The Wingham Advance, 1905-01-12, Page 51 •. • • •• • • • • • •*+>st ••••••*>}•••.> **** is Greatest Clothiers The Ll i 1 Crowder Co. ARE am° TO CLOSE OUT THEIR ppP' 4R P '► Entire Winter Stocks One Dollar will do nearly the work of two -Come. Don't let anything stop you from getting your share of the great and most Desirable Bargains ever offered in Wingham. BIG REDUCTIONS iN MEN'S FUR COATS. Blk. Calf Coats, regular $35.00 -Salo $27.50 Brown Calr Coats, regular $25 00 -Sale 20.00 Coon Coats, regular $G5.00 -Sale . 60.00 Persian Lanib Caps, regular $8.50 and $9 00 -Sale 6.60 FUR COLLARS We put them on your coat free of charge. Black Coney -Sale Price.....$3.50 Wombat -Sale Price 4.25 German Otter -Sale Price,6.00 Persian Lamb -Sale Price9.50 MEN'S OVERCOATS AT IMMENSE REDUCTIONS. e. MEN'S SHORT OVERCOATS, sizes 86 to 44, regular $7.50, tP $8.50, $10.00, $12.00 -Sale .,$6:00 Ea MEN'S DRESS OVERCOATS,, sizes 35 to 44, regular $10,50 es and $12.50 -Sale 8.50 le MEN'S RAGLAN OVERCOATS, sizes 3.5 to 46 chest, regular prices $8 50 and $10.00 -Sale . 6.50 MEN'S HEAVY FRIEZE OVERCOATS, sizes 35 to 46, regu- P lar $7,00 and $7.50 -Sale 5 00 t, Men's Suit Bargains. Men's Good Tweed Snits, regular $7.50 and $8.50 -Sale $6.00 • Men's Navy Blue Serge Suits, reg. $6.50 and $7 00 -Sale 4 75 Men's Heavy D. B. Black Serge Suits, reg. $10.50 -Sale 7.50 .,. Prices on Boys' Clothing THAT WILL ASTONISH YOU. Boys' D. B. Storm Reefers, reg. $3.00 and $3.25 -Sale $2.00 Boys' Knee Pants, regular 60c and 65c -Sale .. .39 Boys' Two Piece Suits, reg. $2.00 and $2.50 -Sale 1.50 Boys' Three Piece Suits, reg. $3.75, $4.50 -Sale 8.00 Boys' Long Overcoats, Sizes 22 to 28, reg. $5.00 and $5.450 -Sale3.75 Men's Odd Trousers at Bargain Prices 25 Pairs Tweed Pants, regular $1.25 -Sale .95 Men's Pants, reg. $2.75 and $8.00 -Sale $2.25 Men's -Pea Jackets, reg, $4.00 and $5.00 -Sale 8.25 Men's FIeece Lined and Wool Shirts and Drawers, reg. 600 -Sale.89 Men's Wool Unshrinkable Shirts and Drawers, in all sizes, regular 65c -Sale Men's Top Shirts, Wool and Union, reg. 50e and 650 -Sale Mae .45 .40 COLORED SHIRTS. 4 dozen Men's Colored Shirts, soft and hard bosoms, regular 75o and $1.00. -Sale .49 Wood Wanted" 40 empty Boxes for Sale The R. B. CROWDER CO. Blue Front Store, Wingham ++++++++++.I+++++++++++ .l'. '.l••s�``l��l�•1-.i.•1..�.1..1..�..t-44. 4P P P iP P P Canadian Order Woodmen of The World. CAMP NATIONAL. 139 Bold their regular meetings every 2nd and 4th Friday each month, in Oddfellowa' Hall .M1 visitors welcome. 11. MAxwELL, C. C. It. H. CROwDER, Clerk W. A. CURRIE VV INGHAM S AUCTIONEER. Why go out of Town for an Auctioneer, when your wants can be supplied at horns. ••O 0000000 00000 We're In It ! We're right in the Hard- ware business again, and are pleased to greet our custom- ers once more. Our stock will be found full and complete in every line, of which you shall hear from time to time. Tinsmithing We have secured the services of a first-class tin• smith, and 811 work in this line shall receive our close attention, Call on us at an early date -we'll use yon right. Alex. Young lrtara'1 r wa o Merchant 0 O 0 O O O O 0 O O 0 0 0 0 0 O 0 O 0 0 0 0 O O 0 O O 0 O O 0 0 CLUBBING RATES. .Advance to January 1st, 1906 ....$1.00 Advance and. Daily Globe 4.50 Advance and Daily Mail -Empire4.50 Advance and Daily World 3.10 Advance and Toronto Daily News 1.90 Advance and Toronto Daily Star 1.85 Advance and Weekly Globe 1.05 Advance & Weekly Mail -Empire1.75 Advance and Family Herald and Weekly Star 1.80 Advance and Weekly Witness1.65 Advance and Montreal Weekly Herald 1.50 Advance and London Free Press (weekly) . 1.80 Advance and London Advertiser (weekly) 1.00 Advance & Toronto Weekly Sun 1.80 Advance and Farmers' Advocate 2.85 := Standard :_: _. Telephone Sets ••_. _. ._. I i_•. FOR SALE. ._: 1 85.00 PER SET. i �_• Slightly used but in ._. order. APPLY TO good •_• :2: SALES DEPARTMENT s: i •_♦ 17 a $ Mountain St. •_♦ % % •_, MONTREAL - QUE.:k _. ;__ _. - 014-- > 4: = i tManager= Toan Local of J ;_; the Bell Telephone Com, •_• piny of Canada, •_• I40444+:40+++444444•84: THE WINUHAM ADYANCU, THURSDAY, JANUARY 12, 1905. 'news 'Items -Southampton? now a town, In Van Baron County, Michigan, the 18 -acre orchard of a land company produced 14,000 barrels of apples, which sold in Chicago for $10,000. Twenty-three varieties are grown, ---At a meeting of the cement manu- facturers in Owen Sound last week the price per barrel for 1905 was fixed at $1.40. A deputation was appointed to wait on the government to have the duty raised from 44c per barrel to 58c. --The smallest inhabited island in the world is that on which the Eddy- stone lighthouse -stands, for at low water it is only 30 feet in diameter. At high water the base of the light- house, which has a diameter of only a little over 28 feet, is completely covered by water, Stratford, Jan.. 5. -Mr. Jos. Rankin, for many years a prominent merchant here, but lately in poor health, wan- dered off to the northern outskirts of the city yesterday afternoon, and later was found in an unconscious Condition. He was removed to his home, }vhero he died last evening. -Canadian Pacific Railway land eases in Manitoba and the Territories in December were 32,196 acres, for $142,583. The big sale to the Ameri- can syndicate of 51,000 acres is not in- cluded, lis papers had not been signed. Sales for previous eleven months wore 488,468 acres, for a total of $2,096,- 946. -The C. P. R., at the last session of parliament, secured a charter for the construction of a line from Hanover to Lucknow. ;,Now they are applying for the extension of this charter to Flesherton and Kincardine. There is not much doubt from all these signs, that the C. P. R. Company means business. -Prof. Bailey, reports as follows of a cow which is eleven years old. Last year her record was 17,400 pounds of milk, with a maximum daily yield of 77e pounds. This year she has given as high as 93 pounds a day, and she will probably exceed her former re- cord. In other words, here is a cow that every month produces her own weight in milk, -The following gentlemen will comprise Bruce County Council: - Div. No. 1 -Shute and Parke. " 2 -McDougall and Thomas. " 3 -McDonald and McBeath. " 4 -Robb and Sirrs. " 5 --Moyer and Filsinger. " 6 -McIntyre and Brink. " 7-McCharles and Lyons. " 8 -Henry and Robinson. 9 0-Hilker and McCannell. -W. Moore & Sons) proprietors of the electric light plant in Meaford, have refused the Meaford town coun- cil's offer of $8,600 for the plant. Moore & Sons demand $15,000, which is ridiculously in excess of the valua- tion made, by Inspector Yule. Mean- while the streets are in darkness, and the Mirror predicts that several months will elapse before the street lighting service is resumed. -A somewhat peculiar state of affairs exists at Paisley. At the nominations for councillors one man was nominated who from his standing and general reputation, was objection- able to the other candidates, the re- sult being that they all refused to enter the council. The clerk has call- ed for a new nomination, but whether this will result in securing a council or not remains to be seen. A similar state of affairs existed at Wiarton a year or two ago. -Local option received at severe set back in Blenheim on Jan. 2nd. The temperance leaders of the town, head- ed by the ministers, brought out a local option ticket, consisting of Mr. J. H. Ferguson for nil yor, and Messrs. H. Drano, J. Henderson, J. Henneker, L. 13. ShiIIington and A. E. Young for councillors. The antis re- sponded with a ticket composed of Mr. S. H. Bacon for mayor, and Mes- srs. W. E. Biggar, Wm. Hendry, H. L. Merritt, T. K. Morris and D. Ted- ford for councillors. The local option ticket was snowed under, every anti- tandidate being elected by big majori- ties. Bacon was elected mayor by a vote of 237 to 128. Not in years has there been such a hot election contest in Blenheim, nor has the town been so excited. -After consulting with a number of institute speakers as well as local offl- cera in different parts of the province, the superintendent has decided not to hold. any -institute meeting until Jan, 31st, It was the unanimous opinion of both delegate shod officers (and a great Many were consulted) that a political campaign would interfere very much with the attendance at mid the success of institute meetings. No announcements of meetings had been made for January although all lists had been about completed. A re -ar- rangement of the lists has been made and the sane submitted to the score- taxies of the various ridings, The revised dates will be announced in plenty of time to allow local secre- taries to do the necessary advertising before the date of the first meetings. 4 Possibly Your 'Wife Doesn't look so young abed pretty its she used to. If her cheeks are hollow and pale ifshe is tired and nervous she needs li'ert'ozone, which is 1 for beam restoring the bloom 1 o ealtli t 0 sickly girls and woolen. Complexion quickly becomes rosy, spirits 1150, and strength increases daily. Health and vigor will soon return to your wife or slaughter if h`errozo ne is taken. It'd the best tonic made, and cost 30e. at druggists, West Wawa nosh. Now for the provincial election. Althorn. Presbyterian Church will be opened Jan. 15th ; a teauteeting will be held on the pith. Mr. Roy Stackhouse purposes leav- ing this week to take a course in the Brantford business college Dungannon School reopened here Tuesday with C, Telma, principal, and Miss If. Swann, assistant.. West Wawanosh Council have two now members for this year, 'Viz,, A. Anderson and Stephen Medd, P. Walsh and John McLean being re- elected. The high winds last week blew the roof off T. Smylie's bairn, It will be a total loss, as the Insirauee Co. that the building was insured in, only issue policies against fire. Young & Treleaven's dry goods store in Dungannon was ablaze on. Monday afternoon. The fire was discovered before it had made nnicli headway, and promptly extinguished. Loss between $20 and $30. A reception was held in Westfield Methodist church last Sunday when a number of new members were added to the church roll. Also a number were baptized. A reception was also held in the league when a large num- ber became active members. Rev. R. I. Hosking, of Ripley, preached missionary sermons last Sunday at 'Westfield. It was arrang- ed that 11Ir. Hosking would preach there some weeks ago but owing to the death of a son, which resulted from blood poisoning, he was unable to come. Howick. The oyster supper given by the Newbridge Orangemen on Dec. 28th was a success in every way. Amos Doan is home from his trip out west, where he was at work with a surveying party in the Saskatche- wan District. Jas. Clelland delivered a load of oats, weighing 6,465 pounds, at the Fordwich grain house on Saturday last -the largest Load ever delivered Here, John Gowdy was the only old neem= ber of Howick Council elected. There is talk of their election being illegal, on account of their not complying with the law as to fyling their quali- fications. On Thursday evening Dec. 29th, the home of Mr. and Mrs. Aldrich was the scene of one of those pleasing, events which gladden the hearts of many, when their daughter Alma and Milton Leonard were joined in the holy bonds of matrimony. Mr. John Nicholaus arrived at the bedside of his father, Mr. Wm. Nicho- laus on Sunday of last week, who is in a critical condition and is not improv- ing in health. Mr. J. W. has taken his father to his home in Berlin where he intended to move this month. A cab was secured and they left the premises before day light on Sunday morning of this week for thelelong drive. A Bloated Stomach. Distension and pains froze indiges- tion are cured quickly by Nerviline. When you get an attack of stomach trouble take a stiff dose of Nerviline which is perfectly harmless but mar- vellously quick in effecting a lasting mire. "I was once taken ill with stomach trouble" writes Ed. Rowell of Rochester. "I was in great pain and distress but half a teaspoonful of 'Ner- vi.line fixed me up in a few minutes. I can recommend Nerviline for sick headache and cramps and consider it an invaluable household remedy." Try it yourself. Price 25c. Mitchell, Jan. 8. -The case between John Waters and John Connolly of Logan, both well-to-do farmers of Lo- gan, was aired here on Friday in court. The trouble happened on Christmas Eve in the Hicks House, where a scuffle ensued and in the mix- up Waters got his leg broken above the knee. He claimed that Connolly kicked him in the leg with the above results. Connolly stoutly denies do- ing anything of the kind. However, Waters has been under the doctor's care in the Hicks House ever since and cannot be moved to his home, the in- jury being so bad. Hence the suit for damages was entered and tried on Fri- day, Connolly must pay $500 da- mages and $70 costs, amounting to $570 in all. -Negotiations between the city of Stratford and the C. P. R. were prac- tically closed at a meeting here on Thursday evening, and work will be commenced in the spring, on a branch from the GuelphuGoderlch extension from a point near where the road roses tConestogo o h Itivei to Strat- ford, Options have been secured on nearly all property required for the right of way within the city, and also conjunction with Toronto by a route. but little longer than the G. T. R. A branch from here to meet the main line of the C. P. R. at Tllainesford is also projected. A better and more profitable scheme than any that has yet been outlined, would be it branch from the Guelph-Goderieh railway from about ' ionkton to Seafot'th, and from thence to Bayfield, with a com- paratively small expenditure, Bay- field could be ntade one of the best and safest harbors on lake Huron. .ii.- NoTi , x have arranged 1 aged with the. Dominion Bank to niallag nt o i bttsi- Cgs1 X ant(1 all owing Inc1110 on Notes or Mortgages can pay principal or interest at any time. After falling clue, rem- emberyou need l n t pay until you are requested to do so by lune. I thank all those who have done business with me, and wish you every prosperity. Rou;r. Mcltrnoo, Ajier's Don't try cheap cough medi- cines. Get the besty�,Ayer's CherryPectoral. �I'bat a record it has, sixty years of Cherry Pectoral cures) Ask your doctor if he doesn't use it for coughs, colds, bronchitis, and all throat and lung troubles. -I have found that Ayer'. Cherry Pectoral is the but medicine. I can prescribe for bron- chitis, luiluensa, coughs, and hard colds.. M. I.oDYYAH, M,D., Ithaca, 2i. Y, ase., 60e., I.OX. J, 0. Allot c0., Ali. druggists. for Lew Bronchitis Correct any tendency to constlpttt- `Ion with smelt doses of Ayer a Pill&. A FAMOUS SCHOOL 1 CENTRAL STRATFORD. ONT. Young Man, Young Woman there is abundant room for you in the'higher and more responsible positions of life. YOU ARE NEEDED. ;Get a business or shorthand training and march up- wards. Enter our school this month it possible. ' Write for free catalogue. ELLIorr & MoLsucnLax, Principals THE CANADA BUSINESS COLLEGE CHATHAM, ONT. is Canada's Greatest School of Business, Short- hand and Penmanship. 375 students were placed in good positions in 12 months, 1904 at salaries averaging over $000 per annum. ask for the liar, Seventeen of the last positions Oiled pay the following salaries: Three at $525. five at $000. one at $700, five at 5720 one at $1000 and two at $1200. Has any other bbusi- ness school in Canada given you such evi- dence of its ability to train you and place you when qualified? We pay railway fare up to $8 in coming. Good board $2.75 for gentleman and $2.50 for ladies. College re -opened for win- ter term on Jan, 3, but students may enter at any time. Write for handsome catalogue. D. McLACHLAN & CO„ Chatham, Ont. BETTER THAN GOLD to a young man or woman is a course in the >L/sTOWEL �� (107 �/€ . Three Courses - Commercial, Shorthand and Typewriting, and Telegraphy. Students may enter any time. College re -opens Jan, 3rd, 1905. Send for Journal, A. L. McINTYRB, Mgr, Wingham Machine • General Repair Shop Is now re -opened, and I have secured the service of a man of over 20 years experience in all lines of mill and farm machinery, also bicycles, guns, sewing machines, clothes wringers, lawn mowers, umbrellas, saws gummed and filed, keys made to order, scissors and hair clippers sharpened, etc. A trial solicited. W. G. PATON LIFE FIRE INSURANCE Lowest rates consistent with absolute security. All claims promptly settled Abner Cosens ACCIDENT PLATE CLASS The Popular Grocery Store. CROCKERY and CHINA, FLOUR and FEED, of all kinds, Cash for Butter and Eggs. Phone 61. W. F. VanStone Wood's Phoasplliociine, ishan old, wellRes . fished and reliable preparation. Has been prescribed and used over 40years. All drug. o stCa the Drell i and recoinmoud as hornp Pefore and After. the only medicine of its kind that cures and gives Universal satisfaction. It promptly and permanently cures all forms of Nervous Weak. peas, ,,S�missfons, a permatorrhtea, Zmpotenex, and all effects ofabusoorexcesses; theoxcessivs neo of Tobacco, Opium or Stimutants, Iktenlal and .Brain Worry, all of which lead to Infirmity, Insanity Consumption and an Early Grave. price se, sixwrteu e. MailedforomptOon will oeipt of Oil ! Send for free pamphlet, yAddross The Wood Company, Windsor. Ont•, Canada, Sold in Wingham br A. I. McCoil ds A, L. Hatnilton, W. Dieffibben-Druggists Lv HOT STOVE POLISH AND ME'tAL CLEANER COMlfI,IVCD the °lily Patented Polish in the World, No Dust, s it 1 No Dirt. Nnsn oke No Smell. Contains no benzine or other' explosives. PULV57 ifiankes more polish and lasts longer than any other. PRICt 100, AT ALL GROCERS 1 Isard's The Leading Store Isard's Talk of the Town We're going to make our Alteration ,Sale the talk of the town for the neat couple of months. To get rid of a Big Stock in half the usual time means big selling -and our way of creating large sales is to go right after the prices, We start in among the Furs, and offer Ladies' Fur Coats, Men's Fur Coats, Caperines, Fur Caps, Ruffs, Muffs, Gauntlets -at Wholesale Price. This is a grand opportunity to secure a real good Fur Coat at a great Saving. We handle only the best makes of Furs. LADIES' JACKETS. Ladies', Misses' and Children's Cloth Coats to Clear --at Cost Prices. HIGH CLASS CLOTHING. TWO THOUSAND DOLLARS' worth of Men's, Youths' and Boys' Ready -to -put-on CLOTHING in the Basement at WHOLESALE PRICE. It will pay you to drive Twenty-five miles to buy clothing here during this GREAT SALE. The Clothing positively must be sold out, as the end will be torn out of the building in order to extend the store back, so we must get the Basement cleared out and ready for the builders, This is your chance to make great savings on Men's Overcoats, Boys' Overcoats, Men's Suits, Boys' Suits, -----ken's Reefers, Boys' Reefers, Men's Pants, Boys' long and short Pants, Men's Overalls, Men's Smocks -all to go at WHOLESALE PRICE. A Few Robes To Char Out At Cost Price. No room to quote prices here. Please come and see goods and prices together and we will satisfy you in every respect. CARPETS. Buy your Carpets, Oilcloths and Linoleums NOW and see what money we can save you during our ALTERA- TION SALE. This is a money -making Sale for our customers and a Stock Reduction Sale for us. Dress Goods, Silks and Trimmings, Knitted Goods, Gents' Furnishings, Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes - At Cost Price. Terms of Sale -Cash or Trade. Engle H. E. ISARD CO. ®IESISIi+t imisenefin Not A Game Of Chance, When you come to trade with us you take no chances with your money. Bank deposits are not safer than our guarantee to you of good Value or Money back. To know what real solid Cloth- ing Value is -buy Homuth Bros'. Suits and Overcoats -We are show- ing some beautiful effects, made in latest style and best workmanship, at $16, $18 up to $25. Xmas. Gifts. In Neckties we have all the new colorings and styles in Puffs, Derbys, Flowing -Ends, Bows, Strings, etc. Really the finest assortment ever shown in the county at 25c, 500 and 75c. Mufflers. Be sure you have one of our warm tnnfiiers.-Materials of Wool also Silk. -These are the greatest Value we have ever offered at 35o, 50o, 75o, $1,00 and $1.25. Gloves. In Gloves we have a very fine assortment to select from -these are good fitters --hest Maker's and all sizes 41.00, $1.25 and $1.75. Hats, Caps, Etc. Hats, Caps, Underclothing, Sus- penders, Handkerchiefs, Armlets, Colored Shirts, White Shirts, Cuffs, Collars, Hosiery -and in fact every- thing in Gents' Wenr.-Wo invite you before buying elsewhere, to call and have a look at any rate, and no doubt yon will go away from this store WELT, pleased. A 1'z.eAstltr To SHOW ) U � G Ons. Homuth Bros. Suits, Overcoats AND PANTS A SPECIALTY, Our Suits are of the newest materials at the lowest possible prices. Overcoatings that make up the most beautiful Coats that fancy could desire, at prices ranging from $12.00 to $20.00. Pantings, the very thing you are looking for, Robt. Maxwell High Art Tailor - 8inghain 50 YEARS' EXPERIENCE TRADE MARKS DESIGNS COPYRIGHTS &C. Anyone Bending a sketch and description may quickly ascertain onr opinion free whether an Invention is probably patentable. CCommutilea. thane strlctlyeontldentlal. HANDBOOK onPatents sent free. Oldest a eneyagh foreu, Patents taken trouMncnuringCo!trentsv e special not(te, without charge, in tho Srkkntifir J1m Tirane Abondsomcly illustrated weekly. r,areest Or. culatton of any scientific Journal. 'Terme, $3 a year; four months, $1. Soldbynll newsdealer*, MUNN & Co.8611roedway, New. York a Branch arse, 425 F St., Washington, D. C. `+ f br'a Help" ourin Suits tough vtntio�t o r pAteutable Rejected tx y PROMPTLY SECURED Write forinteresting books"Invent- "tiew you are swindled." e c t a sketch or model of your in- improvement and we will tell you free our opinion es to whether it bt probably applicationshaveoften en successfully prosecuted by us, We conduct fol) equipped offices in Montreal and Washington ; this qualifies us to prompt- ly dispatch work and quickly secure ratents as broad es the invention. Highest references fnrnin )ted. Patents r n ' oe red through Mation p t on Ar, 1Vta- tion receive t 11 r civ Special native without g hoot thrtgt is over Too newspapers distributed throughoua. the Dominion. Specialty, -Patent business of 1V/entitle- infers tttrers and Engineers. MARION & MARION prompt - Patera Exparty and Z01101tors. tMtladst Nthi iLife truepe Atlanl•tIO std Wirth