HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1904-09-29, Page 6The MtKnown
A bate:and theelean clothier,. /Valle
a Won*rtuI Change In the little fel-
e:Oro awl ween be wag telly tireserie
and hie hair eembed nee brushed, Mr.
Caerol permitted bins to leek in the
COM. •
An expr*easiOnet laatonislivaelit
lighted lee feee ae ne gezed at the
reflected figure—a, pate, gpiritual.
looking hoet, With delieate. refined
features, and rentariceble heautiful
was, , •
Clove qtiestioning induced the lox
to tell weat Iio isnew of les anteeed-
mate. Ile hat:i been an inmete itf the
poor:house, where continued ill-,
tresement forced lens to ruu tweet
ad teheetlaire tile tbeSeebate ot istreet
gaM1)36, newsbays end bootblacks,
who posed their nightin a low (Us-
ti -Ice in the neighborhood ot Wappng
Way. Re WAS veiled Jim, tied having
for time been in tea liael tot eicep-
ing in a erockery crate, he bore the
eiekasene nt eelm-oatbe-Croelcery-
Crate." His only warm friend W4B
7OUPE',111O.11 earned Tom Dal, a fire,
Men. Atter a few, days, when nm
bad aeacovered les strength, Mr- Cart
rot put his young charge in a4 private
isehool welch was kept by a. worthy
wentain in be neighborbood; and, by
agreolug to Paer an extra aun for
(tuition, the lady promieee to take
especial riming with her now pupil.
Millen Mr, Carrel endeavored to find
ft itraoo of Tom Dill. After a long
ti discovered him in an hoa-
rds." :or dleabled firemen a. sufferer
from ,an accident that hAd occurred
two years preitioue, causing a
r• ippled leg. Otheriviee th.e manwas
Ip faerly ood Ilealtle.
Yer to eee her. Ye 1U1ya4 ber :forty
questions au"slieli leek tet Yer in
a dated Utile 0' viaty for a minute
an' then go on with her scrulabine
know, Cor I've triee Maim her
talk notteni o' :tinsels." • •
"When did you, go to see her last?"
elr. Carroll 'inquired.
filx =Oaths or MOM. 1 reelf011 ;
my rhounAtla have made roe no lame
ant Stiff I eouldlet git about Vera'
wall," •!.11ana Dill explaineth •
"ghee na.ree iff see know e by radi the
'The help .tebout the belie°. call 'er
'Crazy' Wine but I'VE+ heard the
nue s epealt gentle to her and call
lier alio be very good to work,
raiadin' what's told heran' makes
no tette"
3. "De you thinl ehe coulci be the
tellies mother ? Did he look like bel?"
questioned Carrot°
"Nee sir, be 'didn't," the moss re-
turned in a pesitive tone, "She WAIB
no mother to hen." ,
"What makes you think so ? Bow*
thou, did they bappen to be toge-
tber ?" ( ,
" "Dinta pie's' eneugh, air. let alone
tbe nuree's cep an' apron ehe batron;
an' that wee another tiling tbat
ma,de me think the little °nap was
a blue -blood." t
Mr. Carrot at last began to teel
that he wits gleaning some rays of
light 10 ConneetiOn with the little
Wair W210 had SO strangely fahen into
his , • .. •
I, allow that .Tim bad come rom of good f
EverYtliine. thus far, tended to
family. Cerrot bad lett sure of thee
i in We own ntind before this letervieW
Mr. Carrel announced Ms busine.sswith, the tiremen, for be was veryl far
and Tenn Dill told him all he knew from beingi common -looking cbild.
awarding TIM, the Waif,
"It's a little over Mx years ago,"
• he tale& ''when the fire occurred at
the Ardmore Hotel, in eastlemaine
street. When our engine, No. 45,
dashed up, the tire vras all over tbe
ileum, and 'twasn't no use to try to
same the house. Tee moat we could
do wee to prevent the flames Knead-
ing into the other boasts. Everybody
was thought to be out ; bat. all ot a
Re 114il welletaped bead, with
delicate, refined features; his glossy
brown nalr was fine am ailk ; les
hands and feet were small and sym-
metricalle Sormed,
And now, added to these self -e1 -
dent point's, to learn that he bad
been ricelysclad and stopping with
hie nurse. In a drat -class hotel on
the night of the fire, were facts that
afforded Mr. Carrel no little antis -
sudden there camean orful serearn 4faptiolo.
from a winder in the fifth atorY, and Be wiendered it the bora parents
a big groan was let loose rwhem'twa.s had also been inmates of the ill-fated
found that a woman an' a baby Was hotel, and had pp -sealed in the flames,
actill in that eere aurnin' shell. No- notwithstanding the fireman's asser-
body wanted to risk goin' to 'em— tion tbat It was supposed: everybody,
for there Wag little hope of iver had escaped.
xempain"em, let alone savte"em. I One of to th&ngs he felt sure
was the only man in the company must be the fact: either they had
Ziat (hadn't a family, an' 1 said fallen victims in the fearful confhig-
I'd try for it. Ladders were ration, or they could not have been
belated, an' up I went like, a la the city. . t • * 0- I
equIrrel — I was spryer'n 1 He aeke d Tom Dill what he ithought
be now. Neon I giat to the woman abcrut it. ,
she was whiter nor any sheet; but "No, Mr—tbey never was burned,"
she was game. I tell ger. She reach- be posittvely asserted, Pfor no signs
ed the baby down to me afore I got of any bodies was found ween the
to the top. rubblah WA cleared away."
elfer stronger In I, an' surer -foot- "But t!b� woman must have been
ad,' *ha said; 'save him an,' I'll take regletered—did no one think to exam
care o' myself.' Inc the booka to ascertain wile she
eeio I went fust with the young was?" Mr. Carnal inquired.
one, axe she followed as close as she "Yes, sir ; I went myself to tbe
could. But, Lord !"—here the man's clerk, but the books was burned, and
lips grew treinulous and be turned he told me there'd been no inquIrlal
Ma eyes away from his companion— for the woman or the baby. It's a
esomehow, the little fellows clothes puzzle, sir—a puzzle that 1 fear me,
got afire In twain' a winder, where will never be cleared .up," the man
the flames burst out suddenly on us— cancluded, with a. grave ehake of bis
though the/ put a stream on from head.
below afore the woman got Into it— Mr. Carrot also feared that such
an' the clothes were all ablaze in a Cwould bethe cage, but he had no in- to London; but that they, should look
minute and. he yellin' like murder. i tention of relinquiebing Ms efforts res. a cd -if from Atm seityi soon. The
I tried to smother it out, but the ' net 1 te should exhaust every posslble
kid's poor little legs was burned means to solve the mystery regard-
orful afore we got (Iowa." lug his protege's identity.
reth 1 thie explains bow those un- Be thanked Mom Dill for his infer -
sightly scars came on Jim's limbs." 1 naation and promised to bring .Tames oldent, which no. nearl3l proved a fa -
Mr. Carroll here interrupted. to see laim very soon; then, slipping tat disaster. We should have lost
'Yes, sir; an' Pit neyer torget 1 a generous guertlon into the man's our dear girl, but for eou."
hoer / :felt when. I saw them great hand, he bade him good -day and
went away. . •
He proceeded directly to the Hale
nemann HooptaI, weere, seeking the
eaperintendent, he continued to push
bis inquiries still further. he murmured.
Sao man, however, did not appear The second day after receiving Mr.
to know. =oh about the casie, as be Seaver's note he niado a careful tole
bee but recently succeeded the pre- let and etarted forth to make bis
how ho lied at length. tallen Intel
becopalue deople
intereetea In Wail, he had rekiolvPd
to see If be could not trace lile
friende and restore hint ..to them.
lie , eine/hided, arltie 11
doubtful shake of Ida head. "It teaks
mete as if that would be WS !Miles-
'What would roe do with MM,
then r the .weinan ingeiree. ear.
nestle. "011,1" elle added, teelingly*
'he wile such a beautiful Child I
was nttro that he belonged to afine
family, tied it nearly brolce
heart. to ba,vo elm tient to that
_dreadful almeliellee."
"I have not yet decided what to
do with hint If I do not eueceed in
gelning some yew, oleo to Ms par-
entage," Mr. Carrot greveLY ; rues
"I- have no hones of my owe — 004 r4,-
fr1ende With whom I could Platte
him; but of one thine; e am Imre-
eliall never aliaw him to- drift back
lUto the elume, whence he came to
me. You reel eure thee the woman
was his nuree, 4"
6CerLade1Y—allie could have been
nothing else; there was nothing in
common betw,oen them; eal.d. be.
sides, site wore tbe oap an
neeen, treats the baby loolstel the
little aristocrat ia every line and
dAnd does now," said &Or compete.
ion, hin spite of his rude lite. I
was amazed, after lie had been sub,
lected to a vigorous bath and Wee
deoently dressed, to find whet tin
intereettng child he is. Will it he
possible for one to see this sectimail,
Crazy Melt, as she is called 4" he lee
mitred, in conclusion.,
'Yes, If you mesh.; althoughl
sure wou will reap no sati,sfeotion
from the loterviewl. Bet I will ar-
range for b.er to cense to ewer,"
the uurse returnee, with ready com-
pliance, as sh.e arose to leave tile
She Wes absent some time, but
finally returned, and was follow-
ed be a woman of perhaps thirty.,
five years,
She was a quiet, deniure looking
person, having a good, honest faoe,
in spite of its vacant expreselon,
black hair and eyes. She was very
neatly clad, 'had a plump, well -
formed figure, although she was
somewhat awkward in her move-
. "This is the gentlemen who' wish-
ed to see you, elary," sald the nurse,
by *sty of inteoduction, and Mary
mecle . an asekrrard courtesy, but
without betraying the slightest in-
terest in her Visitor,
"I suppose it well be of nol use tO
question her ?" Mr., Carrot re-
"Not th.o slightest — that .was
tried, tienes without number, years
ago," the woman returned.
AU expression a sadness swept
over the young man's countenance;
but after studying the unfortu-
nate creature's tone intently, for A
fele moments he put a couple
cf shillinge into her hard red ha,nd,
and kindle] told her that she maght
She now looked eagerly] up tr.t blab
and la,tithed, Out like a child that
bad received a eoeeted test, thus
showing tbat she knew something of
tite raltre of moirree if She was daft
on all other subjects. She thauleed
lam, made Another courtegyi and
the.n, at a. gentle signal from the
nurse, left the room.
Durin gthe afternoon Mr. stare
roll called at the apartment 'to
tvhich Mr. Seaver had directed,him,
but, to Us disappeintment, he was
toad that the famillyi had not yet ar-
rived. .
On his return to his own bodg-
ing o he found a letter from that
gentlemo,u, telling bim that they,
would to one day, late in °getting
letter closed as follows: Mrs. Sea-
ver and Miss Richardson join me in
kind regards and the „hope that you
are fully' recovered from the on -
Waters on the -poor little chap. ef
it bad beem me I wouldn't ha' flinch-
ed. but to see that 'ere tender baby
squirmin' an' suferin' was more'n I
could stand, en' I was just ready to
blabber when the woman touched
ground an' reached out to take him.
But just that mihute a brick oame
tuniblete down from the wall, hit
the ladder, bounded off, and struck
her plump on the head."
"eh!" ejaculated Tom Dill's listen-
er, with a shudder.
"Sho dropped like lead, where ebe
stood, an' then she and tbe baby
were both trundled off in the ambu-
lance to the 'ospital."
Oh 1 did she die ?`" demanded ''.fr.
Carroll, with almost breathless ea.g-
"No, poor thing 1" returned Tom
with a sorrowful shake of Ms head.
"1 was so cut up over the baby's
belie burned oni ray' hands, I went to
the eta,hnemann 'Ospital Ivery bless-
ed visttln" day to see how he.was git-
tin" along. His f eet an' legs were
'Urea' sore for a. svhile, but tbey
healed fust rate, though the scars
used to make my eyes water. After
a svelte he got to know me., an' would
dance ase caper, tit to make my heart
glad, ivery time I ehowed my old: mug
inside the door," 'and emile of
pleasure lighted the man's face at
tbe remembrance.
"How old woe; he ?" air Carroll ine
"Nigh on Ito :two year, should` eay,
fue he twasset no common sort o' baby
either," Tom Dill continued, impress
eively. eoule 'a' sworn he bad blue
blood in him."
".What made you think that 7" in.
(tiered his companion. .
'Nall, he looked It Ivory Inch of
him, an' in vette- of the bubble, an'
danger. the night o' the fire, took
tette of the clothee be bad on, an'
they Was like some o' them fancy
things yogi eee in tie bang-up shops
uh Itegrent street."'
"I wonder if they were preserved?"
Wad Mr. Carroll, Inquiringly.
"I don't think It, sir, they :was
scorched an :burned almost to a
der afore we got to the ground, an'
not worth tuppence."
"Well, now tell me soneithing about
the eveman," commanded the young
Man, with a regretful eigh.
"Waal', sir, she was sick a long tims,
from that 'ore hurt ors tho head, an
When elm did begin to mend, it was
keine 004 her brain didn't work
right, and she couldn't reinenther
anything that 'ad 'appened an' she
paid no more heed to the 'MAY, than Of
she'd never seen him before.'
"DO you mean that the bleu,' from
that briek left her no Idiot ?" 10.
quired ale Carroll in a etiocked tone,
"Waal, within' after that Boren -1i
thinkite," replied Tom Dill.
eShe knew roomer te eat an' drink,
wash, troll an' etrule but elvi could -
let tell tier own Time, nor wire°
elle was from, nor iiiithhe ohm the
people' wanted to knew al.oul."
"is elie living now?"
"Yea, eir, an' elm be as Weil an
sttong as yersiele"
"Whore is she f"
"At the 'ovals.' wiiere she bag
ever mineo."
ot'sn any ono gei perrnicssion to tiq.
A very tender, tremulous smile que
vered ebout the young man's ex-
pressive mouth as he read this.
".Ahl they: can hare no suspicion
of bow 'dear' she bas become to me,"
.k,;(4s.. -1; ,•,7-•
Who Ktitiete Anything AbOnt
Ml buyers, senora ood eagre ot
are intersittio In this question
? ? ? ? ?
V Will every reader of this enquiry
please drop a lino on the *gibbet to
Good Houses, Good Air and Good Eater- :
cise Necessary.
While tuberculosis is spread through
infection, it must be remembered that
its predisposing cause is in the body it-
self. If one could get rid of narrow
chests and bring up children, ie healthy
surroundings, we should resist the sourc-
es of infection more succesfully, what-
ever they are. We. are all in danger
from btu:elle but we do not all get con-
sumption, because mane of us have con-
stitutions with a sefficient power oere-
sistance. Good houses, good air, good ex- ,
wise must be brought to the help of
weak constitutions; and° they nee also
nec'essarY if we ake to bave strong con-
stitutions end the weak are to be elim-
inated. By so Much bygiene as we have
already practiced, and before any special
precautions began, to be taken about con-
s ti n th mortalit from it has de.
vioue manager, veto had died benne
six months before.
But he said the 'bead nurse in the
woman's departraent who had been
in the Institution for ten years or
more, migbt be able to give him
forma,tion regarding the matter in
question, , s •
"Yes," the superintendent replied
to his eager query, "there was a
chore woman DA the premises who
was knovsn as Crazy Moll, or Mary,
but she tvnir little better than an
Float, however, he -bent his steps
toward a welalmown florist's in
Oxford street.
Ae he drew near to it, he observ-
ed a lady; just emerging from a book-
She was elegant1y! and tastefully
• and there was :something fa-
miliar about her air and figure, al-
thougb be could not see her face,
that sent the levet color into •his
cheek and an electric thrill into ev-
Then, eeousing himself, he went to ere" Page.
Summon the head num of whom he Almost at the Instant a tall, coarse
had spoken. looking man approached her, and ads
CHAPTER. X. dressed her with a menacing air.
The heae nurse of the woman's de- She turned and •glaneed bins
eaetment goon made Iter appearance with a book of astonishment, and
and isaid that she remembered, per- now Mr. Carrel save* that the lady
featly, all the facts manected with was Florence Richardson, as he had
tho a:estnission ot the poor victims of already, suspected.
that terieble fire in easel:it:mine As he approached nearer lie heard
street. the man observe in a harsh tone of
The woman, who had never been Irritation:
known by any other name than "eon can't play' that game tan me,
Crazy Moll, or Mary, had bsen you obstinate husey ; you just come
very critical condition when she along -with me if you don't want
was brought to the hospital. to make a scene."
She was .unconselous, and re- ai do ,not tome -oboe you mean,
mained so for a long time, and sir," said Florence, nackied, awity
when she did filially arouse, it was from blin with an air of batiteur that
was only to rave for Weeks er the became her well, her blue e.yea flash
delirium of brain fetter, ing indignant fire upon her tiessall-
The ehllet, she statese was vere ant. "I never saw you before, and
badly burned On his feet and legs, ;you will let me tidos, If you pleas(*.":
but he recoVered very quickly, and "Well, but I don't please, Miss im-
being Stleit an attractive ched, be. pertineece ; and am neve'r saw me
Came the pet of the children's ward. before, so you think!" sneakd the
Ile Was retained in the institu- lean. eoateho. "Ito pretty woo
ton 11211011. longer than p, patient done, iny girl, but it's a games that
e y
creased, since 1850-5 by 53 per cent. It
is probably still deereasieg steadily,
though it accounts for a tenth of the
annual mortality, if all the forms of tn•
berculosis that appeer dn the registrar
Generale report are reckoried. Bronciiitie
and pneumonia are more familiar than
plithisis. In the arnisr the death rate
from tuberculosis has been reduced from
12 to 1,2 per 1e00 per annum einee the
Crimean War. It is a well known story
how a commission reported that con-
sumption was much more prevalent in
the line reginieuts, where each man in
barracks had only 350 cubic feet o space,
than in the Guards, where mob man bad
500, and how the death Tate began to
fall when the barracks beeaane more fit
to nee in.—Plat Ledger. •
• * I
It is impossible to choose our own
It doesn't require mucli push to go
down hill. •
Success is a target Walt Miglity
*mall bull's-eye,
A corkscrew hes led many a man
into crooked paths.
It is hard for the man with corm to
stend on bis dignity.
Money talks, but silence soinotimes
commands a better price.
The woman who- wears paste dia-
monds is generally stuck up.
It ought to be smooth travelling to
the man who is on the level.
'Unless a man is a good listener he
can't expect to be happily married.
It's all eight to begin at the bottom,
except when you start to dig a well.
The fish that has sense enough to
keep its mouth shut doesn't get caught:
Mr. Chester Loontis Took Dodd's
- Kidney Pills
And from a Used up Man he Became
as Smart as a Boy.
Orland, Ont., Sept.' 19.-e(Special).—
Mr. Chester Loomis, an old and respected
farmer living in this section, is spread-
ing broadcast the good news that Dodd's
Mew Pills are a sure cure for the
Lame Back and Kidney Disease so com-
mon among old people. Mr. Loomis says:
"I am 76 years of age and smart and
active as a bpy and I give Dodd's Kid-
ney Pills all thes credit for it.
"Before started to use Dodd's Kid-
ney P lis I was .so used up I could hard-
ly ride in a buggy, ane I eould not do
any work of any kind. Every body
thouget I would riot live long. Dodd's
Kidney Pills are a wonderful remedy.
The Kidneys of. the young may be
wrong but the Kidneys of the old must
be wrong. Dodd's Kidney Pills make all
wrong Kidneys right. That is why they
are the old follcs' greatest eriend.
How to Hear Plants drew.
Two Germans have discovered a meth-
od by which they can hear plants grow.
In the aperetus the growing plant is
connected with a disc, having in its cen-
tre an indicator which moves visibly and
regularly, and this on a scale fifty times
magnified denotes the progress in
growth, Both dee and indicator are
metal, tied when brought in contact with
an electric imanner, the electric current
being interrupted et each of the divided
interetices of the disc, the growth of the
plant is as perceptible to the ear as to
the eye. '
Wafl USUally allowed to remain, for Won'tea you lust come ftiOng
It was hoped that the WOmea W01114 as you ftre tOld, or—there'll be a devil
ultimately recover and be able to 00 a row—d'eti hoo2"
Identify the boy, when he could be Ile toed les powerful hand upon her
retutned to his parents. shoulder as lie con -eluded, and would
"'Rut When Mary at lest began bave forced bet' away with bine sig.
to rally'," the nurse observed; ewe nalleg at the same tnoment a page -
were shocked beyond measure to find Eng tab, if Mr. Carrel, had not Bud-
tlin,t her mind Won gone—er, ra.ther, deftly appeared upset the scene and
that she could remetube.r nothleg confronted eine
about her previous lite, and did riot With one upavard blow of hie hand
show the faintest reeognition ef the ,
lie released Florence trom Ills grasp.
Minard's Liniment for sale everywhere.
Just a Smile,
um, long have you teen married?"
"Oh about tWe Years."' - -
"Mad do you cousider your wife an angel
"No, not yet."—Superior (Wis.) telegram.
She—Tons says I grow more beautiful ev-
ery' time he zees use."
Ile—Why don't you ask him to eall of-
teneet—Providenee Telegram.
Tourist—Can I have a eoupie of towels?
Landlady—Are you going to stay here all
surnmer?—Lustige Matter.
Jones (to his fair partner, after their op-
ponents had declared "clubs"))—Shall I
play "clubs," partner?
Pair Partner (who has never played bridge
before) -0h, no, Meese don't, Mr. Jones. I've
only got two inue ones.--Puneh.
"May not be new, but I Just heard it,"
old the man at the head of the table,
"'Give it to us."
"Man from California mild that they raised
eabgages out there as big as wash tub.
Ban froM Missouri said thet they didn't breg
much on cabbage but ho had been in' Mel-
bas City mid had' seen three policeman as-
leep on one beet."—Detrolt Free Press.
child; although he knew, her in- dewiest is eh c meaning of thin out-
stantly tho moment we toOk .11101 rage?" he sternly demanded, as he
to her, and elung to her until elle
, the earne Instant shot a rue:miring
W0'1°11811 illta lly* "Atellieg 11"21 bOok bite the frightened eyee of the
roughly from her., fair girl.
"As she grew stronger, she begen The men gave vent to an angry*
to make hereelf nada about the oath and crinsted with vain, for the
wards, was <Met and littudY, and blow had lieLn an 11;lit tne.
the nurses petitioned that she be eit's Ilene sti' your Internet bunifiess,
allowed to remain in the institu-
tion as a servant, instead of leeng ,I:(11;iilt ulgeduittill;t1Yr°1;1111tegi47.1.PrZejitYalnd TAT!
sent ,to the workhouse. tend to your own affeiro. The alrI
'It Was it Sail day for all tho ibelonge to me and with nut sho's
nurst.s when It was at length des going, in :mite te her stabblrnes.o
4,101od that the boy inuet W. &were' and fitty 'officious- dutlee like your.
had made strenuous efforts to fled ge,110
a /good home tor him; lest OrithOut And *talking to Fiorenee's side, he
avail, anti Ito was flualir sent to again weed bee needy, by tlie arm,
tine of the home; it - the teefir. I One agile eyeing forward, sale i
have utile won lien 2 3 6311310 Of quick, and powerful et ',eke ;
tiineis since then, for my eated have straight from the eboteder, i
been sir homy- f eould not ea to itml heoremeen istitat, raw- i
-visit isimtt tile nurse etnicludeeevith booed, ungainly pereovior 1 :y i
It her ?" inquired the young man, a rpg.lrettal MO. 'Trawling teem the II:event:int at i
essterly, Mr. Cerro' then relate' steltetiling our kerne, feet.
"Vs, Mr, bet littlo good it'll do of what Jantide life letd been, and rho he tenitinuele
oximmooirmagigumameek. AriaramWamor
by Mail
CuStoMere all over Can-
ada tell us that our Mail
Orcitr Depathrient has
meant to theta added con..
The fiftleyeer reputation of
our store assurer! eatisfac-
slut to mail order purchesere
of Seater* WAtellety,
Wate, stationery. ea
Our ter:Miele catalogue will
gladly he seat ors teeuests
12NVIE suos.
"DlAsiqpn HAW
1 to ere
Wages Siete'
0. 0. Richards St. Co.
Dear Sire—For some ems I have had
only partial use of my arm, caused. by a
sudden strain. I have used every rem-
edy svithout effect, until I got a sample
benefit I received from it caused me to
continue its use, and now I am happy to
say my arm is completely restored,
Glamis, Ontario.
Bits of CoMaii Wisdam.
Matrimonally Inclined Women *Prefer
lAse AlretnlY Drelten In.
• One of the puzzles Warded by the mat-
rimonial ixiarkets M the preference of witiow-
ens for sal:Were and the indifference of wi-
dow* to bad:eters. Statistics, manipulatea 3,1
an expert statiserian, prove tizet ties wetl-
tillnd preitidice exist. 'rimy show that in
sstraven ported Jean widower* sought to heal
tile breach ia their domestic arrausements bY
espousing 28,141 apineters, VIAllti only 10,0
widows were considered available for that
purpose. Vint left many of tee widows 411.
provided for. ana. although on thetr QWn tee-
th:WY, most of the widowa weed have pre-
form; consraine Menisteves with widowers,
more than woo or Mein chese aecond pots
ors from the renter ot bachelere.
Having thus marshaled his tiguree, the
statistician proceees to the inevitable detec-
tions, Re exponds theories purporting .to
account for the predilection of the sexes
when, choosing 4 itelpinatO for the kieleund,
third, or fourth time. Several explanations
are advanced. The thoughtImas herd who
have neitbor statisttes WO theories of their
own may take their choice.
To start with, the statistician meheins
that feline oho has suffrod conjugal be-
reavement is more anxious to repair his loss
than e woman similarly afflicted. 'Weed, so
immoral is he of the matrimoute state
thet he 13 willing to give it several trials
neeeeetiry, and each time, if left to lila ovin
Inclinations, he will choose a spinster. This
the statistician. partly accountsfor on the
ground that the female population exceeds
the nage; nonce each loan who 19 eutitied
by law to mare than ono 'wife is required le,
chivalry to assist as many WOIXIOR as possi-
ble Into'ineir true sphere of home -maker.
In case some hard-headed pesaimiet should
regret tbat•philanthrople view as too vision-
ary for his strenuous age, he offers another
more presume suggestion. Every man ekes
to be boss in his own borne, Having learned
from experience that lie ie likely to bo do -
posed as soon as the female member of the
teem learns the knack of mentsing tee
reins, be prefers at each new venture to
set out with a partner who is as yot unial-
Hated, so that be may enjoy at least a
month or so of lording it betore.elle finds
out ler power.
possibly each of these hypotisosis will hove
Its adherents. Either or neither may be cor-
rect, but it is unettestionabiy a fact tbat
Mr. Pickivicic bimeof never mere strenUoualy
opposed the threatenee entanglement with
Mrs, Dardell than does the average widower
the blandishments of a bereavoe representa-
tive of the opposite sex. Fortunately, how-
ever, their reeistance is unavailing. Widows
are shrewd. A man who has once showe
himeelf anienable to discipline can be die,
etplined again. Widows mew that. They
infinitely prefer teeing up a man's educa-
tion wbere somebody else has lett it off to
training a new consort from the kindergarten
stao on up; hence In spite of their r esistance
severe thousands of protesting widowers
• are captured annuany.—exclienso.
The Borston Transcript Is indebted to a
citizen of Corea for a number ef proverbs
aud sayings whicis afford au interesting in-
sight into Cores,n modes of tlioueht, and in
this way ilustrate the inteliectual aptitude
and power ot observation ot people:
"A thing is good when it is new; a m'an
Is pod when he is old."
"He who bath eaten salt drinketh water."
"One can paint the fur of the tiger, but
not his joints.
.• "One knows the face of a :nem, but not
his interior,"
"If one is not observing, one sees noth-
"Even Um blind man oan find his way
through an open door,"
"When Use. tiger is gone, the fox is mas-
•".As soon as the moon is full it begins to
grow :smaller."
"The higher the mountain the deeper the
9141:ge;:smoke come out of the fireless chim-
"Elveit a hedgehog says hie young ones are
"4 baskettul of gold Is not so valuable
for a son as instruction in one of the clas-
"0 IB the tig:tlb4t;adifiiraour51*0
raprepairs are first made."
'A. family who has no sickness for ten
suers utast be rich."
ISSUE NO. 40 19044
Aire WM:40We Soothing Srrup 01(0014
always: be uted for (Andrea leetniute
soothe tbe child, memo the emit euree
collo awl to the best recede for Muratori*,
IeOlt SALla-VAltie OF lit Afeltee, ON
ii, Lake ,Meeph, litusetea, 4ppiy W. dole,
Ileawooth Ont.
O1 t: 'Saki, 01,01111 -
se yfllugo of Ilillodule: with license, furni-
ture, 1oc13 etc., prem toter let r nif 10010
bmIrdlneer:suritaabbiaro gtapinpultrecuoalasorri,ght Aawppary; tteQrin
Gecko:Igo, Hillsoree, Ont.
N.) to four bundrea stereo 0503, for sate;
in all nava at Calumet: write for cetalogue.
Intereeiontal Realty Co., Limited, London.
, • A Curious Fan Clock.
A remarkable timepiece is a clock fan
manufactured by a Swiss jeweler. The'
clock consists of 12 leaves hinged like lip
ordinary fan. Tao number of the hour
is marked. frein 1 to 12 at the end of
each of these leaves. The fan time-
piece starts at 6 o'clock and expends
regularly for 121ours, when it suddenly
closes up and starts all over again. 'lee
half-hour is indicated by the 'leaf of the
fan being only belt extended.
- away 07 0010, am 07 TOLEDO,}50.
FRANK 7. ORKNEY' makes oath that hole the
senior partner of the arm 01 13'. 3. CuENalr a
Co„ doing bueiness In the City of Toledo,
Couuty and State aforeen id, and th at oaid firm
will par ithe sum of oNE HUNORED Dor,
Lana tor each and every criee ot Gs-TARIM
that cannot be cured by the use ot HALL'S
Sworn tq before me and subseribed in my
presence,thle Eith day of December, A.D., 188b.
Hairs Catarrh Dere is taken internally and
acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces
of the system. Send for testimonials, tree.
F. 3, CHENEY & CO., Toledo, 0,
Sold by all druggists -75e.
Take Hall's Fatally Pills for Constipation.
Notary Public.
These eohools are designed to devolve
. • on ithe state the etre ofttlie young,or the
socialistic theory teat the state as wiser,
better aud kinder teen the parent The
idea appears to be 'diet Cie state is a
coleisal person, with an intelligence, -wis-
dom and. conscience ah superior to those
Rarest aird in the World.
A certain kind of pheasant found in
the mountaina between Annan end Lone
le said to be the rarest bird in existence.
For a long time its existence was known
only by the fact that its longest and
most splendid plume was much sought
after by the manharins for their head-
gear. A. single Skin is Worth $500, and
if elle bird, wouldlive in- captivity its
value would be fabulous.
Removes all hard, soft or calloused lumps
and blemishes from horses, blood spavin,
curbs, splints, ringbone, sweeney,
sprains; cures sore and sweeten throat.
cough's, etc, Save $50 by the use ot one got-
tle. Wax -anted the niost wonderful t3lemish
Cure ever known.
Japs Carry Fans in 'Battle.
The cool and deliberate actions of the
Japanese may in part be due to the fans
they carry, writes- Correspondent Palmer
in Collyees Weekly, After describing
a fierce morning battle Mr. Palmer felle-
d their use of fame as tams: "Some
infantry reserves nearby were fanning
themselves. To a Russian who had xot
tasted their fire these "efakaki" might
lave seemedquite effiminate.
"The fans which the littlemen use to
cool themsebies in the march are pres-
ents from the Emperor. On them is in -
"scribed, in the handwriting of the corn-
manderen-ehief of the army, qViarquis
Oyama, the words: `Do your best for
your country.'
"On a hot day a fan may beat up a
breeze in front of a soldier's nose'which
will save him from suceumbing."
Minard'i Liniment Cures Dandruff.
. of 'the p000nt as the p
, aide is superior to him numericaly, The
' state is viewed as the collective virtue
1 and intelligenceof theentire community,
end the natural went -of every child in-
cluded in it.'
This theory ie as wrong as it could be.
In the meanwhile ehis sort of school is
edueiting the people fester than it is ed-
ueeting tee pupils, and its teachings are
of the most pernioious obaratter. " These
teachings are summed up in Mgr words
paternalism 4a.nd socitelisin, The penned
selrool is a part of the general idea that
the state la seen to4o everything for
everybody, even to the bringing up of
his children. no family and the hidivia-
ual, accoeding th this plan, are to be
nothing except beneficieries of the state.
-e-Chicago Chronicle.
trade --eight weeks Average thno re -
(meet; wages Saturdays while learning; $10
to $1.1 Weekly Miami:toed when tbroupe 0 -
Mounted catalogue menial free. Maier s Bar-
ber College, 350 Callal street, New stork
first-class beach hands: steady work,
Aper to Burton e lialdwin Mfgco., idmited,
Indian Etiquette.
In India a letter sent to a native
prince is often a very elaborate affair.
The paper is epecially made for the pur-
pose and is sprinkled with gold, leaf.
Only the last few lines of the somewhat
lengthy document Contain the purport of
the letter, while the remainder is made
up of the usual roundabout and com-
plimentary pleases. It is folded in a pe-
culiar way, with the flaps outward and
placed in a muslin bag, and this latter
into one of crimson and gold tint, with
a slip knot of gold thread attached to
Whielt is a pouderede seal. The address,
written on a slip of parchment, is at -
tubed to the outside bag. These (Janne
are very importatit for polite letter
writing in India, ped if any one of them
Was omitted it would be en insult to etre
to ladies and gentlemea. Permanent peretion,
rapid advancement, soca salary and eapenses.
Clean, desirable business. Write the J. L. '
Nichols Co., Limited, Termite.
(Mentien this paper.)
LADIES' RB0,1111..susttti,idoiazklz,
- Waists. Send for
styles and clotli samoleir,
ogres Eczema, klrYeiR"
OWEI, Plmpbes, 11.10104
Berns. cuts,
Larg 3 Mao a imPle and box PitEe,,
VOSTilit tiles CO„ TOTtONTO, ONT.
Steamers leave Harnilton at tem., To-
ronto 7.80 p.m., Tuesdaye, Thurastaye and
" Fall Excursion
Hamilton to Montreal; single $7.00, re-.
turn $12.00. ,
Toronto to Montreal, siugle eO,50, return
•Low rates between ptirts.
Further intormation apply to It.
agents, or write to
Western Paemeger Agent, Toronto
Septenaber 20111 Via 'West Shore rail-
road, $e00 round trip from Suspension
Bridge and Buffalo. Tickets good for
return trip up to and including Octo-
ber 8th. Hudson river trip included in
either direction if &sited, For full
particulars regarding train service, re-
servatioe in sleeping cars, etc., 'call on or
Write L. Drage, Canadian passenger
agent, 69% Yonge street, Toronto.
Annual Diamond Output.
Mr, Louis Tate one of the best known
dismond'brokers estlinetes the output
of the De Beers mines annually at $10,-
000,000, end of other mines at $4,500,000.
Ade :to this the ,cost of labor, the profits
of the eyndieate, eta, en31 he thinks that
the anual outputi of diamonds is teorth
about $35,000,000.
Do you catch cold easily?
Doee the cold hang on? Tre
Clallia. c. Tonle
4 gi 4rogi.h 'The Lung
1 It MIMS the most stubborn kind
of coughs arid Colds. If it
doesn't cure you, trait money
Will bo refunded.
, Prices: S. C.Vnets te Co. tie
ale. sec, st LeRoy, 14.°5t., Torento,Can.
roan addressed .
Pe 0
1Viinard's, Liniment Relieves Neuralgia,
Ote Dozen Dent's,
Don't worry the children.
Don't worry about them. Guardian
angel; still exist, even hi the Twentieth
Don't lose your temper with there.
ISolet give way when you have a de-
cided plan for them.
Don't leave too mueh with the ger-
Don't repel their little confidences.
Don't get impatient at their Meet MI-
anewerable questions.
Ihnet indulge them faddishly.
Dein forget to imecurage theln and
• praise their little efforts to please you,
! Don't show favoritism.
! Don't disagree about them. 'Their
father and moth should Always he 18
unison in their training,
Don't forgot tha3± they are tiod'a chil-
dren, lent to you for a season.---Woin.
att's We.
The lawyer shook his finger warningly
at the witness and said: "Now, we, went
to hear just what you know.' not what
soine one else knows, or whatyou thinb,
or anything of that, but what you knowe sew
Do you understand?"' '
"Wal, I know'" said the witness, with
emphasis, as helifted one limber leg and
laid it across the other, "I know that
Clay Grubb said that Bill Thompson
told him tbat he heard John Thomas'
wife tell Sid Shuford's gal that her hue -
hand was. there when the fight took
place, and that he said that they slun•g
each other a round in the bushes right
consid'able."—Youtles Companion.
City Independent.
Every day from September 15t11 to Oc-
tober 15th, 1994, inclusive, the Union Pa-
• cific will sell one-way tickets from Mis-
souri River Terminals (Council Bluffs to
Kansas City, inclusive) as follows
$20.00 to Ogden and Salt Lake City.
*20.00 to Helena and Butte, Mont-
*p2.50 to Spokane and Wenatchee,
Washington. •
$22.50 to Huntington and Nampa,
$25.00 to Vancouver and Victoria. ,
$25.00 to Ashland and. Astoria, Ore-
gon, via Portland.
• $25.00 to San Francisco, Los Angeles
and San Diego,
Correspondingly low rates to many
other California, Oregon, Washington,
Montana, Utah, and Idaho points.
Through Tourist- ears runevery day
on Union deteifie bettveen Missouri River
and Pacific Coast; double berth $5.75.,....0‘
For full inforniatiort call on or address'
F. B. Choate, G. A., 1t6 Woodward ave.,
Detroit, Mich.
Elephante and the Plague.
Human beings are not alone in suffer-
ing from plague in Xndia, says' the Lon.
don Mail. The disease has been so bad
of late in the Mysore State, Where It ie
rellorted, writes our Simla correepond-
ent, that ono of the %lace elephents
has suecumbed after developing what
seemed to be the typical plague swele
A Mysore correspondent writes to
Bombay paper that elepleints rind deer
are also dying in the Iteggiuldevelikot
forests of iviiat is believed, local/3,', to
be nothing else. than the plague, which
lam been prevalent among the human in-
bilyitallts of some of the villsigee in the
. laInroplai
1Viinard's Liniment Cures DarnS, etc,
Always 'tell the Truth.
(Stray Stories.),
Father—I hear, my boy, that you have
lately told your mother several false-
hoods. Title grieves me to the heart.
Always tell the truth, even though it
may bring suffering upon you. Will you
promise ine?
Bop—Yes, father.
Father—Very well. New, go and See
who is khocking at the door. If it's the
rate collector say I am not At home.
Hope Ahead.
I 4 Heed° rtur father and mother both 4-
'1147-* tint don't wrerr.*Pnee one filena-
me miver aline very lons about iturtehile"
South A tri 0 rl ban Kidney
pure is the only kidney treatment that
has 'proven equal to correct all the evils
that are likely to 'befall therm physical regu-
lators. Hundreds of testkaonitils to prove
the curatiVe merits of this liquid kidney ape -
Cilia ' le cases of BrIght'e disease, diabetes,
irritation of the bladder, Inflarranellon, drop-
sical tendency. Don't delay. -22
Why He Swam to Shore..
Xing Vie* recently etartee on *
Cruise in the royal yacht, and all went
well until one afternoon, when the news
reached him that his wife . bad, given
birth to a child.
"Put in to shore," he Said to the •
captain; "for I must go to Her Majesty
at once."
linforturiately ai storin was raging
and it wasImpossible to bring the yacht
to land. The 1ing, however, would not
be thwarted in his designeand without a.
Word be threw off his mit, sprang over-
board and swam ashore.. A few }mere
later be WAo isa the toted. palace, and
next morning all mos, was talking about
his daring feat. '
Death or IUnacysocnted the only
alternative for a weil-known and moly rats
pected lady of Winghten, Ont., who had
travelled over two eontineuts in, a vain
search for a Ore for nervous debility aria
dyspepsia. e friend recommended South Ant -
Mean. dee bottle. helped, six bottles cured,
and ber own testimony closes with thole
words: "it eas saved 1111 I31e."-20
Chinese BOA Customs.
Whtii a rich and. impottaet, (Thinaesaii
dke his funeral is conducted with nuich
pomp and splendor. His friends and, re- esee
lativee instead of sending wreaths, end
innumerable banners. T Mae are M040
of vaiite silk, with inseriptione beauti.
fully Worked in black velvet, sine express
the sender& good wishes to the deceated
himself or to the members ef his fam-
ily many generations. On the day of
the fuller:11 these banners are earried by.
hired mem who are all dresiled alike for
the °erasion. After the funeral, width
bulb; several bottle at the cemetery, Is
over the banners, are all brought back
and amtnally avaoe the Minns of the
late Ohinalertna hotise,