HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1904-10-27, Page 6-
AMYL Oman.,
- -' wail for-ior. Cott bless her! August,
olio wol la tho rotloot lath+ Wools.:
) in tho atate'-If sbo gots her isghte
I .r......."
Odamgay() a,
or two. and nil o ask ettli.
lis Nomad f$%:. gas.p,
'William Kill% 1110, wooltliy mine
owner, wail Jived.
Iteallaug ilia, Auguot sprang to
his feet, and (oozing bin torch, outdo
ithi way from tb.'. wine with ail polo
atm spools,
ashen lios arid routines ciloSt; hoss
lie earang Into tbo 'first house bo
. canto to, atm1 told las o soar wi o
Mr. Kilos, failing, to put in an aps
I was our& then that lie was, up to aria; wader the fallen titular% lova.
Pearallee, he boil gone name to the
nOu•s to seolt Iran, and Initt found lain
inlechief, although I aopearea not to anti earth at the tOd entrance 'to
think' it otrongo lao being bete. I tiro astral van.
was about tho nape as usual duriag .an alarm woo instantly' given. pad
the afternoon, but Just betoro it woo grefit excl.-foment prevailed, at tills
time, to leave I tattooed down here report beauno generally circulated.
mssolf, to see what he had been up It 'Wan with sorrowful roosts and
to. And now, Auguot, I will toll heavyhearts thot the *leers wail
oou Ids secret. Down at the end of to remove the body of their noteter
this tunnel there is a, bag of gold froni the in.ace whab he had forbid-
nuggets--" den themto enter, but where, un-
mindful of his own caution, he Rad
"Gold nuageto," exclaimed August,
mot las own doom.
, aetociolial.
"Yea; I hove lolig known of a An hour Later all that waft mortal
very rich vein Of gokl here, the ex -et Whiliain xing mks borne :W its
'home . .
latent* of whioh I did not suppose in the valley below
any "QUO else suspected; I found al. MA. XlVI.
moot a solid mass one. da.y, walla Monica, ond Inez *wore immediate-.
PrOspecting at tlie end down there; lyl Mai/fled by telegraph, of the
but it turns, abruptly. and runs frightful traaedo, while Carl King
E;traight out into another claim. Otarted by the next train for
which, by tho end of another week A.ngeles to bring titein home. • .
I sbould havo owoed. This arch -schemer had a cunning
"It seems tbat Corl bas olers dia. pDat in mind wlacli lie intended to
covered tido vein, and had been se- giving orlon tbo unwaryi young heir-
oretlY working fot it. Ilehael lou•- egs before airy) one else could find
ied hie bag Of nuggets in a, an opportunita to interfere. ,
ale feigned -great grief <iota tbe
heap of sand; they are there now. I untimely death of his cousin, To
had just discovered this, and was on
MY way outo-had Almoist reached the whom troth he end Inez owed so
much, and wo.s so tenderlyasympla-
tbetio In his manner and attentions
to the bereaved orphan 'that Obe
placed tbe utmost octurldence In him.
and felt that now she had no tate else
to leam upon, ,
Tilos, whom the man informed heft
that her father had bad ii0 time
to make suny will, and It *cold be
necesoary) for ber to appoint some
cao as her guardian and attorney
to settle tire property that WAS
Caroling to ter, It woo no wonder
that, In the midst okf lier terrible
grlef, and the weakness that fol-
lowed the shock she bad received, she
ehould look to him for advice tund al -
10w herself to be guided bak him, .
"You were papo'o foreman, anti 1
suapose WOO lr.nOM more about his
buolooss them anabody else," sheep-.
served wearily when he forced the
subtoot upoin her. . .
"Yes, mOj girl, I suPplase I 'do," the
mon said, with a sigh.
"Well, them, Collate ()art I don't
see but that ;you are the Tone best
oalctilated to help me at title time,"
returned the unsusspicions girl; "I
do not know anYthing about busi-
ness matters and must have some
one to mamage for me. If Mr. AP-
PaelYS's Papa's lawyer, were here, I
suppose he Would be tbe One for ma
to appeal to, but he Is in Europe."
"Yes, and ble Isn't coming home Tor
another Wear," hastily interposed
the- villaln, "and it won't dO to neg-
lect buotness matter until that time."
"Then what must I do V Monica
inquired, with a sigh of perplexity.
"Well, if you think you can trust
me, I will do the bast I oan for
you," said the man, warily, "and 1
will bring a lawyer here this after-
noon to make out the necessary
Manic basented. She was too psol-
strated by her grief to be able to
think clearly for herself, and two
hours later she had signed papers
that made Carl King her guard-
ian, and that •gave lamspower of at-
torney to act for her in all (mat-
ters of business,
That same evening found them all
on the way home, whero they ar-
rived late the next day, and the
following morning William King was
buried besOle the wife whcnio he had
loved so well, and whom he had
laid to rest in a quiet nook opon
his own estate.
These events occurred in Novem-
ber, near the and of the school
quarter, and Monica. and Inez de-
vided to remain at home until the
beginning of the next terns. .
In the afternoon after the funs
eral Carl King demanded of August
the keys to Mr. King's safe, re-
marking that he wished to exiunino
its bonterits,
"Pardon, senor," said the young
man, with the, utmont politenesS,
"but Would It not be well to (await
Mr. Appleby's oeturn. He was Mr.
OCiug's man of business, arta I shove
telegraphed to him to Inquire if he
will come immediately." • .
"You have telograpned to Apple-
by 1" esciainied Carl King, growing
almost purple In the fo.co at this
unexpected intelligence. "Who in
thunder ordered you to do that?"
August smiled genially. He did
not wish to offend this man; be
wished to appear to be upon friend-
ly term: with him, so that lie
might have a better opportonity to
carry out his master's instruc-
"Mr. King has often told Me that
if anything wore to bullpen to him
to send an once for Mr. Appleby;
con.sequently I felt obliged to obey
his orders," be explained. .
"Well, I kauppose you wore right
to do so," his colinaaalkorn returned,
more calmly, after a moment of
thought; for he, on his part, did not
wish to make an enemy; of August,
whom he knew to bei a remarkably
clever accountant, s,nd Who lie
realized might be very usofal to
'him. "At the same time," he went
on, shifting uneasilY beneath the
young man's clear, direct gaze, "1
natty as well tell you that Monica.
has deoided that she wants me to
not as her guardian, and so / want-
• ed to see if there pas a hvill pad
what shape the estate ti in."
August's heart had leaped into
his throat at his words, but hecon-
faaled his agitation and foreed
himself to obervo 'with outward
'But you will have toi act .under
legal authority, you know„ Mr.
i'r0g11',1 tbat ill all right, my boy,"
the man glibly returned; "we've at-
tended to that matter before we
left Los Angeles. Here Is the docu-
ment, and it you know anything
about laws You will goo that it is all
611111;;StillraePettP7::ithe paper froml a pocket
fte he spoke and pressed it to las
o ompanion.
August WAS almost paralyzed. by
this unlooked-for disclosure, but lio
took tiro document and read it
through carefully, while he tried to
think Wilat Ito could thy.to check -
mato this unexpected move,
Ito RAM that lie oonlki 410 almost
nothings -Elio deroi woe dorm peat
recall, unless the man could be
caught misusing his power ; so he
preserVea a diecreet ivileneo and fin.
ally passed the paper batik without
questioning Isis authority or his
mothOti of obtaining It.
Ma be continued.)
The Unknown
"Yes, lad; Ise was Maisie about
th,reesquitrter.it Ot 11012r ago, and
gave oraers for the men to begin on
the gOatii solo to -morrow morning,"
Ohcorily responded the foreman.
"Where did he go after 'that ?" the
young man questioned, while lie
gravely studied the inan'a too° ;
in spite of bla frank manner, there
woo a oecultar paleness about it tbat
attracted 1iis attention.
Ile bad never ohared his employerai
magical:ice In the mac; ha had al -
way& been impressed that lie was
treaolierous, and lie instinctively diss
tru,sted InnT.
"I nouldn't say, lad; the last I
aaor of Wm be was talking with Tool
JenIcin,s," WAS tbe indifferent re-
eponse, as the mo.n passed briskly on
toward utE cottage.
Augugt turned to Intercept Mom
Jenkina whom he sow not fax off,
amajust about to cross the street.
Tine mon said. thot he had, only ex -
Wronged a few, words with the mine
owner, wit° had oimply inquired. after
hOY, who had been sick for more
than a month; tiara he saw lare turn
towed the eouth, vein, where they
were going to work in the morniag,
and that waa the last ot Wank t-whon I thought II heard a
• ID)
A.uguat went book to the office No
eP Pear me. I sprang forward,
poron, where he sat down and waited
same fifteen minutes loner, but with
n. feeling of great impatience and in-
creasing -uneasiness.
Almost everybody had disappeared
from the atreet, for it was the min-
ers' supper hour, and all had been
eager to gat home to the evening
meal nosoiting them.
Suddenly the young man aprang to
his feet with a. muttered expression
af alarm.
"The South vein 1" he breathed,
with, svhiteninf Boa. "Santa Marla
preeerve him! .-
He knew there were two ways or
tunnels leading to this vein; one
that had been utterly abandoned no
unaafe and a now one that had been
recently opened,
It Mr. King had gone thither to
examine tor himself the poin.t where
;work WWI to be begun on the mor-
row, and had taken a short cut
through the old tunnel, some acci-
dent 'might ha.ve befallen him, and
*bat was the reason of his protracted
It weal very dark now, but August
knew tbe wa,y well, and, leaping from
the porch, he haatened toward the
naine to aocertain it anything had
happened to hia friend.
Ho would not ask 'anyone to go
with him, for he did not wish to cre-
ate excitement among the men ; Bo be
sped on his way alone, a terrible
fear oppressing bins., ,
At the entrance to the mine be
looked tsround for a tonal. found one
and lighted it, though with trembling
bands, and then, turning toward an
opening on Ida left, sped onward.
Some twenty or thirty yards be-
yond he balm to where two tunnels
brancaed a.af from the main one
which he had been traversing.
One plainly ishtowed that it had
been\recerttly excavated and was
strongly supported; the other was
evidently ,a,n old one, the timber's
were rotten and. discolored, some of
•them had even beconae loosened, aaid
the cloth. o.nd rocks had begun to
tumble about.
Rork What SVA/3 that 2
Au,gust stopped short, every nerve
In lite body vibrating with pain.
Ple was sure he had oaught a sound
as of some one In distress.
He Pushed forward under those
loosened timbers, regardless of his
orwok safety, and two moments later
a, sight met his eyes which caused
a groan of agony to burst from him.
Elie way was suddenly blocked by
Li. great mass of earth and rock and
fallen timbers, while Tram tl.e midat
of the debris he caught sight of a
protruding hand and foot.
"Senor, caner," he goo -ped in tones
that were shrill with distress.
A hoarse, groan responded, and he
l.'s:loco that his friend and benefatotor
lay crushed and probably dying be-
neath that mass of debris.
lby crept lover the (stones and earth
and peered between the timbero that
had, in falling, interlaced them-
selves and so prevented the man from
being literally buried alive.
Here he could see the ghastly face
of the mine owner.
"On. senor," he faltered, fearing the
man was past reeognizing him, when
•tio hie great joy he spoke.
"Yea, August," be punted weakly,
"I am Wed it la you who have come
to me."
"Are you badly hurt, senor ?" in-
quired the young man breathlessly.
"Yes, my boy, I'm done for -I am
very sure that my back is broken."
"No, no. Oh let me go for help.
won't bo long," mad the young man
Is an agonized tone.
"No, Auguot, I should be dead be-
fore they could get me out," Mc. got his juot dessarts.
King returned, mho Speaking more "Senor, nay good friend, [et me go
Naturally. "I do not suffer so very to some other lawyer; give all
much, except from this Iona that these matters into his hands, tell
presses upon my chest; but I know, him, or thio man's treachery, and the
that it would bo useless to attempt dead he has done this night, and
tot got mo out of )ire alive." have him suffer for his crime," oaid
"Oh, let me try, sir," pleaded Aog... august, earnestly, as Mr. King
not," he continued, imperatively,"and Paused.
clot not vonato precious moments, for "No, Asigirot, melt couroo would
do no good, for you could prove
have oomething very important to
nothing-yoo 4111 not too the deed
tell 3,ott-I know, that / can trust
done; you have only my word and
you couid moko out no ease g 1 t
"Ouleked you ma, senor," almost 'aim. Besides, I do not want a 13161e
trobbed the young man. "Oh, that I girl'o oclool life, disturbed. Inez is
can trust oca--" brig'nt girl, and I have •promioed
"Indeed yousmay, igenor," n-inloso that sbo shalt have her e„ourse a,t
sobbed the young man. "Oh. that my expense, and / will not go back
1 could save you oven by the Merl- on my word. When she graduates
floc of my own life." Olin wilt be able to teach and look
"That Lo a vain wish, nlY boy. No, out for herself, and my pledge w1,1
you tnuat live to avenge me." have Wen fulfalcd. I have a fear,
"To avenge you," interposed Aug- however, that, having Wen so treach-
not, amazed. trout; toward me, Carl King wilt not
"Yo -.you remember you warned ho,itate to wrong my child alto af,.
tie woke to bo on my guard ngainot tor I am -gone. But do you Watch
him clOsolY, August; bs sly and
"Ila, Carl King -your room," gasp:. secret about it; be faith -
ad Auguat, as he recalled tile unttqoal fru' sot: 00.11001:11enclohn initnereaetnsy; tar:fri)
pallor of the manis face half an hour
do not besitate to pineh bim hard.
prov Jou to.
"Yee, / did not heed you, for ittilidgongw.„_tultilndilivi'utomr..yhtitheternm, rntJe b:te too t 0 trme mo;
dwildiuneotI tlwrinakeltalis reoLnIdyboor tialita9e(itaoux.toil
when a trementloue blow of a. pick,
froin an unseen hand, was dealt on
one of these rotten timbers. In an
instant the whole framework tot-
tered and fell. Oringing tons of earth
ano rock with it. One of the tim-
bers otruck me across the back; tho
shock was terrible, and I fainted,
I think, for a few minutes. When I
came to myself I was paralyzed -
could more neither hand nor foot,
and I knew my back wan broken.
Now, Aug•tis•t, do you think you can
get nearer to me without danger
to yourself? There is an important
paper in the inoide pocket of my
coat that I want you to take charge
"I will try." Saida/to young man.
He faotened his torch firmly In
the sand, then crept cautiously to
the oide of his friend.
It was a dangerous exploit, but
he would have risked far more ra-
ther than bare denied the man's re-
Very carefully he removed the
stones and earth suffielently to en-
able him to find the pocket, and the
next moment ht. had the paper in
his hands.
"Now, back, August, (snick!" /Anted
the dying man • "get out of danger,
and then I will tell you what to
August obeyed, but only went Just
beyond the range of the• l000ened
"First of all," said Mr. King, "con-
ceal that paper about your person
and tell no one that you have it.
It as a certificate for a hundred
shares in the Mexican National
Railroad, made out In Monica's name.
When -all -is over. I want you to
go secretly to my 'den' some night,
when you are mire that no one is
around, lift the centre tile in the
hearth, and you will find there
other 'valuable papers. These with
the certificate, I want you to take
to Los Angeles, and deposit them
In a safety satin in Monica's name.
Among those papers there le a plan
of the claim it was my intention
to purchaee-I am sure the vein
runs around to the rear of the
Hodgkins' claims which has ,been
abandoned, and which I think can
be bought for a song. Of course, I
cannot say certainly that the vein
extends very far, but if It does it
Is the richest one I ever saw, and
the man who gets and tootles it will
soon make Ids pile. The plan, of
tourers, will to of no use to Monica;
but, Augu a if you can do anything
with it for yourself you are wel-
come to It."
• "Thanks, senor," said the young
man infifferently. He was so alas
sorbed In his grief over losing his
friend, matters of self-intereet had
little attraction for him just then.
"XY will," the man went on, but
now speaking with more diflioulty,
"wilt -be found. In the safe in the
library at home. Of course, I have
le,re everything I tOOSZO3 to my dear
girl, and 1 haver made Appleby, of
Los Angeles, my executor. But he
Is In Europa just now, and will not
return for some time. I want you
to telegraph to him, however, and
If he will come home to settle af-
fairs for me, it --ill be so much the
better for Monts.a. But until he ar-
rives, August, you are to have the
oversight of these papers I have
told you about, and retain the key
to the safety vault in your pos-
• oession. If anything happans to Ap-
pleby, tell Monism to eho)se for her-
self someone else to settle my busi-
ness; but warn her, under no cir-
cumetancos, to allow Carl King to
have any part or lot in It. Too late
ham I learned of his treachery; had
I lived but a week longer I would
have exposed him, and he would have
. have
ter," Mr. Kato rejoinetl; "butd little
or Me night'scrOros, /t will
weight then that It would no:
Mt hay
by Moo Et Imo beeo forceuson g , ago, sae will tot his snot de.
Mo that your warning woo not un -
a carts, August, aw'mr that tomwin
timely. and I have been watelilloon lava 'watch over n51 iChild, and tliat you
during the Iola year. Tosday I too will never eon ber wronged 11 put
tame satisfied that he is a scheming, can prevent It"
treacherous knave. Ile thought I Nienor, I swro.r It," solemnly re -
was going to be away all day. but I Nod the ykung Want arid bonding
returned tit toxin arr I tola YOu 1 forward bo sealed to VOW by; touch-
trhouki, and canto directly here and ing his lips to the cold, limp hand
mot him faro to Thee coming Oat of that lay near hi.M.
tikla parelago. Ile WAN ft tartINI ond Efrisat IS 'Well, oat boy, fund -arid
Naito rfis uvs41 I; I s embarraoginent; lout will find that 1 list.ve not fOrgots
and when 1 flaked hit* If it Waen't ten you," faintly broothed the feet
rather valor, 110 nervounlY obrarval tanking meat. "It Is grOlOr Int( darks
44 •
4ima tri.10.9.....",•=.111*,nr,.....
The reputation of
"Diamond Hall" is con-
tinental for tbe quality
and reasonable prices of
its precious stones.
no same care is exercised
to seianting the atone for our
$as.00 solitaire ring (No.
1390 as for on at six or
eight times.that cost.
A complete catalogue of our o.
many departments will be sent
on request,
I IS to 124
Yontla Street
A Sure Way of Saving.
An ingenious mobbed of putting his
savings beyond. Ids own reach has been
adopted by a German writer, who found
from dire experience that all his pro-
fits melted away as soon as. earnest
having made £10,000 in 'a fortun-
ate literary speculation, he placed the
whole .of his Money, -together with his
wilts in the Imperial Deposit Bank at
Berlin, and on receiving the 'receipt
from the casbier d•elibera,tely tore it up.
The °ashler thought he was read and
told hini angrily thot it would take ful-
ly three years before he could expect
to obtain a duplicate receipt. "That
is just svhy I have torn. up the origin,.
al," calmly remarked. the depositor,
"and MOW the anoney is safe for that
time." -The Golden Pansy,
4-4 4.4 44•44•44-01+++.4
Pass Under the Rod
+++++..."(4 ISI:.Ditua, by Request.)
I raw a young bride in her.beauty and pride,
uedeeked in her snowy array;
And the bright flush et joy mantled high on
her cheek,
And the future looked blooming anti gay;
And with WOIllell'e deVOt1011 sho laid nor
fond heart
At the shrine at idolatrous love'
And ea:theca her hopea to titleperialling
By tho charm which her tenderness wove.
But I vow when the heart strings wore
Antibiteheedteehgaineehaar Oen severed in ova
She had changed her 'white robes for the
sables of grief.
And her gloom for tbo paleness of woe.
Da the Healer was there, pouring balra on
her heart.
And wiping the team from her .eyes,
He sttrItraignt,itened the chain Ile had broken in
And fastened It firm. to the skies!
There hod whispered a. volOe—Ivitts the
voice of her God -
1 love thee; i love thee—paea tinder the
I saw a young mother In tenderness bend;
O'er the couch of her slumbering boy;
And she kissed the soft lips as th y murmur-
ed her mune
While the dreamer lay smiling in joy,
01 sweet was the rosebud encircled with dew
When its fragrance Is flung on the air,
So fresh and so bright to that mother be
As be lay in hie innocence there,
But I saw when she gazed en the same love-
ly form
Pale as marble, and silent and cold;
But paler and colder her beautiful boy.
And the tale of her sorrow as told!
But the Healer 'was there who had etrigken
her heart.
And taken her treasure away;
To allure her to Heaven .He has placed it
on high,
And the woman will sweetly obey.
There had whispered a volee—lwas the voice
of her God—
"I love thee I love thee—pass under the
r saw a father and mother who leaned
On the arms of a dear, gifted on,
And the star of the future grew bright to
their gaze,
As they saw the proud place he bad won.
And the fast coming everting of life prom-
ised fair
And its pathway grew smooth to their feet;
And the starlight. of love glimmered bright
at the end,
And the whispers of fancy were sweet,
And I ;saw them again bending low O'er the
Where their hearts' deerest hope had been
And the star had gone down in the darkness
of night,
And the joy from their bosom had fled.
But the Healer was there and His arms were
And He led them with tenderest care;
And He showed them a star in tho bright
upper world—
'Twas their star shining brilliantly therel
They had each heard, a voiee—'twas the voice
of their God—
"I love thee, I love thee—pass under the
Who Knows Anything About
" ES aCk IN NI I itl) IE F2 77 ?.
All buyers, sellers and users of
Will every reader of this enquiry •
are interegted in this question
? ? ? ? ?
please drop a line on the subject to
The Editor's Little Say.
The .country editor can say right out
the things that lie uppermost in his
mind. The Christian Church at Eldorado,
Kan. is trying to raise money to pay
debt, The country editor intends
that the rich men of Eldorado shall, see
their plain, duty. "There are three wives
who are members of the Christian Church
whose husbands are connected with three
banks in town, and regardless of what
they have heretofore suescribed,' it seems
to us they ought to go to church on
Sunday morning and start the new sub-
scription with $1,000 each. If we had
one-half the money any one , of • these
bankers claims to have we would pre-
sent the church with a $3,000 organ.'
Coughing is an outward sign of
inward disease.
Cure the disease With .
Cure T -Z1 -ung
and the cough will stop.
, Try it tonight. lf it doesn't
• benefit you, we'll give your
'money back.
Prices: S. C.Wents &Co. 567
50e. SI LeRoy, N Y., Toronto. Can.
There is a Pamir in auks' eggs. One
In Toulon ?moats, fetehea a mere 200
einette under the hammer- epeakin
that Ito didn't believe It woe, att Auguirt ; 1 thank Use, Oear. fgunttively. The lett orse sold fete
iltiogenous as it had been said to be. Tell reef atollarg-my haat thOught 300 guatessk.
Richest People in World.
The Osage Indians are the richest peo-
ple in the world. They have $8,000,000 in
a, State bank and own 1,500,000 acres of
land. Each squaws brave and papoose
in the tribe possesses land to the value
of $4,000, ona 'the interest on their
money gives an annual income of $300
to each member. •
Minard's Liniment for sale everyWhere;
One oat the Teacher.
(Now Yorker.). ,
'Teacher (in spelling class) -Johnny, spell
• Teacher—You cant poll that simple word?
Why not?
Johnny—'Cause you told me there *as no
such word as fail.
Then Dodd's Kidney Pills Cured
flis Diabetes.
*Moo f,./..*I•
Startling Case of Thos. Harrison, ot
St, Mary's terry -•110 Tolle the
Story Himself.
St. Mary's refry, York County, N.
Octala-(Specira)---That Dodd's Kidney
Pills will curet Diabetes, one of the most
deadly forms of Kidney Disease has beeu
satisfactorily proved by Mr. Thos. Har-
rison, of this place. Speaking of Ids cure,
Mr. Benison says .•
"I began to suffer with severe paha
above the region of the kidneys. When
I lay dean it was tOrtute to got up
again. My appetite foiled (MO X lost
flesh rapidly.
"I doetorea With eevetal physicians,
but it was all no use. Shortly after
this 1 begin to urinate biaaa and thmi
I knew I WAN in the grip of that dread
mender, Diabetes.
"At thie time it friend, prevailed °note
to try a box of Dams liffiney Pills and
they did tie SO much good r continued
the treatment tilt I had used Urea Iro-a-
es. They mod me ttotypietialy."
Latest Baggage System:.
The pneumatic -tube system has been
installed on a very extensive scale at
the Union Station, in St. Louis, as a
means of handling the baggage of the
patrons of the station without the dan-
ger and inconvenience of trucking it
about the platforms which are ordinar-
ily made Use of by the passengers.
There are 32 tracks in the station at
present, and these are served by an ele-
vator for each pairs of tracks. The
prospective passenger, having purchased
his ticket has but to step over to the
baggage booth near by and make the
arrangements about his baggage. He
receives a claim check and a correspond-
ing check is sent by pneumatic tube
to a central station'from which point
it is sent to one of the 35 underground
baggage stations, where the transfer is
triode and the pieces of baggage Eitarted
on their way. All of these details are
arranged by means of the tubes, eight
'miles of whieli have been installed about
the station for this purpose.
The capacity of this marvelous plant
is said to *be sufficient for handling 12,000
cheeks per hour during the busiest part
of the day, •tvhich is late in the after-
noon and early in the evening, The
capacity of the pipes is no so great at
other times, for the reason that there
Is no demand for such a .service except
during the rush hours. •
A Practical Joke.
J. Adam 13etle, the Minnesota cOn-
grelisman, was talking the other day
about his boyhood: •
"The best friend of my isoybood," said
Mr. Bede, "was a lad of the hame of Hor-
ace Brown. Horace was a joker.
"He and I were ,put one iloy when we
Met a friend who stuttered.
" %tell% Joe,' mid Horace, 'Where are
you goinge"
" `To the st-store,' Joe replied..
"'What after?'
" 'After t -t -tacks.'
"Horace said good be to Joe and
then he lituried me around to the store
by another way. He enteted the place -
and he said to tbe cleria
"Have y -you got any at -tacks?"
'Yes,' said the clerk politely.
.""then s -s -sit oriothem,' Said Horace,
and hastenea out. •
"Ea and 1' then hid behind a barrel,
and in a little while Joe appeared. Joe
sauntered into the store *and the -clerk
went over to him.
"Nave you got any t-t-teteks," said
"Well, of all the impudente •I ever
heard of the dale exclaimed, and he
took poor innocent Joe by the back of
the neck and ran him out into the street.
Alcohol Depopulating Normandy.
The population of the five departments
moats of Normandy is 160,000 less than
it Was thirty years ago, and the de-
crease is attributed wholly to the ex-
eessive ORO of nicohol. M. Debove, the
dean of the Paris Vacuity Of Medicaid,
shows hew alcohol operates in Iwo &free -
time toward the dinunution of the pop.
tilation by raising the average of noor.
tality and by weakening the vitality of
the majority that survive. There aro
places M Notinandy where the tonsure!).
tan of brandy is more than a quart per
day per head of the adult population.
Alcoholism is said to have got a, firnt
hold on a large port of the female popu-
lation .In the "fairly temperate" canton
of TourOve the itVerttge weekly consump-
tion of raw spirits 38 a little over three
and A half quarts for each male adult
and ebout two quarts for grown-up wo-
men and young ehilaren.
Coitly kisses.
The pretty daughter of a COM County
farmer offered four kinsts to the farm
hand who would do the moat work in
Iwo aityki lost week, and before nlght
three mem had been lorostalad by bbs
hatts-Ittounts City Star.
Sunlight Soap will not
bum the nap off woolens
nor the surface off linens.
laikrr EXPENSE
4811 for the octagon Bar.
• British Humor.
Tim most curious Mayor elected in
Britain is the mock Mayor of Worston,
a tiny Laueaehire hamlet of some dozen
Ionises at the foot of Perna° Hill, Its
residents have a standing entertain -
anent by masquerading aa the "ancient
borough of Worston,' and. annually
electing a Mayor.
With splendid setiousness the candi-
dates issue addresses and the residents
are supplied with voting papers, the
women voting as well as the mon.
The duly -elected, Mayor Always assumes
the style of a Privy Councillor and the
rank of a knight says tits London
o The holder of the office for several
years has been tile, Hon. Sir
WilliainBulcoOk," a laborer. He Las his
robes of office, a gorgeous cocked. hat
and huge brass amin and badge. The
corporation meets in the village inn, and
there ponderously diseussea such • mov-
ing questions as the repainting of finger.
poste. At the coronotion this mock bor-
ough bad .its civic rejoicings and for-
warded an address to the King, who acts!,
nowledged it ns courteously as he did
the congratulations of London or Edin-
Minard's Liniment Cures Dandruff.
Plus X. and the "Non Erpedit."
ISSUE NO, 44 i 904,
There is one burning question in Italy
which never loses its vital ' irttereit,
namely, whether clericals should take
part in the political life of the country,
now forbidden by the Church. On this
subject the Secolo says:
"There are fifty-eight candidates stab
ask the Vatican for the authorization
to enter Farliament. The Secretary of
State, Cardinal Kerry del Val, second-
ing the humor of Pius X., who has al-
-ways had a weakness for polities, has
arrived at a decision. A discourse on
the following lines will -be made to the
would-be deputies: '.As tbe aon-expe-
dit" is simply a pontifical disposition, An
which conscience, but not -faith or dog-
ma, is involved, the Holy See iirdisposed
to alsolye your, consciencee nod author-
ize you to put forward your candida-
tures in the approaching political elec-
tions. The Holy See, however, imposes,
its an absolute condition to the 'permis-
sion, the formal undertaking -which
must be in writing -that in the 'exercise
of your legislative functions, never tin-
der any pretext will you concur in or
support any law which is contrary to
faith, dogma or papal inatitutions.' The
candidates who accept these conditions
will: be authorized to present themselves
tootbe country, and the electors will be
absolved from the 'non expedit! Thus
it is safe to argue, also front one huh-
dred other indications, that Pius X. in-
tends to apply on a vast scale the fa-
vorite electoral -political system of Car-
dinal Sarto, Patriarch of Venice." -The
Pall Mall.Claiette.
Marts Liniment Relieves Neuralgia.
Little Cash Among Millionaires,
Pierpont • Morgan, James Stillman,
William Rockefeller, James J. Hill and
Chauncey M. Deism attended the same
board meeting in New.. York recently.
While the meeting was in session a
messenger arrived with a note and a
package for Senator Depew, the charge
being $1.40. All five of the millionaires
were called upon to contribute, but tbe
amoont could -not be made up. Mr. Hill's
stenographer finally paid the boy, alio
possibly departed with: a new idea of
whist it is to be a millionaire. :
Catarrh and Colds Relieved
in 10 to 60.Mlnutes. —4 One short
puff of the breath tlirough the blower sup-
plied with eaoh bottle of .Dr. Agnew's Cat-
arrhal Powder diffuses this powder over the
surface of the nasal pasaages. Palnlesss and
delightful to use, It relieves Instantly, and
Permanently cures catarrh, hay fever, colds,
headache, •sore throat, tonsilitis, and deaf -
11088. 60 cents.. --41
Handkerchiefs for the Navy.
All sailors in the King's navy are
obliged to buy a black silk handkerchief.
They get it ftom the goveriunent stores,
and the price about $1, is deducted from
their pay, Tius,year the Admiralty has
ordered 100,000 handkerchiefs from the
largest silk manufaaturers in the world.
This number is 40,0000 more thitn has
ever been required before. Each hand-
kerchief is thirty-five inches square.. •
Dear Sirs -I have great faith in
MINARD'S 'LINIMENT, as last year
I cured a horse of Ring -bone, with five
It blistered the horse but in a month
there was no ring -bone and no lame-
DANIEL gurtculsoIsr.
Pour Palis, N. B.
Oddities of One Family.
(Boston Transcript.)
ruddy -What a difference there IS
sometimes between the boys and girls
a the Some family.
Duddy -Yes, I've noticed that. There's
the. Begotten family, for instance. The
boys are, every orb of them, red head-
ed, while the girls, whose locks are of
tho Same hue, are auburn -haired.
Lever's It -Z (Wise Head) Disinfectant
Soap Powder is better than other powders,
as it is both soap and disinfectant. m
I am taken 0
and shut up
in a wooden case, from which Is am
never releosed, and yet I am mai by
almost everybody? • A lead. pencil.
What ie that svhich by adding some-
thing t it will become smaller, but if
you ad nothing a will grow larger? • A
hole in a stocking.
What is that Which never asks qua
tions, yet requires many answers? A
door bell,
What is that wlach every one can di-
vide and no one can see where it is
divided? Water.
. On, yonder hill there ia a mill, and in
that mill there is a wheel, ond now it
goes, and new it steads still? The
Bound the housts, round thabourie and
leaves o. white glove in the window?
with LOCAL APPLICATIONS, as they cannot
reach the emit of the disease, Catarrh 13 a
blood or constitutional disease, and in Order
to cure it you Must take internal rein ,
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, and
acts directly on the blood and 'mucous sur-
faces. Hall's Catarrh Cure is not a outwit
medicine, It was prescrjbed by one of the
best physicians in this country for years
and is a regular prescription. It is corn-
rtZleidthe(f btOiset litleoec,c1 =Muir tT.retnge=
on the mucous surfaces. The' perfect combin-
ation of the two ingredients la what produces
such wonderful results In curing Catarrh.
Send for testimonials, free.
o. a CHENEY & CO., Props., Toledo, 0.
• Sold by Druggists, price 76c,
Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation.
Wind and Weather Permitting.
In Sumatra the length of time that 4
widow must wear her weeds is determin-
ed by wind. Just after her husband's
death, elm plants a flagstaff at her door
upon which a flag Is mimed, While the
flag remains untorn by the wind est-
quette forbidsthat she should marry.
But as soon at a rent appears, no at.
ttr how tiny, site, eon lay aside her weeds
and don her most becoming gown and
bowitkiiing smile.
Unlucky for the Fish.
(Somerville Journal.)
illeks-Itow do you happen to he going
fishing on Friday/ I thotight you be-
lieved Friday WAN an unItto y day.
Wicks --Well, 1 always have. But it
oosurred to ros this morning that pinta".
it wonid he mrlacky for the fish.
Life in the Street.
A woman visiting here was struck by
an automobile yesterday and seriously
injured. Not long ago Bishop White
of the northern Episcopal diocese of this
state ventured to visit his old place of
residence, which ' was here. He Was
promptly knocked down and run over by
an automobile. It is to be added that
there is no discrimination here.' People
that live here are -knocked down and
run over just the same. The police
make arrests, but they do not make
enough of them, and generally they per-
mit too much fast speeding by all sorts
of vehicles. The automobile is the
greatest and manifestly the most dan-
gerous offender, but the bicycle scorcher
and the reckless driver of vehicles -
especially the delivery wagons of busi-
ness -contribute their share. Indeed,
taking the differences in the number
it • is doubtful if the reeldess wagon
driver is not the greater menace. -In-
dianapolis News.
Removes all hard, soft or calloused lumps
and blemishes from horses, blood spavin,
curbs. splints, •ringbent, sweeney, stifles,
sprains; Mires sore and- sweeten throat,
coughs, ete, Elev.:IVO by the use of one got -
tie. Waranted the most wonderful Blemish.
Cure eVer known. •
• • A Fasting Serpent.
A large Japanese python, which died
at tlie Museum of Natural History in
Faris a couple of -years ago, had refrain-
ed. from eating for two years and nine
months. It arrived at. the musetim
1899, and 'was in the fullest of health,
and strength. It was eight feet long, of
brilliant coloring, enormous diameter and
of a singularly aggressivedisposition. its
keepers, finding that it refused' orainary
food, pressed every dainty upon it which
was known to tickle the palate of rep-
tiles -geese, dueks, sheep, hens -but it
would have none of them. It passed away
after a voluntary fast of two years and
nine months.
The Covernoes Wife a Pris-
on CM -Mrs, g. A. Van Luven is the wife
of the governor of the county jail, Napanee,
Out., and Was a great sufferer from rheuma-
tism. 'When the best doctors in the cern-
munity and "speclaliste" failed to help het
she buried her altepticisni of proprietail
remedies, and purchaeo South Amerintni
Rheumatic Cure, 4 bottles cured Icer. -42
Be Kept at it.
A prominent dealer in real estate
writes: "For three months I advertised
hi the newspapers four houses without
getting a reply and was tempted to dis-
continue the ads, as the cost had been
great. But it finally came to an exten-
sion of the campaign through a fourth
mon* when I got an inquiry from 0.11
out-of-town buyer, who paid more for
the property than. we had hoped to
realize. It doesn't do to be afraid of the
ebst of newspaper advertising. Keep at
Minard's Liniment Cures Burns, etc.
Figure Seven ill the Bible,
The phenomena of the figure 7 ami its
Multiples occurring in the New Testament
hove been tottelled Open by /van Panin,
Mission student of the Bible, who for a
number ot years has made his home at Gia! -
ton, Masa. This significance of the "seveao
group will not be tont, even upon the super-
stitiouti, Who aro outside the pale of Scrip-.
tural points, tUld, ae Mr. PAII1It 11138 shoWtt
them, their relations of their groupings to
the first eleven 'aces of the New Testament
Must suggesttlit they were scarcely chance,
says the mileage Oribuna
per instanee, In these first eleven Venial; of
Matthew, the vocabulary motets of 49
words, or even laYteni; of these words there
Ire 2S, or fair sevens, Whittbegin with
vowels, and al, or three sevens, which begin
with cerise:lama
"This distribution by sevens between
vowel word,, anti consonant welsh; justly
Might haVo been kotned acciderite but, for
the fact that of the 41 words 42 of them AM
nouns -six sevens -and 53 oven are not nouns,"
18 tho (=mint of the writer. "Of the 42
410uns there are 33 simper nouns. nr titre
sevens, while seven are remote nouns. of
the o. proper 1=11105 four Sevens are male
aneeStors of SOSUD end nOVt•rt are not sum.
Not only, then, Is the distribution of the
49 words of the vocabulary by sevens as be-
tween vowel words and ennsonatt words, but
Mao as between the parte of speeelt.'
As tt further anti absolute proof that that)
plienontena of the NOVella are not areidentiti,
Mr. Paton pante out that the 49 words or
th.. vocabulary allow 14 words that Itte not
used but onto, while 25 of them, or flea
sevens, areteed morn than otter. IBS OM.
elutlione, after an exhaustive arrangement el'
the "moven" feetures my. the "not event the
'tholes of the langneges in whiph the fi •
tures were Written Wile made without mar (I
astroariewl design st the threabold of the iub.
Mrs, Winelowa Soothing Syrup ebould
alwaos bo used tor Mona 'lathing. Is
soothe the child, softer= the game, come wind
Mite and is the best remedy for Martinet].
l.) to tour hundred acres each, for sale;
le all parte of Canada; write for catalogue.
Intercelonial Realty Co., Limited, Loudon.
.A.gents wanted for our eneelaities. Com-
plete outfit does not exceed 12.09. An good
sellers, Write 237 King street east, Toronto.
Agents Wanted •
ta fon
impnevnD (007111,1INED)
Needed by every familY. Three Mos. Boils
and Meatus lu separate compartments. trrsiin..
IONAMOLI4D. Cover locks with back handle
for (training. stoat useful alai eafest cooker
Made. FRED SAMPLD. Freight pAid au
orders.Illustrated eireulara, Write quick.
TARBOX BROS., Toronto, Ont.
There is one burning question in Italy
which never loses its vital ' irttereit,
namely, whether clericals should take
part in the political life of the country,
now forbidden by the Church. On this
subject the Secolo says:
"There are fifty-eight candidates stab
ask the Vatican for the authorization
to enter Farliament. The Secretary of
State, Cardinal Kerry del Val, second-
ing the humor of Pius X., who has al-
-ways had a weakness for polities, has
arrived at a decision. A discourse on
the following lines will -be made to the
would-be deputies: '.As tbe aon-expe-
dit" is simply a pontifical disposition, An
which conscience, but not -faith or dog-
ma, is involved, the Holy See iirdisposed
to alsolye your, consciencee nod author-
ize you to put forward your candida-
tures in the approaching political elec-
tions. The Holy See, however, imposes,
its an absolute condition to the 'permis-
sion, the formal undertaking -which
must be in writing -that in the 'exercise
of your legislative functions, never tin-
der any pretext will you concur in or
support any law which is contrary to
faith, dogma or papal inatitutions.' The
candidates who accept these conditions
will: be authorized to present themselves
tootbe country, and the electors will be
absolved from the 'non expedit! Thus
it is safe to argue, also front one huh-
dred other indications, that Pius X. in-
tends to apply on a vast scale the fa-
vorite electoral -political system of Car-
dinal Sarto, Patriarch of Venice." -The
Pall Mall.Claiette.
Marts Liniment Relieves Neuralgia.
Little Cash Among Millionaires,
Pierpont • Morgan, James Stillman,
William Rockefeller, James J. Hill and
Chauncey M. Deism attended the same
board meeting in New.. York recently.
While the meeting was in session a
messenger arrived with a note and a
package for Senator Depew, the charge
being $1.40. All five of the millionaires
were called upon to contribute, but tbe
amoont could -not be made up. Mr. Hill's
stenographer finally paid the boy, alio
possibly departed with: a new idea of
whist it is to be a millionaire. :
Catarrh and Colds Relieved
in 10 to 60.Mlnutes. —4 One short
puff of the breath tlirough the blower sup-
plied with eaoh bottle of .Dr. Agnew's Cat-
arrhal Powder diffuses this powder over the
surface of the nasal pasaages. Palnlesss and
delightful to use, It relieves Instantly, and
Permanently cures catarrh, hay fever, colds,
headache, •sore throat, tonsilitis, and deaf -
11088. 60 cents.. --41
Handkerchiefs for the Navy.
All sailors in the King's navy are
obliged to buy a black silk handkerchief.
They get it ftom the goveriunent stores,
and the price about $1, is deducted from
their pay, Tius,year the Admiralty has
ordered 100,000 handkerchiefs from the
largest silk manufaaturers in the world.
This number is 40,0000 more thitn has
ever been required before. Each hand-
kerchief is thirty-five inches square.. •
Dear Sirs -I have great faith in
MINARD'S 'LINIMENT, as last year
I cured a horse of Ring -bone, with five
It blistered the horse but in a month
there was no ring -bone and no lame-
DANIEL gurtculsoIsr.
Pour Palis, N. B.
Oddities of One Family.
(Boston Transcript.)
ruddy -What a difference there IS
sometimes between the boys and girls
a the Some family.
Duddy -Yes, I've noticed that. There's
the. Begotten family, for instance. The
boys are, every orb of them, red head-
ed, while the girls, whose locks are of
tho Same hue, are auburn -haired.
Lever's It -Z (Wise Head) Disinfectant
Soap Powder is better than other powders,
as it is both soap and disinfectant. m
I am taken 0
and shut up
in a wooden case, from which Is am
never releosed, and yet I am mai by
almost everybody? • A lead. pencil.
What ie that svhich by adding some-
thing t it will become smaller, but if
you ad nothing a will grow larger? • A
hole in a stocking.
What is that Which never asks qua
tions, yet requires many answers? A
door bell,
What is that wlach every one can di-
vide and no one can see where it is
divided? Water.
. On, yonder hill there ia a mill, and in
that mill there is a wheel, ond now it
goes, and new it steads still? The
Bound the housts, round thabourie and
leaves o. white glove in the window?
with LOCAL APPLICATIONS, as they cannot
reach the emit of the disease, Catarrh 13 a
blood or constitutional disease, and in Order
to cure it you Must take internal rein ,
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, and
acts directly on the blood and 'mucous sur-
faces. Hall's Catarrh Cure is not a outwit
medicine, It was prescrjbed by one of the
best physicians in this country for years
and is a regular prescription. It is corn-
rtZleidthe(f btOiset litleoec,c1 =Muir tT.retnge=
on the mucous surfaces. The' perfect combin-
ation of the two ingredients la what produces
such wonderful results In curing Catarrh.
Send for testimonials, free.
o. a CHENEY & CO., Props., Toledo, 0.
• Sold by Druggists, price 76c,
Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation.
Wind and Weather Permitting.
In Sumatra the length of time that 4
widow must wear her weeds is determin-
ed by wind. Just after her husband's
death, elm plants a flagstaff at her door
upon which a flag Is mimed, While the
flag remains untorn by the wind est-
quette forbidsthat she should marry.
But as soon at a rent appears, no at.
ttr how tiny, site, eon lay aside her weeds
and don her most becoming gown and
bowitkiiing smile.
Unlucky for the Fish.
(Somerville Journal.)
illeks-Itow do you happen to he going
fishing on Friday/ I thotight you be-
lieved Friday WAN an unItto y day.
Wicks --Well, 1 always have. But it
oosurred to ros this morning that pinta".
it wonid he mrlacky for the fish.
Life in the Street.
A woman visiting here was struck by
an automobile yesterday and seriously
injured. Not long ago Bishop White
of the northern Episcopal diocese of this
state ventured to visit his old place of
residence, which ' was here. He Was
promptly knocked down and run over by
an automobile. It is to be added that
there is no discrimination here.' People
that live here are -knocked down and
run over just the same. The police
make arrests, but they do not make
enough of them, and generally they per-
mit too much fast speeding by all sorts
of vehicles. The automobile is the
greatest and manifestly the most dan-
gerous offender, but the bicycle scorcher
and the reckless driver of vehicles -
especially the delivery wagons of busi-
ness -contribute their share. Indeed,
taking the differences in the number
it • is doubtful if the reeldess wagon
driver is not the greater menace. -In-
dianapolis News.
Removes all hard, soft or calloused lumps
and blemishes from horses, blood spavin,
curbs. splints, •ringbent, sweeney, stifles,
sprains; Mires sore and- sweeten throat,
coughs, ete, Elev.:IVO by the use of one got -
tie. Waranted the most wonderful Blemish.
Cure eVer known. •
• • A Fasting Serpent.
A large Japanese python, which died
at tlie Museum of Natural History in
Faris a couple of -years ago, had refrain-
ed. from eating for two years and nine
months. It arrived at. the musetim
1899, and 'was in the fullest of health,
and strength. It was eight feet long, of
brilliant coloring, enormous diameter and
of a singularly aggressivedisposition. its
keepers, finding that it refused' orainary
food, pressed every dainty upon it which
was known to tickle the palate of rep-
tiles -geese, dueks, sheep, hens -but it
would have none of them. It passed away
after a voluntary fast of two years and
nine months.
The Covernoes Wife a Pris-
on CM -Mrs, g. A. Van Luven is the wife
of the governor of the county jail, Napanee,
Out., and Was a great sufferer from rheuma-
tism. 'When the best doctors in the cern-
munity and "speclaliste" failed to help het
she buried her altepticisni of proprietail
remedies, and purchaeo South Amerintni
Rheumatic Cure, 4 bottles cured Icer. -42
Be Kept at it.
A prominent dealer in real estate
writes: "For three months I advertised
hi the newspapers four houses without
getting a reply and was tempted to dis-
continue the ads, as the cost had been
great. But it finally came to an exten-
sion of the campaign through a fourth
mon* when I got an inquiry from 0.11
out-of-town buyer, who paid more for
the property than. we had hoped to
realize. It doesn't do to be afraid of the
ebst of newspaper advertising. Keep at
Minard's Liniment Cures Burns, etc.
Figure Seven ill the Bible,
The phenomena of the figure 7 ami its
Multiples occurring in the New Testament
hove been tottelled Open by /van Panin,
Mission student of the Bible, who for a
number ot years has made his home at Gia! -
ton, Masa. This significance of the "seveao
group will not be tont, even upon the super-
stitiouti, Who aro outside the pale of Scrip-.
tural points, tUld, ae Mr. PAII1It 11138 shoWtt
them, their relations of their groupings to
the first eleven 'aces of the New Testament
Must suggesttlit they were scarcely chance,
says the mileage Oribuna
per instanee, In these first eleven Venial; of
Matthew, the vocabulary motets of 49
words, or even laYteni; of these words there
Ire 2S, or fair sevens, Whittbegin with
vowels, and al, or three sevens, which begin
with cerise:lama
"This distribution by sevens between
vowel word,, anti consonant welsh; justly
Might haVo been kotned acciderite but, for
the fact that of the 41 words 42 of them AM
nouns -six sevens -and 53 oven are not nouns,"
18 tho (=mint of the writer. "Of the 42
410uns there are 33 simper nouns. nr titre
sevens, while seven are remote nouns. of
the o. proper 1=11105 four Sevens are male
aneeStors of SOSUD end nOVt•rt are not sum.
Not only, then, Is the distribution of the
49 words of the vocabulary by sevens as be-
tween vowel words and ennsonatt words, but
Mao as between the parte of speeelt.'
As tt further anti absolute proof that that)
plienontena of the NOVella are not areidentiti,
Mr. Paton pante out that the 49 words or
th.. vocabulary allow 14 words that Itte not
used but onto, while 25 of them, or flea
sevens, areteed morn than otter. IBS OM.
elutlione, after an exhaustive arrangement el'
the "moven" feetures my. the "not event the
'tholes of the langneges in whiph the fi •
tures were Written Wile made without mar (I
astroariewl design st the threabold of the iub.