HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1904-11-17, Page 21:1 deb, aotwithetantiing their disrenard. ()Xi
Sunday $
hhuIemnweteneranfpnaeimnrgiealye htrhioraeus geihbroeapelnhla O
sable" arum U people. We are 'Morale -di
INTlettelATtOties.le Ien1SSON NO* IX* Ite47 itrkSeiselr:rit IMO
NOVerintleti eiT, 1004.
Winkler Temperance lassoro-Ita. ale 143,
Commentaxy.-L The crown that fail -
drink. delete we cannot verify thee
statement. by retagnixed hietorical auth-
ority, ao far OS wo am tamiliar with •the
raemi of men, /indent and mecum we
ore forced to believe that the statement
'llus 'universal doure for, or
bgt tee's L liecee-Onea. sorrow, ie. tree..
heavy a _mesa, To thepontiou to drink intoxiceting
Most smog from au evil heart, -which is
vrowu of pride -By the crown et
pride the prophet Taffies to aamarie,
the temutiful *mita of Israel, The city
Was altueted Get the top of a roueel hill
andetirroureled by a rich valley. The
dreakardai of Ephreint-Ephremathe
heeling tribe of the netiou, bed become
debased in vice. They were a tribe of
Arttlikaards, aud became of this the we
was Upon them. A fading flotver-A
nary forcible figure. Their beauty awl
glory would hole as * flower. They did
not tame the riches And beauty that ero
dure. The fat valleye-The valleys
round Sionsettewere very fertile and
beautifuL Overeoule with wine -Wine
causes mem to fail an easy sietiat to
tenaptation. Alcohol deatroa* the will
power. The drunkard hes s. bad chane -
ter Ina gelaeraJIY ent-Cell recklessly into
the eiiest. ems.
t The Lord bath a nitrous one
-This * & reference to the foamy of the
Assyrians„ which was soon to come upon
them like & devastating iitorm. The de-
structiori would be poreplete, lace e, ter-
rific hail storm or a greet flood- It
is almaiit importeible for us to realise the
devastate= that would come as the
balasswagei hordes swept over the coun-
try, revaging villages and murdering
women and children.
3. Trodden under foot-Shairaitueser,
'with the Assyrian host, invaded, over-
came, sod carried the people away, nearer
to return. It is an unsolved problem to
thee day where the ten tribeare; whe-
ther they eontiuue to exist or are entire-
ly extinct. All of this was because of
sin, and especially the sin of drunken-
Ae the first ripe fig at. V.) -Aa.
the first rips fruit was eagerly seized
by the fruit gatherer and hastiry eaten,
so Samaria would be a delicious mono:
for the Assyrians. It is still tree that
trouble and sorrow Lke an invading army
come upon and destroy thou wire might
have been happy and prosperous but for
strong drink.
II. The crown of glory (vs. 5, 6). 5.
Unto the residue -The phophet now
tunis from the ten tribes to the two
'tribes of Judah and Benjamin, the rem -
rant of God's people, who were to con -
therm a kingdom for more than a liun-
dred pears after Israel was carries' into
captivity. Judah was to be layered and
blessed. Under Hezelnah there was to
be & revival of religion. So, to -day Jello -
'rah will be "a crown of glory" and "a
diadem of beauty' to hose who trust
His weed and obey Him.
8. ,A spirit. of ludgment-A clear par.
ception ot alma% truth. ,,.& clear head is
promised an well as glory and beauty.
Turn the battle to the gate -Who par -
sue the fleeing enemy oven to the very
tes of their own city. -Clark -e. We
ve a spiritual warfare to wage (Eph.
a. 12). and we are pledged to camp: family lazincaetatery-
e to this city in Sep-
teraber in search of her brother and, aim
ter, irom whom she was separated in
leerraany twenty-five years ago. She
was then Fraulem Redeker, the eldest ot
three children,. Her brother, Adolph, Ieft
'Ionia when a youth and came to Amer -
lea, For a while he maintainel a cor-
respondence a ith his sister, but eventu-
ally they lost track of him. Later Lady
Semen's sister, Emile, married and went
to Canada, and the family gradually lost
track of her also.
In the meantime the remaining sister
married Felix Semon.
Longing for bigger fields, he left his
native village and went to London,
where Nis meteoric rise and subsequent
accession to onighthcod is a matter of
His wife had always grieved for her
brother and sister, and ber unhappiness
was such that her husband decided to
forsake his practice for a few months
to aid his -wife in finding her relatives.
They reached Philadelphia after many
wanderings and found that Adolph Red-
eker was dead. His widow aril son,
however, were living at No. 2613 -Colum-
bia avenue.
Adolph Redeker was buried in Laurel
Hill Cemetery, and his sister immediate-
ly determined to erect a suitable monu-
ment over his grave.. Before providing
fer this, however. she decided to search
for her sister.
For more than a month Lady S.enton
and her husband have beet travelling
through Canada, stopping at every town
of prominence and making inquiries, but
nnavailingliy, and the search was finally
abandoned and Sir Felix and his wife
returned here.
eounnon to ail men, 1.his4esire does not
=rifest itself in the same wavier, nor
is it elwo.ys accounted for in the Emile
nay. In certait eircurestancee liquor m
taken te counteract tee beat; Under op-
posite tonditiene it le Wien t modife
the cold. At one time to combat the
we and *gain to hold up the eystem
through the itrought, ete., etc. Of coureei
these are only outlet* to cover up a dis-
tutted conamence, or, if not a. coneci-
ence, at least a consciousness that the
practice works disaster in the end to
all who indulge. The liquor drinker in
the beginning ie delighted with the wine
eine. As he glides smoottly iround the
outer circles- of the terrible maeletram,
to all warningo arid entreaties he hon-
estly replica, "I can stop whenerer 1
choose." But in the ynst majority of
eases he goes too far before be attempts
to stop and then finite m impossible.
We will not iitop here to discuss what
per eent. of the world's population do
now indulge in ardent spirits, but call
attentiort to another factor that enters
into the problein, namely, environment.
HOW Many of our staunch temperance
people would be such, had their sur-
roundings and ascciations been like thole
of some of their drinking neighbors?
Let us thank God if we have escaped
this terrible moester. drink, and be ready
alwaye to extena a helping hand to our
unfortunate brothers and testers who
have fallen victims to its power. Every
Christian and every lover of 'his rime
should array himself on the side of tem-
Perance, Tbe curse is to be fought in
every tine. The fiche ehould be peered
on by every good man and woman. Dif-
ferences of method and opinion should
not be alowed to stand in the way, or
divide the forces arrayed against the
evil that is destroying the bodies and
ereile of each a mighty army. Let us
"all at it, and always at it."
J. Emory Colemitn.
0••••••••••• •
Separated Twenty-five Years, Lady Se-
men Sought her Family.
Philadelphia, Nov. 14. -After searching
for many years for her brother and sis-
ter, Lady Semen, wife of Sir Felix Se-
men, who is a erhysician to Xing Ed-
ward, left here for New "Work to -day,
having, it is said. accomplished ber Inte-
stine, so far as it was p,ossible.
%Vith her husband she will sail this
week for Lohdon, after making provision
tor the erectiolt of a handsome mauso-
leum over the body of her brother, whim
diecovered is lying in it grave in
the world tor Christ.
ILL Erile of Strong Drink (vs. 7, 83.
7. lint these also have erredill. -
eJeru.salene as well as I:lee:nada has her
inebriates and scenes of disgusting M-
iami:anon. Though her polars:meow: as
not as near as that of the northern king-
dom, there are seen the marks of sure
deobne." "Note the effects of strong
drink portrayed in this verse: 1. Erring,
wandering into forbidden ways and pm -
coo. ?,. Even the rehgious teachers led
astray. 3. Wholly absorbed in appetite-
& They cannot see things as they are,
ar judge correctly. 5. Tire whole life is
ravened:" Goa's ministers rieed a pure
heart, a cleat life and a clear vision.
8. There is no place dean -The liquor
business is a filthy business, and every
ona who is engaged in it or has any-
thing to do with it is made filthy by it.
It ix the parent of uncleamoese. The
body, mind and soul of the one connected
with it become polluted and corrupt.
W. Precept Lpien Precept (vs. 9-133.
9, 10. Whom shall he teach, ete.--Many
regard these Terms as the words used
by the scoffers as thee mocked the pro-
phet. "They treat Gccin method of deal-
ing -with titem and warning them by his
prophets, with contempt and derisien.
Mat, say they, doth he treat us as mere
infant s just weaned? Doth he teach us
like little children, constantly going
over the same easy lessonsr--Claske.
We must conceive verse 10 as spoken in
mimicry with a inceking motion of the
bead, and in a childish, stammering
tone. -Ewald:
11. Nay (R. 17.3 -The prophet's reply
begins with this verse. Isitio.h attacks
tbera 'with greet force and severity,
turning their own language, spoken in
mockery. traelt upon themselves: 'Yes,
it shall be as you say, ye shall be taught
by a strange tongue, and in a etrange
laud, whither you will be carried into
captivity. Then you will be forced to
learn like children." 12. This is the rest,
Me. -God had given them repeated role
faithful Warnings, pointing out. to them
the true rest and the way to obtain it,
bat they had -dosed their ears and
"wou)d not bear," and were going on in
their fancied security to certain destruc-
tion. 13. And fall backard, ete.-They
baa bad great light, and this made them
great sinners, and they deservrei a ter-
rible punishment. We -rennet violate
God's lam with impunity. Those whir
pertriet in their wickedness and spurn
Me offers of naerey -will ultimately be
Met from his presence.
In this Moron, God, by the tneutit of
Hie prophet, pronounces a woe on the
itdmilatante of Ephraim, probably inclua
tag the ten tribes. The capital city.
Sernaria, is referred to as the "Crown•
Of Pride," and the "glorious beeuty
which is on the head cif the fat 'valley:
I, Of this city God said: ir a tailing
fiteictia'' 2. Glad not only axeuses tha
Men of Ephraim of being drunkarile, but
etenparee them to 0 rampanv or rime
iridulging in strong drink and revery.
3. Charactere of this kind alweas mac -
to shame as & remelt of their own im
diligence. The fertile valley made the
wriatt of Sanntrio, possible.. The luxur-
iant inet. with their weelth of grape.
place,' a special teinpattion before the
peOpit. Excessive indulgerree was mare
to bring deetruetion, but intemperawe
Was not the only itie for wleieh Gol
W ould. panieh Ephraim,
The Lord of Hosts is "a crown of gen'
• diadem of beauty," and "a spiril.
of 'IWO:Vent." and "etrength for tlieel
pot trust hi Him." There are the Wm -
rugs that God brine to Judah, "the rein
eine et Me people" "Ilia they eke Wive
wed through wine, erre throegir etrone
think are out of the way; the ptieet, roil
the pro et have erred tbrouerli strong
drink, they are ewallowee up of tvine.
they are out of the way tin -emelt strove:
emit, ere 60vieiren. tney sturrriee
in ejtulginent." Notivitnstanding them
hlearinge promised, yet beeattee
bete runnel shutter to Ephraim, they
Mut endure similar punistroents.
sire warned ley the prophet, hit itlaNIE.3
of retwiving meimaire as filen tie>
Lord, they turn 31. 11, ri Haste. 11 -
that hie euesteetioite awl repetitiowe wi
der for ebitlren, but erre net laotim Pf
tios notice of mere Yet the kid:varmints
ot oaa came upon Ierael and upon Ji.
Market Reports
OP -e
The Week.
Toronto Periners Market.
The receirts of main to -day were moe-
erate. There li intle change la prima
of wheat. Me bushels of wblie eeilles at
eleiei to Mos. 200 tershele or ma winter
at MM. anit 100 buehme of game at 920.
Barley is unchanged, With Bales of 600
bushels et gi/ to 610. Rye wrier, one
load nailing at lac. gate are neminal In
absence of diaries%
Bey Is steady, with ree.eiets of lie
loam, which sold at ;le to $11.51) fe toe
tar timothy, and at fe to ea tor mixed.
Strew is wanted, bele& quoted at 41.3 ID
;Mee a too.
eireased hop are uechanged at 0.2.; to
$8.75, the latter for Debt.
Wheat, new, white, bush as a 03 to $ 1 IG
Do., red amsbel - .. tee to 0001
Do., *ming, bush .. 1 01 to 1 tel
DO., goose. 0 92 to it De
to 371e
Beeler. bushel .. 0 50 to 9 01
busfiel a 0 79 to 0 00
Peas, Wallet 0 67 to 0 $$
Ray. timothe. Per ton .. 10 00 to 1 50
Do.. mixed, tan 00 to 9 dle
Straw, per ton 13 99 to 11 54
Alellek No. 1, Nisbet 6 50 to 1 ea
Doe No. 2. bushel .. .. 6 35 to 6 00
to 460
to 100
to i:;5
to 65
to 150
t 010
0 22
0 Z5
0 10
United Free Church Students in Scot -
lata also Must go.
London, Nov. IL -The Free Church of
Seotianet bag succeeded in its action to
erict the professors and students of
the tnited Free Church from the New
College, Bdiubtugh.
The result is that this week -when tbe
decision takes effect six professors, two
ieetturers and 103 students of the United
Free Churct will be turned out to
make room for three professors and
three students of the Free Church.
Theee are the figures given by counim/
for the tniteds, Mr. Ti Shaw, C.,
Argereents trere eoneleded last week
before the Court- of &Olefin. The Wee
Eirkers ashed for immediate possession,
sad the respondents submittedgas one
of several reasons why the Interdict
should net be granted, that tbe Free
Church bad no matpiete heritable title
to tbe college buielingh.
Offers of mutual put tenancy Were
rejected by the Free Church, wbge Paa
rniteds refused an offer of use ef a
smell part of tee lexiiiiings only.
French-Catiadiaris Returning From New
England States.
*Montreal. Nee. 14.aetedercling to L
Carole, Seeretary of the Quebec Colo-
Meation eioeiety, there has been cotele-
eralbie statiement itt the tortbern and
northeattern pottion of this Provinee
since last Jenue.ra, "Daring the tea -
sou," Mr. Careifel sell to -day, "there has
been an itereehe of over 150 per eent.
in the number of eetoniets that have
been peewee in blonde in the distriet
Mirth of Montreei, the Metapelis ate
ithe Mire St. Joh* dietriete. There. has
aise teen a log improvement in the
'class of colonists that have Leen tatting
Liege pereetitIr of Freneh-Cana-
k Odin, have rettariel from the New Enk
iara3 Statea. Mere than two am:mini
settlers ail toki hate arrived gime the
'begieniner, of tee ;, ear. In ad:titian he
teem pewee in tbus part of the coants7
quite & number of Kenoh-Cansdans
went to the Mena:Man wee. ItteAt
440,nei tit the 3 -retch pariebea of
Mee Kobe
Dee No- 2. heeled .. 4 00
Red mover .... .. .. 00
Timothy --------------100
Dressed hose 0 25
Apples, per bbl. .. 0 75
Maga, Per ., 0 28
Butter, ?miry 0 19 to
creamery•. al to
Chickens,. spring, per lb 0 10 to
Due,ks, per lb. .. .. 0 M to
Turkeys, per lb. - . 0 Di to
Cabbage, per dozen... .. 0 2e to
Potetoee, Tear bag „. 0 75 to
Cauliflower. per dozen -------0 64 to
Onious, per bag .... 1 00 to
Celer9, per dozen. 0 30 to
Beef, hindquarters - .. 7 00 to
Do., forequarters .. .. 4 50 to
Do, ,cholce, carcase 75 to
Doe medium, carcase .. 5 60 to
Mutton, 13er cwt. .. •• .. 5 60 to
Veal. per cwt. 7 60 to
Lambs, per cwt. .. •. 7 e0 to
0 14
0 40
0 (0
Montreal Live Stock,
Montreal 12. -About 1,0.30 head et
butchers' cattle, 25 lunch cows and spring-
ers, 10 calves, 2,10e sheep and Iambs and
2000.fat bogs were offered for sale at the
East Eta Abattoir to -day e Tbe butchers
were out strong ,and there was an active
lemand for good cattle and good lambs,
but the common etock were slow ot sale.
There were no prime beeves on the mar-
ket. Good mediums sold at Me to 4%c,
ordinary )nediums, 34e to 350, the com-
mon stock 2c to 3m, and the eimarrioner lac
to 2c per lb. There was not a good real
calf on the neeritet. The zrassers sold at
2a to nee per lb., and the youug calves at
31/4c to 414c per lb. Shipping sheep ,are
33.40 per 100 lbs., and the others 3c to sea
per Ib. Iambs sold at 4%e to 54te per lb.,
Fat hogs sold at 414c to gee per lb. ?ditch
rows sold at 00 to 850 each,
British Cattle Markets.
London, Nov. 1.2. --Live cattte are quoted
at 8% to 12%c per lb.: refrigerator beef,
at Pc to Me per lb.; sheep, lec to 12c per
Leading Wheat Markets.
Dec. May.
Toledo e 1.18% 118%
Duluth .... •-: 1 15% 1.15%
New York .... 17. • 1•18e, 1.1154
St Louts . •••• 1-204 11596
Detroit .... .. • • 120%
Minneapolis 2.16%
The Cheese Markets.
TIcton, Ont., Nov. 12. -To -day 12 factories
boarded 700 boxes all told; highest bid 954c.
No sales.
Woodstock, Nov. 12. -To -day there were
6.000 boxes cheese offered; the prices bid
ranged from 954 to 10c; 3,000 boxes were
sold at 10e . The market closed for the year
to -day.
Teterboro', Nov. 12.-7'he last meeting for
the season of tbe Teterboro' Cheese Board
was bald to -dare; tbere were 2,S00 boxes on
sale, end prices ran from 954 to Sleec; it near-
ly all went at the latter price.
It Navigated. on Historic Waters in Most
Modern Vessel.
New York, Nov. 14. -The European edition
at the Herald says tbat the Dead Sea, ac-
cording to the Jewish Chronicle, has been
navigated by an AULD boat. The navigator
saw -a number of dead fishes, killed by the
salt water of the lake, but was surprised to
find that the water had 310 peauliar color
of its own, though it 'was extremely heavy.
Although trayellers have alleged that birds
cannot exist around the Dead Sea, he saw
a great number et scared swallows.
The monotony ,he writes, was Intense.
"Before me 1 saw the wilderness of Judea,
and on the right a green spot, marking the
banks of Jordan.
"There was not the slightest sign of lite.
A deathlike silence prevailed in that strange
region, scarcely disturbed by the beavy mo-
tions of the waves, feebly beating egainet
the beach',
They Were to Smuggle Across
the River.
Windsor, Nov. 14. -Two Chinamen
arranged with two Windsor men to bor-
rowed over to the Detroit side of the
river at night but the latter instead
of taking the men across made a mr-
cult of he river and returned to the
Canadian store farther down here. They
asaulted the Chinamen and after beat-
ing them unmercifully robbecl them of
about one hundred dollars eaeh, the Ce-
lestials found their way next morning
to Windsor, but as yet the police have
been unable to do anything in the mat-
ter because of the secrecy maintained
by all eottneeten with it.
London Poultry Men Did Well at St.
Louis Exhibitene
London, Ont., Nov. 14. -Messrs. McNeil
and Oke, two London „poultry fanciers,
who -were part of tbe Canadian delega-
tion that left here for the Fair at St.
Louis about two weeks ago, have return-
ed home. They took about 250 birds,
the entire Canadian exhibit numbering
a little less than 1,000. The total ex-
hibits at the show amounted to 10,000.
but the Canadians took 70 per cent, of
the prize money, Meesra. McNeil and
Me alone winning 4,2,690. No other city
did 20 a'fin as London. All the Canadian
exiabitors eolleeted at this place before
shirting for tbe Fair, and their stack
was plata in three large ears, in charge
respectively of 3. 11. Saunders, Treasur-
er of the Lennon Ponitry Aieetocietion;
W. McNeil, Preeident, and R. Cite, the
The Tread of a Plea.
The quiekness which etme petsceas tees-
oess in dietirgeierieg tire smelt tattle
le very rereatkable. A frietd of the
writer Las deerared tkat lie aiI reedilly
perceive the 111aiGt1 of re fiem when 611
!;is tighteip, be the sennd ernittel ba
the machinery ia his leapirm peivere.
However eetraerelinery tete may sp.
'term, we fad a similar etateramit.
given in the ingenious tverk opt= inseett
by Kirby eta Spee. -a, whe eoy: "X knew'
ef nu other insect the tread Of Whielt
ecconmetied by Miend, evert indeed ths
flee, where stepa a tveman atenree rj
the always hems -tvhen it pattee over het
find that it Oleo; es, if it, were
.walkitue in patteinel" If we tan sup -
prise the ear to It elite to suet ,delleate
vii ratiene. tortaiely thine 14 trithing60
tte way of tenni tete dirket% to *thieve.
eats rine dime ean tear tte rileVetttente
ef their prey at iraiwiliteie iraterwee. and
that even in the ?inlet ef /Mile wItiet ere
Waftt have theught meta have orerposit-
rieel Alen Eretiete. wterr *tinn-
ed. feteibio etrike tte farth WW1 ttlir
'feet, loy the Vfiratitite .61 whiei thee
worintimiciate their it reheneinne tee bute
rain veryrem'te.- •From Nate&
(tCtilAingtotra Abbarat:
Taw. 0444 PfloriiOSv
Uolloothie of Beate Mal Amounte* epeoleleri
Ofilemein Vsnotone
Open eater -der 0Yeteleg*, 7 tol. /44
en Town Mid Ores PrOelertY.
OPPIO13.-Ia the 'Kent Block,
For Arbitration in Japanese
Russian War,
He Also Deals With the North
Sea Tragedy,
But He Speaks to an Un-
sympathetic Audience.
Loudon cahle - Lord. Lansdoivne, is,
the absence of Premier lip.liour nt the
bisteric Lord Mayor's banquet, held to-
night, maile it strong plea for peace
and arbitration ort behalf of the Bri-
tish Government, Lord Lansdowne
pointed out to a latge and rather ilie
sympathetic audience that arbitration
was the only way in which the North
Sea dispude with Russia, could have
been equitably Bottled, and almost ia
the seine breath drew a Yield picture
of the horrors of the struggle oow pre-
ceeding in the Far East,
Between the lines of every reference
the Foreign Minister made to the Rue-
sian-Japanese War was an urgent plea,
anionAting-almost to s demand, that it
migbt be settled by arbitration.
It was a carefully prepared state-
ment before what is considered the
most representative gathering of lead-
ing men of Great Britain. As sucit it
was generally interpreted as a bolder
bid for intervention than has yet om-
i anated from any neutral power.
VICE-PRESIDENT FAIRBANKS. /id gave an impastioned review of
.0.4•••••/../PM000•••••••MaMM.MOma•maimm. the North Sea affair. Althougli Lord
Lansdowne was unable to announce
the signing of tbe convention, lie ono
piratically confirmeil statements made
m these despatches, namely, that Great
Britain had found "nu auticulty in nr-
rernig at a solution in principle of the
LEAVES $35,000,000 ESTATE ia,isllurtd;allcindo onl4sapeplsetmolenniteedntwttaat
9 Russia has guaranteed the punishment
of any other officers, in addition to
those already detached from Admiral
Rojestrensky's squadron, who might be
Deceased Was a Brother of Mrs. Cyrus proved to have been implicated.
The 250 guests included the Arch -
McCormick, cf Chicago. bishop of Cnnterbury, the members Of
Duluth, Minn. report -Word was re-
ceived. in Duluth to -day from Pasadena,
Cal., announcing the death there of lad -
ridge M Fowler, aged 70, the rich re-
tired lumberman and Minefee owner,
who formerly made his home in De -
troit. .Mr. Fowler was one of the rieh
men of the world. His fortune is esti-
mated by a Duluth man who knew him
well and had much to do with his in-
terests, at not less' than $35,000,000.
The telegram Mem Passadena did not
announce the cause of death, but friends
of Mr. Fowler say he had been afflicted
in recent years with kidney trouble. He
leaves 'a widow- and Myer daughters by
a former marriage. One of the daugh-
ters is Mrs. Arthur H. Fleming, of Pasa-
dena. The other is unmarried. The fro
neral arrangements nas not yet been
made. Mr. Fowler owned one of the fin-
est homes in California.
Mr. Eminer owned one-half of tire
Foyal and the Adams group of iron mines
at Evelefle on the Menga range, and
was interested in several thougand eeres
of land. on the western Messaba, that
contains the Hawkins, Crosby and oth-
er iron mines. Ile enjoyed the largest
income from the Minnesota mines of any
living person. It amounted to 300,000
it year.
He was a Michigan nunbernum and he
and his associates originally obtain -4
these mineral lands for lumber. The
iron vein was found subsequently. Ire
was extensively interested. m Duluth
real estate and. in Canadian and Pacific
eoast timber.
E. M. Fowler was a brother of Mrs.
Cyrus H. McCormick, of Chicago, whose
husband was at the head of the efeemr-
mick Harvester Company, which after-
wards 'became part of the International
Harvester Company. me was a director
of the latter corporation at the time of
hie death.
Mr. Fowler was a self-made man. He
made his start in life in the lumber busi-
ness in Michigan, many years ago. Leas
than a year ago be was wedeed to his
, housekeeper at Pasadena, Miss Henn
Brewer, who was an exceptionel woman
in many ways and who is much admixed
by all 'who know the Ilawlers•
Cincinnati Police Nave No Clue, However,
to the Murder of Three Young
Cincinnati, Nom 14. -The police are
now working on the theory that a de-
generate fiend is responsibla for the
murders of Miss Alma Steinigeweg,
Louise Mueller and May McDonald,
whose bodies have been found in the
same neighborhood within the past six
months. They have absolutely no clue.
It has developed 'that the rings white.
Miss Stainigeweg usually wore are miss-
ingtand the &ye on the land on which
she wore them was stripped from ler
hand when she was murdered. It was
thought at firet that ate had left the
rings at her home, but a careful search
has failed to reveal them. The poliee
now tope to obtain a clue to' the mur-
derer through these rings. 18 is thought
they may be found in a pawn shop.
Another fact which leads t60. police le
believe that a fiend who lives the
cinity is responsible for the deaths of
the three women, is' that two weeks ago
Miss Chtussing„ the daughter of a ger-
dearer, who lives in South Cumminsville,
was assaulted not far front the scenes
of the other rnurders.• She was going
home after dark, when she was struck
on t60 bead and rendered unconscious.
Her body was fauna on the Cineinnati,
Hamilton & Dayton Railroad tracks by
several men, who took her to a nearby
ealoon and called physieians. There
was a gaping wound hi ter head. She
said, the last she remembered was that
slie was crossing a bridge some distance
from the tracks eaten a man snatched
her puree and struck her on -the head.
The police are bending all their ener-
gies to- find a stoutly built man, rough-
ly dressed ia rt. dark suit, wearing a
dark slouch hat, new shoes, smooth face.
five feet seven inches tall, and about r;:i
years old. This man was seen by sev-
eral witnesses on the fatal night in the
vicinity of the murder.
Two Young Girls aid Ti heir Grandfather
the V;etims of an inc. endiary Fire.
New York, Nov. 1t -Three persons
were taffeeetei aril burned to death.
Leif a nozen others 'were istacome by
eintike one eavel only with tee greatest
elifineetta Ly the flemean, owl more than
tairty others, after a. ttiing estier-
ience 011 11 naerow aut crewlel L;re ea -
cape, were toieeri to tee etreeeno firer
rigree etettine, in a fiee
deatreyed12 fiereesterey oe ertineei,
on Cr.." molter ease tele creep- teetate
Of tee timme 1,;;.atir.--s, area aaaa.
Lelite, it Lime. V.'', mei
la years tie, the (Weer role awe:.
gratelfatime, Ternewine entienoi ett- o
Weleem was a eas ohm
"Being Dead, Yet
-of the r.1. -.;,,t e.3
e2560 avis est-' Lel Se e eeeee'e
'-.11t!et eateeiete a ere
the initetee of PCPW,Kar9 itmetiosa
(-4 sKerate, ;tem tA:yttti.a4 not t.1-
(1.211 fagnitity can sw4est. ±11tztico ti'12
T:ireg of tle vitc-tenel is
The ecorilors, p!acel tr777t* 011 fie.af
steleys Peal ataaaaaal e.',11-
fre like the siiekes of a wheel. The
cent are narrow end tomb like, and in
yet in the face of the terrible fate
threatening isbn lie arose from his bed
drill made ihis way to the hall, where
his body, burned to a -crisp. was forma.
The fire is belie -yea to have been in-
' cenliary. It started. in a mass of bexes,
liertels And broken furniture wheel kw
/Zezt underneath the stairway leading
to the lraseraent. This rublaidi is said
to lie part of a ellantity gathered by
same of the boTs in the home for an
eitietien tenfire, but taken away from
. teem by their elders. Meat ef it was
tweeterie seaked. atartime, in the base-
r:wet, the fames swept upward through
an Cr:vat-yr g.7...)ft, and before the ten --
etas ha/ been evangel the building was
ei "ere 'Pe les- on the building was
ritierie emelein
. -
irettee etende a eeffira paean garb
to a Creme eye tee ntitemiante creep
, abeet 60 Veit, eiiimers. NO 0110 it allow-
; eel to litter a word, end the Aimee
ie teat of the grave. Onee it day the
ice: 4< Iee ;ere tiale,?Ited and half it Melt.
mate arta:lee I3131011 oat, chitlied in
rweereitils atie with ffitt5 etiverel with
a414.• Iftr it 14 ft part of the 1)15i11311-
,ienta th..1; notir »my leak ripen the fare
of tie fellow pritoiser. Few of them en -
Mire this torture 'more than ten years.
the Cabinet, the foreign representatives,
members of Parliament, and other prom-
inent persons.
Army to be Always Ready.
After the moral loyal toasts, War
Secretary Arnold-Jiorsair, replying for
the Imperial forces, said it was the
deternunation of the Army Connell aiot
to reet until the Bribisli army was
ready to enter the field at 'any time
with absolute confidence of success,
Lord Lansdowne, responding to "Ilis
Majesty's Ministers: referred to the
unfortunate absence of' thet Balfour,
wire, in spite of his illness, bad not
ceased to actively participate in the
affairs of the country.
Continuing, the Foreign Secretary
said that while Loudon was principally
interested that peace should prevail
everywhere, he did not think they
should think of peace at any price.
"At this moment," said Lord Lau'.
downe, "contemplating the terrible
struggle between two braoe. and gal-
lant nations in the Far East, can one
of us contemplate without regret the
legion after legion of brave men helms
led forth to meet their fate and the
ruined homes and broken Marts 2 We
can conceive no more terrible punish-
ment than the remorse of any Minister
or body of Ministers wbo from loss of
temper or desire of popularity brought
upon the country the seourage and cal-
amity of needless • Ver.
"At this auspicious moment I am
able to announce to you that not only
the peace of the country is unbroken,
but so far as I am able to forsee there
is no .reason why it should not remain
unbroken. Not, only have we had the
good fortune to avoid war, but by the
strict neutrality and wise international
arrangements we have done something
to restrict the area of hostilitiee. The
country, however, has not altogether
escaped anxieties. For the last Iew
days we have been face to face with
an incident which moved the aeople of
this country as few other incidents
have done. The incident of Oct. 21, in
the *North Sea, was an attack on our
citizens and an affront to the British
flag, of which, if intentional, I would
rather not contemplate the conse-
quences. It was a deplorable and un-
acountable blunder, but I am bound
to add filet recent evidence has satis-
fied the British Government that the
Russian Government believed- that the
facts were different from what 'we sup-
posed, and that each party was con-
vinced Of the jutice of its own cause,
Great Britain bas itdopted the only
course in referring the twitter to an
independent and impartial tribunilal,
and we found no difficulty in arriving
at the priecipal questions nor in decid-
ing that the team for their- reference
under The Hague 'Convention were suelt
ns .we could accept.
Not for Britain to Insist.
After detailing what would be the
procedure of the covet, Lord Lans-
downe referred to the sverilleess of the
nomber of Russian officers left at Vigo,
and said:
"It was not for us to assume the re-
sponsibility for the selection of the
officers. That rested with Russia, and
it would be a great mistake to relieve
her of the responsibility."
The Foreign neeretary ridded that
the Government bed received distinct
assurance during the last day or two
that,:the Russian officers detained were
those who . were directly implicated,
and if the 'enquiry showed thea others
Were culpable Grey \voted also be pure
hired. (treat lirithin lied reeeived 4
full expression of regret, » elrelliiile of
• ample eompensation, and it gunranice
against the recurrence, with security
for all -neutral ceminerce and promise
• of the punisliment of the guilty per-
sons. Was it possible to secure morel
Continuing, Lord Lansdowne refewed
te other questions whieh have arisen
during the War, espeeially Met of
1 enntrebarti, width hail been limply
eleared op, and sine() July there has
been 310 ease of seizing * British ship
by Russian vessels.
"t run gelignite enough to
Lord Lansdowne remarked, "that gatij
is likely to eome from the etrugele
in the .1P31 East. It is tny het% arid
Ibelief that this terrible war will give
a stimulus to the existing desire for
scone less dew end brutal method of
!adjusting internation difterente& I my-
; self have signed ilo less than five treaties
: of Arbitration.
I "Onto yeeiertlay the Anterior= Am
', bassrelor. Vr. Mate, asl.ed ii,e if no
neve prepared to iSign a similar Weir
With Ainerleti. I have /deo lately hem
asked by President Roosevelt, to Whom
Bona Drava OUSLPH, ONT,
magi amen on ell elapses of Insurable pro
party on tioe cash or premium note system.
TOMO Ociwcols, 0111.10.D4VIDION,
Preside**. Beomterr.
Barristers, Solicitors, etc.
Office t Meyer Block Winglum.
b. Dickinson Maio Doh:eel
Honey to loan at lowestrates. Mani'
7415. WINGRAM.
3, A_ MORTON •
Oftle.0:-Morton Block, WInghtun
Office :-Dpstnirs in the Macdonald
Night calls answered at office.
Josephine Street - Winghaar
.P.KENNEDY, fd.D., NI.C.P.S.0
' (Member of the &Utah Medical
• Special attembiesaanaagutaar'eandsemes et woman
orison Boum 104 to t p.m,; 1109 pen.
11. T. 110110Wal
D.D.S., Lent
Graduate of Royal
College of Dental
Surgeons of Tor-
onto, and Honor
Graduate of Dent-
al Dept. of Toron-
to 'university.
Latest improved methods in all branches of
Dentistry. Prices nweerate, Setisfactior
guarantee& terOfitee in Beaver Blot*.
D.D.S., 1.,D.8L
Doctor of Dental Surgery of the rem,
neylvania College and Licentiate of
Dental Surgery of Ontario.
Moe oyer Pod Ofilena-WINGBAld iafIlkaa
we may offer congratulations. on his
return to power by a vast 'majority,
te participate in a second international
peace eonferenee. While reserving the
right to outsider what subjects And the
terms of reference, we,,. did not hesitate
to 80.7 that we were ready to participate
and to tell inc,President that we -wished
lent. God -speed in the useful work be has
undertaken. Is there not a better way
than this? Is it not better to so arrange
matters that a dispute stall not arise at
Lord Lenedowne then referred to te
Anglo-French arbitration, and said he
hoped it would be adopted by a lArge
majority in the Chamber of Deputies,
eta that it would be effeetual in remov-
ing dangerous and difficult questions
from international tiontroversy.
BMW something. of this in the as-
eistence Great Britain had receiveddur-
ing the last few days from the French
GoYernineet in bringing about an amic-
able eettlement .between Great Pritain
and Russia.
Three Meals A Day and Wine and Beer
• in the Canteen.
The aamihise tottlior eats ore() mpalt a
day, and his vaunted abstenriousness is a
legend, en fernier titres he wee satteriee
With a little rice, but now his ppetite hae
secroased crewmen:um iie rarely gete pre-
pared rice; the eteitoin is to give him cooked
Dee with dicorticated grain, which, by tile
way, he IMes lees theft pure rice. This
diet is prescribeil 11, Inerenee hi% physical
arenttb, and to Beard hira againet beri-
beri, At present tab Shp seldier le cereal
with that and meat. For bremtfast he has
boiled torn and rice, bean soup and pre -
nerved Vegetables. leer Mater he has Dab,
meet, hollee Dee and cern, and cookei vege-
teblee. our trupPee the menu ot Inc dinner
05 rematea. tontermentry um saldlar
deebe eteufortniily.
In Addition to this, he has the privilege of
having bread at the eauteen. It is generally
white bread, %Mkt he calle ISM Ate hated
..blaelt bread, or kureem, es he ealie it. lime
can men fee/cure at the eanteen a tort of
tweet biscuit, kalapan, ebout as large de the
palm et the hand and as thket be the litter
miser, 'rite canteen le rue by tile eorporios
nen under °Ulcers, vibe ho.ve the same tare
as the tethers. teem entre ana beer can be
awe bad at the (entree. tin New Year's
attie nallIverCaly Of the teutaletlen of
the empire, and of the birthday of the
u'n, tee /revue -get earl:luny prepared ea -
moue, luchierni a eater Or sea rice, a white
cue ana a roe mire and catapatie. in mi-
l:Mien, of eeere(', Mr the ucual fare. So It
smears Ilia rtco reel eera form
the terariehatent et the Jimanese sailers,
a neareemient far superler to that of the
ordinary Job. In the tarifa...ha the tomer
memo in it Weetten ted Wite eveollett cover-
111 tirrus el war, On the day of mobilisetion,
the Jiip treepot receives o red be4 etwerina,
re tie seek, wilt% has 10,,) -num emaima
C t enviers dry reuebai rice an1 sanest
!menet. _fie hits 5 bambee Mae fillel web
water. 'rho reemeanv weeen earrita. ei mat.
Bon to dried vegetables, &led fish, ere-
strista meld, obelen ,oidroot ot teaush wine
end d3are00e41 The treim 1133 acooking
eteve, situ to int Ameas of ore:sel Part%
retiacrea ineembutinee threueb some elem.
Wel crocecs. It 13 VertIM it the bovereace.
rhey vole a !Ir :1 deal ot moo 1.2 the Jae-
enese army. The winter uats:remilias ot
1110 trnora 01 traae Watinvroow re err.
On the waren tbe loon carriea only his
bia eariciarc iireete 1 Teo. Tail
Ilene, Chills:a and Coteau, carry tee rest
tar In tits rsar.