HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1904-12-15, Page 44 TITE WINGRAM ADVANCE. Thursday, Deectnber z s, z 9o4 Meet int at Ritchie's every day end night to do your Christmas shopping Join the Vast Crowds Which Daily Visit "Our store." SPECIAL FOR XMAS. PRESENTS. We will offer special inducements in our Black Silk department :-- $1.50 Black P. de S. Silk for Xmas. selling $1.25 $1.25 Black P, tie S. Silk for Xmas, selling .07 $1.75 Black, yawl wide, Taffeta $1,3600 75c Black, yard wide, Taffeta Women's Trefousse Kid Gloves, beautiful shades of brown, tan, grey, merle, pearl, butter and beaver, ow.' famous Walder Lavable ik Aida's, each pair a handsome Xmas. box, every pair guaranteed, the pair $1.25 and $1.50 Dainty fixings for the neck in Stock and Top Collars, embroi- dered and lace effects, with:and without tabs, at....25c to $1.25 Crepe de Chene and Liberty Silk Scarfs in the latest combina- tions, each from 125 to $2.50 Women's very fine embroidered Handkerchiefs, Item -stitched or with scalloped edge, a nice assortment to choose from at 10e to $1.26 Men's pure Linen Handkerchiefs, half inch hens at from 18c to 25o Men's and Women's pure Linen Hdkfs., full assortment of let- ters, very extra values et 26c SPECIAL SALE OF RUGS. -A lovely lot of Rugs to choose from. What is nicer for a Xmas. gift- than a nice rug ? We have them ranging in prices from 100 to $5.00 (See window display). Don't forget the Annual i Off Sale, beginning Tuesday after Xmas., Dec. 27. Come early and secure the Bargains. Wishing all a very Merry Christmas. n1Tcm S Alex. s Ritchie�rr Carpets, & Tm'ga BEAVER BLOCK - WINGHAM Rugs, Eta.vena) ebitarial Potts '-The trick ballot boxes were made with wire handles, so that the "wire - pullers" could wilt the more easily. y * * -The unfortunate ballot box, in this -May we ask if it was a sincere de - province scents to be doomed to be either drowned or its contents switch- ed or burned. * - sire to please the prohibitionists, that real, genuine cold water was used in $which to drown the trick ballot boxes in West Hastings? r11110110 1110sitaraMEM 111sis»swsie•11111111111111ss� With Christmas Just Around I The Corner --- i B 0 s NO TIME SHOULD BE LOST IN MAKING YOUR SELECTION OF CHRISTMAS GIFTS For the better half we might suggest a Fancy Rocker, Parlor Cabinet, or what might please still better, a Carpet for the drawing room. In our Carpet department....., stock is large and well assorted, consisting of Brussels', Tapestr'vools and Unions. We have re- ceived a great many compliments . rho splendid colors and patterns in introducing this new feature of our business. Parlor Tables, Easy Chairs, Couches, arriving almost every day. See oar dining -room Chairs at 3 255, 4.50, $5.50 per half doz. Should there be any doubt as to the capacity of your dining -room Table for the Xmas. dinner, see what we have at 5 75, 6.50. 7.00, S 50, $13.50. 3 dozen of those popular Rockers, regular $2.25 for $1.75. Goose, Duck, Hen and Turkey Feathers wanted. Night cans re- ceive prompt attention - 5th ,////���� hone gest of. e. R�esirton'et Co:•- ner Drug Stor 0■•1sMIMO OOP i•, psi 21 L .Bail'Llolems 4 yards wide. IOilcloths 3, 4 and 6 feet in width . i i • * • _The Conservatives have 72 of the 98 candidates in the field. Toronto, Hamilton, Ottawa, London and some of the outlying constituencies are yet to be heard from. --Jas. Vance, the Liberal organizer in Ontario, denies the report that be has resigned. He, however, intimates that he is tired of the job, From all accounts Mr. Vance is not half so tired as the people of Ontario. • -The Hamilton Spectator is moved to remark thus :-"What with Grits testifying to the corrupt acts of Grits, in the Beehive ballot ease, and Grits charging Grits with gigantic conspira- cy in Montreal, the Grits will find it difficult to preserve their respect for the Grit party." *» q MMITitl ii TIMIVIt itfi i MMIM {III lit i MMMT Special Price Sale a▪ ► - of Numerous Lines of Seasonable w Goods to Clear Out Quickly w 401* 4111.. a- WA. a a- a•-.- a - a�•- OA... .W A few only of the many lines can be mentioned here. Such xis -LADIES' ASTRACHAN COATS and CAPES, COLLARETTES, CAPERLNES, RUFFS, BOAS, MUFFS, etc. A large assortment of LADIES' CLOTH JACKETS must be cleared out at your prite, to make room for other goods. Ladies' heavy. fleece -lined HOSIERY, Puritan brand. A special line of dark and light FLANNELETTES. Lace end Damask CURTAIN'S. DARK PRINTS. TWEEDS. Ready-to-wear SUITS--cdd sizes. Men's and Bays' high collar. double-breasted B E '- BRS. BOYS' SUITS. MEN'S ODD PANTS. MEN'S TWEED OVERCOATS, usual price $10 to $12, now $5 to E. COLORBO DRESS GOODS 23e for 4c. A nice line heavy MELTONS, always sold at 3010 for 25c. CARPETS A special heavy JUTE CARPET to be sold at 15e, usual 20c. flit and Mts TAPUSTRY CARPET weaves, eplen- dc3 value --25e. A better line the ro:cr, and patterns for ale and many other lites equally good value. Linoleum* from one yard wide to four yards ride, awe ate goods yotl rant cavi from 10 to 36 per cent. on. It is to your pocket we appeal. as money wet spent it a soiree of pleasure to all. Call and see there goo& and get prima. T. A. MILLS .600 .-.. wr .,..a .... ....R a --The Montreal Herald notes as fol, lows ;-•-Tho Ontario government hav- ing sent a lawyer to watch the pro- ceeding in the criminal libel suit at liellevitle, which is bringing out the facts about the fraudulent ballot - boxes, a paper supporting the Ontario government discovers In the muddled Ontario statutes a clause which, it seems to be hoped, will throw the whole thing out of court. a + -The criminal statistics, just issued by the Dominion Govertimett, shat that drunkenness is on the increase. This applies only to the male popula- tion, The record indicates a growth of temperance among the women of Canada. The convictions by Provin- ces were as Mows:- Provinces, ollows:Provinces, 1001 1903 Prince Edward Island.... 241 274 1387 2726 1209 1458 2973 2931 3900 5045 834 I400 185 041 337 -Parliament is called to meet on Wednesday, Jan, 11, It will be wel- come news to the members elect. For years the Commoners have been pro- testing against summer sessions, due to the fact that Parliament has not been called until late in February or late in March. • • -Out of 355 British towns and cities owning their own electric lighting plants, only one lost money, and that was in the first year only. There are in Great Britain 1,045 waterworks owned by municipalities to 25 owned by private companies, 256 gas plants and 454 private plants, and 142 muni- cipally -owned street railways, against Zak company-owned plants. Nova Scotia New Brunswick Quebec Ontario Manitoba British Columbia 1232 Northwest Territories401 Yukon 370 Totals 12727 16532 • -There is to be a ten days' course at the Ontario Agricultural College, Guelph, absolutely free of cost, for the purpose of improving the milk sold in villages, towns and cities. The course opened on Dec. 12th and will close on Dec. 22nd, and -will consist of lectures on the production, care, distribution, and bacterial contents of milk, practi- cal work in the dairy stable, feeding and caring for cows, experiments in pasteurization and cooling of milk, testing milk with the lactometer and Babcock test, and testing cream for fat. Professor H. H. Dean will have charge of the course. - !1►lt►tl**tt►t!****ll►*********t!'t`**ails'! !!t!►*****44***l .+.tit l s l.#04 �fi11.* !lS�**** ►0** 4' •. • w$4# 4r4t , ## iii##io +4tt-i� Q##it..v Q#'i 4.-- Hi+ti►visi ,p w #+#4f$+v►##444,444.04Arr w 4 4 4 • -As a result of the two political Conventions, two sets of resolutions are now before the people of Ontario. There is this difference between the resolutions passed by the Liberals and those by the Conservatives: The for- mer were passed by the party which for over thirty years has been the Government party. Theirs has been the privilege of legislation and theirs has been the opportunity to crystalize them into legislation. The latter were passed by the party which for over thirty years has been the Opposition party. In almost each particular the latter have tried to crystalize them into enactments, but have failed by reason of lack of numbers. It is there- fore for the sovereign people to judge not only the wisdom, but the sincerity of each set of resolutions. -[Telegram. • -When the Tupper Government lost its majority at the general elec- tion, Lord Aberdeen found out the fact without waiting for Parliament to assemble, and treated Sir Charles Tupper as every leader who has not a majority in Parliament deserves to be treated. When the Ross Government lost its majority in the election courts and in the Cabinet changes, Lieut. - Governor Clark ignores the fact and treats Hon. G. W. Ross as only leaders who have a majority deserve to be treated. But how is Lieut. -Governor Clark to know that Hon. G. W. Ross is in the minority until the Legisla- ture meets? Lord Aberdeen soon found out that Sir Charles Tupper was in the minority, and sent him to the right -about without waiting for Parlia- ment to meet. -[Toronto Telegram. • The Toronto News says :-"Premier Ross has now got around to the posi- tion taken by Sir John Macdonald many years ago. If you want prohi- bition, you must send prohibitionists to Parliament. He is coolly repudia- ting his pledges. and the pledges of his Government. He now asks the people to send men to the Legislature who will put prohibition before party. This is the very thing that he refuses to do himself. If he placed prohibi- tion before party, he would make pro- hibition the main feature of his policy, go to the country upon it, and stand or fads by the result." • --In 1594, under Sir Oliver Mowat, the public expenditure was $3.800,000; under Hardy in 1899, it was slightly reduced, and amounted to $3,700,000, but Mr. Ross had, expended, according to this year's budget, $5,800,000, or an ordinary revenue of $40,040,000, leav- ing a deficit of one and a, quarter millions. This deficit Ross hoped to make up by the sale of timber conces- sions. By this means he was depreciat- ing epreciating the resources of the province, and would year after year have to make up by increased taxation for the yearly deficits, for the timber limit conces- sions could not continue forever. • f • -In the libel case of Gus Porter, M. P., against Editor Carman of Belle- ville, which brought out some of the facts regarding the trick ballot -boxes, Mr. Carman has been committed for trial. Police Magistrate Wood, in closing the ease, said :-"The scheme seems, so fair as B. 0. Lott is concern- ed, to have originated in Toronto, for the evidence of Philip Lott shows that B. 0. Lott told him that one James Vance, a Liberal organizer, had made arrangements for bogus ballot boxes. I am constrained to say that evidence given in other courts established the fact that this is no solitary instance of electoral corruption. Prom the ex- treme west of Ontario to the east a continuous series of crimes against political honesty have been shown to have been committed. From the evi- dence of fraud and trickery' at elec- tions, ahieh have been so frequent of late, I have reluctantly come to the conclusion that public honor In Canada. has steadily declined. Such deteriora- t:on can only be stopped by a serious awakening of the public Conscience, and I trust that the evidence that has been brought forward in this ease may give such a shock to public opinion as to snake the saving remnant of honor- abit men in the Provinee awake to the seriousness of the position. It Seems to me that one of the most dan- gerous sophistries that can be urged. in respect of crimes of this character is that there is a different standard of honesty and duty in public and private lift. If the public conscience becomes seriously awakened, It ,cannot fall to affect the its of pti.bito honor. Jno. & Jas. IL Kerry The People's Popular Store, The `Big Storei Cures Colds In One flour Many cold cures are dangerous be- cause composed of deadening opiates. But fragrant healing Catarrhozone cures colds in one hour and is bot. harmless and delightful to use. Even the worst colds, sneezing, sniffeling colds with running eyes are stopped very quickly when the balsamic vapor of Catarrhozone is inhaled. Catarrho- zone acts like a charm on colds, kills them outright, prevents their return a few hours later. For colds, catarrh and throat trouble use only Catarrho- zone. Complete outfit $1.00, trial size 25e. at all druggists. NOTICE. Our Photographs give Satisfaction Why ? Because good work is our specialty. tPortraits, or Novelties such as Then for Photos, Groups or Photo Buttons and Photo Frames qa try is M. E. Zurbrigg 1 f>F BANK OF llAIIiTO6 .O •_• Store News For The Holiday Season... Everything Spick and Span. Every Department loaded with Holiday Goods. Come in 4. and see our grand display of Fancy Dry Goods, Fancy China, Holiday Fruits, Christmas Groceries, :_: Shoes, Slippers, etc. Plenty of room in this "Big Store" for all who come. When you are here don't be in a hurry -take time to walk around through each department, You'll then see what:: a large assortment of goods we carry. We'll be pleased to add your name to our Iist of customers. . WINGHAM. OaPi2AL PAID VP $ 2.2`50,00000 4 Christmas Groceries. f FaneY Dry Goods FOR XMAS. GIFTS. 4 You will serve your in- terests by placing your orders for Christmas Groceries with us at once. 4 i Crosse & Blackwells Peels are the best in the world. C. & B. drained Lemon Peels,•lb....15c ., " Orange " lb....20e • t, " Citron " lb....26e " Mixed " lb....20c { New Nuts. Peanuts, roasted, per Ib 15c Almonds, soft shell per lb 16o 16c New Filberts, " 150 Brizilian Nuts, " 200 Mixed Nuts iso, or 2 lbs. for 25c New -Shelled Almonds, Walnuts New Walnuts, per lb 4 4 4 and Peanuts. Icing Sugar. Pink Icing Sugar - 15c lb White Icing Sugar IOc lb The kind that don't get Iumpy. Icing Powder in packages 100 Chocolate, Lemon, Vanilla, Orange, Etc. Chocolate. Cowan's Chocolate, sweetened and nnsweeetened, per package 5c and 10c. a Cocoa Bensdorps, Baker's, Webb's, Van Houten's, Epp's, Etc. We keep only the best. Blanc Mange. Delicious Fruit Flavored Blanc Mange, Vanilla, Orange,. Choco- late, Strawberry, Lemon, etc., 10c per package. Ladies Fancy Collars, Silk, Lace, Embroidered, and. ApiSlique. The very newest styles -45e to $2.50 each. Olives. Do you want to help your appetite? Eat Olives, Eat them •, freely -they're good for you. Manzaniile Olives, per bottle..10c to 25c tSpanish Queen Olives, bottle..25o to 50c Club House, extra selected 75o 4, Oranges. We're offering big values in Xmas. Fruit :-California Oranges, Navels, and sweet Sonoras, Mexi- cans. All heavy, sweet, juicy fruit, 15c to 50c a doz. Perhaps she would like a pair of Real French Kid Gloves. Our Kid Gloves are perfect in every respect ind guaranteed to give satisfac- tion -$1.00 to $1.50. Buy your wife a hand- some Rug or Mat. We have them in all styles and sizes and they're very pretty - 50c to $5.00, Gift Troubles Cured Here. ._, You'll see so many hundreds of pieces of Rich Cut Glass =•• -----AND--- Fine Fancy china that in a short time you can .y choose gifts for all your friends. '•i• New Goods arriving direct 4. from the manufacturers every : week add to this department var- s• iety, beauty and wealth. •_. "La France Rose China" is one of our latest arrivals and it •t. ranks with the prettiest and best 4=' of Fancy China. It is fine China, X No doubt be would wear tinted green, heavily gold stip- 4-s ' pled with a bunch of roses and a Scarf or Muffler. -Black Silk Mufflers, lined with col- ored Satin, or Way's All Wool Muffler in black and eolors-35c to $1.00. Gents New Silk Ties, String Ties, Four-in-hand Ties, Bow Ties, Knot Ties, Puff Ties, Derby Ties, etc. All new patterns 10c to 50c. Christmas Candies, No. 1 Royal itlix....8lbs. for 25c No. 1 Brown Mix...3 lbs. for 25c No. I Cut Rock 3 lbs. for 25e Sterling Chocolate Drops, 15c lb. Chocolate Cream Dates -20c lb. Turkish Cream Figs 20c lb. Cream Dates 20c lb. Maple Creams 20c lb. Cream Almonds 25e lb. Maple Walnut Cream ... ,20c lb. Choc. & Vanilla Cream.. , 20c lb. Peanut Taffy 20c lb. Vanilla Marsh Mallow Drops per tin box 25c Za Za fancy Chocolates, large fancy box for 35c Rich mixed Creams, fancy - boxes ; lb. 15c, 1 lb. 25c Mixed Creams-15c lb., 2 lb. 25c Tobler's Swiss Milk Choco- late for eating, per pkg.... 5c Shoe Department. 44 Raisins and Currants. Ladies', Gents' and Children's k All clean new fruit. S1ipGp 'gee Shoes, Dongola to No. 1 cleaned Raisins and Cur- Kid and Box Calf ---$1.60 to tk rants,3 lbs. for 25c $3'5°' Special value in Boys', Girls' � No. 1 Seeded Muscatel Raisins, and Children's Shoes. • t5 1 lb. package, full weightlOc Plain and fancy Rubbers. •:N•N•4*N•Na,..:4 ,.:44..:4,.4.444N•N•N:•1.1....:.40•:•,;...,:.:,•:„..:441.444,4 4. •+104,40.44•:,...:.DN,,4. .40.4 •N�N�N•..••,,,:44N;N:N•NN4N•, • +.0,•:..:...4,..44,0:,,,.•N•N:,.+4. ••,•N•N•N•N•N ea:, E ,.•N•N•N•N•N•N•N•N•N•,44.4.4.,•:•••:.•:4•:••:•+•:. .•.4.4'4•,..8..4. •N•N+..•N•N•N•„••••N•N•N• 4,44.:, rose buds painted on each piece..;. Prices are much lower than this ? class of goods is usually sold at. Large Salad Bowls, each $1.00 ._. 7 piece Fruit Sets, per set 2.00 = Chocolate Pots, each 1.00 ;t. Chop Trays, each. 1.00 ❖ Cracker Jars, handled, each 1.00 Large Cake Plates, each .75 .;. Celery Trays, each 1.00 Sugars and Creams, per set .75 .. Chocolate Cups and Saucers, each,.60 y Tea Cups and Saucers, each .50 S Mustache Cups and Saucers Spoon Trays Milk Jugs .75 •• .50 '=s :• .50 • I. RICH tCu Glass.:: •_• Cut Glass ranks higher than •_• silverware at present.. We have ;t; in stock an exhibit of the finest Cut . • Glass, Its weight alone speaks volumes for those who understand 1. Cut Glass, while its color is the purest flashing crystal. Our low prices will surprise •_• you, if you are familiar with the 4. usual price of Cut Glass. Peppers and Salts, Silver Top, ea.. Geo •_• " '• " open, ea, ,..35o to 75o ;:; Bud Vases, each 22c to 40c 4. Knife and Fork Rests, pr..5150 to $$3.00 4 Cologne Bottles...........$125 to $3.25 4. Olive Dishes $2.50 to $3.75 •_• Sugars and Creams, large, set......$9.00 Butter Plates, 'Water Bottles, Bowls .t. etc., each $2.75 to $22.00 •e Out Glass Tumblers, doz....52, $4.60, $9 4. Rusunvs I TThD 2,000,000.00 TOTAL ASSETS . 2,500,000.00 BOARD OP DIRECTORS. Hon. Win. Gibson - President John Proctor A. B. Lee J. S. Rendrie Geo. Rutherford C. A. Birge J. Turnbull, 'vice -Pros. and General Manager H. M. Watson, Asst. deal. Manager. B. Willson), inspector. Deposita at $1 and Upwards received. Int- ezedt allowed and computed on 30th November and 3tat May each year.aaad added to principal Special to also received at current rates of I. CORBOULD, Agent Dickinson k Holmes, SoliCiters i➢OPINION BANK. Capital (paid up) - $3,000,000 Reserve it pa . • $3,474,000 Farmers' Notes discounted. Drafts sold on all points is Caan- is, the United States end Europe. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT, a *to and *rata ds and aadddterest edto principal 34th sad xiat Deeciabec Melt pat. D. '. $E?UURI, mer #t. vow*** -fiat A FAMOUS SCHOOL CENTRAL STR AT F O R D. ONT. This school has a continental reputa- tion for thoroughness. Our courses are up-to-date and practical. and the teach- ingIa done by experienced instructors in each department. There if no better School in Canada. We would like to give fall information +concerning our work to anyone desiring a Business Education or Shorthand Training. Term opens Jan.3. EtLroDr & McLiecnr.e`t, Principals The Popular Grocery Store. immiewrisieraminessalin CRmCKERY and CHINA, FLOUR and PEI , of all kinds, Cash for Batter and Eggs. Phone 61. W. F. Van tone THE ROYAL GROCERY Wishing you a Merry Xmas. and A Happy New Year. Only A Few More Days. Only a few more days until Xmas. You will be wanting to get some choice Fruits and Peels to make the cake that will be eaten by your friends and callers, and to make it properly requires the very best. Extra Selected Raisins, 3 lbs. for 25e Patraa Currants, re -cleaned, 3 lbs. for 25c Vostizza Currants, extra quality, per lb 10e Crosse and Blackwell's Letnon Peel, lb 20c Crosse and Blackwell's Orange Peel, lb 20c Crosse and Blackwell's Citron Peel, lb 25a New Shelled Walnuts and Almonds, lb 40o I aibrose Dates, lb 10o Taira Dates, lb 5c We have a large stock of Panty China, ere., suitable for Xmas. and Wedding Present&. The new pattern and colors this season are- away ahead of anything heretofore shown for beauty and design. Lots of Candy and Nuts for the little folks, also Sweet Oranges from California and Florida. at Griffin's