HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1905-01-05, Page 4tree
i .......„-
,1 tbrole that eitheek idet elehtie Ira 0
OA her au.swor.
e teho belie% ed it Wieta oe,tisea lia
feellug or deepair ; bule iu reetiltat
it was wily a vloleut end Utmost
I laiiteljvit4:44.1*41:rti)agiclittlatli. ilrixt,18441.11:1,t,t,Istl.ec:itioltItle:1:n):1‘ilitittat:Iill )11:111:t:resi:t::, cs.:::.:::11:4:isililyiulleiliellsWt:Inioxell:,rygai . xilY.11:::::tttnti.:10,gill s :11: 10:0,,bvElevib:::'1!atitet:to:Intile ou:ttli:;:e441:1::ti .
on te.r.
oreetere" be said, 4'1 Wes hope
11S fl „e'en 'Would let yourself be woo
--et least in appearairce-aald then 1
tbat secret marriage ileuld boys ,
forever rerealeuea et ,seerete W�
collie have had a grand wedding,
and you ;could bade Amami your
The Unlinown
dtaglest," Mr. Xing Observe eit Brighton. awl see if lie could
rei, as toe yoang mon approached learn anything about the young
bane wane he eyed into keenly, "we man.; but Sir Walter crowded eVOLY
began' to thaele that you had talren
the earong road, for we loet sight
or you eatiataye What detained
"One of the treceit broke, and, We
were (obliged to stop to matal it,"
t 'sued
day so tun teat 11e conl
time to devote to title purpose until
trearLY two weelee bad enPred, and
then the informatioe be woe ;seek-
ing came to lam in a very unexpeoted
Toe entire Seaver arty met with
"It is a vory fine drive over alio • a engual surprise upon ar ft
South Doevine-ele?" continued hie at the Towers, for ahnost :the first
eMpioyera "Of course, you oateeed persou they ,sner, of the household,
Worthing Tofweas as Too passed ?" %as Anna Poison), IelOrence's former
"Yee, the drever pointed out to clakl .
Me the Manatee and groUnds as Toe girl expreased herself as over -
cue of the Vomit estates lie the eosin- InTed to see her yeung ore:stress again
try. " 0 -laughed and oried in one breath,
"I isteapose, thelit, he told you tbat and aecta,red that it was °just lovely
the estate belonge to Ser Walter ot Sir 'Walter to let ber come there
Leighton -411e yowls baronet whom; to act as her maid wane she -wos
youl met On ItPlne r a vieltor there," ,
"No, ear," August eeplied, vritie "But hoar (lid it happeahow came
come show of intereat ; "Is tb.e.t so r YI°11 to be lu Dugle'e4 ?L questioned
,and we passed hem, he our Florence, who, to tell the -.truth, did
/hay; you home leave, mot hem also:, not share the appareat pleasure of
atr„ Xing oboerted, and still earn- tbe girl; for Anna knows :too much
constantly regretted
estlyeseaocheng the face of his pre+ cYr e* eertgge
elate seeretary. episode of her life to be an -agree-
He oral 1005 were both; euspiolous able companion.
of the ;eve Of the yOung, man tror hOh, mY rather we en Englialo
Monica, and folt that, if he knew man, and I took a riotion to opine
she woo in the yicinity, he might over to visit an uncle and Rama
be. teceepted to take up arms io eloemeins, and, as leck would boor it,
he would be a formidable outage- When be t°141 °le You were eauklug
Place here in a [becoming manner,
Woo theme% 11 reeeoleil eerenientr
Would really be aut a. ta•ree ; to
Ton etoe alreader My wile, and lea
knotws itr-I leriont it, V the world
deee !not:"
Plorenee 'tow tletermtneelly 'coil --
fronted labo, her figure drawn
aroaedly erect; told all sentiment lit
Conneetton with the coward leefore
aer nierged into scorn,
"1 aia not 7 °iv trete, Sir Waiter
Letgleten," elie
a11 In In tones vie
brant evetb. indiguatien, and it
cwit,,at vya nos* jaqt saw was intend-,
ed tes a itarea,t to coerce me ento
comPlereng wita, your wishes, you
:tvfill find that you ha-ve ralade a,
great etnistaire. I vras peter mar.
riled to e'en, although I 00elfess I
believed maseif to be your wife Tor
a ,few s abort rnieotes, until all tbat
Most dreadful 'farce raps over
and I tooned and looked into . the
eiyee or that stranger whoa otood ae.
aide tue, and who iu some unaceount-
able 'way bad managed to take yoltr
place, Even now- 1 cannot limier -
stand it -how or Wily you were elot
there, and how lie could have tie-
ceived everyone in the waY be did;
or 'what could have been hie object.
It le all a terrible tantalizing male-
tery,” ethe cancluelea, her voice full of
"Florence, yea are Earn deceiving
youeetelle eveu as you were deeeived
that night. In tbe gloom and temp -
1:8t, enveloped, to my tiara in a rune-
kintost, it Is not strange tbat I ap-
peared uunatural, or • like a strang-
er to •you," the inan returned, with
emooth-tongeeti falsebood,
eyoo know that lo false," retorted
the girl, paselonatelee "Once before
you argued in the same way and
tried to claim me; but such eubtere
lege is useless -I an not your Wire
and I will 'not be driven into a one
ion with you." ,
. "Florence, you, are mad to take
each a stand," ea:tamed her com-
panion, in cold, metallic tones, ;'for
I have inconteetable evidence to
• rirove that our marriage war a
;strietay legal one."
"Wbat is your. evidence 2" baught-
RSI demanded the glee. i e • ,
"1 bave the certificate, duly filled
out and signed hyl the clergyman
who offieloted, and I can produce
three wituessee wbo will swear that
tbey saw you married to me," Sir
Walter calmly replied.
A great shook agitated Florence
from head to foot at thee assertion,
Now She understood why; Anna
Foie= was at tbe Towera, and a
member of thinge had recently oc-
curred to cause her to feel that the
girl was watching and epaeng up-
ou her rnoveniente, , . a ,•
Sem aleo comprehended why slue,
.with her guardian and his wife, had
been invited to visit ,che Towers; the
man had herded that once under his
roar he coula bring nuch a prepon-
could be allowed to etand without deraete of influence and eeidence o
her sanction. . , bear upon Jar thee. uhe would be
In vain ohe protested that Sir Wal- arawbeaten Into stabralsoion to ills
ter must be governed by bis own "Who .are theoe owitneaees
eudgment-she was only a. guest her- quentioned, imperlouslye
self, and did not fent capa,ble of de- "ono ie Albert Hay len-the Yoking
aiding auch iniportant questions , roan who drove eeot to the church;
were the pleasure of so many was the other two-yoe kaow there well
involved. -aro Addieee T. elerrill and 'Anna
But ales always called forth an ha Foleom," geed Fet, •Walter, quietly,.
dulgent and eignificant laugh from eatr. Hoyden I could not identifY,
the other members of the party, as if too I 'did oot even leave b. elnlvse or
the situation woe understood by leo late ; bald 1 ami ftalel aware that
theta, and it was e-vident that before both Mr. Merrill and A nun, know
tare' long She 'Mould bc e-tera!aing that 1 wao not warred to istee,"
the right to govern all those mat- firmly, rejoeued yeeeenee, •
her behaef, and ;mei realized that ammt Sir Walter in London one day,
nest, • " bore to visit him, and I begged tbat
"We ;law a ce-rriage with. several he'd let me come, too, and serve you
people in it jest turning into the heschhhhl!,ev,,,,ou were here," the girl glibly
"tI seems almoet like
armada but ma were dreving so ri'Orle,44'rdiss Florence, to see you. and
rapidly to overtake yen' I did not Mr. and lira Seaver again, and I'll
tetenly did not see Sir Walter Leigh- de my bast to make you comfort -
observe them particularly. I eere
able," concluded, with a rstealthy
ton:' the young Man responded,
gleam into the fair, grave face be -
but without ocranifesting any spe- I el
Ore Or.
eta.' iatereat, Florence 'thanked her, and accepted
Inez, mho had been wetting al- the attuaticrn wltb. as good grace
most breathlessly. for hie reply, as she could, eince she could not help
Lore uttered a EDO. ot reeler.; It remelt; nevertheless, she did not
Naas evident that he had not seen leoe.ht he alb
Monism. • Another circumatanoe which an -
"He was aiding on the right of !toyed her greatly was the fact that
the baroucha," she obsereed. "The Sir Welter never made a MOTO for
Beavers and ebeit svord were in the the entertainment of his guests
carriage." Without first conaultIng her in a
"Indeed 1" said August, stoned groat deal. •
!what indifferently. "Balt as I ,Said, It was almost as if she were the
the !carriage w,a,i3 just turning into lady of the Towere, and no plan
the grolinds of Worthing Towers,
and I eras somewhat immersed in
my own thought. It has ooeuhred
to me," he aided, turning gravely td
Mr, King, "that elect?, yoa are here
to care, for the senorita, I am 00
looger needed, and think I would
like to return to Mexico."
"-eh! getteng tired of travelling,
Auguet ?" questioned Mir. King,
lightly, but with a suspicious glance.
"Well, it is not altogether that,
air, but X begianing to feel that
I would like to etrike out in be:O-
rtega for Myself," the young mart re-
"Tato! grdwittg avariolorse, teee,"
good-naturedly laughed the mil-
lionaire,. "If yoor .salary ise't
large enough, Why didn't you say
so before ? You've lootced cast tor
daughter to fine shape, and you
are a tiptop financier, while I don't
cotton muoh. to 'bookkeeping; so,
if you'll stay on wetle us, I'll mot
Mind doubling your salary."
"Tharik you', eta," said August,
flusbIng over los reckless disburse-
ment of Mollies's enoney. "but
thenk {will go back to America,
and it well be an ettay ma,tter ;or
you to find a trustworthy seore.
teary in view; of the generoas am-
ount 1611 are welling to pay for
+(helical eervices."
"Let him go, dad," whispered Inez,
Who beol egged close up behend her
fatleer'e portly form'. "Since ewe
are gulag to otay on this side ior
*lete mond, it well be better to reeve
a.olerk evao does not knoev tool
much about our pasta'
"Well," Rad atta Xing, wao darlog
tido walapered advice had appeared
be oonsideolng the subject, 'it will
have to be as you Saar. Suppose ;
but I'd like to fix up eome aecounts
teat I 'have brougbt over With inc
before you go. It *11 take a. eveek or
See I eepaon, to get everythlog Into
elleapa nes I want it,"
• "Vera Well, air," August returned,
necretly delighted, as he realized that
this opportunity evould glee m A
uhreeme oo fame], but get onesele Jor a breath of '11 " 1-taat becauee of hex, rejection 0
imagist into the maths affairs and. nothreehing
In righting "-°11 I 1114" fIcY W..arn/ Icmgd- 111im, he would revenge bimeelf up,
th- on her by eepeusing fOr Walter'11
ineeantee time nate be a great liciP
Later Mr. Kling brought aro A*0411 to go th now," 0.0%huhet eauee, and so reduce her to 41 bits
evening air," ellies explained.% B
•find- her. , •
rdier4Y added, "so ilo not tot me ter bondage, indeed, by eivearing
that else was already, the baeonet's
"ensotti'tety 140
There is uothing in the rilitrleet apereitebing
the county of
Make or thie ware, See that eours name ht on
the bettor° cif eaeh pail and tub,
Description of the Bath Club GymnagiuM
in 1.0)14011.
The Viscountess castiereagh is ceuaratee
ID tee 1,adyt eictoras. 0.5 one 01 the 41o.
tingulebed petrous and frequenters of tee
Bath club in Dover street, Londeit. Here
the elegance -of blugle.ncl disports itself,
Bright Emmeline ene the pleaeant music
of mauy voicee greeted our scribe, says the
Pictoral, as she enteree the pretty hall,
with its large bath, In which tee swina
mere were iudinging In those evolutions
Most to their indivittual tastes. 3'0J13 LIlO
lofty roof hum; large baeimta, et Oroeping
fermi tine the peens dependent from. tr!e
huiohed. remembering that Lady thir,
Lady Iteeitloiple Churchill WAS election-
eering in lenglaud at ono time in behalf
of air. Ashmead-Bartleth. One bold el-
ector whom she was tryiug to secure,
hinted. that if the ladies evoule imitate
the 'famous Duchess a Devonshire they
woule have no difficulty in securing
votes. The clueltese, in one memorable
canvass, gave a kiss for oath douletful
vote. Lady Churehill considered for a
Mt:anent and then said tlenutretye4"rhank
you, so much. I'll suggest that Olen, to
Lad Burdett-Coutte," The elector
balgonies were reflected in the c ea
water 13010w, through whose limpid depth%
the plate which an eager diver was juin
about to bring up from Ito watery restine
Place was as plainly to be seen as it it
were not sunk eke feet below elle ordinary
1Jpon the wane hong pictures and some
remarkably tine specimene et fish caught
by Mr. W, le. Grentell, tlte President ot
the elute At 0118 end. et the gallerY gym -
nestle Apparatus, temporarily neglected,
and fencing foes showed the variety ot
ercise enjoyed in'this home of sport,
comfortable setae afforded luxurious ro-
tas(' to the weary, a.ntl diving boards, at
various heights gave opportunity for the
cultivation of perhaps the most graceful
pentium in existence. In divers manners
were the slim figures in their neat dark.
blue costumes occupying themselves. Tbree
tall Meters were utaulgine in PriVate
competition ot their own; a Wend° expert,
whose becoming scarlet drees formed. au
effective touch of color, vras swinging tore
sell acroes the hail by means ot riago
• banging from the glass roof„ flaxen.
headed youngeter or waited- irapatientiv
hIs clesiree lesson. ,A, small group et friende
Were Amusing theraselvea with bar diving,
the bar being raised Weer each successful
attempt higher tad even higher, the lithe
figures taking the jump and the succeedhig
header in with neat- fashion that the Bertha
could net restrain hsr admiration.
4 •
ING1111111311 dragon's jaws drifted back from the mist"
iter•so "'They will nal owear to the fact,
Then Florente's cheeles would nevertheleme retorted bar cool -
burn lo the most exasperating plosion, in a warning tone.
manner, and a reeling of resent- "Tou aro over confident, Sir Wel-
Meet ond indignation arise within ter Leigbtone" ebe ehot back, with
lier arletle ohs told herself thet sbe eeernfui em.phaeln, "for air. Merrill
Sleeted be very glad whop thee visit bee himself told me that be knows
k to the centrary--tbat be would
owear to the fat."
'eYes, Ted bas rather a eonvenient
con scienoe, I admit," said the young
rears, in tlo indifferent terse. 'Ted io
and alwaye bag been, on the lookoot
for the intereste of member one, and
there inigh thaVe been cireursurtahees
under wheels, lie would have sworn be
. • b
dett-Coutts is over 80 years old.
4 • 40-
ThO Poisoned Spring. -ea in nae
tore, eo ia man, .polluting the spring arid
disease and west() are bound to tonow-the
storeach and nerves out of kilter Means
Pelson in the spring, South American Ner-
vine le great purifier, cures Indigestion,
Dyspeprea, and tones the nerves. The best
evidence of its etficacy le, take unsolicited
testimony et thousands cif cured ones. -70
$5,000 Rew.,,,d will be paid by
PI w Lever Brothers
Limited, Toronto, to any person who
Oen prove that ihie Soap contain*
any form of adulteration whateoever,
er Oentains any ineurioue chemicals,
• Britain's Readiness.
An Englishman says: "Lord Kiteliener
was sent to India for the especial pur-
pose of argeedzing bih army there, and
ton told by my ameen, who a gen-
eral, that Britain lute 60000 men ready
in Indie at a moment's notiee. In the
Chitral campaign 14 colturtanded a regi-
ment of Sikhs or Ghoorlms and told
inc they were the nominee% so far as
fighting 'wee cormerned, They are not
unlike the jape, but stockier.'
A" r fee the octagon 2
)4v.a.ws 1101INTEOBS RICE Wan
In Java, as in most really warm eau
tries, it is euetonotry to rise early an
to take eilp of tea er coffee, togethe
with a biscuit and some fruit, home-
dietely on leaving one's, hod. This is fol-
lowed by a more substantial, breakfast;
but tlie first teeny serious meal is eerve
at bait -past twelve o'clock, era is
tbe equivalent of the French "dejeuner
a In fourthette" or the Anglo-Islieri tif-
fin, This meal is called. rice table-"iy-
atafel"-from the principal dish, a very
eleborate curry, in the preparation of
welch the Malay copies are especially
The peculiarity of the rice table con,
seats in the number Deal Variety of
dishes presented, From these dithes the
guest has to select the materials which,
together with the rice upon the reap
plate before him, are to constitate his
curry. It is also es well to jertow be-
forehaud that, one is not rirea to
luneh solely on curry, but that the
rice Wile is aucceede4 • by courses of
ordinery luncheon • disbes, It is a case
therefore of "enrbarras 40 rielmess,"
The second danger is tat of making
up one's curry "not wisely, but too
well," and leaving! neither appetite nor
capacity for the leetifsteak or for any
of the other solid disbes which Base,
qhently appear, and vbich under es
coamestarices only 'produce a feeling of p
eniugled horror and consternation. It is °--ehe,-• --
then that one suddenly realizes tbat the
tice table is merely a sort of tremend- •
oes "hors d'oeuvre.
There am two dangers to be avoided.
In the first place it is quite possible, in
elate of the numbev of dishes present-
ed singly, to say noting of an octagonal
tray, containing a overate chutney in
eacb, of its nine compartments, to get
no luncli at all. Ivor mailing is easier
than, after saying "nein" to a succession
of frivolous eompounds to dismiss the
one solid and palatable dish capable of
sustaining ari Englisliman until dinner
Lininient Cures Colds, etc.
4 • •
One of the Chief Horrors of War,
At dabreak some red flecks from the
Then Jos. Boone Found Health
in Dodd's Kidney Pills.
waeseendecl and they were all. limo
in Londen ;where oho was eagerly,
looking forevord eta meeting Mr.
Oive eyetang, after a day of yacht -
lag, dinner 'being otereihe slipped,
oett of dodes, tee alc(ne !or u.
The 'day had been exceestvely
Marne and elle telt onusuallo wearyi year assert , but, jue
and efonselvehat impatient and Mee le papered. to take bite oath that lie
meted With the ceaselees round of woe one of tbe three witneesess to
He was Unable to Work /01, Semen
Tears Before Be 'Used the Great
Canadian Kidney Remedy.
I and dust through which he -woe 'writhing
forward. It looked, some man said, like
the procession of the damned who filed
past Dante in hell. Fetch- man had. a Ted
roll amend bitn. They uttered no sound
--they looked* not at one another, but
stared vacantly And mildly at us as they
shuffled silently from the mist and shuf-
fled silently en. Tho •expression of each
was eco like the expression of the rest
Cates Cove, Nfld., Dec. 20.-(Speciald that they, looked like brothers. A. more
-The days of miracles are past, but the eteepy, ghost-like thing I never saw'. I
cure of Joseph Boone, of this place, al- anew net what they were but they f as -
ciliated und Made me were,
and I
Moot ranks With the sensational cures
of the earlier ages. found myself drawing towards them,
Mr. Boone had 'been ailing for eight step by step, hardly conscious that I
yeare, seven of which lie was unable to \vas anoving. do not recall that any of
Npvaoirnks.from the effects of Backache and us uttered. a word. Yet were only
Kidney Complaint. He wes all aches and sick men coming back grOM tie° front -
soldiers sick with the kakka the "beri-
He was treated. by in
doctors, and beri," the sleeping saltness. It was bard
after seven months in the hospital was to believe that the face of any one
sent home as incurable. It was there them had ever belomeed to a soldier -
that reading of eures in the newspapers hard to believe that sickness could make
led hini to u.se Dodd's Kidney Pals. It a soldier's face so deal& That man in
took twenty-one boxes to cure him, but
to -day he is strong and well, and hard
at work lobster feeling.
People here have learned that if the
disease is of the Kidneys or from the
Kidneys Dodd's Kidney Pills will mire it,
gayety in which. oho had become line
She tmed around to one end a
the Towers, sod began slowly
Place, the glass walk whioh has pre-
viouelo been. deseribeel.
eate Might 'have been there 'five
ater marriage."
. Florence's heart stank, tor a mom -
n8 tale. Too well she reealled
her last interview with Addisea
Merrill and his pn,rting words to
leer -
He had sa .
miouteo when she temente conscious "Mark my -words, I Will make Yool
that acrive 0130 was touting to meet rile title day dm:about! as long AO
Von live. 1 know your neerree, oven
Ancitiver MO/tient, and atr Walter though Vole think you have 'guard -
:Mae beside beat i ea it so eacred/Y' that no one maPecte
o1 messed ylyit, peoreemeho he bee 1 It; you lova that haughty beggar,
glen, with le tender irttonatiose uPe Oaarol, but he Mien never win ;you.;
leather name teat made her exceed_ oend tor your ecorn of me I eivear
iogly uncomtortaale, wane lee reaoh- that you 011811 drag cut your life,
VI tiOleeir for her 'hand and drew et lea bondage se bitter that woo Vela
(cal/thin ille armee 'I hope you. are PraY tia t" in
And tide woe waft tha bad Meant
The Difference.
Hubert, aged S years, had been given a
dollar with which to purchase Christmas
gifts for his father aad mother. After
some Ilion he announced that he
should speed 75 cents tor his mother mid 25
cents for his father.
-"How Is that?" asked his father, in affect:
ed displezieure. "Why do you Spend three-
-fourtns of yeer looney for your 'znother and
butu one-fourth tor me"
"Because my mamma is a good deal snore
relation to me than you are."
"How de you make that out?"
"Well," repliea tee bey, "I am related to
innennia by bornatiOn, and to you Mat by
your being married to mamma. See?"-Wo-
reau's Home Companien.
huge pie of docuniente, ogetiter
'they began to look them toyer, and
thus for tho next few• daye A.ugust
mai `hoot very busy,
leteantiine Sir Walter ',eighteen was
atOing 1113 *utmost to entertain his
' • V Towers
gt ;._
lie bad hatted a number of the
inentrY of tem. uoighborliood to meet NaY, do mot repulse nee," he con- i woe of the enema eaaraeter ae thO
thon3 Mid t•LOY tOrItIOCI a tore' guY titular, pansionately, as elm eatetepte rest ter them. .
.e. cbarming little (waiting palate, arm; "volt aro all the world to we, ' not &wort her, even at
bad been e,bartered for +-110 *au", I iny darling -I cannot, will not, 1130 tbig seemingly desperate point,
4240 woe devoted to yaeaang. . lier band ineolun.te,rily
sad ruany of the bright, ex!rreet June evttleout tyon.; The one nine and de. and
e„,:recOf M'iy' life has been to eerie enee, ' went up to thot chain which elm
Other days were given to driving, end (Mang, You eureiy caenot hate had OD long worn around her neck
keep( you from your guests.
evif c.
"I op ;walling to tee kept, dear," I The faithleue Anna, elle did eat
returned the young Man, fondly; doubt, would not heeitate to per.
"aatai bawl come to matee ono east I Jure images for a proper consider-
aPhhal ehala 10a MY haPPiness• ! oaten; ae for Hayden, the
lacrenee dr-tre YOkirself to ello- otber wItneue, althougb she knew
enil be mtetress of Worthing Towers. notbing of lam, she preetunda that Ile
ea %to hettielittee her band frcea hhs Nevertlielees her courage did
Imensiled Soil
aroutal the toun toy, e ox
great we:Wring elitee, heated to la ar
them, arid other in tef eetitig
Keefe witile their eversinge were »oat
delightfully apent at the 'rowers
lea% heart to saY am tin -Ye Yoe3 lia.V0 tool 'van watch tbat pecu a g
e;een whiet 'have to offer you-, our,ee guarantied, while there was ass
alt tials fair elotiain, hotridsorile militant note; in her tonere, sbe
bank account, h. acattion whieli is eaeleemea
worthy of any WOInanse acceptance, 1 ',you connot prove it, all the
11:11 0
..1.‘ o
with ste
ott feed; I
with daily MIL, w die
from leredericeeburge Station, 0, t. vor
particulars, Aaaress Ames A. (nee°, chem.
LADirstal.wwg,stg, and 00
- toed 'Wake% Send tor
styles and cloth samples. Telle SOUTHCOTT
SUIT CO., Dept. II, Leaden, Can,
CO Rsurs 1,11,ewl'ct.,01
measure slips and 4p,.
instructions. Reli-
able Canvassing Agents wanted. Tule Coo -
SET SPECIALTY CO., Toronto, Ont.
tree trial of our voveroaning remedy:
relief quick and safe. Perla Chemical Co.,
Milwaukee. Wis. a
p nOrTrAIsan POSITIONS soma -to -I)
quickly; help supplied; gond etauteed
envelope tor engagement forms. Termite 1510-
A one He Bay, Toronto.
elm Tea shirt and thoee grey gliotts that
SO silently into another are the high proinising-looldner melodraine, with Allee.
shUffled, go silently out •of one mist and
lirehtn Itt the two most vivid pictures I've Chadwick as the villainess. The title
"Ver Love and:Millions." Mrs. Bad-
We publist simple, straight testhnow.
ials not KM ageots' interviews, from
77 King St. East, TORONTO,
Everything in Pure at lowest prices. Send
VCRS, We will pay highest New Yorit
prices for Mink, Shentli, ceeu, Vex, and all
titer Furze Sena for price list.
The Policeman and His Revolver,
In A recent case where e Brooklyn
policeman killed a little boy while shoot-
ing a fleeing.crimival mOtion to dis-
miss the eriintrial ebarge brought against
the policeman was denied by Supreme
Chart Juetice William J. Kelly in these
, weeds: "You want me to rule as a mat-
ter of lam that the officer was justi-
ifiethe A. pollee officer bas no more right
to drtharge a revolver m the streets
Ahem• you or 1 litiVe. Motion denied."
his lams/. disagree with the preconceived
well-known people. eh- • notion Of tolicemen generally that they
anyvebere, but whether it is good law ot
not it is good sense. A. policeman ought
C. C. RICHABDS & CO. not to be allowed. to use firearms or
other weapons Witless it is to protect
himself or the lives of others. -Duluth
- A Chadwick Drama. $100 REWARD, $100
From all over America they es y
the merits of MINARD'S iimmvinwr,
the best of Household Remedies4
have a rie t to shoot a gun at anybody
MrS. Chadwick is to be put upon' the
stage. . She has ,been dramatized, ard
with Anarew Carnegie and other well-
known people will be shown to New
York andieneee after Christmas. liev-
eral playwrights tried their bands, but
news aper man turned out the first
The readers ot this paper will he pleased to
learn that there is at 'eget one drended dis-
ease that science has been able to cure in
all its stagee, and that is Catarrh.. Hail's
Catarrh Cure is the only positive cure now
known to the medleal traterraty. Catarrh
being a constitutional disease, requires eon
stitutional treetment nail's Catarrh Cure
is taken Internally, acting directly upon the
blood and rareous Burnes of the syetent,
thereby destroy= the fnundation of the dis-
ease, and gime the patient strength by
building up the eceetitutien ano assisting
nature in doing ITA vrorlt. The proprietors
seen thus far. -From On the Dragons have se Innen faith in ite curative powere
Trail, ley John leow,. jun., in the January that they attar One Hundred Dollars for allY
Scribner's. case.that tails to ewe. Send or list of
13 wick, as the character will be cal e „
eareeted on a &age of forgery. She
escapes several times, but is often re-
arrested. What beem-nes of her fluidly
Mr. Niemeyer doesn't tell in his play.
She kills her lawyer and two or three
other people during the first three mete..
• '
Heart -Sick People. --Dr, Agnewel Cure
icor the Heart is a heart tonic that never.
Address v. e. calornor o co, Toledo, 0. itib
JAPAN'S "HUMAN HORSES.), ' sow in, all Inuggists, lee.
Minard'a Liniment Cures °argot in CONvii
shit • te. \Al are capable are Almost, in -
7 feats of which the Japanese rick--
. -
.AMerica iS Usually considered to be
A Bald -Headed Club.
ee: e WI. I remember some years ago the land of ecceetrie clubs, but 13elgium
ISeoletttrad in ashore in. it yacht in the fans to cure -is swot In its erfecte-goes Sketch. In Brussels n Bald-headed Club
ea during a typhoon. It was is trying to equal it, siva the London
existed, an foreigners were not allowed
re frora death's grip more sufferers teen any I is very strietly guarded. It is not sue
has beat founded, the entrance to whirl
ficient to have a bald patch on the tor
eft, crud, the treaty limits which then closer to the "border land" and snatches
ito travel utside those limits without other remedy tor any family if diseases and 1 of the head, or very thin hair; a man,
special passports. But the mayor ef the , ailments in the eatonotY ot human sufferings. to be admitted, must be absolutely and
nearest fishine village was knulness it- ' 01Yes 'Vella in. 30 minutes. --75 completely bald,
Take Hall's 1Paini17 Pills for eonetipation.
4- •
self. He .promisea to supply the best
could afford, so as to take us to a raie Jansen Sage thinks that smoking is a. When you think you have mired a
rickshawmen whieh the neighborhood
way station some forty miles away, And bad habit. "I overhead one day,' he cough or .cold, but find n dre,
His Wife's Retort.
he kept his word, for the distanee was hacking cosigh remains, there is
covered in less than six hours, including said, recently, "a conversation that de -
danger. Take
a, halt for refeeshments. hash hhh lighted me; It was a conversation be-
tween a young man and his wife. Ile ap- E1
shaW was drawn by two inen tandem peered to be a rather extraeagan--------
- Shiloh's
• wise, the usual fashion when. 'long dire lazy..
tames leave to be covered, The leaders tl ambitious. The ChrtalehtgaptifOrt.
cet). C
the whole distanee fellow, eibe appeared te be
impoverished soil, like impon. , eath vvent through nomical, industrious on
wife was trying to urge the huthand 1
ensiled blood, needs a pope
, elitinged half way. The roa4 •!vas over mmilielzeln the course o
fertilizer to use for different
products. , you wh t
/ allow the coolies to takeg f
1 their elothes, They
never a break in our pro rnese eiteept to
of f or pot on :, Nstmitottlit his pipe. "
hen. en,re .1. . , giye up eMOking till
1 arid financially he would be better off
oeutyeteov tin erewnt
lliteimthtwmneuntle!::::: xi::
1 Vela' she de -
fertilizer. A. chemist by anal z.
ing the a .1 u. Y a great part ef the distance little lwaat,s-
oi can te , 11 A MO '
"" raining most of the time, but the t "'SI $11°\vilig
tee tha untam track, aud 1 ea physically
if your iploocl. is impoverished. auedr ito oiarea, tif yogu wiii e(`.
nothing- but A. 10111010UP,
your doctor will tell you. what
wane the wheelers, se t° NvOrt to give up smoking. She was
pointiol The Lung
tearimeat prJvidcd by tbeir oWe tale heart that loves atat most dohohr enaomtede. arfoyfeciltnniptteritrietveihmereetlieree ttithign brill;
wetu nuulic, dancing, or eotaa enter. ,
oi arty nlothing of nt itle, fond a
Mora= Lad recovered almost Wine- "I'l!Y''' 14°rerilee-r lurence" tell Im° , With. wIlleb yoa reedded me? .Dee
inir tle Tils.00, atd, iii,011 buing quell- !relied thrown so imech ardor Ana ecjrNiboil;:ti-et lvehlwIngroriot It marked'?"
tdy trout her swoon 'after reach. taat 4:91t Wiiii bre MY wire."
chgeatt, WOOL 'lad P0•8840 then/ tao mtnesent that Ito Wets terrible'
-so --444.---------
ad be continued.)
east at the, entrotese to Sir Walter'o in earneet and endleati wretched.
areelatit, wee August Castaldi, weo, Teems Arnett() lolloW a refunal. Male And ltemnie Iluyets,
- alone, oho b,..i'a,v4 fl, 1,77d tlin teriVer 10 ' Atl rate aarao time, nhe WM 'bung. i (London Truth.)
pore teroklentity and iieip het to Want that ho hboald reflect} lit*:
milt, tater all that heel passed bee W11"4411 mu* w"="I will " In" 4 "81
Neitter Zkih. ;',I.z.t Ill' nor Florence tWiNin 01.0111: Mi the istadect. , establishmeet intent on epending A certain
Plig&ID /.ertOwtaise•,
had ireelt ban iiiiitiixtly, voseequently "I rknOW,, Walter, that I am UM. sum, igey, on an teepee of dress and •jli
ttsay flu' not tpeo-niso idm as the toed OAT YfAir* prop:001e, but t rentessively merutheze Leif a eaten things
yozog man wet, 1:47,1 i. oexii 3,1,,ri.nte 'thought that r lisel mole it dear bosidee whet she ettelnellY "renter end re -
Imo the! eig:it of tim bel limonite In to 7tokr 'Mat 1 Can rawer hemline tire ewithout buying any, n men will etrAY
*oar" i yoar wifa," mhe respemded coldly, " in Withent sny neat Nen of perelleati 1144
. PlimvPr p'¼1 lie woull ireitlinte andobotretbelvih arrMtolirettakmktebint4e ifvtirtinnueoefier4t.; IrWilld41"ettkInnerillarurc4btileala,1,4"orfwVAninsi`iwrit,074
thi oho.
te inquirleit in Worthing MA
eionth so to as helm, eh() eoefeeeee Maslow into ills tones the girl retelltbo priled earely over
those oat. of tem catnip:tuts of the hime for she believed for bar°11°V6 141°'
, eat I 11 be quite satisfied,"
georpt01,14gNevteheileir beyond the e;e tef Y
tiTO oeders strictly to LeveraY-Z(WLAZI)Disinfectit
you need to fertilize it and give , The fare paid for the 1 Powder is a boon to 11 ecah
any home. It dean,
administer (he.°1aw against nudity.
ney Was if remembe 'PelilhZdthi'enexr- acts sod camas at the same time.
it' the rich red. corpuscles that eaeh lei rightly, abolit • •
• s
three Shillings for Quite a Task Ahead of Him.
are lacking in it. it May be 3rou tra being it gratuity thrown in
for ood. service, I know that it pur- (Atlanta. Conetitutioe.)
at Orate• It will streugthen the
Image and stop the cough,
prices: S. o. Wexas & Co. Oa
25c 5Ce 81. LeRoy, N.Y.,Torouta. Can.
Mistake Made Somewhere.
Mogan Transcript.)
Mrs. 1(1114101(111410 (whose husbend haa told her
that the imavtment house vas the proper
thing- for her, on the principle of mince te
the sweete-Ilenry said an awfully nice thing
to me to-daY.
ragnondre.717:351IP_ (1,P1 rarlita
need EL tonic, but more likely you obasgea to many blessinge on my honer. "You know, dear," said die reeloos wife, plikeg feelme-flate'toittr-teny,13oomellOwttuat
need a concentrated fat food, Ole head at cannot be elate eallatisted. "4hignihidhYPeshvgrie°oret.nGxt40esb't "lint/ light' '1"er all*
le coolies started back,
• • oc•
g tole our towel's nt the I got to drink up the baliMee of that barrel
Ana isavin ni • •
and fat is the element lack ng railway station tl
in. your system. :lion or i
There is no fat o
fOd that is tfeeful Hints,
so easily digested mid assilni- it silver is wasbed. every week in warm
nia. the 11111181i eari be pleeerved for a leng "ot sale one, proudlY, "cared teem Cincin.
before the 1st or turataY Minted's Liniment Cates Distemper.
A/Linares Lin meat Cores Diphtheria.
Good Helmet for Rev)+,
(Cleveland Leaaer.)
They were braggiog about their tame
lated as suds ecintaining a teaspoonful of ammo- towns,
S tt EnilligiOn ae. enee„Yeu," assertea tee etlevelend man.
Indead,? theta "
- thrl1yeine Whe ig ha the habit noticing
CO enow pudding will fins MOM(' pine. "Yee. m just go0g
Ere a great addition t
oI Cod Liver
it. When the
low is ready, pour it into the
It will'nourish an'd t ream 1 ‘:::til sY0.°11 sh,rs moo,
is always the same; taw °31:451erl lit Pc1"let. 'ake tilleSSCI 43
palatabl it. Scott's tnalligion I 'ono ;)f the riiicee't ahafingelish m
ftli.1 to do
aye 0 o. r, s
o eona fo mould
undation, add
a religthell yenieelpingeahlenlilleitohilletellean the rest •of the
the body when milk mid e
butter, elm :
and always beneficial
f:Upfill Of rich nifile°0.11°Ur' Irna neftrlY
Meginfarra: iEsiezofitlanhittailesigdtgileetyettaeltieutilce(lar:iy4ettNeIN'illel:bianea.ttileilinse
"7 Calif° ikpatoti through.
he body is waist'
where t
; Season with salt and white pepper.
or adults. i iChieken broth made from the feet of
i fowls is no now thing in Frenoh Icitcliens.
W. will gondyou a 111,000 MN% ! Down in the neighborhood of Washing.
'i ton square you tan buy the feet, but a
Be Imre that thin pio• , good cupful of broth may be made of the
time in the forlie Of a feet of a pair of fowls purchased for
label is on the wrapper ratatinee
of every bottle of Flmul.
MITT & INN Because he pulled a chair from under
Practical joke Costs it Wife.
don you buy.
ial in the Chicago Tribune. Floy R. Au-
her at the moment the Was about to sit
thrall 1113013 it, says a MUMMA City epee-
T6'1411100 dereon yeeterday need Martin IL Ander-
rrOc. and $1.01.
son for divorce. Mile alleges that alit
Draggisoo bit the flan so hard that it roman&
Ty diaabled ker.
Still of the Salim Mind.
(1314t11110in Anterkan.)
"Metning, air,"
"Morning. What ran I do fee you?"
•"You told me, sir, when you hired Me
menthe age tor 310 a week that na soon 3.31 1
showed signs of imprevemeut y•tt 13e1314 ralue
lent Is r °1033. slr."
"Good morningt sir."
"Geed mernite
A $i3OOO STOCK ID,400rit
The cover of title hook le 5 bleattifel live idea Whim 311013,3.331
chore, met is entirely free from itdvertising. The beak Cantfli.".4 1f:1,
ow "-
p., gIveli laitory) emeriptione And Aripslit•ts nt t110 va41thi3 1.3,33
of horns, eetee, hap, •licePs WM! °alive bigeycU111c. Aitiem 40
thelvl,1 SOO AM, farmer or stockman melees,. We wid
ta.til abaulute1y tree, postage prepaid. writ" is* 14.
day and itnewer the renewing qucstions
est. Where did you read tees I,
2a8. How many head et cattle have yen?
STOeit 100D CO
TerOttie, Can.
. Otte Ccnu
lithrweetienel torte Yoe/ ee erente. trek Slarea, Oaf Alm ?Pm?, 1C04.
dentienteit: I enelo:e 08 let 1110 (1 latemetionel Stork rood,' I remvel some thos tee en Wet
ite4 it if 10, s1444 tstr auto...ace neelts en feeding 31 10 ease it teetotal:06i eeeeee.
leette trait* :JAIL siliame
Internritional Stock rood.
IlerlileCterfoNAL ft Mit Men 104 iclontilie evettelnel Nerve's iest. et et
•• seashores
•111 *Mkt, MI- ,ii;r1 fa 10041C tglantgii, nea.
s ear gratin lair lert
•414:1=17terhurrain tIVIVVITIA4r/CRI Morsi iiiira=7143,17esgaii
mai otaA your *Oleo