HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1905-01-05, Page 31
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(AWAY, JANUARY X 3, 1905.
took Taking,
Coats and Over -
be moved out
regardless of cost.
`stews Items
-By a vote of over 121,000 majority,
the State of Minnesota has directed
the Estate. Legislature to abolish grand
jury in the Stat". The reason of so
large a vote le said to be that the
grand jury system le a farce.
-It was announced during Novcrn-
ber that the Salvation Army would
endeavor during the coining season to
secure a supply of domestic servants
for .I.�anada. The utmost care, it was
stated, would be exercised in selecting
those to be sent from Great Britain..
-The Canadian Pacific Railway
(Company disposed of 28,082 acres of
lance in Western Canada during No-
vember for a total sum of $101,848, or
an average of about $1,50 per acre.
During the first ten months of the
present calendar year the Canadian
Northwest Land Company disposed of
38,250 acres for $256,000, an average of
about $0.50 per acre.
-Acting under tho new assessment
act the Brantford assessors have this
NO. 1.-9 only Men's Short Overcoats, sizes 36 to 44 chest ; soino light year raised the assessment of the Bell
and soino dark tweed effects, regular prices $7.00, 8.00, 10.00, 12,00 Telephone Co., m Brantford, from $3, -
each -Bargain Price $6.00 000 to $28,000, valuing the property
NO. 2.-22 only Men's Dress and Heavy Overcoats, Raglan and Ches- not as "scrap" as in previous years,
to .Held styles, sizes 35 to 48 chest, these olkcoats are right up to but on the basis of its worth to a co2n-
date but the sizes being broken they .rust belisoved out regardless petive company in the event of its dis-
of cost, regular price $10.00, 12.50, 9.50, 8.50 -Bargain Price 6.60 posit" The Bell Company do not like
v'+NO. 3•-11 only Youths' Raglan Overcoats (velvet collar) sizes 31 to 35 the increase, and will fight it in the
chest, regular price $0,75 and 7.50 -Bargain Price 5.00 court of revision.
'No. only Boys' Overcoats, Raglan and Chesterfield styles, sizes
22 to 30 chest, regular prices $5.00 and 6.00 -Bargain Price 4,00
NO. 5.-27 only Men's Tweed Suits, this season's styles, sizes 355 to 44
chest, regular price $7.50, 8.00, 9.00 -Bargain Price 0.00
NO. 6.--12 only Men's Black Worsted Serge Suits, heavy cloth, hest
tailor -Stuck: (double breasted coats) sizes 36 to 44 chest, regular price
$10.50 and 12.50 -Bargain Sale 7.50
NO. 7.-14 pairs Men's Tweed Pants, sizes 31 t6 40 waist, regular price
$1,25, 1.40 -Bargain Sale 1.00
NO. 8.-50 pairs Men's Heavy and Medium Tweed Pants, sizes 31 to 46
waist, regular price $2.50 and 3.00 -Bargain Sale 2.00
NO. 9.-8 only Men's Pea Jackets, storm collar, sizes 36 to 44 chest,
regular price $4.50 and 5.00 -Bargain Sale 3.25
NO. 10.-17 only Boys' Double-breasted Reefers, navy blue nap cloth,
storm collars, sizes 22 to 28, regular price $3.Q0 and 3.25 -Bargain2.00
Big Bargains in Fleece -lined and All -wool Underwear, Wool Top Shirts,
eaters, etc.
Special Notice of Fug Sale.
We have nine choice Mess's Fur.; Ooats left -Black Calf, Bul-
garian Lamb, Brown, Calf, Cg6n and geiiihire Bishop Coats, which
must be sold at a Bargain Price f Cash.
Persian Lamb Caps, Nutria Caps, Fur Collars, Imitation and
Fur Mitts, also at Bargain Prices.
One large, Fur -lined Overcoat at a Bargain.
Boots, Shoes and Rubbers at Bargain Prices.
The R. H. Crowder Co.
Not A
Game 8i
When you come to trade with us
yon take no chances with your
mouey. Bank deposits are not safer
than our guarantee to you of good
Value or Money back.
To know what real solid Cloth-
ing Value is -buy Hornuth Bros'.
Snits and Overcoats -We are skew-
ing some beautiful effects, made in
latest style and best workmanship,
at $16, $18 np to $25.
Xmas. Gifts:
In Neckties we have all the now
colorings and styles in Puffs, Derb e
y ,
Flowing -Ends, Bows, Strings, etc.
Really the fiuest assortment ever
shown in the connty at 250, 50e
and 750.
Be sure yon have; one of our
warms nlnfllers.-Materials of Wool
also Silk. -Theme are the greatest
Value we have ever offered at 85c,
500, 750, $1.00 and $1.25.
In Gloves we have a very fine
dssortmont to tidied from --these are
good fitter, -Best Maser's and all
sixes $1.00, $1.25 and $1.75.
Hats, Caps, Etc.
Hate, Caps, Underclothing, Sas-
ponders, Handkerchiefs, Armlets,
Colored Shirts, White Shirts, t , Cnffs ,
Collars, Hosiery -and in feet every-
thing in Gouts' Wear. -We fnVite
you before buying elsewhere, to call
and have a look at any rate, and no
doubt von will go away from this
store '1iVELL pleased.
Uomuth Br:1
Lowest rates consistent with
absolute security. Alt claims
promptly settled
Abner Cosens
Why go out of Town for an
Auctioneer, when your wants can
be supplied at home.
Cook's Cotton Root Compound:
Ladies* 'favorite,
Ts the only safe, reliable
regulator on which woman
can depend. "in the ,Hoon
and time of need."
Prepared In two degrees of
Strength. No. 1 and No, 2.
No. 1. -For ordinary cases
is by far the best dollar
medicine known.
No, 2-p cases -10
For apeclal ens -i gr
Stronger -three dollars per bor.
1'.adies-ask your druggist for Cook'u
Cotton Root Compound. Take no other
as 511 pills, mixtures and Imitations are
dangerous. No. 1 and No. 2 are sold and
recommended by all druggists in the Dos
(minion of Canada. Mailed to any addresil
on receipt of rice and four 2 -cent postage
fitan%ps. 0 .puOlc Windiniosyy' Ont.
Sold in Wingham by A. L McColl & Co.,
A. L. Hamilton, W. Molitbbon-Druggists
Anyone sending a sketch and description may
quickly ascertain our opinion free whether an
Invention is probablypDatentahl ommunlca-
ttonestrictly cone amulet. Mau BOOK on Patents
sent free. Oldest agency foreecnring_patents.
Patents taken through Munn .d7 Co. receive
special notice, withoutobarge, in the
ScIentifIC Rmertran.
A handsomely Illustrated weekly,. Largest err.
ciliation of any tct®ntIOu iournal. Torras• *3 a
tart fourmonthe,SL Solldbrall newadealYera.
IUNfe MCn 01 �t.. Wath Ne n, B. C. k
--Four carloads of oil have been
shipped from the gusher of Leaming-
ton, which was struck two weeks ago.
A. six-inch stream is now spurting up
73 feet in the air. As soon as possible
the stream will be placed under con-
trol, and from all indications the
gusher is practically inexhaustible.
Seventy-five barrels a day is not bad,
remarked one of the owners of the
-The amount of sugar beets unload-
ed thus far this year at the Berlin
Sugar Factory exceeds last year by
2,000 tons. Last year the amount was
28 thousand tons, and so the total
will be 33,000 tons. Last year the out-
put of granulated sugar was 7,000,000
pounds. This year, with the increas-
ed crop of beets, the output will be
near 9,000,000 pounds. Farmers are
now making ariangelnents for next
year's acreage, and prospects are that
it will be much greater than last
-W. J. Shibley, of Belleville bogus
ballot box fame, who decamped when
the investigation into the alleged elec-
tion irregularities began, is in Boston,
Mass. This information is conveyed
in a deed of assignment for the benefit
of his creditors, fyled with the county
court clerk of Fronteuac. The deed
was executed in Boston on December
11. The estate is not expected to pay
one cent on the dollar. The liabilities
are between $8,000 and $7,000, and the
assets, a team of horses and a few im-
plements and a house, mortgaged to
full value.
-Recent agricultural inventions in-
cluded a mowing machine, a grain
separator, a motor tractor, a cultiva-
tor, a cheese cutter and a fruit sorter.
A process is patented for the manufac-
ture of inilk powder, which consists of
mixing ' with the milk a sufficient
quantity of milk salts to render the
albumen soluble, such as 1 per ceittt of
nitrate of calcium and phospilssapor-
potassium. The milk is then e add
ated, and noncrystalline sngar �r
ed in a proportion of about 1 to 2 pct
cent. of the weight of the milk. in or-
der to prevent decomposition.
-The following case occupied the
attention of the recent Comity Court
held at Goderich :-Burton v. Locke -
ridge -an action on a promissory note;
and Burton v. Campbell -an action to
recover moneys amounting to $1,604,
arose out of the same circumstances.
A. B. McDonald, Brussels, for the
plaintiff in both actions and R. Van -
stone, Wingham, for the defendants.
The Lockeridge brothers (Wm. and
John) borrowed $1000
ton on a promissory note, which bears
the name of Miss Campbell as endor-
ser. The Lockeridge brothers failed
in - their business as woollen millers
and Miss Campbell denies having
signed the note, hence the actions.
Miss Campbell it appears had certain
money belonging to the plaintiff, Jas.
Barton of Brussels. Judgment re-
Hugh McKinnon, who underwent
an operation a short time ago, is re-
ported improving.
Mr. and Mrs, 'Win. Pry and Master
George of Wingham are spending the
week at Mrs. Fry's former home.
Alex. Watson has moved into the
house on Dan. McKenzie's farm, for-
merly occupied by Archie Kennedy.
A. II. Musgrove, principal of Wing.
ham P. S., and family, 1. " Christmas
dinner with Mrs. Mitsgr1sve s mother,
Mrs. Wm, Simpson.
John McKinnon, who 24 or 25" years
ago left this line and moved to Mehl -
gen, has been for the past week visit-
ing friends and former acquaintances
about here.
4 ..
PP ..LY SEUUREQ is Your Breath Bad.
Wr to or cur interesting books "Invent -
Med Help" and " How you are swindled."
• (lend us s ninth sketch or medal of your in-
vention oriniprovetnent end wewill ten you
free our opinion es to whether it is probably
patentable, Rejeded appllcetlondhave often
been aucceeafuily prosecuted by W. We
conduct fully equipped offices in Montreal
Sand Washington ; thio gnalidea ns to prompt.
as braid its theinvention. Hgat
ly dispatch vrork and quickly secure f attr-
furnished. I
stent+ pattered tkreugh Marlon & 'hitt'
rlon teed,'shoaled ndtioa without rant a in
overreo nearapluper1 distributed throughout
the,. fl,•tnittio1 _.
Spacet ratent bnstnese of etanuree-
tercrs and F,ngtneert,
Pstont Ett SPta and Salloltbt1.
W,laat r A7,:ttla Llie !k'FA' ,
Rev, Irl Hicks' .Almanac contains a
full outline of the weather furecitets,
prepared some months before the old
year ended. We condense them, for
the benefit of our readers :
By the 4th changes to wanner will
ba the order in western. parts, and rairl
and snow will visit wide extremes,
reaching°north and south, as the gen-
eral storm conditions advance east-
wardly to the Atlantic about the 4th
to Oth, Northwesterly winds and
much colder will set in. behind the
storm areas to the west and north and
push the west side of storms to the
Atlantic. •
The second storm period includes
the 0th to 13th, being central on the
11th. Decided change to warmer,
winds shifting to southerly and falling
barometer, will appear to the west-
ward abort the 10th. During the llth,
12th and 13th rains will visit southern
and central states, turning to snow in
the north and as storms retch sections
east of the Mississippi river. On the
llth, winter lightning and thunder
aro likely toward the south. Bliz-
zardous conditions and very cold will
appear with the rising barometer out
of the northwest progressively behind
these storms.
Tho third storm period is central on
the 16th, 17th and 18th, and is almost
sure to bring in a spell of threatening,
stormy weather that will run into the
storm period following. Hence, we
shall consider it in connection with,
and as a part • of the fourth storm
period (regular). This period is cen-
tral on tate 22nd. extending from the
20th to the 25th, The causes disturb-
ing this period are the regular Vulcan
influence, the Mercury equinox central
on the same day with the Vulcan
period, with full moon on the 21st, in
perigree on the 23rd, and on the equa-
tor on the 25th. In all reasonable
probability this period will bring the
worst storms and weather of the
month. Tho barometer will fall phe-
nomenally low, generally, the rains
will turn to destructive sleet over vast
regions, and the culmination of the
period will bring dangerous blizzards
out of the northwest, attended by ris-
ing barometer and extreme cold wave.
Let nothing divert your attention
from the possibilities of this period,
and the very great cold to follow.
This is one of the times when severe
cold will penetrate far into the south
and east.
The fifth storm period (reactionary)
is central on the 28th and 29th. Look
for cloudy, stormy, blizzardous wea-
ther about the 28th and 29th, the gen-
eral cold will relax, the barometer fall
and renewed storms of rain and snow
return to most parts. The month
promises to go out with high barome-
ter and clearing, cold weather prevail-
ing in most parts. Those who have
studied our works know that the
worst sleet storms, blizzards and cold
waves, as a rule, come at the culmina-
tion of the Mercury equinoxes in win-
ter. Hence, be prepared for at least
one such general visitation during the
Mercury period -17th to 29th, Take
no hazardous risks for yourself or
your livestock.
Delicate Boys and 'girls.
Are altogether too =porous. Our
,schools are fall of them. Chances are
our own children areeakliugs. It's -
-ift'-shame so many children grow up
without health when they could be
made strong by I!'errozone, the best .
tonic growing boys and girls can take.
Ferrozone invigorates the whole body,
helps digestion, makes the blood pure
and rich. It supplies more nou2.lsh-
meht than children can get in any
other way and soon establishes a re-
serve of force and energy. Give your
children Ferrozone and watch them
grow strong. Price 50c per box.
13ad breath is one of the early symp-
toms, of catarrh which should be
eheeked at once and not allowed to
run into consumption, The surest
cure is fragrant healing Catarrhozone
which tures catarrh by removing its
Cause. No case is too chronic --even
the most stubborn yiekt in a short
time to the balsamic vapor of Catarrh-
ozone. It makes cures that last, for
once cured by Catarrhozone you stay
rnred, t'atatrhozoue i8 pleasant. con-
venient and safe to use, relieves almost
instantly and is gutuanteed to euro
every type of catarrh, bronchitis And
asthma. Use only Catarrhozone, coat-
ouppiste outfit $1.00 I sample laze 5rsc,
Noi'icis.-I have arranged with the
Dominion Bank to manage may busi-
ness and all owing me on Notes or
Mortgages can pay principal or interest
at any time. After falling due, rem-
ember you need not pay until you are
requested to do so by me. •I thank
all those who have done business with
me, and wish yon every prosperity.
is Canada's Greatest School of Business, Short-
hand and Penmanship. 375 students were
placed in good positions in 12 months, 1901, at
salaries averaging over $690 per annum. Ask
for the list. Seventeen of the last positions
filled pay the following salaries: Three at
$535. five at $600. ono at $700, five at $720 ono
at $1000 and two at $1200. Ilas any other busi-
ness school in Canada given you such evi-
dence of its ability to trate you and place you
when qualified. Wo pay rallWay faro up to
$8 in coming. Good board $2.75 for gentleman
and $2.50 for ladies. College reopened for win-
ter term on Jam, 3. but students may enter at
any time. Write for handsome catalogue.
D. MoL CRLAN 1tc CO..
• Chatham, Ont.
to a young Dian or woman
lea course ie the
Three Courses- Gemmel -01M, Shorthand
i h t
and Typewriting, and Telegraphy. g p. y
may enter any time. College re -opens Jan.
3rd, 1905. Send for Journal.
A. 1... MciNTVRf, Mgr,
The only .'stented Polish in the World.
No Dust, No Dirt, NoSmoke, No Snie11.
Contains no benzine or other explosives.
MING makes more polish and lasts
Longer that% any other.
out by the combful? A
Losing your hair? Coming
doing nothing? No sense in
that! Why don't you use
Ayer's Hair Vigor and
ilair Vigor
▪ promptly stop the falling?
- Your hair will begin to grow,
too, and all dandruff will dis-
- appear. Could you reason-
ably expect anything better?
- "A er's flair Visor is a ,iro.t success with
ire. y lads wasfalling out very badly, but .
the Hair Vigor stopped it and now my Marla
▪ all right." -W. O. Loasnox, Lindsay, Cal.
51.00 a bottle.. s, 0. A4lR 00„
All druggists. a�r Lowell, Mass.
=Thin Hair
l 1 i 1 1 1 i -l•3..1-1-1-1•4•414
:7: HAPPY 1905
and 125 Souvenirs of Wing:
ham and other articles, the
• choice of one piece will be
given to each purchaser of
$1.00 or upwards.
We have a dandy
stock of
Fine Gold Gem Rings
Chains Lockets
7. Silverware and Novelties
▪ in great variety.
These goods make the
very best kind of Xmas.
presents, and we're sell- j.
ing them at close prices.
• Call and examine.
--Ila1se Park
++++++++++'1"I4-I-I»I I•
Wingham Machine
General Repair Shop
Is now re opened, and I have secured
the service of a man of over 20 years
experience in all lines of mill and
farm machinery, also bicycles, guns,
sewing machines, clothes wringers,
lawn mowers,umbrellas saws ummed.
and filed, keysy ade toordergscissors
and hair clippers sharpened, etc, A
trial solicited.
Canadian Order Woodmen of
The World.
Bold their regular meetings every 2n0 and
4th Friday each month, in Oddfollows'
Hall Ail visitors welcome.
11, ltf {xw>;2,T„ C. C. It. H. CROWnan , Clerk
Suits, Overcoats
Our Suits are of the
newest materials at the lowest
possible prices,
Overcoatinls that make
up the most beautiful Coats
that fans could desire, at
prices ringing from 'zoo
to $2o.00. •
Pantings, the very thing
you are looking for,
Robt. Maxwell
Sigh ht Tailor ' itlghtm
Isard's The L
Talk of the
We're going to make our Alteration Sale the
talk of the town for the next couple of nlontloi. To
get rid. of a Big Stock in half the usual time means
big selling --and our way of creating large sales is to
go right after the prices.
We- start in among the Furs, and offer Ladies" Fur
Coats, Men's Fur Coats, Caperines, Fur Caps, Ruffs, Muffs,
Gauntlets -at
Wholesale Price.
This is a grand opportunity to secure a. real good Fur Coat at
a great Saving. We handle only the best makes of Furs.
Ladies', Misses' and Children's Cloth Coats to clear -at
Cost Prices.
TWO THOUSAND DOLLARS' worth of Men's, Youths'
and Boys' Ready -to -put-on CLOTHING in the Basement at
WHOLESALE PRICE, It will pay yon to drive Twenty-five
miles to buy clothing here during this GREAT SALE.
The Clothing positively must be sold out, as the end will
be torn out of the building in order to extend the store back,.
so we must get the Basement cleared out and ready for the
builders. This is your chance to make great savings on
Men's Overcoats, Boys' Overcoats, Men's Suits, Boys' Suits,
Men's Reefers, Boys' Reefers, Men's Pants, Boys' long and
short Pants, Men's Overalls, Men's Smocks -all to go at
A Few Robes To Clear Out At Cost Price.
No room to quote prices here. Please come and see
goods and prices together and we will satisfy you in every
Buy your Carpets, Oilcloths and Linoleums NOW - and
see what money we can save you during our ALTERA-
This is a money -making Sale for our customers and
a Stock Reduction Sale for us.
Dress Goods, Silks and Trimmings, Knitted Goods,
Gents' Furnishings, Hats and Caps, BC'ots and Shoes -
At Cost Price.
Terms of Sale -Cash or Trade.
1 /1
Too Much Furniture
We are going to reduce our stock. Now for Special
Prices until the end of the year on Parlor Suites; Couches,
Bedroom Suites, Sideboards, Extension Tables, Mattresses,
Fancy Rockers and odd pieces.
It will Pay you to come and see for yourself.
Walker Bros. & Button
`.eMG�71inttl:at!'ad`.3v51, 7.� rl - � ,'-.. - •. � +r r::F?;7•� a,,,;r.:-..`s'•"�S-i �ua''a:`c,.aL�LS�$si��':.
Weekly Mali and Ethpire's
HE MAiL AND EMPIRE has secured as a premium
for its subscribers a number of the most useful and
instructive World Atlases that have ever been offered
on such reasonable conditions. In fact, it may safely be said
that at no time has any Canadian publication made such a
generous proposition to its readers,
The production is by the Rand -McNally Co., and contains,
besides a large map of the world (Mercator projection), a map
of the Dominion, Province of Ontario, and separate maps of
the Maritime Provinces, Quebec, Manitoba and the North-
West, and British Columbia. Besides these there are large and
detailed reproductions of all the great countries in the world in
map form. The edition has been specially prepared for the
benefit of Canadian readers.
It is absolutely " up-to-date."
has obtained the exclusive right for this Atlas in Canada. The
large maps dre 22 x 14 inches in size, and printed on gine
calendcrcd paper. Regular price SO cents. FREE to reacers
under the following conditions: -
Nes/ and old subscribers may secure ono copy of the Atlas on
ordering DIVE' YEAR'S subscription, payable in advance, mailed to
any address in Canada, Great Britain or United States for m.o.
leen EAMPI S 0." PAVER AND rumen PARTICl/LABS Weird To f
' r�iretul ort Oe )c rtment, ,,�,ww��
,. tNIn C »l,.;ia'L1ne,, . TORONTO.
The Advance and Weekly Mail and Umpire
for one year for $4.7s.