HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1904-12-15, Page 8THE WING AM ADVANCE
Thursday, December iS, fga4
Slipper Suggestions
What to give an
Old Lady
What to give a
Young Lady
give to >ve an
Old Man �V
What to give a
Young Man
What to . give , a
What to give a
What to give the
What to give
Come, Get Your
Assortment, 25c to • $2.00.
W. J. Greer, The Shoer
CED 41121111111=11111111111111•11111111111•1111100 (11111111.11EIND SINGIIIIMIND
There's Good• Bread Ahead
You can always be sure of a good meal when bread
from the Wingham Mill's Flour is used. Then the price
is always lower than you can bay elsewhere. Wholesale
quotations to those buying Two Bbls. or over.
The Market
Wheat, per bushel $ 1.00 to $ 1.02
Oats, per bushel .80 to .32
Barley, per bushel .38 to .40
Flour, Star (two-thirds Manitoba) per half Bbl. 2.60 to 2.70
Flour, Pastry (all Ontario) " " 2.40 to 2.60
Flour, (Pure Manitoba) " " 2.50 to 2.75
Flour, low grade, per cwt 1.20 to 1.30
Shorts, per ton 18,00 to 20.00
Bran, per ton 15,00 to 18.00
Chop, per ton 10.00 to 22.00
We will allow 5c per half bbl. off on Flour quotations to
Farmers and others supplying their own bags.
Bring your Chopping to us, as we do
first-class work.
Mrs. Reid, who has been suffering
frons a severe attack of inflaamatory
rheumatism, is just now able to go
Miss Susie Pearson, who has been
spending the past few weeks with her
sister in Idarlock, returned home last
Mr. Roy Fraser, who has been work-
ing in a butter and cheese factory
near Stratford during the jetst season,
has returned home for holidays,
The many. friends of Miss Florence,
daughter of Thos. McDonald, will be
sorry to learn that it has been neces-
sary for her to undergo another opera-
tion upon her foot.
The wedding of Mr. Austin Baynard
and Miss Hssie Huffman took place on
Wednesday of this week, at the resi
deuce of the bride's parents, 3rd eon. ;
particulars next week,
Invitations are out announcing the
wedding of Mr, J. Jones and Miss
Ettie, daughter of James Frain of
Stonewall, Man., formerly of this lo-
cality. The wedding Is to take place
ou Dee. 14th, at the residence of the
bride's father,
The many friends of Mr. E. G. Mc-
Donald, Principal of Harriston public
school, and formerly teacher in S. S.
No. 4, will be pleased to hear that he
has been engaged as teacher in Lis-
towel school, duties. to commence after
Xmas holidays. We think Listowel is
to be congratulated, as Mr. McDonald
is a man of sterling qualities ; may
every success attend him.
• (Too late for last issue)
Mr. Austin Ray pard, 3rd con., has
had his house all remodeled and fixed
very comfortable.
We are sorry to learn of the severe
illness of Duncan Taylor. At last re-
ports he was a little improved ; we
hope it continues.
Mr, and Mrs. Jos. Ames entertained
a number of friends on Wednesday
evening. The time was enjoyably
spent in games and social chat.
'We are pleased to hear that Miss
Clara McQuarrie, who left a few
weeks ago for England, has arrived
safely after having a delightful voy-
Mr. and Mrs. Huffman, accompani-
ed by their daughter Mrs. Thornton,
drove to Riversdale last Sunday
where they will spend a few days with
Special services have commenced in
Roe's church and will continue for
two weeks only. Rev. C. P. Wells,
the pastor, will conduct them. A pro-
fitable time is being looked forward
Don't forget the date of the concert
to be held in S. S. No. 4, (Dec. 10th.)
The committees are working hard and
it promises to excel anything pre-
viously held here. Fancy drills,
Tableaux, chorus singing, also selec-
tions from Messrs. Hanna and Wight -
man of Wingham. Everybody will
be made. welcome.
Miss Elsie Strachan left last Tues-
day for a two weeks' visit with friends
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Eckmier spent
Sunday with her cousins, the Misses
Livingston near Brussels,
The members of the Sunday School
of Victoria Hall are talking of holding
a Xmas tree and entertainment in the
near future. The exact date is not
yet known.
John Simpson, son of A. Simpson,
arrived home from the Northwest last
Saturday night on an extended visit.
That country has certainly agreed
with him as he looks fine.
dor Christmas Presents
How Many Little Hearts Are Anticipating
Happiness At Your Hands ?
It's a matter of a very few days now. Visit our
toy department and make your selection EARLY.
Great array --easy to choose—little money goes
a long way here.
Sleighs and Sleds, China, Rag and Kid Body
Dolls, Motors, Automobiles and Mechanical Toys,
Drums, Horns, Cornets, Trombones. Dolls, Trunks,
Wash Sets, Hammocks, Swings, Booking Horses,
Carriages and Games,
Books, Bibles and Hymnals.
Miscellaneous Hooke, including the new Connor
book—"The Prospector"—and all the other recent
Daintily bound Gift Books—to see them Is to
admire them. Toy Hooks and Juveniles, do to $2.00.
Fancy Calendars and Xmas. Cards.
The Newest Novelties In Fancy Goods.
Direct from the best Canadian and foreign mar-
kets are represented in our stock.
Frenoh Stag in Mirrors, Brushes, Combs, Card
Receivers, Collar and Cuff boxes, etc., etc.
Ebony Brushes, Mirrors, Toilet Sets, etc., etc,
Ladies' Companions in plush, leather, stag, etc.
Chatelaine Bags of the newest shapes and handles,
fitted with Card Case, Parse, eta.
Fancy Chinaware and Cat Class assortment—
easy to select from and prices much to your liking,
The Xmas. Globe.
We have secured a limited number of the
famous Christmas Globe, although the edition was
sold out three weeks before issued, Speak quick if
you want one or more for yourself and dietant
friend. Price -60 eta.
Cooper Co. - VV-tOtatit.
Successors to Alex. Ross
Robt, 'Warwick, 2nd line, continues,
very poorly.
Township ('omieil will meet Thurs-
day, this week.
Morris should give Warden Bowman
a respectable majority.
Last week John Jackson and family
moved front McKillopp township to the
S, Walker farm, 6th line.
Mrs. John Dougim of Morris died
fromaralysis on Sunday, Nov, 27th,
and the following Friday. 2nd inst.,
her husband dropped dead from heart
failure. The 1)ougan home is at pre-
sent a sad one. Both parents had
passed the allotted span of man—three
score and tun,
Samuel Love, formerly of the 5th
line, Morris, who left here over a year
ago for Manitoba, anti later to British
Columbia, was killed about ten days
ago by a tree falling on him, He was
married to Miss Mary, daughter of
Win. Wilson, now of Manitoba, for-
merly of 5th line of Morris.
The school concert which, is being
gotten up by the young, eople of S. S
No. 5 is to be held inthe Forester y ,
Hall, Belgravo, instead of in the
school as was stated last week. The
change was made owing to the much
better accommodation for both people
and horses. Don't forget the change
and the date which is Dec 20th.
SciooL REPORT,—Following is the
record of the pupils of S. S. No. 10, for
the month of November. Total in
each case 500 marks. Some of the pu-
pils were absent during part of exams
and their names are correspondingly
low :—Class .V—Ethel Anderson, Carl
Innes, DavidJohnston. Sr. IV—Ralph
Shaw, Ernest Shaw, Lizzie Innes, Nel-
lis Combos, Alice Combes, Maggie
Miller. Jr. IV—Willie King, W. H.
Anderson, Frank Shaw. Sr: III—Mary
Forrest, Lizzie Breckenridge, Alice
Thornton, Bella Robb, Jennie Moffatt.
Jr. III—Arthur Shaw, Ferne Eckmier,
Agnes Miller. Sr. II—Alma King,
Jennie Anderson, Eleanor Patterson.
Jr. II --Annie Breckenridge, Vietta
Curies, Willie Messer. Part II—John
Moses, Geo. Patterson. Part I—•Bessie
Johnston, 'Walter Messer. Best reader
for month, Jennie Anderson, and best
drawer for month, Nellie Combes.—J.
T. Strachan, Teacher.
West Wawanosh.
The directors of the W. W. Fire
Ins. Co. held their last meeting of the
year on Tuesday.
Mr. John McKenzie, of Ashfield, ex -
Reeve of the township, is in the field
for County Councillor, in the Division,
including Ashfield and Colborne and
the town of Goderich.
C. A. Tebbutt, of Dungannon, took
charge of the services at the Nile, on
Sunday evening last. Mr. Tebbutt
preached an excellent sermon, taking
as his text Exodus 34 :20.
The new Presbyterian church at
Auburn is nearing completion, but
by present appearances the year 1904
will have passed on and joined its
predecessors on the stage of time be-
fore it is ready for occupancy,
Mr. Win. McQuillan, Reeve of West
Wawanosh is being strongly urged by
his many .friends to become a candi-
date for County Councillor in his
division. He is a good man and we
believe he will be elected should he
decide to run.
It is with regret we announce the
serious illness of that old patriarch
and pioneer, of the Nile, Mr. Geo.
Sheppard. His many friends in the
county of Huron will wish him a
speedy recovery. The veteran is well
past the 80 mark.
Mrs. McNally and family of Dun-
gannon have the sincerest sympathy
of the residents of this place in their
sad affliction, the loss of a husband
and father. 'Mr. McNally had been in
failing health for over a year past,
and 'he recently underwent an opera-
tion in a Toronto hospital.
Chief Wheatley of Clinton was in
town Monday on business.
Mr, Collins ofWinghaun is painting
the exterior of L. Hill's new re-
The windows of the various stores
in town are looking their prettiest in
their Xmas attire,.
Mr, John Cowan arrived home from
Manitoba on 'Wednesday to be in at-
tendance at the funeral of his mother,,
who was buried on Thursday,
The Presbyterian Sabbath School
will give a tealneeting- on Friday
evening, Dep. lath ; a good program
has been provided for the occasion.
Miss Alba Chisholm, of Wingham,
soloist, will take part, also Mr. D. Ma-
gill. Rev, Mr. McLennan of Kippen,
the Liberal candidate in South Huron
will be present and give an address.
John R. Clark gave two excellent
addresses on Moral Reform in the
Methodist Church on Sunday. On
Monday evening he entertained a
large audience with his superior lec-
ture entitled—"To and Fro in Nou-
don.n Owing to the stormy weather,
there were many detained away from
these services, who would have liked
to have had the privilege of healing
John R. Clark again ; proceeds of lec-
ture and addresses amounted to $21.
Miss Sarah Casemore of the 2nd of
Morris is visiting friends in this
Miss Sarah Bclfour is recovering
from a serious attack of inflamation
of the bowels.
Hector McLean of Glenannan has
purchased the fifty acre farm of 'Win.
Deyell for the sum of $1,300. Mr.
Deyell and family have removed to
Bluevale, he having. purchased Mr,
McLean's house there.
Mr. Jeffrey Mosgrove is now com-
fortably domiciled on Mr. S. Taylor's
farm which he has rented.
The 2nd line threshers' oyster sup-
per took place on Friday night at the
residence of Mr. J. Williamson.
Two wild cats were shot by J. Wil-
liamson, of the boundary between
Howick and Wallace, a few days
We are pleased to hear that Mrs.
Andrew Montgomery, who has re-
cently been ill, is improving iii
Messrs. S. W. Ferguson and R. Mil-
ler, present Commissioners for this
division, are again in the field for re-
Mr. D. S. Milne has disposed of his
100 acre farm on the 11th con.,
Howick, to Mr. Win. Brown, Sr., for a
good figure.
The Foresters and Orangemen of
Newbridge will hold an "At Home" in
the Foresters' Haall, Fordwich, on Fri-
day' evening, Dec. 16th.
Peter Dicket killed a pig recently
that weighed 600 pounds. It was a
monster and handling it was as heavy
work as raising Jack Wolf's bairn.
Mr. Bowman, the Conservative can-
didate for the Local Legislature, was
in the vicinity last week. Howick
will roll up a good Conservative
The managers of the McIntosh
church have been around with a new
subscription list, and met with the
best of success. There are quite a
number of new names on the list.
Howick municipal matters are very
quiet. The taxes are very high, and
there will probably be a deficit of
$1200 this year, Consequently there
is no great rush of candidates for the
municipal offices.
Mr. and Mrs. John McKee arrived
home on Fridayevening last from
their extended trip to Manitoba and
the West. During their trip they
saw some former Howick residents,
whom they say are doing well in the
Mr. A. W. Darroch, of Clifford, has
Upurchased the Dereham and Norwich
nion Cheese and Butter Factory in
Oxford county -one of the best cheese
factories in the Dominion, The
average yearly make is 200 tons of
cheese and some butter.
The induction of the Rev. Mr. Rad-
ford into the congregations of Del-
more and McIntosh has been postpon-
ed until the 14th inst. Mr. Radford
found it impossible to get moved in
time to be inducted on the 8th, as a a at
first announced. He will preach his
first sermon in the churches on Sun-
day, the 18th inst.
Big wages for agents. Dien and wo-
men make handsome wages selling
our household specialties. Every fam-
ily needs them. A thoroughly legiti-
mate business that you can start in
without a cent of capital. Cr. Marshall
& Co., London, Out.
NOTICE! A public meeting of the Elec-
tors of the Township of Turnberry will be
held in the Foresters' Hall, Bluevale, on
Monday, December 26th, 1904
at ono o'clock p. m., for the nomination of
candidates for the Municipal Council of
Turnberry for the year 1905.
Returning Officer
Turnberry, Dec. 12th, 1901
Farm For Sale.
Fifty-three acres, being south 4 of the north
hof lot 31, con. 11. East Wawanosh; 5 acres
ardwood and mixed timber, good frame
house, bank barn, pig pen and sheep house :
good orchard, well at door, spring in milk -
house ; river rung through corner of farm ;
'81 miles from Wingham, 6 from Belgrave,
44 from Whitechurch and St. Helens. Terms
easy; will be sold at a bargain and feed left
to purchaser it sold right away as owner is
about buying 100 acres in Elma Tp., and
wishes to move this fall. Apply on the
premises • to
Fordyce P. O., Ont.
103 acres, adjoining Wingham ; 75
acres under cultivation ; good house
and new barn. Splendid. opportunity.
Exceptional bargain. Address
13-16 Wingham.
Real Estate Notice.
It will pay you to come to me to buy your
farm or town pruperty. Never before had I
such an extensive list, (both in town and
country) for sale. I have about 6000 aoroa,
comprising some of the best farms in the
Counties of Huron and Bruce,and now is the
time for the intending purcaser to have a
look at them. I can also suit you in town
property no matter what you may desire.
Prices ranging from $100 up to $4,000.
Collection of rents and accounts a Spe-
Life and Accident Insurance effected.
Real Estate and Business Transfer.
(office—Vanstone Block, Wingham)
Large Imported pedigreed Berkshire
Boar will be found for service on 1st
line of Morris.
Good going December 21, 25 and 20, returning
until December 27, 1904. Good going Decem-
ber 31, 1904 and January 1 and 2, 1905, valid for
return until January 4, 1905.
Going December 23, 24. 25, 20, 30 and 31, 1001,
and January 1 and 2, 1905, returning until Jan-
uary 5, 1905.
Between all stations in Canada, Port Arthur
and Eaet.
Full particulars from any Canadian Pacific
Agent or C. B. Foster, D.P.A., Toronto.
Winter Fair, Guelph.
Good going Deo, 3rd to 9th, Valid return-
ing until Dee. 12th, The Grand Trunk has
the most convenient service to Guelph.
To California and llorida,,
Send the winter in the Delightful winter,
resorts of California and Florida, Beet of
Pullman Dining 'and Pariar Cars, and direct
Mount Clemens Mineral Baths,
tUnoxoe1iod treatment for rheumatism,
nervous diseases, etc. Situated near Detroit,
Quickly' and comfortably teethed by the
Grand Trunk. scours illustrated booklet
from Agents.
LtoatCorBali on i,.
HAROLD, Tem Agent, or
J. 0. MentNYA1.l
District Passeager Miss, l'deocto,
Will Soon Be Here.
And we have made ,ample preparation for the
comfort and convenience of all our customers, and
we have in store for our patrons, some of the great-
est surprises in the way of Xmas. Presents that have
ever been offered to the purchasing public of this"
or any other community. Come in and get a share
of our valuable and serviceable Xmas. Presents.,
This is the season of the year for Furs—and our
house is just the place to get the right article at the
right price. Men's Fur Coats from $16.50 up.
Men's Fur Caps from $2.00 to $10.00. Ladies' Fur
Jackets in Persian Lamb and Electric Seal, with
Mink Collars and .Revers, also Sable Collars and
Revers, also in Bokbaran and Astrachan—
all sizes and prices from $18.00 to $125.00.
Also Fur Caps, Ruffs, Stoles, Muffs and Gauntlets,.
in all the latest styles and best qualities of Furs,
and will find our prices lower than others ask.
We have very interesting information to give
out in reference to our latest stock of Ladies' and
Children's Fine Cloth Jackets—it will pay you well
to ask to see them and get our prices.
Everything in this line either for Ladies, Gents,
Girls or Boys, will be found here and at lowest
We keep the very best that we can buy in
every line, and you can always depend on getting
everything fresh, -and pure and at right prices.
' Wishing each and all of our 'Friends a very
Merry Xmas. and Happy New Year.
Highest Prices for Trade.
the ItterN
Ckviskstmas er3kme
A Splendid Treat in Store for Shoppers at The Bee Hive.
A grand display of brilliancy and splendour in thiAre
holiday decorations. We welcome one and all, and don't
forget to bring the children to see the beauty and at-
tractions of This Store.
Holiday Specialties In Every Department
Hints For Christmas
Gifts For Ladies
and Misses.
Dress lengths, Silk Waist lengths,
Wrapper lengths, Skirt lengths,
Flannelette Night Robes, Hosiery,
Corsets, Gloves, Underwear, Flan-
nelette Corset Covers, fancy Col-
lars, Silk Belts, fancy Hose Suppor-
ters, fancy silk and wool Shirt
Waists, Golf Jackets, fancy wool
Shoulder Shawls, Ladies' and
Girls' Jackets, Wool Fascinators,
Table Linen, Table Napkins, Tow-
els, Towellings, fancy Centre Piec-
es, Doylies, five o'clock Tea Cloths,
white Quilts, Lace Curtains, Che-
nille Table Covers, Wool Blankets,
Flannelette Blankets, Hand Bags,
Purses, Combs, Lithograph Cush-
ion Tops, Cushion Girdles, plain
and fancy Silk Handkerchiefs,
plain hem -stitch, lace edge and
embroidery edge linen and fine
lawn Hdkfs., Ladies' silk and wool
Mitts, and Ladies' and Children's
This is a partial list of very use.
fol and acceptable goods for Christ-
mas gifts. Prices in every case
will be sure to please you when
you make your purchases at The
Bee Hive.
Christmas Gift Hints
To Assist You In .
Your Purchases
For Men & Boys.
Any of the following, makes a
nice and very useful present :—
Beautiful Silk Neckwear in Bows,
Flowing -end, Four-in-hand, String
Ties, Knots and Puffs, Suspenders,
Armlets, new Hats, new Caps, ,,,.
Umbrellas, Hosiery, silk lined
Mocha Gloves, wool lined Mocha
Gloves, fine unlined Mocha Gloves,
wool Gloves, white Shirts, fancy
Dress Shirts, Sweaters, Cardigan
,Packets, Way Mufflers, black silk
fancy lined Mufflers, fancy silk
square Muffler, heavy top Shirts,
Handkerchiefs, fleece lined Under-
wear, heavy wool Underwear, fine
wool ' Underwear, Pants, Vests,
Overcoats, Reefers and Suits, Col-
lars and Cuffs.
This list will help you in mak•
ing your selection and our special
money -saving prices will make
buying easy.
Bee Hive Bargains will help
to make your Christmas a merry
We aro going to have tremendous selling the next two w eek s,
An extra staff will be on hand and we'll do our utmost to give
customers every attention.
We ask you to assist us in shopping as early as you can,
The Kooler Co. Wingham