HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1904-10-13, Page 6The UnKnown Bridegroom. • eassamta_seeeta..,seewa-eilogasairstlear416.41.,er+11.441"411s,arsalL-edow weeseeee • 1 .1 Or the3 arnOdietee tele eoWeet t b'8 1141 vault.," attention, and tbe uneanny sesret pet other matters neW elelined his ot 'Wortning Towere was forgotten, Lor the time anti a week later found, him en route to Paine. Ife went nearly three morithe this gay and woneerful, city, diell hat cleep into ale the emu:union:1i and intoxicettinglileasuree for weieh be had 00 leng eearried, It wee ttureter ere fslojourn here that ho met Miss Inez Ranee n. btatt-,- ful Claliforeian-o, clark„ voluptuous beauty, of • pertutpe twenty -flee YeArti, Nviri was traveling. svith an eininentle leen erten, ?. eirep ran nail • Spanisbeloolcing young nein, who tasted as, her private satire tary. Site wail roperted to tg trainee:vie wea1thy-41M daughter of a "eilver Wave -and -gee, esoinbeeed wieli her beauty. reon her hosts/ of admireray Out f,1),E1, had been 1ii1 feint to them all until she was introdireed, to air Walter Irsighten, for whom sbe at arm conceived great atimiretion, if not deep aftection. The attraction Appeared to be mu- tnn,l, for th0 young baronet at o nee Weenie very attentive to. her, the remit bing thet one wee rare- ly seen without the other. But the time tbat Sir Waiter had allotted himself in the Preece Mee tropolie was; drawing to a. etiolate and ODD evening; while ealling neon hi.y gay comrade, he Mr:reeved that the fleet of the following week be ehould leave for Rome, where • he exported to join mule friencle elle companion etarted slightly et teue information, zero him a qui*, penetrating !sok, end grew Enriden- ly white about the month. Then, quickly recoveeing herself, .'he remarks:1 with one of ber =Iles: "Well, that Is rather a singular reee incidence Bee 'Welter, for we alto are booked for ROlna for tbe laet of January." The young man 'was not r•ensarkebly well plsased by tins an - Bowmen] en t. "Ah„ that Is news, trine'," her, slid, "I del not suppoee that anything could tempt you to leave Part - 3011 apputu• to b3 in your native element here, an 1 I were you thet you will not. find k Rein° nearly to congenial." "How a,bout youreele my gay cave-. Ilea? Ale air Walter, you dearly like a good time youreelf, tied how will you be able to endure the (1011-- 110(9 of Rome ?" qustioried the girl, as she lifted a laughing, witch- ing look to his e.yes. "Yes, X have had a good time here," said Sir Walter, 'with a. sigh and a smile; "I shell not soon for- get It; but I am obliged to go to meet my frleeds." "Who are your friende?" abruptly deniaucled Mite King, her face sud- denly clouding. "A Mr. and Mrs. Seaver and their w a rd ---re eThelr ward! Whs le slie 7" curtly interposed the California beauty, a dangerous gleani leaping into her eyes. "Her name le Mies Florenee Rich- ardson," he remarked, in what he tried to in.ake a matter of foot tone. "What la she like?" Miss Ring questioned, with averted eyes and riving color. "Xs she a beauty?" , "Well, ye, I must confess that age. Is -of a certain type; but you will sea for yourself what she is like when you come to Rome." "Will you introduce me to her ?"- and the girl held her breath as she a.walted his reply, while she regarded him euspielously. "Ceetainly, if you wiale" -"I Shall wish,' said his companion, with an Imperiou.e uplifting of ber "rt certainly wee very etrange," etocken-and remarkee that he tad blseas-egeenion ;maimed, and then juat pat the laid bottle In its piece. continued: "When Sir Julien and Leighton Dignified his willingness to Lady Page arrived in London -late comply with Iiie request nod, exam& Ingle, followed him to tee cellar. It wee imeted beeeetb one of the wirege and was complete in everY reepeet. It woe partitioned oft nato various; compartmental emelt con- taining its special variety of wine or liquor, with tho temperature ex - tinkly adjusted to best preserve the feeler of each peculiar vintage. "Well, tide looks very tine, Burns; yon bare eertaleey made a decidedly rreat job and 1 am Well pleased," air Walter observed, as be went from room to room, and glanced around the clean, nicely Wasbed vaulta regarding with an affectionate expression the various casks and countless bottles rio nice- ly arranged. "ThanleM. sir; I've tried to do MY duty, sir," tbe butler ,eplied, with an air of coneelous pride. As they were about to leave the place, Leighton suddenly caught sight of a door, to one corner of the vault, which was faetened with a padlock. "What is this, Burns 7 -where does It lead to 7" he inquired, regarding It ouriouslie "That be the way to' the old vaults, sir," returned tho butler, a peculiar look flitting acrossehis face, svbilo be turned aoruptly, as it in haste to leave the place. "The old vaults!" repeated his master, ithout moving from the spot. "I say, Burns," he a,dded, look. tag back over hie shoulder at the man, weo brut reached tbe door and was fumbling impatiently o,t the key, "don't be in a burry; I erred to know more about these old vaults. What caused them to be dis- carded and new ones built? Come back bore and tell me about it," lie concluded, •peremptorLly. Tho man, thus commanded, return- ed to his maater's side, although ne- ther reluctantly, It eeemed to him, and this ocly served to Increase his curiosity. "Well, sir, I don't know very mueb about them," he began, "for you see the new eagles; were built during the time of the late baronet's •grand- father. He merle a great many im- provements, for the house was very old; some of it was taken down and and lie added a good deal more. You see, my uncle, on my mother's aide,. lived here aeon me, and that's haw X come to know, about it—" "Yes -yes," interposed Leighton, a trifle imp:relent, for he cared nothing for a. genealogy of the butler's fam- ily; "but what part of the building was taken down 7" • • "The old dining -room and the rooms over It, sir; that part was not thought to be safe, for some rea- son -some say it had settled, and, not 'Mang a sunny room at all, the new' dining -ball was built: ma the east side of the house." t, "Hum ! and so the sviae vaults used to be utter the old dining -room," said Leighton, meditatively. "I sup- pose the eettling of the building made them unsefe, Itoo." , • "Yes, elr-perhaps so, sir," the but- ler answered, somewhat feintly. 'What la In the now 7" queettion- e.d hie; compaolon. "Nothing, sIr--leastseaYs .1-1 don't know- ae there is," seed tho nza.n, With an uneasy ehrug of his shoulders. "It wag said, sir, that in the time of Sir Julie:Ws grandfather, tbere wee a brother of the old man who went mad, jusa aboet the time the new dining -room was being Wit. The family are very proud, and want- ed to keep the matter still, and auyt have him sent to a mad -house ; so, when the old part of the house was torn down, thtl Vaults underneath were fitted up in comfortable shape, and the crazy man was put into it with a keeper. Everything vras man- aged so cleverly, there were only two or three who new anything about It, and weenhe died, rather thee have the story get ott paid Make a great stir, the old baronet had one of the small vaults double wallee and cemented tight, for a tomb, and put the poor creature in Leighton himself shivered et this point. "This Is rather an unpleasant tale, Burns," he observed, and instinctively moving away from the padlocked door, el tbink keel snot meddle weni at night -tinging been detained isev- eve' 'home on tlieir wey-and did not! feel the num and oldie awaiting them, they vrere very aneloue, The next morning 'tee barouet telegraper, red to lisightow to aseertain the Iva-, exen of their non-appearance. 'Abe an, mar be rezeived reassured him some- what, as it explained' that the nurse had left the preview day to join him at the Ares.dia, met:girding to hie di- xeotions. Ile, of course, underetood at once that Ins eetond ep:Ele bad gone astray, and he immedia.tely hastened 'be the other hotel to inquire for the truants. ele wits told by tbe propra etor there eueh a woman and Weld had pre.sented themselves there tbe preview afternoon, tbe nuree asking to be Ellairn to the apartinents of Sir julien Page. MO WASS tOld teat he was not tliere, and that she could net be ageomniodated„ as the house weer full. She had thee left, and had probaely ;sought some other plane for the laight. Tee baemet was nearly distreeted, awl hurried baok 'to hie betel, hoping to find the neleeleg once there. Of course he was disttp- feeint,ed, 'Tor ebe had no means of knowing where to tind him. Thinking see might bave returned to Brighton, he telegraphed again to tbe old housekeeper. She had not been seen. Ever,y- possible effort was made to find tier -the city wee; oe,oured from end to end during the net few, weeks; but not the slightest clew to either woman CT child \MS found - they had disappeared as absolutely as tbey had been suddenly blotted out of existence." "And was nothing ever learned of tbeir fate ?"' questioaed Walter Leighton, vrith an anxious heart. "No -ea -thing tangible; it was as- certained, a month or two after- ward, Vote a hotel, on another street not very far from the house where the nurse had been told to go, had been °mourned by fire on that very. night, and Sir Julien got the idea into hie head that both woman and ehild bad perished in the tla,mes, al- though -be could never gain any ;sat- iefactory information regarding the matter. The proprietor bad been out of town that night, and the clerk was so overcome by the disaster theft he Abartl.y became a raving roanise. T,he books were all burned, se it eras linpossIble to tell whether the missing *nee had been registered there. rt was pitiable to see the man haunt lbe vicinity and question - lug people regarding the catas- trophe ; but in a great city like this such Incidents are frequent, and raoori forgotten, and three weeks altar the fire a new hotel was go- ing up on the old ;Ate." "How long ago did this happen ?" queationed • Leight,on, "Some alz or seven years -near seven,. I shoul.d think," said Mr. Wel- litsgton. "It nearly broke the hearts of both err Sullen sr.nd Lady Page - thee were never tbe same after-. Ward; and when, three yeare later, their little daughter died, it sseetn- ad as if the drowning blow to their misery had fallen upon them. Their ellent home became intolera.ble la to them, and, dismissing their ser- vants and closing it, they traveled for a couple of ,yeare. They looked twenty yeasts older when they re- turned to the Towers, and lived there in a very quiet way, sbunning all society. It was not long until Sir Julien's; health failed, and he was ordered to the hfediterranean, tv,here be only lived a few weeks to 'be followed, a fan, months later, by his wife, and we have been eearebing for the ries-rest of kin ever since." "Was there no well ?" inquired the lawyer's; listener. "Yea; at. Julien mane a will after the death of hie daughter, leaving everytbing to Lady Page, bat her ladyship's mind failed so rapidly, dur- ing ber last Illness, she was Inca- pacitated, and so the property must go to her nea.reet relative. I cen- gratulate you. Mr. Leighton, upon be. big the fortunate mean," the gentle- man concluded, Wilth great corial- * ity. I He had been very favorably im- ' pressed by the young man's appear - a000 and bearing; and, truly, feeling that he must stake everything to win. Leighton had oonduoted him- eel( In the moat exemplary manner ' the place, and I hope you will never throughout bia negotiations verth; repeat what eau have -told me, es - the diatinguished attorneys. 1 pecially to aner of the servants; you Thus an arch -schemer came into. aro probably the only (Inc who knows possession of one of the finest es.; anything about it, the others all be- tates in all England; and, after se- ! big Ile.W." curing a competent housekeeper i "That is true, sir, and I'd 'never and corps of servants, he repaired ' known it myself, only X happened to to Worthing Towore, where he lame, : hoar my old uncle and aunt talking It over 'between themselves. one night diately began to bring order out of 1 Wheel I twee °haa boy and they thought m, and to make such repairs and X N" the man explain- iniprtat'l fast asleep, ovemente as his tastes and de- , ...,1 "You needn't fear, kr, teat VII Ivya sires stig,gested. A temple of months ' "*. Masten and everything was at Last • rttell it(;inetaodlttk"ietbeistin‘titto in perfect order, for plenty of money ' let alone teeing. It over ; and Xen and a email army of workmen ean i mighty glad the key lute been loet." accOmpliell Wanders in a very short 1 Ho turned to lead the way from tiJO. It W40 a stately Ethe place a nglish borne- I closely folloveing him. s; he concludedLeighton , an Ideal rypet, whore lavish maitre I The meter and eerveat parted at sad tho !akin of man had combinedthe head of the stairs, the former try reproduce, as it were, another going out of doors, where he took Men. ,1 a stroll around the massive build- wasn't an early one, awe genie I was) "And all Ole is mine," Mused Sir ' ing to aocertain where tbe new wall bending every energy try ontrarip ter, Leighton as he stood on . had been erected. my tether teas cunningly following benefit I have. received from the use of Walter Leig tbotre flaWlese granite Steps one It was a finely' conetructed piece close open the heels of his rich mu- Dodd's Kidney Pills. seoereng Thee in October. reree of tnaeonry, and compoeed of immrnice I Me-Iva:telling Ids every net lanill he "My trouble was having to urinate IreyOnd my highest expectations:, Only 1, cone thing IN lacking to complete my triumph, and that le to win Floe- rot even a window in it, it being in e rear where Windows were considetrield bloske of granite; but -the wall was 1 finallY fathomed Ids accret and times each night so that my test WAS the t solid from base to coping -there was I epreng trelailee rap that sent lillit broken. MY to -e too freely. I lied to rise eight or ten feet arta legs also svielled„ fates have certainly favored me tar ro legs, tireu.inekaahltillat-T leevortiita Then I got Doerl's Kidney Pills and I all right. "It will be e comfort to Me if by mak- 11l' to a an made beau- datigliter 01 1:1.4 good-for-nothing °our .1111(151'toteoftsfeindPurbeliiicef XineatInealkead Kidney r "Let Ine Hee," the newlysmade bar- Wel tentratt with the soft g'rey of elne-Wolini OW day flourish upon tile pills." tho :done. &net roused as he drew, forth a set of erpfse vaulter must 13,3 ttbout here, onwillions Widen. lin t011dbr bOrkd 8110 Dadd's Kidney Pills elietige euro ivory tabletry from a poeket la his ,ssill 114,1,6, Willi see would bo (t)ims neighes Disease. They also annually and deubtlees run quite ti, distenee' Meg out n reirerable exiatenee belend %vet; "the addrese of the so -celled ongergogengt, „the a„eugg 'Seaver party,' art I lear-ried lir Lon- baronet lecke and belts'. X alwerere hated her, bring 'relief to hundrecir of thoriaand$ den. 10 Florence for the month of 111 1160d, fte he Paced tire fine walk poor little fool ! with her wilite Hicinci that was bordered on eaeir bide by tor yellow hair, of 10141 1U who aro bothered with Nonernber; Venice for December, anti velvet t f ant /but entix,ko an earlier Kidney troubles. ,... , head. "Is she rich?" sbe inquired, with her next breath. Lady Marcus Beres/era:Who founded "Well, she has a snug fortune ef England's. Cat Club, is said to have the Peeltaps half a million." best 4attery known, and it contains over A sneer curled Miss King's scarlet a hundred and fifty felines. She has, of li?:.e course, the ehoieese breeds rare Persians, And / have three million.% besides chinchillas with their. baby • tense and a fine orange plantation In Santa Manx eats • without any tails whatever. Menden," she said, flushing, but Jean- She has a cat cottage, where every pro- ing forwerd and looking straight vision has been- made for comfort and into Sir Walter's eyes; `end," Me cleanliness, ventilation and voirrath. In siedece with sudden passion, "I hate this cottage is a room for the woman blonde beauties." who cares for the cats, and there is a Vireo millions beside an extensive little kitchen et which the meals are orange plantation In tar -famed prepared for them. The food is served Southern California 1 . Se:rely that was a fortune to tempt in bowls and on plates enameled white, any elan, and Sir Walter Leighton and these, when not in us, are ranged now knew that he might have it, in racks fastened to the walls. ,The and the brilliant beauty beeele him, menu of the cats is by -no merine re - for tee aeking. But Sir Walier shrank seeded, and during the summer vege- with repugnence from such, a union. t,ables are served with; their meat, which Six months ago the temptation would .s often mineeet Fish and 'rice are :in- hale been irresistible, but now air- °t119-1. Swiss milk is served in dish. Wheel the thought. abundance, and neilk from goats keptan the premises is fed -to delicate kittens. eumstences had changed, and he ban - After Matting sociably Tor a few. Another of her eatteries is geared. 'with moments longer, he excused himself, rose vines and. eas three rooms provided pleading that he bad '80100 busing:a with shelves and many things for the that nnist be attended to without amusement of the animals. Each Thomas delay, as he wOuld leave 'Parisi so cat has his own sleeping space, closed in. won. Perfume Bottles _Nothing makes a more charming gift for. "My ladye faire" than a silver -mounted Per* fume bottle. ;In t: 2,17063811pCd111,,84119 at $340. Isis elearest or. kal glass. ogettneeted yeah open pastoral,* itterliiig mil- vcr deposit. Distance is annihilated when you order of us -by mail. Catalogue sent on request. MIME BROS. ..puolomptud.u. 110 124 Yonie Ofreet TOR -ONTO 4.4 14.! 4st te• t A PLURALITY or HUSBANDS. In Tbibet the Irfornion Marriage Custom Is Reversed. The ordinary marriage customs of the Orient, says the Lady's Pictorial, are re- versed in Thibete-elustead, of the men having a elurality �f wives, the women have the privilege of, a plurality ef lius- bands. I was shown lately a photograph of one of these ladies, a rather pretty young woman of not more than two -and - twenty, who teas the proud possessor of four husbands; she looked fairly cheer- ful and was—.1 am told -rather nice and bright in manlier, arid altogether quite a PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATES, The Duties of tho Notional Cansasai. Chairmen are °WPM& The Maim* of the national Cam- paign chairmen to, the presidential can- didate, aro supposedly of the most in timate sort. The deixman is naturally given free rein, and though he often pays close heed .to what his chief Want% an often as not he lias to oppose his prin- cipal% plane. He, has to edit the cantle deters letters and gaieties; and goose- flesh miles ant en him every morning as be picke up the newspaper, for fear that some unfortunate speech has been uttered, an indiscreet letter seen some =clod sentirrient unearthed, or eame other "break" made. It bas happened so often thee the fear of such a thing is over befor him. After the "Rum, Romanism ant1 Rebel- lion" speech of Burehard, in 1884, the Re- publican eational committee spent for- tunes telegraphing to party' newspapers all over the country extracts from Blaine's speeches, in which he bad le of- ten expressed himself in favor of relig- ins liberty. It was in vain. net error was never corrected. Religious preudiee is very strong, and the use which the Democratic] managers made of the speech was far more effective than all the ef- forts to correct the false position into which the candidate is plaeed. Since that oceasiou no candidate ,is .aderessed by delegatioe without submitting his. re- marks to a committee:Usually the can- didates must write out whatebefy interid to say on any occasion, and it is gone over with a microscope, Benjamin Harri- son was so Omni beingentra,pped that in his first eampaign he lied a hall hired at Indianapolis, where ell delegations came. There were no people on platforxri, and he would emerge from the wings, melte it few remarks, and -retire. This course was taken at elle :ingestion of Quay. -Joseph Rogers, in Booklovere Magazine. Millard's Liniment Relieves Neuralgia. Subconscious Influence. The manager of one of the most en- terprising railroad companies, says: "We are great 'belietariThe unconseern or subconscious influence of advertising. We try to keep our route in the minds of the people so' that when they .are ready to take a trip they will think of superior speennen of a Thibetan woman. this route. ?? Who. Knows ,Anything About B*1144111N10430MPI All buyers, sellers and users of EDDY'S IMPERVIOUS SHEATHING PAPER *4, are interested in this question ? ? ? ? .? Will every reader of this enquiry d'WHO KNOWS ANYTHING ABOUT BANNIGER" please drop a line on the subject to THE E B EDDY COMPANY, HULL, -CANADA ENGLAND'S FRIEND OF CATS. Lady Marcus Beresford's Princely Home for Her Felines. • with -who opening on a targe grass plot, Tee moment he was gene tbe girl where he exercises daily in solitary !tate, sprang exeitedly to her fc ot, her face it being the fele that two Thomas eats' all elan*, her eye:a gleaming with be not' allowed to meet for fear of a au angry, jealous light, and began repetition of the famous Kilkenny fracas. rapidly parsing the elegant room. t "Has he simply been playing werh me ?" she cried, her white teeth set fiercely over her seaelet under lip; "have all these weeks spent with rim meant notlefig to hire ? hadat nee 'neart epee becoming his treSife and Lady Leighton ;, ha.ve vowed that I will achieve a position antong the Engleah aristocracy, and no one, no destaela shall etand in my way, to thwere the. 11a : Inez, ley giri, bow, ambitione we are ! What wouid these con,ree, 111 -bred, uncouth mine= think to ane you now ? • you who, bareheaded and barotooted, treed to make 'mud piers with. the raggedest little urchins that ran abent the, streets of that mining camp ? ld What a, straggle it has bean fence," tontinued, with a weary sigh; "low X yearned for better things to lift me up, and bottled my own WaY, lifonlea's father took me under hie %leg' and lot me Metre with lier. The race alter knowledge with her 1$tPOSTIIASTER THA.NIF. Dodd's Kidney Pills Enabled Him to Sleep in •Peace. • — Grand Work They ere Doing for ThonsandS of Canadians Every Year. Tabueintae, Cumberland Co., N. 13, Oct. 3.-(SpeciaI)--Mr. Lee, poetmaster here, la one of the great army of Cate edema who,reseued frrea pain and weak- ness by Dodd.'s Kidney Pills, are shout- ing the praises of the great Kidney Reniedy. "Yes," the postmaster says: "I Want to express my thankfailness for the great once, Metall her here est mis- tress." . CHAPTER XIII. lleneeeeente but a eouple of ehini- know where hie petted darling fa neys arose from the top, and ivy . now, whet would he any? He little and woodbine lied grown* textriante thouget that I -the downtrodden 1 • took six boxes all told. No* I am Hotel du Quirinal, Rome, for Janu- ?- auddenly he etoppd short as a ilee,r1 away front me." mr,lles that allveys stele eVer3rbOdY°0 lisy and February. Ilum, I believe,- recliner sound etruck hie ear, and At Theo mornent n, door n,t the fur- einee X have psu everything so shire thou his Oyer; taught the ground, ther end el the apartment opened, *her* here, I will rue over to l'aris ' "Ila I" Ito exclaimed, ties walk is and n portly, rather elietinguishedwhat 1 tiriNV tee other rlaY enlieft UP toe, a coulee of morello; then I will made of heavy bIOSke of glate While looking woman entered, , from _ ew Orleans," said ,T. bielp$on, Ina in an appearance at Rome about ,k thee giv'e beek a bollow 91)004with see wog errs, Cintrenr yet, who not.' of Ch ago, to an Atlanta. ntilleidell the fleet week In Jaen:try, astonish " ever: etepletreege thee I never ob- ed tle canyons," ta arss King% tho Seevere itl • e, MY - .. . • . . le Vali a must eeporter "Well, Inez, whet fe it now V, she eft was in a Pulliitalfeleepilig eat, and tortures, neul try and persuade Moe- to jut beneath me, and the ell quentroserl, tie sae reg. real the girl's we had a pretty good crowd of north - no w,f1F1 here in serrete eel in me !rig to give light to that merman Hoer the Froicliteart Read Ills Book, A curious way to read a In:colt Visas tome that elle heloligg me." baronet probably tIONI glaSs paVe levering brOW istid flare'rig eyes. ' bound tredittie. Among thent vat a soliloquy by the [reproach of the but- 41341 14 k(111`'''r In thnir 1111 on vleerr, viMtobr >o, fbtyiretthaemwera.,ya, nwd a%sviaa),u ripoeldn it"Itim"-on 11 n —al v-,eltmodianl, to Maondeaty?,"eawaNseedthom. acubrint; ere(etepnennei ee. tiet egd el bdeozwnas a8p11e0rb ar" O-lcri bis seat I no - novel& Shortly Isright to Urdc.26 csiteer-loolzing Irelleinhan; at'!Oat, X 11)1)31118 01 lie 01 t/ION: learning that Worthing Towere was 14) to bo reeperl by the new, OfflielltdbAl, all glanCEd up et the. appliee 1, bie positioe. Ile now "I deelitre," lie added n MOMent infOrtned the yoling 'baronet that Iln later, "1 begin to feel a reeital leetikl like to have Itinl COMO rind lay derlD it A t after breakfast- he torren reading one of Lei may, even t." ' m Hoot, these at the open whitlow by his seat. "Poeisibly ye • AS en ttA 110141101page he tore (TO 1:e ronthiticel.) ilt off neatly end threw it out of tbe I . . Ir • • . ell • V en b Inepeet the elite vela -Wide)) had • , Lieon: 1811t is a, conent struggle between - and before we got try Atlente Ire, boa there were a itt,y b.?iiere I woull, regret for the pant mei hope for the read tIrree eine ersttered the French been thoroughly i•enovated and re. ho teropted to investlgatep 'pita futnrs, printed pap! for iliaIldredi of inks." ESTHETIC ITALIAN LABORERS. ••••• Quote • From Petrarch Without Being . Able to Read. With the exception of the silent 'Skil, hem, says a writer in the World's Work, the Italian immigrants are generally anent talkers and. extremely intelligent. I have known a Neapolitan, 'ivho eoeld neither reed nor *rite, quote from Dante, Petrareh and Tasso. It surprises, you. to hear a group, made up of an asphalt- niixer, a sailor turned waiter, and a barber and baker, who had stuck to their' trades discuss the sculpture of a new court buildirig, or whets uptai another night, the seine men wrangle over the 'merits of Verdi and Maseagni, and end by humming and singing.in chores Parigt o Cara. .......1.01.I.d.•••••••••••••••••••.••• Salt Rhourn,Tettero ECZ01113 -These distressing akin diseases relieved by one, aPplication. Dr. A.gnew's Ointment •is a potent cure for., all eruptions of the shin. James Gaston, WHIresbarre, days; "For nine yeara was disfigured with Tetter on nay hands. Dr. Agnew's Ointment cured it." 39 cents. -31. • A lieusewife'S SUggestien. A woman employing a-satimber of ser- vants has.been heard to say tbat she did not know the merles of any of her girls -thee is, +bele surnames; whether they had anyrelatives or other home 'than the one she afforded them; elle knows noth- ing about their lives whatever, and never ealke with there except ori business, and then in the feivest word a opssible. She holds tide eociebilite breeds familiarity, and that a servant is worthless from the time you 'treat her in any way as an equal. This mistress takes no Mohr: in. eerest, epparehtly, in her molds than 10the stranger within her gates,: .There is no look Kir word of sympathy; 110 thon,ght of the pleasures rind diseppoint- mints of her servants, who'are giving their strength and eineiv for whet she calls "good wages." Everything she gives them "is too good for theme,as she frankly,expresses herself. This woman, with the keepieg of pre- cious souls in lieg care, under eer owe roof, goes to church everySnnday, and to anid-Week prayer meeting,- and, like the Pharisee of old, prays loud. and long in conspiettous places for the heathen, and sends large sums through foreign. minions to them. How =eh more Ohristlike and irnselfieh would be the re- ligion. that could. put her in tomb. With the home mission beneath her•own roof, whera by putting .out her nand, she could' lend encouragement to rem tired, di:twang:ad mortal, whose spirit needs u pliftIng, line whose body needs eietheal treatment sem has neither the means nor strength to stoma -Frances Van Etten in Leslie's Weekly, • Utility of ..tatutiant Whiskers. (Philadelphia. Reeord.) OIIM Itizkieri, farmer fart ?Al- t% x its eine tI glowth otTlic4?lefidkEtrIl'a nriewetterbrati4OfIvilbeit WeattPinito- along and settled in tine growth. Mr. Duek. ler sat down and remained quiet. Whets all tho beea had Enttled in hi sbeard ho elorslY are, 'walked home, and, ivitia the asslat- ance ot othere, hived tbe buzzere, OvireresVirmsomirI*14.444441***4611. GRAND EXCURS:ON TO NEW VORK CITY. On Oct. V), No‘w York Central seill run et grand excursion to New York city, from Sttspendon Bridge and Buffalo. Tickets will be good for return. up to and including Oct. 20, and 1011 admit of trip on Hudson Inver steamer!t in either or both ditnetfons between Albans' nee New Yee*, 'without extra, eberge, Hate $9.04) for the round trip. Now ie the time of the 7ear te visit the tired American metropolit, theatre; ill full ming, and s'iirh Igo - 5 INshite Leine Drege, Oanarlian Peemenger Agent, Int 14 'Verge street, Toronto, for fall particulars, UN KEDticES EXPXNSZ $.5,100Q poward will be paid by Levee Hrothers Limited, Toronto, to any person who can prove that this soap contains any form of' adulteration whatsoever, or contains any injurious chemicals, ask riper tue eetneen Var. ar$ THE APS UT WAR, 4444.44-44****44 A. Japanese Officer en the Value of His Men. "I NM WO soldiers who wore pretty badly shet, one of them had at least three bullet wounds, Tbe only thought of these men seemed td• be to conceal their wounds. They hurrisal iato the thick of the fray -and upon them was that talevish air witiels you sometimes catch la a bad boy or a men who Is bounded -the air which seemed 80 ill at OEM on the taco of a Nippon 'soldier, and 110 Strilange t004 b000.1180 so rare. They wore frightened, tams rellowe, who laughed in the face of death, lest they might be caught Iss, the hospital corps, At first the offieers so foolishly took the trouble in telling Mese wounded to look after themselves a lime more carefully, but they mot a blank wall whenever they sang that. tune," There was a fellow to the right" or 1110 11011101Vh4 UP t110 stream, who Was also push - lug ahead. Suddenly he turned a eomereault In the streams the Stream brought him down ratlaer close to where t was wading, and tie gained his feet almost in front of me. Ile ;seemed to be dazea for a fraction of a sec- ond. Ho raised, his hand to his forehead, from which blood was draping. It wag very evident that a spent bullet hit him upon, the forehead and knocked him downinto the water. He dug his fingers into the bullet hole, The bullet am not strike him square against the forehead. It glanced around his head, piereing the skin only end stopped just above the temple, He ;stuck his ringer into the hole and took out the bullet. 110 looked at it curiously for about 11, tenth of a 811cond and put it into Itis pocket, and rushed straight rthead.-lorom an account et the Bat- tle of the Yalu, taken from Leslie's Monthly Magazine, by a Japanese officer in corautand of a brigade, ENGLISH SPAVIN LINIMENT Removes all hard, soft or seauoueed lumps and blemishes from horses, blood spavin, curbs, splints, ringbone, sweeney, stifles, sprains; owes sore and sweeten throat, coughs, etc. Save 00 by the use of one got- tle. Waranted the most wonderful Blemish Cure ever known. .1 • ROCKEFELLER'S FLORAL GARDEN. 4.44*.4.4 Nothing Like It, Except ,Gould's, an Any Private Estate. A iose gardeli, which will be filled with roses, rare shrubs and foliage, is now being laid. out at Poeantico hills at a cost of $50,0003 aeeording to the Chicago Chronicle. The plans of the gardens - there really are three gardens, connected by a terrace and odd stone steps -wore drawn by John D. Rockefeller, jun., for his father, after ideas furnislied by the latter ,and when they are completed there will be nothing like them on any private estate in. the country, with tho possible exception of those on George J. Gould's Georgian court. All of the ser- vants have been instructed to give out no information coneernieg the new man- sion on Kybuit Mouidam, and even the lips of the stable help are sealed. When you think you have cured a cough or cold, but find a dry, hacking cough reinains, there is danger. Take Shilo 99 Consumption Cure -Tial-u11.5 • at once. It will strengthen the lungs and stop the cough. Prices: S. C. 'WELLS & CO, 305 25c Fc $1. LeRoy. N.Y., Toronto. Can. Reason of Preference for Bullfighting, (Boston ,Record.) 01100 in a -while ono of the Sunday exhort- ers on the Cemmon startles the crowd svith his hits. A well-known old spellbinder was comparing elm vices and amusements of various countries and the relation between the two. In particular he described bulls fighting'in Spain and pugilism in this coun- Y. "..Sn' 1 don't know but ,what bull fighting is tee bettor," he roared, God Airaighty made the bulk; for beef. But when you kill a pugl- list, what use is ha to anybody?" r was cured of terrible lurubago by MENTARD'S LINIMENT, . REV. WM.,BROWN. I was eared °fa. bacl ease of earache MINARD'S LINIMENT. MRS. S. ICAULD,A.CK. I was cured of s'ensitive lungs by MINARD'S.LTNIMENT. • MRS. S. MASTERS. An Interesting Document. Pecibably-the first treaty of peace to be typewritten is the South- African peace document, The signatures of -the Boer leaders form an interesting part of it. They are• all in different styles. Louis Botha'sis described as being in a fine band, and though the others are somewhat rougher, Delarey's is the rough- est of all. He has spelled his name split into three syllables, de la rey, Christian de Wet is also spelled with a small a , • Minard's Linirnent Cures Burns, etc. Wealthiest Piece in the World. ea Scottish Atnericatl.) St. Amireess &plate, Edinburgh, POssessee the distinction of being the wealthiest plaee in the world. Thill May !seem incredible, but It to true, nevertheless. The head offices of three largo banks aro there, while the Com - Morena Bank, the largest bank in Scotland, is Within a stone throw of the Melville Mon- suneat, Then the Stock Exchange and the offices of an army of stock brokers ndorn the Square, afal last, but not least, arts the insurance companies, who abound in and about that region. The capital of these emu- panlea amolints to over 4100,000,000. Then the registered offices of severat vorr largo joint stock companies are in the Square, and their eapitat arnounts to • several million pounds. Taking all these ate emisideration, SC Andrew's .treluare is the wegthiest In the world, and beats Oven Strece, New York, -ai=114a Minnrd's Liniment for sole everywber rrerivoir****.irrirvamer."4.444.r.4144 A Freak of the Wind. Almost beyond belief is the 'story *hi& tome from England of a trick the wind played not long ago on the spire of a Presbyterian church, It blew the steeple above tho belfry some 25 ciegrees ' out ot plumb, eo that the spire pointed In s uorthwesterly direction, an 1111 was feared thie it. would fall. When the taext morning nien 99130 engaged in straight- ening it the wine, vrergt around and blew it hilek to its original position, Of course It wart neeertary Inc the Mee to etrengthen it and Re supporta, but the wintl'e freak made their work muck eas- ier. ISSUE NO. 42, 1904. Airs. wieslow's floothing Syrup eheuld, always be used for Children Teething. IV ettotlie the child, aottene the game, agree WilSe gone and is tbe i:est rezood,y for Diarrheas. SA.1,11 GLOBE HOTELes-Ial THE jt 1. vftlae ot Hillsdale;h license, furni- ture, stock, etc.; proprietor retirieg Irma business; a rergain it sold right away; terms made suitable to purchaser. Apply te Cocksedge, Out. 010. -PALE, SEVENTY ACRES FRUIT 91)33301) of1au413[0n. (1. lA'11,%"13•VigainirtitrZigradea.st ennuan VA.= PROPERTIES FROlit TEN 'ass to four hundred apres eitch, for sale; in all parts of Canada; write for catalogue, intereelonial Realty Co., Limited, Loadoo. seeeeasseee WE PAY A NH SALARY to ladies and gentlemen. Permanent position, rapid advancement, good salary end eXPOnses. Clean, desirable beeinese. Write the J. L. Nichols' Co., Limited, Toronto, (Mention this tallier,/ 'VOIJR FORTUNE TOLD Mom me cile to the grave; matters of businese, love mg marriage made clear; what I toll comes true; send. birth date and 1.0e, PROF. GAII.NOT, Box 233, Hoellelaga P. 0., Mont- real, Canada. Hamilton. Toronto. Montreal Line Steamers leave Hamilton at 1 p,m„ To.3 ronto 7.80 p.m., Tuesdays, Thursdays and Sattirclaye. Fall Excursion uflannton, to moutreal, single e7,00, re- turn $12.00* Toronto to Montreal, eagle $0.50, return $11.00. Low rates between ports. r Further luformatioo apply to It. ee 0. agorae, or irate to H. FOSTER 0114FFEE. Western Passenger Agent, Toronto RATS AS POISON IMMUNES. Not Susceptible to Large Doses, But Succumb to Small Ones. In destroying Rats by poinson atoms- doxicol susceptibility has been noted. When you want to kill a man by poison you give him a big dose, while if you give him a small quantity daily the whole may be eliminated without fetal effects. On the other hand, it eas beerr determined that rats nave a peeuliar resistance to arsenical poisoning when given in large doses, while frequently thee-svere destroyed by small doses be- fore the total quantity bed reached an amount equal to ;Angle doses that were successfully withstood. CATARRIfl CANNOT BE.CURErS4'11( with LOCAL APPLICATIONS, as they cannot reach the seat of the dieease. Catarrh is a blood 01' constitutional disease, and in order •' to cure it you muet take internal remedies, Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, and actsillrectly on the blood and mucous sur- facers. Catarth Cure is not a quack medicine. It was prescribed by one of the best physicians in this .country for yeare and is a regular prescription. It is com- posed of the best tonics known, combined svith the best blood purifiers, acting directly on the mucous surfaces. Tee perfect combin- ation of the two ingredients is what produces such wonderful results in curing Catarrh. Swad. jfeHr0teuiiz stni ioyao nials, of..r free. rops.. uledo. 0. Sold by Druggists, price 76e. Take Haire Family Pills for constipation. The Peril of Yellow Boots.. Times have changed since the days when it was 'absolutely unsafe in Paris to speak of Russians except in terms of the highest respect. The London Sketch says they are telling a story on the boulevards about a huge Russian who went into. a shop and asked for a pair of black boots. The Russian. ,was such a big man that there was hardly a pair in telt shop large though for him, so at last the shopman said : "Would you like e pair of yellow boots, sir 2" Think- ing that he was being insulted by. a ref- erence to the "yellow" Japanese, the. Russian bolted out of the' shop, much to the consternation of the shopmen, who could not imagine in *what way he had offended his customer. '- Tho Eladkaohe Stagetiay be hist that insipient form. of kidney disease which, if neglected, will develop into stub- born and distressing disorder that will take Icing, tedious treatment to cure. Doia't nag- iect the "backaehe stage" Of the. most In- sidious, of diseases. Shath American Kid-. no Cure stops the ache in SIX hours and cures. -30. ,Chicago's Typical Girl. Height . ... 5 feet inches. Weight • .. 118 pottnels Age • . • .. • .. 20 years Complexion ..... s ..Fair and clear • Color of eyes ,..• Blue Color of Hair .. . Light brown Eyebrows Dark and heavy Nose a a „ Stub 4111St t. 4* *V 1,434 inches Waist 44. exo 44, 46 43, 4* 4414 22 inehes Neck , „ 12% inches Wrist .. .. .. inehert Ankle 83e inehes Circumference of forearm , ..11 lease Calf „ 14 inches Forefinger, length.. .. 31e inebes Size.of shoe,. „ . , ; . No. 314 Levern Y -Z Mae Tioacl)DiainfootantSeap Powder ia a boon to any home. It diet). feces and e/eans at the same time. Long Hair. The Iteigest hair in the Weld. &deals the bead of Mercedes Lopez, the wife of a poor sheep herder in Mexico, Ifer height is live feet, ad when she studs ereet her hair ties 'on the ground four feet eight Melee.. It is so thiek teat she can completely hide lierself la it. She hat it eut very often, and, as it grows quieldy, ehe is able to sell it to 0. dealer every month, Minard's Liniment Cures &Didn't!, oarri4.44404,..rmor,..4.14411 44.6•444444,40444. A Tree's Sprinting Itteord. A tree which grew nearly 20 feet in year rent It half bas just gone from the expommental station in Santa Monla Canon to tho World's Fair to show what California ean do when in a hurry for a plate in the shade, says the Los Angeles Times, It holds the championship long- distance tree sprinting record of the the itee States. It i$ a, weedy of eucalyp. tus. A small grove of these trees walt.., planted on a shagggy cliff beck of the experimental station Aldiere it seemed, that no tree could grow at all, But the rate at which they have shot op under. skillful attention ahnost staggers belief. When this particular .tree was about a , year end a halt old it me:tarred foie inches hi. diameter. They had to pull ItS tip for feat it would break the Stmts. Monica speed-ordinanee. in order to get it safely to the fair the whole tree Watt taleteller packed in Meetlee alid aerat- ed dotlia, Snap Shona a,000 a Sealfid. A.n rtelirui named Ledge) Mel hat perfeet. ed a pLOtograldlie annarditte capable of rap istering the inereenee Sege Tao- toeratate Impre. slons Pee Bet'One, Th0 most minute ned liest rapid end wand Moveinents of titrde and inlet ei on the wing, 'which have hitherto defied 11.1011P0, ran, it im claimed. be registered 'with essuresy, time rmetinc; new world of mimed obeerraticm to ern!. thelogiste. The dimes end con E2 per *viand for 108 2,000 halawolleVel# 1.