The Wingham Advance, 1904-12-15, Page 5Thursday, December 15, 1904,
The Leading House For Men's Dress Requisites
(Open every evening until New Year$)
The Big Blue Front Store
Th e row er o0
Leading Talk rvcry perplexity over holiday gifts for
' Men may be settled under one roof in
Winghaan. This store carries the latest
ideas in swell Haberdashery from London, Paris and New York, for every
occasion, from the ordinary business engagement to the formal full dress
affair, At this store it is easy to select the correct article for every oc-
casion under the guidance of Mr. Crowder or his courteous assistants.
At 50c
Now Four-in-hands, all
newest colorings, wide or
narrow widths.
Now Puffs for stand-up
collars or double -band col.
lays, all newest shades, also
black and white,
Flowing -Ends and Eng-
fish Squares, all newest
At 25c
New Four-in-hands, all
newest colorings and mix-
tures, plaids, etc.
Bows in now browns,
whites, blacks, etc., also em-
broidored ends on white ties
for straight band or double
String Ties in brown,Ascots
green, black, white, blue an.
white, etc.
75c, $1,00, $1.25
Now Puffs In light color -
into for band or double col -
tars -75c.
The newest Imperial
shape Neckwear in raised
flower effects, direct from
Old London, Spittalfeld'n
Silk -$1.23.
in black and
polka dot -75c,
Dressing Gowns.
Gents' black and whitewn
-$t2 Cloth Dressing Gowns
Smoking Jackets.
Black and white Camel's
Hair Cloth with plaid trim-
mings, green and white Golf
Bath Robes.
Robes -$5.00.T Gents' heavy
grey and white Flannel Bath
Robes -$8.50.
Cloths, black and white
Plaids, sizes 30 to
44—S5 to $12.50.
Now colorings, black and
white, ate. -50o, and 350.
Fancy Braces in senors re
boxes for Xmas. giftu-$1,00
and $1,25.
Silk Handkerchiefs.
Plain white Silk, hem-
stitch -25o. Gents' white
Chest Protectors,all
newest colorings, 16 sades
to choose from -750. Gents'
Silk and Satin Mufflers, all
newest shapes -50c, 75o, $1.00
Silk Mufflers.
hem -stitch and initial -50o.
Fancy white, also fancy bor.
41.25, $1.75, $2225. ;::.t
der Silk -75o, $1.00, $1.25.
Black English square
Silk Mufflers -5150, also
green, brown, white, etc.
Mocha in tan and brown
shad os -75c, $1.00, $1.25. Mo.
Plaids, ombrold'r'd front,
oto., sizes 10i -50o.
cha in fur lined, sizes 9 to 11
'Our new double Collar,
Dorchester, all sizes -20c.
Scarf Pins.
Cuff Buttons, Links.
Salem Shirth, sizes 121 to
All newest creations in
Scarf Pins, dozens of pat-
terns to choose from -250 to
Gents' Cuff 1311ttons-25o
350, and 500750., $1'De25nte'. Cuff Links -
mi. colors, also whites and
full dress -$1.00 to $1.50.
Felt Hats.
Horse hide Mitts, buck
skin Mitts. mule skin Mitts
-50e, 75c, $1.00, $1.75.
New Umnbrellasfor Xmas
presents, all latest novelties
in handles, silk covered, etc.
-$1.25 to $2.75.
Hard Hate for men,
something new for Xmas -
$2.5, $3.00, Soft Felt Hats
in black and brown, etc,-
$1.50 to $3.00.
Mon's Lightning Hitch
Hockey Shoes, all sizes -
$2.25 and $2.50,
Fur Caps.
Nostra Fur Caps -$3.00
to $3.50. Persian Lamb Caps
50.50 to $8.50, Black Fur
Caps -$1.50.
Cloth Caps.
Newest shape, pleated
top Or pull down) Caps -750
and $1.00
Come one, conte all, to this big Carnival. Bring along your friends
and see our new Xmas. goods. We wantto get acquainted with you even
if you do not buy this time, you may next. We extend a hearty invita-
tion to all.
The R. II. Crowder Co.
The Blue Front Store
I, t
artve S (
e'i1i�Pc 1
I 1 N
We have decided to make our shop head- i
quarters for the festive season. This means l
that we have the newest, best, swellest and I
largest stock, and will sell at right prices.
`Ioelk�abke `V�akehes• i
If you want to buy a watch, it will pay I.
you to call and see our large stock of the
newest designs. We keep all grades of move-s
ments and cases.•
`Ikktigs k `ikkngs
You should see our stock of rings, espec-
ially the Pearl and Diamond rings ,• they are r
beauties. t
IImoz. Wks.
If you want a Xmas, gift for a friend---
come in. We have a choke variety, at right
prices too,
P� T
News Items.
Clinton's debenture debt at pre-
sent is $57,70:3.'k7, to Which will have
to be added the $0100, consolidated at
last council meeting.
—West Garafraxa ratepayers will
vote at the coming municipal elections
on a by-law to repeal the liquor.• li-
cence by-law now in force in the
--Ford & McNeil of Clinton bought,
killed, dressed and shipped $1700
worth of Christmas cheer last week,
consisting of 1100 turkeys, 200 -geese
and a, large number of ducks and
chickens. The lot was destined for
the Old Country market.
—There is a scarcity of water
throughout the country and many
farmers have had, for some time, to
draw, in some cases at a considerable
distance, a supply for their stock,
Where a farmer is feeding say forty
or fifty head of cattle, tins drawing of
water is quite an expense.
—About a third of the subscribers
to the Huron County Pork Packing
and Cold Storage Co., which billed to
arrive at complete organization, refus-
ed to pay the call made to cover pre-
liminary expenses and the ease was
argued before Judge Holt at Goderich
recently. Judgment was reserved.
--The liquidator of the Wiarton
SugarBeet Co., has notified the share-
holders to pay up the price for their
shares in full, The notice was a sur-
prise to all and it is likely the issue
will be fought to a finish for the thing
seems rather unreasonable. The cases
conic up at Osgoode Hall, Toronto, on
December 7th.
—A new gasoline engine installed in
Mr. Bradley's shop, Beiwood, to run a
chopper, had only been running five
days on trial, when the piston stuck
on dead centre, the head of the
cylinder carne off, causing the ma-
chine to stop so suddenly, that the fly
wheels burst with a report that could
be heard down town.
--The double -tracking operations on
the Grand Trunk were completed
between London and Paris last week
with the installing of the sidetracks
along the line. Double tracks have
also been laid between Hamilton and
Lynden, and there now remain but
fourteen miles of continuous double
track to build between London and
—The charter for the construction
of this projected railway from Port
Perry to Kincardine, Ontario, has
been transferred to a new board and
press reports state that a Mr. May has
put up security to begin construction
by July 1st, 1905. The new board con-
sists of M.- McNamara, D. Robertson,
A. B. Klein, of Walkerton; A. Cam-
eron, of Meaford ; R. J. Sproule, of
Flesherton, who were named among
the provincial directors in the amend-
ing act of incorporation of 1903, to-
gether with a number of Toronto
—Phil. Baker, of Brewster, one of
Stephen's most progressive farmers,
reports a remarkable instance of hog -
feeding. On the 4th of November he
purchased six hogs and at once pen-
ned them for feeding, the six weigh-
ing 000 lbs. On Tuesday, November
24th, he sold them, when the six tip-
ped the scales at 1,270 pounds, thus
making a gain of 304 pounds, net, or
an average of over fifty pounds on
each hog in twenty days, They were
fed on chopped barley and oats in
quantities of two-thirds and one-third
Owen Sound, Ont., December 8. --
rhe Northern Navigation Company's
steamer Germanic had an exciting ex-
perience while entering this port in a
blinding snow storm at 11 o'clock last
sight. The. steamer went ashore at
squaw Point, a rocky spot on the
astern shore four miles from port.
number of the officers and crew
owed to Owen Sound, but no tug
:cult be secured to go immediately to
he steamer's assistance. At day-
mreak this morning the tug Signal
teamed to the point and liberated the
otranded vessel. The Germanic,
which is the staunchest vessel of the
onmpany's fleet, was on her last trip
>f the season. None of the crew are
my the worse for their exciting ex-
A Man Hates Himself
When he wakes up with headache
incl bad taste in the mouth. Some-
hing is needed to settle the stomach,
lear away the dull heavy feeling and
reate a little appetite. Just get a
umbler of water, some sugar, and
our in a stiff dose of Nerviline. You
vill pick up immediately and feel tip -
op in a few minutes. Nerviline has
to equal for a condition of this kind.
t stimulates, cures the headache, re-
eves the sick feeling and fits you for
hard day's work. Try Nerviline.
arge bottles cost 25c.
The sudden death of Mr, Allan Mur-
ray at his residence on Inglis St. in
his village on Sunday last was a tor-
ible blow to his widow and friends.
�{t'. Murray was in his usual health on
Saturday evening and had gone out of
lie house to bring in some coal, but
returned in a few Minutes. He corn-
plathed of a terrible pain in his head
and Mrs. Murray assisted him to the
ofa, where ho laid down. In a few
foments, however, ho became un-
onscious, and never rallied till death
carne to his relief on Sunday morning.
Death was caused by the rupture of a
I vessel in the brain. Mr. Mut,-
ay was in his 70th year.
Jno. Meyer, of Listowel, has conl-
neneed an action against the Luck-
owmElevator Company, at Osgoode
Hall. He is asking the courts to com-
pel the latter to transfer on its books
ome stock which he asserts he has
I Ho asks also for an injunc-
ion to prevent the company allotting
mr issuing any stocks under sup-
llementttry letters patent issued to it
gust November. Mr. Meyer is also a
iitintifi' on behalf of all the creditors
C the Lueknow Elevator Company
againstT. F. Cain and J. G. Murdoch,
if Lucknow, two directors of the con-
any. He wants the gentlemen to
S an account of the profits in eon-
tection With the lease of the Elevator
If Von Don't Sleep Well
Ws because your nerves are in a
teak irritable condition. Fcrrozone
vill make them strong and correct the
rouble causing your insomnia, I fell
nto a state of nervous exhalation last
all writes Mrs. .Y Stroud of Dexter.
'I was rim down, couldn't sleepand
sit perfectly miserable,. ---tried Per -
ozone and wasuickly beneiltted,
can recommend I5'errozone to any
one suffering from over -wrought
nerves and sleeplessness." No tonic is
better try Fert'ozonc, Price 50c, at
Merry \ Xmas.
• and —170 handsome Wall
• Pockets for 170 homes,
. • one for each home. Free
• for the asking.
•t• We have a dandy
stock of
Fine Gold Gem Rings
Chains 'Lockets
• Silverware and Novelties
in great variety.
These goods make the
very best kind of Xmas.
presents, and we're sell-
ing them at close prices.
Call and examine.
Halsey Park
• ---A N —
Wingham Machine
General Repair Shop
Is flow re -opened, and I have secured
the service of a man of over 20 years
experience in all lines of mill and
farm machinery, also bicycles, guns,
sewing machines, clothes wringers,
lawn mowers, umbrellas, saws gummed
and filed, keys made to order, scissors
and hair clippers sharpened, eto. A
trial solicited.
Eight of the last Students placed by
were placed at the following salaries : Two at
$600, one at $700, four at. $720 and one at $1000.
Do you know of any other business school on
the Continent getting such results 7 Our Cat-
alogues are the handsomest issue of the kind
put out by any business school on the Contin-
ent. If you wish to attend a business college
ask for our General Catalogue. If you cannot
come to Chatham, write for our Nail Course
catalogue. Wo can teach you Book-keeping,
Shorthand or Penmanship at your home,
Wo pay your railway tare in coming up to
$8, and can secure good board at. $2.50 to $2.75
per week. Mention catalogue you want.
Chatham, Ont.
Lowest rates consistent with
absolute security. All claims
promptly settled
Abner Cosens
Canadian Order Woodmen of
The World.
Hold their regular meetings every2nd and
4th Friday each month, in Oddfllows'
Hall All visitors welcome.
Why go out of Town for an
Auctioneer, when your wants can
be supplied at home.
Wood's Phosphodino,
Tha Great English Remedy,
it an old, well eetab•
lished and reliable
preparation. Has been
prescribed and used
Qver40yearA All drug,
ori $sin tho dominion
Canedqq sell and
r000mmepeg fiboin
mid d Ate', a only medicine o
ittskind that curse an
Elves universal satisfaction, It promptly an
permanently cures all forms of Nervous Weak'
nese. Emission, Spermatorrheca, Impotency
and all effects of abuse or excesses; the excessive
use of Tobacco, Opium or dlimulanta, Monte
and Brain Worry, all of which lead to Infirmity
Insanity Consumption and an Early Grave.
Price St per package or six for $5. One w{U
please, six wilt cure. Mailed prompty on ro
oeipt of price. Send o or free pamphlet. Address
YFladsor, Oat', Canada,
Sold In Wingham by A. I. McColl Rt Co.,
A. L. Hamilton, W. McICibbon-Druggists
The only Patented Polish in the World.
1Qo Dust, No Dirt, NoSntoke, No Smell.
Contains no benzine or other explosives.
PUII,VO Makes more polish and lasts
longer than any other.
Bald P Scalp shiny and thin?
Then it's probably too late.
You neglected dandruff. If
you had only taken our ad-
vice, you would have cured
Hair Vigor
the dandruff, saved your hair,
and added much to it. If
not entirely bald, nosy is your
opportunity. Improve it.
" I hays used A eY. f u r Vigor for over 40
year.• iandnaw91yearsoldandhaysaheavy
growth of rich brow,, hair. due, I think, en-
ifrely to Air Hafr vigor."
Mae. M, A. Rsmyn, Iiellerille, III.
/1.00 abottle. J. p. APER co.,
Asiljigigugglisumws fQr emilimell ea.
Good Hair
Not A
Game Of
When you come to trade with us
you take no chances with your
money. Bank deposits are not safer
than our guarantee to you of good
Value or Money back.
To know what real solid Cloth-
ing Value is—buy Homuth Bros'.
Suits and Overcoats—We are show-
ing some beautiful effeots, made in
latest style and best workmanship,
at $16, $13 up to $25.
Xmas. Gifts.
In Neckties we have all the new
colorings and styles in Puffs, Derbys,
FIowing-Ends, Bows, Strings, etc.
Really the finest assortment ever
shown in the county at 25c, 50o
and 75c.
Be sure you have one of our
tvaim mufiers.—Materials of Wool
also Silk.—These are the greatest
Value we have ever offered at 35c,
50c, 75o, $1.00 and $1.25.
In Gloves we have a very fine
assortment to select from—these are
good fitters—Best Maker's and all
sizes $1.00, $1.25 and $1.75.
Hats, Caps, Etc.
Hats, Caps, Underclothing, Sus-
penders, Handkerchiefs, Armlets,
Colored Shirts, White Shirts, Cuffs,
Collars, Hosiery—and in fact every-
thing in Gouts' Wear.—We invite
you before buying elsewhere, to call
and have a look at any rate, and no
doubt yon will go away from this
store WELL pleased.
Homuth Bros.
to a young man or woman
is a course in the
7' L/STOWELtri teas
• Three Courses - Commercial, Shorthand
and Typewriting, and Telegraphy. Students
may enter any time. College re -opens Jan.
3rd, 1005. SendforJournal,
A. L. MciNTYRB, Mgr,
Suits, Overcoats
Our Suits are of the
newest materials at the lowest
possible prices.
Overcoatings that make
up the most beautiful Coats
that fancy could desire, at
prices ranging from $12.00
to $20.00.
Pantinrs, the very thing
you are looking for.
Robt. Maxwell
High Art Tailor W 1 to la i
These are bright, busy days at our busy fore.
Such bowers of holiday brightness, that it seems
Christmas every day here. If you are puzzled
what to buy, come and let us help you out, 'Tis
well to bear in mind though, that early buyers
enjoy many advantages over these who put off
their purchases until the last few days, We can't
quote everything, but here are a few items that
should prove interesting to the keenest buyers.
Presents Dov Zad.kes.
Ladies' Handkerchiefs in
great variety, fancy em-
broidered Lawn, Linen
and Silk, with worked
initials. Prices range
from So to $2.00. See
our leader, extra value
at 26o
Just received a largo as-
sortment of the latest
novelties in Belts, fanny
Silk Girdles, with pretty
buckles, also imported
Jetted Elastic Belts. Pri-
ces are from 25o to $1.60,
See our special line at... 50c
Our Christmas Sale keynote is—" Big Dry Goods'
worth for not much money,"
LADIES' NEW NECKWEA$..—What more useful Xmas pres-
ent than a pretty Silk Collar or Tie. We have opened up a very nice
collection of the latest ideas in all kinds of Ladies' Neckwear. Prices
are 25o, 33c, 500, 75o, $L00, $1.25. Special Christmas bargain at 60o.
LACE COLLARS.—We are showing a very nice range of Ladies'
Lace and Sequin Collars at surprising values. Prices begin at 25o.
See our leader at $1.00,
OTHER PRgSENTS FOR LADIES.—Material for Dress Suit,
Waist or Skirt, Golf Vests, Silk Waists, Umbrellas, Kid Gloves, Slip-
pers, Ribbons, Knitted Shawls, Fur Coats, Caperines, Muffs, Ruffs,
Gauntlets, Raincoats, Skirts, Table Cloths, Towels, Rugs, Mats, Cur-
tains, Blankets, Quilts, Table Napkins, eto.
1'vesents dor `Men.
Almost anything you want in Men's Furnishings,
and at a price you want to pay.
value in Mocha well
Men's lined Kid Gloves
in all the best makes
nd colors. Special
lined. See our Xmas
bargain 75o
We have just passed into
stock the latest and best
styles in Men's fancy
Knots, Strings, Four-in-
hand, Bows, etc. All
( prices. Special line at.. 25e
Every Christmas Counter is a Bargain Counter here.
Men's Fancy Braces in boxes put up specially for Xmas trade.
Prices range from 25c to $1.25. Extra speoial, 50c.
Men's Mufflers and Scarfs in plain and fancy silk, makes a nice
Xmas present. Prices, 25c to $1.25. Extra value at 50o.
OTHER PRESENTS FOR MEN.—Slippers, Umbrellas. Under-
wear, Cuff Buttons, Collars, Cuffs, Shirts, Hats, Fur Coats, Fur Caps,
Gauntlets, Knit Gloves, Cuffs, Silk Handkerchiefs, etc.
Spend prudently, give wisely—we make this perfectly easy.
Right Qualities
Right Styles Right Prices
Too Much Furniture
We are going to reduce our stock. Now for Special
Prices until the end of the year on Parlor Suites, Couches,
Bedroom Suites, Sideboards, Extension Tables, Mattresses,
Fancy Rockers and odd pieces.
It will Pay you to come and see for yourself.
Walker Bros. & Button
Windham Coal and
Wood Yard
We are sole agents in town for the Scranton Coal,
and guarantee every delivery to be O. K. Just ask any
person who has used it and hear what they say about
it. We are confident it will give you the best of sat.
isfaction if given a trial. You will always find our prices
reasonable, and delivery prompt.
Farmers wishing to load and draw their own Coal
will have 25 cts. per ton rebate.
No. 1 --Best Body hardwood, per Cord $3 00
No. 2—Hardwood, from Smaller Timber, per Cord 2 75
3�Ilar o
dw od andAsh,'e
mixed, per Cord 50
No, 4—Ash and Elm, mixed, per Cord. 2 25
No. 5—Slabs and Soft Timber, per Cord
Rough wood, chunks. etc.. for furnaees and box stoves, per Cd 2 00
(Nos. I and 2 are cut from green timber.)
Our terms for Coal and Wood are strictly cash.