HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1904-12-29, Page 5Thursday, December 29, 1904. The Blue Front Store Big Bargains. at Crowder's OVERCOATS, SUITS, ODD PANTS, UNDERWEAR, ETC. SPECIAL, NOTICE ! 7 FUR COATS AT BARGAIN PRICES. BIGGEST OVERCOAT BARGAIN IN HURON COUNTY. 14 only Overcoats, sizes 84 to 46 chest, light and dark colors, short and long lengths, regular prices $8.50, $9.00, $12.00—Bargain price while they last $0.00 Yours for High Quility at Low Prices. The R. I1. Crowder Co. LIFE INSURANCE FIRE Lowest rates consist ant with absolute security. All claims promptly nettled Abner Coders ACCIDENT PLATE CLASS Canadian Order Woodmen of The World. CAMP NATIONAL 139 Hold their regular meetings every 2nd and 4th Friday each month, in Oddfellows' Hall All visitors welcome. It. MAxwELa, C. C. It. H. CROWDER, Clerk W. A. CURRIE WING AUCTIONEER. Why go out of Town for an Auctioneer, when your wants can be supplied at home. THE CANADA BUSINESS COLLEGE CHATHAM, ONT. Is Canada's Greatdst School of Business, Short- hand and Penmanship. 375 students were placed in good positions in 12 months, 1904 at salaries averaging over $500 per annum. tisk for the list. Seventeen of the last positions filled pay the following salaries : Three at $525, five at $000, one at $700, five at $720 one at $1000 and two at $1200. ' Has any other busi- ness school in Canada given you such evi- dence of its ability to train you and place you when qualified 7 We pay railway fare up to $8 in coming. Good board $2.75 for gentleman and $2.50 for ladies. College re -opens for win- ter term on Jan. 3. Our catalogue is the hand- somest issued by any business school in Can- ada or the United States. D. McLACHLAN & Chatham, Ont. PULVO HOT STOVE POLISH AND METAL CLEANER COMBINED The only Patented Polish in the World. No Dust, No Dirt, No Smoke, No Smell. Contains no benzine or other explosives. .PUI,VO makes more polish and lasts longer than any other. "PRICE 10c. AT ALL. GROCERS COUNTY COUNCIL ELECTION. To the Electors of Division No. 7, comprising East and West Wawanosh, Wingham and Blyth. LADIES AND GENTLEMEN:— I beg to inform you that I am in the field for County Councillor. Having had consider- able experience in municipal matters, I shall endeavor, if elected, to guard the interests of the division faithfully, irrespective of locality. Tho best interests of every part of the Division and of the County generally, shall have my faithful attention and best effort. Your vote and influence is respectfully solicited. WM. MCQUILLAN. West Wawanosh, Dec. 15th. FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER. To the Electors of County Council District No. 7, comprising East and West Wawa - nosh, Wingham and Blyth. LADIES AND GENTLEMEN,— I have decided at the request of a large num- ber of influential Ratepayers of the District to offer my services as County Commissioner. If elected, my long experience in municipal mat- ters will be devoted to your service in promot- ing what I believe to be to the best interests of this District and of the County generally. If I am honored to be one of your representa- tives I will endeavor to faithfully attend to the needs of the different localities. Your vote and influence is respectfully solicited. JOHN T. CURRIE. East Wawanosh, Nov. 28th, 1904. Huron County Council Election. To the Electors of Division No. 7 --comprising the Townships of East and West Wa- wanosh, the Village of Blyth and Town of Wingham: LADIES AND GENTLEMEN:— At the request of a large number of the electors, I am a candidate for the representa- tion of Div. No. 7 in Huron County Council. and take this opportunity of appealing to you for your support. If honored with elec- tion. my atm will be to equally and thor-. oughly represent every portion of the division to the best of my ability. I am, your obedient servant, A. E. BRAD WIN Blyth, Nov. 9th, 1901. Wingham Machine AND General Repair Shop Is now re -opened, and I have secured the service of a than of over 20 years experience iu all lines of mill and farm machinery, also bicycles, guns, sewing machines, clothes wringers, lawn mowers, umbrellas, saws gummed and filed, keys made to order, scissors and hair clippers sharpened, etc. A trial solicited. W. G. PATON Too Much Furniture We are going to reduce our stock. Now for Special Prices until the end of the year on Parlor Suites, Couches, Bedroom Suites, Sideboards, Extension Tables, Mattresses, Fancy Rockers and odd pieces. It will Pay you to come and see for yourself. Walker Bros. & Button Windham Coal and Wood Yard We are sole agents in town for the Scranton Coal, and guarantee every delivery to be O, K. Just ask any person who has used it and hear what they say about it. We are confident it will give you the best of sat- isfactio. if given a trial. You will always find our prices reasonable, and delivery prompt. Farmers wishing to load and draw their own Coal will have 25 cts. per ton rebate. NOW FOR THE "WOOD. No. 1—Best Body hardwood. per Cord..., ..... $3 00 No. 2—Hardwood.fronm i Smaller Timber, per Cord ........ , 2 75 No. 3—Hardwood and Ash..mixed, per Cord.... . . ..... . . 2 50 No, 4 ---Ash and l m, mixed, per Cord.. 2 25 No. 5—Slabs and Soft Timber, per Cord 2 00 Rough wood, chunks. etc,, for furnaces and box stoves, per Cd 2 00 (Nos. 1 and 2 are cut from green timber.) Our terms for Coal and Wood are strictly cash. J. A. Mc LtAN. THE WINGIIAM ADVANCE. Howick. The Ladies' Aid of Orangehill pur- pose sending a bout of provisions,, next week, to the Methodist Deaconess Rome, Toronto. The Loyal Orange District Meeting of flowick will be held on Tuesday, Jan. 10th, in the Orange hall, Ford - wick,. Hugh Edgar who had his arm badly twisted in a sawing machine had to have the member amputated at the elbow. The late Mr. Wilson of the fourth line passed this life on Saturday even- ing last. ' He had been making his home with Mr, and Mrs. J, Durant. S. Beswitherick has bought W, El- lis' farm on the 2nd line for a fair price. We understand that Mr. El- lis gets another crop before leaving it. Mr. Win. Brown has purchased the 50 acre farm, formerly owned by Mr, Geo, Johnston, from Mr. S. Clark, of Harridan, and exchanged lot 80, con. 8, with Mr. John Campbell for the east 50 of lot 20, con. 8, the latter giv- ing some to boot. Mr. Richard Sandford is calling on his old neighbors this week, after spending three years in Holland, Man. He arrived here about two. weeks ago and was five days making the trip owing to the train being wrecked near Temiskaming. Mrs. E. Gibson, widow of the late John Gibson, of the 15th con. of Howick, died on Saturday morning last. Deceased had been a sufferer front bronchitis for some years, which developed seriously during the past year, and caused death. Council islet in Gorrie on Dec. 15th, —A bill was presented to the council by Mr. G. Mapletoff for $80 damages for property he destroyed when he had the small -pox. On motion of Hinkle and Spotton,. no action was taken. Dr. Armstrong M. H. 0. for the township presented a bill to the council for $158.50 for services as M. H. 0. for 1004. The council consider- ed the bill too large and think the M. H. 0. should have billed the parties who had small -pox for the attendance. Moved by Messrs. Spence and Gowdy that the council pay Dr. Armstrong M. H: 0. $69.50 being the portion of the bill this council consider that they had a right to pay this to include the apparatus for disinfecting.—carried. Culvert opposite lot 5, con. 10, will be closed until provision is made to take away the water. The places for poll- ing at municipal elections and the D. R. O's. were chosen, and after passing a large number of accounts, the Coun- cil closed its labors for 1004. One Of The Vilest Diseases Is catarrh which first attacks the nose and throat and finally spreads all through the system. The one sure cure is fragrant healing. Catarrhozone which is sent by the air you breath direct to the root of the trouble. Mr. T. Y. Vicar of Yarmouth, suffered for years from catarrh and says, "In my long experience with this loathsome disease I never used any remedy that relieve and cured me so promptly as Catarrhozone. When my nostrils were so stuffed no that I couldn't breathe I found a few inhalations of Catarrhozone was sufficient to clear away the mucous. I am perfectly cured by Catarrhozone and free from the disease entirely." Use only Ca- tarrhozone. Complete outfit $1.00 ; trial size 25c. HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE. The :adjourned sitting of the Court opened in Goderich on Monday after- noon before the Honorable Mr. Justice Britton. The first cause, Burton vs. Lock - ridge, was an action to recover on a promissory note. His lordship reserv- ed judgment. R. Vanstone for deft. In Burton vs. Campbell, an action to recover a sun). of $1,605, judgment also reserved ; same counsel as in the above. Township of Ashfield vs. the County of Huron, an action to recover for damages caused by an overflow of the nine mile river at Port Albert last spring, was.by consent of counsel post- poned till next sitting of the court. Jowett vs. Mustard, an action to compel the specific performance of an agreement of a sale of land, was post- poned till the next sitting of the court, through the serious illness of a mate- rial witness, Standish vs. Turner, an action for loss of books of account. His Lordship dismissed the action without costs. H. Vanstone for plff. • Howard vs, Gardiner, an action to recover the price of clearing certain land in the township of Hay. Judg- ment for p1if. for $147, with costs on the county court scale, Counter claim dismissed with costs. Greig vs. McDonald, an action to re- cover money alleged to be due Off. by deft. His Lordship reserved judg- ment. An action for breach of promise of marriage, which had been set down by a former court to be heard at Strat- ford, but came back here for trial, now resulted in averdict for plaintiff for $750 damages and costs, and at the close of the trial the defendant was arrested on a criminal charge by con- stable Wm. Gundry, It, Vanstone for plaintiff. NOTICE. ----I have arranged with the Dominion Bank to manage my busi- ness and all owing me on Notes or Mortgages can pay principal or interest at any time, After falling due, rem- ember you need not pay until you are requested to do so by lee. I thank all those who have done business with me, and wish you every pros erity. ROUT, Mc .moo, DECEMBER SESSIONS.. Continuation 01 The Cases Tried Last week. Randall vs. Gettell, an action for de- claration that plaintiff was entitled to rank on an insolvent estate. Judg- ment dismissing the action with costs, after 20 days, Bees vs. Pigott, an action for dam- ages for breach of contract in engag- ing a foreman, was tried by a jury, who gave a verdict for plaintiff for $172,59, and His. Honor directed that after 20 days, judgment be so entered with fall County Court costs, includ- ing the costs of examining parties for discovery, Coleman vs, Cochrane, an action to recover for injuries sustained by plaintiff's being thrown out of a bug- gy by alleged careless driving. The trial lasted till 10 p.m. Saturday, when the jury gave a verdict for plaintiff, and $50 damages, and the verdict was so entered, with full County Court costs, a stay of proceedings for twenty days being allowed, E. L, Dickinson for plaintiff. At 10.40 pan., the Court adjourned till Monday morning. Coleman vs. Cochrane was an interest- ing case, as a large number of wit- nesses were examined. Many con- tradictory statements were made, but the witnesses all seemed as if they were telling the truth, the divergences no doubt being caused by the different impressions left of the occurrence on the minds of the lookers on at the ac- cident. Miles Transportation Co. vs. Dow- ney, an action to recover for freight carried, was the only case that came before the Court, and at its conclusion His Honor gave judgment for the plaintiff with costs. Dickinson and Garrow for plaintiff. Burgard et al vs. Township of Col- borne, and Reid vs. Wallwin were postponed to a future date, and the Court was duly closed. i You May Have Kidney Trouble If your back aches and you suffer from dragging pains it is an evidence of deceased kidneys. Get Ferrozone at once and take it regularly. Fer- rozone makes kidney sufferers feel better at once. •'I was bothered a great deal with my kidneys last year" writes S. G. Denton of Everett "but got quick relief front Ferrozone. My trouble manifested itself by pain in the back, dull heavy feeling and con- stant headache. I quite recovered after using a few boxes of Ferrozone which has given me more strength and better health than I ever had be- fore. I can recommend Ferrozone as a positive cure." Price 50c. at all druggists. 4+++++.14-1-1-14-1-1-1-1-1-1-1•+++ Hello A HAPPY 1905 TO EVERYBODY • and 125 Souvenirs of Wing - ham and other articles, the choice of one piece will be given to each purchaser of $1.00 or upwards. • i♦ N • • .s. We have a dandy : stock of • Watches Fine Gold Gem Rings Brooches Chains Lockets Bracelets Silverware and Novelties : in great variety. These goods make the very best kind of Xmas, presents, and we're sell- ing them at close prices. Call and examine. Halsey Park JEWELER ---AND__— OPTICIAN .H • -Wood'a Phossphodilne, Tie Gnat English Remedy, lishend viand well e preparation. Has been proscribed and aced over 40 years Alldrng, gins in the Dominions of Canada bell and recommend as being the only medicine o1 its kind that cures and gives universal satiasfactdon, it promptly_and permatontly cures all forma of Nervous Neale sums, Emissions, .9permetorrhorttt, Iwpo?enell, and all efrecteofabuse orexeeeeosI the excessive slob!Brain, Tobacco, Optutn or Stimulants, Mental and Brat Worry, all of Which lead to Infirmity, m, Otte will ulants, Consumption and an Sar ypGratre. Price Si per sem pries' ut package free or ;patap for int tyoin Addr el The Wood Oompeouy, Windsor, Ont', Canal* .flfore and Afar. Sold la Wits ham _byttA I McColl ,tc Co., A. L, Hamilton, W. okibbon—Druggtets "•-imsYer•Is You can hardly find a home without its Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. Parents know what it does for children: breaks. Cherry Pectoral up a cold In a single night, wards off bronchitis, prevents. pneumonia. Physicians ad- vise parents to keep it on hand. "The but cough medicine money can buy is Ayers Cherry pectoral, For the coughs of ahllydren nothing�could possibly be better." JACOB possibly sariltoga, Ind. 25c..50e., 01.eo. J.0. ♦;axon, Alt drugrggimma. for Lowell, Mass. Throat, Lungs Ayer's Pills greatly aid the cherry Pectoral In breaking up a cold Not 19. Game Of Chance, When you come to trade with ns you take no chances with your money. Bank deposits are not safer than our guarantee to you of good Value or Money back. To know what real solid Cloth- ing Value is—bay Homuth Bros'. Suits and Overcoats—We are show- ing some beautiful effects, made in latest style and best workmanship, at $16, $18 up to $25. Xmas. Gifts. In Neckties we have all the new colorings and styles in Puffs, Darbys, Flowing -Ends, Bows, Strings, etc. Really the finest assortment ever shown in the county at 25c, 50c and 75c. Mufflers. Be sure you have one of our warm mufiiers.—Materials of Wool also Silk.—These are the greatest Value we have ever offered at 85c, 50c, 75c, $1.00 and $1.25. Gloves. In Gloves we have a very fine assortment to select from—these are good fitters—Best Maker's and all sizes $1.00, $1.25 and $1.75. Hats, Caps, Etc. Hats, Caps, Underclothing, Sus- penders, Handkerchiefs, Armlets, Colored Shirts, White Shirts, Cuffs, Collars, Hosiery—and in fact every- thing in Gents' Wear.—We invite you before buying elsewhere, to call and have a look at any rate, and no doubt you will go away from this store WELL pleased. A PLEASURE To Show Goons. Homuth Bros. BETTER THAN GOLD to a young man or woman is a course in the LfSTOWEL Three Courses — Commercial, Shorthand and Typewriting, and Telegraphy. Students may enter any time. College re -opens Jan. 3rd, 1905. Send for Journal. A. L. McINTYRE, Mgr. Suits, Overcoats AND PANTS A SPECIALTY, Our Suits are of the newest materials at the lowest possible prices. Overcoatings that make up the most beautiful Coats that fancy could desire, at prices ranging from $12.00 to $20.00. Pantings, the very thing you are looking for, Robt. Maxwell High Art Tailor . Viagham Jsard's The Leading Store bard Talk of the Town We're going to make our Alteration Sale the talk of the town for the next couple of months. To get rid of a Big Stock in half the usual time means big selling—and our way of creating large sales is to go right after the prices. We start in among the Furs, and offer Ladies' Farr Coats, Men's Fur Coats, Caperines, Fur Caps, Ruffs, Muffs, Gauntlets—at Wholesale Price, This is a grand opportunity to secure a real good Fur Coat at a great Saving. We handle only the best makes of Furs. LADIES' JACKETS. Ladies', Misses' and Children's Cloth Coats to clear—at Cost Prices. HIGH CLASS CLOTHING. TWO THOUSAND DOLLARS' worth of Men's, Youths' and Boys' Ready -to -put-on CLOTHING in the Basement at WHOLESALE PRICE. It will pay you to drive Twenty-five miles to buy clothing here during this GREAT SALE. The Clothing positively must be sold out, as the end will be torn out of the building in order to extend the store back, so we must get the Basement cleared out and ready for the builders. This is your chance to make great savings on Men's Overcoats, Boys' Overcoats, Men's Suits, BoysSuits, Men's Reefers, Boys' Reefers, Men's Pants, Boys' long and short Pants, Men's Overalls, Men's Smocks—all to go at WHOLESALE PRICE. •••••oMMIM11 A Few Robes To Clear Out At Cost Price. No room to quote prices here. Please come. and see goods and prices together and we will satisfy you in every respect. CARPETS. Buy your Carpets, Oilcloths and Linoleums NOW and see what money we can save you during our ALTERA- TION SALE. This is a money -making Sale for our customers and a Stock Reduction Sale for us. Dress Goods, Silks and Trimmings, Knitted Goods, Gents' Furnishings, Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes— At Cost Price. Terms of Sale—Cash or Trade. H. E. ISARD CO. i IWe wish you all A Happy New Year THANKS for your very generous patronage at Xmas, time, i i i New Year Souvenirs. In this line we have some very pretty things Our store is noted for reliable goods at reasonable prices, and our stock is so large, you are sure to find just the article you want. Repairing Neatly Done. W. G. PATTERSON THE JEWELER