HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1904-11-10, Page 5Give nature three helps,'and nearly every ease of eon* sumption will recover. Fresh air, most important of a11. Cherry Pectoral Nourishing food comes next. Then, a medicine to control the cough and heal the lungs. Ask any good doctor. -I that uasQ Ay#Ca Cherry Federal 03 years ago. I have aeon terrible cases of lung die. egos% cured by it, I am never without it." ,4LYIfT (i, U&llZLTerd. Marlette, Ohio. 2fa.,Ses..,/1•fq. J. d). AYES: ON All drag b. for Lowell. Mali. Thursday, November to, 1904 TRE ININGRAM ADVA14-0E. BARGAIN AT CROWDER'S CRO W DER'S Big Out Price Removal Sale Ten days more for Out Prices before we move into our new Premises, '.i'his Sale bas been a success, Wo have bad new face's in our 401'0 every day. We have sent custolners away satisfied,. knowing they bad received Bargains, Don't lake our word for it. Come yourself and be convinced. BOYS' SUITS $2 00_,11: .logs' 2•pieco Tweed Suite sizes 22 to 28, regular price $3.00 anti $3.60-1totnovgl Sale ''rico $2,00 MEN'S SUITS $5.50_,10 only Men's Tweed Suits, sizes 31 to 4i -regular price C $7.6`0 and $8.00-1tomovaT Salo .Price $5.00 BOYS' PANTS 45c -8T pairs Boys' Tweed Pants, sizes 22 to 33. regular price C 05o and 75o - Tteinoval Salo Price r MEN'S PANTS 90c-26 Pairs Men's Tweed Pauts, all sizes, worth $1,.25 -Re - moral Salo Price 20o $3.00 BOYS' NORWAY REEFERS $2 39 17 only Boys' Navy Blue Beaver Cloth Norway Reefers, storm collars, double breasted, tweed lined, sizes 22 to 28, regular prise $3,00-ltomoval Salo Price $2,30 $S.00 PEA JACKETS $3.73 16 only Men's double breasted grey Frieze Pea Jackets (large storm collar) bins 31 to 41 ohest-Removal Salo Price $3.75 BIG SPECIAL CUT IN OVERCOATS. 11 only ulartl$8.5O Overcoats, some nCoats and'tumoval short lengths,isizes 30 to 4i, no two alike, $6,00 Big Bargains in Men's and Boys' Shoes. flargaius in all parts of the Store. The R.11. Crowder Co. 23 empty Packing Boxes for Salo. Largest and Best CENTRAL IN WESTERN ONTARIO . . STRATFORD. ONT. • This school enjoys tho reputation of doing tho best work in Business Educa- tion in the Dominion. Tho large schools in Canada and United States employ our graduates as teachers. We give tho same instruction to all and that the Best." Students may enter at any time. Write for ireo catalogue. ELLIOT'1' & MoLAoutaN, Principals tt Positive1.y .Free. Do you wash a New Suit? If so, buy it here, and we will keep it Pressed for six months Free of Charge. Our Suitings for Fall and Winter are matchless, in design and fabric, and we have a large stock to select from. Also a large range of Over - coatings in all the newest and best materials at right prices. Pantings to suit anybody. And say, if you are going to get a rain -proof coat, clo not buy a ready-made, until you see what we can make you one to order for. We give you all a PRESSING invitation to call. Robt. Maxwell High Art Tailor - Vtingham .Cook's Cotton Root Compound: Lathes, Favorite, Is the only Safe, relinbId regulator on which woman can depend. "in the bout and time of need." Prepared in two degrees of strength. No. 1 and No. 2. No. 1. -For ordinary cases 15 by tar the best dollar Medicine known. No. 2, ---For special cases -1Q degrees Stronger -three dollars per box. Ladies—ask your druggist for Confess Cotton Root Compound. Take no other as a11 pills, mixtures and imitations are dangerous. No. 1 and No, 2 are told anti recomrpended by all druggists in the tlO. (minion of Canada. Mailed to any addres$ on receipt of rice and four 2 -cent postage damps,. Wile lCploia pWimnpdaor, Ont. Sold In Wingham by A. I. McColl & Co., A. L. Hamilton, W. MoKibbou-Druggists PROMPTLY SECURED Write for our interesting books "Invent- or's Help" and "How you aro swindled,"t Send us a rough sketch or model of your in- vention or Improvement and we will tell you iroe our opinion us to whether it is probably' patentable. Rejected applications have often. been successfully prosecuted by us. Wel conduct fully equipped oflicea in Montreal, and Washington ; this qualifies us to prompt -I ly dispatch work and quickly secure Patents. aa broad as the invention. Highest references furnished. Patents procured through Marion & Ma- rion receive special notice without charge in, over loo newspapers distributed throughout, the /feminism. Specialty t—Patent business ut Manufac- turers and Ittigiheern. MARION & MARION Patent Mi:xperts land Solioitorat. Offices t .f New York Life IPIdi, 17ontreal the RIvg,Wabh ngt n D.O. SO YRAtIS.. gXPIE RIENGtf PATENTS, TRAGIC MARKS D TE &C.ESIGNS 14H CCMYR Anyone sending a sketch And nes & lotion null gntokt ascertain our bopiAnnion free whether an none e;Mail* eonsdonne . Handbook on Patentts sent free, most money for seeurintt %teats. Patents taken through Munn &Co. receive Wet:U.16 o, without oharge, IA tho S knttf k Rmnertcan. Ab beldame!), illustrated 'Weekly. ?dirket& oir. (motion of any. 'denude lonrnar, Terme, $3 a bar • fear months, $1. Bold by an newsdealers: i Nit LCo 9BIDroallw,y, New fgrk 0 orf, gm T B$., 1'aldtlattoa, . , PHOTOGRAPHS?? t Notice our Groups -all sizes, large or small. They will please you. We can also frame them for you. Did you notice the Frames ? For Photos, etc„ call at ZURBRIGG'S STUDIO WINOHAM THE CANADA BUSINESS COLLEGE CHATHAM, ONT. Is unquestionably Canada's greatest business school. No other school gets such results. It is now current talk throughout the coun- try that the student who wants the best train- ing and a good position when graduated must attend this school. 250 students placed in year 191000. 02 375 " " " 1903. If those were placed in picayune positions worth $3 or $4 por week, tho showing would not be worth tho apace in this paper that it takes to toil it. But when the salaries aver- aged over $600 por annum, a few of them over 1000, the public should know that no other business school in Canada publishes such lists and gots suoh RESULTS. Many of our former graduates are now com- manding salaries from $2500 to $1000 annually. pay SHOULD IT NOT BE You 7 Wo Good boyour rd in Chatham, $2.e 50 to $2.75. For the handsomest catalogue published by any business school in Canada, write D. McLACIILAN & CO., Chatham, Ont, THAT'S THE PLACE TO GO. which re -opens Sept. 01,h. Take the Commercial or the Shorthand Course. Terms reasonable. Send for College journal. C. A. FLEMING A. L. McINTYRE President Seo'y. Winghain Machine ANIS Cleneral Repair Shop IN now re -opened, and I have secured the services of a man of over 20 years experience in all lines of mill and farm machinery, also bicycles, guns, sewing machines, clothes wringers, lawn mowers, umbrellas, saws gummed and filed, keys made to order, scissors and hair clippers sharpened, etc. A trial solicited. W. G. PATON NEW Grocery Store. CROCKERY and CHINA, FLOUR and FEED, of all kinds. Cash for Butter and Eggs. phone a1. W. F. VanStone WANTED. A Loral Salesman for Wintrbam, Ont., and surrounding territory to represent "CANADA'S GREATEST Nt'UsEtuES." Rawly Nowost varieiies, and specialties in y Fruits, Small Fruits, Shrubs, Ornamentals, and Roses. A permanentsituation, and ter- ritoryreonrted for the right man. ray weekly iiandsomo outfit free, Write for particulars and send 256 for our pocket Ing trees and plants form ectspb in 'oxaunim STONE & WELLINGTON Foothill Nurseries Oyer 800 acres) TORONTO - ONTARIO (64e"jt Inoljnin bbante THTEO. HALL, P1LOPIiIATOlt. (Rays (4truts -Alexander Howe has sold lis farm on the 3rd con„ Wallace, for $7,200, •---Jae. Blown has sold his farm on con, 2, Grey, and purchased another in McKillop near Walton, -The town of Palmerston carried by-Iaws by large majorities to extend the municipal electric Iight plant and to the Public Library building. -Patrick Major, a Bruce farmer, is exhibiting some yellow metal which he discovered on his farm. He be- lieves it is gold and will send. it to the Government essayist at Ottawa. -A large majority of the councils of the rnuniciplllities of Bruce county have declared against the present sy stein of county councils and the mat- ter will he submitted to the ratepayers at the municipal elections in January 1900. -Stewart Bros. of Molesworth have sold their threshing outfit to Henry Campbell who will finish out the sea- son. They have also sold their patent cutting box and threshing machine attachment to a company for the snug sum of $5000. .LThe Iar'gest tobacco factory in the world is that belonging to the French Government at Lille, It turns out 50,000 tons a year. Belgium and Hol- land smokes 34 ounces of tobacco a head, Germany 48 ounces, and Eng- land only 24 ounces. - The Hay Branch Agricultural So- ciety have purchased ten acres from Mr. S. Rennie, east of the village of Zurich, and will have it converted in- to a new show grounds, They will build a half -mile track on it. The old grounds are too srnall. -The Rev. J. Truax, of Eden Grove, lost a valuable horse the other day, one that he would not have taken less than $200 for: In jumping over a wire fence, the horse got tangled up in it, and fell on its head. The poor brute lingered a few days but had evi- dently been hurt internally. -A gang of citizens in Grand Val- ley charivaried a newly married couple to an alarming extent the other night, going so far as to pelt the house with eggs, rotten fruit and stones and to apply smarting oint- ments to the bridegroom's horses in the stable. • Information was laid against 12 of those who took part in the charivari, and they paid a fine of $2 and costs each. Stratford, Nov. 3. - Highwaymen held up George Gastrell and his wife on the street between ten and eleven last night and relieved them of a small sura of money and a watch. A later attempt to burglarize Gastrell's store was unsuccessful. Some time during the night an entrance was forced to the bar of the Ontario House and the cash register, containing abort six dollars, was carried off bodi- ly. The culprits are supposed to be the same in each case. -Regarding the cement industry at Attwood, the "Bee" says :-The work of erecting the main building of the Cement Co., is progressing rapidly. A gang of 12 men are busily engaged erecting the walls, while four men are at work in the gravel pit, loading the dump cars, which are then drawn by horses to the centre of the building, and the gravel clumped off just op- posite the cement mixing machine. When finished, the works will prove not of great interest but also of great utility, to the residents of Attwood and vicinity. -A. terrific explosion occurred in Lion's Head, Bruce county, on Thurs- day, that surprised the inhabitants. The acetylene gas generator behind the Royal hotel was left open, and the gas that escaped was ignited by a lighted match in the bar -room. Lt. Col. A. E. Belcher was in that neigh- borhood, and those who rushed to the spot found him crawling about upon his hands and knees on the cement sidewalk in a semi -dazed condition. The hotel sustained damage that will take several hundred dollars to repair. The back part of the building was blown out, as well as the front walls being bulged out of plumb. Windows upstairs and downstairs were broken, plaster was torn off walls and ceilings, and upstair floors were torn up. A. couple of men were beside the genera- tor when the explosion happened, and were thrown against the wall of, the room, but sustained no injury. The large mirror behind the bar suffered No hurt, while strange to say the bot- tles arrhyed along in front of it were all clearly cut off at the necks. What Is Catarrh ? It is an inflammation of the mucous lining of the throat, bronchial tubes and nasal passages excited by germs that exin only be destroyed by fra- grant healing Catarrhozoue which is breathed direct to the scat of the trouble, and lista never r yet failed to cure. Pleasant to use, asolute.y cos- taiu to cureCatar borons always gives satisfaction. "I suffered from nasal catarrh so badly that I could not breathe through Any nostrils, Writes G. K. Wilmot of Meriden. I used Catarrhozono for a few minutes and was relieved. It eured in a short tinge." No other remedy just like Cata,rrhozone, --it's the best, Two rnontits' treatment $1.00 ; trial :size $ti ate, Clinton. Rev. MI'. Magee, late et Qoderich, asetunee the pastorate of the Clinton and Base Iaiue Baptist churches this week. There are three eases of typhoid fever at Mr. If. HIR',, supposed to have been contracted from a visitor from Michigan. Oa Sunday afternoon last the abode of the local Chinese laundrymen WAS entered and twenty dollars stolen, together with the bulbs on two of the electric lights. The thieves have not yet been apprehended, but suspic. ion points to their indentity. The sale of yearling and two year old steers and heifers held last Satur. day at Mr. Ferran's stables was fairly well attended, but the prices bid were anything but good for *the owner. There were 71 head in the lot ; some were purchased last spring for $85 but went for $25 after feeding then% all summer, The prices ranged front $15to$30, Between five and six o'clock last Thursday evening smoke spread through Hodgens Bros, clothing store. Nothing serious was thought of it as it was supposed that fault lay with the furnace, but an hour afterwards it was found that there was a fire in the basement in reality. The brigade was called out and the flames quickly extinguished, but the stock has been considerably damaged by smoke, The fire is supposed to have originated from an electric wire. On Wednesday last there passed away to its eternal rest the spirit of Mrs. Clendenning, at the age of 103 years or there -abouts. This remark- ably long lived lady had the admires tion and respect of all who made her acquaintance during the four years she bad been a resident with her step -daughter, Mvs. Wm. Cante- Ion, Albert street. Her former home was at Walton, where she resided for a number of years. Her husband pre- deceasecLz,.her some 17 years ago. She possessed wonderful vitality, as is evidenced by her age, and though feeble from old age, she could do a great deal fop herself to within a few days of her death, and her mind was quite active for one so old. THE ASSIZE COURT. (Goderich Star.) The fall session of the High Court of Justice opened on Monday before Mr. Justice Idington, of Stratford. There was a full docket of civil suits, but there were no criminal cases, hence there were no grand jurors called, and His Lordship got a pair of white kid gloves. The first ease called was Burton vs. Lockridge-an action to recover on a promissory note, was by consent postponed till next non -jury sitting of this county. R. Vanstone for deft. Burton vs. Campbell -an action to recover a balance of account, was ad- journed to the same county court sitting. McDonald vs. Mclven-an action for slander. An application for postpone- ment till next session of this court was granted, the plaintiff to be at lib- erty to amend her statement of claim within 14 days from this date, upon payment of the costs of the day forth- with after the taxation thereof, or within said 14 days. Defendent to have eight days to plead to amended statement. R. Vanstone for plff. Jowett vs. Mustard --an action to compel defendant to complete the pur- chase of lancl,.was postponed by con- sent till the sitting of the high court in Goderich on December 19th. Dick- inson & Garrow for plff. Ashfield vs. County of Huron -an action for damages through loss by the spring flood at Port Albert, was postponed till December 19th. Dick- inson Garrow for defts. Fluker vs. Kennedy -an action for seduction, was tried by jury and lasted one hour, when the jury retired, and one hour Iater returned with a verdict for plaintiff and damages $1000, and His Lordship directed that judgment be entered for plaintiff for that sum and costs on the High Court scale. E. L. Dickinson and Dudley Holmes for plff. Fitzsimmons vs. G. T. R. -an action to recover compensation for injury to person while on a journey to Buffalo, was by consent postponed till Decem- ber 19th. Dickinson & Garrow for Hefts. Hutchison vs. Long -an action for slander, ended by the jury* bringing in a verdict for plaintiff for $40, 1.3. L. Dickinson for deft, Sharpin vs, Bennett -an action for slander, was postponed till the High Cotn't at Stratford on November 7th, R. Vanstone for deft, Huron & Bruce Loan Co. vs. Evans --an action to compel a sale of land, was postponed till the sitting in Gode- rich on December 19th. Dickinson & Garrow for deft. Wright vs. G. T: R. -an action for damages for injuries sustained while travelling on the company's cars, wits adjourned till next session of this court with a jury. Dickinson & Gar- row for lefts. Nicholson vs. McIntosh -An action for breach of promise of marriage, was also transferred to the court to be held in Stratford On the ifith inst. action comp I toto Irwin vs. I w --nu pet the performance of an agreement, was settled by defendant agreeing to pay $02.1 without costs. Dickinson .rs Holmes for plff., R. Vanstone for deft. Standish vs. Turner -i111 action to recover some account books, was post- poned to December 10th. li. Vanstone for plaintiff, Consumption Health demands dailyaction of the powels. AIH. nature with Ayer_ PIIIs. --Herbert Lamprey, aged about 22 years, took a dose of formaldehyde on Monday and came very nearly cross- ing the bar. This happened at a threshing at Alfred Tebbutt's of the Huron Road, Goderich township. One of the men found a bottle of formaldehyde and as a joke passed it around among those present with the invitation to "have something," . The bottle passed from one to another without any of them touching it until it came to Lamprey who, supposing it was only water, took a "swig" be- fore he could be stopped. He dropped at once and it was only after emetics had been used that he came to. He was then taken to town for medical treatment and has now about recover- ed from the effects of the dose -[Clin- ton News -Record. A Study Of Old Age Reveals the fact that the blood is usually thin and lacking in the strengthening properties of young folks' blood. If you want to fill your blood with the fire of youth, build up your strength, restore your nerves, just use Ferrozone. Its the most potent tonin known and will renew the flickering flame of an aged life by imparting nourishment to enfeebled organs. Ferrozone fortifies weak sy- stems, feeds the blood, brain and nerves with new life. Try Ferrozone. Price 50c. per box. FARM FOR SALE. Parts of Lots 7 and 8, Con. 11, Turn - berry, comprising 100 acres, SO cleared, 10 acres of hardwood, balance cedar; well fenced with cedar; spring creek, two wells, stone house, bank barn, stone pig -pen. Farm is 0 miles from Wingham, convenient to school, post - office and church. Terms easy. Ap- ply on the premises to RICHARD WALLACE, 52- Glenannan P. O. Farm For Sale. 103 acres, adjoining Wingham; 75 acres under cultivation ; good house and new barn. Splendid opportunity. Exceptional bargain. Address ALFRED ELLIOTT, 9-12: Wingham For Sale or Rent. The undersigned offers for sale pr rent, his • house and lot in Lower Wingham. The lot consists of 7 acres of laud. For further particulars, ap- Iy to II. M. WEEKS. Farm For Sale. In the Township of Usborne, being Lot 13, Con. 2, consisting of the best 100 acres of land in the township, well fenced and in good state of cultivation. Good brick lyouso and frame barn, convenient to school, church and market, being only two miles from Exeter. For further particulars apply to D. 0. Mc- Innes, Exeter, or Thomas Biggins, Wingham P.O., executors of tho estate of B. I. Higgins, deceased, or to Gladman & Stanbury, solici- tors, Exeter. DR. OPENS OF LONDON SURGEON, OCULIST, SPECIALIST. Diseases Eye, Ear; Noso and Throat. Visits Winghatn monthly. GLASSES PITTED PROPERLY. NASAL CATARRH and DEAFNESS treated. Wingham office at McKibbon's Drug Store. London office -225 flacon's ave.; hours 11 a.m. to 8 p.m. Dates of visits -Mondays - Feb. 1, Feb. 29, Mar. 28. May 2, May 30, June 27, July 25, Sept, 5, Oct. 3, Oct. 31, Nov. 28. ROBT. 11. GARNISSz BLUEVALE - ONT. Auctioneer for Huron County Terns reasonable. Sales arranged for at the office of the WINGHAM ADVANCE. W. A. CURRIE WINottAD1'S AUCTIONEER. Why go out of Town for au Auetioneer, when your wants Can be supplied at home. Canadian Order Woodmen of The World CAMP NATIONAL, 13i Bold their regular mectiugs every 2nd and 4th Friday each month. in Oddiellowa' Hall All visitors weleomo, It, MAxwsI4, (7, C. 1t. 11, CROWDER, Clerk Tar Lo AND MRTA4 CI.EANER e0MBINtil The only patented Polish in the World. No ISust, No Dirt, NoSmoke, No Sme% vOntains no benzine ar other explosives, PiULVO makes more polish and lasts longerthan any other, PICC 10a, All AU GROCERS Slim Prices, tout Wines The Leading Store Swill quick Ratu e OUR PRICES Make Us Busy. Bargain sale of fall goods will be continued. Be sure and thld out Our Prices before buying anything in Furs, Jackets, Clothing, Blankets, Quilts, Underwear, Carpets, Rugs, Curtains, Skirts, etc., etc. We Buy to Sell Cheap, Our Success is built On our Bargains A few specials in Furs and Jackets FURS. LADIES' FUR COATS. -- Well made, and lined with beavy Farmer's Satin, nice fine even curl, will give good satisfaction. Our prices are $20.00, $25, $30, $35, 937.50, $40, 945. LADIES' GREENLAND SEAL COATS. - Lined with heavy satin, high collar, guaran- teed to give excellent wear. Our prioe $35.00. OAPERINES.-We're show- ing pretty styles in Seal, Astra- chan, Thibet, and Combination Furs. See our special at $6.50 RUFFS. -A large assortment of Ladies' Ruffs in Sable, Thibet, Coney, Coon, Oppossum, Seal, etc. Prices $1.50 up to $25.00. CAPS.-A1I sizes. Fur Caps. Pretty curls in Persian -Lamb, Grey Lamb, Astrachan, eto. See our leader at $3.00. JACKETS. LADIES COATS, - Three- quarter length, semi -fitting back, in Grey, Blank, or Fawn. Our special cut price $8.50, GIRLS' COATS. -All sizes, nicely made, in Blue, Brown or Green, plain or flaked cloth. Prices begin at $2.50. LADIES' SHORT COATS. -- To clear. They are not this year's style but are good strong serviceable Coats, To clear at $2.75. LADIES' HEAVY BLACK CLOTH COATS. - With high Collar and Cape, latest style. Oar special price $7.00. LADIES' TOP SKIRTS in the best cloths, full wide make, nicely made and trimmed. Prices are $2.50, $3.00, $3.50, $4.00, $4.50 and $5.00. 11. E. Isard & Co, Opp. Bank Hamilton Highest Price Paid for Produce malsommusemornami Pine Tailoring Tailoring is our business and it would please us exceedingly if you would step in for a look at the elegant new Overcoatings, Suitings, Trouserings, etc., for fall and winter wear. The patterns are the handsomest that weavers' wits could produce. Come in to see the New Ideas and talk the matter over with us . . Quoting prices for Tailoring means NOTHING as you know, but what you can get for your money is EVERYTHING. The best dressers in this community are our steady patrons, and if you favor us with yourorder, you will be in the hands of skilful tailors. Come in for a look and a talk at any rate. I-IATS AND CAPS. Iu Hats and Caps we have all the latest styles and when you need anything in this line yon should not buy elsewhere before seeing our big range to choose from. Price -50c to $3.00. New Underwear, Ties, &c., arriving daily. HOMUTH R S TAILORS AND GENTS' FURNISHERS Furniture When you are in need of anything in the Furniture line, it will be worth your while to drop in and see us. Our stock is large and varied, and our prices are very reasonable. No trouble to show goods. Walker Bros. 6 Button Do You Wish a Visitor? For 15 cis. The Wingham Advance will visit you regularly every week, from now until the lst of January, 1905. Try it