The Wingham Advance, 1904-12-08, Page 5Thursday, December fi, 1904.
The Big Blue Front Store
A. small deposit will room) any article 101 Cl6istmae.
Everybody is welcome to see the display of Now Goods at Crotl'Ilor's.
The Crowder Co.
The High Quality,
Low Price Store.
Advance Showing of Holiday
Gifts for Men.
We are pleased to announce that our showing of Holiday Goode
is now ready for your inspection. For the past week, case after
case of new Xmas. goods has been arriving and we are now con-
tent in the assurance that we bave the most complete showing of
Holiday Wear for men in Huron, and a stock that is much in ad-
vance of anything we have bad before, both in completeness and
The Useful Present is the one that is most appreciated
And Neckwear heads this class of Christmas Goods.
Gents' Furnishing Department
Gents' new French Derby Ties, all colors, about CO patterns to choose
from, Prices 35e, 50e
Gents' new Shield and Band Puff Ties hi all. colors, about, 50 patterns
to choose from. Price 50c
Gents' new flowing end and English square Ties in all newest colorings 50c
New Silk Hdkfs. in white, colors and initials 25, 50, 75c
Gents' Mufflers in black Silk, Satin and Polka dot 50c, 75e, $1, $1.25
Wool Chest Protectors, black, white, red and white, green and white and
a dozen other colorings. Choice 75c
Now Colored Shirts, Cuffs, Gloves, Sox, Umbrellas, Braces, etc.
Specials In Our Clothing Department
30 Pairs Boys' Knickcr Pants, regular price 60c—Special at 30c
27 Men's and Youths' Tweed Suits, sizes 33 to 44, regular price $0.50,
$7.50—Special at $5.00
19 Only, Boys' Raglan Overcoats, sizes 22 to 28, regular $5.00, $5.50—
Special $4.00
10 Only, Youths' Raglan Overcoats, sizes 28 to 33, regular price $0.00,
$0.50—Special $5.00
18 Only, Men's Raglan Overcoats, sizes 34 to 40, regular price $8.00,
$0.00, $0.50—Special - $7.00
13 Only, Boys' Pea Jackets, blue Nap cloth, sizes 22 to 28—Special at$2.45
The R. H. Crowder Co.
The Blue Front Store
I 3CC,eaclouarters O
1 Christmas Gifts
1 I
We have decided to make our shop head-
quarters for the festive season. This means
that we have the newest, best, swellest and
largest stock, and will sell at right prices.
1Ze`kabke 119atehes.
If you want to buy a watch, it will pay
you to call and see our large stock of the
newest designs. We keep all grades of move-
ments and cases.
`MngO. iZkAgs1
You should see our stock of rings, espec-
ially the Pearl and Diamond rings ; they are
'lcmas. vets.
If you want a Xmas, gift for a friend—
come in. We have a choke variety, at right
prices too,
!L. rr•►..rir...r•.rr•r•r
News Items.
--The total cost of Grey Mouse of
Refuge is $28,000.
-,Over 40 wireless telegram stations
are in use in the military establish-
ments on the other side of the Atlan-
--There are 170 municipalities in
Ontario in which no hotel licenses are
granted. Under local option the
number is. eonstantly increasing,
--20 property holder's in Fergus
have agreed to become liable to the
extent of $125 each, on the guarantee
attached to loan of $2500 by the
municipality to James Gow.
Bohn Topham of Proton has
commenced mining on the bank of the
river and has succeeded in unearthing
something, whether diamonds, rubies,
radium or silver it is not known, but
reports say that a sample sent to the
Government analyst is worth $0.00
per ounce.
--After a long period of dormancy,
there is a prospect that the Harriston
Packing house may soon resume
operations. An offer of $38,000 by
the Win. Davies Co., of Toronto has
been accepted by the directors of the
company, subject to the approval of
the shareholders,
—The total vote polled in Canada at
the Dominion elections was under
800,000. Liberals had 53 per cent. of
the vote polled, the Tories 47 per cent.
Liberal majority of votes about 50,000.
Apart from the Province of Quebec
the Liberals have a majority of 11,000
votes in the other Provinces.
—A fire occurred in West Luther
about two miles west of Monticello on
Friday night, when a fine new barn
on the farm owned by Thos, Gibson
and leased by Thos. Smith, was de-
stroyed. Mr. Smith lost all his imple-
ments, all his feed, and the larger part
of his crop, and has only about $100
London, Nov. 28.—Speculation in
consols and Kaflirs at the close of the
Boer war drove Rothschild's bullion
buyer to fraud. He was head of ore
of the departments of the Wood
Street Smelting Works, which were
operated as a gold refinery. Blumen-
thal adulterated the gold, and made
by this means £50,000.
—Dr. Hodgins, of the Provincial
Board of Health, reports that the
Province is entirely free of smallpox,
and has been for two months. Vac-
cination in the lumber camps has
been thoroughly carried out. There
were over 300 men in one of the
largest concerns vaccinated under the
direction of the Board.
--The Owen Sound district will be
thoroughly tested for oil and gas by
the Owen Sound Natural Gas and Oil
Co, A meeting of the directors of the
company was held on Tuesday even-
ing when it was decided to push the
sale of stock and as soon as enough
had been subscribed that five or six
wells be drilled in the territory
around. Owen Sound. Over 15,000
acres are now under oil lease.
Ottawa, Nov. 28. --With a view to
preventing a recurrence of the recent
tragedy in the Sarnia tunnel, Chief
Engineer Mountain, of the Railway
Commission, has been inspecting the
Baltimore and Ohio tunnel and the
New York subway. The former has a
length of 7,000 feet, a thousand longer
than the Sarnia tunnel, and a continu-
ous grade of eight -tenths of one per
cent. Engines operated by electricity,
each weighing 160 tons, are used for
drawing the traffic through the tun-
nel, so that there is no risk to human
life from the escape of gases. The
probability is that the Grand Trunk,
in spite of the greatly increased ex-
pense, will adopt electricity as the
rnotive power through the Sarnia tun.
nel in place of steam.
Always milk in the same order, and
at the same time of day.
When it conies a cow's turn to be
milked, she knows it, and expects it,
and wants to be milked.
Always milk the cow dry before
Ieaving her, but do not continue strip-
ping after the milk is all drawn.
Rave the byre clean, and have the
cow clean, or you can't get clean milk.
Lime and whitewash for walls and
posts are good.
Always milk a cow in the same
manner, at about the sante time and
speed. Any change will tend to ir-
ritate and excite her.
There should always be a friendly
feeling between the cow and the milk-
er, and milkers should not be chang-
ed, if it can be avoided,
After a little manipulation of the
teats and udders, the milk is ready to
"come down." Then is the time to
take it, and do not delay.
No definite rule can be given as to
how the teats should be handled in
milking, as cows differ, and hands dif-
fer so much, bat be sure of one thing
—please the cow if possible.
If yoi't disappoint a coW, and Snilk
half an hour later, the chances are
that you get less and poorer milk
than if you milked at the proper
Catarrhal Deafness Is Canned
By a thickening of the lining mem-
brane of the middle ear owing to pro-
longed inflammation from catarrhal
germs. The only cure is frttgrtut
Healing Catarrllozono one which is
carried by air yotr breathe to the
remotest parts of the throat and ears ;
It reaches the source of the trouble
and cures deafness permanently.
Every sufferer from impaired hearing
should try Catarrlrozone which has
effected wonderful cures. You siml '
ly breathe its healing medicated vapor
very easy and pleasant. Do this and
your hearing will be restored. Cal
tar•rhozone never fails; it is gttitletli
teed. Two months treatment for
$1.00 at druggists.
Canada has 132,101 more males than
Canada's centre of population. is
DM' Ottawa.
She has only 5 per cent. of foreign
born population.
87 out of every 100 of Canada's peo-
ple are Canadian born.
Of Canada's population 100 out of Freneh 350 are of descent.
Of these Fr'encheople,1,322,115 live
in Quebec anti 150,000 in Ontario.
Canada's population a Confedera-
tion was three and a quarter millions,.
Canada's population by its first cen-
sus of 1605 was 3,251, In 1768 it was
Canada has more than one-half of
the white population of all Britain's
The population of Canada comprises
representatives of 40 colultrios and na-
Of every 100 Canadian people, 73 per
cent, live in the country and 27 per
cent, in the cities.
Canada's population west of Lake
Superior 50 years ago was 8,000; to-
day it is about 700,000.
• Our Photographs
♦ give Satisfaction
♦ Why ? Because good work is our s.
4 specialty. S.
Then for Photos, Groups or
d Portraits, or Novelties such as
Photo Buttons and Photo Frames q ,,
4 try �}
4 M. E. Zurbrigg
Wingham Machine
General Repair Shop
Is now re -opened, and I have secured
the service of a man of over 20 years
experience in all lines of mill and
farm machinery, also bicycles, guns,
sewing machines, clothes wringers,
lawn mowers, umbrellas, saws gummed
and filed, keys made to order, scissors
and hair clippers sharpened, etc. A
trial solicited.
(Real Estate Notice. '
It will pay you to come to me to buy your
farm or town property. Never before had I
such an extensive list, (both in town and
country) for sale, I have about 5000 acres,
comprising some of the best farms in the
Counties of Huron and Bruce and now is the
time for the intending purchaser to have a
look at them. I can also suit you in town
property no matter what you may desire.
Prices ranging from $400 up to $4,000.
Collection of rents and accounts a Spe-
Lite and Accident Insurance effected.
Ileal Estate and Business Transfer.
(Office—Vanstone Block, Winghanr)
Eight of the last Students placed by
were placed at the following salaries : Two at
$000, one at $700, four at $720 and one at $1000.
Do you know of any other business school on
the Continent getting such results t Our Cat.
alognes are the handsomest issue of tho kind
put out by any business school on the Contin-
ent. It you wish to attend a business college
ask tor our General Catalogue. If you cannot
come to Chatham, write for our Mail Course
catalogue. Wo cnn teach you Ileok•keoping,
Shorthand or Penmanship at your home.
Wo pay your railway tare in coming un to
58, and can secure good board at 52 50 to 52.75
per week. Mention catalogue you want.
Chatham, Ont.
Lowest rates consistent with
absolute security. All claims
promptly settled
Abner Cosens
Canadian Order Woodmen of
The World.
Hold their regular meetings every 2nd and
4th Friday mels month, in Oddfollowa'
Hall All visitors welcome.
It. Miasma., C. C. R. II, Cnownsn, Clerk
Why gd out b of Town for an
Auctioneer, when your wants can
be supplied at home,
Cook's Cotton Root Compound.
tames* Favorite,
Ts the only Bate, fellable
regulator on which woman
can depend. "in the bum
and time of need."
Prepared in two degrees of
Strength. No. 1 and No. 2.
No. 1.s -Por ordinary owe
to by far the beet dollar
rnedleino known.
stronger- hree dollar's per b r.10 d01trC0at
i edies--aak your druggidt for Cook'11
as all piillls, mix ures and imftationatare
dangerous. No. 1 and No. 2 are sold and
reeoinmended by an druggists in the DO*
(minion of Canada. Mailed to any address
an receipt of_price and four 2 -cent postage
*tame& tpLe Vete& vyimffia or, ont'r
.1.17. iiia titon,, W rM Ifib on Cos
The only Patented Polish lathe World,
No Dost, No Dirt, No Smoke, No Smell.
Contains no benzine or other explosives.
ptlJNVO makes mote polish and lasts
longer than any other.
For hard colds, bronchitis,
asthma, and coughs of all
kinds, you cannot take any,
thing better than Ayer's
Cherry Pectoral, Ask you!
own doctor if this Is not so.
He uses it, He understands
why it soothes and heals.
"rasa • terrible cough for weeks. Then 1
took Aries wherry Pectoral $ad only one
bottle completely cured me." '
Dias, .1. Il. DAltroaTU, et. Joteph, buds. ,
zse. tOc., 51.50.
J. 0. AY= 00.,
AUArnu els. . for,slw=rl. Mass.
Coughs, Colds
You will hasten recovery by tak-
ing one of Ayer's Pills at bedtime,
Not A
Game Of
When yon come to trade with us
you take no chances with your
money. Bank deposits are not safer
than our guarantee to you of good
Value or Money back.
To know what real solid Cloth-
ing Value is—buy Homnth Bros'.
Suits and Overcoats—We are show-
ing some beautiful effects, made in
latest style and best workmanship,
at $16, $18 np to $25.
Xmas. Gifts.
In Neckties we have all the new
coloriugs and styles in Puffs, Derbys,
Flowing -Ends. Bows, Strings, etc.
Really the finest assortment ever
shown in the county at 25c, 50c
and 75o.
Be sure you have one of our
warm mnfilers.—Materials of Wool
also Silk.—These are the greatest
Value we have ever offered at 300,
50e, 75c, $1.00 and $1.25.
In Gloves we have a very fine
assortment to select from—these are
good fitters—Best Maker's and all
sizes $1.00, $1.25 and $1.75.
Hats, Caps, Etc.
Hats, Caps, Underclothing, Sus-
penders, Handkerchiefs, Armlets,
Colored Shirts, White Shirts, Cuffs,
Collars, Hosiery—and in fact every-
thing in Gents' Wear.—We invito
you before buying elsewhere, to call
and have a look at any rate, and no
doubt yon will go away from this
store WELL pleased.
A PLEASURE To Snow Goons.
lloinuth Bros.
c.L/Si O/WEL M'
Take the Commercial or the Shorthand
Course. Terms reasonable.
• Send .for College journal.
President Secy.
Suits, Overcoats
Our Suits are of the
newest materials at the lowest
possible prices.
Overcoatings that make
up the most beautiful Coats
that fancy could desire, at
prices ranging from $1zoo
to $20.00.
Pantins, the very thing
you are looking for, .
Robt. Maxwell
High Art Tailor Wlaghsm
These are bright, busy days at our busy store.
Such bowers of holiday brightness, that it seems
Christmas every day here. If you are puzzled
what to buy, come and let us help you out, 'Tis
well to bear in mind though, that early buyers
enjoy many advantages over those who put, off
their purchases until the last few days. We can't
quote everything, but here are a few items that
should prove interesting to the keenest buyers.
TT s V e ks 'SOT Za6.kes.
Ladies' Handkerchiefs in
great variety, fancy em-
broidered Lawn, Linen
and Silk, with worked
initials. Prices range
from 5e to $2.00. See
our leader, extra value
at 250
Just received a large as-
sortment of the latest
novelties in Belts, fanoy
Silk Girdles, with pretty
buckles, also imported
Jetted Elastic Belts. Pri.
ces are from 25o to 51.50.
See our special line at., . 500
Our Christmas Sale keynote is—" Big Dry Goods'
worth for not much money."
LADIES' NEW NEOKWEAR.--What more useful Xmas pres-
ent than a pretty Silk Collar or Tie. We have opened np a very nice
collection of the latest ideas in all kinds of Ladies' Neckwear. Prices
are 25o, 35o, 50o, 75o, $1.00, $1.25. Special Christmas bargain at 50e.
LADE COLLARS.—We are showing a very nine range of Ladies' •
Lace and Sequin Collars at surprising valves. Prices begin at 250.
See our leader at $1.00,
OTHER PRESENTS FOR LADIES,—Material for Dress Snit,
Waist or Skirt, Golf Vests, Silk Waists, Umbrellas, Kid Gloves, Slip-
pers, Ribbons, Knitted Shawls, Fur Coats, Caperines, Muffs, Ruffs,
Gauntlets, Raincoats, Skirts, Table Cloths, Towels, Rugs, Mats, Cur-
tains, Blankets, Quilts, Table Napkins, etc,
ireseAts dor 'Men.
Almost anything you want in Men's Furnishings,
and at a price you want to pay.
Men's lined Kid Gloves
in all the best makes
and colors. Special
valve in Mocha, well
lined. See our Xmas
bargain 750
We have jest passed into
stock the latest and best
styles in Men's fancy
Knots, Strings, Four-in-
hand, Bows, etc. All
prices. Special line at.. 250
Every Christmas Counter is a Bargain Counter here.
Men's Fancy Braces in boxes put up specially for Xmas trade.
Prices range from 25o to $1.25. Extra special, 500.
Men's Mufflers and Scarfs in plain and fancy silk, makes a nice
Xmas present. Prices, 25o to $1.25. Extra value at 50o.
OTHER PRESENTS FOR MEN.—Slippers, Umbrellas, Under-
wear, Cuff Buttons, Collars, Cuffs, Shirts, Hats, Fur Coats, Fur Caps,
Gauntlets, Knit Gloves, Cuffs, Silk Handkerchiefs, etc.
Spend prudently, give wisely—we snake this perfectly easy.
Right Qualities
Right Styles
Right Prices
Twioo Too Much Furniture
We are going to reduce our stock. Now for Special
Prices until the end of the year on Parlor Suites, Couches,
Bedroom Suites, Sideboards, Extension Tables, Mattresses,
Fancy Rockers and odd pieces.
It will Pay you to come and see for yourself.
Walker Bros. & Button
Windham Coal and
Wood Yard
We are sole agents in town for the Scranton Coal,
and guarantee every delivery to be O. K. Just ask any
person who has used it and hear what they say about
it. We are confident it will give you the best of sat-
isfaction if given a trial. You will always find our price:,
reasonable, and delivery prompt.
Farmers wishing to load and draw their own Coal
will have 25 cts, per ton rebate.
No. 1—Hest Body Hardwood, per Cord 83 00
No. 2w -hardwood, from Smaller, Timber, per Cord 2'15
No. 3 ---Hardwood and Ash, mixed. per Cord 2 50
No. 4—Ash and mixed, et .ofd .
No. 5—Slabs and Soft Timber, per Cord 2 ri
Rough wood, shrinks. etc. for furnaces and box stoves, per Gd 2 CO
(Nos,1 and 2 are cut from green tinlbet'.)
Our terms for Coal and Wood are strictly cash.