HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1905-01-05, Page 211144. 044.4 only of the many lines can be Ut honed here. Such as—LADIES' ASTRACHAN COATS and CAPES, COLLARETTES, CAPERINES, RUFFS, BOAS, MUFFS, etc, A large assortment of LADIES' CLOTH JACKETS mast he cleared out at your price, to make room for other goads. Ladies' heavy. teem lined HOSIERY. Puritan brand. A special line of dark and light FLANNELETTES. Lace and Damask CURTAINS. DARK PRINTS. TWEEDS, Ready-to-wear SUITS -odd sizes. Men's and Boys' high collar, double-breasted REEF- ERS. BOYS' SUITS. MEN'S ODD PANTS. MEN'S TWEED OVERCOATS, usual price $10 to $12, now $5 to $C. COLORED DRESS GOODS 25c for 22c. A nice line heavy MELTONS, always sold at 30c for 25c. CARPETS AA epecis1 heavy JUTE CARPET to be sold at 15e, usual 20e, Hit and Mist TAPESTRY CARPET weaves, splen- did value -25e. A better line nice colors and patterns for Mc and marry other lines equally good value. Linoleum* from one yard wide to four yards wide, me goods you can save from 10 to 35 per cent, on. rt IN to your pocket we appear, as money well litlwnt is a source of pleasure to all. Call and fres the*e goody and get prices. 4141411614141 T. A. MILLS iif�iiifiifiifiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiif iiiifiif iiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiitiitiliiiiiiiiiii3 WWVleeee4WW WSW WWi4��N N H�LN a ieW ght central rip. Desperate ported in more than districts, and the peasantry are dying of starvation by scores. If the drain continues much longer they will die by thousands. There is pite- ous distress even in Moscow. Black bread has risen twenty per cent. in price. Rioting is feared and the troops are kept on the alert. The priee of bread has trebled at Tver and quintu- pled at Uglitch. The unceasing de- mands of the government and the cor- ruption of the tax collectors are driv- ing the people to madness. Ivfany have been killed rind wounded by the soldiers in suppressing organized food riots. " THOU ART THE MAN." (Toronto Telegratn.) The strength of Rev. D. C. Hossack's indictment of Hon. G. W. Ross is in its truth, A Presbyterian minister who is Liberal in his sympathies has been forced to write as Mr. Hossack writes. Hundreds of Presbyterian laymen, who are Liberal in their sympathies, will be forced to vote as Mr: Ilossack is going to vote. Rev. 1). C. Hossack's letter is impor- tant, not because its author is a Pres- byterian, a Liberal or a clergyman, but because it is strong and true. The poor, feeble, timid, offlco-hold- ing spirit of Hon. G. W. Moss has been the undoing of the party which he blighted with his leadership. It is high time that Liberals who are Liberals for conscience sake should be represented by a voice each as tlt;tt of v. 0, Ilossack, which says " Thou att the man," to lion. G. W. Ross in the tones of an Old Testament prophet. ng. The wiping out of monopolies creat - b the Ross Government. The • • ; • sal of pulp wood conces- sions by public etition. Redress for the`wwon •: • the mi- ners of New Ontario. Branding of prison made good; 'Ns such. License law strictly and impartially enforced. ELECTION FRAUDS. Those who want to hide the election iniquities of the Ross Govenment and Gbit apologists generally, when eorn- ered, exclaim ---"These frauds have dis- graced the records of both parties equally and alike." An anxious public would like so be informed, says the Toronto News, what part Mr. Whitney or any of his friends or supporters had in the West Eigin frauds, or the Minnie M. expedi- tion, or any of the other election scan- dals which have characterized Ontario politics. Tho election courts do not support the Liberal contention. Gov- ernment overnment supporters in North Perth, North Norfolk and Sault Ste. Marie were unseated for fraud and corrup- tion, the last case being one of the worst in Catladian history. A protest against the new Minister of Crown Lands was shut off by dissolving the Legislature. On the other side, the petitions against Opposition members in Muskoka and Centre ilruee were dismissed, and Major Clark was cotn- plimented by the judges on the fair- ness and honesty of his election meth- ods. It is simply dishonest to lay the burden of responsibility for election frauds on the shoulders of the Opposi- tion. The Government and its friends are responsible for all of them and the remedy is to defeat the Giovern- ment. If similar crimes are commit- ted by or on behalf of the new Govern- ment, apply the remedy again. Farmers' Notes • t- • nted. Drafts sold on all points in Can- ada, the United States and Europe. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. Interest allowed on deposits of $1.00 and npWYa ds, and added to principal 30th Juno Rua stet December each. year. D. T. RNP.BURN, Manager Panstone, Solicitor A FAMOUS SCHOOL CENTRAL STRATFORD. ONT. Young Man, Young woman there is abundant reom for you in the higher and more responsible positions -of lite. YOU ARE NEEDED. (Get a business or shorthand training and march up wards. Enter our school this month if possible. Write for free catalogue, Eattorr do Metevcntex, Principals The Popular ingham Coal and Wood Yard We are sole agents in town and guarantee every delivery to be person who has used it and hear it. We are confident it will give isfaction if given a trial. You will reasonable, and delivery prompt. Farmers wishing to load and wi e 25 cts. per ton rebate. for the Scranton Coal, O. K. Just ask any what they say about you the best of sat - always find our prices draw their own Coal NO ' OR TI -IE WOOD. No. 1—Best Body Hardwcw�h No. 2—Hardwood. from SrYta er Cord No. 8—Hardwood and Ash, mum ,0 per (turd $2 2 75 50 No. 4—Ash and Elm, mixed, per Cor fiord 225 No. 5—Slabs and Soft Timber, per Cord ... �. " 2 00 Rough wood, chunks. etc., for furnaces and x.revee per Cd 2 00 (Nos. 1. and 2 are cnt frt,ns green timbe,r.)` Our terms for Coal and Wood are strictly cash.. J. A. McL,13ANe (jj0Grocery Storo, +++,444..xN�N,.. �H�N�N�N�N�..�N�.. �N�.. �N�N�1. �•.��.�N�.•��.�..�..�N�N�1•�N�f CROCKERY and CHINA, FLOUR and PEED, of all kinds, Caah for Butter and 1gge. Phone 61. W. F. VanStCn e •j. .. •_• ._. •• ._. •• ._. y� Subscribe or The Ad atic tits% vex "dear •