HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1904-12-22, Page 5Thursday, December 22, 1904. Wnha's Greatest Clothiers The R. H. Crowder Co. THE BLUE FRONT STORE The Best Holiday lllfts Are things to wear—those which combine comfort and useful serviee with the beautiful and artistic. They make ideal presents that give lasting pleasure, aro most sensible and most keenly appreciated, We are now fully prepared for the rush of Holiday trade, and shoppers will find every convenience for their comfort here. We mention to -(lay many articles that are most acceptable gifts. The prices are very moderate and the selections varied and satisfactory. SMOKING iA(`10ETS, $ i00 to $12.50 HOUSE (aOWNS. $10.00 and $12.50. I3ATII ROBES. $5,00 to $8.50. HOLIDAY CR.t VATS. 25e to $1.25. FANCY WAISTCOATS. $1.25 to $3.7.3. SILK SUSPENDERS. 25c to $1,25. FANCY HOSIERY. 25e to 50(•. IIANDKEIWHIEFS. 25e to 75e. S WEATERS. 50c to $3.00. MUFFLERS. 50c to $2.25. UMBRELLAS. $1.00 to $2.75. DRESS GLOVES. 50e to $2.00. LINED GLOVES. 50c to $2.75. FUR CAPS, $1.50 to $9.00. SUIT CASES. $2.2.3 to $7.00. CHEST PROTECTORS. 25e, 3.3e, 50e, 75c. SCARF PINS. 25c to $1.25. CUFF LINKS. 50e to $1.25. BOYS' CAPS. 25e to 75c. BOYS' NECKWEAR. 25c to 50e. MEN'S SUITS. $5.00 to 12.50. YOUTHS' SUITS. $4,00 tri 10.00. BOYS' SUITS. $L75 to 5.00. MEN'S OVERCOATS. $5.00 to 14.00. YOUTHS' OVERCOATS. $1.00 to 10.00. BOYS' OVERCOATS. $3.75 to 8.00. We have 9 Bargains in Men's Fur Coats. Come and get our prices while we have the goods. The P. 1i. Crowder Co. The Blue Front Store (ID 1111111111=111 41111111111111111111 fla ‘kCeadquarters 1 FOR 1 Christmas Gffts 1 1 We have decided to make our shop head- quarters for the festive season. This means that we have the newest, best, swellest and largest stock, and will sell at right prices. 1Zaabke 119atehes. If you want to buy a watch, it will pay you to call and see our large stock of the newest designs. We keep all grades of move- ments and cases. `9d\b s a `RANgs You should see our stock of rings, espec- ially the Pearl and Diamond rings ; they are beauties. �cmas. SAks. If you want a Xmas. gift for a friend— come in. We have a choice variety, at right prices too, 1 1 ITHE JAW 1 W. G. PATTERSON I THE JEWELER orr.�.+r.rrrr •.rr.r �, EWELER THE WI-NOTTAM ADVANCE. Turiiberry. (,lolnlcil met in Binevaie all ThUre- day, Dee. 1501 ; Ial('illbere all present. The minute:, of last meeting were read and adopted. 111r, 1'11tsgrave reported having let a job of dram on 4th ('on, lisle to JIURCtl 5 T,l,visll at' $5. The Reeve and TrealUL('r label their annual sepia before the -('ouncil, whieli showed $1,710 Nash 011 hand et date. mm• (.'oupland• -`That the nlutlport be received an(l adopted 1,.taurti,,11;.ford 11lusgroi t-lkelly—That the clebell- tules for Elliott drain be dated Dee, 1st 100 a ,cried. The following itecounts were passed and cheque on the Bank of Hamilton issued r-Tolili S. McTavish, Court of Revision, $1 ; .1. ltolph, refund statute labor, $7; John Musgrove, commis- sioner's fees and gravel, $48.80 ; A. Pa,. terson, on retain' statute lethal,Il W 1 $3 • . Maxwell, wo1'k Morris boundary, $ 1,50 ; Treas. Culross, cement tile, $0.87 ; T. Hail, advertising, $1 ; Frank Henry, work Kinloss boundary, $0.02 ; Duct & Stewart, lumber and repairing bridges, $13.50 ; \V. & N. II. Elliott, tile, $12.83; D. -Wallace, drain, $5 ; II. i oKinnon, gravelling, $11.37, and stumping on Culross benuda►'y, , $1.38; 'WV. Mitchell, inspecting, $1.25 , Henry todlcin, work suleroad con. B, $10 ; Ii. Vaaustone, Lawyer's fees, $1 ; W. H. Cruikshank, commissioner's fens and animal al report, $63; John Couplatnd, Tno. Rutherford, Alex. Kelly, commissioner's fees, each $45 ; Pant Powell, salary and postage, $28 ; .Tno. 'largess, salary, postage and rent, $78; Peter McLaren, salary, pos- tage and 81111na11'epoL't, $51:. JOAN BURGESS, Clerk, 4 - Catarrh, Catarrh, Pneumonia, Consumption Death's fateful trinity they are often called. Catarrh is the first stage, pneumonia often follows, and consumption finally exacts the full penalty. This all can bo averted by us- ing healing, balsamic Catarrhozone, an antiseptic that penetrates the re- motest air cells of the lungs. Ca- tatrrhozone reaches the entire mucous surface of the throat and breathing apparatus ; it carries health where - ever it goes, brings instant relief and and is absolutely certain to eche. Don't delay, get Catarrllozone to -day. It means health, certain care. Two month's treatment $1.00, trial size 25e. Catarrhozone is guaranteed. Howick. We are pleased to hear that Mrs. A. Montgomery, who has recently been ill, is improving in health. Miss Chapman of Mount Forest has been engaged as teacher for Orange - hill for next year at a salary of $350. Mr. D. S. Milne has disposed of his 100 acre fern to Mr. Wlu. Brown, of the Oth con., for a handsome figure Messrs. Sohn Strong and Clelland Bros. have finished threshing for this season, both parties have done a good season's work. The Wright Bros., of the lith, got four boilers full of honey in a hollow tree which they felled the other day in the swamp. Rev. Dr. Smith preached his last sermon to the Lakelet people last Sun- day evening. He is moving this week to Palmerston. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Horton of the burg purpose having a reception at their Moine on the evening of Friday 23rd inst., it being the 25th anniver- sary of their marriage. On Wednesday evening of Last week a number of young people gathered at the home of Mr. Blakeman, 10th line, and spent a very enjoyable time danc- ing until the wee swat hours in the morning. The sale at Wnl. Gcdcke's on Thurs- day was well attended and was an ex- ceedingly profitable one for the pro- prietor. The implements sold away up, but of course they were all good. The proceeds amounted to nearly $1100. A Family Necessity Is a remedy capable of affording im- mediate relief to the hundred and one ailments that constantly arise. It may be a cold, perhaps toothache, neuralgia, pain in the back,—use Ner- viline, its more penetrating, pain sub- duing and powerful than any other liniment. Nerviline is at least five titnes stronger than ordinary remedies and its worth in any household can't be over-estimated. For man or beast Nerviline is a panacea for all pain and costs only 25c. per bottle. Buy., Ner- viline to -day. Morris. Reeve Isbistor is in the field for the Co. Council at11(1 as a result the proba- bilities are Councillor Code will be elected Reeve without opposition. Rev. J. Edmonds, of Blyth, tied the matrimonial knot between Thos. H. Bolger, of this township, and Miss Jane Alice McGregor, of St. Joseph's Island, on Wednesday of last week at the rectory, Blyth. A quiet and very pretty wedding took place at high noon en Wednes- 'day, 14th inst., at the home of F, J. Martin, Sunshine, it being the mar- riage of his youngest sister, 1'4iss Lily Isla, to Geo, H. Dickson, of MoICil- lop. Tho name of W. II. McCutcheon, Oth line is mentioned as a probable =dictate for Councillor for Morris this year. Jas, Shiu'rie, W, H, Maun- ders, ders, R. Bewley, Geo, Turvey, Geo, Kelly and David Wacker are also Mentioned for the sante position at the Council Board, The people of this locality were sad- ly surprised to hear of the demise of Mrs. Adam Scott, of Alma. She was only i1113 days, pneumonia being the cause of death. Deceased's maiden name was Christina nfcArter, being a daughter of the late John McArter, of Morris. She was united in marriage to her now bereft husband 25 years ago last Now Years. One daughter also survives. W's. Scott was in her 45 years. A FAMOUS SCHOOL CENTRAL STRATF'ORD. ONT. This school hos a Continental repute. tion for ihoroUglnless. Our courses are Up- o-dato and practical, and the teach- ing la done by experienced instructors In each department.. There iA pin hotter 1;01oo11n Canada.' We would like to give full information concerning our work to Anyone desiring a Ilushtese 1':dueatren or Shorthand Training. Term opens Jan. 3. Et11o11 8i Met,Arent. rs,1'r1nclpals .. ello .. .. 4 •{• •1• A .. A Merry Xmas.ii • . . • TO EVERYBODY :: :' and 125 Souvenirs of Wing. • hairs and other articles, the ' .'. :. choice of one piece will be :: given to each purchaser of ; $1.00 or upwards. • •: We have a dandy • • stock of Watches Fine Gold Gem Rings Brooches Chains Lockets Bracelets : Silverware and Novelties in great variety. •. 6.0 • 11111111111111111111111 These goods make the .=. very best kind of Xmas. • presents, and we're sell- .l. • ing them at close prices. : Call and examine. • • •• . • • • n' • • •F. • • Halsey Park • JEWELER• --AND— OPTICIAAI •F.•i••I.•l..l.•1.•;••i••1••I••i•-i.•i••14•14.1-14•14 Wingham Machine AND General Repair Shop Is now reopened, and I have secured the service of a man of over 20 years experience in all lines of mill and farm machinery, also hieycles, guns, sewing machines, clothes wringers, lawn mowers, umbrellas, saws gummed and filed, keys made to order, scissors and hair clippers sharpened, etc. A trial solicited. W. G. PATON Eight of the last Students placed by THE CANADA BUSINESS COLLEGE CHATHAM, ONT. were placed at the following salaries : Two at $000, one at $700, four at $720 and ono at $1000. DIT IT 501' PAY Tnr'.r To cons To CrrATn.tn? Do you know of any other business school on the Continent guttingi, such results? Our Cat- alogues are the handsomest issue of the kind put out by any business school 01i tho Contin- ent. If you wish to attend a business college ask for our General Catalogue. If you cannot come to Chatham, write for our )trail Course catalogue. We can teach you Book-keeping, Shorthand or Penmanship at your home. We pay your railway fare in coming up to $8, and can secure good board at $$2.30 to $2.75 per week. Mention catalogue you want. D. McLACHLAN & CO„ Chatham, Ont. LIFE FIRE INSURANCE Lowest rates consistent with absolute security. All claims promptly settled Abner Cosens ACCIDENT PLATE GLASS Canadian Order Woodmen of The World. CAMP NATIONAL 139 Hold their regular meetings every, 2nd anti ith Friday each month, ill Oddfellows' Hall All visitors welcome. R. MAxwiLt, C. 0. It.1i. CrtoWpint, Clerk W. A. CURRIE ' INGIIAM'S AUCTIONEER. Why go out of Town for an Auctioneer, when your wants can be supplied at home. Cook's Cotton Root Compound. ladies* Favorite, Tothe only safe, reltabld -regulator on which. woman Can depend. "in the diour, and time of need." Prepared In two degrees of strength. No. 1 and No. 2. No. 1.—For ordinary cases Iii by far the best dollar medicine known. No, 2—For special cases --10 al Nee l Stronger—three dollars per tier, S,adias—•at* your dr'itgglst for Cook's as all p11II ,_t till turesnanid,immitattonstare dangerous. No. 1 and No. 2 are isold and recommended by all druggists in the Do- nnlnion of Canada. Mailed to any address on receipt of rice and four 2-eent postage supeN,. tree cense lvnrdasoy.Ont., Sold L.iIlamiltona,nW yell icibbon .pc ggi is Pu LVO POLISH HOT 5't`01IE AND METAL CLeANt R COMI3iNgD 'rhe only Patented Polish in the World. IsTo Dust, No Dirt, NoSinoke, No Smell. Colitnitis lie benzine or other explosives. I'tl'i,VO makes more polish and lasts longer thin any other. PRICIC 1008 AT ALL GRgCtrRS Ayers You can hardly find a home without its Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. Parents know what it does for children: breaks Cherry Pectoral up a cold in a single night, wards off bronchitis, prevents pneumonia. Physicians ad- vise parents to keep it on hand. u The beat cough medicine money cin buy fe Ayer's Cherry rcctoraL For tho coughs of children nothlng_could possibly bo better.', JAoo)i niters,, Saratoga, Ind. Me., 50e., MAO. 3.0. ATER CO.. All dru¢ tlsts.Lowell, Mau. icor .......... Throat, Lungs Ayer's P1115 greatly ald the Cherry Pectoral In breaking up a cold. t,,nrk _uts7` u tIr 'x s' er ' 4.rtr off Not A Game Of Chances When you come to trade with us you take no chances with your money. Bank deposits are not safer than our guarantee to you of good Value or Money back. To know what real solid Cloth- ing Value is—buy Homuth Bros'. Snits and Overcoats—We are show- ing some beautiful effects, made in latest style and best workmanship, at $10, $18 up to $25. Xmas. Gifts. In Neckties we have all the new colorings and styles in Puffs, Derbys, Flowing -Ends, Bows, Strings, etc. Really the fiuest assortment ever shown in the county at 25c, 50c and 75c. Mufflers. Be sure you have one of our warm utuffiers.—Materials of Wool also Silk.—These are the greatest Value we have ever offered at 35c, 50e, 75e, $1.00 and $1.25. Gloves. In Gloves wo have a very fine assortment to select from—these are good flttors—Best Maker's and all sizes $1.00, $1.255 and $1.75. Hats, Caps, Etc. Hats, Caps, Underclothing, Sus- penders, Handkerchiefs, Armlets, Colored Shirts, White Shirts, Cuffs, Collars, Hosiery—and in fact every- thing in Gents' Wear.—We invite you before buying elsewhere, to call and have a look at any rate, and no doubt yon will go away from this store WELL pleased. A PLE.tSL'nE To Snow Goons. Demuth Bros. BETTER THAN GOLD to a young man or woman is a course in the LISTOW4 Three Courses — Commercial, Shorthand and Typewriting, and Telegraphy, Students away enter any time. College reopens Tan, 3rd, 1110.5. Solid for Journal. A. L. McINTYRE, Mgr, Snits, Overcoats AND PANTS A SPECIALTY, Our Suits are of the newest materials at the lowest possible prices. Overcoatings that make up the most beautiful Coats that fancy could desire, at prices ranging from $12,00 to $20.00. Pantings, the very thing you are looking for, Robt, Maxwell High Art Tailor - 1 thgham XMAS. SHOPPING These are bright, busy days ttt our busy store. Such bowers of holiday brightness, that it seems Christmas every day here. If you are puzzled what to buy, come and let us help you out. 'Tis well, to bear in mind though, that early buyers enjoy many advantages over those who put off their purchases � p h sus uzltil the last few days. We can't quote everything, but here are a few items that should prove interesting to the keenest buyers. OPEN EVERY NIGHT `1Tesv ks HANDKERCHIEFS. Ladies' handkerchiefs in great variety, fancy em. broidered Lawn, Linen and Silk, with worked initials. Prices range from 5o to $2.00, See our leader, extra value at 250 1 BELTS. Just received a large as. sortment of the latest novelties in Belts, fanny Silk Girdles, with pretty buckles, also imported Jetted Elastic Belts. Pri- ces are from 25o to X1.50. See our special line at.. , 50c Our Christmas Sale keynote is—" Big Dry Goods' worth for not much money." LADIES' NEW NEOKWEAR.—What more useful Xmas pres- ent than a pretty Silk Collar or Tie. We have opened up a very nice collection of the latest ideas in all kinds of Ladies' Neckwear. Prices are 25e, 350, 50e, 750, $1.00, $1.25. Special Christmas bargain at 500. LACE COLLARS.—We are showing a very nice range of Ladies' Lace and Sequin Collars at surprising values. Prices begin at 25e. See our leader at $1.00, OTHER PRESENTS FOR LADIES.—Material for Dress Snit, Waist or Skirt, Golf Vests, Silk Waists, Umbrellas, Kid Gloves, Slip- pers, Ribbons, Knitted Shawls, Fur Coats, Oaperines, Muffs, Ruffs, Gauntlets, Raincoats, Skirts, Table Cloths, Towels, Rugs, Mats, Our - tains, Blankets, Quilts, Table Napkins, etc. lresenis dor. 'Men. Almost anything you want in Men's Furnishings, and at a price you want to pay. ? GLOVES. Men's lined Kid Gloves in all the best makes and colors. Speoial value in Mocha, well lined. See our Xmas bargain 75c' TIES. We have just passed into stock the latest and best styles in Men's fancy Knots, Strings, Four-in- hand, Bows, etc. All S prices. Speoial line at.. 250 Every Christmas Counter is a Bargain Counter here. w� Men's Fancy Braces in boxes put up specially for Xmas trade. Prices range from 25e to $1.25. Extra special, 50c. Men's Mufflers and Scarfs in plain and fancy silk, Makes a nice Xmas present. Prices, 25c to $1.25. Extra value at 50e. OTHER PRESENTS FOR MEN.—Slippers, Umbrellas, Under- wear, Cuff Buttons, Collars, Cuffs, Shirts, Hats, Fur Coats, Fur Caps, Gauntlets, Knit Gloves, Cuffs, Silk Handkerchiefs, etc. Spend prudently, give wisely—we make this perfectly easy. Right Qualities Right Styles Right Prices H. E. ISA r D CO. lialignERSERIMEBEMIERRii Too Much Furniture We are going to reduce our stock. Now for Special Prices until the end of the year on Parlor Suites, Couches, Bedroom Suites, Sideboards,' Extension Tables, Mattresses, Fancy Rockers and odd pieces. It will Pay you to conte and see for yourself. Walker Bros. St Button Wingham Coal and 1 Wood Yard We are sole agents in town for the Scranton Coal, and guarantee every delivery to be O. K. Just ask any person who has used it and bear what they say about it. We are confident it will give you the best of sat- isfaction if given a trial. You will always find our price;, reasonable, and delivery prompt. Farmers wishing to load and draw their own Coal will have 25 cts. per ton rebate. • NOW POR THE WOOD. No, 1.' --Hest Body Hardwood, per ()ord $3 0)) No. 2•->Ilardwood, from Smaller Timber. per Cord 2 75 No, 8—Hardwood and Ash, mixed, per Cord 2 50 No, 4—Ash and Elm, mixed, per Cold . 2 25 No, 5—Slabs and Soft Timber, per Coxd 2 00 Rough wood, cbunks, etc., for furnaces and box stoves, pet Cd 2 00 (Nos, 1 and 2 are cut from peen timber.) Our terms for Coal and 'Vood are strictly cash. J. A. Mc EAN6