The Wingham Advance, 1904-12-01, Page 6"r...k7,4" 71••• '
COlteee ee,gAtif,4,
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041e4 ?LS AO" ikee "144e'
What 449V77V
The Unlino n
After a while he wandereil adt
ueon a balcony that ,overloolced the
extenelve groutele tlio,t belonged to •!
palace, and were he soon became
'absorbed In gloomy reflections. i
Wleere was Monica'? he asked late -
self. Re did not believe it possible
that Lshe was there in Rome, 'ill 1
spite of what Inez had seed about 1
having met and talked with her.
Presently he was aroused by the I
eound of yoloes, just below; him, in;
the shadow of the balcony, con-
veea in subdued tones.
Whoever was -there had evident- I
ly come very stealthily, and now
a word or two that their lietener
eaught ceused a, thrill of appreben-
sion to agitate him and made him
bend nearer to learn more.
Being Just beneath WM, he tonal
not see them, nor timer. Met, bat be
could make out enough of their
tionver,sation 'to assure Mn that a
great wrong, wa.s about to be per-
petrated unless it coula be balked.
Yes, at last he comprehended the
lot; the lily queen was to be de-
al:15'W out into the grounds, upon
velem aretext or other, and to, a
certain gate, where she would be
kidnapped and borne awor from
the place -the carriage being al-
ready in •svaiteng,
What could it mean'? Who was
at the 'bottom of this foug consphrs
Then, like a rlash of light, August
recalled those words of Inez •
"I'll seek an interview; with her
"She ams done this I' It is Won-
strous She Is a serpent, and she
will stop. at notbleg that will en-
able her to retain her ill-gotten
gold," he reasoned. "Rut I will
wiatea-I will defeat the wretchea
clot !". the young man mueed, as he
quietly slipped baok inside the pal -
lance and wept to search for the
fair yoang stranger, Who so
etrangely, resembled the ,girl be
He found pacing the grand
hall and leaning upon the armof
a noted author who ha.d recently.
come to Rome.
She was. bright and anien'atedand
the light laugh that rippled over
her scarlet hes, every nowt and
then, told of a heart free from
care and of a happy disposition.
"Oh, how like to Monica she is!"
August bren,thed, and barely sup-
pressing a groan of palm; one
would feel almoet sure that they
are twin resters -one could hardly
tell them apart, and yet nay heart
could never mistake."
Prezently Mr. Seaver appeared upen
the ,scene, and August heard him ad-
dres3 the young lady as Florence,
and aok if she lied yet seen tbe elec-
tric,a1 fountain In grounds adjoin-
ing the palace.
"No," "lire replied, "but I have heard
others talking about It, and my cur- '
levity has become quite excited."
"Well, it Is a, sight you shouli not
mi," her guardian returned; "and
If Mr. Renshaw will excuse you,
will take you out now."
Mr. liensita,w, however, had no In-
tention ot taxing tbeir tete-a-tete
broken in ttpon tbus unceremoniously,
and laughingly observed that he
would go withthen) if they would
allow. bun.
And, conversing brightly', the trlo
passed, out of the palace by the exit
at the rear, and down the half-dozen
steps that led into the grounde,Aug-
met following them a‘t a little dis-
lee Irtiew tbet the beautiful girl
would be rerteetly safe as long as
she eta,s under the protection of the
two gentlemen, even thouge be woe
mire that Ler every movement was
being obeerved ; but he had set him-
self the task of tvotching over her,
and be was determined not to lose
sight of her, at least until sbe was
safely sside the palace again.
And tee Le paced slowly behind
them, around the deatrieal fountain,
and through sone et the brilliantly
Illuminated avenues, when Mr, Hen -
Shaw, remembering he bad an en-
gitgemeet, excused himself and re-
turned to tite ballroom.
"Ilow•perreetly Itsvear it ia out
here, treat llobertO*Floreece observ-
ed, as tne,y paused into a walk teat
was cknsely elded by acaeitte •
"the air is lato teat of a -soft -Tune
evening at home. but the teems Is Lire
talryler.d. Let us sit utrsn tb!s rustic
seat for a toale, fee, (met add, as
alio palmed before a ccriouti
"But tee detepritess way be weir-
lous, my (bill, and yon Lave co
w.rap, Mr. ee2aser ohjeci.e.d.
/ dye rat rend teo damp:ege-
t never tate Florence tare-
Icealy earterverle
"You forget taere le danger el
Itatnan liner 10 TLC, 7-.11Cei
pert:4/4,CA n tame:in. `11, r,
you realty went to rereetio eo.
Willie tenger, 1 vilito In kir 4.;, °
"No -no. 1 wal Lot put see te tete:
trouble," tee girl b1gni ; bet LI
nompawon. Lad tuettv.i', :may, cl,-.!,•:e•
to gratify her, and nee wen :he- ••••••
See gesteerea ler del eat::
dress nriunrl er, tea sagi;ii
ukto proteet Ler, nett eat • ewe ee
the benea ot gnarled tell twitea
teOte, an a w boe":. a en pa a .o:
.A. eiatisle or rolte Away, in li.anFx...
llOwiel a IsravY Yew, Auuot Coetsitil
kept watch and ward tpver ker.
/cat! ennutee paled, atol nets a
mama le t!Lnt iceerty V.(/
altleinga, 1113 ngiiiC 1.1 tL
palace eame faintly ta the tar, aa'd
peziple could lei wen, passing and re
Passing, In
walks near the building.
Vlore:ice eaSoyul it till 1.1n/eiY,
ft!ttr,' Va. i%iift1S:Cil, glare feel heat
oi to eroteeell lealroote, anti, If ail-
ing l'estrully batik la neat, gave
bonwilf tip t, tho pleasure of waacii-
Ing atieseen, the brilliant panorama
In tlec distance.
Tint, ete4 ping up ardilnd lier In the
meal. e.a 1 y IX about her,
came -two stealthy figures, with
stelae no light arid, soft that not °Yea
a. twig craelded beneath them, to
warn. eiteer her or the watcher, who,
clearly hugging the truak of the yew,
did not wish his presence known tn.
Leas nocessity required.
!Ube trunk of the tree hid tbe
tre Wont him, and him from them,
and it wee only when n. startled cry
caused bun to leap forward, that he
became aware tithe white -robed
figure eo neer Mir Was struggiieg to
email° two dimly -outlined ruffians,
Who' had thrown a huge black intiettle
over the girra head and shaulderS.,
011Aaana1i XXI. •
After that hest startled cry there
weeino oeund from Fl r zee eXctpt a
' otifledsinoae, could met be heard
aired away', although e ic
valiantly to release herself from her
c,a,ptors' grasp
With a leap, and a bound, and a
pewerful blow straight from the
inhauloen, Augast sent one ot the rut-
fia,ne sprawling upcvn the ground.
Milan he turned, to, grapple with the
other, and 'for a repute it :seemed
doubtful who would be tae teeter,
but, ewlaging out las right foot,
when his extagontst was not looking
for 'ouch a inovement, he deftly trip-
ped lam, walle at the name instant
,a1cdge-1itinamer blew behind hie ear
finis,eed lam and laid him out beside
lite companion in iniquity.
T,sen the young Mexican turned his
attention to the hit -fainting girl
upen the reside, seat.
Mlie upper portion of her body was
compeltely enveloped in the da,rk
=title tha,t had been used to smo-
ther' her cries, and which ba.d been so
...tweeted about ber as to render her
utterly belpless.
Quicaly stripping it fr•onr her, the
young ma,n released ber arms, while
tbe air almost instantly revived her,
and ethe sat upright with a long
bee -Luta of relief. •
'Men, peeing the strange for,m•
banding over her, she threw out her
hands to repel Inne, another
aned czar breaking from her.
"Do not be alarmed, genera," sald
August, in his ica, inimical tones;
"1 am a, friend, and, happening toi
be near, have rendered your miser-
able mesallants powerless to do you
• furtaer injury. • wt -you are
to walk, 1 will conduct you back to
the palace, and then leek for eeme
of to take the wretches in °us.:
tody. .
Florence sprang to her feet, still
terribly ta g • e ec, grealY. •
asteured, bY ,hearing leer CAVA It;
"Oo, yes -yes -let us gee' away
crow here ,a,t once; it NV,S49 folly 111 ine
to remain alone a moment go Tar
from the palace," she cried, nervous-
ly, as she hastened from the spot and
toward -the illuminated portioa of the
greunds, August walking close be -
oldie her, a,nd bearing upen his arm
the mantle In Which she bad been en-
Wlien they came into the light,
Florence turned and looked up into
here companion's fame
"Ali1" nhe exclaimed, in a tone of
relief, "I ettew you *in the grand hall
a, little while ago."
"Yes, senora; 1 passed you there
wane you were promenading with
Ilene:taw, the author."
"Do you know him ?" she ques-
"I have met ban," Auguet briefly
responded; then, as his glance fell
tipen the mantle he vies carrying, a,
terrible shock went thrilling through
him, for he inotantlY recognized It as
tbe velvet train which 'Inez King had
yeern earlier in the evening, and
which had been boons by and after-
ward given into the care or her two
Were those two pages the ruffians
whom he had just laid low in the ,
Iinitiate tattled all bills, and numb
toni. liu : t Let nurcli.t: es of paint I. 4.t.
Inie-a.brae, ete., that lui had boa
silt" aire olio 1 foe eon I time, tied lima -
Js awe:ogee n temple or sections for
the So:lowing utteritooa, in a
et' plate awe'. 141 (Inuit. whence Ite
inteiricsd -tO ireoeeel to Part -i•
01. ilte Icif.ti.clia'; oi! ill0 day of their
(hp trinre. .1/ .. B eiver met B:r Walter
Iret41itoit o:1 tit., Coe, -;o, and intormed
him or tile illieNprctied cluenee in
their pleas, 4.
The two had become veer triendir
ot late, am! on ono OCCasiOn„ when
no Young 111 44 0,ipuea his %wart to
ti.- n lawyee, .and pl:sttled Ida love for
Ids ward, the man had promised tO
min liln lefluence with Florence to
pareuado ber to beeeine Lady Leigh.
t°117%0 bitronet looked disurlyed upoe
learning that they were to leave
Remo So soon, Lunt the cense of their
sudden departure.
Atter questioning lilni, to gain the
details., lie inquirpd ,• ,
Where do you go from here?"
"To Paris," Clr. Seaver replied.
"Ilow long will you remain there?"
ail. Couple of inarithe, I think ; ot
cows% we Shall Vett about a. good
deal, but Paris will be our liea,d-
quarters. tWo shell havo to get back
to England about the firet ot Zeno,
als I meet lei leemoward bound bY
the nsiddle or hest of July,"
Sir Walter then insisted that tbe
party would visit him at aVorthing
Towers, and remain bie guests for
B01110 iline. , t
Thai afternoon the Beavers and
their ward left tor Paris. 1
• Sir Walter met them a,t the sta-
tion to ,see them eff,1 and took a ten.
der leave of !Florence, murmuring
Renee words ire her ear at the lost
moment which told hor that he still
entertaieed the hope that he should
yet win ber as hisf wife.
1 a * ... .1 .
Let us now go back to the clay la.tkt a
Our gentleman's 14k.
solid gold, hunting -
ease watch (No. 4417)
sells for $40.00.
goldallet -Cafe
Lor°, ,268) tO0 45018
ot " ityrio”. movsmcnt sells
A lady's solid geld
watch (No. i2576)with
guaranteed "Ryrie "
movement will cost
you $25.00,
In • ra$.year cium
Vo, lam) 11 cote, only
Imo, Send for catalogue.
RY1...1E BROS,
11'8 to roe
ahsoact Street
le Iala i
Sneer the Man's Way.
Poploy-Come, come, Willie: Don't cry
because you barked your alsin A little bit. Mt
llllubbering)-Yeal then you'd whip
• when Monica, o,nd Inez met in the me. You fold me You would it you ever
shop on the Via Babnitio. caught swearin',
Everyboay is eomplaining of colds just
now. 1 think the rause ia that people
• keep their lioueee too hot, and dress in-
differently to the temperature, writes(
Lady Violet Greville, in the London Gra.
phie. Men seldom vary their drese, but
venzen are constantly changing from
the thinnest of lace blouses, which ex.
pose the neck and chest, to ftw wrape
and heavy boas round the throat. l'hen
they sit in warm rooms with big fires
and go out, perhaps, in the sane clothes
they wear indoors.
Sleeping with the window open and
bathing the chest every milling with
cold eater are admirable preventives
of cold, and putting on a wrap when
leaving a wenn room is also good.
A tool atmosphere never' gives eoldk
it is the perpetual changes of tempera-
ture that do so; and going direetly into
a hot room, after the cold outside is as
good a way as any other of cetthing
Ladies' -colds arise often front the
practice of tea drinking and paying tails
during the afternoon, and also frees sit.
ting in clubs in their outdoor moments.
Latterly the elioCus of incessant coughs
in laIlies' clubs lies been most distress-
ing, and such colds mist be very infec-
ser and SitIrt
Bangor, holds 4
garments', Steel,
heavily niekel-
plated,. will last
a lifetime. Send
500 and secure
one. Eadorsed by
II leading tailors. Nevelt), Mfg, Co., 1119
QOM) !street east, Toronto, Out.
Only One Kind Abandoned.
(Houston Chronfola)
"Doe," inquired the Jecular invaltd, "mod-
ern physicians have stopped bleeding their
patients, haven't they'?'
"They have practically discontinued Cie use
ot phlebotomy, If that's what you mean," re.,
plied the medical man, cautiously.
I We know how the former eluded
her cousin and waa rolling rapidly. 4 -4444444-4-94•44-4444-444-444-9•94-4-4-44-9-444444-9-9444444
toward the Pincian Rill au Mrs. Sid-
rey"s carriage, when her cousin
reached the street te hot pursuit of
She wa.s so agitated when she sank
upon the seat beside the maid that
the woman regarded her with, aston-
etWhat is the inatte, miss ?" she
"Nothing serious, only I,lea,ve bad
quite a fright," Monica responded,
and no more was said about the
But, upon reaching home Monica
confided in Mrs. Sidney. and express-
ed the fear that Inez and her father,
having learned of her presence in
Rome, would leave no •stone unturn-
ed to recapture her, and perhaps
doom lier to °yea a 'worse fate than
confinement in a sanatarium.
"Thee, we will go away at once,
my dear," 'said her kind friend, "but
I do wish you could hoar fromthat'
young ma.n to whom you wrote."
"August? Yes, it is very strange
that 1 have .no reply to my letter,"
replied Monica with a blush and a
Look of keen pain leaping into her
eyes. •
aim Sidney bega.n that very day
to arrange for their return to Na-
ples, but sho was taken suddenly ill
toe following day, and inless ehart
week had closed her eyes forever Oft
all ibing,s earthly.
She seemed to know, from; the first',
that she could not recover, and
calmly made all arrangements for
herself, for Monica, and her maid.
She desired to be quietly buried In
the Protestant cemeteryuntil her , Dodd's Kidney Pills Cured W. N.
children could attend to the removal
or leer remaina to England. Baskin's Pains.
She made her will, forgetting no
one in lier bequests, and settled a
handsome sum upon Monica, than she 1,Vell-Knowit Norwooe Contractor
might have Inconel to bele her win Memel Das a Good Word tor
back her fortune. • Dodd's kidney Pills.
aiie wished nor, attended by the
maid, to return immediately to Eng-
land,a ad upon her arrival inlenalon,go
directly to her Bon and ask bis as-
sistance in bringing ber treacherous
musing to epeedy eurtice.
Mon ca, aesiatd byf tbo private'
secretary to the English Gansu!, who
had been very; kind to her during
this -time at trouble, carried out the
wiebes ol her friend regarding her
There is nothing in the market approaching
the quality of
make of this ware, See that EDDY'S name is on
the bottom of each pail and tub.
No Cheap Substitutes.
--Speaking of "schemes" for cheap ad-
vertising an experienced advertiser says:
"Advertising is not a business expense
which will permit a close economy. eom-
pared with some `schemes' newspaper
pablicity is costly, but it is worth all it
costs. Nb cheap substitute can ever
take its place."
Norwood, Out., Nov. 21.-(Speelaa-
Mr. W. N. Baskin, the well-known lum-
berman and railroad contractor, here, is
one of those who never fail to say a
good word for Dodd's Kidney Pills. Mr.
Baskin gives the reason why as follows :
"For ttvo years I was laiil up with
Lunibago and. Kidney Disease. At times
I would become very weak and would
have to give up work. I did work on
burial, and then, upon the after- the C. P. R. and the Parry Sound 5, R.,
noon following this sad event, with and -people all know how sick I was.
as beav,a beart taan she had ever "Reading of wonderful sures by Dodd's
known, turned her face toward Eng- Kidney Pills led ine to try them, and I
land, little dteaming off the wonder- can say I have not had any pains since
fal revelations that were awaiting I used them. It just took three boxes
to cure me completely."
Lumbago is one of the results of Kid-
ney Disease. Cure your Kidneys with
Dodd's Kidney Pills and you will cure
your Lumbago.
her on the way thither, ,
CHAP= Maar.
The Stea.vers left home on Thurs-
day afternoon, and it was with
long isteath of relief and a ;ouch,
lighter beart than she had known
since the bal masque that lalorenee
heard the last signal given and telt
the train movina out of the etation.
Every tale traversed served to life Galloy-Pour o'clock.
more and more the Cloud that had Balley-Whatt Do you mean to say you
settled upon ber, and when, as they; got up at that hour?
Galley -Oh, 'when did I get up? That's dif-
neared Cevita, Vecchia, their train
ra.n along the ebore of the beautiful ferent. Half -past IL
Mediterranean, 'where the scenery) is ,e
charming, her color returned, her f
eyes aptaxkled with aelight anh their '
oid lirilliancy-and her merr ylaugh
frequently! Tippled over ber lips, her
Before and After Sleeping.
)3alley-What time wore you Up Sunday
You can't cure a cough or cold
from the- outside. You must
etre it through the blood.
friends congratulated tbeinselvea
.71mtethen they mot Mr, Seaver hur- 1; that they; had accededto her requeet theta,shill hoe
• rying toward with a while silk to leave Rome.
"Oh 'Uncle Robert "' alorenee ex- 1 - • 1 i onsulffi
opera clooin kbig hands.' The,y all retired early, for they
. . were weary alto tlie r burr ed el -
claimed, no elle selzeil and clung to forts to get away: that clay, and
Ma arm; "I have "just had a tearful Florence elept soundire and sweetly
expe,ritince-anarrew eseape."
"Sly Weld, arbeat le it ?" the gentle- 1, thlw11lh
eae 0,wokolorieth
gtatorehthe sun was
man inquired, and alarmed to face her ' Ina and lifting the curtain to the
' 01 tOite 'f r.4 trenho rr Terme he windeve of her eoction, layi for a
abet gienes' of tatopielon at Itor
long time watabing the lovely scen.
tennpanIon. ery along the snore of that deep,
"Two dreadful man Attacked me,
., g mo (deep (ohm sea.
D' a "We must be getting Dear to
thee gentlemen gaved me from them; 'Gotha. she said to bereelf, when
but for bins 1 inigbit have been ab-.
, an I h d paseed thus."
[believe I will get up and dress bee
tore auntie awakes, and then elle
can have the toilet room te herself,"
Suiting her action to ber words,
5110 'gathered together her toilet
dratted and deemed to oome horrible
face, ' rlerer.ce trenauloualy ex-
plinnede , 1 $
- August esplained atilt further, men-
tioning that Le had been within
. ki,
.rtVnix. tat:VICO V-4100 Mr. Seaver
Plit tlff W21:111, and so bad etepped un- articlee, and Blipping quietIg out of
her berth, made ber way te the
, tter tia sad Av. ot a. tree to remain
• eeer Ler der:rife lin absene,e, and ea dresolog room
•• 71.0(4 1-7.e.7.4 tO.en she v, notiaultexi,S
1 1, d it getag 1 e
he found it locked -flame One had
Ilee„teetV:i ver.s, La''iit, Inevever, of the ueell e e i r. ' 1
elite vitepped leeek to a 'Window, and
'h.f.:I. tat LS, tins rnasterol, unaided,
• while T;lio welted, ideed watching
aaa I/ lernakrate eaareetere.
r ti.0
the Pea, which mimed like a otteet ie teeger erre:ta.1 tee t ",!„2,?..,,,s rz-nat. tawe 1,t4,17 attractod of azare velvet Spread out before
V tee) k...e,.113 tf:..e..t. 11 ,I' '8 t7ore„o hor, and tlyped Imre and there With
eteg. tee," eeteee gate se„ ma, 1:,.,A. of , a Havers oh ed %valor° the eitalikht
t..c.:17:141 gDot..,3u on it. ,
arereet felt; f, -)Y4 taat t''',47t? WO% $1,13 stood Urn* for, Perhaps, ten
ft:..Pf3 yli.,1•'•,;(47Cva es.", itatietee, tceling ver,yi peaceful and
ri- 0.1 *c_.,e, cesr sei„ .s.;:....i. t Gi.asppw, and vottly bumming an Xt.
?..rei tra= cri.di ALan l'A;1' 'which Ilho bad reee5tlY1
eir.v:::3, 47firV4 LOug. l1
• :',;•,alied.
rrepri cie Imard the k.e,y1 turn in
"LTricle. PAIx.:rt, / vae'at ter 11';r4,„Ve If fliVe P.fik pf4iiti4 her, tha door, of the
r417143 at o;,..teo.....1 eg'4l ce,;(:-...? r.1:,,,,r,7 te,TA-reioril epetied, and elle, swung
eteeteer elf,drt,f;!.t Of inVe tg44 I ga r; amund to be made' to pass In as
ev.7‘17 from 1..M.a 4tvgirt•prl4 to.n.f:R," soon ftif the proaent occupant should
'I „Tta spilivt 1, Ii3...,-1442::..4i°J, Ile Wififfi Mit, .
fi;;0 Eat Palg ta.41 Ltavy.e7c,s, fit nit a Wok a blank aotoniehment
10 brenlittot table iti t.,,ei 10r4Vale h.:dile:DI, overispread ber featureet
i of the ikiavera at the anti, for a ?foment, sae was atrieken
quirinat, on the moriang felleatieg dumb with wonder.,
.' 1•40.' Sileitilig S.Sciiirloitee at tioeurLsk. "Why?" *be breathed, In a iicareb-
ell ball, ly' rtudiblei tone. I
; liW•011, well, you chall do /wit Ls ',Myr rwhg tabbed, with no beg,
.7.011 like, my dear," her guardian re- areal:swag, by the lovely girl WhO
; turned, Intluip;ently. "Wlinu would yea exeraeoneea tlee.
i like to 'start ?a t
l erao.daee 11 aneeoro-the isetmer the NVigwag --heir ola lijonee Is fright-
' better." mid Florence, with a tthiver. fnlv tengue.tietl, ilenpieke (envieUsir
Ur. Beaver flew around al' day, 1 -Yes, but hie wife allowe him to have
aratisiate tesatla for their sudden des a free foot.
The Lung
is the only Meetly that \tall do this.
It gets right to the root of the
tremble. It is guaranteed to etre.
Pecos: S. C. WuLts ec Co. 312
Mo. 50e. $1. LeRoy, N.V., 'Toronto, Can.
Hoax- How dikl he make hal
money ? deax - Running a soda water
fountain. Hoax - I don't believe R.
jorot -- Fact. It was in a prohibition
Lively Young Alfonso.
There is a grave crisis in the history
of Spanish etiquette. • King .Alfonso
who is described by aFrench jour-
nal as "impulsive, and at the saane time
'sporty,'" withes to make a royal pro-
gress through his kingdom in an entente -
bile. Horror of the Prime Minister!
Such a vehicle, says he, is beneath the
dignity of a monarch to whom the Con-
stitution has intrusted the "suinptuous
ear of the state." The suraptuous car
must not be driven by petrol. Horses'
are still harnessed to the chariot of the
But Spanish etiquette does not pre-
vent the monarch from travelling by
railway. Lady Currie tells a story of
a young man who jumped into a come
pertinent one day on an English train
and started a conversation with an old
lady who greatly admired his pleaaant
manners. When he was alighting tele
ttsked his name, and he answered, blithe-
ly, "Alfonso." He was Alfonso XII., then
a cadet at Sandhurst. The anecdote
prebably will be read at Madrid with
pain and incredulity. -London Chronicle.
BigLifeLife Insurance Polides.
According to the best obtainable records
two men in the United States carry more
than $1,500,000 life insurance. Eight carry
$1,000,000 more. In the $900,000 class is
fotutd one. In the $700,000 class are found
eight. The $600,000 group ha ti it mem-
bership of three. The $500,000 list in-
cludes the names ef twenty-seven. Add-
ing together the above classes, it is
noted that there are forty-nine individ-
uas carrying $500,000 or more of insur-
ance, the total sum insured reaching the
amazing figure of $26,000,000.
• •
A Casket of Pearls.—Dr. Von.
Stan's Pineapple Tablets would prove a great
solace to the disheartened dyspeptic if he
would but test their potency. They're verit-
able gems in preventing the seating of stom-
ach disorders ,by aiding and stimulating di-
go:Won-SO of these health "pearls" in a
box, and thfur cost 35 cents. Recommended
by most eminent physicians. -61
.* • *
How to Reach Him.
Pereistence in advertising is eteeential
to the fullest success. A reader may
not observe an advertisement to -day,
either because he is in haste or is indif-
ferent. To -morrow perhaps, or ecriainly
some day he will stop to read it. To
teach the prospective buyer when he is
in a receptive state it may be necessary
to offer to him the advertisement more
than once.
-** a
A writer in the World's Work On the
subject of patents says there are thous-
ands of inventions which would be sue-
cessful if only the inventors had the
means and nitelligenee toanake a liberal
use of the advertising colunms, "There
are few things of any merit whith can-
not be made rapider by judicious adver-
tising," lie concludes.
How To Keep Horses Well.
That's a problem every farmer
and stockman has- to solve le
whiter, Leek of exercise -dry feed
*Weather changes -all upset the
digestionHorses often eat
aearty, yet get thin -hale statute
en end-feet tired mid dull. Sea
tort the feed with Myers'
Mord Spice. It ehaegee
Whiter lute summer for horses,
Makes of hay as sweet as green grass -'gives
an extra fetish to torn arta oats -and keeps
the horses strong and fat on less feed.
Feed Myers' Royal Spice for the rest or the wintereesee
how much better the horses are -how easily they do bard
woritmand how much lees your feed bilis come to.
Let ita Send Our iiinatratedhoMciet es horses and cattle. It is tree
-but vete mierestiog and handy for refercace.
Myers' Pkoyal Spice Cc.,
14%.10,4 bat. 4. N.Y.
Sunlight Soap
your blanketa or
will make them
will not injure
harden them. It
softf white and
Doing and Telling to Order,
(fllnstratee atts.)
"nfineeek tens Me Wifo everything that he
does. '
"Yee, and he does everything that alto teas
•es •
tOse Lever's Ina Soap (a powder) to
wash 'melons and Ilannels,--srou'll like
It was in a Philadelphia public school
the otheY nay that a class in spelling
wits going over a lesson ii words of two
syllables. One o fthe words was "mum-
my? "Children," said the teacher', "bow
inany of you know the ramming of the
word 'mummy'?" After a long silence
cme little girl raised her hand.
"Well, Maggio?"
"It rneans yer mother."
The teacher pointed. out her mistake,
and explained fully the meaning of the
word. Presently the word "poppy" had
to be *polled.
"Who knows what 'poppy' means,"
askea the teaclar.
The same lite girl raised her hand,
this time brimful of confidence.
"Well, what's the answer, Maggie?"
"It means a man mummy," replied
the child.-Exthange.
Miaard's Liniment Cures Garget in Cows
• * •
Child Labor Evils
Miss Helen 'garret, so long identified
with the work on the East Side in New
Yorlc, and wbo was so suceeisful in ef-
fecting legislative measures that brought
• about stricter ordinance's in reference to
child labor, is foremost amen the emir-
, ers here. She has enlisted the spil-
1 pathy and aid of members of nearly
' every woman's organization le the city,
and within a few weeks will have some
interesting data to place 'before the
members of the Legislature at Harris-
burg, which, it is hoped, will help to
institute the sante vigorous reforms Imre
as were instituted by similar efforts in
New York city. Miss 'garret, in speak-
ing of the child labor crusade in this
eity, said that even the most vigilant
Philadelphians do not realize the child
labor evils as they actually exist.
es• •
Removes all hard, soft or calloused lumps
and blemishes from horses, blood .spavin,
curbs, splints, ringbone, sweeney,
sprains; cures sore and swot:den throat,
coughs, etc. Save $50 by the use of one gat-
tle. Waranted the most wonderful Blemish
Cure ever known.
The jap's Joke. •
A Glasgow paper prints a story of Arthur
Balfour treating a crowd, one of ovhora was
the japanose Minister. Everybody' had nam-
ed his drink except the Japanesesaid: , who In
reply to Mr ilailour's uod , 111'
just take posit, Arthur."
Award's Liniment Cures Colds,
. Obsolete French Fortifications.
(Springfield, Mass., Republican.)
: A traveller who sails from Cherbourgfor
NewYork, or vice versa, is much P
im r° sed
with the old Napoleonic fortifleationsof stile
Preach port, and the long, grim lino Of guns
along the breakwatdr, and t e miles 01 torti-
ftcatloiis extending along the coast make the
harbor appear to bo very strong.But the
French officers are complaining that, al-
though Cherbourg mounts 600 guns, most of
them are obsolete, and that there are only
600 artillerymen stationed there, or one man
to a gun. Cherbourg would be roost- import-
ant to Prance in case of war with England,
• 4 1 9
1 Or. Agnew's Catarrhal Pow-
der. -Rev. W. IL Main, pastor of the
1 Baptist Emanuel Church, Buffalo, gives
strong testimony for and is a strong, believer
in Dr, Agnew's Catarrhal Powder. He ha$
tried many kinds of remedies, without avail.
"Atter using Dr. Agnew's Catarrhal Powder
I was benefited at once," aro his words. It
• Is a wonderful remedy. 60 cents, -G5
• 4 • o
Wlaskey and Shooting.
A remarkable series of experiments
has been carried aut in the Swedish
army to test the effects of alcohol on
rifle marksmanship. A battalion of
500 men -was seleeted, and doses Of
alcohol ranging from strong to weak,
and from immediately before practice to
/long intervals, were administered to the
men under conditions calculated to test
the effects of liquor on nerve and muscle.
1* I:a:hieourrr g :life:et ainTuPtroVY ltillOgi
and hand, and the experiments, as a
whole, are stated to be greatly in favor
of total abstinence. .
nnEllatAselS1s1 OtlitED.
Jas. McKee, Iannwood, Ont.
Lublin McNeil, Mabee, 0.-B.
John A. afelneriald, Arnprior, Ont,
C. B. Billing, Waltham, Ont,
, John Mader, Mabee° Bay, N. S.
LOVAS S. Butler, Buie, isma.
These well known ,gentlemen all Its -
sett abat they were cured by MIN -
A story is told of a shock revived by
Duluth rater after the servicee the
other evening., He makes it a point to
welcome any stranger cordially and on
that evening, eater the completion of the
service, he hurried down the aiele to ela-
tion Iiimself at the door.
A Swedish girl Wits one of the strang-
ers in the eongregation, She ia em-
ployed ot a aciniestiC in one of the fash-
ionable east mid homes, end the Weis.
ter, noting thee sho MA It stranger,
stretehea out his hand.
Ile welcomed ber to the camel and
expressed the Imp eat she woeld be a-
regulttr attendant. Finally lie gad that
if she would Le et home some 'evening
-during the week lie would eall.
"T"ank you," she murmured bashful-
• ly. "hut ay Lave it
• nice a no membets of the eongre.
gotten heard the tonversation end lil
spite of the faet Ora Moir pastor ewer%
them to secrecy one t:f them c•lettked.''..-
Minneapolis Jonr»al.
IVIlitard'$ Lin merit Cureg Diphtheria,
icto Lack' cf tart.
(St. Paul (ilebe.)
A aotithern newo-la,tv ooinv,latlia that
NIte,t, is nlwaya a Nu' at t4, mouth er
the :Mast:wept." if it teal ear tee
tannelery ti bear lds lot with greatcv for -
Made, 'We Will ilelooretrate to hint thet there
tee ISIK031 tars at tea bead 01 the. tilesIssinol,
ISSUE O. 49 1904.
Are. 'Winidow's Soothing ryrun should
aiways be used for iThildron Teetiena ee
!moths the child, eottene tru• rams, en re* win e
collo and the octet roiactly for Diarrimm,
LADIES' Ittin'oilliiJlitvg,i.dcropal,°,
„na waum, Seed fOt
styleo and cloth faunas.
TitIl 8°11'4100re SUIT CO.„ London, Can, x
Protected by British Ganboate.
Writing to the Suedes, Sun, of Lon.
don, Eng., Mr, Arnold White Bays;
"Canadian fisheries produeing over See,.
000,000 are protected by ganboate ex.
cluaavely paid for by the over-tasea, ill•
liouaed, under -fed population of the
United. Kingdom. In the past the Die
rerial volley bits been directed riot to.
wards adjusting tllo blIrden of the one
piret but to ignoring it. Englishmen are
beginning to ask themselves Why pay
for the Canadian fisheries in the Pacific
any time than Canadians pay
°for the galleries on the Dogger Bank,
Canada and. Australia, are Separate
nations enjoying .a priceless advantage
at the cost of the English taxpayer,'
$100 REWARD, $100
The reador$ of this paper will bo pleased to
lean that thoro is at load ono areluled
cps, that science has been ablo to cure 111
all its stages, and that is Catarrh. Hall's
Catarrh Cure Is the only positive euro now
'known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh
being a constitutional disease, requires con-
stitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure
is taken Internally, acting directly upon the
blood and mucous surfaces of the system,
thereby destroying tile foundation of the dis-
ease, ad giving the patient strength by
building up the couatitution mid assieting
nature M doing its work. The proprietors
have so ranch faith In ire curative powere
that they offer Ono Hundred Dollars for any
case that It fella to cure. Send .or list of
Address F. a CHENEY & CO., Toledo, 0.
Sold by all Druggists, 75o,
Take Hall's Family Pills Mr constipation.
'Winter excursion tickets now on sale by
I Lehigh Valley Railroad
and its connections via Washington or Now
York, to Florida, Virginia, Carolinas, Gm -
%gin, Nassau, Havana, Cuba, and all winter
• fcgtsAtaltigrOoaustalhge,sTarlg°Arttillg
$utnern Itailvtay. For rates of fare, maps;
time tables, ilustratod literature, eta, cal/
• g-dritIV
(knOl3-1.a.... _IS, Canadian Paseeuger Age t'
10 King Street East, TOROTNO, one%
The New York Central has just re-
ceived notice that elle Superior Jury
of Avenel% after hearing on argument on
the subject, bave 'raised, the award first
given the New Yeti:: Central on its ex-
bibia at the Univereal EepoSitioe at St.
Louis, from the grade of Gold Medal to
that of Grand Prize.
Taus is very mystifying indeed, and
more so from the feet that the paesen-
ger train • which the New York (karat
exhibited was tele of the Empire State
Express trains, taken from the service
aind net one that had been built express-
ly for rehis exbibit.
No higher oommeteletien of the pees-
enger serviee el the New York Centeal
lines ciould well be given, and. this award
emphasizes the opinion expressedvery
generally throughout else world, that the
New York Central, lines now Ione the
greet central railway system of America,
• --••—••—•*-0-0-•,••••:—.....
Changes of the Times.
(Philadelphia Ledger,)
"It used to please me," said Olden, "10
have the barber ask me if 1 wanted a shave
when 1 WM a youngster."
"Yes, and now he sometimes flatters m0
by asking If I want a hair cut."
en.V•i Voiding Seat.
Atql This seat Is the
'only one of its
In kind on the mar-
ket, and should
4 1)0 soon and used
to be appreciated.
os. • Tho advantage-
eus feature is in
tho fact that the seat drops. There is no
spring and it cannot get out Of order. Made
of malleable Iron with a piano stool finish
top. Largely used in deoratmental stores uod
any place where space is an °Wet. Prioe
per seat, a1..25. It a larger number is re-
quired write for spacial terms. Novelty Mfg.
Co„ 219 Queen street oast, Toronto, Ont.
Stated it Diplomatic Fashion.
(Louisville Courier -Journal.)
The Pierce Fellow -So you wouldn't say
that Longfeliew was a liar, eli/
The Mild Mau -No; but if be were conduct-
ing a newspaper I would not hesitate to as-
sert that he had an exclusive news service.
Minare's Liniment Cures Distemper.
4 4 *-
Husbanded Resources.
"Why do women talk so much?'
"I don't know, Charley clear," auswered
young Mrs. Torkins, "unless it is because
they refrain froin ushig up their voices on
baseball games and elections."
Non -tired
is too
GO cal
Plea a
'Whatever reduces the drudgery of
house work is worth having.
does away with 511 ham) rubbing. You
do not require to touch the clothes to
thoroughly clean them, and a lubfu.
can be (tout in five minutes.
It is needed in every tOnif!, and roll
cannot afford to have it, If your dealer
lots 11 yoo should Ave it nt Oilec. Mord
, dealers sell at Stre. 11 not, write its .
awl we ovi 11 he Wad to 14.10 yeti a des-
criptive booklci,
Tilt Dochtu. Inftl ta. LTR., llArallOil, CAN
"The Work 's Heat"
by Mr. y. 7. ikrgunoti, of iho
greet Chicago picking house of
Swift & Co. /Ca erne of five
articles, beginning in October,
advocating the estalaieheient elf
the .dressed :neat triele in this
country. livery Lamer aed
etocktunn, 'maw waffle to develop
a. growing atinand olia get better
prices for hie cattle, :load reed
these tante by " It man who
knows." The
C Tit O.
is brimful of information about
every detail of Lein work, end
'hew to mike it ley. It coste
only alaa for two yeateeelete
'then le. 11 weel..
Subeeribe now end reed thesie
articles -they %All help you
make mushy,
71r.tey 01.0
tt.=:11 warn, /novo, OM