The Wingham Advance, 1904-12-22, Page 8(111410110110110111010411001111111111100 41111114 SO NOM 010111101110110 EPWINIMIMO I We Send The Season's Greeting To all our friends and we trust that their Ohristwas will be a Merry One, Indeed. Here's a Christmas suggestion for Old Santa Claus— 'SHOE UP THE FAMILY It's bitter thanwastin; money for toys and gew gaws. This is a happy Thought, and we suggest for instance - A pair of Warm and Easy Shoes for Grandma. Apair of Warm Arctics for Orapdpa, A pair of Handsome Quilted Roineos for Mother. A pair of High Heeled Drug Slippers for Sister Kate. A pair of Heavy Skating Boots for Brother Tom. And then to cap the climax -- A pair of Slippers for Old Santa Claus himself. Splendid suggestion --don't you think so. We wish one and all a Merry, Merry Xmas. Fresh supply of Trunks and Valises. W. J. Greer, The Shoer fifOCAOM, Ole OEM -tIDls r 11111, There's Good Bread Ahead You can always be sure of a good meal when bread from the Wingham Mill's Flour is used. Then the price is always lower than you can buy elsewhere. Wholesale quotations to those buying Two Bbls. or over. The Market Wheat, per bushel $ .95 to $ 1.00 Oats, per bushel .30 to .32 Barley, per bushel .38 to .40 Flour, Star (two-thirds Manitoba) per half Bbl 2.40 to 2.65 Flour, Pastry (all Ontario) " 2.40 to 2.60 Flour, (Pure Manitoba) 2.50 to 2.75 Flour, low grade, per cwt 1.20 to 1.30 Shorts, per ton 18.00 to 20.00 Bran, per ton 15.00 to 16.00 Chop, per ton 16.00 to 22.00 We will allow 5c per half bbl. off on Flour quotations Farmers and others supplying their own bags. to Bring your Chopping to us, as we do first-class work. HOWSON, HARVEY & BROCgLEBANg Farm For Sale. Fifty-three acres, being south 1 of the north of lot 'd 11, East Wawanosh achardwoda miedtimber, god frame house, bank barn, pig pen and sheep house good orchard, well at door, spring in milk. house• river runs through corner of farm ; 81- miles from Wingham, 6 from Bcig''ivo, 44 from Whitechurch and St. Helens. 9 ^ms easy; wilt be sold at a bargain and feet, left to purchaser it sold right away. as owner is about buying 100 acres in Elmo Tp., and wishes to move this fall. Apply on the premises to J. A. CHAPMAN. Fordyce P. O.. Ont. FOR SERVICE. Large Imported pedigreed Berkshire Boar will be found for service on 1st line of Morris. ALBERT HUGH1+;S. TURNBERRY NOMINATIONS. NOTICE! A public meeting of the Elec. tors of the Township of Turnberry will be held in the Foresters' Hall, Bluevale, on Monday, December 26th, 1904 at one o'clock p. m., for the nomination of candidates for the Municipal Council of Turnberry for the year 1903. JOHN BURGESS Turnberry, I)ec.12th,1901 Returning Officer Big wages for agents. Men and wo- men make handsome wages selling our household specialties. Every fam- ily needs them. A thoroughly legiti- mate business that you can start in without a cent of capital. G. Marshall & Co., London, Ont. 4 Santa Claus' 4,1 HEADQUARTERS.. Cooper's Book Store Wingham, Dec. 22nd, 1904 To My Friends :— 11 Here's wishing you all a very Merry Christmas. 43 Iliii 1 it'v COOPER & CO, Yours For Fun, SANTA CLAUS. Successors to Alex. Ross It 40 i a I st italkaali *adilia.1 ."tdt.'t ! THE WINGHAM ADVANCE Morris. An aged resilient of this township passed away on Tuesday last, Mr. 'Wm.. Warwick. Deceased.. had reach- ed the advanced age of 75. A large number of young people spent a very enjoyable time on. Wed.. nesday of last week at the house of Mr John Davis, 4th line. His beautiful new house has just been completed, and the young people "warmed" It in royal style by tripping the light fan- tastic until the wee sinal hours of the morning, when they dispersed to their various homes, ;ouch delighted with the pleasant evening spent. The Council met according to sta- tute, Dec. 15th; members all present.. Minutes of last meeting passed. Cu motion of Taylor and Shaw, the taxes of Sarah Fleming and Wm.. Riley, amounting to $3.45, were re- mitted. Tenders were received for deben- tures in aid of Guelph Junction Rail- way, and on motion of Code and Jack- son, the tender of Win. C. Brent of Toronto was accepted. On motion of 'Taylor .and Code, the following accounts were ordered to be paid. ;—Wm. Watson, repairing side- walk near Belgrave station, $5.50; R. Carrick, repairing road, $3 ; for gravel. — Geo. Proctor $3.57, Wm. Taylor $1.- 47, 1:47, Geo. McDonald $13.90, J. Brecken- ride $2.47; Duff & Stewart, lumber and work, $13,87 ; F. Gutteridge, ce- ment tile, $21.38; Corporation of Blyth, hall rent, $7.56 ; Corporation of Brussels, hall rent, $6; Wm. Thuell, work on grader, $4 ; Board of Health —services of Dr. McAsh $3, W. J. Johnston $5, Geo. Hood $6, Thos. Laid- law $4, Wm. Isbister $2, Wm. Clark $2 ; Corporation of Hullett, B. line ex- penditure, $4.50 ; Win, Geddes, tile drain, $4;. A. Campbell, use of scraper, $1.50; W. Nicholson, use of scraper, $1.12; M. Proctor, elm plank, $1; Jas. Russell, repairing bridges, $20.42 ; J. Wallace, ditch and culvert, $7 ; P. Healy, the ditch, $3; 3, McDonald, work on eastern boundary, $5 ; E. Liv- ingstone, work on western boundary, $5; G. Taylor, taking Miss Fleming to House of Refuge, $3; W. Isbister, do., $3; A. Miller, wood and care of hall, $11 ; T. S. Brandon, preparing finan- cial statement, $5 ; Wm. Isbister, do., $2 ; A. T. Cole, repairing culvert and underbrushing, $5; A. Taylor, repair- ing culvert, $2.75: Corporation of Mc- Killop, B. line expenditure, $25.97 ; Jno. Roger, engineers fees, $30; Win. Isbister, councillor's fees, $68 ; T. Code, do., $33 ; A. Shaw, do., $30 ; Geo. Tay- lor, do., $55 ; • Geo. Jackson, do., $55 ; W. Clark, salary and expenses, $133. By-law No. 16 was duly read and passed. The Council then adjourned. W. CLARK, Clerk. Langside. Miss Maude Passmore is visiting in Teeswater. Mr. Thos. Carter returned to Guelph on Saturday. The dress -maker is busy on our line at present. Mr. and Mrs. N. Strome gave a dancing -party on Thursday night. Mr. Jas. Taylor has purchased a dandy driver from Mr. J. Boyd of Teeswater. Mr. Chas. McKinnon has returned from Woodstock to spend his holidays under the parental roof. The first meeting of the Literary club was held in the Langside Foresters' Hall on Friday night. The debate was very interesting. The judges announced that the affirma- tive, "Resolved that Canada offers better advantage to her young men than the United States" had the most and best points. After the debate an interesting program was delivered. The next meeting will be held next Thursday evening. Jamestown. Miss Maggie Taylor is visiting friends at Shakespeare this week. Mr. W. H. Kerr of Brussels conduc- ted service in Victoria Hall last Sun- day evening. Invitations are out announcing the marriage of Miss Maud McKelvey to Mr. Louis Eckmier of Morris, which event will take place on the 27th inst. Mrs. George Eckmier entertained a number of the yours people of this vi- cinity last Wednesday evening. The party was given in honor of her niece, Miss Pearl Baker of Bluevale ; all re- port a most enjoyable time. Salem. Mr. and Mrs. Ed« Bryans of Grey al- so Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Bryans of Mor- ris spent Sunday last with Mrs. J. Gal- laher, who has been suffering with la grippe. There will be no ,League here this 'week. The Bible contest which has been going on in the League here, will be withdrawn until after the Xmas. holidays, when it will boom again. Don't forget the entertainment, which will be held in the church here next Friday evening. There is a good program being prepared, and a good time is expected. Everybody is invit- ed and will be made welcome. Whitechurch. DIED—On Sunday, Dec. 18, the in- fant child of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Mc- Intosh. Interment on Tuesday in Kinloss cemetery. A Christmas entertainment will be held in the Presbyterian church on Tuesday evening, ''27th list. A good program will be given by the children of the Sabbath School. A ship -load of good things is on the way and she will be unloaded that evening to glad- den the hearts of the, children. A liberal collection is asked to defray ex- penses, Grey, The special services at Roe'a church will continue on during this week. A Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all the readers o#r the Ad- vance. Miss Mary McDonald of Ethel spent Sunday with her friend, Miss Belle er. John Lynn of Fordwich, formerly of here, attended the examination held at $, S. No. 4 last Friday. John Campbell is visiting under the parental roof after an absence of about 20 years in, Manitoba and the N, W. T. W. B. Bryans and James Jackson, medical students of Toronto College, have arrived at their respective homes to spend Xmas. .las. Pearson of Albert College, Belle. villa, is holidaying under the paren- tal roof, Evidently James' studies have agreed with hint. • The 0, P. R. have 25 or 30 men at work on the proposed new railway. Roadway is being cut through the bush and only about a mile intervenes between Moncrieff and 'Walton, Good progress has been made on levelling the gravel hill on H. Mc- Naughten's farm. Station will be put at lot 25, 1,1 miles west of Monerieff, Some say that Win. Fraser, Coun- ciilor, may promote to the Reeveship of the township. P. Keifer and Ino. Brown are mentioned as probable candidates for seats at the Boasal. Others think the present Council should be left where they are so as to clear up the work they have entered upon, in drainage and bridge matters particularly. On Friday of last week, one of the most successful examinations ever held around here was that at S. S. No. 4. From early in the' forenoon, visi- tors kept coming, until upward of 150 were present. The children did extra well and reflected much credit to their teacher, Mr. R. Weir, who certainly left nothing undone towards adding anything to the pleasure and comfort of all present. The teachers present who took part in the various lessons were—Miss M. Hartry, Messrs. Bu- chanan, Montgomery, Strachan, Fra- ser, F. T. and W. E. Bryans. After Santa Claus had distributed his pres- ents to the pupils, all joined heartily in singing "God save the King." Thus the afternoon's proceedings were brought to a close. At S o'clock the entertainment opened, with Mr. C. E. Leppard of Gorrie in the chair, who filled the position in a very acceptable manner. The programme consisted of solos, recitations, dialogues, drills, tableaus, and chorus singing by the children. The programme was well selected, and everyone slid themselves justice, but we feel we must make special mention of the excellent selec- tions given by Messrs. Hanna and Wightman of Wingham; which were highly appreciated by all present, and those absent certainly missed a rare treat. The proceeds amounted to over $27, besides a large number of compli- mentary tickets, and all the pupils ad- mitted free, and will go towards add- ing more books to the library and a large flag. Mr. Weir and pupils are to be congratulated on their success ; all are unanimous that No. 4 does not do things by halves. 4. Turnberry. Mr. and Mrs. Belfour of Wolsley, N. W. T. are visiting Mrs. A. Belfoor. Mr. and Mrs. John Caseinore of Manistique, Mich., are visiting the former's parents. Mr. Thos. Cornell of Manistique, Mich., Is visiting relatives in Turn- berry and Morris, Mr, John Robinson is drawing brick for a new house to be built on his farm in Morris next summer, Com- ing events cast their shadows before. Many Sodden Deaths Are traced to a heart that was neglected. If your heart isweak or beats too rapidly you need Pervoi:one to strengthen the heart's muscles, regulate its action and stop smother. log spasms. l:'errozono always cures weak heart and restores this organ to a strong healthy state. The best heart medicine in the world is Per. rozane which beats any substitute. Widely used by darters and sold at $Oo. per box by all druggists, East Wawanosh. Council met on Dee. 15th, pursuant to Statute ; members all present. Minutes of last meeting read, cor- rected and passed. By-law No. 11, 1904, appointing place of nomination, places where ensuing municipal elections were to be held, and deputy returning officers, read and passed. F. D. Stalker was appointed D. R. O. for Div. No. 1, John S. Scott for No. 2, John jun., for No. 3, and John Gibbons for Elliott,o. 4. By-law No. 12, 1901, fixing the am'nt to be paid to each member of the Council . for attendance at Council meetings, etc., duly read and passed. Annual report of Dr. McAsh, M. H. 0., received and filed. Communication from Clerk of Mor- ris received, stating that Morris Coun- cil was prepared to arbitrate on the matter in dispute re culvert on boun- dary at end of the 3rd line of Morris, and that an early settlement of the same was desirable.—Ordered to be filed. Beecroft-Menzies—That the Clerk be authorized. to send and get 20 de- bentures without coupons from the Municipal World, St. Thomas, for rail- way purposes, and that the Reeve and Treasurer have the said debentures properly signed forthwith—carried. Christopher Johnson, lot 42, con. 4, was present, complaining that path - master Fred. P. Hayden, road division No. 23, had charged him last season one day's statute labor that he consid- ered lie had no right to perform. After discussing this matter, and finding out that a certain amount of injustice had been done Mr. Johnson, it was moved by Mr. Wilson, seconded by Mr. Menzies, that a debenture for $1 be issued in his 'favor to square tip this business—carried. The Collector was allowed time to the first of February next to return his roll for the balance of taxes for 1904 remaining as yet unpaid. Debentures were passed and ordered to be signed for payment of accounts, etc., to the amount of $523.61, which will appear in the Treasurer's state- ment now being issued. The Council then adjourned. P. PORTERFIELD, Clerk. Belmore. Following is the report of S. S. No. 12, Culross, the names being in order of merit Class—C. McKee, E. Mc- Kee, lt. Gallaugher, G. Smith, P. Abram, M. Baker. IV Class, Sr.—W. Abram, N. Smith, J. Nickel, H. Jo. hann. IV Class, Jr.—M. Edwards, M. Lawrence. III Class—R. Willie, J. Chittick, J. Lawrence, H. Kirby. U Class, Sr.—M. Metcalf, 3. Kirby, L, Willie, R. Law, J. Gallaatugher, U Class, Sr.—,T. Marshall, T. Nickel. Pt. If, Sr. --R. Mahoney, A. McGrogan and A. Lowry equal, O. Johann. Pt. II, Ir. --L. Irwin, C, Chittick, ;'.Willie. Pt. I, Sr. --L. Mahoney, M. Marshall, Sulo, Lawrence, G, Kirby, A, Marshall, A., Meallen, T. Meehan. Pt, I, Jr.—A. Baker, IC nteGroggan, H. Metcalf, V. Marshall, Manly 11iat'sliall,.. E. F. Col- lins, Teacher, Thursday, December 2 1904 Ulrich. George Uaggitt of Michigan is re- newing acquaintances in this vicinity. ' S. IL Willey attended the funeral of Ids uncle, Mr. S. Gldlc.y- of Exeter, last week, Thomas Austin received a paralytic stroke a peek ago Sunday, and is still in a precarious condition. The new Grand Trunk station will soon be ready for occupancy. ncy. It will be the neatest and prettiest station on the London, Huron & Bruce branch. The annual meeting of L. 0. L. No, 003 will be held in Orange Hall, Mon. day evening, for the election of offi- cers, and the lvinding up of the year's business, Trinity Church Sabbath school will hold aa, Christmas entertainment in Industry Hall, Wednesday evening ; there will be two Xmas. trees, one on each side of hall.. Messrs. Riley and Tilden have a large staff of men working on the 0, P. R. construction in the village ; they are at present engaged in changing the course of river ; where it now runs will be filled ii and used for stationtin and freight yards. COUNTY COUNCIL ELECTION. To tie Electors of Division No. 7, comprising .East and West Wawanosh, Wingham • and Blyth. LADIES AND GENTLF.MEN:— I beg 'to informou that, I am in the field for County Councilor, Having had consider- able experience in municipal matters, I shall endeavor,it elected. to guard. the interests of the division faithfully, irrespective of locality. The best interests of every paart of the Division and of the County generally, shall have my faithful attention and best effort. Your vote and influence is respectfully solicited. WM. McQUILLAN. West Wawanosh, Deo. 15th, FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER. To the Electors of County Council District No. 7, compris'ng East and West Wawa. nosh, Wingham and Blyth. LADIES AND GENTLEMEN,— have decided at the request of a largo num. ber of influential Ratepayers et the District to offer my services as County.Commiesionor. It elected, my long oxpe,ylenco in municipal mat, tors will be devoted to your service in would- 'ing what, I believe to he to the best interests of this District and of the County generally. It I am honored to be one of your representa- tives I will endeavor to faithfully attend to the needs of the different localities. Your vote and influence is respectfully solicited. JOHN T. CURRIE. East Wawanosh, Nov. 28th, 1904. t St. Helens. School closes in the St. Helens' school on Thursday. Mr. S. J. Beckett is visiting at the home of Win. Gordon. We are pleased to see Win. Woods out again after his recent illness;. ;Messrs. Hugh McDonald, Stewart Miller and ,IVlisses Maggie Clark and Mina Rutherford of the (ioderlch Col. Ilnn iiate Institute, are home for the Pliixisteam holidays. Huron County Council Election. To the Etcetera of Division No. 7 --comprising, the Townships of East and West Wa- wanosh, the Village of Blyth and Town of Wingham: LADIES AND GENTLEMEN :— At the request of a large number of the electors, I am a candidate for the representa- tion of Div. No. 7 in Huron County Council, and take this opportunity of appealing to you for your support. If honored with Glee. tion, my aim will be to equally and thor- oughly represent every portion of the division to the host of my ability. I am, your obedient servant, A. E, BRAD WIN Blyth, Nov. 0th, 1904. Real Estate Notice. Would you like to make 10% clear of a expense on your money? If so. I ask you to call and see me and I will show you how to do so. Others have taken advantage of it, why not you? I have investments that are paying 10 and 12% clear of all expense, and I would like to get you interested in them. Start the New Year by making a good safe investment of your money. Farm and town property of every discrip- tion and price, for sale at your own terms. Life and Accident Insurance effected. C. J. MAGUIRE Real Estate and Business Transfer. (0Mco---Vanstone Block, Wingham) 'i•'i'•i-,i—i-4F'i -i• i' -i' l +4'+- i NOTICE. Our Photographs give Satisfaction Why ? Because good work is our specialty. . Then for Photos. Groups or Portraits, or Novelties such as Photo Buttons and Photo Frames try M. E. Zurbrigg Christmas SINGLE FARE Good going December 24, 2.i and 20, returning until December 27, 1904. Good going Deeem- bet 31, 1904. and January 1 and 2,1905, valid for return until January 3, 1905. FARE AND ONE-THIRD Going December 23, 24 25, 213. 30 and 31, 1004, and January 1 and 2, 1904 returning until Jan- uary 4, 1005. Between all stations in Canada, Port Arthur and East. Full particulars from any Canadian Paoiflo Agent or C. B. Foster; D.P.A., Toronto. RRANOTRUNK:OA Winter Fair, Guelph. MOLE FARE EOR ROUND TRIP. Good going Deo. 3rd to 9th. Valid return. ing until Doo. 12th. The Grand Trunk has the most Convenient Service to Guelph. To California and Florida. Spend the winter in the Delightful winter reefrts of California and Florida, Best of Pullman Dining and Parlor Cars, and direct, connections. Mount Clemens Mineral Baths. tlnoxoelled treatment for rheumhtiem, ncldstirblaeanear rbtrtcuiky and diseases, rcdyhe Grand rrnnk, Secure Illustrated booklet front Agents, T1Aror t d fall In d on L. Ta Agent, ,.fie ,n *AMAX mato Pomo* AttOatio TOG& D. M. GORDON DIRECT IMPORTER Christmas Will Soon Be Here. And we have made ample preparation for the comfort and convenience of all our customers, and ., we have in stole for our patrons, some of the great- est surprises in the way of Xmas. Presents that have ever been offered to the purchasing public of this or any other community. Come in and get a share of our valuable and serviceable Xmas. Presents, This is the season of the year for Furs --and our house is just the place to get the right article at the right price. Men's Fur Coats from $16.50 up. Men's Fur Caps from $2.00 to $10.00. Ladies' Fur Jackets in Persian Lamb and Electric Seal, with Mink Collars and Revers, also Sable Collars and Revers, also in Bokharan and Astrachan— all sizes and prices from $18.00 to $125.00. Also Fur Caps, Ruffs, Stoles, Muffs and Gauntlets, in all the latest styles and best qualities of Furs,. and will find our prices lower than others ask. We have very interesting information to give out in reference to our latest stock of Ladies' and Children's Fine Cloth Jackets --it will pay you well to ask to see them and get our prices. SHOES AND RUBBERS • Everything in this line either for Ladles, Gents, Girls or Boys, will be found here and, at lowest prices. GROCERIES. We keep the very best that we can buy in every line, and you can always depend on getting everything fresh and pure and at right prices. Wishing each and all of our Friends a very Merry Xmas. and Happy New Year. Highest Prices for Trade. the 16,ZYN1 Christmas c3km,e A Splendid Treat in Store for Shoppers at TheBee Hive. A grand display of brilliancy and splendour in the,; - holiday decorations. We welcome one and -all, and don't forget to bring the children to see the beauty and at- tractions of This Store. Holiday Specialties In Every Department Hints For Christmas Gifts For Ladies and Misses. Dress lengths, Silk Waist lengths, Wrapper lengths, Skirt lengths, Flannelette Night Robes, Hosiery, Corsets, Gloves, Underwear, Flan- nelette Corset Covers, fancy Col- lars, Silk Belts, fancy Hose Suppor- ters, fancy silk and wool Shirt Waists, Golf Jackets, fancy wool Shoulder Shawls, Ladies' and Girls' Jackets, Wool Fascinators, Table Linen, Table Napkins, Tow- els, Towellings, fancy Centre Piec- es, Doylies, five o'clock Tea Cloths, white Quilts, Lace Curtains, Che- nille Table Covers, Wool Blankets, Flannelette Blankets, Hand Bags, Purses, Combs, Lithograph Cush- ion Tops, Cushion Girdles, plain and fancy Silk Handkerchiefs, plain hem -stitch, lace edge and embroidery edge linen and fine lawn lEdkfs., Ladies' silk and wool Mitts, and Ladies' and Children's Gauntlets. This is a partial lint of very use- ful and acceptable goods for Christ- mas• gifts. Prices in every case will be sure to please you when you make your purchases at The Bee Hive. Christmas Gift Hints To Assist You In Youi* Purchases For Men & Boys.' Any of the following, makes a nice and very useful present :-- Beautiful Silk Neckwear in Bows, Flowing -end, Four-in-hand, String Ties, Knots and Puffs, Suspenders, Armlets, new Hats, new Caps, Umbrellas, Hosiery, silk lined ,„1. Mocha Gloves, wool lined Mocha. Gloves, fine unlined Mocha Gloves, wool Gloves, white Shirts, fancy Dress Shirts, Sweaters, Cardigan Jackets, Way Mufflers, black silk fancy lined Mufflers, fancy silk square Muffler, heavy top Shirts, Handkerchiefs, fleece lined Under- wear, heavy wool Underwear, fine wool Underwear, Pants, Vests, Overcoats, Reefers and Suits, Col- lars and Cuffs. This list will help, you in mak- ing your selection and our special money -saving prices will make buying easy. Bee Hive Bargains will help to make your Christmas a merry one. We areoing to have tremendous selling the next two weeks. 04- An extra stall will be on hand and we'll do our utmost to give customers every attention. We ask you to assist its In shopping as early."hs you eat. " THE BEE lilY!" The Keeler Co. r A, Wingham