HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1904-12-15, Page 6WM.
. .. _ . ..,..7, -.,..y. ---„,............-,e.,—....
I etland. I ant not going. to weark,,1
(I w4.0u with a deeeription, 110WeVeres1
i ee ettr,rucow
"Xeli were certainly. very WE- "' i
shall lease see to, juage Of its mer -
.6 itis tor eaureelf."
tunate to fall bele to No bandsome
sae/ 81-eueed— -fai .,),''t/ .-Woova, . preperty, to say Mittang ablaut;
the title," the fair girl remarked,
for the Kate of sayang Sainaeldlig;
itelf44.;,1141rito for anather pause had seemed imila
1011. gravely, , "but—even lilden wOula
"That is true:' Said her cempall-
?es, %Ante/ i Ciaalit7le/ al(e ae. be desolate without its Eve. Fair -
.:14114o.044..4, 4011141144041ics NaariKaala once, when may; I claim—my wirer
iffsee'efilVn,deasi-rie, fn..L.c..
seses......................, vet and unexpected attack, and for
Florence Melted betty- at this cur-
cuArrtott xxw.
a moment she did not reply. Thous
lifting a Iota: of grave surprise to
her companion's face, she quietly' re-
turned :
"I thought; that matter had been
The Unita wn
ri e room.
"What a fol I svas to tell him dance, and he thoroughly enjoyed
they had gone to Paris," Leighton himself with her, wheu be was not
sullenly muttered, as he glared fierce- hampered by the preeenee of those
ly after hie rival; "but just as soon before whom he felt obliged to tee-
ms the carnival is over, I will follow have himself circumspectly. •
thorn. Blast the fellow. I never
dreamed he would play me snob a
shabby trick."
Ito was not so overcome by the in- by her orders that the two reseals
tevievr, however, as to permit it to in the guise of pages h.ad endeavor -
interfere in the least with his ed to .kicluan Alonicee-and ehe was
amusement. Ile proceeded directly to in a state Or continual fear that
make a call upon Inez King, wetla elle might any day Spring neon her
whom he epent the afternoon, driv- unawares, to wrest her stolen f Or -
lug out to the Campagna, and after- tune from her; for, tatu reasoned,
ward dining with. her at a fashion- that she could have no other ohs
able eafe.
Merrill, on the contrary, and liter-
ally, "in dead earnest," as he had
said, went straight to his hotel,
reeked his trun.k and took the next
express en route for Paris,
He traveled night and day, and
arrived at his destination some
three days previous to the arrival
of the Seaver party, much to his
Ete- kept a sharp lookout for them,
however, but could got no trace of
thelm !until (aim.y had been in the'
city !several days, and then 'he lost
no time in calling upon them4
Florence was not very well
pleased by his appearance, for she
could not forget their last inter-
view, and dreaded a, renewal of Us
attentions and importunities, She
secretly despised him' for the
threat he had made, hoping there-
by to coerce her consent to his peee-
Still, she was a lady, and felt that
she must be courteous to him. She
introduced him to Monica, telling
him how strangely they had met
on their way from Rome, and by
always insisting upon her presence
Bottled long ago, Sir Walter."
eno not say that, Florence," the
young man pleaded, earnestly. "I
easnet eive you up -I l'aVe n ver give
en up the hope of winning you. I
knowou seemed Inclined to draw
back and regret time step we 'took
last summer. I love you, my aarls
lug; as well to -day, as I did then,
and have never cea,sea to hope that
you will some day be willing to ac-
knowledge the tie that unics ns."
"No tie binds us to each other.
Walter," Florence coldly, responded.
"I anew you assume tbere dose not
dear," said Leigh -toe, toeing some Of
his color, "but leaving that out o/
the question, after baytug plighted
your faith to me, and gene to the
very altar, surely you can hardly
say, that I have lie Olathe ePon YOU."
"I know what you my is true,"
Florence admitted, with a weate
eigh • "I did pledge myself to you
Inez had been greatly upset over I did consent to it clandestine mar -
the failure of her plot to capture /doge ; but ranee then I have often
her hated cousin, on the night of wondered he I wield have been eo
the bae masque—for of course it was unwise—so recklees. I have some-
timee 'been half inclined to think that
you really del mesmerize me Into
consenting to that wrong and fool-
ish act. There 'were times when I
believed that mT Imppinees depend-
ed upon our union, and teen there
would come graver moments .wben
I felt that we were both making a
pet in coming to Borne just at that,
time. , fatal mistake. Besides, I bad grown
' When the men who had acted as up with the idea that I 'must carry
her pages at the ball appeared to out me father'e wishes by i marry -
claim her promised rewarl for their nig tbe son of his friend.'
nervioes, they related what had A peculiar look swept over , Feir
befallen them just as they were (Walter's face at that last °beers
on the point of abducting their • eation. .
victim. i Ile dare pt press her too far, just
They could giro DO deecriptIon Of at present, for he feared she might
thee:. assailant, however, owing to refuse to become his gusset, and the
the darknees and the euddenness of fondly believed that once She saw:
the •attack, and thus the identity of his beautiful home and realized the
Florence's champion remained a position she would occupy) 'as his
mystery, greatly to the perplexity wife, the temptation would be more
and annoyance or Inez, than she could reshot! .
Site artfully questoned Sir Wal- air Walter bore himself very well
ter, and it war, through him that during the remainder of the journey,
elm learned the Beavers had left he was perhaps a 'little more grave
Rome. , than usual, but his manner was
* * * * ad' 'free and unconstrained whenever he
On his arrival in Paris Sir Wale addressed Florence, and 'he was -just
tett. easily found his friends and was 6,a kindly: attentive as ever. ,
cordially welcomed by Mr. S.eaver Upon their arrival in Lon-
a:ad his wife. don- be stew the partyi . pleas -
Was arse admitted to their apart- antly located in their, hotel,
Florence was not present when Ise
meat ; but shortly afterward in view of their promised v
she then, , balding 4a sen au reveille'
hiat a
and Monies entered the room to-
gether. ' couple of weeks latee, lie returne,d to
Worthing Towers. 1, ce i• ;
Su' Walter started to his feet as « « * * «
they appeared, an exclamation of It is now time that we were Inquir-
courage a renew,a1 of his ante while he gazed in perplexity, first lag flow life bad been prospering with
when he called, she hoped to dig- astonishment beeaking from lam,
Mr. Carrel during this log interval.
But the young man had staked at one, then at the other. ;
After closing with the offer of the
his all upon winning her, and lie Bat Florence advanced with a
could not be long eluded in this Way; smile and extended hand to greet London firm, aa has been previously
related, lie left England to take up
and, one oefternoon, when they
were all out sight-seeing together,
he managed to get himself and
Florence separated from the oth-
him, and ethie.n laughingly observe . hts new duties, and see what he could
"I see you are puzzled -to find a
duplicate of myseli with. us; but de toward turning fortune's wheel
revolving the other way for himself.
that will les es.planed, in a measure, He was aboat three mantes, during
ere of the party, and then took in -
at least, when I introduce my le.blob. everything prospered with him
stant advantage of his opportunity. cousin. Sir Walt eT Leighton, al'ow
most encouragingly ; and when he re -
"Miss Florence, that all-important ' e to make you acquainted with
question whale I asked you, tile last Mies MOE i sa King." turned to Losiclon his firm expressed
teeniselves as in re than pleaeed, siatb
time I saw you, . is Still imam- The young baronet expresszd his the result of his labors,
rewered," he began, as he turned into eleasure in meking the young lady's Ile found jamas, las little protege,
a narrow, shaded path, for -they nequatirtanee, hat to laratielf ha ex- leokerig eteo.ig and robust.
les. "I went - to Rome, hoping to "Jove! another Miss King, what He had grewn taller, and his form
were in the Garden of 'the Waller- cliarasd:
meet you there, but not finding you, can it all mean ?" had f Fed cut round and full; his face
wee feisned w.ti: the hue of health,
came directly 'to Paris, to learn Later, Mr. Sever explained that
his exce were bright and sparkling
whether I am to be happy or they had. di cover el Fleratc ai con-
with beetsh mischief, and his delight
wretched during the remainder of i 1 i pur. ly by an. cd n.—teat :hi had
In having his kind friend back was
my life. Florence, darling ! I love been travelling with an Engli:h unbounded.
you: with all my heart and soul, lady, who had died very suddenly,
Tecy spent a happy month toge-
Will you be my wife ?" , I aid Monica an I the lady's mail were ther, and then Mr. Care.: 1 wee obliged
Florence turned a glance of un- returning to England by them- to go upon another tree
disguised astonishment upon him, 'elves, -when the S -aver ptrty had es
eine time he was absent four
"Mr. Merrill," she began, with a rim across their path. The mall bad montes, and ereneoeee be touched
chilling dignity that assured aim he been sent on her way home, bat Ms mod to turn in his favor, and when
had nothing to hope for, "I confess Afealea, at the ow nest f elicitat on,
I am amazed that eoui should renew of Florence, had. c ies..nted to re- he egain pa:seated himself in London
artillery of Russia, Japan, France, Ger-
this subject after my attitude to- math 'with th• m. he had the energetic, manner and
bearing of one who realized that he Krupp works, and during the South Afri-
Emily and Italy was manufactured at the
sword you urea previoue and simi- "1 was rot aware that Florence_ can war England bad to apply toneepeg
lar occasions; but let ma say now, had any relatives; ani how remark- was fast sweeping all cbstacles from
wit:um:n*. works to supply urgently
once for all, that I ehall never mar- ably they reeemble each, other," Fir his path'
strides toward the goal to white) ho
and was making rapid
. Always useful and
certainly beautiful* a
brooch is never amiss
as a gift,
No. ass& as a fine Gold
Brooch with Diamond centre.
She price is remarkable at
Distance is no ob-
stacle to satisfactory
dealings with our
house. Write for
mail-order catalogue.
Ile to 124
VonSe Street
I Iluatera Bullets May Not Stop the
Brute's Advance.
The disturbing element in 'taunting olopeant
or melaasuig, or rhino ha e been &mum to
mo at least, the feeling of uficerteinty as to
whether or not I mule stop tee animal 11
wounded It este it charged me, as e did on
an average of once in three times.
Daiwa on my experience, therefore, I should
place the elephant that and the rhino third
after the soladaug, which le fully as terralti.
able as Capt Duffels:. and Is Miscalled
the bison all over India, each of Mem ant -
:mils is dangerous on (efferent and Individ-
ual ground; the elephant, though less likely
to charge than any of the others, is terrify-
rinogurbewcaayu.se. of Ma enormous gamete, which
fe iteoapisty tern ore.aoebbelatagclo a, vital t beep etx 4r:ewe% lad
If, With trunk tightly coiled, be 18 coming.
I know of no sensation more weenie
than standing ankle Seep in clinging mud
in dense cover, with the jungle crashing
around you as though the eettre forest was
toppling, as the elephant you have wounded
cornea smashing his way la your direction.
The soladang is dangerous, partly because
if the thick jungle he 'seeks when wounded,
but more especWily because of WO trailers"
dews vitality. and his usual, though not. in-
variable, habit of awaiting the hunter on
his tracks, and charging euddenly, swiftly
and viciously. requires close and hard
espheoeoittkinegastoetbroinrgiendtoar one of these six foot
The danger of the tiger and of the lion
is in their lightning activity and ferocious
strength, but you have the shoulder, in ad-
dition to the heed :Wet, if broadside; or it
corning on, the chest, all sure to stop if well
placed. The reason the rhino is so formidable
is because the vulnerable spots are so bard
to reach. Ite brain is as small in proportion
as that of the elephant, and may be reached
through the eye, if head on, or about three
inches below and just in front of or Just be-
hind the base of the oar, according to your
position for a shot—Prom outing,
First Photograph in England.
Lord. Ayebury, was the first person to
have his photograph taken in England.
Dageerre, the co -inventor with IL
Niepee in the art of photography, came
to London to patent the invention which
bears his name, and paid an early visit
to the present Lord Avebury's father.
The enthusiastic Frenchman was soon
explaining the details of his new dia.
coyory. Young John Lubbock, es be was
'then, was playing in the garden, and M.
Daguerre, pointing to him, asked to be
allowed to give a practical illustration
of the art. The request was, of course,
granted, and a successful result followed.
e Found His Lost Health in
Dodd's Kidney Pills,
Leading Business Man of Welland
• Gives His Experience Wah, the
Great Cianadian Kidney Remedy.
Welland, Ont., Dec. 5.—(Special.)--
There is no better known or more highly
respected man in Welland that Mr. J. J.
Yokom. Born and brought up in the
neighboring township of Crowland, by
his own industry and sterling honesty
he has grown to be 'one of Welltind's
leading merchants. Consequently when
Mr. Yokom comes out with a statement
that he was cured of a serious illness
by Dodd's Kidney Pills, everybody
knows it must be so, -
"For a year or more I had Kidney
Trouble in all its worst symptoms," says
Mr. Yokom. "My head was bad, I had
no appetite and I lost weight fast. At
times I was entirely incapacitated. I
doctored with a physician of vast expe-
rience but got no good results.
"I .became despondent of ever being
well again, when by good luck I chanced
to try Dodd's Kidney Pills and from
the first they seemed to suit my case.
Five boxes cured me completely.."
The Fate of Many Nations in the Hands
of Miss Krupp.
Undoubtedly the Honest girl in the world
is Miss Krupp, who on the death of her
fathee became chief proprietor of the
world -famed Krupp works at Essen, Ger-
many. This girl, observes Leslie's Weekly,
holds the fate of almost all nations ex-
cept her own in her hand, for if the Krupp
works refused to supply any country fwith
guns that country' would be in a bad way
as a military power. A great deal of the
Walter uc m 1 sale obervcd, tin.l a II.
ry you," emeeee.
hotly '
The young man flushed
her icy calmness of man- name of King. It was April when he returned the
ed be- feeling colon ly unreconciled to the
nor and the inflexibility 'of her "Yee, the likeness is indeed vry eaciond time, and his business would
striking," Fiala Mr. Seaver, repaying, aaverakieempoirhs.in the metropolis for
Itones. take that as a final to eke latter obeervatioa, but lee ct the sources of great
answer," he said. "Oh, let me try miring his reference to the relea delgat to ,Ta,mell, or "Jamie," as his
Tills fasva,s
, "I cannot
to Win you ?"
"It musit be final," she repliedevith.
out heeding his appeal, and. i die-
cidedly that he knew. his fate was
eealed, "And . xr you persist in
forcing the subject upeen me, I
shall feel obliged to request; you to
discontinue your calls. I would not
willingly wound you, Mr. Merrill,"
she added, more gently, "but this
/question must never be raised
His face 'was almost ghastly in
its pallor, but it was not caused
by wounded love.
Be was bitterly* incensed over the
fact that a fine fortune was lost
to lam, when he had spent his all I six Weer3 he was witlik them, al -
int the attempt to win it; and now though be had been most devoted in turning the earner of a etreet, tney
ame suddenly epee a woman bear -
his chagrin sent all the meanness las nettentIons to both of the C
of Ills nature, for which so long young ladles, who compted them leg a largo bulaile in ter arms.
Mr. Carrot could swerve
he had tried 'to conceal, to the sur- with the same fitandly frankness in Before
L''' ale had knecked the package to
tweishp. frond affectiouately called him. he
They had all agreed, In ea cusing lad, appeared tregard him With all
idoessa'e tether a that east as HAL° o .r
the affection of a son for his father,
asp0Eft/1810, Silt/1111 be sell about h.r and was never so happy as when he
history ; at 1 ase u;:t 1 Mr. Seaver was wen, him.
could mature his plans to ac;: against After school and businces hours
Cam King and his daughter, and were over, the two bed many a jolly
U11.4 '11:3 could not do until they could
: time together, as they sought various
hear from August Castalee to when:
places of amusement and interest, or
they had written again, or gather made excursions out into the sue --
tram Mexico some tangibl I met; rail rounding country.
to work upon. Their sojourn in Oct:mai:ally they would pay a visit
Paris was mnevi oet delightiul, i only
the pleasantest relations seemed tO lee Tom DM, who never grow weary
of telling Jeanie and his friend the
cadet batweeu Sir Waltsr tine Idol- story of now, Le rescued the boy and
once, his nurse from the burning hotel.
No word of love once me .pd the One afteraison, wiele returning
Ups 'of the young barOnet during the from one of these visits, as they were
face. 'es. wheel they ar,pieteed to be o.fered. ti round tied then with a quickly
• "And that is really your WO- It was a blight, charming morn- • outetretched hand, btr.-iy saVed its
matum, Miss Richardson ?" he Whie-
eared, hoarsely.,
"Most assuredly, Mr. Merrill," she
haughtily returned.:
"Then—mark my Ivor& :" he
hissed, bending his lies close to- her
ear. "I will 'make yen rue this day
and thin hour no long as you live,
knowl your oecret, even though you
think: Dam have guarded it so sae- they barely 1, equarely in the face.
redly ,that no one enspects it. 'You i,et utoa the last ear— the AL sliock of mingled surprise and ex -
love that haughty beggar, Carrel; young man waving his hat to Imitation went thrilling through him,
but he shall never win •••••ou. And, Mr. Eaaver, who was. looking back for be imetantly resiognized
for your scorn of me, I Meer that
you rhuil drag out your life in a
bondage so bitter that- you will
pray to die!"
Florence drew hernelf up to her
full height feel liftecl her blazing
eyes to len lowering face.
• "Sir," elie aeisan, With lofty.
scorn, "I fall to underotana you,
but eon 'dispense with your Com-
pany here and now, and from this
Moment out' • acquaintance ceases."
They saw no more of Merrill while
they were in Paris. Ile disappeared
as suddealy ne he had come, and
Florence wau heartily gkul te be
rid of his presenee.
Titus time 1:SISsert very pleasant.
and rapidly to our four friends until
four uvek.s elipoed by, when they
'Were reRdned by Kr Walter Leigh -
Ho had Intended to leaVa
•It o fV 11-111iletlintoly nfter the
carnival, but Miss Xing had
owe c.o many pisma °lend
wldiIt It'CLATA LIU, tetttlil it next
ao o to tear 10110,17 way;
i.r,r), P,111-. OF 11-4 teemed
' lug, late in May, when they finally
tarael their faces once more toward 41 beg your
heaeer a fall upon it.
England. elation, madam," be ex-
. claimed, as courteously as if ho had
By tome means—she coull never been .addressing a gratel dame front
exactly' urelereitan i how—eir Millar Upper Grosvenor street ; 11 did not
managed to get II:m9el1 an.I 'nor- see you in time to e'void a collision."
ones separated from the others .of Ile recovered the burial and was In
their party, just as the trais waif
, thee not of restoring it to her When,
lonNing Paris for Calls, and r tl first time ho looked her
tr'.3V44i11.4. '
Myers' Royal Spice
Good for little pigs and big
hags — for lambs and sturcly
sheep. Nothing lila it to keep
them fat and well. Used all over
tile continent by successful farm-
ers. Write for free literature and
MYERS ROYAL trice co.
de see t,%4:!•:‘,A,.,
/4' 7:116 .
An Anchor to Winaward.
A great merchant who began it) a
small way give of his advertising: "I
or hem, o slow a ley wer found early that it was not merely a
alai wag no other than Crazy
all right—when it began to pull out . mow) w... el 1,,, 1 .A.,,,y4se in tile bun_ question of immediate results. The
of the station., • tau). 0), long ago, and for whom, af- establiehment which beliorea in it own
i „ future inuet 'cast Pit midair to . Whid-
can adage aiid get in with 'them , IL 1 - I ;11.,;;"1!ut ; Ida e bc, added
"Never mind," said Leighton, as torward, se had made thligent
I was cured of a bad case of Grip by
Sydn'ey, C. 13, C. L LAGUE.
I was cured of loss of voice by MIN-
Yarmouth, CHAS. PLUMMER.
I was cured of Sciatica Rheumatism
r .
Music as a Remedy in Medicine.
(New York Medical Record.)
• Following the reading of a paper on "Music
as a Therapeutic Agent." by Dr. Francis
S. Kennedy, before the Medical Society o;
the County of Kings, two methods of admin-
istration were demonstrated, one by tee
piano and the other by the voice, and an
endeavor made by each method to illustrate
the different impressions which could be
conveyed to the listener. Just as a drug
should bo put up in a clean package, and as
free from adulteration as possible, so music
as a medicine should be as free from error
of technique as possible. For this reason,
In demonstrating the piano music, a mecnani-
cal piano player was used, so that no false
tone should mar the harmony and effect.
The following examples were then render-
ed: As restful music, yet sufficiently stim-
ulating to keep thet mind alert, the Fifth
Nocturne, Leybach, piano. As soothing,
quieting music; an Irish lullaby, Needham,
contralto, As physically stimulating music,
"The Invitation to the Dance," Von Weber,
piano. As mentally stimulating music, "One
Spring Morning" (Goethe), Nevin, contralto.
As reminiscent, memory refreshing music.
fantasia from "Il Trovatore," Sydney Smith,
Minard's Liniment Cures Colds, etc.
Tolstoi and His Sons.
(London Truth,)
Tolstoy the Great divided his real estate
between his five eons before he set out on his
reforming mission. In this way he protected
it from confiscation in the event of exile.
A mine has been round on the estate of Leo,
which makes him the richest member of the
family. None of tee brothers resembles the
old Count. In Paris they follow the lead of
Grand Dukes. One of them served as an of-
ficer in the war. They all like to belong to
the heavy -swell class.
The harder you cough, the worse
the cough guts.
Cure Tigiung
1 is guaranteed to cure. If it
doesn't benefit you, the druggist
•will give you your money back.
Prices: S. C. Warts & Co. 502
25c. 50c. 11 LeRoy, N. Y., Toronto, Can,
The satisfaction of having the
washing done early in the day,
and well done, belongs to every -
User of Sunlight Soap. 10/3
Substantial Enucoiusravirgeomrue,ntiot, o Continue
Count Zeppelin, who sunk hie fortune
some time ago in the effort to build
a successful airship, has in' the last two
years recovered himself and is now en-
gaged in the construction of a new
airship which will be on the same gen-
oral lines as the old one, but will be
lighter and vill be equipped with More
powerful engines.
During the apt two years he has re-
coived $25,000 by public subscription
from a number of persons principally
sportsmen •who bave interested them-
selves in the subject of man -flight. Sev-
eral German manufactures have ,offered
him the -use of material free or at cost
and at the express wish of the Kaiser
one of the leading balloon exports of
the German army has been placed at
the disposal of the Count.
Ilia new balloon is well under way
and it will not be long before it is ready
for its first flight, The money at his
disposol is not sufficient for the con-
struction of the new airship, but it is
said that their was no possibility of the
work being hampered by the lack of
Minard's Liniment. Cures Distemper. •
VanikluiattiffLavender Harvest..
The lavender harvest is one of the
most abundane of recent years, says the
Westminster Gazette. In the three chief
lavender growing counties—Surrey, Kent
and Hertfordshire --extending areas are
devoted to the crop. It is usually raised
in sheltered fields by farmers. One
of the most productive plantations is to
be found in a place Where it Would hard-
ly be looked for—on the east coast of
Kent. Though the plants ,there are
swept by the east' winds all through the
spring, they bear profusely, and at the
present time are making a grand dis-
play of bloom. The lavender- supply of
Hertfordshire and. Surrey is sufficient to
yield 50,000 gallons of lavender water
each season, There are about 1000 acres
devoted to lavender in the four king-
doms, and the total output cannot be
less than 5,000,000 bunches. In Kent and
hi Surrey the lavender plantations are
looking excellent. The frequent rains
in the late spring and early . summer
chiefly contribute to the heavy yield
of flowers. In July the blooms are ga-
thered for the street hawkers, and in
August the crop is harvested, with the
sickle for distillation.
I •
"My Kidneys ere all Wrong!
How shall I insure best results in the short-
est time?" It stands to reason that a liquid
specific of the:- unquestionable merit of
South American Kidney Cure will go more
directly and quickly to the seat of the .
trouble than the "pill form" treatment, and .
when it strikes the spot there's healing -in an
instant. -73 •
s Co
The Old Man's Christmas.
(Holman F. Day, in "Country Life in Am-
So you trailed me, sonny I had some doubt,
That you'd see me lea -via' whee,1 slipped out;
One gnarled old fellow more or less, •
Ain't much in a Christmas party's press.
And I'll stay, if I may, my good Boy John,
Here in your kitchen until they're gone.
I haven't got used to your city folk,
I'd rather stay here for a quiet smoke,
Rockin' and thinkln' and dreaminS lad,.
For I'm only a sOrt of a kitchen dad.
It's a handsome sight, your house, to -night,
But I haven't been missin' it, bub, a mite
BY sittin' here alone for a while,
For I reckon your neighbors ain't just my
I'm proud of my boy who has won his way .
In the world to the place where. he stands
to -day.
Your mother and I, we didn't begretch
Boostin' you high as your arms could stretch,
Poor mother! If only your marm was here!
Christmas ain't Christmassy now, my dear;
For it's hard to relish the full-, Boy John,
With your mother gone.
o* '
Small Store Advertising.
The proprietor of a small city store
was -asked whether his trade warranted
the expense of newspaper advertising,
and he replied that he was building for
the future. "Three-quarters of my trade
is from regular customers and the ether
quarter is from advertising; but the
merchant must advertise for his regular
customers the same as for transients,
many of whom become regulars. Other-
wise he would not keep his business and
would never grow." •
'Wash greasy dishes, pots or pans with
Lever's Dry Soap a powder. It will re-
move the grease with the greatest ease. ae
• '
Burns' Family Bible to be Sold.
Burns' family Bible is to be offered for
sale at ,Sotheby's London, on Dee. 10.
The Bible was willea by Jean (Arm -our)
Burro to bet eldest son. Robert Burns,
from whose poemasion it passed into
teat of William Nieol Burns, the poet's
second surviving son. in his -turn
gave it to hie near (who lived with him),
ithe present owner, eirs. Serah E. M. T.
Burns Hutelansm But the pedigree is
only a minor detail in connection wibh
the 'book fat it contains, on the reverse
,of the title -of the New Testament and in
ahe handwriting of tee poet, several en-
tries, giving the, .detai of ite own birth
and that of his wife and children. There
ere also several entries in the bandwria
'leg -of William N'ivel Burris, but those ht.
the poet's own banawriting are mere
than sufficient to attract a world-wide
Minard's Lin ment Cures Diphtheria.
Two Views ef It.
Mew York Press.)
A. self-made men hen an Idea that if he
e bed gone to (seam lie would have been Mach
b t fruitless c o 1
at the firet slopping place. a lope you . . , ,
Ile made her as comfortable as by WAY Or prolonging via Interview,
poesibIe, and then took hie own place and with the hope of perhaps belay;
la 1 able to carry out a Jong -cherished
Pen e liar, • _. , plan. • .
They ehatted in a friendly Way allo air" briefly ref lird t'. e Weillafiv I
upon. various topics for a while e,eabo re.garded lihn with a lialf-pue-
althadgb Florence. appeareal a trifle sled, half -vacant sare.
restlew and .constraitied ' I "Deur name to Mary, isn't It, and
At length, after a short pause' you teed to lite 111 the Hahnemann
lir Walter inquired: , a . . • i miaow, did you not en .
"Has 114r. Meaver told .you of my I "yes, air." . .
plea to have you MI visit me at , "Do you remember a gentleman,
Worthing Towers next month 7" I whei came to see you Mere last fall." .'
"Yes, and be aPPears to be anti-! TI'•ie woman PAW: her head doubt-
elpating it with a great deal Of I fully ; yet there wss a btok on her
pleasure. / have beard that Your 1 faro which told her rpm -Moiler that
new home is very' lovely." Florence ; she had a vague remembrahce of his
replied, but *lathing the train would' visit.
OW, so that they: Could rejoin their "/ don't live tlere row," em Mob -
friends, for the recent pause had . Vily remarked, While her oyes wan..
made her 'uncomfortable. flora with a. wistful I _ok, to jamie,
"ft certainly Is," Mr Walter re- . 'ICi,f wart atandeau (Luily 'beside ble . *
turned, Me taco lighting with pride; friend. ! .
ward.' The future as well the present more of raeucce.•e, and a college man that
must be talien into account." I if lie hailn t ho might have been much less
of a falluie.
44444444+44-4444 44 -04444 -*4 -4 -444 -44 -444 -***4-4 444-4444-4444-444
1 elfeet‘ on 4 fov 11.feener• IL: flun-1. the "It in an ideal vet. It overlooksa the "Where 1ff y, ear Poem tow V Ur.
1:11.1 la'.1r4."4; lap. n`lo at.3, wort ftt the math, and a beautiful Carrol
There is nothing in the market approaching
the quality of
nolti n'Y'
malted this *we, 14m that EDDY'S name is on
the bottom -of each pail and limb.
•Vrn It/clan, for 010 Id him at lively trotelt tif country; In all other To Ls continual} -44444+44 44+4 4444444444444,444
ISSUE NO. ;11. 1904.
.,••••••••••••.f *WM MI
Winslow'e tiefitSiter; r•vrtip etiould
always be wed for eliiinrszi Itstriings
soothe the ehfill, sOiteneilis imam Immo
Celierand Is the best remedy :or Inerraea.
styles and ;loth samples.aliaTliWaists,ieSO US'aealicibOlf2.1!
SUIT CO., Dept. II, London, eon,
LADIES' till.1\7117 :Mtn, algal?:
nursery stoeld cholla spa:attic 4; liberal
terms' elegant outfit free: pay weekly. Mos-
tiOn tills paper, Callers Drone Out.
W A NJ* ell% eRkIluiltrtAinTisTale PhAoRmTelEsSooTdOvaDy0;
everythingx0150.0 ondrinittr.aor att1.111 particulars, ad-
.1.-4 invited to writer the Star Life ABM- 4
ance Society (London, Eng.), Toronto, for
latest Plane and tones; women insured at
same rates as mein previous experience
not essential; liberal teens.
and silent moat cutter; all makes of
scales repaired, C. Wilson a Son, Limited,
Toronto, Canada.
1' South Dorchester, 21S miles from eel-
mont, 0. P. R. Station; the soil is of boat
clay loam; tile drained; good large house and
outbuildings anti never -failing water. Apply'
to O. T. Pettit, Aylmer 'Met, Out.
11 and outfit for phInSee mill, on bloc or
separately, for sale cheap. Also 400 feet
carrier chain and drive gear. D. Zimmer-
man, Tiffin:sten, Muskoka.
77 King St. East, fORONTO.
Everything in Furs at lowest prices. Sena
FURS. We will pay highest New York •
Prices for Mink, Skunk, Coon, Fox, and all
other Furs. Send for price list.
44 Sought my ;Life for 35
o en 4 S .4 -11‘hitl was one man's way of
putting it when he had been pronounced
Incurable from chronic dyspepsia. "It was
a living death to me until I tried Dr. Von.
Stan's Pineapple Tablets. Thanks to them
to -day I am well, and I tell my friends I
bought my life for 35 cents." 00 in a box.
Saving at the Spigot.
(Boston Transcript)
Mrs. Grimes—Yes, the eleetrie lights are
awfully nice, but they must cost y6u lots.
Mrs. Grant—Of course they do cost- a good
deal; but then, you know, a bunch Of matches
lasts so much longer.
gist, 1,4,,,04
Nelttr Century
Bali Bearind
Washind Machines
indicate the appreciation of the
many thousands lvho have test-
ed it and know its merit.
S081,5 0 .by dealers everywhere
at $
Booklet will be mailed giving
full description on application.
Based on
True Merit
The constantly
increasing sales
of the
Curing the Practical Joker.
Lax Rules as to Decerety.
The rules and- customs of polite society are
varying, arbitrary and unaccountable. What
is allowed this year may be tabooed next, •
To -day, audiences, irrespective of age, sex
and rank, regale their eensee of sound and
sight by performances in theatres wheal
would create offense if referred to plainly
in general conversation. Polito society tol-
erates, in one form or another, as many out-
rages against decency and modesty as do
the uncouth denizens of the woods, plains
end mountains. All classes of mankind err
to an inexplicable degree in these partieu- •
tars. It is to be regretted that they do net
VsplaKansas City Journal.lig as i'tetjaigicaeasal.--
y more consistency and ra
on Sense In 111 p
$100 RE
WARD, $100
will be pleased to
one ereaded dis-
klet Ttreal ia r re tthrkaeatac itdueesse.roiesfa ishd is tipaper
science has alF;elzut
able to inure in
Mal its stage
the only positiveCureHall's
beta:17411a tC) gel Catriw
stitutioe:tannacattmerrenatanoting directly upon 's Catart'li a
thereby destroying
unadag lithe eat is -
ease, and giving the patient a straeeni by
building up the constitntion " and assisting'
tuttgereseinmcireTgfalittt 'true/ The proineetors''411t
that they offer One Hundred Dollars for :130,
case that it fails to cure. Send ,or list of
Address F. 3.' CHENEY & CO., Toledo, 0.
1175180. for constipation.
Take bur aaul.leDieruamggiilystsr,
st • C.
No Horsewhips in Moscow.
There is a notable law in force in most
of the large Russian towns concerning
horses. Among the curious things that
arrest the attention on arriving hi Mos-
cow is the entire absence of whips
among drivers of cabs, carriages and all
sorts of vehicles. There is a law pro-
hibiting their use and there is not a sin-
gle whip irt use in Moscow. The excel-
lent condition of the horses attest the
benefit of this humane law. Nothing
can exceed the beauty of the sleek tea
•welagroomed horses used in the car-
riages of Moscow.
There is a dispObition to discourage prac-
tical joker sat Grandview. Throe cheerful
Idiots placed tt &MIMS on the track of tlib
interurban. The rioterniall was frightened
out of hie wits, hie attempt to :doe the ear
reeulted hi trtuses for the passengers, Who
Were thrown over the seats by the sudden
Mop. And the jokers found it was no joke
when they Were asked te pia UP $000 appear -
(me bonds. And the company, finding
that their emehad been damaited, is disposed
to plea the prceeeution. It Is probable thra
et !cast these Wee 'will be pretty thorough-
ly curer: of the prettied joke Idloey before
WO'S get through with the etse hand..-Thir-
lington lialekeira
•• * -
11thard'e Linburn4 urzn 0 3rstef In Cows
Ire Went Over to Whitney.
Mr. heckle Wilson inme mantel Ottawa
lot winter looking far a job that be had
plukt4 out for Ittmer1t. Tio dixeorbred no One
PINY sharing hue opinion of ma ranosaa, end
now we end him no at the Torouto rote.
enoe dowaraotat tat TAMS% Of its41
ur. wearer TOTISWitit
Winter excursion tickets now on sale by
Lehigh Valley Railroad
and its connections via Washington or New
York. to Florida, Virginia, Carolinas, Geor-
gia, Nassau, Havana, Cuba, and all winter
resorts in Florida and the South. Connecting
.iiees, Atlantic Coast Line ,Seaboard Air Line,
Southern Railway. For rates of fare, maps,
time tables. ilustrated literature, etc., call
on or address •
ROBT. S. LEWIS, Canadian Passenger Agent,
10 Xing Street East, TOROTNO, ONT. egg*,
0 • or
The White Man's Party in Louisville.
(Louisville Post,)
The old claim that the Democratic party' in
the South is a white man's party no longer
holds good in Louisville, In. Y precincts
in Louisville last Tuesday, the most active
Workers for the bond issue and for the Dem-
ocrat ticket were negroes, and these were
tit re sei'lafil-Tlag tgtelllax-convictslt3tanad
e rowdy c aeli generally, and -these men
MIZIrasPepoblrcearilean inagirfttioacruaYlICy Virt
The only prim medal for Condimontal
• Spices or Stock Foods for Horses, Cat-
tle and Poultry has been awarded to
Myers Royal Spice Co., Niagara Falls,
N. Y. and Ont., at the World's Fair, St.'
Louis, Mo., Oct. 24t
Additiopal to the above the Itry'eis
Royal -Spice Co. hold gold, silver and
Ftonze medals and diplomas in Europe
and America, all of which are first prizes
and during the lifetime of the Myers
Spice, which is, nearly' half a century,
they, haVe hover •taken a less prize than •
a first. •
0 • 0
Nuisance of Handshaking. •
(Portland Oregonian.)
Handshaking of a president is a nuisance, '
a bore, a hardship, and a danger, and it
Seems to have been properly emitted for the
ceremony of the reception of Prof:Wont Roose-
velt of St. Louis. If the Iaosident inaugnr-
ates during this present terns a needed reforts
by declining to shake bands at any public
reception he will be sustained by' sentiment.
Tho popularity of the handshaker is not ne-
cessarily lasting, anyWay.
ss•••••"s•Se's•S •sisses-rses, • s
Farm Fprestry
Farmer's Standpoint
Management of the woodlot—
cutting trees to insure repro-
duction—planting trees to regtr.
late supply of water—planting to
bind the soil—ridge plaliting,
etc. This is only one of the
many good things in
be al
Every issue contains dottaa
of articles by "men who know,"
011 every feature of farm work.
It's the cheapest and beat paper
for the farmer, his wife aunt
thildren, in Canada.
TWO YoarS far 01.00
Lean than le, a week.
Send along your dollar and
start with the next issue.
Write for a free maple Copy.
ref:SWIM ra191.8, I !WWII WIN