HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1904-11-17, Page 5Thursday, November l y, 1904. THE WINGHAM ADVANCE. Clothing 1 Clothing ! This is the Last Week of CROWDER'S CUT PRICE CLOTHING SASE Big Bargains in Boys', Youths' and Men's Suits. OVERCOATS 1 OVERCOATS 1 Overcoats to suit Man or Boy at Bargain Prices. ODD PANTS, All sizes, at away -down Prices, $1.00 to $1.50. BARGAINS IN BOYS' KNICKERS. Hats, Caps, Shirts, Ties, etc., at Removal Sale Prices. SHOES ! SHOES 1 Several broken lines at Bargain Prices, The P. 11. Crowder Co. Largest and Best CENTRAL IN WESTERN ONTARIO . $TRATFORD. ONT. This suhool enjoys the reputation of doing the best work in Business Educa- tion in the Dominion. The large schools in Canada and United States employ our graduates as teachers. We give Lhe salve instruction to all and that the "Best." Students may enter at any time. Write for free catalogue. . ELLIOTT & MoLaouLAx, Prinoipalls� Positively Free. Do you Wat1t a New Suit? If so, buy it here, and we will keep it Pressed for six months Free of Charge. Our Suitings for Fall and Winter are matchless in design and fabric, and we have a large stock to select from. Also a large range of Over - coatings in all the newest and best materials at right prices. Pantings to suit anybody. And say, if you are going to get a rain -proof coat, do not buy a ,ready-made, until you see what we can make you one to order for. We give you all a PRESSING invitation to call. Robt. Maxwell High Art Tailor - Wingham Wood's Phoslphodine,, The Onat English Re sQl is an old, well °stab, lished and reliable preparation. Has been prescribed and used over 40years. All drug. gists in the Dominion of Canada sell and recommend as being Before and alter, tho only medicine o its kind that cures and gives universal satisfaction. It promptly and permanently cures all forms of Nervous Weak suss, ]Emissions, Bpermatorrhaa, Xrnpotency, and alloffocteof abuse or excesses; the excessive use of Tobacco, Opium or Stimulants. Mental and Brain Wor,y/,all ofwhich lead to Infirmity, Insanity Consumption and au Early Grave. Price ti per package Or six for 15. One will please, six will ours. Mailed promPty on ro• crept of price. Send opalet. Address TaWoodom Windier. Ont', Canada. Sold in Wingham by A. L McColl & Co., A. L. ITamilton, W. Mcliibbon—Druggists 1Write for our interesting books"'invent- j or's Help" and " How you are swindled." cud us a rough sketch or model of your in -t vention or improvement and we will tell you res our opinion as to whether it is probably patentable. Rejected applications haveoftent eu successfully prosecuted by us. 'We conduct fully equipped offices in Montreal and Washington ; this qualifies us to prompt-' ly dispatch work and quickly secure Patents as broad as the invention. Highest referencest furnished. Patents procured through Marion & Ma - Hoe receive special notice without charge in, over too newspapers distributed throughout the Dnuiiutou. Specialty t -Patent business of Manufae-, toren and Engineers. MARION & 1VIARIO1 coffit.at•nt Experts and Sel ettors. ea t I New York Lite B'id'gg, Montreal Atlantic DIdg,Washington D.C. !So YEARS° EXPERIENCt: ATENTS • TRAOlt MARtts DceiON* COW/RIGHT' &C. Xny Ot1 sending :sketch and desc ri tion tus y ln ascertain a opinion free whether an nlitlit erOb1 atItabie. kan Motsetriett lonnaent at.bPne twit :roe, Nest name? for seeurn:apfte t$. Monts taken through Munn ik Co.roeve epesiatuotice, without obargo, tntb6 $1ltlhit Miil'ICdiis Alaandsolnelrlitastrsted Weekly. isrgeat elr• oblation of any clenttp54 Journal.Terms, $E 5 t f0 r�kaontba,lfl. gold b7 anew,deal o V '1 Ilk M PHOTOGRAPHS? Notice our Groups—all sizes, large or small. They will please you. Wo eau also frame them for yon. Did you notice the Frames? For Photos, etc., call at ZURBRiGG'S STUDIO wiN6HAM Eight of the last Students placed by THE CANADA BUSINESS COLLEGE CHATHAM, ONT. were placed at the following salaries : Two at $600, ono at $700, four at $720 and one s t $1000. DIT I'r NOT PAY THEM TO COMI•i TO CIIATIHAM? Do you know of any other business school on the Continent gettingsuch results 7 Our Cat. aloguos aro the hansomest issue of the kind put out by any businoss school on the Contin. ent. If you wish to attend a business college ask for our General Catalogue. If you cannot coin() to Chatham, write for our Mail Course catalogue. Wo can teach you Book-keeping, Shorthand or Penmanship at your home. We pay your railway fare in coming up to $8, and can socuro good board at $2.50 to $2,75 per week. Mention catalogue you want. D. MCLACHLAN & CO., Chatham, Ont. THAT'S THE PLACE TO GO. WHERE ? TO which re -opens Sept. 6th. Take the Commercial or the Shorthand Course. Terms reasonable. Send for College journal. C. A. FLEMING A. L..MCINTYRB President Sec's'. NEW Grocery Stora. CROCKERY and CHINA, FLOUR and FEED, of all kinds. Cash for Butter and Eggs. Phone 61. IVa Fe VanStone ROBT. 1(. GARNISS BLUEVAL-E - ONT. Auctioneer for Huron County Terms reasonable. Sales arranged for at the office of the WINGIIAlii ADVANCE. W. A. CURRIE WINGIIAM'S AUCTIONEEER, Why go out of Town for an Auctioneer When your wants can be supplied at house, Canadian Order Woodmen of The World, CAMP NATIONAL 139 IIold their regular meetings every 2nd and 4th Friday each month. in Oddfellows' Ball All visitors welcome. It MAxwltt t, CC. It. 11, OttOWOkit, Clerk tIOD SAVE OUR KING. King Edward celebrated on Wed- nesday, November Oth, his sixty-third birthday as usual at Sandringham, where the event is treated essentially as a family festival, King Edward's sixty-third birthday found hitn in far better health than he has enjoyed for many years past, and as he is careful in the matter of diet and has always been abstentious with regard to stimu- lants, it is probable he will live for many years to come. —A petition has been presetlted to SaItfleet township council to have all the bar -rooms in the township abolish- ed. —What is doubtless the largest meteorite "in captivity" is now on ex- hibition in. the Museum of Natural History in New York. It weighs about fifty tons. Commander Peary found it in the Arctic regions and brought it South a few years ago. —August Hemmie, well-known resi- dent of the 9th concession of McKil- lop, passed away very suddenly some days ago of heart failure. Mr. Hem- mie was seventy-five years of age and was one of the early settlers of Mc- Killop. His aged partner, two sons and nine daughters survive, —On Tuesday morning as a farmer was going to Clinton from the north he saw a deer browsing at the straw stacks on Mr. R. Govenlock's farm, a mile and a half out of town. It was nibbling away quite as leisurely as thongh it were in its native wilds in Muskoka instead of in the midst of McKillop's civilization. —Ono day last week as Andrew Cor- mack was driving a bunch of cattle across a bridge over the Teeswater river on con. A. Greenock, a span of the bridge gave way and the nine or ten head of cattle dropped about 20 ft. None of the ;animals were injured by the accident. The bridge was not thought to be in bad condition, and the collapse was due to the cattle crowding to one side. Woodstock, Nov. 9.—With the aid of nitro-glycerine, burglars early this morning blew open the safe of the post office at Norwich and, obtained over $200. The burglary was not dis- covered until 6.30 this morning, al- though two explosions were heard diving the night. Entrance was made through the back 'door, which was forced open. Stamps to the value of $150 were also taken. There is no clue to the identity of the burglars. —Draining is one of the most im- portant matters on the farm. On a piece of Michigan land. containing 25 acres, which produced bog grass rush- es and other valueless growth, an ex- pense of nearly $500 was incurred in order to drain it. The first year after draining $1570 was realized from grass alone. A New York farther reports that he has land that produced 40 bus. of wheat per acre, which formerly produced nothing, the large crops be- ing due to good drainage. —The coldest city in the world is Yakutsk, Siberia. It is the great commercial emporium of East Siberia, and the capital of the Province of Ya- kutsk ; which in most of its area of 1,517,063 square miles a bare desert, the soil of which is frozen to a great depth. 'Yakutsk consists of about 400 houses of European structure, standing apart. The intervening spaces are occupied by huts of the Northern nomads, with earthen roofs, doors covered with hides, and win- dows of ice. Reno, Nev., Jnly 16. -•• Four miners nearly dead from hunger and thirst, were Brought into Tonopah yester- day, rescued far out on the desert by a party of prospectors who were led to the dying men by a faithful pack- horse. The prospectors were camping near a spring Monday Morning, when ahorse, lean and apparently nearly famished, came galloping into their eatnp. They tried to capture the horse, but the animal would keep away from them, always going In one direction. At last they decided some- thing was wrong and concluded to fol- low the horse. After several hours the famished mini's were cliseovered lying behind a sand dune. The then will recover. 14A tISHtov� AND METAL CLEANER COMUINED The only Patented Polish in theWorld, No Dust, No Dirt, NoSinoke, No Steell. Contains no benzine or other explosives. Pttivo mattes mote polish and taste longer than any other. PRIQb 1000 AT ALIS 3ROota* HAST HURON RETURNS. D. CIIISIiOI,M'S MAJORITY 184. The ofilolal r'etur'ns were made at Brussels on Thursday of last week, at 4 p. nt., for the East Riding of Enron, the foliowing being the result;— WiNotraat— Chisholm Macdonald Maj. Ward 1— 51 32 22 Ward 2-- 50 3u 21 Ward 3-- 71 42 39 Ward 4— 110 03 56 Majority for Chisholm 128 WROXETER--- Chisholm McDonald No, 1 38 53 Maj. for Macdonald 15 Br,Yrx-- No. 1 No. 2 47 4S Maj, for Macdonald 87) 14 BRUssnLs-- No. 1 31 30 No, 2...,,54 41 No, 3-•• 23 51 111 122 Maj. for Macdonald 11 GREY -- No, 1 No. 2 No. 3 No. 4 No. 5 No. 6 No. 7 57 44 19 51 35 70 35 05 04 09 57 47 '75 31.4 438 Maj. for Macdonald 121 Howick— No. 1 50 No. 2 51 No. 3 49 No. 4 73 No. 5 79 No. 6 47 102 82 112 113 85 72 500 Maj. for Chishoim...217 EAST WAWANOSH— No. 1 53 No. 2 71 No. 3 41 No. 4 45 210 Maj. for Macdonald Monurs— No. 1 41 No.2 46 No. 3 56 No. 4 30 No. 5 47 No. 6 73 302 Maj. for Macdonald Your can depend on Ayer's Hair Vigor to restore color to ' your gray hair, every dale. FoltoW directions and it never fails to do this work. It stops Bair Vigor fallingofthe hair, also. There's great satisfaction in knowing you are not going to be disap- pointed. Isn't that so? took piss tided tt until f Ayers Rat:wVi`or to restore 1t to its former dart rich color. lour Hair Vigor certainly does what You claim for it." -A. 31. DOOQAtt, Rolkli gbam, N. 0. /im a bottle, 1. c. AUR 00., All druggists. for Lowell. Mass.. Fading Hair hay, the supply of roughage can be very largely increased, and by a little foresight sawdust can be procured in many instances to help out the supply of bedding. At this time of the year one can never tell what the needs may be beforo the next year's growth of fodder is ready, and a little care of the food supply now may save many a care later on. Brussels. The appeal in the Brussels sewer case will be heard before the Supreme 349 Court, at Ottawa, on Monday or Tues- day of next week. 65 W. 11. Kerr discharged the duties of 65 Returning -officer faithfully. He sum- 57 wed up the figures on Thursday, and 56 declared Dr. Chisholm elected M. P. for East Huron by a majority of 184. Brussels 'Woolen mills will likely be put into operation again by New Years. MI.. Wood, of Rockwood was here last week and stated that he would remove to Brussels shortly and take over the factory. Both parties endeavored to bring 317 out the available vote and but few 15 votes remained unpolled. The result was a surprise, to say the least, The 40 Reform majority of 43 in 1900 was re - 64 diced last Thursday to 11 a Conserva- 5555 tive gain of 32. Not bad, but we would not be surprised to see that 11 217 also wiped out at the next election. Rev. I. M. Webb was reproved to the London hospital on Tuesday as ad- vised by doctors in attendance on hint, among whom was Dr. Shaw, of London, who was here last week. Dr. Ferguson and Rev. Mr. Webb's three brothers accompanied him to London. He stood the journey well but suffered a little from its effects after arriving at the hospital. 243 TURNBERRY— No. 1 92 No. 2 58 No. 3 6-1 No. 4 5•k Pneumonia is Filling The Hospitals. Every day we hear of someone being taken with pneumonia. The only preventive is to get strong and keep your body healthy. 'fake Ver - rezone which makes the rich red kited of blood that nourishes and stitnulates the entire system. I was all run bee for pneu- monia and alt apt subject cow 1 � r Cheaters r ofur- 1 cite s l3 atonia writes A. B. C t lin;ltcnt, when 1 tried Ferrozone. 4 didn't believe it was possible for Fer- rozone to build lite up so quickly. in a few days my appetite improved, color came into my cheeks and I felt Arm*. l gained eight pounds and re- g, my old time vigor through us- ing i'errozone, Try 1, errozone, it as - Sures health. PrIee SOo, 268 Maj. for Chisholm ... 51 RECAPITULATION. Chisholm 128 217 51 Wingham Howick . Turnborry East Wawanosh ... Brussels Wroxeter Morris Blyth Grey 396 Maj. for Chisholm ..184 1 33 57 00 41 50 53 56 Macdonald 33 11 15 15 14 124 212 RESULT OF A CUT PINOER • Au accident—a cut on the finger— caused Edison to invent the phono- graph, or talking machine. Mr•.•Edison told the story of this in- venition to a reporter. At that time, he said, he was singing into a tele- phone, and in the telephone's mouth- piece he had placed, for safe keeping a fine steel point. Suddenly this point cut his finger. He found to his surprise, that it had been moving here and there and aroundabont, guid- ed by the vibrations of his voice. He placed a strip of yellow paper under the steel point, replaced it in the mouthpiece and said the alphabet. The steel, while he spoke, ran over the paper, and for each letter of the alphabet it made a different hark or scratch. This was what Mr. Edison had hop- ed for. He now held the steel point still and drew the paper scratches slowly over it. There was given forth, very faintly, the alphftbet as he had repeated it. Thus the principle of the phono- graph—the registering and the repro- duction of the voice's vibrations—was discovered through the cutting of a finger. It was Edison's finger, though that was cut. Smith's or Brown's might have been quite hacked off land no phonograph would have resulted. 1 PROVIDE WINTER FEED. (Farmers Advocate.) Judging from reports and observa- tions, there will have to be some care ful feeding done this winter. Cattle, sheep and hogs appear' to be about as ntnnerotts as in other years, but some of the crops that usually furnish con- siderable fodder are quite light, not- ably wheat and corn. The value of the supply of corn also suffered de- terioration front the effects of the heavy September frosts, consequently the feed on hand will have to be hand- ed out with snore than ordinary in- telligence and care. Every farmer will endeavor to meet the peettliar conditions in which he finds himself in his oivn way, but a word of caution withte treatment of tate regard o t 1i ra w not come C n ie amiss. sliotticl tt Straw stack The neat who is in the least doubt as to whether or not his supply of fodder will carry his stoek through the win- ter ean do no bettor that; to begin as soon as the threshing is done to eeonoinize with his straw, By tat- ting It Mid mixing with ensilage or FOR SALE CHEAP. Will be sold on or before Nov. 19th, House and Lot, No. 14, Howick street, Belmore, Good frame house, milk - house, stable, orchard, garden and stone -lined well. All offers must reach the owner before Nov. 19th. H. P. HARRISON, 113 Arthur St., Toronto. FARM FOR SALE.. Parts of Lots 7 and 8, Con. 11, Turn - berry, comprising 100 acres, 80 cleared, 10 acres of hardwood, balance cedar ; well fenced with cedar ; spring creek, two wells, stone house, bank barn, stone pig -pen. Farm is 6 miles from Wingham, convenient to school, post - office and church, Terms easy. Ap- ply on the premises to RICHARD WALLACE, 52- Glenannan P. 0. Farm For Sale. 103 acres, adjoining Wingham ; 75 acres under cultivation ; good house and new barn. Splendid opportunity. Exceptional bargain. Address ALFRED ELLIOTT, 0-12. Winghant For Sale or Rent. The undersigned offers for sale or rent, his house and lot in Lower Wingham. The lot consists of 7 acres of land. For further particulars, ap- ly to H. M. WEEKS. DR. OVENS OF LONDON SURGEON, OCULIST, SPECIALIST. Diseases Eye, Ear, Note and Throat. Visits Wingham monthly. GLASSES FITTED PROPERLY. NASAL CATARRH and DEAFNNSs treated. Winghatn office at McKibbon's Drug Store. Lorrden office -223 Queen's ave.; 'hours 11 amt. to 8 p.m. Dates of visits -Mondays - Feb. 1. Feb.129, Mar. 28 May 2, May 30. Juno 27, July 25, Sept, 5, Oct. §.,Oct. 31, Nov. 28. LIFE FIRE INSURANCE Lowest rates consistent with absolute security. All claims promptly settled Abner Cosens ACCiDfENT PLATE CLASS Wingham Machine .AND General Repair Shop ee, Y4 now ro•op n d and I have secured the services of a than of over 20 years ne � experience 111 all lines of mill and fatrtn tnaoltinerg, nlso bieyeles, guns, ;swing msoitiues, clothes wringers, lawn mowers, umbrellas, saws gummed and filed, keys made to dreier, scissors and hair clippers sharpened, ete. A trial solicited, Slim Prices, Stout Values The Leading Store Small Profite quick Return. OUR PRICES Make lis Busy. Bargain sale of fall goods will be continued. Be sure and find out Our Prices before buying anything in Furs, Jackets, Clothing, Blankets, Quilts, Underwear, Carpets, Rugs, Curtains, Skirts, etc., etc, We Buy to Sell Cheap.. Our Success is built on our Bargains A few specials in Furs and Jackets FURS. LADIES' FUR COATS, --- Well made, and lined with heavy Farmer's Satin, nice fine even curl, will give good satisfaction. Our prices are $20.00, $25, $30, $35, $37.50, $40, $45. LADIES' GREENLAND SEAL COATS. — Lined with heavy satin, high °oiler, guaran- teed to give excellent wear. Our price $35.00. CAPERINES.—We're show- ing pretty styles in Seal, Astra- chan, Thibet, and Combination Furs. See our special at $6.50 RUFFS.—A large assortment of Ladies' Ruffs in Sable, Thibet, Coney, Coon, Oppossum, Seal, etc. Prices $1.50 up to $25.00. OAPS.—All sizes. Fur Caps. Pretty curls in Persian Lamb, Grey Lamb, Astrachan, etc. See our leader at $3.00. JACKETS. LADIES COATS, — Three- quarter length, semi -fitting back, in Grey, Black, or Fawn. Our special cut price $3.50, GIRLS' COATS.—All sizes, nicely made, in Bine, Brown or Green, plain or flaked cloth. Prices begin at 12,50. LADIES' SHORT COATS.— To clear. They are not this year's style but are good strong serviceable Coats. To clear at 52.75. LADIES' HEAVY BLACK CLOTH COATS. — With high Collar and Cape, latest style. Our speoial price $7.00. LADIES' TOP SKIRTS in the best cloths, full wide make, nicely made and trimmed. Prices are $2.60, $3.00,$3.60, $4.00, $4.50 and $5.00. ssa®sG H. 13. Isard Sc. Co. Opp, Bank Hamilton Highest Price Paid for Produce ammosammesionam Fine Tailoring mAisamIlasemnialegells Tailoring is our business and it would please us exceedingly if you would step in for a look at the elegant new Overcoatings, Suitiugs, Tronserings, eto., for Ali and winter wear. The patterns are the handsomest that weavers' wits could produce. Come in to see the New Ideas and talk the matter over with us . . Quoting prices for Tailoring means NOTHING as you know, but what you can get for your money is EVERYTHING. The best dressers in this community are our steady patrons, and if you favor us with your order, yon will be in the hands of skilful tailors. Come in for a look and a talk at any rate. HATS AND CAPS. In Hats and Caps we have all the latest styles and when you need anything in this line yon should not buy elsewhere before seeing our big range to choose from, Price -50c to 53.00. New Underwear, Ties, &c., arriving daily. HOMUTH Bios. TAILORS AND GENTS' FURNISIIERS Furn itu re When you are in need of anything in the Furniture line, it will be worth your while to drop in and see us. Our stock is large and varied, and our prices are very reasonable. No trouble to show goods. Walker Bros. & Button W.. (Ir. PATON Do You Wish a Visitor? For 15 cts. The Wing liana Advance will visit . you regularly every week, from now until the lst of January, 1905. Try it