The Wingham Advance, 1904-11-24, Page 8i 1 8 THE WING -HAM ADVANCE Thursday, November 24, 1904 raTwmm■mm. mows trammo ariammis ea amminvis 1 i i A Name Can't ,Make Woman's Shoe Fit. 4111101.11• AINNIMIIMO A Shoe with a fancy, copyright name can't fit a foot any better or fit any more feet than if it were only known by the good old English word of "Shoes." Many Women buy Shoes that don't fit for the sake of wearing a Shoe with a fancy name. - DON'T PAY FOR A NAME THERE'S NOTHING IN IT. 44A Rose by any other name would smell as sweet." Our Shoes at $1.50, $2.00, $2.50 or $3.00 possess all the beauty, grace, elegance, and style a woman can get in a Shoe, regardless of whatever elaborate name may be hitched on to it. We've a size, width and shape for every Woman's foot, and we say : Bring back your Shoes, if they disappoint you in any way. We're a safe Shoe Store. See Us for Trunks and Valises. W. J. Greer, The Shoer 01111.111111111111111111111111 MINIM Ole SONO -111111M®--- •m J There's Good Bread Ahead You can always be sure of a good meal when bread from the Wingham Mill's Flour is used. Then the price is always lower than you can buy elsewhere. Wholesale quotations to those buying Two Bbls. or over. The Market Wheat, per bushel..... $ 1.00 to $ 1.02 Oats, per bushel .80 to .32 Barley, per bushel .38 to .40 Flour, Star (two-thirds Manitoba) per half .Bbl 250 to 2.70 Flour, Pastry (all Ontario) 2.40 to 2.60 . Flour, (Pure Manitoba) 11 2.St1 to 2.75 Flour, low grade, per cwt 1.20 to 1.30 Shorts, per ton 18.00 to 20.00 Bran, per ton 15,00 to . 16.00 Chop, per ton 18.00 to 22.00 We will allow 5c per half bbl. off on Flour quotations. to Farmers and others supplying their own bags. Bring your Chopping to us, as we do first-class work. HOWSON, HARVEY & BROCKLEBANK e+�ww�ti./+1�/�rAiaIrM►�11^r�MMtr%�1M '� (Real Estate Notice. It will pay you to come to me to buy your farm or town property. Never before had I such an extensive list, (both in town and country) for sale. I have about 0000 acres, comprising some of the best farms in the Counties of Huron and Bruce, and now is the time for the intending purchaser to have a look at them. I can also suit you in town property no matter what you may desire. Prices ranging from $400 up to $t,000. Collection of rents and accounts a Spe- cialty. Lilo and Accident Insurance effected. C. J. MAGUIRE Real Estate and Business Transfer. (Office-Vanstone Block, Wingham) Langside. Too late for last week. Mr. Jos. McBurney is laid up with a felon on his finger. John McGregor is working for Mr. Will. Ross at present. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Crowston of Ore- gon are visiting in this vicinity. Mrs. Donald McKenzie is at present very low with dropsy and asthma. Mr. Eagleson, of Whitechurch is engaged as teacker in No. 9 for 1905. Mr. John Murray has treated the forepart of his store to a fresh coat of paint. The congregation at Tiffin's church were pleased to have their pastor Rev. C. C. Kaine present on Sunday, after his vacation. We are pleased to note that the in- fant son of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Scott is recovering from an attack of in- flammation of the lungs. Sunday turned out an excellent day for large crowds to gather at the Pres- byterian Church for Sacrament. The church was crowded at each service. A pleasant evening was spent at the home of Mrs. Caesar recently. A social hop, games and other amuse- ments made the time seem short. A dainty luncheon was served at twelve o'clock. 1 IT IS NONE TOO EARLY TO SELECT Christmas Presents emwelipotawwellikes Just think of it, only four weeks till the greatest anniver- sary of the year. We shall be glad to have you flee the world's' greatest novelties in Fancy Goods, as selected by us from the best American Markets. Come early and make your choice ---we will gladly reserve for you anything you may wish. We are leaders in high Class Fancy Goods, China, Out Gime anti Stationery. COOPER & CO. (Sueeeeaots to Alex. Roes) .4. Salem. Mr. Wm. Weir celebrated his birth- day on Tuesday Last. Mr. Ezra Merkley finished threshing for the season on Monday last. Mr. Wm. Musgrove of Gorrie spent Sunday with his aunt, Mrs. John Gal- laher. Mrs. J. Young of London spent Saturday last with her mother, Mrs. Nokes, of this place. Big Bargains Mr. David Armstrong of Fordwich, with his brother and sisters ent Sun- day last at the home of Mr. Wm. Weir. Mr. Fred. Kitchen returned to his home in Essex on Monday. after spending Thanksgiving with his parents, in Suits, Overcoats, Hats, Caps,; Boots and Furnishings, at A. R. SMITH'S = CHISHOLM BLOCK MONO Mk, Morris. A large acreage of sugar beets will be grown in Morris next year, it is said. Work has been pushing along at a lively rate on the new C. P. R. road- bed during the past few weeks. Men get $1.75 and a team and driver is rated at $3.50 per day. The cement culverts are well advanced. Reeve Isbister is to he opposed by Councillor Code this year and the con- test is already begun. The former has filled the chair for the past six years veay acceptably, and he had five years' experience as a Councillor previously. Mr. Code has been at the Board for eleven years, and his friends think it is time he should promote. Councillor Jackson, who has faithfully disharged his duty for the past six years, has de- cided to retire, although urged to con- tinue and push to the head of the table. It is said W. H. Shortreed, a most trustworthy young man, of the South -East locality, may be bronght out to take Mr. Jackson's place. Coun- cillors Taylor and Shaw will he can- didates again. A lively time is antici- pated. It's What it Leads To That makes Catarrh such a dreaded disease. If you have Catarrh taint, dropping in the throat, if you hawk and spit and have stuffed up feeling in your nostrils you should use fragrant ti healing Catarrhozone at once and get cured. Thousands have been saved from consumption and completely cured by Catarrhozone, so there is no 1 reason why yon shouldn't stamp out I your Catarrh also. Catarrhozone will really cure your and prevent the 1 disease front returning'. It's very pleasant, just balsamic medicated I vapor, -no nauseous drugs. Absolute cure guaranteed to users of Catarrh°. zone; ft can't fail. try it. Complete outlet $1.00 ; ealnple size 25+1, East Wawanosh. John Petts is engaged at Mr. Tis - dale's of Donnybrook at present. Mr. and Mrs. Robt, Taylor spent Thanksgiving with Mrs. Taylor's parents in Westfield. Armstrong Bros. were engaged last week in putting in a pump and piping to the barn for Jas. Nethery, gravel road. W. Sorell and C. Mason of West- field have taken the contract of cut- ting 60 cords of wood for S. Morton, 5th line. Mr. Bird of Westfield had the mis- fortune to fall last week, striking his back on the sharp edge of n block of wood, and injuring his bacl severely. The revival services which are being held in Westfield Chuu;ch by the pastor and Miss Williams, Evangelist, are not we are sorry to hear, as fruit- ful as we would wish. M. Harrison, of Chicago, is home at present called there by the death of his mother, our aged resident of 5th line, Mrs. Jas. Campbell, and son Will., of Nile visited the fornxer's sister, Mrs. Jas. Nethery a few days last week. The Grits in this neighborhood are getting alarmed and are said to be holding meetings at different places to try and solve that great mystery and disappointment of Nov. 3rd. Let us give them cause for greater wonder- ment in the coming election is the hearty indorsement of your scribe. The Council met according to ad- journment, on Nov. 24th ; members all present. Minutes of last meeting read and passed. On motion of Mr. Code, seconded by Mr. Taylor, the following Deputy Re- turning Officers were appointed to take the votes in case a poll is required at the coming municipal election :- Sub -division No. 1 -David Laidlaw ; No. 2 -Peter Jackson ; No. 3 -Charles McCrea ; No. 4 -Thomas Miller, jun. ; No. 5 -Wm. Elston ; No. 6 -Jos. Robb. On notion of Taylor and Shaw, the following accounts were ordered to be lid :-J. Breckenridge, jun., gravel, $$3.30 ; James Colclough, repairs on Morris and McKillop boundary, $3.50 ; James Taylor, gravelling and cleaning watercourse on Belgrave hill, $21.98 ; Jas. Nicholson, building guard fence near Belgrave station, $10.20 ; E. Liv, ingstone, lumber, $1; Wm. Skelton, gravel and repairing road, $9.58 ; S. Irvine, digging ditch across sideroacl, $2.50 ; John Bell, damages drawing gravel, $1 ; John McCaughey, tile and work on road, $1.3; Thos, Proctox,, tile ditch opposite lot I, con. 5, $3 ; W111. Bird, gravelling on sideline, $13 - P. Ellison, repairing eulvext and work on Award drain, $7 ; Chas. Taylor, repair- ing culvert, $2 ; Thomas Marshall, re- pairing culvert, $1.50; Neil Taylor, culvert, $10; D. O'Connor, tile and gravel, $2 ; James Kelly, tile, $8 I D. Jewitt, gravel, 93 cents ; E. Bryans award drain, $5 ; G. Nicholson, award drain, $7 ; A. Shaw, part salary, $25 insurance on hall, $1.20 ; It. B. Alcock, ditch and gravelling, $21,17 ; William Little, gravel, $1.20, Council then adjourned to meet again on 15th Dec. next. W. CLARE, Clerk. Orey. Rob. McAllister visited friends in Guelph last week. Miss Evelyn McQuarrie visited Mrs, VVnt. Mines last week. Mr. and Airs, (tatted of London spent Thanksgiving at Will. Mines'. Miss Lizzie McAllister of Seaforth Collegiate spent Thanksgiving at her home, 1st con. James Jackson of Toronto Medical College spent Thanksgiving at his home, Oth con, Alex. Cloakoy and sister, Miss Ella, of Belgrave, spent Sunday at the home of E. Brynne. The new steel bridge on the 2nd con. will be put in place by the Hamilton Bridge Co, at once. Robert McInnis is home from n visit to Deloraine, Alan. His sons have 800 acres of land, out there. C. A. Breen, who has been visiting his sister, Mrs. Will. Mines, returned to his hone in Milwaukee. Joh L. King has put up a neW Page wire fence along the front of his fare, which gives it a very neat appearance, The trustees of 5, S. No. 4 have re- engaged the services of Robert Weir for 1905, at a salary of $500. Ho has done splendid work in the school. The teacher and pupils of S. S. No. 4 intend holding an examination and concert in the near future. A meeting of the young people will be held this, week to complete arrangements and set the date. Watch for it. Chas. McQuarx'ie, 10th con., has had a Marvel windmill put up on his farm. It will pump water for the stables, having fitted up modern watering ap- pliances. A. McDonald, 9th con., has also put up a windmill, Chicago make. Both have 40 feet towers. The trustees of the public school at Walton have engaged the services of Miss Kate Telfer of Grey township as teacher for 1905, at it salary of $315. At one time it took two teachers to manage school affairs at Walton, but the attendance was greatly decreased owing to pupils growing up and the supply not equalling the demand to keep the seats full. St. Helens. Mr. Thos. Woods of Wheatley is re- newing old acquaintances around here at present. Rev. W. J. West of Bhxevale ex- changed pulpits with Rev. S. M. Whaley last Sabbath. Mr. Jas. Joynt had his leg badly broken last week by being kicked by a horse while drawing wood. Miss Maggie Crawford of Toronto and Mrs. A. Gordon attended the funeral of the late Miss E. Murray last week. A house belonging to Mr. T. Joynt was burnt last Monday evening, about six o'clock. How the fire originated is a mystery as there was no one living in it at the time. NOTICE. --I have arranged with the Dominion Bank to manage my busi- ness and all owing me on Notes or Mortgages can pay principal or interest at any time. After falling Clue, reln- e1nher you need not pay until you are requested to do so liy nue. I thank all those who have stone business with me, and wish you every prosperity. RonT. Mci1(DOo, 4. TIIAT DRESS GOODS SALE. -When in town just take five minutes and see what we are offering. Slaughter sale of Ready-made Clothing and Over- coats, men's, boys' and youths'. We have decided to clear them out. G. E. Km. Blyth. Miss Saclle Wright of London spent the holidays with friends in this vi- cinity. Rev. Archdeacon Richardson of London preached in Trinity church on Sunday. Mrs. Alfred Lawrence of Welland was the guest of Mrs. Myles Young on Sunday. Mrs. Slater returned home Monday evening, after spending n few days with friends at Kirkton and St, Thomas. On Thursday evening while waiting for the 7 p. in. train, Mr. Sellars' horse attached to the dray wagon, wandered on the track in front of train and had its hind legs, taken off by train, The animal poor att 1 nnl was soonp ut out of its suffering by being shot. Anniversary services in connection with the Methodist ehnreh were held on Sunday. Rev. Dr. Medd of Ilen- sall preached, morning and evening, to large congregations. On Tuesday evening, a New England supper was served ity the ladies of the Church. and Dr. Thorntonave his lecture on"Ireland and the Irish" 4. OFFICIAL ELECTION RETURNS. 'WEST HURON. Holmes Lewis Ashfield 31 - Colhorne 9 Clinton 51 Goderich Tp 173 Goderich 100 West Wawanosh 3 Hullett 104 189 282 Majority for Lewis 93 SOUTH HURON. Fraser Gunn Hay 413 325 Stanley 217 251 Stephen 412 476 Tnekerslnith 377 197 Usborne 241 322 Bayfield 34 80 Hensall 93 91 Exeter 123 255 Seaforth 210 233 McKillop 271 302 2421 2532 Majority for Gunn 111 Farm For Sale. Fiftythree acres, being south } of the north of lot 31, con. 11, East Wawanosh • 3 acres hardwood and mixed timber, good frame house, bank barn, pig pen and sheep house: house rriver'runs through corner a farm; 8i miles from Wingham, 6 from Belgrave, 4 from Whitechnrch. and St. Helens. Terms easy ; will be sold at a bargain and feed loft to purchaser it sold right away. as owner is about buying 100 acres in Elmo. Tp„ and wishes to move this fall. Apply on the premises to J. A. CHAPMAN, '- Fordyce P. 0., Ont. THANKSGIVING DAY SINGLE FARE Good going on November 16th and 17th ; returning until November 21st, 1901. Between all stations in Canada, Port Arthur, Ont., and East. Tickets and full particulars from your nearest Canadian Pacific Agent. A. H. Notman, Asst. sent. Pastor. Agent, Toronto, GRAND -TRUNK SYs EM GREATLY REDUCED RATES TO THE WORLD'S FAiR. Within the reach of all. 312.20 for round tripp include etop•over privileges at Chicago, Detroit and itermediate Canadian stations. Handsome illustrated booklet free on applioa- tion to Agents. WINTER PAIR, GUELPH. Deo. 6th to 9th. 1901, Single_ flrst class fare for round, trite soon going Doe. Srd, valid ng returniuntil�Dee, 9th, incluiive. INTERNATIONAL LIVE STOOK EXPOSITION, OHICAGOr ILL. From Windham $12.60 for the round trip, goat going Nov. 27th, 28th and 29th, 1904. Valid returning on or before Doc. SUI, 1001. MOUNT CLEMENT MINERAL Skill', Situated near Detroit, quickly and oOm- fottably reached by the Grand Trunk. For tickets and full lnformetton oall an 2. IIAIROLD, TOwn Agent, er to J. 0. MoDONALD Diettfot PlA eenger AtrtA''oeaato, D. M. GORDON DIRECT IMPORTER, ,Ladies' Coats, Direct from the European markets, new tight- fitting Coats, without capes, with new sleeves, tight- fitting at wrist and large at shoulder. We have them in Black, Fawn, Grey and Fancy Tweed mixtures. Prices from $5.00 to $15,00. Coats for the Girls, Girls' Coats, Ulster lengths, in new Blue trim- med with white, Fawn trimmed with butchers' blue, and Fancy Tweeds trimmed with hunters' green. A Very Modish Walking Skirt, Dressy -looking Walking Skirts, n.ade of fins quality Black Broadcloth, finished with strappings of satin and satin -covered buttons -to sell at $3.75. Ruffs, Muffs, Stoles, In this particular season, Furs are comfortable and exclusively stylish. We have them in Isabella Brown Fox, Black Fox, Alaska Sable, German Mink and Western Sable, in single and double designs, trimmed with heads and tails, or in other designs ; prices range from $I.00 to $40.00. In Ladies' and Gentlemen's Fur Coats, we offer the largest range, the finest qualities and very best values. ................ Please remember that GORDON'S is head- quarters for all lines and kinds of Underwear, also for prime new Raisins and Currants, and all sea- sonable Groceries. Highest Prices for Trade. lam_ mommiloom There's No End To The Bar, gains at "The Bee Hive," IRBY This Store never forgets to look after the interests of its Patrons. Your requirements in our particular line of merchan- dise are our study, and we always know our lesson and stand away up head with the greatest money -saving values now in stock that we have yet shown. In Ladies' and Misses' Jackets, Dry Goods, Cloth- ing, Men's Furnishings, Gro- ceries and Shoes. Don't miss the Bar- gains that are here for you this week. IT PAYS TO DEAL AT rr. "THE BEE 111V13" The Keeler Gc it Y Wingham