The Wingham Advance, 1904-12-29, Page 6Have you heard of the
New Century Ball Bear-
ing 'Washing Mae/line?
u you 5180 it °ACC y0t1 would ring this
in on all your friends. It is the none of
perfcctioa-you tit when wive- it -no
hardline of the clothes neces,ary to
clea12 them perfeetly-fivo minutes does
tubful. Coets duly 12.10.
Vette stealer can procure them. We
send a descriptive boeklet o11 appIl.
cation, THE DOWSWIll urn. en. 1.70.
4/1-1:41 lief 414A -1A 4-etnavitb
,entinif„ Vieg•s/e41449-.flSnIez d/eiv
c4/,2t-a»'... emet, et .4
4,471, elea,
The Unlinown
4 ••••••••.•
Thee he led the boy on up for eeYeral days longer, but with
to talk of himself, and adroitly no satiefactery result • then Air.
lirees from him, little by lit-
tle, the wiiole &tory of his life,
sesefa,r aei he knew, it, aud. of his res-
cue from an untimely end by his be-
loved (benefactor and the man's face
grew fieuellailly hard end creel as he
Finally he.inquired, as if with sud-
den tight:
"Are you fond of horses, my boy ?"
"Yen, sir; I like them almost bet-
ter than ineythin,g" said eamie,
naively and enthusheetically.
"Well, then, I have iseese 'very fine
ones that I'd Lke to allow, you while
the tido is going out," Sir Walter ob-
'served, persuasively. "I live not far
from here -just a pleasant walk from
this; up yonder on the bill."
"Ds that your plat*, sir?" ques-
tioned Jamie, looking astonished.
"Uncle Caerol told me that it be-
longs to a baron by the name of
Page, who has gonelabroad. I reckon
he did not know you'd got Sleek until tlrnt tlio tflree or u penny of them. lou perceive, .,
he saw you yestaftlay. But It's a • soon slip by, and then he would that- my instincts governed me aright
beng-up place. isn't It? I've been once more have the delight of meet -
in ansisting upon coming to Brighton
all around it, but I've often svished ing the fair girl whom he had learn- just at this time; WO /shall have a
I could get inelde the grounds." ed to love with tbe one love of his
"Well, then, come on now, asieL I life, and who, he fondly believed, re., fine chance to watch the proceedings
sponded to his affection. , at Worthing' ilowers. I wish, though,
* • that we could have seen them with -
Upon their arrival at Worthing out their seeing us, for zloty, they
Towers the Beavers found Sir Wal- will lie somewhat upon their guard."
ter at the station awaiting them, Mr. King and his daughter had
'with an elegant ba.rouelie drawn by been in Brighton only two or three
a fine pair of gro,,ys in. silver -mount- daee-he having jellied her eome
ed harness, and with a driver and weeke previous, when Inez had in -
footman in livery. sisted upon coming for the eel° pur-
He himeelf rode a splendid cob. pees of being near the Towers and
from which he dieanounted tbe mo- Sir Walter, who, she knew, was go-
ment the train stopped, when giv- Ing to be at tome most of the slim-
ing his horse into 'the care of his mar,
groom, he sprang forw,ard with she had not, however, dreamed of
warm words of welcome for his lite having the Seaver party there as
friends. guests, and Ude ueexpected meeting
After seeing them comfortably with them had been a terrible gbock
seated in the carriage he remoutted, to her, for it plainly indicated that
out to her lovely bits tif scenery on in iter efforts to win bine she would.
and, riding beside Florence, pointed
the way, and related legends and haws far more to contend, with than
scraps of history comseeted with he had anticipatee.
* * *
the places they passed.
Their route was mostly up hill, and ' "Ileavens! Monica, you .look as if
their progeess was, therefore, not. you etad aeen a .-gbest I" Florence ex -
vary rapid, but the day was per- claimed, as soon as their carriage
fact, the country charming, and, ilaa.
_ passed the ono containing Qa,r1
'l his d 1 shter "and those
long etanding„ eve be saye bas•
env,va of her ali 111,1i
"It In a. Ile thunderel Me. "It Is eel a cunning tint, zuv
girl, met I can Si‘e thrOugli frone
logianing to end. The hussy, after
eseapite,e from Pe..Flint„ probably ran
aerosa them, eivers„ told her Airy,
and wormel lisreelt Onto their .cuidle
donee and Sir. iWalter'4 They are
probably all in league to make- 0,
'Ili to- got her money ease,
and izas fine young baronet has
doubtless flattered around you 011
this timo with tho bow et getting '
point; out of you to help her Muse
along; It le all OM War daelieht
to me. She was probable under the
protection of these people whoa I saw
her on R(reent atieet, in London. Gad 1
but I'd lam to got rnY eye 00 that
Fellow who knocked nes down that'
dae-I'd Aoon the man
"If what you say of Sir Waiter.
IS true, and it is wilinit. X have snepeet-
ed WW1% I Velieve 1 could etill him "
In fTreral mining counties of Venn -
Inez hissed between her locked teeth.
"Ana ebey imeg au. leave their pares sylvaem the local, inethorities are et -
very cleverly," B1111 added, "only I tempting to secure legislation that will
wondered why they did not fasten the expense of paupers and cries -
pounce upon me in Rome, eseeeiellY inals upon the coal companies which
after the attempt to abduct Mon- brought them to the neighborhood. In
tea, ; but X ireagine they were wait- both the anthracite and the soft -coal n-
ine; for you to Pin me. 'Yet, there glens there are many assaults, robberies
and murders, for which the county treas.
are some very mysterious features
about the whole affair -some thing8 tales have to pay. The majority of the
I fail to understand. inmates of the county hospitals poor -
asserted, with a sullen air ; "but We from tile mines. The legislation proposed
PolleeS are injured or diachargedi men
"It is all a -plot," Mrs King again
know where the girl is now, and by is to require the corporatron which
-- 1 I'll nip their seheinee in the brings the num to the county to give
bud. Can't you ace that this baronet surety for him in somewhat like manner
• 0v0,0
There is nothing, in the nuirket approaohing
the qaality ot
Make a this ware. See that EDDY'S aftMe le On
tbe bottom a each pail and tub.
Paupers in the Xining Region. r A CURIOUS INSCRIPTION,
Picked. Hp by a -ran Man When la a
Scottish Kirk 'Yard.
Mr. R. T. .Aitkin, when in Scotland
hist almoner, copied from a tombstone
itt Lilliesleaf Kirk yard an interesting
inscription. It reads:
Stop, traveller, as you go by,
once had life and breath,
But falling from a steeple high
I swiftly passed through
Take you example byeny fate,
And be by me advised,
Repent before it is too late
Lost you be so surprised.
Connection with the inscription is an
interesting story. James Hunter, a
wright or carpenter, a young man of 28,
on October 17th, 1803, was engaged with
two other workmen in repairing a very
high steeple on a jeaburgh church. A
bar was to be placed in a hole near the
top of the steeple. Hunter vointeered
to make the ascent and reaching the top
he trembled for a moment and called
down, "Which hole?" "He's going to
fall," one workman said to the other.
"He sees two boles and there is only
one." The words were scarcely said
when Hunter released his grip and fell
crashing to the ground. --Galt Reporter.
• 4 •
is playing a deep game? Mon ca 1
Carrel, feeling thet he had done all told him that she, le the real, heiress,
that was possible, returned to Lon- and he is going to do his utmoet
don and gadly renewed his duties, to reinstate her, whoa lie will marry
but feeling armost as if he had been her; but, failing to get her meney
bereft of a w -ell -beloved son. back, he Will probably do you. the
It hemmed that the very day ef honor to offer to make you Lade'
ins return Was the date set for the Leighton, and so get possession of
Seavee party to go to Worthing your millions. He's trying to keep
Towers 10 pay Sir Walter Leigh- two strings to his bow." ,
ton their proznised seat, axed he A deneerous light blazed In his
found a note from Mr. Seaver daughter's eyes a.t these sug,ges-
awaiting him and telling him that . tions, then a low, wicked laugh broke
he had caned and was sorry to find from her Ilya .
him away, but that he and his eWe will beat him a•t both games,
fairillY would Ire In London again ' dad," she said, mockingly; "We will
som,e three or four weeks later, snare Monica, in the tint • place;
when they would bope to see him. then, if he wants to make me Lodi
Ile mentioned that they were going Taeighton, we will let him. I confess I
Into the couptry, to pay a visit, /should. like to queen it over thee
but did not sa„y where or upon magnificent estate up yonder; but,
whom. i aps for the millions, he will find time
Mr. Carrot was greatly disappoint- he will only shine by refleeteelp light,
ed to ha,ve missed them, but com- for tile)? shall be settled upon me go
forted himself with the thought
- Id that he cannot handle so .much as a
svill show you all you want to see.
By tbe 'time you get tired of looking
around the tide will be out, and you
°An then get your fish," said the
man, In a cordial tone.
"ilhank you, sir -you are very
good l" cried jamie, springing to his
feet with alaorlty, and only too
eager to apeept the tempting Invita-
tion. 1 1 *
Efis companion turned back upon
the path over which he had recently
come, a aistier light gleaming in his
eyes, although he beguiled his victim
along the way with alluring deserip-
tiong of the place to seltiob they, were
About 7 o'clock Mr. Carrot arose,
and, messing Jamie, went out upon
the beagle in search of him:
He wee not 'surprised at his ab-
sence, for it was 'the rule, rather
then the exception, for the boy to
awake and go' abroad at the "peep
Usually, however, he coald be found being in the beet of spuns, the
in the vicinity ref Reed Cotta,ge, and peeple looked," see added, "as if they
• pace mattered little, to anyone.
they generally took their morning • They had almoet reaehed the top weuld Ilke to blot you off the face
"dir" together ; but to -day, aa he 1 of the hill, teed would won ratrn , Of the earth. Dyou itnosv who they
failed to put in an appearance, Mi. • into Sir Walter's magni.leent es-
Caerel took bis beth alone, then re- i tate, when the sound o. a earriage
turned, to the house, and had finislied ! approaching„ from the eppotite di -
his toilet just as the breakfast, bell . reetton attracted their attention.
rang. . Mrs. Seaver and elonica, oceupi el
Still Jamie waiS absent, and be in- the, back seat, the, latter eittleg
quired of various members of tbe upon the left of the former. Mr.
family if they had, seen bim ; but no Seaver and Florence were on the
one had observed him about that 1 front eeat, Florence facIng *Mrs.
morning; and las flailing taokle Seaver; thus, Sir Walter, riding on
undisturbed, in the shed adjoining that side, coula look etraight into
the hottee, although his basket was the face of the beautiful gerl he
missing. loved, -while he talked with her.
But even this unusual absence at Nearer and tearer approaohed the
meal time occas:oned no one any un-
easiness ; Mr, Carrot laughingly ob-
earved that "the sea was bath inea.t
and drink to the boy,” and he would
not think of breakfast while revels
Ing in tbe delicious salt air.
But when 9 o'clock came, and the
lad. was still away, Mr. Carrot began
to be a. trifle disturbed.
Other carriage, until it came .op -
posits our party, when a etartled
cry from Monlea„ as sae spasmodi-
cally clutchel the arm of Mrs. Sia -
ver, and a shrill exclamation, fol-
lowed by an angry oath from the
ocupants 0: the o.her vehiels, came
ed 4everyotie to turn towards the
He weat out again upon the beace. A violent khack co,uesed a hot Shish
and proceeded to tee spot where they to mount to Sir Walter's brow, as
had spent several hours the day be- he instantly recognized Inez King,
fore; but there were no evidences to and Saw, Sitting beside her,, a, !coarse,
show that the lad had been there, burly man, whoni he rightly conjec-
and, after atrelling about for a threat to be her father. „
w,hile, he returned home, hoping to The eyes of both were fastened' with
find him there before -him.
But te vva,s disappeinted in this,
for the child had rot been eeen.
Beginning to feel somewhat impa-
tient now, ae well as anxious -for Involuntarily Sir Walter lilted Ills of tow matters stood, a,nd of many
;fate% had been forbidaen to wander hat; but hie solution was not re- things that had hitherto perplexed
aloue out of reght of the cottage- turned, for those two had eyes for lain regarding Monica. and her
the gentleman walked over to the no other than the victim who had strange resemblance to her cousin.
village and made inquiries there at escaped their power; then, the car- He begaz to underetand, too, that
She various Teams they had been in riage:s passed, and, at a signal fi•oni etrange occurrence in the grounds rot
the habit of frequenting-. the baronet, the driver whipped up tho palaee, on the .ilight of the bal
His searce was fruitless, leassever; inaeque, and the motive that had
he:, horses and the party went rolling
and 110w, teormighly alarmed, he rapidly on toward the Towers, in prompted the attempted abduction of
hired a conveyance and drove miles
edeng the beach and over the eoun- sipit•e of the fact that Mr. King au- Floeences
thoritatively called after them to ees Inez Ring and her father ‘vere
try, seeking the. bey le every three- stop! usurpers of this girl's fortune, and
tion. 's . •
"No, no, father, they will not were hunting her dawn ; that Was
- free wecle erten:ow) was spent, in stop," Inez hastily observed, as she wey they had been se agitated, and
the( same v;ay, and svith the'same re-
eult ; and ye en o Olt shut flown and laid a restraining hand upon hie had ;cried out to them to otop,
precluded the p.aseelity of furtive. arm, for he was reaching out to Ile WAS interrupted in these reliefs -
open the door of their own carriag-e. tionsby Florence, w1.0 turned to him,
enarce, Mr. Camel was in despair
and thoroughly' worn out with his -"Ge one' fihe added, impariouely, to and mid: ,
the driver, who had mistimed that "You bowed to those people, Sir
bard day's werk. .,
Nevertheless, he d:d not sleets the order wee given to him, and, was 'Walter ; do you know thein ?
s' in the ,et of checking his steetle. :
wink tereughout the night, and was"I met MIES Ring recently in Rome
"There .'' she continued, ber brilliant -
oppressed IvAli the fear that tiv., e ,_, I have never seen her faller be-
au, dark with wrath, "what do YOu fore" he replied, but flushing olight-
Mae which Jamie had so loved, had '
cruelly devoured him, and he had ea_ 1.y be' neat! lior clear glance.
iliii.k, now. -wale she not Monica?"
B Heaven I yes ; and that emend .
thus lest les little friend fotever. "Oh, if August Were only here, he
The next morriing broke gray and 1°ak ulx" Ilet faCe betraTed a thluilts" ! would be sueli a Lein:" Bested Mon-.
towering, but the Man wag up an returned eir. King. "•Who was that . fere "I cannot understand why he
„,, woman beside her ?"
Feson as it was light, 1 dets not reply to my lettere." ,
remembsred that 1119 oliallenLei!ilT111071 "Mrs. le:aver and her husband flat *lacy were just turning Into the
directed the by to a certain grasp einieolte Monica, Tilmt was Sir Wal- 'rosin& of Worthing Towere as she
of rooks to ferl etarfirsh, he gee
extred the services of a man and it
11001.E Gad made direetly Tor the ipth,
or kour,k, Cie 11,1j \was in, lin s they
reseed out 10 the rostra Us:irking
that, era -Ably, if Jennie had 1y -en
there, th ey might tied mine trate
of ln".in.
'.1711ey made a eireult of •the reef,
and, as they pulled round to ilie
'west eile, a mien or agony baret
from ,:lfr. Carrot an lie celisil the
Lat o.? hs teote,ge evelgett b itssiefer
two of the roeke, while a Milo far-
ther on th 'y 'found las basket.
They 5,1144iiiccled in facuring thee
dad then vet n 5 ashore to wait for
tho V.41. to r, (Th., :or toils men felt
SUM, XOW 11 at ralie't tieCCI.Alt-rt fall,
eerhep salted liapeenf d to hen, ten-
dering, him iineemeioue and help-
lesg, and tint; h , had fallen 0 piay
tto the. leinery Wail.lioi.
Slit UV y !mesa ziollelle move fife
ter the tete went oaf, azel 'Monet'
the Is Anal iel sr et till: day was i le ii t
In laisteel. re the f i ors, fee far oat nil
praetleald s, tie? Met with nothing
ter tleow ale' bele. Igoe the late of
the tat. It S% 1- shun:slit that the is -
vette!' lasoirenss awl Ontgoinis tlee
1 al teal,' 1-'- -: is ereel elei ter reit
to eta land b.,„youtl their reach :for-
ever. erica ; end althoUgh his personal ae- * hotel,: ill ila! 1,1,&,q*.
4. re be tolititiarai
Neve: tie lees. tit ' eCtrtill• "MTh k. et etualtstanee with her ii emit of 1,ery .
in baneful look upon the face of Mon-
ica, who sat, pale as snow, and rigid
as a, statue, gazing at them with .
• frightened stare He began to have a little Inkling
"les -my ceusins, Inez and her fa-
tlier," elneca gasped, a ehiver shak-
ing ner from bead to foot.
' "Wnat 1 net teceas dreadful Kings
who helve robbed you of your inher-
itance ?" cried lier cousin, aghast.
"Yes; and, cEs! I am afraid of
them ! D.d yett see how, full of hate
tito,r lacee were ?" faltered the still
trembling girl,
"Indeed 1 did -they made ere think
of a couple of Lend.," Florence re-
turned; thee sho raided, soothingly:
• But do not be ,troubled, dear; Uncle
Reheat w 1. ase that no harm befalls
"Of course I will," said the law-
yer, cheerily ; "and, what is eel -ter
01.11, I am seed, ,to enow, that the foe
ia se tear. Well, well 1 Go those are
the two aocomplished robbers who
have done you out of your frtouno 1
Well, doubtless they well try to
hearce you out, and that will give
me a chews to fire my flrst gun -
whine, I have been loading up ever
fence I landed in London.
Sir Walter had been glancing from
one face to another during the above
conversation, a puzzled eXpression on
les own countenance.
to the bonds required from foreign
steamship companies. -New Nark World.
• •
But Dodd's Kidney Pills Dave Him
a New Lease of Life.
Geo. Robertson Had glieun.atism and
leropsy-Had to be Tapped -Does-
n't Know What 15 35 to be Sick Now
Montreal, Que., Dec. 19. -(Speciale -
Mr. George Robertson, a well-known citi-
zen living at 302 et. James street, Mont-
real, is one of the many people in this
city who are never without Dodd's Kid-
ney Pills in the house. Like all the oth-
ers, Mr. Robertson has his reasons for
this and is always ready to give them.
"I was a total wreck before I started
to use Dodd's Kidney Pills," Mr. Robert-
son says. "I haft been troubled with
rheumatism and eeopsy for five years.
bad to be tapped to relieve rae of the
pain. My arms and legs were terribly
"I had just begun. to. get down -hearted
when a friend induced me to try DodcPs
Kidney Pills. Before I had used the
second box I felt better. Seven boxes
cured Inc so completely that now I don't
know what it is to be sick."
Winter excursion tickets now on sale by
Lehigh Valley Railroad
and its connections via Washington or New
York. to Florida, Virginia, Carolinas, Geor-
gia, Nassau, Havana, Cuba, and all winter
resorts in Florida and the South. Connecting
lines, Atlantic Coast Line ,Seaboard Air Line,
Southern Railway. For rates of fare, maps,
time tables, ilustrated literature, etc., call
on or address
ROBT. S. LEWIS, Canadian Passenger Agent,
10 Xing Street East, TOROTNO, ONT.
4 4 •
An Alphabetical Tale..
s. Adkins in Houston Chronicle.)
A man who hailed from over C's
Desired a place to raise some B's,
And as this chap was rather Y's
He searched about with all his I's.
He searched around for many days
Unlike some rash and hasty S's;
From wiser folks he took his Q's
And fouild a farm that he eould
Ere long he bought a flock of hens,
To help him out to gain his N's.
With practiced folks he always G's,
Attempts to raise no spice nor T's, •
But sturdy stuff he always grows
And thus he pays for all he O's,
He's money made on beans and P's,
And thus attained a life of E's.
Royal Spice
keeps live stock in perfect condition,
prevents stomach and bowel troubles'
cuts down the feed bills. 'Used by
hun Ireds of farmers and stockmen alt
over this continent.
Write for testimonials and free literature
ter Leighton on the 0014" Inez ex- spww, tuid vie words were mem:1y
pia ined. i uttered when a two -wheeled dog
But there wag a, fourth one in the cart, ontainin tsvo men dashed by
c 14'. ,
carriage, who was she ?" demandedI thorns
Lor father, . ) almost with the oeed, of the
"I did not notiee, I was so intent 1 WIllittiontly, the ocetiptints were amt-
upon identifying Monica; possible silo ,i item either to overtake someone In
wae a -maid," the girl returned.
She had not had time to take la 1. advance of ti:cm, or clse on their
, , 1 tainteneither innerel up at the harouche
d way tii- MIAOW a train, for ,
every face as .t.he carriage,/ poneee,
and, besidese 1 lorence wore a epot- i -1112th,,y Itassoa,
tel late veil which sorn.:Villat colitnal- i ..sionmt mot „no thartim .otthee
ed her features.
"Bid. you obeerve Sir Walter?" Inez ii e,t; kthe lace .argi rigor() neareet her
in that deying vehicle, threw. Gulf
bemired it moment later, witi) brim. i
leg eyes: and elieelos. I her hand, ,0,11 a geeture of agonie-
"Not espeeally 1 likr3 (Yen, I WftS 'tool 'i.lift ftliTsia/o Olen till ngailiCit Mrsi
intent isLver, in a dead faitit,
Oirei VIES. $1 beei the eliaP Wile hau I The moment Kr Walter tompree
beer. fooling nrouni you all theee heeded M1,,4 1tlJ tenditiont, he °eller.,
months?" eh:serve:I King, with n x'111 1110 t;oncillille to get hone, wait
frown, 1 all 111,1,31.42 eeniel, and In Lee; th
Inee nodded, She. wae too enraged ton ni..nitce the carriage drew ne
to speak, l'oefora the when the otill
"Whern on oftrell cotila lin have runii unwonv.i!".:,,an wee talon effect-
aerose elenieft ?" her father reenneel, ly hP
er ena
is ne Veo
ed, after it moment.
. entee) ;were rue 'It..,..tei to rad.or her.
let Mee hoe elm releeiteet :•elea, 1i , efettni!mie, th • ifeing etiersart went
Lave adroit's,' lineetioned hini about,' on :1,.4 men', ix:In.:tide.' till ninr3
iCer SOVOral thiliii, nail im hasi alwayey: eliertly lifter, :ellen 1.14. iitt.!: Witt;
e5eeietr11 nal she 14. 11 'Wee rloji.imto ': fa:» 1eritto-1, MAI 11,P' All tircii•o Ir.*,
rtiellardS011-:1 Witrd eil the flearrire, I 11r.ey to leielitrei eel 4111p is bo-
wler were old frieede or 1,to 1., „*”,.. 'fore the etleier, io 3' o7 the 014? lg.,
Bald -Headed Men Want Many Hair Cuts.
The secretive, taciturn barber was fin-
ally induced to talk. He remarked:
have noticed one peculiarity ,ebout my
customers that I could. never quite ex-
plain. The less hair it man has the more
attention he pays to it.
"There's a real estate agent who comes
in here nearly every week for a hair out,
and if I shaved him clean from the back
of his collar to his forehead you'd never
know that I'd touched him. He's got a
short, light colored fringe that plays
around under the rim of his hat, like the
soft, fluffy fringe you see on those
shawls the women wear over their shoul-
ders, but you'd think, to hear him, that
he could braid it and do it up in coils.
Wants 2120 to be particular and trim it
close on the neck and around no ears.
I humor him, of course. take a hand-
ful of somebody else's hair and sprinkle
it on the cloth I put on him, and then I
snip the air gently for ten or fifteen
minutes and make a great ado when I
whisk him off.
"And when be leaves the chair and
says he mustn't let it grow so long again
I say it was pretty long. I hope the
Lord will forgive me. Nine out of every
ten of the bald heads are that way, but
men who've got plenty of hair Will keep
away from here until they look like the
edeee of an old-fashioned hayloft. It's,
curious, and, as I said, I never could
account for it." -Providence Journal.
A Curious Custom.
A curious custom has lust been celebrated
at lain, near Moscow. 'An the marriageable
girls in tho town lined up in the principal
Street, deeked out in their Pimple finery,
many of them also having with them the
stock of linen, hotteehold and personal, which
forms part of their dowry'. The Young mon
eontemplating inatritnonythen walked down
the serried ranke of beauty as they moved
toward the church and sele-tail the girls
of their choice. A tormel visit to the imr-
elite to arrange details WII5 tI1011 Made in
caeli ease and a date fixed for the core-
I was cured of it bad case of Grip by
Sydney, C. B. C. L LAGUE.
I was mired of loss of voice by MIN-
Yarmouth. CHAS. nummER.
I was cured of sciatica rheumatism by
Burin, Nfld. LEWIS S. BUTLER. •
**Widow's bootItlim 1-41.
al waya be tined fur (N.Iliiren Teetelnz, Ls
months the child, mole 114 t win4
collo and le the 1331"p.a. 1,113411.II•A.
There are very few cleans-
ing operations in which Sunlight
Soap cannot be used to .advant,
age, It makes the home bright
and clean.iD
Woad Sands.
There is it flat strip of lend less than
a inn() bong On the southwestern coast of
Norway which has long been notorious
for the number of shipwrecks which oc-
cur there each year. There moms to
be nothing the shape of the coast, no
dangerous rocks no mysterious currents
-in thort, nothing to acientrit for the fa-
t ittes to vessels which, occur there,
Quite recently a scientist has retina that
the sand along this strip of land 18
strongly niagnetio owing to the admix -
tufo of magnetic iron ore. At a dis-
trine° of three miles from the shore the
ship's compass showed a deviation of a
whole degree from its true position. The
cause for the frequency' of shipwrecks is
most obvious ie. the light Of this disco.
Worry wont cure a 'tough. When
you find a cough holding on
when. everything else has failed -
Cure ThoLung
It is guaranteed to cure. If it
doesn't, we'll refund your money,
Prices: S. C. Veneta &Co. 504
25o. 50c. $1. LoRoy,N.Y.,Toronto;Can.
Dancing Bears.
Sailors visiting the island of Ley-
san, in the Hawaiian group, are great-
ly amused by the curious antics of the
Laysan albatross, or gony. These birds
sometimes perform, in pairs, a. kind of
dance, or, as the. sailors call it, "cake -
walls." The albatrosses approach each
other, nodding- and making profound
bows, cross their bills, produce snapping
and greening sounds, rise on their toes,
puff out their breasts, and finally part
with more nodding and bowing, only to
come together again and repeat the per-
formane Occasionally thew engage at
once in this singular amusement.
Rheumatism will sucoumb to South
American Rheumatic Cure because it goes
right to tho seat of the trouble and removes
the cause. Many eo-called cures but deaden
pain temporarily only, to have it return again
with doubled violence. Not so with thls great
remedy. It eradicates from the aystem the
lasteuman vesetnir-7041. the disease and its cures are
Animals and Fire.
Most animals ale afraid of fire and
will fly from it in terror. To others
there is a fascination about a flame and
they will walk into it, even though thr-
tured by the heat. A horse in a burning
stable goes mad with fear, but a dog is
as cool in a fire as at any time. Ife
keeps his nose down to the floor, where
the air is purest, and sets himself calm-
ly to finding his way out . Cats in fires.
howl piteously. They hide their faces
from the light and crouch in corners.
leehen their rescuer lifts them they are,
as a rule, quite docile and subdued; never
biting or scratching. Birds seem to be
hypnotized by fire and keep perfectly
still; 'even the loquacious parrot in ft, fire
has nothing to say. Cows, like dogs, do
not show alarm. They are easy to lead
forth and often find their -way aout them-
• • •
Minard's Liniment Cures Distemper.
* •
Pictures of Mrs. Chadwick.
(Portland Oregon.)
Judging train her publiehed photographs,
Mrs. Chadwiek is a handsoine, yoUng brun-
ette, with an ugly face and flaxen hair. She
seems to be about 19 Years of ago, and has
the appearanee of a woman of GO. Her face
Is fresh and youthful, crow's feet giving her a
look of old age. She is tall and graceful
with a dumpy, shapeless figere. Her male
is winsome and reminds one of a grinning
deitth's head,
• 0
Miaard's Liniment.Cures Colds, e:c.
• •
Neglected Opportunities.
(tlerr York Herald.)
First Sireart Set -Why, 1004 is nearly
gone, and I haven't been Married Onco this
Second tiro. Elmore See -I don't think
have either -and leap year, tool
Seine fellows can borrow your money
and inake you thitik they are doing yot
a fawn.
W, • mod
to sell
Kettle and Steamer
Needed by every family. Three sizes. lions
and 5130015 in nepr.rate eompartments. $TP11114
• =MARIAM. Cover loele: v:ith Wit handle
for draining. enee ireful and NINA coolier
made. 1151t12Vae11
ll'I.. Freight paid en
ordere. Illustrated etre:Oars. WO Oquirk.
Tentleren, 1/1500., Tem% Ont.
Kept at the Heels of a Probable Winner,
But Was Left at the Finigh.
A prominent radIng man tells the, folloiving
story on himself:
His jockey fell ill on.the eve of an import-
ant race and left him ivithout a rider for the
horse which he had enterell for the event. IR
looking about for a substitute he decided that
his stable boy, who was-Tiloroughly familiar
with Spitfire's ways, would fill the bill very
aheirrx.c'eN,Pot'N'avtl:You use Arizona as o. pacer; he is a won-
imust be careful," he warned
der and will lead the track; follow him
closely until just before the flnish-don't
pass him under any circumstances until you
get within a EGG, lengths of the line; then
let Spitfire out for ail you're worth."
The capitalist paused in his recital and
turned his cigar meditatively in his fingers,
"Well, did he osayeyour instructions?"
"to the letter.
He kept just.behind Arizona until they wore
almost at the finish line, and then he spurt-
ed ahead in great shape; but, unfortunately,
there were foer horses ahead of Arizona."
-Harper's Weelely.
• 0
Lifebuoy Soape-disinfectent-is strongly
recommended by the Medical profession as
e safeguard against infectious diseases. es
Driving Long Distance ,to a Dance.
"People out West think nothing of a
drive of thirty or forty miles a- day,"
said J. W. Llewellyn, of Seattle, Wash,
"I was born on a stock ranch of about
2,000 acres, twenty-eight miles north of
Seattle, and we used to drive in to the
city for mail and other things, We
thought nothing of driving thirty miles
to a dance, enjoying ourselves until 3 ot,
3 o'clock in the morning, and then driv-
ing home again, and we did not seem
to be as tired as people do nowadays
when they dance till 12 o'clock, and then
ride.home a short distance in a .hack.
"I remember one experience I had in
particular. I started out one night to
attend ft dance forty miles uway. 1 had
gone about half -way when I had an ac-
cident and my rig broke down. After
a delay of over an hour I Managed to
fix it up so that it would stand a good
journey and resumed my trip.
'"By the time I reached the ball the
dance was over, butUs my surprise T
found a young woman 'sitting there On
the front steps. Iler esort had beecnne
'sore' at her, as she said, and hra gone
home with another girl, and she was
waiting for daylight in hopes some one
would come 'done and she could aet
ride leerle. Well, I setisiet particulni.
when I reached. home, So 1 took her in
inv buggy and theme seventy milem mit
of my way to take her home,"-Mil-
wankee Sentinel,
f machine knitting at home: good puy;
everything found, VOI' fIlIl particulars, ad.
dress liox $0. Oralle. Ont.
invited to Write tee Star Llfe Assur-
ance Society (London, 1Cng.), Toronto, for
latest plans and terms: women insured at
same rates 5,, num, previous experience
not essential; liberal terms,
money for mon. Will IA), regular salary
for one hour's home worn daily. No canvass-
ing, 1Viust 'write pisinly. A.ddress liox '140,
IF" Co Ett A%
Cheese and butter plant, with or withont
building. Can remove it. In geed order, Sell
all or part. Cheap. Snap. Box 6, Oakville,
.1. and silent Meat nage; all Makes of
melee repaired. C. Wilson & Sea, Limited,
Toronto, Canada,
1.-1i OR SALE, A PEED anisT
,L' nox county, near Napanee; water power,
with steam as auxiliary; 3 run, etone; two
on feed; preralees twenty acres; dwelling and
outbuildings; church, school and postottice.
with daily mail, within 60 rods; one mile
from Frederichsburgh Station, G. T. It, rot*
particulars, address James A, Qlose, Chem.
hers P. O., Ont. '
YAl"Il Af %PIP rtn4-qril -Chas. 0.
Prown, Journalist, of Dumth, Minn., writes:
.e/ hive been tt sufferer from ehroat and
r.leasal Catarrh for over 20 years, during
which time my head hes been stopped up
1 and my dominion truly miserable. Within 16
minutes after tieing Dr. Agnew's Catarrhal
Powder / Obtained relief. Three bottles have
almost, if not entirely, eitred me" 50c,-70
l3artiflg the poor.
Thous= iiltiilci
ty and
itsubus spending for
Christmes g oftelook to
the advert tionvsptrers
for hinte as to what to buy and where
to boy it, 'The num who makes or sells
any artiele suitable for a Chrietinas gift,
and who fnik to advertise it, thereby
est ablisliment tuid expect customers to
the benefie4 of the holiday rush. He
might lie bar the mein door of his
ruts blinee_lf fr44,01pitrticiplition
eome in through the window.
Minard's Liii msnt Cures Diphtheria.
Thug far Pettish V&A India Ms
not diserimivaiva in favor of E12/41i1u
eeiete A German trade paper explains
Iltie by nyieg that ii.41in recognize*
the import:nee 1,2 other European tame
trite: 114 buyers. Germany aToite bonglit
1,!,10.1.401,0no suf fis1i1hi product 5 in 902,
though Ole Pupated Lot $17,000,000 to
that enituiry in the same year. It SC
loppene that; almost all of Om !Mien
everts eater (leruittuy free of claty.
A $39000 ST CK BOOK
no cover of this 110014 18 A beautiful live Meek picture printed Metz
comrs, void in entirely fsee from advertising, Vile heck (109 810) 101,
paps, 81.7(4 histhry, a•r,c,r11410/14 And ceorevings ef II:0 VIGIOueildsds
of horses, 08110, 1.0,, since, cons, celvist plgtie numb. y, ,AlsoiLe
UltereisriATle VtTrIlliNATIV DtPARTtlrlt4T
that win save any farmer or stGanIAR RION_ py. *III.
50111 0)15? 1j1C1illy Iv 2, tioitage erepild. Watt ne to.
day Lid aix.:Wer levr.ALtencs'lonsi
1St. ANhetei did yeti teat tide ?
21111. !IOW Melly head of tattle have yeti?
14411aiNATiosAL sTuelc, rOOD 30
11U:titI101 enn,
T.ecciels Orte Cent
lultriefloni Vert, 300:0. 0'o-0'0031MM erArie Bah% Out., Jive., 1:104.
liunflouu 0; 37.1040 4l1{-1 Wet 41" 1115550Alen M 1401I1 POW,. 1 to:(11....1 CUIVI 11100 g'g•O on trig/
5114.1 ieu..e y, y i!.gZfki,,z,ury15' .1111(1, feJ1G.4 W e4ose. it awns stoat ottlely
'rioted truly. 140.511 3,11Liz1t.
trxterzto,tional Stock rood.
ittrittiyfAle f, awl! loon 11 P. troo.!Ina yr( oftration. (nynymfull root/412(0h
05.10, Ire ift rn...te in smidl q 'menace in sii.iitien to the regultr pr.011 ration, for
the ratt..e time 4041NA% RAG jr.iatliyLylifet 144111111/11:44I. The net wen, md
ii win VIE, yool.1 Mogi r4 my 0, 70.r esourszy way et feldiel
Oda Nara Iheal ear axialuoi putowi
Ye Aloes TO RENT. Ve.UGHAN, 1,0T 4,
concession 4, 103 ems. 3, Fisher, 63 $t.
James avenue, Toronto, Ont,
LADIES' 1°..612,WIzir Sr= atilQ:11&
and Waists, Send for
To Olt -
styles and cloth sample% THE SOUTHCOTT
SUIT CO., Dept. H, London, Ca,:
CORSETS lesui.awszL%
able Canvassing Agents wanted.srcttu Ti Tils o . 0011- 11011
SET SPECIALTY CO., Toronto, Ont,
D. H. BASTED() & C000
77 King St. East, TORONTO.
Everything in Furs at lowest pricee. Send
FURS. We will pay highest New York
prices for Mink, Slain% Coon, Fox, and all
other Furs. Send for price list.
Boiling Point of Water.
Water boils ac different temperatures, ae-
cording to the elevation above the sea level.
In 'London water boils practically at 213 de-
grees Fahrenheit; in Munich, Germany, et
2091, degree; in the City of Mexico at 200
degrees, and in the Himalayas, at an eleva-
tion of 18,000 feet above the level of the sea.
at 180 degrees. These differences•tare caused
by the varying. pressure of the atmosphere
at these points. In London the whole
weight of the air has to be overcome. 10
Mexico, 7,000 feet above the sea, there is
7,000 feet less at atmosphere to be resisted;
consequently, less heat is required and boil-
ing takes place at a loweretemperature,
$100 REWARD, $100
The readers of this paper will be pleaded to
learn that there is nt least one ureaded dis-
ease that scieuce has beeu able to cure lo
all its stages, and that is Catarrh. Hall'S
Catarrh Cure is the only Positive cure now
known to the medical frateffilty. Catarrh
being a constitutional disease, requires con
stitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh ,Cure
is taken internally, acting directly upon'the
blood and mucous surfaces of the system,
thereby destroytng elm foundation of the dis-
ease, and etyma the patient strength by
building up the eonetitution ana assisting
nature in doing its work. The proprietors
have so much faith in its curativepowers
that they offer One Uundred Dollars for any
case that it fails to cure. Send or list oi
Addrese F. 3. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, 0.
Sold by all bruggints, 76c.
'rake Hall's Family Pills for emistipatIon.
os • *
Happy Crackers.
(Atlanta Constitution.)
Cotton enough in the countr' to cover its,
corn enough to feed us, and fiddles enougb
to keep the whole State claueing.
-* • 0
Minard's. Liniment Cures Garget in Cow
• .
All efforts to establish the earvirrion
Army in Russia lutese so far been of no
avail, says General Booth, as the Itus-
sian Government has laud strict
junctions against the General or Isis foe
lowere ceasing the fried:sir.
Two Iteavo for 02..504
That'n lees than Ie.
The Farming Werla is the
brightest, best Agvienit tI r a 1
Newspaper and Home ;'o! 19
in Canada. V,very peee
.0e interest to the f tee
fernier's- wife and the fivieces
Full of practical talks by
practical Men on 11 reediug,
eedi iig, end care ef
Crops-- Machinery, eu 1 .other
live topics.
Pointers for dairymen an 41
padtry misers. Reliable „sear -
bet reports.
A let;e11 and vete: !nary nuo*.tion
box. A religious pee,,e mid one
eepecially for (11111111 011.
Sena. $1.00 a:III receive the
paper fOrNetwt) yeare; or let us
tenni yon a free sanirie copy,
7111 arm !ale Malt 0117.