{E AL LgANER CC IN T NIB CD C Polish The only Patented 1 olisli iu ire World No Dust, No Dirt, NoStnoke, No Smell. le Contains no benzine or other explosives. DULVO stakes more polish autl lasts longer than any other. PRICE 100.AT ALL GROCERS