HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1905-01-05, Page 68 t+...10301111111.101.11001110110180 MOM 01111011111010 0111110.01/10 IMO The Leading Stioe Store 1 1 1 We wish all a very Happy and Prosperous New Year We have a number of broken lines in SHOES AND SLIP,PER.S which in order to clean up, will be sold at a sacrifice W. J. Greer, The Shoer i 1 1 1111111.._11.111111111 NO 1 111) There's Good Bread Ahead You can always be sure of a good meal when bread from the Wingham Mill's Flour is used. Then the price is always lower than you can buy elsewhere. Wholesale quotations to those buying Two Bbls. or over. The Market Wheat, per bushel $ .95 to $ 1.00 Oats, per bushel .30 to .32 Barley, per bushel .88 to .40 Flour, Star (two-thirds Manitoba) per half Bbl 2.40 to 2.05 Flour, Pastry (all Ontario) " 2.40 to 2.60 Flour, (Pure Manitoba) " 64 2.50 to 2.75 Flour, low grade, per cwt 1.20 to 1.30 Shorts, per ton 18,00 to 20.00 Bran, per ton 15.00 to 16.00 Chop, per ton 16.00 to 22.00 We will allow 50 per half bbl. off on Flour quotations Farmers and others supplying their own bags. Bring your Chopping to us, as we do first-class work. to HOWSON, HARVEY & BROCKLEBANK ♦♦••♦•♦••••♦.♦♦.:•Xs+ •NNN NNNNNNNN♦•NN♦♦N♦♦N♦♦N♦•• L OST • _ T. :y On Friday, Dee. 30, .. 3: a small black dog; sup- :_: 3 posed, to have followed ♦;. ._. a team into the country.._. _ .. :_: Reward for returning to 4. ;% Advance Office, Wingham ❖ ♦•N•N•N• 4-:-N•N•N•N••♦•N•N•N••4 •♦•♦• 4-4.4.••N•. NOTICE. The annual meeting of the Turn - berry Agricultural Society will be held in the Council Chamber, at the Town Hall, Winghain, on Wednesday, January llth, 1005, at 1 o'clock p. m. J. J. MOFFAT, H. B. ELLIOTT, President Secretary The Canadian Almanac Canada's Reliable Year Book, sow on sale. Pocket Diaries for 1905. A few in stock. Fancy Calendars 00000000000000000000 O O O O O O 0 O O O 0 O O O O O O O 0 O 0 O 0 O O O O O 0 0 0 0 O 0 O 0 We're Io It We're right in the Hard- ware business again, and are pleased to greet our custom- ers once more. Our stock will be found full and complete in every line, of which you shall hear from time to time. Tinsmithing We have secured the services of a first-class tin- 4smith, and all work in this line shall receive our close attention. Call on us at an early date -we'll use you right. Alex. Young Hardware Merchant 00000000000 0000000 THE WIND.UAM ADVANCE, THURSDAY, JANUARY 5, 1905, Eluevaie• L. R. Duff of Galt spent last week at his home here. Mr, and Mrs. D. Lewis are visiting relatives at Mitchell. Albert Denman of Owen Sound spent Christmas at home, Charles Conites of Listowel spent New Year's at his home here, Miss Jessie Robertson of Boissevain, Man., are visiting relatives here. Mr, and Mrs. R, N. Duff spent New Year's at David Sproat's, Belgrave. Mr. and Mrs, Robt, Black and child- ren spent New Year's at Wroxeter, Mr, and Mrs. Amos Jewitt of Sault St, Marie are visiting relatives here. Mr. Haney spent the Christmas holidays with his mother near Whit- by. Miss Jessie Gerrond of Walkerton visited her nephew, R. N, Duff this week. O O 0 O O O 0 O O O 0 0 O O O O O the concert; --Lilian Rogers, Thorn. dale; Ruby Duff, Hati'owsniith ; Ches- ter Pugh, Palnnerston; Will Bailey, Ottawa ; Frank J. Scott, Sac City, Iowa; Mrs. W. A, Griffiths (Lizzie Sanderson), Toronto i• Mrs, 5. Plaston (Mary Yorkston), Rockton ; Jennie, Margaret, Tommy and I,iliaan ,►,)intent, Toronto ; Bertha, Isabel and Harriet Sanderson, Toronto ;. Bert. Bailey, Deloraine, Man„ Maude Paul, Wroxe- ter ; McKenzie Messer, Chatham; Fred W asnian, New York ; Hartley and Wm. A. Paterson, New York; Flora M. Nixon, Gretna, Man.; Jas. J. Pat- erson, Winnipeg ; Margaret Robert- son, Vancouver, B. Gordon Pater- son, Winnipeg. Mr. McEwen carries with him, on his retirement from pub- lic service. the sincere affection and respect of his old pupils, Indeed, the most common expression of his pope- laxity is, if the familiarity may be ex- cused, "We always liked Sandy." NoTE.--Other Bluevale items reach- ed us too bite for this week. -(lid, Bert Elliott and Walter Woods of Molesworth visited R. ,Aitcheson this week, Mr. Sam, Small of Meaford visited his sister, Mrs. Jack Raby, this week. Mrs. Wm. Sproat of McGregor, Mau., is visiting her nephew, Mr. R. N. Duff. Mr, and Mrs, W. J. Johnston have returned from an extended visit to Manitoba. Miss Jennie Greenway of Toronto is visiting her parents Mr. and Mrs. R. Greenway. Rev. W. J. West, preached in the Presbyterian church Attwood, on Christmas clay. Mr. Geo. Hunt, city editor of the Galt Reformer, was a visitor at R. N. Duffs last week. Misses Alice and Eva Duff and L. B. Duff visited at John Robertson's in Wroxeter last week. Messrs. Gordon Hay and Lloyd Thompson of Listowel spent New Year's with Will. Elliott. Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Burgess and children of Woodstock spent the holi- days with relatives here, Clifford Pugh of Goderich Collegiate and Chester Pugh of Palinerston have been holidaying at home. Mr. and Mrs. Fred. McCracken of Brussels spent New Year's with Mr. and Mrs. john Gardiner. Mr. M. Aikenhead of Brucefleld commenced his duties as principal of our school on Tuesday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Ring, Mrs. Ben. Saults and Misses Irene and Etta Saults of Goderich were visitors at J. Johnston's this week. Mr. John Greenway and bride of Sault St. Marie are spending their honey -moon at the home of the foriner's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Greenway. Mr: J. J. Denman returned this week to Winnipeg rafter a few weeks' holidays here. Mr. Denman has de- cided to settle in the West and his family will go later. O O 0 0 O O O O 0 O 0 O 00.0 Turnberry. Mrs. J. Belfour of Wolseley, N. W. T., spent Xmas at Wm. Mitchell's. Miss Belle Watson of Pontiac, Mich., is visiting her sister, Mrs. Win. Mit- chell. James Nixon of Mitchell spent the holidays with his sister, Mrs. Wrii. Holmes, Report for I)ecenibero f S.S.No. 1. 1 Sr. 4th..-. -Fred Johnston, Georgina Phippen, Lulu Currie, Ernest Link - later, Frank Calhoun, Jr. 4th•--Ein- ula Forsyth, Earl Reid, Roy Netter - field, Annie Finnen, Maizie Lediet. Sr. 3rd --Earl Groves, Ethel Ranson, i Laura Calhoun, Willie T.ockridge. Jr. 3rd --Mary Ciirrie, Maggie Reid, Lizzie Luckr'idge, Anna McDonald, Eddie Lockricige, Edna Finley, A.ggie Fin - filen, Willie Styles. Sr. 2nd ---Ruby Forsyth Carrie Weeks Eva Linklat- 'Clnderpriced to clear, CONCERT AND PRESENTATION. -The Foresters' hall was filled to overflow- ing and to the turning -away point on the evening of Friday, Dec. 30, when Mr. A. McEwen, principal of our Pub- lic school, brought to a successful con- clusion, a very good and very long programme, prepared by pupils, ex - pupils and others, under his direction, which was received by an exceedingly appreciative and enthusiastic audi- ence. A small admission fee was charged to adults, and the proceeds, some $27, will go towards purchasing a bell for our school. We give the programme in full as we know that the names will be of interest to many absent ones Chorus -The Maple Leaf Sohool Recitation -Song of the Camp... ..Alice Duff Recitation -My Father's Gang...L. McKinney Song -Old Mother Brown Teddy Paterson Address. Mr. Louis Blake Duff Song Myna Haney Speech Charlie Black Dialogue -Visitors From Fairyland Song -Strike up the Band Paul Pugh Recitation -Mother's Love Mary Stewart Song -Blue Bell Edna Paterson Recitation -The Little Helpers.... Four Little Girls Tableau -Morning, Noon and Night Drill Twelve Boys DIalogue-The Old and New Fashion Recitation -The Little Boy Who Ran Away Song -Little Teddy Lila Gray Dialogiie The Miser Punished .... ............ Duet Myrtle and Ivy Denman Recitation -Taking Dolly's Photo Carrie Diment Dance -Highland Fling Mabel McDonald, Wingham Song -Old School Chums Eva Duff Recitation -Why I Like to bo a Girl Bernice Shaw 'Tableau -Waiting For Santa Claus Song -The Miller and the Maid Aggie Aitcheson Recitation -Guilty or Not Guilty Bertha Haney Song & March -The Snow Brlgade..Five Boys Recitation -Little Brown Baby Miss Duff Comic Song -The Man 12ohind.. „WJ. Raney Drill Twelve Girls Boys' Quartette -Old Kentucky Home Tableau -Fairyland Dance of Brownies Violin Instrumental Miss McNaughton Dance -Irish Jig Mabel McDonald Chorus -Jingle Bells School Recitation -visiting Grandma....Luella Shaw Tableau -As Old as Our Grandfathers Song -Good Advice.... Number of Little Girls Tableau -Flags of the Nations Toward the conclusion of the pro- gramme, Mr. R. N. Duff made a pleas- ing interruption in introducing Russel McKinney, who read a complimentary presentation address on behalf of the ppupils, ex -pupils and friends of Mr. McEwen, who is retiring from,, the teaching profession after serving this section for sixteen years as principal of Bluevale school. Accompanying the address was a handsome Raccoon Coat for Mr. McEwen and a Mantel Clock for Mrs. McEwen. The presen- tations were Dade by Annie Stewart and Elva Jermyn. In expressing the thanks of Mrs. McEwen and himself, Mr. McEwen made a very pleasing speech, referring to his cordial rela- tions with Bluevele scholars for so many years and his friendlyfeeling Y for the people of the section. Three ringing cheers were given Mr. Mc- Ewen at the conclusion of his reply, and then the entire company joined in singing "Auld Lang Syne."The affair was most hearty throughout. ,A.niong the ex -pupils present at the entertain- ment were:---Josepph Burgess, Wood- stock ; Miss Annie Oliver, Toronto ; Miss Mabel Thomas, Minto, Man.; Misses Mattie and Burdette McCrack- en, Wingham ; Miss Jessie Robertson, Jamestown. Jit Innes of Ethel spent Sunday here. Mr. and Mrs. Will Mines spent the holidays with London friends. Miss Belle Strachan of St. Cathar- ines is at present visiting her parents here, Lorne McKelvey of Harriston was home attending his sister's wedding last week. - Rob. Simpson, who is working on the train, spent the holidays at his. home in this part. O rey. A. 'McDonald took a business trip to Toronto lest week. Ales. McLeod of Bavfleld spent a few days with Mr. 'F V. 1;, Bryans. Etuyline McQuarrie of Detroit paid her patents here a flying visit last week. Mrs, Bert Tuck of Clifford is spend- ing a few days with friends in this locality, Jas. Jackson and sister, Lottie, are visiting friends at Chesley and Tara. Miss Lottie will visit with her sisters for some time. The Plymouth Brethren are holding their annual convention at their meet- ing house 2nd con. The meetings are being well attended. We are pleased to see Messrs, John and Olives McInnes of Deloraine home to spend the winter. Tho boys have done well since going to the prairie province and we hope success may still attend their, Monday evening a family re -anion was held at the old homestead, now the property of Albert Fox, 10th con„ when tine 0 brothers and sisters met for the first time in almost 20 years and were joined on this occasion by about 75 friends to celebrate the event, Last Monday evening Robt. Hoy's barn, lot 7, con. 5, was completely destroyed by fire. His brother Rich- ard was doing the chores, in the absence of the proprietor, and slipped down the ladder with the lantern set- ting flre to the building and destroy- ing it, The barn was insured in the Howick Mutual Co. Reid Henderson and sister, Miss Katie, spent their holidays with rela- tives in this vicinity. Geo. Eckmier, wife, and daughter Ferne, spent Christmas at Mrs. Eck - 'flier's home in Ethel, Jos. Coombes, Jr., of Blyth, accom- panied by his cousin, Jas. Cutt, Jr., spent a few days here. The Misses Coombes entertained a large number of their friends one evening last week ; all report an en- joyable evening. Jas. Cutt, wife and two daughters, of Blyth. were over attending the wedding of Miss Maud McKelvey and Louis Eckmier last week, Mrs. Alex. McCosh and son, Robby, who have been visiting the former's parents here, returned to their home sat Pine River last Saturday. Dan. Strachan, who has-been spend- ing his holidays under the parental roof, returned last Monday to resume his duties as school teacher at Tees - water. A very pleasing event graced the home of Mr. and Mrs. Win. McKelvey on Tuesday evening of last week, when their eldest daughter, Miss Maud, was united in marriage to Louis Eckmier, a popular young man of the 2nd concession of Morris. The cere- mony was performed by Rev. J. Ross of Brussels, in the presence of a large number of friends and relatives. The bride wore a most becoming dress of white silk organdie, trimmed with pearls. The bridesmaid, Miss Allie McKelvey, sister of the ' bride, was dressed in white organdie. Mr. Mel- lish, banker, of Brussels, acted as best roan. After all the guests had been carefully attended to by the active waiters, at a bounteous repast which was set before them, the evening was quickly and joyfully spent in music, singing and games. Mr. and Mrs. Eckmier received many handsome, as well as useful presents, showing the high esteem in which they are held. The happy couple started the follow- ing day on their wedding trip to To- ronto, Niagara and Buffalo. On their return, they will settle down in their comfortable dwelling which has been recently remodelled by the groom. er, Jr. 2nd. Frank Lediet, Willie Wroxeter ; Louis Blake Duff, Galt; . Sri ley, Frank Lockridge, Ethel Free. Clifford Pugh, Goder i ch; Alice Duff, Sr Pt II -Sudan Welsh, Minnie Satin- London • Walter Burgess, Win hatn' dere, John Rogers. Jr. Pt. II Alfred Cora Messer, 'r li Wel, and others. Lnekt'idge, Beatrice Johnston, Ralph One of the mast pleasing things rn. COOPER COS IV:eks, Alvin (troves, Sr. Pt. 2Jes- connection with the farewell wait the aim Currie, Gordon Ranson, Sammy sending of kind greetings to Mr. Alex, Rotas,)Me- Styles, Ross Forbyth Myrtle Lock- Ewen hy ex -pupils in many parts of (Suceefteortr ridge Alvieid. Names Are in or- the country. Thede were reeeived Ilteiseessmiesseessissausea M der Of Reid. merit, M, D. Flasher, teacher. from, la addition to tho*e present at. 1. Active, bright, hustling agents wanted to sell teas, coffees, spices, etc. Over $2000 a year is being made by agents. G. Marshall & Co., London. Morris. During the past week Wm. Bird, 7th line, has been quite ill with in- flammation of the lungs but we trust speedy recovery may ensue. Reeve Code, by acclamation this year ; it is generally conceded that had there been opposition, Mr. Code ,would have been elected all the same. R. Proctor, Tax Collector for Morris made a record this year and by nomination day had all the taxes collected except about $100. Well done Sans. Nicholson of the Lime Kiln, presented the ex -member for East Huron with a Christmas goose, al- ready stuffed, ready for cooking. Saheartm.has a big, kind, sympathetic Jas. Bowman, the Conservative can- didate, is making a successful canvass, and is giving Hyssop a bad scare. The encouragement Mr. Bowman has met with is very gratifying, and shows that the Ross Government is very much discredited. Howick. W. T. McKee is Reeve of Howick by acclamation. Alex. Finlay and wife of Ailsa Craig spent their Xmas holidays with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Finlay. Wm. Wilson of Maple Grove is a little better than he has been, but is by no means recovered. There was a large party at Wrn. Finlay's last week. About 150 guests heartily enjoyed themselves. Wesley Finlay of Harriston High School spent his vacation with his parents and has returned to the school for another term. A very pleasant event occurred on Wednesday evening, Dec. 21st, at the home of Mr. Andrew Montgomery, when his daughter, Mary Anne, was united in marriage to Alex. McKennit from near Owen Sound, and his young- est daughter, Margaret Tsabel, was joined in the bonds of holy matrimony to Wm. Pike of Howick.. When the sweet strains of the wedding march sounded through the spacious resi- dence, the brides, beautuully attired in cream lustre, entered the drawing - room, one on each side of their father. The ceremony was performed by Rev. J. W. Holmes of Gorrie. After the usual congratulations, over eighty in- vited guests sat down to tables that were burdened with the choicest deli- cacies. The remainder of the evening was spent in games and music. The presents were numerous, costly and beautiful, Mrs. McKennit and Mrs. Pike will be missed at Orange Hill, as Mrs. McKennit was organist for the church and Mrs. Pike a member of the choir. Both ladies were faithful and regular in attendance at the Sunday School, and both active, earnest work- ers in the League. Their many friends wish the young couples a happy and prosperous voyage down the stream of life. East Wawanosh. Charles Owens, a former resident of Oth line, is hone at present. Miss Rosalind Perdue has returned from Manitoba, after spending over two years in the prairie provinee. John Solar disposed of one of his fine drivers reeently. Mr. David Tis- dale, Donnybrook, was the purehaser. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wightnian of Westfield were at home to a number of their young friends Iasi Friday evening. A sleigh load from thin neighbor- hood spent a pleasant evening at the hotne of John Wightman, near Bel - grave, on Tuesday of last week. The 1lpworth League of the Brick Church had had their topics es printcd on a neat eard. This is quite an lin- provenent and shows progress. Mr's. D. McHellar of the United States, who httd been spendia Christ - mad week with her brothers, John and Robin McDowell of Westfield, returned home this 'week. MARRIAGES. Elliott-Casemore-In Wingham, Jan. 3rd, by Rev. J. N. McLean, B. A., Mr. Eli Elliott to Miss Sarah Case - more. BIRTHS. English -In Wingham, Dec. 29th, to Mr, and Mrs. Guy English, of Win- • nipeg, a daughter. FARM FOR SALE. 103 acres, adjoining Wingham ; 75 acres under cultivation ; good house and new barn. Splendid opportunity. Exceptional bargain, as I have pur- chased a brickyard at Thedford and desire to sell. ALFRED ELLIOTT, 19-22 Wingham. Real Estate Notice." Would you like to make 10% clear of a expense on your money? If so. I ask you to call and sec me and I will show you how to do so. Others have taken advantage of it, why not you? I have investments that aro paying 10 and 12% clear of all expense, and I would like to got you interested in them. Start the New Tear by making a good safe investment of your money, Farm and town property of every diserip• tion and price, for sale st your bwn terns. Life and Accident insurance effected. C. J. MAGUIRE Real Estate acid Business Transfer. (Office-vanstono Block, Wingham) [ ►ilfar ► m " Special Rates For New Year's • SINGLE FARE Between all Stations in Canada Good Going Dec. 31st, Jan. lst and 2nd. Returning until Jan, 8rd. Single Fare and One -Third Good Going Deo. 30th, 31st, Jan. lst and 2nd. Valid returning until January 4th, For tickets and full information call On L, HAROLD, Town 'Agent, or to J. D. McbONALD District Passenger Agent, Toronto. 4 Tourist Cars Every week without change tO tho NORTH-WEST and PACIFIC COAST D. DTREC X00 { Olt For D. M. GORDON'S Mammoth Reduction Cash " Salek OF ALL DRY GOODS, FURS, UNDERWEAR, BLANKETS; - SHOES and RUBBERS. Bargains! Bargains! COMMENCING Saturday, Dec'r. - 31st, 1904 Highest , Prices for Trade. 7 ilhaismussienemsmosomaiimamone JANUARY 1905 AT "The See Ilive" This Business Stoadily Grows We swing out into 1905 with a determination to this year double the business of THIS STORE. Nearly every day since open- ing our doors to the people of Wingham and surrounding country, new customers have been welcomed at The Bee Hive and have be- come steady patrons of Wingbam's New Up-to-date Dry Goods and Men's Furnishing Store. Pleased customers are our best advertisers and we now have so many of them, we feel confident the volume of business for 1905 will be double that of the past year. JANUARY WILL BE MARKED BY SPECIAL OFFERING A Blanket Special. r. The Ideal, all wool Blankets, large size, well napped and soft finish, worth $4.75 - our special January price $3.80 The Royal, all wool, splendid quality, full size Blankets, good value at $4.50 -our special Janu- ary price $3.60 The King Edward, all wool, lofty finish, high quality, largest size Blankets, would be good buy- ing at $5.00 -our special January price $4.00 Flannelette Blankets, grey or white, regular $1.00 kind --- our special January price 85c And 'the regular $1.25 kind -at per pair an even Dollar THERE ARE BAROAINS In Dress Goods, Wrapperettes, Flannelettes, Lace Curtains, Table Linens, Table `Napkin- , Towels, White Quilts, l31ankets Tickings, Shirting, Cottonades, Worsteds, Tweeds,Qveralls, SmocksSweat- ers, Swea - ers, Mn's Fancy and Working Shirts, Collars, Neckwear, Suspen- ders, Hosiery, Gloves and Umbrel- las. Extra special values for the ladies in Corset Covers, Gloves, Hosiery and Underwear. Pally equipped with Eedding, Oooking Range Eto. Porter in Charge. For Use of First And Second Class Passengers Payment Moderate Berth Rates From TORONTO TUBSDAVS and SATURDAYS Vein NORTH DAV SUNDAY5 and 'THURSDAYS 'MAIN LnAYes TORONTO 1.45 p,m. Iron particular!. front any Csnadlan Paoite Agent or Q. D. otter, ,P,A., Toronto. Men's and Boys' Overcoat Special. This week we put on sale for quick clearing all Men's and Boys' Overcoats at a special discount of 20 cents off on every dollar. Our prices to begin with were away under the ordinary way of selling, so that when we say 20 per cent. discount, it certainly means a great buying ,y g chance for the people. .A. look will soon convince you of the fact. A SPECIAL FOR LADIES AND GIRLS. We still have a splendid assort- ment of Ladies' Jackets, which we've made up our minds to clear out during the next few days. To quote prices would not give you any idea of the Real Bargains that are here for you in this line of goods. Every Jacket we show is Nnw, and you are sure of correct style when buyingatT I ss TOIE This Jacket special will save you from $2.00 to $5.00 on your new Jacket. We have a few nice lines of Children's Jackets which we will clear at one-third off the Regular Price. It Pays to Deal at to "THS BSE 111V13" + The Keeler Co, • - Wingham