The Wingham Advance, 1904-11-03, Page 5Thursday, November 3t 1904 THE WINGIIAM ADVAN REMOVAL SALE, REMEMBER—That Big Cut. Price CL4THIN'G • . SALE IS NOW GOING ON AT CROWDER'S, BIG BARGAINS In Boys', Youths' and Men's Suits and Overcoats, Hats, Caps, Ties, Collars, Cuffs, Sox, Gloves, Mufflers, ete. SHOES ! SHOES ! SHOES ! Bargains In Men's, Boys' and Youths' Shoes. 20 Pairs Children's Pebble Balmoral Shoes, sizes 5 to 10, regular price $1.00 and $1.15—Removal Sale .75 10 Pairs Boys' Boston Calf Shoes, sizes 11 to 5, regular price $1.25— Removal Sale .00 14 Pairs Men's heavy working Shoes, regular price $1.50 --Removal Sale $1.00 20 Pairs Men's fine Shoes (laced) Dongola and Box Calf, sizes 0 to 10, regular $2,25, $2.50, $2.75—Removal Sale $1.75 The R. K. Crowder Co. 1 As shown with the high closet and copper -lined reser- voir, with corners richly carved, has met with every suc- cess. The Reservoir ensures plenty of hot water for the kitchen, while the high closet or high shell provides extra room while cooking, and adds largely to the fine appear- ance of the Range. This is one of the best farmers' Ranges we have seen ; it has large fire box, burns both coal and wood, has a good sized oven, has six 0 -inch cooking holes, in; fact is a first- class Range in every particular. Price complete with high shelf, $37.00. Wt, invite comparison. FISHLEI6H'5 HARDWARE uuwwuwuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu Positively Free. Do you want a New Suit? If so, buy it here, and we will keep it Pressed for six months Free of Charge. Our Suitings for Fall and Winter are matchless in design and fabric, and we have a large stock to select from. Also" alarge range of Over - coatings in all the newest and best materials at right prices. Pantings to suit anybody. And say, if you are going to get a rain -proof coat, do not buy a ready-made, until you see what we can make you one to orderfor. We give you all a PRESSING invitation to call. R�bt. Maxwell High Art Tailor - Wingham Phosphodfne, The Groat English Remedi, is an old, well eetab. lished dnd reliable preparation. Has been prescribed and used over 40 yearn, All drug. gists in the Dominion of Canada sell and recommend ria being the only medicine o its kind that cures and gives universal satisfaction. It promptly and permanently cures all forms of Nervous Weak andal Emissions, ffects oofaat use or exceeaaoga'the exec ssive use of Tobacco, Option or Mum/ante. Mental and Brain Worry, and which lead to Infirmity, Insanity Consumption and an Early Grave. Price $1 per package or six for $6. One will please, o p0ofp indiorMfreeepamphlettyAddre 1 The Wood Company, Windsor, Out', Canada, Sold in Wingham by A. I. McColl & Co., A. L. Hamilton, W. McI{ibbon--Druggists ;Before and After. PATENTS PROMPTLY SECURED Write for our interesting books " Invent.!j ora Help" and "How you tire swindled." Send us a tough sketch or model of your in- vention n vention orimprovement and we will tell you free our opinion es to whether it it probably patentable, Rejetted applications have often been suede/nattily prosecuted by us conduct fully equipped offices iMoWe Montreal and Washington; this qualifies us to prompt- ly dispatch work and quickly secure Patents, as broad as the iavlotion, Highest references furnished. Patents procured through Marten & Ma- rion reedy* special ndtioe without charge in, over loo newspapers distributed throughhout, the '1)i minion. Specialty r—Patent tattiness of Manufte-, turers and Engineer*. MARION & MARION Patent Exports sed Solicitors. New Yo kk"Elis it' Montreal Offioss t Atladticrk L it' ton real Largest and Best oNwenaorrns So far as we can learn no Business College in Canada graduates so many and at the same time such a large per- centage of its students as does the CENTRAL STRATFORD. ONT. Our courses are up -to -ditto, instruct- ors experienced and facilities unsurpas- sed. Students may enter at, any time. Write for free catalogue. ELLIOTT & MCLACHLAN, Principals PHOTOGRAPHS Notice our Groups—all sizes, large or small. They will please you. We can also frame them for you. Did you notice the Frames? For Photos, eto., call at ZURBRIGG'S STUDIO WINDHAM ROBT. H. GARNISS BLUEVALE — ONT. Auctioneer for Huron County Terms reasonable. Sales arranged for at the office of the WINGIIAM ADVANCE. W. A. CURRIE WINGHAni'S AUCTIONEER. Why go out of Town for an Auctioneer, when your wants can be supplied at home. Wm. Armour & Son. Owing to the large quantities of Dairy Butter now being offered here for sale and as the quality is not as good as I think our market demands, in order to encourage the making of good Butter I am prepared to pay from three to five cents per lb. of a difference in price, as I must have good Butter. Par- ties having good Batter for sale would do well te. call at our warehouse as we are prepared at all times to pay top pti0es for the best Bettor. Wingham Machine AND General Repair Shop Is now reopened, and I have secured the services of a man of over 20 years experience in all linea of mill and farm machinery, also bicycles,, gang, sewing machines, elothes wringers, lawn mowers, umbrellas, SAWS gemmed and filed, keys matte to order, Soiasors and hair clippers sharpened, etc. A trial aolioited. W. a. PATON ON Active tems --Russia's railway system 18 so dis- organized by the war that grain ship- ments to Black Sea ports are almost suspended. —Inspector Leake was in Palmer- ston last week arranging for the in- troduetion of manual training in the town school, -The mail bags at the postoMce at Minto, Man., were discovered to be on fire yesterday morning and the letters all hissing, —Asan of Mr. Orser, Golden village, was taking a rifle on J, Ennis' stage when he got caught between the bol{ and the wheel. Ile tiled a few hours later, —Mrs. Potter Palmer has begun the construction in Chicago of an impos- ing mausoleum to the memory. of her husband. The monument will cost $60,000, —Mr. Andrew Oberle shipped a ear - load of hogs from Paisley last week, and nine of them died before the train reached Palmerston, being overcome by the heat. October weather that is hot enough to smother hogs, is an un- usual thing in the -country. — Mr. Sonthworth, Ontario Director of Colonization, reports the discovery, during a recent three weeks' trip in the Temagami Reserve, of an ex- tensive and rich deposit of nickel cop- per, occupying a belt near Fort Mat- achewan, on the Montreal River. De- posits of mica and asbestos have also been found. —The Board of Trade grain men have received advices from the west that the farmers are storing a largo portion of their wheat in terminal ele- vators with a view to even higher prices than now ruling. The grain. moving out is, however, taxing the full capacity of the railways and is monopolizing the freight cars. —Mr. and Mrs. Long, of Lochalsh, have the sympathy of the community in the loss of their little three year old son. The circumstances of his death in one so young are peculiar. He had been romping on the floor with a kit- ten, when he suddenly rolled over and died instantly. It is just about a year ago that a young daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Long was severely burnt by the upsetting of a lamp. —Swift & Co., Chicago, shipped a lot of export cattle from St. Marys, among the animals being probably the largest bull (1'Vhite Prince) ever bred in Perth County. The animal weigh- ed ten pounds over a ton and a half, or 3,010 pounds. It was bred by Mr. Thos. Wood, River Road, Blanshard, and was a thoroughbred Durham, five years old and pure white in color. When the bull was a yearling Mr. Wood was offered $100 for it. Calgary, October 20th.—Inspector Worsley returned from Olds where a post mortem was held on the body of a man named Newsome, who died a week ago. Newsome was convales- cent from typhoid and dismissing his medical practitioner he called in Fyke, a magnetic healer, who burnt powder, gave other treatment and declared hint well. Newsome took a full meal and died shortly afterwards. A war- rant is out for the arrest of Fyke, who cannot be found, —Alex. Medd, son of Mr. J. Medd of Hullett, died suddenly of appen- dicitis last week near Brantford where he was engaged as cheesemaker. The first intimation the fancily had of his serious illness was in a telegram received Tuesday morning and, his mother left for his bedside by the first train, but too late to see him alive. This death makes the first vacancy in a family of seven children. The de- ceased was 25 years of age and a splendid specimen of physical man- hood. - Havelock, Oct.. 2O. --Porter Pres- ton, a pioneer resident of Belmont township, was found dead in his swamp about 9 o'clock. He had been absent from his home since noon. He was found by a search -party, evident- ly killed by a stray • bullet. He had been chopping a log, and his axe lay on one side of the log and his body at the other side, in about two feet of water. A bullet hole was found about an inch beneath the right eye. Pres- ton apparently had been dead for some time. Ingersoll, Oct. 28.—After hearing some further evidence in the inquest on the death of William Dee, of Sal- ford, the jury decided that death had been caused by strychnine, adminis- tered feloniously, wilfully and of malice aforethought by his wife, Lena Dee. Dee died suddenly on Monday, October 10th, and the neighbors who were called in at that time suspected that he had been poisoned. Dr. Cole- ridge also diagnosed the ease as one of strychnine poisoning, and suspicion was at once directed against his wife, and especially after it came out at. the inquest, opened on the night of Dee's death, that she had said that she would kill him if she had a chance. She wets arrested next morning and has since been confined in Woodstock jail. . Every Lady Should Know That Ferrozone removes the causes e that interfere with the proper charge of all womanly fimet%r dis- charge ; it correets irregularities and is especial- ly good for women who are nervous and subject to headache, lance back, bearing -downy pains, despondency and tiredness, Ferrozone is a blood build- er and purifier and cant be excelled for the complexion. For your good looks and health use ''erro'sone. Price 60c. per box at druggists. CANADA NOT AN OWNER. (Toronto Telegram.) Canada is to own the eastern sec- tion of the Grand Trunk Pacific Rail- way in the sense that certain individ- uals owned houses, atter the collapse of the boom in Toronto, Canada will not he the Hien in pos- session, and its only privilege in rob, - tion td the eastern section is the privi- lege of paying the whole or collecting part of the interest eri the cost of that section. Just as certain citizens of Toronto were able to collect a "rental" which did not satisfy the claims of the loan companies against the houses which they "owned," so Canada will be able at the expiration of seven or ten years to collect a "rental" of three per cent, which will not satisfy the claims of the money lenders against the eastern section which the country "owns," Canada's right, after seven or ten years, to collect a whole or a. part of the interest due the national creditor's whose money builds the eastern sec- tion is not an act of beneficial owner- ship, and these restricted payments on interest account are in no real pr genuine sense a rental. Clinton. In the recent big fire in Winnipeg the Jackson Mfg. Co. lost $150, the samples of their Manitoba traveller, valued at that amount, being destroy- ed. Fortunately the traveller had completed his season's trip so will not be inconvenienced. Mr. S. H. Smith shipped seven car- loads of export cattle last week, and will this week send off eight carloads of the same class of stock. Mr. Smith is one of the most extensive shippers in Huron and during the course of twelve months buys many thousand dollars worth of cattle. The first Hough Cup match this season was played on Saturday when the Seaforth C. I. made an unsuccess- ful attempt to lift the Cup. The local team was weakened by the ab- sence through sickness of several men, but outplayed Seaforth in every part of the field, the score being 5 goals to 0. The farmers • in this district who have grown sugar beets are now busy pulling and shipping them. Some shipments have already reached the factory and we understand the results are satisfactory. Mr. W. Graham, who represents the Berlin Beet Sugar Co., throughout this part of the province, the other day visited a farmer in Lambton county who con- templates embarking in beet growing. He was thinking of cultivating twenty acres but Mr. Graham advised a smaller acreage and more thorough cultivation. Mr. G. W. Walker, organizer for the Canadian Order of Foresters, has been in town the past week working in the interests of Court Maple Leaf. He is well-informed and persuasive which, coupled with the popularity of the Order, has enabled him to add several names to the membership roll which is well beyond the two -hundred nark. Mr. Walker comes from Got'- rie where there is a very prosperous Court of which it is said that almost every member is an authority on the constitution. Four of them are now organizers, viz., Messrs. Walker, Coup - land, Strong and Doig, who have done much towards increasing the number of Canadian Foresters in Western Ontario. —Mr. Angus McKinnon, of Kinloss had an experience on Monday evening last he will not soon forget, and how he and his horse escaped instant death is a miracle. He got the horse shod at Mr. W. Horn's blacksmith shop in Lucknow and after the animal had been again hitched to the top buggy and Mr. McKinnon seated therein, the horse suddenly backed till and break- ing through the board fence at the south side of the building, horse, bug- gy and driver went down over the em- bankment 15 or 20 feet below. It was dark at the time but those who were close by and witnessed the ac- cident, never for a moment doubted but that' both Mr. McKinnon and his horse were killed, but strange to say neither Mr. McKinnon, horse or bug- gy was in the least hurt, only a small snap on the harness being broken off. It was indeed a miraculous escape.— [Sentinel. Consumption Begins With A Cough. The cough racks and tears the tend- er tissues of the throat. Inflamma- tion supervenes and then serious lung trouble is established. The important time is at the beginning. Stay the progress of the cough by using fra- grant healing Catarrhozone which reaches every part of the bronchial tubes, throat and lungs. Catarrho- zone destroys disease gents, stops the cough, heals sore spots, clears the nose and throat of discharge: Ca- tarrhozone sooths, never irritates. Guaranteed for every form of catarrh. For lasting cure use Catarrhozone. Two months' treatment $L00 ; trial size 25 cents. NEW Grocery Store. CROCKERY and CHINA, FLOUR and FEED, • of all kinds. Cash for Butter and Eggs. Phone 61. W. F. VanStone What are your friends saying about you? That your gray hair makes you look old P And yet, you are not forty! Postpone this looking old. Hair Vigor Use Ayer's. Bair Vigor and restore to your gray hair all the deep, dark, rich color of early life. Then be satisfied. "Ayer's :lair Vigor restored the natural Oolor to ny gray hair and 1 am greatly arkpl�eased, It ► alt yoRalalm for lt•" J, VAr(aiaOAlr, 3teobanicnins, IT, Y. '1.00 a bottle. a. o. AYER 40., All eru ga1n st$ for Lowell. Maass Dark Hair FARM FOR SALE. Parts of Lots '7 and 8, Con. 11, Turn - berry, comprising 100 acres, 80 cleared, 10.acresof hardwood, balance cedar; well fenced with cedar; spring creek, two wells, stone house, bank barn, stone pig -pen. Farm is 0 miles from Wingham, convenient to school, post - office and church. Terms easy. Ap- ply on the premises to RICHARD WALLACE, 52- Glenannan P. 0. Farm For Sale. 103 acres, adjoining Wingham ; 75 acres ander cultivation ; good house and new barn. Splendid opportunity. Exceptional bargain. Address ALFRED ELLIOTT, 0-12. Wingham For Sale or Rent. The undersigned offers for sale or rent, his house and lot in Lower Wingham. The lot consists of 7 acres of land. For further particulars, ap- ply to H. M. WEEKS. Farm For Sale. In the Township of Usborne, being Lot 13, Con. 2, consisting of the best 100 acres of land in the township, well fenced and in good state of cultivation. Good brick house and frame barn, convenient to school, church and market, being only two miles from Exeter. For further particulars apply to D. C. Mc- Innes, Exeter, or Thomas Higgins, Wingham P.O., executors of the estate of B. I. Higgins, deceased, or to Giadman & Stanbury, solici- tors, Exeter. Vote For The Doctor and Insure your life and property in A. Cosens' Agency. Same rates to Grit or Tory. , Abner Cosens Loan and Ins. Agent THE CANADA BUSINESS COLLEGE CHATHAM, ONT. Is unquestionably Canada's greatest business school. No other school gets such results. It is now current talk throughout the coun- try that the student who wants the best train- ing and a good position when graduated must attend this school. 250 students placed in year 1900, 304 1901. 300 " " 1902. 375 " " " 1903. If these wore placed in picayune positions worth $3 or $4 per week, the showing would not be worth the space in this paper that it takes to tell it. But when the salaries aver- aged over $000 per annum. a few of them over $1000, the public should know that no other business school in Canada publishes such lists and gets such RESULTS. Many of our former graduates aro now com- manding salaries from $2500 to 54000 annually. WHY SHOULD IT NOT BE YOU? We pay your railway faro up to $3. Good board in Chatham, 52.50 to $2.75. For the handsomest catalogue published by any business school in Canada, write D. McLACHLAN& CO., Chath DR. OVENS Lev oN SURGEON, OCULIST, SPECIALIST. Diseases Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. Visits Wingham monthly. GLASSES FITTED PROPERLY. NASAL CATARRH and DEAFNESS treated. Wingham office at McI{ibbon's Drug Store. London office -225 Queen's ave.; hours 11 n.m, to 8p m. Dates of visits—Mondays— Fob. 1, Feb. 29, Mar. 28. May 2, May 30. June 27, July 25, Sept, 5, Oct. 3, Oot. 31, Nov. 28. WANTED. A Local Salesman for Windham, Ont., and surrounding territory to represent "CANADA'S GREATEST NURSERIES." Newest varieties, and specialties in Tardy Fruits, Small Fruits, Shrubs, Ornamentals, and Roses. A permanent situation, and ter- ritory reserved for the right Ivan. Pay weekly. Handsome outfit free. Write for microscope, fusttho thing 250 for our examin- ing xamin ing trees and. plants for insects. STONE & WELLINGTON Fonthill Nurseries (over 800 acres) TORONTO ONTARIO Canadian Order Woodmen of The World CAMP NATIONAL 139 Hold their regular meetings avery 2nd and 4th Friday each month, in Oddfellows' Hall All visitors welcome, Il„ MAXWELL, 0, C. 11. H, CRowDten, Clerk PULVOHOTOLISH STAVE P AND METAL CLEANER COMOINED The only Patented Polish in the World. No Dust, No Dirt, btoSinoke, No Smell,. Contains no benzine or other explosives. PUX','VO makes more polish and lasts longer than any other. PRlal 1Coe AT AU. C1i OCE RS Slim Prices,. Stout Values The heading Store Sxn,�11Proilts Quick Reeturrl OUR PRIGS Make lJs Busy. Bargain sale of fall goods will be continued„ Be sure and find out Our Prices before buying anything in Furs, Jackets, Clothing, Blankets, Quilts, Underwear, Carpets, Rugs, Curtains, Skirts,. etc.; etc. We Buy to Sell Cheap.. Our Success is built on our Bargains A few specials in Furs and Jackets FURS. LADIES' FUR COATS.— Well made, and lined with heavy Farmer's Satin, nice fine even curl, will give good satisfaction. Our prices are $20.00, $25, $30, $35, $37,50, $40, $45. LADIES' GREENLAND SEAL COATS. — Lined with heavy satin, high collar, guaran- teed to give expellent wear. Our price $35.00. CAPERINES.—We're show- ing pretty styles in Seal, Astra- chan, Thibet, and Combination Furs. See our special at $6.50 RUFFS.—A large assortment of Ladies' Ruffs in Sable, Thibet, Coney, Coon, Oppossum, Seal, etc. Prices $1.50 up to $25.00. CAPS.—All sizes. Fur Caps. Pretty curls in Persian Lamb, Grey Lamb, Astrachan, etc. See our leader at $3.00. JACKETS. LADIES COATS. — Three- quarter length, semi -fitting back, in Grey, Black, or Fawn, Our special cut price $3.50. GIRLS' COATS.—Ali sizes, nicely made, in Blue, Brown or • Green, plain or flaked. cloth. Prices begin at $2.50. LADIES' SORT COATS.— To olear. They are not this year's style but are good strong serviceable Coats. To clear at $2.75, LADIES' HEAVY BLACK CLOTH COATS. — With high Collar and Cape, latest style. Our special price $7.00. • LADIES' TOP SKIRTS in the best cloths, full wide make, nicely made and trimmed. Prices are $2.50, $3.00, $3,50, $4.00, $4.50 and $5.00. H. E. Isard & Co. Opp, Bank Hamilton Highest Price Paid for Produce Aosamaimmonif Fine Tailoring Tailoring is our business and it would please us exceedingly if you would step in for a look at the elegant new Overcoatings, Suitings, Trouserings, etc., for fall and winter wear. Tho patterns are the handsomest that weavers' wits could produce. Come in to see the New Ideas and talk the matter over with us . . Quoting prices for Tailoring means NOTHING as you know, but what you can get for your money .is EVERYTHING. The best dressers in this community are our steady patrons, and if you favor us with your order, yon will be in the hands of skilful tailors. Come in for a look and a talk at any rate. HATS AND CAPS. In Hats and Caps we have all the latest styles and when you need anything in this line you should not buy elsewhere before seeing our big range to choose from. Price -50c to $3.00. New Underwear, Ties, &c., arriving daily. HOMUTH BROS. TAILORS AND GENTS' FURNISIIERS Furniture When you are in need of anything in the Furniture line, it will be worth your while to drop in and see us. Our stock is large and varied, and our prices are very reasonable. No trouble to show goods. Walker Bros. & Button Do You Wish a Visitor? dor 15 cts. The Wingham Advance will visit you b regularly every week, from now until the 1st of January, 1005. Try it 1