HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1904-09-22, Page 811111rlla0111 MAM1IM
There's no secret in Shoe buying a man
either gets his money's worth or he doesn't.
It is your own fault, Sir, if you don't
get yours.
Satisfaction is here for yon in any grade
of Shoe yon want.
There are lots of men, hereabouts, who
have never bad Shoes that were all right
and perfectly satisfactory.
We're looking for the Man
whobas so far failed to fend just the Shoe
he wanted. If we can't fit hint and please
him in style and price, he'll have to give it
up and go barefooted. We invite men to
come here with their Shoe troubles.
Headquarters for Trunks and Valises.
W. J. Greer, The Shoer
80,000 Bushels of Wheat
thisear and will pay the highest market price
at all times We give good returns of Star
or Manitoba Flour for gristing
Wheat, per bushel $ 1.04 to $ 1.04
Oats, per bushel .30 to .32
Barley, per bushel .38 to .40
Flour, Star (half Manitoba) per half Bbl 2 30 to 2.50
Flour, Pastry (all Ontario) " " 2.20 to 2.40
Flour, (Pure Manitoba) " " 2.50 to 2.75
Flour, low grade, per cwt 1.20 to 1.80
Shorts, per ton 18.00 to 20.00
Bran, per ton 14.00 to 16.00
Chop, per ton 16.00 to 22.00
We will allow 5c per half bbl. off on Flour quotations to
Farmers and others supplying their own bags.
Bring your Chopping to use as we do
first-class work.
A. female teacher is wanted for U. S.
No. 7, Turnberry (three miles from
Wingham) for the year 1005. Apply
until October 6th, stating salary, to
GavWILsolf, Sec'y.,
3-5* Bog 42, Wingham P.O.
Parts of Lots 7 and 8, Con. 11, Turn -
berry, comprising 100 acres, 80 cleared,
10 acres of hardwood, balance cedar ;
well fenced with cedar; spring creek,
two wells, stone house, bank barn,
stone pig -pen. Farm is 6 miles from.
Wingham, convenient to school, •post -
office and church. Terms easy. Ap-
ply on the premises to
52= Glenannan P. O. Notice Is hereby given that a Court will
be held, pursuant to the Ontario Voters' Lista
Act, by His Honour the Judge of the County
Court of the County of Huron, tit Belgrave on
4 1 Friday, the 30th day of September, 1904, at 10
o'clock a. m., to hear and determine the sev-
• eral complaints of errors "and omissions in the
Voters' List of the Municipality of the Town-
ship of East Wawanosh for 1901. All persons
having business at the Court are required to
attend at the said time and place.
Clerk of East Wawanosh.
Dated this 12th day of September, 1904.
Mr. Win. Oregg is not getting bet •
• ter, but rather v tkcr.
Walz. Geddes 11:18 shipped Itis turn-
• lug lathe to iliaw.ttlze, 71Brix.
Mrs. Jut), Hopper and son Milton,, of
Tltessatlou, have returned home.
Mr'. and Mrs. Crowe of Trenton haveretlunetl, after spending a couple of
weeks at Mr. Wray's.
life. and Mrs. (Rev.) Jones have re-
turnedfrom Port Laxnbton ; they took
in the London Fair on their way
Mr. *auk. Wheeler and family left
on Monday last for Vancouver ; the
best wishes of many friends go with
The main street, Belgravia bas been
improved by a heavy coat of gravel,
Also the sidewalks have received at-
Mr. and Mrs. 1'V -n. Wray intend
taking in the Western excursion this
week and will spend a couple of weeks
111 Chicago,
Mrs, \ . Watson and her father,
David Geddes, have returned from
Lanark county, where they report it
pleasant visit.
Ven. Archdeacon Richardson will
preach at the Harvest Home service
in Trinity church next Sunday at 2.80,
The church will be decorated with
fruit, dowers, and the products of the
field and garden.
the Belgrave Methodist chinch
on Tuesday, Sept. 27th, at 8 p.tn., the
celebrated John R. Clarke will take
you with him for two hours "To and
Fro in London" in oratory, mimicry,
action and song. Admission 15c.
- On Wednesday, 14th inst., a quiet
wedding took place, when Mr. let m.
Proctor, son of Geo. Proctor .of Morris,
- was united in marriage to Miss Lizzie
Naylor of Belgrave. The tnaix'i'age
took place in Winghan, Rev. Dr.,
- Gundy officiating. The young couple
are both well and favorably known in
Belgrave, and they have the best
- wishes of themany friends for a
long and successful life.
Notice is hereby given pursuant
sen to R.S. 0.
1897, chap. 129, sec. 38, that all persons having
claims a ainat the Estate of James Henry
Brandon, late of the Township of Morris, in the
County of Huron. Farmer. deceased. who died
on or about the 21st day of July.A.D. 1904. are
required to send by post prepaior to deliver
to R. Vanstone, solicitor for the executors. on
or before the 5th day of October, A. D. 1904,
their names, addresses and descriptions and a
full statement of particulars of their claims
and the nature of the security, it any, held by
them, duly certified. and that after the said
day the executors will proceed to distribute
the assets of the deceased among the parties
entitled thereto, having regard only to the
claims of which they shall then havo notice.
Dated this 30th day of August, A.D. 1904.
R. Vswsro s.Winghain. Ont.,
14 Solicitor for Executors
Township of East Wawanosh
FRESENTA'2ION.- A very ' pleasant
and sociable time was spent in the
Hall on Fridayevening in connection
with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wheeler's
depaartltre for Vancouver. There were
about sixty present, belonging to the
0. O. F. and A. O. U. W. Mr, Sproat
was appointed , Chairman and there
were a number of spicy addresses by
Reeve Isbister, G. Taylor, W. Wight -
man, D. Allison, W. Wray and others.
Mr. Wheeler was presented with a
purse of looney, and the following ad-
dress was read :-
DEAR SIR :-In behalf of the 0. O.
1?. and the A. O. U. W. societies and
other friends not connected with these
societies, we have met here this even-
ing to say good-bye to you and wish
you a boundless amount of success and
happiness in your new hone in the
far west. We can assure you that it
is with the deepest regret that we part
with you at this time, for you have
always been a kind neighbor and
obliging business man. To say that
you will be hissed is only to express
the feeling of every citizen of Bel -
grave, and we cannot allow this even-
mgto pass without giving you a small
token of the high esteem in which you
and your family acre held by your
friens here. Hence we ask you to
acceptthis purse of money, and hope
you will receive it in the kindly spirit
in which ib is given and not for the
amount which it contains, but because
it is the only convenient way at this
time to show our good will to you.
Signed by Committee,
Ernest Geddes
Geo. Cunningham
Herb. Wheeler.
is easy at this store BECAUSE -
you don't have to kick to get
your lnolley's worth ---BECAUSE
we have the largest stook of -
new patterns to be found in
tawu*BECAUSE we've studied
your wants and have the styles
yott will like - BECAUSE we
buy in large quantities, which
means lowerrices to you -
well, BECAUSE we do every- -
thing in our power to mince
Wall raper shopping eAsy for
you. We are looking out for
your permanent patronage.
lartorsa t+.
our Special 13apta►
MP yen tb 1*1p car 1911E mora 8001
than you intAnnitai to,...All Paper
trimmed free
( to Alex, Rose)
For Sale.
1 have just had listed a largo number of
first-class farms which for location and con-
vience of every description, Cannot be beaten.
Now these farms are for sale at a very
reasonable figure, and I ask the intending
purchaser of a farm to come and sea me, and
I will show as good farms for the money as
he can buy anywhere in tho country.
Remember, I do hot take farms to sell at
an "exorbitant price. It I do not think they
are aorta what is asked for them 1 wife have
nothing to do with theist. It is property that
will sell that I want, and that in 'what I
have got,
Real Estate and Business Transfer:
(011ice-.V•anstono Block, Wingham)
$1 9,20
Jas. Craig Sundayed at, M. Walsh's,
gravel road,
Mr. anti Mrs. R. Owt'ns of Belgrave
visited at Jno. Vainctatt.p'g on Sunday.
Mass tlaabel Noelle of Toronto is visit-
ing her. friend, Miss Bate Gresby, Oth
line, at present.
John Valncalnp wears a milling face
these days ; Ills wife presented hien
with a little girl on Suttla'day.
Work has been commenced in grad-
ing the roadbed for the new O. P. R.
line in this section and this fall will
see considerable work done if the
weather keeps fine.
Sunday and Monclaay last, were the
mattes set for the Harvest Home exer-
cises at Ebenezer clntrch at Brown -
town. Rev. T. NV. Clowns, of Brns-
seis, preached at 10,30 a.nt., and 2.30
pails, and Rev. W. T. West, M:A., of
llluevatle, occupied the pulpit et 7.30
The Council met on Sept. 12, aecaitl-
ing to adjournment members alt
present, the Reeve an the chair ; min-
utes of last meeting confirmed, A
Colttlinmication was received from
Mr's. A. Cameron respecting the un-
satisfactory condition of award drain
eat lots 20, 21, con. 5, 6, On motion of
Shaw and Taylor,. the Clerk was in-
structed to notify the Engineer to
have said drain completed according
to the terms of the award.
The Clerk was instructed to forward
as copy of the following resolution to
the County Clerk before the first of
October next: -
Moved by Taylor, seconded by Jack-
son and resolved --That this Council
require the Council of the County of
Huron to submit a By-law to the vote
of the electors of said county in ac-
cordance with the provisions of sec. 3
of the Municipal Amendinent Act 1004,
declaring that thereafter the Council
of said county shall be composed of
the Reeves of townships and villages,
and Mayors of towns not separated
from the county.
Accounts were ordered to be paid as
follows :--McKinnon Bros., filling an
west boundary, $7.25; C. McCrea, in-
specting on west boundary, $1.00; Jas.
Nicholson, repairing 4th line bridge,
$5; W. Corbett, drawing tile, $1; D.
Barclay, balance on dram, $5:50; S.
Nicholson, drawing tile for west both -
dory, $1.50; D. Sommerville, gravel,
$7.20; A. Cloakey,aveI, .$1,56; Jno,
Colclough, gravel, $12.02; J. Brecken-
ridge, gravel, $1.82; W. A. Mines, gra-
vel, $0.80; A: Show, gravel, $5; D.
Agar, gravel, $2.80; A. Cantelon, dig-
ging ditch, $30; A. Howlett, tile drain
and cutting hill, $15; Geo. Kirkby,
contract of gravelling and inspection,
$32.75; Wm. Taylor, gravel, $12,11;
Geo. White, drawing tile, $3.50; Thos.
Laidlaw, Jas, Gibson and Wm. Pol-
icia, feuceviewers' costs, each $2;.
Wm. Knox, gravel, $1.38; A. Proctor,
gravel, $3.70; Wm. Gray, gravel, $1.05;
Wm. Denboes, gravelling on east
boundary, $20 • Jno. McMillan, gravel,
$11.41; Thos. Healy, gravel, $7.70 ; J.
Laidlaw, repairing culvert, $1 ; Jas.
Jackson, repelling road and culvert,
$8; Jno. Wallace, repairing culvert,
$6; Geo. Pierce, tile ditch, $7.; Thos.
Clark, repairing bridge, $2 ; McKin-
non Bros., gravelling on north boun-
dary, $34.75; Chas. Henderson, in -
East Wawanosh.
John Noble of Clinton, visited his
brother James, 6th line, on Sunday.
H. Morrish of Westfield purchased a
pony from D. Owens of Belgrave, last
Mr. and Mrs. Robs. McDowell, of
Westfield. Sundayed at Robt. Taylor's
of Bethel.
Miss Cora Williamson spent Satur-
day and Sunday last with her friend,
Miss T. Nethery, gravel road.
Wm. Bennet, 6th line, • injured his
foot by falling from an apple tree
while picking apples on Monday.
A large number of Westfield people
took in the concert at Donnybrook on
Monday night and report a pleasant
Mr. A. 13. Carr and family moved
their effects to Blyth on Tuesday,
where they inteud residing in future.
They will be missed by their many
friends Here.
Armstrong Bros., finished their job
at the farm of J. Noble, where they
have been putting in a hydraulic ram.
They are reliable nen and do their
work correctly, as the above job will
On Saturday last, the jittle son of
Alex. Scott, Oth lisle, had the Mis-
fortune to drink a quantity of coal oil.
He was taken to Belgrave to the
doctor and prompt measures were
taken for his relief. At last reports
he was nearly well again, but it was a
close all.
Jas. Wilson, 8rd line, had a narrow
escape from. death the other day. His
bull became loose, and when he at-
tempted . to capture the beast, it
knocked him down, and but for the
timely aid of his hired van, he Might
have been seriously hurt. As it was
he was severely shaken up.
Mr. Geo. Powell has disposed of his
grocery business to 1V11', Cutt of Brim -
Rev. Mr. Holmes gave'a lengthy ad-
dress on Local Option on Sunday
Voters' List Ocilla will be held in
Gerrie Sept, 2:.i' 1,
Wm. Nic'klttus hag sc'ltl hie five
acres on 2nd line to Peter Zurbrigg,
Miss Emma Carson is visiting
friends in the North West,
Mr. and Mrs. Chas, Finlay and
Finlay took in the Toronto Exhibi-
Thos. Collins of Louisiiuut is visiting
his sister ; it is 50 years since be left
We acre pleased to hear that Wm.
Wilson is some better since his visit
to the North Nest.
Wesley, Findlay Was Ilolile front
Haz'riston High Scheele on Friday
visiting his parents.
Tim Triune of the new barn an M.
13. Mathewson's farm, was raised .can
Monday afternoon. There was any
amount of assistance and the work
was over by five o'clock. Councillor
C. I3inlcle of Lakelet, -net with at fall
of about 18 feet, but was not serious-
ly injured.
Ml. T. J. Montgomery, who has
rented ids farm near Oroui a Hill to
Mr. John Metier, moved is house-
hold effects to Owen Sound where he
has leased a house and will reside.. Ile
will go extensively into stock buying,
and also into the timbering, on some
800 Acres of timber land he owns in
Keppel township,
The cattle killed by the C. P. R. at
the crossing east of Foidwich, belong-
ed to Alex, Montgomery,r, There
were seven of then, and the loss is
$240 at least. There has been mare
live stock killed between Mt, Forest
and Wroxeter than any other portion
of the 0. P. R., SO said some of the
employees at the wreck. This is the
second wreck within half a mile dur-
ing the past four months.
West Wawanosh.
Father Hanlon had a successful bee,
grading aroltnd the new St..Augustine
Lewis Taylor, the popular apple -
buyer of Nile, has been making a tour
of the country around, buying apples
for Mr, Cantelon.
Mr. r, H, Pentland had the misfor-
tune to -fall from the upstairs to the
basement of his barn, and he is now
under the doctor's care.
Rev. J. Edmonds will officiate next
Sunday evening at the Harvest Home
service in Auburn. On Monday even-
ing the Harvest services will be con-
tinued ; Ven. Archdeacon Richardson
will preach at 7.30.
Nearly a third of the farms in Col-
borne township have'artesian wells to
supply drinking water for their stock
and though. a great deal of water is
used from the wells they do not go
dry, and the water is good.
The numerous friends and acquain-
tances of- Thos. McKenzie of West
Wawanosh, regret that he is unwell,
owing to stomach disorder, and sin-
cerely hope that he may recover soon
to the enjoyment of his former state
of health. ..
s ecting on N. boundary, $2.25; Mrs. The many friends of the family will
McBurney,. damages re accident on regret to learn of the death of Mrs.
Turnberry boundary, $25; D. Irving, John. Treleaven of Pilot Mound, Mani -
gravel, $3.72; E. Bosinan, gravel, 42c; toba, and.formeriy of Lucknole, which
L. Jewitt, spikes, 30c; D. Tewitt, gra- took place on Saturday last. Deceased
vel and damages, $3.52; Mrs. A. Cain- was the another of Mrs. W. H. Smith
erou, ditch re engineer's award, $4; of Lticknow, and was in her 00th year.
Geo. Kerr, gravel, $4.53 ; Jas. Hall, At a special meeting of the Ashfield
gravel, 56.30; Chas. Pollard, gravel- Council last week, Mr. Thos. Allan, of
ling on E. boundary, $43.45; Jas. Bol- Dungannon, was appointed clerk of
ger, inspecting on E. boundary, $3.13; the township in the place of the late
N. Brandon, hauling lumber and re- Mr. W. Stothers. There were thir-
pairing culvert, $3; W Clark, services teen aspirants,, and again 18 was an
01-1 railway by-law, $15; Wm. Isbister,unlucky number for twelve of them.
services on railway by-law, $2, We understand that awing to his ap-
On motion of Code and Taylor, By- pointment and to other business mat -
laws Nos. 13 and 14 were duly read
and passed.
The Council then adjourned to meet
again on the 17th day of October next.
W. Clark, Clerk.
was there offered to the ladies of Hur-
on and Brizce such an opportunity.
Slaughtering the most fashionable of
Dress Goods right NOW. If you want
1, 3 or 5 Dresses, it will pay you to
drive 25 miles to Kin s.
Jas. 3. Pearson left on Monday of
last week for Belleville, where he will
attend Albert College. He has the
Methodist ministry in view.
Contractors 'are pushing the work of
construction of the new O. P. R. line,
several teams being at work on this
section a few miles west of Walton,
The contract for the new steel
bridge, 2nd con., to replace the one
smashed down by the traction engine
afew weeks ago, has been let to the
Hamilton Bridge Co. for $560. it will
be 45 feet long. Roger & Ratcliffe, of
Attwood, have the job of putting in
the cement abutments and the work
is to be done as soon as possible this
A meetingof the Methodist church
Board was eld in the Parsonage on
Thursday of last week, when the pro=
jest of moving ,the church on .the
gravel to Walton was discussed. The
decision of the meeting was ,that the
church be moved -to the Parsonage
grounds and itis expected that a few
weeks willl see the moving com-
Tuesday of last week S. R. Crerar,
Oth Con., Grey, arrived home from a,
trip of nearly three months as a mem.
her of a surveying party in Northern
Ontario. There were 17 in the cons -
Eany, of which H. Fairchild, Civil
ngineer, of Simncoe, was Chief, Mr.
Crest' and n. W. Walker, the latter
of Cayuga, Haldiniand Co., and their
work was the sub -dividing of the
townships of Gowan and German.
Mrs. Harry Kelly, of Fort Francis is
the guest of her father, Mr. Jno..
Brown at present,
Operations have darted towards the
erection of a new G. T. R. station. A
nuniber of men are placing the switch
in a more convenient place.
D. M. Mcl3eath will hold his fall
millinery openlngs on Wednesday,
Sept. 28th. Miss itlorrison is again its
charge of millinery department.
- Harvest ltolne services will be held
AND 1tarrD an
y'rotn Winghtini, geed fee' 15 dayx. titop•
over et Canadian points. Detroit and Chietigo.
Proportionate rates front; other points.
'Through sleeper rot St. Louis leaver Streets.
rills Jet, at ate p.m. &ally`.
Apply to any Canadian Pacific Agent, or
.A, If, leant/of Aest, G.neral Pe attege#.
404 Toronto.
Farm To Rent.
On the 2nd con. o4 Morris, aof, lots
10-204 consisting of 100 acres, all clear-
ed. The foto is well watered, has
i i deverything is
l ld n s a
b m a ra
in excellent condition; 3} notes from.
Binevate. For further particulars ap-
ply to the owner'.
«1o. B. Tintvny,
P, O.
B aevaiSe .......,
tet{s Mr. Allan intends to resign his
charge as principal of the .Dungannon
Mr. and Mrs. Breen of Wingham,
Mrs. Breen of Grand Rapids and Mr.
G. H. Breen of Dighton, Mich., are
guests of Mrs. Wm. Mines.
Going Sept. 22nd, 231d and 24th.
Detroit $5.66 Columbus. $10.65
Pt. Huron.,... 4.20 Dayton .. ,. 11.25
Chicago 11.50 Indianapolis 12.85
Saginaw ....... 6.50 Cincinnati 12 95
Bay City 6.60 Grand Rapids.... 8.45
Cleveland via Buffalo and C. & 13, steamers,
38.55; yia,Lake Shore, $10.35; via Nickie Plate,
59.60. Cleveland via Detroit and D, & C.
steamers, $815; via Lake Shore,. $10.15. St.
Paul or 1VMinneapalis via Chicago or North
Bay, $35.40; via N. N. (lo., $38.90. All tickets
valid returning on or before Oct. 10th.
$30.00 to $40.00. To points in Manitoba, Assini-
bola, Saskatchewan and Alberta. Good going
Sept. 27th. Valid returning until Nov. 28th.
Reduced one way rates to oietain British
Columbia, California, Colorado, Idaho, Mon-
tano, Oregon • Utah. Washington. On sato
daily until Oct. 15112.
District Passenger Agent, Toronto,
Trinity church next Sunday, begin- Township' of Turnberry
.zingwith holy Communion at 8 Vbrbtta' LtSr.
o'clock t morning and eventing service
at eleven and seven. The enerable
bretro t at the Judge of the
Archdeacon Rie11a1x'dsoir, M.A., of Lott- -Notice is bare y' b g
County Court of te ?CZ of Huron, wife
, reacher q eclat f girl Court or the evis[an o the cern
tion will lis the
pleat tear pecaa n - f n i v t '
fentigs for the eh ureh debt. The choir flet fbr the roar 1904, in the Forestera' Hall~ .
music, r,t 10 o'a[aak a. tit, Ait parties interoste wail
Storage and
Auction Rooms
Commencing Saturday, Sept. the 24th,
and every Saturday afternoon at 8
o'clock, an Auction Sale vill
be held iti the ,Tient Block.
There Will be sol', -Dry 00088,
Men's and Boys' Olothing, Hatt, Neck
Ties and Collars; Women' s and Giris'
Coats, Jackets and Chives, Hats, Ostrich
Flames and Tips, Velveteens, Silks,
Ribbons, White and Colored Lace,
•Brands, Gimps. Everything goat with -
eve. Stere open en of
out Y'ese p every Y ier-
noon for private sale.
Parties having fm-nitnre or other
articles to sell Or store will do well to
bring tliens here.
As these sales are being well adver-
tised, a goed opportunity is offered to
sell your surplus stoke; neatly every -
ono has a atovo or some article of furni-
turs they don'E need --bring it here and
get it turned into cash.
An expert auctioneer will be in
Will tat strengthened for the 00M11105 I tuevato,'on uciday the lith day` a October
and Will fti111i9h appropriate . take llbttae nd gove'rlt themeetves adneord•
The elnlrrIt Will ch sac sa1wie theca• tngty. 11y ager Dulma
1 The Archdeacon wislhes ars ro8civ 13tt tli�ss,
rates T rterk of�grnborry a d
t -e of
meet the wardens and members the Co tiff.' ti Clark of Court,
Vestries of the three churehes, in maws (Elise reasassi
Blyth ort Monday, 26th inst., 2 p. im1. , Township of meta,
tept.21 t, loot,
Thursday, September 22, 1904
If you intend to purchase a .suitable fall and.
winter Jacket or Coat this. season, we would strongly
advise you to go and carefully inspect D. M. Gar,
don's mammoth display of Imported Garments, which
for beauty, stylishness and volume far surpass any
previous effort on our part, and we think cannot be
equalled in the county. When. you consider the
i quality high q al ty Qf the materials and the great superior
ity of the workmanship -the handsome style effects
-many of them exclusive -you will find that the
prices are fully one-third less than others, More
than all this, you will find that the exclusive styles
are fully one season ahead of' what other houses
are showing.
We find that with our rapid sales of beautiful
Jackets, our handsome neck Furs are also in liberal
demand. You will most likely require something in
Furs this fall ; if so, you will be. rewarded by first
inspecting our Furs -for they not only possess real
quality and style, but the highest degree of value.
One - Word To Our Patrons,
Every piece of Fur and every Garment in stock
is marked in plain figures and at the closest margin of
profit. Therefore, please do not ask us to cut prices,
for we cannot do so ; besides, the habit of cutting
prices to lead customers to think that they get bar-
gains is a delusion and snare.
Big Prices for Trade.
Small Space.
This is small space indeed to tell of the many lines
of New Fall and Winter Goods gathered together from
the best markets of the world, and now ready for shop-
pers at "The, Bee Hive." We can only hint at what
we have for you, and ask that in your own interests you
visit THIS STORE before making your purchases. '
-One of the most attractive places
in Wingham just now is The Bee Hive
Dress Goods 'Department -- filled with
the newest materials, weaves and de-
signs, it affords every lady a real pleas-
ure to make her selection here. In col-
ored Suitings wo show
All Wool Broadcloths
All Wool Panama Canvas Cloths
All Wool Venetians
All Wool Cheek Worsteds
All Wool Haney Tweeds
All Wool Pebble Olotba •
Zibeline and Wool Cheviots
Valours, Surges, Poplins, Bedford
Cords, etc.
Not an up to -date fall or winter color
left out. We also show a splendid
range of the Latest in Black Dress
prices you from 10
Goode. Out ees save
to 25 per cent on the dolar.
• 1iten's Latest Silk Neckwear, in -
eluding the New Brown and Green,
and Brown and Green mixed. • .
Men's fine and heavy Underwear
Men's and Boys' Panoy Sweaters
lilen's and Boys' new Hats & Caps
Rain Coats, Overcoats, Umbrellas,
hosiery, Shirts and 'Cloves.
Ladies' and Children's Fall
and Winter Coats.
The stook in this department is now
all in and marked for quick selling.
We have a great range to choose from,
and prices for Ladies' Jackets, nicely
lined and well made, commence at 145.00
each. You will wonder when you see
them how they were ever made for the
money. Better lines still in all the
newest cloths and styles, at $,
6.25, 6.75, 8.50, 10.00, 11.50, 12.00 and
up to $14 00. In Misses' and Ohildren's
Jackets we give you extra special values
at $2.25, 2.50, 2.75, 8.00, 8 50 and up to
$5.75 -they are very prettily made, and
the styles and cloths are sure tae please.
We ask you to see them. Most of our
Jaokets are imported from Germany,
the leading centre of the world's Jacket .
manufacturing, made especially to our
order and bought to sell at wonderfully
money -saving prices. We also show
the loading makes and styles of Canad-
ian tnan11faoturings. Yon Cannot afford
to miss this department.
For Evening ,Wear.
We have this week opened ulr a
handsome range of Ladies' Shirt Waists
for evening wear; they are made of
;Silk and of All -Wool materials and
beautifully trimmed With shirring, in-
sertion and tenertif4' wheels, All the
leading colors are here, also white and
black. Prices are from $1.40 to $3.75
GROCERIES, This department is filled with choice
Groceries at money -saving values. 'We pay the highest
prices for Futter' anti L ggs.
"T8E BEE flyf-:"
the feeler Cb