HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1904-11-10, Page 6___ - - ____-_1_-_-_- _1 11 I- ­­­.— _____ . ...... - ___.__,_.__._ -1__1-_-______,____ _q"qPqPr,�— . I i.- ^00 1 ,4 4;;,_- ­ " - _­_ "., .,_ ­.�._­___­�.�­­ . I � � � I I 11 I 1 9 . 1 A% -------,— - ��. . ,. � '. �, �p �­­ --I-- I----- ,- - -9 91- - ­ - - ________ ___ ­-_­_� __ _9 ... .... . . . . , . .;::�,=== . —_ ­_ ____ - ­­­­IMA���� __________ I bwk,% P -to nlnio,t lvy�stprlcal wov- . . - - 1_4 MKIND TIM 1171MAN RYAS. I #0 & � ,_1 9 �', ­ Ing, kiob aftm, fou ea(gw,lug her Cal- I ISSUB NOm 40 19040 _. ­ . orl,A,iff a;, wittio sb,� trembleAi Ili 1. _. .. Inv4ution Has Boom Perfected for Pho- What -sbrunk your woolens ? ,. ___.. ____-, 7, -, �. - _ .9 p, , , I 1;1 % .-?-1§,,1 ov4'r,y ,I lib front ex,elt. nwolt, , , 6, . - Why did holes wear so soon? � �rj Z , . 1. 4I, I tograpItiog tile Cavity. wilislowlio "otbing 14yru 1 aliculd _ I Hor ootn� At tot ecwjd�,ratc IV ill- Y_ N. .., , f ,e &&W.'V - 0 . . 4 , 0 t. "ft, . .0 - � You used common soap. alw'yol"""("Orf"111(l"n"e('t"n'- 1� .1 , 40 it , : , , ''..'' � O'd 4�W �� lowNt itc r emotioa to it4vei ivis way 1-i � . -pe .. � .. �� , The difficulties Opticians have ex ri- tho %1J.0 ehIld 40twilu the gatno, eurvA w9lu'li 0004"W"" 6�47 �0 41 - .11 I . 10 S 10, 4 . ..,� " , .1 I . .., lit q aul . I I . S tlkl. , L elf I t romt, : 4,V' for V141'rhma. * �� for A timp. unfit thim OL t(. iwm if, . ,.�_ I I . � � - J,0 . I , el f, A 41 .over ber coir. U_-. - % enced In arrIvIng , 91 .1 - " I the V I .- I Mar wkrel t , . #41.2 . till accurate Alta CVX71ET._r,6A 11-1 '0 r v I . I " "' '"" ­_­,­__­ ­­ .... �, N 444 ,0�v ^so "117V ^., . 1, 11, I .11 Alaw . , ;1 J*sur,k me-Ok 1-00 Im. than sliv! Other- -. ;1--:.1' . uoisia of the complaints front which their AXTED, A QIIINDMAT4 KrIll I I . AR:, .11 . 97 , NVI,"o, wo.11 I b"VA 410'.10. I S ... . W family ot three; 110V 11011,�O, %,'very Rit- # � �-"iL Tatlents Are sullerlog bavo led to ex.- rly , aAlve Fra,y, w�cnFo ino," pit,) &�d% WhPn . W : W X 0� 440 X R, 1010 0. clieu conventenec. a partlenlou attv, ,Mt 9 � :, - grtlphfug ve. situation, ,and well, worth WoLlnq Into, V I I J.A. C4 AIC4� 4q41 . �� � , 13 9 R � prit'Iments 411 photo, L bUNUGHT 4. . to oa,.I.I coatrol lv�r�011, "�N 0 U J- N -..�j (a / � , . . I wo""WA-01 - '"', ­ I" �L L! ' I ' - ' Is 11.1 1. � � A- I oil or wrttin(loo. willigan, 7 wollingtoll car �� - 'I I Wali ", � Toroutoo t. kIV,K1uoM,, ,VJI 1, ,11111108t PROL 01 , Vor this purpose an histruineut has re* I _ / _ �.� )P. _e 4 11 - 1i � 11 . . . . . . 9 �� — ,." , ,vkftig for kIn4nf­v'T fro I -1) mted, aireethig uptival- &MY AXIMCES 9 , * ---- - --- -9-_ - t4lut of I ,,, 11 g, A ".. ceu� 7 been, inxt *. � ,./ ene", ou'd 4va4r'," � I ,-. �, BEI TY rtl science Ili general, and the further dtk- . A.-Wo"Woww I , .1�­ .. , I "nyono, 'eall6tcd riue�lt, emotion Ula"t , � 1, NOVELTY MANUFACTUH1116 COt I �, " �, I could not lielp breaWnf,, down." ., , ?Y1 V , ... �: count 41 .. �.. velopment of the 4ye specialist's pro- - , 414v...�4 ca,w Sho thott gavo him a btlof aveoupt Wo qmint o14 -style, tena. .:. -i � - ,)OAP IMMME PIA u I ments wanted for out, 00'1310013. C0111 0 g tfit does pot ospeod $2-00. All good . I - ti, sellers Write 237 King street cast, Toronto. of hm, ill,.ie�-; awl Imprix-onment Ill -0.,L4,�*, I . - I fesolon fit treating eye diseases A114 , . 0"NOOK010 Dr. Fliatta ranitarlum, awl dv� pot is ()lie- Whose. poplitir.. ". faculty vision lit partleulm-, Aceordbry' A01K fOV tUO 000944 1111414 27 1 1 �­ - . q. 11. 1 ­11_;�_�­J­4_��.__� 49F., serlb.N1 how. for long wvelcv, sho had A, ity wqo doth not stale.11 - "-. to a Germall exclulngre the assistant Wf :, .. I _______�_._____ . . bouit 11anninA, forivk way to omap,, �. . d"'. 'OFF WITR 11115 IWAD. f P , I . 1), the University clinic, of the Royal char- Smoke Mans Wasted giltol. . Imt ouLy tP.i.t -LU7 had Ocen able ,-, iy. .. 9 1 1`110r, 11110 Smoke means waste, The science I to effelot It. I .. � With fog Storlinir vily4r -%,I ; ity, hospital, Dr, lValter Tile 11 A Chinese , I Viceroy';; Proclamation 9 ... V* C I PrObleul which smoke prevention axid the science of per- . - I... -...I. -l- .9,11 1 - ­ . I � ...* iOO14ntingi 4M any wone, K* sue ceded irk solving 1 1-7 11 � , , ­­­ I—- .- -..---.- . I T110 mail IlEApped Attentively to Rl. raw, IV& 9 . Against Refonnors. 1 .91 . . � - . t has * Wz ';e bor. 11.1a, i. -tern Vice but feebly ex- - tim it for sro.po. 14i had received much 4tte"0011 fren' )"tiny feet combustion are equivalent tcrws,:� . I 9 fl I wto, qlagoil ro. j" , Others before him, but with little or 114) Once tuake, a factory owner realize this ov . ow*O"O?Wtt�4)0���"k.$"%�,��k,%Ni"%%4004*.P"90"0. prDa4iig tho Imlignatton hei o\perl- -,7, ni ablo 110toper." V. The Poking arid Tlen-Tqin Times con- . - I%i; ire Ila% managed to photograpa and he is ,%yen over to the cause, for if oclawation issued . Y I..., . success. 000e4, Ili vlmr of i� Innoti wrong and 1: I �.. Wits tile following pi .1 and 011tall, . . - I I * P"'Foalifloil, . �s ... -itv tile baekgroull(I of the eye . It(, hns. intelligence onoufli to manage, 4 by yllan Shl-Nai, tile powerful Viceroy 11, I 11 , �? I;. Ordoring by m ,3�- goodpictures ofit, too. 111sinvelition re- bu iness lie toust know t int, Perfect cou . "I havo hearid Foutietbing about I': - , ag means 1.t . a ] - of I'lechill. � . - 19 - " . -.1 I presents Amoft . Q49 Dr. r, lint b1ore.41 hi� romark-�d, �,-: .. -� � Inaterld 1110YO411014 Oil the Inistion of fuel weaup no waste. Consider . T prompt and satisfactory - .t. 9 I. Anyone creating -wild rumora ealcu, ' Irl , , W, "I � X. ophthalmoscope invented by 1101mboltz, the analogy of a coal oil lamp. Turn up - I %hen t%t loull,th, she pxuaod, Obu� I . 7. lated to alaria or produce doubt in the . never p4tol. much attention to the purchwing. - $erid� for 'A". in 1800. Tbot lattor, holwov�rp only ad- tile wiek arid the lamp smokes. You are p winds, will be beheaded. . !1" owi the ba "' '0" I LThCe UnKnown reporto-I thought thW i*bt be .. 1; � mitted of vi 9119 ckgrOulla Of the using too much .oil, and getting less '32PIAn"yone, teaching or learning mystla 9 , worely the milli'mous, slander of ,,-,catalogue, 11 eye. light, TI xecisely true of ,a . * , � �N.1. - . I -,K is ""' is T% 0 somoL dIsgruntled paij,ent; but, my ;w�l I �%,j; The fact ttliat all. attempts to Photo- practices, like -Boxer measures and reCt� * ".. '.Qt furnace. A smoking J"llialloy-stack means lantern doctrbied, will be beheaded, . , dear ,>oung la(ly. I Amure. you" talat , , . ."', graph ilia interior or the background of too much fuel -and loiss beat, Once got -Ing to gothor for . __ e�,� Mule - 13ROS, , 3, A .%.?, I - the eye had , 11,persons g4thin tsri ,-,% a r after llsrteliAng to your story, I will , ., M. remained fruitless so far, t coca u dt: - .,. oom, . I 1he factory owner to 'understand this- I I A - 1. the peculiar coust to know (lint those belching clouds of PT? ma3to It my buF )�,'� "DIAMOWD NALLOP, I ructions of, 0 . Juess to, see that Ills ..'�'., 1, L wil be beheaded. X 'r I . I I � � 10 aba;racter and mvtbolu are invetrU, : .. N _%, - f- 'I, 1. the eye, It is difficult to light UP the black smoke means wasted money gone 4. Anyone in the Government service . "I ., ... . ... . . .. or � watied, Just its *-)on an I can find time . 1181o, 124 ! interior. to slach Lin extent as to oun,ble I '..... y ao,gfrelet . lip the chimney and lass4power, for Ilia Wilitotky oi- civil, found connecting )lint - 1 %041 . . .. l�lllliiillll!liiilll 9 1 � 42 to attend to M I am, a lawyer— , -% � Ona, � 9 one to take n Photograph of it, and maoibincry-Aria you have converted Iiiin, aelf ill Any way with,people spreading .4,% .. I * the use of st,rong sources of . I '. -0 `t I � . 9 . Arohilbald Sidney IR my name. And, .� TORONT-0 11; - even IT, � I . I I 11 strange doctrines or connected wi dis, Dow, will you kindl-,r trll r . sure. Nvould requiA.0 so '. Levorlo Y -Z (Wise Read) Disinfectant 'ok,,will. be beheaded, Toe,re wpjp. a large yard In the rear Pl"sed the P41MI. and, glapoing no.fi yaurvl?" ., . . light Ithe mpg - . . to . e Aviald 1141TJO he concluded, with, a fatherly noille� .1, . ordoi_ of Ue, house, And patients were s0lne� back, breAked a isigh: *ox relief 11Uy real name to X01flea Xing." .... `­ .;: , - . ...r 1". lituelt time that the Q3'0 - SoGp Powder dusted in the bath, softent- ' 6. For the harboring of those who A I % .. . I be fixed, which would mean great in times. Allow)K to walk fox, ew Md that she could scareely! distill" she ulthesitatingly replied', "but no, ..' I convenience to the pAtient. Rely Dr. the wateratid, disinfeets. A spread wild doctrines arul mlochievoui � � M1004W At a time AA It And to gulsb the 400'r tbrougb *Wll'c'X ShiD tII I jean put myvelf -under the pro, . . . beliefs the heads of the family will lie visit t1t& handsome. conservatory bad, jurit eseiiVed,, I.* I . � Thorner Ims .constructed tin apparatus I -1 � . lutprisoned for :ave years and all ilia Witoll waa QUO 9.f tile 400tor*s fade. Ob ! It ,lr.%s goirlove to be llbert,� toction Of solagone wUp 'will help me .1, : , " , '' '' . I I with which lie first succeeded in P110- . I I -_ * loinco tnorot it seented as It & iead- to prosecute those wlin bnvo The Newspiopers Exclusively. tographing the eyes of aillitials, I e5pocl- A Good Dog Story. property confiscated. Them emme A dAy ,%hola Monlea, wronged we Elo, I ItNnrx I would like � I . - . � I I . � . W4p Winitted this prIvilitze - -one on weight had been Ruddell'41 lifted bo boknown by somo Other my znld. The "Realty Trust" of New York, ally cats. .One calt almost always find a, good, � . I tbat ,sbo ba4 long and most earaest, frout both heart aMd brAt'n, and dbe die manto Is Helen, And mi� motherlo which advertises extensively, b" author- . L � story aboul; t%lilmals, in the London Spec- AM'S THIS? ­ ly deolrod, a,ftd She wt,U SO happy and could have shouted Aloud for M had malden nunte wag Fovter-1 wonder Mjnjtril�s Liniment Cure$ Ulstempgr. tatoi.. The following is reproduced from I � . . grateful to Dr. Mint, that he fin- tube dared. � , , I If I might -call my"It Helen Foer ized this statement., "The advertising -,a book'called Wild,Sports of th6tigh- We offer One Hundred Dollars' 11award for . - I I ally followpd her to go Oat nearly 6be, kept �SteadlM Vn, and soan te,r?s? mediums used by Realty Trust Are the , ,latiols, The author writes that the most 11137,caseof Catarrh that cannot be cured by *I I every da,T. a,nd to temaill longer turited audtllOr mwner, and then tpe "Perliaps", Lvald Mr. Sidney. DOGS,AS1. POLICEMEN. carious example of a dog's understanding 1441.110 Catarrh Cure, . mext, clathaligh ah�o had riot the daily newspapers, Other mediums have V, J. 011ENUT & Co., Toledo, 0. tl*u the other vattenXII. tboughtfulTy: "-wiN will think abnut A , , known F, 4. FXom tile $Irst sto Made friends ' '$Ughtest idea wiliere Alto w . e- been.tr ed and abandoned, ana now'all Dogs 'have been found of great ah- of 016-liversatift w4j shown, him by ft We, the uudersiTecl, home a,% It. though, I co,alego, I ha sistance to the police force Of Brussels, sbellhOd. Like. . I I tblo. dogs of moderit 'Phoney. loarthalaot 5years andbollevehim vd* the gardener. for .she dea,rly It was bogtalling to rain Again, J,jdleo -aqaln�t a-sumnil nam -s. Now, of the companyli; advertisement" go to They are particularly useful in the slit. Glrc.�ce, which keep watch"Along the little perfectly honorable In all business trans� an . . . actions and financially able to carry out, any I - - Wyed flo'svpre, and thue eas11Y WOD d she erossed to the OVV0840 Side 'Will Y,Dli'toll nt, a little more about the d,i1ic$.jj urbs. banks that enclose their master's bRr- 01allgAtigna made by this Arm . tba man to talk About hie work to of the street, thinkAng she would be j)11& 4eousin, and how be bappeneil I . 1. I . I . . I � . I .1.. ley fields, the sheep dogs,, wiltoili their � WALDING, KINXAII & UARVXN, wholeeals, bor, wbilo,'80=etimos. die WOUld Ask '1110rO sbo1iterod, 4a the storm seem. to . get such tivIlmiteod control of , . I .. . I I . L I mast6r�s' iniall `vrop 61 oats with great Druggists, Toledo, 0, ' . � tor be allows -84 to WP him in .eat- ed too Maw from tbat direction.. youd, affadrs?" I I ?? fidelityoluakeenness, keeping off�ull in, Rall'A Catarrh Cure to taken luternally,ael ting and arranging flovprs that Prosent,47i she pwiaed a coupe, al- Mantea thell -told. him something I . Ing directly upon the blood and mucous our, though Elio did slot see It Until she of her life In Slexleo. of her fatiterlp ? - .- . � I bruders,in the shape AT cattle,sheep, Wail faces of the system. Tea time,nials sent, fro% wpm to be Bent out. I was a3most up, with it. It was stand- death, and lio%v- Carl King had man- I .1 - . . 1. I . . :1 I I .1 i .� horses, A, shejilierA once, to prove. the PrIce-75e ��or bottle. Sold by all druggists. Ono Tburodez-"rabblah day." as Trtg, beforb a. house. and the driver aged to luduce her to sign . papers � Who Knows Anything About . . value of Ilia olog, which was lying before � TakO HAI 'a FamilyPilln for cQueft.W6 . tIoA, Walom called it -alto axose wIth the was engaged in fix I Ing the brldld of making him her guardlan and gly" . I the fire in the house, said in the middle . datorminatloti to make A, desparate, Otto of his horses, and lost 'ganced Ing him power of attorney, . I r, 11 E3 A% _PQ EMER I (31110 E: M P 7 7 of a sentence concerning something else, ' AN AMERICAN IN RTTSBIA. effort for freedow. � up At her an she pawed. I - , - I : I ,I'm tMilking, air, the cow is in the pot%. ' A writer in the World's Work relates . .ka toar or so After she ]lad had ' "Miss Xtug," oald ATehibald aid- All buyers, �sellors and users of toes? The dog, which appeared- to be She walked'01ii a fewt Paces ,, then it ri*ely, when she co-noiluided, "I can see and 1heJollowing incident: bw broakfwit, Afr4 %lifle, she was oc and thlat iyou. 'need m stanch, reliable window, A -A American wished to move front ,olarred to .her to tuna back Oleep, immodiately jumped up, toVing listl4woly with some em- a-sk the rnWnl tol 1111rect her to, the le4ping through I the open p1rotector, or JyOul may got into a EDDY'S IMPERVIOUS SHEATHING PAPER" 'of the house, h scraltibled up the tiirf.toof the Hotel Burope,tho principal hotel !a briql(Jery, Dr. $Fllat wtalked in upon nearest -street where she, ooluad get x ,worse situlation than t at from are interested In this question :St. Petersburg, to a smallek hotel bar for a little TIRIt. Wle led him tramoar, tbat would take her to 19t. wIllall lylou, have Just eseap�ed. May I -where lie could see. the potato field, He , tile cortier, no came down wit'i on to talk about Ilowters, mnd then ,TAmav' Hqua,re. . - 14. � then, not seeing the cqw, ran and looked 'argand _ Efte suggested tlmt he should take lit I take �yoo to my own home And to ,I;: -P -P into the stg1l where she w4q'fjtand' his ba.1 packed and ready to go. "Sorry," I "I 1 Sh3 ho.4 dcterm�Lned td go strajg nal,vi wife, luotil I can sift Your life- � � . said t , a martager,"but you callot lXe I her to we the greenhouse. to her *P,d lodgings, and If theSt itoryt A little more tborouigbly In, WIIT every reader of this enquiry and finding that allwas right cam�e baciz . this hotel or register at another hotel .The doetor ti,awnted, hositatinglY. wiere there, oobfwnt OaXI King arid oTder to aseertain what can be done I s&WHO KNOWS ANYTHING ABOUT.13ANNIGER11 to the house. The shepherd said the same � p.eacbing the conservatory, they daughter, denounce them and de- for lym g You Will Ile very comfort- . please drop a fin* on the s � abject to I thing again; when -tile dog once more until we get your passport from the poi- ' wars joined bg the gaxdener, who be- mmad her r1ghts4 ; able, for 'we are both fortil of jv;oung .made its patrol, But on the doubt being lice, and that will take a day and a %,d aUnOwt reaebed. Us coupe -people. and (we bave 'none Ill , the uttered a t1did time, it -got iip, looked at night. You must. go through exactly the 00 to inquire about the re -pot- Sho li, THE E. 8. EDDY COMPANY9 0 HULLY CANADA mocedure as if you, were lea -vi . ng twc of soma p1mats. wbein she heArd a, d0lar TiCY1011t4l 'Ito -Wee, m0i children: all being mfar,r . . I ... I 1. - 11, ..., . I ''... . . . Its master, aild -when be laughed growl- same I , . I I the country," *,May I go to loot at the, roses, tln� open on tIfe opposite side Of ried and &,way frovin, home." , I ed and curled up Agaiv��by the. fire.. I Mr. Tacker, wAile yoa axe talklng?" the streeft4 i Monatea lifted a 1face full of grAt� ?? I I . . .,?? .. I .. . SIR I 1. Inquired Moatica. Tire 6ext mtoWent site heard a' It,rde to her kind-boarted cQUIPanion.. Bailless Xothods in a story. egular Prnationeer-H0 . To Win. , ES. . ' I (ToWn"Pollks.) Result."_mrs. A -auto c. Choutaut. Uam,cha,l Niels; there Are am said, troinrulously.1, "alid I would eo . . I I The Artist--Whet.are You at now# old Mau? , < "Yea-, run, &IoM miss, and me the ln�mn", TPIOD call but eXC1tedlY1-- "Xou .are vor,yh very good," she . I I I a bean- "H;o� there I Is t1fat A, public ca,r- AE CARRIED SAXPL of ---- ties eat to-d&y,11 the man returned, rluVaq, Driver, ceints, here A moment, like to aceept (v6irr ,generous offer, (New York iiun.) During a meeting of the Louisville .� The Authbr-A football story. . I Whitby, was for months a rlieumatto via- .. . tIm, but South American Rheumatic Cure . and Monica turned mwAy. - wni lyolrirl but It does nort seem, quite right More action, Presbytery last week, Delegate 11aw- The Artist -And the hero wins the game changed the sons front "dospair" to ,.Joy., "Are the reax doers locked[, Tack- At the 90raIrld Of that V,0100 U011- t"t I, a total stranger, should I -Less said; thornt, of Princeton, told - this story 'with a ulnety-yafd run, of course? She says: "I suffered untold misery from A low, lbals heoTt sprwg into bbr throat, become such a ,respanelbilityl to More courage, ,� � of pioneer days, and vouched for its Tlxe,Author-NQt this bero; he simply car- rhemuattsm�dootorw medicine did me no M� v, .: www -])�-, . Fjint� ir, , Less dread. . ners the ticket market and livea aelar over good -two bottles of South American Rheu- t6ba, for 'by' It she instantly recognized LVOut.so - ;..� I . . circuit riders tit I .. Ow mail turned and gl=ozed behind Dr. Mitt. , The gontlomlan smiled. M3 was 'More 1, 1� accuracy: One of thu -was afterward, . . inatic Cure cured me-rollof two hours after . . aline I. Lee. ..Vu . . my part of the State extremely I . tile first dcae."-60 . . b1m. In her Ignorance a looalltV, and strangely,F -drawn ftbward thIs wuob� More goodness, fond of pepper sauce, and as lie could PATENT TROU- .. . � � . ser and Skirt ' "Y049, --t the peg f3giluded 17,vithe fog, she had Inadver- wronged child. I Less bad. seldom fin4 any strobg onoughat . Hatiger, holds 4 MU-Sk AN AID TO iDEAS. 110r4l'S the key On' - . . places .. wbwe it belono,,i the gardener Ana- taintly.1 travelled In a circle, and come "I am ratlYer Inellm W td think that, . I I I where he stolpped�, he always carried � . . out Uj*n the very street on which we shviuld T Ind LVIOu a very p� Moro liking, ' .. - I . I— � garments', steel, " voeftd. . ,pasant Less hate. ' a bottle -with him. He happened to be , - heavily nickel- In the Fortnightly Review, Mrs. John Mlijam vms Just pwaing Into the his residemee fronted; and no%some- presooaslbility4" heleaid, lolndb�; "but � Mora labor, . atli hotel one night, though.he usuall I weff? � plated, will- last Lane writes - , I . y a lifetime. Send roseboam as Dr. r- lint spoke, and her thing In hie tone told her that her If ,you are going to experience an un- I Less wait. stopped at the h6me of a friend. - A . I At evening parties a man'a shyness is, ;rIftwhrt had bwa disaoiTered, and be oomfortable sense of obligationybir I -400 calks. I secure him, "', orsed b� mitigatl keen sars caught willat he said. lwIddag for her there, while aball-if I am successful In ,winning iiii � I . man ont across the table from I I One. End . Bd by music, In my Own ex- Siho did not bear Tutlk&la response, 'Was and, seeing the sauce, asked If the min- ail leading tallors. ovelty fir. Co., M perience, when some stray man and t . _ but slitip awmblm turn, to Assure him, dovWess the gardeiners were Search- back 7.bur fortune for you -pay ine ,My Heart was Thumping ister would share it -with him, The Queen street east, To nto. Ilk , have stood t6getbor speeclilessino sooner I I � . � I I &elf that the key -iras In its place, Ing the grounds and tMIeLyl for ]ter. my fee, the same as any oilientt.'* my Wfe Out,"' to t h's way. Mrs. R. request was granted, and1be, stranger I . I . . did the piano break into our appalling ob Wbat aboald 011e; doo? 18be, bad lealis- There w1as all amused twinkle in I A J . EM and her quick wit told her hia - ed torwfa,rd At tile hrat vrord the his ,eyes so he said this, which in- 11. Wright, of Brockville. Ont., dosdribes her poured out a liberal allowance of the . . AP 1i ' � silencethan ideas seemed to inundate us. . wit 8 - sauce into his . soup. At I 11rat . swal- � ' -nib man al magic, Jwt, aAd wiltat she had never kno, tilmot uttered, and was noliv &.coo un- dicAted that lie had parposely, re- ulferinga trom'smotliering, fluttering and the I I rualled by a felloV�,who,'Wgw down-, his The du wke as if by der the shadonv Of the coupe. Unt trained front naming the amount of palpitation. After trying many remedies with- low he made- a iv�y face and bluited bleeding Cap- and 1, who ]lad hitherto nothing to say, before-timt tile key to the re%r . all bell?" left leg was shot Away, He was couldil't talk fast enQugh, door of each house was kept uPoll for It mad the frlon&�! fog, *Illob, his fee. � out benefit, nix bottles of Dr. Aguaw1W Cure out: "INTinister,' do. 'you I)vea lonely. Throligh tile On of rifle lire and . . I . .11 1 I I I I a Waventent ptV at'the entrakince. however. was irroving Less dense. ev. "Ali! thht I shall be so glad to do," for the heart restored her to perfect health. , "Yesj .brother," wfis -the -reply. "Vby Machine puns which gave us a Inautlo) Of - � . - Ahe w The first done gave almost instant ralict and do you ask?" "Because. you. are the smoke and dust, I shouted to him' "To the ­ ­ ., .. ..... .. .Alked alowly on betwem the erymometat-she mulat have been as- said Alonica, cagerly', "and I can, In a day suffering ceased altagethar,�-41 ' * . ...­­__.­.­­,. 4 rdwo of fragrant vines and bobes, ear-ered ere tbms. She dared not stir not tell Vou what a terrible burden first preacher I ever Saw who carried rear, to the Field Hopsital, and be quick ; Lm grippe, pneumonia, and infitt- - until she smw the dza*tor and Ilia now. lost she attract the atten,tioti has been lifted from Wy! heart In so . . The Politeness of the Malays. , ' samples," was the answer.4--New York about IV- The follow looked up at me, and .1 . enza often leave a masty cough m compamion enter another division of' of LIDth tho driver .And the doetor, unexpectedly finding such a frien&11 "'In . all my jaunts iii eastern lands 1, Triblin I e. . . . I . upon his face was a marked sign at surprise. . - when they're gone. the eouservatory, wi,beii. StOOPIng and 00 she 9WO4 still and ?�Yreath_ Then. wItli a s I udden thought, sh 2 have- found Ito country 'as interesting ' . I I . 'nis.ilps quivered in a, balf-smilo. The ex- � � It Is a dangerous thing to neglect. - loW_ she darted back to seareb for lessly, llgte�ofed. inquired: ; ­ , .. ' '� as the,Mmlay Statet;� that long strip of . NEW PATENT - pression of his gate was at often all lantrkoga, ' Cure it with. I that precious key. "No, s6r; this be 9, private car- "Is Jolm driver perfectly reliable, peninsula, which is encompassed on the ... . . Volding Seat. - tiou'point and a mild rebuke, Then he be- 62M 1 . Me eslAed it almost Immediately an' 'twon't do to letave the Afr. Sldnef,yl? I Iwow that Dr. Flint east by the China Sea'and on the West **** - -21-111" . _ I Thls,8eat Is the gan to w1g3l . 0 himself forward through tile I * . .Only Ono at Its bodies of -his lalon, obuitades. I *repeated my ShRoh's dpan reaching the door. tole", s6r," she heard the ovacbman! would give a large reward to re- by thle Strait of Malacca," said Mr. Mar- . I is Could not.W411C I 0 - . With a gasp of joy sba seized it from respood, and knew bi,v the sound of cover me, and it ,pour 'man , should . . kind an, the mar- order, wbiclil, seeing that h3 a rattler toolisa 01% (111 ket, and should ve y ell with one leg, We! Ito peg,and then sped, with nimble his 1,olm that Ilia back -was towa,rd see and recognize me, when I leave i. Luning, of San. Francisco. "I lived be seen and used ontuwas' someWhott exasperated At,tho- evl- Consumption feet, tolwgrd the outlet at the rear. bet, WbRe a sigh of relief ea te carriage, be miglit be tempted Over. thova for more than a year, and got , I . to be ai)Preclatol- dent ihaifferelice ba his part to the vr'der of . Mmica. opened the door at the end her on lea,rnlng that the I WC69 to pat the doctor on iAy.,, track. I am Pretty well acquainted with the people, �Tlie advantage-. his superior officer, He raised his fac6 la Cure Ths,Lung , of the rose garden, then she flew. bmtk 1 a p'rivate equipagq. d their institutions. . . IOUs featurd is In my diVectlon Ivith the same old halt-stalIG . Ton a - fine -7 4- -1 ' t .' one a;nd restored the key to Its p1mue. With tho W-dilass of desperaitiolt I,yJ when I passed him, . ,.bat he Would , 9 a spring and it cannot get out of order. Made 0 an I have 1'rl two The cure that is guaranteed by -_ L ' hnv' ­ ' * � a 0 me , I u n , She had barely got Inside the rose- sho tiptoed to, -the door of It -he Oar a ly em in'be my dress-,, rice. With illem personal cleanliness 19 of malleable tron. with b6 pinto stool finish a � 0 'Ik. your druggist. : .-0411- - cert in , r e � r I a ' _­'a_� t 0 t. -t sure lie did net see p�yi face distinct- all "Tile 'T the fact that the seat drops. ThereAg u d do t on libuso again, wbon she beard tb -el - . Nfalays are in many way 11 d r tel st ros an'3 - u in '", , bu t I ugh , . Prices- S. C. wnr,u & co.'sDo - two batlis a da any n "'Man :laa- _ M.50c $1, LeRoy, X.Y., Toronto. Can. ! - r�ao w%011, fOrti-Mate for her pur, "I -was asking mLyrwlf that ,same. Iteld in high cateem, and'. 1he common top. L, siegaly,use qp .. e doe place wi�.t. spaeo I U o-.'It-huly of .' _ 7 hay a. tin b -h -SOA t a . - d ? T ,F r t , obI t . nu..I.u. _ "am M.' 0 t I I L, It � � tior and Tucker return to the outer P043e, *vvaa ajar, opened It, crept In replied. custom is toi*take 7. They eat $1 25 It . I 8 ail . 00to at P. . . 0 f r, a . - I . at X ... -- - ... � question," the tuber I to a a, . In.b gentleman per , . . N It �t , . , No . bar, of t at W cbed upon the 'floor ,s.-Willian, has appeared to be lion- are likewise the politest. folk 1 'ever met. . t I go, - 2n I a he t, I I ,-,.., 1 :' * " - r I., - I -, " - �. : ". - Iioom, And she Was very thankful that I'de. and CPOU qUir.d _rIt. or , ,.I. terms. .ya 7 g. . , . ... _ _ I . - . . - �­_ � . . I . , . I .e.. .�..t t lit., out I . I I I I alto bad acted as she had. Jadt as Dr, Mott eall,col oat aga.in -, ' eat and faithful thus far, ;but he hag I boA a whole retinue of servants, and ca. 219,Q V am , 'F -r- . I I I . I . . I . lioth men came In -to the house co�'Hamo xaa, seen a young girl, drOss-a njot been In mly, entp4oy very long, yet,11 could never get used to thinking - . . . . I . ,#at on t4e Ticket Scalpers. ' I I w�here she was, And looked about for In a brdw1n sult, pwa along this so I thi.nk It mayl 'be wise t6 u,se of them or treating them as servants Value of the Sunday School. 11 a, while, but did not 13ta,y much at- street Withla, a few minutes Tv 0aution And be on the sale side. because of their. ,superlative courtilay., (Philadelphia Press.) . i Dear Sirs, -I- was for seven years Z Judge Grosscup, of the United StAtea tentlan to her, " she appearea to, � "Yes, &'r," respollided the omeb- We are navy verp near any office; So Polite, were they that it seemed as It Is obvious that the Sunday school, Wltb�; suVerer 'from bronchial, trouble, and :Circuit, has just-ii;sucd an order res- beo absorl*d in .Tolektng� off dead ni�wil, "she passed me right lerenot when the carrJage stoIA3 I 11,111 leart though they were doing Die a favor .when its doamite morni purpose'alla its grip upon would lie so hoarse at times that I dould training ninteen Chicago ticket scalpers 1mveo here and there, as the- garden- three m1nutes back -she must 'aye Out Of the window' and httraa� hid they asked f6r an Rolvance on their - speak above a whisper. I got from dealing 'in any, railmfd tickets or , turned the corner -byl this, but VraVg attentiod for a monient or itwo, wages, and they were continually in my practically the entire juvenile ,populatioll. Is SOILT61 till I tried your the unused portions thereof which are or 1ad taught and alluvoed her to do �Fod'ql lwverlatol a mighty factor In the building of the na- no teli'llufront aukthing" lea not transferable. If' this order is mad4 wheonover she came there. ! gwyf.�s 'er A YOU'rOL. while Wout quietly slip out of the op- debt, because of the impossibility of tional character, and ba, worthy,of the Aer- Minar(ys )Ioney Balsam. Two bott I . .. t a toita- permanent it will practically -put the At length Dr. Vilrit d that posits door, cros,i the street to a denying requests made in such an orn- tone attention of all tllougb*ttul pergonn. gave belief and six bottles madd It W%Le time to go In. With 06 m,dttered oath� Dr. =1 ii�tl bookstore, where yoa can easily ately defer-ential way,"-Wasbington Within jt;a walls are fixed Ideals- wbiob.14tat plote cure. .I would heartily recommend ticket dealers out of business. The City 4 banged his dwv and dashed down are wrouglit,but In the events of conimer a sufferinUrovi threat or, Corititail Of Nashville, Tenn., has also to- . ,Mbtlealo heart smuk -%v,ithln, ]ter tit � Thn steps and al make an errand, and where, as soon Post. - Ca, it to any. oil AbTATJS1C1R1i:. cently adopted all orditiance olefining the Ong the street as as I have sent William lizvme, IwlII I I -1 I I politics, science and thollue arts, Therefore 11, " t ,�oble. . r thia emninand; but, w�tbout a'lowlng � It big feet w,cre shad with win Join ivau,$? . � m the development of the Sunday, school Is a ng ro. _ j� ,. , . . .: -et broker _. % sign of her emotion to become vis- 99. matter Which concerns not merely the, thou- 1 rederictoll. � . . , , business known As that of tiol, wb2o the driver turned back td He unfastened the door for liar as Micard's thiWent Cures Difilitherig. I lble, she looked up at him with gen- ! 1,1.4 hor,,,� , . L Spilds who are actively engaged in Its oar- - . . . .. I . or clonlel. In that city Moses Ifeillin, who . never Once u4sp-ar'Ung the he spoke, but requested 11onient, to I I . vice, but nine tbs. wift public of Informed conducted a, ticket brokerage office, wits tle afteal &nd gala : ! PraFmilde of the trembling P*as8on- be d it closed until the ,earriago, I men and women who are Interested, In sill . 1. I "Pleam let me stay a. littlellonv- I ger within t1ra carriago. I . � 11 � indicted a short tinie ago ty the Grand or—tho rooes axe so lovely." � ptopilasol. I . . A Cause of Success. . that makes for human , progress-.. � . 11*. . I I g I I � .1 I � . . .. -1 . , � . Jury of Davidson County for utterin, I ; Almo_�t at tho wme moment the Presentlyl It (drew up before a largo Tt is a strong testimonial to the of Why, Some Succeed. I .forged Or altered, tickets or passes, He "Well, It Tucker doesli't mind' Ile 9 (100r of tho house before which the : ' � ENGLISH SPAVIN LINIMENT pleaded kuilty hild wait sentenced to fif- replied, giving the ma,ft a wl�101 I 00upol wa,; Ltanding was open,d and storie building, but before ilia coach- ficlancy of newspaper advertising, that A "Xo, 61r, I do nat mind-sho is com- a 904at1cman of mIWI i age dac man could get d(Avo from the box 116moydo till bard, son dr odloated lutips , ',.Vqw concerns �ave 4: y rea'l SuPer� teen days in tile workhousej and pay a cAnded ager ,of a food concern credits I '? PUY for me, and I'll bring licr in th,.,,� f,tr,�14�, wltil�. Ajo,qoa with a to hold the door for Ma master, as, the "I'Ll' and blemishes ftobi horses, , b1ciDS'solLyba, iority over others in'their lines' Says fine of $500.­)3rooldyn Stand4rd Union. aforo lunolt tim%" salA the mwi. ga.V, af fear trucUled. more kJoLiely wits Ills cir,vtoi% Mr. ,lUlne,vi Jeaned to his campaign of newspaper Publicity curbs spliots, rlagbojiz; sweenor, stiflos, an advertising expert" "Yet One Or tWO ­ . '4 1 .1 "All right," the ,physician return. . Int/j hor corn -r. Oat Of tile winolow And called to ilia success .in introducing into every see- sprid;sj cures A.,ol 4.d , .w..loli *Olt, houses forgo.-shead while others stand BUILDING UP INDUSTRIAL ENdLAND. M ed, and then hast"l ed to bbg of ,lice, "Mlllam, .)aa can drive, me e three or four entire- coughs, etc. Save 40 by the use of one got- . � . I .ireet_ him* , This d1bliged the man to lean over tion of the country . till. Th fa�lt of the lAtter. is not Ili .. . where he was expee cing a liAtIent. I ty I.,ack to the wflice ; mrid. the horses aranted the most wonderful Blemish 8 " . ,e� . ,; . . I -s The gardener stood taiking with I 8long at a pretty good 6,p, for I On that side and 1111114 Monica wag ly liew forms Of food, for 'wbich a do, t1o. W : the goods, but in the mtttter Of'advirl 40ailAdgl Coltttlib iltes 111cr ShAro 'To- ' I oure ever known. '. � Monica for & irome-ut or two *b.ako , LAW" all Imr.ortant appointment at enabled to steal forth from� the op- mand had to be created. "It, cois� 0, 10t of . � 11 I . . " tw&lVv,11 tha genii 'mail tommanded pOsite door, wb1 id So *olulet- ' tising. Tile buyer no longer hunts Up' . war,ois Inervashig Unglish oft & few, flowers for her, thew, re- 5 I , ' marter", he says, "but the results have . t must invite thii Industries. - 3 kpooth, r3--fat.-ailt tonea. lyi and nimbly that bo had 'not & DIAMONDS OF THP, WOnD. - the �Wler, but the sells .1 I marking thut he, wag g-tYog to fill I ' - I � I& be Important factors in the developm "Y&3�, f1r," returned tho man, 8119PICIOn that the oarriago had con- wo6trauted the cxpotpaitura of every dol . buyer thkough.'the lnedium kV ent - oomo pots to take some roser-slips * hit; tallied any, passebger cave Ilia mas- - I I I Though the, Output Is Increasing, . r �Canadlan industries have been pro - but *ould be ba.4cit pregently. left hai, 1 fr&lnglux nimbly to 1.1 -; box As the reads -the newspaper," of . y nlW4(*r el.terW tile carriage, awl Ile ter. . I - Prices Are Going'Up. . I ..... I— 1, . _. -11 - - ceases brought', frum England, Now, it' by hemlf again. U a to move. tad erosoed n "Y I seems that -Qmnada Is ageut to rodpro- � 11,16"i IA-Wly i-O&U-ol b4ora tiv� wboelo A moment lator she 1: Vio moment havvx,w6al. Of clg;lt U.'e, i J�C, . d ,,, the street and entered tile 1JOok- DID TH".1 Bbl As the result of fast mointh's advance,' Minor Is Liniment Cures Colds#..ele. I FIA � cate, for Niagara Falls is sending an girl literallY flow U4 the rear dcrw � 11%,3, next flir,tant h -j UA,tvred. an store, Lis Mr. 61duv,,y had directed I . ,� , - �, 1.,.. . I ... I , E, V g ,, gASI, ,,tohl �,;*cr,chl,, diamonds are n6W dtar& I Industry of considerable magnitude tD 'Ralt, I by �0 r * , , VrAln, and a Tow cry of Soy 4 ,,�ul t (..Xelamatfon 0- abionifaimpnt. her to do� eent. than at any time aludo - the Mother Country. This is the result hor wo 14ho Saw Itbe muler gardenot, i -, '� �!01_q, ivkat lffiw� we 1wra V, When ilrat gf-ittleman watf Augur- I 0 0 idation of the De Beers mines THE SUSMA89 499GYMAXI of the 'eighth trip of Afr, Thomas Aly - y 11 11111 D 'Wllag! a bar- :, JL0 ,Ob.,;6rvcd, curlowti,y, ed that 0110 was out oz olght, he ­­­_ in 8 � outh Africa, The Vnited. States A young ,minister was called a Jost In tho Act of w, onsol few years rowsul of mvdioll througli Ilarp 'flf"Or ." .5ta.&U V��q (upeov .md. ago to, a. Church, In a thriving eastern City. Or%, of tile Islyers, Royal Spico Food . 4, lelaurely'alt9lited, Paused to 9he one laiit year imporMil diamonds to the nisi predecessor had been a well knOvIft Conip to the VYWI. . 4 "0�1, 11r,11 5ko), eri(,4, lifthip: tier inore order wh'.0 lie appeared to How bodd'sr Kidney Mills 8aft1sh _any. AIr. Myers, was born ill Ot- � valuol'of $8,403,222, preacher whose sermons had Attft4ted largo ley, R ngland, As a boy he was Inter- Hks did itiot 01000 It n-fter laina, ard ;: v.,',j.t*'-, 1r,antiful faco, to lt�yn, and ha,ve foxgottt�n, then on-Lerel the Pain in the Bark. Tile Output of the De Beem companies, congregatioAA, but whose expressed bollef , M=Icia. could Jusit ol'iwrwii ol.lm **,w�,- *TO .OMY49 to thrr.nv U­ri4.1.1 np.,)n lita ball&ng in which I& ojiffice was lo- was that the plergypian's mingle duty was the (lotted in animals and burly conceived. , cling the debrlu Int -P 1paitpl�; u;ut � i rote��,tlo.�'. 11 Inv- J.v,& e olp".01 fre'to clated, wh1lo willinity drDve Away on : which cotitrol 93 per tent. of the world's. ispiritUal welfare ,of his people. The church the Idea of Preparing a tonic that'i'vould __ _____ - ' 'in woro otandin,-. thero, arvw wi,i,1!1�1 ,_� 'E0 I,GtW�' O' L� Wrs.41k-b'i Iva,) 1,d- an Iir;r0>1,ta,0t f.rrand (7) wMall, w0ald CuredMt,o, ilw. biurphy aud jp',Vor,yono supply, was for the year ending liad f6tled to inoet,ourrent expenses for sev, act Olt live stoelc as the various,formu- XoiVember, 1003, - $26,906,000, dn which . oral yoArs,- and its o6ndderitble debt Was Ili& roturred to the .=10impol .":�41 I-10JA Z:r)0'1� t,10' ly,st tlj� rwg awl tutl refialra a 6oulpla cr houril to execute" 1"llso site Itecolaim-lidt d '1111611k '110. creasing with mechanical regularity. The Ian 9f the physicians Act on tile hamall f1hatting tho 'efoor, tilrr.(I I " � � . �,, , 'favrCs-A.? 1�*-J W_,��, 11. palle�l te was rollized 0, proft of $112511;000, It newcomer was .not a wonderful orator, but. he system, Ile upencol. it shop Ill tile llavt� _. , _� y -our thus 911'Ing iff'. Hdiffs ituil. Ilia fair pmderousr fze,v in v,�� Ew�,�;, L; " " 5 ""_-� t'i LtLO-7 U A -a' D�ad V'Wl =P I)r0te9of, all (.1.1iortunity to reatill his Rivtr Gagnon, Quo., Oct. 31,-(SPoeW) . 18 estimated, that,11in South African ha&J, firm mouth and jaw. Within two meljt� y . Ork, soon moved to larger quar- � I . _X6 coluplaint is so countort among wo-' minel have ddilpil �.400,000,000 wortl) of yeatS U13 Was at the head of a OrAOotllly run- . qd th'o did 110t reA10�0 it, and tl,on ie� n4m , "a : " and &,�Y31�b'�'J r� 1 V�o L;14, 'A ilk rei0ence v,Alozit ft;ar ij c-neounter. , ning business organization whone depart. terg and as the business grew, l6aA, t � 11.1., .1 t:-Twel v4 t 1).k- . . , " I We W", for ,an<,t1;0jv :X,twl. wgo� LT,1._f_1U31Q' �Vg U40. Ineft its 1114hi-in-tho-Back. It is it safe va- dicationda to the worldIff StOCk. 611r, inentp vert, halldled by ulan who understand "Old Linen Mills" on Navigation Road, � , %.; f�. , - timate that fully liftif tho wonneft In Crth prise will be excited by flie statement their work and did It, Which dIstoUntsol RA Yurk. Later, another mill"ArAs Oveetecl Mon" Ivalted until lie d�,aa%.rz;,- . , ,,, La -1 1,01 -A M, -,_��J I I �j�!,aDg �v 46 iw.;On tw tP0 eouzrj� wAN out of - bills tuid roductd its old Indqbtodliamso The ­ , � zrX),; - � - ' lit 11tIll, A buitittess of ('0118iderable ilut" _n ;' "to IL tma- nitildn flovelopbol, and Mr. 'Myer -,4, 111ex a r,,--,rno!1 of ftn, �f�r­ 1, 5 `." "'s, i: d'?, I ty.�,t !Z�, I IL 0 Od Around a ,( , � I (".':O!�,r V , 6y, t� 4 t.,bp faw,7-:-r fivotened to 1,e. ada are afflicted with it, Vor that rea- fliat not 5 per eent. of *the diamonds in church d become a working church, . ;4. t'p r�'*­�� ""(a'',-, ; r -,g. 0% Ivilu're tbe 'o_, f;;Ta11Gw1r4 Jij,4 . ­ J- 14 a _ . "'p) " ' '"! ba - I son ,every evidence that there I% a sure the world have, beell,lost in A hundred "The ciinrob,"'ho said one day, . 'r,") tA", ��6 ­ ,7 Y wn !f,,PNZ6,2# ,�,AoOj h , towid w�renely, � ­11,7­1,&,��J 9 ui�,J, ar", , � pora,l prgailitatloft d6itIg All Oftitn'611 11rftktt- flattetjAg vonsidorntifin, 4i8posoll of Ills f M911t, tivel# vv�bi -4 ql!e� 9C ; 004�ng 0WW it 1pojr-lar niagazina arid tom�lete care in existence Is thank- years. Loan Intogrity to sa n"essary . .1 ,, -A ,atd try , A ,,["?"4 0 r�a,, �- 4r.nr r-s-�- � I is -still the conird of thic, eat work. Bush! 4;rleo bel[Caid bpr to, _­Lv.-r.�� 91�4- -vio"J, Vi05,.P­'j c!ot,, 1.,.,�4 ; vut IfNi dhavrd. fully received. And there 1,4 abundant Aitiatordaut to its continuance "a definite aebloVemeat Interests- U'Waff thoM lie camoi to 0&ft- ( tbmt she v= riot liz-:u; L,, P 1) L J� "' � " .�,�,, ,�4j:�lj 14 (r)[Iffiling eviaelice that DoddIs Kidney Pills is just dialuond indwitry. There 050 persona 4 08 .� .. ada aftd located in, Magarti, Valls, Some 4 . _! w- 'JV11- #1v"jr'pgt;r 11,,:�a lf.ut?�,J ,4wW.ar2: i� �,� %#�.­Sa,0,4�1 D.1, bucli a cure. 'this district eould furnish. are engag(%d in splitting, polishing hola � - at or to Ora I I tioll.11 years after, lkfr. Myerg was forced. to 4.41, 1"Ited 0 1%tell ,(;f tha C,):fij-,r.4- e -J, ; : cn,'zlle�,, ;"."1 ej" fg'P U<J 1�fj.ak'L tbrob 11 our re I . t. .,AJ`f S 4� ily it3'r f, r f.�V. C., *V��,J,, 8 r a tit t, Ila ever," tOl',Y &Or And iQoW'd out, e=IL0y , --,'.' ,,,,.,, � f;-., ,: k;,.�,, P�fMc,�� 4,�'J �.','��,_,�Id��-L��i vel am� li,t looked 11, dozen eureat but on6 is .mough tot cattitig these Precious stones in sixty. stop the manuffteture of the Royal too �� 11 J F , *lie 0 U One is I In e bor , with or"ArIng It bjter lif.'r. . L. r;,� 9 f;, 1, �'P0017V �6 ' X. 11 21, i " t 0 e_1 " �r, t J 1, �' � 1, ; V tl.�,, .1,41 ,61'J ?,cIX PJ' ', t�,'­rj��',','9`.' fuf,lif alid Ain example, 117he one is that ofllvlrs. four "factories." (IongiolLiting the o a a Ila,. ,1 m a I t 0 Ofil 0111d I,, 5�lngiana beeircuse the eompaiy w felt a 0!mpiel'tie houllilst brou­bt I;C-r tq 1� 11, ,..�'J S. . ­ �­', "" ,12,­s-�x'��,� o_1 �i�v ef�pr­�om, Jg6t,,t_. to Jardes Murphy. 81ke NayA - : petfripsa deinandool*lot this work their . , t 6 (it rovida you.11-1,1lom had L I 6, ptirelIgged the rif ght, tho dom, ta fiva u".1;.1, 1-0 � f14.J;,-"_"*A,.,�01,,1. t1.,.,!t .�,� , ,�-,t.,,v '� .42�4,'X. t - 001vt Iwi' oil I a Mod for ove bar. , did not keep * alt,V' 1_,� 1"41, �.,'13, �,,­­ 'Wi�',,C6 fl.vr J,,ear1fkW"3 I � 1.z,,ft,,P.1 W"Id I "I suffered for tbirty-tight monthm, Weekly Avages of from $10.05 to $26.10 L .. I I 1. 1� their ftpTeefflOnt. ltc�elftly Mr. Myero , , 11 " , With tl�otr,'Idago, brt fAr"nigty Ilerv. !.�,"-1161_;', "pray rJoT .1ne3,_i;"-1'�1')�t1';,_ 4a" �; *�r'­J, 01 �J.,:�,, . Avith A pain in iny back. I took just ,vtle appear dh4proportionate to the skill te- at_ of Iff L visited London And was approached by M Iftads blio" 'k'UrJI(-41 tit" I.(I.' J�USII(4 f, (&t.lbly J'r_:Jt?A­JJ"L'�'A �'J I '13" ,_, I ll,,, 1441 f,��;h, f-� IM(! %P.',�fe;it C,,i;i). box of Doild's Ridney Pills and I have quirod. Migard's Lialincrit Cures 6 9 alws c2litsdistfi, who induced Mat to ve.etttab- Wrway out, Oin', thig d(pir tifter lip%. 1� � � ­ 11 . I 14#1r.- . 0 go t.ff,#r,y, ay,sl ,-oz L R�A? ca.* it earl'i ilever been troubled witi, thepalit since. The tTilited States Ilan beemila the Its i. the businem. Thus it is that Can - I 1MV,thOr JKttJJ4_-n1 -.1,1�141 ­- I , t-,, ., y * , C`,�,I!;,4, v06t-f"I agel Vill lentl 0, belping hand to -the up. hOr flifill Al 41 4 t,641 v3r� tzat I fl,A� 44�c 0 , ,�f,; . e,,�a 4 rwv��,�A ga!�I, 0W,r W,orq be- I silma reconimmi(lod ))odd's Kidney 11.Ws elzief Importer of diamonds, iVith nus& Ada V V I I � . A 'Trdilt id PtOtPed. ilil 'ngland, tho strikei—frvc�! I flot irl,t fwfll r IrPIG fl.14 .� I d-14" , 0� 1"", V.,qi:130p %V,,;�v,!,.4I t-,..v,,nr(J Vgjmw to -other 1)eopli,, who. oomplained ita I -d next, and 14-aned and B'jiglaild In th# bid , hig, of Industrial Ii, slk" wan Ilizoillvil that tile ((,*,*, � ;,Ais � 6 1), (Juago.) was otf,l ilk.'swo, altilitowdit ft 1.-om�l ". varelty Pit, ..you", � 'r *4,re.fA4 1 and litevery eane! file Pills did. their dutr arder namod. No doubt their inm%dsia The Myers Royal Spiee eompany bAv* . tot I .N�, 1". n'41C i lb o I ft ca'. �.�I,,, e) ; I , ,,�,, OT4 f'-', e, �;�O'?Ar,.I, 0 41W 1cought relief." popularity with Ain is in Plat duo to vr6helto 13111-Jisst before Uontint ban W41 I-econtly publish(Q ti votertuary st6ek , 10�� � I � ' L' � " , " 'L ...... i,,,, lybehad he sold Ito hoped he would Tnerit all to be lifting, -it fittlo, 'for mift lzi)(1m, � haixt to tlr�l .�­ttt ..A 14? I, ous diat&Keis of Q. I fig 'up un, � the vecogultiou 'of thoir dedrability, dii boys ill heaven. back, treating of the vari tt voW.d to I(T,V diffiOult to traeq '11b.) wet (it, kirallipcv, tty;;f,zli-,�, -v �i.tj L44 -s rd J,rq,�'e,, avo tf,'o P.wvl to 1154"'f, a Nvj,sh i% nometimo-a father to the ov) Investmeirt lhot liable, to great iffittil. dtlzzl� p(q"Did, - th? I all live Mock and the euros. This boolt Ue._Ne1V, ytitk lardile o B110--Ye.i, AW de boyajo'd dty of I$ 80�nt Ito 'd to ..tnV, One Writing thott gtL. bet In it. 11q, uo�-btin toylvpo, wer'l too muy It, ftyr kf��'k hmr,"t to 0,00,n� w;sl ftx) laiy to go to - thought, and xonnotinies It's even far- MAI fluduatl= It Vol .� idti, Ed ol&oould hAVOr fu4 . ... . With tho *We4 of ft A�vwn *1w UonlefOq Iong-trIM nervi,it, AfI I MW wt,,rk. th6t. I. W004. =Ophifii dybr In. Xluam Mills, '0A. or A Y, ! %, P 11