HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1904-11-10, Page 2religions people. "Thee .bave if:weaken .
ganday SCtioa.,,trlieLicrodl.0;o4bily runiiioutzutly4isititierailie; i
ampepeo ) their lark easeitit 'thek very aota of
t devetiem a w , tip are eateeecli of-
"IllatN41")1414 "Slii)/4 NO. 11111 i tare:atle; all Are egirdine ett '
ISIOVICKlatelki,U0. 100& better than sacrifice" (I. Sain. v.* 22).
We fear that Judah hats tepreeentatives Toronto Farmere Market&
oadatea mean, to eueae.,,eae haeotteo, to -day in those who would. like te be
eonsidered Christians, but who will mit 'ay! ele 10i:eerie a; faiehaaia atiatanae4
Conemeuta1. ry.-The superseriptsm
ion ' itten toe be Made! Cheist.like in 1 char- id et ehoice cereel wee. wheat sold at er 8_
tv. 11. 1. The ligioll-A, titte eppiyieg water, who live in the indulgence of ,g.,40_,41,411. of, vincto At,,.‘„,03;a40.,,?Ltale; 1 il ree
ta,,v that **tire hook of propinenee, "Mow known since, either emelt or open, and k'41,„°: rer igBlIZaritAtirno'riaaaaa
wao, perhaps, with all the rest of their felling at 60 to lc. Ga s ,
if 600 bushels at 37 to 37lic. RY°0 hilfher. a
wrong dolma oppose true Itolineee.
What er;09a4flil plight. to be in. to 19Vidiritteacr ell birrattiles la fair,'
pray ana have the Lord turn. away from tipwiceple dairy butter sold to at generally uechanged prices.i
Was an Agent in New York Chinese
them. :lie that turneth sevaa lite ear tat 20 2ze perk
n trire ctligitlenfkgaulOr i?Iri Ib; 1" cluen't of the Parkhurst Society.
from bearing the law, even lue prayer
shall ba abontieetioa" (Prey. xxvill., el gem% Do; amc telecom 18 to 20c iirrig: "I'l
bold at MO to 411.50 for UmeLllY, and at
Zecla via lla Pea. lxvio. 114. Prose Vie liar quiet at unchanged prices; 10 loads,
onock DUCK 3AY DIE.
'Market Reports
The Week.
or written during the rooms herein Mau -
tamed. The word denotee buportiat"
Ural Ottreeptiou, tevetetioa,
proplumy; ttere taken collectiveia lot a
100411 poohooioo.--modotea,Vam. lee-
istb-Of his origin nothing le positively
knetarn beyon4 what batted in thie
verse. Ns mune ineene "The elarsitioa
ot Jeatorelaa His home ht demise -
let*. ale exereased the« prophetleal of-
ilee about; Patty rats: Traditiov toile
U s that he queered martyrdeni, being
�awzt asunder at the hende of Manakeelo
of Judah. wThe. *tory itt that he
wee plionel within a, rifted cedar, tree,
and then tree Ana prophet were sawn in
two letigthWile.;" HOY. xi., 13.7., meky be
an to it. Concerning Judah, etc.
-Other nations are alao the subjects of
bis propheoies, but enly.ste they -lead. a
hearing °lathe Jews. alsinake-Calied Paso
Azatialua Isaiah began to prophoey near
the dose of Unitas.% regin (chap. 0, 1).
II, A rebellious people (vs. 2, 3). 2.
Rear, etc.---Ileaven and earth are ap-
pealetd to and Are aaked to listen as wit-
neseees The Lord -The Hebrew is de -
'Lovell. a. name considered sleeted that
4 was itover uttered. by the Jews, the
word Lord being used in its stead. Have
ete.-God awl Cared for Israel
from their .infency. Notice, "1. The
Fetberhood, oof God, 2. The wickedness
et man. 3, Thnpurpose of divine OW
tisement." /lave rebelled -This would
ittelude three things: "1. The sin Of
idolatry. 2. 33reaking the inOral law. B.
Rejeetion, eof tlite prophetic Meseage,"
3, OX taioweth, ete,-The ingratitude of
Cied's people is rebuked by the fidelity
hon by the &nub itnimale to their
keepers. Dotb. not know -My peoplet
lutes -lost trztowledge of Ints and do not
receigulge aa their rightful miner..
• A eorrupt people (vs. 4-9), 4. Ah
-The same as alasi .The exclamation
deflate; scratmi. Seed'of evildoers--Ofts
spring or race of witildoers. Compare
Meta. net eae eohreptere-Stoi
R. V. "The word denotes! violence -
Bannister., Have provoked, ete,-The
real3taeaning is brought mit in theaRe.
eased Version. Backward -They had de-
spised and forealieu Goa. Thia oorichict
is (1) criminal end (2) inexcusable, but
{el common. . tiee
5. Why -It is doubtful whether the
question hi Hebrew is, a'For wbat rea-
son," or "uponi what part," will ye be
stricken? The sense is, Why permit your-
eelyea to be smitten more? Ye will ta-
vola:HI-See $iek....faint-In this
#gure the oation, ia«meant. The moral
condition -of 'the people is represented
by a body sorely wounded and sick unto
death. 6. No hotuidness--Here we see
the desperate' moral state of God's &cl-
ean people. Priests and prophets, eub-
jects and viers were ell involved. "Net
a spot in the 'ohm& body politic was
7. Yana country -a -The fignustive lan-
guage is now dropped. . Desolate -Notice
bow nearly every word corresponds to
the oursee threatened in Lev. 26 and
Mut, 28. Strangers devour -In thief verse
we see the terrible devastation and oy-
pression that waist° oome or bad already
come, upon them from foreign conquer-
ors. 8. Daughter of Zion -The chinch -
God's people. Zion was the strong hill
of Jerusalem, an which the King's pabtee
was built. The term Zion is frequently
used 'imitatively, sometimes inesininea all
Jerusalem and sometiines God's Israel -
the church. Cottage.... lodge -These
were erected as a temporary. shelter
for tkoee who guar•ded the vines and
oucumbere from robbers.. and ani-
roals. After the harvest these would be
left. 9. Small remnant -By remnant
Isaiah means the righteous, bi distinc-
tion Irene the multitude of the ungodly.
Had it not been for the few godly ones
the nation would bave been 'wiped out
as were Sodom and Gomorrah.
IV. Reformation demanded (vs. 10-17).
In verses 10-15 the prophet shows -how
utterly valueless aro their prayers and
religious ceremonies while they still eon-
tinue in their ungodly practices. 16.
Wash ye -What God desiree a, thor-
ough moral reformation. The allusion
here is doubtlees to the injunction on
priests. who, on paia of death (Exod-
xxx. 19-21), were required to wash their
hands and feet before they, ministered at
the altar.
Chinese Attempted tth Rescue With
° Drawn Revolvers.
8). To bli Ito cruel, mean, proud, worldly, es to ss tor mem favi
selflab, coyetoue ma hopootteot that the lo PAM a ton, ii.
Lord will not look in tamp upon Ile Dressed hose are
when we pray, "Bo that even the very teire,11.111.41111,11t; 1
highest occasions of religious worship Dcr., red, 13'40131%
are abiniecl,, tied made me offenee unto Do., spring, bush
Straw is quoted at
unchanged at ;US 10' Tame Celebration of the Tenth Anniversary
. 1 05 to 0 00
,• .„ • 00 OS
God," this le slirely a dreadful experi. •bguogiohseeof tne Accession of the Czar.
I to l, bush .
• -- .3 11 g
„, -.ani New York, Nov. 7,-.11 shooting affray .
,;..,:...... 100 60,14 ro 1°1 ft. binder outrageo of the San Francisco
The man under arreat is Lee aing, a
, .. .. 8 00 to 0 00 Chinese quarter, which occurred ill
13 00 to 12 "6k Chinatown early to -day, may result in fellow Chivarnan about two years ago,
Mock was tried for the murder of a
el ... .„ *50 to 7 at the death of Mock Duck, one of the most but was acquitted. Immediately after
” - - e 00 to 1 asf meat M. the loaal Chinese colony. Meek Ms release from prison he became active
in the Ohilicee quarter in co-operation
With the Parkhurst Society. 13y tbis
..., •••• :: 46 00u4 too 2 Se1 prominent nienabers of the reform de-
s 00 to 704
25 to 4 75t
artily .
eine. But this is the cause; they do not
"lift up holy hands," their bands are Ya. bushel
stained with Wawa The hands stand for etie, bushe, to
actions, deeds. What Bball be done? Ya thateeT la,
Shall they wait for further punishment„ htria, per tOe
or until a more favorable time, or for Sege0s,„,-,. No, bush
the Dar& to come and iniraeoloway Br guitar
their Sins away from there Rol They rm.': Isle: 3: buehel
must repent in the practical manner Thel clover
hese pointed out. 'Wash you, make yon ataleaaPlahe "
a hunting knife with 'a 13Iado eight
SO to 0 tio with many features resembling the Higla- inches Iona,
clean, put naval the evil of your deluge ries, per bbl. .. 0 75 to
from before mine eyes." Put away the tea per dozen o es to
utter, dairy ...... o le to
evil out of yoor soma busineee mid po. Boa creamery . .• 0 21 to
litical life. ghtekens swim per 0 10 to
' "Come now"; you ate by this time., in a ucks, ier lb. ,. .• • If/ 1/ 0 09 to
is unreasonable, insane; "roadnese is in reys, per lb. .... .. ... .. (2 le to
gitaeget pirer4t7 .... 4. ' r) 7 101
reasonable mood. The impenitent -sinner
hie heart." He ie rebellious and blinded Oaulittower, per doz.eh .. :. o so to
by his own wild passions, "Come now" ; unions, per bag .. .. .. .: 1 00 til
you are where the Lord can consistently g:147,b?neltiutztee% ' : , ' . " ... ,(/) &I to
do sometbing for you. As bad as tbe ma, forequarters .. :; :. 4 50 to
eaSe has been,. and aggravate& by their „Do,. ehele,e eareole.,,,.. ** " gl (5)0° lap
prefeseious 0 piety, if; they will forsalce kitt6IneZuloaAlc.a::-. ..** " i 60 iii
their eta 'Nettie and contritely come to veal, ael• cwt. .. .....; :: 7 60 to
God, they elm, and will be grandly Lambs, per cwt. .. .. .. .. 7 Oo to
cleansed. e.na rfrified. The deepest Toronto Live Stock,
deed iniquities. can be purged from the
beert. Receipts of live stock' at the city nettle
0 bogs,
The only cliange In price': was for . hogs,.
FIGHTS aoqvrenotr. Which sold 10e lower, sheets« 44.80, and.lighte
and fats 44.65 per cwt.
" B. MurPhY, commission sales agent, sold:
Lost, Big VIVA W'-ife by. Consumption, 66 istetl;'s,111600 Iles,. eettach14 5148,35132:3650:P7r biTtvethl
Now Trying to Save His Second. 1 load feeders to Blora.
ere' !lettere, $00 Vol :each ,at 3245. Shipped
J G. Dawes Thedford sold a few spring -
Boston. Masi., Nov. 7. -Living in ere' of choice qiiallty en li`riday. •
tents at lafelropa «
- Erighlands la a fa11117- . " ' tondoil Rog Prices.
tion. one, reports prices for live hogs delivered'
The Genedieu Recklat co,. of London,.
which is eUeceeefullY fighting consume, -
thought out with regard to the necessity liglits and fate at $4.40 per Mt 4
13titiSh Cattle Markets,
for air, plenty of air, fresh air all the I
time. The peak ofothe tent ia open, with i1/2
uktodoill41..7oviirsti5ie-b-iiiL,tvrlee014.,ciagtteotritaniviarceqeeutoteadt 1)..ot
:downdeside, Windows are cut in the side to .9%e per 11r;
sveatherflape secured by halliards leading
Chairmen of both State Central com«
mittees toetay 'expressed their email.
donee of terrains the State for both lia•
and hatte tiekots. Eath
Ilan ale° stated that the auccees of hie
party will deeend in a large Illeaellre
upon the size of the pluralities given by
the eitzea in which. the so-called labor
vote will be heavy.
In three tales!, 13ritigepora Derby and
Stamford, the general eleetion is compli-
cated with a poll for municipal officers.
WIWas wayleid lite he was passing through work Mock lied gained the enmity. of
0 22 Pell street, and one of two bullets: fired many 0 his fellow eountrymen, ;twist
0 25. at him lodged. in his abdomen, Making whom the work of the society was. di.
o re meted, and he bad frequently been
0 10
an extremely dangerous wound. threatenea with death. . •
a la When bis alleged assailant, who was
1 60 captured as bee was running deem Pell ' The Czar's Accessitiii.
o ea
a oo St. Petersburg, Nov. 7 (Special). -
t 35 street, was baling taken to the patrol
8 50, box. by a pelgeman, the couple were There was, little attempt to -day to
celebrate, except at a, perfunctory way,
0 40
6.60 suiaxemded by 'three other Chinamen the tenth anniversary of the accession
8 ea with drawn revolvers, demanding the re- of Enaperor Nicholas, The imperial
T 25.
6 00 family attended a' Te Daum at the Casio
8 60 lease of tae prisoner. The situation was Cathedral, and there were services in all
7 °0 becoming serious, when a dozen police tbe churches. Later the troope were
'reserves arrived, and the policeman and paraded, the theatres gave free °Alibi-
. primmer backed up in a doorway,. the tains to the school children, and there
Were music and other holiday displays
in the parks. But on account of the war
and the 'anxiety regarding the situation
A Port Arthur, everytlaieg wits on a.
.small scale, ,
LAWSON H. MULUOLAND. tarket were 8 cars, 11 cattle, 31 sheep and
Everything about the camp has been thgrorPatigniie ne:1161:;Ztrinebegg415,1aCiiitid
Leading Wheat Markets.
wtills of canvas, and these are not, glitzed,1
Deo. • May. •
but filled svitla mosquito nettina. a Minneapolis ... ... ... ... .. 31.13,1 41.141/s
Duluth ... .. . .... ... ... ...LIM 1.131i
The kitchen tent contains a range, an. rzib.,.......,....„,„............. iii, ea
oil stove for me When the heat 01.a range Et...1,00., ........ .... ... ..... oi LA
is not needed, an ice chest and a mixing t T!°. •*" *" *** - '''
table. Water is piped to within fifty feet I ' . • Applarkets.
e M
and a topped sink draM leads to a mese/ zliamootiadtat ez Co., ot aieerpooa cabled Men
pool'. No house wife in the cottages whose iiiii_c_;_an_d_.„000grad• bblus.y sold; maeket opened
roofs can be seenall around on the lower lid to is decline." weaknneili closing :wire
fortable this summer, cookiug in a hot paawinsIrtdoeirsnedd ;°°Glirtetinlig ;eV; st"11.13t
"I lost my wife and two children six- ' 'um' izs to les .
Boyd; Barrow & Co., ot Glasgow, cabled:
ten years aga from tubereulosisaa says Our market has an upward tendenoy; i'76 ad.:
the proprietor of the camp, "simply he. • vise consignments,
1 The Cheese Markets.
cause I didn't know, They bad the best
doctors I could hear of and they took the ia.,/woihi. 14
ordinary remedies then prescribed for tehaa:-/ aaa' whet" tober cheese: Sales -700
. .
Noy. 3. -To -day. there were of-.
cousumption-nod liver oil, hypoolice- at me, to at 10 1,162
phites, trips South and the like. But all cewousvilhe Nov. 5. -Cheese oales-2°aV
epil_Bro_s„_11.7 cheese .at 95Se, and 95 at 9.
the tender care they could have dia not • ene,cil-mignareon, 2213 at eat; Chum -Lens -
save them. The doctors finally said, 1 1 ; 147 boxes butter and BO
'Well, you know, it is consumption, and ' bc""'s cheese, held over.
Watertown ,N. 1r,. Nov. 5. -Large white
slopes. of the hill has been half so cone End Manchester reek Brokers itemited.
kitchen, as the tent dweller on the crest. Bytes, izs to Ise; Russets, 12f; '6d 540° nal
that is incurable. •1,315 boxes, 1036, to 10%,e, small, white,
°Eight years ago I ran a boys' camp taura rartabla ?treaeuhliaaegeaara
on Lake Winnipeenultee. A gna of eigheto mrAo.
teen came to tbe camp suffeemg from „„aoroir.
cicointar'ed;noNny'5.e-agsef;ertnidell, were eiand
consumption. She had been given up by
9eSe. Next market, Nov. 12th.
her doctors, who said sae might as well canton, et Y., Nov. 5. -Butter, 23300;
cheese, twins, 1034e.
Bradstreet's on Trade.
Bradstreet's advices say: The whole -
die at the lake as anywhere, and told
her to have as good a time as possible
during the three months allotted to her.
She took no mechenies, but in eight weeks gale trade at Montreal generally reports
gained fourteen pounds. Later she spent it fair business doing, although the ac-
e year under at. doctor's care, but made tivity in no line is at all marked. Trade
no 'perceptible. gain. She is living with renting orders generally are fair. Consid-
us here now, and 'he made good progress
erable shipments are still being made:
each summer. If I had known how to .There has been some improvements in
treat coneuinption and bad got this case temittencee during the past week. Com -
earlier in its progress, I could have cured plaints are general regarding city condi-
her entirely.
officer holding back the three armed
Chinamen. The would-be rescuers fled.
when the reinforcements arrived. Near
the scene of the shooting the police found.
a revolver with a twelve -inch barrel and
'Four years ago my second wife de-
veloped tubereuloeis. She lived four
months in the State sanitoeium. at Ruta
17. Cease ........learn -Note the land. Since than she and all of us have
order bete; before we ean "do well° we lived in tents from the first -of May to
must "cease. eviL" Seek judgment the first of November -each year. My
-Or justice. Instead of seeking bribes twin youngsters have never spent a sum -
and perverting justice, as was the corn- mer indoors.
num practice, they were to peek to do "My wife is practically ettred; the
justly. Relieve the oppressed -This other case has benefited so much from
verb should be translated "set right." outdoor life that her relatives will not
The condition of the oppressed, the one believe now that the is afflicted.
unjustly dealt with, must he set right. "The expense of this sort of life need
But the Revised Version, margin, ren- not be great. There are plenty of hin-
ders this 'Set right the oppressor"; tops round about Boston within reach
that it, "restrain hiin withitt the bounds by a five cent ride, where ground can
of justice." Fatherless widow be rented as low as $H) for the season.
-Defeed and help the weak -those who That is what I pay here. My living tent
have no natural protectors. See NA. is 15 by 30, the canvas cost 4125 and the
x. 18, 4, Exod. xxii. 22-24, James flooring $15. The canvas for the octa-
l. 27, gon salved kitchen tent cost $10 end
V. God's offer of meetly (vs. 18-20). the floor $10 mare. 1 made the tents
18. Come now -God is here pleading with inyseif on an ordinary sowing machine,
haelcslidden leraeL Reasos together- They stand me $60. all told, you see.
Let us discuss the case together. "To They Iast me tour years, making the
secure their consent to examine the issue annual cost for tents $12. To this inust
is to secure their own gelf-conviotion." be added $25 for the expense of moving
HoW wonderful that God should 'condo- in arid out, so the net annual cost of
seetul to reason with sinful men! Seatlet
crimson -Scarlet and crimson are
really synonymous for one color, pro«
perly crimson. There is perhaps no other
instance of rod used no a general symbol
for sin, thetigh wares is the natural em«
blew of intocehee (Pea. 7). -Cam.
Dile. 19, 20. "On condition of obedience.
land and city thall be preserved; on con -
Untied disobedience, the tuthlese itivatler
shall bring destruction, as *wee as God
Heaven and eArth are solemnly. ad -
aired to give attehtion, for what the
we take all reasonable preean-
has to say is exceedingly lover. 00112se,
taut. This people nee still Gotha pee- tiesa, but no extraordinery ones. The
children baro not treep of the die-
• plea Despite their backslidings he had
not yet east them off. God bad led them ease; a careful examivation. of them was
made the other day. There Las been e
and defended them mid still they rebel.
They are stupid and ungrateful; the great deal toe mach scare about the
very beeetb are otedited with trove 'contagion' aspect tuberculosie,
knowledge than they. The instinct of "In One Piece 'where 100 eamPed f00 a
animals! seems to be stronger than the slimmer -a town neat here -ea neighbor
knowledge ef Judah. feared u8 benatiee We 'were consumptives.
It is a terrible aceireatiou that je. Ile attually tried to orevent us from,
hovah brine againet them, v.oa though crimping anywhere near him. He got up
thee ere itt some sense the people of Grel. petition, got fatty or fifty of the neigh -
nothing worse could well be said of the bora to tip it rota presented it to the
heethen nations wound them. Further State /Mara of Health, to have no to-
thastisemeet wales's, it does no. good moved.
apparently, they are bent on going "We take care in the matter of diet, of
wrong thong+ they suffer for it. The (vivito. We era, very little reed; Nage-
nature RI bad, wholly bad, thoroUglay tableit fruit*, nut*, milk and eggs are
corrupted. There luta been tio niedicel best. 'We take plenty of exercise, not
treattnent of the wounds+, no attempt te severe exereise, but of the latencies easy
cure them. kind that, goes with day's work. We
As teriemuened, through Gotta visit- gay in the sunlight its emelt as poseible,
ation, tbeir lend lies desolate, their cities ier twilight iteeIf is a germieide. We
ere destroyed, istraegere impedentiv ista go to boa soon aftir la dark, and
pose upon them and resell them. *"And rite very early."
the daughter of Zion," not tbe faithful
tient!, which are reported very slow.
Trade at Toronto is moderately active
h a good many lines, and in soMe
partments of trade there is quite a
'brisk movement, as hi the case ef hard-
ware. Homy shipments are also being
made to take advatitage of water
freights. Sorting. orders for most de-
partments of trade are fairly good. The.
groders report a normal trade and heavy
dry goods are moving satisfactorily.
Shipinents to, the Nerthwest continue
Quebec. -Reports from -Various sec-,
tions of the province bidicate that trade
during the past week has been Boum
what quiet. Shoe manufacturers are
only fairly busy, Country remittanccs.
are still bitekward.
The wholesale trade at Winnipeg is
active. The delay in marketing the crop
has been 'responsible for delaying the
rush of fall orders expected, but graio
is now moving rapidly. The demand for
Manitoba gram among United States
ana Ontario millers keeps the price firm,
aloney is still ,ratlier tight.
At Victorio. and Vaneouvet, according
to Bradstreeta, wholesale and retail
the eamp is $47, a very small hill for trade generally is brisker than It lute
any tuberculosis expeit treatment. been for some little time.
"If you are building yourself an outfit Hamilton traie, aecorclinng to Brad -
the floors slioula he raised two feet from sitivet's trctele reports, is of good volume.
t • te
b d Th t t sh uld 1 v aiming in fairly well. Manufaettlrere I who led 20 seats. Turin, Naples, rat.
Prisoners Made a Dash for Liberty From the County
Jail ot Dover, Delaware.
Italian Ministry All Re-elected and the Extremits
lost Twenti/ Seats.
at -4 -44 -4+4 -44 -4 -44 -4 -44 -H -44-H-44-4-44-4-4•444-4-44+4-+-44-44
Copenbagen„ Nev. 7. -The Milus Ericsson expedition after two years
and a half exploration of Greenland, has returned with valuable ethnolo-
graphical and scientific records. The explorers lived with natives study-
ing language and custems.
The Ericsson expedition was last heard. from May 21, at the Dan-
ish Colony of West Greenland, where it- arrived after much hardship and
suffering. Whalers that arrived Dundee in Nov., mil reported that
, they found the expedition on Saunders Island in a pitiable state of des-
titution, Count Moltke, the artist of the expedition, was very at that
time. The explorers in the cordpflay of Eskimos were living in a tattered
tent aad their food wat alraost exhausted, their reliance being upon
'eggs which were in geed supply on the island. Tacy had only one gun
and had abandoned their. be 1 and sledge' at ;the northern part of
Melville Bay. The whalers left With them supplies and ' materials with
which to build a nevr boat.
Police Compelled to Bee Their Batinui
on Studente.
aloetreal, Nov. 0.-Tbere Wtie a !m-
ead to the McGill -Varsity intereolle-
pate football match 011. Saturday
afternooan, that ended in a free fight
with the police and the arrest of one
student. Happily only local etudents
are implicated. As soon as the McGill
players, the victors at the match„ left
the field some one shouted through a
taegaplame, "To the Star's bulletin
board." A march was accordingly Made
on the Star's uptown boatels, for it Di
a frequent Ocurrence for successful
students to take down a board end
parade with it through the streets,
rhe attempt yesterday, hoyever, wag,
ioterrupted by a captain of police and
policeman. The captain broke a 'heavy
walking stick over the backs of the
youths, wbo in turn fought recklessly.
The junior officer took shelter in the
Star office, and there telephoned for as.
When the students outsid'e, tedame
were- of whet he was doing they,
beetime doubly. incensed, and actually
smashea ite plate glass window in their
excitement and clamor "to get at him."
In a few minutes about twenty police-
men came on the scene from all sides,
and a free fight followed. Dittoes were
used without regard, and missiles were
thrown in return. One policeman re-
ceived an ugly gash on the face, Appar-
ently it was not the wish of the officers
to make evliolesale arrests, but many
names were taken, *ether with one
man, who likely provide a test case,
The fightiug -lasted, off aud on, for
about tile.« bows, and, even after the
voile° succeeded in dispersing -the
crowd there Was further trotible. The
studeuts went in a body to the police
station, where only two or three offi-
acre were in charge; nod denianded their
fellow. The .policemen, however, pre-
vented a, violent release by, beating the
intruders out with their bathos. .
pRii*Rs, DEctiump.
They Oppose Increase of Presideet'e and
Secretly's Salaries,
., A Dash for Liberty. were being made to turn the Socialist
'sr's 1 vete of about 25,000 into Democratic
Dover, Del., Nov. 7.-A number of
channels. The Republicans assert they
soners have made A dash for the North .
Mint ' Congressmen from the state and the
will elect twelve Out of the fourteen
from the comity jail. The man
which followed dotted. the roads and : Democrats claim five. In the eleventh
marshes with pursuers for the remainder district the contest will be close, Eugene
of the day..
.. . . N. Foss, the leading 1 exponent of reci-
procal trade relations with Canada, is
The Sunday.services generally are con -
the Republican
ducted by divinity students, .anclaitt, the
eve. Congressman John A. Sullivan. ' Bach
candidate opposed to
time they were due the prmoners
party claims that it will show gales in
dently by preconceived arrangementega-
the Legishtture.
therecl about the corridor .entra,nce. As
the door was opened to admit theeedae Pennsylvania Cahn.
, ,
dents there was a rush. Doorkeepers • • ,
and students were . hurled aside and a
mosphete in the State .of Penusylvenia
Plaladelahiae Nov. 7. -The political at -
dozen prisoners fled in all directiona. •-• •
is unusually . calm to -day, but to the
They had not gene -many yards before
general -antimpftbion that the customary
jailers and visitors were in full .cty after
Republican majorities will be voted. Re-
thetn, the prison officioas firing as they
Tear, publican managers express tlie opinion
ran. Most of the fugitiVeaquickly
that a lull Republican vote will be poll -
rendered and only two sueceeded in get -
ed throughout no State, Rua that
ting away. They are Samuel Barrett
Roosevelt and Fairbanks will have a
and Thomas Clark, the former of whom
year majority exceeding
was recently sentenced to a seven
a dieted the State's! delegation in the Ne'
300,000. It is pre-
terit, One of the divinity students,
tional House of Represenattives will
member of the Wilmington Conference,
academy football team, overtook Clark
consist of 29 Republicans and 3 Demo -
and tackled him, There was a short
but severe struggle. The prisoner Was
. At Chime.
Chicago, Nev. 7. -With the itetivities
razor and .compeledelas captor to release. of the Presidential campaign practically
getting the worst ef it when a drew a
. .... at en end, to -day was devoted by the
his hold.
State leaders of both political parties to
Rome, isTo'avh.e7,I1tallzia5na.Emie.c_tiponesfiel-lite re..
reports from the State .,itnd in preparing
revielon of the hareeakil on the latest
turns show that all the memlierse of the
inga contained in the, State reports ma -
to bring out the vote in Chloe°. Noth-
Cabinet have beeia re-elected. harmer
terially changea the outacatle for either
the national oe State ticket, Itepubliean
nori Prinetti, the former -FOreign Minis- leaders claiming a piurality of 12(1,000
tall::, atedenFerrer1.0,iteheteerciallsiset,l000avdeeirwri, hi:4
. . Governer, while the Democratic mainig-
for Charles S. Damien, eandidate for
ers give no figures, but reiterate their
confidenee of success, laying more stress
on the Presidential campaign than on
the State contest,
the ground, should be raade of good era 1* g . has been victorious over the Extremists,
walls rt. ve feet 'high, should have plenty are busy, and values Are steedy to firm.
of wiedows, and most important of on, Collections are quiet in some lines, bee
shouldhave ventilation in the top.As to I the prospect4 are generally satisfactory.
furnishinng, it is entirely it matter tif I Wholesale dealers in ottdon YepOrt,
taste. Couches or iron bode may be used ' trade hardly as active in some depart -
and partitions at eight make dressing , meats ak it Was a Week or so atm.
rooms. The election campaign has had some
"/ ant glad to say that I have found ! efA44 upon Ottawa trade, but theta le
coneumption te be not contagious. Of a far movement in iill linnes of goods.
Japanese Have Placed Eleven. Inch How-
itzers for Final Atteck.
Headquarters of the Third &totesc
army in front of Port Arthur Nov. 2.
via Oliefeci, Nev. 3., 2 pan.--(densored.)
-me japenese ere no* in a position to
coMmenee the beginning of the boa of
operations. For the capture of east
Port gidgo otta the siege Of Port Arthur
proper they have eompleted placing
eleven-ineh howitzere. On the night of
Get. 29th ell the reserves edvanced
through a itet work of trenches in front
of east Poet Ridge from South Keck.
wan to West Iliklung ineuntain, called
by the japanese golioeliesan.
• The bombardment began et dawn on
October 30: Infentry attacke were plan-
ned. at noon whist the two Riliturg
mountairee en entrenched bill between
Dist Banjussn and East Keekwan
Mountain arid the three Keekiean forts.
Tremendotte excitement prevailed among
the troops, wile were tonvineed that kite-
ehurth, letit the Cite of Jerusalem 'Which 1 Nell4ftss Yellowleaf writes verse I eete meet the
is thus pereenilled, 18 a pitture of dello- 1 believe, Belle -Yes, she tells herself one Illidge and the A
of the mire& poets. lae11-The idea. Why, in thae for the
exoeedIngly wicked people are a she's 25 12 she's a day. btation, lk.rav. 8,
mere and almost all the loge tone% join-
ed Miland and Genoa in defeating the
Extremiets .03 a manifestation againsb.
the general strike, This was the pre-
doteinant feature in the elections.
The Election in Nu*
New York, Nov. 7. -With fair weather
promised for New York to Buffalo on
Oxtreniely large vote is looked for 19
this city and state. Now thet the
speeches, except for one or two to be
delivered to -day, have been made, and
all lireparatiotas for getting mit arid pro-
tecting the vote have been eornaleted,
botli sides continued to exprees the rite
meet eoufhlenee in the result.
As usual the stay before the electione
brings mit stories of colonization ami al-
eged attempts to fordo through the VOthe
of mefl not entitlea to east 0 ballot,
but there is nothing to show that the
quiet of the city is likely to be dis-
ttirbed. There will be it full force of
poll weteliere for melt of the Dal -ties,
evety paliceterei in the tity hall wilt be
011 duty, and the deurte will *it all day
to settle whatever divides may arise.
Both onfident.
Boston, Nov. 7. -The eampaign mina-
ger* of both the Republiean 54111 Dottie -
oat% Nutlet in Masailehussets, mi the
day before election express eorifitlence ia
wawal. Still there was little reletion in
tampaign activity. 'me Deinocratie
leaders devoted their energies to Mak-
KanSits Republican.
Topeka, Kansas, Nov. 7.-ICanses is
cone -obit to the Republican elooteral
ticket by a large plurality, lent both
sides olefin the State tieket. The lte.
publicans elitim. 100,000 plurality for
Deinliciats 19 Mirth .Caroline.
Releigh, N. O., Nov. 7. -The outlook
for to -morrow is for a Weeping Demo-
cratie" victory, 'with majorities rouging
for Iron State and tuitional tickets near
60,000, The General Aseernbly will be
everwhelmingly Deemeratia, Republic -
Ant concede the State to the Demoerate
by a majority of about 40,000.
From Other States.
Cineirmati, 0., Nov. 7. -The Republic-
ans Adhere to their elaints that Ohio
wilt glee. Roosevelt the beg* plurality
the State ever 'gare a'Bresident, the
highest being 60,036 four years ego,
The Democrata say the Republican
plurality will be less than eiglit .oars
ago, Whelt MKiii1ybpiorelity wits 51,..
°Mahe, Web., Nola T. Itepubliean
State Chairmen Burgess expects Ne-
braska to roll up for Iloomevelb and
Fairbanks the largest plurelity ever
given a national tieket.
No effort has been mode to oomq the
eepture of Ettat Port ing eure -of ft gelid labor vete for W. L. Slate for Parker, eta tini fusion leaders
urrender of Port Arthur fDonghle, for Governor. Cloy, Dates' 'admit that Roosevelt will have the elec.
FaImerer's birthday cote- "veto 'of certain labor ineiteures is one of toral vote of Nebraska,
the main Outweigh illeUee. Efforts also IteNT ItitVen, Conn., Nor. 7. -The
Indianapolis, 'Ind., Nov. !a -All of th
propositious voted ma by the members
of the International Typographical
Union have carried except the one pro-
viding for an increase in the salaries o
the International President and Inter-
national Sepretary-Treasurer.
The referendum was as follows: T
harmonize the international constitu-
tion and general laws, 19,944 for, 4,61
against; to increase the eateries of tit
International President and Secretary•
Treasurer, 9,436 for, 15,275 against; t
allow unions distant from headquarter
morethne to make reports, 23,257 for
1,427 against; to make more effectiv
the la.sv regarding failure of locale t
file reports and obey laws and legal
mandates, 22,426 for, 2,166 against; t
require that all appeals shall be i
written or printed form only, 22,95
for, 16,526 against; to establish th
eight-hour day, Jan. 1, 1906, and, levy a
assessment for that purpose, 19,483 for
5,398 against.
"A. James" • Said he Had Committe
Suicide by Drinking the Contents.
Toronto, Nov. 7. -"To who finds this
-I am tired of life in this world, en
you will find my body in the -milt pond
I have finishea the contents ofthis hot
tie, end am ready to go, antle may th
Lord have mercy on my soul. A. James
The foregoing note was found in
whiskey flask on the banks of the Don
north of the Winehester street Midge
yesterday afternoon, by Edward Hale
youth who resides at 193 Sumac'
street. He was playing with some com
panions, and picked up the bottle. See
ing 0 note inside it, lie brokeit on ,411
railroad track:. The letther is probabl
a hoax. There- are several .persons o
that . nathe in the city, aut none ar
- • .
. Died From. His Injuriese
Toronto, Nov. 7.-Sitines Gourley;
farmer, whose home is in the *Whit
of Allisten,. Ont., died- at the Genera
Hospital an Saturday Its the rota of
injuries' received three weeks ago. De-
ceased Wee Watering his horse when it
became frightened at a whistle of a
threshing machine and trampled on
Gourley. He was severely injured. inter-
$;tie Vt.; zagbant Abintrat
()Uneaten of Bente east Aeounte a iiimetaltY
0010e -3n Vanidone Meek.
Open eaturdsy 0Yeiiings, 7 to IL
GA Town tad, Mum ProPertr,
9P121c0.-10 the Kent Meer.
. 1e4deami3Ohithe1ill0 fik
Read °Moe GWOLPM, 014T,
Rieke taltillion Ill illossee It insareble pro
'art,. os the rash Or premium note system.
Lanese Gomm, Chsee.Davtosos,
President. elm:Notary.
1.01IN't , WINGRAM on
Barristers, Solicitors, go,
OM. : Meyer Block Wingiunn.
X. L. Dielrinsen Meer Ileinsesk
Money se loan at lowest ratee. Office
740. . wiNimAx.
Offices -Morton Block, Wingharn
flR. AW 'I
Office s-ljpstairs ,in the Macdonald
. "Night cells answered at oaks,'
. .
, ' Josephine Streit - Winghani
J • (Member of the British Medical
• A.ssoolattoM
1 Special attentilnritiltAr• eDniseasee of wouleit
Dynan Moon :-1 to ii p.m.: 7 toll p,m.
W. T. liOliffili
D.D.S., L.D,S.
k Graduath of Royal '
L College of Dental . .4 ....,
, Graduate of vent- ' \-1' 4.-,041.en!ty
i al Deft, a „
' b3LUajt3eart iniitpYrilved methods in all branches oi
• Dentistry. Prices moderate. Satiefatitior
: guaranteed. eS'Oillee tu Beaver Bleak..
D.D.S.. 1413.6.
, 'Doctor of Dental Surgery of th, rem.
i naylvania College ,and Licentiate
- Dental Surgery of Ontario. •
) Moe aver Poet Ofiloa-WIRGRVil
welome Ithedes Scholers.
London; Nev. Isis, which is
the Oxford undergrailuete weekly, says:
"The Rhodes scholars adve None bore
not a momenb too acioa. They are likely
to prove a. most healthy cure for the
blase indifference which appears with
ever-increasing frequency in the Oxford
College captains. All branches speak of
tite enthusiasni with which the newcom-
ers are supporting every kiwi of oollage
interest. They cooteast tharply with
the apathy 0 meaty Euglish loshmen,"
Ptieee Of Weiefi Gonting,
London Nev. 0.-Reynold'e neWs-
paper professes to beve illferniatimi that
the Prince of Wales is le ill health, and
will shortly start on another voyage
around_ the world, when Cando, will
again be visited, Lord Itnollys, the
King's private secretary, denied, the
statement of the Prieto of Wales' ill -
health as an unnitigated- and inischiev-
oue falsehood.
Dominion Liner to Blaine.
London,. Nev. 0.-T1ie Admitalty
Court hae found the Dontinien litter
Kensington solely to blame Inc the col.
Helen with the bail -dentine letiOatt .oaf
St. lkierre en July 4, The laoaao, whigh
WaB weterlogged, heccipe 0 Memel to
sbiPping, arid was tact en fire.
Dilution Extraordinary.
A member of the French Academy re*
ported that twenty-five experiments on
animals allowed each time that poison.
e14 blood is active Oen aftet dilution
one trillien One million times. The.
atrmigth 0 the average homeopath4400
is 'from about the third to, the aixth deei•
!nal. This aciineistretee that them who
say thet there19 tie etedleirie ie
lerMeopethie &Mt beta, ignorance.
. .
Advettising in Japan.
The Japanese advanee 40advertising
tie in all else. Here is an illustration:
"Oar wrapping riper is ns etreeg 11*
Ute hide of ati tiepbant. (lends forward
ea with the epced of a eannon ball. Our
eilks and setins are no tett el the elietke
of a pretty Woman, as beautiful 118 the
rainbow. Our parcels are packed with
as teineli eitte he it young married: woman
takes tare Of her Luslunadio
Verdict of the Coroner's Jury,
at Hull.
Srnith anCdabSIVerilia"TnihaIt.eggGeet°argar4verie,t611149t
steam trawler
,Trade marks eeliiiitecl and regular
butting, ,killed by shots fired
without warning or provocation from
eertaiii Russian war vessels at a, floe
tauee ef about nquarter ofIa mile.'
This is the text *of the jury's eattlica
t4t the coroner'e inquest on the fisher-
men NiCtiMa 'of the North Sea, tragedy -
At the request of the laiitish Govern.
ment, represented by 'the ELLA of Ito,
sart, Solicitor of the Treasury, this
aonseevativo awara was rendered, by the ,
that tourt Of enquiry preceding `the ses-
elolill of the international tribunal. The..
Government asked the pry net to hike
a verdict of wilful murder or ananslaughe
ter, because "delicate negotiations are
going on, which shout& not lee made
more difficult; and they Might not to
let anyone thtna, they had prejudiced the
eas0. beton bevtog heard both sides.'
ltolionrut4h‘lveiletiVreer8r:citigtmileiellietliy ttadea the foe -
"Oh this oceeiliela probably the most
memento -0 hi tab :tuna's of the British
litiiltry wouhrtecord their se „. .
Goeerninents inliteereeet
satiefrietory. cohelusion of tho matter,
whirl, *we feel‘m,voahis:,:tf:eod-rlivtsaAt.ogmil:att'rdirliette:rtlibtyio.arahtttimliliace,
hiestt!ray toofrgtokes
wlatiheehee:oreinTol ttnte:00aads44siaovinbioctye:titivt:Ab:74.10: wlat. tsly t5lifIlaintt(tieelvqdinsitihttpeed.f tio oor
The ilitereaa, was 'idolise, (ma there
11 tYitb.ee nrelon°°:di 8 Pt:el:tree:
space inside tlie hall was filled. The
British GoVernmeht, the Iloard of Trade,
telidefiesthvriermers:fwet rh eke :3:7:178 de: ettke d Ile); t.:0afinna:
the relatives of the deoeiteed nerd wound- .
ofipehattibelpbbhottileti.e :ThurlaihplorIGotieev. edrinnillger to cdefilpnieodt