HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1904-11-24, Page 2, " . I 11 , . , . I I., � " - � � . 9 . 1. . � I � 0 , , ., - - _­__ - ­_ I � , I I I . I - . � . a 001 10!:!!!!" I W � � . 1. I ­ � I -.1 1. . - . I % � I . . - ­ - _­�,�, ;�mr,w*_-. 0"o�10�o��"� n =n`_*"_'!!' T;�T,- M I' V T -� R 1!,!19 __ --_11-__________=__11 lito V !!==1;T_! ,__ . 0�%I!_!,_ 9 . "I "" 9. I., I � , _�* ,_ 9 � I �, � . 0 i w4 qWbble over ttia omilitiorls. 3. xor - ` � � ­�, 1 ,9 .9 , ' . , � 9 1 i I I I I 111111T NOT TSACH WHOM, % W - Urlie ,��t M* iygbam 9W=a � s,4 They Are 10roperly 90111104 ( Sunday $c�ool.,',v,,z,=-),,&.ovtoyja�,,,�,mq,k,i,tt,,W"'Pot Market Reports '. GREAT LIBERAL 0 ATHERINO Inolud � Teachers, Tam HAXZ, )VIMPAINT0% iA IV= 7PPA M "I Voil,otiLent. NO: , _QV_ . . . I I I r 1.���..-,-.--.-�,.--�.�--,-.---�--��,�-tMe *_*"1q_ � kiah 4*6d, that TarsA, t4o sistev ' ' � x0routo, Nov. 91,--TIlat tile litembeIrs ,W.. ,,-, . 0=1WAT[ONAti bEASSON NO tim=.also Tooelyo the bQuent4" . �. of the Christian Brothers cannot teA& VIRE J)LIMUMBUK 41 1904. the In the oacrificial death Of I ­ I .1 I 0 school without being properly qualified, 0, J, MAG Noi , The Week*, ­ 9.. i 11ELD IN Srm, PETERSBURO . X4 JORU4 Chriet, Oe 0.0nomout, reaches A* t � � . 1 �9 .. : I and bolding certificates, as requIrQd by REAL ESTATE., IN D far m gin lims slacrifWe Is 11 Toronto Filrmcrs Markets, The Tom complete Iri thoglotull)l�tl God which � , - _____,____ __ tile puDlig school Act, jil the effect Of A VEYANCINO plo CloRAW, , . 09 street 0.dar judgment doli . vered yesterday by tile (Jollocuou at Rants and AOQOUnt4 A NPOciAltrii takqWit %WAV 11oaq? rge, Wheat to uncliaugod. Commentikrye--A. ,11190 %omplo cleovisill tb�D olin of tbo world.1* ,,, .Wly�1%gral, On alli ' tion I (Va. 18, 10). 18. tuelt-Ho7w4talk bepil ROOM 4 za , of the temple service. with sales of M lothiliels 'of white And ;00 Nothing Like Such a Meeting Ever Permitted to be Court of Appeal. Tito Christian BrOth- WIGN99, , - bit hele at red winter AV. ;1.0 , tlw work of cleansing the UmP40 Arl TWA included, 1. Elaborate provision far ,a, t to 4g, era had apealed aga 0111ae-In VAuetone 131001;� 1 lend = bushels at 0 at 01 . Pavlof . I inst a judgment of uttlent Aud Pong. Theiie bola selling At 49 1 Open Saturday evening@, I - tiw firat day, of tuo -first t4outh-t4altleo use of Awtr � line angd. 1,50a ru's, Held in Russia Befo,�,e. . Mr. Justice XaaMalton, wh1Qh judgment , to 9. I - , ,',,a W is Affirmed and - � . . -1. - ''I 1. t 511!4 oats aroitwea4er. VIUL sales at I the appeal dismissed, llionth Abib, or NisAn. This Vag the Accompanied the burnt oi�fering and aided 3; a 300 Aye unchAUX04, -tracted - I , I fir*t New xm% DAY After I'm bocoxq " people, Iii, their wor4 PR tmllhol* at '. ­ � . - I - This case had� at considerable . - �� ,1p. 61trylim of ,,, load selling at 800. I . hilig. The worl" occupied sixteen days oon is A God-ordgined fOrmofworsbIp HAY In liberal supply. with sale$ at .16 � public interest, reeently. A A'AtepR or A. DULATAGE I And '* atton of Ottall'a, applied 710, ark vW shckuld uot be neglected. It stirs loadg at $9.0; to $10.0 a tail for timothy. nained Gr. (Y*. 10, 17). As 0004 60, the Ny and at 47 to for mixed Straw steady. cGuipleted tUey rpi;orted the fact to the, the depths of the soul as the most, elo- three loapa so.�Vtng At 113 t6 $13.60,4 ton. ;Three' Negroes Enter a Kentucky Saloon and the courts for itii injunction against the REAL FSTATEAND LOAN AGENT, . King, Cleausid, all the houag--"The me, quent words. cannot. It unities the at, Dressed togs a" uticlialig4a . 4 ;G.25 to I I * Ottawa Rolumn Catholic � separate school � 11 I the letter for light. I I Morder a White Mao Without ProVocation- trustees to prevent tile latter Irgra en, CONMANCINC" MONEY TO LOAN ouniulatod filth at ) cars was cared e worshippers, It call ex- $0-76, . on Town and Tarm ProPortro. , Wheat, now, white bushel ,.$ % 05 0 ; 1 06 tering into a. contract for tile OMPIOY- and east into ' yodley. T Ile at, pr000, feellogit of joy and praice beyond po.. red. per busilel ., .. ., 3, 05 to I 03 . . __' ' � � . I - �o ."Vort lamps trilamed . ASSIGNEE. tara wore ron!wo"d, the the power of wards� It is natural ta the Do... spring, bushel .. ,, _ 098 0 100 i ment of certain teachers In tile poparato ' I . an't tl%o whole service a.et. newly reconciled heart. 2. Burnt -offer- Do-- 90080, bushel - - -, - - 000, to 000 I and from erecting buildings of , OFFIGIL-X4 1l1.otd,k,r,. 040 schools trial Judge I 'he Kong 606. igh,V, oompAK4 tile cleansing, Of - representing selt,dedication Oats. bush .... .. .. ... .... 35% to 0 A I . RwIde., ZIt'dinat Steamer Wrecked at Long island, but All Pa a acter. Tile- * , to, God. Bailey, bushel .... .... .. 0, 0 to � I I to 00 . held that the trustees 'l�lcre not justi ,_ � � . . I . 1. i , the temple by Christ (Matt. a-il.'34 Was offering was large and, indicated Rye, bushol .... .. 11 I- 1. 00 06 ers Taken Off and faken to New Y -to g to .- Jo � lin 2,14). Altar of burnt offering- tbAt , 11ing bushel .... .. .. .... .. 067 to CIS , ork. tied in entering in mtract -with � - - - . -11, . 11 . _1 - � tile dedication was wi find- com. Pass- seng _. ..., ­ leit bra r which Her. 0wo Por ton " .. .. a 00, to XO 60 � these teachers, on, several grounds am, This w1as, the $T , Zea Alta plete. It was Art Acknowledgment of the . Do.. mix.U. per ton ­ ­ . , 7 00 to 8 00 . ' j Lit otood. in tile Priests-' court in froa� Of fact that as n, 21r-Mucilt later- - tioll, but to anake ,the country's laws. Ong them that the board were noi - WELLINGTON MUTUAL . , ow they belonged to God, Straw, per tou: .... ,I .. .. _ U 90 to 13 50 St. Peterslil;rg, Nov. . Symp is are re. titled In employing persons who had the tomple proper. Vessels thereof -11:4 so their energy, time, natural and Ac- seeedIsfilke, No. 1, bushel .. .... 6 aq to 7 25 wst is shown. in -tile Zonistvos ropresenta- atiletio d0mallistraltioll , FIRE INS. CO. furaltufo consisted Of it PAII for ashes, quired abilities must 'be consumed in ported in various parts of Russia.. not passed the -examinations. and obtain, ' Do,. No .2 ,bushel ,. ., 100 to 6 Go tives. The war and all other questions ed certificates, as required by the pub- Xotablished 1840. shovels, basing for the blood,, forks,. continual service to Him. After sin is Do,,, No. 3, busigol ,. ., .. 400 to, 4 10 White Nan Murdered. x4stees arguod ihat , 94%4 Office GUZLPR, ONT. ad Ta ,Rod clover .... .. .. .. .... 6 00 to 7 01) are ,tompoxxvily forgOuten. Notlihig else lie school act, The I fle4b, books and censors, Shewbre forgiven and' reconciliAtion mcoomplislied� - P crtou, . I . L thal saitetuary., or IloV I � Timothy .... " - , .. . . 100 to I 3' Lexin. Xy., Nov. 21,--Williatil. the persons whom it was proposed to b blor�Xhis was in a de - too ,zr, is italkea of. Llbor�ml- from all parts of Alcore, a. laboring man, was killed last , ploy vere members of a cont � I votement of tl4powers to God should Dressed Hogs .... .. 1. .. .. 6 25 , � Alsks tak" Oil all 0140440 Of Inaurs 10 Pro plage, .on tile right or north aide of the Apples, per bbl. .. .1 .... 075 to 1 R am munity Itick and easil follow.. - is, el the empire are flocking hither,includill ght by three iu!groos, who attacked who had, been engaged in teaching tie, oerty an the cash or Premium note slatem- I room. The table was provided with rivil a of all to do this "wit raises Eggs, per dozen .. .. .. .. .. 0 2s to 030 saloon. The three negroes, fore the , passing, of the. Britiall. Worth yAgns 0oppin; I 0go.DAvrolow. dishebi,' 0 048, flay , Wis. ? . Butt i or, dairy .... 1. 1. .1 020 to 023 104,I)y fraill Poland aald rNinland. The him in a, _ . � I , ... and ladiless I 'J.11,40 PeRce offeriliga to ]),,a., creamer 026 rfield, John Taylor.wid Ettward LyQ ,a" au4 bq . �y .... .. .. '... 0 2Z to mi James. Gw , . . 19. DI cast away -see chAp. =vul., igni their preelation of it restorm- Chicken$, spring, per lb, .. .. 009 to 010 4*tA,xl lobbies 4re crowded. The porn a' Taylor, came into the saloon, and with America Act, and weer entitled to te,teh WeAt4ent. 06oretary, %, Have -we prepAred-Ahaz had taken A .. , 0 00 to 0 10 under the act of 1803, without v - JOHN RITCHIE, . tiou of harmoillou - Jolla- Ducks. per lb. ­ .. ... sion, grmliteXby Interior Mirditor 5011t- the word , a relations with g; ('We will clean out all you ,dhaei�ut� away, the 1,basego,' or supports on w1ilch Turkeys, per lb, .... .. .::: 014 to a is passed examinations or obtftin , &.011INT, WINGHAW ONT I e& the vah, And thAuk offerings to testify to Cabbage, per dozen .. .. .. 0 25 to 0 40 opolk_'.�Ji,-Sky )y�je, JOT � all assembly of whito dogs," began firing. Moore fell fleato . s. Mr. Justice Iii1acAfalion. gralit. . � I the lAyetz rated and had Vom0v their recognition of unmerited b1psaings,- Potatoes, per bag ., .. '. 0 70 to 080 - dead without it' word, H dward, Taylor . -7 I 11 . . I rAolt#lt sea from the twelve brazen Oxon Cauliflower, per dozen .... .. o Go to I co t1irce hundred. The pa;tiaipauta, ad the injunction, and tile appeal was I I . I. I (compare it 'Xings 3EVL, 17, with I. Kit'ga, Practical. It may be observed that, 1. .6niqpq, per bag .... 1 00 to 135 and Garfield were caught and lodged in from this injunction. , . iteral rendering of the word "con- . :: , *. 030 ta. Q 40 friends display complete sfttisfactloll at jail At midnight a croi In giving judgment, Chief DICUNSON & 4011WES xviL, 23, 25AS). 'I'lieso bad new been The I celery. per dozea _ , � " vd gathered on Justice . ng Vag in rewu- seel'atiou?, I& 111111ing, the %ands"I It is Bee � 11 hindqu , art , era .. 1, .. 7 00 to 8 00 -the peLmission. offorded by the ',N11nistor, the'ontskirts of the city with. the inten- ted that there were a n1un- regtorod an(I ev,,ryt1A 5', ,forequarters .. _ ­ A 50 to 5 50 Moss remark , rship of Jehovah, therefore an. act both of lig and re- DO. ,choice, oarc4sis .. .. 6 75 to Too and ithe most outspoken sentiments. The UOR Of attacking We jail to secure till ber of other grounds which tit them- - Burlstersi solicitors, Qtc. I ' V . - "s Consecration of Viii to God is Q., medium, carease .. .. 5 Zo to I 60 situation altogether is unparalleled. � negroes. A riot alarm called all the po arrived II. Many sacrifices. offered (vs, 20-24, teh'ifig. � D 5 60 to 6 00 � selves justified the. conclusion Office't NeyorolockWingham . , I 'Veal. per owt, .. .... .. ,* 760 to 9 60 Nothing approaching isitch a ga�thvjui they were at by 6e le rned Judge, that the do. ' 20, R040 esrjy,He was 1�nxioug t,o en- the, devoternent of e1upty vessels to the , mutton; per cwt . .... .. .. 3� licomen from their beats and I - � . temple services with all socred use of God's service. God fills. ,to 7 60 , lina ever before been Permitted M stationed in and around the jail. fendants sholuld be enrolned. The de- IL 1,. Dieklossic, D,adler Hobnail - ter upon the Lonabs, par cwt .. .... .. 7 94 . posAble despatch. '21. $even bullocks, Men suddenly find their abilities greater Toronto Live Stock. I si.a. As evidencer-of the Temarlmlile state Steamer Wrecked. R I ete.-,See 1xv. ir. This V,Ag, more, than and the , ir opportunitieff. wider, 2. After I , fendants had limitdd their appeal to the � . Receipts at live stock at the city cattle . of affairs, it is sufficient to anention New York, Nov. 2L -The steamer Civ- one point, the right to engage these ! Altar an the -the hands were filled, elteri ces and d of 90 tit they mig c; % , I V market -were 11 -carloads ,compose that one of the -most prominent speakors Wait Princess, of the Prince Line, -which persons, and, Althou . ht, on STONE ; the Ikw Toquirqd, . , , hak brok I 'aiii-offe.ring tbank offerings followed in great abund cattle, 650 sheep, s calves and 500 hogs. a ) a$ 110 li a 0 11 gmunds., ind 'with the learn- covenvait and Hazekiall'A, ]prices wore unchanged fit All the different yesterday )vas 11. Patritilkeiviteb, of went ashore four mile v t of t fe- th t er ROVAN jvAs iiitela4ed to Atone for the breg(ch. lince. The iecret of gTad-heared sacri- I Tver, who spent twenty-four years -in saving station at Long Beach, Long Isl, ed Judge, both sides had joined in avik- I BARRISTER AND SOLICITOR � ad-. '3. Consecra- class ei . . Animals- ,of the kinfis usga In. Aacrifice, fico Is consecration to 0 Robert Hunter bought. I Milob, cow at exile, =1 ,who had only been allowed and, at 5 o'clock Sunday -mornin IN& for a special opinion oil tile one Money *0 loan at lowestrstelo. 0Mc% r gevellthao that number - ti011 to God 'works Out in faitmul I I - 2 . I go now . %yelm, Offered, b,j . ,., . de, $53. of feeders, ON since Prince 19viatopolk-Alirsky's ,advent lies hard on the beach. point, They, tlierefore,� agreed with I . indicating - i:omp otonow In. cAse'of 040 - votion to the good of othets. Sacrifices .�_, Utruter bought 1. 1044 1 . lbs. each, at $3.25 per cvwt. , to came to Cho capital. Nevertheless, This morning the steamer moved two the learned Judge that in the statute BRAVES AL001K,. R particular silf of ignorance comPlitte4l for self, pride and fleshly appetites- are Wesley Du has shipped, per 0. V, A-, � the most able ,men In ,the a�§senlbly ,.ire lengths Ili shore. The sea increased referred to the saving clause did not ex- 74NL ' WINGHAM. " , � , by thei,ppapi ,e was but one bullock exQ 11, . . _ ,te, thor ., lianged for sacrifices of helpfulness since Oot.. 1. 3131,shOeP. an 41ambs for Ox- counselling modemition, and doing every- steadily and the captains of tile tugs tend farther than lie had extended it, - . . .1 to be offeredo but bore 'Ibe, sing wore to, those near us. Altruistic impulses part. live stock at the thing possible to prevent demonstrations wbich Lad been 'endeavoring to float her and dismissed the appeal. I . The total race to of I na , gd preguinptuous." For the kingr in tile beat and fullest 4onto mre possible city cattle marV? this week were = cars, w,hiell might compel int-m-ference. One . recognizing the hopelessness of their : - 1.� - � ON : ' .,�; . -site * 2ibso bogs and 169 0 - . J, A. XORT - A r _ . iriests were to a merifila4s Onlyto ,consecrated souls. 4, Self ri 3,101 ca;ttle, 0,665 sheep, - !� unde . POPE AND d ffer s' I job of the strongest membeirs of the confer tasi r tile prevailing conditions, i "t for the sins of the -ing Vb is calves, . . . of atonent 11 fiee brinp. trup-Joy-t1he joy I -ets. once said rto the Associated Press: "We abandoned the attempt for the time be, I - BARRISTER AND .SOLICITOR. � _ 11 and ,the royal foLuttly. The sarldtilmt7t� u5tre th 11 4s enthusiasm, liftsabo've I Leading Wheat Mark want to make cvtiw position plain to the ing. Soon after the tugs stearriled away, Organic Articles Never Recognized by I For the sins of odvan 'Dec. play. i I MONEY To LOA.N. the priests and for the raltylaul'oppositi0n; a joy which i's � I Government, but we desire -to avoid the liner swung half around and now is temple. ;4 wholly an end in itself but sti .4 1.1311, the Holy See. ; pollution and desecration of tl , in,,. . Now York ... � . , .... . . . . " i.18. � every appeara,ace of InAvIessness. I sin� 'lies with her broadside exposed to tile * 10 1were I - Dattolt ,.t. .. .. .. .., ­ '�' M. cerely hope ,the meeting -will be proAuc- sea. 'rov. 21. -At tile secret con- - Onko,-Morton Block, Wingham ;: 1.17 For Judm4­11For ,the people AN and iiispirational. O."Entire, con Toledo .... .. .. .. .. .. -- 1.17 L17 Rome, N I guilt of the national lat've. is also a condition of greatest St 14QUIS . .... .. .... .. .... 11% 1.3' 4 I +Aye of great good. )Va hope and expect All the steerage passengers who had gistory in cointection with the jubilee I 1, involved in the secration I 3 . to, )a ; Duluth ­ ... .. .. .. ­ * 2. 1.23 . usefulness. Therefore to present our � neapolig .... .. .. ... .... ..: 1.11% 1.13% that all provincial and distriet Zemstvos been. Olt the Sicilian Prince since she ran of the Immaculate Conception the Pope ""�q,24,' %� -,ki.a it -The blood was spria- . MIA I . pri bodies a living sacrifee to Md is a 11rea- , Braostreqtls on Trade, I will follow our load and doirlonstribte to into mud bank, yesterday were taken delivered an Allocution recalling the ori- f he ]a.w. Bee a I i klea in noprdance with t sornble service." The,%vise man,svill con- ams,sattloa down!,tbo Government Viat, the voice of the off earl- to -day ind bro4lit rp to this gin of the concordat and tlle reasons r Lev. it 5, a . to. By the sprInkling Of i be - secrate libutelf fully, welcome his op- Montreml-Business ' n � . in lugs. D'. AGNEW ! blood a made for eirm duTing the past few days to sometiting ! atiOn is trilitaiiiiiinis, in Asking tax a di city which induced Pope Pius VII, to con- � PHYSICIAN, SURGEON - . n atonement was s ,gav,i�blf­oacrifice, Rua claim Qa the G.toadi�,�' gect; share, in the go�ernment by the After landing the passengers of tile cludo it ,with. Napoleon, especially re. . ACCOUCHEUR. the life of the beast, and POrtun't'e ­ like mormml cowhtiious, . I 0 . . . Sicilian 'Prince in Brooklyn the tugs re- ferrinj to, the provisions made for the IT -he Vood was vposed that lifia- wont them ,,%T a privilege. toue. of trade is reflected I ' the. better ; peop e. . � . � . E I Dflice:-Upstairs in the Macdonald it iris aiways �Sur . , Idon, G. Burritt. . At the meeting of ithe delegates to- turned to the ship. The steerage passen- appointment of Bishops, the budget of . In .: - 23 -Laid ­ . ibbot are coming forward , Block. . to reacent. life - -their bonds � I sorbing'orders i -en to r and this the Min try of Public 'Worlisip, which "rutpositiop of hands ais ified that -they A - It ittamees, however, I day secition. 9 of .the ihemorial, by a -vobe gers will be tat ,,Ilia Isl. . is 1qIght calls . answered at office. . gm TO KILL DR. RAINSFORD. from rbh,e country. Rein -was stren-thened into a afternoon. . was regulated by what was practically , 'Tred th; life of this,inimal.as-atolle- I am istill complitined a. Renewails, &,00, lof 106 tjo. 3, ' . I . aft . I -it recommendation for a p,%rUa-. During the forenoon the wind ch- - a coutract, and finally the free exercise I . L merit for their gin% and to redecill their us were, krgor,than &ad been expected, The ` practic. , ang Nurse's Attempt on tile Life of Fanic' luent, tbe language being changed to a ed, the sea began. to moderate and ti e, of OFLt.holic worship. He added that tba lives,frm-nit that death which, through � OuQook-, however, is fairly hopeful. I spe a A . New York Rector. -b ToTonto ii in a b cific declaa-ation in favor of an elee- con(Utions for floating ilia steamer int- so-called Organic articles, add.ed in . I e,t- ', . . � _�-%46!r sinfulness, they ueserved. , � Wliolesale trado m i 4- 1-1 -4- ;- #-;.,.4-. ;� I j.1 .4 1 Q00 b Na lecon h -A n er been re- , DRs- cRIBROL & "'BROL' >t, � 24. -Bumt offering. . - .sin offering - New York. .NLov-. 21,Charged 'with tarcoadition here alan-it has been for , is � I— . - prove . . 4 r- either, as - ETC. - ,ny dIfferent kinds of af. .threatening to shoot Rev� Dr. VVII- Wme #tiiae. Tho'scasonablo xrowther has'! � I I . corized by the Holy See, PHYSICI . ANS - SURGEONS . There were ma ... . 11 or as being part of the concor- . ferin .% Dr Clarke enumerates twenty. ,jam S. Rainsfordi rector of St. George's iuld a good effect; twpon the volume of I - Wingham - ler ng ini all lines of .trade � dat. - Josephine Street � one. g;he burnt offering was wholtv an"- Church, in Stuyveaant square, because be ord G 60111i act- I TO TRY THE ICE BREAKER. SEEK GIRL'S ASSAILANT. Therefore the Pontiff deplores the , I . sumed. In most of the other of&ringg was trying, as she alleged, to obtain ing an Improvement in ithis respect, Tn I I the priest or the , offleer.or both, had'a money from her, Miss Mary Byron, a groceries ull staple lines are meeting Experiment to be Made by the Canadian Deed Committed Two Weeks Ago Near fact that the .present government ' of - share, but in the whole burnt -offering trained nurse, ava about 45, was ar- �vi% a brisk demland. � I i Department Next DecembeL Park Hill. the French Republic had under various P. KENNED1 M.P., M.C.P,S,G -parts itrade in general . pretectS ehs)rgcid the Holy See with not a iMember of the Brttbh Medical . the entire 'victira'WA* given to Go4L ,Tested on complaint of Henry IV. Chnp- Quebec -re , "My i Montreal, Nov.. 21�As a result of a con, Parkhill, Nov. 21. -On Friday everupig i III, Thd 'King and the people -or- I __ . . va. Crmbal-% mu- inan,sexton, amid Was lielabi Magistrate , - good as Vic precedin.Z weak. although 4 1 . Nellie having observed the concordat, adding Association) R'hip (vs. 95-30) C,%19sg in yorkville Potlea 'Court for five the fine weather has bad a atudeney to ference between Hon. Raymond Preforitaino, Nov. 4, about 6 o'clock-, when �Ass that the Church had never in the case , � Minister of Marino and Fisheries, And Mt. V. Davidson, dolighter of John D of any country Infringed an agreement . . steal instrument, COnSiStiig of two broad days, She was afterwards sent to thi? ellIcklell wholesale ordea,t, , a arldson, I COLD MEDALLIST IN MEDICINE, -rasa a * L.'Wanklyn, General Manager of the Domla- of the 2IRt con. BF,. West Williams, made. The Pope, concluded with say- special 1buentien. d to Dine"" of womes plates of b , of a convex form, whieh,, paychopathio -ward of Bellevue Hospital At Winnipeg mild weather still del . I I .. beine: struck together produce m "P -,T% ion Coal Company, an experiment will be - . . surchildron, * shrill. ',f'or examination into her mental condi- -the fall rush in V`holemle -trade. 111-1 "I was aiiving home along ,the 18th con., 'ing that the French Government had . 'Mer�.big clangor." They are still used , -however, is in fairly good condition. - made about the first week of- December In she was forcibilv ,taken front the buggy, b .roken, the fundamental conditions tit Omex Roxnam:­1 to &P.m-; YtOIV,M. by the Arineiiimils. Psalterles-The p I ,,,I. ,tion. ,11he belief is that she is suffering VV,hfle sontlpg orders airo coming, for-1110elilng the River St. Lawrence open for awaulted, anCtied to the adjoining the conooniat, A, proceeding which was - � . tery milears to have been Elie name 93v- .front religious manin. ward Irl fairly good number. ; navigation after the end of the Usual Sea- fence withone oftbe lines. The*utrage not only in viohttion of the ,concor- W. T. 110HOWay . . ­ . ., , r. Chapman averred -breaker was perpetnUed a, -short distance front ditto but' ,whioh was also opposed to di- ,- .. , � . �. I en. to various large instruments of tile In hIs �ffjdavit M Victoaim end ITancouver business has ! son by means of the Government tee I ... "I ". - frequent- that the woman had "threatened Dr. � I . Z.D.S.. I.D.S. , 1,1� hap kind. ITarps-The b7tril is RairisforWs life -with a reveolver,"' but been only farduringthe past week-, Col- t Champlain. A, loaded coliter will leave Syd- AMreiv Elliott's plate 'On the lSth.0011- vinil and natural law. . ; 74� Iv mentioned in scripture. - leations we still -not cat thait coul& be 1 ncy In time to reach Quebec during tile first cession. The young woman was able to The Tope complained of -the itupos- Graduate of Royal They 'Tero pointed - ", Veal, ol Decemb . The intention Is to have , t4e state of College of Dental - . I , � �f various alianes and- sizes. (J,,ephn, ,whether or not she deliberately A. Sup ',les for lumb-r and mining or go 0, due to the existing Surgeons of Tor, . I � del"' .pi � et as far as 21flott's where her I - Irer .at be learned , the ice,lireaker meet her about twenty-five I titen on. She was gill"i"T - , - r-arn they Nall fon string,si. Gad -Re. - it tit the clergyman could r ire still in good deanmrid. There . Screams attracted a ti affair. Of appointing bish to the onto, and Houor � ' the -utmost secrey, was thrown ".=Psi 4 miles below Quebec and accompany her up I , OP4 e�) . . , .the pn I _ GrWduate of Dent. �� 04- 11 as and the tau I Ice . - carried to, ,the house and driven to her vabout but pressed . I .Ew red to As Davi,Ps se6r in 2 Sam. - steady advance going on in sees in Franct, &I DevIt. of Toron. - LLL- L . _vathrjn_-ThP prophet who reproved I)a around the affair by the sexton. , i�'Lde I the river to Montreal. , p-,tre'1165' Tesidence,11ler own horse in ,the the hope that an understanding would � L I ,on au "'al astmte- � . I to University. - ' 'police and w1i effort was made to Of T �, dischoxg,43 the do,,, her. tit. o.11l,,r mwmtime having gone home. be reached Latest improved at S in all branobesoi viiV. for Ili-; 411 0?, Snin'. 12-� ]I, - er- According to Bradatrasto. report I AftL . 128. Instruments of.David-'.N�roqes hatl Aind Y)r. Rainsford at the rectory yest at . Hamilton is in a fairly sa;tidazbory will clear on tile return trin to Sydney. And An effort is being made to find the The majority of �the cardinals pro-- Dentistry. Price oderate. Satisfacitiol said he '%vs& out of -breaker will accompany her down the I co a s it rather mild,� guaranteedi AWO an Beaver Block. fict tippoffited aby liluskal inArumont;t day afternoon it was Q there knew - condi�on. There.,has been some slow- the Ice guilty party. The county of We�t Wil- sent nsidered.the Ilu 10 I . . Illere the city, and that nobody +,a � river and remain until her captain Is satiz- r ' . L to be used in the divine worship. sings an .ps,rments, but .this is likely . fled of no further danger from lee. It may HMMS Offer a Pward of $500 for the cap-, and remark -ad that the Pope omitted was -nothing of the kind. under the first Anything about the ea;e. I , tabernacle. The trumpets or horns then Police Captain Gallagher was disposed. iniPrOv'O, as xme faTmers ox4e, commencing happen that no Ice will be encountered but ture of the ,man who assaulted 'AUss tile part on which lie previously ha ILTHUR J. MWIN- - P I breakers, whether Ice is present or not' lee- David --on. The description of the guil con hited several of the cardinals, in i gai�e but Jo make light of the t4 o2 od , the ty a A . I . .. affair and intim- , ke 5heaVier deliveries of pr uce. . the object Is to show that by means o' a used were not for song or . ' 'would shrink. The retailers report stocks .moving fair, � season of navi.-ation between Montreal and party is not -very clear. AlthOu,g11 I -lis*' which he ,was to have appealed to ilia D.D.B.,UD.4. , , a _ . rLpeci � . . . ' were used as we use bells, e no- ated that br..Rainsford . in -this it Quotea can be kept open for from three DZ-Vidson alas -am - " cin- valven. to - lie ly well, although trade reg" ad ]ter menW fat, people Of France and to have urged .hitice to the con?,Tqration of t tilev from any publicity b it. might be micro active. 'The city itrade is ' Vcek5 to a month later than usual . Ili -ties, she is yet very .1 She says lier -41 to the Pburch anduse Doctor of-Dental'Surgery of the Ir elli. iierform. But D�vid M. added, that A� . nsylvania, CollegeanaLicentiate ol .jiss. Byrol 14 no known Up to the prezent time the shipping man. tbeaa to be lo3 were called to . brisk. (h ' goods and gro- of Montreal have never felt sate about a vea- assailant was of ordinary hej� land their rights as citizens to prevent the . traduced many iiistruments of music In- �piace of residence a l . I 7 well. Eel clearirg from this port aft- the third Dental Surgery of Ontaiiia. nd bad nor L 8 =M*TafR--1TT ( wore mottstache; face rou9b, �' t'llo"O Government from m,rae6uting tell 1 . oenes c . . lgion. I . . . to God!s woribb). for which he was sel- a member of Dr. Rainsford's chl I L,ondan trade ds active. The wholesale week In.November. . 'bY t . 11:1, . I 1-t � . unshaven for two or three weeks, wore - '. 0 4 1 . .. � I 11. Office over,loost 0111ce.-WING14AM erlMly reproved .'he prophet Antos, ' jobbers. Are busy, and dhere is -no de- BURGLARS -AT GENCOE. a co,vt like leather or -wakerproof that CROOKS OUTWIT SLEUTHS. . � . (Cliap. Ti. 1-61. CRISIS IN FRANCE. crease in the activity among the manit. felt hard and stiff, shorted -than over- � . I . . I - 28. The singers rang -Music has it , - -_ ' FLOCKING INTO cAX.4LDA. . reo IlWater of facturers. -i Po# Office Safe Wrecked by Explosives coa-,L Half a plug of ,tobacoo was f*uTv,l Scotland Yard Detectives Bmffied by . . . �, . . .1; I . I most harmonizing effect. It makes so- Resignation of Gen.* And Bradstreers advices from'Ottawe sixy - I . in the buggy next morning ,two leathor eial intercourse more cheerful. God's peo- � War. I them is continued aeVivity in cat lines: Without Cash Result., thonans like laces for shoes with large' Thieves Who Wear Gloves. ,!. A Large Immigration From 'Dakota and pie are a singing people, and the song assault O' London, ,Nov,' 21, -The contest bO- . . service ought to be it part of all our re- Paris, Nov. 21,-aho official announce- of trade. 1-: Gleneoe,Xov. 20. -About 3 o'clock this eyelit,s were found where the e� tland Yard and "part thieves I Adjoining States. ligiolis., worship. Great blessings have ment is made of the resignation of Gen. I . morning the citizens residing in cl6se au1T`d- a ' Montreal, Nlov, 2I.-Afal6r Allison Eu- .. - Mis Davidson bit Min. on the I.ace, has entered upon new phase sdme- eom to many hearts through spiritual Andre the War Alinister, And the nom A NOTED CONVERSION. i proximity' to the postoffice here were what embarrassing to detectives Tile di TJnit,d States cons Is . - tee -as of which must still be visible. His 1. war so ul-Gonaral, . iw;d;., of M. Henry Maurle Berteaux$ disturbed tit the report of an explosion, 'tr� most daring robberies UP- who returned to -day from a visit to his all - mib,r of the -�;hamber of Deputies, face felt fleshy and he h,aA thick, Tough stories of two ]TgThe people bring their offerings 1111 The Founder of the Catholic College at and on investigation found that it was 'hands. An u . ow from the Versailles division of the Selne- nkn, a character boarded peared in Friday's papers. (vs. 31-36). A large number Et-Olsie, to succeed him The choice of' Wasbingtoin Recants. the work of burglars, who had effected the 6.25 p. -in. train. from ithe weat %t At Huntercombe Manor, an old house home at Fargoo North Dakota, said in fices were brought by the people, so that rteau. be ,Minister of War Now York-, Nov. 2I. -The Marquise an entrance through the rear door of Thedford -thak evening, and, having ii -b aboitt thirty miles from London,..a, bond I ail interview* ."The proper way to de - it was impossible for tbe,priests to silly M Be T to the postoffice by the use of tools ob-, . ently-of expert'burglars, made a scribe the manner !it -tvItich the people evokes mo, enthusiasm, as he is 'not a des Monstiers Merinville, formerly Miss blacksm*.th ticket, Ivas put off at Carpenter'S sid- mpipal" of North Dakota are coining over into . . al the victims, iVd it beewg,! necessary soldier, and his selection breaks the re- Mary Girendolin Caldwell, who gave � tamed front Jas. Harris' in- nat nicire than fifteen alinutes ln-foTe taid OA the house during, dinner, scaled Canada is to bay they are'eant- for the Levites to assist. "We are alsq shop. Evidently the result of the explo- V along ,:--ad was as- the back walls on a ladder borrowed: western. - cent tradition regarding the choice of a' V00jr,60 to found the divinity ' college 'AI)Sa Davidson drove , ,s. Among the people informed that the Levites were more up. military ,head of the 0 tra- a' the sion was distAppointing to the burglars, . from a neighboring farm, e::',ered ,the I over Ili drove w�i adminis L Roman. Catholic uni,.'ersitv 'at saulted. 11111gre 'did not seent. to be any thoiight Tight and prompt to puritv themselves t. t 'faith. for the vault door, instead of being Any passenger on that ,train who re- bedroom'of a wilman guest, and carri.)d -all. IOU Washington, has repudiated thr. 0 ' off jew I diary ,%,allied at about :el,000- from past defilement than the priests. This chang6 in the -Alinistry is 'the ,in nit Interview in Rome ene said-. blown outwards was forced inwards, membered the description of tile nia of therd being a bundary line at It , thus blocking the entrance. ,'-a great,was -11 On the same night, in Kentish To�vn, . is $I a, question," added tile maj,3r, "Yes I'. is true that- I have left the . 111"i 41 h PRACTI&L SURVEY. - culmination of fieree, assaults upon the put off bsWeeu ThedfOT4 and FWk-11111 49of tillro not being any. more lan I. the force of the explosion that it sbat- as to clothing- or anything else, or ally. Road, a;London blind of robbers enter- . administration of the War-, Office, and 110m.n, Catholic Church. Since I have tered the large platea glass window in . ed a peweler's shop and took away some North Dakota and , tile .mirrounding. . e aince seen, a, man bexring 11 .9 .0 The Tel -ma of Hezokiah was in marked the Chamber of Deputies has been the bc.�en living In. Europe rny* eves bove person who ha, States, and the people are flnek! , t -- � that of his father AIL—= The scene of frequent wild disorders, includ- u&., v. the tront, of the post-officeo part of it 000 -worih of4eiielry. Both thefts Nvore cant ast to , _TpAll a - - on lis face is though from a ' " )atter �bmd twarted foreign alliance. Ing thei recent personal nssault upon ber-n opeved to what. that C% _1 . being broken into small fragments. mark. ' cleverly inallt1ged, say tl,,i detect' a Canadw to got good Sanns, Naturidly ' Lite should communicate -at once -with so the number that will come over will it�­ - is, and to its anything bu'c tanctity. Hug that the citizens had been' HI; 'enstalile McLeod, T,ondov, or -who looked in �ahi'fbr the te).1-talelyin- erectodalters, to strang-s gods in every Gen. Andre. A tuccession of duels, But the troulih, goes much furt1her ba�lc Firl� _� C , I crense ,,tit the tinic,and I may say the us -;. Dawson, I n. . ger marks by -.0tich they consider.the people you hre getting ara tbe'best I -Q,) - comer of Jerusalem, discontinued the evinced the bitterness -which -was felt. than. 'this. DeIng naturally religious - AtO ad, the burglars fled, and -were see, ;W Sy Va it) temple -worship, amd allowed litter and Gem Andre deeided to resign ibis morn- in injagin, . ly , ajion -, cross;in- the MeRellar house yard by .--* personality. of abnois� tiny "professionit filth to accuiixulate and defile Vic na- ing, and Immediately despatched a let- as early caught by '01 . thief. � ille "I the West. They tire well supplitti . the Idea of doizg -something to lift tile Liveryn an McMillan, but they badniade , Ivalt nioney and are well acquainted tional eaf:ottiary. tei� to Premier Conibes, afterting that Churea from the lowly position wbich all p�epmrmtifons for their eecape, having � -LORD MINTO'S FAREWETZ, At both places finger-mmiks Wero with the canditiong ullaiv -widell they. an 33. lit -hat ,y will have jo ,tx,orl�.jy The. teurple clewxHxt Hoz2' klah revived the Attacks; aFainst the War Office 'were it occupied In ArnericA, so I thought of tail koole's li;rso �ua buggy ' found, but Were so blurred t tilt the worslfp of Jelhovall e-nd led a thor- merely a, device of eneidift of the Gov-- 2. university or higher ,-school, where its from his barn, and ill) to tile present Ile Sent a Marconigram Prom Fame were absolutely useless for tile Purposes � � :,. � I . . . otiol, Tef�ixfir�.zjala among ads people. ernment to undermine the, republic- clergy could be educated and, �if pos. time neither horse not burglars ba,re Point to the Premier. of id,entification, -because thieves have PELL OVER APRECIPICE. . Tk�s iuvolved- 1. A Tadiaol departure The opposition. to the 'Ministry hail 1: - ; .1 -,,,-as 'been located. They got nothing for their Ottawa, ,Nov. 20,-TJie Premier yes. taken to wearing kid gloves, which do from !Le powerful precedent ,of a fa- the resignation of Gen. An4re as i great oji"le, rofjnea-� Of course In tb1! not hinder their use of tile jimilIS', but , . - tiv in+ - -ed by Bishop Spalding, trouble. I ' 'me clef, the d tectives Mr. Charles H. Darlor, of Nagaiind, . -rea filient . ther's ems e. 2. A decided staml victory. ,which -will speedily lead to the ; terilay received Ilie following farewell at tilt slime ti V p- .., L A 1 40 4le-002 "I .e fall of the 'entire 'Arinistry! Reiiarts of rt6Ti6, VhO repwzented it to me as . . are looking for finger -prints - its �� Fatally Injured. � I . One of tile gredtost, -%V,0T1.1 of thet,day- FIORRIBLB SEA TALB. . inoa5age from Lord -zild Lady Alift"o. Who 0 . .1 Win. P0111- "Lles- ictorin, 'B., C., Xov� 2I. -Charles H. - 4-e timt weye circulated to-* 'g� annot L i. 3. A rec-a�!ni. nig .. "Rinionski Wharf, -V - tell . on of �ht that -Nov. 19, I Vi ,# . . ,q t, - arl Arvejouls tre also *IVI-eu I Vas 21 1 turned ovtr to I I : f" 6 I ,., of a ,A* e of otates:!Vtnill an. Rnuvle-e � it 1 Z tj�, r_.o;j likely to regi -n. The -portfolios of the One-i"ird of my fortune for titat pur- Shocking Crueltieeof a Newfou aand - you how deeply, we feel emying, good- I LIONS; IX THE WAY. ' Dm,ker, 0110 of Narindill'o's fore.1104 bar - el '*h G6,1 is pose. Vat. for Years I have been trying . Ship Master Brought to Light, . I TisbWS, is dyjag;ftt 11111 .1111111Q in iUIO Va.11 innuce and Pub- �, bye -to you and to so many friends, and I - I'M . nce of a ratim. 4. na lfinfotries of Marine, T Lia myEtIf of the Subtle Yet oVt'r' city Gig it T'�Stilb' �of a ritis-8,101) ia the dark. , - WorIcs reim:4-tivialy, but ther were -to r J,rl1doll, ,Nov. 10�-The evidence given & 0=mtkt, where -we have been so ,Three Big Africans Escaped Prom a imm &"dberate ebolee to pvj- & I 'whi-,11i plunged Itint ovor a prek-ij,ico 50 rnote A. revival of true feligon. 0. 10), not ec.-tifirmed.' Conservative opfniou is, whelming Influence of a 6.irch V'_11'eh at Dennes against the Xouaze brothers happy. Hope rbo send yon ri. �&Itrlli_ circus at Cincinnati. ft0t in height. Ile aml John Twgran S. P�rAeti3a! WWI: On his, ol.va T-Tt, op- that the Caloinet *ill he strengthened prttends, .not only to ilia privilegea Of of Xewfoundiand, master and first offi- grarit from kwile. Point?, . . j, L NOV. ' - last Sunday det%x4nintingo, RaTkt- , the ,4� 1,,�e Tpmf,val of jhp ellipf source of wing the only true church, but of being ter cf the fishing barque, Amelia Julia, Oineinnat 21,-Paudelijoilinto spent enhig airl repoiring d_-Ioris of the - -� w crowbars at the ft Sir Wilfrid sto,tca that Lord and - I d in Cluchinati ,,this i%fter000u, fobting a fine bdk. ffaiupe,ea with. the te=ple, and oftrving oChers 1-teg Of beIvi'll showi,a tha profoundly touched relgae paek, nightfall foaud the, hunt6r-i to to-op�r- * or" when three big Aitioan dions which *art ,*'-ivy 112e pre.setif slicmrii sind vrealeneov, alone ab' le to open t'he 9 t they thre TA'dy """ w I � ste with h6. In aut"a dZY8 report .:1. - to m lqorror�,flll, sitful world. At last r*' cr�w, and, struck then, with limtrkiners by tho -%r, nit L Of the farowell detilloll- I robesbint, bloo - assertea it- st,�tiorl .� being iniloadoil at tile Robinson circus' $till Olt the molulb.lill, Q11d, liliq41'.tr tha t Cie was nride ta 0e kirig &n.t the ,lemple. WORK OF PORCH- CLIMI=S. hon:nt P, , d lift., � and knotted, cords. t,J,.,a. the alter Avid'au fu� vev,e!A vreretle6wl- . self, und. I now forever, T� ud-aie -till Joslin, an irdependent gentleman, 'Waa winter quarters made Dick eiseape o.-nd Imil, Darker, with ILIA. At)", went 111ung- cast off the lvolw of 11.01110t, - 1da"' -Al'nto earrieA out 11's Pront'se il!.iaheil 01'rough tile 6treet.q. Two were ing 110WIl. 01% 01111. Ttmgrrt(� ina�lo lik ed. and rftdy for uee. In,this tonneetimt , Hom of Han. M. R. Gooderham, in . pushed overboard and beaten back with to goid a ,jiNjarconigtall, from. Faule The lfarq�ise Avtio, a dau,,�Aer of W I rocaptul%tl ill it colulAV%tivOly short Wily 40wil to him, bilt foinid his etmwpau- vr,* note tlsat: 1. A bed father eia=oi a boathool, when he tried to regain ':ne Point. The memago wa% duly rec�-_ived U1uL%, but the, wthil-A, Nrldch boutitled away lon luneonsololn. He ,Mayc,41 bv him all Toronto, Robbed of Jewelry. 19. auldwel . t�hily. seamm,t (laffrail, Vila fell ill, Avag by Me Prominer larst,evening, and rmil., ud ra detZOrhjite the tharAefler 401 Ilig *0:1. 7ae I who. after 1,:-ing a ilivat- growneas of the ta&eeis 91irA may bean : Toronto, N'ov. 21.-N.'ervv rical mqnng,er. ma4le .% lan� forhino - Zama ento the dock and flogged till 11 toward Xmivood. was atot caught unt.il night in a bowlh�g wind ,a lit r4orin, porell elimb Mimi; avail myself Of Afai&ni syst - 'I -Of Ilelp. , , her ad. Half- a"' four houra latorj'when it -wm surrolniLl. Ulld tat d,tyligla went Ill 13(*.J,TCh e from his be it* exprwi§ via'& dll prosperity may mt, ed in tb6 Av"Is, tieid, w effmt1=1 vitrning to thLt e1rdr". ,,Qin : ers operated last night at hl St. George buillnev gag bouse-4 and 1 ft 0�' - the'blood poured .in(, eatt - often avc,r-raw&6 itso-If. 2. GIA jA strt:-et, tbe honte of Air. If. It. GoMer. 1000'Fod Ilia death. I fainting, lie wtLs driven onto a plank ttlid. Dominion ,and, youraW." Oil back I BaTker m%s ,1iWVi(,,1 to town. oil 'Moll(My piftuoied witJ & cqean t,smpl,le� (qjf'nat lism rm . . With am-wely any ,,lothes, and was ex" .1 ­ I to Cindun&64 nitk4ritooin, 1114 skn1i is fraetnted. thrim , - - , of the Imv 1i of I;eatty, Black- - - - ,1 � afiow6d tbt dhine mitta on tbi3 pa5nt � slock, Fasken & Riddell. The thkves nOBBEI) I' .1 ROCHESTrMP. popea to a bitter snowstorm, aving tile - ­ Almost the clitire police foreo, laillo r -IM itrt broken, -his jawb,ane is sai.vdiel, con 4wo 0cowsions; at least dn�_jn- M did fairly Well, Althtilgh IftE. GOO&r_ fiext ditiy. An apprentice said ille SOUP ' HANGED HIMSELF !it 4,11c ilion hunt. Terror tol'ved fil tho and '' nerlows intt�rnql injuvim are 141doA atrWy miniiatry. 'Me eanditian �'t the Karn makes no seeret. of the fact that ToroZLto Jkl;tit r=zIna Down Hotel Stairs Wns puipmely pour"d on the (look- ana niftntitne. .VrAntic Intenta lunrINI to to Ul() Jaij.ji, of 1lLJ hurt,J. 'I'11Q.-le, N%titil tfitavii bu"ng and Xitmises is of!&.% in they would late got a g6id deal more lie was compelled to tick it up. - Uhe scillooallum"es to keop their ebitdro.11 U16 61positro w6le"I lit. Jul...; illuiorgonv, and Pockets Riflea. 11 3 0413C d P4AV110. f,t,t4l. Index of the spirituAlity of tbe eingre- Lai sle -not been warted by the big village ,Xotiaze, One of the prisoners, BECAT58Z HIS DINN99 WAS Noll there. The only ,dearago, done was to 1116,11co I 11 p V g4dion. 2. 06-d do" tot make but-nan VA4,*,q rolibery and ctirfied ber jewellerk r&cllesittr, .N. Y., Xov. 2I. -John I)Vy' ileelarea bivtalizing methOAS Wore in- READV ON TIME, '%'illidni Johnson, *i traintr, who was 0. A , v - . �df t,vk,h1 by oue of Cie be."ts whilo -trying f -arts. VhIeh ate defileA by Sinful with 'her, The thievell chote the dinner er.. of Torwito, was brutally ass.luittil - evitable in iXewfoZ �Wl Water$, NAw, York, Vey. 02I.-Dissatisnea with to prtyeilt the escAlm itta seriouoy in. ,� UNITED EMPIRE DAMA060. ,attmetits -and roblLsd imit evening ill a )total on -_1 I. -i- , thOt*AA, htbitw otiA ptActic", IM ten, I-mur to enter ti,e upstnir sp Ills wife's housekeeping and Ili a, tower- iur&l. Only pl,ouipt ziotioill oil the part -, 19arnin, Nov. 21 pie. 11t 'Mrinot UT6 in a fittby elharth,.iaf the house. The marks of their feet FrLnt ptrect. 11.,,vyer came to this city . ..-AvIlile, rounding to a, filthy 4xftia, IL rAMT wittl 'his aunimpr's savings yesterdays Held up it ChfiieM� Ingo ragd because dinner wita not ready -Of the 0�hot 4'.1rolls eniployeas savNI hiln her (look- at ,karnia, during a thiek fog, . Trinn. CTfteH-;on the pil;tr of the porch site V-ainly ; ,a Va, ftbl5ut t1. ,e Olty all d.%V. IAtc In, I the moment lie arrived home. John 11. .fron, &,10. 1"s is g"1fi6!*. & t6e mml power v:gjtl,�. T*6 tooms only, tbov-e uc-6d by _ roido, Xov. 21. -LO Sing, a ChinNa the titmillor, thlited I'llupire. Nvaqstruek Z, . Ziogler, a furrier, hils hanged himself at --------4 I' 4, by the st(,Alll(%r Crafiv Teceivill'; t1allin. C of MI't rnan in efffttlr* % grisat Work �.Vr. and Mrs. CkMtrbsm, wore rangack. the tvpnin lie went into a l6tel to en. To � Tormilay . L If rC61111. Here a stranAer made - 1111nd*!"-�th 4t '11 %trc-tl w"s Ills home in the Bronz. Five at One tirth. to 01(s rail and bul%'Vftrk,q Oil tilh% 1;i.1r. whed r6ap"ding -to Cod,$ tail. �ej, ,,aftoor wbiei the thieves litarrIA -0 t" 00.1411 'd, It &I-Eekt, robbery on S.A. kin-C-SlAt agrevaLle, nnJ lorel Dxver to 'weltock. It Nv,l-,l Mrs. Ziegler told tile eoreluer that, Berlin, Xov. 21. -Tho Xitisot-18 aovorn. boar(l side. Tbe. Craig- wa.,i lwt j,lju,,,!J, in Afttoorir4 the c6vm*AA. Th6 first act *wty. The stolen property MAXists ,of M8 room iLt the head of the staita-' Dw.v- ura_Ayafber,w,01l abo*t 3 01though slie tried bard to 00ndilet tilt nittit 111teis notAiing bettor thfin. al(L-8,1- and prileoptl on her ,%,iy. *a r,efi#Hutioa of t1to tomple wor-;'Mr. Gaoaerhaes gold wnteh, ttlic-11 lisp. r, 0� 'IV ' - T"'ro"i rv,�,l wl- Tiousehold to ploape her hinband, be was t. 8, � ty wat bit frow t�ehlbd and then klolek- 1, Q)W,�Y41!v "t- L' at" It Ms julatfigurod out how Inany _­­­ ­ .. 4.01.,40� shiv wiwto offer sh,crifice. Th'Ww"th#.,1,rj*d lety highly *nd halt a, dozen P m ,et, alul. never srdi-3fied. 8he said lie attellipteil kajes Of pr1las . Pin:off6ling, WV& Wias: 1. ?XPItt,ory in 'amia A down ttL, attirs. The thug followed T,VO�J&Nl 41int 4A (% . inat stre � ;& li,avt the twin, ,texrm,to 11 fittklas of *Wolletyl "lelud'n,'* bim, x%t,l '411le lhvyOr Was Iging stun. seizing W111 by Lh6 VAlr4wt- (kll"`in(lo�' to Imisoll himself two Illontlis sigo, �Rlld tAd quarbette Nabit. Itere Are ,tile fig. Tolls Abolished ill Prontonao., Its t4aTteAr. arA inteMaa fo temor(, 4ed, ILIA ried to kill both by putting poison Antem In'lAw l"t, 2") years 771,016 rrlvk� XJVk,Atou, '�N*ov. 20.-11%V. 1-N,011fell.le. ,two broathes. ne(I tit tl,e fc(,t f,f tke stnirs went 11110onty to bu dtinkl. IA) I`Oflt , - , later t the tsw6ftnt r4awn -with God wMall f, III th# ,1(1110 ,fl , -" ',ut)6n J10- NVAAA re'll- t A vfty irsiluible colleetiolt of 90ta *nil tbr(,ugh his Wet% taking i ., _I for ho P, U'.4trt slan vroirlbit, preWtol ithoir lords *1tJl Nuftoll pfilsROA it resolution aboliAlion, ibe pro. , battil - %I46 11,Y It stla,-!�-' 'in the tea. . ­ ­ - h*d beim broken by tU sk" of the poo- Mirtr mins mde up part of ,t, deml l -!IV iftPhl - 1nmpy he liad eff, alinut $91 - " +0 ltp� pie. f. Abundaht. Four k4RD; of Inl­'tteds of * robbery at the 11orne of Air. icr,tpli. lblw.v in tile h(10. All vm_t ortr ill ft. Vho Mario A 06 latkas will dlodo t*kw� 8,509 A"I'llen, b6m Qlrt mulren, tho tools till tl* N'ork viad floni Xil "' Dw,�-(-r was frmnd in a. dw-fd 3� turnetl big pool.. Dee. 60. tWo ftr It lift beat It notabl,.11tief- at &I-ime, 122 gav(+ birth to a 11,vtotte. ston to "Napanpe. A by-law 'will 11�, makt, oovft of ftth kind, ) int, aven"@ tir,u ty oln offitvr ftnd t1d,Pn to palic'? � - 1110 I . _ "Min 11M. lite- 10re cofisti-`0 1,. Sbegock of Pi - (11,16119 ,ouva.. -'Iipvl� 6 orible one for tht Iftsuftlit# tnd otm woman bore fivo thildrott; at pared for tubmistion '6 the Tawpay toW tbo meriff". 11iii *hrp iq In ear. & absence Of tl* ftmily ft mofuuy 1, . om birth. 'At thO �141111sfy bleetiCM1. . ers, .,t,tdq6art#rs, V11pro, lie V,14 hIls story. f 4,4 iw-ile ont au'l got tw�kjr witli all b Thets 'holVe b6ft tkb t6tAl lose" 011 W0116P O" to bamimil atceplabl* to 0*4 will aftm-giom Aua evemlft. botecttves ire oft &O ON'se. hfi,l, aMlIntiog tO about five d011eft- #A Q*Q flIFS Or Sit last YW- � .,*-, V -V