The Wingham Advance, 1904-09-29, Page 5Thursday, September 29, 1904 MEN S CLOTHING This is Crowder's The Best Dressers of Huron County get their Clothes Here. Our gigantic business every clay and at all times is the talk of the town, so are our swell up-to-date styles. They are so far ahead of all others that hundreds of people come here and buy their clothes because they know our assortment is larger, our styles better, our prices lower and our treatment of everyone satisfactory and square, TIPS ON OVERCOATS FOR MEN. "Our Minto"—the new brown cloth Overcoat for men with broken stripe effect, velvet collar, square pockets, belted back and double -padded shoulders, right up to the minute, sizes 34 to 42, equal to any tailor- made at $20--Crowder's price $15,00 "Our Senator"—the new grey (heavy weight) Overcoat, box back, square pockets, long length, sizes 34 to 42, equal to any tailor-made coat at $18—Crowder's price $13.00 Our New Minto Cravenette Overcoat, 52 inches long, box back, belted, ' in nice brown stripe, sizes 34 to 40--Crowder's price $14.00 OUR YOUNG MAN'S OVERCOAT.—In nice black frieze with white stripe every three-qnarters of an inch (belted back, detachable) square packets, sizes 31 to 42—Prices $9.50 and $10.50 MEN'S NEW TWEED SUITS. Just received, a large shipment of Men's Tweed Suits, in the latest stripes and check effects, sizes 33 to 44 chest $5.00, $7.50, $10, $12.50 BOYS' NEW TWEED SUITS. Boys' 2 -piece Tweed Suits, sizes 22 to 28 $1.95 Boys' 2 -piece Norfolk Suits, sizes 22 to 28—Prices $3.00, $3.75, $4.25 Boys' 3 -piece Tweed Suits, sizes 27 to 33, in all the latest tweed effects, etc.—Prices $3.50, $4.00, $5.00, $5.50 MEN'S AND YOUTHS' ODD PANTS. We have over 000 pairs Men's and Youths' odd Pants, sizes 31 waist to 48 waist—Prices $1.00, $L25, $1.75, $2.25, $3.00 WATERPROOF COATS GUARANTEED. We have just received 25 Men's Black Waterproof Overcoats, length 52 inches, talnia pockets, cuffs on sleeves, sizes 30 to 50 inches chest—Prices $7.75 and $8,50 NEW GENTS' FURNISHINGS. New Ties, Collars, Cuffs, Shirts, Gloves, Handkerchiefs, Braces, Socks, Night Robes, Armlets, Umbrellas, Etc. Big Bargains in our Boot and Shoe Department. HATS and CAPS — Latest Styles. The R. H. Crowder Co. BEST CLOTHIERS. el! 411111111111111111111 • ONO INIED • OMNI= POSITIVELY Clearing Sale i s 1 GIVING UP BUSINESS Premises must be Vacated in a few weeks, hence the Entire Stock of jewellery, watches, Clocks, Silverware and Store Fixtures WILL Bargain Prices, Everything Must Go BE SOLD AT If you fail to get your share of the Bargains, it is your own Fault, This is positively a Genuine Clearing Sale, and no hum- bug. Everything must go. H. H. CHISHOLM kill11111111111111111.1111111111. 411111111041111111/1110110 e 1 1 1 1 TEB WING ADVANCER St. Thomas, Sept. 22,—Mrs, W. .I3romell„ Talbot street, sinter-inlaw of Jno. Broniel 1, hotelkeeper, Toronto, was very painfully, if not fatally, burned yesterday, She was washing, and had a cup of gasoline in her hand to put in the boiler, when the stuff exploded. —The bylaw granting a loan of $5000 to Wm. Kelehon to establish an engine and machine shop in the vil- lage of Hensall, was voted on, on Monday and carried by a good majority, At the close of the poll the vote stood 152 for and 10 against or a legal majority of 32, —In the Assize Court yesterday be- fore Mr. Justice Anglin and a jury, Mrs. E. Hammond was given $100 and Geo. Hammond, her sixteen -year-old son, $800 damages against the G. T. R. and H. Jarman, ono of the G. T. R. gatekeepers at Sunnyside, who put out one of the boy's eyes by hitting him with a stone. —The C. P• R. Co. is arranging for the distribution of 100,000 bulbs among its agents and sectionmen of the entire system. There is no better way of creating a good impression of your town on the minds of strangers, who come to it, than to have a clean station, and the grounds made as pretty and attractive by the use of flowers and shrubs. —A cucumber weighing over fifty pounds is one of the curiosities at the Texas exhibit in the Palace of Agri- culture at the World's Fair. The big vegetable is thirty inches long and thirteen inches in diameter. In ap- pearance it can scarcely be dis- tinguished from a number of water- melons that occupy the same table and is taken for a melon by many. —Three cars of hogs came to Chicago last week that attracted more atten- tion than any shipment in years. There was more interest in the weight of these hogs than usual and a num- ber of wagers from $1 to $25 changed hands. Two cars of 74 head averaged 429 lbs. and sold at $5.70. They averaged about fifteen months. The lighter load, averaging 217 lbs. sold. at $8.10, the top of the market. —Usborne township council has granted the St. Marys, Kir:kton and Exeter Telephone Association the right and privilege to erect poles and stretch wires on the highways. A re- solution was unanimously passed ex- pressing the opinion that the county council he composed of the reeves of townships and villages and the may- ors of towns not separated from the county, instead of representatives of county council divisions at present. --One of the fastest runs ever made on,the main line of the Grand Trunk between Toronto and Montreal was made Tuesday morning. To accommo- date the Canadian manufacturers who attended the banquet at Montreal last week a special train of sleepers was run from Bonaventure depot at two o'clock, and arrived in Toronto next morning at 7.10, covering the distance, 333 miles, in five hours and ten min- utes. The average rate was greater than 00 miles per hour. The stops of course, were few and short, and were principally to take water. —Inasmuch as most of the voters' lists in the Province of Ontario are not revised until September or October each year, there is a likeli- hood that if the Dominion House is dissolved and an early date appointed for the nomination and polling, the lists to be used in most of the con- stituencies will be those for 1903. Ac- cording to the statutes 00 days must elapse between the date of certifica- tion of the list§ and the date of no- mination. If only four weeks' notice of the election is given,, and that is the general impression of. what will happen, only those ridings where the revision is done early in the year will be able to use the 1004 lists, —The Seed Division of the Depart- ment of Agriculture, Ottawa, has just issued an illustrated bulletin on the "Weed Seed commonly found in Tim- othy, Alsike and Red Clover Seeds." It is well known that large quantities of seeds of many noxious weeds are each year unwittingly sown with grass and clover seeds. The re- semblance of many weed seeds to the commercial seeds with which they are found makes their detection difficult to an ,untrained eye, even if they be present to the extent of several hund- red per pound. '14 is therefore of great importance to be able to identi- fy at least the seeds of those weeds which are seriously injurious in agri- culture. The text and illustrations of this bulletin (No. 16, New Series) are published with a view to assist farm- ers to identify the more dangerous weed seeds common to grass and clover seeds. The illustrations of seeds are from drawings by J. H. b'aull, lecturer in Botany, University of Toronto, and the descriptions are by G. H. Clark, Chief of the 'Seed Division, Ottawa, to whom, applica- tions for copies of the bllletin should he ;addressed. As the edition is limit- ed, it will be sent only to those who apply for it. •as • Thousands Acquiring Dope Habit. The dope habit is being acquired by thousands of Canadians throagh us- ing so-called cures for catarrh contain- ing an exeessive amount of alcohol and other dangerous drugs. Doctors claim there is only one eafo and cer- tain euro for catarrh --fragrant heal- ing Catarrhozone which cures by medicated vapor that is breathed direct to the disease. The seat of the c balsamic vapor of Catarrhozoue kills the germs, heals sore spots, stops dropping in the throat, keeps the nose clear and permanently erradictttes every trace of eatarrh•from the sy- stem, ystel}t. Cater r oxo n ca 1't Erbil ; it;'s guaranteed. Two iltolttis treatment 400; War size 25e, Brussels. East Riding Fall Fair, at Brussels, Oct. 0 and 7. The China wedding of D. 0. and Mrs, Ross, of Brussels, was duly cele. brated on Friday .of last week, There were 110 tickets sold at Brus- sels G. T. R. depot for Toronto dur- ing the Fair and 29 to London. Geo, Coates, leaves this week on the return trip to Idaho to his sheep ranching. Ile bas over 7,000 head and has had a good year. Morris township Voters' List Court will be Heid in the Town Hall, Brus- sels, on Thursday, Oct, Oth at 9.30 o'clock a.m. There are 60 or 70 ap- peals entered, Judge Doyle held Voters' List Court in Brussels on Wednesday forenoon. W, M. Sinclair, of town appealed in behalf of the Liberals and Dudley Holmes, of Wingham, for the Con- servatives, 25 appeals were entered by the Liberals and 20 by the Con- servatives. Result of the Court, the former struck off 13 and added 12 and the Conservatives struck off 2 and added 8, giving a gain of 15 to the Liberals on the total. The Harvest Horne services in St. Johns' Church, Brussels, last Sun- day unday were of a very interesting and successful character. Mr. Powell, the student in charge, excelled himself. In the morning his text was Is. 9-8 "They joy before them according to the joy of harvest." Equally appro- priate was the evening discourse bas- ed upon Jeremiah's words "He re- serveth unto us the appointed weeks of the harvest." Did You flet Up Tired ? At this season tiredness fastens itself even upon the healthy and strong. If not feeling well you should build up, get more blood into your veins, increase your store of nerve energy. What you need is that re - builder and tonic, Ferrozone, which contains the strengthening elements your system needs. Ferrozone makes flesh, nerve and muscle ; gives you ap- petite, abundant energy, buoyant spirits—in short Ferrozone assures health and costs 50c. at all druggists. Get Ferrozone to -day. . •3' Clinton. Wm. Graham is going around show- ing the farmers how to harvest sugar beets. Dan. Ross of Brucefleld has six acres that will net him $100 an acre. There are 215 farmers growing beets under Mr. Graham's inspec- tion. The Strathcona Lacrosse Club is now out of the race for junior championship. It was to have gone to Elora last Friday to play the re- tnrn match with that town, but whether disheartened at losing the game on the Tuesday previous, through loose and bad playing from lack of practice previous to the game, or from financial embarassment, they let the game go by default, thus cut- ting short their career. A curiosity in the shape of a live poultry car has attracted considerable interest at our station the last few days. A like one passed through here last fall, and belongs to a Chicago Syndicate of poultry buyers. It is arranged in 104 compartments, each of these capable of holding four dozen live fowl, or something over 21,000 lbs. in all. There is a big re- servoir or tank in the centre of the car for water and bins for holding feed. There is a passageway two feet wide from one end of the car to the Other ; a place large enough for a bunk and other necessary room, the use of the caretaker, and every com- partment in the car can be got at readily for feeding and watering pur- poses uiposes from the centre passageway. • :4: A Two Minute Cramp Cure That isn't equalled the world over is Nerviline, the greatest relief for cramps and stomach pains ever dis- covered. Nerviline acts promptly and is very pleasant to take. I think Ner- viline is the finest remedy in the world for colic and cramps writes W. B. Wilton of Toledo. "When I take Nerviline I know it's going to relieve quickly and for that reason I am never without it. I have found Ner- viline good for sick headache and stomach troubles and recommend it for strength and sureness." Excel- lent for inward use—good to rub oil. Price 25c. DATES OF FALL, FAIRS. Wingham Sept. 29 30 Listowel " 28 29 Fordwich. October 1 Lucknow. 4 5 Clifford , ... " 4 5 Brussels " 0 7 Blyth " 11 12 Dungannon " 1314 -f. Souvenir of World's Fair, The most artistic publication gotten upin connection with the World's Fir at St, Louis is issued by the Grand Trunk Railway System, and thousands of copies have been sent out to interested parties who have ap- plied for them. There is a limited supply remaining, and all those who intend paying a visit to the "Ivory City" should write at once for a copy. Maps of the City of St. Louis and the World's Fair 'Grounds, together with a comprehensive description of the Universal Exposition, and interesting information es to routes and side trips is contained in the brocure sent free on application to J. D. McDonald, District Passenger Agent, Toronto, Ont. Novlcu.--I have arranged With the tun k to menage m y busi- ness Dominion Bank m e 1 g . Y i n mess and all ()Wing m e o or n , It Notes Mortgages can pay principal or interest at any time. After falling due, rem - e ibeIt you need not pay until you tiro requested to do so by xno, I thank all triose who have done bulsinegs with me, and wish you every. prosperity. Roan, Mclvi000, vers For coughs, colds, bronchitis, asthma, weak throats, weak lungs consumption, take Ayer;$ Cherry Pectoral, Cherry Pectoral Always keep a bottle of it in the house. We have been saying this for 60 years, and so have the doctors, "I have used Ayer's Cherry Pectoral in my family for 40eon, It 1; out beet medicine in the world, I know, for all throat and lung troubles.. Mas. J. E. Noaoa088, Walther, Mass, 260. 00c„ $1.00, r s. a. av>za ao,, An drugeawew,aglstearii�uae forLowell Mau. The Lungs Daily action of the howele Is neces1 -'-y. Aid nature with Ayer'e PI1101 A PICTURE Pretty as a picture doesn't mean much—sometimes. But our Pictures are the pretty kind, and the kind that keep their prettiness, Try a Pho- tograph from ZURBR(GG'S STUDIO WINUHAM Largest and Best in Western Ontario. JTRAL / , STAATFORD, ONT. This popular institution has an excellent reputation for strictly high grade work. Our graduates are in great demand. Enter this month if possible. A magnificient catalogue free. ELLIOTT & MOLAOnLAN, Principals THAT'S THE PLACE TO GO. WHERE ? To which re -opens Sept. 61h. Take the Commercial or the Shorthand Course. Terms reasonable. Send for College journal. C. A. FLEMING A. L. McINTYRE President Seo'y. LIFE FIRE INSURANCE Lowest rates consistent with absolute security. All claims promptly settled • Abner Cosens ACCIDENT PLATE CLASS NEW Grocery Store. CROCKERY and CHINA, FLOUR and FEED, of all kinds. Cash for Butter and Eggs. Phone 61, W. F. VanStone Positively Fria. Do you want a New Suit? If so, buy it here, and we will keep it 'Pressed for six months Free of Charge. Our Suitings for Fall and Winter are matchless in design and fabric, and we have a large stock to select from. Also a large range of Over - coatings in all the newest and best materials at right prices. Pantings to suit anybody. And say, if you are going to get a rain -proof coat, do not buy a ready-made, until you see what we can make you one to order for. We give you all a PRESSING invitation to call. Robt. Maxwell High Art Tailor - Wingham WANTED. A. Local Salesman for Winshars, Ont., and surrounding territory to represent "CANADA'S GREATEST l t i,srIREs." Newest ver otic,, and specialties In Hardy Fruits, Small Fruits, Shrubs, Ornamentals, anti Ilopes. 4. _permanent situation, and ter- ritory reserved for tiro right man. Pay weekly. Iiandsome outfit free. Write for particulars, arid send 25d for our pocket microscope, Just the thing to use in oxamin. ing trees and plants for insects. STONE & WELLINGTON Pbnthill Nurseries (over '900 acreel TORONTO ONTARIO Slims Prices, lhA Leading IfnM i 15aaia111 is Stout Values j U(i, Store ' quick Batumi Appreciating Values READY -TO. W 1AR CLOTHING We have just passed into stook TIHREE SHIPMENTS of Men's and Boys' Ovru tcoATS and Surrs. Remember, we sell only the best makes, and can save you money on every garment. Wo guarantee you A FIT—and as for material, its the BEST obtainable at the price MEN'S SUITS.—Made from good strong Tweeds in double or single breasted style, Italian cloth Iining and good trim- mings. Our special out price $ 8.00 MEN'S SUITS.—Made from good, strong, all -wool Tweed, nice patterns, well -made and lined. All sizes selling at $ 6.00 MEN'S SCOTCH TWEED SUITS.—Made from all -wool goods in fancy patterns, well lined and trimmed. Sizes 86 to 44— Our price $1.0.00 MEN'S PANTS.—All sizes, made from good, strong Tweed and Worsted Cloth. Prices are, ...$1, 1.25, 1.50, 2.00, 2.50, 8,00, $3.60 MEN'S OVERCOATS,—See our now styles of Overcoats, made from good strong cloth in plain and fancy stripes. Prices are -5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 and $12. See our Leader, a well -made, fine Beaver Overcoat, with velvet collar, worth 7.50 for $ 6.00 • Here Are Some Specials For Boys. BOYS' REEFERS.—Made from navy bine Beaver Cloth, with high collar, check lining, trimmed with brass buttons, good value at $2.50—Our cut price $ 1.95 BOYS' SUITS.—Norfolk style, fancy patterns, Tweed, well lined—Our special price $ 2.50 BOYS' PANTS.—A11 sizes in boys' long or short Pants, made to give good wear, all prices—See our speoial at .50 BOYS' OVERCOATS.—Excellent value in boys' fine Overcoats, nicely made, good strong linings; velvet collar, grey Oxford cloth. Price begins for small sizes, at $ 2.90 BOYS' SWEATERS.—It will pay you well to see our new Sweaters, all wool—Prices begin at .50 UNDERWEAR.—Direct from the mill. Fleece lined and all - f wool Shirts and Drawers—at cut prices. H. E. Isard Sc. Co. Opp. Bank Hamilton Highest Price Paid for Produce 14" Fine Tailoring Tailoring is our business and it would please ns exceedingly if you would step in for a look at the elegant new Overeoatings, Suitings, Trouserings, etc., for fall and winter wear. The patterns are the handsomest that weavers' wits could produce. Come in to see the New Ideas and talk the matter over with us . . Quoting prices for Tailoring means NOTHING as you know, but what you can get for your money 15 EVERYTHING, The best dressers in this community are our steady patrons, and if you favor us with your order, you will be in the hands of skilful tailors. Come in for a look and a talk at any rate. HATS AND CAPS. In Hats and Caps we have all the latest styles and when you need anything in this line you should not buy elsewhere before seeing our big range to choose from. Price -50c to $3.00. New Underwear, Ties, &c., arriving daily. HOMUTH BROS. TAILORS AND GENTS' FURNISHERS Furniture When you are in need of anything in the Furniture line, if will be worth your while to drop in and see us. Our stock is large and varied, and`our prices are very reasonable. No trouble to show goods. Walker Bros. Sc. Button Ema\O-Ang kn Season. The " Star Restaurant" is headquarters for everything seasonable in the Fruit line. Our Fruits are always fresh and nice, and our prices are very reasonable. Our stock of Vegetables, Canned Goods, Confection- ery,etc., i$ always complete; Canada Cream and Roquefort Cheese in stock. L *G1 KRUSE .NP McKelvie's 01d Stand